Episodes (267)

Jan 01, 2005
The Baldwins gather to support Warren when he is chosen to play for the team on his eighteenth birthday. Charlie presents Shelley with a new dress in the correct size. Rosie and Craig shock their parents with their drastic change of image.

Jan 01, 2005
Danny and Frankie are excited when Warren's picked for the Weatherfield County FC first team. Warren's hungover but Jamie manages to cure him. Violet brings the offending dress back but Shelley insists she keeps it. Tracy pops into the taxi office and insists on giving Steve a packed lunch which she's made. Steve tells her to leave him alone and gives the lunch to Eileen. Craig and Rosie listen to hardcore goth-rock music in Craig's bedroom then they go shopping to a clothes shop called "The Abyss". Tommy and Angela take the mickey. The Baldwin family (including Mike ...

Jan 02, 2005
Sally thrives in her new working environment, but Ian seems to have something on his mind. Mike takes Adam to learn the ropes at Underworld. The next stage of Rosie's transformation horrifies Kevin. Fred invites Audrey to dinner.

Jan 02, 2005
Ian continues to tell Sally how he doesn't love Justine and is in love with her. Sally leaves, but doesn't manage to tell Kevin. When she gets home and sees Rosie in full Goth get-up she freaks out and runs off sobbing. She can't now bring herself to talk to Kevin about Ian and Rosie won't forgive her. Jason, waiting for a response from Violet, tells her that he loves her. However she reacts badly to a comment about Todd and slaps him and walks off. Candice and Maria continue to rib Audrey about staying with Fred. Sarah and Adam go on their skating date. Audrey sets ...

Jan 04, 2005
After taking the morning off, Roy returns to work and encounters Vince once again. Tommy refuses to allow Craig to go to a rock concert in Manchester. Charlie buys himself and Shelley a joint gym membership. The Barlows take Adam out for a farewell meal.

Jan 06, 2005
Roy is upset when the police don't appear to take his complaint against Vince seriously. Ashley and Claire return from their honeymoon and make a worrying discovery. Adam bids farewell to his family as he prepares to go back to school in Scotland.

Jan 08, 2005
Hayley struggles to heal Roy's wounded pride following Charlie's intervention. The Websters plan a holiday to Spain, but Ian looks set to upset Sally's happiness. Adam returns to Weatherfield having decided he's had enough of school.

Jan 09, 2005
The café is closed for the day as Roy finds himself unable to face the public. Steve consents to go out for the evening with Tracy. Ian and Sally talk things over in the hope of reaching an understanding.

Jan 09, 2005
Sally cannot cope with her situation and decides to leave her job. Katy discovers she is pregnant. Tracy seems to have accepted that Steve will only ever be interested in Amy.

Jan 11, 2005
Sally puts Ian's declaration out of her mind and plans a family holiday. Roy finds resuming work a trial. Ashley ponders the identity of Fred's mystery lady. Adam makes a surprise return from Scotland.

Jan 13, 2005
The café is closed for the day as Roy finds himself unable to face the public. Steve consents to go out for the evening with Tracy. Ian and Sally talk things over in the hope of reaching an understanding.

Jan 15, 2005
Katy's over the moon when she discovers she's pregnant. Kevin can see Sally's stressed over something but she covers, saying she's fine. Katy tells Violet she's pregnant. Sally arrives for work intending collect her P45 and leave but Ian persuades her to stay one more day. Martin, David, Katy and Craig go bowling. Martin feels very old in their company. Steve takes Amy to the park and quite enjoys playing dad. Roy's back in the café. Cilla and Les take the mickey but to Hayley and Fiz's delight, Roy stands his ground and throws them out. Katy's frustrated, she wants ...

Jan 16, 2005
Sally's in turmoil. As she listens to Sophie testing Rosie on her maths and Kevin joking with them, she feels guilt-ridden. Cilla's furious when Schmeichel eats her make-up bag. Sally suggests they book a family holiday after work. Kevin's pleased. Katy whinges to Angela about how Martin treats her like a child. She's about to tell Angela she's pregnant but stops as Tommy arrives. Shelley's concerned when she realises Charlie's ripping off the insurance company over the work he's doing for Dev. Chesney's very upset when at Cilla's insistence, he's forced to take ...

Jan 16, 2005
Martin's shocked, saying he needs time to think he leaves Katy by herself upset. Sally, Kevin and Sophie excitedly choose a holiday in Crete. Rosie pretends she's not interested. Kirk tells Les and Cilla about the £20 he got from Thelma Clegg and how she's asked him if he'll call at her house in future. Fiz isn't impressed. Shelley quizzes Charlie about ripping off the insurance company. Charlie's furious, and telling her she's paranoid he storms out. Again Shelley blames herself. Katy finds Martin in the Rovers. Tommy and Angela can see she's upset but don't know why...

Jan 18, 2005
Fiz is suspicious of Kirk's relationship with Thelma Clegg. Sean and Fiz decide to find out where Thelma lives and spy on Kirk. Katy's relieved when Martin finally accepts they're going to have a baby. Fiz and Sean spy on Kirk. Fiz is furious to see Kirk's got a key to Thelma's house. Ian and Sally lock themselves in the office. Whilst they're kissing, Sally's mobile rings and it's Kevin. Sarah admits to Gail and Audrey she's got a date with a lad called Scooter who she met on a bus. Gail's pleased for her. Sean peers through Thelma's window and is shocked to see ...

Jan 20, 2005
Katy desperately wants to make up with Martin but he's still seething. Kirk professes his innocence to Fiz. He's embarrassed when Sean and the factory girls start belly-dancing in front of him. Ian gives Sally a big bonus cheque for helping to sell a couple of cars. Dev finds one of Charlie's invoices and is puzzled at the amount. Candice is going out with Warren and his footballer mates. Trying to appear laid back, Tyrone suggests Maria should go too. Dev hands Charlie his invoice back. Shelley looks uncomfortable and Dev clocks her reaction. Charlie tries to cover ...

Jan 22, 2005
Les opens the door and is stunned when Grant Peters, a stranger, tells him to stay away from his girlfriend and punches him. Charlie tells Shelley he's taking her for a night out at a posh restaurant. Kirk asks Les if he'll walk Lou Lou for him as he doesn't want to upset Fiz. Dev confronts Charlie about the insurance scam and tells him he's off the job from now on. Charlie's gutted. Eileen enjoys winding Cilla up saying how Les has always been a bit of ladies' man. Maria meets Tyrone and Vera for lunch. When Candice and Warren arrive with Stuart, it's obvious Maria ...

Jan 23, 2005
Charlie lies to Shelley saying he slept at the yard last night. Charlie apologises to Dev for the insurance scam hoping to get back the Swinton and Ashton jobs. He's gutted when Dev says he's sorted another builder out. When Violet notices Shelley's ears, Shelley covers saying she's allergic to the earrings Charlie bought her. Katy tells Martin she's no intention of going to university as she's going to be a mum instead. Martin's worried. Tyrone tells Vera that he and Maria won't be coming to Blackpool. Stuart calls in the Salon. Maria's flattered when he asks her out...

Jan 23, 2005
Jamie's dented the works van and is dreading telling Danny. Warren lets slip to Leanne that Stuart's taken Maria out. Sunita attends the Weatherfield Traders' Association meeting instead of Dev. When the President resigns, Sunita's shocked to find herself nominated. Leanne tells Jack and Vera that Maria's two-timing Tyrone. Charlie and Shelley make up again. Charlie assures her he's not the sort of man who would hurt a woman. Jack calls to see Warren to ask him if it's true about Maria. Fred, Audrey and Rita discuss the President's resignation and Fred shows them the ...

Jan 25, 2005
Danny insists they invite Leanne and Candice round and all have dinner together. Gail gets Sarah to invite Scooter round for tea so she and Audrey can meet him. Fred suggests to Dev he should put himself forward as President of the Weatherfield Traders' Association. Dev agrees, thinking Sunita will be relieved. Tyrone tries to pluck up the courage to ask Maria the truth about where she was last night but bottles out at the last minute. Scooter arrives at the Platts' house. David enjoys watching him snog Sarah on the doorstep. Leanne and Frankie start arguing over ...

Jan 27, 2005
Maria's spent the night with Stuart and feels guilty about Tyrone. Gail calls in the garage to see Sally. Sally and Ian flirt with each other and Gail becomes suspicious that they're having an affair. Dev and Sunita both put in the their nominations for President of the Weatherfield Traders' Association. Maria's trying to get hold of Stuart but he's not answering his mobile. Sunita hopes Dev wins the election. Dev pretends that he wants Sunita to win but Sunita can see he's bluffing. Maria goes round to Stuart's flat and is shocked to find he has a girlfriend called ...

Jan 29, 2005
Kirk and Jamie come up with a plan. Kirk's got a load of timber which they decide they'll saw up into logs and flog door to door, using the company van. Delighted Tyrone and Maria announce their engagement. Vera wants Jack to talk Tyrone out of it. Candice and Leanne are amazed that Maria's accepted. Rosie and Craig are head-banging to some Goth music. Kevin joins in. Norris sets up a reading club. Rita, Emily, Blanche, Ken, Roy and Liz join the newly formed Book Club. Sally and Kevin discuss the fact they're happier now than they've ever been. The Book Club has its ...

Jan 30, 2005
Tommy and Angela enjoy exchanging anniversary presents. Sally asks Tommy to open the garage as Kevin is driving a car to Oxford for Ian. Tommy and Katy get into a fight as Katy is being evasive about going to see Cardiff University, since Tommy has been given the opportunity to drive for Ian. Sally and Gail have a long discussion about Sally's affair. Sally starts to defend it as good for her marriage, Gail says she is trying to make sure Sally isn't hurt, and nothing is resolved. Sally finds out via Gemma that Justine has been crying at home a lot recently, but Ian ...

Jan 30, 2005
An angry Tommy and Angela try to deal with Katy's news. Angela persuades them all to sit down and discuss it. Shelley, shocked by how Charlie has spoken to Sunita, plucks up enough courage to lambast him in the Rovers bar. Charlie leaves, very angry. Joshua has emptied all the perfumes into the Peacocks' shoes whilst Fred was looking after him. Audrey comes over and tries to help Fred get rid of the evidence. Ashley and Claire return home and discover the shoe debacle. Katy tries to persuade her parents that the baby was planned, but Martin explains that he'll be with...

Feb 01, 2005
Tommy and Angela are still very upset at Katy's situation. Martin is getting annoyed at Katy's blasé approach to the pregnancy and her parent's feelings. Dev is trying to drum up votes for the Weatherfield Traders' Association, by offering Norris his milk for free. He has also pre-empted Sunita by telling all the shop girls to vote for him. Charlie appears lighter as he presents Shelley with a fried breakfast. Angela and Tommy tell Craig about Katy's baby. Justine appears at Davenports, putting Sally on edge. Craig lets slip to David about the pregnancy, clearly ...

Feb 03, 2005
Cilla is livid as she finds Schmeichel has chewed her favourite boots and in revenge sells the dog to her friend Yana Lumb for £100. It is Sarah's birthday, and David is hostile when Martin pops round with a card and cheque. Sarah asks Martin to take her to Billy's grave at lunch. Sally is still on edge as Justine comes into the garage. Sally decides to let things cool with Ian for the time being. Ciaran borrows Charlie's gym card and goes with Shelley as her gym buddy. But when Charlie finds out he manages to persuade Shelly that it's a bad idea. At Billy's grave an ...

Feb 05, 2005
Chesney has placed posters up looking for Schmeichel. He and Kirk are distraught, but Cilla is more interested when she learns she could get a grand for Schmeichel. She tries to buy him back, but the price is now £200. Martin drops round to see Sarah and David, but David is still icy. Sarah brings David round to Martin's to talk, and after some time Martin convinces David the new baby won't push him out, and they agree to go fishing next weekend. Tommy has bought two tickets to the ice hockey, but Craig seems disinterested. Sean makes matters worse as he has popped ...

Feb 06, 2005
Martin tries to look after Craig on the Street but Craig is resistant, blaming him and Katy, but inside he won't forgive his dad. Katy tries to explain to Angela that at least they were being safe, but Angela shuts the door on her and Martin. Scooter has bought a pond for Bethany, Gail is worried that Bethany will fall in. Sarah decides to stay with Scooter, and asks Gail to look after Bethany. Chesney, Les and Kirk are still down about Schmeichel's disappearance. Kirk persuades Tyrone to let Chesney borrow Monica for an evening, but Chesney uses Monica to try to ...

Feb 06, 2005
Sally is still in turmoil after finding out that Rosie found the condom in her bag and tries to conceal it from both Tommy and later Kevin. Sally manages to persuade Kevin that she has disciplined Rosie enough for now and just to leave it alone. While Les, Kirk and Fiz go looking for Chesney, Cilla goes to try and get Schmeichel back from Yana for free. Les nearly catches her. Tommy blames himself for all the family problems. Angela tries to calm him down. The glued pages of Hard Grinding are about a robbery of a wages clerk, which Norris was trying to hide from Emily...

Feb 08, 2005
Fiz begins to suspect that Cilla has made the ransom note. Tracy is holding a birthday party for Amy, and has invited all the under-fives on the Street. Blanche also invites Norris, Rita and Emily. Katy, Martin, Sarah and Bethany all turn up. Scooter continues to work on the pond, but also watches a lot of television. Gail comes home and they agree to turn it into a sand pit to allay drowning fears. Kevin is prepared to have a go at Tommy in the garage, but Tommy is self-pitying so Kevin decides to lay-off. David and Craig joke about their dads, as Katy tells Craig he...

Feb 10, 2005
David tries to tease Sarah about her and Scooter. Gail tells David she is happy if Sarah is happy, but she secretly wishes she would spend more time at home. Les persuades Chesney to go to school, saying he'll ring him as soon as the dognappers call. Both Katy and Martin are worried how Tommy is going to react after being put in his place in the Rovers. Craig is upset when Tommy is fuming about what he is going to do to Martin at the Harrises house. Cilla tricks Les and tells him that the dognappers phoned her mobile and she must go alone to drop off the ransom money ...

Feb 12, 2005
Sally goes into work on Sunday, but Della Hopkins, Ian's ex-PA turns up and says he paid her to leave rather than being fired. He also had an affair before that with another girl called Dawn as well and she tries to warn Sally away. Charlie takes Shelley out for a big lunch before Valentine's Day, but Shelley feels guilty and doesn't eat much. Cilla's counting the money she made on buying Schmeichel back. She gets angry and tells Chesney that Schmeichel must go and live in the Kennels permanently during term. However Fiz uncovers her scam and makes her tell Chesney ...

Feb 13, 2005
Shelley's dreading her weigh-in as she's still a couple of pounds away from target. Sally corners Gail on her way to work saying she needs to talk. Tommy's suspicious. Steve receives two valentine cards; one from Tracy and the other he thinks and hopes is from Karen. Sally tells Gail how Ian had an affair with his previous PA, Della Hopkins. Gail advises her to stop seeing him and leave her job. Ken's still hurt at Deirdre turning down his proposal. Cilla receives a card off one of her fancy men. Les sees it and is hurt but Cilla pays Chesney to lie for her. Chesney ...

Feb 13, 2005
Kevin's getting ready to take Sally out for a Valentine's meal when she announces she doesn't want to go now. Kevin's perplexed. Shelley's depressed as she's still 2lbs away from her target. She decides to starve herself all day in the hope she'll lose it before the weigh-in. Chesney explains to Les how Cilla gave him £5 to pretend the card was from him, but what Cilla doesn't realise is that it really was from him and he's telling the truth. Sally calls to see Gail and tells her she's changed her mind. She's not going to tell Kevin as it would destroy her family. ...

Feb 15, 2005
Ken and Deirdre are planning to get married in Majorca until they find that their pensions aren't doing nearly as well as they'd thought and they don't have the spare money. Tracy's upset they've changed their minds as she was looking forward to a free holiday. Sean amuses Eileen and Violet as he tells them about the "bit of rough" he pulled the other night. Jason says he's putting him off his breakfast. Claire's dropped off Joshua for his first day at nursery school, and announces she's going to the agency to see if they've any more nannying jobs for her. Fred and ...

Feb 17, 2005
Sunita and Shelley leave for their spa weekend. Sunita feels guilty knowing she rigged the scales but Dev assures her she did it for the right reasons. Claire helps out in the butchers. She doesn't like being surrounded by all that raw meat and wonders if she should become a vegetarian. Ken and Deirdre book their wedding at the register office for March. Steve realises that because of his pending divorce he won't be able to buy out Dev's half of Street Cars. Scooter stays at the Platts' house. He gives Bethany an old dolls' house he found at the tip. Jason returns ...

Feb 19, 2005
Violet and Jason make up. They're grateful to Charlie for making them see sense. Gail and David have a private laugh at all the junk Scooter keeps giving them. When he gives them a toaster from a house clearance, Gail secretly bins it and buys one that looks the same so as not to offend him. Sally asks Martin to come and have a look at Sophie who's not well. Katy complains about the amount of overtime Martin's doing. Tommy jumps to the wrong conclusion and thinks Sally must be having an affair with Martin. Tommy's furious. Danny's interested in buying out Dev's half ...

Feb 20, 2005
Ian's back from his holiday. Sally's nervous. Katy's delighted when Martin says he's booked them a weekend in the Lake District. Sunita's shocked when Shelley calls in the Corner Shop and accuses her of fixing the scales. Sunita tries to explain how she thought she was doing Shelley a favour. Furious Shelley tells Sunita she'll never be able to trust her again and accuses her of trying to break her and Charlie up. Sunita's dumfounded. As Claire prepares for an interview, Ashley tells her he's not happy about her going to work for another family. Claire ignores him. ...

Feb 20, 2005
Jamie enlists the help of Tyrone and Kirk to help him shift some furniture for a Mrs Greenway. Sally accuses Ian of being a serial adulterer and explains how Della Hopkins paid her a visit. Ian assures her that he loves her and that they can continue their affair without their families ever finding out. They have sex in the office. Tommy's obsessed with Martin and Sally's supposed affair. Angela tries to calm him down suggesting it's probably all in his imagination. Tommy calls to see Martin with the intention of thumping him but Katy's there alone. Katy's oblivious ...

Feb 22, 2005
Danny finds out about the van and sacks Jamie. Jamie's gutted. Claire's got an interview tomorrow with North West Trams. Ashley's worried about her safety as a tram driver. Martin gets Claire to surreptitiously find out what sort of engagement ring Katy would like. Claire and Ashley are amused to learn that Dev's a closet tram enthusiast. He lends Claire some of his tram books. Gail tells Sally she disapproves of her affair. Angela overhears and, misunderstanding, is horrified. Sunita and Shelley make up in the Rovers which annoys Charlie. Martin finds Sally upset and...

Feb 24, 2005
Martin sets off into town to buy Katy an engagement ring but on the way Tommy who can no longer control his anger, jumps on him. He thumps Martin accusing him of having an affair. Tyrone has to haul him off. Shelley declares her friendship with Sunita over. Charlie's pleased. When Sunita arrives in the pub with Frankie, Shelley gives her the cold shoulder. Sunita's bemused wondering what she's done. Katy storms round to Tommy and Angela's demanding to know why Tommy thumped Martin. They gently explain to her that Martin's having an affair with Sally. Although ...

Feb 26, 2005
Angela and Tommy try to comfort a distraught Katy. Scooter gives Sarah some perfume as a present. Sarah thinks he found it at the tip. Scooter's very offended and although Sarah apologises he leaves feeling hurt. Norris shows Claire his boyhood train set and they agree they both share a love of public transport. Roy tries to chair a meeting of the Book Club. Everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to Rita. Blanche discovers she's been reading a different book to everyone else. Claire's been for an eye test and shows off her new specs to Ashley and Fred. Scooter calls round ...

Feb 27, 2005
Tommy's pleased that Katy wants an abortion. Sally tries to tell Kevin about Tommy's ridiculous theory that she and Martin are having an affair but she's thwarted by Sophie and Rosie bickering. Blanche has got flu but she's still determined to attend Ken and Deirdre's wedding. Tommy drops Craig off at scout camp. Craig wants to know why Katy's upset but Tommy refuses to tell him. Claire insists that she, Fred, Ashley and Joshua spend the morning riding the trams and testing her knowledge of the routes. Sarah's worried she'll never see Scooter again. Gail tries to ...

Feb 27, 2005
Sally denies she's having an affair with Martin but Kevin's suspicious. Sophie overhears them rowing. Ken, Deirdre, Emily, Tracy and Lena enjoy a few drinks at home for their hen and stag nights. Blanche is determined she'll be at the wedding despite her flu. Joanne and Jessie the twins start at Underworld. Danny and girls are bemused when they explain how they're often mistaken for each other as the thin Joanne and the large Jessie couldn't look less like each other. Kevin grabs Martin by the throat in the Rovers and accuses him of having an affair with Sally. ...

Mar 01, 2005
Katy tells Martin she's aborted their baby. Martin's devastated. Ken and Deirdre set off for the Register Office. Tracy's furious when a man drives down Victoria Street and almost knocks her and Amy over. Tracy unnecessarily insists on taking Amy to hospital to make sure she's okay. She doesn't realise that the man is her long-missing father - Ray Langton. Sally's shocked when Rosie says she knows that Sally isn't having an affair with Martin because she and Gemma reckon she's having an affair with Ian instead. Martin and Gail finally manage to convince Kevin that ...

Mar 03, 2005
Gail's revelation comes as a nasty surprise for Tommy and Angela. Ray Langton's reappearance leaves Tracy reeling. Martin devastates Katy with his cruel words.

Mar 05, 2005
Katy is distraught to realise that Tommy is dead, but Angela decides against calling the police. Ken is put out when Deirdre chooses to wait at the hospital with Ray. Danny sets Warren and Jamie a challenge.

Mar 06, 2005
Arriving back at No.6, Angela does her utmost to be strong and tells Katy how they must both stick to the same story. Angela's startled when there's a knock at the door. It's Kevin telling her that Tommy's sacked for making up lies about Sally and Martin. Angela washes their clothes and hides the wrench down the back of the sofa. Deirdre reassures Ken that she still wants to marry him and explains to Blanche, Tracy and Emily how Ray is dying of cancer, he only has six months to live and wants to get to know Tracy before he goes. Tracy and Blanche are disbelieving. ...

Mar 06, 2005
Part 2 / Angela sends Craig off to school and she goes to work pretending nothing's happened. Rosie's interested to hear that Kevin's sacked Tommy for saying things about Sally and Martin. Sally tries to change the subject. Kevin and Tyrone open up the garage and are horrified to discover Tommy's dead body and blood everywhere. Kevin goes to the factory and tells Danny what's happened. Together they break the news to Angela. Angela insists on going to see the body. She cradles Tommy and lets out all the pent-up grief of the last twenty-four hours. Angela pretends to ...

Mar 08, 2005
Angela goes to formally identify Tommy's body. Sean's distraught to discover Shandy, the dog he and his ex-boyfriend had is dead. The police question the residents over Tommy's murder. Martin's name is mentioned time and time again. Danny calls round with some flowers and tells Angela he'll do anything to help. Angela's touched by his kindness but guilt-ridden. Martin's questioned by the police. He's dumbfounded to learn that Tommy's dead. Ken wants to reset their wedding date but Deirdre feels the timing is wrong and they should wait a while. Violet, Eileen, Sean and...

Mar 10, 2005
The police throw some difficult questions at Martin who insists he's innocent. Craig thinks Martin murdered his dad. Katy's at breaking point. Sean continues to mourn the death of Shandy. Jason takes the mickey. Eileen suggests Jason should get Louis to hypnotise him to help him with his fear of heights. Jason agrees. Gail's distraught over Martin's arrest. It brings back memories of Richard Hillman. Blanche calls to see Ray and demands he leaves the Street and her family alone. Ray refuses but he's hurt when Tracy tells him to go and die elsewhere. The police to ...

Mar 12, 2005
Martin is exhausted after his night in the cells. Cilla receives a postcard from Yana and decides that she and Les need a holiday. Things remain difficult between Ken and Deirdre over his attitude towards Ray. Angela persists in trying to poison Katy against Martin, insisting that he was the reason behind what she did. Cilla's plan is to go on their holiday without Chesney. Unable to palm him off with Fiz she turns on the waterworks for Roy who inadvertently agrees to babysit while Cilla goes off to "de-stress". Tracy agrees with her dad that Ray is unwelcome but she ...

Mar 13, 2005
Staying with the Croppers, Chesney tells Roy and Hayley how bad life is at home but he lays it on and cons them into spoiling him. Katy's wavering about Martin taking the blame, Angela insists they stick together. Tracy's angry that Ray's affecting her parents and tells him to go and die somewhere else. Tommy's mum Jean Harris arrives, devastated at her son's death. Craig sobs in her arms. Katy blurts out that it's all her fault. Angela has to explain to Jean about Martin being in the frame. Candice worries that Warren's gone off her, until Frankie tells her about the...

Mar 13, 2005
Martin breaks down and sobs. David's frightened but hugs him. Ray ruins his chat with Tracy by putting down Ken and she slaps him hard. Deirdre remembers how good she and Ray were together, wondering what could have been. Roy's scared when Schmeichel arrives on a visit. Chesney tells him to face his fears. Tracy tells Ray he's too late as he's already dead to her. She leaves as Deirdre arrives. Martin's upset that Gail thinks he might be guilty. He swears on David's life. Gail hugs him and says she believes him. Ray and Deirdre discuss old times. She breaks down ...

Mar 15, 2005
DS Kristen Smith informs the Harrises that their house may be searched and they are keeping a close eye on them for their safety. Chesney tells the Croppers he doesn't get fed properly. Martin's worried about people's reactions. Gail reassures him it will be okay. Ken, Deirdre and Tracy row. Deirdre thinks Ray's sincere. Tracy says she hates him. Angela sends Craig shopping, although he doesn't want to go out. Norris tells Ray he's a burden to Emily. Ken tells him to leave before he causes Tracy more pain. He decides to leave, despite Emily trying to persuade him to ...

Mar 17, 2005
DS Kristen Smith informs the Harrises that their house may be searched and they are keeping a close eye on them for their safety. Chesney tells the Croppers he doesn't get fed properly. Martin's worried about people's reactions. Gail reassures him it will be okay. Ken, Deirdre and Tracy row. Deirdre thinks Ray's sincere. Tracy says she hates him. Angela sends Craig shopping, although he doesn't want to go out. Norris tells Ray he's a burden to Emily. Ken tells him to leave before he causes Tracy more pain. He decides to leave, despite Emily trying to persuade him to ...

Mar 19, 2005
Katy has a nightmare about the police finding bits of Tommy all over the house. Tracy says she didn't stop Ray leaving for his money when Blanche teases her. Sonia states that she's leaving to be a Redcoat at Bognor Regis. Roy admits Schmeichel's growing on him and helps Chesney make him a birthday cake. Ken feels second-best and taken for granted. Deirdre reassures him that getting to know Ray is just something Tracy has to do. Roy and Hayley lament over their status as 'stop-gap' parents. Ray and Tracy talk and she discovers she has no siblings. Ray apologises for ...

Mar 20, 2005
Kevin reopens the garage. Katy's finding it hard to conceal her guilt. Angela insists she mustn't panic. Kevin and Sally argue in front of the kids, causing Rosie to overreact. Emily's shocked at Ken's sarcasm and obvious jealousy of Ray. The factory girls agree to provide the food for Tommy's wake. Janice shouts at Joanne and Jessie for not showing respect. Norris wants to set up a neighbourhood watch scheme and Roy agrees. Sally tries to convince Rosie that she's not having an affair with Ian. Angela breaks down calling Katy a stupid bitch and saying Tommy was the ...

Mar 20, 2005
Sally panics when she's told Rosie is at the Davenports' house. Kevin has to take the guinea pig to the vets. Katy's worried her grandmother Jean Harris will be able to see the truth. Jean and Craig are angry to discover Tommy's not being cremated which is what he wanted. Angela tells Katy the reason he has to be buried is that the wrench is in the coffin. Angela goes to see Father Thomas and confesses the truth. She tells him she's not after God's forgiveness, just Tommy's. Ken apologises and Deirdre tells Tracy that Ken was telling the truth about Ray having another...

Mar 22, 2005
It's the day of Tommy's funeral. Katy's jittery saying she can't go through with it but Angela insists she must or she'll arouse suspicion. The atmosphere between Sally and Rosie is strained but Kevin is oblivious. Chesney gives Hayley a bunch of flowers to take to the funeral. Hayley's touched. Chesney suggests he and Roy could watch the DVD of Kill Bill but Roy says they're going to have a trip to the library instead. Angela breaks down in the middle of the Street. Eileen comes to her rescue and comforts her telling her she's been a tower of strength to Katy and ...

Mar 24, 2005
As Katy's about to launch into a full confession, Angela grabs her and takes over the speech herself, saying how much they all loved Tommy. Ken dislikes himself for being so jealous of Ray, a dying man. He and Deirdre arrange to have a day out together on Sunday. Tommy's burial takes place. Craig's grief-stricken but Katy's just numb. Ray persuades Deirdre to take him to Southport on Sunday. Deirdre invites Emily and Tracy too so as to appease Ken. Sally tells Ian their affair is over as Rosie's found out. Sally wants a guarantee that her job will be safe but Ian's ...

Mar 26, 2005
Chesney manages to con Easter eggs out of Sally, Rita and Fred. Scooter's put some water and couple of goldfish in a fish tank he's installed in the Platts' house. David drops some chocolate into the tank as a joke. Gail's cross with him. Deirdre, Tracy, Blanche, Amy and Ray set off for Southport in one car and Rita, Emily and Norris in another. Ken's still sulking and refuses to go. David frightens Sarah by pretending that Bethany has eaten the goldfish. Gail tells him off when they discover it was just a childish prank. Tracy gets Norris to take a "family" photo of ...

Mar 27, 2005
Angela returns to work at the factory, determined to get her life back to normal. Emily's exhausted with looking after Ray. Rita gives Chesney another Easter egg to give to Cilla and Les who are due back from their holiday today. Ray collapses in pain. Emily hasn't the strength to pick him up. Deirdre and Tracy are upset to see him so frail and insist an ambulance is called. Chesney practises his ju-jitsu moves on Roy. Shelley and Charlie arrive back from a great holiday. Sunita thanks Shelley for the postcard. Charlie's furious with her for sending a card to Sunita ...

Mar 27, 2005
Angela tells Hayley that the police don't believe the Sheffield gang were behind Tommy's murder so she's typing a fake letter to try and convince them otherwise. Hayley's shocked but Angela explains it's the only way to get witness protection and she and Katy are scared for their lives. Ken's very annoyed that Ray has moved in. Steve says Amy can stay with him as the Barlows' house is so full. Katy starts wittering to Rita and Norris to try and hide her nerves. They feel sorry for her and think she's in denial over her father's death. Angela tells Hayley she's going ...

Mar 31, 2005
The letter from Sheffield arrives. Angela opens it in front of Fiz and Janice. She uses all her acting skills and pretends to be terrified. Gail looks after Angela and tries to calm her down. Katy realises her mum's behind the letter but manages to play along. The factory girls are worried in case the Sheffield mob turns up at Underworld. Hayley's worried about what she's got herself involved in. Ken feels guilty for neglecting Daniel Osbourne all these years. Tracy's devastated when Ray says he's returning to Holland tomorrow as he'd rather die at home. Steve looks ...

Apr 02, 2005
Wracked with guilt at Angela's arrest, Hayley decides to make a confession. Tracy meets a hunky mechanic called Nathan, while Steve arranges a date with Louise. Ken and Ray reach an understanding.

Apr 03, 2005
Angry at his mum's arrest, Craig tries to drive after the police car in Martin's car. Kevin leaves Tyrone in charge of the garage while he's on holiday. Hayley confides in Roy that the letter was fake and she posted it. Consumed with grief, Craig smashes up the barbecue in the garden. Tracy takes Nathan back to No.1 for the night. Tracy introduces Nathan to her family. He's amused at the "two dads" and granny who "looks like Gollum in a nightie". Tracy's offended. Angela's interviewed by the police in the presence of her solicitor. Steve and Louise enjoy a drink ...

Apr 03, 2005
Jack and Vera proudly watch Tyrone open up the garage by himself. The factory girls discuss Angela's arrest. Fiz is the only one who still believes that Angela's innocent. The police search No.6 looking for the murder weapon. Hayley confesses to Katy her involvement in posting the fake letter and how she had to tell the police. Katy's furious while Craig's shocked to learn the letter was a fake. Shelley shows off her holiday photos. Violet admires Charlie in his trunks. The police continue to question Angela telling her that they're fully aware of Hayley's involvement...

Apr 05, 2005
Katy and Craig are stunned when they're told Angela has made a full confession. Fred decides to give the statue to Audrey as a present. Adam arrives at No.1 to find the Barlows all bickering about the wedding. Fred's looking for an appropriate spot in Audrey's garden for the statue when suddenly the ground opens up and Fred falls down a big hole. The court hearing takes place and Angela is charged with Tommy's murder. Katy, knowing it's what Angela wants her to do, shouts across the courtroom "She killed my dad". Katy visits Angela in prison and wants to tell the ...

Apr 07, 2005
The day of Ken and Deirdre's wedding finally arrives. A maudlin Ray confides his plans to Ken. Tyrone and Maria take advantage of Kevin's absence from the garage. Chesney and Schmeichel go on an outing.

Apr 09, 2005
Deirdre and Ken celebrate with their guests at the Rovers, but Ray is not in the mood to party. Shelley and Sunita make a tentative truce. Lena decides to make the most of Maria and Tyrone's embarrassment.

Apr 10, 2005
Tracy is devastated by Ray's death but insists that Ken and Deirdre go away on their honeymoon as planned. Charlie scuppers Shelley and Sunita's reconciliation. Leanne and Danny spend the evening together at The Clock.

Apr 10, 2005
Martin spends the night with his family to cheer himself up. Danny and Leanne keep quiet about their night out together. Blanche helps Tracy sort out Ray's belongings. Katy has returned home with a deadly objective.

Apr 12, 2005
An unconscious Katy is rushed to hospital with Martin at her side. Norris and Emily receive an unusual delivery from Ray. Fred desperately tries to persuade Audrey to have the water in her garden tested.

Apr 14, 2005
Martin sits in the hospital holding Katy's letter - it has obviously been read repeatedly. Shelley worries about losing her job and home when Fred sells the Rovers. Liz and Eileen quiz Steve about Louise and both are pleased that he is happy. Candice, instead of working, spends the day worrying about Warren dumping her when he is famous, so decides to become famous herself. Fred is excited about the well and rebuffs Claire and Ashley's fears. Without knowing the test results Fred drinks the water. Tracy struggles to assemble Ray's flat pack coffin. The book group ...

Apr 16, 2005
Steve offers to babysit Amy while the funeral is on but Tracy declines. Liz asks Steve about Louise and he seems confused about what he wants. Craig's granddad is coming over from Sheffield but he tells Gail he does not really know him. Craig's isolation and despair is evident. Craig overhears Martin saying that Katy is getting worse. Shelley is excited at the prospect of owning the Rovers and wants to arrange a survey but Charlie is not convinced it is needed. Sean comes to the Salon to prepare for a date and Candice offends him. Candice tries to decide how she will ...

Apr 17, 2005
Steve and Tracy are unsure of their feelings after spending the night together. Angela decides to tell the police the truth. Candice has her sights set on becoming a weather presenter.

Apr 17, 2005
Audrey is having second thoughts about going into partnership with Fred. Angela is granted a visit to the hospital to see Katy. Relations are strained between Tracy and Steve.

Apr 19, 2005
After speaking to his mother, Craig visits Katy in hospital. Candice's obsession with becoming a celebrity weathergirl means her days at the salon could be numbered. Shelley is excited at the prospect of buying the pub.

Apr 19, 2005
The residents react to the news of Katy's demise. Sean reveals that he has a new job. Fred is shocked by the results of the tests on Audrey's water.

Apr 21, 2005
Craig, Martin and Keith find a shock awaiting them when they visit Tommy's grave. Fred disappoints Shelley by revealing he no longer plans to sell the Rovers. Ken and Deirdre return from their honeymoon.

Apr 21, 2005
Sean's first night as a bingo caller proves eventful. Candice angers Audrey again and finds herself thrown out of her flat. Deirdre and Liz discuss their offspring's recent liaison.

Apr 23, 2005
Vera accuses Sean of fixing Eileen's bingo win. Tracy and Steve's awkwardness spurs both into decisive action. Chesney continues to wait for news of Les and Cilla.

Apr 24, 2005
The day of Katy's funeral dawns, and Angela, Craig and Martin struggle to keep their feelings in check. A thrilled Candice shows off her photograph in the newspaper. Ken and Deirdre are unsure about Tracy and Steve's relationship.

Apr 24, 2005
Tracy and Steve's first date suffers a setback. Keith and Martin have a heart-to-heart. Sally is shocked at Justine's outburst. Vera creates more mayhem at the bingo hall.

Apr 26, 2005
Vera takes action against Sean. Roy decides to travel to Spain to find Les and Cilla. Sally finds it hard to control her jealousy of Ian's latest fling. Claire manages to get Craig to open up to her.

Apr 26, 2005
Sally feels uncomfortable when Justine confides in her about Ian's affairs. Norris has an altercation with Jack's pigeons. Tracy and Steve finally go on their first date. Leanne flirts outrageously with Danny.

Apr 28, 2005
Sean and Vera are both welcomed back to the bingo hall after their recent dispute. Danny and Norris take issue with Jack's pigeons' new place of residence. Justine asks Sally to spy on Ian for her.

Apr 30, 2005
Danny and Norris hatch a plan to get rid of Jack's pigeons. Danny pays Jamie to drive them down to Birmingham. Chesney says his goodbyes to Sophie and Schmeichel before he leaves for Spain. Jack's shocked to find his pigeons and pigeon coop have been stolen. Hayley and Fiz say an emotional goodbye to Chesney as he leaves with Roy. Mel Hutchwright, the author of Hard Grinding turns up at the Book Club meeting having been invited by Blanche. Norris, Rita and Emily are in awe. Ken's unimpressed. Les and Cilla arrive back on the Street to find that Roy has left for Spain ...

May 01, 2005
Angela breaks her bad news to Craig and Keith. Roy and Hayley must get used to living alone again, while Les and Cilla find themselves very unpopular for abandoning Chesney. Mel makes himself at home in Weatherfield.

May 01, 2005
Ian begs Sally to continue their relationship. Craig struggles to adjust to living with Keith. Norris fawns over Mel, but Ken is less enamoured. Cilla and Les try to re-create their Spanish holiday at home.

May 03, 2005
Candice is overjoyed when she gets a letter saying she's been accepted on to the TV presenters' course. Craig starts back at school but Keith's worried that he's not ready for it. Ian tells Sally he wants her to leave. Sally threatens to phone Justine if he tries to sack her for refusing to sleep with him. Cilla hopes to get her job back at the Weatherfield Arms but she's put-out to find that Liz has been promoted to manageress in her absence. Ian decides to make Sally's life a misery. He spends the day picking on her and enjoys making her wash his car. Les talks ...

May 05, 2005
Cilla's new job makes her the target for much ridicule from the residents. Sally fights back against Ian's tough new regime. When given the opportunity to go on an impromptu holiday to Ibiza, Violet jumps at it without consulting Jason.

May 07, 2005
Cilla's fed-up: everything in No.5 is falling apart. Kirk gets an electric shock off the toaster and the fridge door comes off its hinges. Sally, Kevin and the girls have a day out to Blackpool. Cilla doesn't want to go to work. Les has to force her out of the door. Danny and Frankie have lunch at Mike's flat. Penny joins them and is upset, explaining that her house has been burgled. Mel Hutchwright continues to scrounge drinks. He sucks up to Fred and Norris, saying he's named two of the heroes in his novel after them. Cilla finds working in Wong's Chippy stressful ...

May 08, 2005
Les and Cilla's wedding plans are greeted with scorn and indifference. In a misjudged attempt to help Justine and get back at Ian, Sally puts her own marriage at risk. Candice makes a memorable appearance on local radio.

May 08, 2005
Fred and Roy discover that Diggory Compton is opening a bakery in the old hardware shop. They're worried about the competition. Les and Cilla put their charm offensive into operation. They start by carrying Betty's bags for her. They don't realise that everyone can see through their plan. Ian pulls another stunt on Sally, making her look stupid in front of Mr Austin the headmaster of Oakhill School, when his car isn't ready on time. There's a leak in the Corner Shop coming from the flat above. Sunita discovers it's down to Charlie's shoddy workmanship. She asks him to...

May 10, 2005
Betty's appalled with Charlie for hitting Dev but Shelley sticks up for her man. Sally starts work for Arthur Brooks but is appalled when he makes it clear that he expects sex to be part of the deal. She storms out feeling humiliated. Gail chats to Keith in the garden while David plays football with Barney the rabbit. Cilla and Rocky have a ketchup fight in Wong's Chippy and Rocky chases her down the Street waving a fish slice. Norris compliments Sunita on the position of her apostrophe on the Alahan's sign. Sally braces herself and tells Kevin that there was no job ...

May 12, 2005
Kevin tells Sally he believes Ian's version of events but she denies having an affair. David is upset when his pet rabbit Barney dies and then goes missing. Shelley fears Dev will report Charlie's assault to the police.

May 14, 2005
Danny becomes curious when Jamie disappears for the day. Rita grows concerned for the Websters when Rosie hints that all is not well at home. Candice starts her new job.

May 15, 2005
Danny convinces Leanne that Jamie's got another girlfriend in Birmingham. Leanne's furious and when Danny suggests he calls round to her flat she agrees. The baker's shop opens and Diggory upsets Dev by handing out free cakes. Kevin and Sally call a truce. Kevin agrees not to mention Ian's name again. Justine calls round and accuses Sally of having an affair with Ian. Kevin sticks up for Sally and tells Justine she's got it wrong. Sally's very grateful to Kevin. Mike's helping Penny move in to his flat. They're taken aback to find Adam there who announces he's left ...

May 15, 2005
Charlie's lies about Dev serve to deepen the rift between Shelley and Sunita. Diggory's presence continues to irk his fellow shopkeepers. Norris unwittingly uncovers Mel's deception. Adam's return displeases Danny.

May 17, 2005
Sunita's upset that she and Shelley are no longer friends. Fred's furious with Charlie and Shelley's behaviour and threatens to fire Shelley. Danny's put-out when Adam starts work in the factory. He takes it out on the girls. Hayley's worried that Roy's behaving furtively but Frankie tells her that he's booking a surprise break for them in Naples. Hayley's delighted. Diggory bulldozes Roy into agreeing to buy his bread from him. Norris intends to persuade the Book Club to raise the money to fund the publishing of Mel's next book. Betty overhears Charlie on the phone ...

May 19, 2005
Angry Charlie's back at the Rovers having explained to the police that he was referring to a sealant gun. Betty's very apologetic. Mike and Penny agree to go to Spain. Adam refuses to go as he wants to get stuck into his new job at Underworld and Penny's factory. Dev and Charlie icily agree to stay out of each other's way in future. Norris tells Mel that he's started writing his own novel - it's a thriller set in the world of stationery. Leanne agrees to go with Jamie on his next trip to Birmingham to see his mother. Everywhere Shelley looks she can see people ...

May 21, 2005
As Mel prepares to make off with the residents' money, Ken steps in to expose his fraud. Leanne realises that Carol has a drink problem but Jamie finds it hard to accept. Liz returns from visiting Jim having received bad news.

May 22, 2005
Jamie pays Carol another visit and is saddened by the extent of her drinking problem. Fed up with Adam's presence in the factory, Danny tries to seek comfort in the arms of Leanne. Fred and Ciaran worry about Shelley.

May 22, 2005
Danny's furious that Jamie's seeing his mum, citing Carol as a nutter. As Jamie tries to leave Carol's house she becomes frantic, screaming at him to stay. Steve begs Liz to talk to Jim and try and work things out before she agrees to go speed dating. Violet arrives back from Ibiza. Jason's put-out that she's got to work. Mike's impressed with Adam's work at the factory and compares him to skiving Jamie, much to Danny's embarrassment. When Mike raises a toast to Adam saying that one day he'll be running Underworld and King's Robes, Danny's annoyed. The locals continue...

May 26, 2005
Diggory offers Sarah a job at his baker's shop on 50p an hour more than Dev pays her. Sarah accepts. Danny leaves Adam in charge of the factory. The girls fool around thinking that he's a soft touch and are shocked when he shouts at them to get back to work. Danny tells Jamie he knows that he's been visiting his mother. Charlie accidentally opens the door straight into Shelley. It whacks her in the face. Charlie insists that she takes the day off and puts her to bed. Jamie tells Danny that Carol's an alcoholic and blames him for leaving her and the mess she's now in. ...

May 26, 2005
Shelley's got a black eye. She's worried people will think that Charlie's beaten her up so on Charlie's advice agrees to stay upstairs in the bedroom. Sarah starts her new job at Comptons. Eileen and Liz go speed dating. Diggory sacks Sarah accusing her of stealing from the till. Sarah's very upset. After inspecting the till, Keith tells Diggory that he's got vermin in the shop and they're responsible for the missing money, not Sarah. Leanne apologises to Jamie hoping that they can try again but he's still upset and angry. Jamie tells Frankie he's been seeing his ...

May 28, 2005
Diggory and Keith set up mousetraps in the baker's shop. Penny and Mike pack in preparation for their holiday in Spain. Charlie lies to Rita and Deirdre saying that Shelley's got chickenpox and doesn't want any visitors. Danny smarms his way back into Frankie's good books. Leanne's jealous. Diggory apologises to Sarah and offers her job back. Sarah accepts. Charlie takes magazines, chocolates and a DVD player up to the bedroom for Shelley. He tells her how he's had to lie on her behalf saying she's got chickenpox. Shelley apologises for all the trouble she's causing ...

May 29, 2005
Claire prepares to take her bus driver's test. Sarah asks Dev for her job back. Keith gets sneaky in order to secure himself and Craig a good meal. Leanne and Jamie's reconciliation fails to stop Danny making eyes at his son's girlfriend.

May 29, 2005
Chesney is distraught as he waits at the vet for news of Schmeichel. Some of the older residents attend a speed-dating evening. The Duckworths arrive in Formby, but Jack is not prepared to give in to Vera's lustful demands.

May 31, 2005
Chesney's on pins waiting for news of Schmeichel. Shelley's too nervous to answer the phone. Charlie unplugs it and she's relieved. Jamie's unnerved when he receives a letter from Carol containing pictures of him when he was a baby. He shows it to Frankie. Fred's worried about Shelley but Charlie placates him saying it's just chicken pox and she'll be back to work soon. Vera makes Jack choose between her and his pigeons. She's shocked when he starts packing and leaves. Chesney, Les, Kirk, Fiz and Cilla rejoice when the Vet says Schmeichel will live. Craig tells Keith ...

Jun 02, 2005
Claire struggles with her feelings of guilt and is tempted to give into Cilla's demands. Frankie and Maria are incredulous at Jack's deserting Vera to be with his pigeons. Danny visits Carol to warn her to stay away from Jamie.

Jun 04, 2005
Violet is concerned for Shelley's welfare. Tyrone begs Jack to resume his holiday with Vera and let himself and Maria be alone again. Liz goes on a date with Ken's friend Bob. As a peace offering, Keith offers to repair Emily's guttering.

Jun 05, 2005
As Charlie continues to make excuses for Shelley's absence, a suspicious Deirdre takes action. Steve is disgusted with Liz for spending the night with Bob. Sally worries about finding a new job. Sunita delivers Dev some good news.

Jun 05, 2005
Bev is horrified at the state of her daughter, but Shelley defends Charlie and throws her out of the pub. Dev offers Sally a job at the Corner Shop. Danny and Leanne are almost caught out by Janice.

Jun 07, 2005
Shelley once again refuses to leave her bedroom, blaming her colleagues for her boyfriend's departure. Bev reports Charlie to the police. Sally's stint at the Corner Shop is short-lived. Les, Cilla and Yana go for dinner at The Clock.

Jun 09, 2005
Charlie insists that Shelley gets back behind the bar. Shelley's scared at the prospect. Maria and Tyrone fake a job offer at another garage in an attempt to get Kevin to appreciate him more but it backfires when Kevin finds out. Sunita's reading a pregnancy magazine. When Hayley asks what it is, Sunita covers pretending it's a magazine about sharks. Kevin agrees to do Danny's car at a bargain rate if he'll persuade Sally to take the job of machinist at Underworld. When Liz tells Bev how Charlie tried it on with her, Bev's hatred of him's exacerbated. Dev shows Sunita...

Jun 11, 2005
Rosie wants some money to buy a leather corset. Sally's appalled. Louise is over visiting her family and drops in on Steve. He's delighted. Candice demonstrates her modelling pose for an unimpressed Maria. Maria gets Tyrone to call the salon pretending to be another hairdresser head-hunting her but it backfires and Audrey's furious. Shelley sums up all her courage and leaves the bedroom. She has a panic attack on the stairs and tries to phone Charlie. He ignores her call. Tracy threatens Louise, telling her to leave Steve alone. Steve's furious. Snobby Sally is ...

Jun 12, 2005
Steve feels trapped, as Tracy drops several ill-disguised hints about them moving in together. The factory girls make life difficult for Sally on her first day. Charlie jumps to conclusions when he sees Bev getting into a taxi.

Jun 12, 2005
Liz tells Steve to be honest, but Tracy asks him to move into Number 7 with her and Amy. Charlie is shocked when Bev declares that she is moving back to Weatherfield for good. Rosie refuses to back down over the pork chop.

Jun 14, 2005
Janice plays a cruel trick on Sally to get her into trouble with Danny. Shelley is looking forward to going shopping until she spies Bev from her bedroom window. An outing with Lena leaves Blanche in hospital.

Jun 16, 2005
Bev's attempts to help upset Shelley, sending Charlie into a rage. Danny and Leanne arrange an assignation at Mike's flat. Tracy is outraged when Blanche announces that she is going to sell Number 7 to pay for a hip replacement.

Jun 18, 2005
Leanne panics upon realising that she left an incriminating earring at Mike's flat the previous evening. Ciaran assists Bev in getting access to Shelley. Liz is disgusted at Steve's plot to trick Tracy.

Jun 19, 2005
Tired of being maligned by Bev, Charlie demands that Shelley get back behind the bar. Steve is cagey towards Tracy following her proposal. Lloyd Mullaney arrives for an interview at Streetcars and immediately gets on the wrong side of Dev.

Jun 19, 2005
Shelley summons all her courage and goes downstairs to confront Bev. Roy refuses to co-operate when Tracy reveals that she wants his name removed from Amy's birth certificate. Blanche decides to go to Poland for a hip replacement. Lloyd has fun causing trouble for Dev.

Jun 21, 2005
Roy reluctantly relents and gives permission for Steve's name to replace his on the birth certificate. Gail is sick of living in a messy house and asks Scooter to be more considerate. Dev fails to disprove Sunita's allegations of his sexist attitude.

Jun 23, 2005
As Steve prepares to carry out his deception, Tracy learns that he no longer intends to buy Number 7. Charlie attempts to get Ciaran on his side. Roy decides to build a functioning model of his grandfather's invention.

Jun 25, 2005
Gail agrees to allow Scooter to move into Number 8, but soon regrets her decision. Liz and Deirdre fall out over Steve's treatment of Tracy. Dev announces that he intends to sell his share of StreetCars.

Jun 26, 2005
The Baldwins and Leanne prepare to celebrate Jamie's birthday, but a jealous Danny sends him on a lengthy errand. Fred is outraged to discover that he is the victim of a slanderous vendetta by Maddocks. Norris asks Ken to review his novel.

Jun 26, 2005
Danny is furious with Carol for gate-crashing Jamie's party but Frankie agrees to let her stay. Fred resolves to consult his solicitor about Maddocks' campaign. Sean plays a practical joke on Jason.

Jun 28, 2005
Frankie berates Danny for not telling her that he had visited Carol. Sean convinces the factory girls that his stuffed cat is alive. Ashley finds the neighbourhood covered in Maddocks' defamatory posters.

Jun 30, 2005
Jamie is fed up of being victimised by Danny. Sean devises a plan to see Tim again. Emily and Rita get a shock when they sneak a look at Norris' novel. Fred confronts Maddocks about trying to poach his meat supplier.

Jul 02, 2005
Fred is worried about the impending boxing match and practises his moves with Diggory. Sean takes Schmeichel to see Tim the vet. Frankie orders Danny to ask Jamie to come home. Norris tricks Emily and Rita.

Jul 03, 2005
Jamie is keen to move into a flat with Leanne and cannot understand her reluctance. Claire starts working for StreetCars. Charlie tells Shelley that she is risking her job and home by hiding away.

Jul 03, 2005
Ashley tells Claire that he has agreed to fight Marvin. Steve enlists Liz to help him to find out where Tracy is. Charlie leaves Shelley in her room as he goes out for a night on the town. Jamie pours his heart out to Frankie.

Jul 05, 2005
Shelley embarrasses herself when her jealousy of Violet becomes too much to bear. Lloyd has trouble from two young passengers in his taxi. Blanche and Deirdre return from Poland.

Jul 07, 2005
Tracy returns to Weatherfield for Deirdre's fiftieth birthday. Marvin riles Ashley by insulting Claire. Scooter tries to convey his concern for her fish to Mrs. Maloney.

Jul 09, 2005
Tracy takes delight in using Amy to punish Steve. Liz is excited about her date with Bob until he reveals where they are going. Scooter and Sarah take a sample of Mrs. Maloney's pond water. Nathan offers to be Ashley's boxing trainer.

Jul 10, 2005
Steve asks Roy for help in applying for parental responsibility of Amy. Warren attracts more attention than Candice at the modelling auditions. Shelley is adamant that she wants to have plastic surgery.

Jul 10, 2005
When Shelley rejects him again, Charlie takes revenge by flirting with Violet. Sarah and Scooter put their mission to rescue the ailing fish into operation. Deirdre tries to talk some sense into Tracy.

Jul 12, 2005
Violet is feeling guilty about kissing Charlie and takes the day off work. Warren receives bad news regarding his career. Bev sneaks into the builders' yard and steals some paperwork. Roy meets an admirer.

Jul 14, 2005
Sean takes Betty's cat to the vet's as an excuse to see Tim. Jason suspects that Violet's odd behaviour is due to her being pregnant. Warren is distraught at losing both his career and Candice. Bev contacts Charlie's clients.

Jul 16, 2005
Kirk and Maria learn that their parents are emigrating and leaving the running of the kennels business to them. Warren bids farewell to his family and Candice and sets off for Spain. Violet nervously prepares to face Charlie as she returns to work at the Rovers.

Jul 17, 2005
Shelley returns from hospital following her operation but her attempts to remain unseen fail immediately. Maria changes her mind about giving Kirk her half of the kennels. Blanche is unimpressed with Deirdre's gift of a motorised scooter.

Jul 17, 2005
Shelley announces to the regulars that she has had plastic surgery and that Charlie does not beat her. Sean pretends to own a dog and invites Tim to join them on a walk. Bev is distraught at the state of her daughter.

Jul 19, 2005
Bev goes to the police, while Ciaran squares up to Charlie. Maria is keen to sell the kennels but her parents have other ideas. Bob and Ken contrive to reconcile Liz and Deirdre.

Jul 21, 2005
Joanne, Jessie and Kelly ogle at Nathan with his top off outside the garage. Maria's still angry at her parents for giving Kirk the kennels and refuses to go and see them off to Cyprus. Shelley regrets falling out with Ciaran. Charlie's angry with her. Hearing that Kirk's inherited his parents' business Cilla tries to double his rent. Fiz is having none of it and suggests she and Kirk move into his parents' house. Cilla steals Blanche's electric buggy and she and Yana go shoplifting. They're spotted by security. Yana does a runner, Cilla makes a getaway in the buggy ...

Jul 23, 2005
Dev moans to Steve he's going to have to drop his price to £20 for his half of Street Cars as he's had no interest. Roy and Hayley discuss the Amy situation over a pizza. Roy's adamant they should help Steve all they can. Hayley's not so sure. Sean has a spray tan before he and Tim White go dog walking. They take "Bella-Sinead" on the Red Rec. Tim persuades Sean to let him off the lead. The dog runs away. Adam queries Danny's Nottingham hotel bill. Danny lies his way out of it. Mike and Penny arrive back from their holiday. Mike continues to be forgetful. Tracy's ...

Jul 24, 2005
Tracy concocts a devious plan so as to avoid having to give Steve access to Amy. Danny hears some bad news. Nathan takes Ashley for a training session ahead of the boxing match.

Jul 24, 2005
Tracy's plan works as a stunned Steve is arrested at the airport. Danny is upset by his father's death. Tim is not fooled by Sean's unconvincing lies. Nathan provokes Ashley into punching him to prove his ability.

Jul 26, 2005
Steve consults a solicitor about how to prove himself innocent of Tracy's accusations. Maria gives Joanne a makeover to help her to attract Nathan. Scooter prepares a speech for his court appearance.

Jul 28, 2005
Tracy and Steve are at daggers drawn as they prepare to fight dirty in the battle over Amy. Danny brings his mother Viv to stay at Number 7. Scooter pleads innocent at the magistrate's court hearing.

Jul 30, 2005
Claire is angry to learn of Fred's intention to buy into Street Cars. Nathan reluctantly takes Joanne out for a pizza. Bob is confused when Liz gives him the cold shoulder.

Jul 31, 2005
As the day of the boxing match dawns, Claire is incensed to learn that the fight is still going ahead. Mike tells Penny that he is Danny's father. Steve and Tracy's court battle begins.

Jul 31, 2005
Claire's arrival at the boxing ring causes pandemonium. Tracy plays dirty when Steve attempts to reason with her. Sean is left disappointed when he goes to see Tim. Mike regrets not featuring in any of his sons' upbringings.

Aug 02, 2005
As Viv departs Weatherfield, Mike comforts an emotional Danny. Kelly and Sean ask Fred for a job at the Rovers. Steve learns that he has been banned from seeing Amy. Claire is embarrassed by her behaviour of the previous evening.

Aug 04, 2005
Steve hatches a plan to get his own back on Tracy. Bev begs Fred not to sack Shelley from the Rovers. Mike feels awkward working with Danny. Fiz is fed up of being surrounded by dogs.

Aug 06, 2005
Fiz refuses to take charge of the kennels when Kirk is called away to Cyprus. Fred takes Bev to dinner to persuade her to take over as landlady at the Rovers. Liz is nervous about meeting Bob's friends.

Aug 07, 2005
Danny sends Jamie on an overnight trip and arranges to meet Leanne at a hotel. Kelly announces to the factory staff that she spent the night with Adam. Sarah suspects that Keith has a crush on Gail.

Aug 07, 2005
Danny panics that Frankie will discover that he is at the hotel and sends Leanne to face her. Kelly and her friends enjoy teasing Adam. Emily welcomes a visit from her deaf niece Freda. Gail worries that Keith has romantic intentions towards her.

Aug 09, 2005
Dev declines Lloyd's offer for his share of Street Cars. Danny and Leanne cover their tracks following their night of passion. Gail tells Audrey that Keith is interested in her.

Aug 11, 2005
Sunita looks forward to her maternity scan. Norris blames Freda when Emily has an accident. Jamie plans a surprise for Leanne. Liz has a disconcerting encounter with Bob's mother.

Aug 13, 2005
Shelley prepares to show her surgically-enhanced face in the bar. Mike dreads the thought of dinner with Danny at Number 7. Sunita is daunted by the prospect of having twins. Jack pushes Vera too far.

Aug 14, 2005
Charlie treats Shelley with contempt following her continued coldness towards him. Liz agrees to pose for Bob upon learning of his passion for photography. Gail becomes taken with the new reflexologist at the medical centre.

Aug 14, 2005
Shelley catches Charlie with another woman but he remains unapologetic. Liz confides in Bev about Bob's murky hobby. Sean is devastated to learn the truth about Tim. Kelly chats up Lloyd.

Aug 16, 2005
Charlie packs his bags, leaving Shelley distraught. Emily blames Norris when Freda decides to go home. Vera is adamant that she will not return to Jack. Lloyd postpones his date with Kelly.

Aug 18, 2005
Encouraged by Tyrone and Frankie, Jack sets out to win Vera back. Charlie takes Shelley to see a doctor. Eileen makes an appointment with Phil. Audrey is frustrated by Keith's lack of courage.

Aug 20, 2005
Gail jumps to the conclusion that Eileen has spent the night with Phil. Norris suffers a harrowing experience. Audrey is unimpressed when Keith takes her to the Rovers for their first date.

Aug 21, 2005
Charlie invites a psychotherapist to treat Shelley but fears that she will talk about him. Gail takes revenge on Eileen by making a complaint about Phil. Norris tries to convince Rita that he plans to resign.

Aug 21, 2005
Charlie interrogates Shelley about her therapy session with Zack. Eileen informs Phil about Gail's past. Rita calls Norris' bluff and provides him with a reference.

Aug 23, 2005
Phil confronts Gail about her reporting him for unethical behaviour. Keith looks forward to his date with Audrey. Kelly and Lloyd spend a pleasant evening together. Candice flirts with Adam as he prepares for his driving test.

Aug 27, 2005
Cilla orders Les to buy her an expensive engagement ring. Adam sets off to buy a car at auction with Candice in tow. Lloyd wonders what went wrong on his date with Kelly.

Aug 27, 2005
Shelley plucks up the courage to work a shift behind the bar at the Rovers. Les spends his fiftieth birthday trying to find the money to buy Cilla a ring. Mike buys Adam a brand new sports car. Keith takes Audrey on a fishing trip.

Aug 28, 2005
Sally treats Sophie for nits. The Underworld staff are locked out when Mike fails to open the factory. Steve is aghast to learn that Lloyd is his new partner. Claire is moved by the story of her passengers.

Aug 28, 2005
Claire becomes inspired to clean up a run-down area of a local park for children. Janice is horrified at the state of her shaven head. Lloyd's popularity irks Steve. Leanne and Jamie spend the day at home together.

Aug 30, 2005
Sophie and Chesney set off for their first day at Weatherfield High School. Leanne is irritated by Carol's presence at Number 7. Claire seeks volunteers for her park campaign. Tyrone plans a fortieth birthday party for Kevin.

Sep 01, 2005
Mike gets reacquainted with a drunken Carol. Martin shocks David and Sarah by revealing his new hobby. Sally vows to gain admission to Weatherfield High School for Sophie. Claire's volunteer recruitment is given a boost.

Sep 03, 2005
Claire and Janice come to blows during the park clean-up. Nathan's love life takes a turn for the worse. Gail looks forward to her dinner date with Phil. Jamie attempts to show understanding to a maudlin Carol.

Sep 04, 2005
Charlie feels uneasy about Shelley's renewed confidence. Sally is amazed to bump into Mr. Lewis and his daughter at Oakhill. Molly takes revenge on Fiz. Rita finds out the truth behind Norris' job offer.

Sep 04, 2005
An incandescent Tracy throws Steve out and furiously berates Deirdre. Claire tries to keep Mal Quillan occupied for over forty minutes in Steve's absence. Lloyd rescues the contract by offering £5 back for every ten minutes that one of their cabs is late. Steve begrudgingly acknowledges Lloyd's quick-thinking. Charlie argues with Zack that Shelley must go to the Corner Shop if she feels ready to do so. Norris has an interview with Vanessa and JT at Ream Team Stationery. There's no job - instead he's offered the chance to buy a franchise and stock for £15,000. Sunita ...

Sep 06, 2005
Steve worries that he's blown his chances by getting Tracy's back up. He's nervous about the hearing and what she's going to say. Norris waves his new contract under Rita's nose, hoping she'll cave in and make him an offer. She fails to take the bait. Charlie's irritated when Sunita comes to visit Shelley to cement their friendship. Molly gets revenge on Fiz for bullying her at school when they were girls, by manoeuvring her into a pen with Slaver the Alsatian. Fiz is terrified until Slaver turns out to be a big softy. Sally spots Mr Lewis dropping his daughter off at...

Sep 08, 2005
As Shelley celebrates setting her wedding date, Zack suggests that she makes amends with Bev. Tracy and Steve attend their court hearing. Molly proves to be a hit at the kennels, much to Fiz's annoyance.

Sep 10, 2005
Steve looks forward to spending time with Amy, but Tracy refuses to make it easy for him. Kirk is surprised to find Molly at the kennels upon his return. Phil attempts to apologise to Gail.

Sep 11, 2005
Fiz fears that Molly plans to seduce Kirk. Shelley tells Charlie that she would like Bev at their wedding. Martin's appearance at the Weatherfield Family Fun Day causes a stir. Liz befriends a plumber called Barry.

Sep 11, 2005
Molly makes Kirk question his opinion of Fiz. Bev hampers Liz and Barry's first date. Gail is shocked to learn her children's feelings regarding Richard Hillman. Danny and Frankie return from their holiday.

Sep 13, 2005
Fiz begs Molly to leave Kirk alone, but she's exposed her greatest weakness and Molly intends to take full advantage. Bev thinks that it was Charlie following her last night, but Liz thinks she's paranoid. Liz takes no notice when Bev warns her that Barry is obviously married. Rosie helps look after the pig and puts sun cream on it to protect it from the sun. She's horrified when Keith teases her that the cream will make the crackling crispier. Norris has a job interview with a dynamic new company. He's thrown into a panic when the interviewer is Neville Hawthorne, ...

Sep 15, 2005
Jason's having trouble finding inspiration for his best man's speech. Bev gives him a few choice phrases. Norris is depressed when another rejection letter arrives. The call sign system breaks into chaos as Les keeps offending Eileen. Prompted by Steve, she pretends to quit, until Lloyd begs her on bended knee to return. Norris and Rita are stunned when Angela Hawthorne calls into The Kabin. Someone has sprayed "Slag" on Bev's door and dumped three bin bags full of clothes on her doorstep. She's convinced it's Charlie. Fred offers to paint the door. Angela's sixth ...

Sep 15, 2005
Chesney and Sophie plant a plastic dog poo on Les's chair. Les falls for it. Bev offers to go shopping for a wedding dress with Shelley. Shelley declines as Zack is going to come with her. Charlie looks on, irritated by Bev's presence. Charlie takes his bad mood out on Jason, who retaliates by claiming that he's seen Shelley cosying up to Zack at the bus-stop. Charlie watches as Zack gives Shelley a reassuring hug. Norris meets with Angela. She's soon ordering him around and tells him that she wants a man who'll live his life her way, and he's it. Fiz gives Kirk a ...

Sep 17, 2005
Mike's taking Adam to a trade fair. Jamie's envious wishing Danny would take as much interest in him. Rita finds out about Norris's job offer when Angela visits them both in The Kabin. Norris turns the job down and Angela accuses him of being in love with Rita. Audrey offers Keith Alf's old clothes. Whilst sorting through them she discovers Alf's old camera complete with undeveloped film. Chesney tries to play a trick on Sophie, with blackened binoculars but it backfires on him. He goes into the bathroom and walks in on Sally having a shower. Charlie forces Shelley to...

Sep 18, 2005
As Charlie awakens in another woman's bed on his wedding day, Shelley's head is swimming with the revelations of the previous evening. Martin looks forward to his appearance at the match. Rita solves the mystery of Audrey's photograph.

Sep 18, 2005
Charlie wakes up next to the woman he pulled in the pub last night. Jason tells Violet he left Charlie copping off in the Weatherfield Arms. Gail's cross when Keith's pig escapes into her garden again. Martin manages to catch it. Hurt and wrongly accused Rita studies Audrey's photo more closely and realises it's a double exposure - Alf on a beach and Rita at home in her lounge. Zack calls to see Shelley. He suspects Charlie insisted she cancel her sessions with him. Shelley denies this and ushers him out. Kirk takes some photos of a jogger in the park convinced it's ...

Sep 20, 2005
Shelley flees the church with an enraged Charlie in hot pursuit. Martin suffers humiliation in front of the crowd at the hands of his rival mascot. Bev is frantic with fear for her daughter's safety.

Sep 22, 2005
Part 1 / With Charlie gone Bev agrees to move back in to the Rovers and her old job. Eileen and Jason let Charlie shower and change at No.11 and they're relieved when he says he's going to carry on with his business. Violet's worried that Shelley might want her to leave after admitting to kissing Charlie but Shelley blames Charlie for it and assures her she still has a job. Bev leaves her job at the Weatherfield Arms. Liz is understanding but Lawrence the landlord isn't and takes it out on Liz. Phil goes round to Gail's house to question her over her relationship with...

Sep 22, 2005
Part 2 / Sarah is sceptical about Phil's motive but leaves Phil and Gail to talk. Gail opens up to Phil about Richard Hillman, but after an emotional session Phil gets Gail to sleep with a foot massage. Sunita visits Shelley and they make up. Jack finds out from Status Quo's roadie Barney that Francis Rossi has had neck problems since he was attacked at a gig in the 1980s. Kirk is taking pictures of Chesney by Status Quo's van. Jason tells Shelley and Violet that he hasn't seen Charlie for ages. Chesney does his best to persuade Les that Status Quo are in the Rovers, ...

Sep 24, 2005
Danny helps Jamie load the van for Holland, arranging to meet Leanne later. However Frankie has arranged a dinner at the Clock between them in memory of his father. Danny gives Leanne some money so she can treat herself. Les returns with a needless neck brace, playing for sympathy. Cilla and Les are frustrated as they try to pursue compensation from Status Quo believing it will be their words against Quo's. Sarah teases Gail over her night with Phil. Charlie returns and persuades Emily to let him complete the job on her guttering. Fred puts his back out helping carry ...

Sep 25, 2005
Part 1 / Les is guilt-ridden in the knowledge he injured Francis Rossi twenty years ago. Cilla's fed up and determined they're going to sue Status Quo. Janice is like a dog with a bone wanting to know who Leanne is having an affair with. Liz starts work at the bakers. Diggory is all over her and even pats her bottom. Gail's feeling great after her session with Phil. She tells him Sarah's willing to talk to him about Richard Hillman too. She's disappointed when Phil says he can't stay to supper. Les is upset when Schmeichel swallows his "lucky putty". Kelly's bought ...

Sep 25, 2005
Leanne and Danny are forced to admit to Janice they're having an affair. Janice tells Leanne she's playing with fire and it's unfair on Jamie. Leanne tells her to mind her own business. Lloyd takes Kelly out for a curry. He treats her like a lady and Kelly decides not to quiz him about the imaginary darts match. Feeling guilty about his affair, Danny tells Frankie how much she means to him. Les has a meeting with Status Quo's Lawyer. He turns down the offer of money in favour of Status Quo's offer to play at his and Cilla's wedding. Cilla's furious when she finds out,...

Sep 27, 2005
Diggory continues to leer at Liz in the baker's shop. Janice enjoys winding Danny up. She takes extra fag breaks and calls him "Baldy". Danny's fuming. Jamie arrives back from Holland and hugs Leanne, delighted to see her again. Tracy enjoys playing happy families with Nathan and Amy just to wind Steve up. Phil interviews Sarah for his thesis on serial killers. Gail leaves them to it and goes for a drink. She's upset to find Eileen in the pub all dolled up and apparently waiting for Phil. Gail goes home and throws Phil out accusing him of using her and Sarah. Phil's ...

Sep 29, 2005
Janice lights up a fag in the factory. Danny is losing patience with her. Charlie leers at Violet and reminds her about the kiss they shared. Violet's guilt-ridden and revolted by Charlie. Roy's worried about Diggory's impact on his lunchtime sandwich trade. Janice arrives back at work drunk. She threatens to tell Frankie about Danny's affair. Instead she tells Frankie how Carol stayed in her house while she was away. Frankie's furious with Danny and Jamie. Diggory wants Liz to deliver sandwiches on a bike. He puts up a sign saying "Liz's hot box". Liz tells him to ...

Oct 01, 2005
Violet pleads with Jason to forgive her but he can't. Leanne's cross with Janice, blaming her for the fact that Danny's put an end to their affair. A customer tries to pull a fast one on Kevin but luckily Nathan recognises him from a previous garage job. He gets the man up against the wall and punches him. Kevin and Tyrone are impressed. Jason lashes out at Charlie for kissing Violet and tells him to stick his job. Shelley tells Violet she can move into the Rovers. Lloyd cancels his date with Kelly. She's disappointed but delighted when he later sends her a bouquet of...

Oct 02, 2005
As Danny sets off for the hotel to wait for Leanne, Jamie's trip is unexpectedly delayed. Sarah urges Gail to forget Phil. Cilla visualises the wedding dress of her dreams.

Oct 02, 2005
Delighted by Jamie's proposal, Leanne abandons her plans and joins him on his trip to Holland. Steve interviews a potential new female taxi driver called Ronnie. Phil offers Gail an apology. Jason refuses to forgive Violet.

Oct 04, 2005
Danny pretends he was joking but Frankie doesn't believe a word. Steve takes Ronnie for a drink in the Rovers. He's completely smitten on her. Thinking she's doing Tyrone and Maria a favour, Liz asks Steve if she can move into his flat with him. She's pleased when he agrees. Eileen's jealous when she sees Phil collect Gail for their dinner date. Sarah's not happy either thinking Gail's making a mistake. Danny knows the game's up and admits to Frankie he's had an affair with Leanne. Frankie's disgusted that he'd sleep with his own son's girlfriend. When Lloyd hears Liz...

Oct 06, 2005
Danny tells Frankie that he's staying round at Mike's flat and again begs her not to tell Jamie about his affair with Leanne. Jason fixes Gail's fence while she relaxes in a deck chair with her feet in the foot spa. It's Ronnie's first day working for Street Cars. While she's out her husband calls in. He's gangster Jimmy Clayton, owner of Connect Cabs. He tells Lloyd they mustn't employ Ronnie if she comes looking for a job. Lloyd and Eileen keep quiet. Janice tells Danny how Jamie and Leanne have just got engaged. Jamie and Leanne arrive back from Holland. Danny ...

Oct 08, 2005
Under orders from Cilla, Les goes in search of a church for his wedding day. Frankie instructs Leanne to finish with Jamie. Steve fails to keep his night with Ronnie a secret. Violet and Jason's reunion is short-lived.

Oct 09, 2005
Leanne worries about facing Frankie. Liz meets an admirer in the bakery. Sarah explains to Audrey the reasons behind her reservations about Phil. Robyn makes up with Martin.

Oct 09, 2005
Leanne begs Frankie to let her finish with Jamie in her own time. Gail makes time to talk to Sarah about Phil. Martin introduces Robyn to his friends. Lloyd finds out about Steve's relationship with Ronnie.

Oct 11, 2005
Leanne panics when Carol turns up to find out why the wedding has been postponed. Lloyd determines to sack Ronnie when Jimmy pays another visit. Liz disgusts Steve by flaunting her new toy boy.

Oct 13, 2005
Concern grows for Jamie, who has stayed out all night following Danny's confession. Gail decides to get to know Phil better during their date. Steve tells Lloyd that Ronnie is to continue working for them.

Oct 15, 2005
Carol's desperate for Jamie's love and consumed with jealousy towards Frankie. Danny admits to Adam he's behaved like a complete idiot. Lloyd's fed up as Jimmy Clayton continues to sabotage Street Cars with hoax calls and olive oil on the car seats. Gail's disappointed thinking Phil hasn't phoned her, however David's been deleting his messages. Keith tells Fred he's pre-sold three of Porky the pig's legs for Christmas. Fred points out the pig only has two legs and two hands. Keith gets another pig and with Audrey's help puts it in the garden with Porky. Carol calls ...

Oct 16, 2005
Lloyd calls a meeting of all Street Cars' employees. He's worried about the hoax calls and thinks Ronnie should leave before there's more trouble. Leanne and Frankie are at each other's throats in the café. Leanne's empties a salt cellar over Frankie and storms out, saying she's leaving. Gail complains to Keith about the noise his two pigs make. Ronnie says she's leaving and tells Steve it's best if they finish. Steve begs her not to go and Ronnie gives in. They spend the afternoon in bed. Ken's furious to discover Deirdre's started smoking again. Martin's depressed ...

Oct 16, 2005
Janice blames Danny for Leanne's departure and makes a point of taking extra fag breaks and working at a snail's pace. Jimmy Clayton threatens Ronnie in the Rovers insisting she return home to him, but Ronnie refuses to be bullied telling him it's over between them. Janice tells Jamie that Leanne's gone away. He says he doesn't care. Liz tells Steve that Jimmy's in the Rovers threatening Ronnie. Steve rushes over but he's gone. He tells Ronnie he's going to find Jimmy and have it out with him. Les asks the vicar about church weddings. He gets depressed when the vicar ...

Oct 18, 2005
Ken is crabby as he's suffering withdrawal symptoms from lack of coffee. Janice, Jessie, Joanne, Sean and Fiz wind Adam up by playing around with radio instead of getting on with their work. Gail gets a text message from Phil asking why she ignored his previous messages. Gail realises David's been deleting them. Danny's depressed. He tries to talk to Jamie but Jamie blanks him. Dev and Sunita go for her second scan. Dev's dying to ask the sex of the twins but Sunita tells the sonographer they don't want to know. Dev's thwarted. Les persuades Cilla that they'll borrow ...

Oct 20, 2005
Hayley leads the factory girls in their picket outside Underworld. Sally crosses the picket line to go to work. The girls call her "scab" and push her around. Hayley's unimpressed when hungover Janice is late for the picket. Danny and Adam cross the picket line. Danny pretends he hasn't a care in the world. Ken's caffeine withdrawal is taking its toll. Deirdre tells him he's become a grumpy old man. Gail tries to talk to David about Phil's mobile messages but is unsuccessful. Deirdre suggests she could have the odd fag and Ken the odd coffee but this only hardens ...

Oct 22, 2005
Claire endures a frightening experience while collecting Joshua in her cab. Mike returns to the factory to find his workforce on strike. Kirk attempts his first task in the hope of winning the role of Les' best man.

Oct 23, 2005
Danny, Mike and Adam bicker about the factory strike and how to handle it. Ashley bans Claire from going into work and tells her she's not to let Joshua out of her sight all day. Hayley, Janice and Kelly continue to strike. They hound Sally as she arrives for work calling her a scab. Mike advises Danny to give Janice her job back but he refuses. Cilla insists she wants a proper wedding cake. Les promises he'll steal one for her. Claire's incensed when Ronnie tells her that Ashley has resigned her on her behalf from Street Cars. She insists she wants to continue with ...

Oct 23, 2005
A disbelieving Danny reels from the revelation that Mike is his real father. Yana and Les conspire to steal the wedding cake from Diggory's window. Lloyd and Kelly suffer a nasty encounter with Jimmy.

Oct 25, 2005
Sally receives some hate mail calling her a scab and quoting Jack London. Sophie lets slip that Rosie printed it off from the internet. Lloyd rallies the troops telling them they will not be beaten by Jimmy Clayton and they must all stick together. Mike points out to the factory girls their strike is illegal and he's considering sacking the lot of them. Hayley's concerned. Tracy dumps Amy on Steve unannounced. Eileen gets a threatening phone call from Jimmy. Danny pays his mum Viv a visit. Danny's angry that she kept his true parentage a secret from him. Viv explains ...

Oct 27, 2005
Cilla sets Kirk his next Herculean task - to capture the Eurymanthian Boar. In this case, one of Keith's pigs. Norris is annoyed when Rita gets the Signwriter back again to alter The Kabin sign so it reads "R Sullivan and N Cole" as opposed to the other way round. Lloyd arranges to take Kelly out but then cancels saying he's got a darts match. Kelly's upset suspecting he's seeing his other woman again. Danny lets himself into No.7. Frankie's annoyed to see him but he tells her about Mike being his real father and not Harry. Despite everything Danny's done Frankie ...

Oct 29, 2005
Yana's disappointed when the stripper for Cilla's hen night cancels. Frankie's upset when Cilla and Yana take the mickey out her over the Danny-Jamie-Leanne situation. Penny comforts Mike over his family mess and offers to give Jamie a job at King's Robes as Transport Manager. Mike's grateful. David's fed-up when Martin hasn't got time for a game of football as he's seeing Robyn. Mike offers Jamie the job at King's Robes. He begrudgingly takes it. Jason and Violet continue to pine for each other but fail to build any bridges. Lloyd's worried when the limo he's booked ...

Oct 30, 2005
Chaos abounds as the day of Les and Cilla's sham wedding ceremony dawns. Leanne returns and pleads for Jamie's forgiveness. Scooter refuses to accompany Sarah to the church.

Oct 30, 2005
The guests arrive at Les and Cilla's wedding reception to find that Status Quo have already eaten the buffet thinking it was for them. The Quo's hairdresser lets them down so Candice steps into the breach. Violet sets off for the wedding reception intent on getting back together with Jason. The DJ turns up in costume thinking he's playing a Halloween party. Sarah has a moan to Jason about Scooter. Jason tells her he's always fancied her. They go outside and start snogging. Best Man Billy Brown hands over to Kirk to make the speech. Cilla's delighted with the wedding ...

Nov 01, 2005
The guests arrive at Les and Cilla's wedding reception to find that Status Quo have already eaten the buffet thinking it was for them. The Quo's hairdresser lets them down so Candice steps into the breach. Violet sets off for the wedding reception intent on getting back together with Jason. The DJ turns up in costume thinking he's playing a Halloween party. Sarah has a moan to Jason about Scooter. Jason tells her he's always fancied her. They go outside and start snogging. Best Man Billy Brown hands over to Kirk to make the speech. Cilla's delighted with the wedding ...

Nov 03, 2005
Martin and Robyn are excited at the thought of moving in together. Sarah bumps into loved up Violet and Jason. Jason can't look her in the eye. Phil spots Gail in the café. They're awkward with each other but it's obvious they still fancy one another. Dev boasts to everyone about his and Sunita's new house. Kelly's furious when Lloyd cancels their date again. She decides to seek revenge. Ronnie's pleased when she lands the Harlow's Restaurant contract for Street Cars. Lloyd meets Kelly for a quick drink before his supposed darts match. While his back's turned, Kelly ...

Nov 05, 2005
Kelly guiltily gives Lloyd some chocolates as a peace offering but he's unforgiving. Scooter gives Sarah a stuffed halibut as she's seemed a bit down recently. Sarah guiltily dumps Scooter. Feeling sad, he agrees he should leave. As Martin and David build a bonfire for the party David guesses Martin's moving in with Robyn. Martin admits he's right. David asks if he can go with him and, feeling cornered, Martin agrees to discuss it. Fiz is annoyed when Molly gets Kirk to try different-flavoured dog biscuits. Robyn turns up to the bonfire party at No.8 feeling slightly ...

Nov 06, 2005
Part 1 of 07-NOV-2005 / Steve's worried about Ronnie and Claire's safety and bans them from driving. Fiz tells Kirk she's sick of Molly chasing him. Kirk's offended Fiz doesn't trust him. Martin tells David how much he loves him and he can come and stay at the weekends. Begrudgingly David agrees. When Charlie Fellows calls, an old client of Ronnie's from when she worked for Jimmy at Connect Cabs, she insists she must go and get him. Sarah tells Jason she's finished with Scooter. Jason's uncomfortable. Nick Clayton's girlfriend Julie calls in the taxi office and warns ...

Nov 06, 2005
Part 2 of 07-NOV-2005 / Jimmy Clayton continues to threaten Steve and Ronnie with his gun. He tells Ronnie he wants her back. Gail's shocked when Mr Lewis, headmaster of Weatherfield High calls to say David's been found drunk on the playing fields. Lloyd arrives at the farm and manages to push Jimmy out of the way with his car. Steve and Ronnie escape in Lloyd's car, but Jimmy soon gives chase. Jimmy tries to force Lloyd off the road but he loses control and ends up crashing through an outbuilding. Candice receives a fax from Status Quo's roadie Barney saying they'll ...

Nov 08, 2005
David apologises to Gail for getting drunk. Sarah enjoys taking the mickey. Ronnie's snappy with Steve. She admits how scared she is of Jimmy. Lloyd wishes he hadn't blown it with Kelly. Sarah starts work at the Salon. Audrey's pleased with her but Maria's unimpressed. Martin takes David to the canal to try and talk him round but David continues to sulk accusing him of loving Robyn more than him. Martin leaves the Street with Robyn. Gail and Sarah say fond farewells and at the last minute to Martin's relief, David hugs him goodbye. Dev's put out to find Sunita's taken...

Nov 10, 2005
Gail's walking on air having spent the night with Phil. Danny's annoyed with Adam and later takes the credit for getting a new order with Sangria Holidays which really should have been Adam's. David's got stomach cramps but Gail doesn't believe him and sends him to school. Adam gets his own back on Danny by telling Janice that Mike is really Danny's dad. Amber winds Dev up to distraction with her incessant wittering about celebrity gossip. When Lloyd's bit on the side Tina turns up saying she wants to move in with him, Lloyd finishes with her, telling her she can ...

Nov 12, 2005
David's upset when Martin says he can't come and stay as he's still got jobs to do around the flat in Liverpool. Sarah lures Jason round to the house on the pretext of measuring up for some shelves under the stairs. Ambers's getting on Dev's nerves. Sunita tells him he better get used to it as they've got twins on the way. Violet can sense Jason's distant with her but can't put her finger on it. Paul Riley, a chef from a posh restaurant in Chorlton calls in Roy's Rolls and compliments Roy on the standard of his English breakfast. Jamie meets Carol in the Rovers. He's ...

Nov 13, 2005
Sunita quizzes Dev about the photo but he's evasive. Sunita's worried. Violet's upset when Jason ignores her. It's obvious his mind's elsewhere. Sophie tells Kevin how a girl at school keeps taking the mickey out of her trainers. Kevin buys her some new ones. Sally's cross as there's nothing wrong with her old ones. Jamie arranges another date with Joanne promising it'll be better than the last one. Sunita pours her heart out to Shelley telling her about the photo. She shows her one of Dev's files which proves Ravinder is living in the flat rent-free. Paul Riley calls...

Nov 13, 2005
Sunita's in shock as Ravinder lets slip there are more kids and suggests she talks to Sandra at the Gorton shop. Violet goes home to change for her night out with Jason. Jason pops back to the yard to tidy up on his way home. Sarah finds him there. Jamie finds Carol drunk in the Rovers and blames Joanne for buying her a drink. Jamie finds out Carol lied about the break-in at her house and feels hugely let down by her. He carries her to Street Cars and orders her a cab for Birmingham. Sarah flirts with Jason. He resists temptation but the sexual chemistry is evident. ...

Nov 15, 2005
Dev's alone in his flat. Sunita's spent the night at the Rovers. Carol's embarrassed when Frankie and Jamie discover she's wet the bed. Proud Sophie sets off for school in her new trendy trainers. Jason's working at the Platts' house when he smacks his thumb with a hammer. Sarah puts a plaster on it. The temptation is too great but as they lean in for a kiss Gail arrives home and they're thwarted. The Estate agent gives Dev the keys to his new house. Jason apologises profusely to Violet for his mood swings. She forgives him. Sally's furious when she gets a call to say...

Nov 17, 2005
Carol moves into No.7 with Frankie and Jamie. Danny warns them it'll be a disaster. Sunita's upset realising she should have been moving into their new house today. Tracy enjoys embarrassing Claire by talking about her love life. Roy's pleased when Ken shows him Paul Riley's article in a national newspaper in which he's very complimentary about Roy's full English breakfast. Dev's distraught thinking Sunita's going to abort their babies. Kevin's annoyed with Sally when she buys Sophie a pair of expensive trendy trainers. Sally's enjoying her new role of "nice cop". ...

Nov 19, 2005
Sally makes Kevin give the girls a list of chores to do round the house. Danny tells Frankie they've been invited to a do at Warren's football club in Spain. He suggests they should go for Warren's sake. Frankie's tempted. Carol does her best to poison Frankie against Danny, telling her she must never forgive him for what he's done to her. Carol gets a job at Talford's Bookies on Rosamund Street. Frankie tells Danny that she's not going to Spain with him. Danny can tell Carol's been stirring it and vows to get rid of her. Sunita visits Dev at their new house. He tries...

Nov 20, 2005
Fred is furious when Rosie and Craig chain themselves to his butcher's shop door to protest against cruelty to animals. Rosie hides the padlock key down her cleavage. Carol's having a miserable time withdrawing from alcohol and vents her anger on Frankie and Jamie. Frankie doesn't know how much more abuse she can take. Sally arrives armed with bolt-cutters to sort out Rosie and Craig's protest. She cuts through the protesters' chain, narrowly missing Rosie's fingers and promises to think hard about Rosie's punishment. Fiz cooks Kirk his favourite dinner but Molly ...

Nov 20, 2005
Jason tries to make out to David that he's there to inspect some shelves. David's not fooled and tries to blackmail Jason. Jason back-peddles over finishing with Violet but Sarah leans heavily on him. Bev gently suggests that Sunita may need Dev around once the babies are born, but Sunita is adamant that she can't trust him anymore. Sarah lures Jason into the ginnel and seduces him - he can't keep his hands off her. David succeeds in blackmailing a guilty Jason out of £20 to keep quiet. Fiz tries to make Kirk see that Molly is coming between them, but Kirk is ...

Nov 20, 2005
Fiz tries to please Kirk by bringing him a shirt she's washed and ironed. Her plan backfires when Kirk erupts, saying she's even trying to tell him what to wear now. Norris insists on giving Dev marital advice. Dev is left feeling worse than ever. Keith is livid to hear that every one of the Christmas pork orders has been cancelled. Emily was one of Keith's customers. She tells Sally that she admires Rosie for the courage of her convictions and she'll go far in life. Dev is choked up as Tracy enjoys goading him about his failed marriage. Tyrone tells Fiz that ...

Nov 22, 2005
Gail is annoyed with Phil for telling the policewoman the truth about David picking the fight with Jason. Phil tells her that David needs to take responsibility for his own actions. They row while a pleased David sits at the top of the stairs listening. Violet is sure that there's something Jason isn't telling her and confides in Eileen who warns her son to stay away from the Platts. Deirdre tries to convince Sunita not to give up on Dev but she throws her out. David tells Gail and Phil that the reason he was fighting with Jason is that Jason said he was glad that ...

Nov 22, 2005
Gail's fraught - she can't believe that Sarah is getting mixed up with the Grimshaws again. Violet can't work out why David attacked Jason. Jason points out that David has been through a lot lately, which may explain things. The midwife tells Sunita that she's fine, but she has to take things easier. Sarah pesters Jason to finish with Violet. Claire hears Amy still coughing and tells Deirdre that she thinks she may have whooping cough. Deirdre immediately rushes Amy off to hospital. Cilla insists to Fiz that she was faithful on holiday. Yana later confides that Cilla ...

Nov 24, 2005
Violet stays at the Rovers, where she receives tea and sympathy from Shelley and Sunita. Fred scuttles away from the anti-men environment of the back room. Kirk asks Molly if it's okay to see Fiz again now. Molly's horrified and tells him that the only way to break Fiz's cycle of abuse is to dump her. Sarah snogs Jason and points out that she's there for him, and Violet's not. Fiz tells Cilla that now that she's lost her wiles with men, she'd better grab hold of Les as she's not likely to get anyone else. Audrey's disappointed in Sarah when Betty tells her how upset ...

Nov 26, 2005
Claire persuades Ashley to keep his training date with Nathan, and to vent his anger with Tracy out on a punch bag. Tracy insists on going with Nathan to training. At Ashley's insistence, she leaves, but not before throwing a few more insults on her way out. There's been a last-minute cancellation at the register office. Les drags Cilla away from her work at the chippy - they've got an hour to get there. Ashley gets even more worked up when Nathan tries to defend Tracy's behaviour. Molly is about to kiss Kirk when Les interrupts to drag his best man to the wedding. ...

Nov 27, 2005
Ashley's in hospital. He doesn't know yet if he's still got his sight. Diggory asks Liz to accompany him to the Weatherfield Traders' Association annual dinner dance but she refuses. Diggory tells Molly that she'll have to accompany him instead. Danny buys Frankie a huge bouquet of flowers for the twentieth anniversary of when he proposed. She's unimpressed. Tracy, unaware Ashley's in hospital, jokingly suggests that she and Claire should have a boxing match. Claire dislikes Tracy even more. Carol's completed her first shift at the bookies and managed to go without a ...

Nov 27, 2005
Frankie's not impressed with Danny's balloon and insists he take it down. Claire has a go at Nathan for punching Ashley. Nathan's guilt-ridden. Feeling humiliated Danny gets the balloon down from the factory roof. On Fiz's instructions Kirk goes to sack Molly but she not only manages to talk him out of it but gets a pay rise into the bargain. Fiz is not happy at this result. Danny's furious with Mike when he finds out Mike's forgotten to bank an important cheque. Mike denies all knowledge of it. Nathan visits Ashley and apologises to him. Ashley's understanding ...

Nov 29, 2005
Penny finds the missing cheque in Mike's pocket. He has no recollection of putting it there. Penny's concerned about him. Bev tells Emily she's going to the Weatherfield Traders' Association dinner dance with Fred and suggests Emily should go with Norris. She likes the idea. Ashley's eye dressing is removed. Ashley's distraught to find he's blind in that eye. The Ophthalmologist placates him saying there's an 80% chance he'll regain his vision. Audrey gives Keith a new suit but pretends she bought it in a charity shop to save his pride. Penny tries to talk to Danny ...

Dec 01, 2005
Rita and Norris, Fred and Bev, Diggory and Liz leave for the Weatherfield Traders' Association dinner dance. Emily feels sorry for herself at being left behind. Keith discovers Audrey lied about the suit and it's a new one. Telling her he's not a charity case, he storms off refusing to go to the dance. Carol's trying to poison Frankie against Danny but it's not working. Frankie admits to Eileen and Deirdre she still loves Danny and although she can't forgive him she wants to give him one more chance. At the dance Norris refers to Rita as his partner to her ...

Dec 03, 2005
Frankie's about to tell Jamie about Danny and Leanne but stops herself. Sally's doing her best to stop Sophie from seeing Nicolette and insists they go on a family picnic. But when they return Nicolette turns up anyway. Claire tries to look after Ashley but her fussing annoys him and they end up rowing. Bev and Fred are coy with each other but both secretly fancy each other. Mike's embarrassed when Danny has it out with him over the lost cheque. Nathan feels uncomfortable going in the Rovers but brazen Tracy enjoys winding everyone up. Penny's upset when she catches ...

Dec 04, 2005
Keith tells Craig and Rosie that self-respect if the most important thing in life. Danny calls round to see if Frankie's okay. Carol's vitriolic and enjoys pointing out how he's dumped Frankie for a younger model just like he did with her. Leanne's hopeful when Jamie phones her saying they need to talk. Frankie calls Danny a lying cheat and slams the door in his face. Diggory's getting fed up with Liz who turns up for work late having been out all night with Vernon Tomlin and then spends the day gossiping on her mobile. Tracy accuses Nathan of spending the night with ...

Dec 04, 2005
Keith starts his paper round. Audrey persuades him to meet her for a drink later. Danny and Leanne arrive in the Rovers to find Frankie and Jamie already there. Frankie finds out that Jamie had Leanne round to the house. She feels betrayed by him and leaves the pub upset. Diggory sacks Liz for letting her love life get in the way of her job. Frankie's inconsolable. Jamie apologises saying he was only warning Leanne away from Danny. Frankie and Jamie cry on each other's shoulders. Carol eavesdrops from the stairs. Liz confides in Deirdre how much she likes Vernon and ...

Dec 06, 2005
Sophie brings Nicolette back home for lunch. Nicolette's rude to Sally about the food she serves up. After an eye examination Ashley's delighted to find his sight is starting to return. Steve's annoyed to get a letter from Karen's solicitor demanding half of all his possessions as part of her divorce settlement. Carol enjoys showing off to Frankie that she's got a date with her boss. Frankie's feeling low having been to see a solicitor about her divorce. Leanne swans into the factory loaded down with shopping bags. Sally and Kelly tell her what they think of her. ...

Dec 08, 2005
Tracy's spent the night with Charlie. She enjoys rubbing Nathan's nose in it. Ken and Deirdre are appalled at Tracy's behaviour. Fred receives an invite to the annual brewery dinner dance. Shelley and Bev have a wager on who he'll invite. Bev fixes it so he ends up inviting both of them. Both Gail and Eileen independently refuse to let Jason and Sarah use their houses as neither approves of the relationship. Steve is still feeling hurt over Ronnie wanting to move out but she assures him she doesn't want them to finish. Frankie's broke and at Eileen's suggestion asks ...

Dec 10, 2005
Danny hears from Frankie's solicitor. Keith entertains Audrey at Number 6. Violet, Shelley and Sunita take revenge on their ex-partners during a girls' night in. Mike reveals a problem with an order for Underworld.

Dec 11, 2005
Mike and Adam decide to increase security at the factory by checking the workers' bags. Audrey and Keith's night of passion becomes the talk of the street. Frankie finds a wad of money belonging to Carol.

Dec 11, 2005
Hayley looks to her colleagues for support following her dismissal. Carol's date turns sour. Sunita decides to move out of the Rovers. Jason is plagued by nuisance phone calls.

Dec 13, 2005
Penny worries about Mike's state of mind when he cannot remember sacking Hayley. Shelley frets about Bev's friendship with Fred. Lloyd sets off to arrange a bank loan. Rosie and Craig prepare for the Oakhill ball.

Dec 15, 2005
Dev is unamused when Amber turns up at the shop demanding answers. Gail discovers that David has been playing truant from school. Kelly celebrates a surprise windfall.

Dec 17, 2005
Sally is writing Christmas cards. Rosie tells her that most families at Oakhill School have pre-printed ones. Keith and Audrey agree to visit the Christmas market in Salford. Keith suggests they walk there to save money but Audrey insists they take a taxi. Carol makes snide comments to Frankie about the way she's decorated the Christmas tree. When Jamie admires it, Carol passes it off as her own handiwork. David shows Gail no respect which annoys Phil. When Phil asks him how he'd feel if they had Christmas dinner together, David's just dismissive at the notion. Kelly ...

Dec 18, 2005
Keith and Audrey catch Craig trying to sneak Rosie out of the back door. Both Rosie and Audrey make a sharp exit while Keith demands an explanation from Craig. Craig admits to Keith he's sleeping with Rosie but defends their actions saying they're in love and have been going out for eighteen months. Charlie suggests he and Tracy should spend Christmas together. When Keith suggests he might turn a blind eye to Craig and Rosie's having sex, Audrey's appalled, citing Sarah's teenage pregnancy as the reason they must put a stop to it. Rosie is scared stiff when Imogen ...

Dec 18, 2005
Audrey spells out to Rosie that she's underage and what she's doing with Craig is illegal. David's furious to find Phil moving in. He doesn't believe his flat is flooded and resolves to go and check it out. Sophie wants a Blossom booster bra for Christmas. Rosie takes the mickey. Eric Talford tries to persuade Carol to have Christmas dinner with him in a posh hotel but she insists she wants to spend Christmas with Jamie. Dev's annoyed that Amber's been telling everyone he's her dad. Whilst getting her hair done Sally tells Audrey what a great relationship she has with...

Dec 20, 2005
Jack wants to buy Vera a decent Christmas present after last year's fiasco. He sees an advert for artists' models and decides to apply in order to get himself some spare cash. Gail gives Phil a set of keys to No.8. Audrey insists Keith and Craig must have Christmas dinner at Gail's with her. Craig's crying on Rosie's shoulder having visited his mum in prison. Phil has a cup of tea at Eileen's house. They chat and he realises how much he enjoys her company. Hilary Sanders interviews Jack for the artists' model job. She likes the fact he looks "lived in" and pays him ...

Dec 22, 2005
The factory workers try to convince Danny and Mike to let them off early so they can go for Christmas drinks. Mike's bought a diamond engagement ring. Street Cars is hectic. Ronnie complains to Steve they're ships that pass in the night. Carol's upset that Jamie sees his present early - a ring engraved "love from mum". He says he likes it, but his face falls when she suggests they move in together. Frankie's fuming as Danny winds her up. He tells her he'll miss her over Christmas. Rita and Emily go to Reverend Ashbourne's final service, Emily says farewell to the ...

Dec 24, 2005
Carol's drunken scene and Mike's failing memory provide the Baldwins with an eventful Christmas. Tracy resents the presence of interlopers at the Barlows' family dinner. Cilla's turkey emergency leads to disaster.

Dec 25, 2005
Adam thinks Mike will be fine but Penny tells him she can't go on pretending that's true. Steve won't drop the subject of the money - Ronnie tells him it won't be a problem. Mike and Viv brush off yesterday's events when Penny brings it up. Danny and Leanne discuss Mike and Alzheimer's. Danny worries about the factory. Steve's thinking about Karen and last year's events. Liz worries about him. Sophie's still after a booster bra but Sally's adamant she's too young. Jamie tells Frankie that Mike freaked him out yesterday. He then finds Carol's not in her room. He says ...

Dec 25, 2005
Penny's worried about Mike and thinks he might have Alzheimers. Mike buys another engagement ring and sneaks it into the flat. Carol disappears and Jamie's worried sick about her. Vera phones Hilary Sanders, the artist who gave Jack £200. She rants and raves down the phone, telling her to keep her hands off Jack. Sophie's still in a sulk over not being allowed a booster bra. Vernon's got a gig at the Weatherfield Palace. Liz ends up lugging all the kit again. Hilary pays Jack and Vera a visit. She manages to win Vera round by suggesting she does a painting of both of ...

Dec 27, 2005
Ronnie books a holiday in the Caribbean for her and Steve. When Tracy finds out she asks Charlie to book them a holiday at the same time. With Carol's nasty thoughts ringing in his ears, Jamie starts to look at Frankie in a new light and realises how attractive she is. Frankie's oblivious. Carol goes to work hung-over and gets the sack. Penny goes to visit her sick mother leaving Adam to look after Mike. Sally, Kelly, Fiz and Janice talk about Sophie wanting a booster bra and when they first got a bra. Hayley feels left out. Conniving Tracy gets Steve to agree to have...

Dec 29, 2005
With Sally and Kevin's attention devoted to keeping Rosie incarcerated, Sophie is feeling neglected. Penny returns from visiting her mother and is taken for a meal by Mike. Liz is worried about being apart from Vernon, but Bev has an idea.
Coronation Street Season 47 (2005) is released on Jan 01, 2005 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Helen Worth.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.