Episodes (105)

Episode #1.319
S1964E01 · Episode #1.319

Dec 31, 1963

Elsie determines to see Laurie before he returns to London. Val gets tired of Dave's presence and asks Ken when he's going to go. She snaps at Dave when he tries to be pleasant to her. Walter feels sorry for the way Dennis has been treated and offers him his salary from a gig but it's refused. Laurie tells Elsie that Dennis had to go because he didn't open the office over Christmas, losing them eleven bookings. Annie overhears Joan on the phone telling Gordon she can't return because Annie is ill and might have to go into hospital. Frank notices that Annie is ...

Episode #1.320
S1964E02 · Episode #1.320

Jan 05, 1964

With a new roundabout being built, all the town's traffic is diverted down Rosamund Street. With Emily away, Myra helps at Gamma Garments. Elsie puts pressure on Dennis to get a job. Jack thinks Joan should be sent home. Joan tells Concepta that Gordon is against them having children and won't let her work. He treats her like a child. Dennis plans to open a club but no one will back him. Jack tells Joan she must stand against the Davies' and makes her see that her marriage will not be a bed of roses. She agrees to return to Gordon. Elsie is shocked when Dennis agrees ...

Episode #1.321
S1964E03 · Episode #1.321

Jan 07, 1964

Lucille is delighted when Harry tells her she can go to Walter's concert at the Palais. Ken goes after promotion as Head of English on an extra £150 a year. Dennis gets the job at Amalgamated Steel. The Hewitts worry that Christopher's coughing will get worse living in the Street. Ken argues for a crossing on Rosamund Street. Val thinks he's putting his promotion in jeopardy.

Episode #1.322
S1964E04 · Episode #1.322

Jan 12, 1964

Dennis starts work in the loading bay at Amalgamated Steel. After the concert, Walter has a load of screaming fans outside No.11. Lucille is furious when Jennifer Knott is photographed in the paper as President of Walter's fan club. Walter's fans kiss Elsie's front door. Elsie is amazed when Walter's record sells 100,000 with him getting two and a half pennies for each one. Walter doesn't think he can cope with success. Len gets annoyed when the Barlows keep chasing him to get the flat ready for Dave. Laurie tells Elsie he's planning to open a nightclub in Elliston's ...

Episode #1.323
S1964E05 · Episode #1.323

Jan 14, 1964

Lucille is so concerned with Walter that she forgets Concepta's birthday. The fans hold fort outside No.11. When they chalk "I love Brett" over the Vestry, Ena demands their removal and is shocked when Lucille defies her. Florrie puts an application in for a sub-Post Office. Lucille prepares for battle against Jennifer Knott. Ena opposes the club venture. Swindley tells Laurie he will fight him over the plans. Harry is horrified when Lucille has "Brett Falcon Fan Club President" tattooed on her arm.

Episode #1.324
S1964E06 · Episode #1.324

Jan 19, 1964

Walter has a photographic session for publicity pictures. Harry continues to rage at Lucille for the tattoo. He throws the Photographer out of his house when he asks for permission to shoot pictures of Lucille in her position of president of Brett Falcon's fan club and threatens Walter with violence for the bother he's causing. Walter is distraught and subdued with Dennis. He is unable to go anywhere without being chased by screaming girls. Concepta worries over Lucille. Val rows with Ken when he and Dave write to the papers over the lack of a school crossing. She ...

Episode #1.325
S1964E07 · Episode #1.325

Jan 21, 1964

With the national papers reporting the news of Walter's tour, the Street fills with screaming fans. Walter doesn't want to go as he'd rather stay with the Tanners. Laurie makes him realise if he wants success he must accept his fans and do the tour. Florrie plans to change the Corner Shop round, moving the door to stop the draughts. Dennis smuggles Walter out of No. 11 and off to Cannes dressed in his old window cleaning clothes. Walter gives him money to have a bathroom installed in the house.

Episode #1.326
S1964E08 · Episode #1.326

Jan 26, 1964

Ken is summoned to the Education Officer. Val tells Dave he's not wanted in her house. He tells her how lonely he is and they are puzzled by the fact that they are talking for the first time. Susan Schofield is knocked down outside Bessie Street School and is rushed unconscious to hospital. Dave blames himself as he was getting the children across the road. Whilst Ken gets angry with the Council, Val tries to comfort Dave. Susan dies in hospital.

Episode #1.327
S1964E09 · Episode #1.327

Jan 28, 1964

Ken gets a television producer friend interested in the crossing story. Laurie offers £750 to Len to sort out the alterations for the club. Len wants the work but doesn't want to run around Laurie. Dave refuses to do the television interview so Ken agrees to do it, but without the school's permission.

Episode #1.328
S1964E10 · Episode #1.328

Feb 02, 1964

Dennis can't sleep during days after his night-shift work at Amalgamated Steel. Walter sends him a letter from the south of France telling how well he's doing. Dennis worries that he'll be fired if he's late for work again. The club is granted a licence, depressing Swindley and causing Ena to tell him he's useless. He tells Emily he's not giving up. Ken tells Dave he's not been given the job of head of department because of the television interview. He dreads telling Val. Dennis goes to work thinking he's on time but the clock in No. 11 has stopped and he's half an ...

Episode #1.329
S1964E11 · Episode #1.329

Feb 04, 1964

Ken accuses Val of failing to understand him, prompting her to seek comfort from Dave. Dennis is warned that he faces the sack if he makes another mistake. Swindley is dealt a final blow in his battle against the nightclub.

Episode #1.330
S1964E12 · Episode #1.330

Feb 09, 1964

Frank tells Ken he doesn't blame Val for walking out. Dave is alarmed when Val tells him she should have married him, not Ken. She tells Frank she intends to stay with Dave. Len takes up with machinist Joyce Lennox, to Elsie's amazement. Ken confronts Dave and Val. When Dave tells him he doesn't want Val, Ken takes her home.

Episode #1.331
S1964E13 · Episode #1.331

Feb 11, 1964

Frank gives Dave a week's notice to vacate the flat - he's closing it up. Elsie refuses to ask Laurie for a job for Dennis. Frank realises Dave didn't lure Val away but Dave refuses to let him retake the notice. Val agrees to go away on holiday with Ken. Laurie promises Dennis a job when the club opens. Annie tells Swindley that Emily has sold Laurie one hundred metres of velvet curtains for the club. Swindley refuses to believe her.

Episode #1.332
S1964E14 · Episode #1.332

Feb 16, 1964

Eddie Thomas starts as Len's apprentice. Lucille falls for him. Emily has to cancel the velvets from the warehouse without Swindley knowing about them. She is too late and the order is processed. When she tells Swindley he stands by his principles and refuses to hold the order. Len shocks everyone by taking Joyce Lennox out.

Episode #1.333
S1964E15 · Episode #1.333

Feb 18, 1964

Swindley tells Laurie his curtain order is cancelled. He will not handle Laurie's tainted money. Laurie throws him out of the club. Swindley accuses Emily of being against him and lying to him. Laurie offers Martha a job as cleaner at the club. Harry warns Len that Joyce Lennox is just after his money. Mr Papagopolous refuses to cancel the order. When Swindley shouts at Emily, Ena stands up for her. Swindley realises he has to apologise to Laurie.

Episode #1.334
S1964E16 · Episode #1.334

Feb 23, 1964

The Barlows return from their holiday reconciled. Len is amazed to discover Joyce Lennox is a friend of Eddie's. Laurie gets hold of some cheaper curtains, to Swindley's horror. Emily breaks down when Swindley tells her she is completely lacking in judgement and sense. Swindley has twenty-four hours in which to get rid of the curtains. Emily begs Laurie to take them back but he refuses. Lucille agrees to go out with Eddie.

Episode #1.335
S1964E17 · Episode #1.335

Feb 25, 1964

Swindley misses a PPOP meeting and is dropped as candidate for the elections. Emily is shocked when he comes to work dressed scruffily. Jerry and Eddie work in the Corner Shop as Len organises the work at the club. Elsie tells Len everyone thinks he's a dirty old man but he tells her to mind her own business. Swindley frightens Emily by showing signs of a breakdown. Ken and Val try too hard to be nice to each other. Harry and Concepta are pleased when Lucille ask their permission before going out with Eddie. Emily goes in search of Swindley when misses a meeting with ...

Episode #1.336
S1964E18 · Episode #1.336

Mar 01, 1964

Swindley packs his belongings from the shop in the night and leaves, with the shop door still open. Florrie worries that the Corner Shop will never be finished. Emily finds Swindley at home, worrying about rationing and a childhood book - he's had a breakdown.

Episode #1.337
S1964E19 · Episode #1.337

Mar 03, 1964

Dennis plans a party for Elsie's birthday. Emily summons Swindley's sister Hilda Barrett to take care of him. Martha agrees to clean the club. Dennis shows Elsie her present - a bath, paid for by Walter. Elsie decides to turn Linda's bedroom into the bathroom. Ena starts a collection for Swindley. Mr Papagopolous sends him flowers and fruit. He is taken home by his sister. Dennis presents Elsie with a birthday cake with forty-eight candles when she is only forty-one.

Episode #1.338
S1964E20 · Episode #1.338

Mar 08, 1964

Florrie gets flustered as the opening of the Post Office nears and she gets Len to fix some last-minute snags. Eddie arranges to go out with Lucille again. Myra orders some furniture from Frank. Jerry worries that she's spending too much money. Laurie tells Martha that he's appointing a manager to look after the running of the club. He refuses Dennis an advance on his wages. Florrie can't open tomorrow until she has an assistant - Myra agrees to have the job. Emily struggles alone at Gamma Garments. Lucille asks Elsie's advice as to what to wear on her date. Emily ...

Episode #1.339
S1964E21 · Episode #1.339

Mar 10, 1964

Florrie's new look shop/post office opens and Martha is her first customer. She draws her pension and buys a tin of best salmon. She invites Ena and Minnie to tea and they realise she is up to something. Dennis is late for his first day in the shop. Jerry is shamed in front of Myra into agreeing to the new furniture from Frank. Dennis turns up for work but can't remember where anything is stored and has to be reminded by the customers. Len winds him up by changing his order. Laurie and Len almost come to blows in the Rovers when Laurie insists the contract to work on ...

Episode #1.340
S1964E22 · Episode #1.340

Mar 15, 1964

Eddie is late for work and relieved that Len isn't there. Len takes his temper out on Dennis in the Corner Shop. Florrie has sacked Dennis eight times in two days but she still can't get rid of him. Albert makes arrangements to meet Ted. Annie gets annoyed when Ted disparages the area. Albert invites him to see his allotment. Having heard from Ted all about Australia, Minnie decides she wants a koala bear. Martha follows Ted to the allotments and finds out his farm is 30,000 acres large. She is also delighted to discover he is a widower. Ted tells her she should join ...

Episode #1.341
S1964E23 · Episode #1.341

Mar 17, 1964

Ken is hung-over after his and Val's night out but remains coy about what he is celebrating. Albert also has a hangover after his night out with Ted Ashley. Martha tells the Walkers she's going to have a few days off as she's going to London. Laurie is impatient with the amount of time Len and his lads have taken over the club conversion. Laurie tells Len to tell Joyce Lennox there's a job for her at the club. Len sarcastically passes the message on to Eddie. Dennis's work at the Corner Shop has improved. Martha withdraws her savings for her fare to London though she ...

Episode #1.342
S1964E24 · Episode #1.342

Mar 22, 1964

Florrie advertises for an assistant for £5 a week. Len riles Jerry about his weight. They decide to have a walking race with a £5 wager. Whilst Jerry goes into training, Len has to be pushed into it. They both want to drop the race but Ena pushes them to keep it.

Episode #1.343
S1964E25 · Episode #1.343

Mar 24, 1964

Irma Ogden is interviewed for the job at the shop. The Street turns out to watch the race. Jerry leads after the first lap. He pretends he's torn a ligament so he and Len can tie and Len won't be shown up. Dennis is horrified to meet Gus Lowman, the new manager of the club.

Episode #1.344
S1964E26 · Episode #1.344

Mar 29, 1964

Elsie returns from Blackpool having watched the croupier tables there and had her hair done. Dennis is stressed about the Viaduct Sporting Club opening. Elsie is annoyed when Laurie doesn't notice her hair. Myra wants to go to the club opening but Jerry refuses as he wants to do nothing for Easter Monday. Ken asks Jerry to put up some shelves but he lends him his tools to do the job himself. Ena and Minnie drops hints to Annie that Martha won't be returning from London but marrying Ted Ashley and going to Australia. Martha returns alone from London and hides at home. ...

Episode #1.345
S1964E27 · Episode #1.345

Mar 31, 1964

The ceiling is repaired and the club is readied for opening. Annie thinks the days of the Rovers being busy are over. Ena and Minnie can't get an answer from Martha. Elsie and Dennis gets smartened up for the opening. Dennis tries to give her tips as to how to handle the customers for a portion of her tips but she's dismissive of his efforts. Ken and Val ask Jerry and Myra to go to the club opening with them but only Myra accepts. Unseen, she dips into the housekeeping money to fund the night. Martha finally lets Ena and Minnie into her house. Ena guesses that Martha ...

Episode #1.346
S1964E28 · Episode #1.346

Apr 05, 1964

Ken starts teaching at night school to get ahead of his pupils. Elsie decides to leave the club. Rosemary tells her that Laurie has lots of other women and she doesn't mind but Elsie refuses to play their games. Myra wants a foreign holiday and thinks of taking a job at the club. Dennis fears that he will be sacked over Elsie. Emily tries to get the residents to boost the congregation at the Mission. To the residents' delight, Elsie throws all the presents Laurie has brought her at him in the Street.

Episode #1.347
S1964E29 · Episode #1.347

Apr 07, 1964

Elsie refuses to listen to Laurie's excuses. He tells Dennis he's not blaming him. Myra's fitted furniture arrives to Jerry's horror. He refuses to let her take a job. Irma starts work for Florrie. The Frazers leave the Street and return to London, with Gus Lowman running the club. A man called Stuart Hodges will be taking over the Mission of Glad Tidings from Swindley. Emily worries that the low turn-out at services will cause him to recommend the closure of the Mission.

Episode #1.348
S1964E30 · Episode #1.348

Apr 12, 1964

Ken starts at Granston Technical College. Emily discovers that Stuart will be arriving to give his first sermon on Sunday. Myra tries to put the furniture together but bodges it. Ken finds it hard teaching teenagers after the Bessie Street kids. Florrie warns Myra that her slate is nearly £2. Gus refuses to give Elsie membership of the club. She tells Dennis that she's thinking of going to live in Canada with the Cheveskis.

Episode #1.349
S1964E31 · Episode #1.349

Apr 14, 1964

Ena press-gangs the residents into going to the service. Frank demands £25 for the repayment for the furniture. Stuart Hodges turns up and Emily falls for him.

Episode #1.350
S1964E32 · Episode #1.350

Apr 19, 1964

Myra only pays Frank back £20. Stuart tells Emily he plans to see the Mission of Glad Tidings bursting, not close it. He wants to brighten up the Mission. Myra puts the £5 down on a deposit for a holiday. Val thinks of joining the congregation when she sees Stuart. The Representative from the hire purchase company tells Jerry that Myra hasn't paid the last two months' instalments. Martha finds it hard work coping with two jobs. Jerry discovers Myra has not paid the mortgage for three months. She tells Jerry she is pregnant.

Episode #1.351
S1964E33 · Episode #1.351

Apr 21, 1964

Martha goes to Lily's to look after the children and Minnie stands in for her at the Rovers and the Viaduct Sporting Club. Stuart wins Ena over by helping her wash the Mission walls. Jerry is horrified when Myra continues to spend on hire purchase. Myra tells Jerry the £20 she paid Frank was from her dad. He tells her they owe £85. She breaks down and he tells her that he'll take over the payments to sort them out. Gus leaves Minnie on her own at the club where she has an accident whilst cleaning the stairs.

Episode #1.352
S1964E34 · Episode #1.352

Apr 26, 1964

Stuart and Dennis find Minnie at the bottom of the stairs, having fallen through the bannisters. Len grows annoyed as Laurie doesn't pay him for the work at the club. Minnie is taken to hospital, Ena plans to sue Laurie. Jerry refuses to do foreigners to get more money, not knowing that the electric bill has arrived. Gus gives £10 to Dennis to bribe Minnie with but then discovers that it's Len's fault, not theirs.

Episode #1.353
S1964E35 · Episode #1.353

Apr 28, 1964

Minnie convalesces with Ena with her torn ligament. Jerry asks Len for a rise but Len tells him he hasn't been paid by Laurie yet. The Booths' electricity is cut off for not paying the bill. Stuart arranges a holiday for Minnie at the seaside. Len lends Jerry £3 to pay the electricity. Stuart calls in a solicitor to sort out Minnie's claim. Wormold is annoyed that Len vouched for Jerry over the mortgage.

Episode #1.354
S1964E36 · Episode #1.354

May 03, 1964

Myra is refused credit in the Corner Shop. Val insists Ken buys a car rather than them going on holiday. Harry tries to help the Booths manage their money but they still can't afford to pay the money they owe.

Episode #1.355
S1964E37 · Episode #1.355

May 05, 1964

Jerry refuses charity from the neighbours. Elsie tells Irma she's welcome to use their bath. Jerry rows with Len when he tells him Myra wears the trousers. He asks Jack to lend him £80 but is turned down. Dennis walks in on Irma's bath, to Elsie's amusement. Frank gets drunk and breaks the news that he has won £5,000 on the premium bonds.

Episode #1.356
S1964E38 · Episode #1.356

May 10, 1964

Frank starts throwing his weight about the Street. Martha is invited to Spain with the family for a holiday - her first trip abroad. Len is sued by Minnie's solicitor. He has no orders coming in and has to sack Eddie and Jerry. George Dickinson agrees to pay the Booths' debts if they'll live with him. Myra blames it on Jerry not earning enough. Jerry gives up and agrees to everything George and Myra says. Len settles out of court and gives Ena £50.

Episode #1.357
S1964E39 · Episode #1.357

May 12, 1964

Martha excitedly collects her passport from the labour exchange. Frank organises a party for his friends at the Rovers in order to make a special announcement. Jerry finishes work at the builders' yard.

Episode #1.358
S1964E40 · Episode #1.358

May 17, 1964

Ena lays out Martha's body in the vestry for people to pay their respects. The Haddons sort through her belongings at Mawdsley Street. Minnie returns and learns the tragic news.

Episode #1.359
S1964E41 · Episode #1.359

May 19, 1964

A wreath is delivered to the Vestry where within Ena readies the funeral tea with Emily and Minnie's help. Frank shows off his riches by buying an expensive wreath. Ena forces Florrie to assist with the preparations. Annie swanks around in her new black outfit for the funeral. Concepta works in the Rovers to enable the Walkers to attend the funeral. Annie thinks Elsie's new funeral outfit with black hair veil is overdone. The residents go to the Glad Tidings Mission Hall for the funeral and Ena and Minnie gather their courage for the service which Stuart is to conduct...

Episode #1.360
S1964E42 · Episode #1.360

May 24, 1964

Annie is in a somewhat maudlin mood as she sweeps outside the Rovers but is cheered up when Albert tells her she's in the prime of her life. Elsie is in a similar mood but doesn't receive any such compliments from Dennis. Swindley returns to Gamma Garments. He approves of how Emily has run the shop in his absence and she is euphoric that he is back. Charlie moves his belongings, including his pigeons, into the street on a handcart and leaves it outside the Rovers while he takes Albert in for a drink. Albert recalls seeing Charlie's act at Platt Fields. Charlie has ...

Episode #1.361
S1964E43 · Episode #1.361

May 26, 1964

Emily is prim towards Len when he slaps her bottom when she is up a ladder in the shop. She asks for an explanation and is told that he wouldn't do the same to Ena. She feels insulted, thinking that he looks on her as being a frump but he manages to cheer her up. Annie worries about Minnie as she hasn't seen her since the funeral and Albert agrees to check on her. Charlie has spent the night on three chairs at the club. Both Annie and Albert refuse him digs but Annie thinks it would be a good idea for him to lodge with Minnie. Frank calls into Gamma to say his ...

Episode #1.362
S1964E44 · Episode #1.362

May 31, 1964

Val and Concepta lament how little they see of their husbands. Minnie finds it hard to cope with Charlie's dog, Little Titch, who doesn't seem to like her. She looks through things that used to belong to Martha and starts to get maudlin. Elsie comes home from work sick. Exotic dancer, Pip Mistral, calls on Charlie and invites him to a party on Sunday for the birthday of one of her friend's at their flat. She asks him to supply the men. Emily asks Swindley round for a meal under the guise of making a meal for a competition she has entered. Len happily agrees to join ...

Episode #1.363
S1964E45 · Episode #1.363

Jun 02, 1964

Len and Harry buy new clothes for the party. Concepta and Val have fallen for the story about the regimental do. Elsie gets in some new dresses for Emily to try on to compliment her new look. Ken feels guilty about going to the party. Concepta doesn't realise that Harry has dosed himself with aftershave and thinks it's Lucille's cheap scent. Lucille finds it funny when she realises that Harry has used her Christmas present on himself. Emily invites Swindley round for a meal on Monday. He reluctantly accepts. Len collects Charlie so the menfolk can have a few drinks ...

Episode #1.364
S1964E46 · Episode #1.364

Jun 07, 1964

The men tell Val and Concepta about the strippers. Irma offers to help Jack out in the Rovers in the evenings with Annie away. Emily entertains Leonard Swindley with a romantic meal. She proposes to him but he refuses and runs out.

Episode #1.365
S1964E47 · Episode #1.365

Jun 09, 1964

Charlie's act doesn't go down very well at the club. Emily resigns from Gamma Garments as she feels she can't work alongside Swindley. She tells everyone she's leaving the district for good. Len is amused that Emily is interested in Swindley and advises him to go for it. Val is hurt that Ken had an intelligent conversation with Pip Mistral - she'd have rather he'd kissed her. Jack shows Irma the ropes at the Rovers. Charlie tells Dennis he won't make it in show business. Swindley has a drink with Jack and decides to accept Emily's proposal. He calls at Emily's flat ...

Episode #1.366
S1964E48 · Episode #1.366

Jun 14, 1964

Ken gets a scooter. Annie isn't sure about having Irma working in the Rovers. Charlie has Dennis climbing onto the roofs looking for his pigeon, Sambo.

Episode #1.367
S1964E49 · Episode #1.367

Jun 16, 1964

Concepta is summoned to Ireland when her father falls ill again. Harry and Christopher go with her and the Barlows take Lucille in. Jack refuses to sack Irma just to please Annie. Len is paid for the work he did at the club. Ena feels pushed out by Charlie. Elsie discovers Dennis has given up his job. She tells him to pack and leave but he tells her that he's written off to get a trade in ladies' hairdressing.

Episode #1.368
S1964E50 · Episode #1.368

Jun 21, 1964

Emily insists that Swindley takes her to choose an engagement ring. Val refuses to give Lucille a new hairstyle while the Hewitts are away. Dennis convinces Elsie to fund his hairdressing course.

Episode #1.369
S1964E51 · Episode #1.369

Jun 23, 1964

Val tells Dennis that Lucille could easily have lost her hair and that it'll take three hours to get it back to how it was. Elsie gets an evening job, but is mysterious about it. Lucille likes her hair but Val redoes it for her at great expense. Albert starts to organise the Over 60's Club bazaar. Anni has an accident in the cellar, getting her arm jammed under a barrel. Mr Nugent refuses to attend the wedding.

Episode #1.370
S1964E52 · Episode #1.370

Jun 28, 1964

Elsie stays coy with Len over her new job. Annie is upset about the bad language she has heard from the building site at Rosamund Street. She assumes customer Stan Ogden is one of the builders but he tells her that he's a lorry driver.

Episode #1.371
S1964E53 · Episode #1.371

Jul 07, 1964

Irma frets as her parents haggle with Wormold over a price for Number 13. Len visits Swindley to be measured for his best man's suit. Ken advises Florrie to send back the wage packet.

Episode #1.372
S1964E54 · Episode #1.372

Jul 12, 1964

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Episode #1.373
S1964E55 · Episode #1.373

Jul 14, 1964

Jack gets prepared to give Emily away. Swindley has a hangover and is very nervous. Concepta, Val, Annie, Ena, Minnie, Hilda, Stan and Charlie wait in the Mission Hall with Stuart, Lucille is bridesmaid, Ken and Harry are ushers. Emily tells Jack she can't go through with it because he knows it's wrong. The wedding is cancelled. Swindley knows that Emily did the right thing. He feels that she has spoken for both of them. He goes to the honeymoon hotel in Abersoch alone.

Episode #1.374
S1964E56 · Episode #1.374

Jul 19, 1964

Emily goes to Wakefield for a rest, after sending the wedding presents back. Three riggers, Duffer, Dan and Joss, descend on the Street trying to make trouble. When they insult Ena, Len stands up for her. They challenge him and two mates to a fight that evening. Harry can't help Len as he has to arrange for the family to go to Ireland again. Annie removes her miniatures from display, anticipating the fight. Charlie, Ken and Gus back out of helping Len. He refuses not to fight and faces the riggers alone. Annie dials 999.

Episode #1.375
S1964E57 · Episode #1.375

Jul 21, 1964

Emily appears to be having second thoughts as she prepares to depart for the Mission. Swindley and the other men are feeling the worse for wear following his stag night. Trevor tries to sell packets of rice to the wedding guests.

Episode #1.376
S1964E58 · Episode #1.376

Jul 26, 1964

Elsie refuses to tell Dennis what her job is. Hilda plans to get a job to help Stan out. Ena advises Dennis to follow Elsie when she goes to work. Stan asks Len for a job but he has no training. Dennis follows Elsie to the School of Design. He watches as she poses for art students.

Episode #1.377
S1964E59 · Episode #1.377

Jul 28, 1964

Dennis is upset that men ogle at Elsie as she poses at the night school. Ena tells him it's his duty to shame her. The residents take precautions after a lot of burglaries in the area. Len offers Trevor an apprenticeship but he wants to make money. Dennis decides to pack in hairdressing so that Elsie won't have to pay for his course and he writes a letter of resignation. Elsie tells Dennis her posing is harmless and tears up the resignation. Irma gets Hilda the cleaning job at the Rovers. Ena is disturbed at night by an intruder in the Mission.

Episode #1.378
S1964E60 · Episode #1.378

Aug 02, 1964

Ena discovers Trevor stacking twelve bags of onions in the Mission of Glad Tidings. She agrees to let them stay overnight for 10% of his profits. The Irishman writes to Florrie to thank her. He says he wants to thank her personally. Art teacher David Graham completes his portrait of Elsie and is infatuated with it. Ena keeps Annie occupied as Irma opens the Rovers' cellar chute and Trevor pushes the onions down. David tells Elsie he can't cope with not seeing her all the time.

Episode #1.379
S1964E61 · Episode #1.379

Aug 04, 1964

Trevor finds a buyer for the onions. David is surprised to find Elsie has a son his age. He refuses to let the fact to spoil their affair. She tells him not to visit the Street and worries about his intensity. Ena and Hilda keep watch as Trevor shifts the onions. Annie catches them and when she threatens Trevor, Hilda rows with her. Annie sacks her and Irma. Trevor makes a profit of 10/- but Hilda, Ena and Irma take it.

Episode #1.380
S1964E62 · Episode #1.380

Aug 09, 1964

Harry agrees to take over Sean Riley's garage although he doesn't really want to. Concepta tells him that she's going to go, even if he refuses to. David calls on Elsie at Miami Modes. Dot thinks he's too young. Concepta decides to go to Ireland with Christopher. She tells Lucille she's tired of being treated as the wicked stepmother and that she should stick with Harry. Harry tells Lucille that they have to listen to Concepta. She realises he's now on Concepta's side. David gives Elsie his lucky charm necklace as a pledge.

Episode #1.381
S1964E63 · Episode #1.381

Aug 11, 1964

Lucille plans to move into Florrie's flat with Irma. Harry and Concepta are reconciled but realise that Lucille won't come with them. Elsie tells David not to crowd her. Dennis finds David's medallion and thinks it's for him. Emily returns to run Gamma Garments and Swindley takes over another branch on holiday relief. Annie tells Concepta that Lucille can stay at the Rovers. Harry gives his notice in. Jack reinstates the Ogdens. David turns up at No. 11 and is introduced to Dennis.

Episode #1.382
S1964E64 · Episode #1.382

Aug 16, 1964

Dennis goes for David but Elsie stops him. He feels upset and feels that Elsie is showing herself up. Elsie tells him that she's just mothering David. Ken writes a television script based on Elsie's anonymous letter saga. Dennis asks Ken to find out what sort of person David is. Harry gets Stan an interview for his old job. Lucille sorts out her new bedroom at the Rovers. Ken comes round to the idea of being a father when Val tells him that she is expecting.

Episode #1.383
S1964E65 · Episode #1.383

Aug 18, 1964

Stan has his interview at Amalgamated Steel. Elsie decides to finish with David. Ken tells Dennis that David is unbalanced and hates being crossed. Harry and Concepta say their goodbyes. David refuses to let Elsie finish with him and tells her that he won't leave her life. Lucille assures Harry she'll be alright. Alone, she weeps. Stan gets the job. Irma finds David crying in the Street. He tells her that if he can't have Elsie no one can.

Episode #1.384
S1964E66 · Episode #1.384

Aug 23, 1964

Lenny Phillips threatens to close the club if trade doesn't pick up and Norman Phillips tells Charlie he'll be the first to go. Stan finds the chauffeuring easy. Charlie thinks of putting on a talent show at the club. Dennis tries to make David see he'll get over Elsie but David considers using his service revolver.

Episode #1.385
S1964E67 · Episode #1.385

Aug 25, 1964

Charlie and Norman organise the talent contest. The residents grow concerned for Elsie's welfare. David confronts Elsie in No. 11 and draws the gun on her when she tells him he's behaving childishly. When she starts to cry he breaks down and shows her that the gun is empty. He runs out and Dennis comforts Elsie.

Episode #1.386
S1964E68 · Episode #1.386

Aug 30, 1964

Dennis talks Lucille into entering the contest. Florrie starts acting strangely and being rude. At the contest at the Viaduct Sporting Club, Irma plays Hylda Baker with Charlie as Cynthia. Annie sings "We'll Gather Lilacs", Tommy Martin plays his spoons but Lucille wins the £10 prize by singing "My Guy".

Episode #1.387
S1964E69 · Episode #1.387

Sep 01, 1964

Stan prepares for his first day of work and even Irma is impressed by his chauffeur's uniform. Annie sulks over losing the talent contest but compliments from Jack and Lucille cheer her up. An upset Florrie snaps at the customers and Irma. She accuses the customers of laughing at her over her Irishman. Stan shows off the Rolls and gives Hilda, Irma, Ena, Minnie, Albert, Charlie, and Little Titch a ride in it. The dog relieves itself in it and Minnie rips a seat with her hat pin. Stan is sacked. Norman offers Lucille a contract as a singer but she turns him down, not ...

Episode #1.388
S1964E70 · Episode #1.388

Sep 06, 1964

Irma clears up the mess in the shop. Florrie has to have six stitches in her arm. Albert plans to turn his yard into a garden. Annie offers to look after Florrie but Nurse Hadfield tells her that she wants Hilda to do the job. Albert tries to get the boiler in the Mission going. Annie worries that she and Jack have grown apart in recent years and Jack has to convince her that he still cares for her. Florrie tells Hilda that she regrets buying the shop and wants a man in her life. Stan lifts the flagstones for Albert with beer as a payment. Dennis takes Elsie to see a ...

Episode #1.389
S1964E71 · Episode #1.389

Sep 08, 1964

Florrie turns on Irma and her customers as her depression deepens. Stan takes Hilda and some friends for a ride to show off the Rolls Royce. Norman summons Lucille to the club and puts a proposition to her.

Episode #1.390
S1964E72 · Episode #1.390

Sep 13, 1964

Florrie is visited by the district nurse, while her breakdown becomes the talk of the street. Albert decides to dig up his yard and start a garden. Stan gets a shock when he offers a helping hand.

Episode #1.391
S1964E73 · Episode #1.391

Sep 15, 1964

Minnie is thrilled that Tickler is a wrestling manager. Len discovers someone has stolen his petty cash. The residents are surprised when Minnie starts spending money. Trevor writes off for a job in London. Albert's gold sovereign is stolen. He and Len start an investigation to find the thief.

Episode #1.392
S1964E74 · Episode #1.392

Sep 20, 1964

Ken's play is rejected by a television company. The Barlows discover money has been taken from their house. Len suspects Irma, Minnie, Dennis and Tickler. He wonders if one of them is a kleptomaniac. He tackles Tickler about all his money and learns it's winnings from the dogs. Tickler thinks of promoting Stan as a wrestler. Elsie finds £2 is missing from No.11. Albert lays the flags back in his yard so that he won't get into trouble with Mr Wormold. Stan agrees to be a wrestler.

Episode #1.393
S1964E75 · Episode #1.393

Sep 22, 1964

Tickler is more interested in the shop than Florrie. Stan is alarmed when Irma sends him a 'get well' message via a request on "Housewives' Choice". Trevor overhears the residents suspecting Irma of being the thief. Annie advises Florrie to set a trap for Irma. She sees through it and walks out. Irma finds Len's petty cash box empty in Trevor's room. Trevor leaves a note saying he's gone to London.

Episode #1.394
S1964E76 · Episode #1.394

Sep 22, 1964

The residents don't know who to vote for in the elections. Hilda can't sleep through worrying about Trevor. Tickler asks Florrie to help finance Stan's wrestling. Ena tells the candidates to visit her at the same time. The residents demand their money back from the Ogdens. Val feels there's something wrong with Lucille. Minnie rents a television but Ena wants to know where the money's come from. Stan goes into training. Ena agrees to let him use the Mission for 10% of his earnings.

Episode #1.395
S1964E77 · Episode #1.395

Sep 27, 1964

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Episode #1.396
S1964E78 · Episode #1.396

Sep 27, 1964

Emily makes Stan a cloak with "Ogden the Terrible" on it. Ena discovers Minnie has been gambling and has won on a treble accumulator. She accuses her of walking hand-in-hand with the Devil. Charlie is interested to discover she never picks a loser. Tickler fixes Stan up with a match - next week in the club against Ian Campbell.

Episode #1.397
S1964E79 · Episode #1.397

Sep 29, 1964

Emily makes Stan a cloak with "Ogden the Terrible" on it. Ena discovers Minnie has been gambling and has won on a treble accumulator. She accuses her of walking hand-in-hand with the Devil. Charlie is interested to discover she never picks a loser. Tickler fixes Stan up with a match - next week in the club against Ian Campbell.

Episode #1.398
S1964E80 · Episode #1.398

Oct 04, 1964

Stan's nerves get the better of him and he attempts to back out of the wrestling match. Jack leaves Annie in charge of the pub so that he can attend the fight. Ena refuses to sit in the audience with Minnie.

Episode #1.399
S1964E81 · Episode #1.399

Oct 06, 1964

After everyone has been paid, Stan ends up with £1.10s winnings. Jack is puzzled when a letter goes missing, not knowing Lucille has hidden it. Ena and Annie both have hangovers. Tickler worries as Florrie feels he wants to marry her. He feels she's too old for him. Dennis tells Lucille he knows she's skipping school. Tickler sneaks off, away from the area and Florrie.

Episode #1.400
S1964E82 · Episode #1.400

Oct 11, 1964

Florrie refuses to weep over Tickler. Dennis worries about his stylist exams. Florrie thinks Tickler will return. Emily discovers Lucille working at Mason's Record Shop, posing as 'Miss Jones'. Emily promises to keep quiet on the condition that Lucille gives the job up and returns to school. Dennis gets a mysterious love letter from 'Loverdoll'.

Episode #1.401
S1964E83 · Episode #1.401

Oct 13, 1964

Elsie humours Dennis when he swears he doesn't know who sent the letter. Lucille plans to give her notice in on Friday to get extra money. The school's welfare officer, Mr Barroway, calls on the Walkers about Lucille's 'illness'. They promise she will soon be back at school. They tell Lucille she has to return to school.

Episode #1.402
S1964E84 · Episode #1.402

Oct 18, 1964

Lucille accuses Emily of telling the Walkers. Jack refuses to let Annie write to the Hewitts about Lucille. He sorts her out by listening to her. The Brewery tell the Walkers that the other pubs have higher sales. Harry Bailey returns to the Street and asks Ena to tell Len that Nellie has died.

Episode #1.403
S1964E85 · Episode #1.403

Oct 20, 1964

The Brewery install an electric clock in the Rovers. Ena breaks the news of Nellie Bailey's death to Len. Val suspects Irma of writing to Dennis for a laugh. Len tells Harry Bailey he won't go to Nellie's funeral. Harry asks him if he wants Stanley back. Jack goes on a tour of the local pubs on his wedding anniversary. Dennis sits his hairdressing exams. He confronts Irma but realises she didn't send the letter. Jack decides that the Rovers needs music. Annie swears vengeance for him forgetting their anniversary.

Episode #1.404
S1964E86 · Episode #1.404

Oct 25, 1964

Jack wins Annie over with perfume. Len asks Elsie to marry him and be Stanley's mother. She laughs. Dennis passes his exam. Lucille tells Dennis that she's met someone who says that she is his fiancée: Sandra Petty. A puzzled Dennis denies knowing her.

Episode #1.405
S1964E87 · Episode #1.405

Oct 27, 1964

The word spreads that Dennis is getting married. He is not amused. Irma advises him to put an advert in the paper to meet Sandra. Emily studies the residents for a psychological course. Elsie suggests a trial marriage to Len to prove that they wouldn't work together.

Episode #1.406
S1964E88 · Episode #1.406

Nov 01, 1964

Minnie observes Len's comings and goings from No. 11, on Ena's orders. Len begins having his meals at the Tanners'. Elsie is caught unprepared when he arrives first thing in the morning for breakfast. Dennis calls him "Dad" to wind him up. Elsie refuses to let Len get physical. Trevor sends £4 home to repay some of the money he owes. Len isn't pleased when Elsie makes him do the washing-up but he pretends he isn't bothered. Dennis puts an advert in the paper asking 'Loverdoll' to meet him under the town hall clock. Elsie lays on a candlelit dinner for Len. Dennis ...

Episode #1.407
S1964E89 · Episode #1.407

Nov 03, 1964

Elsie gives Sandra Petty the once-over before a petrified Dennis arrives home. The girl turns out to be one of Dennis's hairdressing clients who is madly in love with him. She missed their appointment earlier as her father had control of the paper. Dennis tries to keep Elsie there but she abandons him to his fate. Sandra gives Dennis a lock of her hair he'd previously cut from her head. Elsie goes back inside to make sure that Sandra is behaving herself with Dennis. Sandra suggests eloping to Gretna Green if Elsie stands in their way. Len gives Minnie a full account ...

Episode #1.408
S1964E90 · Episode #1.408

Nov 08, 1964

The Walkers plan a free and easy with their new license. Elsie takes £9 off Len for his food per week. Sgt Bowden takes over the district and meets the residents. Annie brings in Howard Seymour to be the pianist but Jack sacks him when he refuses to play pub music and employs Alf Chadwick. During the party someone stops the clock. Ena and Minnie keep watch on Len's comings and goings at No. 11. Bowden books Jack for serving after hours.

Episode #1.409
S1964E91 · Episode #1.409

Nov 10, 1964

Val asks Emily to be godmother to her child. Stan admits to stopping the clock and tells the police. Len rows with Elsie for not cooking his tea after working all day. She refuses to give up her job and he realises it wouldn't work out if they married. The police let the clock matter drop. Len tells Harry Bailey that he has an answer for him about Stanley.

Episode #1.410
S1964E92 · Episode #1.410

Nov 15, 1964

Ken refuses to decorate No. 9 himself and seeks professional help. Elsie is adamant that marriage to Len would not work. The Bank Manager tells Jack his account is in the red. Decorator Ted Grieves' estimate for Ken is sky-high. Len tells Harry that Stanley can stay in Nottingham with him. Val decides to shop around for another decorator, but Ken gives Grieves the go ahead.

Episode #1.411
S1964E93 · Episode #1.411

Nov 17, 1964

Lucille misses Harry. Ted Grieves starts work on No. 9 but walks out when Ken tells him to do a good job. Len lends him equipment and Charlie agrees to do it for them. Annie tries to withdraw money from the bank and discovers they are £63 overdrawn.

Episode #1.412
S1964E94 · Episode #1.412

Nov 22, 1964

Annie hasn't slept well but won't tell Jack what's troubling her. She's deliberately cold with him. Charlie arrives early to begin the decorating at No. 9. He expects a cup of tea and toast for his troubles. Jack shows Lucille his wartime medals from his private drawer. Annie thinks of looking for answers to her questions in the same drawer. Charlie papers over one of the doors by mistake. Val finds that the cheap paper he's bought has no pattern on it and insists on buying the replacement herself. Annie goes through Jack's chequebook and bank statements and finds ...

Episode #1.413
S1964E95 · Episode #1.413

Nov 24, 1964

Annie lets Jack nap until 5.30pm and is off with him when he wakes up. She tells him she may visit Joan over Christmas. Emily begins casting the panto and asks Hilda if Stan will play Baron Stoneybroke. Annie sees Jack having a friendly chat with a lady customer and tries to find out who she is. To her embarrassment, Albert asks Jack for her, who tells him to mind his own business. Annie can't cope with the situation and retreats to the living room. When Jack goes to fetch her, she announces she's taking the evening off. Jack goes out for chips after closing time as ...

Episode #1.414
S1964E96 · Episode #1.414

Nov 29, 1964

Ena returns from Vera's and pumps Minnie for the latest gossip. Minnie doesn't tell her about the panto at the mission but Jack mentions it. Ena vows to bring a halt to the plans. Emily looks for Annie to invite her to play the Fairy Godmother. Lucille discovers she isn't at the Rovers but doesn't think anything of it. Ena doesn't know what to do about Sunday dinner as she doesn't have anything in and the Corner Shop is closed. She decides to take Annie up on the offer she made on Stan's wrestling night and join the Walkers for tea but finds her hostess is absent. Ena...

Episode #1.415
S1964E97 · Episode #1.415

Dec 01, 1964

Dennis's old friend Rita turns up looking for a bed for the night. Jack grows frantic about missing Annie. Charlie attempts some electrical re-wiring in the Barlows' bedroom.

Episode #1.416
S1964E98 · Episode #1.416

Dec 06, 1964

Dennis pays for the hole to be repaired when Charlie blackmails him over Rita in the bed. Billy Walker arrives to find out the truth over Annie. Annie stays in the Egremont Hotel under her maiden name. Stan gets a job at Shuttleworth's as Santa Claus. Elsie returns to the house, sees the hole and hears about Rita. Jack knows that wherever she is, Annie is enjoying her acting. Annie breaks down in the hotel so that a fellow guest, Mr Braithwaite, will phone Jack and tell him where she is.

Episode #1.417
S1964E99 · Episode #1.417

Dec 08, 1964

Jack refuses to let Billy fetch Annie from the Egremont Hotel. He feels Annie might have left him for good and breaks down. Ena overhears and goes to see Annie herself. She tells her that Jack is decaying and tells her to return. Annie fears Jack won't want her back but Ena brings her home. Billy tells Annie he was sacked from the garage and that Jack has been paying his rent - to Mrs. Nicholls. Annie apologises to Jack. Willie Piggott visits the Street to the residents' surprise. Billy returns to London. Piggott gives Ken £100 to ensure his son Brian passes his tech ...

Episode #1.418
S1964E100 · Episode #1.418

Dec 13, 1964

Ken refuses to touch the money and gets Albert to keep counting it to make sure it's all there. The costumes arrive for the panto. Emily tries hers on at Gamma Garments and is embarrassed when Swindley returns. Billy gets a new job in London. Ken tells Piggott to take the money back but Piggott offers another £100 after the exams. He refuses to accept Ken's morals. Ken follows him to the Rovers and returns the money publicly.

Episode #1.419
S1964E101 · Episode #1.419

Dec 15, 1964

Ken refuses to let the bribe incident pass. Swindley wants to get involved in the panto. Val is horrified when Ken tells Piggott he's informing the police. The residents are disgusted with Ken for going to the police. He is shocked when Val sides with the others. Swindley takes charge when Emily finds the rehearsals too much. The cast walks out.

Episode #1.420
S1964E102 · Episode #1.420

Dec 20, 1964

The players are reunited when they remember they're doing the panto for the kids, not themselves. The women withdraw their custom from Val's Salon. David Barlow turns up in a flash car to spend Christmas at No. 9. He tells Ken and Val that he doesn't want the press knowing where he is. Irma falls for David and he arranges to take her on a date. Swindley fears the panto will never be put on. Elsie knocks them all cold with her costume and tights.

Episode #1.421
S1964E103 · Episode #1.421

Dec 22, 1964

The children gather to watch Swindley's pantomime. Ena and Florrie take charge of refreshments while Minnie takes her responsibility as the prompt very seriously. David complains of a torn ligament.

Episode #1.422
S1964E104 · Episode #1.422

Dec 27, 1964

Stan likes the idea of Irma going out with the wealthy David. Ken feels that David could do better than Irma. Charlie is sacked from the club. Irma's Godfather, Bernie Sparks, turns up and tells Stan about his successful waste-paper business. Hilda invites David for tea. Annie lends her her Crown Derby tea set. Bernie offers Stan a job, driving a waste-paper van for £12 a week. Stan refuses the job and plans to start his own waste-paper business with Charlie and Albert. Whilst washing-up, Stan breaks one of Annie's plates. David and Irma are amused by the Ogdens' idea...

Episode #1.423
S1964E105 · Episode #1.423

Dec 29, 1964

Stan and Charlie start collecting paper. The residents go to Hilda to have their fortunes told. No. 13 is turned into a paper store. Hilda reads Val's cards and tells her that she's going to have twins. Ena gets a letter from landlord Edward Wormold asking her to see him. The papers carry the story that David has been suspended, suspected of taking a bribe.


Coronation Street Season 6 (1964) is released on Dec 31, 1963 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox. Coronation Street is available online on Amazon Video and Amazon Video.

The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.


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