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Episodes (96)

Jan 04, 1970
Maggie returns from visiting Les in Birmingham but is coy about when he's returning. Ken is worried about the bills and has had enough of Albert living with them. Emily grows irritated at Dickie and Ray's table manners when she cooks breakfast for them. Betty refuses to return to work at the Rovers and gets at job at the Flying Horse. The residents start drinking there to avoid the new dress code though Albert insists he's supporting the Rovers in the darts challenge. Alan has gone to Leeds and Val wonders if Elsie's gone with him. Bernard gets Irma's address from Val...

Jan 06, 1970
Val gets Ken up to look after the twins while she goes to the January sales. Maggie hasn't slept all night and tells Betty about the divorce, asking her to keep it quiet from Len. Emily is fed up with looking after the ungrateful Ray and Dickie. She tells them they can fend for themselves and walks out. Albert is pleased that Bernard has learned well his coaching tips for dominoes. Ray and Dickie realise they need someone to replace Emily until Audrey returns and they cadge some fish and chips from Ken. Anita tells an enquiring Betty that her friendship with Len is ...

Jan 11, 1970
Ena annoys Annie when she makes jibes about all her customers being at the Flying Horse. Jack is annoyed that their New Year takings are down £15 on last year's and that Betty refuses to return. Elsie refuses to discuss Alan with Len. He tells her how much younger than him Anita Reynolds is and Elsie warns him about making a fool of himself. Emily tells Sandra that Ray was taken to hospital after fainting in the Flying Horse. The doctor told him that he is getting better, albeit slowly. Ray is back in No. 3 and holding Bernard to his bet. Hilda riles Elsie into ...

Jan 13, 1970
Sandra tears a strip off Bernard for supposedly getting Ray into trouble. Ena is pleased that the escapade has put a grin back on Ray's face but upsets him with gossip about him and Sandra. Hilda rows with Annie when she asks for an adjustment to her hours. Anita admits to Len that she's jealous of Maggie. Feeling guilty about what she did, Elsie persuades Alan to take a grateful Hilda on as cleaner at the Salon. A worried Bernard calls on Cyril who, after some ribbing, tells him he won't be sent to prison. Annie still won't adjust Hilda's hours to suit her new job. ...

Jan 18, 1970
Emily returns to the Rovers from staying at No. 3. Dickie gives her a box of chocolates as a thank you. Anita wants Len to meet her parents. He puts her off as he's the same age as her father, getting her to agree to go to a football match instead. Emily walks straight into a raft of work at the Rovers as they're short-staffed. Alan agrees to take Elsie to the Robin Hood pub for a night out. Bernard is angry at Sandra's engagement, feeling that Ray isn't good enough for her. Ray tells Len that there is no football match on for him to go to. Jack congratulates Ray on ...

Jan 20, 1970
Len tells Alan that he worries about the age difference between himself and Anita but Alan advises him to put that aside. Len proposes to a delighted Anita and asks for an invite to see her parents. Audrey starts to lay down the law on housekeeping to Ray and Dickie. Alan has plans to take Elsie to his garage in Ashton where he's souping up a car for a rally drive. Audrey boasts to Emily about how she's keeping the men in line. Anita takes great delight in telling Maggie about the proposal. Ray assures Bernard that his feelings for Sandra are genuine. Ray can move the...

Jan 25, 1970
Ernie plans changes to the Camera Shop when he gets a contract to photograph models for a mail-order company. Emily fears that Willie Piggott is not going to renew the lease on the shop. When he calls into the shop, he refuses to deal with a woman and insists on talking only to Ernie. Alan looks for someone to take a night-shift job for a friend at a bakery. Elsie suggests Stan but Alan isn't happy at the suggestion. Emily warns Ena that she shop lease is up for renewal and she could lose her home. Dave Smith sacks Audrey for taking the time off to visit her mother. ...

Jan 27, 1970
Stan starts at the bakery as a nightwatchman. Hilda confesses to Ernie that she's missing him at night. Willie Piggott asks Emily to tell him how much Len's tender is for the student hostel job but she refuses outright. He threatens to refuse to renew the Camera Shop lease and evict Ena unless she co-operates. She keeps the blackmail threat from Ernie. Ray has too much work on to look over the tender and Len suggests that he gets Emily to assist him. Hilda has the house curtains closed to try and keep Stan's body-clock in sync. Maggie confesses to Elsie and Len that ...

Feb 01, 1970
Sandra wanders round the salon with a long face, upset by Audrey's comments. Hilda is late for her cleaning there, saying she can't sleep without Stan by her side. While she frets about him, Stan tells Jack that he likes the hours as he can drink all day. Annie tells Alan that she's decided to patronise his salon, even though it is in a humble environment. Piggott measures up the camera shop for the required changes. Ernie sees that Emily is a bundle of nerves in Piggott's presence. Ena catches a reluctant Emily and Piggott talking conspiratorially. Sandra seeks ...

Feb 03, 1970
Piggott instructs Emily to inform him of Len's estimate for the hostel job. Hilda resorts to devious tactics to get her own back on Stan. Dickie disapproves of Audrey's dig at Sandra.

Feb 08, 1970
On Sunday, the Victoria Street Mission opens and Hilda decides to attend a service there. She feels afraid as Stan continues to wonder who shopped him. Willie Piggott tells Emily his tender is £11,900. Ena plays the harmonium at the mission while Minnie invites Emily and Ernie to dinner after the service. Thanks to Ena's efforts, there is a good-sized, albeit elderly, congregation. Stan upsets the Turpins when he alleges that a policeman's job is an easy one. Len and Ray are perturbed when they attempt to wind up Piggott but he doesn't take the bait. They wonder what ...

Feb 10, 1970
First thing in the morning, Albert is grumpier than usual with the milkman and Stan. Ray is depressed about the contract while Len is more upbeat. They resolve not to tell Emily what they're up to. Ernie tells Ena his plans to do up the Camera Shop while a troubled Emily watches on. Emily confesses the full story to Ena and that she faces eviction when Willie Piggott cancels the lease when he discovers he's not won the contract. Alan asks for Cyril's help to appeal the driving fine he's been given. Cyril is not pleased when Stan asks for his help in detecting who ...

Feb 15, 1970
Annie is flattered by a Valentine's card that she's received and suspects it has come from Douglas Cresswell while Len Fairclough thinks the sender could be Arthur Forsythe-Jones. Albert refuses to answer his front door to anyone. Ken isn't bothered, saying that one day without dinner or a drink will change his mind. Bill Gregory turns up in the Street from his home in Glasgow after an absence of eight years. Albert rejects an offer from Tommy Deakin to take away all his material goods. Annie is horrified when Alan reveals in the Rovers that she bleaches her hair. At ...

Feb 17, 1970
Cyril is called upon to get Albert out of his house. Bill's return takes Elsie aback. Annie is keen to discover the identity of the sender of her Valentine's card.

Feb 22, 1970
Roadworks have started on the street and Stan and Albert meet Ben, the nightwatchman. Ray is due to hear from the Buxton Recuperation Centre as to whether they can admit him. Bill asks Elsie for an answer to his proposal. She tells him he just can't come back after so many years away and pop the question. Ray is delighted to be admitted in a letter saying there is every chance of a full recovery. Annie dresses up in a posh outfit for an afternoon at Gwen Fenton's for her birthday. Elsie tells Alan about the proposal. He is short with her and upsets her. Ena invites ...

Feb 24, 1970
Elsie agonises over whether to leave with Bill or stay with Alan. Cyril investigates who was really to blame for Annie's accident. Stan smells money in Ena's songs.

Mar 01, 1970
Jack tries to hide leaflets about the Better Homes exhibition from Annie to stop her getting ideas. Mickie Malone calls on Stan to try and buy his songs. He wants to see the written scores. Annie moves the furniture in the back room around, much to Jack's annoyance. Hilda and Betty "assist" her and bicker constantly. Alan shouts at Elsie when she behaves in a way that reminds him of his wife. He apologises and she tells him that she understands. He tells Elsie he has a surprise for her - she thinks it's a new house. Elsie surprises the womenfolk when she tells them ...

Mar 03, 1970
Elsie hangs round the Bramhall estate to carry on dreaming about her house. She remains coy with the womenfolk when she gets back to Weatherfield. Bernard plays "Dreaming Time" for Stan on his mouth organ. Annie, Betty and Hilda go to the "Better Homes" exhibition. The residents gossip about Elsie moving to Bramhall and rib her about wedding dresses. Music man Stan takes to wearing a cravat and smoking his cigarettes through a holder. Hilda returns from the exhibition with an inflatable chair. Alan is shocked when Elsie talks about marriage and tells her that he ...

Mar 08, 1970
Stan tells Ena no one was interested in her song and asks her for another. Alan writes to his staff putting the salon up for sale and giving them first refusal. Stan tries writing lyrics of his own. Mickie Malone pushes him to come up with another song. Hilda finds out that he's received an advance for the songs. A football bus starts in the Street. Football yobs, including Spider Smart and Nobby Jones, descend on the Street, insulting Annie in the pub. Jack is pleased at the extra custom but Annie is livid. Emily asks for a cloth to clean the graffiti on the walls ...

Mar 10, 1970
Annie tells Jack the terms of their "Lysistrata" campaign and he is unable to get a cleaned and ironed shirt, a cup of tea or even the phone answered. Likewise Stan can't get his breakfast made. Mickie Malone chases up Stan up for the promised song, threatening legal action. Dickie can't get a morning goodbye kiss from Audrey. Albert finds the campaign amusing until Val gives him his washing and darning back. Ena gives Stan a song score which Mickie likes. Ken tells the menfolk who Lysistrata was and predicts it will all blow over by tomorrow, making a bet of a round ...

Mar 15, 1970
The women of the Street are surprised that the withdrawal of their domestic services does not seem to be affecting their menfolk. Ena presents Stan with another song. Ken is keen to prove himself as an entrepreneur.

Mar 17, 1970
Hilda offers to work on Len to reduce his resistance but Annie turns down the kind offer as Elsie is on the case. At the Robin Hood club Charlie plays the score of Ena's new tune. It turns out to be "Onward Christian Soldiers". Mickie Malone is not pleased and Stan runs for it. The bank refuses Ken a loan as they have no confidence in a school teacher knowing how to run a hair salon. Stan is forced to give Ena £10 for "Dreaming Time". Elsie weakens Len but Bernard interrupts, asking for his dinner. Len sends him away. The menfolk work out what Elsie is up to and send ...

Mar 22, 1970
Audrey prepares the house for Ray's homecoming. She and Dickie are sharp with each other. Minnie expects Ray to live with her and not at No.3. She is disappointed when Audrey puts her right. Ken and Val look forward to taking over the salon. Albert suggests that Ken get his long-haired students to patronise the establishment in return for good exam results. Val worries about telling Elsie that she's her new boss. Subsequently, Elsie is shocked when Val breaks the news to her. Dave Smith returns to the area after a holiday in Bermuda and makes straight for the salon ...

Mar 24, 1970
Elsie takes Dave to task for getting one over Ken. Bernard stumbles into work late, much to Dave's annoyance. Ken's cheque is returned by Alan's agent. His pride is hurt. Minnie refuses to hear any thing bad about Dave, in view of his past kindnesses to her. Maggie worries that Audrey is a bit too happy to have Ray under her roof. Val reluctantly returns to work. Annie, Sandra, Minnie and Maggie make comments about Len's moustache, making him self-conscious. Dickie grows jealous at the attention that Audrey pays to Ray. She isn't pleased to hear that Ray is taking ...

Mar 29, 1970
Bernard tells Albert he's taken his advice and setting up as a mobile barber. Lucille returns from Ireland. Annie is delighted to see her although the young girl is disappointed that her Uncle Jack is in Derby and that the redecoration of her room is unfinished. Minnie offers to put her up. Ray returns to work, chivying Len to join him. Audrey is annoyed that Dickie won't take her out. He reminds her that they're skint. Lucille calls at No. 3 and hears from Audrey that Ray is engaged to Elsie's niece, Sandra. Val refuses a suggestion from Sandra also to set up in ...

Mar 31, 1970
Albert tells Dickie it's time he put his house in order when Audrey slams the door in his face after he plays an April Fool trick on her. Val misses being a hairdresser and wishes they'd bought the salon. Albert loses his patience in the salon when Hilda and Adam bicker and walks out and Annie complains about the service she is receiving. Lucille cattily warns Sandra about Audrey and Ray. Dave rings Elsie to plead with her to return and under duress agrees to take Bernard back. Hilda points out to Dave that Val was the salon's best hairdresser. A shocked Sandra tells ...

Apr 05, 1970
Ray and Sandra set a date for their wedding, but Audrey is not prepared to give Ray up yet. Val and Ken host a birthday party for the twins.

Apr 07, 1970
Ray worries about what Maggie saw and tells Audrey to go home. She and Dickie bicker when she does. Maggie advises Ray to tell Sandra about the kiss before Audrey does, telling him to put it down to being a dizzy moment. She asks him if he'd be pleased if Sandra threw him over. Sandra confides in Val that she doesn't think Ray is interested in her. Lucille asks Len what's going on with Ray and what Maggie has to do with it, having seen the two of them talking in the Rovers. Maggie tells Len what she saw. Sandra books St. Mary's Church for the wedding on 23rd May. Len ...

Apr 12, 1970
The Walkers arrange for a telephone call to Australia. The Barlows and the Ogdens wait nervously for news. Lucille's atheist ideas clash with her elders' beliefs.

Apr 14, 1970
Ken takes the decision not to attend his brother's funeral. Stan searches for the money to pay Hilda's air fare to Australia. Audrey wants to know where she stands with Ray.

Apr 19, 1970
Word spreads round the Street about the death of Darren. Albert tells a mourning Ken that he's not to mope over David but Ken asks him to leave him alone. Ken tells Val that the wrong brother died. Stan asks Ken and Val's advice about sending a message to Hilda en route to Australia telling her of Darren's death. Ken thinks they should if only to save Irma from having to tell her when she arrives and tells Stan he'll arrange with the airport for a message to be sent to the plane. Lucille is annoyed to discover Sandra and Ray have set the date for the wedding and asks ...

Apr 21, 1970
Annie, Betty and Val fuss over Stan, competing to make his breakfast. Stan gets a cheque for £95 from his workmates. Dickie feels that he's done something wrong. Audrey tells him she's waiting on Ray who she loves while she's only fond of him. Ray and Len go off to Huddersfield to help build a school, leaving an abrupt message for an upset Audrey. Stan gets £600 in all for his ticket to Australia from well-wishers. He is overwhelmed by people's generosity. An angry Maggie tells Lucille she's to blame for anything that happens to the Flemings. Val is astonished at the ...

Apr 26, 1970
Ken and Val plan to go to Manchester Airport to meet Hilda and Irma. Stan thinks he should wear a sombre tie to meet them when they arrive home and to show Irma that he's settled and in regular work. Dickie grows desperate to find Audrey but Cyril can't help as she isn't an official missing person. Stan asks Emily for help replying to the well-wishers. Dave Smith takes the Barlows to the airport as he has to call on someone in Wythenshawe. Stan puts on a suit for his daughter's return. Irma comes home to a big hug from her dad. Dickie hides Audrey's absence from the ...

Apr 28, 1970
Bernard offers his services as best man to Ray. He tells him he'll think about it. Irma sleeps in, doped with one of Annie's sleeping pills. Hilda wonders if they are to blame in some way for not letting Irma confide in them in the past. Irma tells her that she can't tell her how she feels. Cyril tells Dickie that he can't report Audrey as a missing person. Dave tells Elsie that Stan signed over the deeds to No.13 for the £600. The editor of the Gazette tells Stan to keep the donated money. Irma tells Ken the crash was her fault as she was rowing with David at the ...

May 03, 1970
Dickie confides in Ena about his failing marriage. Audrey turns to an old friend for sanctuary from her problems. Stan offers Maggie £600 for a share in the shop for Irma.

May 05, 1970
Audrey finds out where she stands with Ray. Stan's surprise fails to find favour with Irma. Minnie objects to everyone keeping secrets from her.

May 10, 1970
Sandra confronts Audrey, while Bernard targets Ray. Irma is persuaded to accept the stake in the corner shop. Annie suffers a setback with the arrangements for Lucille's party.

May 12, 1970
Lucille's 21st birthday bash proves too sedate for her liking. Sandra makes her feelings clear after serving Ray a meal. Audrey decides to leave Coronation Street.

May 17, 1970
Hilda and Annie fall out over the landlady's gossiping about the Ogdens. Irma goes on a date with Dave, and bumps into a former work colleague, Bet Lynch. Betty receives an unwelcome visitor.

May 19, 1970
Betty starts to get nuisance phone calls. Stan gets nervous when Dave Smith makes complimentary comments about No. 13. Dave gives Minnie caviar to give to Bobby. Irma meets Bet at the Laundryer where she works to chat about the night before. She gets upset when she thinks Emily disapproves of her going out so soon after David's death. Audrey sends Minnie a letter saying she's never coming back and the house is being sold. Maggie looks after the key for Minnie as she's nervous of the responsibility. Dave makes arrangements to take Irma out again. Stan tries to find out...

May 24, 1970
Albert is bored on the bank holiday and grumpy with Ken and Val as they plan a day out. Dave takes Irma out again, to Hilda's fury. Betty is scared when Lucas hangs around outside the Corner Shop. He asks Maggie when Cyril will be back. Ken and Val plan a surprise day out for Albert but he takes umbrage at them for not telling him where they're going and refuses to go with them. Cyril returns early. Bernard is upset that Irma and Dave have gone out again. Hilda plagues Stan about tackling Dave so he's forced to tell her about the deeds. Lucas suggests to Betty that ...

Jun 23, 1970
Cyril can't find Keith Lucas but goes searching for him again. The Ogdens decide to butter up Dave Smith as they think he'll solve their financial problems if he becomes their son-in-law. They decide to invite him to tea. Cyril asks Dave to put out feelers for him. Dave finds out from a contact, Vince Fisher, that Lucas was seen in Walker Street earlier that morning. Cyril goes after him. Betty grows frantic when he's missing for several hours but he returns unharmed but again unsuccessful. Irma and Dave realise what Stan and Hilda are up to. Irma tells Bet she can't ...

Jun 28, 1970
Dave treats the Ogdens to a meal at a restaurant. Val takes Susan to see the doctor when she suffers persistent stomach pain. Cyril feels ashamed of resorting to violence.

Jun 30, 1970
Val gets dismissed by her doctor when she telephones regarding Susan's condition. A hung-over Hilda resolves to give up drink. Betty takes out her worry over Cyril on Len.

Jul 05, 1970
Susan undergoes an operation while Hilda looks after Peter. Len tells Elsie she's turning hard and bitter. Alan returns to the Street from London. The Barlows are relieved when Susan's operation goes well. Sandra, Irma and Bet spend their Sunday at Alderley Edge for a laugh. Alan is horrified to find Elsie has let herself go. She accuses him of coming back thinking she'd jump at the chance to go out with him again.

Jul 07, 1970
Annie has gone to Derby with Lucille after news has reached the Street that Jack has died while staying at Joan's. Frank Bradley and Judd Johnson look for Ray who they were in Borstal with some years previously. Maggie tells Len she knows she's second best for him after Elsie. She realises he is using her to make Elsie jealous and refuses. Ray is annoyed to see Frank and Judd. They tell him they're going straight and he takes them on to make some cabinets for the studio. Len tells Alan he has to mop up after him as he cares for Elsie. Emily isn't happy about having ...

Jul 12, 1970
Len is in a bad mood at the Yard. Elsie rings him to come round as she needs to speak to him. He does so and she tells him about the marriage proposal from Alan. She doesn't want him to come into her life again and asks Len to get that through to him. Emily rings Ray and summons him to the Camera Shop. Ena and Minnie watch Len's comings and goings from the Corner Shop. Emily tells Ray that a £30 camera is missing from the shop. He asks for a couple of hours to sort the matter out himself before she rings the police though she is reluctant to involve them. He also ...

Jul 14, 1970
Hilda tries desperately to find out is happening between Elsie and Alan. Elsie tells Val she can't stand being let down again. Val tells her she thinks she's wrong. Judd Johnson and Frank Bradley threaten to tell Emily that Ray set them up to nick the camera unless he goes in with them on one job - doing over an electrical shop on the corner of Mawdsley Street. They give him until dinnertime for an answer. Val refuses to tell Hilda about Alan and Elsie. Cyril gets a job as a clerk in a solicitor's office, with a flat as part of the job. Maggie is sorry that she's ...

Jul 19, 1970
Emily determines to get to the bottom of what is troubling Ray. Elsie and Alan agree to marry without delay. Irma and Bet decide to rent the shop flat from Maggie.

Jul 21, 1970
Irma tells Hilda she is moving into the Corner Shop flat with Bet. Handel Gartside returns from Canada to meet some familiar faces. Elsie and Alan marry, with Len and Bet their only guests.

Jul 26, 1970
The party continues into the evening with a free bar paid for by Alan as Betty and Emily desperately trying to keep up with the orders and Ena plays the piano. Irma has returned for the party. Stan gets hopelessly drunk on the free ale. Elsie admits to Maggie and Val that being married terrifies her. Betty tells Alan to settle his bill with Annie when he returns from honeymoon. Ken makes a speech wishing the newly-weds all the best. Alan makes his own speech in return and they all sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". Irma, Bet and Ray go back to the flat where Irma ...

Jul 28, 1970
Irma has taken the baby to a park to see the ducks. Emily recognises the child as the missing one, Anthony Lock, from a photograph session she conducted. She tries to find excuses for Irma but Bet refuses to listen to them. Irma enjoys being in the park with the baby. Minnie asks Val's advice on men and she realises she has a gentleman friend. Val tells her to look after her own interests and go out with Handel. The man himself is hurt that Minnie turned his invitation down. Emily and Ena are shocked when Annie suddenly appears from the back of the Rovers, having ...

Aug 02, 1970
Minnie worries that Ena won't like the friend of Handel's. He tells her not to get cold feet and gives her a whisky for dutch courage when she asks her on the blind date. Ray starts to ring round people who have had business dealings with Alan. Emily thinks Irma needs psychiatric help. Bet and Irma erupt at her when she puts the suggestion. Emily asks Ken to help her but won't tell him and Val the reason why. Ena promises to think about going out with Minnie, Handel and George Mulliner. Val is both worried and curious about Irma and makes Ken agree to see her. She ...

Aug 04, 1970
Hilda rushes to tell Ena that the Howards have returned from honeymoon in Paris but she already knows, saying that they arrived at 2.00am in Alan's new white Mercedes. Alan thinks Sandra is in the way at No.11. Ray calls on Alan to collect payment on his outstanding invoice. Alan tells him he'll see him at 12.30pm in the Rovers. Emily is short-handed in the pub but Hilda refuses to help her as Stan is taking her to Belle Vue. Ray agrees to take Irma out for a drink that night. Ena and Minnie see that someone has broken into the Victoria Street Mission, leaving marks ...

Aug 09, 1970
Ken asks Ray to put up some shelves for him. Elsie also asks for many changes she wants to their new house in Bramhall but is annoyed at sly remarks he makes about expecting payment from Alan. Minnie gets annoyed when Ena cancels a lunch appointment with her. Irma refuses to give Hilda credit at the Corner Shop and she storms out, insulted. Alan puts in an order at the shop and asks for it to be put on his account. Maggie is reluctant. The bank rings Ray to say that Alan's cheque has bounced. Ena gives Tony lessons in the Mission at lunchtime. Piggott makes enquiries ...

Aug 11, 1970
Elsie asks Alan if he has money troubles but he denies it and tells her to keep buying things for their new house. Willie Piggott tells Len that Alan settled one of his debts by giving his creditor his car. He wants Len and the other creditors to gang up on Alan and bankrupt him. Annie finds out that Alan has cash-flow problems. Ken tells Ena he knows a music teacher named Mr Telford at a college in Manchester but he warns her against meddling in Tony's life. Alan owes an annoyed Annie £30 for drinks. She tells Irma about Alan's debts who says he also owes the Corner ...

Aug 16, 1970
Ena receives a favourable letter from the music college. Elsie is amazed when Alan still wants to buy the house in Bramhall and shocked at the range of his failing business interests. Emily snaps at Irma when she's unsympathetic about Alan's business problems. Annie is upset to hear that Dave Smith has been gossiping with Sir Frank Ridley about what he would do with the Rovers if he ever bought it. Alan tells his creditors that he's arranged a meeting in the Mechanics Hall in Tufbury Street. Len is at odds with Piggott and the others over their rapacious attitude ...

Aug 18, 1970
Alan faces his creditors at a hostile meeting. Ena meets Tony's mother to discuss her opposition to him pursuing a musical career. Maggie receives news of her former husband.

Aug 23, 1970
The Howards' money troubles prompt Elsie to throw Sandra out of Number 11. Stan's attempt to avoid paying his debt to Albert goes awry. Maggie receives worrying news of Les.

Aug 25, 1970
Annie rushes round, readying herself for Billy's return. Lucille wonders what things will be like, saying that Annie and Billy don't get on but Emily says that all that's behind them now. Betty, Len and Albert wonder why Billy is returning. When Albert says he's probably got a girl pregnant, Annie overhears him and orders him to leave the Rovers. Annie confides in Len that she's worried for the reason behind the return. Elsie gives Sandra a hard time over her nights out. Lucille, Sandra and Bet plan to go to a party. Maggie is distracted, thinking about Les. Billy ...

Aug 30, 1970
Elsie worries about Sandra when she's still out at 1.00am. She thinks Alan ought to take Mr Vine with him when he takes Billy round the Ashton-under-Lyne garage and hands over her pension money from Steve Tanner to Alan. Judd takes Bet back home after the party. She is trying to get rid of him when they are interrupted by a postman with an urgent telegram for Maggie. It tells her that Les is in hospital critically ill. With Irma ill, Maggie says she has no option but to close the Corner Shop while she goes to Birmingham but Bet promises to rally round her. Sandra ...

Sep 01, 1970
The twins return to school after the summer holiday and Ken returns to work at the same time. Val thinks the Barlows need a family car. Len is employed to put up bookshelves for Ken. Alan asks Len to look out for work for him. Hilda thinks Billy ought to work in the Rovers but he breaks the news to Annie that he's bought the Canal Garage and he's planning to employ Alan. Tommy talks Stan into letting him keep his greyhound Duke at No.13 as he can't keep him at his lodgings. He gives him money and a bottle of port to convince him. Billy shows Alan round the garage. He ...

Sep 06, 1970
Duke has spent the night on Stan's bed. Hilda feeds the dog up on stew before discovering from Bet that greyhounds won't run if they're full. Ken's mini won't start and Val is not pleased. Len advises Stan to back against Duke but he won't listen to advice. Len and Ray can't get the car started either. Elsie goes job-hunting. Suspecting Stan knows something they don't, Len and Ray bet on Duke who is too full to run. Ken and Val argue about the car. Len finds out that Tommy Deakin has kidded Stan that men are after him for nobbling Duke. They tell Stan that some large ...

Sep 08, 1970
Elsie is dismayed to learn of Alan's bust-up with Billy. Ray voices his disapproval of Bet dating Frank. Lucille hears a moving testimony at a Salvation Army meeting.

Sep 13, 1970
Lucille defies her detractors and volunteers her services to the Salvation Army. Bet stands up Irma in favour of a date with Frank. Ena casts her eye over Billy's new garage business.

Sep 15, 1970
Bet lets Irma into her confidence regarding a massive secret in her past. Lucille finds pensioner Arthur Noblett to be a hard man to please. Annie anticipates a decision on the Rovers' licence.

Sep 20, 1970
Irma must make alternative arrangements for her holiday when Bet lets her down. Alan reminds Elsie that they must watch their spending. Lucille gets tough with obstinate Arthur.

Sep 22, 1970
Frank whisks Bet away for a trip out to Skipton. Lucille enlists Billy's help in her quest to improve Arthur's quality of life. Annie asks Ray to change the name on the sign above the Rovers' door.

Sep 27, 1970
Bet ignites gossip by surrendering to Frank's charms. Annie admits to Billy her doubts about running the pub without Jack. Ena visits Arthur on Lucille's behalf.

Sep 29, 1970
Minnie takes umbrage when Ena forgets her seventieth birthday. Bet disapproves of Frank getting involved with Judd again. Hilda fails to keep the shop properly stocked.

Oct 04, 1970
Hilda's endeavours to improve trade at the Corner Shop have the opposite effect. Frank ignores Bet's concerns about his breaking the law. Alan asks Billy for a pay rise.

Oct 06, 1970
Frank's stolen car racket gets rumbled by Billy. Betty accuses Hilda of floundering in charge of the shop. Val tries out a new image on an underwhelmed Ken.

Oct 11, 1970
Bet's mission to keep Frank on the straight and narrow backfires on her. Hilda holds a bargain sale at the Corner Shop to deplete the excess stock. Ken awaits news of a trip to America.

Oct 13, 1970
A settlement of gypsies near to Coronation Street creates a stir among the residents. Irma uncovers Hilda's incompetence at the shop. Ken receives a grant to study in New York.

Oct 18, 1970
Lucille braves Annie's disapproval by befriending the gypsy womenfolk. Hilda grovels to Irma by offering to clean the shop for free. Ken bids farewell to his family and departs for America.

Oct 20, 1970
Annie blames the gypsies when Lucille stays out all night. Ena goes out of her way to help John Smith's son. Ray investigates the theft of scrap metal from the yard.

Oct 25, 1970
Elsie does her best to appear composed upon meeting Alan's son Mark. Ray and his cronies start a fight at the gypsies' encampment. Lucille takes a stand and gets herself into trouble.

Oct 27, 1970
Elsie invites Mark to stay on at Number 11, so that he can spend time with Alan. Billy encourages Irma to consider buying Maggie out of the shop. Lucille's antics meet with Annie's disapproval.

Nov 01, 1970
Irma's plans suffer a setback when Maggie returns home unexpectedly. With Annie's blessing, Mark asks Lucille out on a date. Minnie acquires a new lodger at Number 5.

Nov 03, 1970
Elsie begins to suspect Mark of meddling in her marriage. Irma and Maggie reach an agreement concerning the Corner Shop. Albert tackles Handel about his war years.

Nov 08, 1970
Albert informs Minnie that Handel was a conscientious objector during the war. Lucille's hostility towards Mark creates a stir. Billy helps a grateful Irma to sort out her finances.

Nov 10, 1970
Elsie quizzes Lucille about Mark's unpleasant behaviour. Len returns from his council trip to Amsterdam. Minnie excludes Albert from Ena's birthday celebration. Annie fears that Billy is getting close to Irma.

Nov 15, 1970
Mark manages to cause friction between Alan and Elsie. Annie makes her opposition to Billy and Irma's friendship crystal clear. Ray offers to keep Val company in Ken's absence.

Nov 17, 1970
Valerie resents Ena's insinuations about Ray's visits to her home. Alan sides with Elsie and asks Mark to leave. The return of Joe Donnelli solves the problem of Minnie's spare room.

Nov 22, 1970
Val asks Ray to teach her to drive, much to Elsie and Emily's disapproval. Gregg Flint and Gary Strauss return to the area after two years away. Hilda determines to unravel a mystery for Stan.

Nov 24, 1970
Joe ignores calls for him to return to the army and dines with Irma and the Ogdens. Elsie tries to match-make Gregg and Maggie. Ray remains patient when Val proves useless behind the wheel.

Nov 29, 1970
Ernest informs Emily that her working in the Rovers bar is creating talk at the Mission. Ken phones from New York and tells Val he's received a letter about her seeing too much of Ray. Joe makes a shocking confession to Irma.

Dec 01, 1970
Irma feels frightened of Joe, having discovered that he murdered Steve Tanner. Billy uses his initiative to solve Annie's bar staff shortage. Val suspects Albert of sneaking to Ken.

Dec 06, 1970
Val and Ray tackle their chief suspects in the poison pen letter mystery. Gary and Gregg make a startling discovery about Joe. Billy forces Annie to recognise Bet's popularity with the customers.

Dec 08, 1970
Gregg and Gary keep quiet about Joe's whereabouts when they are summoned to Burtonwood. A contrite Emily prostrates herself in front of Val. Betty asserts her authority at the Rovers.

Dec 13, 1970
Gary and Gregg begin to realise that their faith in Joe was misplaced. Val lays on a special tea party to mark Ken's return from America. Maggie makes plans to entertain at Christmas.

Dec 15, 1970
While Greg and Gary come to terms with the facts of Steve Tanner's murder, Joe holds Irma hostage in her flat. The news spreads, and the residents take action.

Dec 20, 1970
While Ena frets in the Rovers, Joe holds Minnie hostage at No. 5. The police arrive and surround the house, but it is Stan who takes action.

Dec 22, 1970
Joe's death casts a shadow over the street's Christmas festivities. Emily feels obliged to accompany Albert and the children to the pantomime. Greg and Gary throw a farewell party in the Rovers.

Dec 27, 1970
Billy and Betty have a run-in with a drayman from the brewery. Hilda offers her domestic services to Len and Ray. Albert objects to Minnie making changes to his household routine.

Dec 29, 1970
Annie anxiously awaits the verdict on the Rovers' spirits from the Public Health Department. Hilda embraces her new job. Len and Ray play a trick on unsuspecting Albert.
Coronation Street Season 12 (1970) is released on Jan 04, 1970 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox. Coronation Street is available online on Amazon Video and Amazon Video.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.