Episodes (105)

Dec 31, 1972
Jerry takes Norma to see Jacko on Boxing Day. Emily is convinced Christine Peters knows something about Jason Lomax's disappearance in September but Ernie convinces her there will be a simple explanation for her knowing so much about Jason. Christine gives Minnie a pair of mittens to pass on to Jason. Minnie notices a photograph of Jason in Christine's handbag. Hearing that Minnie received a bottle of scotch from the Howards, Albert gives them socks but Elsie only gives him a box of tissues. Cyril tells Betty that Mrs Regan's benefit is being cut because it is ...

Jan 02, 1973
Stan tries to find out what "co-habiting" means. Betty grows suspicious of Christine Peters drinking alone in the Rovers. Mrs Regan tells Stan she doesn't want him coming round for a couple of weeks. Betty tells Emily that Christine was asking her about Jason's disappearance. Alf dons a bowler hat and poses as an investigator as the residents kid Stan that the Social Security people are after him. Emily visits Christine's sister, Jean Cooper, who denies knowledge of Christine, whilst hiding her. Jean tells Christine not to go out without her again. Stan confesses to ...

Jan 07, 1973
Hilda starts to get annoyed at the gossip about Stan. Norma prepares for a visit to Risley Remand Centre to see Jacko. Jerry collects for a "good luck" gift from Ernie and Emily for Jacko before his trial. Emily wants to go and see Jean Cooper again in the light of what Stan told them. Hilda tells Jerry that she's going to visit No.19 Inkerman Street. Amused, he nevertheless warns her to be careful. Minnie and Albert bicker over the running of the Community Centre in Ena's absence. Jerry delights in telling Stan about Hilda's visit. The Bishops call on Jean Cooper and...

Jan 09, 1973
Ena writes from Hartlepool to say thank you for the cards and presents sent for Jason Lomax. Minnie tells Lucille that Christine Peters knitted the child some mittens. Lucille is suspicious when she hears that Emily went to see her. Ken returns from visiting Peter and Susan in Glasgow. He's appalled to find out about Jacko's guilty plea. the Bishops tell Lucille everything they discovered about Christine. She agrees with Ernie that the police should be told. Jacko's solicitor, Mr Hillbray, hears that he wants to plead guilty to get a reduced sentence. Mr Hillbray ...

Jan 14, 1973
Albert and Minnie bicker over who is the senior at the Community Centre in Ena's absence. Det Insp Patterson asks Minnie what she remembers of Christine Peters when she met her at Christmas. Ken prepares to accompany a nervous Norma to court but before they can leave Mr Hillbray summons them to to Risley Remand Centre. Mr Hillbray tells Jacko that he's free to go - they've got the truth out of Freddie Slack and are looking for Franny Slater and Sharon Duffy. Lucille is annoyed with Ernie for shopping Christine. Ken and Norma bring Jacko back to Weatherfield to a warm ...

Jan 14, 1973
Annie plans a party to mark the announcement of the new mayor's identity. Rita feigns indifference to news of Len's return. Elsie despairs as Alan falls asleep drunk with the stove alight.

Jan 21, 1973
The party continues in the Rovers back room. Hilda starts to get drunk. Elsie tries to get Alan to leave but he refuses. Annie asks Alf who his Mayoress is but he says he doesn't know yet. Elsie calls on Len and tells him not to fester over the decision. Jerry tries to speak to Rita about Len but Hilda interrupts. Len worries that Rita will think he's only interested in her now that he knows he won't be Mayor. Elsie speaks to Rita on his behalf but she's afraid that she'll be thrown to one side again as Len thinks she's not good enough, even though she needs him and ...

Jan 23, 1973
Ena is due back from St. Anne's and Minnie stocks up for her. Maggie tells Alf she's worried about what happens to the Corner Shop if she's Mayoress. Annie tells Bet she's been an excellent employee but it's to butter her up as she thinks she's going to be Mayoress and wants her continued support behind the bar. Clive Shawcross, a journalist, calls into the Rovers, investigating Jacko's case for the Gazette. Annie tells him she always believed in his innocence, much to Lucille's amusement. Len decides to take a job in Huddersfield to get away from the area. Shawcross ...

Jan 28, 1973
Elsie wonders if Ray has seen Len that morning. Jacko is offered a job by a man named Stanley Fowler in Oakhill who has read his story in the Gazette. Norma would rather he had something closer to home. Len is short-tempered with Alf when he asks him to intercede with Maggie on his behalf. Minnie snubs Ena in the Rovers. Ena asks Bet, Rita and Norma how Minnie's been behaving while she's been away. Maggie tells Alf she's not yet made a decision. He promises to make inquiries about Mr Fowler. Lucille annoys Annie when she refuses to look after the pub for the evening ...

Jan 30, 1973
Ken feels No.1 is depressing and wants it decorated. Albert tells him to move out if he doesn't like it. Suitcase in hand, Lucille looks for bedsits. Annie is short with Hilda when she cuts her arm. Annie frets over Lucille, thinking she never liked her, only Jack. Minnie tells Emily she's upset over something Ena did in her past. Emily can see that there's something very wrong with her. Alan makes an appointment to see Jimmy Frazer. Lucille runs off from one bedsit where she's put off by a seedy landlord who leers at her from his window in his dirty vest. Albert is ...

Feb 04, 1973
Albert gets grumpy when Ken refuses to do the decorating and starts scraping off the old paper himself. Hilda boasts about Stan's decorating prowess. Annie frets about how Lucille is getting on and exactly where her bedsit is. Billy tells her that Lucille is capable of looking after herself. Lucille rings Elsie to order some discount bedding from the warehouse and is shocked at the expense.Albert is called away to help at the Community Centre. Emily tells Ena that Minnie has found the letter. Lucille tries to make improvements to her bedsit with a poster on the wall ...

Feb 06, 1973
Alan asks Len, Jerry and Ken not to tell Elsie about the poker game loss and the decorating. Elsie tells Billy about Lucille's bedding request and gives him her bedsit address. He worries when he hears from the menfolk about the area. Annie refuses to visit Lucille until she's invited. Alf and Maggie enjoy a Sunday lunch together. Alf tells her about a false alarm over a letter bomb that was received at the Post Office. They are interrupted by Hilda who makes pointed comments about them being a couple, especially when Alf makes her Mayoress. Billy visits Lucille with ...

Feb 11, 1973
Len and Johnny Mann start getting at each other, much to Rita's amusement. Alf is disappointed with Maggie's decision and realises he's no option but to ask Annie but makes it clear to Maggie that it'll be on his strict terms. Lorraine visits Lucille. She tells her there's no work going as a go-go dancer. Lucille feels lonely with no spare money to go out. Alf insists that Maggie join him when he asks Annie to be Mayoress. Ken agrees with Annie that Lucille is being exploited. Jerry does some work for Maggie in the Corner Shop back room. Ena calls and gives him a ...

Feb 13, 1973
Hilda is touched when Stan presents her with flowers and a card for her birthday but the card wishes her a happy fiftieth when she's only forty-nine. Elsie tells Alan that Lucille's going to be their lodger - he's not pleased as he doesn't want her with them. He agrees she can stay for one night only and they row. George Scully refuses to give Lucille her rental advance back and insists on inspecting the bedsit for damages. Annie has gone to Derby to boast to Joan about being Mayoress. Maggie gets Betty to admit she wanted her to be Mayoress for the reflected glory. ...

Feb 18, 1973
Stan gets Hilda another birthday card with the correct age on but she's not mollified. Alan isn't pleased to have Lucille hanging around but Elsie can't face asking her to leave. Alan determines to get Lucille's £4 back off George Scully but can't understand why she can't go back to the Rovers. Maggie agrees to speak to Lucille. Ernie and Emily suggest to Alf that they take a commemorative album for his year in office. Hilda overhears and has an idea. Billy stalls telling Annie that Lucille is living at No. 11 and has to find a way to get her to return home. Lucille ...

Feb 20, 1973
Alan continues to be impatient at Lucille's presence in No.11. Hilda has problems organising her party and decides to postpone it for a week. Staff of the Mark Brittain Warehouse play football in the middle of the street during a work break. Albert says he's a member of the Ogden family - through marriage with the Barlow family - and therefore should get an automatic invitation to the party. Ernie and Emily make arrangements to take a formal picture of the Ogdens to go in their album. Hilda studies Annie's etiquette book for her party. Norman Leach calls on Alf and ...

Feb 25, 1973
Alf rings Norman and tells him to come round at midday. Alan gets annoyed when Lucille hogs the bathroom and he and Elsie row about her continuing to live with them. Lucille gets a phone call and makes arrangements to meet someone that night when the Howards are at the cinema. Ernest and Emily are asked to produce a portrait of Stan and Hilda based on one of the Royal family. Alf offers Leach £25 to drop the complaint but he's not interested. Alf ups the amount to the requested £200. Alan gets annoyed when Lucille nags him about his eating habits. The Ogdens have a ...

Feb 25, 1973
Hilda gets dolled up to welcome guests to her soiree at Number 13. Edna cadges an invitation from Stan. Lucille apologises to the Howards.

Feb 27, 1973
Hilda accuses Edna of cavorting in the bedroom with Stan. Ernie falls under suspicion among the regulars. Albert encounters jeopardy at home.

Mar 06, 1973
Albert is rushed to hospital and the Street residents are evacuated to the Community Centre. Billy tries to get in touch with Ken in Saddleworth and calls Dave Robbins. Eventually Betty gets the police to put a call out for Ken over the radio. Minnie is upset when Bobby can't be found. Elsie has to sit around in her freshly washed hair and Hilda worries about Stan's whereabouts. The residents speculate as to the cause of the leak. Ken returns to the Street and is stunned to see police activity. Ted Loftus tells him about Albert and he races to the hospital. Len and ...

Mar 11, 1973
Reporter Clive Shawcross investigates Albert's plight. Hilda is all too happy to tell him a local firm of plumbers might be responsible. Jerry hides away as he blames himself. Billy pushes Bet and Betty too hard at the Rovers. He teases them by saying he's considering becoming a figurehead. Ernie and Emily Bishop are concerned about the low attendance figures at the centre and call a meeting to get ideas from the public. They're dismayed when nobody turns up for it. Len and Ray try to protect Jerry but Jerry tells Clive that he installed the cooker. Minnie, Hilda, Ted...

Mar 13, 1973
Elsie tries to see Alan's tattoo in a mirror but fails. Ray tells Len that Rita shouldn't be working in a sleazy place like The Capricorn but he's not interested. Beattie Pearson calls at the yard and demands compensation and treatment for Albert in a private ward. Ray and Len stand by Jerry and tell her to get a solicitor. The men give her £3 as a whip-round for Albert and Ray tells her that's all she's getting. Jerry makes an offer to Len and Ray to say the job was done as a foreigner to avoid the yard being sued but Len refuses. Hilda tries to write a play before ...

Mar 18, 1973
Elsie tries to see Alan's tattoo in a mirror but fails. Ray tells Len that Rita shouldn't be working in a sleazy place like The Capricorn but he's not interested. Beattie Pearson calls at the yard and demands compensation and treatment for Albert in a private ward. Ray and Len stand by Jerry and tell her to get a solicitor. The men give her £3 as a whip-round for Albert and Ray tells her that's all she's getting. Jerry makes an offer to Len and Ray to say the job was done as a foreigner to avoid the yard being sued but Len refuses. Hilda tries to write a play before ...

Mar 20, 1973
Terry Bates tells Rita they're going to put him in a home. She puts him up for the night. Beattie Pearson refuses Jerry's offer to bring Albert home in his van but she refuses. She gets £5 "compensation" out of him and demands the same every week but he refuses to sign any document promising such. Lucille tries to push Elsie into ringing up the Portsmouth number. Terry confesses he's already been taken into care. Ena overhears Beattie ordering expensive foods in the Corner Shop. Len and Ray fear they may get struck off the CORGI list of approved fitters of gas ...

Mar 25, 1973
Norma rows with Beattie Pearson over her weekly £5 from Jerry, saying it's blood money. Ena agrees with Norma that Albert is probably behind it but refuses to tackle him. Ken tells Rita that Vincent Baxter, the children's officer, has been asking him about Terry Bates but he didn't give her away. He threatened anyone involved with six-month imprisonment or £100 fine or both. The photograph has arrived at No.11 but Alan's not in it. Albert tells Norma he knows nothing about the money and asks her to send Jerry round tonight. At Lucille's suggestion, Elsie shows the ...

Mar 27, 1973
With Elsie away at Linda's, Annie worries about Lucille being in No.11 with Alan. Rita enquires about jobs at the warehouse. Maggie is embarrassed when Norma asks customers if they're "lover boy". CORGI clears the Yard over the gas leak. Annie has Billy's bedroom decorated by Fairclough and Langton to get him to stay at No.11 as well. Ray insists they get to decorate the public as well to make it worth their while. Mike Ritchie arrives at the shop from the States. He is someone who Maggie had a romantic attachment with some years before. Maggie is happy to see him. ...

Apr 01, 1973
Ray and Len gate-crash the party at No. 11 having heard the sounds from next door. Ray meets Deirdre and gets her to ring for more of her girlfriends. Norma and Jerry enjoy a drink with Mike Ritchie. Deirdre's friend, Carol Wyatt joins the party and dances with Ray. A tipsy Deirdre bores Alan. As the party warms up, Rita and Mike Ritchie arrive. Ray rings for Bet to join them to dance with Mike. Bet feigns a headache and Annie lets her go early. Alan can't shake off Deirdre as the others dance around him. Annie feels Lucille is being over-protective. Len and Rita ...

Apr 03, 1973
With Elsie due back, Alan panics to get the house tidy before she returns. Billy and Mike Ritchie offer limited help as Deirdre sleeps on, upstairs and undiscovered. Norma makes fun of Maggie and Mike's attraction for her. Jerry thinks of taking up pipe smoking. The Bishops worry as business is very bad. Maggie rings the Rovers and finds that Mike didn't spend the night there. Alan finds Deirdre's jacket in the hall and tells Billy to get rid of it. Elsie returns and shows off her new shoes in the Corner Shop before she calls home. Norma is depressed about her dull ...

Apr 08, 1973
Annie won't come out of her bedroom while the Rovers decorating proceeds, albeit slowly. Rita can't find another job. Billy makes a joke about her working with Ernie but Len takes it seriously. Alf worries about Mike Ritchie. Elsie and Alan aren't talking to each other and Lucille is caught in the middle, passing on messages. Mike gives Ernie a load of films to develop but Ernie is still depressed about the business. Len suggests that Rita could work for him as a model but is refused. Maggie makes Elsie think that Alan could be innocent of doing anything wrong. Maggie...

Apr 10, 1973
Elsie and Norma try to find out how Maggie feels about Mike. Mike confides in Len that he's in love with a widow in the States but is waiting for her to say "yes". Albert wears sunglasses in the Rovers as he thinks the new decor is too brightly-coloured. Jerry hates doing all the work himself, with Annie preparing herself for an elocution lesson from Sybil Cudlipp. Rita starts as a rep for Ernie. Emily thinks she's is the wrong person to promote the child portraits and will bring in the wrong sort of trade. Alf taunts Mike in the Rovers for the Americans' late entry ...

Apr 15, 1973
Rita makes Emily realise she has no reason to feel jealous of her. Mike Ritchie tells Len his widow in the States wants him back. Annie gets tired of Sybil Cudlipp and tells her that she thinks she doesn't need any more elocution lessons. Mike tells Maggie he's returning to the States, she hopes he will take her with him but he's going alone. Maggie blames Alf for influencing him. Annie is told to expect a visit from the retiring Mayoress and is horrified to discover the living room is in the middle of redecoration.

Apr 17, 1973
Bet and Betty are forced to decorate the Rovers' living room. With Hilda away at Archie Crabtree's, Annie advertises for a temporary cleaner. Alf is pleased that Mike has returned to the States and expects to walk back into Maggie's life. Albert snubs Beattie over Easter due to what happened with Jerry. Ken returns from Scotland. Alf is surprised when Maggie refuses to go out with him tonight - or any other night. He doesn't know what he's done. Norma tells Len that Maggie blames Alf for Mike leaving. Alf's old headmaster Herbert James congratulates him on becoming ...

Apr 22, 1973
Annie tries to patch over her embarrassment but Ethel Bostock is too down to Earth to mind and tells Annie she used to be a char. Annie's regard for her predecessor drops but she remains polite. When Herbert James talks of walking the Pennine Way - all 270 miles of it - Albert tells him that he'll do it as well. Ken thinks he won't survive it. Elsie tells Maggie that Mike returned to the States for a woman and not because of Alf. Annie is alarmed when Ethel recognises Minnie from the Over 60s club and talks about how glad she is that Annie is working class. Alf is ...

Apr 24, 1973
Maggie and Norma try in vain to get rid of the mice from the Corner Shop. Maggie thinks Tommy Deakin's stables under the viaduct are to blame. Jerry and Albert go walking on the Pennine Way. Len assures Maggie that the stables are clean as the council sent a rat-catcher round. He wonders why she hasn't forgiven Alf for Mike Ritchie leaving. Elsie knows she's hurting as she feels second best. Rita gets Ernie a job, photographing Terry Slade's strippers but he's not interested, on moral grounds. Albert gets fed up with Jerry's rations and goes off on his own to find a ...

Apr 29, 1973
Elsie and Maggie tell Norma they need proof the mice are coming from No. 13 before they can report the Ogdens. She determines to get some. Emily starts to photograph the strippers in Terry Slade's club. She admits to him that Ernie doesn't know she's taken on the assignment. Bet accuses the menfolk of giving Stan the cold shoulder. He gets annoyed when Billy asks him how he's cleaning the house in Hilda's absence. On the Pennine Way, Albert strides ahead of an out-of-breath Jerry. He refuses to stop to eat and rest. Alan tells Elsie that Stan is absorbed in a darts ...

May 01, 1973
Albert and Jerry have returned from their Pennine Way walk and Ray blames Jerry's nosebleeds on his exertions. Stan asks for assistance in clearing out No. 13 before the council men arrive to fumigate and Jerry and Lucille agree to help. Albert boasts about his physical prowess but is vague about how much of the walk they actually completed. Lucille is appalled at the state of No. 13's kitchen as there are days' worth of washing up outstanding. Nellie Harvey calls to see Annie but she's not back from Derby yet. She's angling for an invitation to the Mayoral ceremony. ...

May 06, 1973
Annie gets annoyed when Billy shows no interest in helping her pick a hat for the inaugural. He takes a call from someone chasing him up for money but puts them off. Hilda fails to turn up for work, raging in No.13 as to who reported them. She questions Stan as to how the neighbours behaved towards him while she was away, trying to identify the culprit. He admits that Maggie asked him to inspect the house. She draws up a shortlist. Billy asks Ray for a loan of £200 but he can't help him and tells him Len won't be able to either. Ken receives a visit from a man who ...

May 08, 1973
Albert refuses to decorate the outside of his house for the Manchester Festival. Bet is getting tired of Annie going on about being Mayoress. Billy snaps at Annie when she pushes him to get ready for the installation. He begs Fred Nelson to deliver the food for the party to be held afterwards. Elsie tells Maggie to wish Alf luck to show that there's no hard feelings. Annie starts to get in a panic as the time to depart nears. She's worried and disappointed when Billy cries off attending, citing illness. She, Betty and Lucille wonder if it's the same virus that's ...

May 13, 1973
Albert complains at the slow service in the Rovers and Hilda complains at the lack of pies as Bet struggles alone behind the bar. The installation ceremony concludes. Annie is touched when Ena presents her with a bouquet on behalf of all the Coronation Street residents. A drinks reception is held for the attendees. Lucille agrees to be Concepta's bridesmaid at her wedding in Ireland. Annie asks Alf if they can be on first name terms from now onwards. Billy loses on the horses. Fred Nelson tells Bet that Billy has twenty-four hours to pay up or the Brewery will be ...

May 15, 1973
Billy returns in the early hours after a night out with lads and a wallet full of notes. Annie tells him she knows about the money owed to the caterers but he makes up excuses and apologises for missing the installation. Ena prepares her flat for Tom and Faye-Marie's arrival. She tells Ken they're interested in visiting Woburn Abbey and gives Minnie back the crumpets she insisted that the Corner Shop put in her delivery for the visitors. Billy rings the caterers, offering £100 in cash and promises the remainder by the end of the week. They reinstate their supplies. ...

May 20, 1973
Minnie plans to take Bobby on the trip to Woburn Abbey but Ena refuses to let her. Annie tries to back off the inaugural dinner of the Manchester Festival committee, citing personal reasons, but won't tell Alf why. Betty tells him that Billy's involved and he demands to know from Annie what's going on. She tells him about the £200 loss through gambling. She can make good the money but worries what the brewery say if they find out and their reputation as Mayor and Mayoress should the news get out. Alf recommends she sack Billy as manager. Ray arranges a "no strings ...

May 22, 1973
Ena, Annie, Ken, Minnie, Stan, Hilda, Tom, Faye and Norma arrive at Woburn Abbey. Billy looks in "Situations Vacant" while Betty upbraids Bet for being late for work. Billy tells Ray that Deirdre Hunt has been looking for him. He finds her at the yard, looking for work, a job offer in London having fallen through. He finds out she has experience serving in a shop. The travellers go through the safari park. Minnie's taken with the tigers. Hilda's nervous of them. Ena notices that Annie is distracted. Billy asks Len for work but realises he has no relevant experience. ...

May 27, 1973
Len tells Rita that the purchase of Biddulph's has gone through. Alf overhears a comment from Elsie that Alan has so much on he has to work the bank holiday. He tells Billy that could mean there's an opening at the garage for him. At Woburn Abbey Annie doesn't believe that the Duke of Bedford sold Minnie her tea towel. Alan is horrified to hear from Ray that Deirdre will be given a job at Biddulph's and be permanently in the area. Alan isn't sure he can offer Billy permanent work. Ray tells Deirdre the manager's job is hers. The daytrippers inspect Queen Victoria's ...

May 29, 1973
The residents prepare for a Manchester Festival day party at the Community Centre and in the street. Emily thinks the hall tables should be placed outside but Ernie disagrees, citing the weather. Betty and Hilda wonder what's in the letter on the bar. Annie finds it and reads that Billy has gone to London to look for work there. Rita takes Terry Bates out for the day. Alf fetches Annie to officially open the party. Ena isn't pleased to hear that Ken and Faye-Marie have gone out together. A children's merry-go-round, a barrel organ, candy floss and other attractions ...

Jun 03, 1973
In her role as Mayoress of Weatherfield, Annie prepares herself to meet Princess Alexandra at the official opening of the Manchester Festival. She denies that she's nervous at the prospect and gets annoyed at Hilda who can see that she's still upset at Billy's departure. The residents clear the Community Centre hall after the Festival day. Stan drops a trestle table on Jerry's foot. Ena questions Ken who assures her that he has no intentions on Faye-Marie. Alf thinks Annie should go and stay with Joan for a while. Alf and Annie leave for the ceremony, leaving Bet with...

Jun 05, 1973
Annie tells the staff of the Rovers she's going away for at least a month. Jerry makes a date with Mavis Riley for the evening after waving to her when he sees her going to work at the Warehouse. Relief manager, Glyn Thomas, turns up but doesn't make himself known immediately, preferring to see how the land lies. Rita is worried that the shop won't be profitable. Annie and Elsie make up their differences. Mavis tells Jerry she's tired of working at the Warehouse. When Len refuses to give Rita an assistant, she tells him that he can keep the job.

Jun 10, 1973
Rita tells Elsie the main reason she packed the shop in was Len will have a key to the flat. Ernie starts ballroom dancing at the Community Centre. Ted Loftus asks Hilda to accompany him to it. Jerry offers Mavis the job at the shop but she doesn't like the idea of all the responsibility. Ethel Bostock to stand in as Mayoress during Annie's absence. Len backs down and gives Rita his duplicate key to the flat and promises her an assistant. Rita wants the shop to be called "Rita's" but Len wants it called "The Kabin". Ted wants Hilda to be his dance partner - she agrees...

Jun 12, 1973
Hilda is in a good mood over the ballroom dancing. Stan isn't happy about Ted Loftus being her partner until he realises that it will give him uninterrupted supping time when she's at her Community Centre lessons and gives his "permission". With the shop opening for business, Jerry paints the sign saying "The Kabin". Rita isn't pleased that Len has ridden rough-shod over her wishes. Mavis tells Jerry she has an interview that afternoon as Rita's assistant. Glyn Thomas wants Bet or Betty to be his personal cook whilst he's at the Rovers. Betty agrees to be Ernie's ...

Jun 17, 1973
Mavis starts work at the Kabin and hides the girly magazines out of view. Rita demands they be displayed again. Jerry makes excuses to call in as a customer. Rita tells Len all but one customer has cancelled their order for "Pig Producers' Monthly". Glyn gives Betty an hour off to attend the Community Centre's dance class. She, Bet and Hilda are taken with his charm. Ray collects his pools money off a hard-up Stan. Albert complains what state the hall floor will look like after the dance lesson. Glyn gets Ernie to send the dancers over to the Rovers afterwards. ...

Jun 19, 1973
Hilda sees the dark man again in the teacups. Stan asks her for a borrow but she has no spare change. Bet fusses over getting Glyn his dinner. He makes enquiries from Betty about how interested Billy would be in returning to the Rovers and whether that means Annie would carry on as landlady in his absence. Len and Rita look for paperboys to start deliveries from The Kabin. A shy Jerry asks Mavis round to No.9 to watch television one night. Glyn successfully gets Bet and Betty to push the darts players to order more drinks. Jerry gets tired of the noise, mess and ...

Jun 24, 1973
Mavis gets embarrassed when Rita teases her about Jerry. Hilda asks in the Kabin for a pattern for a ballroom dress. Mavis suggests she designs her own and Hilda is taken with the idea. Rita tells Len that she and Mavis will do the early morning papers each day, bar Sunday, if they get a pay rise. Glyn confirms to Bet that there is a possibility that Annie will give up the Rovers and he might take over. Lucille writes to Annie about how Glyn upset Minnie. He asks Lucille to apologise to Minnie on his behalf and to call in for a drink on the house. Hilda draws up her ...

Jun 26, 1973
Rita kids on to Mavis to be wary of Len and Ray before she goes to Sunday tea at No. 9. Ray is deliriously happy at his pools win. Elsie nags Alan to trim his moustache. Hilda checks their pools coupon and realises the syndicate has 23 points. Stan looks concerned. Elsie messes up Alan's moustache and cuts it too closely. Stan tries to give his, Bet and Alan's pools money to Len without saying what it is but it's waved aside. Ken tells Glyn that he disapproves of the fruit machine that's been installed in the public. Hilda tells a stunned Bet that the syndicate's win ...

Jul 01, 1973
Ray is hungover after celebrating his pools win on his own. He tells Len, Rita and Jerry that none of the other syndicate paid in their stakes. Maggie tells Bet what Ray told her but Bet doesn't take the comment seriously. Glyn takes Betty to task for disparaging the fruit machine and threatens to replace her. Bet tells her to be careful as Glyn told her Annie might not be returning. Rita tells the Howards about Ray's comments. Elsie panics when she hears that Stan was responsible for handing the money over. Hilda continues to dream as Stan continues to worry. Alan ...

Jul 03, 1973
Ray forces Stan to cough up his fifty pence stake money, prompting the residents to feel sympathy for him. Len makes the concerns of the Rovers regulars known to Glyn. Jerry asks Mavis to go for a drink with him.

Jul 08, 1973
Ray demands Stan's 50p stake money before giving him £5 compensation. The residents feel Ray is a rat. Glyn charges 12p to go into Renee Delafonte's concert in the select where drinks are up 1p. Jerry comes to a sort of understanding with Mavis. Elsie feels guilty about Stan and gives him £5. On the way back from Jackson's Chip Shop, the Ogdens find Bet bleeding and unconscious in the ginnel.

Jul 10, 1973
Bet has been taken to hospital though no one knows the extent of her injuries. Ena breaks the news to the residents in the Corner Shop that she's just seen her coming back, driven to the Rovers in an ambulance. Battered and bruised, Glyn Thomas is happy to have her stay and Lucille has made a bed up for her. She was mugged of her £75. Ena takes Emily to task for suggesting the root cause of such occurrences is unemployment. Minnie excitedly reports to Ena that Annie has returned in a cab. In the pub, Annie is shocked to learn what has happened to Bet. Clive Shawcross ...

Jul 15, 1973
Ena confronts Annie about her future plans, having been informed by Lucille. Annie admits she's leaving the Rovers but she isn't ready to tell people yet. Lucille is unapologetic for breaking Annie's confidence; she hoped Ena would change her mind. The police suspect Stan of mugging Bet before going to Jackson's as he can't account for his movements immediately beforehand. Bet is sure her attacker had a smaller stature. She tells Alf that Norman Leach threatened her over the cheque but assures him she never told the police about the blackmail. Ena starts a petition to...

Jul 17, 1973
Alf confides in Maggie but she is upset he didn't tell her about Bet in the first place. He feared she'd see Bet as the other woman. She's glad she didn't agree to be his Mayoress. Bet's handbag is recovered with everything still in it. It had been tossed over a wall in the ginnels. The police realise that Bet was targeted by her attacker. Annie thanks Elsie for signing the petition and buys her a drink, unaware that Lucille forged her name. Ena gets to Elsie before the truth emerges and prevents any ill-feeling. The vicar gives Ernie a budgie to get rid of as it has ...

Jul 22, 1973
Alf tells the police everything, but Norman Leach has already been arrested - his fingerprints were on the bag. Bet is annoyed that the Gazette printed an unflattering photo of her and her full name, which she hates. Detective Sgt. Brewster tells Alf that he blackmailed himself; the courts would see Leach's demand for money as an offer to settle out of court. Nevertheless, he uses it as leverage with Leach, inviting him to plead guilty to assault to save him from dredging the whole thing up. Alan looks forward to his third wedding anniversary. Elsie tells him that ...

Jul 24, 1973
When she hears Elsie is away, Annie asks Lucille to move back to the Rovers. She uses Alan as an intermediary as she knows Lucille won't listen to her if she asks her personally. Alan is offended that she doesn't trust him to be alone with Lucille. Lucille refuses so Norma volunteers to stay at No.11 with them both. Elsie arrives at Ernie Sutton's house and he tells her that Dennis has been in prison for a week. Elsie is ashamed of Dennis, who was involved in a double glazing scam. Ernie defends him, believing that he was led on and left to carry the can. Wilfred ...

Jul 29, 1973
Lucille plans a wedding anniversary party for the Howards and invites Deirdre. Ernie tries to brew his own beer but it makes him sick. Alan makes Lucille cancel the party. Elsie is upset by visiting Dennis Tanner and blames Jenny for everything. Elaine tells Ken she's going to live her dreams. Elsie is worried that she has been a bad mother. She leaves her handbag on a park bench. Returning for it, she is knocked down by a taxi.

Jul 31, 1973
An unconscious Elsie is rushed to hospital. Emily wants to help Betty behind the bar of the Rovers but Ernie doesn't approve. Alan tries to get in touch with Sheila when Elsie is late home. Ken stimulates Elaine Perkins by talking about censorship. Elsie has a frontal fracture of the skull and severe concussion and can't be identified. Alan and Len get drunk while waiting for Elsie. Alan manages to get hold of Sheila by telephone at 1am. Not knowing what's going on, Sheila covers for Elsie by telling Alan she missed her train back from Sheffield and is sleeping.

Aug 05, 1973
An unconscious Elsie is rushed to hospital. Emily wants to help Betty behind the bar of the Rovers but Ernie doesn't approve. Alan tries to get in touch with Sheila when Elsie is late home. Ken stimulates Elaine Perkins by talking about censorship. Elsie has a frontal fracture of the skull and severe concussion and can't be identified. Alan and Len get drunk while waiting for Elsie. Alan manages to get hold of Sheila by telephone at 1am. Not knowing what's going on, Sheila covers for Elsie by telling Alan she missed her train back from Sheffield and is sleeping.

Aug 07, 1973
Len and Lucille wonder if Elsie is playing away. Elsie's picture is circulated in newspapers to help identify her. Bet returns from holidaying in Blackpool. Rita tells Len that Elsie isn't worth worrying about. Wilfred Perkins tries to matchmake between Ken and Elaine. Alan erupts on Lucille when he returns from Sheffield without Elsie, thinking she knows more than she's letting on. She swears she only knows what Sheila told her. Alan apologises and phones friends to trace Elsie. Len suggests Dennis Maxwell. Alan discovers Dennis is now in Manchester. Ken has plans to...

Aug 12, 1973
The warehouse get onto Alan about Elsie's whereabouts. He finds out that she only asked for one day off work. Len believes that Elsie would have been straight with Alan if she was leaving him and wouldn't have left her clothes behind. Ken takes Elaine to a cricket match. Alan gives Elsie's description to the police and asks that she be reported as a missing person. They refuse as she went of her own free will. In London, Elsie is still unconscious but mutters some words in her sleep - "double glazing", "Pentonville", and "Dennis Tanner". The nurses pass this ...

Aug 14, 1973
Alan waits by Elsie's bedside, waiting for a sign of recovery. Sister Delaney is unable to help him when he enquires who identified Elsie. Ken dons very casual romantic clothes to impress Elaine Perkins. Alan rings Maggie and tells her about Elsie's accident and where she was found. She passes on the news to Ena, Minnie and Norma. Ena wonders what Elsie was up to in London. Ken lets on to Hilda that he's looking for a flat of his own. Alf sells Ken some tickets to the Russian ballet. Minnie tells the Rovers regulars about Elsie's news. Hilda also wonders what she was ...

Aug 19, 1973
Elaine tells Ken she doesn't love him and can't marry him. He feels bitter as she wants to remain friends. Alf is worried about the pending court case and plans to resign. Alan returns to Elsie in London and she tells him about Dennis. Ken uses Norma to pull back into life. Elsie doesn't think she can face the Street. Alf goes to resign but Annie learns that Norman Leach is pleading guilty.

Aug 21, 1973
Annie can't get through to the Town Hall and stop Alf from resigning. Alan rings Maggie from London and tells her that Elsie is making progress but they're keeping her in for the time being. Hilda continues to upset the neighbours with her insinuations about Elsie. Len isn't bothered about Alf's problems. At the Town Hall, Alf is kept waiting for Vernon Fletcher, the clerk to the council. Len has to go to a council meeting about a trip to France and offers to give Alf the good news. Mr Fletcher can't be found in the building. Ray moans in the Kabin about Len's trip to...

Aug 26, 1973
Mavis and Jerry discuss where to go on Bank Holiday. Alf looks for Len but can't find him anywhere, neither can Rita, Jerry or Ray. Annie is relieved that Alf is still Mayor. Maggie is pleased, thinking that Len told him about Leach's plea but Annie puts her right. Stan has the chance to hire a minibus for a trip on Monday which they can sell seats on and so get him and Hilda a free trip out. Bet and Betty wonder if they'll be asked to work on Monday. Jerry thinks Weatherfield ought to have exchange trips with the new twin town Charleville. Len turns up at The Kabin ...

Aug 28, 1973
As Hilda gossips about Elsie to anyone who will listen, Alan tries to persuade his wife to stop hiding and face the world. The women fulfil their forfeit by staging a drag show in the Rovers. Alf stirs up trouble between Len and Rita.

Sep 02, 1973
Rita throws Hilda out of The Kabin for spreading rumours about Elsie. Emily is master of ceremonies at the cabaret, introducing Renee Delafonte on the piano, Rita singing as Danny La Rue in drag, Norma impersonating Ken Dodd, Bet and Betty doing a Laurel and Hardy act. Alan worries as Elsie refuses to leave No. 11 in fear of the neighbours. Alf tells Rita that Len could have taken her to France if he wanted to.

Sep 02, 1973
The gossip circulating about Elsie starts to get to Alan. Jerry is miffed to learn that Ray has employed Deirdre. Ken forgoes his plans with Norma to spend the evening at Rita's.

Sep 09, 1973
Alan has a cut head. Elsie thinks they should be honest with everyone but Alan won't give the Ogdens the satisfaction. Stan has a black eye. Deirdre puts some feminine touches in the yard office and makes things more efficient. Rita tells Mavis that she entertained Ken to dinner the previous night when she finds his cufflink. Deirdre forces Ray and Jerry to finish their lunch on time and return to work. The Ogdens brave the Rovers. Annie refuses to serve them but, in front of them, tells Alan that she admires him for his actions. Rita invites Ken to cook her a meal at...

Sep 11, 1973
Jerry drums up support for Mavis as she prepares for her sponsored swim. Albert tells Ken a few home truths. Rita looks forward to her date but Norma manages to put a stop to her excitement.

Sep 16, 1973
Albert tells Ken he's ashamed and hurt by him. Ken refuses to marry another Val to please Albert. Ken makes a date with Rita. At the pool, the residents cheer for Mavis. Albert shames Ken into going to Glasgow. Mavis nearly collapses after eighteen lengths. Albert doesn't tell Rita that Ken has gone and she is stood up.

Sep 18, 1973
Alan doesn't like the way Elsie and Lucille constantly nick his cigarettes. Emily organises a draw for free OAP holidays in Llandudno donated by landladies in that area. After finding out about Ken going to Glasgow from someone else, Rita tries to find out more from Albert, who makes it clear that he doesn't like her. Deirdre has decided that she doesn't suit glasses and had contact lenses fitted. Norma wishes that she was stronger with men, like Rita. Emily carries out the draw in the Rovers. Minnie and Mrs Toft win holidays but Albert demands that the tickets are ...

Sep 23, 1973
Albert gets Emily and Minnie to pack for his two-week holiday in Llandudno. Upon hearing that he has to share a room with Cyril Fairhurst, Albert decides he's not going and tears up his ticket. Jerry gets in touch with Dobson Swales to pursue a contract to convert an old house. Elsie tells Alan that being in hospital has made her realise how lucky she is. Bob Fawcett, Dobson Swales' contract manager, turns up at the Yard while Deirdre is in sole occupancy. He's annoyed that Deirdre is preoccupied with finding her missing lens on the office floor but after a chat and ...

Sep 25, 1973
Alan starts the no-smoking syndicate. Ken returns from Glasgow and wants to bring Susan and Peter back as soon as he's found a new mother for them. Deirdre, Bet, Lucille, Alf, Ray and the Ogdens attend the Howards' syndicate meeting. Hilda is taken with the idea of owning a villa in Majorca but has a job persuading Stan to give up smoking. Deirdre doesn't join the syndicate but everyone else does, as do Rita and Betty. Ken discovers Janet Reid working in the department of education when he rings up for a supply teacher and she agrees to a date. She doesn't mind ...

Sep 30, 1973
Norma holds out hope that Ken and Janet were meeting to talk business as they're both in education. Stan takes up a pipe as he only promised to lay off cigarettes. Ray gets a letter from Len asking why he hasn't heard from Rita. The residents find ways to cope with not being able to smoke; Ray carries a dummy cigarette in his mouth while Elsie eats sweets. Janet calls to tell Ken she's found a supply teacher for him. They go for lunch and get to know each other. Vera Hopkins marches her daughter Tricia back to the Rovers, this time wearing her school uniform and ...

Oct 02, 1973
Hilda makes Stan clean the house as they're hosting a syndicate meeting. Alf tells Annie and Bet about Len saving Conrad Farmer's wife. Len returns from France and is surprised to find Deirdre working at the yard. He doesn't approve of her. Alan and Lucille are on anti-smoking tablets while Elsie refuses to take them. Annie and Alf apologise to Len for jumping to conclusions. He admits he should have told them about Farmer's wife before he left and they make up. Rita is annoyed when Len visits her, expecting them to pick up where they left off. She tells him she knows...

Oct 07, 1973
Rita still hasn't forgiven Len, even when Elsie tells her about him jumping into the canal. Len agrees to give Deirdre three months' probation when Jerry also threatens to leave the yard. Stan melts his pipe when he boils it to get the tar out. Elsie tells Lucille she's been asked to set up Mark Brittain's new branch in Newcastle. Janet is amused by Ken's attempt to change a flat tyre. They realise they're each what they're looking for. Elsie tells Alan about the job offer after turning it down. Alan knows she wants it and convinces her to accept, telling her she'll ...

Oct 09, 1973
Ray carries his arm in a sling. Rita starts wondering what people really think of her but decides not to mope. She is happy that Len defended her honour and opens his present from France - an expensive necklace. Len and Janet are polite to each other when they meet at the Corner Shop. He starts to come round over Deirdre when she types up his report on the French trip in her own time. Minnie receives a postcard from Ena in Wales. She is therefore surprised to see Ena back in the Street - she returned a week early, to get away from Albert. Mavis tries on Rita's ...

Oct 14, 1973
Len and Ken are at daggers drawn. To everyone's surprise, Len asks Ken for a private word and they take their business to No.9. Ken convinces Len that there was nothing between him and Rita, and that he was just lonely and found her easy to talk to. He tells Ken to trust Rita. Rita can't get the necklace off Mavis. Deirdre thinks about quitting the yard because of what happened with Len and Ray. Len and Ken get drunk together. Rita is amazed when Janet tells her that Ken and Len went away to fight. Jerry sees the necklace on Mavis and assumes a man gave it to her. ...

Oct 14, 1973
Ray's resolve not to smoke starts to waiver. Stan claims that not smoking is making him feel dizzy. Hilda doesn't believe him until Rita kids on that she's feeling the same and Hilda starts to worry about Stan being up ladders all day. Janet lends Ken her mini to bring Peter and Susan down from Scotland. She avoids questions about the children from the residents and when they arrive takes them to the park alone to get to know them. Peter makes himself ill though after eating two of her puddings and she has to bring him home. David Spencer, the VAT man, tells Len the ...

Oct 16, 1973
Annie takes Stan to task over his shoddy work on cleaning the windows in the street and stands over him while he does them again. Ray tries to get hold of someone from Weatherfield Plastics but all the management are away in Birmingham. The no-smoking syndicate starts to waiver in their resolve. Len is grumpy with everyone and Rita insists he does something about it rather than complaining. Len goes to see solicitor Stephen Rigby who tells him that he has no option but to pay the VAT. The Barlows and Janet have a day out in a park with a picnic made by Janet. The ...

Oct 23, 1973
Len and Ray refuse to pay the VAT until they're paid. It is Annie's thirty-sixth wedding anniversary and she recalls her twenty-fifth anniversary party. Albert returns from Wales, hurt to find that Peter and Susan have been staying and now Ken has taken them back to Scotland. Lucille gives Annie flowers and tells her how much she misses Jack. Weatherfield Plastics avoid Len and Ray's calls. Bet discovers Janet has gone to Scotland with Ken. Albert is grumpy with everyone and an exasperated Emily throws his washing at him. Ray tells Len that Plastics are sending a ...

Oct 23, 1973
Norma mopes over Ken being with Janet. Maggie tells her that she shouldn't hold a candle for him. In Scotland, Edith Tatlock shows that she's unhappy about Janet taking Val's place. Albert reveals he helped liberate Charleville in the Great War. Minnie tries to get the truth out of Ena about what happened in Wales but can't. Norma lets slip to Albert that Janet is in Scotland with Ken. Ena tells Minnie that she had words about how to run a boarding house and it was obvious then that her face didn't fit. When the cheque doesn't arrive, Len and Ray go to Weatherfield ...

Oct 30, 1973
Schoolboy Mark Hillkirk is allowed to take some spare wood from the yard for bonfire night. Jerry tells Len and Ray that he's heard that Weatherfield Plastics' total debts are £40,000 and they have little chance of recovering the sums owed to them. Their own creditors are pressing them for their money. Len has to go to the bank for an overdraft to tie them over. Norma sees a postcard that the twins have sent to Minnie and wonders if anyone else is with Ken. Emily asks Minnie if she's heard anything of what happened in Llandudno as the Community Centre committee is ...

Nov 04, 1973
Janet and Ken got married in Janet's home town of Keswick on the way back from Scotland. Ken follows her suggestion of breaking the news to Albert himself. At No.1, he finds the table set for four, Albert having assumed that he had brought the twins back with him due to Ken mentioning "us" in his telegram. When he realises he was mistaken, Albert guesses that Ken has married Janet. Ken walks out when Albert criticises him for marrying in secret. Dr. Mitchell checks over Ena and reveals she has had a mild heart attack. Minnie moves her into No.5. Jerry visits the ...

Nov 06, 1973
It is Bonfire night but there's no one to supervise the communal bonfire. Norma is devastated to learn Ken is married. She feels she can't take any more humiliation and plans to leave. Albert appraises Janet's cooking and gives cautious compliments. Alan agrees to supervise the fireworks. Len talks Ena into going to St. Anne's. Norma forces herself to wish Ken congratulations as he buys drinks for everyone in the Rovers. The residents watch the fireworks although Annie refuses to let Bet have the night off to watch. A spark lands in an open box of fireworks, setting ...

Nov 11, 1973
The next morning, the embers of the bonfire die down. Mark Hillkirk has suffered burns to his legs, arms and face. Ken plans to go back to the hospital to see him, even though he and Alan weren't allowed in the previous night. Lucille calls to say that Annie is organising a wedding party for the Barlows that night. She says that Alan is dealing badly with the firework event. Bet and Betty have heard that Clive Shawcross of the Gazette has been asking questions about the accident. The hospital won't let Alan in, but do tell him that Mark has to have skin grafts. ...

Nov 13, 1973
Stan prepares for Rene Dubois' arrival but worries that Hilda will find out. Len reminds him that he tried to get out of it so Hilda can't be mad at him. Alf is annoyed that Annie is away visiting Joan when she's needed. Emily is stunned to hear Stan is getting a woman and fears it will make the Sunday papers. Janet wants a house but Ken will only go up to £8,000. Stan is landed with lorry driver Rene. Mark Hillkirk has to have plastic surgery. The Bishops' Frenchman, Charles Follette, speaks no English. Stan and Rene get on like brothers. Janet wears Ken down until ...

Nov 18, 1973
Emily is put out when Ernie's French is better than hers. Stan, Rene Dubois and Marcel Lebeque start a poker game at the Rovers but Bet beats them. She goes to bed while they play on. Albert thinks Alf is keeping him away from the Frenchmen so he won't offend them. Marcel spends the night on No. 13's floor after passing out. Janet talks Ken into going to see a £10,000 house. Bet guesses Marcel is happily married but allows the regulars to fantasise about their night together. Alf introduces Albert to the Frenchmen. Albert is annoyed when they desert him right away. ...

Nov 20, 1973
The residents wonder at Janet's big plans. Ernie puts his foot in it by telling Annie about Cyril stopping Betty looking after Marcel Lebeque at the Rovers in her absence. Ray and Len go to court. They refuse legal representation. Albert visits Mark Hillkirk in hospital. When Len speaks out of turn, Judge Carson asks Ray to give evidence instead. He admits their accountant and solicitor advised them to pay up. Ernie slips up and reveals to Annie about Marcus staying at No.13. Janet doesn't factor the twins into her plans. Mr. Geddes, putting the case for Customs and ...

Nov 25, 1973
Judge Carson reveals the case is over as someone from the Yard has paid in the VAT money owing. Len and Ray are furious. Alan blames himself for Mark Hillkirk's accident. Jerry tells Len and Ray he stood the money because he didn't want to see the end of the firm. Mavis reveals to Jerry that the Kabin has been transferred into Rita's name, making her the owner. Ray, Jerry and Rita turn on Len for selfishly protecting his investment; if the Yard goes bust he won't have to sell The Kabin. Janet refuses Ken's choice of a semi for a £12,000 detached. Mr Wormold puts the ...

Nov 27, 1973
Hilda finds a postcard from Rene Dubois and thinks Stan has had a woman in. Janet wants the house and goes to see it with Emily when Ken stalls. Alf reveals Len has gone indefinitely. Albert doesn't know how he'll pay the rent when the Barlows leave. The residents tell Hilda that Rene was a man. She doesn't believe them and accuses Ernie of covering for Stan when he says he doesn't have the photos yet. Ray tells Jerry he's leaving. Jerry and Deirdre are left to fire themselves. Jerry pays Deirdre's last wage using his own money. Ernie has a new rabbit called Samuel. ...

Dec 02, 1973
Ken takes the deposit to the estate agents. Albert thinks it would be a good financial idea to marry Minnie. As Jerry relies more on Deirdre, Mavis feels jealous. Albert proposes to Minnie. Ray clears out of the Yard. Janet invites the Bishops to her birthday meal. Ken is late at the agents and loses the house. Janet is furious and the Bishops make a diplomatic exit from her birthday meal. When Janet insults Val he hits her. She tells him that he's useless. Minnie tells Albert she needs to ask Ena's advice before deciding on his proposal.

Dec 04, 1973
It's the Ogdens' pearl wedding tomorrow but Stan can't afford a present. Ken asks Janet to apologise to the Bishops but she refuses and he tells her to go to hell. Minnie tidies up the Community Centre flat for Ena's return. Ken avoids Janet and eats his meals in the Rovers. Minnie hesitates to tell Ena that she and Albert are getting engaged as she's to avoid shocks. Albert tries to tell Ena but he gets mixed up in his explanation and she thinks he's proposing to her. Ken and Janet make up. The Ogdens decide to have a party. Ena tells a shocked Minnie that Albert's ...

Dec 09, 1973
It is the Ogdens' Pearl wedding. Ena accuses Minnie of being jealous, and refuses to accept Albert's explanation - she's still thinking about it. Hilda gives Stan pearl cufflinks. He can't afford a present for her so Maggie gives him her pearl necklace. The building society won't give the Barlows a mortgage for six months. Janet refuses to have Peter and Susan down until they're out of No.1. Ena gives in gracefully and Minnie accepts Albert's proposal. The Ogdens throw a party. Norma, Maggie, Ken, Janet, Emily, Ernie, Annie, Deirdre and Betty attend. When Hilda starts...

Dec 11, 1973
Stan refuses to think of Trevor as his son after nine years' absence. Hilda tracks Trevor down to Chesterfield. Maggie reveals Norma has left to nurse a sick Jacko. Ernie and Alf have complaints about Ena's temper towards the Community Centre users. Ray gets a job as area rep for Weatherfield Developments. Hilda tells Stan she's going to see Trevor.

Dec 16, 1973
The Ogdens arrive in Chesterfield to visit Trevor but are taken aback to meet his wife, Pauline. Ena inadvertently ruins the children's Christmas party. Len gets a frosty reception from Jerry and Deirdre.

Dec 18, 1973
Stan and Hilda are devastated to learn the extent of Trevor's contempt for them. The fate of Ena's caretaker job lies in jeopardy. Len tells Rita where he has been hiding, while Jerry decides to fight for change.

Dec 23, 1973
Minnie taken Ena in at Number 5 but remains furious with the Bishops for making her friend homeless. Deirdre sticks up for Jerry when Ray and Len talk business. Bet plays Annie at her own game when it comes to exchanging gifts.

Dec 25, 1973
Ernest and Emily finds themselves outcasts when the community takes Ena's side. Deirdre suggests an office party at the yard. Rita bets Mavis that Len will propose to her.

Dec 30, 1973
The Bishops bring good news for Ena regarding her job, but she has already made plans. The New Year celebrations get underway in the Rovers' select. Annie receives an unexpected visitor.
Coronation Street Season 15 (1973) is released on Dec 31, 1972 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.