Episodes (103)

Episode #1.632
S1967E01 · Episode #1.632

Jan 01, 1967

Stan refuses to do general maintenance in a mill for £9 a week as he's on £8 10/- on the dole. He refuses a labouring job with Len because it's raining. Ena can't afford coal so she and Vera go cold. Minnie applies for a supplementary pension and advises Ena to do so - getting £4 10/- a week and rent paid. Secretly, Ena is interviewed by the social security. She is told she'll get £5 a week as her rent is free. She is convinced that she is entitled to it. Irma refuses Hilda tick until Stan gets a job. The social man, Mr Hale, says Vera can have £3 19/-. The Labour ...

Episode #1.633
S1967E02 · Episode #1.633

Jan 08, 1967

Stan doesn't tell Hilda about the lack of money as she worries about the bills. Vera believes the doctor has told Ena what's wrong with her. She asks Ena to swear she doesn't know on the Bible. Ena refuses. Vera is sure she's going to die. Stan spends all his money on drink. Elsie tells Hilda and Irma that the dole has been stopped. Ena tells Jack about Vera's brain tumour; she doesn't know whether or not to tell Vera.

Episode #1.634
S1967E03 · Episode #1.634

Jan 10, 1967

Hilda threatens to throw Stan out if he doesn't get a job. Ena asks Len to get the police to find Vera's husband. He says they can't as it's not an emergency. Stan gets a job shifting coal at the sidings for Howarth's. Ena is secretly pleased when Vera splashes out on a new coat. Elsie is puzzled by a strange man in the Rovers.

Episode #1.635
S1967E04 · Episode #1.635

Jan 15, 1967

Jack counsels Ena as Vera's final hours approach. Elsie remains puzzled by her unfinished conversation with a stranger in the Rovers. Hilda sympathises when Stan is teased about his new line of work.

Episode #1.636
S1967E05 · Episode #1.636

Jan 17, 1967

The residents collect for a wreath. Bob Lomax is informed. David and Irma advertise their flat. Percy goes after it to Irma's annoyance. Minnie, Jack and Albert go to Vera's funeral with Ena. The Barlows refuse to let Percy have the flat after he turns up with a ferret. Bob and Colin turn up at the funeral to everyone's surprise. Len agrees to let Dennis decorate his house. Someone else arrives to view the flat: Emily Nugent.

Episode #1.637
S1967E06 · Episode #1.637

Jan 22, 1967

Dennis sets about decorating Len's living room. Emily has persuaded her sisters to have their father in turn and has returned to Gamma Garments after a proposition from Mr Papagopolous. Percy accepts more money from Elsie. Dennis makes a good job of his decorating. Emily asks Dennis to be the Gamma Guy - running the men's section of the new Gamma boutique. He tells her that he's happy working for Len. Elsie tells Len that she owes Percy so much. Emily wants Lucille to work at Gamma in the new teenager section. Annie is keen to get her out of the factory. A distracted ...

Episode #1.638
S1967E07 · Episode #1.638

Jan 24, 1967

Dennis dreads Len's reaction as the fire brigade gets the blaze under control. Annie reveals Emily's job offer to Lucille. Dave expresses an interest in buying the Corner Shop.

Episode #1.639
S1967E08 · Episode #1.639

Jan 29, 1967

Len refuses to believe Dave Smith saved Paul. Percy Bridge tells Elsie his old landlady is holding his clothes as he owes her rent. Elsie gives him money for his rent, watched by Len and Jerry. Ena and Albert clean up Len's house. Emily asks Dennis to work on Lucille to get her to work at Gamma Garments. Elsie accuses Dave of lying. She is sure Percy saved Paul. Dennis wins Lucille over with talk of cut-price gear. Len and Elsie get Dave and Percy together in the Rovers to discover the fraud. Emily offers Lucille £8 a week and commission of sixpence in the pound. ...

Episode #1.640
S1967E09 · Episode #1.640

Jan 31, 1967

Dennis arranges for Miss Weatherfield - Kay Johnson - to open the new Gamma Garments. Emily asks Len to perform the ceremony. Len offers Dennis' old job to Stan. He takes it for £14 a week. The residents gossip as Elsie's friendship with Dave Smith deepens. Len agrees to open Gamma leaving Dennis to find the ten guineas to pay off Miss Weatherfield. Two thugs, Phil Ferguson and Eric Briggs, cut up rough at the Betting Shop. Stan's back goes on his first day at the Yard.

Episode #1.641
S1967E10 · Episode #1.641

Feb 05, 1967

Stan goes into hospital for observation, and loves every minute. Albert puts a bet on for Minnie at the betting shop and is harassed by the thugs. Len and Kay Johnson - Miss Weatherfield - both open Gamma Garments. Dave takes Elsie to a concert. Eric Briggs hits Phil Ferguson when he refuses to share his winnings. Albert tries to stop them and is knocked to the floor by Eric.

Episode #1.642
S1967E11 · Episode #1.642

Feb 07, 1967

Dave takes a shocked Albert home. Val insists he stays at No.9. Dennis and Lucille get depressed due to the lack of customers. Ernie Mills in the betting shop refuses to get involved with the incident and identify the thugs. Albert plays up to Val. Ena thinks the betting shop should be closed. Dennis and Lucille find Emily too dated in her approach. Dennis decides he'll make her a new woman.

Episode #1.643
S1967E12 · Episode #1.643

Feb 12, 1967

Dave gives Albert, via Elsie, £25 compensation. Dennis is stunned when Emily accuses him of not being hip. Albert refuses the money. He thinks Dave is bribing him to keep quiet. Elsie advises Dave to find the thugs and settle things publicly. Elsie tries to make Emily realise she's too stuck-in-the-mud and is not encouraging the young mods to shop at Gamma. Stan is discharged from hospital as there is nothing wrong with him. Ena is infuriated to discover Dave offered Albert money.

Episode #1.644
S1967E13 · Episode #1.644

Feb 14, 1967

Emily entrusts herself into Elsie's hands to create her new image. Ena discovers that Dave has to apply to have his licence renewed in April. She starts a petition to get the shop closed down. Stan shows Len a doctor's note saying he can't do any heavy work. Emily has beauty treatment but feels tarty and not at all herself. Albert takes Ena's advice and contacts the police. Dave is angry to discover Len has signed the petition as 'Councillor'. Elsie accuses Len of being jealous of her and Dave.

Episode #1.645
S1967E14 · Episode #1.645

Feb 19, 1967

Stan gets bored of being the Yard secretary. Emily is still not sure about her appearance. Stan does his back in again when he shifts some scaffolding. Len tells the residents he can't lead the fight against Dave because in court it will look like a personal vendetta over Elsie. Elsie tells Dennis that Emily's image would change if she was trying to attract a man. Len realises he has to back his voters. Elsie tells him that she doesn't care about her reputation. Lucille thinks she's got the ideal man for Emily. Elsie asks Dave not to make a fool of Len in court. He ...

Episode #1.646
S1967E15 · Episode #1.646

Feb 21, 1967

Val can't cope with Albert, Susan, and Peter all day. Lucille plans to match-make between Emily and Brian Thomas. Brian tells Lucille he's still in love with Val. Dave bars Eric Briggs and Phil Ferguson but they refuse to leave. His heavies persuade them not to hang around anymore.

Episode #1.647
S1967E16 · Episode #1.647

Feb 26, 1967

Val and Irma are surprised when Brian Thomas comes to call for Emily. Emily enjoys his innocence. Val decides Albert will have to go. Ena withdraws the petition. Albert leaves No. 9 of his own accord after giving Val flowers. Elsie tells Dennis she's going to stay with Linda but really goes away with Dave. Brian admits he's fallen in love with Emily.

Episode #1.648
S1967E17 · Episode #1.648

Feb 28, 1967

Dennis worries that Brian is going to make a fool of Emily. The council refuses to let some students hire out the Town Hall for an anti-Vietnam meeting. Ron Jenkins grows annoyed at Brian's lack of interest in their good times with girls. Emily grows alarmed at Brian's infatuation. Ken discovers Len and Alf Roberts voted against the student meeting.

Episode #1.649
S1967E18 · Episode #1.649

Mar 05, 1967

Ron Jenkins threatens to tell Emily that Dennis fixed her up with Brian Thomas unless Dennis puts a stop to the affair. Emily makes a date with Brian. Brian plans to ask her to share the future with him. Ken grows determined that the meeting should take place. Brian is annoyed when Emily introduces a chaperone - Audrey Hargreaves - as he prepares to propose. Emily leaves Audrey and Brian to it as they hit it off. Ken tells Alf the demo is going ahead - and he'll be joining it.

Episode #1.650
S1967E19 · Episode #1.650

Mar 07, 1967

Lucille shocks Jack by announcing she's joining the student demo. Annie shocks him by giving her approval until she discovers Lucille is only going for the aggro. Alf discovers the students haven't got police permission. Lucille gets Annie interested in the Gazette's truth game, to find out if you married the right person. She is caught in the middle as Jack and Annie vent their anger towards each other during the game.

Episode #1.651
S1967E20 · Episode #1.651

Mar 12, 1967

David and Val row with Ken over his principles and his pompousness after the police end the demo. Ken discloses he was charged. The customers are shocked when the Barlows refuse to sell perishables on a Sunday due to the new law. Annie continues to be upset over Jack's answers to the truth game. In court, Ken pleads not guilty. He says he felt the request for the students to move on was unreasonable. The Magistrate fines Ken £5. Irma tells David she wants a baby in two years. Ken tells Val he's not paying the fine and is going to prison for seven days.

Episode #1.652
S1967E21 · Episode #1.652

Mar 14, 1967

The Walkers start bickering as soon as they wake up but Annie can't take any more and they apologise to each other. Val has sleepless nights over Ken's forthcoming prison sentence. She begs him to pay the fine but he refuses, saying that a seven-day absence won't be so bad. She refuses to give him her support. Jerry offers to give Emily swimming lessons to help her over her fear of water. Hilda thinks Ken's conviction reflects badly on the Ogdens. Annie starts to pester Jack with questions again. Val gets rattled with Ken. David tells him he's summoned Frank to talk ...

Episode #1.653
S1967E22 · Episode #1.653

Mar 19, 1967

Annie is annoyed as Jack spends his third night in the spare room. Val realises she can't pay the fine because of Ken's reaction. Emily, Irma, David, Dennis, Lucille, Jerry and Stan go swimming. Dennis discovers Elsie is not in Birmingham when he phones Ivan. P.C. Conway arrests Ken and takes him to Strangeways Jail. Val tells him that she'll never understand him. Jack grows tired of Annie's nagging and leaves home.

Episode #1.654
S1967E23 · Episode #1.654

Mar 21, 1967

Annie discovers Jack's bed hasn't been slept in. Elsie returns and is guarded about her holiday. Jack turns up for work telling Annie he had a good night's sleep in bed. Annie thinks he's been staying with a woman. He doesn't tell her that he's staying with Albert at No. 1.

Episode #1.655
S1967E24 · Episode #1.655

Mar 26, 1967

Hilda nearly causes a flood in the Rovers' ladies when she pulls the tap off. Annie keeps up the pretence that Jack is living in the Rovers. She thinks Jack is staying with Elsie. Elsie and Irma take Val out for the night. Annie sees Alf going into No. 11 and thinks it's Jack.

Episode #1.656
S1967E25 · Episode #1.656

Mar 28, 1967

Annie is upset by her separation from Jack and becomes suspicious of his whereabouts. Valerie and David await Ken's release from prison. Elsie informs Len of her plummeting popularity.

Episode #1.657
S1967E26 · Episode #1.657

Apr 02, 1967

Elsie and Ena see the funny side of Jack's appearance but Annie sees it as confirmation of the affair. Albert tells Annie the truth but she refuses to believe him. The tech management committee don't like the idea of ex-con Ken teaching the teenagers. Annie threatens Jack with a solicitor. Val asks Len to talk to the tech committee about Ken. Ena brings the Walkers together and Annie breaks down when Jack tells her that he loves her. Ken keeps his job. Elsie is hurt when Len shies away from her.

Episode #1.658
S1967E27 · Episode #1.658

Apr 04, 1967

Mr Papagopolous worries about the number of credit sales at Gamma Garments. Dennis persuades Elsie to give him a present for his 'official' birthday. Len tells Elsie he knows she went on holiday with Dave. David advises Emily to employ a debt collector. She tells Dennis it's his job. David is approached by the Ratepayers Association to stand in the elections against Len. Len is horrified when Dennis confirms Elsie was with Linda, sorting out marital problems.

Episode #1.659
S1967E28 · Episode #1.659

Apr 09, 1967

Dennis celebrates his official birthday. Len refuses to apologise to Elsie. Jerry and Albert arrange a meeting for them and they make up. David is keen to stand for the Council. Dennis hates debt collecting and refuses to do any more until Emily threatens him with the sack. David's electors realise they've asked the wrong Barlow.

Episode #1.660
S1967E29 · Episode #1.660

Apr 11, 1967

Minnie's insurance policy matures and she receives £72. Ken is asked to stand for the Council. They ask him to explain things to David. Dennis thinks of resigning from Gamma Garments but Elsie refuses to let him. David takes the news of the election badly. Dennis repossesses Bertha Frisk's goods for Gamma but he takes her lodger's donkey jacket by mistake. Ken turns down the council invitation in favour of David. David agrees to stand. Bert Tate, the lodger, plays Dennis at cards to see if he's to pay for his goods.

Episode #1.661
S1967E30 · Episode #1.661

Apr 16, 1967

Irma hates the idea of David standing for the Council and tries to embarrass him in the Rovers. Dennis wins at cards but Bert Tate refuses to pay up. Dennis stands up to Bert and wins his admiration. Bert agrees to be the Gamma Garments' debt collector in exchange for Dennis wiping Bertha Frisk's slate clean. The Barlows throw a birthday party for Peter and Susan. Irma walks out when David talks about the elections. She refuses to become old and boring. Annie tries to help David in the elections but he decides not to stand. Minnie worries about keeping her money in ...

Episode #1.662
S1967E31 · Episode #1.662

Apr 18, 1967

David decides to start a new venture. Minnie hides the money in books. Harry Eastham tells Minnie her chimney is falling down. He offers to repair it for £20. David tells Irma he going to manage a local football club. Dot tells Elsie the Yanks have returned to Burtonwood. Minnie tells Jerry about her chimney but he has too much work on. Johnny Wade poses as an inspector and threatens to report her if she doesn't have the chimney repaired. David joins the Weatherfield Hotspurs - an all ladies' team.

Episode #1.663
S1967E32 · Episode #1.663

Apr 23, 1967

Irma worries about David working with a load of women. Harry Eastham arrives to mend the chimney. He looks for the money whilst Minnie is out. He watches her when she pays him. Dot gets hysterical when she discovers an old flame, GI Gregg Flint, in Weatherfield. Irma is interested to meet Beryl Thom, captain of the Weatherfield Hotspurs. Annie is thrilled as the Yanks return to the Rovers. Elsie is embarrassed by the attentions of Gary Strauss, a young GI. Eastham tells Johnny Wade he's only taking the £20 from Minnie. Wade tells him they need the rest of the money. ...

Episode #1.664
S1967E33 · Episode #1.664

Apr 25, 1967

Harry Eastham gets Minnie out of the way to look for the money. Jerry looks at Minnie's chimney. Jerry realises Minnie's been had and calls Ena in. Elsie is too scared to meet Steve. Minnie discovers her £52 has gone. She breaks down. Ena tells her God will avenge her.

Episode #1.665
S1967E34 · Episode #1.665

Apr 30, 1967

Irma ignores David's misgivings to play in the ladies' football match. The residents organise a collection for Minnie. Dot urges a moody Elsie to speak to her old flame.

Episode #1.666
S1967E35 · Episode #1.666

May 02, 1967

Elsie is a bag of nerves ahead of her reunion with Steve Tanner. David reveals he has possession of a cup final ticket. Lucille celebrates her eighteenth birthday.

Episode #1.667
S1967E36 · Episode #1.667

May 07, 1967

Elsie enjoys getting reacquainted with Steve and introduces him to her neighbours. Stan sets out to sell his cup final ticket. Hilda thinks up a way of spending more time with her husband.

Episode #1.668
S1967E37 · Episode #1.668

May 09, 1967

The street's menfolk assist the police with removing the rubble caused by the train crash. Annie fears for Jack's life when he is nowhere to be found. Steve joins the search for Elsie, while Ena and Lucille are also missing.

Episode #1.669
S1967E38 · Episode #1.669

May 14, 1967

The residents hope for the best as Ena is pulled from the rubble. Elsie ponders what to do about Steve. Stan despairs to hear that Hilda has a cup final ticket.

Episode #1.670
S1967E39 · Episode #1.670

May 16, 1967

The residents send Ena presents. Hilda searches for her ticket. Irma feels David compares her to Val being a good housewife. Ena walks out of the hospital having grown tired of the place. Dave asks Elsie for a date but she refuses. He tells her Len is jealous. Ena arrives home. Steve asks Elsie where he stands with her. He tells her he loves her. Stan confesses to Irma. She promises to keep quiet for £5. She gives the money to Hilda. Irma can't see that looking after Peter and Susan is hard work. Val challenges her to swap places for a day and she accepts.

Episode #1.671
S1967E40 · Episode #1.671

May 21, 1967

Hilda wakes Stan at 5.00am to get him to go to the Cup Final. Irma and Val swap places. Irma lets Peter and Susan run riot, calling it self-expression. Val finds she can't find anything in the shop. Both Val and Irma think the other brother is nicer than their husband. Dave invites Steve and Elsie out - Steve accepts. Stan spends the day on a park bench. Ken ends up looking after the twins. Irma doesn't cook him a meal and relies on Jackson's Chip Shop. Elsie warns Steve that Dave will make him feel like an embarrassed hanger-on. Steve tells Dave the date is off but ...

Episode #1.672
S1967E41 · Episode #1.672

May 23, 1967

Walter Greenhalgh rows with Dot when she stays out late. Steve staggers back to Elsie's. She makes him and Dot stay the night. Stan returns from 'London'. Len returns home drunk after a night out. The inquest on Sonia Peters brings a verdict of accidental death. Elsie thinks Dave was Steve's assailant. Dave tells Steve it wasn't him but it could have been one of Elsie's other men friends. Steve realises his cigarette case is gone.

Episode #1.673
S1967E42 · Episode #1.673

May 28, 1967

Dot returns to Walter. The Barlows plan a picnic to Morecambe. Elsie asks Len to stand with Steve against Dave. Albert is put out when the Barlows take Ena on their outing. Irma blackmails Stan into painting the shop for her. Walter throws Dot out again. Dave wants Steve off his back. Steve refuses to avoid him. The Walkers panic as Dave, Steve and Len gather in the Rovers. Dave gets Len to verify that he was in a gaming club when Steve was assaulted. Stan stores a cigarette case at No.13.

Episode #1.674
S1967E43 · Episode #1.674

May 30, 1967

Elsie tries to find Dot. Irma discovers the cigarette case with "ST" on it and removes it. Albert ignores Ken. Stan tells Irma he found the case outside Dave Smith's Betting Shop. Irma gives Jerry the case. He gives it to Dennis and tells him to 'find' it at No. 11. Albert tells Ken he wasn't bothered about him not going, but for Minnie. Ken decides to take Minnie out instead of Albert, calling his bluff. Dennis' attempt to 'find' the case is scuttled by Elsie who demands to know where he got it from.

Episode #1.675
S1967E44 · Episode #1.675

Jun 04, 1967

Dennis tells Elsie that Jerry gave him the case but she thinks he's covering up for Len. Minnie agrees to a car trip out with the Barlows. Elsie tells Steve it was Len who jumped him. Walter Greenhalgh gets drunk in the Rovers. Jerry and Stan try to stop Steve and Gregg Flint finding Len. Walter tells Dot and Elsie that he hit Dot's boyfriend on Saturday. Elsie realises he got the wrong Yank. Gregg and Steve corner Len in the Yard.

Episode #1.676
S1967E45 · Episode #1.676

Jun 06, 1967

Elsie wants Walter to tell Steve the truth but Dot begs her not to get him involved because of Walter. Gregg hits Len to the ground. Elsie tells the men about Walter and Steve apologises to Len. Stan tells the Tanners how he found the case. Hilda overhears his account of the cup tickets and is not amused. Elsie realises that Dennis has a girlfriend. Hilda gives Stan seven days to paint the house as a penance. Ken invites Albert to join the trip on Saturday. A Swedish girl, Inga Olsen, turns up at Gamma Garments and tells Lucille that Dennis is teaching her English.

Episode #1.677
S1967E46 · Episode #1.677

Jun 11, 1967

Dennis is frustrated when his romantic ambitions for Inga Olsen are thwarted by all and sundry. The Barlows take Albert and Minnie for a picnic in Lyme Park. Elsie and Steve return to the scene of their first meeting.

Episode #1.678
S1967E47 · Episode #1.678

Jun 13, 1967

Lovestruck Dennis is distressed to learn of Inga's imminent return to Sweden. Gregg has misgivings about Steve and Elsie's engagement. The council announces a 'Best Kept Street' competition.

Episode #1.679
S1967E48 · Episode #1.679

Jun 18, 1967

Dennis relinquishes his job at Gamma and plans a fresh start with Inga. Gregg warns Steve that Elsie will be out of place in Boston. Ena clashes with Nellie Underwood over the contest.

Episode #1.680
S1967E49 · Episode #1.680

Jun 20, 1967

Elsie starts having second thoughts about marrying Steve. Annie is keen to enter the street in the contest. Len and Jerry are daunted by the yard's mountain of paperwork.

Episode #1.681
S1967E50 · Episode #1.681

Jun 25, 1967

Ena and Annie rally the residents to make improvements to the street. Steve refuses to give up on making Elsie his wife. Emily despairs of Len's poor bookkeeping.

Episode #1.682
S1967E51 · Episode #1.682

Jun 27, 1967

Ena and Jerry discover a family squatting in Number 3. Elsie nervously prepares for an interview with Steve's commanding officer. Minnie's window box gets knocked off the sill.

Episode #1.683
S1967E52 · Episode #1.683

Jul 02, 1967

The residents debate how best to address the Lawsons' plight. Elsie and Steve await Major Ryan's approval of their marriage. Vandalism threatens the street's chances in the contest.

Episode #1.684
S1967E53 · Episode #1.684

Jul 04, 1967

Annie and the residents meet the judges of the Best Kept Street contest. The Lawsons receive unwelcome visitors at Number 3. Emily makes a shocking discovery at the yard.

Episode #1.685
S1967E54 · Episode #1.685

Jul 09, 1967

Emily investigates the handling of cash at Fairclough and Booth. The winner of the Best Kept Street is announced. Lucille accuses Annie of deliberately opening her private mail.

Episode #1.686
S1967E55 · Episode #1.686

Jul 11, 1967

Jerry attempts to tackle Len about the missing money. Annie is perplexed by a hefty delivery of circulars in the post. Stan backs out of his arrangement with Billy.

Episode #1.687
S1967E56 · Episode #1.687

Jul 16, 1967

Jack rumbles Lucille's prank as Annie grows increasingly distressed. Len admits to Jerry that he invested the £300. Hilda forces Stan into making a confession.

Episode #1.688
S1967E57 · Episode #1.688

Jul 18, 1967

Annie ponders the identity of her mystery tormentor. Jerry threatens to discontinue the partnership unless Len mends his ways. Hilda fishes for gossip on Elsie's wedding plans.

Episode #1.689
S1967E58 · Episode #1.689

Jul 23, 1967

Jack doesn't want to tell Annie about Paris for fear she'll be too posh. The vicar at St. Mary's Church refuses to marry the Tanners because of Elsie's divorce. Annie finds out about Paris and is delighted. She then calls it off because of all the talk about strip shows and Lucille takes the invitation but Annie changes her mind again. Steve books the wedding at St. Stephen's Church, Warrington, for 4th September.

Episode #1.690
S1967E59 · Episode #1.690

Jul 25, 1967

Annie prepares for her trip and has Jack and Lucille running round. Dennis returns from Sweden with Inga's sister Karen. Hilda feels depressed and vague. Annie is driven off in a chauffeur-driven limousine. Karen doesn't like au-pairing. Annie nearly goes off without her passport.

Episode #1.691
S1967E60 · Episode #1.691

Jul 30, 1967

Annie returns from Paris. She brings Lucille back a French book and a beret for Jack. Elsie plans the wedding with Dot and Linda as matrons of honour. Karen Olsen leaves her job and tells Dennis she's going to live with him at No. 11. Annie prepares French meals and plays French records. Karen moves into the front parlour. Dennis writes to the Swedish consul telling them he's employing Karen as his au pair. He signs the letter 'Steve Tanner'.

Episode #1.692
S1967E61 · Episode #1.692

Aug 01, 1967

Stan is annoyed when Hilda stays over at her cousin's. Dennis tries to fix the Barlows' up with Karen but Val refuses. Annie considers putting tables outside the Rovers. Ken hatches a plan to stop Annie's French ideas. Irma is suspicious of Hilda's disappearance. The men order pints in wine glasses and make Annie realise she's been talking about Paris too much. Irma discovers Hilda is not at her cousin's but is missing.

Episode #1.693
S1967E62 · Episode #1.693

Aug 06, 1967

Irma blames Hilda's disappearance on Stan's treatment. David calls in the police. P.C. Conway takes up the enquiry. Hilda disappeared in her slippers and red hat. Elsie thinks Karen is a golddigger. David relives Ida's disappearance. A porter saw Hilda catching a train to Liverpool. Dennis hears an official is coming to vet him regarding Karen's employment.

Episode #1.694
S1967E63 · Episode #1.694

Aug 08, 1967

Stan goes to Liverpool to search for Hilda but returns alone. Karen gets a job in a Manchester cafe. Stan has to identify a body found in the canal but it isn't Hilda. Dennis cleans No. 11, borrows Val's washing, and pays Lucille to stand in as his wife. They are inspected by an official who passes them before being introduced, by Len, to the real Steve Tanner.

Episode #1.695
S1967E64 · Episode #1.695

Aug 13, 1967

Val discovers her washing has been stolen. Stan discovers Hilda has taken the money for the Rovers' outing which he, as treasurer, was holding. David worries about Irma's health. Karen is sent to be an au pair in Putney Bridge. Len, Jerry and Emily have their first limited company meeting. Len is selected as Chairman, Emily as secretary. A Doctor McKenzie turns up with Hilda.

Episode #1.696
S1967E65 · Episode #1.696

Aug 15, 1967

Hilda was found on the Pier Head in Liverpool, suffering from a breakdown. She still has all the outing money on her and is sedated. Doctor McKenzie tells Stan that subconsciously she is jealous of Elsie getting married and having some excitement and diagnoses paranoid psychosis. Dennis gets a job advertising Crickles Circus. Hilda doesn't remember anything about Liverpool. Stan makes an effort to make her feel loved. David forces Irma to say that Hilda had a mental breakdown, to force her out of herself. Margaret Mather, an inspector from the Inland Revenue calls at ...

Episode #1.697
S1967E66 · Episode #1.697

Aug 20, 1967

Steve looks for a flat for after the wedding. Dennis gets a job selling ice creams. Jerry plans a holiday in Corsica. Margaret Mather, the tax inspector, demands £100 in part payment. Jerry refuses to sign the cheque as it will mean the end of his holiday. Elsie is annoyed when Steve runs a poker school at No. 11. Jerry is talked round by the female inspector. Emily worries where the Rovers outing is going to be. As the poker game hots up, Stan dips into the outing money.

Episode #1.698
S1967E67 · Episode #1.698

Aug 22, 1967

Stan admits losing the outing money on a bet with Albert. Dennis makes a nuisance of himself working at the Rovers. Elsie and Steve decide to rent a flat in Altrincham.

Episode #1.699
S1967E68 · Episode #1.699

Aug 27, 1967

The menfolk attempt to win back the outing money from Albert. Elsie begins to doubt Steve's commitment to her. Dennis relishes his new chauffeuring job.

Episode #1.700
S1967E69 · Episode #1.700

Aug 29, 1967

Emily leads the ladies' outing to Tatton Park, while Dennis organises a barge trip for the men. Elsie fends off the attentions of the coach driver. Minnie is charmed by an elderly gentleman.

Episode #1.701
S1967E70 · Episode #1.701

Sep 03, 1967

Elsie has pre-wedding nerves. The Cheveskis arrive for the wedding, as do the Hewitts. Albert is too ill to attend the wedding after the barge trip. Concepta feels Lucille is too sure of herself. A coach takes the residents to Warrington. Len promises Elsie he is not hurt by her marrying Steve. Rev. Bryan Hesketh looks forward to the wedding as it will be his first. The guests gather at the church: Annie, Jack, Lucille, Harry, Concepta, Minnie, Ena, Val, Ken, Hilda, Stan, David, Gary Strauss, Jim Cullie, Dave Pike, Al Carroll, Emily, Walter and Len. Ivan is the usher....

Episode #1.702
S1967E71 · Episode #1.702

Sep 05, 1967

Elsie marries Steve in front of her friends and neighbours. Concepta rows with Lucille when she refuses to live in Ireland. The ladies flirt with the American visitors during the wedding reception.

Episode #1.703
S1967E72 · Episode #1.703

Sep 10, 1967

The wedding guests move onto the Rovers. Dennis advises Lucille to go to Ireland for a year to make the Hewitts happy. Harry dies in hospital. The Tanners settle into their villa with maid service provided by Maria Louisa. Len breaks the news to Concepta. She has to identify the body. Len blames himself for having an old van. Concepta can't bring herself to tell Lucille. Dennis buys in a load of food. Minnie tells Lucille she's sorry before realising Lucille doesn't know anything about the death.

Episode #1.704
S1967E73 · Episode #1.704

Sep 12, 1967

Jack breaks Lucille down by telling her that she means more to him than his own children. Harry's inquest brings forth a verdict of accidental death. Jack realises Concepta and Lucille are heading for a row. Elsie worries that Steve is missing Boston. Len offers to go back to Ireland to sort out the garage. Lucille and Concepta try to comfort each other. Lucille decides to return to Ireland with Concepta. Dennis rents No. 11 out to a girls' pipe band.

Episode #1.705
S1967E74 · Episode #1.705

Sep 17, 1967

The residents are shocked by bagpipe noises. The women think it's criminal that Dennis can entertain six women. Jerry returns from a Scottish holiday to hear his divorce is up in a couple of weeks. The menfolk perk up as the pipe girls go on the prowl. Minnie and Albert try to find a match for Jerry to bring some excitement into their lives. Annie, Hilda and Val catch their husbands being entertained by the girls.

Episode #1.706
S1967E75 · Episode #1.706

Sep 19, 1967

Minnie wants Jerry to meet and marry librarian Sally Frost. She gives him a book to take back with a letter in it for Sally, asking her to take pity on lonely Jerry. Dennis is relieved when the pipers leave. Sally and Jerry get on together at the library. The "Pinelli Brothers" - real name, the Cooks - arrive at No. 11 - Albert, Arthur and their mother. David tells the Ogdens that Irma is two months pregnant.

Episode #1.707
S1967E76 · Episode #1.707

Sep 24, 1967

Jerry spends all his time at the library. Hilda fusses round Irma too much. Mrs Cook takes over No.11. Sally Frost agrees to go to the pictures with Jerry. Irma doesn't appear very happy about the baby. Dennis lets the Cook boys have Elsie's bed because of their somersaulting act. Peter, Sally's boyfriend turns up and asks Jerry for a fight.

Episode #1.708
S1967E77 · Episode #1.708

Sep 26, 1967

Peter tells Jerry he's a pacifist. Jerry agrees to pretend Peter hit him for Sally's sake. Mrs Cook changes the sleeping arrangements again and Dennis finds himself sleeping on the sofa. Stanley Fairclough turns up in the Rovers. The residents are shocked by Stanley's lack of respect for his father. The Cooks are signed up for another month in Weatherfield. Stanley tells Len that Harry Bailey has sent him to stay for a bit. Jerry tells Len it was his fault for telling Harry. Len has been depressed.

Episode #1.709
S1967E78 · Episode #1.709

Oct 01, 1967

Dennis is not allowed to smoke in No. 11 by Mrs Cook. Len finds it hard going with Stanley. He lets him smoke, against his instincts. Dennis tells the Cooks they'll have to go but is ignored. The Tanners return from honeymoon to Altrincham. Stanley annoys everyone with his snobbery and cheekiness. Dennis asks Val to complain about the Cooks to Elsie. Elsie is not surprised to learn that Dennis has opened her house up to circus acts. Len feels he owes Stanley more than he has given him. Elsie rings Dennis and tells him that she's coming to see the Cooks.

Episode #1.710
S1967E79 · Episode #1.710

Oct 03, 1967

Len gives Stanley jobs to do at the Yard. Irma cuts the bottoms off all her dresses when David refuses to buy her new ones. Len is annoyed when the Cooks break a sheet of glass. David shocks Irma by liking her dresses. Elsie arrives at No. 11 to find the Cooks exercising in her lounge. She thinks Mrs Cook is a good influence on Dennis. David gives in and tells Irma to buy some new clothes. Arthur Cook admits to fancying Val. Stanley tells Albert he plans to leave soon.

Episode #1.711
S1967E80 · Episode #1.711

Oct 08, 1967

Albert worries about Stanley's attitude to Len. Val falls for Arthur's muscles. Mrs Cook worries about what she's up to. Annie and Hilda visit Elsie to ogle at the flat. Stan catches Stanley using Len's plane and ruining it. Stanley tells Len it wasn't him so Len blames Stan. Annie and Hilda are amused to meet Elsie's neighbour, Philip Laker. Mrs Cook warns Val off her boys. Elsie is angry when she discovers Steve has lied to her as to where he has spent the day.

Episode #1.712
S1967E81 · Episode #1.712

Oct 10, 1967

Len gets Stanley a place at Granston Technical College. The Cooks leave over Val. Stanley tells Len he doesn't want to go to Tech. Len tells him if he wants to be a man he can - he's on his own. Elsie discovers Dennis has not been paying the rent. He promises Elsie there'll be no more lodgers. Stanley starts a fire at the Yard office. He panics when the door doesn't open. Len arrives and smashes the door in but is himself trapped.

Episode #1.713
S1967E82 · Episode #1.713

Oct 15, 1967

Workman Jim Lloyd rescues Len and Stanley from the fire. They are both kept in overnight at the hospital. Emily makes arrangements for her birthday. Elsie misses working. Minnie, Ena and Albert join forces to go into bulk-buying to save money. Stanley is discharged. He breaks down, fearing Len is seriously ill. Elsie refuses to pay Dennis' electricity bill. Stanley tells Jerry that he has guardian devils who are ruining his life and he can't stop them. Nobody wants to celebrate Emily's birthday with her. Elsie finds it hard to get on with her neighbours. Emily signs ...

Episode #1.714
S1967E83 · Episode #1.714

Oct 17, 1967

Emily celebrates her birthday. She takes the day off work. Steve encourages Elsie to be friendly with snotty Mrs Hunt but Elsie gets on better with her cleaner, May Trickett. Ena asks Albert to visit Alfred's grave with her. Emily meets Frank Starkie from the bureau. Dennis feels sorry for Emily and plans a surprise party for her. Frank tells Emily about his seventy-acre farm. She is relieved that he has never been to the bureau again. Stanley tells Len the fire was an accident. He is pleased to find him improving in hospital. He tells Jerry he is going to go back to ...

Episode #1.715
S1967E84 · Episode #1.715

Oct 22, 1967

Ena thinks Alfred Sharples might have had another woman. Frank Starkie joins in the party and is stunned by the residents. The women are impressed by him and envy Emily his rural roughness. Emily is thrilled when Frank kisses her on the cheek. Dennis is bored on his own and can't cope with the cooking. Val finds herself looking after him. Steve is annoyed that Elsie wants to spend so much time back in the Street. Emily looks forward to visiting Frank's dairy farm. Ena discovers more flowers, with a florist's card.

Episode #1.716
S1967E85 · Episode #1.716

Oct 24, 1967

Ena goes to the florist's shop. Emily visits Frank Starkie's farm in Clitheroe. Ken refuses to let Val do anymore cooking for Dennis. Val envies Irma's pregnancy. Elsie goes to Burtonwood to look round Steve's office. Ena discovers a man bought the flowers and that someone has put £100 in her bank account. Emily discovers she is frightened of cows. Ken refuses to have any more children. Val locks him out in anger. Steve feels Elsie is too demanding on his time. Minnie thinks Ena should just accept the money. Emily finishes with Frank as she finds the farm too much ...

Episode #1.717
S1967E86 · Episode #1.717

Oct 29, 1967

Elsie nervously prepares for a visit from Steve's mother. Hilda instructs Stan to re-decorate their parlour. Ena learns that word of her mystery benefactor has got out. Ken receives scant sympathy during a bout of illness.

Episode #1.718
S1967E87 · Episode #1.718

Oct 31, 1967

Ena realises the sender must be Jack Brown, Ian Sharples's godfather. She sends for him. Elsie cries off from showing Emmeline Tanner around Lancaster Castle. Jack tells Ena he is not the sender, but reminds her that Henry Foster called Ian 'half-pint' as well. Emmeline discovers a 'sick' Elsie preparing to go to the cinema with May Trickett. Hilda decides to get a decorator in. Elsie tells Emmeline she's married to Steve whether she likes it or not. Jerry does some detective work and finds Henry Foster's address for Ena. Val catches Ken's cold. Emily makes contact ...

Episode #1.719
S1967E88 · Episode #1.719

Nov 05, 1967

Emily is stood up by Douglas Preston. Ena traps Henry Foster into confessing he is the sender. Steve refuses to tell Emmeline she's not wanted in order to please Elsie. Henry tells Ena how he took a job which should have been given to Alfred Sharples. She tells him that she doesn't want his conscience money. Stan gets a cheap decorator. Douglas Preston turns up. Emily takes him to her flat. Steve tells Elsie she no longer lives in Coronation Street - she's got to be classier. Harry Lester, decorator, turns out to be colour-blind. Minnie calls Ena pig-headed for not ...

Episode #1.720
S1967E89 · Episode #1.720

Nov 07, 1967

Hilda is worried about Harry Lester doing the decorating when she discovers he is a baker by profession. Ena can't decide what to do about Henry Foster's offer. Harry completely ruins the decorating. Hilda throws him out. Lucille tells Ena she should go for the change. Elsie considers getting a job. Ena turns Henry down because she's too old. Albert sees Douglas Preston and tells Lucille he thinks he's married.

Episode #1.721
S1967E90 · Episode #1.721

Nov 12, 1967

Emily reorganises the Yard office, installing a filing cabinet and typewriter. Len isn't keen on it. Miami Modes agree to take Elsie back. Len is happy with Stanley back at school. Steve submits a transfer request to Germany. He is annoyed to find Ken trying on his uniform whilst showing Major Ryan around the flat. Lucille tells Emily about Douglas' wife. Douglas tells her that he's not married and isn't the marrying type. He decides to break their relationship. Ken has a heated discussion with Major Ryan regarding the violence in America and Vietnam. Steve and Val ...

Episode #1.722
S1967E91 · Episode #1.722

Nov 14, 1967

Elsie agrees not to take the job at Miami Modes but is unhappy about Germany. To make sure she doesn't take the job, Steve phones up behind her back and cancels the job. Emily agrees to end her friendship with Douglas Preston because of Amy's possessiveness. Ena gives Len a gold watch to sell for the Mayor's Christmas Fund. He wonders where she got it from. Peter Barlow throws his fire engine at Val and gives her a black eye. Albert believes Ken hit Val. Amy Preston calls Emily a selfish, grasping woman and orders her out of her brother's life. Ken is amazed as the ...

Episode #1.723
S1967E92 · Episode #1.723

Nov 19, 1967

Elsie receives a letter from Linda telling her that she's ill and asking her to look after Paul. Elsie tells Steve she's going. Elsie reveals to Val that it's a lie concocted by her and Linda so she can get away for a bit. Dennis gets a job as a waiter. Ena advises Val to let everyone believe Ken hit her. Amy Preston shocks Emily by giving her blessing to their wedding. Ken and Val stage rows to confuse the residents. Emily refuses to live at the hotel after the wedding. Susan Barlow scratches Val and she bears a scar. Len tells Steve he knows Linda is well.

Episode #1.724
S1967E93 · Episode #1.724

Nov 21, 1967

Lucille and Jerry go out with each other as a means of checking out the local talent. Len regrets telling Steve about Elsie's lie. Steve lets Elsie go to Linda's without telling her that he knows about the lie. Amy Preston is horrified to discover Emily and Douglas have found a flat. Annie worries about Lucille going out with Jerry. Len tells Elsie that he told Steve - he advises her to sort it out with him. Amy ignores Douglas as he packs his bags and leaves with Emily. Jerry assures Annie that Lucille is just a friend. Emily tells Douglas she knows he doesn't want a...

Episode #1.725
S1967E94 · Episode #1.725

Nov 26, 1967

Ena slips outside the Rovers and twists her ankle. Irma has a miscarriage. David tries to tell her she can have others but she thinks it's the end of the world. Len, Jerry and Lucille plan a trip to see Weatherfield County FC play Burton at football. Dennis is annoyed when Wally Tanner arrives to stay. Annie is not happy about Lucille going to the football match. Wally tells Dennis that Norah Tanner is after his money. He tells him he has £70 and wants a headstone. David is keen to have another baby and has the doctor's backing. Irma convinces herself that she can't ...

Episode #1.726
S1967E95 · Episode #1.726

Nov 28, 1967

Annie remains determined to attend the football match and experience hooliganism first-hand. David is pleased when Irma returns to work. Ena encourages Dennis to get rid of Wally.

Episode #1.727
S1967E96 · Episode #1.727

Dec 03, 1967

Annie is detained at the police station. The police find a toilet roll in her handbag. Len tries to get her out but the police aren't interested in his connections. The residents are disappointed when Jack brings Annie home. David goes into town, not telling Irma where he is. Len manages to get Annie off the hook, but she has to pay for the window. Ken takes on giving John Potter extra English and History lessons. David visits the adoption centre.

Episode #1.728
S1967E97 · Episode #1.728

Dec 05, 1967

David discovers he can't adopt as he'd only be using the child as a stopgap until Irma became pregnant. Ken is annoyed that he has to tutor John Potter at night but he needs the money. Irma suggests they try fostering. Ken finds teaching John is hopeless as he's too thick. Dennis is annoyed when Wally Tanner turns No. 11 into an OAP home with all his friends. He makes Wally feel that he's not wanted. The Potters are angry that Ken thinks John will never pass his GCE's. They tell him they'll find another teacher. Wally leaves No. 11. Ena reveals he had somewhere else ...

Episode #1.729
S1967E98 · Episode #1.729

Dec 10, 1967

Lucille tries in vain to get Dennis to throw a party. Albert can't find anyone to be in the tug-of-war. Lucille uses two girlfriends - Caroline and Tracy - as bait to persuade Dennis to have a party. Elsie returns but she and Steve are still unsure of each other. David discovers John is mad about football. Ken is angry when John is slow at his essay writing. Ena and Annie work on the men and get them to agree to the tug-of-war. John leaves home, leaving a suicide note.

Episode #1.730
S1967E99 · Episode #1.730

Dec 12, 1967

John Potter phones Val and tells her that he's going to kill himself. Steve tells Elsie to organise a traditional Christmas with all the family. Ena teaches the men tug-of-war tactics. Mrs Potter discovers John is at a garage. Ken realises he only wants to be a mechanic. Lucille introduces her hippie friend Robert Croft to Dennis and Elsie. Dennis is horrified to discover he and his friends are coming to the party. Ken makes the Potters see that if they push John academically he'll never succeed. They agree to him staying at the garage. Steve tells Elsie he's been ...

Episode #1.731
S1967E100 · Episode #1.731

Dec 17, 1967

Steve tells Elsie he's doing her a favour making her an American. Annie gets the men into training in the Rovers. Len is concerned as the Council have plans for Elliston's Raincoat Factory. Jack throws out a spy from The Flying Horse. Polly Sagan announces the factory is closing down. Len advises Elsie to let Steve go to America on his own - she belongs in Coronation Street.

Episode #1.732
S1967E101 · Episode #1.732

Dec 19, 1967

Elsie and Steve pack. She asks if she can return occasionally. He isn't keen and tells her that she can't take her old junk with her. David tells Irma their foster son is arriving. Elsie tells Dennis she is going to America. She agrees to spend Christmas with him at No. 11. The Barlows and Ogdens buy presents for the boy. Len tells Ena that the factory is going to be demolished. She makes him promise he'll keep her informed about the Mission. Dennis plans to cancel the party but Lucille changes it to New Year. The foster boy turns out to be a girl: Jill Morris.

Episode #1.733
S1967E102 · Episode #1.733

Dec 24, 1967

Albert nervously tries to rally the menfolk ahead of the tug-of-war challenge. Elsie contemplates spending the festive season away from Weatherfield in the future. David enjoys making Christmas special for Jill.

Episode #1.734
S1967E103 · Episode #1.734

Dec 26, 1967

Elsie, Dennis and Linda spend their last day together. The morning finds them squabbling as per usual. Jill Morris's mother comes out of hospital. Jill is sorry to be leaving the Barlows but looking forward to going home. Steve says goodbye to everyone at the Rovers with a round of drinks. Albert cons a second rum out of him. Val worries that Elsie will get hurt. Minnie wins £1 but won't tell anyone where from. Albert thinks she's been gambling. Len makes a farewell speech to the Tanners, asking them not to be strangers. Jill buys oversized earrings for Irma and ...


Coronation Street Season 9 (1967) is released on Jan 01, 1967 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox. Coronation Street is available online on Amazon Video and Amazon Video.

The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.


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