Episodes (249)

Dec 31, 2002
Deirdre makes a last-ditch attempt to save Tracy's marriage and steer her away from Dev. Maria becomes aware of John's attraction to her. Norris keeps a close eye on Emily and Richard.

Jan 02, 2003
Dev arranges to take Tracy out. Tracy agrees but later stands him up. Dev is very angry. Deirdre is delighted as she thinks Tracy has dumped him. Eileen tells Todd and Jason that the house is being sold. Roy tells Ciaran that they no longer need him in the cafe. However Aidan comes into the cafe and tries to steal a customer's bag. Roy tries to stop him, there's a scuffle and Ciaran comes to Roy's rescue. Later Toyah asks if she can cut her hours at the cafe down and so Hayley insists that they keep Ciaran on. Ciaran is delighted. John Arnley calls round to see Maria ...

Jan 04, 2003
Fiz tells Maria that if she doesn't tell Toyah what's been going on then she will tell Toyah herself. Maria is very worried. Sunita admits to Deirdre that she's still hung up on Dev. A prospective buyer, Eddie Hall, views No.11. Todd and Jason turn their music up to wind Vera up. She comes round shouting and yelling and the prospective buyer is put off the house. Todd and Jason are delighted. Shelley is upset to find that Ciaran is still working in the cafe. Peter suggests that they should have a look at buying No.11. Shelley likes the idea. Dev puts a proposal to ...

Jan 05, 2003
On the day of Ken's court appearance, Tracy forces Deirdre to make a confession. Roy notices the hostility between Ciaran and Peter. Eileen gets wind of her sons' devious plan.

Jan 05, 2003
Deirdre implores a furious Ken to forgive her infidelity. Tracy confronts Dev over his fling with her mother. Karen strikes a deal with Joe behind Steve's back.

Jan 07, 2003
Ken has spent the night on Peter's sofa. Deirdre has spent all night crying. Blanche gives her a stiff talking-to. To Maxine and Ashley's horror they find out that whilst drunk, Doreen and Fred got engaged to each other. Now sober neither wants to marry the other but neither dare admit it. Blanche tries to talk to Ken for Deirdre's sake but he won't listen. Norris finds out that Toyah will be spending the day at Emily's house studying on Friday so thinking that Emily will be safe in her company, he accepts a place on a Passport Course in Liverpool for that day. Karen ...

Jan 09, 2003
Ken and Deirdre are doing their best to rebuild their relationship. Sarah agrees to help Todd plan something for his eighteenth birthday. Norris leaves for his course in Liverpool. Sarah visits Aidan in his squat again and tells him the outcome of Ken's court case. Peter offers £20,000 for No.11 but Steve turns it down but he doesn't know that it's Peter who's made the offer. Ashley and Maxine desperately want Fred and Doreen to call off their engagement but Fred and Doreen each think the other will be upset. Deirdre calls to see Dev, saying that she needs some time ...

Jan 11, 2003
Richard catches Sarah making sandwiches for Ade. He's suspicious of her excuses. Steve is working too hard to keep the business afloat. Karen again tries to persuade him to accept Dev as a partner but Steve refuses. Steve finds out from Eileen that it's Peter who's trying to buy No.11 from him. Tracy asks Peter for help in finding a job and when he criticises her over her actions toward Ken and Deirdre about Dev, she tells him that her dad had a right to know the truth and that she would not be a keeper of her mum's secrets. Doreen and Fred finally agree that neither ...

Jan 12, 2003
Richard drugs a bottle of vodka and leaves it at the squat for Ade. The Peacocks celebrate Doreen's fiftieth birthday in the Rovers. Tracy starts work as a barmaid. Eileen learns that Dev has bought a share in Street Cars.

Jan 12, 2003
Faced with no choice, Richard bludgeons Maxine to death before heading back to the Rovers to ensure his presence is noted. Shelley loses patience with work-shy Tracy. Eileen disapproves of Todd and Sarah's reunion.

Jan 14, 2003
The police interrogate Ashley over Maxine's death. Rita and Norris keep a vigil by Emily's bed. She's still critical. Police and reporters swarm all over the Street, questioning everybody. A distraught Fred and Doreen look after baby Joshua. Richard does his best to behave as normally as possible. Dev tells Roy that he's not going ahead with the amusement arcade. Steve tells Peter that he's taken the house off the market. Gail and Richard are interviewed by two detectives; Richard mentions Aidan and his scuffle with Ashley at the Rovers on the night. Fred closes the ...

Jan 16, 2003
Aidan begs support from an unlikely source in his hour of need. Rita and Norris rejoice when Emily regains consciousness. Ciaran suggests to Roy that they join forces.

Jan 18, 2003
The police let Ashley know that they've charged Ade with Maxine's murder. Blanche points out to Ken that if he represents Ade the locals won't like it. Ken says that he has to as something is telling him that Ade is innocent. Doreen and Audrey reminisce about what a lovely girl Maxine was. Emma calls round to the Rovers where Ashley is staying and gives him Maxine's wedding ring back. Ashley breaks down. Richard gets a call to tell him that one of his clients died two weeks earlier and he will get £23,000 from the equity release scheme. He is guilt-stricken as he ...

Jan 19, 2003
Maxine's dad Derek turns up at the Rovers. He's in a state of shock having just learned about Maxine's death. Ashley is completely distraught and finding it hard to cope. He worries that Joshua will be affected by all that's gone on. Emily comes out of hospital. Norris fusses round her. Peter tries to talk to Shelley about the holiday in Mexico but she's still very frosty with him. Maria confides in Betty that she's pregnant. Ken visits Ade. He tells Ken that he's being moved to a Young Offenders' Unit and he's scared. Richard sees Emily arrive home and feels sick. ...

Jan 19, 2003
Maria tells Toyah that she's pregnant. Toyah has no idea that the baby is John's. Peter calls to see Lucy. She tells him leave as she can't bear to be hurt again. Norris fusses round Emily. He tries to fit a safety chain to the door. Sunita gives Ciaran a piece of her mind regarding Shelley but later she apologises and invites Ciaran to her flat for supper. They get on really well, Sunita asks him to stay and they kiss. Betty is shocked when Maria says she's going to have a termination. Sunita persuades Shelley that she's been a bit hard on Peter over his friendship ...

Jan 21, 2003
Ciaran has spent the night with Sunita. He arranges to see her again and she's delighted. Toyah tries to talk to Maria about the baby's father but Maria refuses to discuss it. Richard receives the cheque for £23,000 from an Equity Release Scheme - he knows that this money could have saved Maxine's life. He pays it into the bank. Ken continues to protest Aidan's innocence. Gail is appalled. Roy tells Ciaran that he's got cold feet about expanding the cafe and going into partnership. Ashley asks Martin, Kevin and Curly to be pallbearers at Maxine's funeral. Norris ...

Jan 23, 2003
Shelley refuses to speak to Sunita. She thinks that Shelley's being childish. Ashley receives a sympathy card from Matt Ramsden. He rips it up. Toyah goes with Maria to the clinic where she has an abortion. Maria tells Kirk what's happened and he's both kind and supportive. Peter tries to talk Shelley into making up with Sunita but Shelley is adamant that Sunita is in the wrong and convinced that Ciaran will hurt her in the end. Norris asks round for lodgings. He is appalled when Les says he can share Kirk's room in No.5 for £50 per week but he is forced to accept. ...

Jan 25, 2003
Ken tells Deirdre that Ashley has asked him to stay away from the funeral. Toyah continues to look after Maria. Fiz hates Maria for the way she's treated her mate and Maria wallows in self-loathing. Gail tells Emily that she and Richard will give her a lift to the funeral. Ciaran tells how he once put a worm in Peter's drink when they were in Mexico for the day on leave from their ship. Ken goes to see Bob Critchley to try and persuade him to visit Aidan and listen to his side of the story as he tells him how his son is out of control and broke up his marriage with ...

Jan 26, 2003
Part 1. It is Maxine's funeral.

Jan 26, 2003
Richard manages to regain his self-control and simply makes a nice speech about supporting Ashley in his time of need. Audrey is frustrated - she was convinced that he was about to confess to Maxine's murder. Ade is frustrated that his own father doesn't believe him. He takes his frustration out on Ken and tells him that he doesn't want to see him again. Maxine's burial takes place at the cemetery. Whilst the Vicar is committing Maxine's body to the ground, Audrey suddenly flips and shouts across the grave calling Richard a murderer and saying that he killed Maxine. ...

Jan 28, 2003
Everyone is shocked by Audrey's outburst at the funeral. Doreen tells Audrey that she spoiled the funeral. Ken feels very low and decides he's going to resign from teaching before they sack him - his hearing is on Friday. Kevin is suspicious when he hears how Craig wrote his name as "Craig Harris" on his school book. He remembers the wallet incident with the name "Tommy Harris". Ashley and Doreen go to Ashley's house to clear out Maxine's clothes but Ashley can't face it. He can't even bring himself to go inside. Harry is auctioning off a signed Manchester United ...

Jan 30, 2003
Doreen and Derek leave to go back home. They suggest that Joshua should come with them to give Ashley a break but Ashley refuses. Sarah decides she's going to have two birthday parties, one for family and one for her mates. Ken goes to see Miss Johnson and hands in his resignation. He doesn't even turn up at the hearing as he thinks it's a foregone conclusion. Toyah tells Maria and Fiz that she's decided to move in with John Arnley. They are gutted but daren't say anything. Harry draws the raffle for the signed football. Tommy wins it. Ashley pours his heart out to ...

Feb 01, 2003
Maria has another one-night stand. Fiz is disgusted with her. Toyah is still oblivious as to what's going on. Norris has discovered the Shopping Channel on Les's TV. Norris finds himself doing all the housework and the cooking. Les keeps calling him "Doris" which annoys him. Tommy comes clean with Kevin and explains why he had to change his name. Kevin promises to keep it to himself and gives Tommy his job back at the garage. Les is appalled when Fiz tells him that Toyah is moving in with John. Ashley tells Martin about the question over Joshua's parentage. Jason ...

Feb 02, 2003
Hayley tries to persuade Roy to take up the offer of a partnership with Ciaran. Fiz reveals to Toyah that she thinks it is too soon for her to be moving in with John. Fred confides in Betty that he is worried about Ashley. John, getting nervous, asks Toyah to move in straight away, and she accepts. Ciaran offends Roy and his pride in the cafe whilst talking about ideas for improvements, which leads Roy to finally make up his mind and reject Ciaran's offer. Ashley tells Fred that he has booked the paternity test for Monday. Joe tells Mike that the Fletchers order was ...

Feb 02, 2003
Part 2 / Toyah confronts Maria about John. She admits that it is true, and manages to unknowingly imply to Toyah that he forced himself on her. Maria confronts Fiz about the fact that she told Toyah everything. It dawns on Maria that she has led Toyah to believe that John raped her. Toyah enters John's classroom and reveals she has found out about his antics with Maria. Sarah and Todd coyly decide to have sex and retire upstairs. Toyah tells John that she thinks he raped Maria, and, when he denies it, she savagely attacks him whilst spilling the details of her own ...

Feb 04, 2003
Janice tells Toyah that she can move in for a while so as to avoid having to see Maria. Roy is still upset about Ciaran's betrayal, and Hayley decides to have a word with Ciaran. Fiz and Maria see Toyah on her return to the flat and she refuses to accept Maria's apology. Candice discusses party outfits and tactics of getting Jason off Katy to Sarah. Spider sees Toyah and asks her what is wrong. Toyah decides to go with Spider to London. Toyah tells Janice that she is leaving. Though Janice puts on a brave face, she is upset. Eileen reveals to Todd that, following a ...

Feb 06, 2003
Norris tells Emily that he is still miserable about having to live with Les. David admires Tommy's signed ball. Richard asks Martin to keep an eye on Sarah's party. Tyrone tells Kevin that he is keeping close watch of Tommy after the disappearance of the wallet. Hayley tells Joe that Mike is not coming into Underworld that day. Emily confides in Rita that she misses having Norris around the house. Candice tells Sarah about her plans to ensure that she gets Jason that night. Joe takes the Underworld girls out for a drink to celebrate the end of his time with Baldwin. ...

Feb 08, 2003
Joe tells the girls that he is staying. Karen is more than a little pleased. Joe sacks Hayley from her position as supervisor. Sarah sees Audrey and tells her that one of Richard's home schemes paid out. The Underworld girls are shocked at Hayley's dismissal. Angela is elected to confront Joe. Dev hints to Steve that Joe and Karen have a "close" relationship. Infuriated that Angela will not talk to Joe, Karen confronts him herself. He gives her Hayley's old job. Todd and Sarah tell Gail that they are sleeping together. She is offended that they didn't tell her before ...

Feb 09, 2003
Janice ensures that Karen's first day as the factory's supervisor does not run smoothly. Fred begs Ashley to reconsider Joshua's paternity test. Shelley queries Ciaran's lengthy leave of absence from the navy.

Feb 11, 2003
Karen's new job as Underworld supervisor is getting her down. She feels an outcast from her mates. Janice continues to give her stick. Karen threatens to sack Janice but they both know she hasn't the authority. Angela suggests to Janice that she should report Karen to Mike. Angela and Janice start to warm to each other. Deirdre decides that she doesn't want her job back at the Corner Shop. She tells Dev. Ken is relieved. Tracy teases Dev, playing hard to get. Dev is frustrated. Les has a go at Maria for her affair with Toyah's boyfriend. Shelley sticks up for Maria. ...

Feb 13, 2003
Steve buys Karen a necklace for Valentine's Day and a heart-shaped helium balloon. He tries to persuade her to take the morning off but she refuses saying that she has to set an example in her new job. Karen promises to be home on time. Dev sends Tracy a £100 bouquet from Lucy's Florist. Tracy is impressed. Janice tries to warn Les that he'll be receiving something life-changing through the post. Les gets the wrong end of the stick. He thinks it's a Valentine's card and that Janice wants to get back together. Janice receives a dozen red roses, she thinks they're from ...

Feb 15, 2003
Shelley is furious at Ciaran's cheek wanting to be best man at the wedding and annoyed with Peter for even discussing it with him. Les is depressed that Janice wants a divorce; he asks Fiz to try and persuade her otherwise. Steve plans a romantic day with Karen. He nips out for a bottle of wine and when he returns is annoyed to find Joe in the flat, Karen and Joe flirting with each other. Joe's cooker has broken down and Karen insists that Joe stays for dinner. Sunita is delighted when Ciaran give her a bracelet and asks her out for dinner. Roy has a meeting with the ...

Feb 16, 2003
Part 1 / Fiz overhears Joe thanking Karen for dinner. She discusses this with Janice and they wonder if Karen and Joe are having an affair. Sunita is very upset that Ciaran didn't tell her that he was absent without leave from the Navy. She feels used. Ade phones Sarah from the remand centre but she refuses to talk to him. Richard is incensed when he reads an article in the Gazette about Chris Melton and the bribery and corruption he's involved in. Gail points out that Richard tried to bribe him too over the bail hostel. Tracy gets a job working for Lucy at her shop. ...

Feb 16, 2003
Part 2 / Steve admits to Karen that he's jealous and worried that there's something going on between she and Joe. Karen assures him that they are just work colleagues. Peter calls on Lucy and forces her to admit that she's pregnant with his child. Aidan phones Sarah again and asks her to come and visit him. Richard tells Gail that he would like them to move away from the Street as he's fed up with all the gossip and accusations. Gail agrees. Kirk advises Les to be pleasant to Mick so that Janice will still talk to him. Les takes this on board. Lucy explains to Peter ...

Feb 18, 2003
Steve is still unhappy about Karen and Joe's relationship. He tells Karen to keep it to strictly work. The factory girls continue to goad both Steve and Karen. Gail and Richard tell David and Sarah that they're going to buy a bigger house. David is pleased. Sarah doesn't want to move away from Todd. Peter talks to Ken about having children. Ken thinks he means with Shelley and tells Shelley that Peter wants a family. Shelley is pleased. Tracy starts work for Lucy. She talks to Tracy about the father of her baby but doesn't mention that it's Peter. Ashley goes over to ...

Feb 20, 2003
Sarah receives a letter from Ade telling her that he's got fresh evidence proving his innocence. He later phones Sarah and asks her to visit him on Sunday. Richard buys the family a new people carrier. He takes them out in it and drives them to a new five bedroomed house on which he's put a deposit. Lucy shows Tracy the picture from her first scan. She tells Tracy that the baby's father proposed to her last night. Shelley looks after Joshua while Fred and Ashley go to the solicitors to get the results of the paternity test. The test proves that Ashley is not the ...

Feb 22, 2003
David goes to visit Audrey and tells her that they are moving to the other side of Manchester. Todd is cross with Sarah who insists that she must go and see Aidan. Richard and Gail tells Martin that they will be moving to Wentworth Meadows, half an hour away but that he can visit David any time he likes. Betty is puzzled when Fred takes little interest in Joshua and she has to see to him. Sarah visits Aidan in the Remand Centre. Aidan tells her that the police have found that the vodka he drank the night of the murder was spiked with Diazepam which knocked him out for...

Feb 23, 2003
Fred and Ashley have a heart-to-heart. Fred explains how he was disappointed to learn that Joshua isn't a blood relation but he also knows that he can still love Joshua. Ashley forgives him and they make up. Richard is delighted to find that he's sold another flat at the full asking price. He tells Gail that he wishes the bail hostel had been scrapped weeks ago but doesn't explain why. Tracy and Lucy are chatting in the florist's shop. Peter comes in and Tracy introduces him to Lucy not realising that they already know each other. Tracy assumes he's come to buy ...

Feb 23, 2003
Richard confesses all to Gail. He admits to killing his ex-wife, leaving Duggie to die and killing Maxine. He tries to make Gail sympathize and to convince her that everything he did was for her; that his love for her and her children led him to such extremes to protect them. Gail tells him that he's mad, and realizes that his other marriages didn't work out because Richard is unable to have children. She tells him that everything is over between them and orders him to leave the house. A horrified Gail rings Audrey as Richard leaves the street, seemingly forever.

Feb 25, 2003
Audrey rushes round to No.8. She gets Martin to babysit while she takes Gail to the police station. Gail tells the police all that Richard has confessed to. The police get Steve and Karen out of bed and get Steve to show them the spot where he found the bracelet at The Ridings. The police then start excavating the site. Ken tells Peter that he and Deirdre would like to pay for the flowers at the wedding. Peter tries to call Lucy to get an answer to his proposal of marriage but she puts the phone down on him. Peter psyches himself up to tell Shelley that their ...

Feb 27, 2003
The residents of the Street have all heard that Richard has confessed to Maxine's murder before he absconded. The news is broken to Emily who is upset when she realises that he was intending to kill her but Maxine interrupted him. Norris comforts her. The police call on Ashley and Fred and tell them that it looks as though Richard is the murderer and not Ade. Ashley is furious when he thinks about Richard's speech at Maxine's funeral. Shelley shops for a wedding dress with Deirdre and Sunita. Deirdre apologises to Ken for doubting his judgement of Aidan. Ashley rushes...

Mar 01, 2003
Fred asks Shelley and Peter to move into the Rovers rent-free while he goes to live with Ashley. Peter wants to tell Shelley that it's over between them and that he's marrying someone else but can't bring himself to. He agrees to move into the Rovers. Shelley is delighted. Gail decides that she and the family are going to move back home. Audrey doesn't feel happy about it but Gail insists. Lucy tells Tracy that she's agreed to marry the baby's father. Emma leaves to go on a two-week course hoping for promotion. Gail feels slightly unnerved to find her house now has an...

Mar 02, 2003
Gail, Sarah and David are horrified to find a whole crowd of journalists at their front door wanting to get the Richard story. Shelley and Peter move into the Rovers. Gail makes Sarah and David go to school despite the press pack at the door. Martin collects them and bundles them into the car. David is really upset. Jack and Vera start to worry about the money they invested with Richard. Jack tries to call the phone number on the statement that Richard gave them but there's no such number. Peter calls to see Lucy. She insists that he goes with her to the Register ...

Mar 02, 2003
Tracy is about to tell Shelley the truth about Peter when Shelley gets a phone call from her mum saying that her sister, Sharon, has been rushed into hospital with severe stomach pains. Tommy catches the man in the back garden. He's a photographer spying on the Hillmans. Tommy sends him packing. Boris Weaver calls in on Ashley and Fred saying he needs some help in the butchers. Fred goes with him before Ashley has a chance to object. Rosie puts some old clothes on over the top of her party gear and leaves the house with Stacy Kingsbury. She bribes Sophie not to say ...

Mar 04, 2003
Vera is fretting about the £20,000 they've lost through Richard and is convinced that Gail must have known what was going on. Jack notices she has started smoking again. Ashley goes back to work and Fred looks after Joshua. Shelley's sister Sharon has taken a turn for the worse. Peter persuades Shelley to go and visit her saying that he will look after the Rovers. Jack and Vera report their lost investments to the police. They explain that Richard insisted that they had to write the cheque out to "Richard Hillman" rather than a company. When the detective expresses ...

Mar 06, 2003
Gail is concerned that everyone thinks she was in cahoots with Richard. Audrey suggests she make an appointment with a solicitor. Katy doesn't feel well, she's tired and listless and incredibly thirsty. Tommy lets her stay off school although Angela thinks she's putting it on. Craig tells the family that he's got the lead role in the school production of Bugsy Malone. Shelley arrives back from visiting her sister Sharon who is getting much better. The newspaper reporters are again sniffing round but not having much luck as the locals refuse to give anything away. ...

Mar 08, 2003
Even men as powerful as the pharaohs of Egypt feared pirates. Throughout history many great leaders have tried to put an end to piracy but it was often a battle they lost. Many great men fought against the threat of pirates and many great men also became pirates.

Mar 09, 2003
Craig is still sulking with Tommy for having a go at him over the photograph. Sarah and David see the newspaper article accusing Gail of being in cahoots with Richard. They're angry that she hid it from them. Karen hands out her new business cards which she got done herself from a machine. Jason asks Katy out. She turns him down. Karen tries to entertain a client in Mike's office. Mike takes over making Karen look small much to Janice and Fiz's delight. The client later hands Karen her business card back pointing out that she's misspelled "Superviser". Mike is furious...

Mar 09, 2003
Katy doesn't feel well again but Angela insists she goes to school. Tommy and Angela plan to take the kids bowling. As Katy isn't well Angela says they'll take David Platt instead. Gail calls in to the Medical Centre to tell them that she'll be starting back at work tomorrow. Sarah and David start back at school. Shelley gets a call to say that her sister Sharon Unwin has got to have an endoscopy. Shelley goes to visit her. Peter calls Lucy. Karen asks Mike to let her have a chance at dealing with the clients but Mike refuses. Joe however disagrees with Mike and ...

Mar 11, 2003
Gail tries to escape but Richard stops her and tells her that they and the children are going to be together forever. Tommy and Kevin work late at the garage. Audrey enjoys a drink with Archie before dinner at Number 8.

Mar 13, 2003
Tommy and Martin dive into the canal and pull the Platts to safety, but there is no sign of Richard. Steve struggles to keep his jealousy under control when Karen and Joe go to a business dinner. Peter leaves Harry in charge of the pub while he visits Lucy.

Mar 15, 2003
Peter is thwarted as he summons the courage to break Shelley's heart. Gail, Sarah and David each react differently to their ordeal. Steve tries to mend the rift between him and Karen.

Mar 16, 2003
Part 1 / Peter continues to lie. He tells Sally that he may need some time off from the bookies because of Shelley's sister dying. Sally is sympathetic. Steve finds out that Joe is taking the factory girls for a night out. Kirk wins a year's supply of toilet paper in a competition. Tyrone can't believe his luck when Katy asks him to take her for a drink in the Rovers but she just wants to get out of having to cook Tommy and Craig's tea. Kirk tells Jason and Tyrone how he's got the edge with women. Audrey suggests to Gail that she and the kids should have a holiday but...

Mar 16, 2003
Part 2 / Tommy is furious with Tyrone, Jason and Kirk thinking that they got Katy drunk. They explain that she didn't have any alcohol but Tommy doesn't believe them. Steve is frantically looking for Karen. He knows that she's out with Joe and is in torment. Tracy and Lucy go out for a drink. Tracy stops herself from telling Lucy about Shelley but she is disgusted with Peter for lying. Martin hears about Katy and goes round to see her. He calls an ambulance and she's rushed to hospital in a coma. Tommy and Angela are distraught. Joe comes on to Karen in the Rovers. He...

Mar 18, 2003
Steve is still convinced that Karen has been sleeping with Joe. Karen has spent the night at Fiz's flat and is expecting Steve to realise he's made a mistake and come crawling back. Steve confides in Dev that he thinks Karen and Joe are having an affair. The raffle money which Harry raised has disappeared. Fred asks Harry where it's gone. Harry thinks that Fred is accusing him of stealing and resigns. Kirk manages to sell the last of his free toilet rolls to Kevin. Tommy apologises to Tyrone and Jason for accusing them of getting Katy drunk and thanks them for ...

Mar 20, 2003
Joe turns up at the factory sporting a black eye. Mike sends him home. Karen is furious to find that Steve has changed the locks on the flat. She tries to talk to Steve but he is still adamant that their relationship is over. Karen bursts into tears in the Corner Shop and tells Dev how she's been wrongly accused of sleeping with Joe. Dev believes her. Peter tells Fred that he paid the raffle money in to the bank with the rest of the takings. Fred realises that he's going to have to apologise to Harry. Katy arrives home from hospital. She can't bring herself to inject ...

Mar 22, 2003
Peter confides in Tracy about the funeral and the wedding. Tracy is unsympathetic. Karen and Steve have spent the night making up. Karen forces Steve to throw a sickie so they can spend the day together. Peter panics when his mobile rings in front of Shelley and Lucy has obviously changed the ring tone to "Here Comes the Bride". In desperation, Peter suggests to Lucy they could postpone the wedding. Lucy refuses. Martin calls round to No.6 again and teaches Katy how to inject. Fred apologises to Harry and asks him to come back to work. Harry considers it. Steve ...

Mar 23, 2003
Tracy asks Peter which he's going to attend, his wedding or Sharon's funeral in Bradford. Peter attends Sharon's funeral with Shelley. Shelley's mum Bev is very upset. Karen and Steve are getting on really well. Joe persuades Mike that Underworld should branch into men's underwear. Gail asks Archie to sort out Richard's funeral. She wants the least fuss with no guests and no service. Joe comes on to Karen again in the factory. She tries to ignore him. Later Joe pretends to chat up a girl on the phone. Karen is immediately jealous. Lucy is excited to be getting married...

Mar 23, 2003
Lucy, Tracy and friend Mandy Pearce prepare for the wedding. In desperation Peter tells Shelley that he can't stay for the wake and has to leave immediately for an important meeting. Shelley is furious with him. Lucy tells Tracy that she's booked a surprise honeymoon for them in a couple of weeks time. Joe goes out for lunch with a girl called Lisa Ibbetson just to make Karen jealous. Ashley phones Harry and asks him to come over and see where they're going to put Maxine's memorial bench which was paid for with the raffle money. Peter is late for his wedding. Lucy is ...

Mar 25, 2003
It's day one of married life for Peter and Lucy and Peter pretends that he's got to go to a meeting in Bradford. To Peter's horror, Lucy says she'll go with him. Peter phones Shelley. Shelley tells him that she's going to stay in Bradford for the week to look after her mum and doesn't want picking up today. To Peter's relief he tells Lucy the meeting has been cancelled and that he's free all week. Tyrone asks Katy if she wants to come with him when he delivers Mike's car back to his flat. She agrees. Joe brings Lisa Ibbetson into the Rovers. Karen is consumed with ...

Mar 27, 2003
Gail goes to see her solicitor who tells her that the police are investigating Richard's finances and that their accounts will be frozen for months. Audrey tells Gail that she will help her out with money in the meantime. Stephen Reid phones and asks Audrey, Gail and the children to go to Canada the following day for a break. Audrey, Gail and David decide to go. Sarah stays behind with Bethany. Lucy looks at Peter's mobile and sees all the calls from Shelley. She later talks to Tracy. She is forced to admit to Lucy that Peter is still seeing Shelley. Lucy is disgusted...

Mar 29, 2003
Peter is hung-over and distraught. He's been up all night fretting. Sarah asks Martin if it's okay for Todd to stay the odd night while Gail is away. Martin reluctantly agrees. Eileen is delighted when Todd remembers it's Mother's Day and gives her a card. Janice is more determined than ever that she's going to get a divorce from Les. Katy phones Louise Crawley, an old friend from Sheffield whilst in Mike's flat. Lucy is furious with Tracy for witnessing her wedding whilst knowing what Peter was up to. She fires Tracy from the florist's. Tracy is furious with Peter ...

Mar 30, 2003
Peter has spent the night on the sofa at the Rovers, but tells Shelley and Bev that he met up with his accountant and ended up drinking all night with him. Todd and Sarah settle into domestic bliss whilst Gail is away on holiday. Katy is concerned that Tyrone will tell her parents that she phoned her friends from Mike's flat. Les goads Janice and Mick - Janice has to be restrained, but Mick stays calm in the face of Les's insults. Jason confides in Todd that he's seeing his dad behind Eileen's back. Peter goes to the florist's to find that Lucy has gone, leaving no ...

Mar 30, 2003
Emma is furious with Mick, as Les lies injured on the floor. Faced with being in deep trouble himself, Mick has no choice but to arrest Les for assaulting a police officer. Emma is frustrated and angry, but calls for back-up for the arrest. Peter is remorseful as it dawns on him how badly he's treated Shelley - he assures her that he wants to go ahead with the wedding. Tony Stewart tells Jason that there may be a job for him at his building site. As Les is taken away in a police van, Emma keeps quiet despite Les's pleas for her to tell the truth. Mick is scared of the...

Apr 01, 2003
Janice is outraged to see Mick's injuries and believes Mick's story that Les had acted out of jealousy. Les meets with his solicitor, Wendy Clements. He's advised that backed by the two statements from Mick and Emma, he'll be charged with assault. Mike tells Tommy and Kevin about Katy and Tyrone's exploits and warns them that he may go to the police. Kevin warns Tyrone that he could lose his job if Mike prosecutes. Les returns home on bail. Mick warns Emma that they need to stick together in the face of Les's accusations, or they themselves could face prison. Joe is ...

Apr 03, 2003
Les is dressed up for a court appearance. Curly tackles Emma to tell the truth. He's horrified that she's taking the side of someone who's framing an innocent man to save himself. Tyrone confesses to Vera that he's been accused of stealing the money but Vera is quick to blame Katy. Mick pleads with Emma to stand by him when she tells him that she's considering changing her statement. Mike delights in covertly confirming the rumour to the factory girls that £1,000 of his has been stolen. Dev sacks Les for bringing the cab firm into disrepute. Peter takes Tracy on at ...

Apr 05, 2003
Karen makes her feelings clear to Steve that she is entitled to an opinion and storms out. Mike plays the heavy with Tyrone and orders him to be in the Rovers at 6.00pm with his money.

Apr 06, 2003
Karen sets off for Wolverhampton with Joe, leaving a disgruntled Steve to drown his sorrows. Jack and Kirk try to win a competition by describing their dream house. Shelley is taken aback when Peter suggests that they start a family.

Apr 06, 2003
Part 2 / Karen leaves a message on the answerphone, saying she'll be home within half an hour. Terrified, Steve throws Julie Roxburgh out and tries to hide the evidence of their liaison. Mick and Janice unpack Mick's belongings in the flat. Steve goes on the offensive with Karen and questions why she has come home early. She is annoyed that has to explain herself, when he should be pleased that she's back. Katy meets Louise Crawley and is persuaded to join her at a concert in Manchester on Saturday night. Karen insists to Steve that without trust their marriage is ...

Apr 08, 2003
Steve is hung-over in the flat whilst Karen has spent the night at Janice's flat. Janice is providing a sympathetic ear and tells that her she can stay as long as she likes. It's Joshua's first birthday and Fred and Ashley interview three candidates for the nanny position. Tyrone provides an alibi for Katy's absence the previous night, and Tommy again warns him to keep away from her. Joe returns to Underworld from Wolverhampton - Janice tells him that Karen's not well and won't be in, but he's suspicious that there's more to the situation. Roy helps Jack and Kirk with...

Apr 10, 2003
Janice advises Karen that it should be Steve that has to leave the flat, not her. The Nelsons are becoming aware of Katy's new dietary regime to ward off her diabetes. Joe is pleased to hear that Karen has left Steve. Karen rebuffs him when he instantly makes a move on her. Claire Casey calls round to collect some references she'd forgotten from the previous day's nanny interview. She proves an instant hit with Joshua, and Ashley offers her the job, despite having misgivings the previous day over her lack of experience. Fred is disappointed in Ashley's choice, ...

Apr 12, 2003
Steve has spent the night camping on Eileen's sofa. Emily is uneasy at the attention Norris draws to her in Roy's Rolls - he's concerned that she's withdrawn into herself. Katy is able to go to the concert under the ruse that she is accompanying Craig to a dress rehearsal for his play. She meets her friends and is watched with interest by a strange man - Andy Morgan. Jack and Tyrone win the £50 prize for a crossword competition. Maria shows interest when she thinks they've won the Lottery. Karen tells Janice that she still loves Steve. Blanche has tricked the whole ...

Apr 13, 2003
Despite their best efforts, Katy and Craig's secret is revealed to Tommy and Angela. Ashley frets over leaving Joshua on Claire's first day. Todd and Sarah plan a romantic final day alone together.

Apr 13, 2003
The Morgan brothers keep Katy at their mercy by withholding her life-saving insulin. Karen reacts furiously when Steve removes the TV from the flat. Todd and Sarah get caught out at Number 8.

Apr 15, 2003
Tommy has been shot in the top of the arm. Katy is okay but suffering from lack of insulin. They are taken to hospital by ambulance. The police catch Nick Morgan but Andy escapes. Ashley, having seen what's going on next door, panics that Joshua might have been hurt. Claire returns with Joshua who is fine but Ashley sacks her saying that he needs to be with his son. Claire feels terrible. Sally is furious with Kevin for keeping the Nelsons' secret from her. She now worries that the Morgan family will be after them too for calling the police. Sarah and Todd discuss how...

Apr 17, 2003
Tommy's operation is successful and Katy is now allowed home. Angela is relieved. She hugs Craig and tells him that she couldn't have got through it without him. Maria complains to Fred about Bev. Fred has a word with Shelley. Shelley and Bev fall out but soon make up and Shelley realises that Bev is right about Maria - she's bone-idle. Eileen goes on at Jason to get a job. Todd moves back home from No.8. Katy confesses that it's her fault the Morgan brothers found them. She admits to meeting up with her old Sheffield friends at the pop concert. Angela goes berserk ...

Apr 19, 2003
Gail discovers that her trust in Sarah was misplaced. Shelley and Peter dread their Easter Sunday lunch date with Tracy and Dev. Sally remains disgruntled as Tommy arrives home from hospital.

Apr 20, 2003
Harsh words are spoken when Eileen confronts Jason about him seeing Tony behind her back. Todd puts forward a convincing argument to Gail. Roy is underwhelmed by Hayley's anniversary present for him.

Apr 20, 2003
Bev tries to chat up Roy but to no avail. She tells Roy that she's lonely - he suggests she gets a dog. To Tony and Merle's horror, Jason turns up saying that he's left his mum and has come to live with them. Les is delighted when Steve gives him his job back at Street Cars. Eileen tracks Jason down to Merle's house. She and Tony have a huge row. Jason is disgusted with them and storms out. Bev holds a lock-in at the Rovers but it's girls only. Shelley warns Deirdre that she thinks Tracy is going to end up getting hurt by Dev. She explains that Tracy thinks he's going...

Apr 24, 2003
Roy is worried that Bev fancies him and he doesn't want to hurt her. He asks Fred and Harry for some advice on handling women. They offer to lend him a copy of "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". Merle Jackson demands that Tony Stewart must get rid of Jason as it's her house and she doesn't want him there. Tony can't bring himself to tell him. Shelley persuades Maria to take her job back at the Rovers. Eileen confides in Patrick how upset she is about Jason living with Tony. Hayley finds out that Bev tried to seduce Roy for a joke. She tells Bev exactly what...

Apr 24, 2003
Merle encourages Jason to go and make up with Eileen as she wants rid of him but Jason doesn't take the hint and refuses. Audrey starts getting the salon ready for reopening. Maria and Candice both ask her for a job but they end up rowing with each other and Audrey refuses to take either of them on. Tracy goes shopping with Shelley for her bridesmaid dress. She natters on to Shelley about what sort of wedding she and Dev will have. Shelley keeps quiet. Tony calls to see Eileen and asks her to try and persuade Jason to come home. Eileen agrees although she realises ...

Apr 26, 2003
Tracy gets Peter to tell her exactly what Dev said about her. Tracy is furious. Mike overhears Joe trying to chat up Karen again. Mike tells Steve that if he wants Karen back he'd better get in there quick before Joe takes over. While Dev is out, Tracy takes the scissors to all his designer clothes. Les goes to see his solicitor. It's not good news. She tells him that without a witness the jury are likely to believe Mick and Emma and that with his record he'll get a prison sentence. Les bumps into Peter who has an appointment at the same solicitors. Peter wants to ...

Apr 27, 2003
Steve desperately tries to speak to Karen. Deirdre gives Dev a piece of her mind about his treatment of Tracy. Archie and Maria support Audrey as she re-opens the salon.

Apr 27, 2003
Karen is in turmoil as Steve and Joe each make impassioned pleas for her hand. Merle forces Tony to send Jason back home. Kirk's errand of mercy attracts the attention of the law.

Apr 29, 2003
Steve orders Joe to move out of the Street Cars flat. Vera pays the price when Audrey leaves Maria in charge of the salon's new girl Candice. Kevin loses patience with Rosie's lack of respect.

May 01, 2003
Todd suggests to Steve that he could move into the flat above the cab office now Joe's gone. Steve says he'd rather continue to live with Eileen and the boys. Rosie continues to be a teenage nightmare. She brings up the subject of Kevin's and Sally's affairs much to their embarrassment. Jack wins six boxes of toilet cleaner. Vera tells him to get rid of it as it matches her purple hair. Gail tells Vera that she's seeing her solicitor about Richard's affairs and that she hopes there will be enough money to pay her and Jack back their £20,000. Les tells Curly that Kirk ...

May 03, 2003
Following a row with Kevin, rebellious Rosie sneaks out of the house to meet her friends. Gail informs Emily and the Duckworths that their money will not be returned. Eileen encourages Steve to move on.

May 04, 2003
As glazier Rod Franks repairs the damage, David can't believe Gail's calm reaction to Vera throwing a brick through her window. He thinks she should call the police but she refuses. Kevin interrogates Rosie about what she was doing in Birmingham. She tells them that she went to audition for a girl band but she wasn't picked. Kirk likens Les to Nelson Mandela and suggests they drum up some support for him. They call on different neighbours asking them to be character witnesses for Les but they all refuse. Audrey is appalled to hear about Vera and insists that Gail and ...

May 04, 2003
David admits that he put the brick through the window. Initially Vera is furious but she calms down when David tells her how he can hear Gail crying at night. David starts to cry. Vera feels guilty and later she apologises to Gail. Sally suggests to Kevin that they compromise with Rosie and offer to pay for singing lessons and dancing lessons if in return she starts to behave herself. Tony Stewart tells Jason that he's found him some more work but it's in Warrington. Fred plans a night out with Petula Peach, the widow of the abattoir owner. He's hoping to win some ...

May 06, 2003
Vera gets a phone call to say she's won a dream house - she's ecstatic. Norris goes to the bank and gets all the mortgage forms to buy Emily's house. Emily is seriously worried, especially when Norris tells her of the alterations he's going to make. Audrey admits to Gail that she's had second thoughts about her and the kids moving in but that instead she will pay off Gail's debts for her so they don't have to move. Kevin makes up with Rosie. He tells her that she can have her mates round so they can practise their singing and dancing. Jason arrives home worn out after...

May 08, 2003
Eileen has a go at Jason for waking her up at 5.30am on his way to work. Jason feels just as picked on as when he was on the dole. Todd asks Eileen if Sarah can stay over occasionally. Eileen agrees so long as Gail is happy with the arrangement. Emily is delighted when Gail tells her that her solicitor has told her that No.3 is safe and will not be sold. Emily and Rita keep quiet from Norris and continue to let him think he's going to be Emily's landlord. Joe gives Karen a gold necklace. He's put-out when she threads her wedding ring onto it. Jack decides to keep the ...

May 10, 2003
Jason asks Eileen to take out a loan so that he can buy a car. He promises to pay her back but she refuses. Jason is depressed. Claire the nanny calls round to Ashley's house wanting a reference. Ashley realises that he made a mistake sacking her and offers her the job back. Claire is delighted. Eileen overhears Sarah saying how Todd gets a much better deal than Jason and that Eileen doesn't seem to give a toss about Jason. Eileen is shocked. Karen hires Harry to do fifteen hours cleaning a week at Underworld. Joe is unnerved when Karen says that she's been looking at...

May 11, 2003
The factory girls are impressed with Harry's standard of cleaning. Bev tells Shelley that it's time she moved on. She goes to have a look at a pub in Dyserth Falls, North Wales. Bev doesn't really want to go but feels she should for Shelley's sake while Shelley doesn't want her mum to go but keeps quiet for Bev's sake. Archie persuades Blanche to attend a tea dance with him. Blanche plays hard to get but is delighted on the quiet. Les goes to see his barrister John Rivers, who tells him that he must only answer "yes" and "no" to the questions thrown at him as he ...

May 11, 2003
Part 2 / Mike receives a call from the school - Adam has absconded because he was caught drinking. Adam tells Mike and Peter how none of them really cares about him. Karen is furious with Joe and points out that they could both end up in prison. Shelley tells her mum how much she enjoys having her around and Bev admits that she's enjoyed it too. Emma, Curly, Mick and Janice meet in the Rovers on their way to the party. Mick thanks Curly for lying on his behalf. Curly tells him that he is disgusted by the whole thing and is only lying because he feels he has no choice....

May 13, 2003
Joe tells Karen that as partner in crime she will have to get Mike to sign cheques to his bogus company, Artrec, too. Tommy and Martin go fishing together. Janice asks Mick why Curly looked so miserable all evening. Mick doesn't answer. Adam continues to give Peter and Mike a hard time for being too busy to bother with him. He eventually agrees to go shopping with Mike but on condition Peter goes too. Peter asks Bev if she could stay around for a bit longer as they might need someone to look after Adam. Mick plans to take Janice away for a long weekend. She is ...

May 15, 2003
Shelley tells Peter that he's got to spend more time with Adam to show him that he cares. Tracy and Deirdre gently tease Blanche about her new fancy man Wally Bannister. Tracy suggests to Candice she should go out with Adam but Candice dismisses him as a child. Martin tries to interest Katy in doing the hospital fun run. Katy, Todd and Sarah agree to do it. Candice thinks it's childish. Adam wishes he could join in but realises he'll be back in Scotland. Mike has a heart-to-heart with Adam and tells him how much he means to him. He asks Adam to come away to Spain with...

May 17, 2003
Norris is trying out different outfits for his jury service. Jason lends Todd a very skimpy pair of running shorts. Jason, Katy and Martin go for a run. Todd and Sarah dip out and go to the cafe. Adam asks Peter if they can spend a couple of days in Plymouth as he knows Susan took him there to see Peter when he was a baby. Peter agrees. Les delights in telling Emma and Curly that he now has a witness. Mike is hurt to find out that Adam is going away with Peter and Shelley having turned down his offer of a holiday in Spain. Joe starts putting pressure on Karen to get a...

May 18, 2003
Part 1 / It is the day of the court case: Les is confident that he's going to get off. Emma is nervous about telling the truth and Curly is being very supportive. Tommy and Angela plan to throw a house-warming and name-changing party for the neighbours. Sunita looks after Ben so that Curly can go to the court. Blanche also goes to watch the court case from the public gallery. Mike starts to go through the company accounts. Joe keeps fairly cool but Karen is panicking. Just as Mike starts to query the Artrec invoices his phone rings - it's Adam who asks Mike to go to ...

May 18, 2003
Part 2 / At the last minute Emma changes her mind again and lies to the court saying that it was Les who attacked Mick and not the other way round. Mick thanks Emma but she tells him that she was just scared of telling the truth and what it would mean to her relationship with her police colleagues, not because she was supportive of him. Emma hates herself for being a coward. Curly is appalled by what she's done. Les's witness Dave Arden turns up at the last minute and backs up Les's story but under cross-examination admits to having had run-ins with the police himself...

May 20, 2003
Mick and Janice go for a celebratory drink and insist that Emma comes with them. Curly refuses and goes home in disgust. Kirk is distraught that Les has been wrongly imprisoned. Fiz tries to cheer him up. Claire confides in Maria that she has a rather possessive boyfriend who is unhappy about the amount of hours she's working for Ashley. Dev calls to see Sunita. He gives her a beautiful sari and tells her how his holiday in India has changed him and he feels spiritually awakened. Blanche gets her hair done as Wally Bannister is coming to tea. She warns Audrey that she...

May 22, 2003
Roy quotes from the Highway Code to people in the cafe. Kirk receives a letter and Visitor's Order from Les in prison. Curly and Emma are hardly speaking. They continue to row over Les's wrongful imprisonment. Joe and Karen forge a delivery note for £10,000. Norris is fed up - five days of jury service and he still hasn't been picked. Angela, Tommy, Katy and Craig throw their house-warming party. The factory girls give them a joke name plaque for the house - "Dunhidin". Curly confides in Kevin that his marriage is on the rocks. Ashley takes Claire to the party. Ashley...

May 24, 2003
Katy is embarrassed when she sees Martin. He tells her just to forget about it. Katy is disappointed. Emma gets called in to see her superior - Superintendent Greenbank. Fiz and Kirk visit Les in prison. Les is very down. Steve hears that Karen has given notice on flat above The Kabin. He calls round and again tries to patch things up with her but to no avail. Superintendent Greenbank tells Emma that she's to be promoted to Inspector but in a different area so that she will no longer be Les's neighbour. Rosie practices her pop idol routine in her bedroom. Wally calls ...

May 25, 2003
Katy tarts herself up in the hope that she's going for a run with Martin. She's disappointed to learn that he's taking David and Craig fishing instead. Blanche has gone to look after her sick sister in Morecambe. Curly confides in Emily that his marriage is on the rocks because Emma thinks more of her job than she does of him and Ben. Steve accuses Karen of only wanting a divorce because it's what Joe wants. Karen denies this but Steve can see she that he's hit a nerve. He agrees to be cited for adultery in the divorce. Fiz and Kirk wind Curly up by having a barbecue ...

May 25, 2003
Curly refuses to let Emma in the house. Mick and Janice offer to put her up. Katy is sulking because Martin cancelled their run. Karen and Steve meet for a drink and discuss the divorce. Both of them are secretly regretting that they split up in the first place. Karen tells Joe that her divorce is going ahead. Joe is delighted. He tells her that they only need one more cheque signed by Mike and they can buy their dream apartment. Dev finds Steve looking very depressed in Street Cars. He insists that Steve has a couple of hours off but stresses that he must be back for...

May 27, 2003
Emma hammers on her front door demanding to see Ben. Curly refuses to let her in. Norris calms Emma down and promises to speak to Curly for her. Wally tells Tracy that he's going to dump Blanche and take her out instead. Tracy is delighted - he's a millionaire and should be dead soon. Norris persuades Curly to talk to Emma. They row over custody of Ben. Emma asks Curly to let her have a couple of hours on her own with Ben. Curly agrees. Dev gets Steve to explain to Sunita why Dev failed to make their date together. Sunita forgives Dev and agrees to go out with him on ...

May 29, 2003
Steve is feeling really depressed at it's his second wedding anniversary. He wonders if Karen has remembered. Karen is thinking the same thing. Dev confides in Mike that he's a changed man and wants to settle down and get married. He tells Mike that he's planning to propose to someone that evening. Curly tries to get back into his house while Emma is out but finds, to his dismay, that she's changed the locks. He and Emma have another slanging match and agree that it's better they live apart for the time being for Ben's sake. Katy and Sarah revise together. Candice ...

May 31, 2003
Dev confides in Mike that he proposed to Sunita and she turned him down. Joe and Karen are nervous as they get Mike to sign the last cheque to Artrec. The plan is that the cheque will clear while Mike is on holiday in Ireland. Mike decides to ring round a few other suppliers to see if he can get a cheaper deal. Karen is a bag of nerves but eventually Mike signs the cheque and leaves. Martin and Katy complete the Fun Run. Katy helps Martin over the finish line and Martin hugs her. Katy is ecstatic. Fiz and Kirk visit Les in prison and tell him that Curly and Emma have ...

Jun 01, 2003
Sunita tells Dev that the answer to his proposal is "no". She feels that Dev doesn't really want to marry her and that it's just a passing phase. Katy gives Martin a sports watch for his birthday. Martin feels uncomfortable and embarrassed. Joe and Karen manage to stall Mike from doing the full stocktake by arranging a lunch with a client, Simon Lang. Joe then gets an ex-con friend of his, Frank Marsden, to drive an empty van round and pretend to supposedly deliver the Artrec order. Claire's boyfriend Gary Jenkinson calls to see her. Claire pretends to Ashley that ...

Jun 01, 2003
Wally takes Tracy to his mansion. Tracy is dumbstruck. She didn't realise how rich Wally is. Joe and Karen convince everyone they're going to have a cosy night in. Wally spoils Tracy with champagne and caviar. Tracy takes a swim in Wally's pool. Tracy thinks she's hit gold. Wally enjoys letching at her in her swimsuit. Curly moves in with Martin. He confides in Curly that he fancies someone half his age and doesn't know what to do. Claire is annoyed when her boyfriend Gary Jenkinson calls for her at Ashley's house. Gary's annoyed because of all the overtime she's ...

Jun 03, 2003
Mike discovers the factory has been broken into. Wally persuades Tracy to spend the day with him. She agrees. Emma dumps Ben on Claire as she has an urgent meeting. The police question Mike, Joe, Karen and Harry. Harry explains how he came back to the factory to get his wallet. Mike accuses him of not resetting the alarm and sacks him. Harry is very upset. Jack receives a letter from the allotment society complaining about the state of his patch. He considers giving up the site but Fiz volunteers herself, Tyrone and Kirk to maintain the upkeep. Deirdre rings Tracy and...

Jun 05, 2003
Deirdre and Tracy row over Wally. Deirdre is worried what they will tell Blanche. Kirk, Tyrone and Fiz start work on Jack's allotment. The woman on the next allotment, Maz O'Loughlin introduces herself and takes a shine to Kirk. Mike and Joe pay Naveen Alahan a visit. Mike accuses Naveen of fronting a false company, ripping him off and stealing all his stock. Naveen denies everything. Roy gets Steve to take him out in his taxi so that he can study a professional driver at work. Roy is appalled with the standard of driving on the streets. Claire's boyfriend Gary ...

Jun 07, 2003
Gail is worried about David as she can tell that he's upset about something. Sarah feels guilty. Dev stands by his cousin Naveen and tells Mike that Naveen had nothing to do with the robbery. Mike doesn't believe him. Harry is positive that he did reset the burglar alarm in the factory. He tells Mike but Mike doesn't believe him. Ashley bumps into Claire on her day off. Claire admits that she's killing time as she's trying to avoid Gary Jenkinson. Ashley invites her for a coffee and pours his heart out to her. Blanche phones No.1 and tells them that she is over Wally....

Jun 08, 2003
It's the first day of exams for Todd and Sarah. Todd feels very depressed and blames Eileen for Sarah finishing with him. Tyrone spends another day at the allotment chatting to Maz O'Loughlin. He introduces Maz to Jack. Jack agrees to let her use his greenhouse. Claire turns up at Ashley's house in tears as she's finished with Gary Jenkinson. She tells Ashley how she told Gary that Ashley said she could do better. Ashley wishes he'd never said anything. Norris sees Ashley comforting Claire and misreads the situation. Audrey and Fred worry that Claire has got a crush ...

Jun 08, 2003
Sunita admits to Deirdre that she does still love Dev but she wants to be sure that he really loves her as she doesn't want to get hurt. Ashley is shocked when he hears a dedication on the radio from Claire to Ashley. Norris hears it too and immediately starts spreading the gossip. Janice, Angela and Fiz are worried that they're going to have to look for new jobs as there's still no work at the factory. Todd tells Eileen that he didn't sit his exam and that he's decided he's not going to Oxford University after all. Eileen is devastated. Todd and Eileen have a huge ...

Jun 10, 2003
Gail is shocked to find out that Sarah was thinking of moving to Oxford with Todd. Rosie tells Sally and Kevin that she wants to go on a fat-free diet like Kylie Minogue. Sally takes her at her word and serves up brown rice and steamed fish. Rosie isn't impressed. Mike phones the bank and finds out that Underworld is £50,000 overdrawn. He can't understand it and insists that Joe gets copies of all the bank statements. Joe and Karen start to panic. Sunita is starting to warm to the idea of marrying Dev. She tells Shelley that he's a changed man. Sarah and Todd get back...

Jun 12, 2003
Claire assures Ashley that she's had a word with Gary Jenkinson and that there won't be any more problems. Eileen thinks that Todd has spent the night at the Platts' house and lays into Sarah again. Gail assures her they haven't seen Todd. Audrey and Fred are horrified to see posters littering every wall, phone box etc. with the message "Congratulations to Ashley and Claire on your Engagement. Love and kisses Maxine". Dev insists on closing the Corner Shop and taking Sunita to lunch. She has a lovely time and confides in Shelley that if he proposes again she will ...

Jun 14, 2003
Sunita is the happiest person alive. Dev is coming round for dinner tonight and she knows he's going to propose. Curly is surprised to receive a visiting order from Les. Sunita and Dev have a mock fight with their pricing guns. Todd calls back home to collect his stuff. Eileen tries to talk him out of leaving but they have another row and Todd goes. Claire is very upset when Ashley tells her Gary's latest game. Ashley sets off for Gary's house intent on killing him. Fred follows him with Jason, Tyrone and Kirk. Between them they manage to pull Ashley off Gary. Ashley ...

Jun 15, 2003
Ciaran makes it clear that he still fancies Sunita. He tells Sunita that he sent her a letter apologising and explaining everything. Sunita doesn't believe him as she never received it. Sunita asks both Dev and Ciaran to leave as she feels confused. Later Ciaran lets himself back in saying he's nowhere to stay. Sunita lets him have the sofa. Ashley is ashamed that he beat up Gary Jenkinson as he realises that Gary was simply jealous. Ashley apologises to Claire for thinking that she was in on his games. Dev is shocked to see Ciaran coming out of Sunita's flat in the ...

Jun 17, 2003
Mike pays the girls half their wages as it's all the business can afford. He instructs Joe to make four of the girls redundant and demote Karen to machinist. One of the redundancies is Fiz. Sunita pours her heart out to Bev and explains how she's torn between Dev and Ciaran. The police drop a bag containing a few of Maxine's belongings off to Ashley now the case is closed. In the bag is the digital camera containing footage of him and Maxine at Christmas. Ashley watches the film and is absolutely devastated - he misses Maxine so much. Claire is shocked to see him in ...

Jun 19, 2003
Karen throws herself on Mike's mercy until he allows her to help him to corner Joe. Dev fumes when Ciaran cockily gloats over his fall-out with Sunita. Todd searches for a job.

Jun 21, 2003
Sunita finds out that the flowers were really from Dev. She's amused at Ciaran's cheek. Roy arranges his first driving lesson but later cancels it when Martin tells him he's got to vacate his flat because of cockroaches and that they will probably want to check out Roy's flat too. Mike tells the girls that Joe has left and that they no longer have a supervisor as Karen is now sacked. Mike tells Hayley that she's is now unofficially the supervisor again. Peter tells Ciaran he can stay in his old flat. Candice fancies Liam Strong, a pizza delivery guy. She climbs on the...

Jun 22, 2003
Steve finds out that Karen and Joe have left after trying to rob Mike. He thinks they've gone together. Martin has no choice but to accept Tommy's offer of the sofa for a couple of nights. Roy continues to worry about cockroaches and he and Hayley code name them "Dave" so they can discuss them freely in the cafe. Todd agrees to rent the flat from Peter. Peter waives the deposit if in return Todd cleans the flat up. They agree on £65 per week. Todd gets a second job working for Dev at the Corner Shop. Eileen is appalled. Kirk and Fiz visit Les who is more depressed ...

Jun 24, 2003
Mike offers Harry his job back as cleaner at Underworld. After some persuasion Harry accepts. Eileen is shocked to hear from Shelley that Todd and Sarah are moving into Peter's flat above the bookies. She is even more upset when she finds out from Todd that he's sold his laptop computer to pay the rent. Tyrone goes to visit Maz O'Loughlin on the allotments. She's busily planting seeds which she says are tomatoes. She agrees to meet Tyrone for a drink just to get rid of him. Steve clears all Karen's belongings out of their flat. He gets upset when he finds some of ...

Jun 26, 2003
Todd is doing his best to make the flat more homely but it's still a hovel. It is Jason's birthday. Eileen gives him a CD, Todd gives him the same CD and Tony Stewart gives him a sovereign ring. Tyrone worries what to wear for his date with Maz O'Loughlin. Fiz dresses him up as a new-age traveller but Tyrone gets cold feet at the last minute. Martin meets Katy for a coffee. They agree to just remain friends. Jason and Tony agree to help Todd do the flat up. Sarah tells Todd that she really loves him but doesn't think the flat is suitable for Bethany. She promises to ...

Jun 28, 2003
Steve and Tracy have spent the night together. Tracy is pleased as punch. Dev asks Sunita to come back to work at the Corner Shop. Sunita says she'll think about it. Tommy asks Martin to get Katy a summer job at the hospital. Martin tells Katy there's a job going in the hospital canteen. Tyrone chats to Maz O'Loughlin about vegetables. He doesn't realise that the greenhouse is full of cannabis that she planted. Jason agrees to help Todd paint his flat so that Sarah might move in with Bethany. Hayley finds out from Mike that Karen split on Joe, told Mike all about the ...

Jun 29, 2003
Sunita goes back to work at the Corner Shop. Todd worries that they will be over-staffed and he might lose his job. Ciaran plays a trick on Dev and gets him out of the way for a few hours so that he can take Sunita out for a long boozy lunch. Katy tells Roy that she's leaving the cafe as she's starting a job at the hospital. Emma and Curly row in the Street. Curly is worried that he will rarely see Ben. Curly is shocked when Emma says she wants a divorce. Shelley is cross with Peter when she finds out that he's letting Ciaran live in their old flat. Angela arrives ...

Jul 01, 2003
Sarah enquires about the part-time job at Roy's Rolls. Tracy tells Bev that she can pull any man she wants. She bets Bev that she can get Roy into bed. Hayley is upset to hear that her Aunty Monica has had a stroke. Audrey is concerned to find Archie sitting on the bench outside the salon looking unwell. The girls set off on Shelley's hen night. Bev is annoyed when Maria turns up but Tracy invited her. Curly calls to see Emma. He tells her that he loves her and reiterates that he's willing to move to Newcastle. Emma is worried that he's just lonely. Tracy is jealous ...

Jul 03, 2003
Curly and Emma finally make up. They agree that Emma will start her new job in Newcastle while Curly sells the house, then he'll follow her. Everyone's having a good time at Shelley's hen night except for Tracy. Bob Cummings and his mate Phil Crane fancy Shelley and Maria. Tracy is jealous. Roy arrives at the Weatherfield Arms and explains to Hayley that he was worried about her. He tries to persuade her to go and visit her Aunty Monica. Candice has a date with Liam Strong, the pizza delivery boy. Bob spikes Shelley's drink but Tracy sees him do it. Tracy picks up the...

Jul 05, 2003
Peter goes to the hospital to see Lucy. At first she refuses to see him but as the baby starts to arrive she realises she's glad of the support. Ciaran borrows the window cleaner's ladder and enters Sunita's bedroom via the window. Sunita thinks it's funny. Dev is not impressed. Curly visits Les in prison. Curly explains to Les that he and Emma are moving away because Emma has been promoted. Les tells Curly that wherever they go he will find them and get his revenge on Emma and Mick. Peter helps to deliver the baby. Lucy has a baby boy. Both Peter and Lucy are very ...

Jul 06, 2003
Rosie is excited. She's got an audition for the school production of My Fair Lady. Archie still doesn't look well. Audrey arranges to go round and cook him a meal. Sunita feels a bit guilty about stringing both Dev and Ciaran along while she decides who she wants but Bev tells her she's doing the right thing. Steve tracks Karen down to her Aunty Eva's house. It's obvious that Karen hasn't told Eva the whole truth. Rosie arrives home very upset. She failed to get any part in the production other than one backstage. Sally is cross with the school and promises to sort it...

Jul 08, 2003
Shelley reminds Peter that they've got an appointment with the vicar in the afternoon. Sarah is working in the cafe. Todd has just finished his shift at the Corner Shop. Peter tells Ciaran that he refuses to give up his son that easily. He visits Lucy again but she tells him again that she doesn't want to see him. Tony Stewart and Jason rewire Todd's flat so that Todd's electricity now runs off the Bookies' supply downstairs. Todd is a little bit worried. Much to Rosie's embarrassment Sally goes to see Miss Crocker, her drama teacher. She tells her that Rosie will be ...

Jul 10, 2003
Bev talks to Peter about marriage. He convinces her that marrying Shelley is what he really wants. Porter Jimmy Mullins asks Katy if she will partner him to the Hospital disco on Sunday. Katy agrees and Martin is jealous. Steve persuades Karen to give Weatherfield another go. She agrees to give it a three week trial. She's worried that she will be public enemy no. 1. Tracy pretends to lose an earring, Roy finds it. Tracy kisses Roy and drags him into the Rovers. Roy is most uncomfortable. Hayley starts to worry that Roy will find Tracy more attractive than her. The ...

Jul 12, 2003
Curly touches up the paintwork on his house, preparing it for sale. Peter tells Ciaran that he's going to visit Lucy again. He's determined to see his son. He asks Ciaran to lie for him if anyone asks. Bev is starting to have her suspicions about Peter. Curly, Tommy, Kevin and Martin meet up for a lads' night out. Martin suddenly cries off with a headache. He goes to the hospital disco instead. Tracy comes on to Roy again. Hayley flips and tips the ice bucket all over Tracy. Tracy makes some really bitchy comments to Hayley. Steve insists on taking Karen to the Rovers...

Jul 13, 2003
Bev's suspicions about Peter grow further when he lies to cover up making out a shopping list for Lucy. Dev is preoccupied, mulling over the strength of his feelings for Sunita. Curly tells Tommy and Kevin about Martin's young nurse girlfriend - they tease Martin for sloping off the night before to meet her at the hospital disco. Peter looks after Simon whilst an exhausted Lucy has a sleep, but he's late for his wedding rehearsal. Karen is rattled by last night's hostile reception in the Rovers. Steve tells her that the old feisty Karen would face everyone and ...

Jul 15, 2003
Tommy confronts Katy for coming in late last night. She tells him she'll be working overtime tonight and will be late again. Kevin and Tommy press Martin for more information on his young nurse. Ciaran tries to convince Bev not to tell Shelley about Peter. Peter is pleased when Lucy accepts a building society book with £300 in it for Simon. Martin apologises to Jimmy Mullins. Katy and Martin kiss in a quiet corner of the hospital and arrange to meet that night at Martin's flat. Tracy flirts with Roy in the Rovers and insults Hayley by questioning her "natural" state ...

Jul 17, 2003
Shelley again refuses to admit that Peter is having an affair, and accuses her mother of trying to spoil her big day. Deirdre is distraught when Adam accidentally smears shoe polish on her new wedding outfit. Ken touches her by surprising her with a new dress he's bought with money put aside for a new printer. Peter feigns nonchalance when Lucy tells him that she can't talk to her solicitor about a divorce for a few weeks. Sunita and Betty persuade Roy that he should attend the wedding without Hayley. Bev denies that she has always been jealous of Shelley and assures ...

Jul 19, 2003
Peter summons all his powers of persuasion to convince Shelley to proceed with the wedding. Roy becomes the victim of Tracy's cruel prank. Sunita grows tired of Ciaran's childishness.

Jul 20, 2003
The morning after the wedding and Roy is terrified to wake up in Tracy's bed, with the Barlows downstairs eating breakfast. He's mortified when Ken, Deirdre and Adam spot him trying to leave. Curly and Ben wave Emma off as she leaves for Newcastle. Kirk comments that Les will be waiting for her when she gets back. Roy is in shock, the night before being a complete blank, and he closes the cafe for the day. Mike takes Adam back to Scotland. Deirdre and Ken confront Tracy and are disgusted that she messed with an innocent man's life. Tracy protests that Roy hadn't been ...

Jul 22, 2003
Ciaran tells Sunita that his mother will post his grandmother's engagement ring for her to wear. Meanwhile, he looks at adverts for bargain jewellery. Ken talks Roy into questioning Tracy's version of events. Bev reluctantly agrees to Tracy staying at the Rovers until Shelley's return. Les' cellmate, Arnie Scanlan, is released from prison. He poses as a potential house-buyer, Mr. Poole, and puts in an offer for Curly's house on the condition that Curly takes the house off the market. Deirdre confronts Bev in The Kabin for her part in Tracy's bet. Norris, Angela and ...

Jul 24, 2003
Roy has spent all night at the dining room table, head in hands. Mike invites Audrey to Delphines for her birthday. Archie persuades Mike to cancel as he's already secretly booked a table. Deirdre defends Tracy, upset at all the attacks on her daughter. Ciaran presents Sunita with his "grandmother's" ring, but says they can't marry until next year, as he'll need to save up. Sarah persuades Todd to come on the camping trip. Eileen makes peace with Todd, and looks around his flat. Fiz is worried about Roy. She looks after him and arranges for Vera to open the cafe. Katy...

Jul 26, 2003
Fred is shocked and jealous when Archie tells him that he's proposed to Audrey. Audrey seeks Gail's advice about Archie. Gail admits that life is always easier with a good man beside you. Katy tells Angela that she's seeing Jimmy Mullins and is forced to give Angela a mobile number in case of emergency. It's Tyrone's number and she warns him not to answer if he sees it's her parents on the line. Martin forgets that David is coming round. He gives him money to go bowling instead. Sunita takes Ciaran by surprise and informs him that she's moving in with him. Dev tells ...

Jul 27, 2003
Katy sneaks out of Martin's flat unseen. Tommy demands to know where Katy's been. She pretends she was at an all-night party with her hospital friends. Eileen tells Jason he needs to contact his car insurance company. Jason looks guilty. Audrey is worried about Archie. He's left her a note saying that he's gone away. Tommy questions Tyrone about Katy's mystery boyfriend. Tyrone feels uncomfortable. Katy confides in Angela that she's sleeping with her new boyfriend. Angela tells Tommy. Karen asks Dev for a job at the Corner Shop. Dev manages to avoid the question. He ...

Jul 29, 2003
Eileen is fed up with Tony Stewart living under the same roof. The atmosphere between Katy and Tommy worsens. Angela tries to calm Tommy down but he's hell-bent on finding out who Katy's boyfriend is. Fiz is annoyed with Kirk when he says he's planning to take the lads for a week at his uncle's caravan in Blackpool and not her. Jason explains to Tony how he lied to the insurance company and told them he was twenty-seven to get cheaper car insurance. Fiz persuades Roy to phone Hayley, but he still can't bring himself to tell her that he slept with Tracy. Roy is wracked...

Jul 31, 2003
Katy apologises to Tyrone for Tommy's behaviour. Eileen is fed up with looking after Tony and Jason and worried about how she's going to pay the car loan now that Jason isn't earning. Angela is cross with Tommy for using his fists and setting a bad example to Craig. Tracy is stunned when Bev tells her a few home truths and explains why nobody likes her. Sally is sick of covering for Tracy at the bookies as she's always skiving. Sally sacks Tracy in Peter's absence. A friend of Les's called Sean Wakefield pretends to be a surveyor and looks round Curly's house. Kevin ...

Aug 02, 2003
Katy despairs when Tommy orders Tyrone to come for tea at Number 6. Emily listens as Tracy admits her shame at her actions. Curly and Emma unwittingly show Les' friend around their house.

Aug 03, 2003
Roy dreads Hayley's impending return home. Tracy horrifies Emily by intending to terminate her pregnancy. Emma and Curly decide to teach Arnie a lesson. Karen resumes work at Underworld.

Aug 05, 2003
Hayley has difficulty coming to terms with the enormity of Roy's confession. Katy dissuades Martin from telling Tommy of their relationship. Shelley is shocked to hear of Tracy's exploits. Harry encounters one of Mike's business associates.

Aug 07, 2003
Roy fears that the trust in his marriage has gone forever. Steve urges Karen to contact her solicitor and halt the divorce proceedings. Katy and Martin look forward to spending time together at the barbecue.

Aug 09, 2003
Hayley informs Roy that they will face the world together. Karen badgers Steve to proceed with their divorce so that they can remarry. Katy suspects Martin of fancying Sonia. Curly and Emma drop the asking price for Number 7.

Aug 10, 2003
Les leaves prison and returns to the Street with scores to settle. Todd shares his money worries with Sarah. Steve and Karen decide to go ahead with finalising their divorce.

Aug 12, 2003
Curly is furious when a stray cat scavenges his bin. Norris admits to feeding it, and reveals that he has named it Monty. Gail notices the bump on Bethany's head. She accuses Sarah of not looking after her properly. Roy notices that Hayley is wearing lipstick. She tells him that she's going shopping. Les admits to Fiz that he has lain awake worrying about Mick's threat to get him back inside. She warns him to leave well alone. Emily is infuriated that Norris has fed Monty with the fish she'd bought for tea. Gail is adamant that Sarah can't take Bethany to live with ...

Aug 14, 2003
Les aggravates Curly by continuing to play the neighbour from hell. Les wangles his way out of paying Fiz back her £100. Audrey asks Fiz for her rent money. David pleads with Sarah not to move out. She takes a load of stuff and leaves David to break the news to Gail. Kevin is annoyed when he arrives home to find Fred, Rita and Nicole Farnsworth practising dance moves with Rosie, egged on by Sally. Curly comprises his principles and asks Councillor Naysmith to help him evict Les by any means possible. Eileen is upset when the debt collectors ring her at work. Gail is ...

Aug 16, 2003
David's not talking to Gail, and is upset that Martin won't let him stay. Audrey points out to Gail that although Sarah is making a mistake, Gail should be there offering support. Mick tries to persuade Janice to help evict Les, but she's uneasy about getting involved. Eileen is mortified to hear that the debt collectors have contacted Steve as he was a referee for her loan. Steve is concerned that she's in over her head. Emma isn't pleased to hear about Curly being in league with Councillor Naysmith. Sophie refuses to go to Rosie's open evening. Tommy volunteers Katy...

Aug 17, 2003
Norris is concerned when Monty the cat goes missing. Sophie lets slip that Katy dropped her at Sarah and Todd's flat when she was supposed to be babysitting her. Kevin is furious. Tracy phones Deirdre to ask if she can move back home. Both Deirdre and Ken feel that she should stay in London until she shows some remorse and shame, not realising that she's already back in Weatherfield. Kevin tells Martin about Katy's babysitting scam expecting Martin to be as appalled as he is. Kevin is surprised when Martin sticks up for Katy. Martin and Katy meet on the Street. Martin...

Aug 19, 2003
Curly and Janice arrive at the flat where they find Les threatening Mick with the crowbar. Mick tells Les he'll call the police and have him thrown back in jail. Les doesn't care he just wants revenge. Martin calls round to Kevin and Sally's house. They show him the video of Rosie performing in the Stage School show. Kevin suddenly feels uneasy and switches the video off. He sees Martin out and then follows him. Kevin asks Martin if he's seeing Katy. Martin admits that he is. Kevin is disgusted. Janice finds out that Mick was lying all along and that Les served three ...

Aug 21, 2003
Katy gets her GCSE results: 7 A's and 2 B's. She's delighted. Janice is furious with Mick for lying to her. She makes him promise to be Les's alibi for breaking his curfew. Gail drops round Sarah's GCSE results. Sarah is disappointed to find that she only got 3 B's and 2 C's. Emily talks at length to Tracy and tries to make her see the error of her ways and dissuade her from having an abortion. Tracy won't listen. Curly confides in Emily about the whole police brutality incident. Emily tells him that he's a good and honest man. Martin and Katy try to persuade Kevin to...

Aug 23, 2003
Todd calls an ambulance but in the meantime Roy uses his first-aid experience and manages to revive Bethany. Sarah rushes to Bethany's side. Todd tells Sarah not to mention the dodgy wiring to the hospital. Katy phones Martin on her new mobile and is put out when he cuts her off. Roy and Hayley discuss Tracy's pregnancy. Roy admits that he could be the father but he has no recollection of what happened. Hayley is beside herself and accuses Roy of fancying Tracy and wanting the child which she can't give him. He tells her she's wrong. Hayley feels a failure as a woman ...

Aug 24, 2003
Hayley resolves to leave the country, while a devastated Roy decides upon more drastic action. Tracy's behaviour puzzles Ken and Deirdre. Bethany comes home from hospital. Peter spends the Bank Holiday baby-sitting his son.

Aug 24, 2003
Roy finishes taking all his pills. Hayley leaves to catch a bus to the airport. She tries to phone Roy to give him her forwarding address but he refuses to pick up the phone. Emily calls to see Tracy. Tracy tells her she's made an appointment for her abortion on Friday. Emily and Tracy have a heart-to-heart. Tracy tells Emily how ashamed of her Ken and Deirdre are and what a lousy mother she would make. Roy sees Hayley through the window. He phones her on the pay phone near the bus stop. Hayley detects that there's something really wrong with him. Roy puts himself to ...

Aug 26, 2003
Janice bumps into Les. Les apologises for his behaviour. They agree to be friends again. Mick witnesses this and is jealous. He nags Janice about speeding up her divorce. Norris is becoming increasingly worried about Monty the cat. He makes some leaflets intending to slip them into the Gazette but Rita won't let him. Against Sarah's better judgement Tony Stewart and Jason turn up at the flat to fix the wiring. Roy and Hayley visit Tracy and try and talk her out of the abortion. Roy tells her it's his only chance of children. Tracy refuses to listen. Viv Wright, the ...

Aug 28, 2003
Roy and Hayley discuss Tracy's proposition. Hayley tells Roy that if he wants to "buy" the baby she will stay with him and help bring it up. They decide that although they're worried that buying a baby is illegal, and they despise Tracy for her callous and selfish attitude, they will go ahead and raise the money. Tracy tells them she wants £5,000 by 3.00pm and then the rest in instalments. Curly decides they can't wait until they've sold the house to move. Emma makes arrangements for them to rent a friend's flat. Kirk and Tyrone arrive back from Blackpool. Les is ...

Aug 30, 2003
Peter is put out when Lucy cancels his coming round to look after Simon. Tyrone buys a bottle of wine to take to the allotment to share with Maz O'Loughlin. He's disappointed when there's no one there. Katy forces Tyrone to kiss her so that Tommy will think they're boyfriend and girlfriend. Tyrone is unimpressed. Emily is pleased when Tracy tells her she didn't have the abortion. Mick continues to pressurise Janice over her divorce. She and Mick row. Tracy announces she's booked a fortnight's holiday in the Caribbean. Ken and Deirdre wonder where she's got the money ...

Aug 31, 2003
Roy and Hayley continue to worry about Tracy, the baby and their money. Vera is slightly put out when she finds that Sarah is working in the cafe full-time. Audrey chases Fiz and Maria for the rent on the flat. Fiz and Maria realise they need another lodger and decide to ask Claire, Ashley's nanny. Curly and Emma pack up No.7. Emma is relieved to be moving whereas Curly is heartbroken. Martin finds out that Sarah has left school and is now working full-time for Roy. He is unimpressed and insists that she must tell Gail. Curly tries to make the peace with Les before ...

Aug 31, 2003
Curly is determined that he's not going to Newcastle. He and Emma have a huge row. She tells him she doesn't care if he comes with her or not. Mick keeps asking Janice if she'll marry him. Janice becomes more and more irritated. Maria asks Claire if she wants to share their flat. Claire says she'll think about it. Sarah tells Gail that she's left school and is now working at Roy's Rolls full-time. Gail tells her how one day she'll regret it and Todd will blame her for his lack of career. Candice calls in to see Sarah and Todd. Candice is very depressed about her mum's...

Sep 02, 2003
Sarah is surprised and pleased when Audrey is supportive of her decision to get a job. Candice is getting more and more upset about the situation at home with her mum's boyfriend. Les gets his hopes up when he hears that Janice has slung Mick out. Norris is confiding in Harry that he fears that Monty may have died when suddenly the cat turns up. Monty is wearing a different collar with "Phoebe" engraved on it. Viv Wright from Social Services visits Sarah and Todd again and quizzes them about Bethany's care arrangements. Mrs Parry turns up at No.3 saying that Monty is ...

Sep 04, 2003
Audrey and Gail make up. Nick tells Gail that he's only staying a few days as he has a job interview in London. Sarah is furious with Gail. She makes Todd promise that he won't let her anywhere near Bethany. Eileen is seriously worried about their lack of money. She asks Dev for a sub but he refuses her. Audrey and Maria leave Candice on her own in the Salon over lunchtime. Gerry Burton, her mum's boyfriend lets himself into the salon and terrorises Candice. Luckily Audrey pops back for her purse and rescues Candice. She realises that Candice wasn't lying and that ...

Sep 06, 2003
Nick explains to Gail that he's no longer a child and she can't rule his life. Gail apologises. To Eileen's embarrassment, Rob Drury, the debt collector turns up at Street Cars demanding money. Dev is forced to give her a sub on her wages to get rid of him. Candice's mother Marion turns up at the Salon demanding that Candice comes home. Candice refuses and tells her mum about Gerry Burton. Marion doesn't believe her. Audrey sends her away with a flea in her ear. Nick finds out about Maria's abortion and is relieved when she tells him the baby wasn't his. Tony Stewart ...

Sep 07, 2003
Eileen tells Tony to clear out. Jason tries to change her mind but she's adamant. Nick manages to rearrange his interview for the job in London. Gail is disappointed. Dev gives Eileen the takings for banking - £700. She puts the money in a drawer. Tony gives a tearful Jason his forwarding address and leaves. Peter is angry and upset because Lucy has cancelled his visit to see Simon. Ciaran advises him not to take it out on Shelley. Tony calls into see Eileen before he leaves and whilst Eileen's back is turned he steals the £700 takings from Street Cars. Kevin refuses ...

Sep 07, 2003
Jason realises that Tony must have stolen the £700. Steve is cross with Dev for having Eileen arrested. He tells Dev that Eileen is a good friend. Eileen is locked in a police cell waiting for the duty solicitor to turn up. She is distraught and keeps proclaiming her innocence. The hash cake is taking effect and Jack and Vera are completely spaced out and giggling uncontrollably. Nick takes Bethany round to see Gail for an hour. Gail is delighted. Sarah is cross when she finds out. Jason and Todd pay Tony a visit. He admits that he stole the money and gives it to ...

Sep 09, 2003
Dev is cross with Sunita when he finds the empty wine bottle and discovers she closed the Corner Shop early. Jack and Vera are suffering from hangovers but can't understand it as they hardly had anything to drink. Jason finally admits to Dev and Steve that it was Tony Stewart who stole the money so they agree to drop the charges against Eileen. Nick and Todd try to persuade Sarah to let Gail look after Bethany occasionally but Sarah refuses point-blank. Eileen is released from the police station. Steve apologises to her. Katy and Martin worry about Tommy's reaction ...

Sep 11, 2003
Shelley tells Peter that she wants to start trying for children. Dev and Steve plead with Eileen to take her old job back at Street Cars. Eileen is too proud and refuses even though she's desperate for the money. Emily tries to drum up support for the Church fundraising meeting to be held in the cafe on Sunday. Jason tries to persuade Eileen to go back to work but to no avail. Peter calls to see Lucy. He is upset when he finds Dan Kelly there. He tells Lucy that he's sick of her cancelling his visits to Simon and demands better access. Maz O'Loughlin gives Vera the ...

Sep 13, 2003
Peter calls to see Lucy to ask for more regular visits with Simon. Tyrone refuses to continue covering for Katy's secret boyfriend. Emily's church meeting takes a peculiar turn. The Platts receive news of a death.

Sep 14, 2003
Lucy asks Peter to give their marriage another try and is puzzled when he refuses. Roy and Hayley visit Tracy upon her return from her holiday. Martin tells Katy that they will have to come clean about their relationship.

Sep 14, 2003
Shelley's world collapses as Lucy provides the details of Peter's double life. Suspicion falls on the ingredients of Vera's chocolate brownies. Nick and Maria's attraction reignites.

Sep 16, 2003
Bev is shocked to hear about Peter's bigamy and tries to comfort Shelley. Nick has spent the night at Todd and Sarah's flat. Peter persuades Tracy to let him stay at No.1 while Ken and Deirdre are away. Roy accompanies Tracy to the hospital for her first scan. Roy is overcome with emotion when he sees the baby. Peter is very depressed. He tries to talk to Shelley but she tells him that he's barred from the Rovers and from her life. The Police turn up at the allotments. They discover the cannabis growing in Jack's greenhouse and arrest him. Jack tries to explain that ...

Sep 18, 2003
Jack is worried when the police inform him that they can't track down Maz O'Loughlin and they will be taking him to court over the cannabis in his greenhouse. Sarah and Bethany attend Neil Fearns' funeral. Todd feels slightly jealous. Shelley and Lucy report Peter to the police for bigamy. Roy and Hayley consult a solicitor, Maya Sharma, regarding the baby. He finds that he really has no legal standing and will have to rely on Tracy's goodwill. At the funeral Sarah meets Brenda Fearns, Neil's mother. Brenda explains that her husband has left her and Bethany, her ...

Sep 20, 2003
Norris is first in the Rovers hoping to get all the latest gossip on Peter and Shelley. Martin and Katy start to panic about telling Tommy their secret. Martin is worried about telling Sarah and David. Tyrone calls round to Maz's house. He is upset when he realises that he's been taken for a mug and that Maz is leaving Weatherfield. Brenda Fearns calls round to see Bethany. Sarah lets her in. Todd is suspicious of her. Eileen takes out a loan to consolidate all her debts. Jason tells her that he's leaving tomorrow as he has got a two-week job in "Sluff" (Slough). Kirk...

Sep 21, 2003
Martin and Katy start preparing to break their news to Tommy and Angela. Janice winds Karen up, telling her that by divorcing Steve just to remarry they are committing perjury and could go to prison. Karen tells Steve that they will have to pretend their divorce is for real. Brenda calls again to see Bethany. She brings Sarah and Todd a toaster. Sarah is grateful. Todd feels uncomfortable. Preston King insists that he does business with Harry who saved his life, and not Mike. Mike has to agree. Harry meets up with Preston. Preston gets Harry drunk but Harry pulls a ...

Sep 21, 2003
Martin does his best to explain to Tommy and Angela that he loves Katy and that he's not a pervert as Tommy keeps suggesting. Ken and Deirdre are embarrassed and ashamed of Peter. The whole pub is shocked at Shelley and Lucy's revelations. Back at the Barlows' house, Peter tries to explain to Ken, Deirdre and Tracy how he got himself into this mess. Ken tells him to pack his bags and go. Karen slaps Steve across the face and tells him he'll have to live somewhere else. She does all this just for show to make their impending divorce look more authentic. Eileen assumes ...

Sep 23, 2003
Katy is beside herself when Tommy and Angela ban her from going to school and keep her locked up at home with Tommy "babysitting". Jack appears in court over the drugs offence - growing cannabis. He gets off with a £200 fine which Tyrone says he'll pay, and a slap on the wrist. Both Deirdre and Nick independently decide to apply for the Trainee Manager's job at Underworld. Harry tells Mike he wants to remain a cleaner. Mike is relieved. Bev is slightly concerned with Lucy and Shelley's thirst for revenge which is becoming unhealthy. Eileen and Dev are appalled with ...

Sep 25, 2003
Audrey is appalled to hear that Martin is seeing Katy Harris. It's Katy's seventeenth birthday but she refuses to accept a present from Tommy and Angela. Secretly Katy starts eating sugar, biscuits and cake knowing that if she slips into a diabetic coma they will have to let her out to go to hospital. Steve is sick of all the flak he's getting from people who think he's done the dirty on Karen. Lucy is still hell-bent on revenge. Shelley isn't so keen. Between them they plaster the Bookies in posters saying Peter is a fraud and can't be trusted and have put an advert ...

Sep 27, 2003
Tommy, Angela and Craig are relieved when the doctor tells them that Katy will make a full recovery. The doctor questions them as she's suspicious that this was a cry for help. Tommy and Angela refuse to discuss it. Peter turns up at Lucy's Florist's drunk. He demands to see Simon but Lucy refuses him access and throws him out. Katy comes round from her coma to find Martin at her bedside. They declare their love for each other. Deirdre is disappointed to find out from Mike that she didn't get the job. Nick on the other hand is delighted to hear that he's been ...

Sep 28, 2003
Part 1 / Karen doesn't want Steve eyeing up other girls, even if it is just for show. He tells her he only has eyes for her. David and Sarah are off-hand with Martin over his relationship with Katy and Ashley tells Martin that he thinks he should finish with Katy. Mike introduces Nick to the factory girls as the trainee assistant manager. Todd asks Eileen if she'll babysit for Bethany that evening so that he and Sarah can go to the pictures unaware that Sarah has asked Brenda Fearns. Katy is let out of hospital and tries to get in the flat, buzzing on the intercom. ...

Sep 28, 2003
Part 2 / Angela appeals to Martin to finish his relationship with Katy. Deirdre tells Shelley and Lucy that Peter has left the area to go and stay with a friend from the navy. Lucy is worried about how they'll get their revenge now. Karen agrees to Steve going on a date with Sonia Marshall as a cover-up but warns him that there's to be no funny business. Martin meets Katy from school, takes her for a coffee and tries to finish with her but she refuses at first. Martin tells her he was never in love with her and Katy retorts that her mum and dad were right all along, ...

Sep 30, 2003
Karen and Steve make-up and apologise to each other. Tommy, against Angela's wishes, tells Craig that Katy is no longer a part of their family and that he's to snub her. Karen admits that all she wants is to be married to Steve but it's too late to go back on the divorce proceedings. Later, Karen rushes to the court in an effort to stop the divorce proceedings. Norris finds out that Katy is living with Martin. "That's the world told", says Martin. Fred tells Bev about a trip to Scotland with fellow butchers, but he can't go and leave Shelley in charge as it wouldn't ...

Oct 02, 2003
The next morning, a blissful Karen plans an engagement party for that night. Dev tries to contact Maya Sharma, his solicitor, as he fancies her. Ciaran arranges a night out with Sunita. Steve and Karen book the Rovers for their party but Janice lets slip that their divorce was a scam. Fred receives a visit from Petula Peach, a local abattoir owner and Fred-admirer, who is organising the trip to Scotland. Scared of her, he decides he'll have to cancel his trip. Karen invites the Underworld girls to her party but they are not pleased at the trick played on them. Bev ...

Oct 04, 2003
Todd begins to question his life with Sarah and his friendship with Nick. Bev and Ciaran agree to pretend their night together never happened. Angela confides her troubles to Gail.

Oct 05, 2003
Part 1 / Todd worries about the previous night's events. He tries to talk to Nick, but Nick angrily accuses him of being gay and warns him to stay away from him. Angela is unhappy when Craig asks if he can move into Katy's bedroom. Tommy ignores Katy in the Street, and she receives an equally frosty reception from Sarah at the cafe. Todd attempts to explain to Nick his mixed emotions about the kiss. Nick thinks Sarah has the right to know that her boyfriend is gay or, at the least, bisexual and orders Todd to tell her everything. Katy refuses when Angela asks her to ...

Oct 05, 2003
Part 2 / Bev is suspicious of Lucy's motives as she arrives at the Rovers to ask Shelley to join her for a drink. After Nick's angry assertions that Todd is gay, Sarah asks for time alone with Todd for his version of events. A confused Todd questions his sexuality as he tells Sarah that although he loves her, kissing Nick felt right at the time. Nick asks Ashley if he ever gave him the impression that he was gay. Karen orders Steve to stand up to Dev over his plans for Street Cars, so Steve gives Les his job back to show Dev who's boss. Sarah is devastated at what she...

Oct 07, 2003
Sarah has spent the night at Brenda Fearns' house, where Brenda takes care of her. Todd accuses Nick of trying to ruin his and Sarah's lives. Nick asserts that his sister was entitled to know the truth. Kevin gives Sally a hard time about how much time she's spending at work. Ken and Deirdre think that Tracy is suffering with a hangover when she's nauseous in the morning. Dev is less than pleased to see Les at Street Cars and fires him immediately. Bev and Ciaran warn Shelley against getting pally with Lucy. Eileen is delighted when Jason returns from Slough, flush ...

Oct 09, 2003
Sarah is uncomfortable with Todd's physical advances towards her. She wants reassurance that he still fancies her. Emily presses Tracy to tell Ken and Deirdre about the baby. Todd assures Gail that all is fine between Sarah and himself. Dev is scornful when Steve sends Tracy out on a trial run in one of the cabs. Roy and Hayley ponder Ken's future relationship with Tracy's baby when Ken expresses sadness about his lack of contact with Peter's son, Simon. Lucy argues that Peter owes her and Shelley for all the suffering he's put them through. She persuades Shelley to ...

Oct 11, 2003
Bev is dubious about Shelley's part in running the bookies and points out that Shelley has no legal claim over Peter's property. Hayley thinks that if Deirdre knew that Tracy were pregnant, she'd be able to stop her driving the mini-cab. Lucy and Shelley find a "For Sale" sign outside the bookies. They're convinced that Peter is trying to sell his assets before they can make a claim against him. Maria offends Nick by teasing him about his close friendship with Todd. Candice takes advantage and asks Nick out on a date. Roy and Hayley find Tracy drinking lager in the ...

Oct 12, 2003
Bev is curious as Shelley nervously surveys the wad of cash from the bookies. Tracy receives news that her divorce is final. Ken worries that it will affect her more than she's willing to admit. Craig and his friend Bradley Diggins annoy Norris and Rita by kicking a ball against their door. Norris eventually keeps the ball, and Bradley declares war. Roy and Hayley deliver an ultimatum to Tracy to tell Ken and Deirdre about the baby that afternoon, or she'll be sorry. Lucy persuades Shelley that they've done the right thing in keeping the money, and they make plans to ...

Oct 12, 2003
Part 2 / Ken and Deirdre are left reeling at the news of Tracy's pregnancy. The Norris - Gang war continues. Norris is driven to puncturing Craig's football with a pair of scissors. Dev asks Maya out on a date. She heightens his interest by playing hard to get. Maria is extremely put out at Candice seeing Nick. Deirdre is choked at the misery Tracy has brought them - after Tracy's transplant, a baby should have been such happy news. She accuses Tracy of not being deserving of the kidney that Samir had donated. Tracy finally breaks down when Deirdre tells her how hard ...

Oct 14, 2003
Deirdre tries to persuade Tracy into keeping the baby herself. Ken meanwhile wonders if the baby is really Roy's, as they only have Tracy's word that it is. Tracy tells Roy and Hayley that the deal is still on, as all she wants is the money. Maria is disappointed when Audrey approves of Nick and Candice's relationship. Tracy furiously denies Ken's accusation that Wally Bannister fathered her baby. Maya comes to the Corner Shop and Dev is delighted to finally set up a date with her. Deirdre is initially cold with Emily for not telling her about Tracy. Mike is impressed...

Oct 16, 2003
Hayley explains to Roy that he is free to marry Tracy, as their own marriage isn't recognised. He would divorce Tracy immediately, but his rights over the baby would be guaranteed with a marriage licence, and his name on the baby's birth certificate. Martin gets Angela thinking when he tells her that Katy would love to talk to her. Jack tells Les that Barlow's Bookies have given odds of eleven to one on a dead-cert horse instead of eleven to ten. Les rushes off to place his bet, with an extra £50 that Ciaran has liberated from the till. Angela begins to talk to Katy, ...

Oct 18, 2003
Roy and Hayley resolve to stand firm. Deirdre offers to help bring up the baby when Tracy tells her and Ken that the Croppers have changed their mind. Angela persuades Tommy to be civil to Katy and later asks Katy to meet her and Tommy at the Rovers. Ken argues with Deirdre that he's too old to look after a baby. She counters that he's never been hot on parenthood and only cares about his children at a distance. Sarah admits that she's jealous of the attention that Gail is showing Candice. Ken and Deirdre apologise to each other and agree to give Tracy all their help....

Oct 19, 2003
Angela has slept in the spare room, and is still seething over Tommy's behaviour. Katy resolves to have nothing more to do with him. Peter is incredulous to learn about Tracy's pregnancy, although he thinks that she's made the right decision to bring up the baby together with Ken and Deirdre. Hayley and Roy are upset to hear that the Barlows are going to bring up the baby and they plan a holiday to take their minds off things. Les visits the Weatherfield Arms, where he meets Lulu, a barmaid with ambitions of becoming a singer. He tells a very impressed Lulu that his ...

Oct 19, 2003
Les cajoles Tyrone into coming on his date, as Lulu is bringing a friend, Gaynor Slack. Norris wonders what's going on with Ashley and Claire. The police tell Shelley that she's wasting their time as she offers no new evidence. Shelley is reluctant to embellish the facts, or to portray Peter as a monster, and tells the police that she's changed her mind and has nothing further to add. Katy and Angela reconcile, but behind Tommy's back for the time being. Roy tells Tracy off for drinking, she retorts that he shouldn't care anymore. Tyrone loses his nerve when he sees ...

Oct 21, 2003
After spotting Claire in a dressing gown, Norris excitedly tells Rita that Claire has obviously spent the night at Ashley's house. Peter has spent a restless night and a supportive Ken agrees to accompany him to the police station to hear the CPS's verdict. Shelley agrees with Sunita and Bev that she wants Peter punished, but says she doesn't feel as strongly as Lucy does. Ciaran notes her discomfort. Tracy comes on to a disinterested Steve. Fred returns from Scotland and is quickly filled in on the gossip by Norris. He's pleased at the thought of Ashley and Claire ...

Oct 23, 2003
Peter tells his family that he plans to move away. Shelley looks after Simon whilst Lucy visits her solicitor. Martin breaks the ice with Kevin when he asks him to repair his car. Tracy flirts with Steve, but he refuses to drive round with her to brush up on her "knowledge". Peter shows up at the Rovers, and finds Simon there. In the face of Peter's obvious devotion, Shelley can't refuse his request to be allowed to feed Simon. Lucy flips when she returns to find a scene of apparent domestic bliss. Lulu is desperate to track "Clint" down. Claude Beasley, a regular in ...

Oct 25, 2003
Lucy accuses Shelley of trying to get back with Peter behind her back. Les is ecstatic to receive a phone call from Lulu, who tells him that she understands why he hadn't told her about prison, and can they try again. Lucy invites Peter to come round to the flat to talk about Simon. Roy and Hayley ponder that they can't trust Tracy, but they can rely on her desire for money. They plan to ask her to go back to the original agreement. On Peter's arrival at Lucy's flat, Lucy accuses him of getting back with Shelley. She calls Shelley on her mobile to tell her that Peter ...

Oct 26, 2003
Part 1 / Lucy begins to write a poison-pen letter to Peter. Tracy receives a bill for over £400 from her divorce solicitor. Claire arrives for work dressed entirely in black. The atmosphere is awkward. Fiz tells Les that Cilla is only using him and tries to persuade him to finish with her. Steve and Karen have both found wedding venues - Karen at Walcot Manor, Higher Wincham and Steve at Mawdley's Guest House, Whalley Range. Shelley serves Peter at the Rovers, despite Bev's misgivings. She hopes that Lucy is now out of their lives for good. Roy offers Tracy an extra ...

Oct 26, 2003
Part 2 / Tracy stuns Peter that Steve is the father of her baby. Ken asks Lucy to consider letting Peter see Simon. Tracy confides in Peter how much she has always liked Steve. Peter is appalled when Tracy relates the story of drugging Roy. Also, she and Roy didn't have sex, but that she had slept with Wally Bannister. When Roy and Hayley attacked her, she lost her temper and told them that Roy was the father. Things got out of hand and there was no going back. Shelley has a word with Cilla and Les for getting over amorous in the Rovers. Peter tries to persuade Tracy ...

Oct 28, 2003
Hayley confides in Roy that she feels left out of things with him and Tracy. Ashley warns Fred not to interfere between him and Claire. Sally is telling anyone who'll listen to tell them about Rosie's starring role in Grease. Lucy accepts that Peter has been a good dad so far, and agrees that he can see Simon for two afternoons a week. Hayley is thrilled when Fiz tells her that she would make a good mum, and can't resist telling the gobsmacked factory girls about the deal with Tracy. Kirk's love life is suffering since Cilla and Les got together. Fiz agrees to a night...

Oct 30, 2003
It's Halloween night in the Rovers and Terri the tarot card reader causes a stir with her messages for Ashley, Shelley and Bev. Tracy and Roy visit the Registrar to arrange their wedding. Peter feels things are looking up for him.

Nov 01, 2003
Lucy allows Peter to spend the day with Simon, while Shelley toys with forgiving him. Fiz comes up with a way to get rid of Cilla once and for all. Steve's tolerance of Karen's wedding plans runs out.

Nov 02, 2003
Peter's chances of a reconciliation with Shelley look promising, while Lucy reveals her own plans. Tracy prepares to start work at Street Cars. To Steve's relief, Karen agrees to scale down the wedding.

Nov 02, 2003
Lucy pushes Peter for a response to her ultimatum, while Shelley faces up to her true feelings. Deirdre frets as Tracy works the late shift for Street Cars. Norris and Emily's night out proves eventful.

Nov 04, 2003
Peter tells Ken that he's going to live in Spain. Ken is sad but approves. Les and Kirk are suffering from food poisoning and blame Fred's pies. Mike receives a large cheque from Preston King for his order but it is unsigned. He sends Nick to go and get the signature. Tracy thanks Steve for being so kind to her and kisses him on the cheek. Nick tells a shocked Mike that Preston has died of another heart attack. Mike vows to get Preston's wife to sign the cheque instead. Lucy insists that before she and Peter depart he must tell Shelley what he's decided to do. Peter ...

Nov 06, 2003
Peter feels angry and humiliated. Shelley is devastated and inconsolable. Kirk and Les are planning to report Fred to the Environmental Health Department as a result of their food poisoning. Fred tries to bribe them with cans of beer. Dev goes for dinner at Maya's flat. He is completely smitten with her but just as he's hoping to lure her into bed, Maya says she's too drunk and asks him to leave. Sunita consoles Shelley who hates herself for being taken in twice by Peter. Peter and Ken set off for the airport hoping to stop Lucy from leaving with Simon. They find Lucy...

Nov 08, 2003
Dev calls Maya to try and arrange another date but she says she's busy. Fred launches his new meat pies at the butchers with the Gazette covering the story. It all turns sour when Les and Kirk turn up and tell the Gazette how Fred's pies gave them food poisoning. Ciaran explains to Peter that he can't be seen to be friendly towards him as he values his job at the Rovers. Peter realises that he has no friends left. Steve sends Dev out in a taxi with Sat Nav and Les out with a road atlas. Les arrives back first. Dev realises that he's been set-up and agrees to drop the ...

Nov 09, 2003
Part 1 / Builder Charlie Stubbs' lorry breaks down on the Street in front of the factory. Mike blocks the lorry in. Charlie threatens to move the car with a JCB. Ciaran asks Bev for some nights off so that he can see Sunita. Bev refuses as Shelley is away. Sunita arranges to go out with Fiz and her mates as Ciaran is never available. Todd and Sarah are worried about their future in the flat now that Peter has left. Deirdre tells them that the bookies and the flat are in the hands of the solicitors. Dev confronts Maya about her other man and she admits that she's been ...

Nov 09, 2003
Part 2 / Bev tells Betty that Ciaran was simply comforting her. Betty isn't sure what to think. Charlie Stubbs and Mike continue to spar with each other. Fred gives Ciaran a warning for serving sub-standard beer to Les and Kirk. Sunita is still fed-up with Ciaran as he never takes her out and is always working. Fiz arrives at her mum's flat to find that Cilla has gone out and that it was simply a ruse to get Fiz to look after her little brother Chesney. Cilla turns up in the Rovers. Les is delighted to see her and takes her home knowing his luck is in. Ciaran tells ...

Nov 11, 2003
Maria and Candice are not best pleased to find that Fiz's tearaway brother Chesney is staying in the flat. Sunita and Ciaran book their wedding for 29th December. Mike is annoyed to find that Charlie Stubbs has taken over the builder's yard and is obviously here to stay. Fiz calls round to Les's house and tells Cilla what she thinks of her for leaving Chesney on his own. Cilla manages to win her round and gets Fiz to agree to look after him for a further few days. Jason asks Charlie for work at the builder's yard but Charlie says he's already got a builder's mate, ...

Nov 13, 2003
Martin and Katy make up. Katy is pleased when Martin asks if he can come with her to her careers' evening. Chesney is driving the girls mad. Fiz takes him round to Les's house and tells Cilla that she'll have to look after him. Angela decides to attend Katy's careers' evening. She lies to Tommy and says she's going Christmas shopping. Sunita finds out that she was sacked at Maya's request. She furious with Dev and gets her own back by calling on Maya for some legal advice. Maya has no choice but to admit that Sunita does have a claim for unfair dismissal. Kirk is ...

Nov 15, 2003
Chesney is proving to be more than a handful. Roy is starting to get cold feet about marrying Tracy. Hayley persuades him that it's for the best so that they can secure the baby's future. Sarah lets Brenda Fearns take Bethany out for the day. Brenda takes Bethany to visit Neil's grave. Bev receives an invite to Cecil Newton's 70th birthday party in Blackpool. Dev suggests to Sunita that she should look for another job as the atmosphere between them is unbearable. Angela tries to reason with Tommy but he still refuses to have anything to do with Katy while she's with ...

Nov 16, 2003
Angela, Katy and Martin spend an uncomfortable morning at the flat. Katy tells Angela that she shouldn't go back to Tommy, but Angela thinks he may have learnt his lesson. Sarah And Todd receive a letter telling them their rent is going up. Roy tells Hayley that he might lose half of all his assets if he divorces Tracy. They agree to sign over everything to Hayley to prevent this and make an appointment with Maya later. Kevin comes to get Tommy when he's late for work because he got drunk last night. Steve persuades Tracy to do some taxi work despite her wedding plans...

Nov 16, 2003
Part 2 / Craig goes to see Katy to ask if Angela is there. They argue over their parents and Craig has a go at Martin. Hayley persuades a jittery Roy to get married to Tracy, telling him it is for the baby. Tracy meets Ciaran outside the Register Office and gets him to be her witness. Angela tells Janice in the Rovers that she is going to try and make up with Tommy. Things seem to go well until the subject of Martin and Katy comes up. They argue and Angela tells Tommy he has to go. Craig is gutted. Steve visits Jim in prison. Jim asks him to check on Liz as he thinks ...

Nov 18, 2003
Steve goes to see Liz in Blackpool, and finds out something is going on with her and Laurie Dyson, owner of The Black Dog pub. Liz asks him not to tell Jim. Brenda Fearns offers Sarah and Todd the chance to move in with her when she sees funds are tight in the flat. They're tempted, until they hear they wouldn't be able to share a room. Ciaran tries to console Tracy after the wedding. Roy is upset after the wedding. Roy and Hayley become more upset when Ciaran starts joking with them loudly in the Rovers later. They and Tracy make Ciaran promise that he won't tell ...

Nov 20, 2003
Liz meets up with Bet Lynch at the Newton and Ridley party in Blackpool. Blanche returns home to the bombshell of Tracy's pregnancy. Angela berates Tommy for upsetting Craig by moving out.

Nov 22, 2003
Karen makes plain her disapproval of Steve hiding escaped convict Jim. Bet's friendship with Cecil develops in a surprising direction. Ashley and Claire's visit to Blackpool runs into trouble.

Nov 23, 2003
Steve and a reluctant Karen take Jim to Blackpool for a reunion with Liz. Cecil's son Philip resolves to discredit Bet. Gail feels usurped in Bethany's life by Brenda.

Nov 23, 2003
Bet helps Jim to escape detection, but places her own future with Cecil on the line in the process. Fred persuades Ashley and Claire to stay on in Blackpool. Sunita and Ciaran privately express doubts about their wedding.

Nov 25, 2003
Bet prepares for her big day, but Cecil has second thoughts when Philip presents his photographs. Deirdre is aghast to hear about Bev's date. Angela struggles to deal with Craig, who is missing his father badly.

Nov 27, 2003
Bet is excited on her big day, but trouble brews when Philip gets wind of the wedding plans. Bev agrees to let Deirdre spy on her date to ensure that he is not Jon Lindsay. Jim and Liz prepare to escape to Ireland.

Nov 29, 2003
Liz is released on unconditional bail. Brenda Fearns asks Sarah and Todd if Bethany can stay with her that evening. Steve invites Liz to live with him and Karen. Bev blames Deirdre for losing her man yesterday in the wine bar. Shelley and Sunita plan to go out and get a sari for Sunita's wedding in the Rovers as Dev tells Sunita that he doesn't think Ciaran will go through with it. Liz argues with Karen over whether Liz is moving back to Weatherfield with them. Bet comes in with Steve later and tells Liz that Cecil Newton died. Dev tricks Ciaran into mocking Hindu ...

Nov 30, 2003
Karen and Steve continue to row over whether or not Liz should be invited to the wedding. Sarah and Todd become concerned when Brenda Fearns doesn't bring Bethany back as planned. Ashley thinks he's convinced Fred that nothing went on between him and Claire in Blackpool. Sunita takes the afternoon off to go shopping for a wedding sari with Shelley. There's a leak in the Rovers' Gents toilets. Harry tries to fix it but fails. Shelley gives the job to Charlie. Dev has lunch at Maya's flat when Heather Parks turns up on the doorstep. Dev is shocked to learn that Maya is ...

Nov 30, 2003
Sarah is beside herself and Eileen tries to comfort her. Maya admits to Dev that she's been in trouble at work before, isn't really cut out to be a solicitor and she has huge debts. Dev shocks her by asking her to move in with him. Charlie starts work on the Gents' toilets in the Rovers. In the meantime the Ladies' toilets become unisex, much to Vera's disgust. Candice suspects that Nick is taking Maria out behind her back. In fact Nick takes Gail out for dinner and tells her that he's in love with Maria. Brenda Fearns turns up with Bethany with the excuse that ...

Dec 02, 2003
Sarah isn't feeling very well. She blames Brenda Fearns for all the panic she caused. Dev continues to press Maya to move in with him but as yet she hasn't made a decision. Tommy calls in at home. Angela and Craig are hopeful that he's moving back in but are disappointed to find that he's just come to collect his stuff. Craig is upset. Mike, Fred and Harry attend Preston King's funeral. Mike asks Penny King to sign her husband's cheque. Brenda is rude to Gail in the cafe. She tells Gail how she can give Bethany a far better home and more love than she ever did. Gail ...

Dec 04, 2003
David and Craig commiserate with each other over their families. They agree to work out a way of splitting Martin and Katy up. Todd is shocked when Sarah suggests that she might get rid of the baby. Later they talk it through. Todd promises to stand by her and she agrees to keep the baby. Nick wants to finish with Candice but finds it difficult as Candice presents him with a ring engraved with "C&N". Ciaran suggests to Sunita that she might want to postpone the wedding. Sunita says she doesn't. Ciaran is disappointed. David causes a flood in the kitchen just so that ...

Dec 06, 2003
Todd is delighted that he's going to be a dad. Sarah is still apprehensive. David and Craig continue with their plan to drive a wedge between Martin and Katy. Candice is so upset over Nick that she has the day off from work. David engineers it so that Martin and Gail watch him play football together. Katy again feels left out. Craig finds Tommy hung-over, surrounded by empty beer cans and bottles and living in squalor. He is worried that Tommy and Angela may never get back together. Shelley puts Kirk on door duty of the Rovers' unisex toilet. Nick decides that he's ...

Dec 07, 2003
Gail is delighted that Nick has decided to stay. Nick manages to retrieve his letter of resignation from the factory before Mike sees it. Katy is upset with Martin as she feels jealous of his relationship with Gail and David. Martin placates her and promises to take Katy out for dinner that evening. Cilla accuses Norris of eyeing up her underwear on the washing line. Kevin is cross with Tommy when he finds him drinking in the Rovers during working hours. Nick has a go at Todd again. He accuses him of being gay and messing Sarah around. Todd tries to defend himself and...

Dec 07, 2003
Part 2 / Katy tells Angela that she's finished with Martin. Craig is delighted. Sarah is still angry with Todd for telling Nick about her pregnancy. Nick calls round and tries to talk Sarah out of having the baby and tries to persuade her that Todd is gay. Sarah is furious and throws him out of the flat. Nick and Maria go out on their first date since getting back together. Martin takes Katy back to the flat to try iron things out between them. Katy is furious that Martin comes running every time Gail clicks her fingers. Gail calls to see Sarah and tells her that she ...

Dec 09, 2003
Sarah is considering having an abortion. Todd is beside himself. Tommy arrives at work reeking of alcohol. Kevin gives him a verbal warning. Katy apologises to Martin for walking out. They make up with each other. It's Wednesday and the last day of Les being tagged. Cilla gets everyone to wind him up and pretend that it's only Tuesday. Eventually Les finds out the truth. Angela sees Tommy who looks terrible. She tries to persuade him to come home but he refuses so long as Angela continues to see Katy. Maria and Candice continue to snipe at each other in the salon. ...

Dec 11, 2003
Angela finds out from Craig that Tommy has lost his job. She isn't surprised. Sarah finds a doll which doesn't belong to Bethany. She thinks Bethany has taken it from nursery and returns it to the teacher, Glenys Phelps. Tommy is now drinking round the clock and in a terrible state. Craig is worried about him. Jason realises that Mike only offered him a job to make Charlie's life difficult. Brenda turns up at nursery. She keeps giving Bethany presents and saying that they're from her daddy. She talks to her about when she will join her daddy in heaven and leave the ...

Dec 13, 2003
Nick and the factory girls arrive at Underworld to find that during the night, Charlie has bricked the door up just to wind Mike up. Bev persuades Sunita into having a Hindu hen-do. Angela orders Craig to come home but he refuses. Tommy is pleased. Mike is furious with Charlie and tells Nick that he will have to get a sledgehammer and knock the wall down. Nick is less than pleased. Tommy and Craig have a lads' day out together watching the football in the Weatherfield Arms. Tommy proceeds to get very drunk. Tommy bumps into Martin and Katy in the Rovers. He calls ...

Dec 14, 2003
Mike gets Nick to deliver the bricks back to Charlie and dump them across his doorway. Craig is worried about Martin's brakes. When he sees Martin and Katy getting in the car he can't stand the guilt and tells Tommy what he's done. Tommy and Craig climb in a car and give chase. Tommy is relieved when he sees Martin drop Katy off, knowing that she's safe. Brenda tries to wheedle her way back in with Sarah. She cries at the thought of her first Christmas without Neil. Sarah feels guilty and starts to thaw towards her. Sunita feels slightly jealous when she hears Dev ...

Dec 14, 2003
Part 2 / Craig is panic-stricken that he's killed Martin. Tommy manages to drag Martin's body from the car just before the whole thing explodes. Craig dials 999. Dev again puts the pressure on Maya to move in with him. She explains that it's too soon. Dev takes offence. At the hospital, Audrey, Gail, David, Nick, Sarah, Todd, Angela and Katy all sit in shocked silence waiting for news of Martin. They're told he's critical but stable and that they can visit him two at a time. Sarah is livid when Gail allows David and Katy to go first. Terry sends Jack and Vera a ...

Dec 16, 2003
It's Tyrone's twenty-first birthday. Jason has to take Jack and Vera's door frame out in order to release the fridge. A huge crack appears up the kitchen wall. Charlie tells them that the whole kitchen extension is unsafe. Charlie promises to start in a couple of days. In the meantime he puts a tarpaulin over the hole. Jack and Vera decide to spend Christmas at the Hortons' as the house is so cold. Tyrone is left alone with Monica. Sarah allows Brenda to drop Bethany off at nursery. Brenda is grateful. Martin regains consciousness. Eileen overhears Nick having a go at...

Dec 18, 2003
Angela is adamant that Tommy couldn't possibly have tried to kill Martin. Katy disagrees. Eileen confronts Todd and asks him if he's gay. Todd denies it and tells her that Sarah is pregnant and expecting his baby. Eileen is furious that he's throwing his life away. Deirdre is delighted when she finds out that she's got a job at the Council as PA to the Head of the Planning Department. Mike looks over some paperwork for Penny King and arranges to take her out for dinner that evening. Nick is furious to find out that Mike is leaving him out of the Christmas bonus scheme...

Dec 20, 2003
Brenda calls round and offers to look after Bethany later while Sarah visits Martin. Sarah agrees. The police call round and take Tommy down to the station for questioning. Craig is beside himself with guilt and worry. Blanche continues to give Tracy money to buy "bits and bobs" for the baby. Tommy repeats his story to the Police. They let him go for the time being. Tracy picks up a passenger in her taxi who then threatens her and makes off with all the money. She is very shaken up. Karen books Doveridge Hall for £11,000 for her wedding. Nick takes Maria to a swanky ...

Dec 21, 2003
While Tommy vigilantly covers up for Craig, Martin's memory of the crash starts to return. Nick accuses Mike of not giving him any authority at Underworld. The Croppers view Number 7.

Dec 23, 2003
Martin informs Katy of her father's confession, while Tommy tells Angela the true version of events. Roy and Hayley learn that Number 7 has been sold. Betty heads south to spend Christmas with Gordon.

Dec 24, 2003
Spurred on by Blanche's extravagant gift, Tracy drops a bombshell on unsuspecting Steve. Martin makes peace with the Harrises. Fiz and Tyrone commiserate over their rotten Christmases.

Dec 25, 2003
Sunita enjoys her Hindi hen-do, unaware that Ciaran is having second thoughts about marriage. Steve tells Tracy he wants nothing to do with their baby. Fiz fails to inform Kirk that she spent Christmas with Tyrone.

Dec 27, 2003
Ciaran asks Sunita if she's having second thoughts about the wedding. Sunita replies that she's really looking forward to it. Ciaran feels trapped. Tyrone tells Jack that nothing happened between him and Fiz other than a kiss. Jack is unconvinced. Betty is sure that Gordon is going to ask her to move in with him and Caroline. She wonders if it might be the best thing to do. Roy and Hayley are shocked to find out that Tracy is moving into No.7. They worry that she might be intending to keep the baby. Angela and Tommy are reunited. Tommy moves back into No.6. Ciaran's ...

Dec 28, 2003
Sunita prepares for her wedding with the help of Shelley and Bev. Ciaran has spent the night in a police cell. He secretly hopes that he won't be released in time for the wedding. Maya is suspicious of Ciaran's motive for hitting Dev. She wonders if Dev still fancies Sunita. Cilla is secretly pleased that she's lost her job. She has no intention of finding another too quickly but Fiz can see straight through her. Ciaran is miffed when the Police release him. Dev accuses Ciaran of not wanting to marry Sunita. Ciaran can't deny it but insists that he mustn't let her ...

Dec 30, 2003
Maya suspects that Sunita jilted Ciaran because she's still in love with Dev. He denies this. Sunita forces Ciaran to admit that he didn't really want to get married. Sunita is now sure that she did the right thing. She tells Ciaran that this is the end of their relationship. Dev is delighted when Maya finally agrees to move in with him. Blanche and Deirdre continue to bicker about Tracy moving into No.7. Ken tries to keep the peace. Claire is distraught when she realises that she's recorded over the film of Maxine at Christmas on the digital camera. Ashley forgives ...
Coronation Street Season 45 (2003) is released on Dec 31, 2002 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Helen Worth.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.