Episodes (103)

Jan 03, 1971
Ray and Len each find candidates for the post of housekeeper. Annie receives a summons from Newton and Ridley. Hilda's career plans fail to come to fruition.

Jan 05, 1971
Ray and Len audition their two housekeeper candidates, Gina and Eileen. Stan intervenes when Annie is summoned to appear at court. Hilda learns that the Barlows have a secret.

Jan 10, 1971
Elsie's boss instructs her to deal with a troublesome employee. Ken and Val are excited by the prospect of emigrating. Minnie gets her own way with Albert.

Jan 12, 1971
Elsie puts her job on the line when she stands up for a member of the workforce. Ken and Val reach a decision about Jamaica. Albert suspects Minnie of an ulterior motive.

Jan 17, 1971
Ray and Len compete for Gina's attention. Handel tries to persuade Minnie to move back into Number 5. Val feels guilty for deserting her mother when she emigrates.

Jan 19, 1971
Gina entertains her boyfriend at Number 9 while Len and Ray are out at work. Elsie hunts for a job. Albert takes advantage of Hilda's offer to care for him.

Jan 24, 1971
Minnie and Handel seek sanctuary to avoid the wrath of a returning Ena. Gina entertains her boyfriend in Ray and Len's house. The Barlows pack up their home ahead of the big move.

Jan 26, 1971
The Barlows finish packing. Val is saddened to be saying goodbye to their home. Len and Ray are sore over being taken in by Gina but, much to Billy's amusement, but are unable to bring themselves to fire her when she talks about her birthday and the present of some tights that Ray bought her. Albert checks at the Corner Shop but no one has answered his advert. He blames Lucille for the way that she phrased it. Mrs Toft also refuses to consider it once she finds out who it is for. Ena starts to think that Handel is good for Minnie when she stands up to her. Annie ...

Jan 31, 1971
Valerie's lifeless body is pulled from the blazing maisonettes and taken to hospital. Ena and Lucille take charge of Albert and the twins. Ken comes to terms with his devastating loss.

Feb 02, 1971
Old friends and family arrive on the street to attend Valerie's funeral. Irma and Annie are reminded of their own grief. Ken sets off for Glasgow to reunite with the twins.

Feb 07, 1971
Concern for Ken's whereabouts begins to grow. Tony and Mrs. Parsons recruit Ena's friends to deliver a surprise. Speculation is rife over what will replace the maisonettes.

Feb 09, 1971
Alf and Len try to contain the news about the new community centre. Ena enjoys Tony's debut concert performance. Ken opens up to hotel receptionist Yvonne.

Feb 14, 1971
Len and Alf withhold information about the new buildings. Annie and Nellie pretend to share no interest in attending a swanky function. The residents get to grips with the new decimal currency.

Feb 16, 1971
The residents learn of the plans to build a warehouse on the street. Annie resents Nellie getting one over on her. Ernest dreads facing the mission committee.

Feb 21, 1971
The residents form a plan of action against the warehouse. Ernest agonises over the question of proposing to Emily. Annie and Billy's motorcar journeys converge.

Feb 23, 1971
Elsie and Irma revel in affecting airs and graces in front of their hosts. Billy learns that Annie is in the vicinity. Ernest decides that the time has come for action.

Feb 28, 1971
Ken returns from Scotland and moves into Number 3 with the twins. Billy and Alan dodge the fallout from their prang in the mayoral limo. Emily and Ernest enjoy a new lease of life.

Mar 02, 1971
Ken's decision to take the twins to Jamaica comes in for criticism. Hilda takes an interest in Emily and Ernest's relationship. Billy and Alan pay out for peace of mind.

Mar 07, 1971
Lucille's peaceful protest march inspires a poor turnout. Ken and Edith clash over how to treat the twins. Irma flirts with Ray when he prices up a joinery job.

Mar 09, 1971
A P.R. representative from the warehouse arrives to win over the protesters. Ken fears that the twins are being spoiled. Irma delights in disappointing Ray.

Mar 14, 1971
Betty and Edith each hope to take over full-time care of the Barlow twins. Ena disappoints Emily with her stance on the warehouse. Minnie hides her money troubles.

Mar 16, 1971
Edith feels unwanted when Ken introduces the twins' new nanny, Margaret Lacey. Concern grows for housebound Minnie. Harold Dewhurst begs a favour of Billy.

Mar 21, 1971
Annie buries her doubts and agrees to dine out with Harold. Margaret fails to endear herself to Ken's nearest and dearest. Stan presents Minnie with a gift from work.

Mar 23, 1971
Lucille wracks her brains for a forgotten memory from her past. Annie worries that she has misjudged Harold. Margaret demands discipline from the twins.

Mar 28, 1971
Annie agonises over Harold's cruise invitation. Lucille voices her concerns about Margaret looking after the twins. Hilda overhears the names of Billy's racing tips.

Mar 30, 1971
Ken ponders how to deal with the twins' unruly behaviour. Hilda discovers that Stan has purchased a vehicle. Annie's decision to go cruising sets tongues wagging.

Apr 04, 1971
Margaret takes charge of the twins' sixth birthday. Albert informs Elsie that he saw Alan in a woman's car. Billy basks in the attentions of the Rovers' womenfolk.

Apr 06, 1971
Alan's absence from the garage arouses Billy and Elsie's suspicions. Bet offers Ken her services as a temporary nanny for the twins. Ray plans to teach Stan a lesson.

Apr 11, 1971
As Stan sleeps in the bakery van, mischievous Ray drives him to a remote spot. Emily agrees to look over the shop's books. Ena decrees that Minnie's house needs a spring-clean.

Apr 13, 1971
Ray attempts to salve his conscience by helping Stan. Ena and Minnie bicker during Emily's slideshow presentation. Maggie and Irma learn that they are in debt.

Apr 18, 1971
Stan bays for Ray's blood and vows to track him down. Ken attracts the attention of a fellow teacher. Emily is accused of a blunder at the camera shop.

Apr 20, 1971
Emily dreads Ernest returning to news of her foolish mistake. Stan and Ray find a way to work together. Olive gives Ken a lift to college in her car.

Apr 25, 1971
Olive takes her pursuit of Ken a step further. Stan takes advantage of Ray's incapacity. Albert complains about the complicated census form.

Apr 27, 1971
Billy becomes concerned by rumours circulating about Annie. Ken makes his feelings clear to Olive. Hilda waits to hear about her job application.

May 02, 1971
Elsie's joy at her formal job offer proves short-lived. Bet offers to redecorate Number 1 for Albert. A weary Ray moans to Billy about workshy Stan.

May 04, 1971
Alan urges Elsie to forget her pride and plead her case to Pollard. Ray finds a way to seize Stan's power. Albert's indecision over wallpaper tests Bet's patience.

May 09, 1971
Annie and Maggie make it their mission to gain fair treatment for Elsie. Ken receives an unexpected visit from his mother-in-law. Stan enjoys working at the Carousel club.

May 11, 1971
Ken dismisses Bet when Edith shows no sign of departing Number 3. Len plans a night out at the Carousel's grand opening. Elsie responds to a summons from the warehouse.

May 16, 1971
Ena makes sure that Alf and Ernie are in her corner during her interview. Edith vows to seek custody of her grandchildren. Bet is on the receiving end of harsh criticism.

May 18, 1971
Ken faces a legal fight to keep hold of his children. Alf and Ernest steel themselves to deliver bad news to Ena. Annie takes offence at Edith's attack on Bet.

May 23, 1971
Annie's secrecy leads Billy to the wrong conclusion about Harold. Ena takes steps to put Hetty off the caretaker's job. Irma enjoys toying with the warehouse men.

May 25, 1971
Billy finally learns what happened during Annie's cruise. Minnie rumbles Ena's scheme to put Hetty off the caretaker's job. Irma's multiple nationalities confuse her admirers.

May 30, 1971
Ray hopes to land a lucrative deal with businessman Mel Ryan. Ena conscripts the neighbours to assist with her move. Hilda complains to Stan about their wasted bank holiday.

Jun 01, 1971
Irma passes herself off as a Frenchwoman to help Ray to impress Mel. Ena settles into the Community Centre. Emily frets about spending too much time with Ernest.

Jun 06, 1971
Emily attends an interview for a job at the warehouse. The residents gather to elect the officers of the community centre. Ray rues the cost of his disastrous night at the Carousel.

Jun 08, 1971
Emily makes an embarrassing error at the Community Centre's grand opening. Irma catches the attention of the mayoral party. Hilda urges Stan to demand his rights.

Jun 13, 1971
Elsie and the checking department anticipate a visit from Sir Julius. Annie tries to interest Billy in matrimony. Stan forms his own union to deal with Ray and Len.

Jun 15, 1971
Union man Charlie Dickinson negotiates with Len and Ray on Stan's behalf. The warehouse girls gossip about Elsie and Maxwell. Billy makes an effort for tea with Lorna.

Jun 20, 1971
Billy becomes protective as Lorna moves into the Rovers. Alan finally meets Elsie's boss. Alf frets over telling Ena about the planned flower show at the community centre.

Jun 22, 1971
Alan questions Maxwell's motive in inviting Elsie to dinner. Billy takes a half-day to spend time with Lorna. Ena places obstacles in the way of the flower show.

Jun 27, 1971
Annie harbours hopes of Billy and Lorna getting engaged. Elsie refuses to go along with Maxwell's scheme. George Greenwood arrives to assist Ena with the flower show.

Jun 29, 1971
Annie feels wretched keeping Lorna's secret from smitten Billy. The residents eagerly wait for Hilda and George's paths to cross. Maxwell accuses Elsie of reporting him.

Jul 04, 1971
Hilda reminisces with George about their time together. Billy and Alan clash over their ideas for the garage's future. Alf begs Emily to judge the homemade wines.

Jul 11, 1971
The flower show is set up. Ena admires Albert entries from his allotment but disparages Minnie's weeds from her back yard. Hilda begs Stan to get rid of the Orchid but he refuses. The judges arrive: they include Annie on cakes, Emily on wines, Alf on beer and George Greenwood on flowers and veg. They are introduced to the audience by Len. Elsie worries that Alan is getting in to deep with the Canal Garage. Emily starts to taste the wines. Minnie assists Alf in the beer tasting. Ena catches Hilda trying to hide the Orchid. Maggie delivers the cake for Ray to enter and ...

Jul 11, 1971
Annie and Hilda aim to uncover the cartoonist's identity. Dave Robbins calls on Ken and they reminisce. A harassed Ernest is in demand at the camera shop.

Jul 13, 1971
Ernest refuses to apologise for causing offence with his cartoons. Ken and Dave host band practice at Number 3. Elsie resents Alan being so busy with work.

Jul 18, 1971
Emily remains hostile towards Ernest. Albert has little sympathy when Beattie shares her troubles with him. Alan rows with Elsie for serving up a disappointing meal.

Jul 20, 1971
Stan and Hilda row about installing a shower at home. Ernest spends the day drinking in the Rovers, waiting for Emily. Albert gives Beattie marital advice.

Jul 25, 1971
Maggie and Betty attempt to reconcile Emily and Ernest. Beattie makes her presence felt at Albert's house. Irma asks Alan for advice on buying a car.

Jul 27, 1971
Stan and Annie bear the brunt of Ernie and Emily's fury. The police investigate Albert's complaint against Ken's band. Norman visits Beattie at Number 1.

Aug 01, 1971
Ernest finally proposes to a delighted Emily. Alf and Len tackle Ena about her conduct at the Community Centre. The Ogdens accept delivery of a colour television set.

Aug 03, 1971
Ernie searches high and low for the missing engagement ring. Hilda delights in showing off her colour television. Alf and Len hold talks with a formidable Ena.

Aug 08, 1971
Ernie grows increasingly desperate in his search for the missing ring. Stan complains of neglect due to Hilda's obsession with the colour TV. Emily tackles Ena about arrangements for the engagement party.

Aug 10, 1971
Annie's enthusiasm for her birthday is not increased by a visit from Nellie Harvey. Emily and Ernest throw an engagement party at the Community Centre. The Ogdens have their colour television repossessed.

Aug 15, 1971
Janet encourages Alan's interest in her by visiting him at the yard. Maggie's well-meaning intervention arouses Elsie's suspicions. Ken and Alf invite themselves to lunch at Number 9.

Aug 17, 1971
Janet seizes an opportunity to be alone with Alan at the garage. Elsie's doubts about Maggie increase. Ken offers to cook a meal for Len and Ray.

Aug 22, 1971
Janet makes a point of learning the address of Alan's hotel in Leeds. Ernie's sister and brother-in-law arrive with a grievance. Alf invites Maggie on a day out.

Aug 24, 1971
Alan invites his ex-wife Laura to his Leeds hotel. Emily's sister clashes with the Burgesses. Bet accuses Lucille of pinching her sideline idea.

Aug 29, 1971
Ernie receives an offer of a photography assignment abroad. Elsie is pleased to have Alan home from Leeds. Maggie shares her suspicions of Janet with Betty.

Aug 31, 1971
Emily's jealousy threatens to derail Ernie's foreign assignment. Maggie asks Ken to tackle Janet about her pursuit of Alan. Elsie takes pity on Colin's unrequited passion.

Sep 05, 1971
Dave's refusal to increase her pay puts Lucille in a rebellious mood. Janet fears that her sister's visit will stir up trouble. Hilda laments Irma's lack of contact.

Sep 07, 1971
Hilda gets wind of Alan and Janet's secret night away together. Lucille wracks her brains for details of her attacker. Annie deplores Dave's lack of sympathy.

Sep 12, 1971
Elsie remains oblivious to the spreading gossip about Alan. Len urges Janet to move on and find another man. Lucille names Emily as her referee in a job application.

Sep 14, 1971
Elsie confronts Janet over her pursuit of Alan. Maggie criticises Betty for stirring up trouble. Dave offers to re-employ Lucille at the betting shop.

Sep 19, 1971
Dave wants justice for the theft of his money. Frank's confession places Bet in a dilemma. Stan sets out to prove a point to Ray and Len.

Sep 21, 1971
Bet regrets setting up Frank for a punishment from Dave. Stan knocks a large hole in the downstairs wall. Ena complains to Maggie about the shop's hygiene.

Sep 28, 1971
Stan locks himself in No. 13 in an attempt to finish the hatch before Hilda returns. Dave Smith wants to pay for a treat to take Minnie to Blackpool on her birthday but Ena refuses to go with her on Dave's money. Hilda returns and loves the serving hatch. Minnie calls Ena a bigot and decides to go to Blackpool on her own.

Sep 28, 1971
Minnie has a whale of a time during her Blackpool trip with Dave. Hilda plans a tea party to show off the hatch. Annie tries to find a job for Lucille.

Oct 03, 1971
Lucille's abrasive attitude does her no favours at the labour exchange. Ken and Yvonne's friendship creates gossip. Ena blames Dave for Minnie catching a cold.

Oct 05, 1971
Len rides to the rescue upon learning of Jerry's unemployment. Yvonne worries about Ken's designs on her. The labour exchange sends Lucille for another job.

Oct 10, 1971
Len takes pity on Jerry and invites him to lodge at Number 9. Emily tackles Lucille about her reluctance to find work. Yvonne asks Ken what he expects out of a relationship with her.

Oct 12, 1971
Jerry attempts to make himself useful to Ray and Len about the house. Albert pushes for a lecturing slot at the centre. Yvonne helps Ken with his immigrants' English class.

Oct 17, 1971
Ken hangs around the Baytree Hotel to spend time with Yvonne. Hilda suspects that Jerry is after Stan's job. Emily hopes for communication from Ernest on her birthday.

Oct 19, 1971
The Ogdens believe that Jerry poses a threat to Stan's job. Yvonne becomes convinced that Ken views her as a replica Val. Emily nurses a hangover following her night out with Alf.

Oct 24, 1971
Ken reveals a decision regarding the twins as he prepares a canal picnic for Yvonne. Jerry faces a court appearance on an assault charge. Stan finds himself an outcast in the community.

Oct 26, 1971
Jerry awaits the verdict after Bet and Len give evidence. Ken pushes a reluctant Yvonne to give an answer to his proposal. Alarming news of Ernest reaches Weatherfield.

Oct 31, 1971
Emily reels from the news of Ernest's arrest in Spain. Ray offers Jerry a temporary job at the yard. The Ogdens go shopping for a new colour television.

Nov 02, 1971
Emily struggles to get any news of Ernest from Spain. Albert seeks a wireless that can broadcast his radio interview. Jerry disapproves of Ray's working methods.

Nov 07, 1971
Elsie is taken aback by the offer of a promotion. Ray encourages Stan to follow Jerry's example at the yard. Maggie meets Gordon's new girlfriend, Jennifer.

Nov 09, 1971
Alan is reluctant to uproot his life for the sake of Elsie's promotion. Lucille introduces herself to Jennifer. Irma can no longer afford to pay off Stan's debt to Dave Smith.

Nov 14, 1971
Annie visits the Spanish consul to report Emily's disappearance. Alan makes a discovery about Elsie's potential new job. Ray recognises Jennifer from his childhood.

Nov 16, 1971
Maggie fears for Gordon's future as Jennifer's husband. Alan assures Elsie that he trusts her to work with Maxwell. The consul provides Annie with new information about Ernest and Emily.

Nov 21, 1971
Lucille keeps the true nature of her new job from Annie. The identity of Irma's new boyfriend causes a stir. Minnie, Ena and Albert plan the children's Christmas party.

Nov 23, 1971
Nellie lures Annie to the Aquarius to catch Lucille dancing. Irma makes an effort to support Eddie on match day. A group of skinheads cause disruption in the Rovers.

Nov 28, 1971
Annie rows with Lucille over her dancing job at the Aquarius. Irma takes Eddie for tea with her parents. Emily returns from Spain without positive news of Ernest's release.

Nov 30, 1971
Ray persuades Lucille and Bet to perform go-go dancing in the Rovers. The Ogdens debate how to spend their £500 windfall. Irma goes to a club with Eddie and his pals.

Dec 07, 1971
Stan insists that the money is Dave Smith's and not his and Hilda's to spend. Dave wants Eddie kept pure for the evening on the eve of the cup tie and tells Irma to make sure that he gets to bed early - and by himself. Hilda makes her excuses and calls sick into work, telling Lucille she's won some money. Emily can't find anyone to look after the camera shop. Irma suggests to Eddie that they have a quiet night in. Hilda gets dressed to go out. Eddie puts on a confident front in the Rovers and gives Ray tickets to the stands at £1 each. He borrows his van to go to ...

Dec 12, 1971
Emily is upset as today should have been her wedding day. Annie determines to do something to cheer her up. Lucille is annoyed as she has to clean the Rovers in Hilda's absence. The Ogdens go shopping to spend their spare £95. Eddie Duncan isn't on form for the cup tie and Weatherfield County FC lose two-nil. Dave Smith blames Eddie and tells Irma to pass the message on that he's made an enemy. The Ogdens buy a coffee percolator, a tray, a table centre, a cocktail bar and an electric tooth brush - all useless. Annie, Lucille, Ena and Minnie throw a tea party for Emily...

Dec 14, 1971
Irma has disappeared telling Maggie she's staying with a friend and doesn't know when she'll be back. Maggie tells Betty that she doesn't care if Irma returns as she's been nothing but a sleeping partner since she got involved with Eddie Duncan. Stan and Hilda show off their new illuminated cocktail bar. Jerry tells them all they need now are cocktails. Bet wonders who blew the whistle on Eddie's late night party and asks Dave Smith if it was Ray. Elsie wants to spend Christmas in a Blackpool hotel. Hilda asks Elsie what she knows about cocktails. Eddie tells Bet he's...

Dec 19, 1971
Bet pours water on Eddie to get him up. He has no memory of the night before. Stan gets enthused about making cocktails and insists they practice now. Alan wonders where they're going to stay in Blackpool but Elsie tells him not to worry as she has it all in hand. She rings to confirm a booking at the Fylde Castle Hotel. Ena gets annoyed as the Christmas decorations in the Rovers are out and up around her. Dave questions Jerry about Eddie's activities last night but Jerry says he had nothing to do with it. Dave makes it clear he doesn't believe him and sets off for ...

Dec 21, 1971
Bet and Betty's prior commitments prevent Annie from accepting Kitty's invitation to the ball. Albert's plans for Christmas are dashed when Ken heads for Glasgow. Elsie studiously avoids Alan.

Dec 26, 1971
Ena plays fairy godmother to ensure that Annie can attend the ball. Ken goes for a job interview at Bessie Street School. Elsie and Alan fail to communicate.

Dec 28, 1971
Annie insists that she won't enjoy the ball but Emily makes her admit that she desperately wants to go. Ken returns from Glasgow. He admits to Elsie that he felt lonely. He has a job interview with Wilfred Perkins at Bessie Street School for an English teacher's job before the head goes to London to see his son. Albert invites himself to Ena's for a meal and gets complimentary Weatherfield County FC tickets from Dave Smith. He goes to the match where he meets the players in the dressing room. Dave promises Eddie £3 a goal. Albert goes on about Tiny Wedlock to the ...
Coronation Street Season 13 (1971) is released on Jan 03, 1971 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.