Episodes (104)

Jan 02, 1977
Albert receives a parcel of chocolates. He tells Ken it's his third; he's been buying bars from The Kabin and complaining to the manufacturers about them. Hilda is too hung-over to work. Stanley Fairclough and Liz Brocklebank arrive to see Len. Len and Stanley don't know what to say to each other. Albert asks Rita for any old stock and sends it back. Liz is keen to mend the rift between Stanley and Len. Len is put out when Stanley refuses to sleep in the house instead of a hotel. Liz asks Len to attend their wedding on 4th April. Stanley tells her he doesn't want him ...

Jan 04, 1977
More chocolates arrive for Albert. Hilda continues to feel ill. Annie threatens to sack her. Hilda tells Stan he'll have to stand in for her. Stanley Fairclough is annoyed at Len's flirting with the women. Stan intimidates the customers as he cleans the Rovers. Annie docks him £2 off Hilda's normal salary. Len tells Liz Brocklebank he'd like to hear Stanley invite him to the wedding. Annie refuses to give Hilda to rest of her wages as Stan did such a bad job. Hilda is furious to discover that Stan was only docked £2 and not £3 as he had told her. The chocolate company...

Jan 09, 1977
Deirdre's contractions stop. She grows impatient in hospital. Teenager Suzie Birchall looks for work in the area. Ray worries that the pregnancy might not be right. Suzie tackles Mike for a job at the factory. The doctor tells Ray not to worry, even though they can't hear the baby's heart beat. Ernie tells Suzie they can't employ her - she has no experience. Ray tries hard not to show his concern to Deirdre. Mike takes Suzie on at Sylvia's Separates. Gail returns from her lunch to find Suzie serving. She is furious when Suzie tells her Mike's put her in charge. Staff ...

Jan 11, 1977
Eddie runs a book on the Langton baby. Ena knits a yellow shawl for the baby. Gail and Suzie battle for command at Sylvia's Separates. Mike is furious when they interrupt a business meeting to ask him who is in charge. Mike tells the girls that Gail is the manageress. Suzie tells him the shop needs a new image. Deirdre breaks down when the hospital send her home - she feels a failure.

Jan 16, 1977
Deirdre locks herself away in the flat, ashamed and embarrassed. The residents buy tickets for the dance at the Community Centre. Deirdre phones Emily and asks her not to tell anyone she's left the hospital. Emily tells Ernie she wants to go to the Centre dance; she wants to dress up and enjoy herself but he isn't at all keen. Vera and Marie feel that Mike should pay for his workers to go to the dance. He agrees when they nag him. Ray makes excuses for Deirdre saying she's still in hospital. Stan refuses to buy tickets for the dance for Hilda. Mike decides to give the...

Jan 18, 1977
Deirdre hides away at the flat, embarrassed about her false alarm. The dance at the Community Centre takes place. Marie sets out to steal Mike from Bet. Emily and Ernest spend the evening apart after a row.

Jan 23, 1977
As Ray waits nervously, Deirdre gives birth to a baby girl. Eddie sells a faulty watch to Mavis. Annie is angry to learn of Bet's public brawl at the dance.

Jan 25, 1977
Deirdre names the baby Lynette. Blanche rows with Ray for going to the dance. Eddie gives Mavis her money back. Deirdre becomes curious about her ward mate, Sally Norton. Eddie puts the watches down the grate. Ernie is forced to tell Emily that he walked Thelma James home. Deirdre tells Blanche she made Ray go to the dance and gets her to apologise to him. Ray is determined to call the baby Tracy. Hilda overhears Bet saying the watches weren't stolen. She tells Stan to get the watches from the grate so they can sell them. Ernie convinces Emily there is nothing between...

Jan 30, 1977
Hilda has had enough of the Ogdens' misfortunes. Ray worries that he won't make a good father. Annie buys a shawl for the new baby but Betty tells her that Bet's already bought an identical one. Ray brings Deirdre and the baby home. The residents coo over the new baby. Annie has swapped the shawl for a babygrow, only to find that Blanche has also bought an identical one. Mavis suggests to Hilda that her bad luck could be to do with living at a house numbered 13 and Renee backs up this suggestion. Hilda tells Stan that she wants their door number changed to alter their...

Feb 01, 1977
It is Hilda's birthday. Blanche refuses to change the baby's nappy until Ray agrees to do his share. Alf agrees to vote in favour of Stan's house number change. Eddie taunts Ray about being a 'soft' father. Ray buys a football ticket off him. Stan changes the number to 12a but when showing the renumbered door to Hilda they get locked out. Deirdre stops Ray going to the football with Eddie when Eddie wakes the baby up. Hilda's roast lamb burns so she makes Stan smash a window to get the spare key and a policeman helps them get in but her birthday dinner of lamb is ...

Feb 06, 1977
Mike grows annoyed as Bet treats No.5 like a tip. Deirdre and Ray clash over the baby's name. Blanche wants her to be called 'Maureen'. Mike is furious when Bet hires Hilda as a cleaner to sort No.5 out. He tells her she is the housekeeper and should do the work herself. Emily walks out of the Rovers when she sees Ernie drinking with Thelma James. Ray registers the baby 'Tracy Lynette' behind Deirdre's back and the two of them row over it with Deirdre accusing him of being sly. Blanche's boyfriend, Steve Bassett, arrives and Blanche shows him off. Mike asks Bet to lay...

Feb 08, 1977
Deirdre comes round to calling the baby Tracy. She tells Ray it would be a good idea if Blanche married; they might have her part of the house. Ray pushes Steve Bassett to propose to Blanche. Ernie asks Thelma James not to follow him about; they're giving the wrong impression. Betty is horrified that she's got to entertain a man. Mike is horrified that Betty is at the party, he was expecting Rita. He is surprised when the client, Jack Broadley, loves Betty's company. The client agrees to do business with Mike because Betty makes him laugh so much. Steve proposes to ...

Feb 13, 1977
Albert goes to visit Peter and Susan. Ernie receives a Valentine, he realises it's from Thelma James. Emily accuses him of encouraging Thelma. Mavis gets a Valentine from Derek. Janet Barlow searches for Ken. She tries to get Emily to talk to her but Emily is too preoccupied with Thelma and Ernie. Suzie looks for somewhere to live when her landlady throws her out. She decides she'd like to move in at No.11. Ken finds Janet on his doorstep.

Feb 15, 1977
Ken thinks Janet wants a divorce but she tells him she doesn't. Janet phones Vince Denton and begs him to take her back but he refuses. Emily tackles Thelma James about the valentine and accuses her of throwing herself at Ernie. Thelma accuses her of not understanding Ernie. Emily warns her off. Eddie takes a champion darts player, Baz Wilson, under his wing. Len realises the darts player is a hustler and warns him off. He disappears with the money Eddie has won betting on him. Janet tells Ken she's left Vince, she tells Ken she's changed and asks him to give her ...

Feb 20, 1977
Ken is horrified to discover Janet unconscious in bed with an empty pill bottle beside her. Suzie does her utmost to persuade Elsie to allow her to move in with her but to no avail. Hilda's gossip-mongering goes into overdrive.

Feb 22, 1977
Emily blames herself for not having time for Janet. As it becomes clear that Janet killed herself, Emily breaks down. The police tell Ken that Janet died of barbiturate poisoning. Using Bet's story, Suzie tells Elsie she's scared of her landlord as he's into the Nazis. Elsie tells her she can move in for a week whilst she's looking for somewhere else. Det Sgt Phillips of the CID investigates Janet's death and the residents are questioned. Elsie discovers the landlord story was Bet's, she surprises Suzie by telling her she can stay - for her cheek. Hilda criticises ...

Feb 27, 1977
Len goes with Ken to Janet's inquest. Mike tells Bet to clear her stuff out of No. 5 for a bit; his wife is coming up. Mike shows Anne Woodley the factory and the house. The coroner brings a verdict of suicide. Mike assures Anne he loves her. Bet is upset when Mike brings Anne into the Rovers. He tells Bet that Anne's staying for a few days.

Mar 01, 1977
Bet looks for alternative accommodation. Mike fails to keep Anne in the dark about his double life. Len and Rita take care of Ken following Janet's inquest.

Mar 06, 1977
Suzie is on a mission to please Elsie on her birthday, and decides to sweep Number 11's chimney. Bet resolves to stay put in the house but Renee has some bad news for her. Rita offers to accompany Len to his son's wedding.

Mar 08, 1977
Hilda fears the chimney of No. 13 might be collapsing but Len tells her the brick hasn't come from the house. Hilda discovers Gail and Suzie dropped the brick. She threatens them with the police. Rita discovers Len hasn't gone to Nottingham for the wedding. Suzie and Gail give Hilda a box of chocolates for compensation. Bet wonders about seeing a solicitor about her rights at No. 5. Rita is pleased when Len makes a pass at her.

Mar 13, 1977
Ena worries that the shock of Janet Barlow's death will kill Albert. Mike sends Hilda the key to No. 5 to clean it for his return. Bet throws her out. Ena meets Albert's train and breaks the news about Janet. Mike returns from London. Bet tells him she's not giving the house up. Ray wants Deirdre to type at home for the Yard. She agrees. Ray changes the locks at No. 5 for Bet. Len arrives to put a lock on for Mike. Ray squares up to him. Ena takes Albert in for a few days. Mike is amazed to find he can't get into No. 5.

Mar 15, 1977
Deirdre can't type at home as the noise wakes Tracy up. Fred jokingly invites Mavis to go fishing but to his surprise she accepts. Rita's agent sends her a telegram asking her to call him. Mike agrees to sell the house to Ray for £2,500 plus the price of the conversion and the furniture. He tells Ray he'll have to get Bet out though. Bet agrees to the Langtons having the house because of Tracy. Albert and Ena fall out living under the same roof. Mike takes a long-term room in a hotel. Renee tells Bet she can have the shop flat for £8 a week. Bet thinks it's too ...

Mar 20, 1977
Rita looks forward to Tenerife and her job at the Hotel San Antonio. Len worries that she'll never return. Bet goes flat hunting. Len begs Rita not to leave. Hilda wants to get into No. 5 before the Langtons but Stan doesn't want to move. Mike tells Renee he'll pay an extra £2 a week on top of Bet's offered £6 to let her have the flat but doesn't want Bet to know about it. Renee tells Bet she'll lower the price and Bet can move in. Bet is delighted. Mavis asks Len for Rita's job but he refuses to talk about it. Rita signs the singing contract. Bet moves into the shop ...

Mar 22, 1977
Rita doesn't know whether to marry Len or go to Tenerife. Mavis tells Elsie about the proposal. Renee discovers the shop freezer stock, worth £100 is ruined. Elsie tells Len he's stupid to marry again and also tells him Rita is bound to accept. He convinces her he needs Rita. Renee makes Bet feel better by telling her she's insured. Mr. Nesbit, the insurance man tells her she's not insured as it was an act of carelessness. Len refuses to give Mavis the job of manageress at The Kabin. She is upset and resigns. Eddie sells off Renee's defrosted food. Bet offers to work ...

Mar 27, 1977
The Langtons move into No. 5. Deirdre makes Ray carry her over the threshold. Ken returns from staying with Dave Robbins. Mavis tells Len she doesn't want to resign. Vince Denton tells Ken that Janet Barlow had £7,520 of his in a building society and he wants it back. He tells Ken the money was a tax dodge. Ken says he can have it - if he can prove it's his. Ernie gives Rita a going-away present; he's transposed all her song arrangements. Ken discovers that £1,500 of the money was Janet's. He doesn't trust Denton about the rest. Rita packs. Len accuses her of going to...

Mar 29, 1977
Elsie assures Rita she'll look after Len for her in her absence. Ken contacts Janet's sister Helen Ormerod but she doesn't know anything about the money. Vince Denton accuses Ken of trying to keep the money. He shows Ken paperwork to back up his claim. Rita throws a farewell party. The Bishops give her a shield with the Weatherfield coat of arms on it. Len tells Mavis she's manageress of The Kabin. Helen tells Ken they should keep the money and split it half way. Deirdre gets drunk at the party and doesn't relieve Ray from his babysitting shift. Ken tells Denton he ...

Apr 03, 1977
Mavis enjoys being in charge of the Kabin. Elsie decides there's too many people in her house and tells Suzie to leave. Mavis thinks that Rita letting the plane go to marry Len is true romance. Rita tells her she's thrilled. Deirdre returns to work part-time with Tracy in the Yard. Suzie falls for a stray dog and names it Albert. Bet is upset at the news of Len and Rita's engagement but puts a brave face on. Len breaks the news of his engagement to Elsie. She wishes him luck. Rita is shocked when Len tells her he wants to marry in three weeks. Elsie refuses to let the...

Apr 05, 1977
Elsie is furious when she finds Albert the dog has eaten one of her shoes. She tells Suzie to get rid of him. Mavis refuses to let go of the manageress job without a fight. Len asks Alf to be his best man but Deirdre is furious that he didn't ask Ray. Mavis threatens to take Len to an Industrial Tribunal. He agrees to give her a small rise in compensation. Nobody wants to take Albert off Suzie's hands. Rita wears the engagement ring Len originally gave her. Benny Stone confronts Rita and tells her he wants the £400 he lost on the deal for her to sing in Tenerife. Len ...

Apr 10, 1977
Mike offers a denim outfit to whoever can rename Sylvia's Separates. Len refuses to invite his son Stanley Fairclough to the wedding. Elsie spends a week's wages on a new dress for the wedding. Rita asks Mavis to be her bridesmaid - she is thrilled. Suzie tries on Elsie's new dress. Albert the dog jumps up at her and covers the dress in tar paw-prints. She tries to wash it off before discovering the dress is dry-clean only. Len and Rita meet the vicar, Reverend Smedley, to talk over the wedding. Hilda is angry to discover that the Ogdens have been invited to drinks ...

Apr 12, 1977
Bet helps out at the shop in penance for the freezer mix-up. Fred makes up a lethal punch for Len's stag night and the men gather in the select of the Rovers. Mike lays on Marie and Vera for Len's stag party. The women throw a hen party for Rita. Marie plans to get Len into bed. Mike is astonished when Len tells him he doesn't want any women; he's Rita's. Marie is furious. Mavis is thrilled to hear Derek is coming to the wedding. Len falls down the stairs at No. 9 whilst drunk.

Apr 17, 1977
Len has a sprained ankle. Rita makes him go to see a doctor. Rita's uncle Sam arrives to give her away. Annie helps Rita organise the reception at the Greenvale Hotel. Alf gets drunk with Sam and has a hangover on the wedding day. Elsie discovers the mark on her dress. She is very upset and decides not to go to the wedding. Rita and Len leave for the church with their respective attendants.

Apr 19, 1977
After a slight delay, Len and Rita become husband and wife in front of their friends and neighbours. Hilda whines about not being invited to the ceremony. Elsie is puzzled by the attentions of Ted at the reception.

Apr 24, 1977
Elsie gets the dress cleaned and gives the girls the bill. Fred agrees to take Mavis fishing at the weekend. He worries about being on his own with Mavis and gets Alf to join them. Deirdre wants to have Tracy christened, Ray doesn't see the point. Suzie and Gail entertain Rod and Kevin. Elsie is pleased when Ted Brownlow makes a date with her. She tells the girls they can't have the lads round. Ted provides expensive food for a meal with Elsie. They enjoy each other's company. Mavis gets Renee to make up a fishing foursome.

Apr 26, 1977
Alf, Fred, Mavis and Renee set off on their fishing trip. Deirdre refuses to listen to Ray over the christening. A hungry Suzie arranges a date between Ted Brownlow and Elsie hoping he'll bring food with him. Renee falls in the river. Mavis tries to rescue her and is pulled into the water, then Fred tries to retrieve his rod and also falls in. Ted arrives and takes Elsie alone out for Sunday lunch. Suzie is stunned. Reverend Copley, the vicar of St Luke's, tells Deirdre he won't baptise Tracy because the Langtons don't go to church.

May 01, 1977
Renee takes to her bed with flu. Bet looks after the shop. Ray is furious that the vicar has turned them away and is determined to have Tracy christened. When Bet has to work at the Rovers, Alf looks after the shop. Ena advises Deirdre to go to St. Mary's and see if they'll baptise Tracy. Blanche arrives to sort out the sale of her house. She tells Deirdre that she and Steve Bassett have had second thoughts. Mike hears Albert talking about the "Western Front" and decides it's the ideal name for the shop. Albert refuses the denim suit prize and asks for money instead. ...

May 03, 1977
Ken gives Tracy a silver rattle which Ena gave Peter and Susan and was given to her when she was christened. Mike gives Albert his denim suit prize. The Langtons, Blanche, Emily, Ken, Betty, Ena, Ernie and Annie attend Tracy's christening. Alf works at the shop during the day and at the GPO at night. When he catches Renee's cold she moves him into her bed. The Langtons throw a party for Tracy. Ena recites "Th'Art Welcome Little Bonny Brid". Bet finds Alf in Renee's bed.

May 08, 1977
The Faircloughs return from their honeymoon. Ray has redecorated the house for them. Mike uses pictures of Albert in the denim as a promotion. Hilda applies for the post of cleaner at the factory. Renee is pleased when Alf invites her to the pictures. Elsie gives Hilda the cleaner's job. She starts work straight away. Ted Brownlow plans to take Elsie out for a meal but Len arranges for them to have a meal at No.9 instead. Rita is furious.

May 10, 1977
Elsie's dress returns from the cleaners. She's annoyed as it's obvious that it's been cleaned. Rita spends the day preparing for the dinner party. Elsie wears the dress to the Faircloughs' house, annoying Rita who feels outdone. Hilda grows fascinated about how the sewing machines work and has a go on one. Ted is astonished when Rita tells him that Elsie has had three husbands. Mavis phones Len and hysterically tells him she won't be in work. Ted gives Elsie the brush-off.

May 15, 1977
Ray wants to enter Tracy in the Silver Jubilee Baby Contest but Deirdre refuses; it would be degrading. Rita and Len can't contact Mavis. Her Auntie Edie hasn't seen her all night. The residents get to Deirdre so she enters Tracy in the contest. Elsie and Suzie give up smoking. Mavis turns up in tears after having rowed with Auntie Edie. She has thrown her out and she's had to stay in a hotel. Rita tells her she can move into The Kabin flat. The residents decide to enter a float in the Jubilee parade. Len is annoyed that Rita has let the flat to Mavis as he had plans ...

May 17, 1977
Len tells Rita to get Mavis out of the flat. Rita tells Mavis there's a lot wrong with it. Hilda makes denim cleaning mittens from offcuts at the factory. She plans to make curtains on the machines. Emily suggests "Britain through the Ages" for the Silver Jubilee float. Elsie convinces Mavis that there's nothing wrong with the flat. Len tells Mavis the flat rent will be £10 a week, not £6. Tracy gets into the finals of the baby contest. Elsie refuses to enter the Glamorous Grannie contest. Mavis tells Len she wants to stay in the flat and threatens to take him to the ...

May 22, 1977
Elsie is furious when she sees the Gazette. Vera is pleased to be a finalist in the Glamorous Grannie contest. Elsie tells the girls she's sick of them interfering in her life. Ted Brownlow sees Elsie's picture in the Gazette and arranges a date with her; he realises what he's missing. They agree to put the past behind them. Ernie is given the job of organising the Street's Silver Jubilee float. Hilda runs up curtains at Baldwin's late at night. Elaine Dennett calls on Elsie and says she wants to talk about Alan Howard.

May 24, 1977
Elaine Dennett tells Elsie she works with Alan and they are having an affair. She asks her to give Alan a divorce so she can marry him. Eddie wants Hilda to go into business with him, making curtains. Elsie realises that Alan has been using her as an excuse not to marry Elaine. Eddie buys a load of curtain material off Tiny Stubbs. He and Hilda go into business. Elsie asks Ted's advice on the divorce. She realises Alan is conning Elaine and doesn't want to marry her. Ted advises her to tell Elaine the truth. She does but Elaine doesn't believe her. Elsie tells her she...

May 29, 1977
Alf's contact lets him down over the Street's Silver Jubilee float. Ernie is adamant that Emily is going to be Queen Elizabeth I. Emily wants to back down but Ernie refuses to let her. He tells Annie that she can't be Queen Bess. Annie is furious. Betty refuses to portray Britannia on the float. Emily fears that she's going to make a fool of herself. Annie gets the Brewery to provide a lorry for the float, on the condition that she plays Queen Bess.

May 31, 1977
The committee bribes Albert into playing Sherpa Tensing on the Silver Jubilee float. Bet agrees to play Britannia to get at Annie. Hilda is a late entry in the Glamorous Grannie Contest. Ken comperes the competitions at the Centre. Elsie drops out of the grannie contest. Dot Baker wins. Vera is annoyed that she isn't placed in the granny contest. Tracy wins the Bonny Jubilee Baby Contest. She is presented with a Jubilee crown piece, and the Langtons get a free weekend in London.

Jun 05, 1977
Deirdre tells Ray they're not going to London if they can't find someone to look after Tracy. Ray gets the Bishops to agree to look after her. Eddie and Ken talk Ena into being Queen Victoria on the Silver Jubilee float. Fred portrays Sir Francis Drake, with one of Jack Walker's bowls. Ernie is Walter Raleigh, Ken Sir Edmund Hillary and Eddie plays a caveman. Annie is Queen Elizabeth I. Emily is thrilled to have Tracy for a weekend. Stan has to move the lorry in the night and leaves the lights on. Deirdre refuses to have the Bishops looking after Tracy; they've never ...

Jun 07, 1977
Bet goes to the park to see the other Silver Jubilee floats, still dressed as Britannia. Ray tells the Bishops they're not going to London after all. Annie is annoyed when everyone blames her for getting a duff lorry from the Brewery. Alf informs everyone that it was Stan's fault. The residents demand a kangaroo court for Stan. Albert is the judge, Fred prosecutes and Eddie defends. Stan is found guilty and has to buy drinks all round. Ray arranges with Blanche to look after Tracy. Bet is highly commended in the fancy dress parade. Mike tells Elsie business is failing...

Jun 12, 1977
At the factory, Ivy is certain something is wrong with Mike. Mike tells Ernie and Elsie that there's a slump in the denim market. He orders Ernie to cut costs where he can and tells them not to mention anything to the girls. Betty worries about her finances when she can't pay the gas bill. Deirdre gets emotional over leaving Tracy with Blanche. Ivy tricks Ernie into telling her about the three-day week. Betty advertises her china cabinet for sale. Ivy leads the girls in a go-slow on an important order. The Bishops are hurt to discover the Langtons are going to London ...

Jun 14, 1977
Ivy tells Mike he can't take their work away from them. Betty worries as no one is interested in her china cabinet. Mike tells the girls that his London factory is already on a three-day week and if he doesn't divert some of the work he'll have to close it down. Ivy tells him the girls don't care what happens to the London factory and the two row. The Langtons' train back from London is delayed and they are stuck in Crewe. As Blanche has to return home, Ena babysits. Ray phones from the station but Ena trips over one of Tracy's toys and falls, knocking herself ...

Jun 19, 1977
Elsie and the Bishops become concerned by Tracy's incessant crying. Ray and Deirdre fret as they wait for their train to get moving. Alf offers to vet a potential buyer of Betty's china cabinet.

Jun 21, 1977
Arthur Stokes buys the cabinet. Albert makes a nuisance of himself at the hospital trying to find the truth about Ena's condition. The doctor tells him she is suffering from severe concussion and is slightly improving. Ivy wants the girls to form a workers co-operative, Vera isn't keen. Mike gets Suzie and Gail to model the new denim designs in front of Ivy and the girls to show them how good they are. He tells them to have faith in their work. He convinces them that only he will lift them out of the slump, and not a workers co-op. In the mean time they'll have to go ...

Jun 26, 1977
A student surveys the Street but Bet tells Annie that he's from the Council and is planning some redevelopments. Terry Bates turns up to see Rita. Ernie goes after a job as Accounts manager at P&V Cables. Terry tells Rita he's having hassle from Harry Bates' girlfriend, Doreen. She feels sorry for him. The Council decide not to improve the area around Coronation Street. Alf tries to keep the news secret. Len tells Rita not to worry about Terry. Annie goes to the Town Hall to find out if the Street is going to be demolished. She discovers that the Council voted against...

Jun 28, 1977
Len tells Rita to get rid of Terry Bates. The residents feel that Ena is too old to live at the Centre. Rita lies to Len and tells him she's told Terry to go. Mike assures Ernie that business will pick up. Eddie organises a visiting rota for when Ena returns. Len throws Terry out despite Rita begging him to let Terry stay.

Jul 03, 1977
Ena returns home, with Eddie taking care of her. Her legs are still weak. Mavis makes Rita realise that she's going to have to put Len first in everything in order to make their marriage work. Local man Les Fox chats Bet up. They arrange a date. She gets Renee to tag along for his friend Eric Bailey. Ena is furious to discover that Eddie has arranged to have a rota of residents looking after her all day and refuses their help. Councillor Tattersall pays a visit to the Street. He criticises the way Albert and Ena run the Centre. Rita tells Len she will always be ...

Jul 05, 1977
The Bishops, Alf, Len and Ken join forces to secure Ena's job. Bet and Renee prepare for a party in Ashton-under-Lyne with Les Fox and Eric Bailey. Rita and Mavis shut The Kabin for the afternoon to shop in Manchester, to spite Len. Councillor Tattersall tells Ena she has no right to live in the flat - it is council property and she doesn't do anything at the Centre. He tells her he's going to put her in an old folks' home. She begins to feel worried. Les and Eric make sure Bet and Renee have left for their "date" in Ashton before breaking into the shop. Emily sees ...

Jul 10, 1977
The police investigate the theft of £400 worth of stock and £15 cash from the shop. Renee feels she's made a fool of herself. In Elsie's absence, Suzie feels they should take a foreign student in, especially when she learns the Tech will pay £3 a night. Ray gives Ernie an estimate of £50 to decorate the bedroom. Detective Constable Burton suspects Eddie of being involved in the shop break-in. French student Roger Floriet arrives to stay at No. 11 for two weeks. Suzie and Gail both fall for him. Ray and Len are put out when the Brewery painters start work on the Rovers...

Jul 12, 1977
Gail throws herself at Roger Floriet but their intimate moments are ruined by Suzie. Roger can't decide which one of them to invite to France. Maurice Allen and Gary Hankins work at the Bishops' house when they should be at the Rovers. Ray sees them and is furious. He phones the Brewery and reports them for moonlighting. Maurice and Gary are sacked by the Brewery. Maurice goes for Ray but Len stops him. Maurice swears to get even with Ray. Roger can't choose between Suzie and Gail so he invites them both. The police tell Renee that Eric and Les Fox have been caught. ...

Jul 17, 1977
Elsie returns after having had a laugh in Newcastle with Alan Howard. Annie returns from visiting Joan Davies in Derby to find the draymen on strike and only half the Rovers decorated. Elsie has landed a buyer for Baldwin's. She likes the idea of being a full-time rep but Mike tells her she won't get the chance. The factory goes back to full-time operations. Stan is horrified that Annie might start beer rationing. Elsie tells Len that she'd like to get back together with Alan. Stan and Eddie brew beer in the bath at No. 13.

Jul 19, 1977
Annie is horrified as the drinkers leave because of the lack of beer in the Rovers. She is forced to ration the remaining beer. Renee has to go to Lancaster to look after her mother and she asks Betty to look after the shop. Annie is forced to buy all Renee's beer to sell at the Rovers, before discovering the strike is off. Stan and Eddie sell their beer until the Brewery can deliver. Ted Brownlow wants a date with Elsie but she puts him off. Hilda hears that brewing beer is illegal and pulls the plug out of the bath. She is horrified to discover it isn't illegal ...

Jul 24, 1977
Mavis makes Sunday lunch for Derek. Annie discovers £45 is missing - she is certain it's been stolen from her sewing basket. Mavis hears that Auntie Edie has had an attack. Mavis blames herself for not being with her. She fears going back to look after her as she'll never escape. Annie refuses to go to the police over the money. Mavis asks her cousin Ethel Platt to look after Auntie Edie but she refuses. Stan feels sick from all the homemade beer. Albert offers his allotment vegetables to Renee - she agrees to buy them market price. Annie locks the living room door. ...

Jul 26, 1977
Hilda gets the tandem out again but Stan refuses to go on it. Rita advises Mavis to put Auntie Edie in a home but she refuses. Elsie sees a solicitor over her divorce from Alan. Mavis resolves not to go back to Auntie Edie but knows she will. Derek challenges Ethel Platt but she is adamant she's not moving in with Auntie Edie; Mavis owes her Aunt for living rent-free all these years. Betty is angry when Annie gives Fred a key to the living room. She confronts her but Annie thinks she's lapsed into theft and recommends a psychiatrist. Stan borrows a car to give Hilda a...

Jul 31, 1977
Mavis moves back to look after Auntie Edie and takes time off work to do so. Betty looks after the shop whilst Renee looks after her mother in Lancaster. Edie makes Mavis run round after her. Annie is shocked to find Betty working at the shop. Betty feels victorious. After two predictions come true, Hilda's clairvoyance attracts attention. Edie and Ethel Platt gang up on Mavis. She feels trapped. The police tell Annie that the decorator Gary Hankins has admitted to making an impression of her key and stealing the £45. Annie is horrified.

Aug 02, 1977
Ena confronts Annie in the Rovers over the accusations laid at Betty's door. She tells Annie that there are rumours going round Weatherfield that Annie sacked Betty for dipping into the till. Annie demands to know who is the source of the rumours, and Ena informs her that the gossip is emanating from Nellie Harvey's lair, the Laughing Donkey. Annie is annoyed to realise that her own idle gossip with Nellie has been made public. Annie apologises to Betty but Betty isn't satisfied. Ethel Platt warns Auntie Edie that Mavis may marry Derek. Edie assures her she'll put a ...

Aug 07, 1977
Hilda tells Stan to sell the tandem for £12. Mike offers Eddie a labouring job at the factory but he refuses it. Albert tells Annie that he heard her on the telephone to Nellie Harvey telling her about Betty being a thief. Suzie and Gail are interested in the tandem but ask for a test-run. Albert tells Betty he'll swear in court that Annie slandered her. The girls buy the tandem off the Ogdens for £7. Len tells the Ogdens the bike is worth £100.

Aug 09, 1977
The Ogdens tell Suzie and Gail that they don't want to sell the tandem anymore. The girls refuse to hand the bike back. Len plans alterations to The Kabin flat, certain that Mavis will stay at Auntie Edie's house forever. Annie offers to make up with Betty but she's not interested. Eddie buys the tandem off the girls for £15. He tells the Ogdens he'll go halves with them when he sells it. Annie asks Betty to put a card up in the shop saying that she, Annie, has the utmost trust in Betty's honesty. Betty refuses to put it up; people will think she's dishonest. Eddie ...

Aug 14, 1977
Rita has to work longer hours at the Kabin whilst Mavis is running around after Auntie Edie. Hilda orders new clothes whilst waiting for her share of the tandem money. Mavis leaves Ethel Platt looking after Edie whilst she goes out with Derek. He tells Mavis that Edie is taking advantage of her. The Yard gets an unexpected big cheque from a bankrupt firm so Ray and Len plan a big night out. Hilda refuses to believe the demolition story - she feels that Stan and Eddie are keeping the money from her and demands her share. Deirdre is not happy with Ray getting only 40% ...

Aug 16, 1977
Hilda searches No. 13 for the tandem money. Ethel Platt accuses Mavis of making Auntie Edie worse by carrying on with Derek. Ken and Albert prepare for a visit from Peter Barlow. Edie begs Mavis not to leave her on her own but Mavis worries about losing her job. Deirdre pushes Ray into tackling Len for a 50% partnership at the Builder's Yard. Len refuses. Rita makes Mavis work until 7.00pm to make up for all the hassle she's caused. Hilda takes possession of her new clothes. Eddie produces the tandem's bell as proof of its fate. Deirdre accuses Ray of being scared of ...

Aug 21, 1977
Mavis blames herself for Auntie Edie's death. Derek supports her at the funeral. Peter Barlow arrives for a couple of weeks. He and Ken feel like strangers to each other. Rita, Emily and Alf attend Edie's funeral. They are horrified at the way Ethel Platt puts Mavis and Derek down. Rita rows with Ethel over her hypocrisy in not looking after Edie. Deirdre refuses to let Rita dictate as to how much money Ray gets. Mavis tells Derek that Edie told her she was leaving everything to her in her will.

Aug 23, 1977
Ray tells Len he wants a 50-50 partnership. Len refuses and tells him that he can always leave if he doesn't like the set up. Albert is annoyed when his home-made kite fails to fly. He enjoys telling Peter about the War. Ken is too busy at work to spend time with Peter who tells him that he'd like to go walking in the Peak District - Ken agrees to take him. Rita warns Len not to give Ray more money; she'll never forgive him. Len worries that Ray may leave the Yard and take Deirdre with him. Deirdre pushes Ray to leave the Yard and set up in competition against Len. ...

Aug 28, 1977
Renee returns to the shop. When Mike has a flat tyre, Steve Fisher, a customer in the Western Front, changes it for him. An impressed Mike offers him a job. Ken and Peter leave on a walking outing in the Peak District. Eddie tries to get Annie interested in a new carpet but she tells him she doesn't trust him. Steve lies to Mike and says he has no qualifications. Mike gets the truth from him that he has too many qualifications to land a job. Mike takes him on as a driver. Eddie tells Annie the carpet will be monogrammed in gold. Ken falls down a ravine and crushes his...

Aug 30, 1977
Peter scrambles about the Peak District countryside trying to reach help whilst Ken lies in agony. Peter gets lost on the moors and has to spend the night in the open. Albert worries about Ken and Peter when they don't return home. Renee tells Betty that she can't keep her on full-time. Peter stops a car and tells the mountain rescue people about Ken's state. He helps them in their search for Ken. Gail is pleased that Steve will be working with them. The rescue team find Ken and take him to hospital. Eddie shows Annie a sample of the carpet. She likes it and gives him...

Sep 04, 1977
Ken returns home with torn ligaments. Annie is annoyed that Betty shows no sign of returning to the Rovers. She interviews mousy Dawn Perks for the job and takes her on. The mountain rescue team praise Peter for his level-headedness. Annie's new carpet is laid. She gladly pays £71 for it. Ken decides to ask Peter if he'd like to return permanently. Dawn turns up for work transformed in a low-cut dress. Bet is put out.

Sep 06, 1977
Ken asks Peter if he and Susan would like to live in Weatherfield. Bet and Dawn Perks clash behind the bar. Peter can't decide whether or not to live with Ken. He tells Ken he'd like to but Ken feels he's not sure. Annie plans to visit Billy in Jersey. She asks Bet to get on with Dawn in her absence. Ken tells Peter he knows that he doesn't want to live with him. Peter says he'd miss Glasgow too much. Annie goes to Jersey leaving Bet in charge. Bet orders an annoyed Dawn to empty the ashtrays.

Sep 11, 1977
Mavis is given notice to quit the house by Auntie Edie's bank. She looks forward to moving back to the Kabin flat, especially now Len has made alterations to it. Suzie and Gail persuade Steve to take them on a delivery trip to Southport on their half-day. Bet is annoyed when Mike makes a play for Dawn Perks. Steve is hooked on Suzie but she is indifferent; Gail however, throws herself at him. Len wants £15 a week rent for the flat now it has a separate entrance and is horrified when Mavis moves back. The girls delay Steve from making the delivery. Betty spies out Dawn...

Sep 13, 1977
Mike hears that Steve has not made the Southport delivery. Steve and the girls try to free the van from the sand. With the tide coming in they empty the van of the gear. Mike and Dawn Perks enjoy their date. Steve moves the van by letting down all the tyres. The clothes from the van are covered in sand. Steve returns to the Street, he tells Mike what happened and is sacked. Mavis looks for somewhere to live when Len tells her she can't have The Kabin flat. She tells Rita she will no longer be able to do the morning papers. Steve gets a week's pay in lieu of notice. He...

Sep 18, 1977
Annie returns from Jersey. Hilda discovers Annie's carpet is a cut-off from the Alhambra Weatherfield Bingo Hall, hence the monogram "AW". Bet warns her not to tell Annie. Betty agrees to return to the Rovers as senior barmaid. Annie decides to throw a sherry morning for the Lady Victuallers to show off the carpet. Alf helps Renee with her VAT. Elsie is furious when Rita refuses to refund her for a pair of tights when they ladder. Rita is livid when Len gives Elsie another pair. Alf takes Renee for a ride in the country.

Sep 20, 1977
As Annie prepares for her sherry party, Bet ponders whether to reveal the true source of her new carpet. Renee cooks a meal for Alf. Len rejects a singing job for Rita without consulting her.

Sep 25, 1977
Mavis returns from holidaying in the Isle of Man. Mike tells Elsie to move Terri Clayton up to the machine room from packing. She starts her as a learner. Alf and Renee enjoy the fact that people are talking about them. Rita discovers that Len has told Ralph Lancaster she isn't singing anymore. Ralph offers her three nights work. Mavis reveals Derek spent a day with her on holiday. Ivy feels it's suspicious that Terri is a learner as Mike doesn't like training people up. Renee is embarrassed by Alf's attention. Rita tells Len she's considering Ralph's offer.

Sep 27, 1977
Alf tells Len that he's serious about Renee. Ivy tells Elsie the machinists want Terri Clayton to go back to packing; she doesn't do any work. Len is angry when Rita lunches with Ralph Lancaster. Len tells Ralph to keep away from Rita. Ivy rows with Terri for the slackness. Elsie tells Mike that there's trouble brewing in the machine room over his girlfriend Terri.

Oct 02, 1977
Len tells Rita that she can sing at the Gatsby Club for the one night. Vera and Ivy have enough of Terri Clayton's flirting with Mike. Mike tells Terri not to make things difficult for him at the factory. Ernie agrees to be Rita's pianist for the charity function at the Gatsby. Terri's work is rejected as being below standard. Terri accuses Ivy of not teaching her right. Elsie threatens to walk out unless Mike removes Terri. Mike tries to tell Terri off but she wears him down by nibbling his ear.

Oct 04, 1977
Vera finds Terri Clayton writing a love letter to Mike. Ivy worries that Terri's slow work will affect the girl's bonuses. Mike tries to get rid of Terri but she threatens him with a tribunal and accuses him of treating her like a tart. Ivy tells the girls that if Mike can't get rid of Terri they will. Renee makes Alf get rid of his bowler hat; he looks younger without it. The girls scare Terri off. She leaves the factory. Alf, Renee, Gail, Ray, Deirdre, Len, Stan and Hilda go to see Rita at the Gatsby Club. The Rovers' bar flap falls on Ernie's hand when a Darts ...

Oct 09, 1977
Now sober, Alf and Renee aren't sure where they stand with each other. Suzie is going out with a clerk called Robin. Bob Birchall arrives with the news that Suzie's mother has left him. Suzie tells Bob she's glad Margaret's left him - she should have done it years ago. Renee is upset that Alf is avoiding her. Bet tells her that Alf is telling people that they are engaged.

Oct 11, 1977
Gail is puzzled at the easy way Suzie has taken the news that her mother has left home. She feels sorry for Bob Birchall. Alf has enough of everyone teasing him about Renee. Renee and Alf assure each other that they weren't serious about marrying. He feels lonely as it's his birthday. Suzie gets in contact with her mother and promises not to tell Bob where she is. She tells Gail that Bob only wants a skivvy. When Gail questions why Suzie left her mother in Bob's "clutches" Suzie slaps her face. Bob tries to force Suzie to return home with him and look after him. She ...

Oct 16, 1977
Deirdre starts keep-fit classes at Bessie Street School. Annie is annoyed when the gas board sends her a final demand when she's already paid the bill. Annie is furious to discover Hilda has seen the bill and Stan thinks she can't afford his window money. Suzie is furious when she hears Bob Birchall has told Ernie she's leaving the shop. She packs and tells Elsie that she's going somewhere where Bob won't be able to find her. Elsie advises her to stay and fight, and she'll fight with her. Suzie breaks down.

Oct 18, 1977
Bet and Betty endeavour to keep the party a surprise for Annie. Suzie's father comes looking for her but Elsie and Steve see him off. Deirdre is followed and molested on the way home from her keep-fit class.

Oct 23, 1977
Bet and Mike agree to bury the hatchet. Deirdre breaks down and tells Ray she doesn't want to bring the police in. She has a bruised head and ripped clothes. She becomes hysterical and tells Emily that the man tried to rape her. Suzie fancies Billy. Deirdre doesn't want the police because of their questions. Billy calls on Deirdre and sees Tracy. Deirdre tells Emily she thinks she knows who the man is. Hilda buys Renee's old washing machine. Stan is appalled that she spent £20 on it.

Oct 25, 1977
Hilda's washing machine breaks down. Emily tells Ray that Deirdre knows who her attacker was. Harry Brown, the repair man, finds a button in the machine and gives Hilda a £6 bill for his troubles. Ray forces Deirdre to tell him that the man tried to rape her. She tells him she feels dirty and refuses to tell him who she thinks the man is. Mike invites Bet out for a meal but she refuses. Annie is upset that Billy is going back to Jersey so soon. Stan thinks that Hilda can take in washing to make some extra money. The paper carries a report of a man attacking another ...

Oct 30, 1977
Hilda is furious when Stan expects her to take in washing. Annie's cousin Charles Beaumont arrives. She is delighted. Mr Pritchard calls to tell the Ogdens that they've won third prize in a "Loving Cup Shandies" competition - a second honeymoon night in a five-star hotel with £25 spending money. Deirdre worries about being left on her own in the house. Hilda reveals her winning slogan: "Be a mistress as well as a wife and your husband'll still be your boyfriend." Stan doesn't want to go and suggests she goes on her own. She tells him that he's going - even if she has ...

Nov 01, 1977
Deirdre can't bear to have Ray touch her. Renee gives Charles Beaumont credit as he's a relation of Annie's. Deirdre refuses to return to work or leave the house. Annie is annoyed when Charles flirts with Elsie. Alf lends Charles £15 to take Annie out for a meal.

Nov 06, 1977
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 08, 1977
Ray feels out of his depth with Deirdre. Annie persuades Fred to return to the Rovers. She moves Charles Beaumont into the pub so she can keep an eye on him. Annie discovers that Charles has conned other members of her family. Ray tells Len that he's at the end of his tether - Deirdre's turning against him. Annie asks Charles to leave and makes sure he pays his debts.

Nov 13, 1977
The Ogdens go on their second honeymoon, driven there in a limousine and waved off by the residents. Hilda enjoys the luxurious room while Stan enjoys the drinks cabinet. She stops him watching the TV and tries to make him see how other people live. They have champagne and kiss. Deirdre agrees to go out for a meal with Ray. He is pleased when she says she's had enough of moping. Hilda has plans for the night but Stan falls asleep.

Nov 15, 1977
Mr. St John, the hotel manager, presents Hilda with a bouquet of flowers. The Ogdens leave the hotel after Hilda has made the bed. Emily has to work and can't babysit for the Langtons. Ray is furious and tells Deirdre they're still going out. Returning home, Hilda feels that Cinderella has turned into a pumpkin. Ray gets Gail to babysit but when Gail tells Deirdre she looks sexy, Deirdre refuses to go. Ray tells her that she's going mad and walks out. Deirdre leaves Tracy crying and leaves the house.

Nov 20, 1977
Ray finds Deirdre has gone, Emily takes care of Tracy. Ray searches for Deirdre. Suzie says she saw her heading towards the canal. Gail tries to get Steve to take her to a disco but he wants to be with Suzie. Ray contacts the police. The menfolk bet Mike he won't take out the first woman to enter the Rovers; it is Suzie. He takes them up and arranges a date with her. Deirdre stands on a bypass bridge, contemplating suicide.

Nov 22, 1977
The Bishops take care of Ray and search for Deirdre. Ray reports Deirdre missing to the police. A Lorry Driver brings Deirdre out of herself by asking for directions. The police look for Deirdre. Ray worries that Deirdre is so depressed she will kill herself. Steve overhears Mike going on about the bet to take Suzie out. Deirdre returns home after two hours. Ray's relief takes the form of anger. Suzie looks forward to her date with Mike. Gail feels sorry for Steve. Deirdre tells Ray that she wasn't going to return, that she couldn't trust anything or anyone anymore. ...

Nov 27, 1977
Elsie's phone is cut off. She is furious as it was Suzie and Gail's turn to pay the bill. Steve worries that Suzie will get hurt by Mike. When Gail refuses to tell her about the bet, Steve does. Mavis feels put upon by the Faircloughs. Derek advises her to use Auntie Edie's money as a deposit on a house of her own. They go house hunting. Suzie stands Mike up and is annoyed that Gail didn't tell her about the bet. Mavis goes to the building society to see if she could get a mortgage. Eddie tries to sell turkeys for Christmas. Mr Irwin at the building society tells ...

Nov 29, 1977
Elsie pays the phone bill and demands £10 off each of the girls. Mavis and Derek view a house owned by Mrs Ashbrook with a view to a joint mortgage. They fall in love with it. Suzie shows Mike she is interested in him. The building society agrees to give Mavis and Derek a 90% mortgage to buy the £6,000 house. Elsie threatens to cut the phone lead with scissors if the girls don't give her £20. They pay up. Rita tells Mavis that the joint mortgage is obviously Derek's way of proposing.

Dec 04, 1977
Ruby Green of Inkerman Street demands her washing back from Stan and she tells Hilda he took it in for £1 to wash. A furious Hilda tells Stan that she's not the one doing the washing. Rita agrees to sing at the Gatsby Club again. She is annoyed when Len says he'll go with her and take Elsie. Hilda washes and irons Ruby's clothes but she is amazed at her own weakness. She has to go to work at the factory and doesn't have time to tell Stan it's done. He puts it all in the machine again. Len and Elsie decide not to go to the Gatsby and get drunk together at No.9. Rita is...

Dec 06, 1977
The Ogdens' washing machine breaks so Stan has to clean Ruby Green's washing by hand. Suzie and Gail get more money in their wage packets. Suzie thinks it's because Mike fancies her. Fred suspects that Len is two-timing Rita with Elsie because of the atmosphere between them. The washing gets soaked as it is rained on. Hilda enjoys Stan and Eddie's anguish. Rita tells Len that she trusts him but she'll never let him alone. Stan returns the washing and Ruby pays him £1. Fred tells Rita that the neighbours are talking about Len and Elsie and offers her comfort. Mike ...

Dec 11, 1977
Bet bets Hilda £1 that she can't find out the real story of the relationship between Len, Elsie and Rita. Derek tells Mavis that he wants to buy the house because it will be a good investment. Hilda accuses Elsie of breaking up the Faircloughs' marriage. Annie invites Alf for Christmas dinner - he tries to get out of it but can't. The building society valuator gives the house the all-clear and Mavis celebrates. Suzie goes out with Mike. Rita tells Len that she's sick of hearing people going on about him and Elsie. Gail tells Suzie she's riding for a fall.

Dec 13, 1977
Eddie wants to advertise in the Kabin window for a girlfriend but Rita refuses to let him. Derek discovers people are talking about him and Mavis setting up house together. Suzie doesn't know where she stands with Mike as he didn't try anything after their meal. Fred refuses to serve Elsie. She realises that her flirtation with Len is getting out of hand. Suzie is triumphant when Mike asks her out again. She refuses a romantic meal and says she wants to go to a disco. Derek tells Mavis he's being moved to another area and will need his money; he can't buy the house. ...

Dec 18, 1977
Steve and Mike are both put out when Suzie brings a lad to the factory's Christmas party. Ken prepares for the show at the Community Centre. Mavis pours her heart out to Rita.

Dec 20, 1977
Ken calls on the residents' talents in order to salvage his show for the OAPs. Mike grows touchy about the age gap between him and Suzie. Rita extends a surprising invitation.

Dec 25, 1977
The Ogdens entertain Eddie for Boxing Day lunch. Rita and Elsie make a masterful effort to be civil to one another. The Langtons return home and appear to be on much better terms.

Dec 27, 1977
The Langtons throw a Christmas party at Number 5. Eddie recruits Albert to help him sell the frozen turkeys. Hostilities between Fred and Len reach boiling point.
Coronation Street Season 19 (1977) is released on Jan 02, 1977 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Helen Worth.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.