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Episodes (104)

Jan 03, 1965
Ken is livid about the story in the paper, annoyed that David has let the family down even though he was always viewed as the golden boy. A bad-tempered Len bickers with Jack and Annie over the story. Stan has been put off David by the allegations. Minnie wonders what Wormold wants with Ena. Hilda has doubts about Stan and Charlie's wastepaper business. Ken wants to have the matter out with David but Val doesn't want any rows in her condition. David and Irma return from a night out. Stan refuses to let her bring David into No. 13. Ken and Val are plagued by reporters ...

Jan 05, 1965
Elsie forms a plan to squeeze her repair costs out of Wormold. The Barlows are ostracised due to David's alleged bribe. Ena hints to Minnie about her inheritance.

Jan 10, 1965
Elsie is in a bad mood about Ena and takes it out on Dennis. Elsie knows that Ena will have something up her sleeve and determines to get in first. She's thrown when Ena is friendly to her and disarms her. Elsie nevertheless gives her a list of repairs she wants doing to No.11. Hilda is furious when Stan fills the house with paper. Albert gets the name of a paper merchant that Stan can do business with. Irma is still off with Stan for the way he treated David. Emily hands out leaflets for the Gamma Garments January sale and drops hints that Swindley has a great ...

Jan 12, 1965
Jack tells Albert, Stan and Charlie about Ena's mysterious intervention. Mrs Ainsworth calls at 15 Mawdsley Street. She lets rip at Len about his supposed disgusting history of boozing and womanising. Len is mystified at what she means and matters aren't helped when Irma turns up, flaunting herself at him to win her bet with Dennis. Seeing the time isn't right, she makes a hasty retreat and Mrs Ainsworth also leaves with a lecture about God-fearing to Len. He's happier when a glamourous blonde called April turns up. Hilda sells the paper to Bernie Sparks, the paper ...

Jan 17, 1965
Swindley puts the prizes in the lucky dip barrel in the middle of the shop with a gents' watch being the star prize. Ena takes Minnie to task for failing to spot Norma Gee moving in with Len. Norma is pleased with her room and says she'll make no demands on Len. Annie is pleased that Len turned down April. Norma runs Len off his feet making him re-arrange the furniture and tidy up. Stan and Albert make a pretence of calling on Len to see about going to Saturday's football match but their real intention is to size up Norma. Len sees right through them. He is forced to ...

Jan 19, 1965
Dennis worries about the rent rise but Elsie cites an identical situation where Dot Greenhalgh's sister-in-law won her case in court. Ena tries to find out from Stuart what the committee's decision is likely to be but he's unable to assist. She sends Minnie out to find out what the Bold Street Mission's attendances are like. Len continues to enjoy Norma's food. She and Elsie take a dislike to each other when she calls on Len. Harry calls into the Rovers to see if there's been any news of Norma. Jack refuses to let Annie tell him anything. Dennis overhears the lady's ...

Jan 24, 1965
Ena wonders if there's been any sign of activity from the Tanners. Dennis tells Elsie about the notice. Elsie is calm, deciding not to row with Ena but to get everyone on their side. The clasp on Annie's gold bracelet is broken. Elsie starts her campaign with Annie, telling her "in confidence" that Ena is evicting them in four weeks. Annie immediately starts to spread the news, opining that the Tanners are being victimised. She enters a lucky dip in Gamma Garments and wins a back-scratcher. Mr. Swindley and Miss Nugent are told about the eviction. Charlie thinks about...

Jan 26, 1965
Elsie and Dennis prepare Number 11 for Ena's inspection. Stan enquires about getting a milk round. Lucille lies to Annie about where she will be spending the day.

Jan 31, 1965
Ena feels depressed and old after her fight with Elsie. Not looking forward to arguing when collecting rent, she gives the job to Minnie for a shilling in the pound commission and sends her to get this week's. Elsie is similarly depressed as she realises she's getting old and heading towards nothing, only happy to have Dennis to keep her company. She pays her rent with no fuss when Minnie calls but insists on the window being repaired. When Minnie's gone, Elsie breaks down. Swindley is given hints by Mr Papagopolous that he may be promoted to area manager for Gamma ...

Feb 02, 1965
Jerry avoids prying questions about his circumstances. Swindley spends a final day at Gamma before taking up his promotion. Ena sells Number 11 back to Wormold.

Feb 07, 1965
Jerry tells Len that the baby he and Myra were expecting died prematurely. Florrie agrees to him having the shop flat. Stan gets a job as milkman but has to get up at 4.00am. Ken and Albert go to court for Willie Piggott's case. Jerry moves into the flat and feels very alone. Piggott's bail is set at £100 and the case is put up for the Crown Court. Ken is annoyed when David sends him £5 for his keep over Christmas. He then reads that David has been cleared over the bribe. Florrie is shocked when her husband Norman tracks her down.

Feb 09, 1965
Florrie tells Norman she regrets not going to India with him. Word spreads that Florrie is not a widow. Florrie is relieved when Norman is not after a divorce. Charlie gets a job as an insurance man but needs to find £50 deposit money. Norman tells Florrie he wants them to get back together. He tells her he has to go to Iceland for a while then to Canada for two years. Ena tells Charlie she'll lend him the £50 so that he can afford to pay his rent to Minnie.

Feb 14, 1965
Florrie introduces Norman to Elsie and the other residents. Emily seeks a volunteer driving instructor. Charlie starts working in the Coronation Street area.

Feb 16, 1965
Norman grows closer to Elsie as they spend time together. Emily bamboozles Ken into accompanying her on a driving lesson. Annie tries to give Florrie a warning.

Feb 21, 1965
Len asks Irma to provide Jerry with some diverting company. Florrie enjoys having a man in her life again. Elsie meets Norman in secret at his hotel.

Feb 23, 1965
Florrie decides to go to Canada and thanks Elsie for helping her to see that she had to grasp the opportunity. Norman tells Elsie that she should be the one going to Canada. They say goodbye. Norman leaves for Iceland.

Feb 28, 1965
Val tells Ken she won't be coming to the staff dinner as she'd feel uncomfortable. He refuses to listen. Val starts to close down the salon, planning to sell all the equipment. Emily has her first professional driving lesson and hurts her leg when trying to avoid another car. George Dickinson looks for Jerry, wanting to know if he's going to return to Myra. Ken goes to the staff dinner alone.

Mar 02, 1965
Lucille is given the part of the maid in "Way of the World", in a joint production with the boys' Grammar School. Emily's instructor Mr. Hopwood takes her out for a coffee. George Dickinson accuses Jerry of having an affair with Irma. Jerry refuses to return and is chased for the £30 he owes him. Len writes Mr. Dickinson a cheque and he leaves.

Mar 07, 1965
The Walkers discover a leaking pipe in the Rovers' cellar. Elsie's bad mood results in a row at work. Hilda suspects Stan of playing away from home.

Mar 09, 1965
Elsie relishes the leisure that being unemployed affords. Hilda hounds Stan for the identity of his mystery woman. Annie fears that Lucille has acquired an unsuitable boyfriend.

Mar 14, 1965
Annie prepares to cast a disapproving eye over Lucille's friend Roger. Elsie fights nerves as she attends a job interview. Emily contemplates a new look.

Mar 16, 1965
Lucille refuses to eat meat to Annie's annoyance. Val worries as no one wants to buy her salon equipment. Emily is horrified to discover that Elsie is her new assistant at Gamma Garments. Hilda feels sure Stan is playing away when he disappears for the afternoon. Roger Wain enlists Lucille to help him look after elderly people. Stan turns up at home with a black eye.

Mar 21, 1965
Hilda becomes convinced that all the evidence points to Stan's infidelity. The Barlows receive a pram for the imminent arrival. Swindley checks on Elsie and Emily's compatibility.

Mar 23, 1965
Val doesn't want anyone else to know she's having twins, but lets it slip to Elsie and Ena. Hilda confronts Stan at Mrs. Sugden's house as he eats there. She discovers Mrs Sugden is a little old lady who Stan keeps company in the mornings. Emily drives the wrong way down a one-way street whilst out with Swindley. Ena spreads the word about the twins. Albert is annoyed he wasn't told first. Val pacifies him by asking him to be a Godfather. PC Conway lets Emily off for the driving offence but he wants to see Swindley's licence. He discovers that his licence has expired.

Mar 28, 1965
Everyone thinks that Leonard Swindley will be prosecuted. Swindley and Emily receive a summons. Ken and Val Barlow prepare for the birth of their twins. Swindley discovers the notorious "Strangeways Stan" is to be the magistrate.

Mar 30, 1965
Swindley and Emily worry about what Mr Papagopolous will say about the case. Ken asks Irma to cook for him in Val's absence but Val ropes in Ena instead. The residents go to court to watch the proceedings. Emily pleads guilty. The Magistrate sympathises with her and fines her £5. He threatens to send Swindley to prison for a month but only fines him £20. The newspaper carries the report: "Magistrate Attacks Local Preacher". Val goes into labour.

Apr 04, 1965
Ken nervously awaits news of Val's delivery of the twins. Swindley's plight makes the front page of the newspaper. Piggott approaches Len with a proposition.

Apr 06, 1965
Willie Piggott asks Len to help him convert six old houses into thirty-six flats in Blackburn. Len doesn't like the idea of working away from home. Arnold Jenkinson cancels the supermarket deal with Len. Len discovers Piggott told Jenkinson that Len wouldn't have time for the job. The Barlows decide on Susan Ida and Peter as names. Len realises he is in a rut in Weatherfield and wonders what to do.

Apr 11, 1965
Len plans to spend some time in Nottingham with Jerry running the Builder's Yard. The residents buy the Barlows a pram set. Val returns, with Peter and Susan still in hospital putting on weight. Willie Piggott shows Len the houses. Len tells him that he'll decide before he goes to Nottingham. Piggott tells Elsie he's sure Len will go in with him as Len has nothing going for him in Weatherfield. Len thinks of offering Jerry a partnership when he gets back from Nottingham. Piggott is angry with the news that Len won't be working with him.

Apr 13, 1965
Piggott asks Elsie for a date but she turns him down. Val's offended when Uncle Albert tells her that she's put a bit of weight on since having the twins. Len goes to Blackburn on business. He calls in a local pub for a pint but finds the locals very unfriendly and has second thoughts about working there. Ken suggests to Val they should look at moving away and buying a semi-detached house now they've got twins but Val says she'd rather stay where they are where they've plenty of friends. Len tells Piggott that the Blackburn deal is off. Piggott calls in the Yard and ...

Apr 18, 1965
Willie Piggott taps Ena for information about Jerry. David is injured in a football match and is carried off the field. Piggott takes Elsie to watch football in the director's box. Lucille gets involved with Roger Wain helping OAPs. Piggott offers Jerry the Blackburn job.

Apr 20, 1965
David has torn ligament. Val persuades Ken to end the feud and write to him. Willie Piggott gives Jerry money to repay what he owes Len so that he is free of commitments. Jerry decides to close the Yard and go to Blackburn. David phones and asks to stay with the Barlows. Val doesn't think there'll be any room. Albert agrees to put him up. Jerry leaves everything in Jack's hands and leaves. Everyone is cold towards him.

Apr 25, 1965
Peter and Susan come home. Lucille finds it difficult persuading the OAP's she wants to help them. At Gerald's Salon, Dennis is humoured by his posh customers. David arranges a date with Irma as soon as he returns. He gives Albert four tickets for the Cup Final. David tells Ken he's bored with football and has given it up. Albert sells two of his tickets to Stan and Charlie. Hilda holds on to Stan's until he does some jobs around the house.

Apr 27, 1965
Ken and Val find it hard to cope with Peter and Susan's crying. Albert, Charlie and Stan get ready for the match. Minnie's television packs in and she worries that she won't be able to watch the match. Dennis' posh clients, Caroline Critchley and Jane Maxwell invite him to Oulton Park motor racing circuit in Cheshire for a laugh. The residents gather in the Barlows' parlour to watch the match.

May 02, 1965
Dennis is certain that Caroline Critchley fancies him. Elsie thinks she must be kinky. Albert and Charlie return after losing Stan in Soho. He gets into a fight with a Leeds supporter, misses his train and has to hitch home. Lucille's sixteenth birthday arrives and the Walkers ask her to call them Auntie and Uncle. Len returns to discover Jerry has left. The Cheshire set amuse themselves with Dennis. Lucille wishes that the Hewitts would return. The set take Dennis for a ride.

May 04, 1965
Elsie tries to make Dennis see that his "friends" are taking him for a fool. Irma feels out of place at David's favourite jazz club. Lucille feels she has seen the last of Roger Wain because of the class difference. Len confides in Dennis that as a lad he fell in with the same sort of crowd and ended up fighting with them. Hilda finds a cigarette packet stuffed with money lying on the bar and keeps it, not knowing it's Charlie's.

May 09, 1965
Charlie can't find his £20. Emily has her last driving lesson with Mr. Hopwood. Charlie fears he's running out of time as his insurance books have to be right. Hilda spends £6, 19/6 on a two-piece. David sulks about the fact that Irma works nights in the Rovers. They row and she tells him that he should take someone else out. The cigarette packet is found empty.

May 11, 1965
Charlie takes the day off sick. Hilda tries to replace the £6 in vain. Irma tells David that she's cheap and common and if he doesn't like it he can find someone else. Emily passes her driving test. Hilda tries to get her money back on the two-piece but can't. David and Irma make up. Charlie's boss sends a message saying he'll be calling round to check the books.

May 16, 1965
Hilda breaks down, not knowing what to do about the money. The residents prepare for the royal visit at Granston Technical College. Charlie's supervisor, Mr Kirby, checks his books. When he hears about the money he tells Charlie he wants him to see the area manager. The police are called in. Emily has to cancel her European holiday when her friend lets her down. She has a laugh at Len's expense by agreeing to go with him instead. Charlie's boss suspects him of using the money to go to the Cup Final. Hilda breaks down and confesses to Irma.

May 18, 1965
Minnie offers to sell her television for Charlie but he refuses to let her. The area prepares for the Queen's visit. There's a burst water-main so the procession has to be changed to come down Coronation Street. Ena organises the decorations and the Council provide window boxes. Minnie prepares No. 5 in case the Queen pops in. The leak is repaired and the Queen is directed back along Rosamund Street. The residents watch and Ken is presented to her at the Tech. Charlie leaves the Street at midnight.

May 23, 1965
Minnie misses Charlie. Val tries to organise the Christening party for Peter and Susan. Ken feels they shouldn't be christened. Minnie covers up for Charlie with his boss. Norman Lindley returns from Iceland. Albert discovers that Charlie is still doing his insurance round. Florrie sends bills to all her credit customers demanding immediate payments. She advertises the shop for sale in the paper. Albert finds Charlie singing in "The Red Lion".

May 25, 1965
Albert relays his discovery of Charlie's whereabouts. The Barlows celebrate the twins' christening. Ena believes that Florrie will struggle once away from the street.

May 30, 1965
The identity of the shop's prospective new owner causes excitement in the street. Emily takes over from Swindley at the Mission. David receives a lucrative career opportunity.

Jun 01, 1965
Lionel Petty fails to make a good first impression on his customers. Florrie feels sentimental about leaving the street. Dennis learns of Sandra's matrimonial designs on him.

Jun 06, 1965
Ena contacts the solicitors named in the advert and is told someone will contact her soon. Lionel upsets the customers by showing them no civility. Len takes Elsie to Belle Vue for the day. Ken thinks of buying a house with a garden but Val doesn't think she can cope with a move. Emily organises a Street outing to the Blue John Mines. Ena receives a visit from her great-nephew, Tom Schofield, from the USA.

Jun 08, 1965
Ena learns about her extended family and receives a surprising invitation. Lionel refuses to mix socially with his customers. Val objects to Ken always leaving her minding the twins.

Jun 13, 1965
Ena applies for a passport. The residents boycott the shop. David starts a football gossip column in the Weatherfield Advertiser for £5 a week. Irma bunks off work to get away from Lionel. Lionel confronts Ena over his lack of trade. When he insults her, Tom threatens to throw him out. Ena is vaccinated and has her passport photo taken. Len refuses to accept drinks from Tom and walks out of the Rovers when Elsie accepts one.

Jun 15, 1965
Emily advises Lionel to take a personal interest in his customers. Sandra plans a party for her birthday, with Dennis as the main guest. Ena and Elsie accuse Len of being jealous over Tom. Lionel starts getting on better with the residents. Len apologises to Tom. Ena discovers she'll be going to America in four days.

Jun 20, 1965
It is Sandra's nineteenth birthday and she is upset when Dennis tells her he can't go to the party because of work. Stan stops smoking to spend more money on drink. Dennis' work lecture is cancelled so he has to go to the party. Lucille takes Roger Wain to the party where Sandra foils all Dennis' attempts to escape. Stan goes back on the cigarettes. Ena grows sentimental about seeing her brother again.

Jun 22, 1965
Minnie gets emotional about Ena's departure for Nebraska. Dennis grows disconcerted by Sandra's attentions. Stan nods off in the Rovers after a sleepless night.

Jun 27, 1965
Emily panics when the coach company mixes up her booking for the Rovers' trip. Dennis begins to enjoy Sandra's adulation. Lucille asks Harry if she can remain with the Walkers upon leaving school.

Jun 29, 1965
Emily leads the outing to the Blue John Mines in Castleton. David and Irma declare their feelings for one another. Harry spends the day with Lucille before leaving for Ireland.

Jul 04, 1965
David and Irma's engagement meets with some scepticism. Dennis resolves to quit his job and find a better one. Albert feels depressed at scraping by on his meagre pension.

Jul 06, 1965
Jack enters for the bowling President's cup. Albert asks around for odd jobs to earn extra money. Dennis has an interview for Pepper's Salon. He discovers his diploma is a private one and won't get him work anywhere but Gerald's. Elsie is annoyed because of the £65 it cost her. Dennis walks out on Gerald. Val goes down with chickenpox.

Jul 11, 1965
Val has to stay away from Peter and Susan for two weeks. Hilda tries to push her way in but Ken shows her the door. Irma feels she's not sure about marrying into the Barlow family.

Jul 13, 1965
Elsie makes Dennis do the housework. David is annoyed when Irma goes dancing without him. He orders her not to do it again and she returns the ring. David makes Ken see he loves Irma. Dennis gets Sandra to do all the work at No. 11. Albert decides to sell his coin collection. Lucille lands a temporary job in a factory for the holidays. David and Irma make up and get engaged again. Lionel grows tired of Sandra spending her time with Dennis and gives him a job at the shop. Albert is shocked to discover his collection is only worth £2 10/-.

Jul 18, 1965
Emily recommends Elsie is made manageress of Gamma Garments during Emily's holiday. Dennis starts at the shop, humping stock. Elsie is annoyed when Mr Papagopolous wants to put a supervisor over her. She rows with him. Irma tries to be domesticated. Papagopolous tells Emily to sack Elsie.

Jul 20, 1965
Elsie considers applying for the job of manageress at the Laundryer but doesn't know how to tell Emily. The Walkers clash over Jack's bowls and Annie's Licenced Victualler's meeting. He refuses to let her go. Dennis hates his job and thinks about becoming a rep.

Jul 25, 1965
Annie continues to be cool towards Jack. Stan starts brewing beer. Minnie is angry when she finds the Mission cleaner, Clara Midgeley, using Ena's china and shouts Clara down. Annie discovers fellow landlady Nellie Harvey has influence in the Licenced Victualler's and invites her to tea. Hilda discovers Stan's beer-making equipment in the yard. Len and Charlie buy themselves into the set up. Minnie makes up with Clara. Elsie starts work at the Laundryer. Hilda returns all Stan's bottles to the off licence for cash, and catches the men with the equipment.

Jul 27, 1965
The Walkers roll out the red carpet for lady victualler Nellie Harvey. Len, Stan and Charlie keep their home brewing efforts under wraps. Minnie and Clara get to know each other.

Aug 01, 1965
The Barlows celebrate their third wedding anniversary. Dennis gets a new job. David comes up against a couple of insolent workmen, Johnny and Tony, at the Athletic club and crosses them. They get angry when David gives Len work at the club rather than them. Dennis entertains Sandra in the parlour on the piano.

Aug 03, 1965
David holds a dance at the Athletic club. Dennis' sales samples arrive. He admits to Elsie that he's a rep for the Children's Novelty Toy Company. Sandra dresses herself up for the dance and gets Dennis' attention. Johnny and Tony make trouble at the dance. Elsie and Lionel decide to leave Dennis and Sandra to it, to let it fizzle out. When Johnny pinches Irma's bottom, David intervenes and threatens to bar him. Ken agrees to buy a car. Lambert tells David not to push his authority about. The smell of the brewing beer from No. 5 starts spreading down the Street.

Aug 08, 1965
Jack prepares for the bowls final. Dennis tries all his jokes out on Elsie. As the smell of the beer becomes unbearable, Charlie worries that they've done wrong. Jerry returns and tells Len he's looking for work as the Blackburn job folded. Stan bottles the beer. Len refuses to feel sorry for Jerry. Jack wins the President's Cup. Jerry sleeps rough in the Builder's Yard.

Aug 10, 1965
Len throws Jerry out of the Builder's Yard when he discovers him living there. Jack buys Annie a necklace for her birthday. Albert and Stan row with Len over his treatment of Jerry. The bottles start to explode at Minnie's, scaring Bobby into the coal hole. Elsie persuades Jerry to sleep at No. 11. Minnie and Emily test the potent "tonic." Len gives Jerry his job back and gives him a room at his house. Annie is elected chairperson of the LV. Minnie and Emily drink themselves to sleep.

Aug 15, 1965
A hungover Minnie orders Charlie to get rid of the beer. Sandra thinks she's too drab to interest Dennis. She helps out at Gamma Garments as a favour and shocks Dennis by refusing to go on a date with him. David's players win their first match 2-0. He upsets Irma by buying a new suit rather than saving. When Jack tells Annie he's sick of hearing about Arthur Forsythe-Jones she tries to make him jealous by showing an interest in Lionel.

Aug 17, 1965
A tramp looks for Albert. Elsie fears he's after money and fobs him off. Sandra has a new hair-do for Dennis' benefit. Annie realises Minnie is lonely and invites her to Sunday lunch. Charlie, Len, Stan and Albert go fishing on the canal and Charlie falls in. Albert discovers the tramp is an old friend, Ted Bates, and hopes he finds him soon.

Aug 22, 1965
Len enjoys sharing the house with Jerry. Lucille starts work at Mitchell's. Len gives Jerry his birthday present - a partnership in the Builder's Yard which is now "Fairclough and Booth". Lucille is chatted up by loader, Barry, at work. Ted finds Albert and tells him he's run away from an OAP home, Albert takes him in. Len throws a party for Jerry with the home-made beer but it all goes off. Albert's sideboard mysteriously jumps in the night.

Aug 24, 1965
Ted thinks he's brought Albert bad luck. David puts it down to subsidence from the old Barton Colliery. Jerry wants a legal agreement drawn up regarding the partnership. Hilda thinks Albert has got a poltergeist. Barry asks Lucille to go to a party with him. When the other girls agree, so does she. Len discovers Albert's floorboards have cracked. Elliston's Raincoat Factory changes into manufacturing PVC. Mr Charlesworth, the supervisor at the OAP home, arrives and Albert tells him Ted is staying at No. 1 for good.

Aug 29, 1965
Albert enjoys Ted's company and refuses to turn him out of Number 1. Lucille anxiously awaits her 'O'-level examination results. Len and Jerry demonstrate their differing approaches towards running a business.

Aug 31, 1965
The residents are left shaken by the collapse of Number 7. Annie grows concerned for Lucille when she does not return home. Albert struggles to raise Ted's low spirits.

Sep 05, 1965
Len and Jerry start knocking down No. 7. Dennis finds it hard being a salesman. David gives Irma a proper diamond engagement ring. Val can't get Peter and Susan to sleep with all the noise from No. 7. Len becomes abusive when Ken asks him to stop. Jack locks Lucille out when she comes home an hour late at night.

Sep 07, 1965
Jack lets Lucille in when Annie becomes tearful. Hilda wants Irma to have the white wedding she never had. Lucille's workmates start to resent her qualifications. Customs and Excise inspect the Rovers' cellar, and take samples of the beer. Lucille is ignored at work. The Walkers agree to give Lucille more space and respect her as a woman. Stan can't sleep from worrying about the cost of the wedding. David assures him they don't want a big one. Hilda convinces Irma that David wants a big wedding. She tells Irma to push David to buy No. 3.

Sep 12, 1965
Lucille makes plans to turn her bedroom into a bedsitter. Hilda dreads the thought of Irma moving away. Jack treats Annie to a night out in Wilmslow for sorting Lucille out. They bring back reports of the pub, the Fox and Hounds, and the rich men there. Elsie is tempted and thinks of going to the pub herself.

Sep 14, 1965
Lucille doesn't get a secretarial job she was after. Jack tells her it's because of the way she speaks. Annie agrees to give her elocution lessons. David and Irma grow fed up with all the wedding talk. Elsie goes man-hunting at the Fox and Hounds and meets Robert Maxwell. They enjoy each other's company and he offers her a lift home. On the way back, he collapses at the wheel and crashes the car.

Sep 19, 1965
Elsie flees the scene of the accident and turns up on Len's doorstep. Hilda apologises to Irma for interfering. News of Ena's return date reaches Minnie and Emily.

Sep 21, 1965
Stan accuses Len of being jealous, Elsie tells him nothing happened between Robert Maxwell and her. She wants to tell the police but Len stops her. The police try to get in touch with the Walkers.

Sep 26, 1965
Hilda determines to find out why the police want to see Annie and leaves the Rovers unattended to look for her. As Elsie panics about the police being in the Street, Len makes her see that no one will care what she's been up to - she's just a tart. He can't believe he ever wanted to marry her. Emily has difficulty getting an assistant. The police, Det Sergeant Sowman and Det Constable Lucas, tell Annie they're trying to trace the woman from the "Fox and Hounds" who told the barmaid that the Walkers recommended the pub to her. Emily agrees to taking Sandra on at Gamma ...

Sep 28, 1965
Minnie is upset when she doesn't get a birthday card from Ena. Emily employs Sandra on £5 a week. Lionel tells her that she can't have the job as she has to look after him and the shop. She threatens to leave home. Minnie has a party with Albert, Clara, Charlie and Jerry. Elsie faces up to the neighbours. Annie tells her to stop feeling sorry for herself, everyone is on her side. Minnie gets a telegram from Ena saying she's coming home.

Oct 03, 1965
Sandra starts at Gamma Garments. Clara is upset that Ena is returning. Lionel accuses Emily of coming between him and Sandra. Ena returns home from America. Elsie goes to the inquest and refuses to go without speaking to Moira Maxwell. She refuses to speak to Elsie. Emily realises Lionel is like her own father. Ena agrees to let Clara sit in Martha's chair in the snug so long as she buys the drinks. Elsie doesn't believe the Maxwell incident is finished.

Oct 05, 1965
Elsie receives a visit from Maxwell's grieving widow. Annie offers to counsel Lionel in how to handle Sandra. Minnie is delighted to have Ena home.

Oct 10, 1965
The surveyor refuses to tell the residents what he's measuring for. Dennis worries about his waistline and goes on a diet. Ena calls a Street meeting about the survey. Annie makes her own enquiries through the Licenced Victuallers. Val is tired of Ken treating her as an idiot. David agrees to help Dennis get fit. Ena is elected spokeswoman for the Street. She arranges a meeting with the surveyor. Val is surprised when Ken starts asking her opinion on world matters. The residents laugh at the idea of Dennis keeping fit.

Oct 12, 1965
David wears Dennis out with jogging. Annie writes to the MP about the survey. The surveyor plans to fob Ena off with his assistant but Ena stands firm. Jerry lends Dennis some dumbbells. Ena forces the surveyor to talk to her. Val signs up for evening classes, studying sociology. Ena announces that the Council's plans are to build a ring road through Coronation Street.

Oct 17, 1965
The Council plan to demolish both Coronation Street and Mawdsley Street. The surveyor tells Ken that the ring road is only in the planning stage. David is touched to discover Irma has kept a scrap book of cuttings on him. Jerry starts doing all the housework at Len's house. Lucille goes to the employment office and is sent for a job as filing clerk. Emily decides to pick up trade with a Mannequin Parade in the shop.

Oct 19, 1965
Lucille turns down the filing job. Emily searches for models for the parade. Dennis starts "Tanner's Enterprises" and turns the front parlour into an office. Albert organises a street bonfire. Lucille goes for an interview at the Research and Development department of Marshall's Cotton Mill. Val starts evening classes. Lucille gets the job at the mill, to Annie's disappointment. Stan catches David in Irma's bedroom. He slaps her face and she walks out.

Oct 24, 1965
Dennis contemplates having a phone installed at No. 11. Irma refuses to talk to Stan or eat in the same room as him. Hilda tells Stan he had no right to hit Irma. David is furious to discover Stan hit Irma. Dennis orders a phone in his name. David makes sure everyone knows Stan hit Irma. Jerry catches a youngster called Alan Platt stealing wood from the Builder's Yard for a bonfire. Jerry agrees to give him woodwork lessons.

Oct 26, 1965
Hilda gets Stan and Irma to apologise to each other. David tells her that he has £1,180 in the bank, he earns £27 11/- a week and he wants them to marry and move to Cheshire. She is ecstatic. Jerry is horrified when Alan Platt drops Len's treasured model plane and splits it in two.

Oct 31, 1965
Lucille enters the world of work as she starts her job in the laboratory at the mill. Albert rejects David's offer to buy him a new overcoat. Jerry incurs Len's wrath when he confesses about the broken plane.

Nov 02, 1965
Len grows suspicious of Jerry's shifty behaviour. Lucille is intrigued to meet Kenny Stevens, a chemist at the lab. Minnie and Clara follow Ena's recipe for baking parkin.

Nov 07, 1965
The residents make the last minute arrangements for the bonfire. Len and Jerry make up. Dennis and Len both make the guys for the bonfire. The gowns arrive for the fashion show but they all want altering. With everyone at the bonfire, Emily has to do it all herself.

Nov 09, 1965
The residents gather to watch Emily's fashion show at the Mission. Val agrees to act as chief dresser while Lucille, Irma and Sandra model the outfits. Dennis unnerves Elsie with talk of his making a secret business deal.

Nov 14, 1965
Clara looks for cleaning work for extra money. Ena tells Val about her son who died through lack of nourishment. Sandra agrees to store one hundred and forty four boxes of crackers at Gamma Garments' loft for Dennis not knowing that the loft is damp because of a faulty pipe. Emily is disappointed in Sandra because of her lax attitude. With Val at night school, Ken nips to the Rovers for a packet of cigarettes leaving Peter and Susan alone. A piece of coal falls from the fire at No. 9 and starts to burn.

Nov 16, 1965
While Ken is waylaid in the Rovers, Val arrives home to find the parlour filled with smoke. Sandra helps Dennis to store the crackers in the Gamma Garments loft. Clara agrees to look after Number 1 during Albert's absence.

Nov 21, 1965
Lionel is taken aback when Sandra begins to question her life. Engineer Jim Mount charms Elsie when he installs a telephone service at Number 11. Kenny delights Lucille by asking her out.

Nov 23, 1965
Sandra skips work in order to make some momentous changes to her life. David has a radical idea concerning his wedding to Irma. Interest in Dennis's Christmas trees picks up.

Nov 28, 1965
Sandra works a week's notice. To everyone's surprise, Dennis sells all of his Christmas trees. Annie organises the Licenced Victualler's annual Ball. Len agrees to help move Sandra into Leestand Road. Irma and David secretly plan the wedding. Irma feels bad about not telling her parents.

Nov 30, 1965
Irma looks forward to wedded bliss. Sandra packs some foodstuffs for her new flat which she insists she'll pay for. Irma's wedding outfit arrives but she pretends to Hilda that it's new clothes for work. Hilda is further disappointed that Val doesn't want anything from her catalogue. Elsie gets annoyed with her front room being filled with Dennis's Christmas wares. Irma is about to tell Elsie her secret when they are interrupted by Len. Clara moves Albert's furniture around. Val accuses her of taking liberties and David has to try and make the peace. He asks Val's ...

Dec 05, 1965
Hilda is upset that Irma wants to get married in secret. Len has an idea for the residents to join the newlyweds' celebrations. Jack demands money for Lucille's board and lodgings.

Dec 07, 1965
David and Irma set off for their nuptials alone. The residents gather for the surprise wedding reception. The Walkers leave Jack's brother Arthur in charge of the Rovers. Lucille has a disconcerting encounter with a stranger.

Dec 12, 1965
Jack tries to allay Annie's fears that Turner has them cornered. Albert feels slighted by David's secret wedding. Charlie informs Minnie of his imminent departure.

Dec 14, 1965
The strain of being blackmailed takes its toll on Jack. Charlie finalises his affairs and bids farewell to Minnie. David and Irma view a three-bedroom house.

Dec 19, 1965
The doctor diagnoses Jack as having a viral infection as well as being under a severe strain and orders him to stay in bed. Annie refuses to say why. He also gives her a prescription of sleeping pills, seeing that she's under a strain as well. Jack insists she still goes to the Licenced Victualler's ball and she realises there is someone suitable she can ask to escort her. David and Irma receive a receipt for their house deposit. Ken is bored with the long Christmas holiday and David invites him to watch a benefit match he is playing tomorrow. Annie invites Lionel to ...

Dec 21, 1965
David suffers an injury during a football match. Len speculates about the identity of Turner's assailant. Annie relishes her role as lady chairman at the Licensed Victuallers' ball.

Dec 26, 1965
David struggles to accept the abrupt ending of his football career. Ken and Val host a party for the elderly of the Street. Lionel decides to close the sub-post office.

Dec 28, 1965
David hopes to continue as social officer for Weatherfield Athletic. Lionel cuts down on giving credit at the shop. Minnie is intrigued by Ena's mystery parcel delivery.
Coronation Street Season 7 (1965) is released on Jan 03, 1965 and the latest season 63 of Coronation Street is released in 2020. Watch Coronation Street online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Coronation Street is directed by John Anderson,Brian Mills,David Kester,Ian Bevitt and created by Tony Warren with William Roache and Barbara Knox. Coronation Street is available online on Amazon Video and Amazon Video.
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working-class people in Manchester, England.