Episodes (5)

Jan 01, 1998
Aka ep90.1 Picture cards of morning routine activities are drawn and put in to a sequence. The sequenced cards are made into a story book titled 'Good Morning Jack.' Trisha makes a basket using fabric pieces. A hiding game is played with the toys.

Jan 01, 1998
Benita and Colin make the play dough Blob family. Colin plays a 'what's missing' game. Colin makes a crazy hat from balloons.

Jan 01, 1998
A hen and her chicks visit Play School. Dramatic Play: Trisha, the farmer finds ways to protect her clover paddock from George the kangaroo, the rabbit and the crow.

Jan 01, 1998
Making raindrops, using a plastic dropper, a sauce bottle and a colander. Playing familiar Nursery Rhymes on a water bottle scale. Playing a mixed up Nursery Rhyme sequence game. things to do with water. Aquatic Play: A harbour. Jamie is a large cargo boat and Noni a tough little tug.

Jan 01, 1998
Measuring and comparing Benita's height to Colin's. Measuring the height of the toys. Investigating the number of seeds that can be found in some flowers, fruit and vegetable. Pretending to be a tiny seed that grows into a tall sunflower. Looking at photos of Colin as a toddler, school boy and adult.
Play School Season 90 (2004) is released on Feb 09, 2004 and the latest season 245 of Play School is released in 2008. Watch Play School online - the English Family TV series from Australia. Play School is directed by Mark Barnard,Ian Munro,Julie Money,Henrietta Clark and created by Mark Barnard with Benita Collings and John Hamblin.