Episodes (45)

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep148.1 Noni and John make a house out of cardboard boxes. Noni makes the wallpaper, using crayons to draw a design. Noni sings 'Build the House up very High' and makes her body into a house. Hamble is looking for a house, but rejects this one. The song of the week 'Wanted' is about a mouse looking for a house. John uses smaller boxes to make a couch and a TV set for the box house. Noni looks at pictures children have sent in to Play School showing their houses, sings 'How Many People Live in Your House?' and shows slides of her house and those of other Play ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep148.2 Noni and John make a yard for the cardboard house, using little pot plants and an old umbrella as a sun umbrella. John sings 'Wriggle Your Toes in the Sun'. Noni washes the toys' clothes and hangs them on the umbrella, which is now a washing line. She and John sing 'Wet Washing'. The story is 'Go Outside and Play' is told with photographs of a family of dolls. John plays ball, and Noni sings 'See How I'm Jumping'. John does jobs around the backyard, mowing the lawn, digging, hosing, then he and Noni make a cubby. Through the windows a mother and children ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep148.3 Noni and John feed the guinea pigs, Jack and Jill. John sings 'I'm So Hungry'. Noni feeds the goldfish and then sings the song of the week 'Wanted'. One of the Play School mice is in the cardboard box house, but Noni takes it away while John adds a kitchen to the house. Noni sings 'Here's a House'. John adds kitchen furniture including a set of drawers made of matchboxes held together with elastic bands. The story is told with kitchen implements: tongs, a spring whisk, a dishmop, a corkscrew, rotary beaters and a grater. Noni sings 'I'm a Little Robot/Tube...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep148.4 Today a bedroom is added to the box house and John makes a ladder out of sticks and cardboard cylinders to go up to the top floor. The cartoon 'Bananas in Pyjamas' is shown and John sings the song. Baby Ted and Jim are put to bed in the new bedrooms, in beds made of shoebox lids. The story is 'Lucy and Tom go to School' told from the book. John sings 'Running to the Corner' and does some 'music and movement' - becoming a mouse and a giant. Through the windows two children are helping at home, cleaning a mirror. Noni pretends to clean a mirror, then John, ...

Jan 01, 1978
OUTSIDE BROADCAST from Sydney Opera House. Benita and John perform in a live concert before an audience of pre-school children. Songs include a collection of nursery rhymes, 'I'm a Great Big Tiger', 'Take You Riding in my Car Car', 'One Potato, Two Potato', 'Eency Weency Spider', 'Mr Frog', 'Mulberry Bush', etc.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 149.1 ep#591 Benita and Don make cardboard box cats. The story is 'Do you want to be my friend'. Through the windows children are dressing up.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 149.2 ep#592 Through the windows a blind girl visits her grandmother. Benita and Don make a paper mouse and a paper plate lion for the story.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 149.3 ep#593 Don and Benita make a fruit and vegetable face. The story is about Jeremiah.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 149.4 ep#594 Benita and Peter make a wooden puppet story 'Imaginary Friend'. Through the windows playing alone.

Jan 01, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep150.1 Noni and Don explain the mechanics of the Play School calendar and show this week's pictures (of a chicken hatching from an egg). The poem of the week 'Tomorrow I'll Be Five...' is said over pictures. The presenters prepare for a birthday party. Don makes a birthday present (a Jack-in-the-box) and sings Jack in the Box. Other presents include a drawing book, a paper hat and a cardboard birthday cake with paddlepop stick candles. They sing 'Five Little Candles' and 'Happy Birthday'. The clock shows four o'clock. The story is 'Happy Birthday, Sam', followed ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep150.2 Benita and Noni look at the pictures around the calendar. The poem of the week 'Tomorrow I'll Be Five...' is recited. Noni talks about the family. Toys are used to illustrate members of a family. She sings 'Hushabye Baby' to Hamble (in a nappy) and puts baby Hamble to bed. Benita says 'These are Grandmother's Glasses' with actions, and sings 'Slowly, Slowly Walk my Grandad'. The clock shows eight o'clock. Noni tells the story 'Grandma is Someone Special'. Benita does a finger play singing 'This Little Boy All Ready for Bed'. Noni introduces a guessing game...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep150.3 Noni and Don identify objects by glimpsing bits of them hidden behind a cardboard peephole. Each object's function is demonstrated in the song, 'This is the Way'. Through the windows are ostrich puppets. Noni does an Ostrich Dance. The clock shows seven o'clock. Don looks at Picture story, 'What's Inside' which shows a goose hatching from an egg. Noni mimes a goose. Noni and don sing a round of 'My Goose'. Play School visitors are a goose, a duck and ducklings. Noni mimes a duck. The second film shows the birth of a baby seal. Noni does actions to poem of ...

Apr 11, 1979
OUTSIDE BROADCAST from Golden Ridge Stud Farm at Dural, NSW. aka ep150.4 Noni and Don visit a special farm that children can visit. The farm's owner is Barbara. They feed oats to the goats and we meet the nanny, billy and kid goats. Don sings 'I said Good Morning to a Cow'. He feeds hay to the cattle, and we see a calf sucking from his mother's udder. Noni feeds the sheep family and sings 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'. Don bottle-feeds an orphaned lamb, showing the thick wool which will be shorn and made up into woolen goods. He explores the barn, making friends with the dog,...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep150.5 Noni shows us a frog in a tank. Don mimes a frog, jumping, as he sings 'Mr Frog'. Noni follows the stages of development from tadpole to frog and does hand actions to the song, 'Der Glumph'. The clock shows two-thirty. Don tells and sings the story 'Caterpillars Only Crawl' while Noni does caterpillar crawls in a sleeping bag and turns into a butterfly with shower-curtain wings. Don plays a game, guessing what a caterpillar, tadpole, seed, maggot, wriggler and baby will become when they grow up. Noni shows pictures for the poem of the week 'Tomorrow I'll ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka 151.1 ep#601 Don and Noni make outlines on paper and they demonstrate changing from one animal to another.

Jan 01, 1979
Aka 151.2 ep#602 Benita and Noni find the right sized clothes for Humpty and Jemima. Humpty wears a blue jumpsuit and Jemima wears a spotted dress. Around the calendar there are different shapes. Benita compares how Humpty is 'fat' and Jemima is 'thin'. She then mimes changing shape from fat to thin. Benita recites the poem 'Mr Lynn is very thin'. Noni creates a picture puzzle by finding photographs of different shaped people in a magazine and tearing the pictures in half to mix and match. Benita and Noni pretend to be different sized people; a tall thin man walking, ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka 151.3 ep#603 Benita and Noni making animal shapes and showing small live animals in the studio.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 151.4 ep#604 Benita and Noni make robots. Both girls give a puppet show with wooden puppets.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 151.5 ep#605 Benita and Don tear shapes out of paper and both have a game with balloons.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 152.1 ep#606 Benita and Alister do things backwards and we see a backwards and forwards film.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 152.2 ep#607 Alister and Noni make a 'thinggummyjig' with a paper bag and clothes.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 152.3 ep#608 Alister suggests turning old pantyhose and a cushion into an Elephantopus Thingummyjig.

Jan 01, 1979
aka 152.4 ep#609 All the 'Thingummy-jigs' have a party.

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep#610 OUTSIDE BROADCAST from Centennial Park in Sydney.

Jan 01, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 01, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 01, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 02, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 01, 1979
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep154.1 Benita and Alister are making mobiles, using coat hangers and wool. Alister uses a yellow balloon for the sun and cotton wool for clouds. Benita makes a full moon and new moon, and a star from foil pie plates. Alister sings the Song of the Week 'Twinkle Twinkle', with hand actions and Benita, imitating Alister's twinkling finger action sings 'I Can Wriggle My Fingers'. Wriggling leads to stretching, yawning and snoring participation. Alister tells the story, which is about a little bear who could not sleep. Benita sings 'This Little Boy', a finger play. ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep154.2 Humpty, Jemima and Little Ted are living in a block of cardboard box flats. Benita and Don are filling the toys' garbage bins. Don is a garbage man, with Big Ted as the truck driver. They collect the toys' bins. Don sings 'I Am the Garbage Man'. Pictures show night workers, including a garbage team, train cleaners, newspaper delivery people and an airline pilot. Benita turns the garbage truck into an aeroplane - Big Ted becoming the co-pilot - and taxis the 'plane' down the runway, singing 'Zoom'. Pilot Benita comments on the lights you can see from a ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep154.3 Benita and John are preparing mash for today's visitor, a rooster, then they feed him. John mimes a rooster walking and pecking, and sings 'The Rooster Wakes Up in the Morning'. Benita has a rooster hand puppet, and sings 'I Said Good Morning to the Rooster', leading into other animal sounds: pig snorts, duck quacks, cow moos and horse neighs. Benita is a farmer. John's loud rooster-crowing wakes her in the morning. She sings 'The Farmer Goes a-Walking, including the sounds made by a rooster, a pig and a horse. The story is about a donkey who doesn't like ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep154.4 Benita and John are using collage to make a day sky picture, and a night sky picture. They use paint, newspaper, balloon, kite, cardboard and cotton-wool. Benita jumps Daisy the cow over the moon on the collage and sings 'Hey Diddle Diddle' with actions, inviting participation. John makes a rocket ship, with Spaceman Humpty at the controls. After countdown, the rocket is launched and Hamble takes a walk in space. There is spacewalking activity with Benita. The story is about Spaceman Humpty McGoon, an astronaut who flies to the Moon, and Spacegirl Hamble ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep154.5 Benita and Alister are drawing. Alister uses a felt point pen, and Benita uses a crayon. Both paint over their drawings. Alister's disappears but Benita's crayon does not. Alister, using a candle, makes an invisible picture, then paints over it so that the drawing appears. It features a star. 'Twinkle, Twinkle' is sung. Alister makes up a verse, 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Cat, How I Wonder Why You're Fat'. He combines crayon and candle for another wax drawing featuring an umbrella. Benita pours water over a real umbrella which is protecting Little Ted. Ted - ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep155.1 Noni and Alister are cleaning Play School. Dusting with a feather duster, polishing with an old sock and carpet sweeping with a manual cleaner to tune of 'Little Red Wagon'. Noni empties sweeper, shows how it works and sings 'Round and Round'. Alister shows us how kitchen utensils move - cork screw, parsley cutter, flour sifter, egg beater - then makes scrambled eggs. Alister cooks toast on a pop-up toaster. This leads to 'popping' activity with Noni. She shows how the hands of the clock move. The story is 'Hole'. Noni sings 'I Have a Pretty Nest'. They ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep155.2 Noni and John make a double decker bus out of a cardboard box, and hammer on wheels using corks and lids. They sing 'The Wheels of the Bus'. John dresses up as a traffic policeman, and directs a 'traffic jam' created by Noni. Noni enters as bus, ambulance, helicopter, dog and ducks. After each entry John invites participation in traffic direction. Noni sings 'Five Little Ducks'. The story is 'The One Man Band' told by Noni and acted by John. Noni marches as a parade past the 'crowd' (John and toys) inviting children to join in song and activity with ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep155.3 The visiting animal is a calf. Noni and John point out its features and movements as it walks and is fed from a bottle. Noni has made a farm picture with cut out and drawn animal pictures. She sings 'I Went to Visit a Farm One Day' then does activity of a galloping horse, flapping hen, and frisking cow. The story is 'Mrs Mooley'. Noni does cow jumps (as in story) singing 'Everybody Do This'. John turns on the toys' television to see animation of 'Hey Diddle Diddle', then sings song with actions. Noni repeats it then adds cabbages to picture and sings, 'Do ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep155.4 Noni and John paint to music played by Warren, reflecting mood of music. John sings 'Spot Song'. Noni repeats it. Noni extends feeling of music with full body movements. Warren changes music several times and Noni and John adapt their painting and body movements. Noni develops a 'stop, go' hand signal game. this leads into a poem about hands and how hands can signal messages. For the story, John mimes 'Mr Waterhouse has a Bath'. Noni shares watching with the child then invites participation with 'Everybody Do This'. John feels, rolls and bangs some clay ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep155.5 Noni and John make a waterfall out of cardboard, plastic, sand tray and blocks. John pours water making the 'fall' and a 'lake' in the tray. Noni floats matchbox and cork boats in the lake which are moved about by the water, this leads into a bobbing activity to song 'Everybody Do This'. John experiments with pebbles and a boat going down the 'fall'. Through the windows children are on a visit to Niagra Falls. Noni invites participation in waterfall and water movement. John does marble paints, and sings 'Spot Song'. The story is 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep156.1 Noni and Don create tall buildings out of cardboard cartons, singing 'Build it Up' (with participation). Windows are drawn on the city buildings and a zebra crossing across the street. A shoe box becomes a bus and then a lift (pulled up by string). Jemima takes the lift to the toilet, shops for a hat, has a cup of coffee, then goes 'Walking in the City'. After the calendar they sing Song of the Week 'Walking in the City' again with participation. Noni creates a rush hour with box vehicles and toy pedestrians. The clock says 5 o'clock. The story is 'What's ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep156.2 After calendar, Don sings Song of the Week 'Walking in the City' with actions. Jan adds a clock (box with face drawn on) to top of a building. It bongs five o'clock. rush hour. The toys 'emerge' from the city buildings and pursue their various ways home (car, ferry, walking and bus). Don sings 'Wheels of the Bus' with actions. Jemima needs a taxi. Don obliges. (Taxi is box slung over shoulders with straps). He explains how taxis work 'Vacant' and 'Not for Hire' signs, and sings 'I'm a Taxi'. He delivers Jemima. The clock reads 5 o'clock. The story 'Miss ...

Jan 01, 1979
Jan and Don sing the song of the week with stills shown, including one of a pigeon. Don invites pigeon play with hands flapping about and shows real pigeons. He feeds the pigeons. Through the windows there are pigeons in a backyard in the city. Jan mimes being a pecking pigeon and then walks and flaps. The time on the clock is 6 o'clock. The story is 'Holly Loses Teddy', told with stills and shows a mother and daughter's day shopping in town. Jan pretends to drive a taxi while singing 'Everybody do this'. Jan does the finger play for 'Two Little Dickie Birds'. Don ...

Jan 01, 1979
aka ep156.4 Jan and Don evoke 'city at night' by sticking shiny paper (foil) on windows in box buildings where the lights are 'on'. They make street lights (balls of foil on sticks). Diddle loiters in the street. They sing 'Have You Heard the Cat at Night', then owl and mouse. Diddle chases mouse and wakes Hamble. She shines torch on him and frightens him off, and retires to bed. Don sings 'Everybody Do This', yawning etc. The clock says seven o'clock. The story is 'The Summer Night' about a girl who couldn't sleep one night. Don then sings 'I Jump Out of Bed in the ...

Jan 01, 1979
Benita and Don visit an airport.
Play School Season 14 (1979) is released on Jan 01, 1979 and the latest season 245 of Play School is released in 2008. Watch Play School online - the English Family TV series from Australia. Play School is directed by Mark Barnard,Ian Munro,Julie Money,Henrietta Clark and created by Mark Barnard with Benita Collings and John Hamblin.