Episodes (45)

Indoors and Outdoors - Rain and Picnics
S24E01 · Indoors and Outdoors - Rain and Picnics

Mar 20, 1989

Aka 11.1 Each day this week the poem 'Indoors, Outdoors' is recited. Trish and George play 'Jack in the Box' with a large cardboard box, and discover Big Ted, Jemima and Slush inside. The 'doors' animation is shown. George mimes doing indoor and outdoor activities. Then he looks at the rolling ball calendar. Trisha paints a 'puddle' picture and sings 'Doctor Foster'. It is seven o'clock on the flower clock with umbrellas underneath. George reads 'Mog and Bunny' by Judith Kerr. Trisha sings 'I'm a Big Umbrella' to the tune of 'I'm a Little Teapot'. George joins in and ...

Indoors and Outdoors - Clothes and Playgrounds
S24E02 · Indoors and Outdoors - Clothes and Playgrounds

Mar 21, 1989

Aka 11.2 Trisha and George make a doll from a small pillow. Trisha makes a playground for the doll. A feltboard game is played with shapes that go indoors or outdoors. The pillow doll has a cardboard house and invites Little Ted for tea. Through the windows there are children bushdancing in a country town. The story is 'Sally's Secret' by Shirley Hughes.

Indoors and Outdoors - China and the Zoo
S24E03 · Indoors and Outdoors - China and the Zoo

Mar 22, 1989

Aka 11.3 Benita and John make Chinese paper lanterns. They look at a variety of Chinese objects: bamboo pipe, rice bowl and chest. They find animals hidden in a bamboo forest collage, and do panda exercises. Through the windows there are pandas at the zoo. The story is 'The Island' by Brian Wildsmith.

Indoors and Outdoors - Games and Toys
S24E04 · Indoors and Outdoors - Games and Toys

Mar 23, 1989

Aka 11.4 Benita and John look at a picture of a family engaged in various indoor activities. Little Ted interviews nursery rhyme characters in a television news program. Stick figures are drawn on cards to make a card game which is played by copying the actions. Babushka dolls are taken out and replaced. Through the windows a mobile toy library visits a country town. The story of 'Mia's Birthday String' is told using a long image drawn on a paper scroll and pulled through a cardboard 'picture' box.

Indoors and Outdoors - Wind and Snow
S24E05 · Indoors and Outdoors - Wind and Snow

Mar 24, 1989

Aka 11.5 Benita and Simon make apple snow. A snowfield is made with a sheet, skiers with pipe-cleaners, a chairlift with a plastic container and a snowman with cotton wool. A cardboard kit is cut out and streamers are stuck to its tail. Through the windows there are snowfields, and later there are flying kites. 'The Hat' animation is shown. The story of 'The WInd and the Sun' is performed.

Dogs - Shops
S24E06 · Dogs - Shops

Apr 03, 1989

Aka 12.1 Every day this week the song 'Dogs' is sung to accompany a montage of different dog species. The calendar this week is a Dog Kennel. Trisha and John draw pictures of things to do with dogs and stick them on a box. They act out visiting a pet shop to buy a pet dog. John makes a cheese and apple sandwich. A shaggy, baggy dog is made with a large brown paper bag and newspaper hair. Through the windows there are bags and containers. The story is 'Going Shopping' by Sarah Garland.

Dogs - Patterns
S24E07 · Dogs - Patterns

Apr 04, 1989

Aka 12.2 Benita and John dress up as a snake and a frog. A large collage is made with paper and fabric. Fish are made using coloured paper bags stuffed with newspaper. Through the windows there are tropical fish at Darling Harbour Aquarium. The story is 'Raining Cats and Dogs' by Edel Wignell.

Dogs - Food and Snacks
S24E08 · Dogs - Food and Snacks

Apr 05, 1989

Aka 12.3 Tara and George play with Dachshunds and their puppies. They look at the contents of a doggie bag, miming dog actions. Dog biscuits are made. George sings the story of 'The Boy with the Drum' using cardboard animals. Tara and George join Warren at the piano to sing 'The Music Man'. A dog biscuit container is decorated.

Dogs - Dog Wash
S24E09 · Dogs - Dog Wash

Apr 06, 1989

Aka 12.4 Benita and Simon dress up balloons as nursery rhyme characters: Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo Peep, Old Mother Hubbard. They mime having a shower and a bath. They sing 'Standing on one Leg', while pretending to be an emu and then hop as a kangaroo. Through the windows there are birds. The story is 'Harry the Dirty Dog' by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham.

Dogs - Tails
S24E10 · Dogs - Tails

Apr 07, 1989

Aka 12.5 Benita and John make pictures from felt shapes. They put mis-matched tails on animals with a felt board. An empty eggshell is made into Humpty Dumpty. Through the windows we see Zhang's bicycle ride. The story is 'Oh Dear!' by Rod Campbell.

Flight - City
S24E11 · Flight - City

Jun 19, 1989

Aka 13.1 Each day this week, there is an animation of different things that fly. Benita and Simon make a city from boxes and cylinders. Streets of cardboard are added and traffic lights. Fingers are used as people to walk in the city. A park is added to the city - cylinder trees and a blue paper pond. Birds fly to the trees. Wings are added to a cylinder to make a glider and aeroplane. A box hangar is completed and the planes take off, then land on the city runway. This is mimed by the presenters. Through the windows there is an airport.

Flight - Hot Air Balloons
S24E12 · Flight - Hot Air Balloons

Jun 20, 1989

Aka 13.2 Benita and John dress 'grannies' with pieces of felt on a felt board. Balloons are blown up and used for painting to make 'blop' paintings. A hot air balloon ride is made for the toys, singing 'Up in a Balloon'. Through the windows there are hot air balloons. The story is 'No Roses for Harry' by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham.

Flight - Birds and Seaplanes
S24E13 · Flight - Birds and Seaplanes

Jun 21, 1989

Aka 13.3 Trisha looks at the rolling ball calendar. Trisha and George look at the canaries who are visiting and feed them some mixed up birdseed. Trisha and George dance 'The Bird Dance' ('The Chicken Dance'). It is nine o'clock on the rocket clock, with a jungle and night time sky behind. Trisha reads 'The Hippo who Wanted to Fly' by Robin and Inge Hyman. A hippopotamus is made out of an egg carton and plays in a tray of mud. A seaplane is made. Through the windows is a seaplane.

Flight - Snails and Space Shuttles
S24E14 · Flight - Snails and Space Shuttles

Jun 22, 1989

Aka 13.4 Benita and George draw snail trails on paper with a cutout snail and chalk. George dresses up with a basket shell and sings 'Snail, snail'. Benita draws some candle wax trails and paints over it to reveal the drawing. It is seven o'clock on the Rocket Clock, with sneakers, and lettuce in a plastic jar behind the clock. George reads 'Just Like Archie' by Niki Daly. Benita and George play a game of 'through', 'over', 'under' and 'into', following a trail of items. Benita mimes being a rocket and flying around the stars. Through the arch window there is a space ...

Flight - Floating Bubbles and Gliders
S24E15 · Flight - Floating Bubbles and Gliders

Jun 23, 1989

Aka 13.5 Noni and Trisha blow bubbles with soapy water, a little oil and vegetable dye. They make a glider to sit in and 'float'. A paper glider is made also. A pretend bower is made for a bower bird collecting blue things. Through the windows there is a Blue Bower Bird. The story is 'Miffy goes Flying' by Dick Bruna.

Outback: Travel
S24E16 · Outback: Travel

Jul 10, 1989

aka ep14.1 Noni and Philip paste animals and objects onto the outback mural. They look at the 'Odyssey Tapestry' from New Parliament House, focusing on various bush animals around a river. They look at Russell Drysdale's painting 'Going to the Pictures'. They make a 4WD, loading it with essentials for an outback trip. They create outback road surface with cushions and a quilt, then drive the 4WD on it. Animal noises - kookaburra and frilled neck Lizard. Noni and Philip make a camel out of a table, chair, mop, skipping rope, cushion and socks and have a camel ride. The...

Outback - Concert in the Country
S24E17 · Outback - Concert in the Country

Jul 11, 1989

aka ep14.2 Trisha and George make a cow, then look through the windows to find Benita, John and Warren in the countryside on their way to perform a Play School Concert at Raymond Terrace. The story is 'Odd Job Jill'.

Outback - Farm Animals
S24E18 · Outback - Farm Animals

Jul 12, 1989

aka ep14.3 Noni and Philip look at the chicks in the chicken coop. They mime being chickens, paint cows in a paddock on the mural, build a fence, draw a windmill and make a box farmhouse with verandah. They drove cattle with Drover Hamble on banister-brush horse. A crocodile is made from egg cartons and crocodile exercises and tricks are performed. They roll on the floor like a ball. Through the windows people on a station collect eggs. The story is 'Cornelius' by Leon Lionni.

Outback - Wings
S24E19 · Outback - Wings

Jul 13, 1989

aka ep14.4 Noni and Simon tumble a cardboard lotto barrel and pull out pictures which match to different nursery rhymes. They paint a folded butterfly picture and paint ants, ant hills, kangaroo and snake onto the outback mural. Kangaroo mime. They make birds from twisted up tissue paper and twist ties and sing 'Flying Flying' with the birds. The story is 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. Through the windows is an Aboriginal dance and birds flying.

Outback - Royal Flying Doctor
S24E20 · Outback - Royal Flying Doctor

Jul 14, 1989

aka ep14.5 Noni and Simon play Hospitals with the toys. They make a landing strip for an outback town. There is a flying cardboard box aeroplane - loaded and unloaded with supplies. Kangaroo hopping. The story is 'Aussie Animals' by Rod Campbell. Through the windows are the Flying Doctor service visiting patients in the outback.

Faces - Parts of Face
S24E21 · Faces - Parts of Face

Jul 03, 1989

aka ep15.1 Trisha and Philip make faces from coathangers, stockings and felt. Trisha makes a face on a magnetic body with magnetic skin, eyes and mouth on the calendar. Trisha and Philip then make newspaper balls and play tennis with coathanger bats and a net ribbon. The story is 'Ben's Gingerbread Man' by Nicki Daly. Through the windows is a ball-making factory.

Faces - Hair and Beards
S24E22 · Faces - Hair and Beards

Jul 04, 1989

aka ep15.2 Noni makes finger puppets with cardboard and texta-colours. Philip and Noni both dress up to disguise themselves with newspaper wigs, beads, pipecleaner glasses. Philip paints a picture of Noni, then makes a clown face on the calendar. Big Ted and Maurice are disguised. The story is 'Bread and Honey' by Frank Asch. Through the windows is candle painting, wax candles are coloured.

Faces - Pigs
S24E23 · Faces - Pigs

Jul 05, 1989

aka ep15.3 Trisha and Simon play a guessing game of which animal is in the box. Jack in the box is played with the animals. Trisha makes a puppet frog and then tells the story. A song and mime activity about going to Play group. Trisha and Simon mime 'Piggies in the Mud'. The calendar with a pig's face is observed. Simon makes a mixed up animal out of a box. The story is 'My First Day at Play Group' by Wendy Smith. Through the windows are animal faces - zoo animals.

Faces - Food Faces
S24E24 · Faces - Food Faces

Jul 06, 1989

aka ep15.4 Benita and Simon make puppets using cardboard, cylinders, boxes etc, to use in the story. They make a fruit ship with tissue paper lettuces, balloon bananas, pine cone potatoes, cylinder cucumbers etc. They act out a story with home made puppets. Through the windows are pear and peaches being picked. The story is 'The Tale of a Turnip'.

Faces - Eyes
S24E25 · Faces - Eyes

Jul 07, 1989

aka ep15.5 Noni looks through magnifying glass at Jemima then at her own finger. Then holds the magnifying glass over her eye. Noni and John play 'I Spy'. John dresses as a doctor and gives Big Ted an eye test, then fits him with glasses. Noni has cardboard dolls, each with different eye wear - adds clothes suitable to eye wear. Through the windows someone is being fitted for glasses. The story is 'The Sick Cow' by H.E.Todd.

Music - Sounds Around the House
S24E26 · Music - Sounds Around the House

Oct 16, 1989

aka ep16.1 Music is made with a ukulele. Trish and John make music with shakers (dried beans, rice and cornflakes in plastic jars), scraper (corrugated cardboard) and drum (tin can). A house is made with shoeboxes and matchbox furniture and finding a 'possum' in the rooms. The story is 'Possum in the House'. Through the windows is a toothbrush factory.

Music - Mechanical Sounds
S24E27 · Music - Mechanical Sounds

Oct 17, 1989

aka ep16.2 Benita and George do housework in Play School: cleaning windows, vacuuming carpet, scrubbing floors. They dress up as construction workers. They make a power shovel and a cement mixer and pour 'concrete'. There is a bath made from a box and Big Ted is put to bed after being chased by Banana in Pyjamas. The story is 'Tucking Mummy In' by Morag Loh. Through the windows are cement trucks.

Music - Animal Sounds
S24E28 · Music - Animal Sounds

Oct 18, 1989

aka ep16.3 Benita and Simon paint animals on the side of a box and make appropriate sounds. They look at budgies Pepino and Pepina. They play a picture and sound game with pictures on a box. When James visits with his saxophone they move to the sounds of the saxophone. The story is 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell. Through the windows Michael Atherton is with children making music.

Music - Musical Sounds
S24E29 · Music - Musical Sounds

Oct 19, 1989

aka ep16.4 Trisha and Simon move to the sound of cymbals, a drum and a swanee whistle. They make a woody woolly nail picture. Graeme Leak visits with percussion instruments. They make percussion with a key tree - a coathanger and old keys. The story is 'The Lizard's Song' by George Shannon. Through the windows a guitar is made.

Music - Environmental Sounds
S24E30 · Music - Environmental Sounds

Oct 20, 1989

aka ep16.5 Benita plays a waking up game with an alarm clock. The presenters make egg flips with a blender. They make a toy telephone and play out the doctor's visit to Miss Polly's sick dolly. They make a marvelous musical tree and sing 'In the bush there stood a tree'. A Mardi Gras is held with the toys, maracas and a pinata. The story is 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. Through the windows is percussionist Ivon Simao and a Brazilian pinata.

Hands - Fingers and Gloves
S24E31 · Hands - Fingers and Gloves

Sep 04, 1989

Aka 17.1 The film of two white gloved hands walking is shown every day this week, performing the song 'One Day a Hand Went Walking'. Noni and John make duck finger puppets with yellow washing up gloves, make a soap snow picture and clean shoes. Through the windows people are washing their hands. The story of 'Looking for a Mate' is performed using different gloves.

Hands - for Playing and Dressing
S24E32 · Hands - for Playing and Dressing

Sep 05, 1989

Aka 17.2 Noni and John make sand clay into currant buns and sing 'Five Currant Buns'. Sandpaper is cut into hand shapes. Hands are used to measure length. Noni and John play a guessing game dressing up as different things using towels. Through the windows a teddy bear is made. The story is 'How Do I Put It On?' by Shigeo Watanabe.

Hands - Hand Puppets and Goats
S24E33 · Hands - Hand Puppets and Goats

Sep 06, 1989

Aka 17.3 Liz and John paint tissue boxes and use them to make a bridge. A milk container 'train' is driven across the bridge. John dresses up as a goat, a dog and a hen. A look at photos of a jelly fish, a crab, a starfish and a whale. The story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' is told. Through the windows Alister is tending to goats on his farm.

Hands - Actions and Cleaning
S24E34 · Hands - Actions and Cleaning

Sep 07, 1989

Aka 17.4 Liz and John look at a busy mat with different cut-out animals and various fasteners e.g. Velcro, press studs, zippers. They make a monkey puppet with a paper plate and a paper bag body that can be filled with bananas. They sing 'Monkeys stamp your feet'. Through the windows there is window cleaning. The story of 'The Man Who Went to Look for a Crocodile' is performed.

Hands - Making Music and Touching
S24E35 · Hands - Making Music and Touching

Sep 08, 1989

Aka 17.5 Trisha and Simon make a finger painting - adding gravel for texture then printing from this. A touch game is played with seaweed, coral and sea sponge in a tank of water. Warren plays different instrument sounds on his synthesizer. Different instruments are mimed while singing 'The Music Man'. They mime getting undressed. Through the windows it is sleepy time. The story is 'A Grand Band' by John Birmingham.

Traffic - Roads
S24E36 · Traffic - Roads

Aug 07, 1989

aka ep18.1 Benita and John make people and vehicles with materials from the Useful Box. They use them in road-crossing situations in the country and city. They look at road signs. A stop-and-go game is played with red and green walking cards. They make a pedestrian crossing and mime vehicles. The story is 'My Goldie' by Anna Fienberg. Through the windows there are zebras and other zoo animals.

Traffic - Safe Play
S24E37 · Traffic - Safe Play

Aug 08, 1989

Noni and Trisha paint a street scene with dark and pale colours drawn with crayon showing up through the paint, to highlight safety. Trisha dresses up in yellow boots, hat and raincoat. Trisha drives in a honky-tonk mobile past some signs organised by Noni. Noni mimes riding a bike, while Trisha rides a real bicycle. The story is 'The Moon Came Too' by Nancy White-Carlstrom. Through the windows a bicycle helmet is purchased.

Traffic - Transport
S24E38 · Traffic - Transport

Aug 09, 1989

aka ep18.3 Noni and George move cardboard cut-out vehicles on a large mural. Ducklings are visitors to Play School; they swim and eat. The presenters look at road signs. They mime a squeaky old truck. A monorail is made from egg cartons and the passengers are glove people and sock people. Through the windows is a monorail ride in Sydney. The story is 'Duck' by David Lloyd and Charlotte Voake.

Traffic - Passengers
S24E39 · Traffic - Passengers

Aug 10, 1989

aka ep18.4 Benita and George play a 'stop' game with drawings of Humpty, a teapot, an umbrella and traffic lights. They look at road signs. George dresses up as traffic lights and Benita re-acts as bicycle, a car, a fire engine and an elephant. Big Ted and Little Ted wear seat belts and ride in a car. A game of 'I Spy' is played. Benita and George play at being trams. Through the windows is a tram ride in Melbourne. The story is 'The Bus Stop' by Nancy Hellen.

Traffic - Pedestrians
S24E40 · Traffic - Pedestrians

Aug 11, 1989

aka ep18.5 Benita and George play a game with a spinning wheel on which there are road signs: car, plane, kangaroo and a telephone. They do a seatbelt mime. They play the finger game 'Here is the Box'. They make a paper park in a sand tray with a pipecleaner bike and paper animals. Benita mimes being a police officer on traffic duty. A game of stopping and starting to music is played with Warren. The story is 'Stefano's Nonna' by Anna Fienberg. Through the windows there is a female police officer on duty.

Shops - Making Food and Buying Food in Shops
S24E41 · Shops - Making Food and Buying Food in Shops

Nov 20, 1989

aka ep19.1 Song of the Week is 'Can I Have a Big Red Apple?' sung to the tune of 'Poss' Avere Un Gelato'. Annette and Simon make muffins. They do a stir the pudding mime and look at an apple tree on a felt board. They act out walking to the shops and chanting, 'When I'm Feeling Hungry'. They make a play bakery. The story is 'How Do I Eat It?' by Shiegeo Watanabe. Through the windows bread is being made.

Shops - A Street Fair
S24E42 · Shops - A Street Fair

Nov 21, 1989

aka 19.2 Noni and George make decorations for a street fair. They dress up with streamers and make a fabulous hat. They hold a rummage sale. A balloon mime is done of blowing up and coming down. Noni and George march around in a street parade. Through the windows are balloons. The story is 'The Fabulous Hat' by Joan Hickson.

Shops - Australian Animals on our Coins and Banking
S24E43 · Shops - Australian Animals on our Coins and Banking

Nov 22, 1989

aka ep19.3 Noni and George welcome a wombat visitor in the studio. They make a piggy bank from a plastic milk bottle and look at a $1 coin. They set up a pretend bank. Through the windows is a bank. The story is 'Huggly Snuggly Pets' by Gwen Pascoe.

Shops - Butterflies, Birds and Apple Trees
S24E44 · Shops - Butterflies, Birds and Apple Trees

Nov 23, 1989

aka ep19.4 Noni and Simon make a torn tissue butterfly and parakeet. They make a toasted apple and cheese sandwich in a pop-up toaster. The presenters pretend to shop for clothes and fruit. They sing 'The Elephant Wobbles' and pretend to be kangaroos. Through the windows there are kangaroos. The story is 'Little Red House' told using an apple cut in half.

Shops - Weights and Measures: Health Food
S24E45 · Shops - Weights and Measures: Health Food

Nov 24, 1989

aka 19.5 Noni and Simon make a seesaw for the toys. They make scales and weigh things. A sandwich is made with peanut butter, honey, sultanas and banana. They pretend to take Maurice shopping for clothes. The story is 'Polly's Puffin' by Sarah Garland. Through the windows is a health food shop.


Play School Season 24 (1989) is released on Mar 20, 1989 and the latest season 245 of Play School is released in 2008. Watch Play School online - the English Family TV series from Australia. Play School is directed by Mark Barnard,Ian Munro,Julie Money,Henrietta Clark and created by Mark Barnard with Benita Collings and John Hamblin.

As know as:

Vui Chơi Cùng Bé, Play School





Production Companies:

Australian Broadcasting Commission, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Official Site:

ABC iView

Cast & Crew

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