Episodes (5)

Jan 01, 1997
Aka ep83.1 Making Sheep out of balls of wool. The Toys are put to bed under woollen blankets. Simon tries to sleep while Benita wakes him with various items e.g. an alarm clock, Henny Penny the chicken. Dramatic play: Simon and Benita go for a bush walk.

Jan 01, 1997
Making crazy hats with a kitchen colander, wool, pipe cleaners and other craft materials. A woolly finger puppet caterpillar crawls over Simon. Dramatic play: Trisha creates a vegetable garden. Simon pretends to be a snail then a cockatoo eating the plants and seeds and is eventually scared off by a scarecrow. The toys get dressed up to be members of the Woolly Hat Choir.

Jan 01, 1997
Monica plaits a long wool tail. Monica and Simon play Pin The Tail on the Donkey. Two lambs visit Play School. Monica feeds them from bottles. Dramatic Play: Simon does the toys' hair in the Play School Hair Salon.

Jan 01, 1997
Playing a game of skittles with balls of wool and decorated empty plastic drink bottles. Trisha paints a country landscape with flocks of sheep and a blue cloudy sky.

Jan 01, 1997
Two sheep visit Play School. One is shorn and one is not. Monica and Simon look at their wool. Simon combs out some wool ready to be spun by Monica on the spinning wheel. Simon dresses Little Ted and Jemima for a sleigh ride while Monica pretends to be a reindeer and pulls the sleigh.
Play School Season 83 (2003) is released on Feb 10, 2003 and the latest season 245 of Play School is released in 2008. Watch Play School online - the English Family TV series from Australia. Play School is directed by Mark Barnard,Ian Munro,Julie Money,Henrietta Clark and created by Mark Barnard with Benita Collings and John Hamblin.