Episodes (40)

Mar 05, 1984
aka ep193.1 Three-tiered interchangeable box collage of four people is used to muddle four characters into different combinations. Jenny has a good look at her feet, claps them together and wiggles her toes. Don walks with big steps and little steps. Using his feet, Don picks up items and puts them in a box. The story is 'Thunderhoof'. Through the windows we see a walk to the beach.

Mar 06, 1984
aka ep193.2 Jenny and John play a game of dressing up as different nursery rhyme characters. They dance with their feet to music. John makes Jingly milk bottle top jewels. The presenters jump like a kangaroo. The story is 'Tippy Tappy Tap Shoes'. Through the windows are Aboriginal animal dances.

Mar 07, 1984
aka ep193.3 Faces are drawn on the soles of Don's feet. A hat is put on one and some hair on the other. A wombat visits Play School. The presenters move like an elephant, kangaroo and lion with emphasis on the feet and legs. Through the windows is an elephant pedicure. The story is 'Peace at Last'.

Mar 08, 1984
aka ep193.4 Jenny makes muddy footprints and decorates her legs with mud. Mud pies are made and decorated with leaves, seeds and grass from the garden. Don makes a tricycle for Hamble and Jemima. Humpty rides on a bicycle made from a cardboard cylinder box and plastic lids. The story is 'Alice Gets a Tricycle'. Through the windows is a junior soccer match.

Mar 09, 1984
aka ep193.5 Jenny and John weigh the toys. They make a see-saw. The presenters trace their feet and match the toys to outline of the toys' feet. Through the windows are children with disability playing. The story is 'The Greatest Explorers in the World'.

Mar 12, 1984
aka ep194.1 Benita and John make a 'Thingammyjig' with balloons taped together. They make a balloon dog. A 'hosaphone' is used with a garden hose and watering-can rose. Through the windows the RAN Fleet Band prepares and plays. The story is 'Mark the Drummer Boy'.

Mar 13, 1984
aka ep194.2 Benita and John have a cork sailboat and a toothpaste tube sailing boat. They use a tooting tube. A homemade paddle boat is made with a spinning rubber band propeller. The presenters cook pancakes. Through the windows is a barbecue and paddle boat ride at Lane Cove River Park, Sydney. The story is 'The Riverboat Crew'.

Mar 14, 1984
aka ep194.3 Benita and John make wind chimes out of shells. More chimes are made out of old household bits and pieces. Hand puppets of a crocodile and an elephant are made. The presenters throw buttons into a hoop. through the windows crocodiles are hatching. The story is '"Ahhhhhh!" said Stork'.

Mar 15, 1984
aka ep194.4 Benita and John wash and hang up the dolls' cloths to dry. Handkerchief puppets are made. A paper bits-and-pieces mobile is made using an old umbrella frame, and paper spirals hung on it. A flautist visits. Through the windows are fireworks. The story is 'Mrs Mopple's Washing'.

Mar 16, 1984
aka ep194.5 Benita and John pump air into a bike tyre. They ride a bike. The presenters wheel bike tyres through paint to make a painting. Tracks are made with cotton reel and paint, then with two crayons taped together. Balloon rockets are used (drinking straw segments threaded onto cotton which is tied between two chairs. Balloon is taped onto straws. Air is released from balloon). Bouncing on big bouncing balls. through the windows inflatables are blown up and jumped on. The story is told by Benita and John and called 'Rocket to the Banana Star'.

Jul 09, 1984
aka ep196.1 Jenny and Don guess the sounds made by kitchen utensils. (Food beater, milk in glass, pan lid on pan). They cook popcorn. They make a sound card game (cutting pictures from magazines, sticking them on to cards then using cards to tell stories with sounds of things on cards). Sounds are made on an electric synthesiser. They make a sound box (a variety of surfaces attached to shoe box which make different sounds, e.g. sand paper, elastic bands etc). Sound making obstacle race. The story is 'Oh Dear'. Through the windows there is a West Indian boy playing ...

Jul 10, 1984
aka 196.2 ep#827 Jenny and Don make a drum set from kitchen items, and a clay dog and clay faces.

Jul 11, 1984
aka 196.3 ep#828 Benita and Don make a singing Robot outfit.

Jul 12, 1984
aka 196.4 ep#829 Benita and Don make chime bars from bolts.

Jul 13, 1984
aka 196.5 ep#830 Benita and Don make a castle from boxes, tubes and egg cartons. They play a 'Simon Says' game, doing everything the 'King Says'. The presenters join Warren at the piano.

Nov 05, 1984
aka 197.1 Noni and John make an elephant from inflated orange juice sac body and paper bag ears., foil trunk, pipe cleaner tail. It is stood in a shoebox. Fruit salad is made with hollowed out pieces of pineapple, frilled with apple and pineapple pieces. Sliced banana covered in coconut to decorate. For a large elephant dress up, large paper bag with paper bag ears, long bag for a trunk attached with string. Through the windows is a Spanish market. the story is 'The elephant and the bad baby.

Nov 06, 1984
aka 197.2 Noni and John make a carry bag with a paper bag and a Doctor's bag from a yoghurt carton. A thermometer is also made from a plastic straw. The story is 'Thomas Goes to the Doctors'. Through the windows there is a teddy bear factory.

Nov 07, 1984
aka ep197.3 Noni and John have a sack race. The 'pets' dishes are cleaned and the pets are fed. Feeding 'imaginary' animals at the zoo. We make a block boat and garbage truck. Through the windows is Sydney Harbour garbage. The story is 'The dog next door'.

Nov 08, 1984
aka ep197.4 Noni and John do potato printing: cut dry potato, thick paint on damp sponge, print on non-shiny paper. Lights out, torch illuminates various objects. Two beds, rope tied between as pulley. Toy in orange bag transferred from 'shuttle' to 'space station'. We look at the contents of different bags (evening, sponge, gym). The story is 'One Moonlit Night'. Through the windows is a school bag.

Nov 09, 1984
aka ep197.5 Noni and John see a sewing machine make different types of stitches. They sew a 'treasure bag'. Objects in bags are identified by their shape (doll, hat, telephone). Faces are drawn on teapots, spoons and rubber gloves. The story is 'Tiny Bear' told with assorted objects taken from the bag. Through the windows is a rubber glove factory.

Oct 29, 1984
aka ep198.1 Benita and Philip make a cash register from a shoe box and egg carton. They make coins from silk bottle tops and paper money from newspaper. They set up a shop using old cartons and containers, old shoes, socks etc. Make a paper plate pig mask on a stick. The presenters make ice creams from rolled paper for cones and tissues. The story is 'Alfie's Feet'. Through the windows there are people shopping in Manly for a Doner kebab, wooden toys and icecream.

Oct 30, 1984
aka ep198.2 Benita and Philip make a dam from a water tray to provide water for a sand tray garden and doll's bath. A play clothes hop with old clothes. They dress up for a dance. Benita and Philip play a hopping game, catch the scarf in the other person's belt with one hand only. The story is 'The Story of Mr Nero'. Through the windows a dancer dresses up in Croation costume for participation in a parade and folk dancing for the Shell Folkloric Festival.

Oct 31, 1984
aka ep198.3 Benita and Philip set up and play shop with empty packets and containers from around the house. Change body shape to be different things ('fridge to table, ball to bridge, face thin to fat, hands bird to cat'). Benita and Philip paint animals on perspex screen (tiger, lion, leopard). The story is 'Tiger Skin Rug'. Through the windows are big cats - a tiger, baby cheetahs with mother and lion cubs.

Nov 01, 1984
Benita and Philip make paper dolls out of folded paper. Peg dolls as parachutists. Hobby horse from broomstick and old boot. Dress up in olden days clothes. The story is 'Rachel's Birthday'. Through the windows is the Sovereign Hill Historic Village in Victoria.

Nov 02, 1984
aka ep198.5 Benita and Philip make a sock monster puppet and sock dragon. They make Chinese fish shape and holding in procession. A fish shop with: lobsters made from toilet rolls and pipe cleaners, Octopus made from cellophane paper, crabs made from plastic tops and pipe cleaners. A fish boat dish with prawns, cooked fish, potato, carrots and salad items. The story is 'The Dragon Liked Smoked Fish'. Through the windows we see fish from trawler at sea to the shop. Also through the windows there is a Chinese dragon.

Nov 05, 1984
aka ep199.1 Jenny and John go fishing for the name of the day using magnet on a line. String painting is done with icy pole stick 'whips'. They make pictures with line shapes. A street scene with a matchbox car, traffic lights and pedestrian crossing is shown. The presenters perform a firefighter rescue of Humpty from a blazing building. Through the windows is a traffic school. The story is 'The Stomping Elephant'. The song of the week is 'Elephants on a piece of string'.

Nov 06, 1984
aka ep199.2 Jennifer and John hammer nails into wood and wind coloured wool between them to form lines. They make fish to be caught with magnet fishing line. John and Jenny dress up as fishermen and go fishing. Jenny sets up a market stall for guessing game. The story is 'Tisi and the Yabby'. Through the windows there are fishers and also the Victoria Markets in Melbourne.

Nov 07, 1984
aka ep199.3 Jennifer and John do finger painting with sand and wood shavings added. Foot print painting in a line. A web made with icecream sticks stuck in dough, wool is woven around. A rain making machine. The toy ducks go for a watery slippery slide. Through the windows a spider makes a web. The story is 'Aranea'.

Nov 08, 1984
aka ep199.4 Jennifer and John make a ribbon limbed puppet, and an egg carton spider to sing 'Little Miss Muffet'. String is tied to chairs for a Follow the Leader game. String and tin can phones made and used. A pram becomes the toys tram. Through the windows there is a Melbourne train ride. The story is 'Bertie and the Bear.

Nov 09, 1984
aka ep199.5 Jennifer and John grind wheat into flour. They make pasta dough and knead, roll and cut it into spaghetti. A sand mountain is made using wool to form a track. The toys try tight-rope walking. the spaghetti is cooked and eaten. Through the windows there is a horse with a gig. The story is 'The Sand Cake'.

Nov 12, 1984
aka ep200.1 Alister shows photos of his family and friends. Benita takes a Polaroid shot of Alister being noisy and in a different pose. She uses the photograph and other things to make a picture that is all about Alister. A 'Noisy Nora' shaker is made with a shoe-box, wooden spoon and macaroni. A 'Cooking Pot' tango with kitchen utensils as characters. Through the windows is a music class at Hibiscus Pre-School, Sydney. The story is 'Noisy Nora'.

Nov 13, 1984
aka ep200.2 Benita and Alister say hello in different languages - Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese and sign. Benita makes a house picture with people drawn inside having a party. Alister draws the Play School house. Benita mimes wearing different masks. Alister makes masks for toys and puts on a travelling mask show. Big Ted the Robot, Little Ted the Tiger, Humpty the Clown and Jemima in a butterfly mask and dress perform. Benita does a butterfly dance with a piece of cloth. The same piece of cloth is used as a trampoline for the toys. The story is 'Alfie Gives a Hand'.

Nov 14, 1984
aka ep200.3 Alister and Benita have mice puppets made from paddle pop sticks in cups. The presenters play How Do You Do game - acting out being mice, lions, turkeys and dogs. An Old MacDonald mobile with drawings of a cow, horse, chook and tractor on paper plates. A table top street story with yoghurt containers for people and Kleenex boxes for houses. A nonsense guessing game to help each other, including washing hair, doing up zipper, tying laces. Through the windows is a sheepdog rounding up sheep. Benita and Alister perform the story of The Lion and the Mouse.

Nov 15, 1984
aka ep200.4 Benita makes some cakes out of clay then a clay bear and boy to eat them. Both Benita and Alister play a statue game; freezing as animals from a zoo, things in the sky and finally a Play School toy. They do a dance for each category. Alister gives the toys a Whirly Gig fun ride. A train made from a long piece of calico, sewn in a loop, with an engine and carriages drawn on both sides. Collages made by children are people in the carriages. Presenters get in 'train' and go for a ride. Through the windows there is a puffing billy train ride. The story is ...

Nov 16, 1984
aka ep200.5 Benita and Alister look at toys and how they work, including a flippy duck toy and a wobbly dog toy. Benita has a three-legged race with Big Ted, then mimes a sack race and egg-and-spoon race. Alister shows how to dye eggs using onion skins. A lucky dip for the toys. After a bit of re-arranging, the toys are happy with their prizes. Both presenters mime being fat, thin, tall and small. Benita builds a building out of Alister then sends Habmble for a ride in the lift to the top. The story is 'Dogger'. Through the windows their is a construction site for a ...

Nov 19, 1984
aka ep201.1 Liddy and Don change the wheel on Liddy's car, then put oil and water in the engine. Check windscreen wipers, blinkers, horn and seat belt. A car, boat, roadway, bridge and railway are made from blocks. Through the windows a steam train is getting ready. The story is 'Mr Gumpy's Motor Car'.

Nov 20, 1984
aka ep201.2 Liddy and Don look at how a baby is bathed and cared for. They make a cardboard box carry cot for Hamble. Cardboard box people matched with suitable shoes and hats. Through the windows a Chinese family celebrate their Grandmother's birthday. The story is 'Peepo'.

Nov 21, 1984
Liddy and Don make a collage tree with bird shapes on it. Collage animals and plants from various materials are added. Through the windows we see a vet's surgery. The story is 'The Wombat Who Ran Away. The presenters sing songs including How Does a Slithery Snake Go?, Dig Like a Wombat, The Little Grey Ponies and others.

Nov 22, 1984
aka ep201.4 OUTSIDE BROADCAST from CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. Benita, Don and John look at what happens in a Children's Hospital - admissions, medical examination, x-ray, play activities, food. They make a peg Jack and Jill. They bath a doll. The story is 'The Line That Went For A Walk'.

Nov 23, 1984
aka ep201.5 Liddy and Don wash and prepare vegetables for soup. They set a table. A play park is made with a see-saw from wood and tube and boxes, swing from cardboard box, climbing frame from tubes for the toys. The presenters blend the soup. Through the windows there are caretakers at Centennial Park. The story is 'Helpers'.
Play School Season 19 (1984) is released on Mar 05, 1984 and the latest season 245 of Play School is released in 2008. Watch Play School online - the English Family TV series from Australia. Play School is directed by Mark Barnard,Ian Munro,Julie Money,Henrietta Clark and created by Mark Barnard with Benita Collings and John Hamblin.