Episodes (248)

Jan 02, 1991
Brooke discusses her upcoming wedding with Storm and Donna. Storm pushes Brooke to tell Ridge that he cannot attend. Meanwhile, Stephanie is hurt when Eric tells her that she is not invited - but Ridge is. Felicia is concerned for Jake who flies into a frenzy to make his father confess. Jake eventually agrees to delay his trip home in order to calm down first. In Madison, Charlie badmouths Jake and pushes Helen to forgive Ben. Later, Ben asks Helen to believe him, yet he admits that he has come to the conclusion that there has to be a root for Jake's vivid and ...

Jan 03, 1991
Bill accidentally walks in on a very delicate moment: Margo admits to Eric that she always hoped to become the second Mrs. Eric Forrester. Taylor makes Ridge understand that she might follow through with her engagement to Storm. When Katie Logan returns for her sister's wedding, Donna and Brooke bring her up to speed on the big event. After receiving the cold shoulder from Eric, Stephanie pays Brooke a visit and asks her if she can come to the wedding. Brooke relents eventually. Later, Ridge shows up at the Logan house to wish the bride luck for tomorrow. The ...

Jan 04, 1991
Beth visits Eric to wish him and Brooke luck just before he leaves for the wedding. In Palm Springs, Donna and Katie are amazed by the lush location of her sister's nuptials. Strom uses the romantic setting to schmooze his fiancé and Taylor seems inclined to fall for it. Bill informs Margo that he heard what she said to Eric earlier, but agrees to discuss it at a later time. While Thorne breaks it to Eric that Stephanie scored an invitation from Brooke, Ridge shows up in the bridal chambers and asks Brooke point-blank if she really wants to marry Eric. Confused, ...

Jan 07, 1991
Brooke is stunned when Ridge returns to her bridal chambers with a priest and a wedding band in tow. Suddenly, Donna and Katie awake Brooke who realizes her marriage to Ridge was all a dream. At the pre-wedding reception, Pierre introduces himself to Stephanie who puts up a brave front despite the finality of her losing Eric. Macy and Felicia are concerned for Thorne as he looks extremely pale and feels ill. Eric therefore asks Ridge to step in as his best man. Storm is surprised when Stephanie compliments him on his engagement and lets it slip that Taylor told her ...

Jan 08, 1991
Family and friends gather in the garden of the hotel resort in Palm Springs to celebrate the wedding of Brooke and Eric. Brooke gets nervous for a short moment when Katie and Donna inform her that Macy had to take Thorne to the hospital and that Ridge will replace him as the best man. Taylor calms down an upset Storm while Felicia comforts Stephanie. After Eric and Brooke are pronounced husband and wife, everyone - including the bride - wonders where the newlyweds are going for their honeymoon. Suddenly, Eric leads Brooke to a hot air balloon and the couple takes off ...

Jan 09, 1991
Eric surprises Brooke with a fairy tale honeymoon: following a hot air balloon ride over Palm Springs, the newlyweds continue their journey with a horseback ride through the Southern California Dessert until they reach an Oasis where a lush yurt equipped with Champagne and candles has been set up. Back in Los Angeles, Stephanie vents her frustration to Ridge about losing Eric. She is sure that Eric will come back to her eventually. Ridge encourages his mother to face reality and look forward. At Spectra Fashions, Sally and Clarke discuss the Forrester wedding and ...

Jan 10, 1991
Sally meets with Felicia to remind her of the offer to create her own collection at Spectra Fashion. Felicia is still hesitant to join her family's arch rival as she fears to further the conflict between Stephanie and Sally. Julie suggests for Clarke to leave Sally and go into business with her. When Clarke turns her down, Julie makes a more compelling case and promises to find an investor with deep pockets to fund their business endeavor. Clarke is reluctant to risk his arrangement with Sally. Out of concern for his mother and her plans to stay close to Eric and ...

Jan 11, 1991
Ridge and Taylor debate about the most effective way to reach out to Stephanie. Amidst some bantering, Ridge kisses Taylor passionately in spite of her engagement. Taylor does not seem to be too unhappy about it. Felicia tries to ease Jake's tension about getting intimate with her. Successfully; as they are finally able to reach the next step of their relationship and make love. Stephanie is still harboring resentment but nevertheless opens up to Taylor, if only slightly. The soul-searching is soon turned around as Stephanie questions Taylor about her own failed ...

Jan 01, 1991
Taylor bluntly tells Stephanie that in her professional opinion she should not try to become friends with Brooke and Eric. Stephanie disagrees. Later, house maid Maria finds Stephanie packing and learns that she wants to leave home for a while. Suddenly, Stephanie suffers a dizzy spell. Still shaken and disoriented, Stephanie teeters to her car - missing her purse in the bedroom. In their lush yurt in the dessert, Brooke and Eric enjoy their honeymoon. Ridge thanks Taylor for talking to his mother. Sally is stunned when Clarke reacts harshly to her news that Felicia ...

Jan 01, 1991
Storm spoils Taylor with dinner and later gives her another week to decide about the engagement. Felicia and Jake spend the evening with Thorne and Macy. When childhood memories are brought up, Jake cannot understand how his beloved father would molest him considering all the good times they had. Taylor returns to the Forrester Mansion where Ridge is looking for Stephanie. They learn from Maria that the Forrester matriarch has left town. When Taylor mentions that she just had dinner with Storm, Ridge tells Taylor they are not being fair to Storm by seeing each other -...

Jan 01, 1991
Felicia is still undecided about Sally's offer - mostly because of her parent's reaction. Jake encourages her to make this bold move. After returning home from their honeymoon, Eric encourages Brooke to start a new chapter professionally, too: he wants his wife to join Forrester Creations and work alongside Felicia. Clarke has his mind on Julie's idea to start a fashion house of his own which does not come unnoticed by Sally. Sally tries to reassure him that - even with Felicia likely joining Spectra Fashions - she has the utmost trust in Clarke and his talent. At ...

Jan 01, 1991
Julie is shocked when Clarke not only turns down her business proposition but also ends their affair - out of respect for his wife. At Spectra Fashions, Felicia accepts Sally's offer as long as there is no public announcement about her hiring. Reluctantly, Sally agrees that it is up to Felicia to break the news to her parents. Helen surprises her son with a visit. She is conflicted because she wants to believe both Jake and Ben that they are telling the truth. So, who is lying? Brooke raves to Ridge about her honeymoon with Eric. Ridge explains to Brooke that he broke...

Jan 01, 1991
Ridge and Eric discuss Stephanie's sudden departure for parts unknown as well as Felicia's unhappiness at work. Eric ponders giving more creative freedom to Felicia. After Margo notices her discontent Felicia heads over to Spectra Fashion. Upon Clarke's praises for his wife and Sally's promise that her old knock-off-days are behind her, Felicia does the unthinkable: she signs a contract at the rivaling fashion house. Stephanie awakes lost and confused in a seedy part of Los Angeles. Her shock widens when she notices that her car has run out of gas. Whilst cleaning at ...

Jan 01, 1991
Sally and Clarke are anxious to celebrate, but swear Darla to secrecy about their latest hiring. When "Eye on Fashion"-reporter Ted O'Connor overhears by accident that Felicia has joined Spectra Fashions, the one stipulation Felicia demanded is already breached. Meanwhile, Eric tells Margo that he intends to give his unhappy daughter greater creative freedom. Bill pays Clarke an unannounced visit. Bill orders Clarke to take Julie's offer or he will expose him for the fraud he is. A deeply confused Maria drives up to Forrester Creations to inform Ridge that she found ...

Jan 01, 1991
Ridge begins to worry about his mother's disappearance. After confiding in Thorne that Maria found Stephanie's purse, they tell Eric about it who believes that there is no cause for alarm. In a seedy part of Los Angeles, Stephanie realizes that she has no wallet with her. While some frightening figures encircle her car, Stephanie decides to walk off to a nearby hotel. Little does she know that the hotel is long closed and no one in there is inclined to help her by calling the police. Eventually, Stephanie is stranded indefinitely when her car is stolen. Brooke ...

Jan 01, 1991
Stephanie who apparently has lost her memory is relieved when Hank, the alleged hotel clerk, finally calls the police. Soon later she makes a startling discovery and realizes that she is in trouble: the phone is dead. Macy walks in on Ridge while looking for her husband. Ridge tells Macy that he starts to believe that the Spectras and Forrester can live in harmonic coexistence. Jake encourages Felicia to look forward to her new job instead of focusing on her family's likely negative reaction to it. Thorne, Macy, and Ridge worry about Stephanie. Eric confides in Brooke...

Jan 01, 1991
Margo is stunned to see the latest issue of "Eye on Fashion". Bill explains to Margo that his sources are legit and that Felicia has indeed joined Spectra Fashions. Just as she wants to tell her father that she signed on with Sally, Eric offers Felicia her own fashion line. Felicia then heads over to Sally to ask to be released from her contract. Sally refuses. At his old studio apartment, Clarke tells Julie their relationship is over as he will not leave Sally, but Julie will not accept that. Eric is shocked to hear that Felicia is teaming up with his arch rival ...

Jan 01, 1991
Storm invites Taylor to dinner when Ridge barges into her office and wants to speak to her alone. In the seedy hotel in downtown L.A., Stephanie is attacked by muggers who want her luxurious coat and jewelry. Suddenly, a stranger steps in and comes to Stephanie's rescue. Darla congratulates Felicia on making the headlines on the latest "Eye on Fashion". A furious Felicia then confronts Sally. She considers their contract invalid because Sally told the press about her hiring despite their explicit agreement not to. Sally denies that she had anything to do with it. ...

Jan 28, 1991
Sally informs Clarke that Felicia wants to bolt on their agreement. She decides to become pro-active and tells Thorne and Macy about Felicia joining Spectra Fashions. Contrary to Sally's expectation, Thorne is furious. Ridge wants Taylor's opinion about his mother's disappearance. Taylor stuns Ridge with her suggestion that Stephanie might have left her purse on purpose to cause concern amongst her family. At the seedy hotel, Stephanie confides in Ruthanne, the homeless woman who saved her from being attacked by the muggers, that she has no idea who she is or what ...

Jan 29, 1991
Thorne and Macy inform Ridge that Felicia is about to join Spectra Fashions. Macy is upset to hear that Ridge and Thorne think Sally hired Felicia solely to hurt the Forresters. Clarke assures his wife that he and Felicia will be a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. They are relieved to learn from Storm that Felicia's contract is iron-clad. At Spencer Publications, Julie tells Bill that Clarke has called an end to their affair, a move which she will not accept just yet. Bill gladly offers his sympathy and support. Later, Julie calls Sally with a surprise ...

Jan 30, 1991
Stephanie is disgusted by Ruthanne's seedy room in the condemned Excelsior Hotel. Ruthanne reminds her guest to quit being ungrateful. Eventually, Stephanie realizes that she has no choice but to stay for the night. Clarke is alarmed when he spots Julie in Sally's office. Julie wins Sally's trust by talking about her alleged husband and her admiration for Sally's work. Therefore Sally willfully accepts Julie's offer to have her write a tell-all book about Spectra Fashions. Felicia explains to Brooke why she originally took the job at Spectra. Brooke is understanding ...

Jan 31, 1991
Eric shows up at Spectra Fashion to confront Sally. When he asks Sally to release Felicia from the contract, she refuses. Brooke tries to help Felicia and therefore calls Storm. The lawyer presents Felicia with the sad truth: Felicia must either honor her 2-year-contract or break it on purpose and risk legal proceedings. In the former Excelsior Hotel in downtown L.A., Stephanie has barely slept all night. She then questions Ruthanne on why she is living on the streets. Ruthanne retorts that it is a vicious cycle and her life is a fight for survival. As the ...

Feb 01, 1991
Considering that his mother is still having trouble to believe him, Jake begins to wonder if he imagined his father molesting him. Margo is shocked that Jake doubts himself. Brooke and Ridge explain to Eric that Felicia's contract is binding. Eric does not want to hear this and decides to talk to his legal department later. Stephanie and Ruthanne arrive at the police station. As the cops are overworked and have no clues to find out about Stephanie's identity, they advise them to seek help from social services instead.

Feb 01, 1991
Sally gives Felicia a warm welcome on her first day at Spectra Fashions, but also issues a stern warning that the young designer should not dare trying to sabotage her new collection. Clarke wants Julie to drop the book project and order her to respect his marriage. Julie tells Clarke that she wants to be his friend. Suddenly, passion rises and they kiss. During a conversation with Margo, Jake begins to hear the tinkling sound again in his head. As it will not stop, a panicky Jake seeks help from Taylor and explains to her that he fears that he might be losing his ...

Feb 01, 1991
Stephanie and Ruthanne return to the Excelsior Hotel where they realize someone broke into Ruthanne's room and stole all her belongings. Stephanie is afraid because Ruthanne blames her for being robbed. Eventually, Ruthanne assures Stephanie that she will not abandon her. Jake tries to come to terms with the haunting sound he keeps hearing. With Taylor's help, Jake comes to the conclusion that he has to confront his parents one more time about his childhood's ordeal. Felicia pleads with Macy to help her get out of the contract with Spectra Fashion. Ridge and Thorne ...

Feb 01, 1991
Ridge informs Eric that it will depend on Macy whether Sally will let Felicia go from her contract. Meanwhile, Macy tries to reach a compromise with her mother, but Sally will not pass on Felicia's hiring. Thorne also realizes that Sally will not budge on this topic. Taylor suggests that Jake take Felicia or Margo on his trip to Madison, but he refuses. Taylor then alerts Felicia to speak to her boyfriend immediately. Jake then tells Felicia that he has to confront Ben one more time.

Feb 01, 1991
Stephanie has a hard time getting used to the life on the streets; eating leftover food from restaurants in particular. Ruthanne explains that the first time is the toughest part and surprises Stephanie that she is a college graduate and used to lead a very different life. Bill is upset with Margo for focusing all her energy on Jake. Margo on the other hand is furious with her husband for his lack of understanding. Felicia stops by and informs Margo of Jake's plans to confront their father. In Madison, Ben presents Helen with a gift for their wedding anniversary. ...

Feb 01, 1991
Margo has another argument with Bill after she decides to follow her brother to Madison. Helen informs Ben and Charlie that Jake is coming for a visit. Taylor teases Ridge and eventually sets the record straight that she is looking for a serious relationship - with Storm. Meanwhile, Storm informs Donna that he will give Taylor a proper marriage proposal tonight. Jake arrives in Madison and demands that somebody tell him the truth. In downtown L.A., Ruthanne tries to trigger Stephanie's memory, yet prefers to keep an emotional distance. Stephanie explains to Ruthanne ...

Feb 01, 1991
Jake tries to provoke his father. Ben then shocks Jake that Helen now believes him that he never laid hands on his son. Jake is stunned when Helen confirms it. After another heated confrontation, Jake almost passes out. Brooke asks Ridge about his feelings for Taylor. Ridge explains that he is not ready for a commitment, yet he is stunned when Brooke encourages him to follow up on his feelings for the psychologist. In Encino, Storm rushes his nosy sister Donna out of the house to ask Taylor for a verdict on their prolonged pre-engagement period. Will Taylor accept ...

Feb 01, 1991
Storm presses Taylor for an answer to his proposal. Taylor is hesitant, citing her unhappy first marriage as the reason. Then, Ridge disrupts Storm and Taylor's evening and tells the psychologist not to marry Storm. A furious Storm punches Ridge and Taylor walks out on the quarreling men. After Helen has put her feeble son to bed, Margo arrives in Madison. Ben is shocked that Margo sides with her brother. Jake confides in Margo that Helen is more inclined to believe Ben than him. Jake also reveals that he was molested in this very bedroom.

Feb 01, 1991
Taylor is furious with Ridge for confronting Storm. Ridge retorts that he is rather interested if Taylor actually wants to marry the lawyer. When Ridge dares her to marry Storm, Taylor leaves in a huff. Eric is thrilled that Brooke is looking forward to working at Forrester Creations. Margo comforts Jake who begins to doubt himself again after both their parents think that he is making up being molested as a child. Later, Margo desperately tries to convince Helen that Jake is telling the truth.

Feb 01, 1991
Ruthanne continues to teach an amnesiac Stephanie to survive as a homeless person. They sneak into a fancy hotel and manage to persuade a maid to let them get a shower. Later, Stephanie is pricked by a roses' thorn and wonders why that word sounds so familiar. Ridge and Thorne get anxious to find out where their mother went, but decide to wait one more week before starting a search for Stephanie. In Madison, Ben urges his children to believe him that he never harmed Jake. Margo is shocked that Ben is still denying it, but his words do have an effect, though. Just as ...

Feb 01, 1991
Clarke tells Julie to return the keys to his apartment. He then officially puts an end to their fling, claiming that he will no longer betray his marriage. An angry Julie threatens Clarke that she will get even with him for dumping her. Sally reminds Felicia that she will not let her out of her contract. Later, Bill pressures Julie to expose Clarke's affair to Sally. Darla and Saul are upset with Clarke for cheating and confront him. When Clarke exclaims how much he admires and loves his wife, they retreat. Sally overhears the entire conversation and is touched. At ...

Feb 19, 1991
Brooke and Eric go out to have dinner at Pierre's. Meanwhile, Stephanie and Ruthanne are starving and go looking for food. They ask one of the kitchen helpers for table scraps. Ironically, they relish as they get Brooke and Eric's leftovers. Saul and Darla wonder whether Clarke is sincere with Sally. Julie arrives at Spectra Fashions under the pretense to interview Sally for a book. She is about to tell Sally about her affair with Clarke when the designers interrupts the women. Clarke gushes over his wife and ostentatiously kisses Sally right in front of Julie.

Feb 01, 1991
Brooke is upset with Ridge for interfering with Taylor and Storm. Ridge stresses that he considers it his duty as Taylor's friend and claims that he has no romantic interest in the doctor. Storm is hurt to hear from Taylor that she is unsure of her feelings - for him and Ridge. While a flu-stricken Jake is resting in bed in his parents' house, Ben grows weary that Helen is torn again whether he or Jake is lying about the alleged abuse. Uncle Charlie tries to mediate. Later, Jake makes a startling realization about the tinkling sound that he associates with his abuse.

Feb 01, 1991
Jake realizes that the tinkling sound that seems to be the key memory from his abuse as a child stems from uncle Charlie's dog tags. Therefore, Charlie, not Ben, molested him as a 5-year-old. Meanwhile, Charlie tries to convince Ben and Helen that they would be better off if Jake were to leave Madison again. Tensions rise amongst the Maclaines: Ben almost strikes Margo for believing Jake and not him. Jake follows Charlie to his home to confront him. Jake remembers that Charlie lived with them for a while after he lost his job - and then the abuse took place. When ...

Feb 01, 1991
Charlie panics when Jakes confronts him about the abuse. He knocks Jake unconscious and ties him up so that Jake cannot tell anyone. Margo is confused after she finds Jake's bed empty. Ben heads over to his brother's house as Charlie was the last person who has seen Jake. Charlie manages to hide Jake in his bedroom and then pressures Ben to give up on Jake. Later, Charlie realizes that he must get rid of Jake to save himself. Even though she has settled in at her new office at Spectra Fashions, Felicia is still resentful. Macy tries to reassure Felicia about Sally's ...

Feb 01, 1991
Jake pleads with Charlie to set him free. Charlie will not hear him. He is willing to take extreme measures to hide his guilt: he locks Jake in a car exhaust-filled garage to die. Margo and Ben continue to worry about Jake's whereabouts. As they browse through old photos, Margo is reminded that Charlie used to live with the family for two years - around the same time that Jake claims he was molested. Donna visits Brooke at her new lab at Forrester Creations. Later, Ridge suggests to Eric and Brooke that they do something to find Stephanie. Brooke snaps at Ridge that ...

Feb 01, 1991
Ridge and Thorne inform Lt. Burke that they have not heard from their mother in three weeks. The Lieutenant agrees to look for Stephanie, but thinks she is probably on vacation. Instead of guessing about her own identity, Stephanie wants to know more about Ruthanne. Reluctantly, Ruthanne admits that she also used to lead a very different life as a happily married mother of two children. After car exhausts have filled up the garage and made Jake loose consciousness, Margo arrives at Charlie's to speak with her uncle. She accuses Charlie of molesting Jake which he ...

Feb 01, 1991
Jake and Margo are in shock after they find Charlie dead in the living room of his house. They call the police and then drive over to their parents. Jake informs Ben that his brother committed suicide, before apologizing to his father for falsely accusing him of child molestation. Ben is stunned that Charlie abused Jake as a child. Father and son forgive each other. Bill is looking for Clarke at Spectra Fashions, but only runs into Felicia. When she brings up Jake, Bill is annoyed and leaves. Taylor pays Ridge a late night visit and tells him that she did not accept ...

Mar 01, 1991
Bill pressures Julie to follow up on her plan with Clarke - and then stuns the reporter with a kiss. Sally confides in Darla that she is starting to believe that her marriage to Clarke can turn into more than just a business venture. Julie, a woman scorned, waits naked for Clarke in his office and nearly achieves the desired effect to have Sally walk in on her act. A furious Clarke tells her that it is over because he loves his wife. Julie retorts that she has an appointment with Sally soon and will no longer keep quiet. Eric presents Brooke with a whole new wardrobe ...

Mar 06, 1991
Sally is speechless to find a greasy looking Stephanie going through the trash in the loading dock area of Spectra Fashions. Sally is even more confused when Ruthanne calls the woman with the striking resemblance to the Forrester matriarch "Liz". Ruthanne picks up on Sally's strange behavior and later wonders if she knows her amnesiac friend. Meanwhile, Clarke tries to reason with Julie who was looking forward to a mutual future until he burst that bubble. Ridge is impressed by Brooke's new look and remarks that she went a long way to become Mrs. Eric Forrester. Still...

Mar 01, 1991
Donna is stunned when Bill calls her over. Bill makes her a tantalizing offer to return to Spencer Publications as an editor. Donna thinks that there is more to Bill's job offer and correctly assumes that his marital woes cause his sudden reignited interest in her. After Charlie's funeral, Jake encourages Margo to salvage her marriage. Margo and Helen then try to mediate between Jake and Ben. Jake offers to make up to his father for the false accusations. Ben reassures his son that all is forgiven. Darla and Saul notice that Sally is extremely preoccupied. Sally then ...

Mar 01, 1991
Margo returns to Los Angeles and explains to Bill what happened in Madison. Bill is upset with Margo for focusing so much on Jake and not even finding time to give him a phone call. Felicia confides in Macy that she is miserable about Jake's absence. Hence, she is thrilled when Jake shows up at Spectra Fashions and takes her into his arms. Ridge invites Taylor to join him on a business trip to Europe. Taylor thinks that Ridge is joking - until he kisses her passionately. Storm warns Donna about Bill's job offer because he is certain that the publisher's interest in ...

Mar 01, 1991
Taylor turns down Ridge's invitation to join him on a trip to Europe before leaving to meet her (almost) fiancé. Storm is extremely hopeful that Taylor will finally accept his proposal. Hence, he is deeply disappointed when she breaks of their engagement and instead asks for his friendship. Brooke tries to talk Donna out of the job offer to work at Spencer Publications. Donna will not let such a chance pass by, regardless of her future boss' possible ulterior motives, and calls Bill to accept his offer. Taylor pays Brooke a visit to inform her that she will not marry ...

Mar 01, 1991
Jake explains to Felicia how he feels reborn now that he has confronted his problems. Later, Felicia fills Taylor in on the revelation in Madison. Taylor warns Felicia that overcoming the sexual abuse might have various impacts on Jake's future. Margo confides in Eric about her marital problems. She is no longer sure whether she loves Bill. Storm confronts Bill who informs the lawyer that he is too late because Donna has just accepted his job offer. Storm runs off to see Margo. Donna is thrilled to start working as an editor at Spencer Publications. When Bill's first ...

Mar 01, 1991
Ruthanne finally opens up to Stephanie about her life's story: how her husband left, but eventually took her son and daughter from her, how she lost her job and then lived out of a car until it was stolen from her. Ruthanne then changes the topic and reveals to Stephanie that she found a 5-dollar-bill. Before they can leave to have dinner instead of eating scabs, a homeless person mugs them with a knife. Stephanie saves Ruthanne by handing over their money. Eric is amazed by Brooke's zest to make a name for herself as Forrester Creations' new chemist before Stephanie ...

Mar 01, 1991
Storm tries to talk Donna out of working for Spencer Publications. Donna gives Bill another call in order to find out more about her new position. Bill's reaction confirms her concerns that he merely wants to get close to her again. Therefore, Donna turns down the offer. Later, Margo confronts Bill about Donna. Bill smugly informs his wife that he did not hire Donna. Sally pumps Felicia for information about Stephanie out of concern, but it only leads to Felicia further resenting her. Macy gets curious why Sally has such a weird interest in Stephanie's whereabouts. ...

Mar 01, 1991
Clarke is concerned about Sally's zeal to involve herself with the Forresters. He reminds his wife that her depiction of Stephanie digging through the dumpsters of Spectra is ludicrous. However, Sally swears that she will find Stephanie. Meanwhile, Brooke explains to Eric and Thorne that she wants to make her mark at Forrester Creations before Stephanie returns. Eric reveals that Sally paid him a visit and presented a wild story that the Forrester Matriarch is living on the streets. Later, Thorne and Macy discuss what Sally said about Stephanie being a homeless person...

Mar 01, 1991
Bill is surprised when Julie tells him that Sally wants some photographs of Stephanie - allegedly for a fundraiser promotion. Sally then instructs Darla to produce thousands of copies of Stephanie's picture to circulate on Skid Row in order to find her. Macy convinces Sally to drop this plan, though, because it has caused already caused her enough trouble with her husband. Thorne vents his frustration over Sally's meddling to Eric and Brooke. They are stunned that, for the sake of his marriage, Thorne considers leaving the company to longer be amidst the conflict of ...

Mar 01, 1991
Stephanie meets a fellow street person, Ruthanne's friend Adam Banks. Later, Ruthanne suggests to Stephanie to acknowledge the obvious chemistry and consider having a rendezvous with Adam. Sally reveals to Saul and Darla that she feels miserable for causing conflict between Thorne and Macy, yet she still wants to find Stephanie Forrester. Back home, Macy tells Thorne that quitting Forrester would be a mistake. Thorne completely turns around the conversation and instead asks Macy to leave Spectra.

Mar 01, 1991
Clarke asks to see Felicia's designs but she refuses to show them to him. Thorne tells Brooke that he suggested for Macy to leave Spectra. Brooke thinks that he is asking too much of is wife. Sally pays Macy a visit to apologize for causing frictions in her marriage. Macy explains to her mother that she had a terrible fight with Thorne. Brooke is surprised when Taylor shows up at her lab at Forrester Creations to inquire about Ridge. Later, Taylor receives a surprise herself: a phone call from her ex-husband Blake Hayes. Blake wants to meet with Taylor to show her how...

Mar 26, 1991
Taylor experiences a blast from the past: Blake Hayes, her ex-husband, who claims that he is town for business, shows up at her practice and wants to have dinner with his former wife. Taylor is reluctant; it seems as if she and Blake did not divorce each other on best terms. Ruthanne sets up Stephanie to have another encounter with Adam who thinks that he has seen "Liz" somewhere before. The matchmaking leads to an unexpected moment of compassion when the lonely Stephanie and Adam come as close as to kiss. Thorne suggests to Eric to have Macy join Forrester Creations ...

Mar 27, 1991
Felicia shows Jake her sketches, which she has purposely botched in hopes of being fired. Unbeknownst to her, Sally is already expecting her to sabotage her collection. As Sally and Clarke view the awful designs, Sally raves about them. She intends to make Felicia's plan backfire. Macy sadly tells Thorne that she resigned from Spectra Fashion. Thorne appreciates her sacrifice and talks about starting a family. Stephanie and Adam are both overwhelmed by their sudden kiss, yet feel great about it. Ruthanne returns and is happy to see that her matchmaking worked out ...

Mar 26, 1991
Bill chats with Julie about her relationship with Clarke before making obvious advances to his favorite editor. Suddenly, Margo arrives and the Spencers finally address the poor state of their marriage. Bill bluntly asks Margo if she still loves him. She seems unsure as she believes that they both need to change their attitudes to make their partnership work. Felicia tells Jake that she thinks Sally is calling her bluff by claiming to like the sketches. Jake warns Felicia to be careful. Taylor meets with her ex-husband, Blake, at Pierre's restaurant for dinner. They ...

Mar 27, 1991
Ridge returns from his business trip and sports a new haircut. He catches up with Brooke who leaves out the little detail that Taylor and Storm have separated. As he leaves, Brooke realizes that she is very glad that Ridge is back. Blake tries to woo his ex-wife, Taylor. Blake does not seem too affected when Taylor tries to make him understand that she has moved on from their divorce. As he thanks Margo for her support during the time following the death of their uncle, Jake realizes that Margo is suffering from severe marital problems as a consequence. Jake therefore...

Mar 28, 1991
Sally instructs Saul and Darla to distribute the flyers with Stephanie's photo. Clarke disagrees with his wife's decision, so Sally promises to drop the subject if the current search operation leads to no results. Eric is happy to welcome Ridge back home. Ridge is upset when he finds out that Stephanie still has not been heard from - and Thorne agrees that it is time for them to look into their mother's lengthy disappearance. Ruthanne has a pleased look on her face when Adam picks up "Liz" for their date bearing flowers. To Stephanie's surprise, Adam leads them to a ...

Apr 02, 1991
Ridge is unnerved because Brooke thinks that Stephanie is staying away on purpose to punish her family. Ridge's concern receives further ammunition though: Lt. Burke informs him that Stephanie's car was found in a Mexican chop shop with no trace of the Forrester Matriarch. Saul and Darla return from their mission and Sally is disappointed that they found no lead on Stephanie. It's not before long that so many crank calls come in at Spectra Fashions that Darla hangs up on one of the bums from the diner who actually saw Stephanie. Clarke feels validated that the search ...

Apr 01, 1991
Brooke makes progress on her project to invent a wrinkle-free cloth. Eric begins to worry about Stephanie, even though Brooke thinks it is just a ploy. Ridge and Thorne question Lt. Burke what to make out of Stephanie's car being found in Mexico. Suddenly, they receive a copy of one of the flyers with Stephanie's picture on it. Thorne realizes that Sally put them out and storms out to talk to Macy. Stephanie and Ruthanne must sleep in a cardboard box on a street in downtown Los Angeles after being evicted. Ruthanne is awakened by Adam, who explains to her that her ...

Apr 02, 1991
Ridge and Eric are concerned about Stephanie's whereabouts while Brooke is still convinced that it is all a ploy of the Forrester Matriarch. Macy confronts Sally about the flyers and Sally admits that they were a mistake. Lt. Burke arrives to question Sally's motive to look for Stephanie. Adam convinces Ruthanne to help him get their friend home. Stephanie is surprised to see Adam that late at night on the streets. He tells her that they finally found out about her real name. Adam explains that they do not belong to where she is coming from and gives her money for a ...

Apr 03, 1991
Maria is stunned to see her employer standing on the entrance of the Forrester Mansion. Stephanie has no recollection of her home, name, family or maid, though. Ridge is thrilled to see her, yet shocked to find out that she apparently lived on the streets in recent weeks. Eric and Brooke argue about Stephanie and the cause of her disappearance when they receive the happy news that she is back. Ridge and Felicia bring in Dr. Marshall to have their mother examined. The doctor assumes that Stephanie suffered a small stroke and needs to be hospitalized for a few days.

Apr 04, 1991
Thorne confides in Macy that he starts to have doubts that they will ever see his mother alive again. Macy pressures her spouse to remain optimistic. Brooke is pacing at the apartment concerned what the Forrester Matriarch might be staging to win back her former husband. Stephanie feels uncomfortable at the place which is supposedly her home. She wants to go back to her friends Ruthanne and Adam. The family takes Stephanie to the hospital for further examinations - and the happy news of her return spreads to Thorne. Dr. Marshall tells Stephanie's children and Eric ...

Apr 09, 1991
After an argument with Brooke about whether Stephanie might be faking her condition, Eric runs off to work, but eventually ends up in the steam room to clear his head. Ridge joins his father. When Eric leaves for a phone call, Brooke enters. She thinks it is Eric in the thick fog and proceeds to drop her towel and be intimate with him. Ridge does not stop her and when she finally realizes that it is him, Brooke promises she will get even with Ridge someday. Blake and Margo happen to run into each other at the Taxi Bar. They talk and are attracted to one another. Blake...

Apr 10, 1991
Clarke is still horrified by Felicia's designs and concerned for his reputation. Sally informs her husband that she wants to showcase them as "Felicia Forrester Originals" and not under the Spectra name in order for the feisty designer to be responsible for her own downfall. Felicia decides to call Sally's bluff and agrees to the solo showing, yet hopes that Sally will budge in the last minute and release her from her contract. Taylor finds out from Trish that Ridge has been back in town for a while, but has not called her. Just then, Ridge stops by Taylor's office. ...

Apr 11, 1991
Macy updates Sally on Stephanie's return and situation. Ridge visits Stephanie in the hospital, and has Taylor talk to her. Taylor concludes that Stephanie is psychologically healthy. Stephanie asks Taylor if she is interested in Ridge, but Taylor refuses to answer. Taylor returns to her office and is surprised by Blake. Blake invites her to dine together. Ridge finds out from Brooke that Taylor is no longer engaged and calls Dr. Hayes to invite her for dinner. She declines, explaining that she has other plans, and then leaves for Pierre's Café with Blake. Ridge then ...

Apr 12, 1991
Ridge and Brooke have dinner at Pierre's Café. When Taylor arrives with Blake at the same restaurant and catches a glimpse of Ridge and Brooke, she wants to leave abruptly. Blake and Taylor go to an Italian place instead, but she has lost her appetite. Ridge and Brooke have a nice dinner, and even dance. Ridge asks Brooke not to tell Eric about their date. Eric visits Stephanie at the hospital and tells her what she used to be like, and asks her not to return to the streets. Stephanie is touched that her ex-husband still seems to care about her.

Apr 04, 1991
Ridge and Brooke visit Stephanie in the hospital who breaks it to them that Eric had just been there. Brooke is stunned, but Ridge urges her to not to read too much into Eric's concern for his ex-wife. Brooke then reveals to Ridge that Taylor is no longer seeing Storm and that her brother has moved to San Francisco last week. Eric argues with Thorne whether to tell Brooke that he has seen Stephanie. Eric later lies to Brooke about his visit, and she cannot believe that he would hide something from her. Blake and Taylor return from their date and kiss. Blake thinks ...

Apr 16, 1991
A frazzled Brooke tells Ridge that Eric lied to her last night. She still thinks Stephanie is pretending to have amnesia, but Ridge disagrees. Blake spent the night on Taylor's couch, but is hopeful that it is a positive sign that his ex is open to rekindle their romance. Unbeknownst to Blake, Ridge arrives a while later. Ridge reveals that he had no idea that Taylor broke things off with Storm. Suddenly, he kisses Taylor passionately and carries her over near the fireplace to make love. Clarke grows uneasy when Julie stops by at Spectra Fashions. Sally explains to ...

Apr 17, 1991
Ridge and Taylor bask in the afterglow of lovemaking for the first time. Blake later meets his ex and can tell she has just had sex. Surprisingly, Blake thinks that Taylor should continue to see both him and Ridge. Felicia tells Eric not to attend her fashion show because she will not be working for Spectra Fashion after tomorrow. Clarke pressures Sally to cut their losses and fire Felicia. Sally is also worried about the fashion display, but when Eric calls and scolds her for telling the newspaper about finding Stephanie, she angrily decides to go through with it to ...

Apr 17, 1991
Desperately trying to save her fashion show debut and improve her designs, Felicia has worked all night long. Jake gives her the idea to make it an up-beat hip-hop urban style themed show. Darla is surprised by all the last-minute changes. Felicia is touched that Eric arrives for the showing to lend his moral support. Sally and Clarke prepare for the worst when Saul informs them that Felicia has opted to present her collection in the loading dock. Just as they try to distance themselves as much as possible, the reporters begin to warm up towards Felicia's collection. ...

Apr 18, 1991
After the successful fashion show, Sally claims all credit in front of the press. Julie is covering the event for Spencer Publications, but her sight is more set on Clark than work. Julie hustles Clarke away from the press to Sally's office where they end up kissing, just as a shocked Darla walks in on them. Eric praises his daughter for her first collection. He then pressures Sally to let Felicia out of her contract. Stephanie receives a visit from Ruthanne and Adam at the hospital. She still feels very close to them and is undecided whether to return to a lush home ...

Apr 22, 1991
Eric stops by at the hospital where he walks in on Adam and Ruthanne visiting Stephanie. After he has excused himself, Adam and Ruthanne are surprised to find out that Stephanie misses them and is considering not to go back to the Beverly Hills mansion which is her supposed home. Later, Eric comes back and sees Adam and Stephanie kissing. Bill reads about Stephanie in the paper and accuses Margo of keeping this information from him. Tensions rise and eventually Margo asks Bill if he wants a divorce before leaving in a huff. Margo happens to meet Blake at the Taxi Bar ...

Apr 23, 1991
Sally tells Clarke that she hopes finding Stephanie will finally gain her the Forrester matriarch's respect. Ridge shows Thorne the newspaper article about Stephanie that Sally leaked to the press. A furious Thorne presents it to Macy, but she thinks that the Forresters should thank her mother instead of treating her like an enemy. Sally's dreams come true when she visits an amnesiac Stephanie who - based on the article in the paper - assumes that they used to be friends. Stephanie even embraces Sally. Clarke secretly meets with Julie at Taxi Bar and reveals that he ...

Apr 24, 1991
Saul is concerned that Felicia's collection will not sell well. When Darla enthuses about one of Felicia's designs, Sally realizes that it attracts a younger demographic than the usual buyers. Macy tells Sally about her fight with Thorne, and that she might leave him. The two agree that they are sick of the pompous behavior of the Forresters. Brooke confides in Ridge that she is concerned about all the time Eric is spending with Stephanie. When Eric informs Stephanie that she can go home, she says she will return to the streets. She asks Eric about their past, and ...

Apr 25, 1991
Brooke accuses Eric of lying about his visits to Stephanie. Eric apologizes, but also stresses that he does not harbor any romantic feelings for his ex-wife. Eric then informs Brooke that he is going to attend a welcome home gathering - with or without Brooke. Stephanie begins to remember pieces of her past. Adam pays her a visit and encourages her to be positive about returning to her family. Ridge arrives to pick up his mother at the hospital and meets Adam who gives Stephanie a goodbye-kiss. Felicia probes Jake about his sexuality. Later, Stephanie is greeted by ...

Apr 26, 1991
Blake informs Taylor that he has relocated the headquarters of his oil company to Los Angeles. Taylor is not too unhappy to have her ex husband around indefinitely, but calls for a rain check when Ridge calls to meet later. While Thorne and Eric show Stephanie around the mansion, Brooke gets angry and leaves. Eric follows her home and they discuss Brooke's insecurity regarding Stephanie. After Brooke insinuates that Stephanie is faking her amnesia, Eric rushes off in a huff. Ridge is surprised that Taylor reacts coolly to his visit. She explains her frustration that ...

Apr 29, 1991
Stephanie is slowly coming to terms with living at the Forrester Mansion. She invites Adam over to tell him that her memory is returning very quickly. She now remembers what it was that broke up her marriage to Eric: Brooke. Stephanie explains that she intends to get close to Brooke while her defenses are down. Meanwhile, Eric urges Brooke to show compassion towards poor amnesiac Stephanie. Later, Brooke meets with Stephanie who acts all innocent and interested to build a bond with her. At the Taxi Bar, Margo and Blake run into other again. They share more personal ...

Apr 30, 1991
Margo continues her conversation with Blake at her apartment. She notices his unusual interest in the Forresters and he admits that Taylor is his ex-wife. Bill's arrival puts an end to their chat. Margo asks Blake to leave, yet uses the momentum to provoke her husband: she explains to Bill that she picked Blake up at a bar. Brooke tells Ridge about her unexpected meeting with Stephanie who expressed her desire to have her become her confidante. Stephanie is almost back to her old self, yet keeps this information from everyone. When Taylor visits Stephanie and is asked...

May 01, 1991
Brooke tries to patch things up with Eric and apologizes for doubting Stephanie and the lengths of her ordeal. Blake contacts Brooke in order to arrange a meeting with a likely ally in his quest to win back his ex. At Pierre's, they discuss Taylor and Ridge. Blake asks Brooke point blank for help to keep the two from marrying by reuniting Eric with his former wife. Appalled, Brooke leaves in a huff. Ridge and Taylor frolic at the Forrester pool. Upstairs, Stephanie acts all innocent and timid with Eric. She wants to know more about the reason why he divorced her. Eric...

May 02, 1991
Saul is stunned by Darla's vivid imagination when she tells him that she earlier saw Clarke kissing Julie in Sally's office. Darla confronts Clarke about having an affair with Julie. Sally sees Darla chewing Clarke out and almost fires her. Later, Eric meets with Sally and offers her $250,000 for Felicia's contract. Sally makes it clear that she will not let Felicia go for any money in the world. Felicia explains to Jake that she can understand if he wants to see other women because now, for the first time in his life, he is confident with his sexuality as an adult ...

May 03, 1991
Sally asks Darla what is bothering her, but the ditsy assistant only bursts into tears and cannot get herself to open up about Clarke's infidelity. Later, Darla confronts Clarke, but he warns her not to say anything or she will end up on the street. At Spencer Publications, Julie asks Bill for a reprieve before publishing her tell-all-tale. Sally explains to Clarke about Macy and Thorne's marital problems. Thorne confides in Ridge that Macy walked out on him; he considers Sally the source of all his misery. Sally convinces Macy to forget about her husband, move in ...

May 06, 1991
Clarke is surprised to receive a visit from Julie. She is aware that he will not file for divorce, but is still in love with him. Clarke promises Julie honesty but no commitment. He locks his office and they make love. Brooke explains to Ridge that she wants to win over Stephanie before the latter gets her memory back. Thorne runs into Macy who is grabbing a suitcase at their apartment. Both suffer under their separation, yet neither Thorne nor Macy is ready to make the first step. Stephanie is stunned when she learns from Nanny Judy that Brooke works at Forrester ...

May 07, 1991
Sally convinces Macy to return to work. She also encourages her daughter to be positive because life must go on despite her marital woes with Thorne. Taylor accepts an invitation for a romantic dinner with Blake after she has not heard from Ridge in a few days. Just then, Ridge stops by and also asks her out to dinner, but has to learn that he is too late. Taylor tells Ridge that she likes him more than Blake, yet her former husband knows how to treat a woman. Brooke and Eric have a rocky conversation about Stephanie and Ridge. Later, Blake again asks for Brooke's ...

May 08, 1991
Blake pressures Brooke to dine with Ridge at Pierre's tonight so that the designer can witness first hand how close he and Taylor still are. Brooke is reluctant to participate in this scheme, but when Eric decides to spend the evening with Stephanie, she is miffed. Brooke decides to help Blake by pumping Taylor for information. Stephanie tells Eric all about Ruthanne. She wants to reunite Ruthanne with her children that she lost long ago in a bitter divorce and also wants to invite her to live at the Mansion to pay her back for her support. Brooke convinces Ridge to ...

May 09, 1991
Eric is touched by Stephanie's concern for her newfound friend Ruthanne. As the evening has progressed, he asks his ex-wife to join him for dinner. Ridge and Brooke as well as Taylor and Blake dine at different parts of Pierre's Café. Blake's plan seems to work because both Ridge and Taylor react miffed when they spot the respective offer. Blake tries to make Ridge jealous by kissing Taylor. Ridge then tries to do the same to Blake by kissing Brooke. It is in this very moment that Eric walks in with Stephanie. Eric furiously heads towards Ridge's and Brooke's table.

May 10, 1991
Eric demands an explanation from Ridge and Brooke about their kiss. Ridge suggests that he take Brooke home and explain it all later. Eric and Stephanie eat dinner despite the incident. Across the room, Taylor confides in an innocent acting Blake what she just witnessed. Back at her apartment, Brooke tells Ridge that she feels threatened by the new friendship Stephanie and Eric seem to develop. Later, Brooke explains tonight's event to Eric but also accuses him of not being truthful about his own plans for the evening. When Blake accompanies her home, Taylor begins to...

May 13, 1991
Julie and Clarke make love twice, but Clarke reminds her that he still is a married man. Julie meets Bill and confesses her feelings for Clarke. He is furious, but does not let on. Julie does not want him to publish the damaging book she authored. Bill gives the manuscript back to Julie, yet he is too hurt about being stood up romantically and professionally than to let this chance for revenge pass by. Bill plans to publish "I've Got Designs on You", of which he has several copies, in a week if Julie does not come around. Due to conflicts with their respective spouses...

May 14, 1991
Eric enlists Lt. Burke for help to search for Ruthanne's family. Meanwhile, Stephanie is thrilled when Ruthanne stops by for a visit. She questions her friend some more about her ex-husband and children, before convincing her to move into the Forrester Mansion for the time being. Ruthanne is touched by Stephanie's gesture. Brooke informs Ridge about her argument with Eric. Ridge then leaves to face his father and explain what prompted him to kiss Brooke. Eric angrily tells Ridge that he was way out of line last night. After spending the night with Taylor, Blake is ...

May 15, 1991
Eric confides in Stephanie about his argument with Brooke. He is stunned when not only does Stephanie comfort him, but she also does put in a good word for Brooke who would surely never betray him. Margo confronts Ridge about hurting his father. Ridge asks Margo to stay out of this. Taylor dons Brooke a visit at the lab and accuses her of purposely dining at the same restaurant last night to come between her and Ridge. Later, Ridge tells Brooke that they should not see each other anymore because Eric is very upset about the whole situation. Brooke has tears in her ...

May 16, 1991
Stephanie pays Brooke a visit at the lab. She is stunned to hear that Brooke wants to end her friendship with Ridge and advises her against it. Later, Eric informs Brooke that he does not expect her to no longer be friends with his son. Brooke is perplexed that Stephanie gave her husband a new perspective on the situation. Taylor calls Ridge to explain what happened the other night, but he hangs up on her. Taylor goes to see Ridge in person. She tells him to be more nurturing. On cue, Ridge grabs Taylor and kisses her passionately. Blake stops by to see Margo and ...

May 17, 1991
Darla is still stricken with guilt over keeping Clarke's affair from Sally. Rather unexpectedly, Sally begins to feel sick. Macy takes her mother to see the doctor who has highly surprising news for Macy: he thinks that Sally may be pregnant. Bill wants Julie to try again at winning Clarke over to his side. After making love, Clarke warns Julie not to trap him with a pregnancy. Clarke tells Julie that he has a child and Margo is the mother. Julie is shocked. Upon leaving, she encourages Clarke to build a relationship with his son. Jake opens up to Margo, saying he has...

May 20, 1991
Macy tries calm down her mother who is extremely anxious to find out the results of her medical tests. Dr. Barnett then tells Sally that her health scare has a very happy source: she is pregnant. Sally is stunned, but hopes Clarke will be supportive. A worried Darla explains to Saul that Sally is at the hospital. They are therefore surprised when Sally returns to the office - beaming with joy. Julie confronts Bill about being the stepfather to Clarke's son, a piece of information she did not know about before. Margo gets concerned when Clarke suddenly wants to see his...

May 21, 1991
Sally is excited about her pregnancy and thinks that a little bundle of joy could make her marriage complete. While she is happy for her mother, Macy begins to realize that - to give the expecting parents some much needed space - she will have to move out of Sally's apartment where she has lived after her falling out with Thorne. Margo comforts Clarke regarding Mark's reaction to him. Clarke is hit hard that his own son considers someone else his father. Jake tells Felicia about his feelings for other women. She is sad, but understands. They decide to pause their ...

May 22, 1991
Stephanie calls Brooke over to hand her a bathing suit she found in a closet of the Mansion. Brooke then reveals to Stephanie that she used to be in a relationship with Ridge and lived there. Stephanie reacts sad to hear that Brooke considers her the reason for the break-up. She asks Brooke to stay for dinner - and sends her to the pool. Stephanie leaves out the fact that she spotted Ridge by the swimming pool earlier. Brooke cannot help but wonder if Stephanie tries to manipulate her after she walks in on a half-naked Ridge. Macy and Thorne accidentally run into each...

May 23, 1991
Ridge and Brooke talk by the pool about Stephanie, but Ruthanne - who is on her way to move in - overhears and lets Stephanie know that they think she might have more memory back than she is letting on. Questioned about her last name, Ruthanne gets the feeling that Stephanie mistrusts her. She therefore opts against moving into the Forrester Mansion. Later, just as Brooke begins to convince Eric that Stephanie is playing them and remembering more than she admits, Stephanie arrives. Brooke is stunned when Stephanie asks Eric's for the name of a doctor to see and claims...

May 24, 1991
Saul finds Darla pondering about baby names and is stunned to hear that Sally is pregnant. Sally explains to Macy that Clarke's reaction was not the one she expected. Yet, she is convinced that her husband will come around and that the baby will only bring them closer together. After a talk with Julie, Clarke returns to Spectra Fashions. He calmly tells Sally that he will not change his mind and that having a baby is a terrible idea. Clarke urges his wife to have an abortion. Sally cries. Felicia informs Stephanie that she and Jake have broken up. Bill then stops by ...

May 27, 1991
Ridge is impressed by Brooke's progress in the lab before they touch the issue of Stephanie's alleged memory loss. Ridge then meets with Taylor and asks to be introduced to her ex-husband Blake. Taylor refuses. Blake pays Margo a visit at Forrester Creations. Alarm bells ring for Margo when Blake announces that he wants to speak to Ridge. After a tennis lesson, Jake begins to realize that his client Tiffany seems to be interested in him more than just as her teacher. Thorne tries to fix Felicia up with a friend, but she says that it is too soon for her after the ...

May 28, 1991
Thorne continues to pressure Felicia to move on after the break-up from Jake. Felicia passes on going out on a date with Tommy Bolton, a family friend, but then wonders if it was a mistake. Meanwhile, Jakes receives a surprise visit from his client Tiffany. She makes a serious pass at Jake and he is tempted, but eventually turns down her advances. Later, Jake calls Felicia. Both possessing too much pride to reach out to the other, Jake breaks the silence over the phone by exclaiming that Felicia should return his house key. Margo informs Ridge that he has a visitor ...

May 29, 1991
Taylor visits Brooke and wants her to let go of Ridge. An annoyed Brooke lets it slip that Taylor's ex-husband is talking to Ridge as they speak. Ridge and Blake argue and almost come to blows. Blake announces that he and Taylor will remarry soon. Then, Taylor walks into the room, separates the men, but shirks away from giving Ridge or Blake a definite answer on whom she really loves. Bill informs a stunned Julie that the grapevine reports that Sally is pregnant. He urges his reporter to leak her tell-all-book to Mrs. Garrison. Clarke encourages the distraught Sally ...

May 30, 1991
Ridge tells Brooke that he dislikes Blake, but is finished trying to win Taylor back. Brooke discloses to Thorne that she suspects Stephanie is getting her memory back. Macy is annoyed by Clarke's gall to have her mother go through with the abortion. Later, Julie confronts Clarke and is disgusted to find out that the rumor of Sally's pregnancy is true. After Thorne hints at her that Brooke is concerned for marriage to Eric, Stephanie receives a visit from Adam. Stephanie is touched when Adam admits that he is in love with her. Before she can respond, Brooke arrives at...

May 31, 1991
Eric informs Stephanie that he has located Ruthanne's ex-husband and children in San Diego. Sally is surprised to find Clarke taking care of her when she comes home from the doctor. Later, Macy comforts her mother and Sally reveals that she did not go through with the abortion. Brooke tells Eric that she was wrong about Stephanie. Meanwhile, Adam returns to the Forrester Mansion and puts Stephanie on the spot for kissing him earlier. Adam thinks that Stephanie still has strong feelings for Eric. Stephanie admits that all she can offer Adam right now is her friendship....

Jun 03, 1991
Macy reassures her mother that she did the right thing. Clarke continues to take good care of Sally, but he also informs his wife that he would have left her had she continued the pregnancy. A furious Julie explains to Bill that he was right about Clarke. Bill encourages the journalist to finally move forward with her revenge plan and use the manuscript. Brooke is extremely happy. She boasts to Eric how Stephanie is involved with Adam and therefore no longer a threat to their marriage anymore. At the Forrester Mansion, Ridge is surprised that Stephanie is eager for ...

Jun 04, 1991
Despite initial claims to the contrary, Thorne and Felicia admit that neither of them is really ready to date. Therefore, Thorne tries to contact Macy, and Felicia tries to call Jake - both unsuccessfully. Jake confides in Margo that he is still having a hard time getting used to rituals of romance. Sally encourages Macy to start going out again. Macy agrees and goes to take a tennis lesson. She is shocked to have Jake as her teacher, but they get along well and end up sharing a kiss.

Jun 05, 1991
Still wary of his mother's motives, Ridge informs Brooke that Eric went to San Diego with Stephanie. Brooke reminds Ridge that her marriage is doing great. Eric and Stephanie visit Mitchell Owen's office and explain to him that his ex wife is living on the streets and in dire need to get into contact with her children to turn her life around. Both Thorne and Felicia realize that they should fight for the man and woman of their affection. Easier said than done because Felicia cannot reach Jake. That is because Jake has taken Macy home to his apartment where one of ...

Jun 06, 1991
Ruthanne is sitting in her shabby room at the rundown hotel in downtown Los Angeles and looking at pictures of her children. In San Diego, Stephanie explains to Mitch Owens how she met Ruthanne whilst living on the streets. In spite of the fact that Mr. Owens is about to remarry, Eric and Stephanie urge him to seek contact with his ex-wife because she desperately misses her children. Jake and Macy acknowledge that they rushed into bed, but it somehow still feels right. Felicia feels that Jake is slipping away from her. At the urging of Ridge, Felicia calls Jake and ...

Jun 07, 1991
Ridge pretends to be a patient in order to see Taylor. He makes it clear that if Taylor wants a proper relationship she also needs to be more honest about her connection to Blake. Meanwhile, Blake asks Brooke to help him keep Ridge away from Taylor, but she declines. Blake later has some type of attack and pops a pill in his mouth. Both Macy and Jake reminisce about their unexpected encounter and the sudden attraction they feel. When Jake arrives at the Forrester Mansion, Felicia quickly explains that she wants to have him back. Thorne makes a similar confession to ...

Jun 10, 1991
Blake visits Taylor, who can see that he is shaken up and assumes that he had an attack. Blake denies having an episode. Taylor encourages her ex to be honest with her and lets it slip that her fling with Ridge is over. They kiss. Stephanie and Eric are back from San Diego. In their condo at Wilshire Boulevard, Brooke and Eric spend some quality time with Little Eric and do not feel threatened by Stephanie anymore. At the Forrester Mansion, Ridge puts Stephanie on the spot for taking Eric on this trip. Stephanie is stunned when Ridge accuses her of having her memory ...

Jun 11, 1991
Ridge hounds Stephanie until she breaks down and admits that she has indeed regained her memory. Stephanie also confesses that she is hoping that Brooke will leave Eric for Ridge. Eric suggests to Brooke that they try to have another baby. Unbeknownst to him, she continues to take her birth control pills, though. Blake and Taylor are ready to make love, but she does not want to do it in front of the fireplace because of her memories there with Ridge. An elated Thorne informs Ridge and Stephanie that he and Macy may be reconciling.

Jun 12, 1991
Darla notices some strange food cravings with Sally. Despite Saul's insistence that their employer would never keep such a big secret from them, Darla confronts Sally with her hunch that she is pregnant. Sally confirms it, but asks for secrecy. Bill tries to convince Julie to forget about Clarke and publish the manuscript. Julie is torn between her lingering feelings for Clarke and Bill's obvious devotion for her. Jake calls Macy to convince her to take another tennis lesson with him. Felicia arrives intent to follow up on the nice dinner party the other night. Jake ...

Jun 13, 1991
Thorne asks Macy to give their marriage another chance. A reluctant Macy in exchange demands some time to think about it. Sally tries to get Clarke to take a vacation, but he says it must wait. Bill is angry at Julie for leaving the door open for a reunion with Clarke. Disappointed, Bill storms off. He thinks it is about time that Julie's manuscript sees the light of day. Macy confirms to Sally that she met a special man. Sally encourages her to see the new guy. Macy then talks to Felicia, who tells her that she and Jake are seeing each other again. Macy goes to see ...

Jun 14, 1991
Stephanie pushes Ridge to go for Brooke, so Eric will be free. Ridge is uncomfortable about the whole idea. This feeling deepens when Brooke - upon presenting major progress on her research for a wrinkle-free-cloth - explains that Eric wants to have another baby. Meanwhile, Stephanie calls private investigator Conway Weston to tell him that she has a job for him. Sally is touched when Darla hands her a gift for the baby. She then breaks it to a stunned Saul that she is actually pregnant. Julie shreds what she thinks is the only copy of the manuscript. Bill hides his ...

Jun 17, 1991
Blake gives Taylor a passionate afternoon massage and she is amazed how good it feels to spend time with her ex again. Stephanie is more determined than ever to win back Eric. She asks Conway Weston to bug the research lab. Later, Brooke stops by looking for Ridge and stuns Stephanie by telling her that Eric wants them to have another baby. Meanwhile, Ridge visits Taylor who explains that he wants to win her back. When she plays hard to get, Ridge proposes marriage to Taylor and they kiss. Bill is furious with the messenger - who in site of his precise instructions - ...

Jun 18, 1991
Margo and Blake meet for dinner and she confides in him about her marital problems. Blake encourages her to file for divorce, but Margo does not want to cause an upheaval for her son Mark. Taylor is speechless upon Ridge's proposal. Even though Ridge tells her that it is now or never, Taylor asks for respite. While she is in the shower, Blake calls. Ridge answers the phone which causes Blake to have another panic attack. Stephanie is fishing for information with Brooke about the state of her marriage when Eric stops by. Shortly later, Ruthanne's ex-husband, Mitchell, ...

Jun 19, 1991
Margo is disturbed by Blake's panic attack and wants to help. After he has recovered, Blake remains vague about what caused this attack. Ridge takes Taylor to his place and she is about to accept his proposal when Brooke arrives. She apologizes to Ridge for flaunting her relationship with Eric. Taylor realizes that it is the reason why Ridge proposed to her and leaves in a rage. Stephanie and Eric lead Mitchell Owens to Ruthanne's refuge at the condemned Excelsior Hotel. Mr. Owens is shocked as he begins to realize what kind of downward spiral his ex-wife must have ...

Jun 20, 1991
Clarke tries to appease Julie who will not budge: she informs her lover that she will not sleep with him anymore unless he gets a divorce. Sally is annoyed that Saul continues to badmouth her husband. She tries to make Saul understand that his insinuations about Clarke's infidelity fall back on her eventually and hurt her. Later, Sally rediscovers the manuscript on her desk. Eric and Stephanie reflect on their scheme to reunite Ruthanne and Mitch and feel satisfied that it seems not out of the picture that they might stay in touch. When Eric leaves for work this late,...

Jun 21, 1991
Conway informs Stephanie that the lab is bugged and now under secret video surveillance. Stephanie then fills the private eye, who has done his fair share of shady jobs for the Forrester matriarch, in on her motives and that she wants to get Eric back. Brooke tries to get Ridge to talk about what happened with Taylor last night, but he is reluctant. Taylor surprises Blake with the news that she is finally though with Ridge and then gives him a key to her apartment. Over at Spectra Fashion, Clarke barges past Saul and tells Sally that he needs to get away. Sally is as ...

Jun 24, 1991
Ruthanne shows up at the Forrester Mansion to inform Stephanie that she is leaving town. Just as Stephanie tries to make her reconsider, Mitchell Owens calls: he wants the children to see their mother and will fly in with them tonight. Taylor fills Blake in on how Ridge proposed to her and why she called it quits. This does not bode well for Blake: he continues to feel insecure about having Ridge around, so Margo suggests that Stephanie might help. Blake goes to see the Forrester Matriarch, but she is occupied with her support for Ruthanne. Brooke is angry with Ridge ...

Jun 25, 1991
Sally tries to convince herself that the manuscript about the sexual escapades of a man who suspiciously sounds like Clarke is all lies. Saul tells her that if she divorces Clarke, he will take care of her and the baby - and marry her. Sally is deeply touched by Saul's kindness. Bill continues to make a play for Julie. Clarke interrupts while they are kissing. Bill is very upset when Clarke manages to convince Julie to go on a tropical vacation with him. He has a message delivered to Sally that "I've Got Designs on You" is a story she should not miss out on. Ruthanne ...

Jun 26, 1991
Ruthanne receives a visit from Mitch and her children Yvette and Jason. They are disturbed to see in what an environment their mother has been living. After an emotional reunion, Mitch and the kids persuade a reluctant Ruthanne to come live with them in San Diego. Thorne sends Macy roses and asks her to move back in with him, but she tells him that she needs time to think about it. Thorne wonders if his wife is seeing another man. When Stephanie gets home, Blake is still waiting for her. Blake tells Stephanie that should form an alliance because of Ridge's recent ...

Jun 27, 1991
Stephanie refuses Blake's offer to help keep Ridge from marrying Taylor. Ridge informs Eric that he proposed to Taylor last night which he later tells Brooke. Clarke's sudden urge to leave L.A. on his own causes concern with Darla, Macy and Saul who tell Sally that he is not to be trusted. Julie agrees to go on vacation with Clarke, as long as they have separate bedrooms. Clarke says goodbye to Sally without revealing where he is going, but Darla overheard him on the phone to the travel agent and lets Sally know that he will be in Hawaii.

Jun 28, 1991
Sally finds out that Clarke has won a major design award. While Macy and Darla urge her not to get ahead of herself, Sally thinks that this fabulous news will be the perfect occasion to break it to Clarke that she is still having his baby. Sally decides to follow her hard-working and supposedly lonely husband to Hawaii. Meanwhile, Clarke and Julie meet at the airport to leave on their trip. Bill is left behind, furious with Julie for giving Clarke yet another chance. Brooke is surprised to learn that Ridge confided in Eric about his plans to marry Taylor. Ridge tries ...

Jul 01, 1991
Macy tells Jake that they cannot see each other anymore. Just as Jake tries to change her mind, Felicia arrives and gets curious when Macy mentions that Jake has been a great friend to her lately. Eric and Thorne discuss obstacles and achievements of Brooke's research at the lab. Thorne also breaks it to Eric that Macy is involved with another man. To Thorne's greatest surprise, Macy comes home to the apartment shortly later and explains that she wants to give their marriage another chance. Sally is ecstatic at the prospect of spending some romantic days in paradise ...

Jul 02, 1991
While on the airplane, Sally fantasizes about how happy Clarke will be when he sees her and hears about the baby. Meanwhile, Julie has settled into her own hotel room. Clarke still does his best to charm the woman of his affection and makes several moves on her. Julie remains firm, though, and reminds him of the ground rule: no sex. Clarke is visibly disappointed, yet he thinks that she will come around later. When Sally arrives at the tropical resort in Hawaii, she goes straight to Clarke's room. She is relieved to find Clarke in bed, sleeping alone, in the dark. ...

Jul 03, 1991
A new day dawns over Hawaii: Julie, who thinks that she has made her point, leaves for Clarke's room dressed in nothing more but a sexy negligée. She is stunned to find Sally sleeping next to Clarke in bed and leaves in a huff, before they wake up. Clarke wakes, thinking Julie is next to him. Clarke is flabbergasted to see Sally. Things go from bad to worse when Julie calls to threaten to tell Sally the truth if Clarke does not find time for her today. In order to allow her husband creative space to end his supposed design block, Sally leaves to spend the day on her ...

Jul 04, 1991
At the Forrester Mansion, Stephanie has friends and family gather for a Fourth of July-Barbecue. Taylor is confused to receive an invite from the Forrester Matriarch. Adam is also surprised why Stephanie is so keen to have him around. As the couples Ridge and Taylor, Felicia and Jake, Thorne and Macy, Brooke and Eric with Little Eric attend the pool party festivities, tensions are rising. Taylor tries to have a serious word with Ridge because she is under the impression that he wants to brush their problems aside. Eric is stunned when Stephanie kisses Adam, Ridge ...

Jul 05, 1991
Clarke promises Julie that he will have Sally leaving Hawaii on a plane tonight. Sally is concerned about Clarke's creative block. After Sally discards hiss plea to return home, so that he can focus on designing, Clarke is caught between a rock and hard place. Later, Sally spots Julie sunbathing at the hotel resort and realizes it is no coincidence. Taylor is furious at Ridge for telling his family that they are engaged. Taylor explains to Ridge that she will not marry him because he really wants Brooke. Despite Ridge's objections and attempt at kissing her, Taylor ...

Jul 08, 1991
Ridge does not give up on Taylor that easily. They talk about marriage and Ridge tries to explain that one can fall in love more than once. He admits that he still loves Brooke, but realized that he needs to move on with his life. Taylor says she will marry him if he promises to never leave her, even if Brooke becomes available. Meanwhile, Stephanie visits Brooke at the lab and is surprised by her reaction to Ridge's engagement. Sally confronts Clarke about the striking coincidence who she saw sunbathing right next door. Before Clarke can issue a proper explanation, ...

Jul 09, 1991
Bill saves Clarke by telling Sally that he is on vacation with his lover, Julie. Clarke plays being hurt and asks Sally to return to Los Angeles which she agrees to. Sally feels foolish and apologizes for mistrusting Clarke. Bill explains to Julie that he came to her rescue in order to make it abundantly clear that she should not entrust herself to Clarke. On the flight home, Sally calls the hotel and finds out Bill had just checked into the hotel. A shocked Sally vows to get back at Clarke for betraying her. Ridge cannot promise Taylor that he will never leave her. ...

Jul 10, 1991
Jake pays a surprise visit to Macy. They have a gentle talk, but hold back from kissing even though it seems to be hard for both Macy and Jake. Bill tries to get Julie to leave with him. When Clarke convinces Julie to stay, Bill angrily storms out. Clarke and Julie then share a romantic dinner. Sally returns to Los Angeles and informs a stunned Macy, Saul, and Darla what happened on Hawaii. Sally orders Saul to have Clarke's name pulled down from the roof of the building immediately. Not only will she remove any trace of her philandering husband from the company name,...

Jul 11, 1991
Stephanie irritates Brooke by planning a party for Eric's birthday. Brooke immediately complains to Ridge that his mother is overstepping. At the P.I. Office, Conway's assistant Ken Kirkman shows Stephanie a video tape recorded by the hidden camera at the lab. Even though Ridge and Brooke act as nothing but friends, Stephanie feels validated that they belong together after seeing them in an emotional and personal scene. Felicia tells Thorne that she saw Macy with Jake. Thorne then leaves and gives Macy a tennis outfit as a gift. Macy's reaction causes concern with ...

Jul 12, 1991
Clarke and Julie enjoy their solitude in Hawaii where he prides himself upon fooling his wife. In Los Angeles, Sally gives Darla and Saul final instructions for her revenge scheme on her unfaithful husband. Brooke tries unsuccessfully to make peace with Taylor. The psychiatrist realizes that Brooke's sudden interest in her friendship is only driven by deep rooted feelings for Ridge. Blake assures Stephanie that despite the misleading announcement from Eric about a certain engagement, he and Taylor will be engaged shortly. Stephanie decides to go straight to the source...

Jul 15, 1991
Bill surprises Margo and gives her a diamond necklace which he allegedly bought in San Francisco during his recent business trip. Margo is touched by Bill's gesture and kind words that he wants to win her back - ignorant that he is motivated by a guilty conscience. Bill then leaves to inform Sally that Julie stayed in Hawaii with Clarke - and that he was merely around for business reasons. Sally does not believe him and heads to Forrester Creations to reveal to Margo that she saw Bill in Hawaii with Julie. Margo is deeply hurt. Brooke tells Ridge that it does not look...

Jul 16, 1991
Sally gives Darla and Saul last instructions for her soon-to-be-ex-husband's arrival while Clarke and Julie are on their way back to Los Angeles. An upset Margo tells Eric that Bill lied to her and is likely having an affair with one of his journalists. Under the pretense that her new necklace has a defect, Margo blasts Bill for his lie. She accuses him of being involved with Julie and threatens to file for divorce. Suddenly, Mark walks into the room wondering why his Mommy is mad at Daddy. Clarke returns to Spectra Fashions and is in for a rude awakening: his office ...

Jul 17, 1991
The Forresters gather around the pool of the Mansion to celebrate Eric's birthday. Stephanie uses the opportunity to inform Brooke that Ridge is not getting married. Brooke confronts Ridge who weakly says that he and Taylor are getting - eventually. Felicia is happy when Jake joins her for the celebration. Bill reassesses what he really wants in life: a family. Therefore, Bill tells Julie that she still has a job, but personally it is over between them. Later, Bill announces to Margo that he wants their marriage to work. Margo is not willing to forgive and forget that...

Jul 18, 1991
It's the first anniversary of Caroline's death. Stephanie realizes that this occasion is weighing heavily on Ridge. She therefore calls Brooke and asks her to look out for her son. Remembering happy times with his late wife, Ridge walks through the flower garden that Caroline planted for him so that he would always be surrounded by something beautiful. Then, Brooke arrives at the Guest House and comforts Ridge while they both shed tears.

Jul 19, 1991
Sally realizes that getting rid of Clarke means that she lost her head designer - and Spectra Fashions has basically nothing for the big showing in just two weeks. Never the one to accept a defeat prematurely, Sally informs Saul and Darla that she wants to promote Felicia and have her headline the new couture collection. Margo angrily confronts Julie. To her surprise, Julie swears that she and Bill have never been intimate which corresponds with her husband's depiction. Felicia is glad to spend time with Jake on the tennis court. However, Felicia senses that Jake is ...

Jul 22, 1991
Clarke shows up at Spencer Publications unannounced ready to accept Bill's offer from a couple of months ago to start a fashion house of his own. Bill laughs at Clarke's audacity to even ask for special demands and kicks him out of his office. Clarke realizes that Bill told Sally about his affair with Julie. Macy comforts her mother on her break-up from Clarke, but warns her that promoting Felicia will not be viable solution for Spectra Fashions. Julie is confused when Clarke announces that - despite news in the grapevine - he and Sally are not splitting up because ...

Jul 23, 1991
Taylor checks up on Ridge on the anniversary of the death of her patient and his late wife, Caroline. Taylor has another reason for her visit: she gives Ridge back his engagement ring. Taylor leaves to inform Blake that she broke it off with Ridge. Blake comforts her. Brooke stops by at Ridge's office. He is still crushed by Taylor's rejection. She tells him that she is glad that he is not getting married. Obviously, they are both confused by their emotions: suddenly, Ridge pulls Brooke into a kiss. At Conway Weston's office, Ken shows Stephanie another bunch of ...

Jul 24, 1991
Stephanie tries to convince Brooke to give up Eric and go for Ridge instead. Brooke cannot deny that she is still having feelings for Ridge, yet she claims to be happy with Eric with whom she is sharing a child. Right on cue, Eric walks into the room. He is curious to find out how Brooke's research is going. Sally pushes Macy, Saul and Darla to support Felicia despite her inexperience with couture. As told, the Spectra gang rallies behind Felicia. Felicia - who is nervous if she is able to headline a traditional collection on her own - is touched by this gesture. ...

Jul 25, 1991
Stephanie is about to give to give up on her quest to reunite Brooke and Ridge and orders Ken Kirkman to end the investigation and remove all the surveillance equipment from the Forrester lab immediately. Sally gives Felicia a pep talk, even though her designs are still lacking the classic elegance of couture. Clarke explains to Julie that Sally will never be able to properly replace him in time as a designer. Clarke is in for a rude awakening when Sally callously rejects him again. Meanwhile, Eric tells Stephanie that her recent behavior has brought Brooke and him ...

Jul 26, 1991
Ridge and Brooke bask in the glow of her accomplishment to create wrinkleproof linen - and making love on the floor of the lab. Just as they try to reassess what happened between them, Eric calls. He announces to bring Stephanie home after she is shaken from the realization that she has lost her ex for good. Meanwhile, Ken from Weston Investigations makes preparations to have the surveillance equipment removed from the Forrester lab tonight. Jake visits Margo and she confides in him that her husband had an affair. Jake wants to help her, but Margo does not know yet ...

Jul 29, 1991
Eric tries to make Stephanie see the liver lining that she will find new love eventually. At the lab, Ridge and Brooke are still over the moon of her accomplishment to create wrinklefree linen. He wants to glance over the fact that they slept together, but she has a hard time to come to terms with the situation. Later, Brooke and Ridge give Eric the successful test results. Eric congratulates them on their great teamwork. Blake is thrilled that Taylor is open to rekindle their love. He even asks his ex to re-marry. Taylor does not say yes, but expresses how grateful ...

Jul 30, 1991
Clarke is convinced that the new regime at Spectra Fashions will crash and burn. As half-owner of the company, he is optimistic to take over the reins immediately after the disastrous fashion show. In the meantime, Clarke wants to go to Europe with Julie where he is highly respected as a designer. Macy warns Sally that their new head designer is about to break under the pressure that she is facing - and that they are in desperate need of Clarke's talent. Felicia is slaving over her sketches when Jake drops in to encourage her. His pep talk helps as Felicia's latest ...

Jul 31, 1991
Clarke tries to reassure himself by telling Julie that Sally will come crawling back to him eventually to have him save the company. At Spectra Fashions, Felicia continues to work feverishly on her sketches. Clarke stops by to play mind games with the ingénue designer claiming that she is not ready for such a big task. Later, Darla and Saul unsuccessfully attempt to stop Clarke from speaking to Sally. Clarke reminds Sally that they are still married and business partners - and he wants his share of the profits immediately. A fierce Sally explains to Clarke that he ...

Aug 01, 1991
Stephanie receives a surprise visit from her friend Ruthanne who has stellar news: her ex-husband proposed marriage to her again. When Stephanie barely shows any emotion, Ruthanne is alarmed. Stephanie is depressed because she thinks that she will never be able to win Eric back. Ridge also notices his mother's sad state and therefore asks Taylor to speak to Stephanie. At the lab, Eric and Brooke happily share her astounding success of creating a revolutionary wrinkle-free fabric with Thorne and Margo. Thorne is angry that he was considered a risk and kept out of the ...

Aug 02, 1991
Blake visits Brooke and asks her to tell Ridge to stay away from Taylor. Stephanie is not too excited that Taylor wants to speak to her about her problems. However, Stephanie does open up to the psychologist. Taylor encourages Stephanie to start over fresh and believe in the fact that she will find love again eventually. Stephanie is not sold that this advice will do her any favors. Eric and Brooke celebrate her research success at Pierre's Café. Eric is deeply in love with his wife, but Brooke seems strangely preoccupied. Meanwhile, Taylor and Ridge also head out for...

Aug 05, 1991
Blake has another attack when he finds out that Taylor is spending the evening with Ridge. At Pierre's, Taylor admits to Ridge that she is thinking of remarrying her ex. When Ridge remarks his discomfort around Blake, Taylor explains that he is suffering from a condition called episodic discontrol syndrome which makes him occasionally lose his temper. Pierre interrupts to inform them that Eric and Brooke are also at his restaurant celebrating. Ridge walks over to their table to tell them that Stephanie has her memory back, but apparently is also suffering from a ...

Aug 06, 1991
Eric explains to Brooke that he is worried about Stephanie after Ridge's words. While Eric visits Stephanie who admits that she wants more than friendship, Ridge and Brooke talk about how they wish Eric would fall for Stephanie again so they could have each other. Private Eye Ken Kirkman berates his assistant Kevin for taking so long to remove the surveillance equipment from the Forrester lab. Ken orders Kevin to dispose the tapes, but the latter decides to hide them to view later. Julie is concerned because Clarke has not come home last night, but neither Darla nor ...

Aug 07, 1991
A hysterical Darla breaks it to Sally and Saul that Clarke is missing. Meanwhile, Julie is extremely relieved when Clarke finally returns home. Still distraught, Clarke explains that Sally burst his bubble by revealing that the prenuptial agreement prevents him from getting ownership in Spectra Fashions. Julie tries to make her lover see the bright side that they have to start over somewhere else, but he is not ready to give up. Later, Sally hangs up on Clarke after verifying that he is still alive. A visit by her college friend Sydney, a passionate environmentalist, ...

Aug 08, 1991
Sally informs Darla and Saul that Clarke seems to be doing fine just fine. Sally then focuses on her bigger problem: she is worried about Felicia's sketches, but decides to trust her. Across town, Clarke is upset and fears that he is losing momentum to become a star designer. Clarke even has a nightmare where the entire Spectra gang tells him that his career is over. Julie tries to help her lover relax. Thorne cancels dinner with Macy, so she goes over to Jake's. Jake admits to Macy that he has strong feelings for her.

Aug 09, 1991
Eric informs Brooke that he just spoke to a manufacturer who will produce samples of cloth treated with her revolutionary formula. The conversation shifts to Stephanie. Eric thinks that his ex-wife needs a new challenge in her life; thus it would be good for Stephanie if she came to work at Forrester Creations. Brooke hides her concern. Later, Ridge convinces Brooke that it would be good for them. Taylor on the other hand does not think it is a good idea for Stephanie to stay too close to Eric and Brooke. At Spencer Publications, Blake and Margo run into each other by...

Aug 12, 1991
Felicia breaks it to Eric that she was promoted head designer of Spectra Fashions and will headline the holiday and cruise-wear collection. A proud Eric warns his daughter that this will be quite a challenge at her age. Ridge informs Stephanie that they want her to come to work at Forrester Creations. Still very depressed, Stephanie answers that she does not want pity or to be around Brooke and Eric. Margo makes Bill believe that she is having an affair with Blake. Bill's feelings are hurt and he orders Margo to stop seeing Mr. Hayes immediately. Margo does not ...

Aug 13, 1991
Taylor explains to Ridge that she is not the right person to have therapy with his mother. Surprisingly, Stephanie wants to continue with her talks with Dr. Hayes. Stephanie and Taylor come to the conclusion that working at Forrester Creations would not be a good idea. Felicia's environmental theme for the fashion show has Sally, Macy and Saul worried, but Sally agrees to trust her. Julie's relief that Clarke is back to his old self is short-lived. Clarke still believes that Sally will come crawling back to him after Felicia fails. Private Detective Ken Kirkman ...

Aug 14, 1991
Clarke walks into Eric's office to inform the designer that he is interested in coming back to work at Forrester Creations. To make it clear that after what happened with Kristen, he will never consider this, Eric has Clarke thrown out of the building. Even though Felicia feels strongly about headlining Spectra's new collection, Stephanie warns her daughter that Sally is using her. Margo tells Blake that Bill has never been so attentive as of late. She now wants to salvage her marriage. Later, Stephanie reveals to Blake that she has a tape showing Brooke with another ...

Aug 15, 1991
Macy is concerned about the vast freedom her mother has been giving Felicia for the new collection. Sally tells her daughter that they must have faith in Felicia. When Saul and Darla bring in the newspaper with a big story about famous children having a tough time holding up their renowned parents, Sally clings to calculated optimism that her instincts are correct. Bill orders a highly reluctant Julie to cover the Spectra fashion show tomorrow. Clarke intends to be there, too, against Julie's advice. Felicia discovers a beautiful necklace and card while she visits ...

Aug 16, 1991
It's a big day for Spectra Fashions: Felicia is anxious whether her environmentally themed fashion show will strike with the audience - and so is Sally. Felicia is touched by Jake's support, yet in for a rude awakening when she spots Macy wearing the necklace, she thought Jake bought for her. Clarke sneaks into the building and acts in front of the press as if he is still working there. Clarke tries to cover up the fact that Sally fired him by calling it a false rumor and that the strong Santa Ana winds whipped off the signage from the roof. Bill enjoys the spectacle ...

Aug 19, 1991
The Spectra gang congratulates Felicia on the successful fashion show. Even though Sally plays nice about her designer's ambush, Felicia is still shaken by the realization that Jake and Macy are involved. Questioned by her husband, Macy lies to Thorne that she got her new necklace from Sally. Saul and Darla bring in the first reviews which are mixed, but mostly good. Sally is furious to spot Julie still in the building and throws the reporter out one more time. Blake disagrees with Stephanie's choice to confront Brooke with her infidelity and steals one of the ...

Aug 20, 1991
Stephanie is utterly shocked to learn from Blake that Brooke and Ridge have an affair. Brooke who originally came over to convince the Forrester Matriarch to return to work is confused by Stephanie's behavior. Stephanie asks Brooke if she is ready to acknowledge that she still loves Ridge. Cryptically, Brooke acknowledges that their happiness depends on each other's support. The Spectra Fashions gang is still celebrating as Felicia asks Macy for a talk in private. Felicia confronts Macy about Jake and the necklace. Even tough Macy claims that she and Jake are nothing ...

Aug 21, 1991
Taylor questions Ridge about his motives for wanting Stephanie to come back to work. She assumes that Ridge wants to reunite his parents. Ridge then stuns Taylor that it was actually Eric's idea. After a tennis lesson, Thorne pressures Jake to not waste his chances for a happy future with Felicia. Felicia threatens Macy to tell Thorne about Jake, unless Macy does it herself. Later, Macy confides in Jake that she will come clean to Thorne tonight because of Felicia's extortion. Blake is concerned about Taylor clinging to Ridge. He explains to his ex that he has the ...

Aug 22, 1991
Blake insists that Taylor watch the videotape. When she refuses, he tells her that it shows Ridge and Brooke making love. Taylor becomes upset. She stresses that she will not let Blake dictate her to cut all ties with Ridge and orders him to leave. In light of Brooke's progress in the lab as well as Felicia's showing, Eric, Ridge and Brooke decide to celebrate at Pierre's - alongside Felicia and Stephanie. Jake fills Felicia in on how he and Macy got involved. He then tries to convince Felicia to call Macy and stop her from telling Thorne about their affair. Just as ...

Aug 23, 1991
Ridge, Brooke, Eric, Stephanie and Felicia gather at Pierre's to celebrate the success of the youngest Forrester designer's fashion show. The woman of the hour, Felicia, is still upset about Jake and Macy, though. Eric uses the opportunity to encourage Stephanie to come to work at Forrester Creations. Macy's plan to confess to Thorne is foiled further: after Sally's unannounced arrival Jake shows up. In a private moment, Jake presses Macy not to reveal the truth to Thorne. Eventually, Thorne asks Sally and Jake to leave, so he can finish his earlier conversation with ...

Aug 26, 1991
Ridge and Brooke share a kiss and speculate if they have a future as a couple while Eric drives Stephanie home after the family dinner at Pierre's. Stephanie, too, feels that she and Eric are becoming closer again, but she does not want to get her hopes up prematurely. Now that they are finally alone in their apartment again, Thorne asks Macy to continue their earlier conversation, but she dodges the bullet. Later at night, Brooke feels uneasy when Eric asks her to wear negligee. Brooke secretly hopes that Eric will eventually return to Stephanie.

Aug 27, 1991
Julie urges Clarke to move forward with his career, but he is not willing to give up on Spectra Fashions just yet. An argument ensues when Clarke insists that Felicia's artistic collection will not sell well and that Sally will take him back with open arms. Julie then calls a contact and secretly sets up a job interview for Clarke with New York based designer Jonathan Sloan. As the bearer of bad news, Saul shocks Sally with the first sales figures of their new collection which are terrible. Sally is still optimistic that sales will go up. Sally then asks Macy what is ...

Aug 28, 1991
Taylor lets Stephanie know that for ethical reasons she can no longer counsel her. Stephanie correctly assumes that Taylor has seen the videotape. She and the psychiatrist differ strongly about the impact of the content. Clarke turns down the offer to join famous Jonathan Sloan's design house when he finds out that his creations would not be sold under his own label. Julie is fed up with Clarke and tells him that she is not going to put up with him much longer in the unemployment line. Blake informs Margo that Taylor broke it off with him. Margo who is facing the ...

Aug 29, 1991
Stephanie is determined to win back Eric. She tries to convince Ridge that Brooke should be his and not Eric's wife. On cue, Brooke walks in on Ridge and Stephanie's conversation. Ridge is reminded of his late wife Caroline's dying wish and wonders if his father came between Brooke and him. Brooke is confused as to why Ridge is bringing up the past. Jake confides in Margo that he found someone special, but she is married. Margo asks Eric if his job offer for Jake is still on the table. Eric explains that Jake is more than welcome at Forrester Creations and Jake ...

Aug 30, 1991
Stephanie is furious with Blake for his lack of finesse by showing Taylor the videotape. Eric informs Ridge that he will be leaving on a business trip to Europe. Ridge tries to get Eric to take Brooke with him. Meanwhile, Stephanie urges Brooke to accept that they have a common goal and therefore should join forces at getting Eric back with her. A stunned Brooke is not willing to cooperate, so Stephanie issues a hidden threat. Thorne visits Sally to make sense of Macy's strange behavior a few days ago. Sally lies to Thorne, telling him that Macy is no longer involved ...

Sep 03, 1991
Both Ridge and Brooke think about Caroline and her dying wish for them to reunite. Eric tells Brooke about his business trip to Europe. She is sympathetic that he wants to go alone. Macy tries to reason with Felicia and rejects her demand to call Jake. On his first working day at Forrester Creations, Jake reports to Thorne's office to get an introductory course on the production side of a fashion house. Ridge goes to Taylor for help, and admits that he thinks Eric wronged him by pursuing Brooke after Caroline's death. Taylor urges Ridge to be honest about his feelings.

Sep 04, 1991
Felicia threatens to leave Spectra Fashions if Macy does not stop seeing Jake. Thorne stops by and stuns Macy and Felicia by announcing that Jake has started to work as his protégé at Forrester Creations. Thorne picks up on the tense atmosphere, but Macy claims she and Felicia were arguing about work. Later, Felicia visits Jake and makes it clear that she is intent to win him back. After talking with Brooke, Ridge is in deep conflict over whether to blame his father or himself for losing Brooke. Eric tells Stephanie that he is leaving town for a week. Stephanie ...

Sep 05, 1991
Julie wants to help her lover and therefore asks Margo for assistance. Both women then appeal to Bill who is a having field day that justice seems finally coming for Mr. Garrison. Margo is appreciative when Bill eventually agrees to throw a little business Clarke's way - for Mark's sake. Clarke uses a ruse to meet up with Darla. Sneakily, he manages to charm the blonde. But will he also be able to convince her that he is needed at the company? At Spectra Fashions, Sally expresses her concern to Macy over the sales figures of Felicia's collection. It is not before long...

Sep 09, 1991
Darla is reluctant to help Clarke who predicts Spectra Fashion's future in gloomy terms. Eventually, Darla agrees to keep Clarke posted about what is going on at the company. When she returns to work, Saul informs Darla what has just happened and that her carelessness might cost Sally her baby. Darla is devastated. Sally is rushed to the hospital after her fall and extremely concerned. Macy is by her side when Dr. Barnett issues a first surprising prognosis: the baby seems to be fine. Brooke and Ridge realize together that they must use this week that Eric is away to ...

Sep 10, 1991
Darla rushes to the hospital, devastated that she might be responsible for Sally losing her baby. Macy and Sally ask her not to worry. Dr. Barnett then examines Sally and reassures her that the baby is fine, yet he warns her to avoid stress. He also informs her that she may deliver early, possibly in two weeks. Bill offers Clarke a business partnership. Despite the lackluster conditions, this seems to be the only option for Clarke right now. Stephanie reveals to Taylor that she and not Blake is behind the videotape - and encourages the doctor to not burn all bridges ...

Sep 11, 1991
Stephanie engages Eric Littlefield, a handwriting expert, - with a hefty prepayment for quick delivery - to construct a letter in Eric's name. A few hours later, just as Stephanie tries to convince Brooke to forget all second thoughts and move on with Ridge, Eric's alleged letter is delivered. Stephanie acts stunned and shows it to Brooke who is equally perplexed. Thorne warns Ridge about being so negative towards their father. Ridge gets emotionally upset and goes to Taylor for help. She tells him to accept the fact that Eric is in love with Brooke, not Stephanie. ...

Sep 12, 1991
Taylor runs into Blake at Pierre's Restaurant. She is surprised to find out that he has moved on. Blake meticulously stresses how happy he is to have found new love in Margo. Thorne questions Stephanie about Ridge's strange behavior and talk about Eric lately. Ridge walks into the den and tells his brother to stay out of it. Stephanie is thrown for a loop when Ridge explains that he has resolved his issues with Eric - and this apparently includes the end for any hope of a reunion with Brooke. Jake confides in Margo that working side by side with Thorne is hard on him ...

Sep 13, 1991
Clarke is running out of money. Bill, who is aware that Clarke will leave his marriage with Sally empty handed and destitute, makes his rival a lucrative offer: he wants custody of Mark in exchange for 100,000 Dollar. Clarke is appalled and turns Bill down. Brooke tries to convince Ridge to go to Big Bear with her, but he does not want to hurt his father. When Brooke mentions Eric's letter, Ridge runs off to see Stephanie and read it himself. Even though Stephanie seems uneasy to share the counterfeited letter with her son, it does not miss its effect. Ridge ...

Sep 16, 1991
Ridge and Brooke cheerfully move into the Big Bear cabin. Brooke confesses that she prayed for this day, fully believing the letter is from Eric. Stephanie shows the letter to Blake and later on confesses that it is a forgery. Stephanie keeps on dreaming of Eric, but Blake fears it's all an illusion. Felicia and Macy bicker about Jake. Felicia threatens to call Thorne and tell him everything about Macy's extramarital affair, but Macy makes it clear that she is not going to take these threats by her sister in law. Thorne invites Jake and his alleged date Felicia for a ...

Sep 17, 1991
Sally is trying to pick a baby name. Macy then confides in her mother about her lingering feelings for Jake. Sally advises Macy not to risk her marriage who remains confused. In order to avoid a confrontation with Felicia, Macy cancels the dinner invitation at the Forrester Mansion. By the swimming pool, Felicia questions Jake whether he was looking forward to see Macy tonight. Before Jake can answer, Felicia stresses that she is still intent to win him back. Thorne is disappointed that Macy will not come over. His already sour mood receives further ammunition when he...

Sep 18, 1991
Brooke and Ridge enjoy their time alone at Big Bear and reflect on their history together. Ridge reassures Brooke that this time around they will get their happy ending. They kiss. Back in L.A., Blake questions Margo about what motivates the Forrester Matriarch. Blake then seeks advice from Taylor as he seems to be uncomfortable with the fact that Stephanie forged a letter. After finding out that Little Eric and his nanny are staying at the Forrester Mansion, Thorne deduces that Ridge and Brooke went away together - and that Stephanie encouraged it. Thorne is appalled...

Sep 19, 1991
Margo pays Clarke a visit and finds out that Bill's "friendly offer" was conditional on Clarke selling him custody of Mark. She is even more shocked that a broke Clarke is considering it. Blake fills Taylor in on the extreme lengths Stephanie has been taking to win back Eric. Taylor then receives a surprise patient: Stephanie. Stephanie tries to ease her conscience, but Taylor makes it clear that she knows what the Forrester Matriarch did and wants no part in this dangerous scheme. Upon confiding in Margo about Brooke and Ridge, Thorne comes to a realization where his...

Sep 20, 1991
Julie visits Margo in her quest to motivate Clarke to take a design job elsewhere. Margo has had enough with her ex, though, and advises Julie to cut all ties with Clarke before he can take her down with him. Later, Julie is annoyed that Clarke clings to an illusion of a triumphant return to Spectra Fashion. She therefore bursts his bubble and informs her lover that Sally is still carrying his child. Ridge and Brooke realize that they will have to return to Los Angeles. Thorne arrives at Big Bear to confront Brooke and Ridge with their betrayal of Eric. They inform ...

Sep 23, 1991
Clarke is panicking when Julie informs him that Sally lied about the abortion and is still having his baby. Julie tells her lover to resolve his issues - and see a shrink. At Spectra Fashion, Saul and Darla want to help their boss to pick a baby name. Felicia then informs Sally that she is stepping down as head designer. She thinks the lack of success of her last show proves that she is more suited for a smaller collection for now. Macy reassures her mother that they will find a proper replacement for Clarke. Stephanie asks Judy to bring Eric Jr. back to the apartment...

Sep 24, 1991
Julie forces her unemployed and depressed boyfriend to see a shrink. Clarke is reluctant to open up to psychiatrist - and to a woman no less: Taylor. Clarke tries to charm the doctor and find an easy answer for his problems. Taylor sees right through him, though. Thorne returns home and is alarmed that Stephanie suddenly believes in a reunion with his father again. Ridge and Brooke have also left Big Bear behind. A lively discussion about the letter and Eric's abrupt change of heart ensues. On cue, Eric calls from the airport - and Stephanie invites him over for ...

Sep 25, 1991
Saul is extremely happy for Sally to have another child. To compensate for the one flaw amidst this wonderful twist of fate, Saul offers to step in for his dearest friend: he proposes marriage to Sally. Sally is touched, but turns the tailor down. Clarke informs Julie that even though his visit with Dr. Hayes was a waste of time, he will continue to see the shrink. On a sourer note, Clarke bluntly tells Julie that he does intend to marry her any time soon. Brooke and Ridge marvel at the prospect of a reunion of Eric and Stephanie which would pave the way for them. ...

Sep 26, 1991
Margo confronts Bill about offering Clarke a pay-off to relinquish his parental rights. Bill claims that he loves the boy. Margo accuses her husband of being selfish and ignoring her or Mark's needs. In the middle of a heated argument even the issue of divorce is brought to the table - Margo seeks comfort from Blake who promises to be there for her. They kiss. Stephanie has spent the entire night at Eric's beside. The doctors encourage Stephanie to inform the family that Eric who is still in a coma is in a serious condition. After learning from Maria that Stephanie ...

Sep 27, 1991
Taylor is attacked by a former patient. Blake becomes witness to this ambush by accident as he watches through the spyglass from his condo. Blake immediately rushes to Taylor's side and expels the intruder. Shaken from this ordeal, Taylor asks Blake to stay at her apartment tonight because she does not want to be lonely. Sally is happy to hear that Macy wants to work on her marriage by preparing an extravagant dinner for her husband. Unfortunately, Margo informs Thorne that an important business partner is in town and wants to meet them tonight. Therefore, it is ...

Sep 30, 1991
Thorne is miserable to bail on Macy due to a business dinner at Pierre's with Margo and Henri Joboulet, an important client from France. Jake pays Macy a visit who is confused that Thorne canceled their evening plans in the last minute. He urges Macy to end her marriage and embark on a future with him. Macy feels not ready for this, though. Ridge and Brooke spend a romantic evening at the guest house and have sex. Brooke is anxious to start over and face Eric. At the hospital, Stephanie fills Eric in on his accident and that he was in a coma for 24 hours. As he ...

Oct 01, 1991
Jake tells Macy that he will not give up on her just yet. Later, Jake calls Felicia and agrees to see her tomorrow. When Thorne finally returns home, Macy confronts her husband for bailing on her - instead of working on saving their marriage. Thorne apologizes and implores Macy to believe him that their relationship is of utmost importance to him. Brooke and Ridge are optimistic to make wedding plans soon. Then, Stephanie shows up in the guest house of the Forrester Mansion to inform them that Eric was hospitalized. Brooke and Ridge are shocked that the lack of ...

Oct 02, 1991
Sally is beaming with joy in light of her impending childbirth. She tells Saul that she wants to name her baby "Sully". Saul switches the topic to the dreadful sales figures for Spectra Fashions. To spite any ambitions to lure him back, Sally decides to file for divorce from Clarke. Julie is thrilled when she finds Clarke freshly shaven and seemingly out of his rut. The cause for his newfound optimism does not bode well for Julie: Clarke is still hoping to get his hands on half of Sally's company. Blake comforts Taylor after the attack who thanks him for being her ...

Oct 03, 1991
Eric is thrilled to be home with Brooke and his son. Brooke is confused when Eric gives her clear signals that he wants to get intimate because the only man on her mind is Ridge. After spending an eternity in the bathroom, Brooke is relieved that Eric has fallen asleep. Stephanie fills Felicia and Thorne in on Eric's accident. Thorne leaves to confront Ridge for his betrayal of their father. Ridge, who is conflicted enough as it is, throws his brother out. Taylor is surprised to find out that Blake feels ready to marry Margo. She congratulates her ex on moving on. ...

Oct 04, 1991
Brooke claims that she has to leave very early for work with the intention to avoid Eric. Eric is very disappointed as he misses the intimacy with his wife. Confused by her husband's putative change of attitude, Brooke runs off to see Ridge who encourages her to be positive. Ridge reminds Brooke of Eric's letter to Stephanie and that it is therefore impossible that he wants to stay married to her. They kiss. Blake gives Taylor a gift for her birthday. She is surprised that someone else has not forgotten about her special day either when flowers are delivered from ...

Oct 07, 1991
Julie's relief that Clarke sought counseling again is crushed quickly when he stresses his optimism why Sally has not given up on their marriage and business partnership. Hence, Clarke is in for a shock himself when he is served with divorce papers. At Spectra Fashions, Sally receives a thoughtful gift from Saul. Sally then reveals to Macy that she considers accepting Saul's proposal as he is the one man in her life that has never disappointed her. Thorne is walking on eggshells around Eric to find out what is going with Stephanie and Brooke. When he finds out that ...

Oct 08, 1991
Sally explains to Macy that Clarke wants to speak to her. Shortly later, Clarke shows up Spectra Fashions, but his behavior and words take Sally completely by surprise. Clarke announces that he is leaving Los Angeles - with one great regret: to have asked Sally for an abortion despite the pregnancy being the greatest miracle of their relationship. Thorne calls Ridge to warn him that Eric angrily wants to see him in light of his absence from the company during his trip. Ridge and Brooke are anxious to talk to Stephanie because of Eric suddenly clinging onto his ...

Oct 09, 1991
Darla is surprised to find Clarke walking out of Sally's office. He informs her that he will be leaving town soon. Macy is concerned that her mother could fall for Clarke again and warns her not to trust him. Sally is confused and wonders whether Clarke was sincere. Meanwhile, Clarke tries to convince Julie that they all would be better off with their relationship still being a secret and him being married to Sally. Ridge reiterates to Brooke that they must come clean to Eric, but keep silent about the letter. Brooke thinks that she has to be the one to tell Eric the ...

Oct 10, 1991
Macy makes a declaration of love to Jake - about Thorne. He is disappointed that she only wants to be friends with him. Ridge is furious with Stephanie. She tries to reason with her son and claims that forging the letter was not only self-serving; she also wanted to have him finally find happiness with Brooke. Felicia thinks that Ridge and Brooke are meant to be whereas Thorne is too concerned for his unsuspecting father to see anything positive in all of this. Eric's world crashes when Brooke confesses to her husband that she is in love with Ridge. Eric, who never ...

Oct 11, 1991
Bill is confused when he arrives to pick up Margo from work and she suddenly asks him for a divorce. Taylor wants to go out with Blake who then puts his ex to the spot and reminds her that he is now engaged. Brooke feels terrible after coming clean to Eric. Ridge hopes that Stephanie can help him come to terms with this new situation. Meanwhile, Stephanie tries her to cheer up Eric, but he is miserable that Brooke no longer loves him. They embrace. Margo happily informs Blake that she gave Bill notice that she wants to end their marriage. They kiss.

Oct 14, 1991
Sally considers giving Clarke a second chance when Macy introduces her to Lloyd Bennet, a handsome fabric supplier. Macy is happy to see that Sally gives Lloyd a private tour at Spectra Fashion. Saul spots this scene and reacts with jealousy. Clarke, who was convinced that his ploy to win back Sally would work, is shocked to learn from Darla that Sally is seeing another man as they telephone. He gets depressed again and explains to Julie that he is toxic as a romantic partner. Meanwhile, Sally thinks that way too time passed since her baby moved. She begins to panic ...

Oct 15, 1991
Macy and Saul accompany Sally to the hospital. Dr. Barnett puts ease to their concern and explains that Sally and her unborn child are fine. It might just another week before Sally will deliver, though. Meanwhile, Clarke seeks counseling from Dr. Hayes again. She urges her patient to set his priorities straight: does he want Sally or the company? Clarke claims that he begins to understand what he needs in his life: his working relationship with Sally. Ridge is spending time with Eric Junior. Brooke is concerned how Eric will react after finding out that she and Ridge ...

Oct 16, 1991
Stephanie is furious with Brooke for not stopping Ridge from talking to his father so soon. Brooke is stunned by Stephanie's nerve after forging a letter and setting this whole thing in motion. Stephanie accuses Brooke of never loving Eric in the first place. At Forrester Creations, Margo notices that Eric is disturbed, but he does not want to open up to her. Ridge arrives - eager to make Eric understand that hurting him was the last thing on his mind. Ridge's explanation that he was never able to forget about Brooke despite his best intentions does gel well with Eric...

Oct 17, 1991
Felicia arrives at Jake's to tell him that she feels an obligation to come clean to Thorne. Right on cue, Thorne calls and asks them over. Macy and Thorne happily share that they have reunited - and want to celebrate it with Felicia and Jake. Saul is crushed when Sally turns down his proposal and even announces that she wants to try to patch things up with her baby's father, Clarke. Saul warns Sally to trust the man ever again. Julie gives Clarke plane tickets as she wants to take a prolonged trip to get some much-needed distance to L.A. and all of his problems. ...

Oct 18, 1991
Sally assures Saul that she is not wearing blinders concerning her unfaithful husband. She merely wants to try everything to give her child a loving family. Clarke is about to leave for the airport when he receives a call from Sally. She breaks it to Clarke that she is still pregnant and he acts surprised. Stephanie interrupts a conversation between Eric and Margo. Stephanie offers Eric her point of view why his marriage is ailing. Eric informs his ex that he is not ready to talk about it just yet. Ridge gives an anxious Brooke a recap how his father reacted to the ...

Oct 21, 1991
Saul and Darla break it to Macy that Sally is meeting with Clarke. In her office, Clarke explains how happy he is to find out that Sally did not go through with the abortion and is still carrying his child. Clarke still intends to go on his trip, yet he hopes that Sally will stay in touch him and gives her a gentle kiss. Later, Macy is shocked to find out that her mother convinced Clarke to stay in Los Angeles. Brooke wants to live at the Forrester Mansion until the divorce. Stephanie's not exactly ecstatic reaction makes Brooke realize that the Forrester matriarch ...

Oct 22, 1991
Julie is furious with Clarke after being stood up at the airport. Clarke beams with joy that he finally has Sally back under his spell. Julie cannot believe that she is about to play second fiddle again and storms out. At Spectra Fashions, Macy warns Sally that Clarke is back to his duplicitous games and should not be trusted. Sally rebuffs her concerns. Stephanie opens up to Ridge and confirms that she will have to badmouth Brooke to Eric in order to speed up their divorce proceedings. Meanwhile, Brooke assures Eric that she did love him and therefore asks for his ...

Oct 23, 1991
It's Macy's and Thorne's first wedding anniversary. Macy is stunned when it appears that her husband has completely forgotten about it. Thorne was only teasing his wife, though. He gifts her a marvelous ring. A desperate Eric makes it clear to Brooke that he will do everything in his power to save their marriage. He is heartbroken that she and the baby will stay at the Forrester Mansion for the time being. Ridge drowns his sorrows at Pierre's Café. The restaurateur then informs Ridge that he should confide in Taylor who at this very moment walks into the restaurant. ...

Oct 24, 1991
Felicia presents the Spectra gang her first designs for the new collection. Macy is impressed and gives the young designer praises. Sally is completely preoccupied. When Darla announces that Clarke sent Sally a huge bouquet of flowers, Macy and Saul look worried. Meanwhile, Margo confronts Clarke for almost leaving town with Julie without saying goodbye to her or their son. Clarke is stunned that Margo is ready to call it quits with Spencer and promises her benevolently to stay in L.A. for the time being. Little does Margo know that Clarke is counting on Sally to let ...

Oct 25, 1991
Macy desperately warns Sally not to trust Clarke. Sally will not hear it as Clarke has been a model husband and friend as of late. Right on cue, Clarke walks in to pick up Sally for birthing class. In Lamaze class, Sally is impressed by Clarke's dedication and they eventually kiss. Stephanie tries to make Eric understand that Brooke was not mature enough to enter marriage. However, Eric puts all the blame on his son who he holds responsible for going after Brooke. Most importantly, Eric is not willing to give up on his wife just yet. Ridge advises Brooke to be ...

Oct 28, 1991
Clarke escorts Sally back to Spectra Fashions after birthing class. Macy, Saul and Darla are surprised to see the expecting parents in such bliss. After Clarke leaves, Macy warns Sally again to have a watchful eye because Clarke's sudden caring nature is just too good to be true. Following a conversation with Brooke, Ridge goes to see Eric who confirms that there will be no divorce. A bitter argument ensues in which both men accuse the other of being contemptible for going after Brooke. Meanwhile, Taylor pays Brooke a visit. It is not before long that the psychiatrist...

Oct 29, 1991
Eric calls Brooke, Ridge, Stephanie and Thorne into his office. Brooke and Ridge believe that Eric will announce his consent to the divorce, but he instead presents them with the first sample of the revolutionary fabric developed by Brooke. Eric wants to surprise the public with this research development at the next fashion show in a few weeks. Meanwhile, Macy is very worried about her mother, who is trusting Clarke again. She visits Taylor to find out more about Clarke, but the psychologist is bound by medical confidentiality. Over at Spectra Fashions, Saul informs ...

Oct 30, 1991
Julie grows weary of Clarke when he dodges her demand to set a new date for their around the world trip. Clarke has to face his psychiatrist because Taylor is now leery of her patient's motives to reunite with his wife. Taylor warns Clarke that neither he nor Sally will benefit if he is not sincere. Clarke realizes that Taylor spoke to Macy and therefore immediately calls Julie to tell her to leave his studio - through the backdoor. Thorne informs Jake that Forrester Creations is about to launch a hush-hush-project which is going to take the fashion world by storm. ...

Oct 31, 1991
Eric has good and bad news for Stephanie: while he thanks his ex-wife for her moral support in this time of need and encourages her to take a more active role at Forrester Creations, he is under no way considering a divorce from Brooke. Over in Malibu, Ridge and Brooke spend a romantic evening at the Private Dining Room. Ridge makes it clear that he is not backing up Brooke's plan to defer filing for divorce until the dust has settled. Macy barges into Sally's office to inform her that she was right all along and that Clarke is still seeing Julie. Clarke arrives. To ...

Nov 01, 1991
Sally has gone into labor. While Macy wants Clarke as far away as possible, Sally is extremely happy to have her husband by her side. She is worried because the baby is coming six weeks early. Dr. Larson tries to calm her down and explains that the slightest delay could be beneficial to the child. Meanwhile, Stephanie tries to convince Ridge that it would be for the best for Brooke to stay away from Eric for the time being. Brooke is heartbroken to see Eric playing with Little Eric, but also informs her husband that she wants a divorce. Eric explains that he will give...

Nov 04, 1991
Margo has asked Blake over for the evening. They are caught in the act kissing when Bill unexpectedly comes home with Mark. Margo ushers her son out of the hostile environment. Bill then blasts Blake and warns him that Margo must not be trusted. Blake's temper flares and he hits Bill. Later, Margo is shocked to find Bill bleeding in the living room. Macy takes a break from the hospital and has dinner with Thorne. He informs Macy that Forrester Creations is about to launch a revolutionary linen. When Macy tries to stop her husband because she is part of the competition...

Nov 05, 1991
Macy meets with Julie to inform her that Clarke is supporting Sally through labor. Julie is not giving her any ammunition against Clarke, though. At the hospital, Sally and Clarke begin to talk about possible names for their baby. He exclaims that he is fine with any name but his own, because he is far from being a paragon of virtue. Felicia and Jake have dinner at Pierre's. He encourages Felicia to focus on the future and forget about his involvement with Macy. Brooke wants to accept Eric's demand and breaks it to Ridge that she and Little Eric will move back into ...

Nov 06, 1991
Margo stops by at Eric's to cheer him up. It is not before long that Stephanie arrives and claims her territory, though. Margo leaves and Eric confides in Stephanie that he will fight Brooke's every step during the divorce, but also fears that she will not come back to him. Ridge warns Brooke to accept Eric's condition to move back in with him because he suspects his father of foul play. Brooke fully believes in her future with Ridge and is willing to do anything for it. Dr. Larson informs Sally and Clarke that it looks like the contractions are slowing down and the ...

Nov 07, 1991
Stephanie pressures Ridge to stop Brooke from giving in to Eric's demand. Maria then informs them that Brooke has left a couple of minutes ago. Stephanie rushes off for Eric's condo and manages to catch Brooke at the elevator. Ridge seeks a place to crash for the night and some advice from Taylor. The psychiatrist notes that she is impressed that he is willing to risk his family for Brooke. Ridge stresses that he blames Eric for the current situation as he should have never divorced Stephanie. Meanwhile, Eric begins to accept that Brooke is not coming back to him. ...

Nov 08, 1991
Julie returns to speak to Macy. She is through with Clarke and gives Macy some very useful information by leaking that he knew for weeks that Sally did not have an abortion. A furious Macy storms off to divulge this to her mother. In the hospital, Darla and Saul make their peace with Clarke while Sally is in labor. Dr. Larson then informs them that both mother and son are doing fine. Stephanie pressures Brooke not to give in to Eric's demand because this would only give him false hope. Brooke does not want to hear these arguments, though. Eric confides in Thorne that ...

Nov 11, 1991
Clarke, Saul and Darla are thrilled that Sally is well and the baby, whilst born premature and therefore resting in an incubator, is doing fine, too. Macy however throws disgruntled looks at Clarke. She confides in Thorne that Clarke cannot be trusted after what she learned from Julie. Over at Spectra Fashions, Felicia wants to know from Jake whether he is still seeing Macy. Felicia and Jake eventually agree to start over and begin to make out in her office. Darla, who is back at the company looking for the baby gift for Sally, gets an eyeful of this scene. Margo ...

Nov 12, 1991
Fledgling mother Sally is all smiles and thanks Clarke for his support during the exhausting birth. She is ready to forgive him and wants to start over. Macy, however, believes that Clarke's loving behavior is only cold calculation on his part for the purpose of getting back the company. Thorne thinks Macy should wait with divulging Julie's information. Later, as Macy wants to break the news to her mother, she finds a drained Sally asleep. Meanwhile, Jake accompanies Felicia home. When she leaves for the kitchen, he discovers an envelope containing Forrester's ...

Nov 13, 1991
Thorne is surprised to hear from Ridge that Brooke has accepted Eric's ultimatum. Across town, Brooke admits to Eric that she is already heartbroken to leave him in two months' time and urges him to prepare for it. Stephanie is annoyed by Margo's constant play for Eric and reminds the designer that she owns half of Forrester Creations and has the power to oust her. An unruly Margo only leaves when Eric comes into the office. Eric wonders if Stephanie convinced Brooke to come home. She does not deny this (despite not being true) and continues to question Eric about ...

Nov 14, 1991
Darla visits Sally in the hospital and gives her a gift for the baby. Macy prepares herself to come clean to her mother about Clarke. Thorne urges Macy to stay out of it as he is of the opinion that Sally will see through Clarke if he is not sincere. Ridge walks into the Santa Fe Restaurant in the middle of the day looking to drown his sorrows in Scotch. Taylor who is having lunch stuns Ridge by opining that Brooke did right by moving back in with Eric. Taylor thinks that Ridge and Brooke will never be happy under these circumstances. Meanwhile, Eric informs Brooke ...

Nov 15, 1991
Clarke visits Margo to tell her about his newborn son. Margo has a hard time sharing his joy as she remembers the time when she had her baby and Clarke did not care. Clarke counters that he has changed and that he and Sally are married. Macy finally wants to speak to Sally when Jake arrives at the hospital hoping to score points with Macy. Sally offers Jake to put in a good word for him with Macy, if in exchange he will give her some intel on the much buzzed business secret of the Forresters. Saul and Felicia work hard on her new collection which is condemned to be a ...

Nov 18, 1991
Macy splits up the happy scene of mother and father looking at Clarke Garrison Junior in the preemie-unit. Clarke leaves for Spectra Fashions to announce his impending return to interim head designer Felicia. She warns him that his duplicitous ways are bound to haunt him. Back at the hospital, Macy breaks it to Sally that Julie informed her that Clarke knew for a long time that she did not have an abortion - and is probably faking his new-found affection for and the baby. Eric tells Stephanie that he wants to win Brooke back by courting her. To make his point, Eric ...

Nov 19, 1991
Concerned that he is still facing his creative block, Clarke seeks counseling from Taylor again. She tries to make her patient understand that his work apparently is connected to his relationship with Sally and there seem to be unresolved issues. Sally is in shock to learn from Macy that Clarke lied to her. Later, Clarke stops by at the hospital, but a miserable Sally wants to be alone for the evening. Jake has lunch with Margo and explains that he and Felicia are getting closer again. Jake reveals that he misses his friendship with Macy, though. Meanwhile, Ridge and ...

Nov 20, 1991
Stephanie reveals to Brooke that she will do anything to win Eric back. She also reminds her nemesis that her getting back with Eric is the key for her to have a future with Ridge. Pierre is surprised to find Ridge having dinner alone at this restaurant. Still a bit confused, Brooke then meets with Ridge, who urges her to keep Eric on a long leash. Eric spends the evening with his son. When Brooke comes home late, Eric makes it clear that he expects to have two month's with his wife - and not with a roommate sporadically sharing time with him. Meanwhile, Ridge ...

Nov 21, 1991
Taylor tells Blake that she realized that she has to move on from Ridge. To cheer her up, Blake sets up dinner appointment with Taylor for later. Then, Eric stops by at Taylor's office. He strongly advises Taylor to fight for Ridge. Meanwhile, Margo lends Ridge an open ear about the complicated situation with Brooke. Saul informs Felicia that Sally has named the baby after her husband. Jake arrives and is surprised to hear them talk gloomy about the future of Spectra Fashions again. Totally out of the blue, Julie breaks it Macy that everything she said about Clarke ...

Nov 22, 1991
Instead of going ahead with their wedding plans, Margo and Blake acknowledge that they first have to process their old relationships before they can re-bond. They mutually decide to dissolve their engagement. Stephanie visits Sally in the hospital and warns her not to trust Clarke. Meanwhile, Julie tries to seduce Clarke, but he makes it clear that he will not risk his marriage and throws her out of his apartment. Ridge is disappointed when Brooke bails on him to spend the evening with Eric. Taylor then asks Ridge over - and surprises him by wearing a fancy dress and ...

Nov 25, 1991
Sally is still torn whether she can trust Clarke. After he makes another summation of his desire to form a proper family, Sally announces that Clarke can live with her and Clarke Junior at the apartment. Just then, Macy walks in. Eric discloses to Stephanie that he has encouraged Taylor to pursue Ridge. He hopes that Ridge will be distracted from Brooke. Meanwhile, Taylor arrives at Pierre's and tells the restaurateur that she intends to conquer Ridge's heart. Later, Ridge explains to Taylor that no woman has ever seduced him. To proof her intention, Taylor kisses him...

Nov 26, 1991
Sally has a private conversation with Macy. Although Macy expresses her reservations, Sally assures her that she is well aware of her husband's character flaws. She nevertheless asks Clarke to move back in with her. Brooke turns to Eric with a request to give Ridge his word that he will release her from marriage in two months. Meanwhile, Taylor flirts with Ridge at Pierre's restaurant. Blake watches in disgust and throws in several pills to control his temper. Ridge and Taylor decide to skip dessert and he leaves to get the car. But shortly thereafter, Ridge falls ...

Nov 27, 1991
Brooke unsuccessfully tries to persuade Eric to give Ridge his word that he is going to set her free in two months' time. Stephanie and Felicia discuss whether Eric will achieve to win back Brooke's affection. Meanwhile, Thorne shows up at Pierre's just as a badly beaten Ridge is rushed to the hospital. There, Dr. Payne notes that Ridge did suffer mostly superficial injuries. Stephanie, Felicia, Eric and Brooke arrive and are shocked to hear that Ridge was attacked from behind and probably strangled by his tormentor. Blake calls Pierre to deliver Taylor a message, ...

Dec 02, 1991
Bill and Margo receive word that Ridge was hospitalized. Margo is appalled when Bill suggests that Blake - with his uneven temper - could have beaten up the designer. Yet, later she must admit that the incident is similar to Blake's attack on Bill recently. Eric, Stephanie, Brooke and Taylor are gathered around Ridge in the hospital. While Ridge is still recovering, Brooke is furious with Taylor for going out with him. Taylor leaves and finds Blake waiting for her at the apartment. Blake acts all innocent and gently reminds Taylor that she has stood him up tonight, ...

Dec 03, 1991
Macy pays Sally a visit in order to apologize to Clarke. With her husband absent during the first night she is out of the hospital, Macy sees it as confirmation that Clarke is not sincere, though. Suddenly, Clarke comes home and Macy leaves. Sally is overjoyed when Clarke presents her with pictures that he has taken of Clarke Junior tonight. It's not before long that Sally is in for yet another surprise: Clarke wants to share the marital bed with her. Meanwhile, Jake and Felicia spend the evening together watching a video. Margo visits Taylor to find out if the ...

Dec 04, 1991
Blake returns to Taylor's apartment under a pretense because he is curious to learn what the women have been talking about. Margo quickly leaves and then tells a doubting Bill that she cannot believe that Blake attacked Ridge. Meanwhile, Taylor feels torn and is intent to find out if Blake showed up at Pierre's and beat up Ridge. To test him, Taylor takes Blake with her to visit Ridge in the hospital. Blake passes the test as neither does Ridge recognize him as his attacker nor does he divulge any suspicious behavior. Felicia convinces Jake to partake in a sensual ...

Dec 05, 1991
Eric reminds Brooke that he expects her to act like a married woman in presence of his son. Stephanie is very concerned that Ridge and Taylor went out last night. During a friendly chat with Blake, Stephanie emphasizes that his pursuit of Taylor is at utmost importance for her chances to win back Eric. Blake's display of confidence does not convince the Forrester Matriarch. She heads over to Taylor's and accuses her of unethical behavior by going after her son. Meanwhile, a concerned Brooke looks after Ridge at the Forrester Guest House. She also wants to know why he ...

Dec 06, 1991
Ridge discloses to Brooke that he cannot promise to wait for her any longer. Brooke remains firm, though, and will not bail on her promise to Eric to stay with him for two more months. Later, Stephanie feverishly tries to change Brooke's mind. Eric visits Taylor and encourages her to use the opportunity and win back Ridge. Taylor is tempted and drives over to the Forrester Mansion. A tender talk with Ridge soon ends in a kiss. Margo confronts Blake who skirts around a straight answer whether he hit Ridge.

Dec 09, 1991
Sally and Clarke visit Clarke Junior in the hospital, yet they are anxious to bring their baby home. Meanwhile, Macy, Saul and Darla prepare for Sally's impending return to work. When the proud parents arrive, Macy uses her chance to voice her disapproval to Clarke that he let her mother alone right after she was released from the hospital. Macy is stunned when Sally reveals that Clarke gave her a picture of their son which he took last night. Brooke shocks Eric with her change of heart: she wants to move out immediately. Eric does not consent to a cordial divorce ...

Dec 10, 1991
Margo finds Bill dismantling her portrait and instead hanging up Caroline's picture above the fireplace of his apartment. Bill explains that his late daughter has been a lot on his mind lately, paired with the fact that their marriage is practically over. Ridge wants to join his mother for a getaway at Big Bear. Stephanie is alarmed to hear that Ridge no longer sees his future with Brooke but with Taylor. Meanwhile, Blake shows up at Bill's to apologize and spots the new painting. Bill thinks that Blake has another motive; he wants to cover up for hitting Ridge. Margo...

Dec 11, 1991
Bill reminisces about his late daughter Caroline. However, it seems that there is more to his grief than he lets out. Meanwhile, Blake stuns Margo with his plans to leave town. He reminds his one-time fiancée that they lack mutual trust and that timing just was not right for them to have a future together. Jake and Macy run into each other for the first time in a while. Sally is extremely worried about Spectra Fashions due to the disastrous sales figures in recent months. Desperate, Sally tries to convince Jake to give her access to Forrester's new fabric formula in ...

Dec 12, 1991
Ridge accidentally gets his hands on a photograph of Caroline. This prompts him and Taylor to reflect on his late wife. Taylor then surprises Ridge with news that Blake has left town. Margo finds Bill in deep thoughts in the condo. When her husband acts hostile, Margo believes that Bill is angry with her for trying to find romance with Blake. Margo stresses that she never crossed the line with Mr. Hayes and is open to work on their marriage. Margo wants to talk to Bill about his past, but he blocks immediately. Later, Margo finds newspaper clippings in Bill's files ...

Dec 13, 1991
Blake is amazed that Faith Roberts, the waitress at the restaurant in secluded Starlight, Texas, bears such a striking resemblance to the late Caroline Spencer. Blake fields the young woman with questions before booking a spontaneous flight back to Los Angeles. Margo hides the fact from Bill that she snooped around in his private clippings. She is stunned when Blake arrives for a surprise visit eager to talk to her husband. Margo explains that this is not the right time. Confused, Blake badgers Margo. Margo then reveals that she just found out that Bill had a second ...

Dec 16, 1991
Margo informs Taylor that Blake has made a surprise comeback to L.A. eager to speak to her husband. Little do they know that Blake is already back in Starlight, Texas, where he continues to question Faith, the waitress. He wonders if Faith could be Karen Spencer, the late Caroline Spencer's kidnapped twin sister. Faith on the other hand is surprised that Blake wants to rent a room at the Tavern. Sally happily shares with Saul and Darla that Clarke Junior is doing great and slowly gaining weight. She is equally thrilled to have Clarke back by her side. Hence, Sally ...

Dec 17, 1991
While Eric and Brooke marvel over Forrester Creations' latest sales figures, Saul and Darla graciously offer Sally to take a pay-cut to improve Spectra Fashions' dire financial situation. Sally is touched, but turns down the offer. Clarke returns to his old office and is thrilled to find it fully restored. He then explains to Sally that complete cooperation of the entire staff is key to him overcoming his creative block. Ridge runs into Margo at work and reveals that he is ready to let go of Brooke. Later, Brooke tries to lighten Ridge's mood and reaffirms that she ...

Dec 18, 1991
Thorne still has tough time to forget about the stranger that Macy had an affair with during their recent marital crisis. Little does he know that this stranger is Jake of all people, with whom he confidently talks about his problems. Thorne even invites Jake and Felicia to celebrate Christmas with him and Macy. When Macy is unsuccessful in altering Thorne's plans, she tries to persuade Jake not to accept the invitation. Felicia informs Ridge that she is still facing problems in her relationship with Jake. Stephanie is back from her short vacation and learns that ...

Dec 18, 1991
A desperate Sally reveals to Felicia that Clarke - despite his best intentions - still fails to come up with compelling designs. Sally asks Felicia to help Clarke overcome his creative block. Later, Felicia provokes Clarke in order to stoke his creativity. However, Clarke only feels badgered and throws her out of his office. Eric confides in Ridge that he had a dream about Caroline and is feeling sad about the shattered state of the Forrester family these days. Then, Eric implores Ridge to end his relationship with Brooke. Stephanie stuns Brooke that she should use a ...

Dec 20, 1991
Blake, who is still amazed by her resemblance to the late Caroline Spencer, questions waitress Faith about her upbringing and family. Then, Faith's mother Bonnie arrives at the Starlight Tavern. Stephanie convinces Eric to come over for Christmas even if it means spending time with Ridge. Brooke ponders Stephanie's suggestion to take Little Eric to Paris over the holidays. When Eric explains that the entire family - including Ridge - will meet at the Forrester Mansion, Brooke quickly signs onto this plan. Little does she know that Ridge is having lunch with Taylor a ...

Dec 23, 1991
Stephanie is disappointed to learn that Ridge is celebrating Christmas with Taylor. Later, Eric informs Stephanie that their son is not the only one with a change of heart as he managed to convince Brooke to not leave for Paris after all. Stephanie quickly brings Brooke up to speed on Ridge's new plans for the holidays. This does not miss its effect: Brooke immediately rushes over to Taylor's office and accuses her of purposely coming between her and Ridge. Taylor does not hold back and orders Brooke to back off. In Starlight, a smitten Faith tells her mother Bonnie ...

Dec 24, 1991
Sally is touched to find Darla and Saul decking her apartment, yet she is heartbroken that her little baby boy is still in the hospital. Clarke then surprises Sally by bringing Clarke Junior home. Ridge calls Brooke to wish her a merry Christmas before leaving for Taylor's. Ridge and Taylor have a very profound conversation and grow a lot closer. Brooke informs Eric that she is not in the mood to see the entire family. Thus, Brooke, Eric and Eric Junior celebrate Christmas Eve in their condo and Eric gifts his wife with the first dress made of the new wrinkle free ...

Dec 26, 1991
Blake returns to Starlight which delights Faith. Little does she know that Blake's interest in her stems from the fact that he considers her the long lost Spencer heir, Karen, who was abducted as an infant. Faith's mother Bonnie however is irked by Blake's appearance and puts a gun into her purse. Ridge surprises Brooke with the notion that he misses her. He kisses her passionately. Brooke's next visitor is Stephanie who once again pressures her not to waste this window of opportunity to be with Ridge by staying with Eric. Felicia is plagued by memories of Macy and ...

Dec 27, 1991
Ridge and Taylor spend a romantic evening by the pool of the Forrester Mansion. After Brooke finds out about this, she reconsiders Stephanie's advice: Eric is stunned when Brooke suddenly throws a temper tantrum and behaves very distant towards him. Felicia breaks it to Thorne that Macy had an affair with Jake. Later, Macy comes home, but Thorne immediately rushes off to confront Jake. In Starlight, Bonnie questions Blake about his interest in her daughter Faith and tells him to leave her alone. Faith on the other hand continues to be smitten with the handsome ...

Dec 30, 1991
Brooke surprises Ridge with a visit and expresses that she is still counting on a future with him. They kiss. Thorne confronts Jake. Furious that the man whom he got a job at the company betrayed him by having an affair with Macy, Thorne hits Jake. Margo seeks help from Taylor. She explains to the psychiatrist how Jake has changed after Macy broke up with him. Meanwhile, Spectra Fashions is running out of time. Clarke has still trouble coming up with innovative designs and therefore informs Sally that he will try to get the dirt on the Forrester's mysterious project ...

Dec 31, 1991
It is New Year's Eve, but very few people in L.A. are in a celebratory mood. Sally fears for her company's future. Clarke returns to Spectra Fashions empty handed and stuns his wife that he found Thorne's desk deserted at Forrester Creations, but opted against taking anything with him as he did not want to jeopardize his career. He now wants to save Spectra by creating fabulous designs in 1992. A while later, Darla brings Sally an envelope which contains the top-secret formula of the Forrester's new fabric. Felicia is surprised to hear that Thorne, who realizes upon ...
The Bold and the Beautiful Season 5 (1991) is released on Jan 02, 1991 and the latest season 36 of The Bold and the Beautiful is released in 2022. Watch The Bold and the Beautiful online - the Greek Drama TV series from United States. The Bold and the Beautiful is directed by Michael Stich,Cynthia J. Popp,Deveney Kelly,Jennifer Howard and created by Bradley Bell with Katherine Kelly Lang and Ronn Moss.