Episodes (32)

Nov 11, 1991
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Nov 14, 1991
Today, a cheerful couple pays a visit and expresses their happiness with every person and thing they come into contact with. Gradually, the street residents are driven crazy by them and keep turning them over to someone else.

Nov 15, 1991
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Nov 18, 1991
Today is the day Big Bird, Luis, Maria, and Gabriella are to accompany Frances's family to Montana. Oscar and the Count invite themselves to go along for their own personal reasons. Sponsors today are the letters C and Y and the number 8.

Nov 19, 1991
The gang arrives in Montana and meets Frances's family. The Count rides a horse and learns to count in Crow, Big Bird writes a poem about how much he likes the place, and Oscar's can is used as a basketball hoop. Today's sponsors: C, S, and 16.

Nov 20, 1991
The gang wakes up to their first morning in Crow Country, and the fun begins. The Count counts horse hairs, Big Bird does a rope trick, Maria displays her inability to mount a horse, and Oscar even participates in a barrel racing game.

Nov 21, 1991
Today is the third day here in Montana. Big Bird is enjoying the nature. And he is enjoying in visiting the crow of Indians. Sponsored by the letters F, and R, and by the number 19.

Nov 22, 1991
Today is the day of the big event, where Frances is given his new Crow name (Fortunate Young Man) and does his special dance for the big Crow ceremony. He even gives Big Bird a special friend gift.

Nov 25, 1991
Today, Big Bird, Oscar, Luis, Maria, and Gabriela return home from Montana. Oscar reveals that he sneaked a mule, who he named Iago, back home, and his friends struggle to get Iago out of the can so he'll calm down.

Nov 26, 1991
Today, Telly wants to see to it that nothing gets out of hand on Sesame Street. So he decides to take charge himself by making the whole day about the letter D. Unfortunately, his plan for a calm D-day goes astray when too many people show up with dogs.

Nov 27, 1991
Today, Rosita comes to live on Sesame Street and makes friends with Prairie Dawn, introducing her a selection of foods she's never tasted before.

Dec 13, 1991
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Dec 06, 1991
Oscar's brother Ernest is coming to visit Sesame Street today. Oscar has prepared an unpleasant surprise for him by dressing in a tuxedo, decorating his can, and treating his brother like a gentleman.

Dec 10, 1991
Hoots the Owl hosts a talk show about nighttime on Sesame Street. A highlight is a special version of "The People in Your Neighborhood", all about people who work after dark. Sponsors include the letters D and K and the number 11.

Dec 26, 1991
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Jan 06, 1992
Tonight, Gina is babysitting Elmo, who makes giving him a bath more of an experience than she had bargained for.

Jan 16, 1992
Today, Chicago the lion goes to the Sesame Street library to read about vegetables. He goes to the extent of pouncing on one Gordon is reading, and his roaring style of laughing scares the other patrons away.

Jan 21, 1992
Oscar puts a sign that says 'GO' on his trash can in hopes of keeping people away. Unfortunately, things don't turn out the way he planned at all. Today's show is brought to you by the letters C and F and the number 0.

Jan 29, 1992
It's just another day on Sesame Street, with lots of random things happening. The show is sponsored by the letters O and T and by the number 18.

Jan 30, 1992
Debra drops her broken toaster off at the Fix-It Shop. While waiting, she hangs out with Big Bird and the Birdketeers, and they ride make believe motorcycles and pretend to have various jobs. Debra even counts to forty-one with the Count.

Feb 05, 1992
Today, Big Bird takes on a rock n'roll singer role and goes on a tour of Sesame Street. He has two birds back him up (the Tweet Along Little Birdies) and Telly hold a rock while they sing (it is a rock concert, after all).

Feb 12, 1992
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Feb 14, 1992
It's a chilly day on the street, and things get hectic. Bob has trouble taking Barkley for a walk, Merry Monster doesn't realize she needs to bundle up to play outside, and on top of all that, Flo Bear decides to hibernate at Gina's house.

Feb 17, 1992
Monty is determined to talk about pineapples and cabbages bar none, and he constantly follows Prairie Dawn up and down the street, trying to lecture her on the matter and driving her absolutely out of her mind.

Feb 20, 1992
Mumford does a trick that causes everyone to tap dance nonstop and doesn't know how to undo it, so they contact another magician, Gregory the Great, for help.

Feb 25, 1992
Grungetta wants to give Oscar an unpleasant birthday surprise and be nice to him. Professor Huggins comes to teach her how, but Grungie has trouble taking the full 180 degree turn. Today's sponsors are the letters L and W and the number 13.

Feb 27, 1992
Big Bird and Bob try to get Alice to take her nap.

Mar 11, 1992
Elmo is in awe of how lightning flashes and thunder booms whenever the Count counts and wants to do the same thing himself. He is determined to find a way, though Maria tells him it will be impossible.

Apr 13, 1992
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 14, 1992
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 23, 1992
Sonny Friendly presents the game show, "What You Hear is What You Get" when Telly Monster listens to the sounds of the street.

May 08, 1992
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.
Sesame Street Season 23 (1991) is released on Nov 11, 1991 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.