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Episodes (130)

Nov 28, 1977
The ninth season of "Sesame Street" begins with a bang. The bang of drums, that is, because Bert is leading a brass band down the street. Later on, in Hooper's Store, the folks watch a grouch cooking show hosted by Oscar, who demonstrates how to make a 'new kind' of chicken soup. At the end of the day, Grover pretends to drive Gordon's car (with the latter there to supervise, of course). Today's show is brought to you by the letter H and the number 2, the latter paid respects by the Pointer Sisters in one of their typical "Pinball Number" songs. Our favorite frog ...

Nov 29, 1977
Mr. Snuffleupagus sleeps over at Big Bird's nest. As the sun comes up, they walk over to Hooper's Store, where they see a sleepy David washing a large amount of dirty dishes. When David nods off, Big Bird gets an idea, and leads Snuffy into the store. "Seven Song (Song of Seven)"

Nov 30, 1977
Luis, Susan and Gordon hear disco music coming from inside Hooper's Store. They walk in, and find Mr. Hooper dressed like the young, hip crowd of today (wearing a wig, jeans, and a Farrah Fawcett t-shirt). They ask him to turn down the loud music, and he explains that he's trying to keep up with the times, since he's so old now. They tell him they like him just the way he is, and he admits that he agrees with them. He goes home to change his clothes, riding a motorcycle.

Dec 01, 1977
Maria tries to study, but is distracted by The Count, exercising nearby. He admits that he doesn't exercise to keep in shape and feel good; he just does it for the counting. He finishes his push-ups, so he starts on his sit-ups. Maria then turns him on to jogging, but he still disturbs her every time he runs around the block. Alone Song. Ernie has a so-called "magic" chain which can form into any shape he wants. Bert is dismissive of the chain's magic properties. And yet, when Bert asks for the chain to provide a sandwich, it does.

Dec 02, 1977
Maria notices an angry Olivia throw a bag of trash into Oscar's trash can. Oscar shows that he can tell what happened to her by looking through her trash: she accidentally knocked over an alarm clock, she took a bunch of overexposed photographs, and burned her bread in the toaster. Maria thinks she can fix the clock.

Dec 05, 1977
Susan greets Big Bird walking down Sesame Street in a slump because he wanted to talk to Luis's grandmother on the phone in New Mexico, but he couldn't think of anything to say. He's told that he was just shy, and she sings to him "Everyone Feels a Little Shy Sometimes". I've got a mind: squares make a box. Artist: Cliff Roberts.

Dec 06, 1977
Mr. Hooper helps Big Bird wrap a present for a special somebody, though Big Bird is constantly pointing out Mr. Hooper's uneven folds and cuts. Cartoon: "Poverty Z": -- A figure tries to sell a Z. His only customer stops him by locking him inside a zoo cage. Artist: Cliff Roberts. An Anything Muppet boy plays hide-and-seek with three letter Zs, who blend into his porch.

Dec 07, 1977
Sherlock Hemlock sings "X Marks the Spot!" Cartoon: The great Alphonso and his trained X's. Video: Scanimate kids intro. The kids help Big Bird feed his bird friends. "Poverty X": A peanut-shaped figure lists the words that the letter "X" can be found in.Grover and Herbert Birdsfoot recite the alphabet together. Parts of a clown are shown in close-up as kids guess what it is. Music: Joe Raposo.

Dec 08, 1977
Maria introduces a guessing game with Linda and Timi, who sign things and the kids guess what the signs mean. Big Bird interjects with immediate and incorrect guesses. He does, surprisingly, correctly guess the sign for tree - "I lived in a tree; my mommy-bird taught me that one." B is for bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. And Bosco, who is taking a bath.

Dec 09, 1977
Gordon invites Debo up to his roof, since he's never been up there before. They wave down to everyone, and David and Maria soon join them on the roof. They throw around ideas of how to use the space, ultimately deciding to cultivate a garden. They start by clearing the litter and giving it to Oscar.

Dec 12, 1977
Herry Monster is looking after the Fix-It Shop. Luis phones from the lumber store, asking Herry to measure the piece of wood on the table so he can get more like it. Herry first measures using some boxes and a brick, which isn't helpful to Luis; he doesn't know how big the boxes are. Herry then measures using just bricks, when Luis asks him to use the measuring stick. Herry manages to find it and measures the wood. Since the stick is longer than the wood, he fills the gap with a couple more bricks. New Ball in Town: Three striped balls encounter a polka-dotted ball.

Dec 13, 1977
The Count has been placed in charge of Hooper's Store, grateful for the opportunity as there are so many things he can count. He comes to realize that if products are sold off, they will no longer be around for him to count. Big Bird comes in to buy a beachball, but the Count persuades him to instead dig sand at the beach with a bucket from the local hardware store.

Dec 13, 1977
It's lunchtime in the arbor, and Maria and Luis lay out their lunch. Cookie Monster wants to join, but Maria says he has to eat politely. When he fails eating his first cookie, Maria coaches him through it, and he complies. Bob comes along and can't believe Cookie has learned how to eat slowly, so he does it again. Cookie agrees that it's a big improvement, and shows him how he usually eats. Pinball Number Count #7: The ball rolls past famous world landmarks. Solo: saxophone.

Dec 15, 1977
Big Bird rummages through his nest, and finds a two-week old letter that he forgot to deliver to David. Just then, David's grandmother Harriet arrives, and claims authorship of the letter that Big Bird forgot to deliver. They both go to Hooper's Store, where they encounter Mr. Hooper, who recalls that David is out today buying a pair of shoes. While Big Bird goes to fetch him, Harriet and Mr. Hooper show each other pictures of their families.

Dec 16, 1977
Olivia takes photos of David sweeping up in the arbor when they smell something funny coming from Oscar's trash can down the street. Upon arrival, they find that Oscar has made a mess on the sidewalk, and ask him what's going on. Since they're being so nosy, Oscar explains that he's having someone over and he's trying to make the place look extra dingy, and he's cooking dinner: toadstool sautéed in axel grease with dashes of stinkweed, peanut butter, and fish scales. Oscar gets back to work while David and Olivia wonder who his guest might be. Gloria sings the ...

Dec 19, 1977
At the Fix-it Shop, Luis shows Gordon a blueprint he made for a birdhouse. He consults Big Bird on it, and Big Bird gives some basic suggestions. Luis expects to finish building it today, so Big Bird runs off excitedly, thinking the house will be for him. Cartoon: Pinball #10. Artist: Jeff Hale.

Dec 20, 1977
Bob, Linda and friends play basketball, when the owner of the ball has to go home. Linda suggests they play "pretend" basketball, and they get into it. Mr. Hooper and David soon join them. Big Bird sees them and remarks, "And they think I have some imagination?" A hand draws a farm backdrop for the animals. Ernie pretends to be a dog and a duck. Bert then pretends to be a train, and does it so well that a train conductor and passengers come through the apartment.

Dec 21, 1977
Herry Monster asks Maria, Olivia, and David to keep an eye out for his sister Herriet Monster who's coming to the city to look for a job, while Herry runs out to pick up some things for her stay. Herriet arrives via bus and greets Sesame Street's residents, giving David a crushing handshake (oblivious strength runs in the family). Olivia offers her a newspaper to look at the job listings and carpentry catches her eye. In front of the Fix-It Shop, Maria lets Herriet try sawing a piece of wood, but her abundance of strength leaves the plank in sawdust. Herriet figures ...

Dec 22, 1977
Big Bird discovers that some people are bilingual: Maria can also speak Spanish, Mr. Hooper knows Yiddish, and Frazzle has a monster language of his own, which Herry Monster also knows. Big Bird wishes he were bilingual, then he encounters two birds chirping at each other, and remembers that he knows bird talk. "Poverty K" - Karen the Kangaroo talks about words that start with the letter K. Featuring the sped-up voice of Gene Moss.

Dec 23, 1977
Farley walks down the street and imagines having jobs like Luis, Mr. Hooper, or Olivia when he grows up. He then sees some kids playing and settles on enjoying being a kid for now. Kids on a bench wait for the bus: "Here comes the bus!" David and Maria cooperate to reach the top of the mountain.

Dec 26, 1977
Maria calls everyone over to see a parcel sent from Hawaii from Buffy. Inside are pictures of young Cody and a letter inviting them to come visit her. While some of the adults have work, Maria, Bob, Olivia and Mr. Hooper consider making the trip, until they realize how costly it would be.

Dec 27, 1977
Kermit's Lectures: Kermit talks about clues. He shows that a boy has grown some carrots because he has garden tools, a watering can, and a packet of seeds. Next, he confirms that a man has built a birdhouse because of his blueprints and carpenter's tools. When he notices Beautiful Day Monster with a suitcase and an umbrella, Kermit assumes that the monster is going on a trip and using the umbrella as protection from the rain. The monster corrects him; he's planning to eat his umbrella, and uses the suitcase to carry the ketchup he'll use to eat it with.

Dec 28, 1977
David is shocked to see Hooper's Store is decked out with banners, streamers and balloons. On the storefront, a large sign reads, "The Home of the Hooperburger!" Mr. Hooper brings David inside and hands him his new uniform (a striped jacket and straw hat). Mr. Hooper explains that he's converting the store into "Hooper's Hamburgers" in an effort to compete with various hamburger joints in the area, stating the store will only sell hamburgers. Some Anything Muppets appear to sing the new "Hooperburgers" jingle.

Dec 29, 1977
Maria finishes repairing a TV set. She tests it out just in time to see the ending of "The Big Trip," where a contestant dressed as a slice of pizza has just won a trip to Paris. Maria explains to David that the show awards people who show up in amazing costumes. Host Guy Smiley teases tomorrow's program, where the grand prize is an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Hawaii. Big Bird thinks he can get on the show and win the trip for himself and Mr. Snuffleupagus. Maria thinks if she and David go along too, and bring more of their friends, they might have a better ...

Dec 30, 1977
In the morning, Bob and Linda meet at Hooper's Store for breakfast, when Bob realizes that Big Bird hasn't woken up yet. He goes over to the nest and wakes Big Bird from his dream about a big bowl of hot birdseed. Big Bird is irritated at first, until Bob tells him that Mr. Hooper has a real bowl of birdseed ready to serve him. A wizard turns into R things.

Jan 02, 1978
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit witnesses as Old King Cole calls for his pipe and bowl (both of which he rejects), followed by his fiddlers three (along with a drummer, a saxophone player, and a bass player). A female head is drawn as its voice-over lists its parts, ending with earrings that "do nothing" - and promptly wiggle around. Artist: James Rizzi.

Jan 03, 1978
Big Bird is in charge of Hooper's Store while Mr. Hooper is downtown. Maria compliments him on the hot cocoa he's made, prompting Bob and Olivia to order some too, as well as a round of toast for all. Big Bird plops some bread in the toaster, which goes haywire; he's forgotten that Mr. Hooper told him it's broken. The adults all leave, making Big Bird think they don't like him or his cooking. They all return with their own solutions to the problem - Olivia brings her toaster from home, Maria brings her tools to fix the old one and Bob made toast in his apartment. Mr. ...

Jan 04, 1978
Big Bird encounters Gordon trying to start his car, despite a new battery and spark plugs. Luis and Bob join Big Bird in figuring out why it won't start, then Gordon realizes no one put gas in the tank yesterday. Kids watch as construction workers paint a number 5 on the street using a stencil.

Jan 05, 1978
Big Bird displays a poster he made of Hawaii with a big number 9 on it. He wants to change it to an 8, since he'll be going on a trip there in 8 days. He erases the 9, then he asks the viewer to draw an 8 on the poster using their finger (and the telestrator). Things you can carry. Music: Joe Raposo. "Young MacDonald Went to Town".

Jan 06, 1978
Big Bird, Grover and company sing a zany song about surprises. An I-beam is molded at a steel factory as heavy industrial-type music underscores the action. The segment ends on a video freeze of the finished beam, which is shaped like the letter "I." Harvey Kneeslapper asks a man, "Do you want me to keep an eye on your hat?" The man says yes. Harvey then puts a letter I on top of the man's hat, crushing it in the process.

Jan 09, 1978
Susan has a toy firetruck and describes the different parts to the kids and Big Bird, who becomes inspired to become a firefighter. The life of a Yellow Yahoo. Muppets "The King's Picnic". Sand Y/y. Big Bird dons a fire helmet and carries a hose, looking for people in need of his fire-fighting services. However, Susan, Olivia, and Mr. Macintosh have no fires for him to fight. When he tries drumming up some work from Luis, he explains that firefighters don't go around looking for fires - they are alerted about them back at the firehouse. He leaves Big Bird with an ...

Jan 10, 1978
Big Bird rushes over to Hooper's Store with news for Gordon, Olivia, and Mr. Hooper, but he's too overwhelmed to spit it out. He manages to get enough words out to alert them that the bookmobile has just arrived down the block. The adults go to check it out, while Big Bird goes off to tell more kids about it. The three reach the bookmobile, where Bob is seen reading to one child. They meet the librarian Ms. Rice, who tells them about all the bookmobile has to offer (including record albums and even movie screenings). The adults leave, but promise to return soon.

Jan 11, 1978
Oscar shows Bob his brand new automatic mud detector, which he intends to use during their upcoming trip to Hawaii. He sets out a bowl of mud to show how it works. Bob uses the searching prong, which beeps louder and louder depending on how close he gets. He finally finds the bowl of mud and the device sucks it all up. Upset, Oscar moans, "That's the last time I respond to a late-night television commercial!" Ernie eats the ice cream that Bert was saving for later, so he tries to pass off a smashed up banana with ice and gravy as a substitute. Bert expresses his ...

Jan 12, 1978
Oscar celebrates the yuchhy, rainy day. He's shocked when the others enjoy the rain as much as him. They're in such high spirits because tomorrow, they all leave for Hawaii and won't have to deal with the rain, which is news to a dismayed Oscar. Cartoon: Two monkeys argue over what to watch on TV, growing bigger the angrier they get.

Jan 13, 1978
Big Bird is excited because today he is going on a trip to Hawaii, along with Maria, Bob, Olivia, Mr. Hooper, and a most reluctant Oscar. Snuffy had also intended to go, but unfortunately he misses first the bus and then the plane. The time spent in the airport turns out to be an adventure in itself. First, they have to pass through the metal detector, and Oscar has more metal in his can than anyone can believe. Then, Big Bird chats with the pilot and learns about the workings of a plane. He is surprised to discover that planes and birds have many similar 'body parts'...

Jan 16, 1978
The Sesame Street gang visits Buffy Sainte-Marie at her home in Hawaii.

Jan 17, 1978
Today in Hawaii, the gang goes canoeing, learn how to count to ten in Hawaiian, listen to Keola play the nose flute, and taste poi for the first time. Meanwhile, Big Bird and Snuffy are on the hunt for Mount Snuffleupagus.

Jan 18, 1978
Big Bird and Snuffy continue their search for Mount Snuffleupagus and learn how to dance the Hawaiian hula. The others play Hawaiian games with the kids. Bob even makes a call home to Linda and says some sweet nothings in Hawaiian.

Jan 19, 1978
The folks are still in Hawaii and having a marvelous time. Big Bird and Snuffy are still on the hunt for Mount Ihu Papa'a Lo'ihi Nui, or, in plain English, Mount Snuffleupagus. Snuffy gets a chance to talk to his mommy on the phone, as well. Meanwhile, Oscar learns that the word "aloha" has several meanings (all pleasant ones, regrettably), the cast admires sea shells on the beach, and, to cap it all, Mr. Hooper even takes a crack at surfing! Today's show is sponsored by the letters G and K and by the number 5.

Jan 20, 1978
The gang throws a Hawaiian celebration of Cody's first birthday. Then it's time to go home. This time Snuffy doesn't miss the plane. Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters C and G and by the number 6.

Jan 23, 1978
Susan, Gordon, Luis, Linda and David hop on a bus to the airport to meet their friends as they return from Hawaii. Not long after their bus departs from Sesame Street, another bus arrives, dropping off Maria, Olivia, Bob, Mr. Hooper, Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch from the airport. They wonder where everyone is and wish they were around to greet them. "Octopus One-Man Band". The gang sulks in Hooper's Store, wondering where the others could be. Just then, their bus pulls up and they rant about where the travelers were. They notice Oscar's can is back and the two groups...

Jan 24, 1978
Oscar appears to be fishing in a bucket. Gordon, Ruby, David, and Maria come by one-by-one to watch, as Oscar counts four nibbles he seems to be getting. He is actually counting the people he's fooled into stopping and watching. Pinball Number Count #9. Animation by Jeff Hale. At the beach, Ernie notices that Bert is missing; all he sees is Bert's hat. Sherlock Hemlock helps find Bert, and in the process, discovers that Ernie accidentally buried Bert under the sand.

Jan 25, 1978
Mr. Hooper tells Maria and Luis that David is out sick, so he's called a local employment agency to send someone over in his place. The agency didn't tell him anything beyond the fact that he's a man around Hooper's age and he has experience running his own store. A man, Mr. Ortiz, arrives, speaking Spanish and inquiring if this is where has been sent by the agency. As he hears Mr. Hooper describe the job, he becomes unsure of his place here - he doesn't speak English well and believes the agency made a mistake. Mr. Hooper claims that he knows a few Spanish words (...

Jan 26, 1978
Four Anything Muppet kids cooperate to grow a flower together. One has a flower seed, one has a flowerpot, one has some dirt, and one has a shovel. The rain and sunshine finish the job. Two men, one named Virgil Veep, discuss the letter V as they stand atop a capital V.

Jan 27, 1978
Gordon has his school's new and expensive telescope. He intends to use it tonight, very carefully setting it up so as not to break it. When he finally looks through it, he sees nothing. He fears he broke it somehow while putting it together, when one of the kids points out that the lens cover is still on. Cartoon: "Poverty Z" -- A figure tries to sell a Z. His only customer stops him by locking him inside a zoo cage. Artist: Cliff Roberts. Muppets Zs come out of Herry Monster's mouth as he snores. (part two).

Jan 30, 1978
Big Bird, David, and the kids play a game where they match the bottom and top halves of pictures of Big Bird, Mr. Hooper, and Ernie. They match the Big Bird and Ernie pictures, so Big Bird asks David to match the last one. He puts them together and Big Bird gets him to admit that it's a picture of Mr. Snuffleupagus. When Maria comes by and hears what's been going on, she gives David a look of disbelief. The Magnificent Splasho demonstrates before and after.

Jan 31, 1978
Big Bird, David, and the kids play a game where they match the bottom and top halves of pictures of Big Bird, Mr. Hooper, and Ernie. They match the Big Bird and Ernie pictures, so Big Bird asks David to match the last one. He puts them together and Big Bird gets him to admit that it's a picture of Mr. Snuffleupagus. When Maria comes by and hears what's been going on, she gives David a look of disbelief. The Magnificent Splasho demonstrates before and after.

Feb 01, 1978
Big Bird lures Maria to his nest to show her the snowman he's built. Maria says that it's upside down and that he should have looked at a picture of a snowman to see what one looks like. Big Bird produces a book called "World's Great Snowmen" and says it looks just alike a picture in the book - which Maria notes is upside down. She offers to help fix it, placing the head on the top, etc. Big Bird says he liked it better his first way, and Maria assures him that's fine: he's invented a new way to build a snowman. What Do You Do With a Pet?

Feb 02, 1978
As it snows on Sesame Street, Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus perform a snow pageant. Big Bird recites a poem about what to do when it snows out, and Snuffy dances around dressed as a snowflake. 1709p.jpg Cartoon A little man misplaces his J under his hat.

Feb 03, 1978
Kermit has Grover help him demonstrate up and down by having Grover climb UP a sky-high flight of stairs -- while Kermit takes the elevator to the top. Exhausted, Grover faints and rolls DOWN the staircase. Ernie shows drawings to Bert, and Bert has to guess what happened. Ernie has a drawing of an empty bird cage with an open door (the bird flew away), and a man lying on the ground with a banana peel next to him (he slipped on it). Then Ernie shows Bert an empty page. The answer to that one is that there was a cow eating grass, but the grass is all eaten now and the ...

Feb 06, 1978
Today, Snuffy walks down the street and counts Big Bird's friends who fail to notice him. Then, journalist Headline Howie gets the scoop on Snuffy, using headlines that rhyme. Finally, Maria gives David a typewriter for his birthday.

Feb 07, 1978
Oscar tries to get rid of three old cans, so he can have more room inside his trash can. Maria, Luis, and David find a good use for them and make offers to take them off his hands. Oscar says his cans are too good for what they want to do with them, and decides to keep them all. Cartoon: Two kids find different uses for a cooking pot. Song: "Fireman Ready to Go".

Feb 08, 1978
Big Bird gathers a bag of cabbages for a visit from Mr. Snuffleupagus today. Luis, Susan, and Gordon don't believe him as usual. When Snuffy arrives at Big Bird's nest, he jumps for joy upon seeing the cabbages. This shakes the whole street, rattling the adults. As Snuffy eats, he asks for some pepper, which causes him to sneeze. This sends a large gust down the block, making everyone else think a storm is forming. Snuffy heads home and Big Bird finds the adults cowering in the doorframe. They tell him about the storm and Big Bird remarks, "You guys sure have some ...

Feb 09, 1978
Mr. Hooper packs an overnight bag, and leaves David in charge of Hooper's Store. Big Bird asks where he's going, and Mr. Hooper gives him clues: it's got beds, it's a place where tests are taken, and where he'll find out about his health. Susan says he's going to the hospital for a checkup, which is important even if you're not sick. A man demonstrates how letters sound by playing them as instruments.

Feb 10, 1978
At Hooper's Store, Luis accidentally spills grape juice all over his shirt. Noticing this, Herry Monster tries to cheer him up by giving him a slap on the back, but Luis reacts angrily to this and storms off. Bob and Maria notice Herry starting to cry, but he denies it. They reassure him that it's okay to cry, that even grownups cry, so Herry lets it all out. A real Indian boy tells two boys who are playing Cowboy and Indian that Indians don't say "ugh". The other kids tell him that they heard the expression on TV.

Feb 13, 1978
Ernie is painting a portrait of Bert, but paints Bert with curly hair, glasses and a beard. When Bert gets angry about this, Ernie takes him behind the easel and puts curly hair, glasses and a beard on Bert. Song: "Here Come the Beans". Cookie Monster demonstrates that egg starts with the letter E; he swallows the egg and faints. Cartoon: A door opens behind a mouse, who shrieks when she sees the E. Artist: Bruce Cayard. The Count joins Bob and the kids in a game of jacks, but he forgets what number comes between 2 and 4. Bob points him to the film.

Feb 14, 1978
Herry Monster shows Bob, Maria, and the kids how he's been practicing all week to open and close a door without pulling it off his hinges. Maria is so proud of him, she's going to buy him a glass of milk. Herry offers to open the door to Hooper's Store, but Bob doesn't want him to push his luck. A flea sets up camp on a dog. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Ernie reads a story for Bert that he's written on his typewriter. It turns out to be a dramatic reading of the alphabet.

Feb 17, 1978
The Deadly Nightshade star in a story of "Old MacDonald." The three live in a New York City apartment, but when they get fed up with the noise, they relocate to the country. There, they sing "Old MacDonald" and soon get weary of the noisy animals. Ernie says that he has "flying fingers," and tries to find ten different things that his fingers can do.

Feb 20, 1978
Bob conducts the kids as they play kazoos. Oscar doesn't consider this music and whips out his own victrola, then sings "Noise." A rabbit crosses the STREET, and almost gets run over. Artist: Cathryn Aison. Grover the Salesman: Grover wants to sell Kermit some earmuffs, but Kermit doesn't have ears, so Grover gives Kermit some big human ears.

Feb 21, 1978
Big Bird and the kids practice writing their full names, as they intend to get library cards and need to sign their names on them. Big Bird also makes sure David can sign his own name, since he needs a responsible adult to help him apply for a card. "Seven Song (Song of Seven)".

Feb 22, 1978
Luis, Susan and Mr. Hooper trick Oscar into a demonstration of "away from" - they knock on Oscar's can, and Oscar tells each of them to get away from him. When he gets wise to their trick, he drives them away from his can with a foul-smelling grouch omelet. A girl shows how good she is at drawing buildings.

Feb 23, 1978
As Luis cleans the Fix-it Shop, he decides to give Oscar all the junk he's cleared out. Oscar swaps it for some junk that he himself is trying to get rid of. Luis feels excited at first, but soon realizes he's got more junk. A magnetic scrapyard baler is used to lift cars into a compacter. Bob sings "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday" with the kids.

Feb 24, 1978
Maria and Luis are confused by a sign hanging on the doors to Big Bird's nest - "Welcome Woodrow." They see Big Bird down the block, waiting, and ask what's going on. Big Bird explains that he's partaking in a bird exchange program, where birds from all over the nation visit other birds in their native locales. Today, he's hosting a bird named Woodrow making his first trip to the city. Moments later, Woodrow Woodpecker from the forest arrives for his visit. He's confused by Big Bird's mentions of city things like "movies," "buses" and "pizza." He instead wants to ...

Feb 27, 1978
Count von Count assembles David, Olivia, Mr. Hooper and some kids out on the stoop. The group complains that it's four in the morning, but the Count needs their help showing next to and his bat, Luba, only works nights. She flies next to everyone and various surrounding things. She and the Count head home after seeing everyone else has fallen asleep.

Feb 28, 1978
Olivia talks to Big Bird and the kids about remembering and asks them about some things they can remember. Big Bird thinks they're easy questions, but he fumbles when Olivia asks him what his address is. Henson Films: Number Twelve Rocks Bip Bippadotta and friends show none, some and all.

Mar 01, 1978
In "A Postcard from Amy," Grover reads a postcard he got from his friend Amy. The message on the card is passed around from person to person, getting more and more mixed up, until everyone is led to believe that Amy is in the hospital. Film "Noises". A boy named Mark has a pair of magic glasses that helps him listen to the sounds of an ice cream truck, a dog, a horse galloping, a bicycle, and a parrot.

Mar 02, 1978
Buffy and Maria clean up the crayon marks that Cody made on the walls, as Sheldon lectures him. They go outside, and see that Cody has also marked Big Bird's door, Hooper's Store, and the 123 steps; Bob, Olivia and the kids are hard at work scrubbing them off. Little Jerry and the Monotones sing about being "Sad." Cartoon Kids count dinosaurs, octopuses, and paper dolls.

Mar 03, 1978
In the early morning, Gordon takes out the trash, and accidentally locks himself out of the 123 building. He tries to get through the window adjacent to Big Bird's nest, then Susan shows up, having made the same mistake as Gordon just now. A little girl imagines what would happen if she dropped her bag of ping pong balls.

Mar 06, 1978
Big Bird wants to migrate to the south for the winter, because the other birds are doing it. Gordon tells him the reasons why birds migrate, and how those reasons don't apply to him because he's got more advantages than the other birds. A girl explains (in poetry) how she failed trying to make a snowman without using snow.

Mar 07, 1978
In the arbor, Buffy and Sheldon notice Herry Monster rummaging through his toy chest, looking for his favorite toy to hand down to Cody. It's not his barbell set, or his bricks or sledgehammer, but a teddy bear. Animation- Sand X/x. Film : The Alphabet Dancers make a letter X. Muppets - Sesame Street News Flash: Prince Charming kisses Sleeping Beauty, intending to wake her up. To his astonishment, she turns into a frog and hops off with Kermit.

Mar 08, 1978
In the arbor, Maria and Luis see a display that Cookie Monster has put on, with cookies from different parts of the world, and a globe to point out each country. After his demonstration, he eats them all, as well as the globe. Cartoon Typewriter: M for magic. Film "Indian Baby Bath".

Mar 09, 1978
Herry Monster visits Susan as she tidies up her apartment, hiding and setting aside objects that might hurt little Cody. Herry offers to help, and as Susan leaves, he moves a chair into the bathtub, and soon clears out the entire apartment. A girl imagines herself as a car that rescues fire victims. Madame Schwartzhead sings about reading words while her stage manager causes accidents.

Mar 10, 1978
Mr. Snuffleupagus is competing in the Great Snuffleupagus Derby, named such because the winner gets a derby hat. He wears a sheet with the number 9, indicating his spot in the race. He asks Big Bird to watch his bucket of orange juice so he can have a refreshing drink as he passes by mid-race. The derby begins and Snuffy takes off. Big Bird sees other Snuffleupaguses pass by, thinking they're Snuffy, until he sees they're not wearing his number. Big Bird eventually drifts off to sleep, just before Snuffy arrives and slurps down the juice. Big Bird stirs and thinks ...

Mar 13, 1978
Gordon comes stomping out of 123 Sesame Street and angrily bangs on Oscar's trash can. He accuses Oscar of waking him up early on his day to sleep in late with the sounds of banging pots and pans. Buffy comes out and apologizes to Gordon, saying Cody got out of his crib and started playing with the items in Maria's kitchen. Gordon asks why Oscar didn't say anything, but Oscar replies that he wouldn't miss such great grouching. Cookie Monster sounds out the word FOOD, then eats it.

Mar 14, 1978
As Big Bird reads a book about child care, Sheldon takes Cody to the hospital to get immunized. A woman also passes by, also on her way to the hospital with her baby, asking Big Bird what to do when her baby refuses to cooperate. Using the book, Big Bird advises her on what to feed him, and soon realizes that her "baby" is actually a dog. A girl trains her dog on here and there.

Mar 15, 1978
Grover plays a sounds guessing game with the viewer, using a bell and a rattle. Big Bird interrupts the game before Grover can make the sound of a trumpet. "Pinball Number Count" (#12). Artist: Jeff Hale. "The Question Song". Ernie brings an umbrella, a flashlight, and Bert's bowling ball to the bathtub, just in case the electricity goes out, the roof leaks, and somebody shows up asking to borrow a bowling ball. Bert thinks that Ernie is being ridiculous -- but everything happens, just as Ernie predicted.

Mar 16, 1978
At Mr. Hooper, Bob and Luis get ready to dig into their hot cereal. However, Bob likes his with butter and salt, and Luis likes his with sugar and milk. They both think the other's way of serving it is absurd, until they take a taste of the other's. They find they like it so much they swap bowls. New Ball in Town: Three striped balls encounter a polka-dotted ball. A woman asks a boy how a glass of milk was spilled on the table, so the boy offers several outlandish scenarios before telling her the truth: it was him.

Mar 17, 1978
"Poverty H". Ernie and Bert - Bert complains when a big letter H appears on the TV screen, so Ernie turns off the set, unplugs it, and takes a bunch of H objects out of the TV (including a hat, a house and a hamster). When he plugs it back in, a big letter I appears on the screen. Ernie wants to try fixing the TV again, but Bert tells him not to -- this is a great show. H is for horseshoe.

Mar 20, 1978
Olivia, Mr. Hooper and Gordon are too busy to play with Big Bird, but Buffy and Cody will play with him. A cartoon man (voiced by Bob Arbogast) is irritated to find that he has a succession of animal noses. Film "I Am a Letter" - Vocalists sing a song describing the process of how mail is sent. (re-edited with a new song track). Snow White accidentally visits the cottage of the six dwarves. Oscar hears Cody crying, and thinks he'll make a great Grouch someday. He gives his baby items to Buffy, including his blankie, his skunk pull toy, his doll, etc. To his detriment,...

Mar 21, 1978
Mr. Snuffleupagus sneaks up on Big Bird and surprises him. Big Bird tells Snuffy to do the same to everyone else on Sesame Street, but his timing isn't so great. Cartoon: Two men push two large bird eggs on top of two hills. Song by Joe Raposo sings "Me."

Mar 22, 1978
Buffy leaves Cody in Big Bird's watch for a few minutes while she runs to the laundromat. Mr. Snuffleupagus shows up, and both of them see that Cody doesn't look amused. Big Bird tries telling jokes, and Snuffy tries imitating animals, but neither work. They try dancing, then remember that Cody is from Hawaii (just like Snuffy), so they do a hula dance for him, until they both get tired. Snuffy leaves to go home, and Buffy narrowly misses seeing him. A kitten is knittin' a kerchief, a kite, and a polka-dot mitten.

Mar 23, 1978
The adults discuss some transportation, as Big Bird tries to guess what they're talking about. He thinks they're discussing a noisy, underground worm, but it's actually the subway. He asks if he can join them on the train, as he needs to visit his friend Petula Pigeon downtown. They all head out, with Big Bird commenting that he hopes they avoid that large, noisy worm.

Mar 24, 1978
Linda, Bob and David greet the Little Theatre of the Deaf as they arrive. They got held up at a railroad crossing, which they re-enact in a poem for the kids. Song: "Train Song". Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit, Shola, and Fannie count legs and heads. Anything Muppets sing "Goin' for a Ride", while traveling in a car, train, and boat. Cartoon Cars WALK. Two Anything Muppet kids argue over a cookie. Cookie Monster arrives and says that the smallest person should get the cookie, and then, as the kids argue over which one is smaller, Cookie Monster shrinks himself.

Mar 27, 1978
Big Bird and Grover clean the Fix-It Shop window, when they notice a conflict: Grover is hanging upside down cleaning the top, while Big Bird is squatting down to clean the bottom. Since Big Bird is taller than Grover, they decide to switch places. I have all, I have none (men w/ grapes). Artist: Bruce Cayard. Some clowns, more clowns. Kermit explores the lab of Professor Nucleus Von Fission, who has just built a robot called the Six Dollar Man, out of parts that cost him a total of six dollars. The robot destroys the lab, while Von Fission laughs. Kermit is horrified...

Mar 28, 1978
Herry Monster sees Maria and the kids playing with Cody and his toys. He offers to add more toys into the mix, including a toy phone and a toy car. He can't find either of those things, so he brings a real phone booth (with a man inside!) and a real car. The dot gets on top of the lowercase letter i. Artist: Fred Garbers. Grover sings "I Stand Up Straight and Tall" while using some fast cutting camera trickery.

Mar 29, 1978
Maria, Gordon, and others impatiently wait for the mailman to arrive, as he is bringing their goodbye present for Buffy and family, who are about to head back to Hawaii today. The Muppet postman finally arrives and hands Gordon the package; Gordon immediately slaps a bow on it and gives it to the Wolfchilds. The gift is a photo album, which Buffy loves. She wishes to have photos of her friends to put in it, and the postman whips out a bunch of photos of himself he can contribute. Baby Rocky performs "Cry" from his crib.

Mar 30, 1978
David demonstrates ventriloquism to his friends with Victor the dummy. Oscar gets inspired to do the same, knowing that dummies can say anything and not get in trouble. Cartoon: A supermarket worker stacks 12 cans, which keep collapsing every time someone grabs one. The Steam Shovel. Ernie won't stop saying how thirsty he is, no matter how many glasses of water Bert brings him. Even after he's finished, he still won't stop saying "Boy, was I thirsty."

Mar 31, 1978
The Amazing Mumford stops by Hooper's Store for a quick lunch, but Mr. Hooper is occupied making meals for Gordon and Luis. Mumford tries to speed up the process using magic, making Gordon and Luis' orders appear right in front of them. As Mr. Hooper asks why Mumford can't conjure up his own food, Gordon and Luis are repulsed by the food Mumford has made. "I'm a good magician, but a terrible cook," says Mumford. The Story of Cowboy X, with the voices of Jean Shepherd.

Apr 03, 1978
Big Bird goes to Hooper's Store, then finds it's closed. He goes back to his nest, but notices he's walking in the opposite direction of a newly-installed One Way sign. He turns around and follows the sign, then sees another sign, thus beginning a long "One Way" journey back to his nest - Cartoon: "Jazz #3". Big Bird's journey leads him down 85th Avenue and Central Park West.

Apr 04, 1978
Gordon has some trouble trying to start his car. Fred the Wonder Horse stops by and, using his horse sense, detects the problem with the car. He then uses his horse power to push the car to the auto garage. Cartoon: Jack waters a B, which grows into a B-stalk. He climbs it and travels to the Land of B. Bert thinks that Ernie has eaten his cookies, but it turns out that Cookie Monster (dressed as Ernie) ate the cookies.

Apr 05, 1978
James Earl Jones comes to Sesame Street today for one of Mr. Hooper's famous egg creams. Big Bird becomes inspired and ventures to become a movie star himself. Today's sponsors are the letters B and D and the number 5.

Apr 06, 1978
Slimey doesn't look his best today, so Oscar has contacted a vet to make a house. Dr. Purrenbark arrives on the scene and is a bit taken aback; he's never treated a worm before. He proceeds with the examination and finds Slimey has a cold. After recommending a cure, he starts to leave when Oscar asks him to now examine his pet dragon Charlie, who seems to have caught Slimey's cold. Dr. Purrenbark faints.

Apr 07, 1978
Maria and Olivia sing "Walk Proud." Japanese Stories: Japan is being victimized by an Evil Prime Minister, who boasts that the only way an emperor (or empress) can be chosen is for someone to show him something unique. Villagers bring flowers, fans and hats, identical to those owned by the prime minister, but a young girl is able to prove that she herself is different from anything else. A small frog is jealous of how big an ox is, so he expands himself into a very large, round frog. He becomes so self-important and big he ends up exploding. Artist: Etienne Delessert.

Apr 10, 1978
David is surprised to see Oscar selling farm fresh fruits. Oscar wraps them up individually in paper, which creates more trash for the customer. A girl imagines what would happen if she were a piece of gum. It's late at night and Bert isn't home yet. Ernie worries that he may have been abducted by monsters and is being forced to party with them - maybe even having fun. When Bert gets home, Ernie shares his stream of emotions he felt when he'd imagined something had happened to Bert: fear, sadness and anger. Bert assures him that he was fine -- he never has fun.

Apr 11, 1978
Oscar has applied a new sign to his trash can reading: "Grouch Area - No Singing, Laughing, Playing, Dancing or Fun Allowed." After showing it to the viewer, he slams his can shut, causing the "NO" to fall off the sign. David, Bob, Linda, Timi, and the kids enter and notice the sign. They find it rather uncharacteristic of Oscar to encourage all these things and Bob guesses it might be a trick. David encourages them to take advantage of this. They call Oscar out and immediately start doing all the things his sign was supposed to forbid. A trainer announces that his ...

Apr 12, 1978
A tough guy named Tough Eddie accidentally knocks over Bert's sand castle while he's sleeping. Ernie points that out to Eddie, and Eddie tells Ernie, in a threatening tone of voice, that he's "got something" for Bert. It turns out to be an ice cream cone. Gordon sings "When I Was a Kid". Film : Sesame Street Animal Films: Kids narrate a film of an African plain and the animals that live there. Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit and Tracy count to 10. Film: The Mad Painter #10.

Apr 13, 1978
Ernie and Bert - Ernie comes home to a sleeping Bert and tries to think of things to do that won't wake him up. He can't watch TV, and he can't play with his ball. Bored, he decides to take a nap too -- but then he starts to snore. This awakens Bert, who wonders out loud where the noise is coming from, in the process arousing Ernie, who gets mad at being woken up. Cartoon: Two kids wonder where some mysterious tracks on the ground come from.

Apr 14, 1978
In the evening, Maria plays hot potato with the kids, while Luis and Mr. Hooper lock up their shops. Mr. Ortiz comes down the block and they recall when he helped at Hooper's Store. He tells them things haven't been good lately, as there was a fire in his building and forced him to move out. He's been staying with his niece, but her small apartment doesn't have much room (especially with her family staying there too). Mr. Hooper offers the pull-out couch in his apartment for him to use. Cartoon: Hypnotic "Q" rainbow.

Apr 17, 1978
Big Bird and Olivia wait in a long line at Hooper's Store. Big Bird imagines different ways to get served first: he could force his way in, or he could trick the others into going home, or throw a tantrum - but he's just not that kind of bird. When Big Bird finally gets to the front of the line, Mr. Hooper asks what he wants - but he forgets. Cartoon- What if an anteater had the features of a giraffe? Artist: Cliff Roberts.

Apr 18, 1978
Cookie Monster tells Ernie that he is going on a diet and won't take his cookies, until Grover tells Cookie that he looks sick. Cartoon: Small v - for voom, voice, violin, etc. Artist: The Hubleys. Film: A female vocalist sings about the many different types of flowers found all over. Small v - (Spanish version) Artist: John and Faith Hubley. Muppets "Frazzle" with Frazzle and The Frazzletones. Cartoon: Speech Balloon: V for Violin A musician plays a violin, which instantly breaks.

Apr 19, 1978
Susan encounters Big Bird trying to write a poem but getting stuck on one word. He says he's mad at himself, but Susan cheers him up by singing "Yourself". A horse is drawn as kids guess what it is. Muppets: In the kitchen, Ernie bakes some cookies of different shapes, which he lets Cookie Monster eat after he finishes displaying each one to the viewer. Sesame Street News Flash Kermit the Frog witnesses how the mailman and salesman knock at the door while the Big Bad Wolf chases Little Red Riding Hood around the bed. Eventually, the Woodsman shows up, and Red and the ...

Apr 20, 1978
Big Bird discovers a hole in his washtub, which means he can't wash his clothes. Maria tells him about the washing machine in the basement of 123 Sesame Street, which Big Bird has never seen before. She takes him down there and shows him the machine. He's certain he knows how to use it and Maria leaves him be. Big Bird tosses in the clothes and begins waiting, despite having not activated the machine. Cartoon: A boy and girl fight over the word YO. Luckily, he has a spare. Juanita looks for "YO", asking, "¿Esto es yo?" Nope, it's a toy car, and a tomato, and a mirror....

Apr 21, 1978
Big Bird and The Count are in the Fix-It Shop when Luis gets a call from a relative in New Mexico, where he grew up. His grandparents are building a new house, and Luis agrees to go back to the ranch to help. The Count is excited to hear that "one person is going to New Mexico in one truck," and asks if anyone else is going. Luis asks the Count if he wants to come along, but the Count says, "Me? Oh, my goodness, no thank you, Luis. I need to stay here on Sesame Street to count things!" The Count suggests that Big Bird would like to go. Big Bird is interested, but he ...

Apr 24, 1978
Luis, Gordon, Maria, and Bob sing "It's a Wonderful Place," happy to be visiting New Mexico. Oscar has a different take on the atmosphere ("It's a yucky old place!"). Cartoon: Brush your teeth, up and down, side to side, round and round. Song: Joe Raposo sings "Trying and Trying Again." Simon Soundman has the viewers guess what sound he is making. He makes the sound of a train, car, and a horse. When Simon makes the sound of the horse, a cowboy uses his lasso to capture Simon, mistaking him for a real horse.

Apr 21, 1978
Luis gets a call from relatives in New Mexico where he grew up, asking him to come back to help build a house. Luis agrees, and Big Bird, Maria, Bob, Gordon, and Oscar accompany him. The Count excitedly counts the six people going.

Apr 24, 1978
The gang arrives in New Mexico and meets Luis's family. They learn how to make houses of bricks and mud and the creative ways they recycle. Big Bird makes friends with the animals on the farm- and calls Hooper's so his new friends can say hi to his old ones.

Apr 25, 1978
Oscar finds a little clay hut that has a door, but no windows. Bob and Maria try to warn him against going in, but he insists -- and then flies out again, covered in hot ashes. They tell him that he was trying to sleep in the hot oven. Luis tells him that he knows the perfect place for a Grouch to sleep -- it's messy, away from the house, and has a good view of the dump.

Apr 27, 1978
Buffy stops by the New Mexico ranch, and tells Maria that she's heading out to Taos Pueblo. Maria offers to take her there in the pickup truck. Big Bird says that he'd like to come along, although he doesn't know what a pueblo is. Maria explains that it's a town where Indians live, and Big Bird likes the idea at first, but then becomes frightened. Buffy drives Maria and Big Bird to the pueblo. Along the way, she sings "I'm an Indian."

Apr 28, 1978
Big Bird finds out that everybody on the New Mexico ranch gets up early because they have work to do. He tries out the chicken feed that a woman is throwing to the chickens, and says it's pretty good. Big Bird wanders around, and finds Gordon and some kids feeding alfalfa to a bunny. He then walks over to Maria and Roberta, and they show him how they make adobe bricks. Then he passes by Bob building a window.

May 01, 1978
Ernie is planning to go to the library, when he hears on the radio that it might rain. So he gets out his umbrella, and puts on his raincoat, rain hat, and galoshes. Then, in case it floods, he takes a bag of groceries and a life preserver. Finally, he makes Bert go to the library with him, so he won't be stranded in the flood without him. The Flashettes track team trains for an upcoming race. The cast returns from their trip to New Mexico, and they're welcomed back by their friends.

May 02, 1978
Most animals have two eyes, ears, etc. - but some snakes have two heads. Music: Joe Raposo. Cartoon: "Why Bears Smile" - a story of a bear who learned which body part to cover when sneezing. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Whitman Mayo's Animal Guessing Game #1 (Lions). Bob and Maria are spies who meet under a street lamp and greet each other with a recitation of "Hey Diddle Diddle". Once they've confirmed each others identities, Maria produces a card with shapes and a number while Bob shifts to a rendition of "One of These Things" with a British accent.

May 02, 1978
Linda finds Big Bird crying in his nest. She uses a series of gestures to ask what's caused him to cry. He finds guessing what her actions mean so fun that he perks up and forgets what made him cry in the first place. Cartoon: A boy gets lost, and encounters a man with a yo-yo, who tells him to remember everything he passed. Artist: Jeff Hale. Guy Smiley hosts "The Remembering Game", a game show in which the contestants must match pictures based on memory. The winner gets whatever item was in the pictures he matched, and the other contestant wins the item from the ...

May 04, 1978
Oscar plays water-related sounds (such as a dripping faucet, rain, and the ocean), as Maria and the kids guess what each sound is. He plays one final sound of splashing water and Maria yelling. Maria doesn't understand until Oscar splashes her with water and she berates him. The Magnificent Splasho goes from the top of the ladder to the bottom of the water tank. Muppets Kermit talks about "top" and "bottom" using a stack of boxes Grover carries.

May 05, 1978
Big Bird is collecting various items from the adults, claiming to need them for a collection he's forming. They wonder what all the different items (such as a bottlecap, tire, and quarter) have in common, when Big Bird reveals they're all a part of his circle collection. "The J Commercial:" Two boys scrutinize a J, saying it looks like a fish-hook. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter J. This leads to a jazzy story about Joe. Moral: "Don't jive a judge by jamming a junebug." Studio:: Ken Snyder; Director: Fred Calvert.

May 08, 1978
Big Bird has a pretend tea party with his dolls, Emily and Dulcy. He wishes Mr. Snuffleupagus were present as well, so he pretends he's in attendance. Maria comes by and is proud that Big Bird is finally admitting that Snuffy is just imaginary. Cartoon: L for Lion. Muppets: An Anything Muppet girl sings "I Want a Monster to Be My Friend." As Maria continues to praise Big Bird for telling the truth, Luis comes by. He tells her that Mr. Mancini called about his television set, angry that it hasn't been fixed yet. Maria tells Luis to say that, if asked, he was unable to ...

May 09, 1978
Maria hangs out on the stoop reading, when Oscar yells at her to beat it. She gets an idea to switch roles so Oscar can experience what it's like to put up with someone like him on the block. They imagine such a scenario, where Oscar is a neatly-dressed, friendly individual and Maria is the local Grouch. After the fantasy, Maria hopes Oscar has learned something about treating others the way he'd like to be treated. Instead, he wishes Maria would yell at him like in his imagination.

May 09, 1978
Maria hangs out on the stoop reading, when Oscar yells at her to beat it. She gets an idea to switch roles so Oscar can experience what it's like to put up with someone like him on the block. They imagine such a scenario, where Oscar is a neatly-dressed, friendly individual and Maria is the local Grouch. After the fantasy, Maria hopes Oscar has learned something about treating others the way he'd like to be treated. Instead, he wishes Maria would yell at him like in his imagination. Cartoon-Two kids find different uses for a cooking pot. Ernie plays a game of "Touch ...

May 10, 1978
Oscar has perfected his latest invention - the electric spoon. He uses Bob as a guinea pig and instructs him to try and eat a bowl of gravy. Oscar flips the switch and the spoon shakes wildly, causing Bob to spill the gravy all over himself. Oscar considers the invention a bust, however, when he learns Bob was still able to get a little bit of it in his mouth. Things that begin with N: nail, nest, net, notebook, needle, noodle, nuts, napkins, nose. (Don't make noise at night). The letter N is nice. Maria and the Anything Muppets sing "The People in Your Neighborhood" ...

May 11, 1978
Bob, Olivia, and the kids tend to a tree on the block, when a man named Fowler Scowler happens by. He tells them he's the city supervisor of sidewalks and intends to saw the tree down with plans to replace it with more sidewalk. The adults try to convince him of how useful trees are, but Mr. Scowler counters with the messes they make. He goes off to get his trusty saw, and the others try thinking of a way to save the tree. Cartoon- Jazz #9.

May 12, 1978
Oscar is heading off on vacation to Chagrin Falls. He's renting out his trash can to a fellow named Osgood Wingate III, who responded to Oscar's newspaper ad. Oscar leaves the key to the can with David as he goes to catch his bus. Soon after, a neatly-dressed Muppet arrives on the scene and asks directions to the apartment he's rented. David and Luis escort him to the trash can and think he's made a mistake. Osgood is a bit discouraged at first, but opens his suitcase and reveals his cleaning supplies. He assures them he'll have the can looking neat in no time.

May 15, 1978
David, Maria, and Oscar the Grouch imagine how Gordon would look with various different hairstyles. In response, Gordon imagines them all shaved like him. Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit asks Trey if he's seen a letter Q before. At first Trey denies it, but eventually draws one in the air with his finger. Song- Joe Raposo sings "Me." Old West: Sinister Sam is looking for the biggest man in the saloon. The frightened customers point him towards Big Barney, who's cowering under the table. When Sam discovers that Barney is the biggest man there, he gives him a hat: "This ...

May 16, 1978
Olivia, Bob, and Mr. Hooper are sitting on the steps of 123 Sesame Street when a dog (who would later be established as Barkley) approaches them. His tag features a name beginning with W, but the rest has worn off, so they try out some W names to call him over. The dog doesn't respond to any male names until Olivia tries some female ones. Oscar the Grouch suggests this could be a grouch hound and tries out some names like Worthless and Washrag. Each time they ask the dog what its name might be, the dog replies, "Woof, Woof!" Bob finally figures it out, and when he ...

May 17, 1978
Bob sings "I'm Going Somewhere." Train #2. Film: Doll House. Pat Paulsen demonstrates the different between a full and an empty wastebasket. Pat Paulsen demonstrates the different between a full and an empty wastebasket. Sesame Street News Flash: Humpty Dumpty has fallen off a wall, and Kermit interviews one of the king's horses. Humpty is put together again, but then Kermit gives him a congratulatory slap on the back, and he falls off the wall again. A race announcer doubles as the man who holds up the START and STOP sign.

May 18, 1978
Oscar finds a little clay hut that has a door, but no windows. Bob and Maria try to warn him against going in, but he insists -- and then flies out again, covered in hot ashes. They tell him that he was trying to sleep in the hot oven. Luis tells him that he knows the perfect place for a Grouch to sleep -- it's messy, away from the house, and has a good view of the dump.

May 19, 1978
Maria and David have plans to go to the movies tonight, but neither one remembers what time they agreed to meet up at. Maria leaves the Fix-It Shop to find him at Hooper's Store, where he's trying to call her at the shop. The roles then become reversed until they finally meet on the block. Big Bird watches the two try to explain themselves, then crack up. He concludes, "Grownups sure can act weird, sometimes, can't they?" Cartoon: A girl talks about preparing to play with her new sled. Artist: Jim Simon.

May 22, 1978
Big Bird closes his eyes and identifies the sounds he hears. When David knocks on his door, Big Bird doesn't answer it. Instead, he narrates all the sounds associated with David walking in, he taps him on the shoulder and scares him. Big Bird says David shouldn't sneak up on people like that. Footage of a sunflower seed factory, where birdseed bells are manufactured. Bert notices that Ernie has a piece of string tied on his finger. Ernie says that the string tied on this finger helps to remind him that there's a piece of string tied on this finger. And so on. The ...

May 23, 1978
Olivia and David discover Oscar is building a new high rise apartment complex for Grouches - Grouch Tower, a stack of various trash cans. He handles calls from potential tenants, when Olivia points out that unless he's gotten permission from the city to build this structure, it'll have to be torn down. Oscar is delighted by this revelation. He goes into his can to retrieve a helmet and blows the whistle, signaling his crew to knock everything down (with a loud crash). Cartoon "Magic Pig". Artist: Vince Collins.

May 24, 1978
Susan sings "Somebody Special." The great Alphonso and his trained X's. The Alphabet Dancers make a letter X. "Poverty X": A peanut-shaped figure lists the words that the letter "X" can be found in. Super Grover: Young Willy Nilly is scared to get his hair cut. Super Grover tells Willy that haircuts are scary, but he must be brave. However, Max the barber shows them both that haircuts do not hurt, and soon they are no longer afraid of hair cuts. Maria, David, and the kids play "la cabollita" (tug-of-war).

May 25, 1978
Bob, Big Bird, and the kids quiz Woof Woof on how many fingers they're holding up, and the dog answers in the correct number of barks. Big Bird asks Bob if he thinks asking the dog to count the tree is a good idea. Bob says it is, so Big Bird addresses the dog and asks how many leaves are on the tree. The dog starts barking continuously, prompting Bob and the kids to cover their ears.

May 26, 1978
In the first light of the morning, David groggily makes his way to Hooper's Store. He tells the viewer his grandmother, Harriet, is visiting and they spent half the night talking. He smells something delicious cooking inside the store and suspects Mr. Hooper is making breakfast, but Mr. Hooper is also outside with David. They find Harriet inside making breakfast, having gotten the key from David earlier when he was half-asleep. They don't think the two of them can eat all the food she's prepared, but as Harriet correctly assumes, the smell attracts many others to the ...
Sesame Street Season 9 (1977) is released on Nov 28, 1977 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.