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Episodes (130)

Nov 19, 1973
Luis tells Krystal he's going on a coffee break, and asks her to answer the phone in Spanish. Luis greets Sam the Robot and Mr. Macintosh.

Nov 20, 1973
Luis tells Krystal he's going on a coffee break, and asks her to answer the phone in Spanish. Luis greets Sam the Robot and Mr. Macintosh.

Nov 21, 1973
The Count bothers Luis with his incessant counting. Luis tries distracting the Count by having him count something different - termites - Film A kid narrates footage of a termite colony. In the short time during the film, the Count manages to count over 18,000 termites featured. Nearing the end of his rope, Luis pours a box of nails on the ground for him to count; the Count finishes in a matter of seconds (counting over 2,000 nails). Luis tries getting rid of him by telling him to count grains of sand on the beach. The Count has already done this and further annoys ...

Nov 22, 1973
Big Bird greets the viewer in the morning, then notices smoke coming from Hooper's Store. He assumes Mr. Hooper must be cooking something, but then sees Mr. Hooper isn't there. He realizes there must be a fire and calls out for help. Gordon quickly phones the fire department, while Bob evacuates from his apartment above. The firemen arrive, bust down the door, and find the source of the fire is in the store's basement. They extinguish it as the adults explain the process to Big Bird.

Nov 23, 1973
Big Bird greets the viewer in the morning, then notices smoke coming from Hooper's Store. He assumes Mr. Hooper must be cooking something, but then sees Mr. Hooper isn't there. He realizes there must be a fire and calls out for help. Gordon quickly phones the fire department, while Bob evacuates from his apartment above. The firemen arrive, bust down the door, and find the source of the fire is in the store's basement. They extinguish it as the adults explain the process to Big Bird.

Nov 26, 1973
David, Gordon and Susan carry farm supplies to Oscar's trash can, without knowing why Oscar asked them for a bucket of water, some hay and oats, and a saddle. They hear a horse inside Oscar's trash can - his new pet. Oscar loves it when his bucking bronco kicks around and destroys his plates and furniture.

Nov 27, 1973
At Hooper's Store, Big Bird minds David's number 8 sign, blowing on it to speed up the paint drying. The top of the number 8 blows away, and Big Bird tries to coax it back. Cartoon: Jazz #8. Muppets Lefty the Salesman wants to sell an 8 to Ernie, who ran out of money buying some 9s. Ernie then offers to sell Lefty his 9s.

Nov 28, 1973
Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Using pictures on the blackboard, Roosevelt Franklin tells the class a story about two little dogs who find a big ol' bone in a doghouse. They try to take the bone, but it turns out that it belongs to a big, mean dog, who chases them away. The moral of the story: "If something's not yours, leave it alone; could be a big ol' dog in the doghouse."

Nov 29, 1973
David counts 10 newspapers when they are delivered. Cartoon "Ten Turtles" Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets-Simon Soundman sings a song about finding a (MEOW!) stuck in a tree.

Nov 30, 1973
When Big Bird gets stuck inside his nest area, Maria and Mr. Hooper cooperate to pry the doors open. Cartoon: "Poverty Q": A figure demonstrates Q words, despite the unruly stem of his letter Q that keeps detaching itself. Muppets: "The Question Song". Cartoon: Hypnotic "Q" rainbow. Muppets: Kermit and Grover draw a Q on the screen.

Dec 03, 1973
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 04, 1973
David greets the viewer, and introduces Cookie Monster, who claims he has a different way of illustrating the number 2. He displays two cookies, then eats them, which David thinks is not unique. Cookie goes off to find another way. Cartoon C - Cake. Muppets: Harvey Kneeslapper looks inside a paper bag and laughs and asks his next victim, "Wanna see?" The man says yes, so Harvey puts a letter C on him.

Dec 05, 1973
Luis, Bob, Maria and the kids play basketball, when Sam the Robot shows up. He claims that machines are better than people, and proves it by making a basket.

Nov 06, 1973
Big Bird throws a temper tantrum when nobody offers to help carry his heavy box of books. His friends tell him that all he had to do was ask. Cartoon- "Jazz #4". Film- A lowercase b floats by some boats. Cartoon: B is for bear, bicycle, bump, branch and bee.

Dec 07, 1973
Maria raps an introduction to words that rhyme with grand. Luis displays his hand. Bob leads a band. Big Bird accidentally dumps sand on Maria. "Understand?" Cartoon: "The Story of A": A witch tells bored kids a story about the letter A involving an ant's apple getting stolen by an archer.

Dec 10, 1973
Oscar the Grouch finds joy in Susan and Mr. Hooper getting angry over dropping their things all over the street. In response, they dump their garbage on him, furthering his glee. Gordon says he's too much. Cartoon: Donnie Budd counts six snails, six ships, and six whales.

Dec 11, 1973
Sam the Robot demonstrates near-by mechanizing towards the steps, the tree, then the newsstand. Sam also moves near David, who starts to get annoyed. David suggests that Sam demonstrate far, by getting far away from him. Sam does so, but then calls David on the phone. Cartoon: H for hello (voice of Gary Owens)

Dec 12, 1973
Oscar has installed a doorbell on his trash can (which plays "Shave and a Haircut," ending with a screeching sound). He finds it only attracts more curious individuals to his can, so he rips it apart. Susan bothers him once more to point out his doorbell is busted. Cartoon- J family jamboree.

Dec 13, 1973
Bob, Maria, and David join Susan as she eagerly watches for a big surprise coming down the street. It turns out to be Gordon, pulling up in his brand new Volkswagen. Cartoon: The story of an old woman who lived in a nine. Artist: Bud Luckey. Film: George the Farmer shows embedded shapes using drawing of geometric forms and household objects with the same shape.

Dec 14, 1973
Ernie and Bert - Ernie is painting a portrait of Bert, but paints Bert with curly hair, glasses and a beard. When Bert gets angry about this, Ernie takes him behind the easel and puts curly hair, glasses and a beard on Bert.

Dec 17, 1973
Gordon puts two giant 1s together to make the number 11, but the numbers are a little disobedient at first. Cartoon: "It's a Lovely Eleven Morning" Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets: Ernie and Bert - At the beach, Ernie notices that Bert is missing; all he sees is Bert's hat. Sherlock Hemlock helps find Bert, and in the process, discovers that Ernie accidentally buried Bert under the sand.

Dec 18, 1973
Maria, in need of $5 to pay back Luis, asks Gordon. Gordon asks Bob. Bob asks Big Bird. Big Bird asks Luis, and the money eventually makes its way to Maria, who gives it back to Luis. Cartoon: A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I." Muppets: Ernie and Bert - When it's Ernie's turn to get a newspaper from Hooper's Store, Ernie decides to plan everything he may need. He gets his scarf and hat and earmuffs in case it snows, his umbrella if it starts to rain, sunglasses and suntan cream if it's a sunny day, and a flashlight if it gets dark.

Dec 19, 1973
Johnny Cash sings "Nasty Dan" to Oscar the Grouch. Cartoon: Donnie Budd sings a two-step for pairs of animals. Artist: Bud Luckey. Grover and a group of monsters, including Herry Monster, Fenwick and Billy, get into a rowboat. The monsters all gather at one end, causing the boat to tip over and sink.

Dec 20, 1973
Number 3 quickies: Luis screws three screws into a birdhouse for Little Bird. Maria displays the three patches on her dungarees. Bob wears three cowboy hats. At Hooper's Store, Cookie Monster eats three plates of cookies, then eats the plates. Film- The Mad Painter #3 Cartoon: Simple Simon meets some strange-looking animals, all of whom have their parts switched around. Artist: Jeff Hale.

Dec 21, 1973
Big Bird, hosting a Tonight Show-esque production, gathers everyone around to tell them the "shortest story ever told" -- "Once upon a time there was a little girl, and she lived happily ever after." Everyone encourages him to tell a longer story, so Big Bird decides to take a "short intermission".

Dec 24, 1973
Gordon introduces an audience to Big Bird, who recites a poem about the otter. Film- Sesame Street Animal Films: "It's an Otter!" Music: Joe Raposo. Muppets: Ernie and Bert - Ernie answers the telephone. Bert overhears the conversation, which involves a baseball game, a rainy day, and a gorilla stealing a bologna sandwich. When Bert asks who just called, Ernie says it was a wrong number.

Dec 25, 1973
Maria, Bob and Luis find it hard to concentrate when they hear a series of loud car horns. They find that The Count is holding up a sign that reads "Please blow your horn" and has been counting the beep-beeps from passing drivers. They tell him to take down the sign, and he starts counting the cars that don't honk. Cartoon- Two boys notice a D, saying it looks fat. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter D. This leads to a jazzy story about a dog who digs for dice, wins a duck, and buys a dinosaur with a dime. Moral: "If you dig a dinosaur, ...

Dec 26, 1973
Gordon has two kids make large and small Ws out of dowel rods. Muppets: Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit asks Debo if he knows what a W is. Cartoon: Speech Balloon: W for water. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie has six jellybeans, and Bert has seven. Bert thanks Ernie for giving him the extra jellybean. Ernie says that isn't fair - they should have an equal amount. To make it even, Ernie eats the extra jellybean. That's fair, isn't it? Film- A girl named Jennifer visits family friend Mrs. Wilson in the country, and together they pick food from her garden.

Dec 27, 1973
Big Bird talks to Mr. Snuffleupagus on the telephone. Snuffy says he's going to send Big Bird a surprise present: something that rhymes with "bee". When Big Bird hangs up, he assumes it's a tree, and proceeds to clear his nest area. Cartoon: E Imagination Artists: The Hubleys. SCENE 2: Big Bird piles some shovels outside the doors, then invites Bob, Gordon and Maria to help him dig a hole for the tree he'll be getting soon. They doubt that his "imaginary" friend would send him a tree, and walk away. Big Bird thinks some more, and concludes that Snuffy will be sending ...

Dec 28, 1973
Bob, Maria and David greet the viewer. Bob sings a song about opposites to the kids, then Sam the Robot shows up, claiming to be an expert on opposites. Sam will be right back. Cartoon- A goat discusses the letter "G". A man comes by to also talk about G, but rather than point out that "goat" is a G word, he observes the grass. Disgusted, the goat butts the man out of the way. Muppets: Grover talks about the letter G, as it slowly grows.

Dec 31, 1973
Big Bird encounters a Muppet salesman hawking "little machines" - boxes that that produce music, laughter and flashing lights, but also emit smoke, which the salesman downplays. Big Bird decides to take one. Cartoon- Frances Fairy displays several F words. Muppets- Muppet and Kid Moment - Bert and Ingrid count backwards from ten to one.

Jan 01, 1974
Maria, in need of $5 to pay back Luis, asks Gordon. Gordon asks Bob. Bob asks Big Bird. Big Bird asks Luis, and the money eventually makes its way to Maria, who gives it back to Luis. Cartoon- A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I." Muppets- Ernie and Bert - When it's Ernie's turn to get a newspaper from Hooper's Store, Ernie decides to plan everything he may need. He gets his scarf and hat and earmuffs in case it snows, his umbrella if it starts to rain, sunglasses and suntan cream if it's a sunny day, and a flashlight if it gets dark.

Jan 02, 1974
Johnny Cash sings "Nasty Dan" to Oscar the Grouch. Cartoon- Donnie Budd sings a two-step for pairs of animals. Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets- Grover's rowboat - part 1 Grover and a group of monsters, including Herry Monster, Fenwick and Billy, get into a rowboat. The monsters all gather at one end, causing the boat to tip over and sink.

Jan 03, 1974
Number 3 quickies: Luis screws three screws into a birdhouse for Little Bird. Maria displays the three patches on her dungarees. Bob wears three cowboy hats. At Hooper's Store, Cookie Monster eats three plates of cookies, then eats the plates. Film- The Mad Painter #3. Cartoon- Simple Simon meets some strange-looking animals, all of whom have their parts switched around. Artist: Jeff Hale.

Jan 04, 1974
Big Bird, hosting a Tonight Show-esque production, gathers everyone around to tell them the "shortest story ever told" -- "Once upon a time there was a little girl, and she lived happily ever after." Everyone encourages him to tell a longer story, so Big Bird decides to take a "short intermission". Cartoon- The great Alphonso and his trained X's.

Jan 07, 1974
Gordon introduces an audience to Big Bird, who recites a poem about the otter. Film- Sesame Street Animal Films: "It's an Otter!" Music: Joe Raposo. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie answers the telephone. Bert overhears the conversation, which involves a baseball game, a rainy day, and a gorilla stealing a bologna sandwich. When Bert asks who just called, Ernie says it was a wrong number.

Jan 08, 1973
Maria, Bob and Luis find it hard to concentrate when they hear a series of loud car horns. They find that The Count is holding up a sign that reads "Please blow your horn" and has been counting the beep-beeps from passing drivers. They tell him to take down the sign, and he starts counting the cars that don't honk. Cartoon- Two boys notice a D, saying it looks fat. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter D. This leads to a jazzy story about a dog who digs for dice, wins a duck, and buys a dinosaur with a dime. Moral: "If you dig a dinosaur, ...

Jan 09, 1974
Gordon has two kids make large and small Ws out of dowel rods. Muppets: Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit asks Debo if he knows what a W is. Cartoon- Speech Balloon: W for water. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie has six jellybeans, and Bert has seven. Bert thanks Ernie for giving him the extra jellybean. Ernie says that isn't fair - they should have an equal amount. To make it even, Ernie eats the extra jellybean. That's fair, isn't it?

Jan 10, 1974
Big Bird talks to Mr. Snuffleupagus on the telephone. Snuffy says he's going to send Big Bird a surprise present: something that rhymes with "bee". When Big Bird hangs up, he assumes it's a tree, and proceeds to clear his nest area. Cartoon- E Imagination Artists: The Hubleys. SCENE 2- Big Bird piles some shovels outside the doors, then invites Bob, Gordon and Maria to help him dig a hole for the tree he'll be getting soon. They doubt that his "imaginary" friend would send him a tree, and walk away. Big Bird thinks some more, and concludes that Snuffy will be sending ...

Jan 11, 1974
Bob, Maria and David greet the viewer. Bob sings a song about opposites to the kids, then Sam the Robot shows up, claiming to be an expert on opposites. Sam will be right back. Cartoon- A goat discusses the letter "G". A man comes by to also talk about G, but rather than point out that "goat" is a G word, he observes the grass. Disgusted, the goat butts the man out of the way.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird encounters a Muppet salesman hawking "little machines" - boxes that that produce music, laughter and flashing lights, but also emit smoke, which the salesman downplays. Big Bird decides to take one. Cartoon- Frances Fairy displays several F words. Muppets: Muppet and Kid Moment - Bert and Ingrid count backwards from ten to one.

Jan 01, 1974
While David tries to study, Luis practices the bongos for his gig tonight. David asks him to tone it down so he can study, and Luis goes from the Fix-it Shop to the steps by the garage. When he practices there, Maria tells him to keep it down because she has a headache. He then heads to the 123 steps, but Oscar puts a sign on his can: "Grouch sleeping". Luis assumes he'll bother Oscar, but Oscars encourages Luis to bother him while he's trying to sleep.

Feb 11, 1974
Herbert Birdsfoot explains what the letters M and W look like with a very uncooperative letter that keeps switching itself. The letter eventually stops switching, and Herb solves the problem by rotating the camera angle, turning the letter upside down.

Jan 01, 1974
Luis and the kids look up and see Alphabet Bates skywrite the letter O (First: Episode 0012). Cartoon- A song about a rolling O, with artists: The Hubleys. Bob, Big Bird and friends go on a scavenger hunt for objects shaped like the letter O. Big Bird asks Gordon to borrow an automobile jack, for a reason he's keeping secret for now.

Jan 01, 1974
Grover gives a presentation of how well he can remember things. His assistant David flashes a card with the letter S on it, which Grover will remember once the card is flipped. However, Grover immediately forgets what letter it was. As he tries to remember, Gordon enters with his Sesame Street Sluggers uniform, all embroidered with Ss; this doesn't stimulate anything for Grover. He then tries to shush Oscar the Grouch, who complains that his typewriter is missing an S key. He then sees Susan wearing an S-shaped pin and the kids scrubbing scribbled Ss off the wall, all...

Jan 01, 1974
David shows Maria and the kids how a tape recorder works by sampling some audio of their voices and playing it back. He flips the tape over to side B to hear what else he's recorded, thinking maybe it's some notes he took for class. After a moment, his voice is heard in a poetic cadence, "Just a few thoughts I'd like to say about Maria..." He immediately switches it off, but Maria wants to hear the rest after hearing her name. David insists the Maria he's talking about is his sister's new cat, but she convinces him to play the rest back anyway. Finally he admits that ...

Jan 01, 1974
Biff alerts the residents of 123 Sesame Street that the property is about to be demolished to build a new parking lot. Gordon and Susan protest heavily against it, and Biff realizes that he got the address wrong - the proposed parking lot is supposed to be at 321 Sesame Street, not 123. Cartoon "Poverty U". Film of U, for Underpass. Muppets- Harvey Kneeslapper: Harvey Kneeslapper goes to a man and asks, "Can I take a picture of U?" The man gives him permission, but Harvey tells him that his shoes are untied, and when the man looks down, Harvey slaps the letter U on ...

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon finds a rope. He brings it over to the kids and asks them to form letters with it, although it's clear that some of the kids haven't learned all of them yet. Cartoon of C - Cake. Muppets- Monsters, including an early Grover, Cookie Monster and Beautiful Day Monster, pass on the message, "See." The wide shot reveals that the monsters were whispering about the Letter C.

Jan 24, 1974
Bob greets the viewer, and proceeds to talk about the letter Y, when Maria interrupts him to talk about the number 7. They bicker, until Bob gets an idea: he draws seven Ys in chalk on the sidewalk. Muppets with waiter Grover: Grover serves Mr. Johnson a bowl of chicken soup. Johnson says that he can't eat the soup, and Grover can't guess why. "That settles it," Johnson sighs. "From now on, I'm bringing my lunch to work in a paper sack." He finally explains to Grover that he can't eat the soup because he doesn't have a spoon.

Jan 25, 1974
Today, everyone on Sesame Street is dressed like The Count, who teaches them how to say "Greetings" and laugh like him. He counts 8 counts, including himself. Muppets- Old West: Five good men are needed to form a posse and catch Bad Bart, the meanest man in the West. The sheriff counts five men in the saloon, and tries to organize them. But it turns out that there are only four good men -- one of them is Bad Bart. Cartoon- B is for bear, bicycle, bump, branch and bee.

Jan 01, 1974
Luis is concentrating on work at the Fix-It Shop and is dismayed when the Count appears. Luis insists that he needs to concentrate and claims the Count's counting always distracts him. The Count agrees not to count anything, but does so anyway as he counts things he won't count. Muppets Ernie tries to count his balloons. The balloons are arranged in a circle, so he continues counting around the circle, and counts some of them twice. Grover has a solution -- he pops each of the balloons as he counts them.

Jan 01, 1974
Mr. Hooper gives David a hat for a gift. David thinks the hat is out of style for him, but doesn't tell Mr. Hooper. He takes it off while Maria enters the store to get the paper, but puts it back on when Mr. Hooper is around. Maria and Mr. Hooper go back and forth, and David keeps putting the hat on and taking it off. Cartoon of "I in the Sky". A gymnast demonstrates slow.

Jan 01, 1974
Oscar the Grouch points a water pistol at the viewer and proclaims that today he's going to be as rotten as he has ever been. When he sees someone approaching, he crouches down in his trash can to await his victim. When she's within range, Oscar springs up and shouts, "Hey, Granny. Have a bath!" and proceeds to shoot her in the face with water. When he refuses to let up, the woman identifies herself as the Wicked Witch of the South Bronx and warns him that she'll put an evil spell on him. Oscar keeps delivering insults and blasting her in the face, so the witch ...

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird introduces the letter J. Some kids play jacks, Susan displays a jonquil, and Luis displays a jigsaw, a jackknife and a jug. He also displays the jeans, jacket and jersey he's wearing. A concert pianist shows up in a construction worker's lunchbox, singing the alphabet. Ernie and Bert, then Ernie tells Bert to stand still in front of the camera so that he can "trace" Bert's face on the screen.

Feb 01, 1974
In Big Bird's nest area, a kid finishes reading "Cinderella" to an audience of kids, including Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus. Snuffy wonders why the prince didn't go looking for Cinderella herself, and Big Bird reminds him that everyone at the ball was wearing a mask. Snuffy gets inspired, and runs off. Ernie explains how a scale can determine what is heavier than another object. With the scale, he was planning to split some cookies with Bert, but can't figure out how to do it. Cookie Monster shows him his way of solving the problem: he eats the cookies off each side...

Jan 01, 1974
Bob exits his apartment and sees Big Bird playing airport in the arbor. Bob explains that he can't just open an airport on Sesame Street because it needs lots of people coming and going to and from far off places. Big Bird calls to Maria on the street and asks her where she's from. "Puerto Rico, you know that." Big Bird turns back to Bob and asks if that's far enough away for him. Bob says he's still missing a transport vehicle, but Big Bird can't hear him over the sounds of an airplane. Bob leaves him to his devices and Big Bird communicates over the radio with.

Feb 05, 1974
It's a very cold day on Sesame Street. Winter is clearly on the way. Today's show is sponsored by the letters G and I and the number 3.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob and two kids talk about imagination and what it means. Maria asks the viewer to imagine her as a baseball player, a princess and a baker. A man explains the letter R with a radio. Once he starts singing, the radio decides to turn him off by tweaking his nose.

Jan 01, 1974
Cookie Monster is waiting for the arrival of his country cousin, Apple Monster. He tells Luis to keep a look out for him, though Luis suspects this is some sort of scheme to get cookies. A moment later, a monster resembling Cookie appears, dressed as a country bumpkin. Luis assumes this "Apple Monster" is really Cookie in disguise and baits him with a cookie from his lunchbox. "Cookie yuchhy!" replies Apple Monster, who instead wants the apple Luis has. Apple Monster eats it up to the core to Luis' surprise. Luis and David discuss their encounters with the Apple ...

Feb 08, 1974
Sam the Robot talks to a mailbox, thinking it's a robot that's being fed when Bob and Maria drop letters into it. David comes by with a letter, and Sam asks to be fed. David assumes Sam is a mailbox today, but Sam eats the letter instead. "Seven Song (Song of Seven)". Guy Smiley hosts "Beat the Time". In order to win a cookie, Cookie Monster has to bring in three things that rhyme with the word "rain" before the hand goes around the clock. They turn out to be an old man's "cane", a "chain" (to which Frazzle is attached), and finally a "train" which destroys the set. ...

Feb 11, 1974
At the Fix-it Shop, Luis is swamped with things to fix: Gordon and Susan's TV, two radios, an iron, Big Bird's toaster, etc. He decides to imagine that he's relaxing on a desert island, but even in his imagination, his customers catch up with him. Muppets- "The ET Family Song". Brand X is the name.

Feb 12, 1974
The street is still covered with snow. Bob inadvertently helps Oscar make a mess with it, and Susan is late in leaving for work because her car has been plowed in. Today's sponsors are the letters Q and S and the number 8.

Feb 13, 1974
It's still snowing on Sesame Street. Oscar's bought himself a Winter hat, which he wants pulled all the way down over his face. Meanwhile, Sherlock Hemlock, the world's greatest detective, tries to help Luis find his missing pencil.

Feb 14, 1974
Bob greets the viewer and mentions today's sponsors as a Muppet boy (Caroll Spinney) looks on, but the boy sneezes every time Bob is about to say the letter W. Cartoon- W for Willamina

Feb 15, 1974
Big Bird tries to mail a snowball to his cousin. Meanwhile, Oscar starts his "Dial A Grouch" service.

Jan 01, 1974
Luis greets the viewer, and introduces the letter G, when he notices Oscar preparing a magic act for Grouch Talent Night. Luis suggests he pull out some G items from his hat, and he pulls out a glove and a guitar. He invites Luis to try pulling something out, but his hand gets stuck in some glue. A goat discusses the letter "G". A man comes by to also talk about G, but rather than point out that "goat" is a G word, he observes the grass. Disgusted, the goat butts the man out of the way.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird welcomes the viewer to Sesame Street and observes that it's a cold day. He, Maria and the kids decide to do some exercises to warm themselves up. Cookie Monster stars in "The Ballad of Casey McPhee". A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I."

Feb 20, 1974
It's snowing heavily on Sesame Street and Big Bird makes guesses about the weather based on various clues. K for keyhole, ketchup, and kitten. Jerry Nelson narrates a story about a green Muppet hand that learns to spin a top.

Jan 01, 1974
The camera pans around Sesame Street looking for someone. Luis jumps out from behind the work bench in front of the Fix-It Shop and yells, "surprise!" He tip-toes around luring the camera to follow him until the reach the Hooper's Store window where Mr. Hooper jumps out in surprise. He joins Luis tip-toeing around together, but they don't find anyone else. They head back to the store where Cookie Monster is inside, unattended, and he's just finished eating a batch of cookies. He extatically declares, "Surprise!" A woman (Jim Henson) volunteers to assist The Amazing ...

Jan 01, 1974
Maria tells the audience that the recent snow on Sesame Street also brought snow to the mountains. Since she grew up in Puerto Rico where it doesn't snow, she's excited to go skiing for the first time this weekend. David greets her and notes that she seems to have everything she needs: ski boots, ski pants, parka, skis, and poles - but she's missing one thing: snow. He shoves a handful of snow down the back of her coat and runs off; Maria tries to follow, but she can't run in these boots. Film where kids play in the snow. Joe Raposo. Anything Muppets sing "Goin' for a...

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird is holding an arrow and barking orders to the falling snow, making sure it knows where and how to fall. Maria tells him the snow doesn't have a brain, and there's no need to help give it direction. Big Bird asks Maria if she's sure the snow won't know what to do without some instructions, and she says it will absolutely continue to fall in place on its own. Big Bird leaves, and as Maria scoffs at the idea, the snow briefly reverses direction until she blinks when it returns to normal again.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob points out to the viewer that it has recently snowed on Sesame Street. Oscar likes the way the snow looks on top of some of his tin cans, but he likes the snow even better when he mixes it in a bucket with mud, chimney soot, and other garbage, causing Bob to want to throw it into the gutter. After he does so, a truck drives by and splashes Bob with the mess he (and Oscar) made.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob and the kids play a game by digging up the snow to reveal the letter U. "Poverty U" -- A figure gives a salute to the letter U, and presents the letter with a bouquet of flowers. Harvey Kneeslapper goes to a man and asks, "Can I take a picture of U?" The man gives him permission, but Harvey tells him that his shoes are untied, and when the man looks down, Harvey slaps the letter U on top of his head and takes a picture of it.

Jan 01, 1974
Maria and the kids have just finished building a snowman. The mouth is made of a crescent pointing up. Maria flips it around and asks if the snowman looks happy or sad. Little Jerry and the Monotones sing about being "Sad."

Jan 01, 1974
Maria (in voice-over) tells the viewers about the footprints on a clear, snowy day on Sesame Street. The footprints belong to David, Gordon and Big Bird. Big Bird is about to mail a snowball to his cousin in Mount Dora, Florida. Maria tells him not to mail the package until she gets there.

Jan 01, 1974
Susan and Gordon walk down Sesame Street with their arms around each other, staring into one another's eyes lovingly. Luis says hello when they pass by, but they don't even notice him. He looks at the camera and says, "Amor".

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird walks down Sesame Street taking notice of the adults clearing away the snow and the kids playing in it. When it starts to snow again, Susan rolls her eyes and goes back indoors. Big Bird figures he should come up with a better way to remove all the snow at once, but shooing it and scaring it away doesn't work.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob is not a fan of the cold weather and tells the viewer that when he's cold, he imagines being warm. He starts to picture a warm, sunny day at the beach. Ernie and Bert - It's a sunny day at the beach, and Bert remembered to bring everything. Ernie, however, only brought an umbrella in case it rains - which it does.

Jan 01, 1974
Cookie Monster has a box of cookies that he is about to eat, but he wants to find a quiet place to eat them in, where he won't be disturbed. He decides Hooper's Store would be an appropriate spot, so he enters to find David and Big Bird discussing what the number 4 looks like. David asks to borrow Cookie Monster's box so he can use it with the other boxes to form a 4 on the floor for Big Bird.

Jan 01, 1974
Oscar invites David and the kids to play a game of "Oscar Says". He tells them to do grouchy things, but doesn't say "Oscar says" when he tells them to do nice things. Finally, he tells them to walk away, then says "Stop" multiple times. David points out that he didn't say "Oscar says", and Oscar says that was intentional - he wants them to walk farther away. A man has a J under his hat.

Jan 01, 1974
As Luis greets the viewer, he hears the sound of a fire truck, helping him segue to the first segment. Bob reads "The King and the Fireman", a story about a king who becomes so grateful for being saved by a fireman that he decides to make everyone in the kingdom a firefighter - and soon realizes what a mistake he's made.

Jan 01, 1974
At Hooper's Store, Maria asks David if she's received any calls. She's expecting one from her cousin Helga, who's visiting from Puerto Rico; she compares the weather between there and her current home, where it's still cold. A bridge of teeth come to an employment agency, looking for a job. He's offered jobs in the smelling line and in listening, but he's unqualified for those. Teeth demonstrates his talent in biting and chewing by chomping up the desk.

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon observes that it looks like rain, and isn't sure whether he closed the windows of his car. He goes to check, but Big Bird offers to do it for him instead, then realizes he doesn't know what "closed" means. Big Bird thinks he has closed everything in Gordon's car, but it's actually open - the windows, the doors, the hood, the trunk, everything. An angry Gordon shows him the difference between open and closed.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird watches as Luis, Maria and Susan have three kids stand against a sheet of brown paper, and use markers to draw the kids' outlines. They demonstrate big, bigger and biggest with the finished result, then leave. Mr. Snuffleupagus shows up, sees the outlines, and wants one drawn from himself, so Big Bird and the kids team up to do so. A man explains the letter R with a radio. Once he starts singing, the radio decides to turn him off by tweaking his nose.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird has drawn a picture of a top and wishes to caption it with the word, but can't remember what letter makes the "tuh" sound. Alphabet Bates flies overhead and makes the letter T to remind him. Film The letter T is a very useful letter. "High, Middle, Low"

Jan 01, 1974
Maria and David introduce Pete Seeger, who is about to chop a log. Big Bird thinks it'll tire him out, but Pete tells them to join him as he sings "Didn't Old John" while he chops. "Imagination V" -- A surreal segment involving the Venus de Milo statue, a violin, a vampire, and vigilantes. Grover the elevator operator gives a demonstration of in and out which annoys the passengers.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob encounters Sam the Robot in the arbor, standing next to a US weather map. Sam gives a generic weather report, then one for Portland, Oregon (where Bob's parents live). Whenever Sam gives a dire report about an area, Cookie Monster takes it off the map and eats it. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit is interviewing Cinderella and Prince Charming, who are dancing at the ball. After Cinderella leaves, she leaves one glass slipper behind. The prince wants to find he can have the other glass slipper.

Jan 01, 1974
Cookie Monster stars in "The Ballad of Casey McPhee." Two alpine climbers hike up a letter Z and stake a claim on it. David and the kids look up and see Alphabet Bates skywrite the letter Z. Kids narrate a letter 'Z' drawing.

Jan 01, 1974
Maria overhears Oscar wailing, and goes over to investigate. He's mourning the loss of the trash he saw littered all over the street earlier today. Maria points him to the recently installed litter receptacle (with a "PITCH IN!" sign) and explains what it's for. Oscar gets an idea. Two boys notice a D, saying it looks fat. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter D. This leads to a jazzy story about a dog who digs for dice, wins a duck, and buys a dinosaur with a dime. Moral: "If you dig a dinosaur, drop your duck for a dime. Gordon is about to ...

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon introduces today's sponsors and demonstrates none, some and all: when Harvey Kneeslapper tells jokes to all of a crowd, he drives away some of the people, until there are none left. Bip Bippadotta and friends show none, some and all. "Jazz #4"

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon asks Luis to help him lug a piano downstairs; in exchange, he'll work at the Fix-it Shop all day Saturday. Ernie and Bert - Ernie brings an umbrella, a flashlight, and Bert's bowling ball to the bathtub, just in case the electricity goes out, the roof leaks, and somebody shows up asking to borrow a bowling ball. Bert thinks that Ernie is being ridiculous -- but everything happens, just as Ernie predicted. A girl shows how good she is at drawing buildings.

Mar 26, 1974
Big Bird uses Susan's old eye chart to test Snuffy's eyesight, but Snuffy gets all the letters wrong. Big Bird says his mother should know how terrible his eyesight is. Snuffy insists his eyesight is just fine - he helps his mommy thread needles all the time - it's just that he can't read. Jazz Alphabet: male vocalists shout each letter. some later scripts[1] cite this segment in the episode as "Madrigal Alphabet". An old woman emerges from the pouch of a bouncing kangaroo. She proclaims, "K. Kangaroo!"

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird initiates a rhyming game with the cast, rhyming the word "hello." Oscar wants no part in this, but accidentally makes some rhymes anyhow. The story of an old woman who lived in a nine. Ernie and Bert - Ernie is sad, because it's raining and he can't play baseball. Bert encourages him to imagine that he's playing instead. In Ernie's imagination, he hits a high fly ball that lands in the ocean. Bert tells Ernie that the sun is out, and he can go out and play now. Ernie says that he can't play -- his ball fell in the ocean.

Jan 01, 1974
David, Maria, Luis and some kids watch as Brynne shows her dance teacher an original dance. The other kids do their own dances as well, and so do Maria and Big Bird. A song about a rolling O. Ernie and Bert - Ernie comes up with a way for him to remember to put his basketball away before he goes to sleep: he remembers things with his brain, which is in his head; his head is round, and so is the basketball. His plan works the first time, but not when Bert wants to go to sleep.

Jan 01, 1974
Bob tries to use reverse psychology on Oscar to get him to count backwards from 10 to 1, but Oscar gets wise, making Bob furious. Counting 10 to 1. Five signs are counted forward and backward as they appear on the stoop, followed by five kids holding the signs.

Jan 01, 1974
Mr. Hooper tries to teach Big Bird how to pronounce his name right. He reads "Hooper" on the card, then asks for a bag of chocolate birdseed, and thanks "Mr. Cooper". Q - quarter. Mr. Hooper gives Big Bird a hula hoop, because "hoop" is the first part of "Hooper". Big Bird remembers to call him "Hooper" while he's holding the hoop, but when the phone rings, he gives it to "Mr. Telephone".

Jan 01, 1974
Oscar gathers everyone around for his magic show, where he waves his wand and makes Susan and two kids disappear, then himself. The Count extinguishes electric candles by counting them with his finger. As he heads up the stairs for bed, he steps on Fatatita. He also tells his wolf Yuba to run and play with his friends.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird encounters Bob and Maria, arguing over whose turn it is to use the clothesline today. They decide to split it half-and-half, when Big Bird cuts it in half with scissors. Ernie and Bert - Bert asks Ernie to share a banana with him. Ernie gets the inside of the banana, and gives Bert the peel. An elephant and a bear try to cross a bridge to deliver their packages, but they're in each other's way. Voices: Hal Smith.

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon welcomes the viewer and displays the word TELEPHONE. Oscar displays his latest invention, a Grouchophone. Gordon holds the receiver up to his ear, and gets squirted with water, which makes him grouchy. A drummer precedes C.T. Wordsworth who presents today's word: TELEPHONE. Cookie Monster explains the purpose of a telephone. Then, Maria and Luis tease Cookie by eating the telephone.

Jan 01, 1974
At the Fix-it Shop, Luis is working hard on fixing a radio, when The Count pops up and startles him. Luis berates the count for bothering him with his counting, and The Count promises he will just sit there and not count. But he ends up counting the seconds since he counted anything. Five balls try to play basketball. Five balls get together to play basketball. It takes them awhile to count themselves, but then they realize they don't have a ball. Jazz #6.

Jan 01, 1974
A happy Maria says hi to a grouchy Oscar, who points out that she seems happy all the time - doesn't anything make her angry? He continues to push her buttons until she yells at him and storms off, accidentally forgetting her books. "I think I'm in love," says Oscar. Frances Fairy displays several F words.

Jan 01, 1974
In the early hours of the morning, Big Bird greets the viewer and tells them his job today is to make sure things are quiet for everyone who's still asleep. Just then, milk delivery person Millie (Rita Moreno, reprising her role from The Electric Company) appears and wonders what's going on. Big Bird tells her what's going on and she thinks they'll need some help. As usual, she loudly calls out, "Hey, you guys!" disturbing and waking up many of the neighbors. She does this again and again, even after producing a "QUIET" sign for them to read instead. Once everyone is ...

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon encounters The Count, waiting at the bus stop. It looks like rain, so he asks Gordon to wait while he goes to fetch his umbrella. When the bus gets there, Gordon tells the bus driver to wait for The Count, but they get into an argument. When The Count finally gets back, he doesn't get on the bus, instead counting it as the fifth bus he hasn't boarded today. Jazz #5. Bert wants to know why there is a cookie lying on the table. Ernie explains that he put it there to remind himself. Brand X.

Jan 01, 1974
Sam the Robot encounters Luis and the kids painting pictures. Sam announces a picture making contest, certain he'll win because machines are better than people. While the kids paint, Sam prints out three cards with a big red square, which David points out are all the same. As Susan observes the uniqueness of Luis's and the kids' paintings, Sam gets sad that his paintings are like the least and produces an abstract art piece. Luis offers to trade his painting with Sam's. Kids use shapes to make a train. A caterpillar escapes a hungry bird by turning into a butterfly.

Apr 12, 1974
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews one of the Three Little Pigs, the one who built a straw house. The Big Bad Wolf comes to blow it down, but the house is actually strong. Biff comes to Hooper's Store to buy lots of something: it's round, white, plastic, and it bounces. Mr. Hooper guesses it's ping-pong balls. The Alligator King and the artist: Bud Luckey.

Jan 01, 1974
Maria asks Big Bird to do two favors for her: give a dollar bill to David, and place a letter in the mailbox. Big Bird gets the two mixed up. Muppet and Kid Moment; the Count asks Ingrid to teach him how to count to 20 in Spanish. Jazz #8. Big Bird and the mailman try to figure out how a dollar bill got into the mailbox. David asks Big Bird why he gave him a letter that's addressed to Maria's mother in Puerto Rico.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird displays a number 9, and demonstrates it by spinning around 9 times. He gets dizzy, and his eyes see Maria split into 9 doubles. Muppets: "Wonderful/Yucchy". Sesame Street Animal Films: A mandrill carries her young. Music: Joe Raposo. Kids comment as Bob's legs, torso, and head move into place.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird presents the letter G, and tries to think of a G word as the letter grows bigger. Things that begin with G. Grover and George sing "Two G Sounds." A goat discusses the letter "G". A man comes by to also talk about G, but rather than point out that "goat" is a G word, he observes the grass. Disgusted, the goat butts the man out of the way.

Jan 01, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David complains about the rain, but The Count counts raindrops. David tells him to go elsewhere, like the Fix-it Shop. Ernie and Bert, during the rain, Ernie stands under an umbrella explaining how the weather makes him feel happy, sad, and mad. Bert has been trying to get under the umbrella with him, telling Ernie that all it has made him feel is wet. Ernie wonders why he doesn't have his umbrella; Bert explains that it's because Ernie is using it. Ernie thanks him and leaves Bert sneezing in the rain. Sesame Street Animal Films: Penguins take a ...

Jan 01, 1974
Joe Namath counts down from 10 to 1. K for keyhole, ketchup, and kitten. At Hooper's Store, Grover is hesitant to aid Big Bird in a lesson on subtraction (using heavy bags), since he usually gets the short end of the stick. Big Bird assures him that he will do the hard part, while Grover will do the easy part this time. However, to Big Bird, picking up the heavy bags is the easy part, and subtracting is the hard part. Thus, Big Bird subtracts two bags from three and hands them to Grover, leaving one on the counter. Next, Big Bird decides to demonstrate addition. ...

Jan 01, 1974
Oscar the Grouch can't sleep because Biff is drilling in the street. Biff explains why drilling is helpful to the city, and Oscar decides he'd rather hear the drilling than Biff talking. M for mouse, mud, and mother. Today's Secret Drawing: the letter M.

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon and Susan see a sign in the arbor: "Sam's Singing School". Sam the Robot has started his own school where he teaches singing. Luis arrives with Sam's "pupils"; some portable radios.

Jan 01, 1974
Jimmy Collier performs "Love and Drive" as Luis, Susan, and Big Bird help a kid learn to rollerskate. Superman demonstrates the letter S and some of the words it stands for. Ernie and Bert, It's a sunny day at the beach, and Bert remembered to bring everything. Ernie, however, only brought an umbrella in case it rains, which it does.

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird sees Gordon and some kids playing "pin the tail on the Q", and wants to join them. Gordon blindfolds him and spins him around, but Big Bird misses the mark. Undeterred, Big Bird calls the O to come over to him instead. "Poverty Q": A figure demonstrates Q words, despite the unruly stem of his letter Q that keeps detaching itself. "The Question Song"

Jan 01, 1974
Oscar meets the new sanitation man, who hauls away some trash that won't fit in Oscar's can. He then almost picks up Oscar's can itself, but Oscar protests, saying it's his home - the regular sanitation man knows that. This man is new on the job, however, and it's his orders to empty every can. Instead, Oscar offers him some of his most valuable trash, but the man isn't able to fit it into his truck, so he drives off. Oscar calls the sanitation department to make a complaint. A mailman on horseback delivers mail in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. Gordon the ...

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon and Susan lead Big Bird and the kids in a "short/long" game, where they compare the length of their hair and their jackets. Big Bird doesn't have hair or a jacket, but he does have the longest neck. George's ladder gets taller and shorter, as does his box of berries. Kermit's Lectures: Kermit and Grover demonstrate short and long -- Kermit sings and hops for short periods, while Grover does them for long periods. Finally Grover asks if he can do the short thing and Kermit do the long thing. To Grover's detriment, it turns out to be tickling.

Jan 01, 1974
All is fine on Sesame Street in the evening, when suddenly, all the lights go out. David goes into a panic, when Biff arrives, representing the electric company. He tells David and Luis that it is only temporary. David goes to make sure Maria is fine; she's already gotten a flashlight and keeps a much calmer head. The lights return moments later. Song by Joe Raposo sings "Frog Struggle Song." A bridge of teeth come to an employment agency, looking for a job. He's offered jobs in the smelling line and in listening, but he's unqualified for those. Teeth demonstrates his...

Jan 01, 1974
In the morning, after a rainy night, Bob, David and Maria observe how wet it is outside. Oscar, who loves the rain and how yucky it makes everything, has a trash can full of water, to everyone's shock except his. They get together and bale the water out, including some soggy items from his can. "Martian Beauty" has nine hairs, nine bows, nine eyes, nine nostrils, nine arms, and nine toes. Arist: Bud Luckey. Bert says that he's going to demonstrate quiet by talking quietly to Ernie. But when he tries, Ernie claims that he can't hear what Bert is saying. Finally, Bert ...

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon and Susan argue: Gordon wants to shoot hoops at the Y, but Susan says he needs to take the trash out now. Oscar cheers them on as they argue. Film about a jazz rhythm soundtrack, the camera zooms in on flowers growing on a tree. Bob draws a face on his fist, then puppeteers it as he sings "Face Game."

Jan 01, 1974
In the morning, Luis asks Big Bird to pass along a message to Bob that he can't go fishing today. Bob's phone isn't working, so Big Bird tries calling Bob at his window. Bob can't open the window, so Big Bird decides to say it with pictures. Bob gets up, comes outside, and finally gets the message from Big Bird: that he might as well sleep in today. Song by Joe Raposo sings "Little Things."

Jan 01, 1974
H is for horseshoe. Oscar agrees to watch the Fix-it Shop while Luis steps out for a few minutes. He answers the phone twice, but is rude to the customers. A man brings a cuckoo clock into the shop, and Oscar proceeds to fix it himself. Luis comes back, and sees that Oscar has replaced the cuckoo bird with a grouchy one. Speech Balloon: H is for hole.

Jan 01, 1974
It's nighttime on Sesame Street and the locals are engaging in an evening social activity when Oscar the Grouch decides he's going to have to scare everyone in order to make them go away. Donning a demon mask, he begins making monster noises, but his behavior is interpreted as a performance. Oscar concedes he'll have to come up with another idea to make everyone disperse.

Jan 01, 1974
After Big Bird causes minor accidents at the Fix-It Shop and Hooper's Store, he decides to run away with his rubber wormie and starts packing. Kids hear an L poem. Big Bird is all packed and announces his departure over the construction doors of his nest. He realizes he might get hungry though, so he starts packing some food.

Jan 01, 1974
Gordon sets a bucket of water on the wall in front of 123 Sesame Street and asks Big Bird to watch it for him while he goes back in for soap and rags. Mr. Snuffleupagus comes along with a case of the hiccups, which Big Bird says can be cured with a glass of water, so Snuffy empties the bucket with his snuffle. Snuffy leaves as Gordon returns, asking what happened to the water in the bucket. Donnie Budd counts four lions. Artist: Bud Luckey.

Jan 01, 1974
David and Maria explain to Big Bird what being proud means. David is proud of having just shot nineteen baskets in the arbor, while Maria is proud of being able to speak both English and Spanish. Big Bird understands now, but he's upset because he can't think of anything he's proud of. I've got a mind: squares make a box. Artist: Cliff Roberts.

Jan 01, 1974
Linda and her friends from the Little Theatre of the Deaf; Timi, Freda, Ed, and Pat greet Mr. Hooper and Susan in front of Hooper's Store. Mr. Hooper hears a fire engine in the distance, but Linda who can't hear doesn't know what he's talking about until she sees the vehicle's flashing lights. Everyone impersonates parts of a fire engine, pretending to be on their way to fight a fire.

Jan 01, 1974
During a heavy downpour, Maria and David take shelter under the awning of Hooper's Store. Neither of them has an umbrella, so they decide to use an old newspaper to deliver groceries and get home without soaking Maria's bag of books. Ernie wants to show Bert his ice cube collection. The ice cubes were so cold that he had to put them in a box covered with an electric blanket. Much to Ernie's surprise, the ice cubes have disappeared. Since they were replaced with water, Ernie suspects that a fish might have stolen them. Bert tells him that it's because they've melted. ...

Jan 01, 1974
It's morning, and Luis has been working all night in the Fix-It Shop to catch up on work, so Big Bird resolves to help keep him awake. When his focus shifts to Alphabet Bates writing the letter V in the sky, Big Bird sees that Luis has fallen asleep. Realizing this is going to be tougher than he thought, Big Bird leaves to recruit some help.

Jan 01, 1974
Maria, David, Gordon, and the kids pester Oscar the Grouch at his can about helping them teach the audience the concept of big, bigger, and biggest, but he's not having it. In response, he produces a sign he's made with a definitive answer to their plea: "NO". They continue to urge him on, asking for his help, so Oscar emerges from his can with a bigger sign to help send the same message. Still his neighbors persist, so Oscar reveals the biggest sign of the three to really drive home his response. They all thank him and explain that he's inadvertently helped them ...

Jan 01, 1974
Big Bird approaches Luis who is working on a cuckoo clock on the bench in front of the Fix-It Shop. Luis is having trouble fixing it, so Big Bird suggests keeping it warm and giving it lots of juice until it gets better. Luis tries to explain that it's a mechanical cuckoo, but when the clock strikes the hour, the bird emerges and sneezes. Two alpine climbers hike up a letter Z and stake a claim on it. Z for zipper.
Sesame Street Season 5 (1973) is released on Nov 19, 1973 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz. Sesame Street is available online on HBO Max and HBO Max Amazon Channel.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.