Episodes (130)

Nov 04, 1974
As Sesame Street begins another year, we find Count von Count up on the street lamppost, counting all the lights on the street as they come on. Later that night, he counts them again going out. He ignores Luis's advice to go home to bed- he wants to sleep on the lamppost so he can count that light going off in the morning. Also on the street that day, the cast sings about a song which they can't seem to figure out the name of. While all this is going on, a cartoon man talks about how the letter E begins the words "enter" and "exit". In his elementary school, Roosevelt...

Nov 05, 1974
David was up late last night studying for a law school exam, but promised to take care of Hooper's Store this morning. As a result, he keeps dozing off. Big Bird tries waking him up by getting some fresh air in the store and turning on some music, which doesn't work. David describes being in his cozy bed, which winds up putting Big Bird to sleep.

Nov 06, 1974
It's a rainy and windy day on Sesame Street. Oscar couldn't be more thrilled and tries talking about it with Mr. Hooper, who wishes to be left alone as he reads. He gets more and more irritated with Oscar until he tells him to scram in a Grouch-like manner.

Nov 07, 1974
The Count coaches David through filling some candy jars with beans and explains he's going to play the sorting game; although not with sizes, but with numbers. David explains no one could ever count as many beans as he's poured into the jars; no one, that is, except for the Count. As a compromise, he places three sets of two beans and one set of three beans on the table and sings "One of These Things". When he's done singing, he can see that the Count is sad about the game being over, so David tells him he's always wanted someone to count just how many beans are in ...

Nov 08, 1974
Stevie Wonder sings "123 Sesame Street." Cartoon: Before and after: Several kids are sad, but become happy when a fruit vendor appears. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie wants to have some cookies. Bert asks Ernie if he knows what "before" means, and Ernie demonstrates by saying that before he can have a cookie, he has to open the lid to a cookie jar, and after he closes the lid, he eats the cookie. He demonstrates a few times, until he loses his appetite for dinner.

Nov 11, 1974
Biff directs Sully while he's driving, causing him to back into the mailbox in front of 123 Sesame Street. The crash prompts Maria to come out and see what happened, but Biff is too busy overcomplicating the mess to explain himself to the "little lady". While Biff admits defeat, deciding he needs an extra crew to come in to clean up, Maria has uprighted the mailbox and tells Sully to clear the vehicle away. Biff is left dumbfounded - and without a ride.

Nov 12, 1974
Bob, Susan and Luis fawn over Bob's new canary, Fairbanks, making Big Bird jealous. They remind Big Bird of the things he can do because he's a big bird, like counting to 5, saying the alphabet, and rollerskating. Big Bird reflects on this, singing "He's Smaller Than Me", agreeing that it might be fun having another bird around when he's asked to teach the canary the alphabet and numbers. Muppets Ernie wants to borrow Herbert Birdsfoot's vacuum cleaner, but he worries about how Herbert will respond. Maybe Herbert's taking a bath, and he'll be so angry at Ernie for ...

Nov 13, 1974
Oscar's rock band, the Groovy Grouches, can't make it to rehearsal today, so he shows Susan his replacement players: Shola on trash guitar, John-John on tenor grouchophone, and Laurie on trash can drums. Oscar admits they don't sound great individually, but when they all cooperate and play together - they sound really rotten.

Nov 14, 1974
Big Bird introduces the viewer to Poco Loco, a parrot who repeats everything he says. This nearly ruins his talk on the difference between their sizes. Clay animation: Sam the Snake-and other things that begin with S. The Count counts "The Song of the Count".

Nov 15, 1974
Big Bird believes that The Count is helping him find rhyming words for a poem he's writing, when what the Count is really doing is counting the number of verses.

Nov 18, 1974
Big Bird is reading his "Western Tales" book and thinks it might be fun to have lived life as a cowboy. He begins to imagine what it would be like living in the Old West. In Big Bird's imagination, Sesame Street is rendered as an old west town named "Sesame Gulch." Big Bird makes himself into a bad hombre named "Bad Bird," fastest wing in the West. Two miners (played by Willy and writer Joseph A. Bailey) flee in terror as he moseys over to "Hooper's Canteena." Inside, Bob is the bartender, while Maria and David appear as saloon patrons. They become frightened when Bad...

Nov 19, 1974
The Count has counted nearly everything on Sesame Street today, except for Oscar's trash collection. Instead, he counts the times Oscar says "no" and makes nasty remarks. Cookie Monster sings a rock song about his cookie obsession. Three Ball Film: A red ball follows a rollercoaster-like track through checkpoints (each, a set of three) that are counted in voiceover. At the end, the ball is ground up into a powder.

Nov 20, 1974
The Count has counted nearly everything on Sesame Street today, except for Oscar's trash collection. Instead, he counts the times Oscar says "no" and makes nasty remarks. Cookie Monster sings a rock song about his cookie obsession.

Nov 21, 1974
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews Christopher Columbus before he begins his voyage to discover America. Kermit tries to tell him that the third ship is tied to the dock, but it's too late -- the dock breaks free, and takes Kermit along with the ship. Oscar invites Bob and Maria to fish in his can so he can illustrate heavy and light. Bob gets the light fish, while Maria gets the heavy fish that pulls her into the can.

Nov 22, 1974
While Biff and Sully dig up Sesame Street, Oscar loses his phone service and Susan's water stops running. Just as Biff tells them all will be restored after the work, Susan gets a call from Oscar's grouch hotline on her hose, and water starts spraying out of Oscar's phone. Biff yells down to Sully to check that they didn't get their connections crossed. An ape escapes from the A train and heads over to a birthday party.

Nov 25, 1974
Luis has dumped out all his screws and nails to find just the right ones to fix Bert's radio. He has to drop it off, but dreads having to clean up the mess. The Count offers to help, but finds the sorting rather boring, barely getting anything done by the time Luis gets back. Luis asks him to count the nails and screws, thinking this will pique his interest. He turns his back for a mere moment before finding the Count is now through with the job. Three lines attempt to individually reach the top of the TV screen, but fail. They succeed after they combine all of their ...

Nov 26, 1974
Bob finds a young Muppet girl named Jane, who thinks her name is boring. Bob assembles some friends to show her how many interesting rhymes her name has: David does a few steps and shows off his cane. A kid's baseball shirt has a great big stain.

Nov 27, 1974
Oscar realizes that everybody bothers him because he's a Grouch. Sometimes he wishes he were anybody else but him. He decides to impersonate other people on the Street to avoid being bothered. J family jamboree. Oscar dons a wig and pretends to be Maria. When Gordon asks "Maria" for a favor, he changes into Mr. Hooper. When Gordon asks "Mr. Hooper" for an ice cream sundae, he changes into Gordon. Maria, humoring them both, gives a dirty rag to Gordon, and invites him to Hooper's Store for a pickle sundae, frustrating Oscar.

Nov 28, 1974
Grover the Photographer tries to take a picture of Maria, but David beats him to it. Grover then asks to take Luis's picture. Luis jokingly asks him where his "birdie" is, and explains that "watch the birdie" is an expression that people use when they take pictures. Nevertheless, Grover goes to look for a birdie. L is for Lips. Ernie and Bert sing "La, La, La."

Nov 29, 1974
The Wicked Witch from the Snow White story plans to fool the mirror into saying that she is the fairest -- but she hasn't counted on Kermit hiding behind a curtain. When she sees him, she realizes that he really is pretty good-looking. Nancy the nanny goat nibbles her nails and notices noodles. Oscar is having a Grouch baseball game inside his can, but the umpire just quit, and he needs a new one if his team's going to win. Luis volunteers to be the umpire, but calls three strikes whenever Oscar is up to bat. Oscar's team loses, which is okay, because Grouches like ...

Dec 02, 1974
Maria exits 123 Sesame Street and is shocked to find a large tree potted next to Oscar's trash can. Oscar emerges from the leaves and says it's a perfect addition - it provides him shade, but most importantly keeps his can hidden from sight so no one can bother him. "It's a Lovely Eleven Morning". Artist: Bud Luckey. Oscar takes advantage of his newfound peace to take a nap. However, it's bothered by a Muppet squirrel collecting nuts from the branches. P Words (including parachute and plug). Oscar hangs a "No Squirrels Allowed" sign off the tree. However, now an ...

Dec 03, 1974
Linda sits outside reading. David wants to sit by her and makes sure she's okay with that. He begins blasting his radio and noisily eating chips, knowing she can't hear any of it. Ed Waterstreet and Joe Sarpy of the Little Theatre of the Deaf arrive and ask Linda (in sign) if they can also sit around. They begin signing jokes to each other, which Linda now finds distracting and she leaves. A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I." Ernie and Bert - Bert expects a visit from his identical twin brother Bart. Ernie notes that they're alike in many ways, but their major ...

Dec 04, 1974
Sam the Robot wants to play, but Susan says he can't jump rope, Big Bird says he'll break the rope swing, and Bob tells him he sings like a railroad train. He tells his woes to Oscar the Grouch who tells him to stop focusing on the things he can't do. Bert can't go on a trip with Ernie because his hand has purple paint on it. Ernie puts a mitten on Bert's hand to cover it, but Bert still won't go because he looks silly wearing one mitten. So Ernie completes the outfit with another mitten, a hat, a scarf, and a sled. Ernie then reveals that they are going to the beach.

Dec 05, 1974
Big Bird tries to learn the parts of the body in Spanish from Maria. Donnie Budd sings about three trios of animals who live on a fat lady's lap. Artist: Bud Luckey. Male and female snow people narrate their own construction. Music: Joe Raposo. Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit, Shola, and Fannie count legs and heads.

Dec 06, 1974
To Maria's surprise, Oscar shows her kindness when she hits her finger with a hammer. The Story of Cowboy X, with the voices of Jean Shepherd. Four Song (Song of Four). The great Alphonso and his trained X's. Cookie Monster: Cookie Monster comes to the bakery looking for something delicious that rhymes with BUY. He tries the I (from the MIKE'S BAKERY sign) and the baker's TIE, both of which aren't that delicious. Finally, Guy Smiley comes in and loudly announces that he would like to BUY a PIE. Cookie then knows what he can get in the bakery that rhymes with BUY and ...

Dec 09, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David sings "Subtraction Blues" while Mr. Hooper, Maria and Big Bird subtract his slices of pizza. He drops the last slice on the ground when a kid bumps into him, and tosses the dirty slice into Oscar's can. Z for zebra and zoo. Zip, zoom, zoom, zig, zag, zany, zoo.

Dec 10, 1974
Oscar is expecting a group of Grouches from Cincinnati, and finds himself in desperate need of trash for games. His situation worsens when David and Maria refuse to give him cans and bottles that they're taking to the recycling center. Bob, however, has plenty of trash for Oscar. D-dart. A film insert of kittens playing, with child voiceovers in English and Spanish.

Dec 11, 1974
Bert is admiring his bottle cap collection when he offers to show the viewer his rarest piece: a Watermelon Whip. Upon closer inspection, he finds that the rare item is lost. As he panics, David, Maria, Luis, and the kids rush over from their game of scully - which requires bottlecaps to play - to see what's going on. They offer to help him find the missing collectible, but while some of theirs are similar, none of them is red with a white circle and the letter W. Bert believes all hope to be lost and begins chastizing David for making light of his plight when Big ...

Dec 12, 1974
At Hooper's Store, Biff wants to share a glass of chocolate milk with Sully. To ensure they both get an equal amount, Biff asks Mr. Hooper to draw a line around the middle of glass; Biff claims the top half of the drink as his and the bottom for Sully. Mr. Hooper and Linda try to explain how this might not work, but Biff ignores them and has Sully take the first sip. However, in order for Sully to get to his half, he needs to drink up Biff's, leaving an empty glass. Cartoon- E Imagination Artists: The Hubleys. The Mad Painter #8. Sand E/e. Sesame Street News Flash: In...

Dec 13, 1974
Oscar opens a "Break-It Shop". His first business is the christening of the S.S. Sesame Street Ocean Liner. Maria reads the story of "The King's Nose". Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes displays a G, for "good." She gets kissed by a monster, who says, "Gee, that was good!"

Dec 16, 1974
Luis and Linda are washing windows when the phone rings. Luis asks her to answer it, but then remembers that she's deaf, and climbs down from the ladder to answer it himself, more than once. Not knowing that Luis has to keep going down the ladder every time the phone rings, Linda believes that he's a slow window washer. Grover is carrying the word "HELP", which is very heavy. He asks Marty to help him carry the word. Instead, Marty gives Grover three more "HELP" words to carry.

Dec 17, 1974
Wearing earmuffs and a scarf, Big Bird invites Gordon and the kids to play in a very cold playground. Big Bird asks about what happened in the playground the night before, and what will happen next. An old woman emerges from the pouch of a bouncing kangaroo. She proclaims, "K. Kangaroo!" Joe Raposo sings "Everybody Run."

Dec 17, 1974
Sesame Street News Flash: Don Music tries to write "Mary Had a Little Lamb", but he can't come up with a word that rhymes with "snow". Kermit suggests that Don try another angle, which leads to Don writing the hit song "Mary Had a Bicycle." Don sings the song, with back-up vocals from the Monotones. Luis gives Big Bird a box to put things away, but Big Bird realizes he needs more boxes. David gives him one, then another one. He quizzes Big Bird on what 1 + 1 equals, but Big Bird keeps saying 3, driving David crazy, until Big Bird tells him that he already got a box ...

Dec 19, 1974
Bob greets the viewer, and shows how he can recognize someone's voice without seeing them. Bob takes Big Bird and the kids to a "sound zoo", with animal sounds coming from the empty cages. The first cage has an invisible lion, the second one an elephant, the third is a monkey, and the last one is the bird cage, which Big Bird recognizes instantly. The letter O introduces many words he starts. "There's a Bird On Me" (Joe Raposo).

Dec 20, 1974
Big Bird tries helping the kids get a ball that is stuck on the fire escape of 123 Sesame Street. They try lifting him, and getting a kangaroo to help, but Big Bird is too heavy, and the kangaroo is too far away in Australia. Big Bird then tries scolding the ball, the way his mother does when she wants him to do something, and gives the ball until the count of three to come down from there. While he counts, Susan retrieves the ball from the apartment window and drops it down to the kids making Big Bird think emulating his mother worked. Ernie and Bert - Ernie pretends...

Dec 23, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David is getting ready to send back two boxes of plastic cups, since he ordered paper cups instead. Bob helps him take the boxes out to the curb, but can't stick around to watch the store while David goes to the library, which is closing soon. Instead, David tells Big Bird to watch the store, and runs off to the library. Now alone, Big Bird sees the boxes on the curb and assumes they're deliveries, so he brings them inside the store. I've Got a Mind: Bird Artist: Cliff Roberts. Later, Big Bird has unpacked all the cups and aligned them on the ...

Dec 24, 1974
Maria tells Luis that she's recently applied for a job on her days off from school and is expecting them to call the Fix-It Shop any minute regarding it. Luis assumes it's a babysitting gig or something, when he answers a call from the A.B.C. Construction Company. He's surprised that the call is for Maria, who has been hired as a construction worker. Luis remains surprised, having never heard of a female construction worker before. Maria asserts that women can do anything they want and heads off. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews one of the Three Little Pigs...

Dec 25, 1974
Big Bird is worried that he can't fly like other birds can. David tells him not to worry; he can do things that other birds can't. Big Bird sees an airplane in the sky, and goes off to build one so he can fly. Joe Raposo sings "Flying." Luis sees the makeshift box airplane Big Bird has just built, which has some of its parts in the wrong places. He fixes it so it looks like the diagram, then Big Bird climbs into it - backwards.

Dec 26, 1974
Gordon and Susan confront Oscar the Grouch about playing his trumpet too loudly (and awfully), but he claims they have no right to tell him what to do. Susan admits they can't tell him not to play his trumpet, so they vacate the area. A boy talks about his pet letter Y, named Yetta. Old West: Sinister Sam is looking for the biggest man in the saloon. The frightened customers point him towards Big Barney, who's cowering under the table. When Sam discovers that Barney is the biggest man there, he gives him a hat: "This ol' hat here don't fit me. I thought maybe you ...

Dec 27, 1974
Sesame Street News Flash: Humpty Dumpty has fallen off a wall, and Kermit interviews one of the king's horses. Humpty is put together again, but then Kermit gives him a congratulatory slap on the back, and he falls off the wall again. Sand B/b. To announce B as the letter of the day, Grover points to a bird on his head. Once that's finished, he'd like the bird to leave, but it sticks around. Big Bird asks what's going on, so Grover sings "There's a Bird on Me" in response. The bird finally leaves which actually makes Grover sad. Big Bird hugs him and says he'll always...

Dec 30, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David tells Luis and Maria that he wants to hear Spanish spoken all day today so he can learn the language. He gets confused when they disagree about the Spanish words for blanket and orange, since they both come from different Spanish-speaking regions. Ernie is sad, because it's raining and he can't play baseball. Bert encourages him to imagine that he's playing instead. In Ernie's imagination, he hits a high fly ball that lands in the ocean. Bert tells Ernie that the sun is out, and he can go out and play now. Ernie says that he can't play his ...

Dec 31, 1974
Oscar explains to Luis that he hates his alarm clock, because it wakes him up when he wants to sleep. On the other hand, he loves it, because when it wakes him up in the morning he won't sleep late and feel relaxed and rested. Scanimate Films #10. Lemurs rest on tree branches. Music: Joe Raposo. "The Story of A": A witch tells bored kids a story about the letter A involving an ant's apple getting stolen by an archer. Ernie approaches Bert in a harried manner, talking rapidly. Bert tells him to talk slower so he can understand him. Ernie says, slowly, that Bert's bread...

Jan 01, 1975
Kermit meets Little Miss Muffet, who sits on her water bed, eats crunchy granola, and is not afraid of the spider, who ends up frightening Kermit away. Henson: Eleven Cheer. Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover talk about "AN" words. Herbert demonstrates the words themselves, while Grover provides visual aids. The first word they talk about is RAN. While Herbert talks about how to make the word, Grover keeps running around the scene until he tires himself out.

Jan 02, 1975
Herry Monster enters Hooper's Store and knocks over a stack of cans. As he apologizes, he smashes a tower of drinking glasses. To make up for it, he answers the phone, pulling the cord out of the wall. Mr. Hooper kicks him out; Herry knocks over another tower of cans as he leaves. Bad Bart is looking for Marshal Earp. A man talks about the letter J with a jack-in-the-box, whose lid ends up crushing him.

Jan 03, 1975
Oscar overhears some kids laughing as they pass by; Bob tells him they're on their way to school. Oscar thinks it's silly to go to school when he already knows a lot that he learned from his Uncle Ebenezer Grouch. Oscar opens a Grouch school to pass on his wisdom. "Jazz #2". David and Susan watch as some older kids attend Oscar's Grouch school, where he has them recite the Grouch pledge, teaches the word "yucchy". They sing "I Love Trash". L is for Ladder.

Jan 06, 1975
Sam the Robot invites Maria, Bob, and Luis to his wiring day party. He says it commemorates the first time he was wired up and activated, and he celebrates it every year. The others interpret this as Sam's birthday and decide to make him a cake. Things you can carry. Music: Joe Raposo.

Jan 07, 1975
Scanimate Films #4. Grover watches Mumford practice a trick, making a rabbit come out of his hat. Mumford has trouble getting a rabbit to come out of the hat, and both are oblivious to the fact that Grover is turning into a rabbit.

Jan 08, 1975
At Hooper's Store, Big Bird picks out colors of yarn to knit something for Luis, who fixed his feather duster earlier ("Boy, were my feathers getting dusty!"). He then asks Susan for a pair of knitting needles, and tells Gordon he's making a surprise for Luis. He goes into the construction site, and has an accident while knitting. Uncle Al tells his nephew a story about a dog he had, but gets mixed up with the details. Artist: Marv Newland.

Jan 09, 1975
Luis and Mr. Hooper are startled when they hear a car crash, followed by a jet plane and a train. Those sounds are coming from Oscar, playing them on his tape recorder. The Queen of Six explores her garden. At Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper, Luis and Maria are further bothered by Oscar's loud prerecorded sounds, including an explosion, a drill, and a siren. They all go over to his can and tell him to turn it down, explaining the meaning of "noise pollution". Oscar points them to the nearby street cleaner vehicle, which will drown out all the noises they're hearing. Luis ...

Jan 10, 1975
The Count is looking up as if he's counting something in the sky, but what he's really counting is the people standing and staring at the sky, trying to figure out what he's counting. A horse is drawn as kids guess what it is. A girl narrates a film of her grandpa putting a horseshoe on their horse. Small v - for voom, voice, violin, etc. Artist: The Hubleys. Muppet and Kid Moment - Cookie Monster and Genelle say the alphabet.

Jan 13, 1975
Listen My Brother sings "Children are Beautiful." Fisherman Jones demonstrates in, on and under with the help of a big fishy. A man lifts a rock and finds the word UNDER. David and Maria demonstrate "on" and "under" in the arbor. David goes to get some sandwiches, leaving Maria floating in the air.

Jan 14, 1975
Oscar builds a wall of tin cans so that anyone wanting to walk along the Street will have to go through it, and eventually make a mess of the Street. Maria walks through the wall, but restores it with a reverse-tape edit. Kermit's Lectures: To demonstrate "through", Kermit tries to get Cookie Monster to run through a piece of tissue paper. Instead, Cookie offers other alternatives, ultimately choosing to go around it. He helps Kermit with his demonstration by passing the tissue paper through Kermit.

Jan 15, 1975
Biff shows some kids that it's important to be able to tell the difference between your toolbox and your lunchbox, so you don't take the wrong box when the twelve o'clock whistle blows. A concert pianist shows up in a construction worker's lunchbox, singing the alphabet. Ernie and Bert - Bert says it's Ernie's turn to go to the laundromat. He puts numerous things in the laundry basket, including storybooks, cookies, his boots, and a radio. Before long, the basket has no room for the laundry, so he decides to go play baseball instead. Things that are same and different.

Jan 16, 1975
Luis gathers Big Bird, David, Maria, Gordon, and the kids (including Joey and Shola), as well as visiting friends Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick and Ed Lipton, in a rendition of "No Matter What Your Language" on the steps of 123 Sesame Street. Henson: Eleven Cheer. Kermit the Frog tries to find out what makes people angry, but everyone he encounters is too busy to speak to him, which ultimately causes him to lose his temper and yell at the camera. W for Wilhelmina. Part shout-out.

Jan 17, 1975
Big Bird announces himself to Susan and David in front of Hooper's Store to much fanfare. He introduces a pencil as a modern marvel and offers to draw a picture of Susan. David is skeptical and Susan suggests starting with something easier, like the alphabet. They're surprised and pleased to see that the drawing is actually quite good, and Susan asks if she can have it to show Gordon. Big Bird addresses the camera, "stay tuned to this station for the further adventures of your friend and mine the - [musical fanfare] - pencil!" Ernie and Bert; Ernie imagines what life ...

Jan 20, 1975
The Count tells Maria that he can't find anything new to count, and asks for ideas. She has to go to work, and suggest he try asking Bob or Luis, but he already tried, and they are busy at their jobs. Suddenly he gets an idea: he'll go get a job himself. G For Giggle (voice of Allen Swift). Luis finds Hooper's Store empty, until The Count pops up, dressed as a plumber. Luis points him to a dripping faucet, but he would rather count the drips than fix it. Letter G drawing with kid voice-over. The Count is now a doctor, but rather than examine Bob, he would rather count...

Jan 21, 1975
Oscar has purchased three paintings from the grouch fair by famous artist Pablo Grouch. The paintings each depict a garbage truck, a junk yard, and a wrecked car. Oscar displays outside his can, but Gordon doesn't like that he'll have to see them every day. Bob tries to mediate and concludes that to a Grouch, the art is beautiful, but to people, they're not. Oscar doesn't care what anyone else thinks as long as he likes them. "I in the Sky". cont'd Gordon produces a copy of the Mona Lisa, which he considers a beautiful painting; Oscar disagrees. David tries settling ...

Jan 22, 1975
Big Bird finds Bad Barney up to no good again, seeing he's just tipped over a garbage can. Barney prods the bird, thinking he's never done anything bad before. Big Bird counters that he's been bad before and reluctantly agrees to prove he's not just a goody-two-shoes. The two find Mr. Macintosh's produce cart has been left unattended and Barney wants Big Bird to steal something. Big Bird isn't sure, but constantly being referred to as "a chicken" provokes him into taking a sole zucchini. Barney is impressed, while Big Bird retreats to his nest to hide the stolen ...

Jan 23, 1975
David gets a call from his mother that her pipes have burst and need to be fixed right away. He can't leave Hooper's Store unattended so he asks Susan and Luis to look after things, but they're busy (even Big Bird has to help his cousin Timalina put her nest back together). Cookie Monster has quietly been standing by the whole time and offers to look after the store. David laughs this off because he knows Cookie Monster can't be trusted alone with all the cookies in the store. Nevertheless, Cookie swears "monster's honor" with a brief ritual and David decides to take ...

Jan 24, 1975
At the Fix-it Shop, Big Bird asks Luis what someone would need if they went swimming, then asks how a swimming pool would be built. Luis answers him, and then Big Bird asks for a shovel. Big Bird leaves with the shovel, then comes back moments later, with the shovel looking heavily damaged because he tried to dig a pool in the concrete. Superman demonstrates the letter S and some of the words it stands for. "Sammy the Snake". A girl inflates a balloon in the shape of an S. Joe Raposo sings "Dressed Up."

Jan 27, 1975
Mr. Hooper and Maria assume Big Bird is sick, since he didn't come out to play today and ordered some food to be delivered to his nest. When they get to his nest, they see that he's taking care of a friend's egg while they're away. The egg hatches, and Big Bird realizes he'll have to temporarily be a mommy/daddy bird to the baby bird. Jazz #8. Luis visits Big Bird while he tries to teach the baby bird to talk, which isn't easy because Big Bird says "chirp" and the baby says "cheep". He then tries to feed it some birdseed, but the baby bird only winds up making a mess....

Jan 28, 1975
Bob sings "Like/Dislike" to Worthington. U for uniform. "Nine Song (Song of Nine)". A man (voiced by Jack Dodson) describes places that begin with U and what you can do with the letter U. News anchorman Kermit concludes his news program with a weather report by their new news anchor, Simon Soundman, who does a weather report using sounds for different kinds of weather (wind blowing, a foghorn for fog, and rain and thunder for a rainstorm,). Kermit fires him and calls for another weatherman, who has a more "visual" approach to reporting it. Jazz Alphabet: male ...

Jan 29, 1975
Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Roosevelt Franklin instructs the class in an exercise: "Lean to the left. Lean to the right. Stand up, sit down. (That's alright!)". A man gets a letter C in the mail. In Big Bird's nest area, Mr. Snuffleupagus looks in a mirror and practices getting angry. Big Bird says that's something people don't need to practice, which irritates Snuffy to a point when he's angry. Jazz #10. Cookie Monster sings "C is for Cookie." Next, Snuffy wants to practice looking sad. He asks for Big Bird's help, but Big Bird leaves because he would ...

Jan 30, 1975
Susan sings "Grow". C is for Cowboy. Marshal Grover asks Fred the Wonder Horse why he's walking backwards -- he can only see where he's been, and not where he's going. He also wants to know what happened to Fred's head. Fred explains that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference between front and back. "That is a terrible, mean, cruel thing to say to me, Fred!" Marshal Grover exclaims. "It is true, but..." Fred tells Grover that he's facing backward, and if he turns around, he'll see Fred's head. Grover turns around, and cries: "Oh, Fred. I've missed you. Oh, it's ...

Jan 31, 1975
Big Bird is feeding some cabbages to Mr. Snuffleupagus. He runs out, but Snuffy is still hungry, so Big Bird offers to get some more from his friends around the street. Big Bird finds Gordon and Susan, and asks them for cabbage. They learn it's for the Snuffleupagus and immediately turn him down, saying they can't waste real cabbages on an imaginary friend. The two make it clear to Big Bird that Snuffy isn't real like them; he's imaginary. Big Bird takes their words to heart and goes back to his nest to break the news to Snuffy. He returns to the nest, convinced ...

Feb 03, 1975
Cookie Monster asks Mr. Hooper what a number two is good for. Is it used as a bat, or an instrument, or a puzzle piece, or something to write with? No, it's for counting two of something. But according to Cookie Monster, it's also good to eat. A cartoon man climbs a live-action boy. Ernie and Bert - Ernie thinks that he isn't special. Bert tells Ernie to feel his nose -- "That's an Ernie nose!" -- and then feel his hair, and wiggle his fingers. Bert says that nobody else is just like Ernie. Encouraged, Ernie tells the audience to do the same. Speech Balloon: A for Ape...

Feb 04, 1975
Little Jerry and the Monotones sing "Telephone Rock". The Amazing Mumford makes things appear out of thin air that rhyme. Oscar gets excited about the tricks after seeing a rock and a rag produced, so he gets Mumford to promise that he'll get the rest of the stuff he conjures. The last item is meant to rhyme with "rugs", so Oscar is confused when a kid appears in Maria's arms. But Oscar wanted the product of each trick, so he gets "hugs". Two heads think of F words, ending with "finished." No matter how they're arranged, George the Farmer always has three barrels, ...

Feb 05, 1975
An announcer (Jerry Nelson) introduces "The Number Four Show" starring Big Bird. He opens the show with a musical number, "I Just Adore Four," aided by the Tarnish Brothers. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit is interviewing Cinderella and Prince Charming, who are dancing at the ball. After Cinderella leaves, she leaves one glass slipper behind. The prince wants to find Cinderella...so he can have the other glass slipper. Footage of a coral reef, showcasing the plant life and the fish. Music: Joe Raposo.

Feb 06, 1975
Bob, Gordon, David and Susan show that by looking at yourself in the mirror, you can find a lot of circles, such as the head, the eyes and the mouth. Speech Balloon: J - Jam

Feb 07, 1975
Herry Monster gets a box of bricks as a gift from Susan, Luis and Bob -- just what he wanted. He invites everybody to play with his bricks, and starts tossing the pile of bricks to the cast. Ernie has gone shopping; buying bread for himself, and peanut butter for Bert. They realize that it's dull to eat what they have separately, and they decide to cooperate, so they can each have a peanut butter sandwich.

Feb 10, 1975
David shows the kids how to do "A Very Simple Dance." Comparing a boy's skin to animals' fur, feathers, skin, and other coverings. Music: Joe Raposo. Nancy the nanny goat nibbles her nails and notices noodles. Artist: Tee Collins. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit tries to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs, but five pigs show up. He realizes he's encountered the wrong group of pigs -- one of these pigs went to market, one stayed home, and so on (alluding to the game of "This Little Piggy"). Just as he gets things straight, the Big Bad Wolf shows up and, ...

Feb 11, 1975
The Count enters Hooper's Store, looking for something to count. He counts the sweeps Mr. Hooper makes with a broom, then the glasses he sets on the counter. He then sees a jar and asks Mr. Hooper how many pieces of candy are inside. Mr. Hooper says it's exactly 200, but The Count is skeptical. Mr. Hooper says he can just count plain numbers, but The Count says he needs amounts of something to count, listing the reasons why. A boy gets lost, and encounters a man with a yo-yo, who tells him to remember everything he passed. Artist: Jeff Hale. Bert wants to know why ...

Feb 12, 1975
Herry asks Luis, David and Jay to play with him, but they all refuse because they have something to do. He claims they don't know all the things he can do. The story of an old woman who lived in a nine. Artist: Bud Luckey. Ernie has a collection of Rs in a box. He shows Bert, who says that Ernie will be the laughingstock of Sesame Street if anyone else finds out. Ernie sadly throws away his Rs - and Bert asks to have the box for his J collection. Herry tries to show how strong, rough and tough he is by lifting a 6000-lb. barbell, but nobody pays attention when he's "...

Feb 13, 1975
Here is Your Life: A loaf of bread is profiled. "Poverty T". Big Bird is hurt because Luis, Gordon and Maria won't let him help fix a door hinge. They tell him he's not old enough. A poem filled with T words, including a teacher, toys, Texas, and "turtles with brains". Voice: Bob Arbogast. To prove that he's old enough to do anything, Big Bird wears a gray beard and carries a cane. Luis, Gordon and Maria agree to do something that old people do -- talk. Big Bird gets bored, and goes off with the Kids.

Feb 14, 1975
Pete Seeger, Bob, Maria, David and Big Bird sing "Put Your Finger in the Air." Ernie and Bert; Bert asks Ernie to share a banana with him. Ernie gets the inside of the banana, and gives Bert the peel. Cartoon: La palabra cerrado. A group of Hispanic children pick members for their baseball team. A new kid, Ramon, joins them. Violet climbs a vine with V words. The Villain in the Panama Hat (V).

Feb 17, 1975
Cookie Monster is about to play a game, "Hide and Seek the Cookie". He wears a blindfold and asks Susan to hide a cookie. The Story of Cowboy X, with the voices of Jean Shepherd. Luis sees Cookie Monster playing the game. Cookie says his nose is stuffed up today, so he tries to find the cookie by touch. He mistakes a tricycle wheel for a cookie, but he realizes it's not a cookie when he takes a bite. "Poverty X": A peanut-shaped figure lists the words that the letter "X" can be found in. In the arbor, Cookie Monster is still looking for the cookie. Mr. Hooper tells ...

Feb 18, 1975
Bob sings "It's Easy If You Pretend" to cheer up Big Bird. They are joined by David, Maria, Gordon, Biff and a monster. Two alpine climbers hike up a letter Z and stake a claim on it. Luis looks for the SALIDA in a brick room. A man counts two ears, two eyes, and two arms. He picks up each leg to count two legs, and then falls down. Animation by Cliff Roberts.

Feb 19, 1975
Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: The students recite poems about things they had to practice at. D-dart. Despite having instructions showing him how to do so, Biff has trouble putting together a letter D, so he goes inside the Fix-It Shop to consult with Luis. While he's gone, Big Bird comes by and completes the D, then leaves. When Biff returns, Luis says it's a fine looking D, but Biff knocks it over and can't put it together again. Continuing to struggle with his D, and too proud now to ask for help, Biff resolves to box everything up and work on his D at home...

Feb 20, 1975
Big Bird shows Luis the bird house he made for his cousin Herman Bird to stay in during his visit, but it falls apart because he didn't use anything to hold it together. W for Wilbur. Big Bird returns with some nails, but finds that he can't get them into the wood with his bare hands. Luis sends him away to get a hammer. Donnie Budd counts four lions. Artist: Bud Luckey.

Feb 21, 1975
Big Bird shows Luis the bird house he made for his cousin Herman Bird to stay in during his visit, but it falls apart because he didn't use anything to hold it together. W for Wilbur

Feb 24, 1975
Trying to explain to Big Bird why they like to share a newspaper, Gordon and Susan end up singing "Sharing is Fun". E for Elephant and Elk, the nominees for best E animal. E for Erase. Sesame Street Animal Films: Three dolphins jump together. Cast Surgeons Maria, David, Susan and Luis "operate" on a motorcycle. Two hands make sounds from other sides of a wall.

Feb 25, 1975
Big Bird teaches the viewer about over and through using his front wall. He goes through the front door, but can't find a way to climb over it. He instead tosses a bag of birdseed over the wall, which accidentally knocks the books from David's hands. David goes in to talk about to this, inadvertently helping Big Bird by going through the door, then tripping over his box. Ernie demonstrates the word "through" with the help of Beautiful Day Monster and Bert, who holds a hoop.

Feb 26, 1975
David walks into a fishing line held by Oscar the Grouch who's looking forward to going to the swamp. He sings about his destination, "Swamp Mushy Muddy", with the help of Maurice and Rosemary who provide backup vocals. A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I." Bert says it's Ernie's turn to go to the laundromat. He puts numerous things in the laundry basket, including storybooks, cookies, his boots, and a radio. Before long, the basket has no room for the laundry, so he decides to go play baseball instead.

Feb 27, 1975
Sesame Street News Flash: The Pied Piper has trouble luring mice with his music, but Kermit the Frog lures them by whistling. A kitten is knittin' a kerchief, a kite, and a polka-dot mitten. Big Bird demonstrates short and tall when comparing his height with Maria, Gordon and Luis, but he wants to be the short one because he's tired of being tall. Speech Balloon: K - Key. A warthog runs around. Music: Joe Raposo.

Feb 28, 1975
At Hooper's Store, David is nose-deep in his studying. Oscar orders his usual cup of coffee with mustard and relish, then sees that David is studying. He fears that David will become a lawyer and stop working at Hooper's, the only place where Oscar can drink the worst coffee in the world. David ponders taking his education a step further, then tells Oscar that it takes years to become a lawyer, so he's not going anywhere anytime soon. Muppet and Kid Moment - Grover and John-John count a penny.

Mar 03, 1975
Guy Smiley hosts Here is Your Life, surprising Oak Tree with the story of his life. The guests include Granny Fanny Nesselrode, who planted the tree as an acorn, Cloud and Sun, who gave the tree rain and sunshine, and Marty Table and Sarah Chair, who were made from the tree's friends. Sand O/o. Film Letter O hoist. Music: Joe Raposo,

Mar 04, 1975
With help from Gordon and Bob, Big Bird makes a number 11 by making two stacks of boxes. Henson: Eleven Cheer. A turtle, a bird, and a butterfly demonstrate small, smaller, and smallest. Two Anything Muppet kids argue over a cookie. Cookie Monster arrives and says that the smallest person should get the cookie, and then, as the kids argue over which one is smaller, Cookie Monster shrinks himself. S is for subway, sailboat, sled, scooter, skates, skis, and stop. Artists: The Hubleys.

Mar 05, 1975
Biff and Sully come to Gordon and Susan's apartment to pick up a piano so they can have a hot time in the old lodge hall. Biff goes away to get some help. Music: Joe Raposo. Herry Monster stops by, and offers to help Sully with the piano. He accidentally breaks the saw horse, then realizes he has to carry the piano to the truck. Instead, he carries the truck to the piano, loads it on, then leaves for his knitting class.

Mar 06, 1975
David sees a sign on Oscar's trash can that reads "Sick. Stay Away. Danger." Oscar pops up, with fake spots on his face, claiming he has the "duck pox". Susan and Luis also visit him and ask if he's okay, when he really wants to be left alone. "Poverty U". Some clowns, more clowns. A U train spells the words "unite," "U-turn," "underground," "up," and "universe." Oscar admits that his duck pox is fake; he takes off the circles taped onto his fur. He gives them to The Count who happily counts them.

Mar 07, 1975
In the morning, Oscar is annoyed by the daily hustle-and-bustle he hears from everyone outside. He shouts at them to be quiet, but Maria tells him it gets quieter at night. Oscar gets an idea to make everyone think it's night. Bridge #10 - Bricks Bridge A. Harvey Kneeslapper looks inside a paper bag and laughs and asks his next victim, "Wanna see?" The man says yes, so Harvey puts a letter C on him. Sand C/c. Oscar makes the sound of a night owl, then dresses in pajamas and a nightcap. Mr. Hooper, Luis and Bob tell him it's morning, but he disagrees. He plots his next...

Mar 10, 1975
Susan reprimands Oscar for insulting her guests at the party she had last night. When Oscar tells Susan that he's getting tired of people going in and out of 123 Sesame Street, Susan replies that she's getting tired of him. Oscar then decides to move on. Speech Balloon: Y is for Yo-Yo.

Mar 11, 1975
Big Bird shows Grover the contents of his "Big Book of Birds," though most the simple information is foreign to Grover. He is especially baffled by the image of an egg, as Big Bird tries to explain where they come from and what's inside. Grover doesn't grasp the concept (asking where the door and windows are), so Big Bird shows him a film. A baby chick hatches from an egg. (Music: Joe Raposo).

Mar 12, 1975
Oscar reads from a sheet of paper that he's supposed to start the show by demonstrating quiet and loud for everyone. He doesn't want to do any yucky educational material himself, so he forms a plan to trick others into showing it for him. He pretends to be asleep, forcing David, Maria, and Gordon to be very quiet around him. When he reveals he was faking, they all yell loud at him. "Octopus One-Man Band".

Mar 13, 1975
Herry Monster demonstrates "back" and "front" with three kids. First, he points out that the viewer can see the children's fronts, then (after scaring the kids) they see their backs as they run away. Marshal Grover asks Fred the Wonder Horse why he's walking backwards; he can only see where he's been, and not where he's going. He also wants to know what happened to Fred's head. Fred explains that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference between front and back. "That is a terrible, mean, cruel thing to say to me, Fred!" Marshal Grover exclaims. "It is true, but..." ...

Mar 14, 1975
Herry Monster joins in a game of "Kick the Can"; and he kicks Oscar's trash can while Oscar is inside. "Poverty H". Three of These Kids are jumping rope, but the fourth one is sitting down and reading a book. Herry, inspired by what he just saw, decides to join Big Bird and the kids in jumping rope. He tells Big Bird to jump, but Big Bird gets tangled in the rope when he does. "The King of Eight". What if my best friend were a gorilla?

Mar 17, 1975
Ernie and Bert: Ernie declares that he's "the world's greatest counter of numbers". To prove it, he counts from 1 to 10, but every time Bert interrupts him, Ernie starts over again. This slowly drives Bert crazy. A little man misplaces his J under his hat. Mr. Hooper refuses to serve Oscar some orange juice until he uses the word "please" when ordering. Oscar claims that he never asks other people to do non-grouch things, thus Mr. Hooper shouldn't do the same of Oscar. Mr. Hooper concedes to Oscar's point, but then finds he's run out of orange juice.

Mar 18, 1975
Big Bird teaches words that start with the letter L. When he runs out, he asks Gordon to teach him some more. Gordon has to go to work, but he misses the bus, which makes him late to work. Gordon adds, "Laid off - lining - loss, lament, last meal ..." etc. Two small stripes watch as two circles play with each other. The stripes try to bend themselves into circles, but soon find that they can both cooperate to make one big circle. "The Subway"

Mar 19, 1975
José Feliciano improvises a part of the Sesame Street Theme. Speech Balloon: N - Nail. Ernie and Bert; Bert tells Ernie that if he can clean the messy apartment in fifteen seconds or less, he will give Ernie his dessert, ice cream and cookies.

Mar 20, 1975
Big Bird goes to Hooper's Store for milk and birdseed. When he gets there, there's a line of customers ordering all kinds of things. He asks David how he manages to take all of the orders without writing them down; David tells him that it's his job to remember. Big Bird can't remember what he needs, despite remembering all the orders that Bob, Gordon and Maria placed just now. Today's Secret Drawing: A camel.

Mar 21, 1975
At Hooper's Store, Luis and Gordon insist that Herry Monster eat his breakfast, otherwise he'll get angry and mean, but Herry would rather build something. He becomes so impatient about building something that he gets angry when he sees Luis eating his breakfast slowly. He gets so angry that he throws his bowl of cereal against the wall and storms off. R is for Rooster, Robber, and Rake. Artist: Fred Calvert. The Mad Painter #2. A ragged rabbit, red rooster, and raving rhinoceros participate in the Race for the Roses. Herry admits to us that he does want breakfast, ...

Mar 24, 1975
Mr. Hooper has a plate with cookies, and another plate that's empty. He gives Cookie Monster a bag of cookies, and asks him to make the two plates look the same. Cookie Monster eats the bag of cookies and then eats all the cookies on the plate. Now the two plates look the same. Donnie Budd sings a two-step for pairs of animals. Artist: Bud Luckey. "Doll House". A girl imagines herself as a car that rescues fire victims.

Mar 25, 1975
Gordon sings "A Kid Like You." George the Farmer's ladder gets taller and shorter, as does his box of berries. Kermit's Lectures: Grover helps Kermit demonstrate "long" and "short" by picking up a short ladder. Then Kermit says he'll help Grover bring in a long ladder, but Grover says he'll get it alone. He carries the long ladder past Kermit, who's amazed that Grover can get it all by himself. When the other end of the ladder passes by, Grover is holding that end too. E Imagination. Artists: The Hubleys.

Mar 26, 1975
Mr. Snuffleupagus greets Jay on the street and explains that he was writing the alphabet, but he made a mistake, so he's going to throw his paper away. When he tosses it on the ground, Jay tells him he can't just dispose of it anywhere, it has to go in a trash can. Snuffy realizes what he's done, leaves the trash where it is for now, and leaves to go home and retrieve his trash can. Henson: Eleven Cheer. Snuffy returns with an enormous trash can and asks Jay to pick up the trash for him and throw it away. Jay shoots it in like a basketball and Snuffy awards him two ...

Mar 27, 1975
Maria recruits Oscar the Grouch to teach the concept of here and there. Oscar obliges, militantly barking orders to the viewer. Maria says there's a nicer way to do it, but Oscar grows tired of her standing here near his trash can, and there behind the construction doors of Big Bird's nest. Just as he's complaining about how dull it all is, a second Maria appears next to him, placing her both here and there. Christopher Clumsy jumps over a hole and says that he fooled the viewer. He then walks into a wall. Artist: Cliff Roberts. Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: ...

Mar 28, 1975
Sesame Street News Flash The Wicked Witch from the Snow White story plans to fool the mirror into saying that she is the fairest; but she hasn't counted on Kermit hiding behind a curtain. When she sees him, she realizes that he really is pretty good-looking. Maria plays a rhyming game with Big Bird and the kids in the arbor where she gives them a word and tells them to come back with an object that rhymes with. She starts with knock and the kids bring back a sock, a rock, a clock, and a block. Next she assigns them hair and the kids return with a chair. Big Bird has ...

Mar 31, 1975
David finishes painting a chair, and is about to make a "wet paint" sign, when Sam the Robot offers to do it for him. The first sign he generates is too small, then the next one is too big. David shows Sam the kind of size he wants for his sign, and Sam starts spewing signs all over the place. In Spanish, a man makes everything in the room cerrada, and considers making the basket abierto if only for the guitar band inside.

Apr 01, 1975
Big Bird observes Luis and some kids playing with drums, and suddenly wants to build a drum of his own. Four people cooperate building a table. A disobedient jacket illustrating words that begin with the letter J annoys an off-screen narrator, which reveals two kids named Jenny and Jeff inside of it. Big Bird thinks he has finished building his own drum, when Luis points out that it doesn't have any sides, like a kid's. Big Bird continues working on his drum. The letter J Artists: John and Faith Hubley. A showcase of J words.

Apr 02, 1975
Bob displays a picture with words ending in "IG." The story of Aesop's "The Lion and the Mouse". Cartoon of Hats. P is for Painting. Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Using pictures on the blackboard, Roosevelt Franklin tells the class a story about two little dogs who find a big ol' bone in a doghouse. They try to take the bone, but it turns out that it belongs to a big, mean dog, who chases them away. The moral of the story: "If something's not yours, leave it alone; could be a big ol' dog in the doghouse." "Have you seen my NO?"

Apr 03, 1975
Kermit the Frog, Smart Person, helps Legs Benedict (Bob) remember what to call the body part on the front of his face that helps him smell and breathe. "Jazz #3". Luis is about to close up the Fix-It Shop for a few minutes. He tells Big Bird that he's going to the pet shop to buy a little bird to keep around the store than can sing while he works. Big Bird thinks he can fill that role and Luis permits a tryout. Susan comes in with her broken drill, but Big Bird sings so loudly (singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "ABC-DEF-GHI"), it drowns out their speaking. Muppet ...

Apr 04, 1975
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews one of the Three Little Pigs, the one who built a straw house. The Big Bad Wolf comes to blow it down, but the house is actually strong. Counting 10 to 1. Maria asks the viewer to imagine her as a baseball player, a princess and a baker. G For Giggle (voice of Allen Swift). Ernie and Bert - Ernie can't decide which of the two different shelves he should place a large vase on, so Bert tells him to use his imagination. Ernie imagines the vase falling off the little shelf and Bert kicking him out of the apartment. Then, Ernie ...

Apr 07, 1975
Luis, Susan and the Kids sing "We've All Got to Work Together" while cleaning the street. Oscar doesn't believe they can do it, but they succeed. Oscar even helps by taking a big pile of trash into his can. The Twiddlebugs get a new postage stamp portrait of George Washington, but have trouble getting it to stick to the wall. They finally get it to work, but it is upside down. "Poverty Z": A figure tries to sell a Z. His only customer stops him by locking him inside a zoo cage. Artist: Cliff Roberts. People of all ages ride bicycles. Music: Joe Raposo.

Apr 08, 1975
Here is Your Life: A loaf of bread is profiled. Scanimate Films #10. Rorschach ink blob association with a funky jazz soundtrack. "The Arm". Capital I, he's quite a guy. A kid narrates footage of a termite colony. Speech Balloon: I - ice cream. Bert asks Ernie to share a banana with him. Ernie gets the inside of the banana, and gives Bert the peel. Sand I/i.

Apr 09, 1975
Big Bird and Grover play hide-and-seek. Grover is "it" but he keeps forgetting what number comes next and has to get help from Big Bird, who's trying to hide. He reaches 10 and finds Big Bird right away. Ernie and Bert; Bert expects a visit from his identical twin brother Bart. Ernie notes that they're alike in many ways, but their major difference is that Bart has a sense of humor.

Apr 10, 1975
Bob greets the viewer with some kids, and finds out how old they are. "I'm six years old today!" Artist: Jim Simon. Some kids observe a woman drawing pictures of a building, and eventually guess that she's an architect. Richard Pryor plays all the parts in a scenario of two kids meeting a new kid who wants to play. Ernie asks Bert to keep an eye on his pyramid of blocks. The Count walks by, and counts the blocks, moving them out of the pyramid shape. Then he counts them again, putting them back into the pyramid. Bert yells at the Count for moving Ernie's blocks, so ...

Apr 11, 1975
Loud crashes and bangs are coming from inside Oscar's trash can. Luis and Susan ask what's going on, and Oscar says that he's making something he likes - noise. Two groups of mountain goats try to pass each other on a mountain road. Oscar invents a noise machine; everyone else hates it. Two dots play hide-and-seek amongst different shaped blocks. Marilyn Sokol sings "Pockets" over a montage of different types of pockets. Music: Joe Raposo.

Apr 14, 1975
Big Bird demonstrates the difference between fast and slow with his toy box: first, he dumps the toys on the ground and picks them up one by one (slow). Then, he dumps them out again, and they all go back into the toy box themselves with a reverse-tape edit (fast). What Do You Do With a Pet? Cookie Monster asks Ernie if he has any cookies. Ernie says that he doesn't have any cookies but an apple and he can't give the apple to him because "an apple a day will keep the doctor away." Later Cookie Monster comes disguised as Doctor Monster and gives Ernie a medical checkup...

Apr 15, 1975
David and Luis play two different kinds of music at the same time, starting a music feud. Maria thinks it's a silly fight, but Oscar is delighted. David and Luis apologize to each other and decide to keep their music down, which disappoints Oscar. A magician tries to make six circles disappear. Waiter Grover: Grover serves Mr. Johnson a bowl of chicken soup. Johnson says that he can't eat the soup, and Grover can't guess why. "That settles it," Johnson sighs. "From now on, I'm bringing my lunch to work in a paper sack." He finally explains to Grover that he can't eat ...

Apr 16, 1975
Little Jerry and the Monotones sing "Danger." A horse falls apart into a jigsaw puzzle. Grover and the letter R, which ROLLS, ROCKS, RUNS, and ROCKETS. A wizard turns into R things. George the Farmer demonstrates up/down with two ladders. Herry Monster asks John-John if he knows the difference between up and down. Mr. Hooper, Luis, Maria, David and Bob all throw a small amount of litter on the ground, adding to the street's filth. When a voice (Jerry Nelson) asks "Who made this mess?" each one of them denies that it was them, saying they only dropped a small amount of...

Apr 17, 1975
Maria invites the viewer to imagine with her. We imagine that she's as small as a pair of jacks, and frightened by an enormous kitten which Luis brings. Cat / fat / hat / sat / rat / bat / scat / splat / flat / pat. Voice: Daws Butler. Field of hay (kid voice-overs). Music: Joe Raposo. Light and heavy (ball and seal). John-John wants to count backwards. Grover tells him to count backwards from 10, but he has a little trouble. The letter T is a very useful letter. The Typewriter has an electric train.

Apr 18, 1975
The Count is looking for someone to help him count, but everybody refuses. Luis then suggests that he count up to twenty with a man from India. A guru counts to twenty. The Count counts to twenty himself, then wants to see the film again. A guru counts to twenty. The Count counts to twenty in Spanish himself. A lost man (voiced by Jim Thurman) describes what a city is to a man who turns out to be an alien.

Apr 21, 1975
The Count counts people who say hello: David, Maria, Luis and Big Bird. Magical Herman's Adding Trick. Grover demonstrates near and far. The Harlem Globetrotters briefly demonstrate their basketball stunts. A clown (Dennis Allen) takes off his make-up. Which face do you like better? "That's About the Size of It". Artist: Bud Luckey.

Apr 22, 1975
David gets angry when he's almost hit by a stack of newspapers thrown at his feet by a newspaper deliveryman. The driver of the newspaper truck apologizes to David. The Story of the Crow and the Pitcher. Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: The students recite poems about things they had to practice at. Two groups of mountain goats try to pass each other on a mountain road.

Apr 23, 1975
Mr. Hooper has the day off, but drops by the store to check-in. He sees David has his nose in a book instead of working, which he finds upsetting at first. David explains that he has a big law school exam tonight, so he's studying. Mr. Hooper sees this as important work and permits David to spend the day studying while he takes over (in exchange, David must work on his next day off). Sesame Street News Flash: Don Music tries to write "Mary Had a Little Lamb", but he can't come up with a word that rhymes with "snow". Kermit suggests that Don try another angle, which ...

Apr 24, 1975
Big Bird demonstrates none, some and all as Mr. Hooper is chromakeyed into the shot. Marco had a flower. When it wilted, he called his grandpa and told him exactly what the flower looked like. Grandpa told him to water the flower, and it grew again. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews one of the Three Little Pigs, the one who built a straw house. The Big Bad Wolf comes to blow it down, but the house is actually strong. A dolphin walks backwards on the water. Music: Joe Raposo. In Big Bird's nest area, Mr. Snuffleupagus entertains Big Bird and the kids with ...

Apr 25, 1975
At Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper receives a parcel containing some dolls that he's ordered. The Count slinks in and introduces himself before counting the 10 dolls Mr. Hooper places on the shelf. The Count's thunder and lightning rattles the store, causing everything on the shelf to fall off. The Count relishes another chance to count the dolls once again as Mr. Hooper is forced to put them up again. Scanimate Films #10. A goat discusses the letter "G". A man comes by to also talk about G, but rather than point out that "goat" is a G word, he observes the grass. ...

Apr 28, 1975
Mr. Hooper stops by as Oscar conducts the Grouch Philharmonic Orchestra. Instead of musical instruments, the members of the orchestra make the sounds of an airplane, a train and a fire engine. Kermit explains how a weather calendar works, with Cookie Monster's assistance. Kermit tells Cookie to place them on the right spot on the weather map. After completing the weather map, Cookie decides to produce sounds of the weather. He pours the contents of a watering can for rain, for wind, blew a few blows of air for wind. Kermit asks what sound sunshine makes, Cookie ...

Apr 29, 1975
Harvey Kneeslapper decides to trick Luis and pretend he's talking too quietly. Luis greets Harvey, who asks him to speak a little louder. Luis increases his volume until, on his third try, his greeting is so loud that it gives a tremendous echo, reverberating across the whole neighborhood. Harvey is weirded out. Two small stripes watch as two circles play with each other. The stripes try to bend themselves into circles, but soon find that they can both cooperate to make one big circle.

Apr 30, 1975
Poor Mr. Snuffleupagus can't find anyone to play with him. He gets so lonely and unhappy that he sings a song called "Nobody". "The King of Eight". Joe Raposo sings "Everybody Run." First leaf, last leaf. Ernie and Bert: At the movies, a lady with a tall hat sits in front of Ernie and Bert. She block's Ernie's view, so he asks her if she'd mind taking it off. When she places the hat on the seat next to her, Bert's view is now obstructed.

May 01, 1975
Old West: Sinister Sam is looking for the biggest man in the saloon. The frightened customers point him towards Big Barney, who's cowering under the table. When Sam discovers that Barney is the biggest man there, he gives him a hat: "This ol' hat here don't fit me. I thought maybe you could use it, huh? I'll see you, fellers." Sinister Sam leaves the baffled customers behind. "Now, that's a nice gesture," one says. "He's a little weird, but he's okay after all, isn't he?" Big, bigger, biggest (oxen pulling rocks).

May 02, 1975
"Nelly 1-10 / 10-1": Kids count numbers in a parade, which are interrupted by other participants. Artist: Harvey Kurtzman. Mad Painter #7; Ice Follies: Grover and Cookie Monster get into zany antics as they try to play leap frog. Two kids find different uses for a cooking pot. D is a very useful letter; there are animals, jobs, and hobbies that begin with D. Bob dresses up in baseball gear and pulls out some related items, then asks the kids to guess what game he's playing. After they get the correct answer, Big Bird happens by and guesses that Bob is preparing to ...
Sesame Street Season 6 (1974) is released on Nov 04, 1974 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.