Episodes (130)

Nov 26, 1979
As "Sesame Street" starts its eleventh season, Maria is setting out on a big trip to her native country of Puerto Rico for her twenty-first birthday, and taking Olivia with her. Unbeknownst to her, but not to Olivia, the rest of her friends have secretly followed them to Central America to join the celebration. During the day, they keep recruiting the people they meet to pose as them and make Maria think she's seeing things. They don't ultimately make their presence known until the end of the day, when the party begins. The show is brought to you to today by the ...

Nov 27, 1979
Our Sesame Street friends spend the day in Puerto Rico. Bob and Linda bike to the beach with the kids, Luis fixes a fountain, Olivia learns Spanish while shopping for food, and Big Bird learns about the coqui frog.

Nov 28, 1979
Oscar and Osvaldo are going to go "trashing," but because his push cart is "Grouch-powered," one of them must be responsible for pushing it. They argue over who will push and who will look out for trash, and eventually agree to take turns. Oscar has the sickening realization that they're cooperating and both agree to keep their yaps shut about it. Muppet lettuce, bread, cheese, butter, and ham argue on who an Anything Muppet girl should have for a snack. They all cooperate to make a sandwich.

Nov 29, 1979
Oscar and Osvaldo float on a Grouch raft (still in their trashcans) toward the dock on a nearby island of the coast of Puerto Rico. The two crawl to the edge of the dock and are pleased to find some peace and quiet away from all their happy acquaintances. Suddenly, the whole gang shows up on a boat, arriving on the island for a picnic as Maria used to do in her youth. The Grouches groan and slide off the dock. A scientist adds legs, feet, then knees to his robot and tells it to walk, but it dances out of shot instead (as does the scientist).

Nov 30, 1979
Everyone is setting up for a festival in the town square today. Big Bird offers his services to Luis, who is installing some speakers. Luis suggests Big Bird keep others away while they set up the event. Big Bird calls out loudly for people to steer clear, but because he can't speak the language, he winds up attracting a crowd instead. In rhyme, a man points out animals who stole and/or ruined his clothing.

Dec 03, 1979
Today the cast leaves Puerto Rico and heads back to Sesame Street. They arrive home to freezing weather. Today's sponsors are the letters E and F and the number 7.

Dec 04, 1979
Maria comes outside on a very cold day. Oscar enjoys cold weather like this because it means everyone stays inside and he can be left alone. Car / Film- A Scanimate/live-action hybrid segment in which an off-camera child and Luis name words that begin with H. Muppets- The Amazing Mumford waves his magic wand over a transparent glass cookie jar and makes the jar become full of cookies and then empty (over and over) as an anxious Cookie Monster watches. Maria comes outside on a very cold day. Oscar enjoys cold weather like this because it means everyone stays inside and...

Dec 05, 1979
David can't find the key to open Hooper's Store and becomes very angry. He angrily tells Big Bird to leave him alone. Big Bird begins to cry, thinking David is angry at him. David calms him down and explains the situation. He then sings "I'm Not Angry at You." Afterwards, Big Bird shows David the key he found left in the Hooper's door last night. Cartoon A man slips on his daughter's skate, and she points out that it makes him feel angry. Muppets Ernie and Bert - Ernie wants Bert to pretend to be mad, but Bert says that he can't, because he has nothing to feel angry ...

Dec 06, 1979
Monster in the dark (finding a light switch). Film - Fireworks Alphabet. Cartoon A red man tries to get apples from a tree by himself, while a yellow man builds a ladder. Celebrity- Whitman Mayo recites the alphabet. Cartoon- I for idea. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie decides to set up an apple-selling stand, and has everything he needs, leaving out the apples. Grover sings "I Stand Up Straight and Tall" while using some fast cutting camera trickery. Film George the Farmer demonstrates fast and slow by going back and forth on a fence, and in a rocking chair.

Dec 07, 1979
Oscar pulls up to Sesame Street in the Sloppy Jalopy, with Osvaldo, el Gruñón in the back seat, here for a visit from Puerto Rico. Maria comments, "Ah, friendship," as the two Grouches bicker. Muppets- Biff sings "This Is My J." Cartoon- The 'J' Train with commentary by Daws Butler. Hard Head Henry Harris plays "Headball" at Roosevelt Franklin Stadium, where he must answer this question: where is bread made? Barkley has trouble with an itch on his right ear. Linda scratches it for him.

Dec 10, 1979
Big Bird feels as though there's nothing to do today. David suggests he play "The Alphabet Game" by finding each letter of the alphabet in signs around the area. Big Bird and the viewer do just this, until they struggle finding a letter Z. Luckily, David has a bottle of seltzer on hand. Muppets Cheers: The Anything Muppets cheer for the letter K. (version #1). Cartoon- K for Kite. A film shows parts of a flower. Music: Vivaldi's Concerto for lute, 2 violins and continuo in D Major II - Largo.

Dec 11, 1979
Oscar shows Slimey and his worm girlfriend Clammy how to do some disco dancing. David can't tell the two worms apart. Oscar claims that Slimey is long, while Clammy is short, but then the two shift their sizes. Oscar can still tell them apart another way - Slimey is a much better dancer than Clammy. Muppets - In the woods, a nature-loving baritone (Jim Henson) sings "Ah, For the Joys of the Countryside" about how much he loves the country, without noticing that his surroundings are being converted into a city.

Dec 12, 1979
Oscar, dressed in a turban and armed with a pipe, calls out for people to see him and Slimey perform the Grouch Indian Worm trick. All they need is a shoelace, which Luis provides out of curiosity. As the trick begins, Oscar plays his pipe and the shoelace rises up, then goes stiff. Slimey climbs up the lace, which then vanishes from sight. Slimey re-appears from inside a nearby box, but Luis' shoelace is gone for good - "That, my friend, is the second trick, and it's on you!" Cartoon-Nancy the nanny goat nibbles her nails and notices noodles. Artist: Tee Collins.

Dec 13, 1979
On the roof of 123 Sesame Street, Bob and Jessica see Alphabet Bates parachute down from his airplane. He draws onscreen the letter he was going to write in the sky - the letter O. When his plane circles back, he rises back into the skies. Cartoon- A song about a rolling O. Animation- by John and Faith Hubley. Ernie tries to count his balloons. The balloons are arranged in a circle, so he continues counting around the circle, and counts some of them twice. Grover has a solution -- he pops each of the balloons as he counts them.

Dec 14, 1979
Big Bird notices that his bean bag always drops straight to the ground, never going in any other direction when he lets go. He believes he's onto a scientific discovery and rushes over to Hooper's Store to share his knowledge. He demonstrates what he's just discovered using one of David's plates, which shatters on the ground. Cartoon- Pinball Number Count #5. Film A girl catches a lobster.

Dec 17, 1979
Mr. Macintosh wheels his cart on the block and sings "A Singy Kind of Song." Cartoon- A boy imagines multiple uses for his broom. Muppets- Farley explains things one can do with their mind - he plans on going to the door, he imagines who's knocking at it, he remembers it's not his mother and he hopes there's not a scary monster at the door. Herry Monster surprises him by bursting through the door, frightening Farley away. Herry's sorry Farley ran away; he wanted to play.

Dec 18, 1979
David has made a board to use outside Hooper's Store to advertise the specialty items each day. As he carries it to the store, the "E" in "HOOPER'S LUNCH" falls off, unbeknownst to David. Big Bird finds it and, not knowing the source of it, decides to play with the letter. Cartoon A man saws a letter E through the wall. Film - Two kids help an old Chinese man get his dragon kite in the air. A photographer tries to look for some animals quietly, but they all end up secretly following him.

Dec 19, 1979
David is on the ledge outside Bob's apartment above Hooper's Store. He's caulking the windows to keep in heat and keep out the rain. Maria wants to keep company with him upstairs, so he tosses down Bob's only set of keys...only they land on the store's awning instead. Luis has taken the Fix-It Shop's tallest ladder for a job, so Maria bats at the bottom of the awning with a broom, which only shifts the keys around. Big Bird comes by and assumes Maria is using the broom to tidy up the block. When he learns about the keys, he offers a simple solution - roll down the ...

Dec 20, 1979
Maria introduces Big Bird to a telescope, which amazes him. He aims it toward the park and can spot Mr. Snuffleupagus lying down for a nap. Maria peers through and thinks he's merely a pile of sand (since his face is hidden). Cartoon- Superman demonstrates the letter S and some of the words it stands for. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews Ali Baba, who can't seem to figure out the magic word starting with the letter S to open the door to the cave. When Kermit says goodbye to the viewers, he accidentally blurts out "open Sesame (Street News)," to which the ...

Dec 21, 1979
Bob and Big Bird prepare to make a bookcase together. Big Bird has brought some bandages for the job, citing how clumsy Bob can be. Bob denies this, then accidentally hammers his finger, twice. He manages to hit the nail successfully the next time, then drops the hammer on his foot. Cartoon- A hand makes an ocean landscape, then turns it into a bustling city, which surprises a scuba diver.

Dec 24, 1979
Big Bird wants to show away from by putting distance between himself and Barkley, who would much rather be close to his feathered friend. Muppets- Salesman Harvey Kneeslapper asks Tony if he gets attacked by monsters and run over by crowds. Herry Monster attacks him and a crowd walks all over him, so the answer is yes. Harvey has a simple solution for Tony: AWAY FROM. The next time those things happen to Tony, he can get AWAY FROM them. Cartoon- A bee looks for a flower.

Dec 25, 1979
Big Bird has some items set out - a bench, stool, chair and shopping cart - and asks the kids to find which one doesn't belong. The kids correctly guess the shopping cart. They each sit on the other items, while Big Bird takes the cart to go shopping at Hooper's Store. Cartoon- Can you think of words that rhyme with BALL? (voices of Bob Arbogast and Daws Butler). Muppets- Sherlock Hemlock tries to figure out why there is a mess outside. He speculates that the Twiddlebugs made a mess after a Twiddlebug dance.

Dec 26, 1979
David has trouble getting Barkley to follow any of his commands. Linda has much better luck, though. Muppets Ernie and Bert; Ernie comes up with a way for him to remember to put his basketball away before he goes to sleep: he remembers with his mind, which is in his head; his head is round, and so is the basketball. His plan works the first time, but not when Bert wants to go to sleep. Cartoon- X in EXIT: Animals sing as they exit a building.

Dec 27, 1979
Gordon witnesses Oscar's scientific creation - Charles, a grouch robot. The robot is able to tell Gordon to "get lost," then turn himself into a heap of trash by falling apart. Song- Joe Raposo sings "Frog Struggle Song." Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie purchases a straw hat for Bert, and asks Cookie Monster which box the hat will go in. Three little men climb up the three flower stems. Film- Lemurs rest on tree branches. Music: Joe Raposo.

Dec 28, 1979
Maria frets that because she's been so busy at the Fix-It Shop, she hasn't had time to prepare dinner for Buffy and family, who are coming in on a flight soon. Everyone agrees to help out by bringing different things. Big Bird volunteers to bring his pineapple upside-down cake and wonders where he can buy upside-down eggs, flour - Cartoon- A boy says he has a big surprise in his hand. Muppets Ernie and Bert - Ernie holds a hanky while Bert sneezes and Bert's nose comes off in Ernie's hand. Ernie teases Bert by putting his nose back in the wrong places.

Dec 31, 1979
Buffy leaves Cody in Gordon's care while she runs some errands. He and Cody head over to the yard to do some finger painting; Gordon tells Cody not to be too messy. After Gordon dips his fingers in the paint, a bug buzzes around and lands on parts of his head. He tries to bat it away, getting paint all over himself. Muppets Ernie and Bert - Ernie asks Bert to go play in the park with him. When Bert says no, Ernie wonders if he isn't feeling well and starts to examine him.

Jan 01, 1980
Big Bird makes an interesting discovery - when he stands up, his lap disappears. He asks Buffy why this is and before she can answer, he asks several more questions. Buffy slows him down so she can sing "Questions, Questions" with him. She then tells him he needs to ask one question at a time. He begins pondering what that question should be - Cartoon- P is for Pillow. Muppets Ernie and Bert- Ernie is wearing winter gear, and asks Bert to guess what is in his gloves and hat.

Jan 02, 1980
Olivia takes some action shots of Barkley. Big Bird comes by with his own camera, wishing to be a photographer too someday. Olivia promises he can take some pictures of her when she's through, but Big Bird keeps talking and interrupting the process. Big Bird decides to give up this dream, claiming people would be constantly getting in his way. Cartoon- A photographer shows off his first picture of cows, his next picture of ducks, and his last picture of a pig.

Jan 03, 1980
David feels hungry and makes himself a nice, big sandwich. After he sets it out, Maria comes by and, not realizing it belongs to him, starts snacking on it. David starts making himself a bigger sandwich, which is similarly eaten by Bob. He finally prepares the biggest sandwich of all, when Luis comes in and tells him that Mrs. Williams needs some milk delivered for her baby. As David reluctantly heads out, Luis assures David that he'll finish the sandwich for him. Cartoon- A girl tries on big, bigger, and the biggest shoes. Artist: Bruce Cayard.

Jan 04, 1980
Oscar wants to know what all the commotion is outside. It turns out that Sesame Street is having a street fair and he's told there's nothing he can do to stop the festivities. Oscar starts to hope for some rain. Muppets Ernie and Bert- Ernie answers the telephone. Bert overhears the conversation, which involves a baseball game, a rainy day, and a gorilla stealing a bologna sandwich. When Bert asks who just called, Ernie says it was a wrong number. Cartoon- K is for kitten.

Jan 07, 1980
At night, Grover thinks he hears noises in the dark. When he sees a shadow on the wall, he cowers under the covers - but the shadow turns out to be his Mommy. Cartoon L is for Lips. Film- Some kids observe a woman drawing pictures of a building, and eventually guess that she's an architect. David, Big Bird and the kids identify items used to keep dry with. Cartoon- A man jumps into a poster of Lake Lillian. Maria reads the "Legend of Lord Lester." Lord Lester and his wife, Lady Lulu, love the letter L so much, they send their loyal lackey Louie to fetch things that ...

Jan 08, 1980
Cody becomes David's assistant at Hooper's Store, doing some simple tasks. Cartoon- A rooster finds a purpose in his life when he's given the job to wake everyone on a farm. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Muppets- Ernie wonders what it would be like if everyone was exactly the same, and sees four balls who can't discern each other. Ernie decides to help the balls recognize each other by dressing each of them.

Jan 09, 1980
Big Bird is feeling lonely today and asks some of the grown-ups to hang out, but they're all too busy. He heads back to his nest, as Buffy, David and Olivia all decide to spend some time with him after all. Big Bird appreciates their gesture, but wishes to be on his own as he finishes his drawing. Cartoon The Ringmaster displays 12 fluttering finches. Film - A boy visits the hospital to see his mother's new baby.

Jan 10, 1980
Maria and Olivia join the kids as they watch some girls do some double dutch routines. The two even get in on the act. Cartoon- A man gets a letter C in the mail. Muppets Ernie and Bert- Ernie and Bert play tricks on each other in order to sit in the TV chair, until they realize they both fit in it. Herry tricks Ernie and Bert into leaving their chair so that he can sit in it. Ernie and Bert decide that if the chair can hold two, it can hold three as well, so they cram their way into the chair with Herry. When they realize that they're watching something only Bert ...

Jan 11, 1980
Big Bird and Olivia wait in a long line at Hooper's Store. Big Bird imagines different ways to get served first: he could force his way in, or he could trick the others into going home, or throw a tantrum - but he's just not that kind of bird. When Big Bird finally gets to the front of the line, Mr. Hooper asks what he wants - but he forgets. Cartoon and Film- A cartoon man climbs a live-action boy.

Jan 14, 1980
Bob and Luis put together two halves of a painting of a train tunnel. When they fit the parts together, a train goes through the tunnel and zooms to take up the entire screen, frightening Bob and Luis so much, they take down the tunnel again. Animation- Lollipop and feathers - what goes where? Cartoon- Speech Balloon: C for cat (imposter). Sheldon and Cody brush their teeth after lunch.

Jan 15, 1980
Maria can't remember where she put the book she borrowed from the library. After retracing her steps in her memory, she realizes it's been in her bag all along. Cartoon R is for Rooster, and Robber, and Rake - Artist: Fred Calvert. Film Letter R hoist. Music: Joe Raposo. Bert is preparing to give his nephew Brad a bath, but Ernie chastises him for not providing any bath toys. He brings so many toys that Bert feels there is no longer room for Brad. So as not to waste the water, Ernie hops into the tub.

Jan 16, 1980
Oscar is in the midst of his annual "Spring mess-up." He overhears Buffy talking with Susan about how messy Cody can be at home, so he brings Cody into the can to help out. However, Susan and Buffy don't notice this and wonder where Cody has gone. Film - Two kids help an old Chinese man get his dragon kite in the air.

Jan 17, 1980
Big Bird and Cody visit Hooper's Store, where David is dusting the shelfs. He's saved the hardest parts for last - the top and bottom shelves, which aren't easy to reach for someone his size. Big Bird offers to help and thinks he should take the bottom shelf, while Cody takes the top one. He realizes this won't work and they switch. David rewards them with some beverages. Muppets- Roosevelt Franklin spells his name.

Jan 18, 1980
Capital I, he's quite a guy. Bert can't go on a trip with Ernie because his hand has purple paint on it. Ernie puts a mitten on Bert's hand to cover it, but Bert still won't go because he looks silly wearing one mitten. So Ernie completes the outfit with another mitten, a hat, a scarf, and a sled. Ernie then reveals that they are going to the beach. A boy passes by various signs before reaching the SALIDA. Big Bird narrates as Linda strolls down the block. He blocks out the various sounds she encounters so the viewers can understand what it's like to be deaf. Big Bird...

Jan 21, 1980
Big Bird attaches signs reading "Front" and "Back" to Mr. Snuffleupagus' front and back to help him remember which is which. However, he's unable to see either sign. Big Bird notes that he may not be able to read them, but others will. Cartoon Two men compete to be in front. Muppets - Super Grover: Little Joanie Jenkins can't figure out how to get into her new school. As Super Grover blunders through many solutions, Joanie realizes she can use the door marked "IN" to get inside.

Jan 22, 1980
Maria, Luis, and David set up the arbor for Olivia's surprise birthday party. They run home to change and wrap gifts, while Count von Count volunteers to hang around and put the candles on her cake. When Olivia arrives, she's taken aback by the cake, which has 126 candles on it. Maria asks why the Count put that many candles on the cake, and he replies that was as many as he could before he ran out. Cartoon Gloria talks about 'W'

Jan 23, 1980
Oscar can't stand hearing Maria, David and Bob exchange pleasantries near his trash can. David remarks that Oscar wouldn't be happy unless the whole world was full of Grouches like him. Oscar pictures them all in separate trash cans, all acting equally rotten to each other. Oscar comes to realize that if everyone is as grouchy as he is, then he won't have anyone to be truly grouchy toward. Cartoon- Various renderings of the word DANGER. Artists: The Hubleys.

Jan 24, 1980
Gordon goes down to the basement laundry room of 123 Sesame Street. He thinks Olivia has come to help him, but she's just on her way downtown to develop some photos. Gordon thinks she needs a darkroom closer to home and points out how the basement would make for an ideal space. Cartoon- What if an anteater had the features of a giraffe? Artist: Cliff Roberts. Muppets- Cookie Monster and Ernie: Ernie and Cookie Monster discuss hope. Ernie has something in a brown paper bag, and asks Cookie Monster what he hopes it is. Cookie Monster hopes that it is a cookie. It turns ...

Jan 25, 1980
Biff and Sully get some work done on the block, but feel thirsty. Maria, who is waiting for an important piece of mail to come, suggests they go to Hooper's Store for lemonade. Biff asserts that they can't leave their equipment unsupervised. Biff tries figuring out a solution as to who can stay and watch the tools and wait for the mail. While he does this, the mailperson comes by and gives Maria her mail. Maria must now go open the Fix-It Shop and suggests they ask Susan to help. Susan is also waiting for an important package and starts flip-flopping on a solution.

Jan 28, 1980
Maria walks in on Big Bird as he prepares dinner for Mr. Snuffleupagus, who will be spending the night. He recommends Maria stop by to visit, claiming Snuffy believes she is the one who is imaginary. Cartoon- A vaudeville act of two SAME people (voiced by Daws Butler and Bob Arbogast) ends when one of them falls off the stage. Song- "Llama at Dentist"

Jan 29, 1980
The cast congregates around Oscar's trash can, where Slimey will be performing in concert. Oscar sets out his sheet music and Slimey plays "My Country 'Tis of Thee" on a series of horns. However, he only plays the first few notes of the song, as the other part is on the next page - being a worm, he's unable to flip them. Cartoon Find the camouflaged parrot. Voice: Paul Dooley. Muppets- Bert says his favorite number is Six.

Jan 30, 1980
Bert tells Ernie not to eat cookies in bed, because he might get crumbs in the bed. Ernie decides to eat cookies in Bert's bed instead. Cartoon- Y for yawn. Film - A gazelle runs fast across a plain. Music: Joe Raposo. Maria, Linda and the kids play a game where they act out different actions for the others to guess. Cartoon The Typewriter: Y for Yo-Yo.

Jan 31, 1980
Big Bird sees a flying saucer land in the yard behind the courtyard, and two metal men getting out. The adults just think it's his imagination, but are soon shocked when two droids from Star Wars (C-3PO and R2-D2) quickly shuffle (and roll) by. Cartoon- Different ways to use a string Artist: Paul Fierlinger. Film- A boy imagines seeing everything in slow-motion. Music: Joe Raposo.

Feb 01, 1980
Consonant Sound Limerick: D-Dog. Artist: Jeff Hale. Things you can carry. Music: Joe Raposo. Buffy sings "I'm Gonna Be a Country Girl." After watching the Jazz #8 cartoon, Ernie gets Bert to play a game with him, in which he says, "I one the sandbox," and Bert says, "I two the sandbox," and so on until Bert gets to "I eight the sandbox." "You ate the sandbox? How'd it taste?" Ernie asks. Song- "Rockabye Baby" is sung to a sleepy koala.

Feb 04, 1980
Big Bird plays with Cody, when Buffy points out that the family is heading back to Hawaii today. Big Bird decides to make the most of the time they have and suggests they play fast. The two play a series of games in fast-motion, which ends as Big Bird now proposes they take a fast nap. Cartoon- B is for bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. And Bosco, who is taking a bath.. Song- Joe Raposo sings George Gershwin's "Funny Face."

Feb 05, 1980
Big Bird presides over the meeting of the "Small People of Sesame Street," which mainly consists of the kids (he's a member because of his age, not his height). He shows Susan a list they've made of all the reasons being big is best, when Susan sings about the differences between big people and small people. Big Bird concedes that being small is a good thing and takes a vote to ensure they stay small "for a while." Cartoon- "K" - Kangaroo - A man (voiced by Gary Owens) explains what a kangaroo is, and ends up in the pouch of one.

Feb 06, 1980
Olivia and David hear the sound of a racing car nearby and trace the sound to Oscar's trash can. David peeks inside and sure enough spots Oscar zooming around until he crashes into the refrigerator. Oscar finds his arm really hurts now and the others insist on bringing him to the hospital, which he dreads (since it's so nice and clean). Sesame Street News Flash: With Kermit's help, Don Music manages to rewrite "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" as "Drive, drive, drive your car."

Feb 07, 1980
David comes into Hooper's Store and finds some broken eggshells sitting on the counter. He wonders who could've left them behind, when Sherlock Hemlock arrives to solve the mystery. David finds more clues - a used bus ticket and a baby photo of himself. While Sherlock believes this is the doing of a traveling chicken, David realizes that his grandmother Grace has come for a visit.

Feb 08, 1980
Oscar and the kids sing "Ta da dump" (to the tune of The Lone Ranger theme) for a trick, making others think they're actually going to the dump. They try it on Luis, who points out that tricks can backfire sometimes. Luis takes the kids to play ball, when Oscar now tries pulling the trick on Bruno the Trashman. Bruno picks up Oscar's trash can and starts heading for the dump. Animation- "The King of Eight".

Feb 11, 1980
Ernie and Bert- Lefty the Salesman wants to sell Ernie a painting of a tree, which he says is a picture of four elephants. Ernie doesn't see the four elephants, so Lefty offers to show him the elephants if Ernie will buy the picture for a nickel. Lefty points out the elephants, which are actually spaces in the tree's branches. Ernie shells out for the picture. Ernie wants to pull the same trick on Bert, but Bert notices the elephants right away.

Feb 12, 1980
Big Bird wonders about Luis' strange behavior inside the Fix-It Shop. Luis explains that he's learning to do T'ai Chi and shows Big Bird how it's done. He mentions a class he'll be taking today on it and assures Big Bird that Maria will mind the store while he's gone. She then phones the shop to let Luis know she's come down with the flu and is staying home. Instead of letting Luis cancel his lesson, Big Bird and Bob volunteer to mind the store.

Feb 13, 1980
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit the Frog witnesses how the mailman and salesman knock at the door while the Big Bad Wolf chases Little Red Riding Hood around the bed. Eventually, the Woodsman shows up, and Red and the Wolf chase him for cutting down a maple tree which was their favorite one. The Alphabet Dancers form the letter T.

Feb 14, 1980
C-3PO and R2-D2 land in a space capsule to bring a message to Oscar the Grouch. Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters J and Z and the number 4.

Feb 15, 1980
Big Bird orders a glass of water from David. The glass he's given is too small, so David gives him a bigger glass, then biggest glass in the store. The water turns out to be for Mr. Snuffleupagus. Cartoon The Dog and The Bone. Film - Counting six oryx. Music: Joe Raposo. After a bunch of kids come running by, a girl goes before the man and says it's Saturday. That leaves him to say: "No school."

Feb 18, 1980
"Imagination Rain". Muppets Ernie and Bert- Ernie is planning to go to the library, when he hears on the radio that it might rain. So he gets out his umbrella, and puts on his raincoat, rain hat, and galoshes. Then, in case it floods, he takes a bag of groceries and a life preserver. Finally, he makes Bert go to the library with him, so he won't be stranded in the flood without him.

Feb 19, 1980
Big Bird and Grover clean the Fix-It Shop window, when they notice a conflict: Grover is hanging upside down cleaning the top, while Big Bird is squatting down to clean the bottom. Since Big Bird is taller than Grover, they decide to switch places. Cartoon- An alligator and an elephant chat about how to remember their names. Muppets Ernie and Bert- Ernie makes a mess of the apartment in order to find a note he wrote to Bert.

Feb 20, 1980
Big Bird discovers a hole in his washtub, which means he can't wash his clothes. Maria tells him about the washing machine in the basement of 123 Sesame Street, which Big Bird has never seen before. She takes him down there and shows him the machine. He's certain he knows how to use it and Maria leaves him be. Big Bird tosses in the clothes and begins waiting, despite having not activated the machine - A man assembles the word LOVE, and a bird pecks the O into the shape of a heart. Bert is having trouble getting to sleep. Ernie suggests singing a lullaby to him. He ...

Feb 21, 1980
Bob meets Linda's dog, Snoopy, who understands sign language commands very well. "This dog puts me to shame," Bob remarks. Cartoon A rooster finds a purpose in his life when he's given the job to wake everyone on a farm. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Kids count 18 backflips. Herbert Birdsfoot invents a complicated machine, to test Cookie Monster's problem-solving abilities. Cookie Monster needs to pull the string to raise the glass cover off the plateful of cookies at the other end -- but when he lets go to retrieve the cookies, the cover will fall again. Herbert hears Cookie...

Feb 22, 1980
Bert is reading a book when Ernie startles him by asking if he wants to play checkers. Bert says, "I thought maybe you weren't here!" Ernie starts to search to see if he can find himself. "Egg Chant": A girl skips rope as a boy sits with an egg on his knee. They recite an alphabet poem together. The egg hatches and a dancing lizard emerges. Maria takes a lunch and relaxation break outside the Fix-It Shop. Elsewhere, Olivia needs to ride to a job, but her bike is broken. She sees Maria is relaxing and hesitates asking for help. She eventually does and Maria gladly ...

Feb 25, 1980
Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit the Frog reports from Gepetto's workshop, the home of the world-famous wooden toy Pinocchio. Pinocchio demonstrates how he can make his nose grow longer by telling lies. He tells so many crazy stories that his nose pushes Kermit through the wall. Cartoon- A little girl sings "The Alphabet Song," while continually admonished by an adult in voice-over.

Feb 26, 1980
"Professor" Fred the Wonder Horse tries to teach the kids about body parts, but sticks to parts only horses have. Film - The letter T is a very useful letter. Little Andy doesn't understand why everyone's noses turn pink when he greets them. He comes to realize that he didn't take a bath. Beat the Time with Grover.

Feb 27, 1980
Maria finishes repairing a TV set. She tests it out just in time to see the ending of "The Big Trip," where a contestant dressed as a slice of pizza has just won a trip to Paris. Maria explains to David that the show awards people who show up in amazing costumes. Host Guy Smiley teases tomorrow's program, where the grand prize is an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Hawaii. Big Bird thinks he can get on the show and win the trip for himself and Mr. Snuffleupagus. Maria thinks if she and David go along too, and bring more of their friends, they might have a better ...

Feb 28, 1980
Maria finishes repairing a TV set. She tests it out just in time to see the ending of "The Big Trip," where a contestant dressed as a slice of pizza has just won a trip to Paris. Maria explains to David that the show awards people who show up in amazing costumes. Host Guy Smiley teases tomorrow's program, where the grand prize is an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Hawaii. Big Bird thinks he can get on the show and win the trip for himself and Mr. Snuffleupagus. Maria thinks if she and David go along too, and bring more of their friends, they might have a better ...

Feb 29, 1980
Big Bird is excited because today he is going on a trip to Hawaii, along with Maria, Bob, Olivia, Mr. Hooper, and a most reluctant Oscar. Snuffy had also intended to go, but unfortunately, he misses first the bus and then the plane. The time spent in the airport turns out to be an adventure in itself. First, they have to pass through the metal detector, and Oscar has more metal in his can than anyone can believe. Then, Big Bird chats with the pilot and learns about the workings of a plane. He is surprised to discover that planes and birds have many similar 'body parts...

Mar 03, 1980
After a long flight, the gang finally lands in Hawaii, where they are greeted by Buffy, Sheldon, and Cody, who introduce them to their friends and neighbors (who arrive on an old fashioned fire engine). They also learn about Hawaiian flowers and fruits and what it's like to live in a teepee. Best of all, Snuffy makes it to Hawaii after all, with the help of a helicopter, and Big Bird learns from Buffy's friend, Keola, the legend of Mount Snuffleupagus, which he decides to try to find with Snuffy. Today's sponsors are the letters D and M and the number 2.

Mar 04, 1980
Today in Hawaii, the gang goes canoeing, learns how to count to ten in Hawaiian, listen to Keola play the nose flute, and taste poi for the first time. Meanwhile, Big Bird and Snuffy are on the hunt for Mount Snuffleupagus.

Mar 05, 1980
Big Bird and Snuffy continue their search for Mount Snuffleupagus and learn how to dance the Hawaiian hula. The others play Hawaiian games with the kids. Bob even makes a call home to Linda and says some sweet nothings in Hawaiian.

Mar 06, 1980
Still determined to find Mount Snuffleupagus, Big Bird and Snuffy take some kids along on their journey. They spot "Mount Sleeping Giant", which looks like a giant man sleeping. A goose and gander visit the land of the G's. Artist: Jeff Hale. Kermit tests two blindfolded monsters and asks them which number they're feeling. Herry Monster minus his blindfold describes how he knew the number was a five and in the process breaks the five into pieces. Cookie Monster attempts to feel the number and Kermit tells him that he can't since its broken. Cookie Monster devours the ...

Mar 07, 1980
Big Bird explains to Herb the Horse that everyone is going to have a luau for Cody, who is turning one year old today. Then, he calls his friends to get ready for the big day in Hawaii, but they're still sleeping in the teepee. Then, when his friends get ready for Cody's first birthday party, Big Bird tries to look for Snuffy so he can ask him what he could bring to Cody. When Big Bird arrives back at the party, he thinks he didn't help his friends. Buffy says it's all right.

Mar 10, 1980
The gang sulks in Hooper's Store, wondering where the others could be. Just then, their bus pulls up and they rant about where the travelers were. They notice Oscar's can is back and the two groups share a nice reunion. Oscar can't take all the pleasantries. Cartoon- Tiger likes going to school. And all return from Hawaii.

Mar 11, 1980
Big Bird and the kids practice writing their full names, as they intend to get library cards and need to sign their names on them. Big Bird also makes sure David can sign his own name, since he needs a responsible adult to help him apply for a card. F stands for flower, forest, fox, frog and fantastic.

Mar 12, 1980
The adults discuss some transportation, as Big Bird tries to guess what they're talking about. He thinks they're discussing a noisy, underground worm, but it's actually the subway. He asks if he can join them on the train, as he needs to visit his friend Petula Pigeon downtown. They all head out, with Big Bird commenting that he hopes they avoid that large, noisy worm. A girl shows how good she is at drawing buildings.

Mar 13, 1980
As Mr. Hooper sweeps outside the store, a limousine pulls up on the block. A window rolls down and a man pops out, asking if the store makes old-fashioned egg creams. He is ecstatic to hear Mr. Hooper confirm this and hops right out. As he begins making the egg cream, Mr. Hooper realizes who the man is - famous movie star James Earl Jones. As he begins autographing a paper plate, Big Bird enters and is introduced to Jones, then learns what a movie star is. The voice of "Vader".

Mar 14, 1980
Oscar is heading off on vacation to Chagrin Falls. He's renting out his trash can to a fellow named Osgood Wingate III, who responded to Oscar's newspaper ad. Oscar leaves the key to the can with David as he goes to catch his bus. Soon after, a neatly-dressed Muppet arrives on the scene and asks directions to the apartment he's rented. David and Luis escort him to the trash can and think he's made a mistake. Osgood is a bit discouraged at first, but opens his suitcase and reveals his cleaning supplies. He assures them he'll have the can looking neat in no time.

Mar 17, 1980
C-3PO and R2-D2 of Star Wars fame are back for another visit to Sesame Street. As usual, R2's beeping way of communicating frustrates 3PO. Today's sponsors: the letters U and V and the number 2.

Mar 18, 1980
Big Bird shows Susan his coloring book, but she points out he's colored things incorrectly. Big Bird sings "In My Coloring Book" to explain why he makes things the colors he wants.Sign Sounds: Hand. Grover asks The Amazing Mumford if he could make his carrot disappear, provided that some smoke appears. Mumford performs the trick and Grover is impressed by the puff of smoke, however he fails to notice Mumford chomping on his carrot. When Grover asks Mumford to make the carrot reappear, he replies that he can't because he ate it ("You didn't say anything about magic!").

Mar 19, 1980
In the early moments of the dawn, David sings about the "Magic in the Morning." Do you know what it's like to be scared? Muppets- Western: A cowboy comes to see Adam T. Glaser, who is such a jack-of-all-trades that he forgets what a dentist does.

Nov 28, 1978
Big Bird learns about medical shots as Susan and Dr. Sanchez (Gonzalo Madurga) administer them to the kids of the neighborhood. Billy Jo Jive: The doctor asks Billy and Sunset to get Bad News Barton to his office. They eventually bring Bad News Barton to the office, but the whole thing had been a set-up to get Billy Jo Jive to come to the doctor to get a shot.

Mar 21, 1980
Bob greets Linda, who is doing her morning exercises in the arbor. He asks the kids what they do in the morning, and explains that he does vocal exercises to start his day. Muppets- Ernie plays a game of tag with Bert, who is reading his book.

Mar 24, 1980
A child offers Big Bird a piece of popcorn. He takes it, but decides to save it for later when he's hungry. He realizes he needs to put it in something until then. He places it on the Hooper's Store and asks David for the smallest box he can find. Once David finds it, Big Bird points to the piece of popcorn and David eats it without knowing who it belongs to. A turtle, a bird, and a butterfly demonstrate small, smaller, and smallest.

Mar 25, 1980
Bert complains when a big letter H appears on the TV screen, so Ernie turns off the set, unplugs it, and takes a bunch of H objects out of the TV (including a hat, a house and a hamster). When he plugs it back in, a big letter I appears on the screen. Ernie wants to try fixing the TV again, but Bert tells him not to -- this is a great show.

Mar 26, 1980
At Hooper's Store, David meets Deena, a young monster who wants to play. David is too busy working to partake in any games, but Deena insists on playing. He turns the process of stocking shelves as a game of catch for her. However, she keeps tossing him boxes as he struggles to keep up. Muppets "The Opposite Song"

Mar 27, 1980
Maria wonders why Hooper's Store has been tidied up, with plants and soft music playing. Mr. Hooper admits he's preparing for a visit from his "kid brother" Arnold. Big Bird hears this and rushes off to get his toys, bumping into an older man along the way. The man turns out to be Arnold, who thinks the store could be improved by losing all the plants and such. Big Bird returns with a wagon of playthings and is surprised to find Mr. Hooper's "kid brother" is actually an adult.

Mar 28, 1980
Big Bird, Bob and David watch a ballet performance of Swan Lake on television. Big Bird is very impressed with the way the dancers almost seem like they're flying and is even more amazed that one can get paid to dance. Bob and David inform him that dancing such as that takes years of practice and mention that Marcus goes to ballet classes. Big Bird attempts some leaps and imagines being a great ballet dancer. He finds Marcus and accompanies him to class.

Mar 31, 1980
Oscar gets a call from the Grouch Cab Company requesting him to pick up somebody from the local dump. However, Barkley is asleep in front of the Sloppy Jalopy. Oscar yells at the dog to get him to move, but David informs him that a quieter, gentler tone will get Barkley's attention. Barkley moseys over to David and Oscar takes off, leaving the two in a cloud of exhaust. "The King of Eight"

Apr 01, 1980
Marcia the Measure Maid is measuring the heights of the kids who live on Sesame Street, but only two are available at the moment. Luis asks if she wants to measure Big Bird and Barkley, so Marcia gets close to the ground to await the arrival of a small dog, and an even smaller bird. When they arrive, Marcia faints, overwhelmed at the sight of the pair.

Apr 02, 1980
On their way to Hooper's Store, Gordon and Susan run into Big Bird, who carries a bucket. He's on his way to the nearby construction site to collect some sand. The couple tells this to Mr. Hooper and they all recall similar, beach-related things Big Bird has done lately (trying on a swimsuit, acquiring a beach umbrella, etc.). They look out on the block and discover that Big Bird isn't planning a trip to the beach, but he's made his own beach right on Sesame Street.

Apr 03, 1980
Big Bird grabs his broom to sweep up his nest area, but finds himself pretending his broom is a horse, a fishing pole, an oar, and a tennis racket. He remembers he was going to clean, but is much too tired now. Cartoon A goose and gander visit the land of the G's. Artist: Jeff Hale.

Apr 04, 1980
Big Bird shows in and out by going through various doors. He's unable to re-open the front door to Hooper's Store, so he uses the back door instead. Film- Anne Meara narrates a silent movie of a girl who is stuck IN the quicksand. He, She and It: The IT educates the two on how mirrors work.

Apr 07, 1980
Telly Monster observes a sign hanging on the Fix-It Shop reading, "Closed for Alterations." Telly chides Bob as he tries to go inside, pointing out the sign indicating the shop is closed. Bob explains that he and others are helping Maria and Luis clean out the store. Telly gets a marker and changes the sign to now read "Open for Alterations." Cookie Monster sounds out the word FOOD, then eats it.

Apr 08, 1980
The letter R joins U and N to make the word RUN. Anything Muppets run into the scene and take the letters. Cartoon- A man invites an M to dinner. The M is very appreciative, and makes "Mmmmmm" sounds. It eats all of the food at the table, and winds up eating the screen. Artists: The Hubleys. Film- The celebration of Chinese New Year.

Apr 09, 1980
Telly Monster finds Luis sweeping up the emptied Fix-It Shop in preparation for it to be repainted. Telly wants to help out, but everything he thinks of getting (paint, brushes, rags, ladder, etc.) is already taken care of thanks to Olivia and David. Telly thinks of one thing he can do to contribute - get the painting process started by calling "Ready, set, go!" A photographer tries to look for some animals quietly, but they all end up secretly following him.

Apr 10, 1980
Ernie and Bert - Ernie comes home to a sleeping Bert and tries to think of things to do that won't wake him up. He can't watch TV, and he can't play with his ball. Bored, he decides to take a nap too -- but then he starts to snore. This awakens Bert, who wonders out loud where the noise is coming from, in the process arousing Ernie, who gets mad at being woken up. I hab a cauld ib by dose. Artist: Bruce Cayard.

Apr 11, 1980
Big Bird scopes out the emptied Fix-It Shop. He hears his words repeated back to him, making him think there's an echo. He realizes it's Poco Loco, who gives clues at to where he is hiding (in the sink). He then continues repeating everything Big Bird says. Cartoon- The Fox and the Grapes. In the classic fable, a famished fox can't reach the grapes, and eventually gives up, assuming they're sour anyway.

Apr 14, 1980
Big Bird watches over the Fix-It Shop while Luis is out. Bob and Olivia want to surprise him by building something while he's gone. They settle on making the new counter. Big Bird promises to stay out of the way and keeps his beak shut (physically) so he won't spoil the surprise. Cartoon- A boy says he has a big surprise in his hand.

Apr 15, 1980
Maria has been hired to help with this year's census by collecting the information of Sesame Street. She explains the process to Big Bird, who joins her on her trip to Mr. Hooper's apartment. But first, Big Bird practices his counting by counting all the street residents he can think of. Cartoon O for orange. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Counting 20 boxes Music: Joe Raposo.

Apr 16, 1980
Susan, Maria, Mr. Hooper, and Telly are busy helping Luis get the renovations on the Fix-It Shop done for opening day tomorrow. An Anything Muppet courier arrives to deliver a box for Luis; Telly signs for it and explains that they're all cooperating today. The package contains some tools that the courier asks Telly to look over. The hammer, saw, and wrench all belong, but the lunchbox doesn't - it belongs to the courier. He has trouble getting it open, so he and Telly start to work on it with the tools provided. Two kids find different uses for a cooking pot.

Apr 17, 1980
The renovated Fix-It Shop is opening today and Olivia has a special surprise. During the entire process, she had her camera filming everything. She now plays a reel of the footage she shot showing the evolution from the old store to the new one. Muppets- Grover sings "I Am Proud of Me" while admiring his block tower.

Apr 18, 1980
Oscar has been given a bunch of old signs by Mr. Hooper. He finds one that reads "Se Habla Español." A Muppet woman comes by, sees the sign and starts rapidly speaking Spanish to Oscar. He finally gets a word in edgewise to point out that he doesn't speak Spanish. The woman, who can speak English just as well, claims that since he had the sign, she assumed he spoke Spanish as well. Before Oscar can get rid of the sign, a Muppet man appears and reads it. Oscar makes it clear that he doesn't speak Spanish. The man claims he doesn't either and begins rambling to Oscar in...

Apr 21, 1980
David is about to make a delivery, when Big Bird starts a guessing game involving a hypothetical visit from a family member. It turns out that his grandmother Grace is visiting the street today. Cartoon-S is for snow, Santa, and sleigh. Ernie and Bert - Ernie decides to set up an apple-selling stand, and has everything he needs, leaving out the apples.

Apr 22, 1980
Gordon is about to give Maria a ride on his way to school, when Barkley hops into the VW, rests on the horn and howls along with the noise. Nobody can get him out, until Big Bird asks him nicely. Barkley stops the horn and gets out...but gets back in soon after. A man uses drinking glasses on his eyes and pours water over his seeing glasses. The Alphabet Dancers form the letter V.

Apr 23, 1980
Kermit, doing a "slow-breaking human interest story," asks monsters at a day care center what they want to be when they grow up, and every time they tell him, he rewards them with a cookie. Cookie Monster, posing as a baby ("Cry cry cry, sniffle sniffle sniffle"), claims he wants to be an orthodontist. However, Kermit gets wise to his scheme, and instead rewards him with a wind-up toy bridge of false teeth. Cartoon- Wrong Way Willie, treasurer of his club, has lost the club's funds. Billy Jo Jive and Susie look for where it may be and discover Willie's had it in his ...

Apr 24, 1980
Gordon happens across the Sloppy Jalopy, which Oscar is using for his "Grouch Driving School." His student, Darryl, sits in the backseat as Oscar gives him a lesson on driving - backseat driving that is (complaining to the driver). In stop-motion, assorted furniture places themselves in a classroom. Muppets- Waiter Grover: Grover informs Mr. Johnson that the restaurant is out of a lot of items that are on the menu. The only thing still at the restaurant is milk - but there are no glasses.

Apr 25, 1980
Bob and the kids help Oscar plant some Grouch-weed plants. After putting the seeds in soil (made from trash) and watering them (with a clam juice mixture), the Grouch-weed brings to grow. It grows so tall that it blocks Oscar from view, just what he wants. Cartoon- The great Alphonso and his trained X's. Muppets- Lefty delivers some carrots to his boss, but the boss orders him to get more carrots (in 13 seconds).

Apr 28, 1980
Grover volunteers to assist the Amazing Mumford in his rhyming magic trick, making three things come out of his hat that rhyme with "knee". Grover guesses the first one (key), but doesn't get the last two (ski and tree) right. Film Lemurs rest on tree branches. Music: Joe Raposo. Cartoon- A man demonstrates Spanish words that start with the letter Y.

Apr 29, 1980
Big Bird takes care of Hooper's Store while David runs out. Bob phones the store, not feeling well, and asks for a container of orange juice, a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread to be sent up to his apartment. Big Bird repeats the items, until David interrupts his train of thought. Big Bird takes a few moments to remember the order...only now he's forgotten who it's for. Muppets- An Anything Muppet boy plays hide-and-seek with three letter Zs, who blend into his porch.

Apr 30, 1980
Robert Gottfried, Gordon, Maria and the kids clap along to the theme while sitting on the stoop. Big Bird recognizes Robert as a well-known drummer and wonders where his drums are. He points out one can drum on anything, anywhere. He gets everyone to slap a rhythm on their knees and starts playing things on the street with his drumsticks, until he reaches his drum kit in the arbor. Cartoon- Y is for Yo-Yo.

May 01, 1980
Old West: Sinister Sam comes to the saloon, looking for Doc Holiday. He questions the frightened townspeople, looking for the doctor, but all he can find is a mailman and a fire fighter. Sam says they'd better find the doctor, because he's got an itchy trigger finger. The doctor is found, cowering under a table. The doctor asks what Sam wants with him, and the mean hombre says that his finger is really itchy -- it's driving him crazy. Is it a mosquito bite? Should he use some lotion on it? Doc Holliday faints. Sam shrugs, and joins the other patrons at the bar for ...

May 02, 1980
After being bothered by the kids, Oscar meets Winkle (Mary Wickes), a woman from upstate who claims to be in "the dirt business" and is looking to sell her wares in the big city. Oscar is immediately invested and promises to watch her bag of dirt as she gets more of her stuff to set up shop nearby. Cartoon- Capital letter U for up. Ernie tries to figure out what time it is at night. It's too dark to see the clock, so Ernie has a new solution: he pokes his head out the window and sings some loud, off-key opera ("O SOLE MIO, O SOLE YOU-OH") which causes everyone to wake...

May 05, 1980
Oscar comes up with a game for Gordon and the kids to play, where they act like they're different types of food. Gordon pulls one over on Oscar by pretending to be chewing gum and "sticking" to Oscar when they shake hands. Grover gets under his blanket, pretending that he is on the moon. Cartoon- Once there were two men. Each had his own idea. One man told his thought to the other man, then the other man told his idea to the first man. Now both men knew twice as much.

May 06, 1980
Linda paces back and forth on the block in a huff. Mr. Hooper and Olivia watch, as he explains that Bob was supposed to meet Linda a half hour ago and hasn't shown up yet. Linda signs a rant to them about how angry she is. Bob finally arrives, gleefully carrying some sheet music, and states he was finishing up some important work. Linda lets him have it through sign (going so far as to accuse him of being sexist by suggesting his work as a male is more important than hers as a female). Bob tries to explain himself, but she won't listen. The two fume in silence before ...

May 07, 1980
Luis, Olivia, and David have a surprise birthday party ready for Mr. Hooper. Big Bird promises to keep it a secret, but inadvertently tells Mr. Hooper everything about it. Mr. Hooper resolves to make believe he's surprised when he arrives at the party. Animation- The Queen of Six explores her garden.

May 08, 1980
Big Bird once again has trouble remembering Mr. Hooper's name. He thinks it would be easier if everyone had the same name and imagines a world where everyone shares his name. This quickly become confusing for everyone, unable to tell whose soup is being made or whose mail has been delivered. Big Bird realizes everyone sharing his name would be awful. He does think that if everyone were named "Himmelfarb," things would be easier, claiming no one could forget a name like that.

May 09, 1980
Captain Nasty (Gordon) commands his pirate crew (Olivia, Bob and Mr. Hooper) to bring him not the big or the bigger, but the biggest treasure chest. Cartoon- A triangle wants to play catch with a group of circles, who reject the shape. When their plaything gets trapped under a ridge, the triangle is the only one able to reach it and is permitted to join the game.

May 12, 1980
Big Bird sees the adults all moving various items into the garage. He asks questions about what's going on and learns they're having a garage sale today to raise money to plant new trees in the neighborhood. Big Bird goes off to get some items he could sell as well. Film- Paper-cut triangles fade into live-action shots of triangle-shaped things.

May 13, 1980
Big Bird asks Maria to hold some flowers while he draws a picture. Maria assumes she's being drawn as well, but Big Bird instead describes the features of Mr. Snuffleupagus, whom the final result resembles. Big Bird explains that Snuffy is the one who picked the flowers. Cartoon- Sign language: Morning, noon, night. Grover talks about the letter G, as it slowly grows.

May 14, 1980
Big Bird wakes from his nap and catches a whiff of smoke. He guesses there must be a barbecue in the area, then hears the sounds of a siren. He thinks now some policemen and fireman have been invited to it, but as he keeps listening, he deduces there's been a fire on Sesame Street. Big Bird rushes out to the sidewalk, where the adults watch the firemen put out a fire across the street. Cartoon- "Have you seen my NO?"

May 15, 1980
In their apartment, Gordon and Susan go over a list of chores that they have to do today. They decide that the best way to get through them is to cooperate. As they go through the list, they each negotiate an item - "I'll do this if you do this" - ending with Gordon promising to take out the garbage if Susan - gives him a kiss. Cartoon Men in boxes sound out the word RUN. Muppets- Grover and the letter R, which ROLLS, ROCKS, RUNS, and ROCKETS.

May 16, 1980
At the day care center, Maria and Bob supervise as the kids make drawings. Judy has made a picture of Sesame Street covered in trash, which is a gift for Oscar the Grouch. Cartoon M for Moon. Artist: Jeff Hale. Muppets- Grover watches as Ernie loads various things into a machine that start with M and N. The machine then displays the letter it begins with. Since Grover is a monster, he decides to go in the machine, causing a mess.

May 19, 1980
David and his grandmother Grace surprise Mr. Hooper at the store. Mr. Hooper has a problem - the person originally in charge of bringing sandwiches to the Day Care Center had to cancel and Mr. Hooper agreed to fill in. He doesn't think he can make all those sandwiches in the short amount of time and tells the others that the day care can't cancel the event and no other store around can help him. As David and Mr. Hooper converse about finding help, Grace reveals she's already made several sandwiches by herself. "Imagination V" -- A surreal segment involving the Venus ...

May 20, 1980
Big Bird mopes on the stoop with nothing to do, so Maria encourages him to play using his imagination. Joined by Barkley, Big Bird imagines riding his horse, Shane, and encounters desert winds, a rattlesnake, a thunder storm and wolves. They seek shelter in a cave (the stoop), where Maria encounters them and asks why Big Bird hasn't tried playing anything yet. Cartoon- An anthropomorphic cloud blows a wild wind disturbing some farm animals.

May 21, 1980
Big Bird brings the mail into Hooper's Store and Mr. Hooper proceeds to read a postcard from his friend Harry who's vacationing at the beach. Big Bird encourages Mr. Hooper to imagine himself on a beach since he can't really go and leave the store alone. They imagine themselves together on a bland beach, until Big Bird talks him through adding more and more. Susan's voice is heard asking for Mr. Hooper, pulling Big Bird back to reality. He explains that Mr. Hooper's taking a nap on the beach, and that he'd better hurry and imagine himself back so he can conjure up ...

May 22, 1980
Big Bird introduces Linda, who will show how to sign the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Big Bird doesn't grasp that simply holding up the number of fingers per value is the sign language way of showing them. "Well, what do you know...it's as easy as 1, 2, 3!" Cartoon- A penguin repeats the rhythms of the sounds it hears, which include a drum, a door knock, a saw and a typewriter. Artists: The Hubleys. Muppets- Super Grover: Judy Finstermacher has broken her bag of groceries, and Super Grover tries to find a way for her to get the groceries to her home.

May 23, 1980
Ernie and Bert - While Ernie looks after Hooper's Store, Bert asks him for something to drink. Ernie starts out with a glass of unflavored soda water, tastes it, and decides it's too dull for his ol' buddy Bert. To Bert's dismay, Ernie then adds some strawberry syrup to the soda water, then a scoop of ice cream, and finally, some whipped cream. Now it's an ice cream soda, which Bert doesn't want - but Ernie does.
Sesame Street Season 11 (1979) is released on Nov 26, 1979 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.