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Episodes (130)

Nov 13, 1972
A fun week of sketches and songs: lessons on subtraction, the wind and acorns; Big Bird learns how to wash his face; and a concert by Jerry and the Monotones, the Muppet rock group. Also: stories show that "big and rich" doesn't necessarily mean "better or smarter."

Nov 14, 1972
Big Bird dons a policeman's uniform and declares he's going to pretend to be a member of the law enforcement, but he doesn't know what police officers actually do. He asks David, who tells him police often arrest people for such crimes as stealing. He tries to arrest Maria when he sees her removing a bag from the Hooper's Store counter, but Mr. Hooper confirms the bag belongs to her - it's her groceries.

Nov 15, 1972
Gordon greets the viewer by waving four of his hands. Big Bird is amazed by this, not realizing Gordon has help from a young child behind him.

Nov 16, 1972
Big Bird approaches Susan playing in the arbor with some kids. He says he has a neat trick which involves counting from 1 to 10 forward and backward. First, he counts to 10, then turns his back, and counts to 10 again. He's impressed by his joke, but Susan challenges him to count down from 10 to 1 and leads the viewer for the count.

Nov 17, 1972
Susan helps Big Bird find the bus stop on the block. He reads the sign to make sure it's correct, which causes him to miss his bus. Cartoon-The word BUS

Nov 20, 1972
Oscar adopts a pet skunk.

Nov 21, 1972
Susan helps Big Bird find the bus stop on the block. He reads the sign to make sure it's correct, which causes him to miss his bus. Cartoon-The word BUS

Nov 22, 1972
Mr. Snuffleupagus greets the viewer, and "telestrates" the letter O with his snuffle. Cartoon-A cowboy tries to lasso a rolling letter O. Bill Cosby plays twins who recite the alphabet together.

Nov 23, 1972
Big Bird greets the viewer, and shows the difference between big and little, comparing his size to that of a kid. He notices that Gordon is bigger than the kid, but smaller than him. Just then, a giant (David) emerges, asking Big Bird for directions to the nearest beanstalk.

Nov 24, 1972
Mr. Snuffleupagus greets Jay on the street and explains that he was writing the alphabet, but he made a mistake, so he's going to throw his paper away. When he tosses it on the ground, Jay tells him he can't just dispose of it anywhere, it has to go in a trash can. Snuffy realizes what he's done, leaves the trash where it is for now, and leaves to go home and retrieve his trash can.

Nov 27, 1972
David, Bob, Maria and Susan try to stack and count 12 cartons, but Big Bird knocks them over while looking for Alphabet Bates. They stack the boxes again, but Big Bird knocks them over again while looking up. They all decide to take a rest.

Nov 28, 1972
David and some kids demonstrate first and last by getting in a line. Muppets Two brothers, First and Last, sing about how their names affect how they do things.

Nov 29, 1972
Maria recruits Oscar the Grouch to teach the concept of here and there. Oscar obliges, militantly barking orders to the viewer. Maria says there's a nicer way to do it, but Oscar grows tired of her standing here near his trash can, and there behind the construction doors of Big Bird's nest. Just as he's complaining about how dull it all is, a second Maria appears next to him, placing her both here and there.

Nov 30, 1972
Oscar is constantly bothered by people tapping on his trash can. Susan suggests he find a home that isn't made of metal. Cartoon-Donnie Budd counts four lions. Artist: Bud Luckey

Dec 01, 1972
Gordon appears on Sesame Street (wearing blue against a chroma key background) with parts of his body missing. He talks to the audience as each body part returns (removing blue sleeves and leggings).

Dec 04, 1972
Bob greets the viewer, and thinks he hears the sound of the milkshake machine inside Hooper's Store. He goes in and asks David for a milkshake, and David jokingly gives him a glass of wood shavings from the board he was drilling.

Dec 05, 1972
David finishes painting a chair, and is about to make a "wet paint" sign, when Sam the Robot offers to do it for him. The first sign he generates is too small, then the next one is too big. David shows Sam the kind of size he wants for his sign, and Sam starts spewing signs all over the place.

Dec 06, 1972
Big Bird observes Luis and some kids playing with drums, and suddenly wants to build a drum of his own. Cartoon: "The J Commercial:" Two boys scrutinize a J, saying it looks like a fish-hook. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter J. This leads to a jazzy story about Joe. Moral: "Don't jive a judge by jamming a junebug."

Dec 07, 1972
Susan, Bob, Luis and Big Bird greet the viewer, then they all watch a parade of all the letters of the alphabet.

Dec 08, 1972
Luis is cleaning three mud spots off the front window of the Fix-It Shop which he suspects were left from a car driving by. He asks the viewer if he cleans one off, how many will be left. He cleans off each spot, subtracting as he goes, until all the spots are gone.

Dec 11, 1972
Bob displays a picture with words ending in "IG." Muppets-"The IG Family Song". Cartoon-Speech Balloon: P - pin. Film: Footage of a city neighborhood; includes shots of a sno-cone vendor.

Dec 12, 1972
Big Bird encounters Mr. MacIntosh's produce cart, which is unattended. He tries to clear it so he'll be able to ride on it but ends up making a mess of apples. He decides to sneak away from Sesame Street, but then the kids help pick up all the apples. Cartoon- "I in the Sky". The kids finish putting the apples back on the cart. Big Bird disguises himself and sneaks away, but Maria catches up to him. He confesses what he did, and Maria tells him to go apologize to Mr. MacIntosh and put the apples back on the cart. To Big Bird's surprise, the apples are already on the ...

Dec 13, 1972
David greets the viewer, and gives a lesson in subtraction using his feet.

Dec 14, 1972
Gordon and the kids imagine threes of different things they don't usually count on the street. Oscar can't stand hearing their discussion, but unwittingly does three of something - put out his "DO NOT DISTURB" sign, put on his earmuffs and go inside his can.

Dec 15, 1972
Maria greets the viewer, and hears Oscar throwing trash out of his trash can, which puts him in a musical mood. He sings "I Love Trash", and Maria begins putting the trash back into his can.

Dec 18, 1972
Luis, Susan and the Kids sing "We've All Got to Work Together" while cleaning the street. Oscar doesn't believe they can do it, but they succeed. Oscar even helps by taking a big pile of trash into his can.

Dec 19, 1972
Maria greets the viewer, while quietly reading a book. Oscar, meanwhile, practices for a yelling contest, which bothers Maria. She repeatedly tells him to stop, and Oscar is impressed with her loud yelling.

Dec 20, 1972
At Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper climbs up and down the ladder to get balloons off the top shelf for customers. Muppets-Bert sings the club song for The National Association of W Lovers.

Dec 21, 1972
Maria shows the viewer what the Sesame Street sign looks like without its E's. Cartoon-A man saws a letter E through the wall.

Dec 22, 1972
Gordon demonstrates up and down by showing how Oscar lifts his trash can lid whenever he comes up and goes down.

Dec 25, 1972
Susan explains to Luis, in his first day on the job, how to stack and count sacks that come off an assembly line.

Dec 26, 1972
Big Bird and Grover play hide-and-seek. Grover is "it" but he keeps forgetting what number comes next and has to get help from Big Bird, who's trying to hide. He reaches 10 and finds Big Bird right away.

Dec 27, 1972
Luis finishes fixing a mirror frame, and invites some kids to look into the mirror and make different faces. Luis's reflection, however, has a mind of its own.

Dec 28, 1972
At Hooper's Store, Big Bird tells David that he's been practicing adding and subtracting. A new kid in the neighborhood, Alex (nickname "Smart Alex") approaches and asks for an orange. Big Bird tries to solve the subtraction problem, but Alex beats him to it. Big Bird worries that David might like "Smart Alex" better than him.

Dec 29, 1972
Bob welcomes the viewer to Sesame Street, pointing out how nice it is to be together with friends. Listen My Brother sings "Togetherness Song."

Jan 01, 1973
Susan engages Big Bird, John-John, and Shola in a guessing game on the steps of 123 Sesame Street. Matching items to the words they rhyme with, Susan says the last item in the box rhymes with "big". Big Bird asks if it could be a pig.

Jan 02, 1973
Bob greets the viewer while pushing Debo on the tire swing. He asks the other kids around if they have any older or younger siblings, then gauges how old each of them are (as well as the viewers). He then imagines what it was like when he turned six years old.

Jan 03, 1973
Outside the Fix-it Shop, Luis welcomes the viewer while putting tacks into a coffee can. He leaves for the bank, and Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus find the coffee can. Snuffy thinks it's a perfect thing to keep his crayons in, but he accidentally knocks it over. Big Bird gets the idea to find Luis and tell him the truth about the accident.

Jan 04, 1973
Maria paints shapes on a plexiglass screen - a square, a triangle and a rectangle - then obscures the entire screen. Cartoon-B is for bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. And Bosco, who is taking a bath.

Jan 05, 1973
Big Bird encounters his friends collecting empty bottles to be recycled, and offers to help out. Cartoon-A man creates an avalanche on the letter A. Artist: Cliff Roberts

Jan 08, 1973
Big Bird demonstrates the difference between fast and slow with his toy box: first, he dumps the toys on the ground and picks them up one by one (slow). Then, he dumps them out again, and they all go back into the toy box themselves with a reverse-tape edit (fast).

Jan 09, 1973
While some kids play softball in the arbor, Maria introduces the letter H. She joins in the game, and points out the words "hit" and "home run".

Jan 10, 1973
Luis saws a wood plank into 6 pieces as kids count them. He then puts the plank back together with a reverse-tape edit, as the kids count backwards.

Jan 11, 1973
Big Bird greets the viewer, wheeling a giant styrofoam L. He gives it back to Gordon, then notices his dolly cart also looks like an L.

Jan 12, 1973
Loud crashes and bangs are coming from inside Oscar's trash can. Luis and Susan ask what's going on, and Oscar says that he's making something he likes - noise.

Jan 15, 1973
Luis plays a "what happens next" game with some kids: he shows them some out-of-order picture sequences and has them arrange them correctly. He introduces Batman.

Jan 16, 1973
Bob, Maria, and the kids observe their cold weather clothing as Big Bird joins them. He's been sent a package of winter clothes from his Granny Bird, but he's wearing each item incorrectly. Everyone helps him to dress properly.

Jan 17, 1973
Everyone steps out into the morning snow, but they're not quite ready. With the blink of an eye, each of them gets equipped with the gear they need for the weather.

Jan 18, 1973
David demonstrates "next to". Muppets-Little Bird explains "next to". Then Cookie Monster cuddles up next to Little Bird.

Jan 19, 1973
At the Fix-it Shop, Luis welcomes the viewer, and explains the importance of adding spaces between words by displaying a "SESAMESTREET" sign. Cartoon-Violet climbs a vine with V words.

Jan 22, 1973
Oscar the Grouch is positioned behind his trash can with four snowballs to demonstrate subtraction. As Gordon, Susan, and Bob walk by, he tosses a snowball at them, subtracting one each time. The final snowball is for the viewer, but he misses.

Jan 23, 1973
On another snowy day, Big Bird leads David into Hooper's Store because he made a present for him. Inside, they find a wagon filled with water, a scarf, some cork pieces and a carrot. Big Bird says he made a snowman, and imagines that the snowman escaped. David explains how snowmen are made of ice, which ice melts indoors.

Jan 24, 1973
On another snowy day, Gordon is about to brush the snow off the 123 Sesame Street basement railing, when The Count shows up, looking for something to count. Gordon says he can count the number of times it takes him to brush off the snow.

Jan 25, 1973
Gordon plays a rhyming game with Big Bird and the kids. Gordon tells them to do something that rhymes with "mop", and the kids start to hop. Big Bird does something that rhymes with "cheer": disappear.

Jan 26, 1973
Bob has another encounter with salesman Samuel Snively, who is peddling bermuda shorts, swim flippers and suntan lotion. Bob points out that it's the middle of winter and he has no need for these products. Samuel asks Bob to keep this information on the down low as he tries to sell them to Big Bird.

Jan 29, 1973
Big Bird can't find his gloves and resolves to buy a new set, only he doesn't know how many he needs. Luis points out that since he has two hands, he'll need two gloves. Big Bird repeats this on the way to Hooper's Store, but ultimately forgets. Inside, Susan reveals he forgot his gloves at her apartment and presents them to him.

Jan 30, 1973
Gordon and two kids count three snowballs, arranging them in different ways. Cartoon-Donnie Budd sings about three trios of animals who live on a fat lady's lap. Artist: Bud Luckey

Jan 31, 1973
In the morning, Big Bird wakes up and notices he's the first one up; everyone else is still asleep. He wants to practice his drum, then wants to build a birdhouse, but he imagines the kind of reaction he'd get if he wakes people up with such loud activities. Instead, he decides to go back to sleep.

Feb 01, 1973
David sings "What Can I Do?" with the kids. Cartoon-Marvelous Martha knows many words that start with the letter "M".

Feb 02, 1973
David sings "What Can I Do?" with the kids. Cartoon-Marvelous Martha knows many words that start with the letter "M".

Feb 05, 1973
Maria has the kids (and Oscar) point out the things she's wearing that start with S: her sweater, scarf, skirt, shoes, and socks. Oscar throws a snowball at her. Cartoon: Speech Balloon: S - Snake: A snake charmer irritates the snake.

Feb 06, 1973
Bob greets the viewer, as his head moves up and down out of the shot. What's he doing? - Jumping rope.

Feb 07, 1973
David welcomes the viewer, and tries to display the word UP, but the word keeps rising up. Cartoon-A boy needs a letter U to complete the word UP.

Feb 08, 1973
Big Bird demonstrates front and back with aid from a kid on a bicycle (and tape edits). Muppets Grover the Elevator Operator demonstrates front and back by telling the passengers on his elevator where to stand.

Feb 09, 1973
Big Bird finds Bob taking a photo of Gordon and Susan. He suggests Big Bird get in the picture as well, but he struggles getting behind them. When he finally does, he faces the wrong way. He suggests Bob get in the picture instead while he takes the struggling to get behind the camera. Film African children play in a village, and in a modern playground.

Feb 12, 1973
Everyone on Sesame Street tries to teach Cookie Monster how to whistle.

Feb 13, 1973
Oscar witnesses Gordon and Susan being affectionate with one another. They explain what love is. Cartoon A man displays the capital and lowercase A, and explains what an alligator is.

Feb 14, 1973
Big Bird spots a sign on the construction doors in front of his nest that he has trouble reading, so he calls Maria over for some help, who comes over with Linda. Maria reads it out, "Little Theatre of the Deaf Coming to Sesame Street," and asks Big Bird if he remembers Linda, who can't hear. They're then met by David, a performer with the troupe who explains that all of their members are deaf and speak with their hands, except for him. He introduces Ed, Tim, and Julianna. Big Bird says that he's really pleased to meet them.

Feb 15, 1973
Mr. Hooper, Gordon and Kate follow a long clothesline which stretches from Hooper's Store to Big Bird's nest area. Big Bird claims it's his "new invention" which allows him to place orders from Hooper's without leaving his nest. They inform him that he could just use the telephone, but Big Bird vows to invent something else.

Feb 16, 1973
Big Bird attempts to take a box from a pile, but despite Bob's warning, he gets the box from the bottom of the pile, causing the others to fall over. With the help of a reverse-tape edit, Big Bird corrects his mistake. Cartoon-"The J Commercial:" Two boys scrutinize a J, saying it looks like a fish-hook. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter J. This leads to a jazzy story about Joe. Moral: "Don't jive a judge by jamming a junebug."

Feb 19, 1973
David and Luis play two different kinds of music at the same time, starting a music feud. Maria thinks it's a silly fight, but Oscar is delighted. David and Luis apologize to each other and decide to keep their music down, which disappoints Oscar.

Feb 20, 1973
Susan greets the viewer and introduces the letter N. Luis has a newspaper, and David has a napkin. Oscar replies "no", "never" and "nuts".

Feb 21, 1973
Susan is in the kitchen, preparing for a dinner visit from Oscar and Kate. The Count appears, looking for something to count. Susan lets him count the eggs as she cracks them for a cake she'll be baking.

Feb 22, 1973
Gordon watches Big Bird rapidly show off some R words - run, race and rush (which he does while imitating the Road Runner), carrying a sign with each word. He finally brings in a stool, which Gordon notices is not an R word - it's for Big Bird to Rest on. Muppets: Ernie and Lefty the Salesman have an argument over the letters "R" and "P."

Feb 23, 1973
Maria invites the viewer to imagine with her. We imagine that she's as small as a pair of jacks, and frightened by an enormous kitten which Luis brings. Cartoon-I Thought a Thought - about small things. A man thinks about small things, and lists them. A sea monster thinks it is small, especially when compared to its father.

Feb 26, 1973
Big Bird watches as David balances a (matted) triangle on his finger, showing that it has three sides and three corners. Film: Footage of a city neighborhood; includes shots of a sno-cone vendor. Singer: "¡Linda paloma!"

Feb 27, 1973
The Count counts people who say hello: David, Maria, Luis and Big Bird. Muppets- Old West: Sinister Sam comes to the saloon, looking for Doc Holiday. He questions the frightened townspeople, looking for the doctor, but all he can find is a mailman and a fire fighter. Sam says they'd better find the doctor, because he's got an itchy trigger finger. The doctor is found, cowering under a table. The doctor asks what Sam wants with him, and the mean hombre says that his finger is really itchy -- it's driving him crazy. Is it a mosquito bite? Should he use some lotion on it...

Feb 28, 1973
At Hooper's Store, everyone goes about their business. David turns on both the radio and the electric griddle, and they suddenly lose electricity. While Luis fetches a fuse from the Fix-it Shop, Kate recalls what it was like when she was young and visited her grandparents on the farm, and how they got by just fine without electricity. She tells them to wait for her in the store while she goes home to get a few things.

Mar 01, 1973
It's Cookie Monster's birthday today, and his adult friends get together to get him a big humongous birthday cookie. Oscar even gives him a few extra ones he was using as bookends. Today's sponsors are the letters D and Z and the number 3.

Mar 02, 1973
Big Bird demonstrates none, some and all as Mr. Hooper is chromakeyed into the shot. Cartoon-A worm declares that the word "worm" is the only important word that begins with "W". A walrus retaliates by dumping a bucket of water on it.

Mar 05, 1973
Maria comes out of 123 Sesame Street carrying a paper bag of trash, but the bag rips apart, so Maria goes back inside to get a broom. Oscar delights in seeing the trash on the steps, and decides to add to it with one of his own tin cans. David catches Oscar red-handed, and scolds him for littering the steps. Oscar says Maria did it, not him, but David doesn't believe him. Finally, Maria comes outside with a broom and explains to David what happened. David apologizes to Oscar and offers to make it up to him; Oscar wants to see him get angry again.

Mar 06, 1973
The camera pans in on Ella Mitchell, sitting along in front of 123 Sesame Street. As she sings "Oh, Brother", everyone in the neighborhood gathers to hear her sing (including Bob, Maria, David, Brynne, Shola, John-John, and the kids). She asks her audience to help her spell the words "Justice" and "Freedom". She closes the song by leading the group dancing down the street.

Mar 07, 1973
Gordon sees that Big Bird is holding Mr. Hooper's vase in his beak, and is reaching over the doors to drop it. Gordon thinks the vase will break if Big Bird drops it, but he's relieved when it lands in Mr. Hooper's hands. Cartoon: I-Ink (angry bird)

Mar 08, 1973
David gets angry when he's almost hit by a stack of newspapers thrown at his feet by a newspaper deliveryman. The driver of the newspaper truck apologizes to David. Muppets: Little Jerry and the Monotones perform "Mad."

Mar 09, 1973
Big Bird wonders where everyone is today. Pete Seeger passes through, asking if he's seen Jimmy Collier around. They follow the sounds of clapping hands to the arbor, where Jimmy is playing to the street residents. Jimmy leads them all in "If You Want to Get Your Freedom, Clap Your Hands."

Mar 12, 1973
The cast, the kids, and some Muppets all clap to Johnny Carson-style theme music. Cartoon A cowboy tries to lasso a rolling letter O. SCENE 2-Maria holds two giant O's and exclaims "Oh-oh!" Cartoon: La letra O - opera, oeste, orquidea, ojos, ocho, y el orquestra de orangutanes.

Mar 13, 1973
Big Bird turns the world topsy-turvy by bending over and peering through his legs. He sees Gordon throwing the basketball down instead of up, then sees Maria going up the stairs instead of down, and a kid who spills his ice cream up. When Big Bird stands up, he sees Luis, but his vision isn't quite adjusted yet. Cartoon: Henson: Eleven Cheer. Muppets: Maria tells the story of "The King's Problem".

Mar 14, 1973
Muppets Ernie and Bert - Ernie and Bert sing "Imagination". Cartoon-The O in STOP bounces around, and the other letters tell it to stop. Artists: The Hubleys. Cartoon-Hypnotic "Q" rainbow. Cast: Wally and Ralph: Wally gives Ralph a mirror as a present. Wally looks at it, and says it is a picture of himself. But when Ralph looks at it, he sees a picture of himself. When they look at it together, they see a picture of both of them. This sketch was a re-shoot of a Buddy and Jim sketch.

Mar 15, 1973
Mr. Hooper has the day off, but drops by the store to check-in. He sees David has his nose in a book instead of working, which he finds upsetting at first. David explains that he has a big law school exam tonight, so he's studying. Mr. Hooper sees this as important work and permits David to spend the day studying while he takes over (in exchange, David must work on his next day off). Muppets: Guy Smiley hosts "Beat the Time". In order to win a cookie, Cookie Monster has to bring in three things that rhyme with the word "rain" before the hand goes around the clock. ...

Mar 16, 1973
At Hooper's Store, Oscar asks David to hold a rope for him while he gets a glass of milk. First, Oscar builds a table, then sews a napkin, then milks the cow which is tied to the rope. Muppets: Kermit talks about "top" and "bottom" using a stack of boxes Grover carries. Cartoon- A man gets a letter C in the mail. Film-Number Three Ball Film: A red ball follows a rollercoaster-like track through checkpoints (each, a set of three) that are counted in voiceover. At the end, the ball is ground up into a powder.

Mar 19, 1973
Maria calls Big Bird over so he can assist her in showing the viewer what today's number is (4). He counts Maria and two kids, which makes 3. Maria points out that he forgot to count himself, and shows him how to do it the right way. Cartoon- Donnie Budd counts four lions. Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets: Bob sings "The People in Your Neighborhood" about a baker and a shoemaker.

Mar 20, 1973
SCENE 1: Oscar sets out six pieces of junk that he intends to subtract. He explains to Gordon that they keep falling out of his closet, so he's subtracting them by throwing them out onto the street. Gordon retaliates by adding each one back into Oscar's can. Cartoon B is for bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. And Bosco, who is taking a bath. Cartoon- Speech Balloon: B for Butterfly.

Mar 21, 1973
Gordon and Susan see a giant smokestack coming out of Oscar's can. Oscar says his new business is manufacturing bottled smoke for other grouches, but Gordon forces him to shut it down. Cartoon-A story about an ape and a bird, using the letter A. Artist: John Paratore. Cartoon: An ape escapes from the A train and heads over to a birthday party.

Mar 22, 1973
David greets the viewer, mentioning that he has a big headache. He notices a sign on Oscar's can reading "Doctor Oscar" with a red cross on it. First, Oscar gets out a bullhorn and loudly calls everyone's attention to David, then has David hold a cymbal while Oscar strikes it, which makes David's headache worse. Then he tells David to hold out his foot while he drops a large rock on it, but David escapes and goes to Hooper's Store for some aspirin.

Mar 23, 1973
Luis teaches a girl how to play a guitar chord, encouraging her to keep trying. Cartoon: "Poverty H:" A red man tries to think of words that begin with H, but a yellow man keeps spewing them out until Red draws a hole under Yellow, who yells "HELP!!" Film Letter H hoist. Music: Joe Raposo.

Mar 26, 1973
Oscar shows Maria the "Wet Paint" sign on his trash can, which he put there so that he can go to sleep without anybody banging on his can and bothering him. Shortly after Maria leaves, Gordon and Luis knock on the can to tell Oscar that the paint is dry. Oscar takes down the sign, then Maria knocks on the can to tell him that someone took down the sign. Cartoon "The J Commercial:" Two boys scrutinize a J, saying it looks like a fish-hook. A resonant voice (Gary Owens) informs them that it's the letter J. This leads to a jazzy story about Joe. Moral: "Don't jive a ...

Mar 27, 1973
The Count is looking for someone to help him count, but everybody refuses. Luis then suggests that he count up to twenty with a man from India. Cartoon- A guru counts to twenty. The Count counts to twenty himself, then wants to see the film again.

Mar 28, 1973
Mr. Hooper and Kate observe the kids playing. Kate plays guitar and sings "All Over Everything". Muppets Ernie and Bert - Bert says it's Ernie's turn to go to the laundromat. He puts numerous things in the laundry basket, including storybooks, cookies, his boots, and a radio. Before long, the basket has no room for the laundry, so he decides to go play baseball instead.

Mar 29, 1973
Luis shows off his new hat, but notes that the box got mangled a bit on the bus ride home. Oscar is in awe of its color and structure, so Luis says since he loves it so much, he'll give it to him. When he places the hat on Oscar's head, Oscar scoffs: he was talking about the beat-up box it came in.

Mar 30, 1973
Oscar the Grouch begrudgingly gives a lesson on the shape of a triangle for a Muppet kid. Cartoon Men in boxes sound out the word RUN. Muppets: Ernie and Bert - Ernie has a collection of Rs in a box. He shows Bert, who says that Ernie will be the laughingstock of Sesame Street if anyone else finds out. Ernie sadly throws away his Rs - and Bert asks to have the box for his J collection.

Apr 02, 1973
Gordon welcomes the viewer and announces that T is the letter of the day. He notices a T on Oscar's trash can and inquires about why it's there. He guesses that T is for Trash, Terrible, and Temper Tantrum, but Oscar says it's to remind people to stay away from him. He points Gordon to a note on a scroll which begins with a letter T, which is for "time" -- as in "Time after time I have told you not to bother me!"

Apr 03, 1973
Maria the magician tries to make a letter V appear from her hat. It takes awhile, but a tiny Kate appears from the hat with the V. Cartoon: The Villain in the Panama Hat (V)

Apr 04, 1973
Part 1: Bob presides over David and Maria's wedding. After the couple says "I do", the minister instructs the groom to place the ring on the bride's finger. David looks confused, so Bob tells him it's the round thing in his pocket. After some searching, David produces a pizza: it's round and it was in his pocket. Bob clarifies that it also has to have a hole in it, so David pulls out an inflated bicycle tube. Bob adds an additional caveat: it has to be much smaller than that. David next finds a doughnut in his pocket, but Bob says it has to be smaller still.

Apr 05, 1973
Big Bird tries to organize some people in the neighborhood for a photograph, including Gordon, Maria and two kids. He arranges them on the steps by size, having some difficulty at first. Now that he's arranged the "little people" he calls over the "big people" - David and Susan as giants. Cartoon- Speech Balloon: Z for zipper.

Apr 06, 1973
David waters the tree on the street. The Count comes by, eager to count something, and suggests counting the hose and the drops of water coming from it. Ultimately, he asks David to boost him into the tree to count its leaves.

Apr 09, 1973
Luis and some kids notice Oscar doing physical exercises while counting. They join him, and Luis lists the benefits of exercising, but Oscar lists the benefits for Grouches. Muppets: Ernie and Bert - Part 1: Ernie, having set up shop as a barber, gives Bert a haircut, but he ends up removing all of his hair.

Apr 10, 1973
Bob sings "Hi Friend". Cartoon: The story of an old woman who lived in a nine. Artist: Bud Luckey Muppets "Wonderful/Yucchy". Cartoon: An anthropomorphic cloud blows a wild wind disturbing some farm animals. Film "Indian Baby Bath" Music: Joe Raposo and cartoon by a man saws a letter E through the wall.

Apr 11, 1973
At Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper receives a parcel containing some dolls that he's ordered. The Count slinks in and introduces himself before counting the 10 dolls Mr. Hooper places on the shelf. The Count's thunder and lightning rattles the store, causing everything on the shelf to fall off. The Count relishes another chance to count the dolls once again as Mr. Hooper is forced to put them up again.

Apr 12, 1973
Stevie Wonder performs "123 Sesame Street". Cartoon Jack-in-the-Box School. Muppets: Cookie Monster wants to go to school, but he can't tell which building the school is because he can't read. An Anything Muppet tells him to read the letters on the sign on one of the buildings. Cookie tears the sign off the building, but once he's read the sign, he still doesn't know which building the school is.

Apr 13, 1973
As Bob and Grover greet the viewer, Sam the Robot arrives on the scene. Grover, never having seen the living machine before, is scared out of his skin. Bob tries to ease Grover's fears by introducing Grover to the different parts of Sam, such as his gumball machine, telephone and his question-answering feature. Grover feels much more comfortable now, but Sam begins to panic when he learns Grover is a monster.

Apr 16, 1973
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 17, 1973
Kate greets the viewer, then sees Big Bird using the telephone to call Susan. She recalls growing up without a telephone, and having to rely on neighbors to pass along a message to someone. Thus, Big Bird decides to try not using the phone today, and repeatedly goes back and forth between Gordon and Susan to get their messages across to each other, eventually wearing himself out.

Apr 18, 1973
Mr. Hooper stops by as Oscar conducts the Grouch Philharmonic Orchestra. Instead of musical instruments, the members of the orchestra make the sounds of an airplane, a train and a fire engine.

Apr 19, 1973
Gordon greets the viewer, introducing some kids to the letter Q. Oscar unknowingly helps them think of Q words: he tells them to be quiet, asks if this is a quiz, says he doesn't like questions, and finally, "I quit!" Cartoon: Hypnotic "Q" rainbow.

Apr 20, 1973
Linda and her friends from the Little Theater of the Deaf (Tim, Ed and Carol) greet the viewer in sign language. Cartoon: Donnie Budd counts six snails, six ships, and six whales. Artist: Bud Luckey. Song: Joe Raposo sings "Dressed Up."

Apr 23, 1973
In the arbor, Big Bird presents his fabulous, fantastic alphabet show for everyone. First, for the letter A, he acts like an acrobat. For the letter B, he inflates himself like a balloon, then floats away - and crashes, for the letter C. Muppets: Cookie Monster presents to Ernie his new device "The Cookie Counter" which will notify him of the quantity of cookies inside the box. Cookie Monster points "The Cookie Counter" rod to the box of cookies, which rings five times representing the amount of cookies inside the box. Ernie is impressed by Cookie Monster's device and...

Apr 24, 1973
David demonstrates front and back, without noticing that Mr. Snuffleupagus is in back of him, even as Big Bird points it out to him. Muppets: Cookie Monster hopes his box has a special C-word inside, but instead finds crumbs. He begins to cry, until Ernie provides him with a coconut cream cookie. Cartoon: Panels flip to reveal different ways things WALK.

Apr 25, 1973
Harvey Kneeslapper decides to trick Luis and pretend he's talking too quietly. Luis greets Harvey, who asks him to speak a little louder. Luis increases his volume until, on his third try, his greeting is so loud that it gives a tremendous echo, reverberating across the whole neighborhood. Harvey is weirded out. Muppets: Grover volunteers to assist the Amazing Mumford in his rhyming magic trick, making three things come out of his hat that rhyme with "knee". Grover guesses the first one (key), but doesn't get the last two (ski and tree) right.

Apr 26, 1973
Maria looks around for Big Bird. Sam the Robot thinks he can take on the role, showing how he can tweet, produce eggs and even fly up into a tree. The real Big Bird arrives and Maria gives him a bag of birdseed. Sam has no desire for birdseed and flies off to get a glass of motor oil.

Apr 27, 1973
At Hooper's Store, Oscar the Grouch shows the difference between being nice and grouchy when asking Mr. Hooper for a box of crayons.Speech Balloon: F for Fly. Film (LA) Indian girl (1:40). Cartoon: A story about an ape and a bird, using the letter A. Artist: John Paratore.

Apr 30, 1973
Big Bird and the kids greet the viewer. Muppets- Simon Soundman sings a song about finding a (MEOW!) stuck in a tree. Film- A gymnast demonstrates up and down. Cartoon: A man demonstrates up and down. Artist: Al Jarnow.

May 01, 1973
Oscar puts signs in several places to warn airplanes not to land close to his trash can. Bob takes the signs down, citing no such thing happening to Oscar in the past. At that moment, several paper and wooden airplanes land around Oscar's can. Cartoon: Speech Balloon: J - Jam. Muppets- "Let's see," says Ernie. "We've got two eyes, and two ears, and two noses..." "Hey, you ding-a-ling!" Bert interrupts. "You've only got one nose!" Ernie promptly pulls Bert's nose off, sticks it onto his own face, and keeps counting. "Two noses, and two eyes, and two ears...too bad!"

May 02, 1973
Luis gives a demonstration of up and down by teleporting around the block, including the top of a ladder. Bob pops in and removes the ladder, leaving Luis suspended in mid-air. Cartoon: Mr. Tweak can't sleep because his neighbor above snores, and his neighbor below sneezes. Artist: Abe Levitow. Muppets: Waiter Grover: Grover opens a menu and shows Mr. Johnson a large picture of the special sandwich, which comes with potato chips on the side, a pickle on the top, and olive stuck in with a toothpick. When the sandwich arrives, Mr. Johnson complains that it doesn't match...

May 03, 1973
To a jive beat, David walks down the street, rhyming and counting himself Susan, Gordon, and Maria. Cartoon: Donnie Budd counts four lions. Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets: Ernie (playing Robin Hood) auditions Anything Muppets to be his Merry Men. After screening two individuals who don't meet the requirements, Harvey Kneeslapper is sent in laughing. Ernie thinks he's found a merry man and hires him immediately, but following a string of incessant jokes, decides he's too merry after all and fires him.

May 04, 1973
Donnie Budd sings about animals in groups of five on a farm. Artist: Bud Luckey. Muppets: Kermit's Lectures: Grover helps Kermit show the number 5 using blocks, but Grover doesn't know how many to get (he can't count to 5). Kermit has him go back and forth bringing one until there is five. Film-Kids watch as construction workers paint a number 5 on the street using a stencil.

May 07, 1973
Gordon sees that Oscar has an old, torn doormat. Oscar changes his mind about keeping when he finds out that when Gordon puts the WEL and COME pieces together, it spells WELCOME. Film- A kid marching band forms a triangle. Muppets: Guy Smiley hosts "Beat the Time". In order to win a cookie, Cookie Monster has to bring in three things that rhyme with the word "rain" before the hand goes around the clock. They turn out to be an old man's "cane", a "chain" (to which Frazzle is attached), and finally a "train" which destroys the set.

May 08, 1973
Gordon introduces Ella Mitchell, who sings "That's What My Song is For" with David and the kids. Cartoon: Speech Balloon: T for train. Film The letter T is a very useful letter. Insert- The Alphabet Dancers form the letter T.

May 09, 1973
Poor Mr. Snuffleupagus can't find anyone to play with him. He gets so lonely and unhappy that he sings a song called "Nobody". Animation- "The King of Eight". Muppets- Two boys notice that the number 8 looks the same right side up and upside down.

May 10, 1973
Big Bird accidentally knocks Mr. Hooper down while rollerskating. Cartoon- Christopher Clumsy jumps over a hole and says that he fooled the viewer. He then walks into a wall. Muppets: Three monsters (Billy, Fenwick, and Pamela) demonstrate big, bigger, and biggest. Cartoon: Christopher Clumsy jumps over a hole, and falls into another hole. Artist: Cliff Roberts. Muppets: Grover and Oscar the Grouch recite the alphabet.

May 11, 1973
Oscar feels bothered by his neighbors and imagines all of Sesame Street has vanished, save for his trash can. Since 123 Sesame Street is now gone, the adults must find somewhere else to live. Oscar tosses his tin cans on the ground and blares his siren, but realizes it's no fun to bother people if nobody's around. He snaps back to reality and enjoys the aggravation he can really cause everyone. Cartoon "Poverty Z" -- A figure tries to sell a Z. His only customer stops him by locking him inside a zoo cage.
Sesame Street Season 4 (1972) is released on Nov 13, 1972 and the latest season 53 of Sesame Street is released in 2022. Watch Sesame Street online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Sesame Street is directed by Jon Stone,Emily Squires,Lisa Simon,Robert Myhrum and created by Emily Perl Kingsley with Caroll Spinney and Frank Oz.
The setting is in a small street in a city where children and furry puppet monsters learn about numbers, the alphabet and other pre-school subjects taught in commercial spots, songs and games.