Episodes (220)

Jan 23, 2011
Six weeks later, Ross is buried. Angelo helps Charlie trough, Romeo Ruby, but Morag can't allow herself to grieve while Alf's bail case in in court. Liam and Bianca still enjoy a hippie style non-honeymoon. Robertson accepts that Leah can't decide yet whether to date again. Once out of Marog's reconnaissance, Alf wants revenge on tell-tale Will.

Jan 24, 2011
Marilyn forgets her own grief to make sure critically worried Sid joins her supporting Nicole, who makes known she's expecting Penn's baby. Angelo tells Ruby he had to dump Charlie, yet still supports both of them. Morag watches Alf like a hawk, but can't prevent him knocking down Will on the beach, compromising his bail terms.

Jan 25, 2011
Robertson is delighted to hear VJ spontaneously sided with his professional courage against the town's general blind defense of Alf and co, then reassures Leah her boy's maturing is a good thing she must and can come to terms with. Morag decides to base Alf's defense on reasonable doubt some other Penn-hater may have killed him, and tries Nicole first. Palmer inspires Sid to assume Marilyn's itchiness about Nicole's baby probably means she wants to carry his child, but Marilyn announces she agreed to adopt Nicole's.

Jan 26, 2011
Romeo warns Xavier no news from April in weeks may mean he's already as good as forgotten. They accept to meet the new girl in town, Summer, who flirts with Xavier when they join Liam's bush barbecue. Just when Xavier kisses Summer back, April arrives unannounced. Sid gets apologies from Marilyn for not consulting him before accepting to adopt Nicole's baby, suggests a baby if their own might be better, but successfully asks Dex and Indy if they would welcome a family extension. Dex offers to introduce insecure VJ to high-school, which VJ enjoys, although thug Jase ...

Jan 27, 2011
Xavier is initially pleasantly surprised April makes no problem of his 'holiday kiss', yet worries she won't say what else obviously troubles her. Morag is gloomy about the prospects of defending Alf, given his countless imprudent faults. Robertson reminds Will he must face near-general hostility for Lily's sake.

Jan 30, 2011
Will has left in a hurry with Lilly after declaring to Morag Alf isn't guilty. Robertson dismisses her claim that's ground to reopen Alf's case, but uniformed cops and a tip from Angelo establish the Shandi who pretended to by Palmer's daughter was a fraud. Liam reassures Bianca she shouldn't feel guilty when April decides on her own to move back to Irene's and leave the love-birds their new nest.

Jan 31, 2011
Detective Roberts doubts his legendary instincts given the new data, but Leah reassures him. 'Citizen' Angelo helps trace Palmer's real daughter, who proves 'Shandi' is her youth buddy Daria Hennessy, a scam artist, then accepts to visit John but only once. Dex coaches VJ further. Irene has phone contact with Will, but can't convince him to return.

Feb 01, 2011
Xavier sneakily finds out April hides intense Internet contact with a French person called René. Even after Romeo points out hat can be a male, Xavier accepts her 'indignated' lies it's her pa's old, environment-committed assistant. Robertson gets Palmer to provide an embezzlement charge to detain Daria Hennessy, the fake Shandi, until Angelo's car theft testimony and sequins comparison practically close the net on her, yet keeps on open mind to guilty parts for Will and/or Alf.

Feb 02, 2011
Xavier waves Romeo's doubts about April's story and volunteers to help her with any environmentalist imitative, ignoring she stole dangerous chemicals from school. Sid is scolded a bully just for confronting Marilyn and Nicole with the enormous potential repercussions of their ill-conceived unofficial adoption plan. Romeo finds Nicole shattered and spends time with her. that means missing Ruby's first tutoring session, for privacy sake without explaining to her or Indy. Bianca tells Liam April's dad is a dangerous extremist and neglectful pa.

Feb 03, 2011
Realizing the adoption is a must for Marilyn after she discloses being infertile, Sid tells his kids. Dex is positive about a step-brother part, Indy goes crazy and takes it out on cuckoo Nicole, yet takes that back soon after. Will has to compromise their hiding when Lily gets sick, ultimately calling Irene who breaks her promise not to inform the police, so Will is arrested in a car chase.

Feb 06, 2011
With both Will and Daria, who seduced him as fake Shandi, in custody, Robertson can piece together from their confessions what happened to Penn and his corps. Will can only hope for mitigating circumstances, Alf is exculpated. Lily is stuck with twice heartbroken Irene.

Feb 07, 2011
Instead of celebratory, Alf's mood is belligerent, especially about Palmer modernizing the surf-club 'behin my back'. So he soon leaves his exculpation surprise party to see Irene, whom he feels should be invited. Hearing from her about Will and Lily, Alf goes to jail and forces the knave to say goodbye to his brat, who refuses to return to her mother. Sid reassures insecure Nicole.

Feb 08, 2011
After Angelo and most locals side with Palmer on modernization, Alf resigns as chairman and announces he's leaving indefinitely. Nicole fears her pregnancy will ruin everything at university, as an unpleasant professor seems to confirm on orientation day. However Indy drags her along to a toga party, where she gets straight on kissing terms with countryside newbie Evan.

Feb 09, 2011
Xavier patiently gets April to realize he wants to help and admit she's not in contact with her dad, just assistant René. She shows Xavier her project - decommissioning an environmentally disastrous plant, using the chemicals she stole from school. Romeo prepared a great dinner for Indy, so he's far from impressed she's too drunk to enjoy it, he has to eat it with Ruby once she passes out. After wining about pregnancy with Alf, who witnesses her first morning sickness vomiting while visiting the campus, Nicole admits and adoption needs to be final and formal, so she ...

Feb 10, 2011
As soon as Xavier hears April's ill-conceived plan is to pour chemicals onto the factory equipment, he dumps them in the sink, but the mixture produces dangerous fumes. Meanwhile the school staff deduced from his Internet research he must know more. Dex tries to no avail to learn more about and hopefully mend the trouble between Rimeo, who feels stuck at high-school, and lazy Indy who plays a martyr to her hangover. Robertson is happy with a promotion a considers settling down. Leah however says she's not in love with him and realizes she must settle her feelings for ...

Feb 13, 2011
Xavier remains a long time in the toxic fumes, even after April wakes up and crawls out, as she neither helps nor tells the truth in hospital. Sid still pulls Xavier trough, for now, while Gina again just assumes it's Xavier's fault. Alf announces he's leaving on a back-packer fly-fishing world trip, which Morag fails to talk him out of.

Feb 14, 2011
Xavier pulls trough his critical condition, thanks to Sid, well enough to shame Gina's groundless suspicions against him and confirm April's cowardly belated confession. Bianca informs her dad, who drops 'pathetic' April. As Sid feared, Morag finds the draft adoption contract an illegal horror likely to land him and the ladies in jail. Alf invites everyone to a goodbye barbecue before embarking on a backpacking tour of the world. He'll visit loved ones everywhere, but Morag feels deserted.

Feb 15, 2011
To boost slacking restaurant business during the week, Angelo organizes a singles night. The female turnout is minimal, but the males worry him more when the River Boys arrive, a local ruffians gang around the Baxton brothers, who hold a grudge against Angelo for arrests in his cop days and soon start a fight. Liam is surprised how jealously and insecurely Bianca misinterpreters his first inactivity in bed since their reunion. Nicole's bad attitude makes Morag turn away from the adoption project.

Feb 16, 2011
As if a damaged restaurant and wrecked liquor stock weren't bad enough, Angelo has to deal with female fingers pointing at his 'threat to public safety' and a visit from gang leader Darryl 'Brax' Braxton, who wants him to help keep the police out and offers 'cheap' booze. Even Romeo feels intimidated by the adult River Boys and vents his frustration near-violently on their kid brother in his class, Casey. Miles, who was beaten up just at his return, decides to risk filing a formal complaint.

Feb 17, 2011
Romeo and Casey soon realize they shouldn't be enemies just because of the rowdie big Braxton brothers. Miles, who was ordered to take 'trouble kid' Casey under his wing, just sends both boys to detention. The news that Elijah is on a plane back home completes Leah's confusion. Casey just snaps at Dex for soemwhat intrusively video-recording him constantly, but the other River Boys eagerly resort to physical terror.

Feb 20, 2011
Casey fails to talk his elder River Boys mates out of roughing up poor Dex, who is thrown in their car boot. Casey tries to tell Romeo, but is scared off by Indy. The next morning, Sid alerts the police as Dex didn't come home. Romeo smells a rat and makes Casey own up. The River Boys say they just dropped the boy in the bush as a joke, but a search has to be broken off for nightfall without result. With great effort, Dex stumbled back home. Sid however snaps it's time Dex 'adjusts' so as to stop being an obvious butt of jokes.

Feb 22, 2011
Xavier is first avoided by April, and when he finally gets to speak to her he is dumped, despite defending her to ma, with a mean accusation to 'ruin everything for her'. John orders Romeo as life-guard to keep the River Boys in check. Romeo was doing surprisingly well and even gets assistance when VJ nearly drowns, but John charges at them all without even checking the facts. Dex makes and Internet-posts a video asking people to teach him what 'normal' is.

Feb 23, 2011
Although Heath saved VJ, who initially can't remember it yet, Palmer calls it an excess of River Boys brutality. Brax visits Angelo, takes his advice to avoid trouble and donates an old, yet safer foam board to VJ. The kid confirms Heath saved him, yet Charlie maintains the hostile tone John inspired. When Leah finally sees Elijah back, he's accompanied by an African family - now his!

Feb 23, 2011
Elijah tells Leah a sob story about his new family being victims of another cholera outbreak, yet Miles urges him to come clean with the truth. The whole episode inspires Marilyn and Sid, who actually appreciates any delay, to consider overseas adoption if they don't get Nicole's baby, but she assures them to have made up her mind.

Feb 24, 2011
Angelo's restaurant suffers more vandalism, but again the culprit is found and not a River Boy. Charlie maintains her icy hostility when not apologizing to Brax, who renews his cheap booze offer to Angelo, who now accepts being at the brink of financial ruin, having had Morag as sole guest that weekday evening. Elijah is pleasantly surprised that VJ got interested in religion for him, and reassures him he, not God, broke up with Leah. Colleen's open hostility culminates in falsely accusing two River Boys of theft, so one of them lurks around and her caravan is handled...

Feb 27, 2011
Being cruelly ignored again by April, Xavier cutely tries a love declaration in french, only to find she's hanging out with Dex, whom she uses as messenger to express no interest, returning to helping him with his bullying blog. Xavier provokes Hearth, who is luckily patient until Palmer rescues him. Brax get to deliver cheap wine to Angelo, whose restaurant is virtually bust, hence considers Brax's idea to launch fancy pizza. River Boy Brody Upton enjoyed scaring Colleen to death by towing her caravan, but after the gang covers for him Brax's sermon marks him with a ...

Feb 28, 2011
Angelo warns VJ the cool surfboard Brax gave him is too dangerous, but the kid rather listens to his hero. When his minor wounds scare Leah, Brax changes his tune to 'listen to your ma', earning a lunch date. Charlie just assumes the River Boys committed the latest liquor store theft, but the serial numbers on the bottle Brax sold Angelo prove differently. Grace learns her son's benefactor Elijah and Leah are in love.

Mar 01, 2011
Realizing Casey can't cope with a poetry assignment, Romeo volunteers to tutor him, even goes surfing together first, but constant abuse from loutish brother Heath, although held back by Brax, ends up enraging the boy, so it's all wasted. Leah dates Brax, but deduces from his questions he's really after Charlie and runs off to tell her. Elijah lets Morag convince him, even now the boy is released from hospital, he should consider self-centered Grace 'intimate' needs, although not part of his generous agreement.

Mar 02, 2011
Romeo's patient tutoring paid off, Casey hands in a surprisingly good poetry essay. After hearing Romeo's observation the knave needs help, given the unhealthy Braxton family context, Miles reconsiders. He suggest to Gina Casey may be dyslexic, but a test requires parental permission. Dex's new videoblog chapter on dating requires cross-dressing, tasteful according to April. Marilyn discovers he used her wardrobe and make up and tells Sid the knave may be a transsexual. Romeo notices Ruby kissing Casey, actually just because Charlie told her to keep away from all ...

Mar 03, 2011
Romeo warns Ruby not to start another head over heals affair with Casey, who unfortunately thinks his only mate sabotages his chances. Romeo can't fail studying for a test when Indy reserves one night for him without notice, yet she deduces 'it no longer works', so Sid and Marilyn shouldn't have worried about her contemplating taking the next step. Romeo ends up dropping by with Ruby, who tells him he's her dream-price and steals a kiss. Nicole is designing again and feels great. Seeing Liam struck with writers block, Palmer and Sid insist to help him (drinking and) ...

Mar 06, 2011
Romeo wrestles with the dilemma whether to tell Indy, who practically dumped him anyway, that Ruby seduced him. The prejudiced hunt for the Braxtons continues. Elijah's dilemma is how to square his father-roles for VJ and his African 'new family'.

Mar 07, 2011
Angelo is happy with Brax's investment, but John makes a fuzz about allowing any River Boys meet in his surf-club. He calls the police after finding a suspicious bag and Brax's refusal to leave. Romeo is dragged along by Indy to visit Ruby, who was hospitalized for a diabetes crisis after obvious negligence, and meanly abused as if careless. Sid suspects her real problem is psychological, but only inspires Charlie to hears about the 'affair' which she blames absurdly on Romeo. Ingrate Thabo scolds both Elijah and his ma for using him as an excuse to 'trade people' viz...

Mar 08, 2011
Despite Angelo's bitter comment she only digs into the 'liquor theft' out of personal spite, Charlie maintains formal charges against Brax. She calls his fancy city lawyer typical for organized crime, yet drops all charges once warned only a counter-charge against her wold stick, as confirmed when the whole liquor story only shows Darryl's generosity. Xavier initially hates being teamed up for a science project with Casey, who only came to class being forced to accept a lift from Gina, and Dex, whose video-blog restored his confidence, while his cahoot April is now ...

Mar 09, 2011
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mar 10, 2011
Xavier, Dex and Casey's car-girls-attraction-presentation is a blast. However when Gina finally gets to see Casey's ma about testing him, she refuses most rudely without actually listening. April is too depressed even to care much that Bianca forgot about her birthday.

Mar 13, 2011
The boys' experiment about sexy cars making girls' hearts beat faster inspires team Xavier with an irresistible urge to try it out in the mad max car he restored with Palmer, who is expected to be away long enough to 'borrow' it unnoticed. Casey hoped to go steady with Ruby but is turned away in favor of Romeo, whom she 'dumps' in turn after hearing from Indy they never broke up.

Mar 14, 2011
Xavier can't resist taking the Mad Max car for a spin with Casey, nor against his advice stopping for Ruby. She blackmails both boys - threatening to tell Charlie, as neither knave has a license - to let her drive. At River Boys meeting place Deakin's Point, Xavier's superior car expertise outsmarts Heath, who offers a courting lesson, mistaking Casey warding off Ruby for a move. Later the kids run out of petrol, so Xave runs to get some, while Casey and Ruby watch the car, making up as she shamelessly blames Romeo and getting intimate. Xavier ignores that Plamer ...

Mar 15, 2011
Although surprised when Charlie tells him she found Casey having sex with Ruby in the Mad Max car, Darryl remains supportive of his hardly spoiled kid brother, defends their freedom and cleverly lectures Charlie on cunningly picking one's fights while raising teenagers. Xavier is desperate when Gina says the car must go as punishment. Although Palmer pretends to be as angry, he tells Gina she has no right being so cruel or to dispose of his property. Casey declines entering a science competition after Heath's bitter attack on Miles, who brings a registration form, so ...

Mar 16, 2011
As if 'exposed' Romeo weren't miserable enough, actually worrying more about Indy then himself, the females gang up against him or his entire gender; even Bianca turns on Liam, but later repents that. Only Nicole tries to mediate after Sid bars Romeo entry, only to feel caught between bitching 'friends'. A hospital visit from Leah with VJ goes well, until jealous brat Thabo, having heard Leah was engaged to Elijah, takes ingratitude too far.

Mar 17, 2011
Angelo is utterly delighted with Brax's help after the pizza line-launch goes great, yet dutifully reports to Charlie a suspicious handover to River Boy Brodie. It turns out to be a setup, not a drug deal, but probably costs him Darryl's favor. Nicole nearly bails out from her date at Angelo's with Angus, but he persuades her to go and explains his family past made him baby-friendly.

Mar 20, 2011
Although now scared of Braxton's expected wrath, so far Angelo enjoys the restaurant's growing success, albeit thanks to presumably dubious relations. Palmer is delighted with the US consultancy results of Roo, who returned unexpectedly, saying it's for good; only Morag keeps questioning her. Sid doesn't share Marilyn's concern about Nicole's date. Elijah's marital worries subside as Thabo's condition worsens dramatically.

Mar 21, 2011
Miles is not amused to wake up with Roo in his bed. Her blurted-out experience makes Nicole doubt again about giving up her baby. After Thabo died in surgery, Elijah feels he can't give up his fake marriage for true love with Leah and to be a father for VJ.

Mar 22, 2011
After talking to Roo and Xavier, Romeo goes to see Indy again, letting her choose the next step, only to be coldly dismissed. Xavier fails to make Ruby admit her fault. Casey is accepted by Charlie, but an anonymous Internet post embarrasses the budding couple. Leah tells Elijah to wait until he has dealt with Thambo's death, but is told his shambles marriage has been consummated.

Mar 23, 2011
Overprotective boyfriend Casey verbally attacks Xavier and actually gives Romeo a black eye for supposedly facilitating the Ruby video. Gina has no choice but collaborate with Charlie's police investigation, which Ruby resents even more then the blog on double standards for dating boys/girls which puts delighted Dex on the map, yet cahoot April wants to remove it for Ruby. Xavier and Marilyn convince Romeo and Indy they should really talk, not just give up.

Mar 24, 2011
Angelo is pleased with the restaurant's growing success thanks to Brax, yet worried about his insistence to start tabs for mates under fictitious names. Sensitive, helpful Angus impresses Nicole, Marilyn feels passed-over. Dex and Irene gradually notice April's obsessive perfectionism on a geography assignment. Roo fishes for works with Palmer and Angelo, who offers to let her move in but wrongly assumed she was romantically interested too.

Mar 27, 2011
Angelo is puzzled how well the restaurant does financially and surprised that Brax simply agrees to let him repay Brax's loan fast. Angelo also lets Roo move in. Liam reports at school April's obsessive behavior after confiscating a pen and is attacked by her again at home.

Mar 28, 2011
Liam suggests Bianca finds it a bit too convenient to move back to town on account of April, whose compulsive behavior is presumed to be mere exam-stress, but Sid pushes on. Liam keeps camping alone rather then move in with Irene, then gets Angelo to take him in without asking Roo first. The home-front convinces Nicole Angus deserves to explain his position after finding out she's not keeping her baby. He actually reacts carefully, but another date doesn't work for him.

Mar 29, 2011
Casey thinks of a way to earn tickets for the Mountain Music festival with Xavier for them and their girls, delivering pizza for Angelo's on scooters, braving Darryl's objection school should come first and Charlie's latest absurd cop arrogance, which only makes the gang, especially Ruby, more determined, and allows Brax some more romantic innuendo. Marilyn and Nicole get help to make up.

Mar 30, 2011
Xavier gets crucial support from Palmer, who feels it will teach him responsibility, to get the pizza delivery job. It requires a scooter driving course, but Gina insists to be there and when Xavier is late on his first test ride 'borrows' the instructor's heavy bike. Charlie again embarrasses everyone by insanely accusing Casey of abusing Ruby for his study, while Ruby finds out he gets dyslexia's help from Miles. Elijah tells the bishop he can't remain in the clergy and Grace their marriage is a shambles.

Mar 31, 2011
Romeo arranges a new start with Indy by staging a second 'first date', despite vindictively suspicious Sid, but at the last minute she shies away from kissing again. Elderly surfer Keith Irwin offers capable, free massages to meet ladies, which fuzzy Colleen first refuses, then accepts and again regrets. Elijah tells he now doubts his vocation and his marriage, but Grace stick to it.

Apr 03, 2011
Immigration officials Mooris and Carol arrive and question many people, most of whom try to lie, examining whether Elijah's marriage was a shambles to get Thabo treated and Grace also admitted in Australia. After they conclude so and arrest Grace, 'jealous' Leah and retired magistrate Morag deny having tipped them off. It turns out a nurse told them what Thabo said himself. Elijah, who risks being charged himself, even begs Leah's help, but Grace settles to be repatriated.

Apr 04, 2011
Angelo objects when Darryl signs 'good deals' with more expensive restaurant suppliers. Playing cards with his house-mates, Liam drinks beer again and forgets his promise to pass by Bianca for intimacy. Elijah starts an administrative job in a help center, but the outlook is so bleak that Brax has to cut him off drinking. Dex gets even more worried about April's obsessive behavior.

Apr 05, 2011
Xavier finally starts working as Angelo's scooter-pizza-boy. Delivering an order to Kieran Munroe, Miranda Jacobs and her brother Pete, Xavier gets an apparently mutual crush on her and is invited to a party that evening. Romeo feels the Walkers will never accept him back as Indy's lover and seriously considers turning the leaf. Dex realizes April needs help.

Apr 06, 2011
Frustrated, Romeo quits school just before the exams. Miles's attempt to get Indy to talk into Romeo backfires, although searching for a job makes Romeo reconsider his options, such as evening classes. Angelo resents more decisions from Brax but can't deny sponsoring the surf festival is in the restaurant's interest and it helps Roo pay him rent. Casey triumphs in the science contest and gets Charlie off his back, thanks to Brax's smart parenting advice. Dex keeps coaxing April to seek therapy.

Apr 07, 2011
Xavier brags about his charm bringing in lots of pizza delivery tips, but Casey strikes lucky with one big spender. Having overheard he leaves the splendid beach villa a whole week, Casey returns to sneak in with Ruby. Elijah refuses to talk when Leah visits him in the homeless shelter. Colleens' 'admirer' Kieth also brings her there, to help out serving meals, after all her outfit stressing, but also reserved dinner. Ruby pushes Charlie to meet Casey's family, hence accept an barbecue invitation, formally from ma, in fact from Darryl, which nearly makes her refuse.

Apr 10, 2011
Xavier has a crush on college girl Miranda, so he pretends to be a philosophy student. Casey and Ruby throw a party at the luxury villa, but fail in their attempt to send Heath on a wild goose chase, so he brings round a River Boys bunch which soon starts havoc. Excessive noise caused a complaint to the police, and Charlie is in the mood to scold mischievous youths.

Apr 11, 2011
Angelo reluctantly accepts to privately model, with Indi, the swimwear Nicole designed for the Surfclub. Palmer is appalled by the bad taste, yet allows Roo to grant Nicole a last chance. Cued by Casey, Darryl manages to retrieve Ruby's bag unnoticed from the villa, whose owner Dan Marston recognizes his pizza-boy. Charlie refuses to appreciate his help or show any leniency for Casey, whom she blames and again wants to ban from seeing Ruby. Later however, Darryl somehow teases her into a mutual kiss.

Apr 12, 2011
Darryl is stunned when Charlie throws him out after sex and fails to turn up at the Braxton family barbecue, for no actual reason. She confesses to Leah to have messed up as usual. Angelo helps Nicole getting reinstated as surf festival designer, becoming her male perspective adviser.

Apr 13, 2011
Romeo is gloomy and reluctant to start the near-hopeless job chase, but forced by Miles. Emily Logan, whom he frolics with on the surf beach, promises him a courier job in her dad's firm, but he can't accept her posting a picture of them kissing as lovers on the Internet. Dex realizes the extent April's obsession reaches, can't convince her to seek help and tells Liam her 'secret'.

Apr 14, 2011
Xavier gets deeper into his elaborate pretense to be a philosophy student. he thus gets to spend all night with Miranda Jacobs, but has to enter the surfing competition and is found out by her university friend Oscar who waiters at an exhibition they attend together. After Romeo's break-up with Emily, her father Phil Logan not only refuses him a courier job but also blackmails Palmer not to hire him. Helping out at Elijah's shelter gives no satisfaction, while the reverend tells generous donor Leah he needs to avoid all personal contact till further notice.

Apr 17, 2011
Xavier tries desperately, with Dex's amused help, to keep up his student status with Miranda, who makes him actually participate in grueling training to become surf festival champion. Gina is surprised he stands up, but freezes her suspicions. Liam pushes Bianca to get obviously unwilling April to stop denying her problem and seek professional help.

Apr 18, 2011
Xavier mans up to stick out Miranda's grueling beach training after Palmer suggests it may help convince his ma she must learn to respect his privacy, as John advises her. Dex gets April's assurance that he did right to push her to get therapy. At least she sees Sid, after blurting out 'perfect' Bianca may be the cause. Gina asks Miranda as guest speaker n Xavier's class.

Apr 19, 2011
Romeo impressed Liam and gets support from Miles for his self-employment project, a surf school, but his first clients are an utterly uninterested, even unwilling boy and a girl who only wants to flirt close to his perfect body. Xavier convinces Miranda not to dump him despite his college-boy-act, but Angelo insists he does a pizza delivery round, which goes disastrously wring and Miranda haughtily dumps him for more white lies. Nicole lacks courage to tell Marilyn how she wants to give birth, then tells Angelo she wants to keep the baby.

Apr 20, 2011
Romeo's surf school takes a bad start, so he jumps at Morag's invitation to do Alf's boat Blaxland's maintenance. River police veteran Angelo takes Nicole, who begs a reprieve from Marilyn's incessant birth planning and mothering, along on short a boat ride with Romeo. Darryl manages to get kid brother Casey rehired as pizza courier and Charlie to kiss him again. Young Lachlan and Rory are found abandoned in the car their mother lives in while she postulates for a failed job interview, but Darryl gets her a job while Leah feeds and minds the boys and asks Elijah to ...

Apr 21, 2011
Romeo's attempt to warn Indy against agriculture student Kieran actually is the only thing that makes her date the 'country bumpkin'. Casey and Ruby trick Brax and Charlie to a picnic to bring them together, but that backfires as the cop reacts defensively. Elijah tries everything to find weird vagrant Billy McVeigh a sleeping place, but shortly after he offers his own caravan short-time gets knocked down on the head.

Apr 24, 2011
Romeo plans to run cruises on the Blaxland for a percentage. To win over Morag, he invites her and consultant Roo to a test fishing trip. Lacking fishing experience, Romeo hires as deckhand Billy McVeigh, ignoring that fiend knocked Elijah, who feels guilty and a shelter failure, in hospital. Miles warns Leah, in vain, against nursing Elijah.

Apr 25, 2011
Romeo does great as fishing cruise captain. Morag waves his fear to have failed anyway because deckhand Billie, whose wounded hand made her suspicious, is arrested for beating up Elijah. Angelo spends an entire day with Nicole, trying out Italian traditional birth induction techniques, yet her contractions surprise them on the beach. VJ refuses to be 'shielded' by Leah from seeing Elijah, question shim about the abuse and insists his work in the shelter must be taken over, which inspires Colleen to join Keith there.

Apr 26, 2011
Xavier meets his ma's school buddy, learns they were lousy, rebellious pupils and cleverly blackmails her with a picture in converting a ban to attend the music festival into being a chaperon for him and, if they want, Casey and Ruby. Angelo delivers Nicole's baby on a deserted beach, coach over the phone by Sid. Angelo feels she should reconsider handing over the boy to Marilyn, but dares not speak out. Dex and Indy must wait endlessly in hospital. She abuses that as an excuse to ditch a date with Kieran, ignoring he's observing her.

Apr 26, 2011
Darryl enjoys a liaison with Charlie again and, mainly for her sake, sides with Palmer in asking Heath's drug-suspect Riverboy rogues not to provoke the conservative surf-club crowd by his presence. Kieran turns up at Sid's while Dex fails to put the cod together, so his help is enthusiastically accepted, despite Indy's cowardly wining she wants neither date nor dump the country-boy. The baby's arrival nips a confrontation over her haughtiness in the bud. Liam is startled to be dumped by his music firm. April starts therapy, which shows her insecurity roots in ...

Apr 27, 2011
Darryl insists Charlie should accept to make their affair public, but still is offered no options but sneaky liaisons, which keep getting interrupted, or be dumped. Liam turns up late for his music class, hazy, claiming he overslept with a sleeping pill, but in fact is buying drugs from Heath. Feeling guilty he may somehow have 'provoked' Billy, Elijah insists to see his social worker Duncan Pettit, failing a parole officer. Once informed and after Charlie questions him on account of a 'sexual abuse' complaint form Billy, Elijah intends to withdraw his complaint.

May 01, 2011
Everyone is angry that former sexual abuse-victim Billie makes bail, except his victim Elijah, who seeks a talk, overpowers him despite a knife and wins his trust, so both drop their legal charges. Liam is too bitter over his lost record contract to accept giving a benefit concert at the surf festival. April, who started therapy, tells Bianca she guesses he may be self-sabotaging, neither suspects his drug abuse yet.

May 02, 2011
Angelo soon realizes Liam is high and probably got his drugs from Heath. Having seen him conspire with Brax and Brodie, Angelo, who suspects their 'hog hunt' trip to be a cover story, tails their car at night, but gets bitten by their unexpected guard dog. Hoping 'getting action' would improve Charlie's mood, Casey helps Ruby post her profile on a dating site and select suitable suitors.

May 03, 2011
Badly bitten by Brax's boys' dog Schultz, Angelo returns home and decides against informing the police. Sid treats the wound, insists on a tetanus shot and reminds Nicole she's welcome to visit baby George. Brax makes clear he knows it was Angelo but the men tacitly agree to leave it at that. Kieran turns up again, but Indy now rudely tells him not to be interested at all. Casey and Ruby's 'perfect' Internet date pick Ryan stands up Charlie, but she pretends it was a success and has more sneaky fun with Brax.

May 04, 2011
Kieran's 'stalking' freaks out Indy, who mindlessly flees into the bush. While Kieran comes to get her out, she calls Romeo, who rushes to his ex's rescue, just in time to take her home in his car. Sid nevertheless confirms his ban of Romeo. The baby drives Sid's household mad, wrecking Dex's school concentration, at least another theme for his video-blog. The Walkers discover that Nicole holding her works like magic.

May 05, 2011
Coach Romeo firmly continues Xavier's desperate training for the surf festival. Still Casey's cocky claim the River Boys will crush the townies seems a sure win. Palmer lets Roo convince him to join twitter for publicity's sake, but the target audience knaves are far from impressed. Dex sweetly tries to hide how hard the baby nuisance is on him, but Sid is informed it constitutes a HSC (final exams) hazard.

May 08, 2011
Xavier's hopes to do well as Miranda probably will in the surf competition are rekindled after a would-be pep-talk form Dex by Palmer, whose Twitter-row with Mangrove River's rival team captain Gary meanwhile escalates in public and to the press. Having been asked to run the homeless shelter permanently and having defused the Billy affair, Elijah tells Leah he's ready to pick up their relationship, but he ignores she just got on kissing terms with Miles again.

May 09, 2011
Natural Romeo and, unexpectedly, his trainee Xavier do so well at the surf festival that despite novice 'nipper' VJ ending last, Summer Bay beats Mangrove River for the first time in six years. For Casey's sake, Ruby even switched side, but is knocked over (accidentally?) by Miranda, who also tells Xavier coldly she's now with Oscar. That leads to a brawl anyhow, while the stress of bickering with Palmer caused River Boys coach Garry to get a cardiac crisis.

May 10, 2011
Angelo refuses to let Brax sign up a longer restaurant lease, eager to regain financial independence. remarks the hog-hunting River Boys never bring in any prey, so he gets invited to join and and dares not refuse. In the nightly confusion, he fears to be the one shot at, but remains unhurt and gets a dimmed speech from Brax that things could have went really wrong if their loyalty were to break. A constable who doubts Casey and Ruby's innocence sabotages Charlie's attempt to burry the surf festival incident by getting permission from HQ to dig on.

May 11, 2011
Wounded and pessimistic about his restaurant future, Angelo and Nicole, who feels trapped in Marilyn's motherhood dream, consider leaving Summer bay together, for good. Romeo's perfect six-pack picture in the newspaper article on his team's surf festival victory is likely to boost his boat business, Dex suggests Indy is should contact her hunky ex again.

May 12, 2011
Romeo is in a good mood now his boat cruise business may be picking up. When Indy passes by, he welcomes her offer to help with administration and her business suggestions. She nearly seduces him to kissing, but he decides against it. Liam's initiative to let the kids plan a terrorist attack on Summer Bay for history instead of Miles's actually assignment is reversed, to the kids great disappointment, and Liam sent home on suspicion of being high again. Elijah shows no understanding when former confident Miles admits he's been dating Leah 'quite a while'.

May 15, 2011
After some commiseration with Nicole, Angelo gathers the courage to tail Heath. He thus sees some of Brax's River Boys harvest from a fairly large marijuana plantation. Angelo is knocked down by Heath while phoning Charlie, whose phone is on speaker while she's making love to Darryl. Liam's drug use is found out by Bianca, who gets a promise to stop it.

May 16, 2011
Darryl rushes to the marijuana plantation after Heath's call and orders Brodie to dispose of unconscious Angelo and his cellphone, then makes everybody scatter and evacuate the harvest. Only Heath is caught, but has nothing on his motorbike. Charlie plays tough but knows Draryl is right saying his brother must be released soon for lack of proof. Elijah lets Miles make up while fishing.

May 17, 2011
After praising Dex's blog, April admits she has an crush on him, but the news that Xavier still hopes for a reconciliation, as suggested by joining her environmentalist efforts against erosion, deflects her attention. Brax's damage control probes difficult on account of Charlie's selfish career-priority and Heath's confession he send a pig-snout to Angelo with a hand-written message, already found in Angelo's trash by Nicole and identified by forensics. Only Casey is off the hook.

May 18, 2011
Romeo wastes no time on pointless apologies to Indy, but big-brotherly commiserates with and coaches buddy Dex about being an outsider third musketeer now Xavier and April are a couple again. Liam gets high to overcome stress for his interview with Education inspector Ian Reynolds about the terrorist attack assignment, but becomes so cocky that he's presumed drunk.

May 19, 2011
Romeo does everything right as cruise captain, but a party of out of control divorced women proves impossible to handle without a deckhand, he even has to save a drunk crone from drowning. Casey fears Ruby may have dumped him over Charlie's suspicions concerning his elder River Boy brothers. Colleen fears Keith Irwin has lost romantic interest in her, but a picnic goes great, until they make an unsavory discovery.

May 22, 2011
Angelo has been found, badly wounded, it's too soon to diagnose if and when he may recover enough to tell who beat him up. Brax hopes Heath is off the hook after a hostile interview proved lack of evidence, just opportunity. Casey may be accepted normally again. Exes Elijah and Leah remain on a tense footing.

May 23, 2011
Brax arranges bail for Brodie, but only to set him up as scapegoat after discovering the addict even stole from the River Boys. Everyone attends baby George's christening, with Marilyn's weird wish crystals. Nicole leaves, gloomy. Brax still has no clear answer from Charlie about their affair. Brodie escapes and holds the Braxton brothers at gunpoint, refusing to goto jail even if his wife is taken care of.

May 24, 2011
Desperate after his barring from teaching and heartless dumping by Bianca, Liam is constantly intoxicated and makes a nuisance of himself all over town. people seeing him on a cliff even fear a suicide attempt. The Walkers are becoming a tight family, as Marilyn discovers both stepchildren are taking to baby George, so all that remains is clearing up her somewhat stressed relationship with Sid.

May 25, 2011
Romeo, remembering his own experience with mother slipping into alcohol addiction, practices tough love with Liam, who even lashes out but still gets dragged to Sid for examination. Indi finally makes up with Romeo and gets Sid to grudgingly, silently lift his ban at home. Leah and Miles are afraid when 'caught' by VJ, but he casually remarks he knew long before and soon admits he has no objections, while securing some mild bribes. Bianca coldly refuses to see Liam 'until full rehab'.

May 26, 2011
Xavier learns more from Gina's still lush friend Vanessa Unley about their wild days. Gina reneges on her promise to chaperon, so Xavier seeks an alternative 'responsible adult', but Romeo chickens out. Sid can't resist warning Indi against 'unreliable' Romeo, to no avail, and even suggests a 'flirtatious' conversation with a lady reporter proves his 'infidelity'. However, when Sid burst in on the yacht, he finds the undressed below together.

May 29, 2011
Romeo reluctantly accepts the dinner invitation Indi exacted from Sid and almost ends up making love in her room. Brodie is brought in hospital with stomach pain. Sid suspects foul play but can't prevent the fiend taking a hostage. He escapes after lightly stabbing Angelo, who heroically got up to prevent the security guard or any staff getting badly hurt. Brodie escapes to Brax, who fails to make him return and has to hide him in the restaurant when Charlie turns up, who already has open doubts. Heath must create a diversion while Brax smuggles Brodie post the ...

May 30, 2011
Since Romeo won't see a doctor on his own about the intimate irritation he confided into Miles, Elijah is asked to get him to talk privately, but Romeo only asks about forgiveness. Sid tells Marilyn he can't tell Indi on ethical grounds. Emily tells Romeo directly she has chlamydia and claims he gave it to her. Darryl arranges for truck driver Kwan to help Brode escape after giving Charlie a deliberate false tip leading only to Keith's tiny marijuana production for personal use, still most embarrassing for his massage-patient Colleen.

May 31, 2011
Finally on their way to the music festival, Xavier, Casey and their girls get the crushing news it's canceled due to terrible weather. The kids return home, but Vanessa convinces fellow chaperon Gina to camp in the national park. After recruiting Roo for an environmental campaign, Palmer gets worried, not having heard from both women the next day, and mounts a rescue with Xavier, but cockily ignoring the knave's warning gets them stuck in the mud. Bianca admits missing Liam terribly.

Jun 01, 2011
Xavier correctly scolds Palmer's badly conceived, prepared and executed 'rescue mission', which turns into a mud fight, yet later appreciates the irony of their truck being winched by the careless girls they came to 'save'. Liam has been found in rehab by April, but tells her he won't hold his breath to 'earn' a reconciliation with Bianca, who doesn't want a teenage mediator either. Keith tries to make up with 'humiliated' Colleen.

Jun 02, 2011
Romeo is finally prepared, in order to exclude risks for Indy, to get tested for SOD, to Miles an Elijah's relief. Alas, a shift change means Sid is rostered, so Romeo can't go tough with it yet. Meanwhile Sid is appealed to find Marilyn, who found out, betrayed his trust and medical ethics by telling Indy, who even dares turn on him. Angelo is finally released home and determined to stay out of hospital. He encourages Nicole to make up her mind whether to trust Sid parenting George or demand her baby back now she can count on him. Sid takes his frustration out by ...

Jun 05, 2011
Romeo finally musters the courage to tell about his chlamydia to Indy, who already knew. Next Romeo informs Ruby, who pretends it's not her concern. Casey convinces her to get tested after explanations from Romeo, whom Casey later attacks physically on the beach, only to hear Ruby sneer that makes her doubt if he isn't a real, bad River Boy after all. Elijah Johnson 'hires' newcomer Lisa to do the fund-raising for his shelter, she convinces Roo to team up again as event planner, being both penniless former best mates.

Jun 06, 2011
Xavier realizes Dex still feels the fifth wheel, however much he and April try to include him in their activities. So they arrange a double date with Summer, but the shallow girl walks out on far too bright Dex. Darryl has sex with Charlie again after her surprise birthday party, but can't convince her to stay over. Cocky Heath dates sassy Bianca. Other River boys spend drug profits too ostentatiously, against instructions. Casey and Ruby tell Charlie to butt out after she hears about the chlamydia, since she's keeping secret too.

Jun 07, 2011
Darryl smells a rat when Angelo returns in the restaurant so quickly after his hospital release. He still fails to realize in time he's caught on secret video camera discussing a carelessly spending River Boy's punitive beating with Heath and his secret affair with Charlie, so can't refuse to buy out Angelo's restaurant share.

Jun 08, 2011
Elderly gentleman Douglas Graham's initially made perfect impression on arrival in Summer Bay turns into fear when he reveals being the late Penn's grandfather and looking for his baby grandchild. Morag believes him upright and saddened by Penn's derailing, yet to prevent any custody claim risk she advices the parenting trio to keep him in the dark and only allow a meeting on neutral ground, chaperoned by Angelo and herself. It goes well, but afterward Angelo and Nicole announce they want to raise George and leave town with him, reneging the informal agreement she ...

Jun 09, 2011
Xavier can't cheer up Romeo, who feels his surf lessons business has turned his hobby into a drag. Angelo and Nicole decide to take baby George with them almost immediately, and Morag assures them there's no red tape causing delay or risks. Even Dex is contaminated with gloom, he nearly turns April away. Sid accepts to hand the boy over the next day, but discovers in the morning Marilyn has abducted him over night.

Jun 12, 2011
Angelo promises Charlie he won't turn her in, Darryl's doubts about her grow. Sid's claim that Marilyn probably only took baby George nearby initially prevails. After Charlie fails to find a trace informally, Nicole demands an official search notice. Marilyn meanwhile books an oversees flight and gets away from the travel agency, just before the police arrives, to Sidney airport.

Jun 13, 2011
Angelo helps Sid calm down Nicole by receiving the baby things at home and preparing their departure. Marilyn has been spotted on the airport by Roo, who gets her to abandon an overseas flight and accepts to bring the baby home. Elijah can only convince Laura Carmody to come with him to the African hospital's fund raiser by accepting to consider a relationship afterward.

Jun 14, 2011
Xavier is jealous of Dex's academic excellence, but his mate's social and family trials start to weigh heavily, so he starts snapping at school and to Sid. Heath makes progress courting Bianca. Atypically sentimental Gina vehemently denies Palmer's impression she may have entered menopause. Elijah is seen kissing Lauren, causing lots of gossip and warnings.

Jun 15, 2011
Romeo's only client for the week cancels, so he's desperate for a cruise booking to pay for necessary repairs. Heath uses Casey as a go-between and even offers a most generous down-payment. After consulting Miles, Romeo declines. Darryl furiously ear-boxes Heath for involving their innocent kid brother and acting on his own, thus ruining the River Boys' only plan yet to save the pot business. Straights AA-s Dex has an exam compromised by Kate, whom Gina caught reading his paper, yet accepts to tutor her and have dinner together. Brax continues his affair with Charlie ...

Jun 16, 2011
Romeo has an utter nightmare day. The yacht's motor breaks down and Morag charters it for the afternoon, but the flaw returns with two lawyer friends aboard who might hire her in their city firm. Palmer meanly fires Romeo as lifeguard, his much-needed second job, for failing to see an incident while intervening at a beach fight. Casey is far from grateful as help against two of Heath's River Boy mates made him look a weakling, hence he accepts to join them ditching class, so Miles lectures him about compromising a better future.

Jun 19, 2011
Romeo has been arrested with River Boys Gordo and Pee Wee, who shamelessly deny they brought the marijuana and suggest it may be Romeo's. Morag gets him released without criminal charge, but fires him as too immature to run the cruise business for Alf. Darryl and Heath worry how to control the damage. Miles and Sid must point out to Marilyn she can't expect any more contact with baby George after her kidnapping attempt.

Jun 20, 2011
Dex dinner-dates tutoring charge Kate, which makes clear the two brainiacs understand each-other's complex psychology better then most others. Sid worries about again absconded Marilyn and gives her a chilly welcome after a meeting with Nicole, Angelo and baby George to say goodbye properly. Elijah wants to remain active in the church and the shelter. Dex feels Kate's qualities may be outweighed by not being April.

Jun 21, 2011
Xavier, Dex and Casey embark on a camping trip to the Noose, known for its spectacular waves, with their girls. Roo made Ruby swear she won't let anyone risk surfing on the spot which already exacted many serious victims, but she completely breaks her promise. Dex admits to Kate he's only using her in an attempt to win April back, which goes poorly so far. When a storm approaches, Roo tips off Charlie, whose concern isn't shared by Brax. Alas, Xavier makes a bad fall. Bishop Pitt refuses to let Elijah resume his ministry.

Jun 22, 2011
Xavier is rushed to hospital, where Dr. Young diagnoses hope for a complete recovery uncertain. That wrecks Palmer's plan to go on free business trip to Hawaii with Gina. Dex tells April he broke up with Kate, but she warns him not to say something he can't take back and ruin their friendship. Elijah wants to keep quiet the bishop ordered the shelter closed. Since a mild lightning-related electric shock, Colleen is convinced God exacts vengeance.

Jun 23, 2011
Romeo thinks he hit rock bottom when Sid makes him feel so unwelcome that Indy walks out and moves in with HMO at Miles's indefinitely. Due to Xavier being in hospital, Palmer gives Roo the Hawaii tickets and she decides to take young handsome Romeo along. Heath is surprised that Bianca keeps him at arm's length again, claiming their night was 'just alcohol' and Liam remains her true love.

Jun 26, 2011
Romeo's bad luck changes when Roo invites him along to Hawaii after Palmer had to cancel due to Xavier's hospitalization. Romeo exchanges his first class ticket for two economy, so Indy can come too. Miles appeases Sid's fury over Indy failing even to announce moving out and accompanying Romeo. The youngsters both make a fine impression on self-made tourism entrepreneur Marty Jones. He even asks Indy to join his firm in Hawaii.

Jun 27, 2011
On Oahu, Romeo and Indy ponder Roo's urgent suggestion not to rush into a hasty marriage, let alone without family and friends. However their resolve proves unshakable. Roo informed Sid, who jumps into the first airplane. Seeing the Hawaiian ceremony already in progress, he soon drops his objections and offers Romeo an eagerly accepted fresh start.

Jun 28, 2011
After the Hawaiian wedding, Sid picks up the bill. After his wedding night, Romeo defers the honeymoon, determined to prove himself a devoted breadwinner by becoming a business success. Heath is not amused when Charlie harasses him and his latest floozy, so he goes warn presumed instigator Bianca he's better at hardball. Dex fails to talk April out of owing up to Xavier. However she confesses to have 'some' feelings for him to and starts kissing. Sid admits to Roo he's out of love with Marilyn and steals a kiss.

Jun 29, 2011
Heath believes the hassle Charlie absurdly heaps on him and accidentally on ma Cheryl Braxton, who may thus loose her drivers license and job, was inspired by Bianca. Heath sneaks in at Irene's for a creepy warning-off. Darryl intercepts her alarm message to Charlie and sacrifices their quickie to 'escort home' Heath, who gets another firm lecture. Casey is doing badly in his partial exams. Warned by Miles and hassled by nosy Ruby, Casey lashes out at her. Jumping to her defense, Xavier, who just recovered from injury, is unintentionally hit hurtfully. The incident ...

Jun 30, 2011
Gina coldly refuses to help convincing Casey to return to school after his suspension. Casey's good-for-nothing mother has already enrolled him in her boss's fish firm, starting at the bottom: as gutter. Darryl's pleading and alternatives seemingly can't convince Casey to drop that non-future any more then Ruby's promise to help him study. Yet after a day of stench and belittling abuse, he announces he'll resume school. Ma throws him out, so he runs to Ruby's, while Darryl and the police calm the home front. Once convinced heathen lover Laura doesn't want him to leave...

Jul 03, 2011
Darryl speaks up against their good-for-nothing mother, who dares call even him, the main breadwinner, an ingrate. Failing to take reason into her, he promises Casey, who temporarily sleeps on Leah's couch, to find alternative accommodation where the knave can study, but refuses to take him into his motel room. Heath suspects Brax uses it as a love-nest, not who his bird is. Leah emotionally blackmails Miles to have a 'fatherly' talk with VJ about the birds and the bees. They boys agree however to let VJ choose his time, which Leah accepts when she finds out.

Jul 04, 2011
Darryl makes the motel his permanent residence and takes in Casey, who gratefully vows himself to study. Darryl's ex Tegan Callahan is back in town. She finds out about him and Charlie and promises their secret won't be safe with her, then flirts a bit with Heath and seems interested in their business success. Darryl assures Charlie he not Teegan's kid's father and will get rid of her. Thereto he resists flirtation and coldly threatens her unless she leaves quietly. Sid breaks up with Marilyn, who seeks comfort and a place to stay back with Miles.

Jul 05, 2011
Xavier plans to cheer-up apparently study-obsessed April with a post-exam party trip and gets an island holiday thrown in, which Gina meant as alternative. April however dumps him and makes Dex promise not to tell why 'so Xavier can get used to it', but that only adds uneasy suspicion. Romeo and Indy are back from Hawaii. Marilyn moves back in just to make their first day home unsuspectingly happy, but Irene spills the beans. Sid accepts they're moving in with Roo.

Jul 06, 2011
As Dex feared, postponing telling Xavier the truth makes it worse as he's seen kissing April on the beach. Getting drunk at a dinner she co-hosts with Miles, Marilyn betrays her suspicions Sid wants Roo. Morag promises to listen to Romeo's Hawaii-inspired business idea.

Jul 07, 2011
Dex is miserable about the situation with Xavier and April but rather confides in unexpected visitor Roo, who comes inspect the farm meadow as benefit venue, then in father Sid, given his recent break-up with Marilyn. Roo strains an ankle and refuses to be treated by Sid, claiming she just won't be 'the other woman', yet clearly enjoys a 'stolen' kiss. Elijah thinks he may loose Laura because she seems to hint at marriage, she considers breaking up if he proposes, but the misunderstanding is cleared up after talking with Leah.

Jul 10, 2011
Dex gathers the courage to meet Xavier and jokingly invites a blow, which he gets all to real, while actual cheater April stays cowardly aloof. Both boys go see Romeo separately, and are advises to take their time and seek reconciliation. Roo strains her ankle but accepts help only from Dex, still claiming she won't be Sid's other woman.

Jul 11, 2011
Heart-broken Xavier is in no mood to do the extra late shift he asked before April dumped him, but Brax holds him to it, refusing to let Casey take over during study time. Morag complains abut Xavier's inappropriate handling of a pizza mix-up. Summer Horgan-Jones's begging for Xavier to accompany her to a party nevertheless results in a swap with Casey. Sadly for gentile Romeo, ingrate hothead Indy not only ruins their honeymoon mood but also compromises their lodging by her openly hostile attitude towards Roo, despite Sid's assurance they didn't cheat on Marilyn. ...

Jul 12, 2011
After their motorbike crash, Dr. Joel Young finds Xavier and Summer's wounds relatively minor. Xavier lashes out when Palmer starts to lecture him that he he has no parental rights. However when Summer's father Warren Horgan-Jones almost beats up Xavier, Palmer steps in efficiently and harvests duly apologetic gratitude. Ever-together Brax must deal with Casey complaining the motel is too noisy to study, Heath blaming big brother for neglecting their drug business, even testing the other River Boys's loyalty in vain, and Morag warning both Brax and Charlie.

Jul 13, 2011
Heath keeps questioning and challenging Brax's River Boys leadership, even planning a drug deal on his own. Seeing Casey was lured along to a beach campfire party, Brax turns up to fetch him and announces he's stepping back as gang leader. VJ can't properly do his homework anyway while stressed chatterbox Marilyn does Leah's hair, yet he only gets to surf meanwhile when Miles takes him, pointing out the weather is likely to turn bad soon. April discovers that Liam has left the rehab institution weeks ago, without leaving any coordinates.

Jul 15, 2011
Nearly all the town gathers for the huge benefit single dance, even Marilyn, who tries to get on with Roo again. Countryboy Dean O'Mara pays Dex well to rent a spot on farmland to stay with his sister Kelly, who soon hooks up with still bitter Xavier. Heath and his River Boys would have been denied entry by Palmer, but Laura sold them tickets, allegedly to prevent a brawl.

Jul 17, 2011
Xavier successfully defends his latest fling Kelly when her bossy big brother Dean O'Mara tries to order her back home, so Xavier promises her lodging. Darryl doubts if he did well to resign as Rover Boys chief after ketamine is found, suggesting Bianca was raped an Heath, the only suspect, keeps refusing to eliminate himself by volunteering an DNA sample. Alf is back and blames the whole mess he finds on his apparently still irresponsible daughter.

Jul 18, 2011
Xavier gets Gina to let homeless Kelly stay a while at their place by promising there's 'nothing between them', which Palmer sees right trough but lets it slide with a warning. Shifts stand-in Casey feels like the meat in the sandwich while Xavier makes Dex give up his former pizza bike courier job for Kelly, then retracts that as she feels it's unfair but Dex ends up making her accept as part pf a reconciliation with Xavier. Alf makes up with Roo, whose business partner Lauren is dumped and helps herself to a 'loan' to gets started again in New York.

Jul 19, 2011
Xavier and Kelly broke their hands-off promise on her first night as his house guest. John guesses so, but promises Xavier to keep quiet to Gina. The kids resolve to get platonic till further notice. Kelly performs disastrously on her first night as pizza courier, but gets help from Xavier and April, who suggests she could help him over their break-up. April prevents Xavier attacking rape-suspect Heath. Liam is finally back, but Bianca's infidelity with Heath makes Liam conclude she never really loved him back.

Jul 20, 2011
Darryl gets Roo to accept student Casey as house-mate. Taking Brax's advice, new house-mate Romeo flatters 'wise' Alf, so as to avoid having the yacht taken away, but has to accept the nagger as full partner. Inspector David Joyce from HQ presses Charlie to pursue the obvious link Heath represents between drug gang and rape charge. Darryl has no choice but tip off Heath, regardless of the strain on his love-life. Liam tells Bianca she couldn't cheat with a worse fiend then Heath, being his former drug dealer, which she reports to Charlie but refuse to make that ...

Jul 21, 2011
Just when Romeo's mates fear nothing can rid him of Alf as busybody partner, the old grump lets him off the hook. Heath plans to steal competitor Jake Pirovic's marijuana crop with the Rver Boys, and refuses to listen when Darryl warns him Tegan told him they are aware and waiting armed. To prevent a bloodbath, the police is tipped off and arrives just in time to arrest both gangs. Sid takes Roo's advice of bringing Indy some home utensils as peace offering, but Marilyn recognizes them all as things she bought and pulls a tearful scene, which further alienates Indy.

Jul 24, 2011
Inspector David Joyce from HQ comes lead Heath's interrogation, eager to 'break him' before Darryl can get a lawyer in. When he takes Charlie's intended bluff to put Heath in a cell with Jake Prirovice's gang for real, a brawl ensues, in which cowardly constable Watson needlessly tasers Heath. Darryl is furious to find his brother in hospital with a cardiac crisis, although no lasting harm seems to result, and promises consequences. Joyce guesses Charlie is too close to the River Boys and insists Liam must be convinced to testify. Ruby sneakily follows Charlie and ...

Jul 25, 2011
Casey turns furiously on Darryl after Ruby breaks her brand-new pledge of silence by telling him about Charlie's affair. Darryl has a hard time convincing Casey he had to turn in Heath to prevent a bloodbath and fears one if Casey tells any River Boys, but for now the knave agrees to a 'splendid isolation' pact with Ruby. Liam is furious when he hears Bianca told the police about heath having been his drug dealer. River Boy Mick gets wind of the problem, verbally threatens her and roughs Liam up, but just that decides him to agree to testifying in court. Mother Cheryl...

Jul 26, 2011
Xavier interrupts his exam study to cheer up obviously homesick Kelly by arranging a riding lesson at Sid's farm, then lets her prod him to try painstakingly mounting himself. He's rewarded with kisses, but she also insists to tell Gina. Liam is too furious at Biancia to accept her nurse his wounds, let alone sleep with her, and tells Irene her big mouth caused his 'preventive' beating by the River Boys, yet remains determined to testify against Heath. Given Sid and Roo's romantic infidelity record, a dinner they hold to smoothen things with Alf fails.

Jul 27, 2011
Palmer and Gina tell Xavier and Kely to take a well-deserved break, but she keeps nagging about the sand to April and, worse, not owning up until Xavier does, but luckily the 'parent team' considers their honesty to be progress. Roo feels reduced to the Walkers housewife and plans a romantic cruise with Sid, but he has to do an extra hospital shift. Romeo gets to offer it to Indy, who after initial sneering about 'Roo's leftovers' admits it's great, inspiring Romeo to make such personalized picnics a Blaxland business asset. Roo however moves out of the farm.

Jul 28, 2011
Romeo has to wait presenting Alf with his picnic idea while Morag moves back to the city as Roo moves in after Marilyn assured not to object. Heath makes bail, reason enough for Casey to panic and dump Ruby, fearing big brother's nose for secrecy. Inspector David Joyce 'rattles Darryl's cage' during an interview after a River Boy spilled the beans on the drug profits allegedly being laundered in the restaurant. Charlie suddenly acts surprised and tels startled Brax their relationship is over due to his mixed loyalties.

Jul 31, 2011
A shocked Casey accidentally sees Heath help Tegan hide marijuana sacks from Jake and tells Darryl, who scolds them idiots but sees no alternative but dispose of it for them. Miles and Alf preferred open bickering to the artificial friendliness between Marilyn and Roo. At Irene's, the girls ponder only the romantic merits of Darryl and Charlie remaining separated or making up. By the time she calls at Darryl's to mend, she finds Tegan already wriggled into his bed.

Aug 01, 2011
Against Brax, Tegan and Casey's explicit warnings, Heath tries to run with a sack of drugs stolen from Jake. He's arrested, no probably jail bait. Sid tries to save his affair with Roo by booking the very cruise with Romeo she planned for him. Alf however convinces Romeo to talk Indy into acting as deckhand, a recipe for sour faces even before the yacht's motor breaks down. The dingy got loose, so it's a grim wait until Alf turns up.

Aug 02, 2011
Sid gently but firmly insists Romeo should make up for the unfortunate cruise by helping him to make Indi see reason. After Dex questions her absurd hostility toward Roo, they girls have a useful talk and Indi admits to Romeo it all stemmed from insecurity about their own hasty marriage. Marilyn's tarot card predict trouble involving herself and Roo.

Aug 03, 2011
Dean O'Mara plans to visit his sister Kelly, but Xavier is against it, yet has to accept Palmer's insistence on hospitality. Meanwhile Dex is accepted as mate again. Liam is on Bianca's side again, but she pushes him away after nightmares of the out of control party, still unable to remember her assailant's face. Marilyn's tarot cards reading suggests she's destined for Elijah, who is not amused when warned by Miles.

Aug 04, 2011
Xavier is gently rebuked by palmer for blindly siding with Kelly against her brother Dean, who wants and ultimately convinces her to sign over her share of the inherited land so he can afford to run the farm, as their father wanted. In new nightmares, Bianca believes to remember not the face of her party assailant, but a bull tattoo on his back, which fits none of the River Boys, but one man who showers on the beach.

Aug 07, 2011
Xavier keeps insisting and dragging in Palmer until Kelly defers signing over her land to brother Dean O'Mara, long enough to find out he intends to sell off the hill she wanted to build a home on. By the time Bianca has got Liam, the bull-tattooed showering hunk she spotted has left the beach. Palmer however notices just such a tattoo on an O'Mara family picture. Roo and Marilyn avoid each-other despite Alf's mediation efforts.

Aug 08, 2011
Cued by Palmer about Dean, Liam realizes he's the one who just committed a hit and run on Bianca and takes crazy risks to get him arrested. Kelly tells about vague suspicions in their country home, enough to get her brother arrested as presumed serial rapist. Romeo has all ingredients in place to kick off his romantic yacht picnics business, but while he gets Alf to inspect it, it's vandalized and the silver cutlery stolen.

Aug 09, 2011
Romeo is convinced even the vandalism is the work of competitor Harvey Ryan, who gets customers he lost. Against Alf's advice, he seeks a confrontation, including an excessive complaint to the police. By the time Elijah returns the stolen cutlery, proving one of his shelter kids was the fiend, it's too late to make up, Harvey has already officially filed a complaint because Alf never got a formal permit for the yacht. The Walker men turn chores on the farm into bonding, even for Roo and Indy. Leah is in a vicious mood and hides a pregnancy test.

Aug 10, 2011
Even cool Darryl doesn't know which way to turn first when rival drug boss Jake Pirovic demands his stash back 'from Tegan'. Overprotective about unamused Ruby, Charlie gets in his way as well as the kids. Casey ends up facing Jake, who threatens to take the knave hostage. Dex got Sid's permission to receive his mother on the farm, but puts that off after selfish wining from Indy. Miles wonders about Leah's terrible mood.

Aug 11, 2011
Darryl fights Jake, who is furiously that must of his drugs are police-impounded, so Casey can escape home with Ruby. Asssited by Tegan, Darryl disinfects his own bloody wounds. After hearing from the kids, Charlies finds and arrests viz. hospitalizes the combatants, but believes Tegan's claim Darcy is Darryl's daughter after he pulls trough surgery. Elijah refuses to discuss Miles's relationship with his ex Leah with him. She decides to accept the pregnancy.

Aug 14, 2011
Darryl is recovering so well that Sid has to stop him from returning home too soon. He demands a DNA-test to verify Tegan's claim Darcy is his kid, but already starts to feel for the little brat. VJ seems barely interested when Miles and Leah tell him they expect a baby, but clearly hoped for Miles to move in. Dex's mother Jody turns up despite his cancelled invitation, and reminds unamused Sid they never were divorced.

Aug 15, 2011
Sid grudgingly allows Jody to stay on the farm for the night, but only the children can decide whether she gets to see them, as Dex chooses. Indy however won't even listen to apologies and almost turns on Romeo for remaining civilized rather then 'more supportive'. VJ still seems barely interested in the baby, all the more in whether Miles will finally be moving in. Alf fails to sort out the yacht docking permit, Romeo tells him family takes priority over business.

Aug 16, 2011
After patient coaxing by Romeo, Indy accepts 'for Dex's sake' to bury the hatchet with mother Jody, who leaves semi-satisfied, without real prospects of making up. Sid now has his divorce papers, but Roo concludes she'll never be his top priority and leaves him. Instead she concentrates on playing Alf's life-long local hero status, in an attempt to save the yacht dock. Liam comes close to intimacy with Bianca again, yet is pushed away again.

Aug 17, 2011
Xavier tries to get Kelly to appear back in public despite her fear to be blamed for Dean. April helps him bring her to the beach to spot dolphins, but a clumsy attempt to apologize to Bianca creates an incident, and Kelly packs to return to the family farm. Casey told the River Boys that Darcy may be Darryl's kid and agreed to receive their ma. Daryl prefers to face them at Cheryl's place. Tegan and Darcy were already invited. Darryl decides to accept her and renounce a DNA test, but Casey overhears the money-greedy women lied, Darcy is not Darryl's.

Aug 18, 2011
Xavier is devastated when Kelly returns for good to run her family's farm now Dean is out of the picture. John's remark that's only a long bus ride away has a most undesired effect. After Casey gathers the courage to tell Darryl the women light about Darcy allegedly being his daughter, Tegan admits Heath is the real father. Darryl tells the brat but promises to be an even cooler uncle. Miles proposes to Leah, who refuses because it's for the wrong reasons but suggests living together.

Aug 21, 2011
Xavier, who school results already suffered, arrives at the farm, to Kelly's delight. Palmer refrains Gina from overreacting. Heath is released, returns to the bay and bitterly claims no longer to consider 'traitor' Darryl his brother, but Jake's brother Hammer Pirovic's gang quickly proves that the River Boys need to stick together more then ever, even in a literally painful way.

Aug 22, 2011
Xavier tries to 'earn his keep' at the farm, but Kelly's embittered widow mother Rhonda O'Mara clearly won't even consider giving the city boy a chance. Just when he's ready to give up, a call from Gina urging school must take priority decides him to stick it out. Romeo is getting desperate now it looks the docking spot loss will kill his business, and the big Braxton brothers, staying with Casey, add to domestic expenses he can't afford. Inspector Joyce refuses to suspend and demote or fire Charlie, despite her confession of consorting with Darryl. When she tells ...

Aug 23, 2011
Romeo doesn't share Alf's hope the docking right may still be fixed, so he asks Sid for a one-off loan for the already overdue rent. Sid agrees but worries Dex by getting drunk without mentioning the reason, a solicitor informing him he has a teenage daughter, Sasha, whose mother just deceased without other heir qualified for guardianship. Palmer's advice not to drive to Xavier at the farm gets trough to Gina after Leah mentions how Miles understands VJ much better instinctively, being a man. Ingrate Indy ignores Romeo's trouble, even blames him for the Braxton ...

Aug 24, 2011
Sid startles Dex and Indy (and Romeo) by telling them about Sasha (15), whose guardianship must be accepted to declined in a few days. They accept to meet her. Dr. Pierson starts therapy with Liam and Bianca, but already suggests they may have deeper problems then then party drug incident. Roo is not amused that her tenants cancel on the spot. Marilyn's mobile hairdressing business has no clients, and when Elijah volunteers her insistence on bold change scares him off.

Aug 25, 2011
Liam furiously enters therapist Dr. Pierson's office but is denied any information about his session with Bianca, who later claims she decided to take an indefinite break. After Irene, who secretly worries about her own health, dismissed his love worry as petty, he considers moving far away and seeking a job. Sid refuses to leave fresh ex Roo any place in his family life, barely accepts a cake for the kids. Chatterbox Marilyn's advice decides a bride against actually getting married.

Aug 28, 2011
Despite Darryl's efforts to control Heath's temper while the River Boys initiate a new gang member, the macho vandalizes Jake's sports car with a cricket-bat, so his own is taken on a joyride and torched. Liam's angelic patience with Bianca is now stretched to the limits. Irene is in a killer mood while she waits to be discretely examined for possible breast cancer.

Aug 29, 2011
Casey can't stop Heath taking his car to seek revenge on the Pirovic gang, only inform Darryl. Luckily Heath couldn't find him, but is clearly so hell-bent on a confrontation that Darryl decides to field the River Boys orderly on a beach. Alas, Charlie found out from Casey, trough Ruby and Miles, so the police breaks the gangs up, which looks like Darryl tipped them off. Afterward, River Boys novice Stu Henderson, Casey's classmate, is viciously beaten up. Draryl makes up for Liam being attacked by Heath by offering him a barman job in Angelo's.

Aug 30, 2011
The controlled fight on the beach being prevented by Charlie, the inevitable brawl shifts to Angelo's and the surf-club. So Palmer is among the wounded, yet she arrests Darryl, the only one who tries to prevent worse. Sid overruled Dex and Indy's plan to meet half-sister Sasha Bezmel together and has to reschedule due to an appendix emergency, but the irreverent minx invited herself already and successfully demands to be taken in at the walker home stat.

Aug 31, 2011
At the O'Mara farm, Xavier, who made a lot of progress as farmhand, finally gets Rhonda to admit nobody would satisfy as long as Dean remains in jail. Palmer prevents Gina from luring Xavier back home by exaggerating his injuries. Even Kelly admits Xavier and he don't belong in the same environment, so they agree it's time to part. Dex, Romeo and even Indy show excessively welcoming understanding for Sasha Bezmer, who clearly has no interest in her siblings and keeps grossly abusing Sid for putting his medical duties first, she just wants a job to save so she can ...

Sep 01, 2011
Xavier returns home, having left Kelly on her beloved farm, and is warmly welcomed. Romeo is shocked that the yacht's landing is not only taken away but given to competitor Harvey. Alf tells him to dive and destroy it, as the council argued it never officially existed, but Roo's article documents its existence. Casey was expelled for bringing a knife to school while Gina worried about Xavier. Now she offers a way to finish his year, but the knave has had enough unjust disappointments. Sasha meets Elijah and Marilyn, who however doesn't need an assistant as her ...

Sep 04, 2011
Xavier is back home and tries hard to catch up studying for the exams, but Palmer proves a bothersome patient, in more pain the the couch-macho admits. As a storm seems to get worse then the weather report foretold, Xavier is sent out to check up at the surf club. Romeo is determined to grab a yacht business opportunity when Roo presents a group of investors who visit just one day, but Alf stubbornly forbids braving the storm. Felix, Sasha's kid half brother, has run away, being bullied, meets her secretly at the beach and refuses to return home, even just until she ...

Sep 05, 2011
The storm gets very bad, so the emergency capacity is tested to the limit. Romeo, who still feared to have lost the golden yacht charter opportunity to Harvey, sets out with Alf to find his cocky competitor's shipwrecked boat and rescue all of Dennis Harling's investors party, including Roo. When Xavier return home, he sees Sasha leave with Felix and a bag of stolen provisions, having sought shelter and called an ambulance for Palmer, who has a relapse.

Sep 06, 2011
Romeo heroically saves even Harvey despite daunting storm adversity, and is ultimately rewarded with the promise of any future charter business from Dennis Harling. Heath brings Darcy to the shelter in the school as an already caring father, only to be abused by manipulative Tegan and Bianca. VJ cheerfully wonders toward home, where Elijah brings him in and watches him and Leah, whose pregnancy however seems to go wrong. Casey dumps Ruby for nagging without even learning his story about him pulling out of the final exams.

Sep 07, 2011
Tegan is found unconscious is her storm-crashed car by the police, Darcy wanders around unharmed until picked up carefully by Darryl. A minor collapse in the school causes panic, but only Bianca is trapped, not even really hurt, yet she meanly rejects Liam's concern. Dr. Joel Young diagnoses Leah's baby not in danger.

Sep 08, 2011
Darryl tries to commend depressed Heath on his parental efforts, while Bianca is told he only wants romantic support. Jake's brother and heir Hammer promises bloody revenge to Darryl on him and Charlie, and seems to grab his chance while she's jogging unsuspecting with a Walkman. Colleen abuses her minor injury to commandeer people for the diner. Unannounced, Gypsy Nash moves in with Will's daughter Lily 'to help take care of Irene' in view of her impending breast surgery.

Sep 11, 2011
After Darryl prevented last-minute Charlie being run over by a Pirovic gang car, the police arrests Hammer fro questioning. Darryl realizes he can't prevent Heath and Hammer from starting an outright confrontation, so he buys an illegal weapon for 'the very last fight', wanting to go legit. Tegan has died from the car accident, leaving Darcy dependent on Heath.

Sep 12, 2011
Angrily, Darryl sits trough another pointless arrest 'for questioning', before attending Tegan's funeral, where he intends to shoot Charlie's assailant. Meanwhile mother Braxton has however promised the police to indicate him, so they wait. Casey refused to join them and returns home with smoking hands, while the Pirovic barn suffered arson. At Irene's, April bickers with Gipsy over domestic details while Lily claims her prospected step-father hates her.

Sep 13, 2011
After the funeral anti-climax, the Braxton gang brothers wonder who started the fire in the Pirovic barn, which also allowed the police to find drug stocks there and make arrests. Darryl finds out Casey did it, shakes kid brother and kindly berates him, harvesting a tearful promise never again to tempt macho crime but resume his education. Miles and Elijah come up with the church all as temporary alternative for the school while extensive renovation seems required given structural damage to the roof. The ministry however decides to abandon the building and Summer Bay ...

Sep 14, 2011
Everybody starts speculating about the results of the school being shut down, as Gina seems unable to oppose the ministry, but the community starts to rally for a fight. Miles must decide whether to postulate for a teacher's post elsewhere or stay where Leah is home. Sid is told Sasha's half-brother Felix has run away. Unaware of the ten year old's identity, VJ finds him in the wrecked part of the school, mildly wounded, but promises to keep his presence there secret.

Sep 15, 2011
Romeo initially laughs at Harvey's proposal to start a yacht cruise partnership, but Alf makes him consider it makes sense for both parties. Now Felix has been found and says he wants to be with Sasha, not back home, Sid has to inform his father, Shawn Maroney, who arrives shortly after. Sid is prepared to take in Felix, but Shawn won't even considering a trial period, nor taking bad-behaved Sasha back, as she drives his wife crazy.

Sep 18, 2011
Darryl finally gets Casey to promise he'll never join the gang scene again and resume his high-school education. The he must respond to a call from Jake, who easily kidnapped naively again jogging Charlie. Darryl surrenders his weapon and Jake refuses to listen to reason, planning to stage a romantic drama. Harvey is determined to woe Roo, however many daily bouquets it costs. Gipsy is stood up.

Sep 19, 2011
In the struggle for Jake's gun, he gets fatally shot. Darryl is absurdly grilled as if a killer, not the white knight. Inspector David Joyce finally concludes Charlie's inappropriate affair can no longer be kept quiet, so she's suspended indefinitely and chooses to leave town. Casey is now committed to resume high-school, but forensic evidence puts the police on the Braxton brothers' trail and he alone lacks a funeral alibi for the barn arson. Heath lets Bianca persuade him to seek a grief therapist for Darcy.

Sep 20, 2011
Romeo feels his yacht cruises partnership starts badly as Harvey cancels a new client for a regular who doesn't turn up, then takes the evening off, again without consultation. Learning Harvey's date is with Roo, Romeo fears Alf is covering for his prospective in-law. Despite reassurance from Brax, who isn't allowed to accompany him being a fellow suspect, Casey gets desperate fearing his lack of an arson alibi may lead him to jail rather then back to school. Sid appreciates Roo giving Sasha a second chance at the diner, only to have the minx make him turn up at Roo's...

Sep 21, 2011
Romeo is getting paranoid about Harvey's self-righteous business decisions, so he can't enjoy an imposed day off, but is greatly relieved when he hears about a genuine booking. The ministry has already contracted a firm to pull down the school, but a spontaneous demonstration by the kids against all adult warnings takes long enough to obtain a day respite. Sid makes Sasha realize her mean stunt hurt Roo just as much as him, so she's outwearing everyone's patience with her.

Sep 22, 2011
When the regional Education director seems more concerned about collecting the recovered school files then any damages, the school rescue campaigners hastily go trough them. Xavier and Palmer find the bureaucrat failed to order necessary repair after a previous disaster, hence wants to close down to demolish the evidence. He's now blackmailed into discretely reverting his closure in exchange for no scandal. Mark, whom Gipsy already admitted to love mainly as a meal-ticket, arrives by Porsche and charms everyone, except Lily. Bianca is jealous of her flirting with Liam.

Sep 25, 2011
The band booked at Angelo's canceled, so Liam lets Gipsy talk him into improvising a guitar performance, which goes fairly well. To Miles's horror, Leah has had a miscarriage and wants the chapter behind her. Elijah tries to reassure VJ that this shouldn't drive them apart again.

Sep 26, 2011
Casey is too anxious to study, even joins an unauthorized beach party, drinking under age until Alf chases the knaves. When it becomes clear the police is closing in, a vague indication overheard by Ruby decides the Braxton brothers to disappear indefinitely. Miles is practically ignored by Leah since her miscarriage. Lily enjoys the rumors about Gipsy flirting with Liam, hoping that will rid her of Mark.

Sep 27, 2011
Casey regrets having gone on the run with Heath in no time, so he's rather relieved when Darryl finds them and burst in to drag them back home. Junior River boy Stu Henderson, whom Darryl smacked must ungratefully for the crucial tip, lets Sasha, who blatantly ignores all Dex's good advice about a good start at school, drag him along in truancy on the beach.

Sep 28, 2011
Stu Henderson volunteers to give Sascha a lift to school, but obliges when during his shoulder graft check-up Sid strongly suggests to leave his now deadly-disappointed daughter alone. Just when ever-courteous Romeo feels he tried everything in vain to make Harvey pull his weight, he finds a firm tone is all it takes. Her truancy drives blatantly ignored chaperon Dex desperate. Against John's advice, Gina insists poor unamused Xavier must keep an eye on the rebellious girl on the beach. When he speaks up to a bothersome River Boy, that costs him a humiliating bloody ...

Sep 29, 2011
Ingrate Sasha rudely blames 'dobbing' protector Xavier for her just grounding. Grumpy Sid demands Darryl calls all River Boys back from Sasha, yet ends up taking his advice to give Stu are fair chance after finding out she did the seducing, so lover-boy gets a dinner invitation, which is gratefully accepted. Romeo finds Harvey systematically lies, breaks his promises and tries to shift the blame on Romeo, yet Alf won't turn against his potential son in law, so he seeks Roo's discrete help.

Oct 02, 2011
Romeo had reason to believe Harvey isn't just lazy but deliberately makes him look incompetent so he can steal a big contract, but can't get trough to Alf or Roo. Mark is fed up with Lily's brat-behavior after a wicked thieving gift-vandalism and suggests sending her to a top-rated boarding school, but Gipsy rather puts their relationship on hold. Heath is pleasantly surprised when Bianca volunteers to babysit Darcy.

Oct 03, 2011
Darryl is neither willing or able to bail out his hopelessly gambling-addicted ma who got into $70,000 debt. After she attacks the debt collector, who plans to have her jailed unless payment follows, Darryl nevertheless accepts Casey's offer to give her the money earmarked for a good lawyer for his arson trial. Liam firmly scolds Biaca's hypocrisy when she dares berate him making out of the beach with doubly unfaithful Gipsy, while not even admitting her 'thing' with Heath.

Oct 04, 2011
Still bugged by dumping-ignoring Ruby, who even flirts with River boy Sam, Casey loses his self-control and reacts to heath and his mates' cocky talk by surfing in dangerous rocky waters during a storm. Darryl can barely save his kid brother, whom Sid fits a leg fracture cask. Miles nears the end of his patience with moody Leah's unreasonable, hostile, distant attitude, even in bed, after a row over a cod he ordered before her miscarriage.

Oct 05, 2011
Dex's patience with noisy Sasha runs out, while April's plan to apply for medicine has turned her into a worse no-fun study fanatic then when she was with Xavier, refusing to attend a party with them. Stu and Sasha can't enough of each-other, so she promises him an 'initimate' photograph of herself. Sid tries to be the cool father-friend, but remains flippantly ignored. Elijah tries to reason with Lea, who waves Sid's advice not to decide about sterilization during mourning and won't even consult Miles, claiming she can't bear risking another miscarriage.

Oct 06, 2011
Dex naively volunteers to chaperone Sasha so she can join Stu at the senior class's beach party. While Stu is on model behavior Dex finds finds her drinking while the sexy picture she took of herself for Stu is spread among pupils. On his possible last night of freedom, Casey initially refuses to join the party, but after a pizza round is tempted and ends up kissing some girl, after which Ruby makes another scene. At Palmer's birthday party, Harvey ignores 'rival' Sid's warning Roo doesn't belong to anyone.

Oct 09, 2011
After the beach party went completely out of hand, Dex expects Sasha to get life grounding, but Sid barely slaps her wrist and Stu remains 'welcome'. Arsenist Casey must appear in court. After Darryl's lawyer brilliantly demolishes Charlie's credibility, the River Boys are optimistic, but Magistrate Hanson still sentence the knave to a month of juvenile detention. Miles accepts Leah refuses to have more children, yet she remains aloof.

Oct 10, 2011
The Braxtons and friends are worried sick now 'softie' Casey has been sentenced to 30 days in juvenile detention. Darryl can barely control his disgust when Charlie dares berate him because his lawyer Hayley O'Connor exposed her utterly unprofessional misconduct. Relauctantly, Darryl rewards her unpaid services with a dinner and is ultimately seduced to kiss her. To avoid further trouble and appease Bianca, Heath apologizes for the Rier Boys's party noise to Palmer.

Oct 11, 2011
Darryl is not exactly amused that Charlie dared blame him for the truth coming out at Casey's trial, yet would take her back, only to be dumped when she find the lawyer's earring although she broke up repeatedly without cause. Miles is stunned that Leah remains aloof and gets her to blurt out she blames him for the whole pregnancy trauma. Mark is back, but Lilly misbehaves grossly and claims he's out and exposes mother Gipsy's affair with Liam.

Oct 12, 2011
Heath refuses to supply April the prescription drugs she wants to abuse for 'study stamina' like hospital apprentice Phil Jamison admitted having done, so she pretends to take a break with Dex, only to steal one of Sid's prescription pads. Romeo's idea to organize whale watching cruises is turned down by Harvey 'based on experience' as no match for aircraft observation. After the break-up with Mark due to her infidelity, chemo-exhausted Irene tells useless, bothersome Gipsy to return home. On the way out, she thanks Liam and counsels Bianca not to waste her chances ...

Oct 13, 2011
Xavier makes clear Sasha outwore all kids' patience by refusing to consider helping her with phone credit to call Stu, who charms Sid into allowing a drive and smacks her, assuming she didn't care to answer his calls. After Harvey's latest convenient excuse not to help Romeo, Roo tells him she's finding it hard to trust him, which he takes as time to break up, only to be kissed anyhow. Seeing Sid frantically looks for his prescription pad, April hides it to be 'accidentally found' by Dex.

Oct 16, 2011
Stu is startled that Sasha avoids him all day after one innocent well-deserved smack, but is back in favor after buying her a necklace. Darryl firmly waves as absurd Charlie's jealous attitude when 'caught' with Hayley O'Connor. Sid and Dex senses her even more erratic behavior, but are distracted by the search for the missing prescription pad. Prime suspect Sasha is off the hook and plays the victim after April, who heard about it, smuggles it back in, to avoid being caught, but Sid already put the wheels in motion and Bianca is very suspicious.

Oct 17, 2011
Stu firmly convinces Sid he isn't the prescription thief, in fact he has real ones for ADHD, yet fails to appease his suspicions about Sasha. Darryl is suspicious of early-released Benji Perin, hence refuses to offer him and his River boy mate a more lucrative job then Casey's pizza delivery round. He even throws them out of his restaurant, refusing to serve them for suspiciously abundant cash, after hearing the police is looking for the pair of men who robbed Simon Peet's gas-station, clues including a tattoo that matches theirs. Dex, who expected to be proclaimed ...

Oct 18, 2011
Sid quickly works out that April who collapsed during her ill-gotten valedictorian speech, used the stolen prescription, so he can avert a health disaster and ends up, as Dex hoped, withdrawing his official complaint to spare her a conviction that would prevent any medical aspirations. Heath sweetly rings flowers and later is rewarded by Biaca with a feeble apology and a passionate kiss. Drama queen Sasha shamelessly plays the poor 'second class kid' but can't fool Roo into renting her a caravan.

Oct 19, 2011
After gathering the courage to address Dennis Harling, Romeo is assured the cruises contract unless his development project partner impose otherwise. Harvey however proposes trough Roo to buy the boat from Alf, who is inclined to accept after a fire hazard near-incident aboard, which is apparently Romeo's honest mistake. Luckily Liam remembers he saw Harvey the night before, handling a fuel can, and testifies. After an incident about his books, Miles moves out. Hearing Leah bought a book case to make up, he accepts to stay. VJ mistrusts his promise they have finished ...

Oct 20, 2011
In key witness Liam's absence, Romeo demands Alf takes his word to refuse selling the boat to Harvey, but to his shock obtains the contrary. Miles packs to move to the caravan park indefinitely, but reconsiders when Leah begs him so, being furiously ignored by VJ for chasing his father figure. Victim Simon Peet dates Charlie charmingly, only to be dumped because she can't forget Brax, whom DNA evidence from the robbery scene indicates as presumed getaway driver.

Oct 23, 2011
The DNA evidence on the robbery scene convinces Darryl he must have been set up by Jake, who probably cut a deal with suspiciously early-released Benji. Darryl counts as Hayley as his true alibi, but she lies to the police against him. Encouraged by Elijah, Miles decides to give Leah another chance.

Oct 24, 2011
Dex's angelic patience with April last while she goes trough a list of apologies, but ends when she completely forgets him and consults uninformed Xavier about Dex's 'mood', only to be told it might stem from sexual frustration. Stu demonstrates his drawing to Sasha with a surfing scene. She has motive from it tattooed on her thigh. Already stressed by his exams, Stu is appalled and smacks her impulsively. Indecisive Charlie's inconsistent messing up on both sides catches up when inspector Joyner takes her off the robbery case. Darryl seems fatally framed, until all ...

Oct 25, 2011
Stu and Sasha quickly make up over her tattoo and his latest smack, but the noise sufficed for Sid to ask him to leave them and promise her a quality time dinner, only to be called away on medical emergencies as usual. After a pointless new search of Darryl's home, he admits what happens to Heath, he convinces his brother not to let Charlie stew alone with Bianca. So they go see the girls on country retreat, but Heath didn't expect Darryl would promise his lover support even if she wants to confess. Driving home, they badly hit a motor-biker, alas none other the Liam.

Oct 26, 2011
Romeo is shattered that sole sabotage witness Liam is in coma and far from impressed by Indy's all but supportive, even insulting attitude. Luckily Sid convinced Alph to put he boat deal on hold, even if Harvey threatens to buy a mate's instead and barks at Romeo to stop 'manipulating'. With inspector Joyce now in charge, Darryl's damage control works fine, except for Charlie, who won't listen to reason and offers her resignation. Bianca stays at Liam's sickbed and breaks up with Heath.

Oct 27, 2011
Romeo was considering to seek another career now the Blackland seemed lost, when he hears Alf has canceled the sale because Roo finally realized she was essentially being courted to manipulate Alf. Hearing Miles can't take him to the movies because Leah 'vonunteered' him for a lame, girlish benefit in pink on the beach, VJ confronts her inconsiderately bossy mothering, is still ignored in practice despite Miles's warning she clings to her son as sole constant in her messy life, blind to his maturing. VJ ends up running away, albeit by bus, from the maternal root of ...

Oct 30, 2011
Brax, Heath, Bianca and Charlie are all miserable, caught in the web of lies to protect the last. Their worst fear may come true as Liam wakes up remembering the accident and realizes they lied to him. After his talk with Miles proved to VJ Leah is the reason he never gets a father-figure, VJ has run away by bus. Miles insists to come along searching with Leah, working on the theory VJ may secretly go meet Lily all the way in Queensland.

Oct 31, 2011
On the long way to Queensland, hoping to find VJ, Miles finally looses his patience with utterly selfish, unfair Leah's total lack of consideration for his feelings. However the news VJ turned up at her mother's cuts truth time short again. Darryl would juts enjoy a day away with Charlie frolicking on the beach, but she just wines on. After notice they are officially in the clear, as the other stolen evidence, against a drug dealer, was found in his home, Charlie doesn't thanks Darryl for fixing everything but breaks up, claiming his pragmatism would only continue to ...

Nov 01, 2011
Stu reconsiders changing his major to graphic design, risking father's fury, and gallantly wards off Lachie and his mates, who swarm around Sasha at the diner and steal her telephone-number. Xavier sets his mind on a gap-year, traveling Europe, and John is prepared to help finance it by splitting the proceeds of selling off their vintage sports-car. Darryl warns Heath against setting up another River Boys drug deal, to no avail, and promises Charlie he's trough with them, but she keeps wining aloof and stands by her police resignation. Stu can't believe or accept ...

Nov 02, 2011
Stu made a joyride with Xavier's sports-car to let off steam, leaving him fear grand theft. Stu returns, but Sasha, who promised Xavier to calm him down, accepts to join him in an even wilder ride, to push her into accepting his engagement ring back. Romeo enjoys lots of new surf lesson clients, although Indy gets jealously suspicious. Dex forgives and makes up with April, who promises to go all the way now. Romeo's warning against 'virgin-eater' Dallas only makes Xavier eager to meet her at a period costume party. Dex comes along, as April stood him up to sit by ...

Nov 03, 2011
Romeo is finally back on his feet, enjoying surf lessons success while ex-partner Harvey is turned down both for the new resort's cruising contract and by Roo. Jealous Indy however acts as swimwear model for the resort's publicity campaign, without even consulting Romeo, who considers it unacceptable for a business student. Dex is the boys' hero after being publicly kissed by the virgin-eater at the party, but April just assumes to be cheated on and dumps him, refusing any discussion. Romeo's sister Mink is back.

Nov 06, 2011
Romeo welcomes Minx with open arms, ignoring Indy's complaints about the profiteer, but is then asked for a fat loan. Xavier wants to drag gloomy dumped mate Dex back into summer fun, but is forced to help him trick April to a dinner without date, only to hear she can't trust him ever again, even after Heath and Liam convinced her the boyish 'score' bragging meant absolutely nothing. Heath gets around aloof Bianca's rudeness trough Darcy, while Liam recovers well.

Nov 07, 2011
Stu comes to the walker farm to spend time with Sasha. hearing she's grounded after their joyride, he volunteers to pay the price instead. Sid accepts and enjoys the strapping stripling toiling for him, while conversing almost like father and son in-law. When Sid releases them, Sasha drags her heels, won't join Stu in the water and instead of coming along to the surf club walks back with mink, only to be found fainted on a bench by Xavier. Romeo initially refuses Mink a loan he and Indy can ill afford, but ends up promising the $5,000 she needs to relaunch her surfing...

Nov 08, 2011
Xavier brings Sasha to hospital, where Sid finds the serious infection stems from her amateur tattoo. Xavier wonders shy she lets Sid wrongly assume it was all Stu's idea and forbid the couple any contact ever again, without any protest from her. John is appalled that his business contacts avoid him due to Harvey's false corruption allegations, even the council postpones voting his proposition.

Nov 09, 2011
Darryl confirms Ruby's interpretation that Casey's letter mentioning she shouldn't take account of him when renting a campus room in the city probably means he plans to break up. Palmer is shocked that the ingrate council practically expected his resignation on Harvey's trumped corruption allegations. John decides to give business priority again and invest in the new resort, but Harvey says he'll run for the now open seat and implies he'll try to sabotage the development. Miles finds Leah, who already considers their affair a lost case, refuses to allow him hoping she...

Nov 10, 2011
Realizing River Boys will never be really excepted in Summer Bay, Darryl plans to move out with Charlie and maybe some relatives of theirs. Dex planned to ease things with April by inviting her to the formal school dance, but is cruelly told their relationship can never be mended. Elijah feels caught between broken up friends Miles and Leah, his own ex.

Nov 13, 2011
Heath cheerfully but too swiftly drives Xavier and mates to a car market, yet gets no more gratitude then the knave serious potential buyers. Xavier is surprised when his ex April, who recently dumped buddy Dex, asks him as partner for the formal school ball, ignoring she just decided against going with charming mathematics genius Jonathan Brewer and reconsiders the plan to 'get rid of her virginity' then. Liam reneges o his near-promise to Bianca to switch to a car, and buys anther motorcycle second-hand. Marilyn's tarot reading stresses Irene and their gossip mates.

Nov 14, 2011
Xavier convinces Dex that accepting to take April to the formal dance was better then allowing a real competitor to move in on her. Heath feels Darryl betrays him and all River Boys by his plan to move away with Charlie, Ruby and maybe Casey, whom he points out is probably not interested. Darryl is determined to sell the restaurant, but fears that may take a year, yet Heath brings a potential buyer he met in jail: mob boss Geoffrey King, whom Darryl believes too dangerous to bring to the bay, hence he calls off the sale altogether.

Nov 15, 2011
Romeo secretly hands Mink, who scolded Indy for never supporting her husband, his last cash, so she can start in the surf competition, but hears only on the day she has been the circuit's laughing stock all season. Darryl reconsiders his plans with mob baron Geoffrey King in the picture, according to Palmer moving into the area, so he thinks about taking Heath with him to the city. Palmer enjoys the good side of leaving politics, his re-found freedom and - time, but agrees Harvey may not be allowed to win his resigned municipal council seat. Initially reluctant Alf ...

Nov 16, 2011
After rescuing Mink from drowning, Sid examines her and Romeo learns she didn't even mention she has an incurable disease, disabling her as surfer, her only talent and 'career' ever. Poor Stu is puzzled by Sasha still avoiding him with absurd excuses, while pretending to have no grudge. The elections promise firework as Harvey shows talent for false but tempting promises to stand a chance against 'local legend' Alf.

Nov 17, 2011
Stu is stunned when roughly bullied by Sid, with orders to stay away from Sash, who, confronted with her constant failure, lied it's all due to 'stalking' from her ex-lover. Dex is not allowed to renege on his summer job, meant to be shared with April, as nursing assistant. His misery seems complete when he finds man-eater Dallas there with her small son William Phillips, but ever-clever Dex's creative way with the kid makes it all enjoyable even for himself and he even bonds with Dallas.

Nov 20, 2011
Romeo's penniless misery increases when he finds a note from Mink, who left without paying back a cent, so he gratefully accepts Sid's offer to pay for movie festival tickets. Hearing mob baron Geoffrey King is hell-bent on the restaurant and Heath on serving him, Darryl tells Charlie getting away may took much time and they should take Heath along. Palmer's complaint about Charlie's laxness soon leads to Heath being arrested, caught red-handed with drugs. Harvey's dirty campaign style only forges Alf's team.

Nov 21, 2011
Darryl's towel is 'playfully' snapped away just when Leah enters the bathroom. When he repeats his refusal to sell the restaurant to Geoffrey King, a 'non-threat' is uttered concerning fires in kitchen. Romeo finds Peter, who paid him for information concerning the resort project, was a spy for Harvey, as a campaign move against Alf. Romeo feels he was in debt to Mink, wining Indy move out over the savings his sister stole. After a short attempt to play soccer with VJ, Miles, who can't stomach the idea Elijah may get Leah, decides to move to a school in Thailand. ...

Nov 22, 2011
Dex discovers Dallas and little William are living in her car and insists to help. Over coffee, they learn about his trouble with April and her financial predicament. Dex arranges a caravan for her. Elijah feels even more guilty after Miles announces he's leaving the country, even offers to move to the city himself, but Miles is determined and leaves. For once, ZApril listens to Bianca and abandons the ideas of loosing her virginity in a one night stand after the formal dance with Xavier, who wasn't even informed.

Nov 23, 2011
Casey is released from juvenile early, just before the school's formal dance, so Ruby goes with him. That leaves Dex without a date, yet Sid insists he should go and take Sasha. She eagerly accepts, until she finds Stu is there, then pulls such a scene that Stu finally smacks her once to stop the banter, only to be beaten horribly in the face by an irate Sid. Partially due to the punch Stu spiked before the Stewarts threw him out for that, Dex ends up seeming close with Dallas, which drives April to change her mind again and move onto Xavier, who firmly refuses to ...

Nov 24, 2011
While Stu is hospitalized, horribly beaten up by Sid, Sasha is allowed to play the 'real victim'. After the formal dance debacle, Dex's frustration is completed by April meanly refusing to talk to him at all. Heath is surprised to be asked to escort her home, refuses to 'take advantage' in the car, but accepts when she insists he should spend the night in bed with her, sneaking out unnoticed in the morning. Xavier drops by at the Walker home, trying to ease things, but the police arrives to arrest Sid for assault. Draryl is surprised to hear about Stu's violent streak...
Home and Away Season 25 (2011) is released on Jan 23, 2011 and the latest season 35 of Home and Away is released in 2021. Watch Home and Away online - the English Drama TV series from Australia. Home and Away is directed by David Gould,Geoffrey Nottage,Danny Raco,Scott Hartford-Davis and created by Hannah Carroll Chapman with Ray Meagher and Lynne McGranger.
This show chronicles the lives, loves, happiness, and heartbreaks of the residents of Summer Bay, a small coastal town just outside of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.