Episodes (230)

Jan 14, 2007
Sally is stabbed and left for dead by Rocco, terrified by devil brother Johnny's gang, who desperately tries to wash the blood out of his T-short as Brad approaches, finally ready to start a whole new life together; after a failed attempt to communicate by cell-phone as she faints again, he finally finds Sally and carries her to hospital. Peter takes charge of the investigation. Kit assures startled big brother Kim she's delighted with her pregnancy, he treats Rachel to a romantic dinner till she's called to assist at surgery on Sally, Kit surprises ma. Hothead Rick ...

Jan 15, 2007
Rocco joins the others who curse her vicious stabber -ignoring that's him- in hospital, where Sal is still unable to say anything. At their insistence, he goes 'question' Johnny, who refuses to confess even when Peter threatens to put him in maximum security as a rumored snitch, but the scum uses the opportunity to increase the pressure on kid brother to 'finish the job' or be killed soon... Meanwhile Kim told ex Kit he can't play his paternal part because of Rachel, but she guessed already and insists he should not renounce his unhoped fatherhood.

Jan 16, 2007
Terrified by Johny's mortal threats, Rocco was about to pull the plug on Sally, but she wakes up instead, able to speak but not remembering. Rocco frantically packs but Rick calls him to Sally's sickbed, she actually apologizes for not trusting him more and insists he moves back in, for good. Touched near tears, he now insists to see and brave his big brother, who warns she'll remember sooner or later, and he won't be able to enjoy living a lie. Meanhwile Ash is back from visiting 'his parents', in fact his wife, son Declan and daughter, who followed him to Summerbay ...

Jan 17, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 18, 2007
Belle keeps abusively trying gentle Lucas's angelic patience, one moment seemingly in true love, the next pushing him away or running off. Drew knows and senses she's still drawn to him, but even after a spontaneous kiss she pulls away. Young Rory made it crystal-clear he's looking forward to having their manly best mate Jack around a lot, so when ma decides to move after trouble with their -new- landlord, the kid is so disappointed he apparently runs off- only to be found at Jack's, where he reads ma the riot act for messing up his latest and best chance at a father ...

Jan 21, 2007
Peter and Amanda are happy together, ignorant a woman pays a P.I. to ruin her; he breaks in and robs her shares portfolio, however worthless without access codes. Drew and Belle wrestle with their non-relationship; in Lucas's absence she's crazy enough to proclaim fidelity but pull a jealous fit when Drew dates another girl at the surf club's Hawaian dance party, she's rescued by a slick guy who offers to drive her home but has more physical intentions, actually paid by the aforementioned P.I., who demands ransom from Amanda, who gets a two-faced visit from the ...

Jan 22, 2007
While Belle is locked up by her accomplice Clyde, crocodile Kelli Vale visits Amanda, who guesses with Peter for possible kidnapping motives, such as project 56; Drew blames her but tells Dan he feels guilty because she ran away from him. Then Kelli 'happens to notice' railroad sounds in the ransom message, so Belle is found thanks to her and she can 'really return in her sister's life', moving in. Drew hoped to have Belle back, she persists they're too much alike and rather stays with Lucas without true love.

Jan 23, 2007
Rachel declares Sally ready to return home with Brad, who even tries taking Emily's wedding ring off, they agree that's too soon. Martha wants Ash, who promises to get divorced as soon as possible, but Morag persists, telling Tony about Rianna, but Ash's love sounds convincing, Martha attacks her aunt as a bitter, jealous old bag.

Jan 24, 2007
Morag understands Martha furiously told her to butt out and feels her life is empty, love- and pointless, Alf demands apologies to his sister. Rocco is back at Sally's, where the welcome back party is prepared for her and Brad, only Martha plans to stay away till Ash convinces her to go; when they arrive, Alf fails to turn them away quietly, Martha makes public their intent to get married after his divorce and moves out. Jack is furious to overhear about Ash's secret family, and angry at dad Tony for not telling him. Rachel convinces Kim to attend Kit's ultrasound but...

Jan 25, 2007
Leah advises Rachel to give her marriage a good start by honeymooning with Kim. Beth and Kit contemplate the virtues of motherhood versus liberty to enjoy the world. At Sally's the talk is about Morag, who decides to resume her magistrate's career in the city, and the 'scumbag' who stabbed Sal and once she remembers must be punished- Rocco shivers secretly. Hardworking Macca looses patience with Cassie's overt ingratitude. Sally starts getting memory flashes...

Jan 28, 2007
Sally starts remembering bits and pieces again, but not her attacker, Rocco shakes in his boots but may not betray himself while she and Brad try to make him feel at home. Beth wonders where her life is going now the kids are grow(i)n(g) up; Tony wants to help, enough to propose, but needing to think it over more Beth decides to spend about a month visiting adult kids abroad. In utter panic, Rocco visits Johnny to ask his advice, and gets it: either Sally's life must be ended, or his own, in jail. At his return Rocco finds Sally alone, she hands him a knife to slice ...

Jan 29, 2007
Now Rocco has escaped by stolen car after their fist-fight, Rick can't let go. Too scared to think for himself, Rocco goes to Johnny, who gives him a hide-out address with instructions to wait for 'a way out' he'll arrange. After Brad's report, the police goes question presumed instigator Johnny. Meanwhile the Holdens are barely getting used to Beth taking a month off to think about her future and Tony's proposal, when she announces she leaves for Europe the next day on account of impending flight rate rises. Brad only realizes Rick heard the police say they would ...

Jan 30, 2007
Brad and Sal find Rick standing over unconscious Rocco; the boy denies having done anything but wants to run before the police arrives, too late to wash blood off: Peter and Sergeant McGrath take Eric in for questioning, his earlier temper outburst suggests a fit of rage. Kim is coming to terms with his unusual family situation. Alf tries to stand up for Rick, Mathilda doesn't even pretend to believe him. Rachel operates Rocco, but he's likely to remain comatose and unable to identify his attacker ever. Peter visits Johnny in jail, but he seems genuinely ignorant who ...

Jan 31, 2007
Ash is back, but as Alf presumed didn't talk to Rianna about a divorce, yet promises Martha to do so soon; then his family turns up unannounced... Now Amanda's sister has moved in, Kelli plots with her accomplice Ethan the next plan is to 'stimulate' her to a wedding by making Peter jealous of a fictitious admirer Jeremy...

Feb 01, 2007
Drew manages to kiss Belle again, she runs away claiming to have chosen for Lucas. Kelli's anonymous flowers cause the desired open doubt with Peter about Amanda's monogamy, the snake offers to help but actually stirs, the couple breaks up, then she convinces him to reestablish trust with the big guns... Cassie wines irrationally to Macca for being an absent provider till they have some savings.

Feb 04, 2007
Rocco remains comatose, which drives Rick to despair, while Brad feels Sally shouldn't sit at her attacker's bedside. Kelli impresses her accomplice and lover Ethan by having got Peter to propose to Amanda so quickly, next they arrange for her car to break down, so Ethan can stop to repair the carburetor belt- and win her trust. Ash returns from telling Rianna he wants a divorce. Peter is forced to charge Rick with homicide as only suspect, based on the DNA tests.

Feb 05, 2007
Alf gives Peter hell -even Ash gets a sneer- for formally charging Rick with the attempted murder on Rocco, as evidence dictates; the junior hothead is released on bail but desperately pessimistic, inconsolable. Brad thinks of contacting Morag and visits Johnny in jail but is thrown out for 'threats'. Jack promises to keep a keen eye on the investigation, and to Tony not to over-strain his knee. To Rachel's staggered delight, Rocco starts regaining conscience, still impossible to evaluate long-term; alas trying to talk to Peter puts him in cardiac arrest- worse: this ...

Feb 06, 2007
Jack gives Ash hell for two-timing Rianna and Martha and tells Tony; Martha stupidly doubts his word, yet goes to Rianna's only to run off after finding Ash playing with his kids, haughty as ever; now Ash tells Rianna just announced to be three months pregnant, yet Martha gets the moral support, even after Ash announces to put in for a transfer. Macca is disappointed Cassie visited home behind his back, yet cooks for her. Devoted 'fan' Rory cheers Jack up, Sam comes cook at Tony's. Rick's murder charge still causes lots of worries.

Feb 07, 2007
Kelli forces Amanda and Peter to accept an engagement party, catered by her own lover Ethan, who manages to 'slip out' to Peter he repaired his fiancée's car. The announcement startles everyone. Drew's girlfriend Lisa tells him to settle with Belle first; she lies to be definitely happy with Lucas, so he goes steady with Lisa. When Kit says she prefers an expensive 'less stressing' home birth, Rachel fails to talk her into safer hospital and gets angry when Kim is prepared to work his holiday or even spend their honeymoon budget on Kit's whim.

Feb 08, 2007
It's the day of unfortunate boy Rocco's funeral, which even Sally insists to attend, but an unexpected type of disaster strikes...

Feb 11, 2007
When Rachel doesn't respond to Kim's phone-call about bringing Kit to hospital, he guesses right the girls ran into trouble, rides out into the storm and finds their car balancing above a ravine; he gets Kit out easily but must wait for Dan and Tony to rescue Rachel from the already down-shifted car. Kit is rushed to hospital in apparent birth-trouble, in fact probably just severe migraine, which Kim practically blames on Rachel. Alf helps recover the car.

Feb 12, 2007
Sam's problems to find new lodgings prove a blessing in disguise: she feels so welcome staying 'meanwhile' with the Holdens that she cheerfully accepts what Jack didn't dare ask again yet: she'll move in with young son Rory, who now gets two good father-figures at hand. Ethan makes sure Peter learns about his 'fling' with Amanda, so her engagement-happiness is shattered already, then suggests her fiancé should be able to handle inevitable flirting and drugs her so they'll wake up 'drunk', naked in his bed... A test proves pigheaded Martha has managed to get herself ...

Feb 13, 2007
Ethan pretends it was Amanda's idea to sleep in a motel, then reports to Kelli, who pretends to reassure Peter; they kiss up, Ethan insists by phone to see her again, at the surf-club to avoid him at home, there demands she steals morphine for him with recent 'romantic' pictures for persuasion. Belle welcomes Lucas back home with kisses and a cheesy 'forever' chocolate cake, Drew presents his new flame Lisa. Kelli and Ethan celebrate in bed having got Amanda exactly where they want her.

Feb 14, 2007
Rick is gathering courage, with support from the home-front, to face his trial, focusing on Johnny's fratricide on Rocco; the girls take him to the beach and the diner. Amanda considers telling Peter, rather then have a lie hanging over their heads, but starts jumping trough Ethan's hoops; learning the stolen morphine is just a start, she reconsiders. Back home, a caller promises Rick helpful information about Rocco's murder- it's renegade gang member Mick, who passes by to say it was Dave Carson on Johnny's orders, but is too scared to testify- he offers a statement ...

Feb 15, 2007
Alf tries to reassure Rick jail-time is doable, but a jury would be crazy to convict an innocent kid. At the kid's trial, Jonathan 'Johnny' Cooper's lies manage to provoke Rick's side to 'misbehavior in court'. Kit has the good sense to ask Kim to make up with Rachel, starting with a dinner date. Mathilda is dumb enough to sniffle when forced to quote Rick's 'I'll kill him'. As a last resort, defense counsel Morag makes Rick take the stand, but the prosecutor gets the better of him, albeit 'stricken from the record', at best grounds for an appeal. The jury needs ...

Feb 18, 2007
Condemned for Rocco's murder, probably innocently, Rick arrives in jail, ominously 'welcomed' by Johnny and some burly mates who insist first of all not to bother their illicit drug dealing. On the home front, there's guilt about failed testimony and idiot Martha abuses the bottle like her (ex-)boyfriends, yet only Jack cares enough to insist she must think of the baby- only to hear she had it aborted already, Sam and Rory are both comforting and understanding.

Feb 19, 2007
Already scared Rick gets a nightly visit for a taste of Johnny's fists to remind him to keep his mouth shut. A jailer promises Rick a transfer if he helps uncover the scumbag's drug-dealing; seeing nobody dares sit next to him and trustees serve him maggots, he's ready to accept, but Johnny manages to have weed planted and found in his cell- by that corrupt guard! As if Martha's rash legal infanticide weren't troubling Jack enough, Alf calls him out of bed: she's missing all night. Jack finds her passed out, drags the drunk home, consoles the ingrate and is kissed by ...

Feb 20, 2007
Blackmailer Ethan has Amanda so terrified she can barely bother about her wedding rings. Lisa and Belle take the initiative for physical intimacy with their present lovers, but while pleasantly surprised Lucas feels in heaven -letting lunch burn to a crisp- in bed, Drew pulls back at the last moment, yet denies he can't forget Belle. Peter gets suspicious about Amanda's secrecy, about to discover the drugs she was forced to hide...

Feb 21, 2007
Kerri saves Amanda by pretending the hidden drugs are her wedding present, later when Ethan makes her bring the drugs for a buyer supposedly runs him over fatally as getaway-car. Dan accepts to be brother Peter's best man. After sprinklers ruined the papier-maché preparations for the hospital benefit, Colleen commandeers all the girls, Tony and Kim as 'emergency volunteers', Kim fakes a strained ankle to stage a mass escape, leaving Alf alone with the hag.

Feb 22, 2007
Kit panics when she's surprised by her friend James, who was transferred north, assuring him he's not the father of her baby, but he wants her back anyhow, Kim pushes her to give it a chance. Cassie tells Macka she wants to move back home, he fears that's the end of 'us' and disloyal to him, her pigheaded arrogance leads to a second of struggle, yet he feels guilty after she gets slightly hurt and leaves, according to his letter forever.

Feb 25, 2007
Rick tells visitor Alf in infirmary he was roughed up by Johny's scum friends but dares not tell, later calls he saw the corrupt jailer Jones talking to the fiend. The home-front hopes the prison governor will help; Alf's pushy style wrongly arrested past only convince the governor he's probably just biased, yet a transfer is considered. Tony volunteers to help with he bookkeeping backlog in the surf-club. Alf finds Martha's whiskey, which could get their license canceled, but doesn't realize she's boozing; Tony gets it when she bitches at a client. Matilda convinces ...

Feb 26, 2007
Lucas's false message and tattoo work like a charm, as soon as Alf gets Peter on board he and Sgt. McGrath find Rocco's real killer, Jason 'Jace' Harrington, and his largely burned tracksuit with Rocco's blood, despite his refusal to talk enough to scare corrupt jailer Jones to make a deal; the warden accepts that testimony but needs time to transfer Rick, who fears Johnny's gang will kill him, in fact the fiend personally slips into infirmary...

Feb 27, 2007
Kelli meets 'killed' Ethan and tell him it's time for sister Amanda to see ghosts, so they make her freak out nearly just before and really during the family lunch-party before the wedding... Alf learns his sister Celia had a stroke in mission class, and decides to go visit her abroad; Tony promises Alf to mind the surf-shop, without telling him lush Martha causes alcohol to appear open or go missing.

Feb 28, 2007
Jack is a second late as Rory's favorite fan after volunteering with reluctant Kim for the formal hospital benefit ball preparations; because tyrant Colleen can't count the whole back-breaking misery had to be done twice. Sam worries about letters Tony found addressed to her real name, Kylie. Kelli convinces Amanda to keep quiet about 'ghost' Ethan for both their sakes, fails to stop her from telling Belle, at least the bed part; seeing she loses her hold, Kelli resorts to emotional blackmail and begging, Peter still doesn't hear. Sam gives poor Jack hell for '...

Mar 01, 2007
Jack worries if Sam can forgive him for not being perfectly dependable, Kit realizes that kind of guarantee just doesn't exist. Everybody is preparing for and goes to the formal hospital charity ball, only Kit stays home and gets a visit from her ex James, who tells everybody in the hospital thinks him gay. Because of Colleen's big mouth a goon of Sam's vicious husband, Rory's biological dad, has tracked his Kylie's present alias and job and intrudes the hospital computer. Lucas and Drew discuss Belle's fickle behavior, as she won't be honest, just dances. After Jack ...

Mar 04, 2007
After the ball, Drew insists to tell everything to everyone now, but Belle insists to break it to Lucas herself, only chickens out, even denies to Lucas's face. Vindictive scorned Lisa decides to make it worse by telling Lucas herself, who can't believe it, and then exposes the pair by showing a picture of the sneaky couple kissing during her class presentation. Jack and Sam invite Kim, James and trough him Kit, for a picnic, where Sam agrees to move to their own place with Jack and Rory. Alas Sam/Kylie's ex's man lurks around and waits till he can chase her alone, ...

Mar 05, 2007
Now Lucas realizes how Belle lied to him the whole time, he makes her admit so and denounces her and Drew as revolting manipulators. Once Jack suspects Sam's disappearance can spell trouble, he implores dad Tony to mind Rory and keep him close, but keeping it secret fails. Colleen's story about a stranger asking for Kylie makes him realize it's her evil husband Shane's doing, so he alerts Sergeant Darren McGrath's men to help look while she runs in the bush with Shane's goon on her heels. Jack is just in time and convinces McGrath to let him conduct the interrogation....

Mar 06, 2007
Tony is far from amused to discover ex-in-law idiot lush Marty not only failed to clean up at all but couldn't even be rusted to lock up or bring the cash in safety, actually running off with new best mate Cam Reynolds, who turns out to own a bar: robbers took some $2,000, and still she takes no responsibility at all but tops that again be quiting Alf's family business the Surfclub just like that and become his better-paid bar-maid in Yabbee Creek. Brad insists it's time Sally tells the kids how serious they are getting; Rick can't wait to have them outdoors to get '...

Mar 07, 2007
Brad and Sally keep sneaking around in their own home to 'spare' the kids, who actually are already in bed together, it's Brad who hides under the table when Rick gets supplies. However the youths oversleep, so Tony notices Mathilda wasn't in her bed, so they still all must take it trough. Belle learns about the car-accident which wrecked Kelli's life for years, Amanda was driving. Belle tells Drew she suspects her aunt of hiding things and starts snooping, but Kelli talks her way out.

Mar 08, 2007
Kelli brushes frisky Ethan off when he turns up unannounced at Amanda's for a quickie. Belle insists to Drew, who prefers to do his school assignment and considers her paranoid, her aunt must have a secret agenda: greed? She tells Drew and Amanda about her kidnappers's ring-tone being Kelli's, in vain. Lucas isn't interested in Dan's group therapy; in fact the council is pulling the plug on his telephone help-line project financially, but the community might put up money alternatively, as happened for Noah's dropout center. Clyde demands financial help from Kelli ...

Mar 11, 2007
The helpline idea gets some serious brainstorming with Dan, Brad, even Rick... Lush Martha has blindly accepted the barmaid job at Cam Reynolds's Rocket Club without even knowing the drink recipes, or what happens there late, when clients get dangerously drunk and girls on stage start working the poles, or how tips are earned by special attention for special clients. A family meeting on Brad moving in permanently amounts to acceptance by acclamation.

Mar 12, 2007
Only Tony can get Lucas to get up and meet his mates again, but Rick drags him into the girls' helpline fund-raising plan for a 'nearly' nude boys calendar, like Drew and Tony; Belle steps in when the real photographer cancels last-minute. Lush Martha's paranoia estranges even Sal.

Mar 13, 2007
Lucas refuses to take any lip from Belle after his smacking her Drew, who graciously says he probably had done the same. Her hypocritical tears over Lucas's romantic writings about them she read without permission get her kicked out, but she steals the pages. Kelli and Ethan are delighted Amanda is happy about marrying Peter according to plan. Jack tries to calm his kid brother down, like he painstakingly controls his grief over Rory and Sam's leaving, but bumping into Drew still makes Lucas almost explode; he packs to leave for good, but Kelli talks him into staying....

Mar 14, 2007
Now Amanda has accidentally seen Ethan at the precinct, Kelli and he work out an emergency plan. Kit is impressed by James helping her to hospital, Rachel shocked to see him inject a patient IV instead of IM, while orderlies like him should leave that to qualified staff anyhow, but gives him a last unofficial warning.

Mar 15, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mar 18, 2007
Jack is back in the Yabbee Creek constabulary, but sergeant Darren McGrath puts him on customary desk duty for the first weeks; Tony brings him lunch and sees worried he's trying to track Rory and Sam, at least for a proper goodbye. Kim worries about Kit and James, then finds their weed and scolds the risks, especially for his unborn child; Kit makes James promise to stop blowing. Jack gets a credit-card report and finds the pair in hiding; Sam promises to return as soon as Shane is out of the way. In this mournful mood, frustrated Jack tells McGrath to stick it when ...

Mar 19, 2007
Jack finally boxes Sam's stuff, to turn the page, then fines arrogantly back-talking Cam. Thanks to the blokes the 'bared' boys calender sells like hot buns. Martha is not just the usual pest, she even dares call the others annoying and announces to move out. Colleen complains to Cam about noisy party-goers, but his money talks even louder then she nags; yet an official complaint has Jack sent over, Cam wisely turns the volume down and gets off with a warning.

Mar 20, 2007
Now the diner is a ruin after the party upstairs, Martha shocks everyone by rudely refusing any shred of responsibility, again, even when Jack officially investigates; Cam insists to advance $10,000 till Leah's insurance pays. Kim worries James is estranging Kit from him and suspects witnessing him dealing. Can taunts Jack till he gets a fist-blow; lush Martha blindly takes his side.

Mar 21, 2007
Lucas and the others rescue Belle and Drew from the ledge but Lucas is reluctant to accept when he learns he won the competition Belle entered him in.Meanwhile, Kitty returns to the Bay and she and Kelli are shocked to see each other.

Mar 22, 2007
Kelli goes to desperate measures to stop Kitty telling Amanda about her plans while Cam asks Martha to become a pole dancer when one of his girls drops out.

Mar 25, 2007
Dan arranges a surprise for Peter's bucks night, Kelli tries desperately to get hold of a letter Kitty has sent to Amanda and Cam tries to persuade Martha to take to the stage again.

Mar 26, 2007
Martha's friends try to reach out to her as she falls increasingly under Cam's spell while Peter and Amanda prepare for their wedding unaware of Kelli and Ethan's plans.

Mar 27, 2007
When the stag party boys see Martha pole-dancing at Cam's, they nearly start a fight while the turn-tail lush runs off weeping. Angry visits from rick, stopped from physically fighting by the men, and Jack who just warns cam he'll keep his eye on him, just succeed in driving her back in his arms and at the pole. Next day Peter is happy Drew and Ryan will stand by him at the wedding, but Ethan is lurking around while they pronounce their vows and yes, then divulges his 'wedding gift' under every seat: a most compromising picture.

Mar 28, 2007
The drugs get the better of James and he puts the pregnant Kit in a terrifying situation.

Mar 29, 2007
Amanda's exposed infidelity, not only broke Peter's heart (so he moves out), but guarantees the whole town's anger. Even her son Ryan refuses to spend another minute with her. Only fellow philanderer Belle sides with her ma and dares to blame Drew for 'double standards'. Just when Amanda decides to take charge of her life alone again, believing Kelli is on her side, Ethan turns up. When Ryan calls late, having being laughed at because of her at a party, Amanda goes to get him, but crosses Peter's car at high speed.

Apr 01, 2007
Peter's car has crashed into Amanda's - he's alright but she unconscious. Brad's gang was in the diner but joins Peter in hospital, where present conflicts are put aside, including Drew and Belle's fight too. Although Amanda's prognosis is surprisingly good her blood alcohol level is high and Peter is no longer sympathetic. Alf is home early, having managed to repatriate his sister Celia, whose mental condition still worries him. The truth about Cam's club gets the niece an eviction notice (revoked after a talk to Sam). Alf is soon face to face with the shirtless Cam,...

Apr 02, 2007
Rachel gets Kim to allow Kit go see James again and hear his apologies by way of closure, but he gets his hopes up. Cam gives his explanation after Martha heard dancer Paige complain, who got into drugs and debts and now resorts to violent vandalism to claim money. Jack is the one who removes her for disturbing the peace, but later informally brings he by to tell her side of the story, the drugs are part of his method; Martha still only believes Cam, yet searches his things but finds nothing as Candy was there first.

Apr 03, 2007
Kit fears her declaration of no-more-love chased James away, compromising his therapy. Kim isn't amused to find the junkie in his home, but apologizes and an admission Kim's true love is impressive seems sincere enough, so they part on friendly terms when Kim gives him a lift to the bus to leave 'for good'. Rachel makes Kim feel guilty, Kit is rather looking for his support with her pregnancy.

Apr 04, 2007
Alf is furious to hear men talk about his 'hot' niece, but she turns on him. Helpline clients are already given 'sanctuary' at Brad and Sal's, where Rick also lives. Colleen is even more useless and unbearable then usual after her rival Betty Allsop got her fired from her beloved bowls club, Irene's mediation attempt backfires.

Apr 05, 2007
Rick protects erratic helpline client Lily against her allegedly abusive boy-friend Kyle Sanders; Sal and Brad object to their home being used without even asking by unqualified volunteers. Lily's mother Brenda confirms Kyle's innocence: Lily is a mythomaniac, who indeed changes her story. Just back from a romantic weekend with Cam, Martha gets a car from her lover and volunteers to babysit club colleague Cindy's daughter Crystal; the little minx volunteers the secret Cam is her dad, the ingrate lush doubts his version and walks out him and the club.

Apr 08, 2007
Far too kind and generous ex Jack prevents Cam from talking to Martha in the diner, consoles her at home, even cooks her favorite pasta. Kyle lectures his rebellious girl-friend Lily Nelson back home, then Jack drops by but is told it was all made-up. After he leaves, by the book, the amateurs get going. After an apology the lush believes and forgives Cam but abuses Jack, as usual.

Apr 09, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 10, 2007
Dr. Hugh Sullivan is back, and impresses Colleen by curing her wrist strain as if by magic, just before her bowls club duel with Madge, then organizes a make up-picnic for Kim and his ex and colleague Rachel. Kelli tells Ethan Amanda finished off her own life by herself, to her delight, later hears even Pete helped talk in to Belle, who indeed returns, so she stirs sister into drinking again; pills do the trick.

Apr 11, 2007
Cam regains control over fickle lush Martha. Dr. Hugh Sullivan arranges a romantic picnic which brings Kim and Rachel back close together. Amanda keeps running herself down. Jack catches Cam cuddling dancer Amy.

Apr 12, 2007
Dr. Hugh Sullivan is naively commandeered for Colleen's bowls duel against Betty Allsop; Drew too, betrayed by the girls, later Tony, Alf, Kim and others by surprise. Cam puts Martha back to work, but Jack arrests a thrown-out party-goer with drugs he got in the Rocket Club, arrests the dealer and tries to close Cam's club. The brass won't have a bar of it, lack of proof, and takes Cam's complaint -soon retracted- seriously, the lush won't even listen and blindly believes Cam's story about her club colleague Andy. Jack prepares a by-the-book alternative.

Apr 15, 2007
Jack gives Cam's pusher a sweet deal: plant some extra drugs that Cam can't get rid off and be spared prosecution himself, but Cam catches him in the act and he didn't think of Martha's private bag. She denies it's her cocaine, so Cam suggests to senior sergeant Darren McGrath that Jack has set her up. Ethan is frustrated that Kelli refuses to spend time with him. A birthday gift, telescope, seals Ryan's return as regular guest in Amanda's home. Sister Kelli arranges that Amanda seems to Dan to be drinking again in Ryan's presence; he's shocked to find his boy ...

Apr 16, 2007
Jack and the gang worry about Cam's counter-attack. Martha doesn't even suspect her crafty lover of setting her up, and begs for his help. He consults Peter, who suggests that there's no conviction without proof. Drew is delighted with a surprise visit from his boarding school room buddy, Jules. Jules dropped out of school and plans a long motorbike tour, but has packed a secret. Dan files for sole custody of Ryan. The boy still wants to keep seeing Amanda, who 'takes him for a drive'. Jack catches up and arrests the parental kidnapper.

Apr 17, 2007
Drew learns that Jules stole his motorbike from a rich boarding school friend, but agrees to say nothing to Peter. After showing it off to he gang, Drew is not amused at being given a speedy ride. Jules gets away with inviting himself and Drew to a birthday party at Brad's, organized by the teens gang. However, he brings alcohol stolen from Peter. Ric slaps him. Leah leaves for Athens with V.J. in the hopes of rescuing her brother, Alexi, from a corrupt Greek customs official before their parents find out.

Apr 18, 2007
Now James is out of the picture, Kim and Rachel look forward to helping Kit give birth and care for the baby. They also set up a date for Hugh with a nurse, but neither cares for the locals' incessant match-making. Kit's baby takes unexpectedly early priority. Rick gets Lily back by explaining he only got rough with Jules because he was beaten brutally by his own dad and gets really protective of people he feels he can protect.

Apr 19, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 22, 2007
Sgt. Darren McGrath is investigating the disappearance of drugs from Martha's files. Jack has no choice but to lie to his face, while Cam clearly guesses the game now he's let off the hook, like Martha, who finally thanks Jack 'whether you did or not'. Kit's contractions are real this time; an accident caused a major detour on their way to hospital where Dr. Hugh Sullivan is on duty. Kim has to take a rough road, then gets a flat tire; the baby can't wait that long. Tony keeps the home front quiet while Rick drives to the hospital, unsuspecting. When he arrives first,...

Apr 23, 2007
Now Tony has found his second wife Beth killed in the car accident, he feels his whole family life is wrecked and confronts the driver who survived, but does nothing. Jack is a tower of strength while the home front mourns, mixed feelings with happiness for Kim's fatherhood. When Cam finds out, he goes easy on Martha although he needs to convince his club investors fast.

Apr 24, 2007
Hugh refuses Rachel's tempting offer to move in, but has no short-term alternative while all rooms are taken for a show in Yabbie Creek. Then dad Monroe calls to ask Drew about his runaway son. Only Drew still gave his boarding school buddy Jules Monroe a chance, even when he brings flowers and a party invitation, but Lily changes her mind, so the adolescent beach party goes on- till Dan and Peter come looking for two bottles whiskey stolen from Alf's surf-club bar; Drew takes the blame to spare Jules being sent home.

Apr 25, 2007
Drew takes the blame for Jules' theft and gets stuck with work for Alf 'as a favor'. Jules looses his short temper with the nagging girls, except Lily; their budding relationship braves Cassie's bitchy stirring behind her back. Ryan resists Amanda taking him from Peter at the beach. In her gym club, client Johnno has a serious accident and announces major damage claims after bad advice from Kelli- who later congratulates her lover Ethan with his mate's performance.

Apr 26, 2007
Ethan manages to hide when Amanda drops by at the gym to check the books. It turns out she's no longer insured. Allegedly 'back and nerve' injured client Jonathan (Johnno) Tallis' lawyer, Mark Davidson, presents claims above medical costs for trauma and income loss amounting to Aus$800,000. He also suggests that she better settle 'out of court' or the loss comes with added costs; either way she must mortgage or sell her home. Jules is spotted by Rick while both walk their girls on the beach. The trauma over Beth's death still carries on. Snake Kelli convinces Amanda ...

Apr 29, 2007
Lily and Mattie fall into the sea, Jules is paralyzed with fear, and Rick arrives and saves them. Rick keeps raging about Jules even after Hugh saves her life, to everyone's tedium. Drew learns what tortures his mate: he's a mental mess ever since he was unable to save his previous girlfriend Linda during a boating accident at sea.

Apr 30, 2007
Drew finally tells his dad, police detective Peter, that Jules's motorcycle is stolen from a boarding schoolmate. Jules explains to both family and Rick's gang about the fatal drowning trauma at Elliot's Beach which made him freeze when the girls were in the surf. Cam is still courting Martha, but fighting for the Rocket Club's survival, paying the staff with credit from a money shark: a business dinner with his major investor Lou Baines is of vital importance, yet she wines about Lou's physical flirtation. Alas that is not all that he wants as a 'usual perk' and she ...

May 01, 2007
At night, Jack finds his dad Tony mentally exhausted after Beth's funeral and minding Kim's baby Archie, but the good son's comforting support helps. Next morning Tony and Kim get the cold shower the law suit against the gym may cost them their jobs. Kim is hurt, even worst in his honor as provider for baby Archie. Tony tells Jack to back off on the subject, nearly breaks down but sort of pulls together just in time for the sentimental memorial service at her favorite Gunner Beach. Kelli keeps impatient Ethan informed, Amanda is shunned by nearly everybody.

May 02, 2007
The police have found, and brought back, missing Jules and the stolen bike, but no official complaint is filed. Dan and Leah are prepared to take Jules in so he doesn't have to return home and can stay with Drew. Peter decides, to Dan's surprise, to drop off Ryan with Amanda. He is prepared to get back on speaking terms, but crushing her hope they might get back together, she decides to leave Summer Bay. Kelli's meeting with Ethan was accidentally recorded on a photograph Belle made, but she weasels her way out and decides to speed up operation hell on big sister.

May 03, 2007
Kelli assures Ethan it's time to finish Amanda off and move to Thailand. Belle finds some of her pills, but is told off by Peter, who still investigates the picture with Ethan. Amanda tells everybody she's moving to the city and expects Dan to deal with Ryan's tears, but has to return, forcing Kelli to leave the drugged pitcher, which Belle accidentally drinks out off, so she lands in hospital. Amanda overhears Ethan who fears Kelli is setting him up but is struck down while the sisters engage in a car chase.

May 06, 2007
Kelli is delighted to find Amanda in her tipped-over car and left her after coming clean about her crave for revenge. Peter has found Ethan, who helps him find her alive. Dr. Hugh patches her up, Belle is recovered from the drug enough to visit. Kelli is arrested. Unemployed Kim's pride can't handle Rachel paying even a small bill, for baby Archie's rental seat, she feels seriously neglected and has too many drinks with Hugh, who puts her in his bed, while Kim and Kit feel the same chemistry quite awake.

May 07, 2007
Drew is surprised that Jules promises Dan he will be a 'good boy'. Jules tries to fit in at school - academically he is fine, only Cassie's bitching causes trouble yet they're all in the same, Brad-imposed literature study group, which she abuses to read and nag about a private letter. Tony is getting normal. Kim goes easy on kiss-thief Kit. Drunk Rachel thanks gentleman Hugh who let her sleep in his room, oblivious of her own pass, he decides to move out but is persuaded to wait another week.

May 08, 2007
Jack brings Lucas home, just what proud dad Tony needed, but when he discovers over surfing together the boy is offered a US scholarship insists he shouldn't waste such an opportunity. After talking to Jack, the caring son decides to decline and support his widowed pa. Cam is out of cash and desperate for investor Lou to sign, so he pretends the loan shark's goons threaten not only him but Cindy's kid, so Martha will finally cooperate. Although Cassie got less the she deserved for invading Jules' privacy and haunting him, she gets all the misplaced sympathy, even from...

May 09, 2007
After investor Lou's 'misbehavior' with Martha, she files no complaint but refuses to stay in the Rocket Club, which Cam fears is now doomed. Jack sees Cam with the loan shark Terry Mitchel, so he suspects Cam and local youngster O'Reilly when $2,000 is stolen from the diner till. Tony meets the new high-school English teacher Naomi Preston (22), who was on Lucas' youth writers circle. At school she expresses her interest in Lucas, but both are startled he'll be in her class and agree to meet, she believed him to be a university student and calls off their secret ...

May 10, 2007
Cam struggles to find a new owner for his adult venue - The Rocket Club. This results in two thugs appearing on his door.

May 13, 2007
More dramas for Cam and the Rocket Club. Cam is out of money and out of time.

May 14, 2007
After about three months, the Cam/Rocket Club storyline finally concludes...with a bang!

May 15, 2007
During detention, although chores are imposed by principal Brad, Jules keeps pranking, but when Cassie manages to hurt her leg Jules is surprisingly caring. Drew and Belle are back on kissing terms. Kim is the perfect supportive father for Archie, even when the baby vomits on his T-shirt, and for Kit, but she turns distant- because she can't handle falling love with him again. Rachel and Hugh are getting a bit closer.

May 16, 2007
Naomi ignores and embarrasses Lucas in her English class, she sneers that their relationship was based on a lie, as if he could just forget about it, he tells Rick the truth. Kit tells Kim to limit his visits to baby Archie to pre-arranged times. Hugh takes Kim, Rick and Tony -joined by Naomi- out drinking for a 'boys night', they encourage him to pursue Ingrid, who brings her lady friends to their table. Ingrid startles Rachel leaving Hugh's bedroom. Noami takes surfing lessons from Tony. Lucas acts as jealous as frustrated.

May 17, 2007
Rick made Lucas see that he has to forget about Naomi, but seeing her with his Dad (as surfing mentor) is too much, yet they agree afterward to be just discrete friends. Beth's kids insist on investing $300,000 from their inheritance to help Tony set up his own business, but he refuses and turns, in renewed gloomy despair, to Naomi, who does more comforting than hugging. Ex Dan and even daughter Belle can't talk Amanda out of selling her house and moving to the city, feeling she estranged everybody in Summer bay, Peter doesn't even try.

May 20, 2007
Tony turns to Naomi for support after Beth's death, Lucas tries to work out a way to get things on an amicable footing between himself and Naomi while Belle is hurt by the news of Amanda's decision to leave.

May 21, 2007
Tony's guilt over his night with Naomi increases when he learns of her relationship with Lucas while Belle tries to give Amanda a decent send-off and Peter has to decide where his future lies.

May 22, 2007
Alf has rushed electrocuted Kim to hospital where Hugh patches him up. Rachel confesses to Brad she worries more about Hugh moving out then her sick husband. Hugh tells Martha why he moved to her place. Jules sweetly shows his fun side, and naughtily talks Cassie into taking a driving lesson from him -pupil's license only- in Brad's car, which breaks down.

May 23, 2007
After the car broke down, Jules and Cassie spend the night in, alone, until Brad and Alf find them. Just now she warmed up to Jules, Brad forbids her to take driving lessons from him, worse after rick finds the plug was probably sabotaged. While Tony tells Naomi they can't add to Lucas' misery by telling about them, the boy watches them arguing. She calls in sick and plays the victim, the Holden guys bend over to spare each-other.

May 24, 2007
Rick calms Lucas down after he found out the truth by reading Tony's letter to Naomi. Lucas still boycotts her lessons, gets thrown out and goes confront dad in the gym, this time without any understanding, even considers telling his siblings, who prepared a gym partnership celebration dinner for Tony. Jules forces Drew's hand to hold an 18th birthday party. Cassie refuses further contact with 'sabateur' Jules, who counts on the party. Brad warns Dan about Drew's slipping grades, so he's grounded, the party delayed, but Jules decides to change venue instead.

May 27, 2007
Beth's daughters can't understand Tony's 'posthumous infidelity', Mathie dumps Rick for not telling her. Lucas is depressed enough to start drinking, although underage, unlike Drew. His 18th birthday-party is attended by Belle, who drags along Cassie. She admitted that she would like to kiss Jules again, and even ends up under the same blanket. A new girl steals a kiss from first-time legally drunk Drew, Belle dumps him. Kim worries if he still cares enough for Rachel and tells Kit he understands Tony. Alf and Dan break up the 'rowdy' party, but Tony gets the real ...

May 28, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 29, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 30, 2007
Now that Jack had told him about Naomi seducing Lucas, principal Brad reconsiders her permanent job offer. After the party wrecked his grades, Dan forces Drew to catch up and give Naomi surf lessons. Even now Lucas won't speak up against Naomi to Brad. Belle won't give Drew a change to make up, and Dan confiscates his cellphone. When Naomi fails him because his assignment disappeared, Drew is ready to quit school altogether, even after Belle confesses she stole it he doubts returning.

May 31, 2007
Thanks to Colleen, the local paper publishes Naomi's illicit sex-life, she and Brad still pussyfoot around how to handle her school employment. Lucas refused to hear dad Tony's plea to 'knuckle down' again for his crucial HSC exams, but 'mates' taunting poor Lucas with the article puts him in the mood to join the battle against the seducer, who however decides to fight back on all fronts.

Jun 03, 2007
Even after saving Naomi from his hot-headed schoolmates at the caravan park, Lucas refuses to make up with his dad. Jack pleads on behalf of his family's interest and finally gets through to Naomi, who grudgingly realizes she must leave. Even while Kim spoils her in a luxury suite, Rachel phones Hugh, then proposes to bear Kim's next child.

Jun 04, 2007
Now Drew has quit school till further notice, ever-naughty Jules convinces him to waste the afternoon idly; they even teach Ryan to 'use' a slingshot, so dismayed dad Dan makes Drew accept a lowly job in the diner. Kit's announcement she'll move with Archie to finish her studies makes Kim doubt if he can have a child with Rachel too. Hugh scolding him decides Kim's mind. Leah's brother Alexi returns to Summerbay, riding big brother Chris's treasured motorbike.

Jun 05, 2007
Leah's 'kid' brother Alex Poulos has arrived by big brother Chris's motorbike to stay in the caravan park and borrows $300 from her, without telling he owes someone a lot more. Jules tries to cheer Cassie up by waiting for her boxers-only in a caravan, but it's Alexi's and she show no sense of humor, even meanly makes fun of the kid behind his back at the pool party he organized to cheer Drew up and help him patch up with Belle, who alas goes berserk when she sees he has a text message from seducer Gina. Overhearing the bitching at his expense, Jules needs to let ...

Jun 06, 2007
Jules's joy-ride on the Poulos motorbike has ended in a crash and is badly wounded, but he sneaks in keeping quiet while Alexi desperately asks Jack's official help. Drew finds out and wrestles with the dilemma whether to keep covering for a rascal mate who keeps messing up. Belle keeps nagging Drew till it causes a fire accident in the diner, but cleaning up and cooling off in the pool brings them back on flirting terms. The Education departments investigation in the case Naomi-Lucas turns against Brad. Jules faints.

Jun 07, 2007
Jules's medical diagnosis is reassuring, but he faces judicial charges likely to land him in juvenile detention. Jules still claims Drew owes him and broke the honor code, which works once more: Drew begs Alex till he drops the charge, provided brother Chris's bike is paid for cash. All this seems to shake up Jules at last, but Dan and Leah have already decided to send the sassy troublemaker back to his parents, Drew's support doesn't cut it here: it's time for goodbyes. 'Handyman' Brad accidentally finds suspicious sedative pills in Alex's caravan.

Jun 10, 2007
Alex's relief to get his bag and pills back, which Brad learns caused the trouble for him and Leah with customs on Cyprus, is short-lived. His client is no longer interested, and dodgy mate Rob who offers to buy some only has cash for a bit, worse: Brad catches him just in time to prevent him breaking in Alex's caravan, he goes hide it in Leah's fireplace. Kim is obviously not comfortable when accompanying Rachel to the fertility center, where sperm supply is low. Kim misunderstands her phrasing she wouldn't ask Hugh and gets a brisk no, she a scolding for sending her...

Jun 11, 2007
Lucas is returning to normal, studying and socializing, but gives dad Tony the cold shoulder to a degree. Hugh now understands Rachel's frustration about Kim backing down on artificial insemination and lets her stay for the night and consoles her tears- kissing. Tony gets Alph's old dingy, but Lucas politely refuses to repair it 'together'. Kim organizes a boys night, poker and beer.

Jun 12, 2007
After sharing Hugh's bed, Rachel suddenly leaves him, only to find her husband, Kim, crashed out on the sofa after his boys poker night. Jack ignores Cody, worrying about his ex and Hugh, but Tony's assurance it's too soon after their divorce makes Jack accept a date, which goes well. Rick finally makes Lucas understand it's cruel and self-absorbed to keep punishing Tony for one honest mistake. The recent widower needs his beloved boys more then ever now that Kit is about to leave, too stubborn to tell Kim she really wants him.

Jun 13, 2007
However hard Dan makes life for the 'drop-out' and everybody insists he's academically gifted, Drew refuses to reconsider school. Jack agrees to a dinner date with his ex, Hugh and his own new girlfriend Cody, but she won't even answer her phone. Jack gets Lucas to play her and cancel, as Hugh does for real, leaving them alone, but Alf gives the game away. Drew accidentally discovers Jules is hiding in Amanda's empty house and stops Belle throwing him out- for now. After another verbal fight with Drew, Dan calls the boy's hated mother Jacinta 'Jazz'.

Jun 14, 2007
Dan is still angrily looking for Drew, who has left home and joined Jules in Amanda's villa, where Belle grudgingly allows them a short stay. Coming to clean the villa for a prospective buyer, Colleen finds them. As if Dan wasn't angry enough, the buyer arrives, and is none other than Drew's despicable mother Jacinta 'Jaz', who remembers his boarding school mate. Alexi discovers his backpack is missing from the fireplace stash at Leah's, the pills are accidentally found in the trash by Brad. Just then Cassie manages to lose track of VJ, who has gotten hold of some of ...

Jun 17, 2007
Jack planned the perfect romantic picnic with his ex, but they get lost, have two flat tires and are threatened with a shotgun by an old farmer who mistakes the trespassers for elusive and vandalizing local hooligans. Alexi tries to explain that he only dealt in illegal prescription drugs from Europe to settle his debts, but Dan wants to call the police - Leah tells her brother to disappear from her life. Drew's despised mother, Jazz, arrogantly commandeers his room, but Dan hears why she moved in: she just left her new husband and kids.

Jun 18, 2007
Jack assumed Martha, who rudely took off without waiting for him, went home, but she managed to get lost in the pouring rain and is found sleeping in the Campbell barn. When courteous Geoff drives her home, his kid sister Annie blurts out they don't go to school to Sal and Alf, who guesses the teenagers must be the late Jim Campbell's offspring. Kit overhears Hugh and Rachel discuss how to handle her fussing about baby Archie. When Lucas grumpily walks off the dingy project because Tony's instructions are too fussy, dad tells him he's through trying to make up. Jack's...

Jun 19, 2007
Kim scolds Rachel for her poor performance which drives Kit away again. Hugh, who saved Archie, defends her and even makes a damaging file (against her) disappear. He has accepted a post in Johannesburg and gives her a major choice. Now both their kids tell Tony they no longer hate him but want him off their back, he feels his life without Beth is now as empty as his bed and the fridge. He calls Brad lucky, even though Sal 'lends him' to everyone as a handyman, even Colleen.

Jun 20, 2007
Both Hugh, heading for Johannesburg, and Kit, just for the nearest city, have handed expiring ultimatums to Rachel viz. Kim to give up their apparently already dead marriage, but neither has the courage to decide. Lucas is persuaded by Rick and Mattie to take Tony's dinghy to visit Kit - and sinks it almost instantly. Brad and Sally come to realize that old farmer Bruce Campbell is probably depriving his orphaned grandchildren, Geoff (who wants to go to theological college) and Annie (at 14 still legally school-bound), of a proper education, but Brad wants to avoid ...

Jun 21, 2007
Rachel is finally forced to decide where her heart truly lies. Ric talks Luc into stealing his Dad's boat. Sally's struggle to help Annie leaves her at odds with Brad.

Jun 24, 2007
Drew grants begging Jules one 'last' chance to make up for not letting him stay the night and grudgingly moves back in with Dan. Jazz finds out Jules calls her bluff on telling Drew he once climbed in her bed as a kid after being seduced all summer to stay with Cassie, who is impressed with is romantic moonstone birthday gift. Jazz decides to break them up- by lying to her Jules 'did it again' last night.

Jun 25, 2007
Now the department knows, Sal wants to leave it to them, but Brad found out the Campbell kids' inheritance provided for private education, which they both want for Annie. Alas grandpa Bruce saw them, and bullies his naively obedient farm slaves (Campbell kids) back home. Feeling guilty about the sunken dingy, Lucas encourages Tony to buy another one and promises filial help. The department orders Bruce to let Annie go to school; Brad finds out that he used all the money and forces the scrooge to let Geoff get schooled too or face criminal charges.

Jun 26, 2007
Now honest Geoff has 'dobbed' Lucas in to Tony for the dingy-sinking, Lucas picks a fight in the locker-room. After Jack reminds Tony fathering a teenager takes endless patience and a thick hide, dad and Like make up about the 'get lost - I will' neither meant and wanted in the wonderful wordless boys-way. Asked by Tony to punish Lucas before he gets totally out of hand, Sally orders the reluctant A-student to tutor Annie, which actually goes well, except Geoff now mistrusts the 'heathen brute's' influence. Kim taunts Kit who asks him to babysit Archie stat but wants ...

Jun 27, 2007
Jack discovers during a random alcohol test that Alf's drivers license is expired and lets him off the hook for now. He is scolded by his ex as if he gave her stubborn grandpa, who admits he's avoiding a possible hereditary glaucoma blindness diagnosis, a hard time. Kim has a hard time getting Kit to answer his calls to see if Archie is alright and is even told to stop phoning. Jack encourages Kit to talk to Rachel about their marriage. When Kim returns home, Rachel can't be intimate in bed again, although both tried, and confesses she made love with Hugh. Kim is ...

Jun 28, 2007
Kim and Rachel blame each-other for their marital crisis, Jack gets them to talk at least. Alf can't put off getting his driving license renewed anymore because the business suffers, fails the eyes test and has to be stopped from driving anyhow. Brad is fed up with Sal and Colleen nagging him about what he's going to do about his suspension and also what he's planning to spend his free time on in the meantime and during his suspension. 'Grounded' Alf volunteers to help with the handyman chores.

Jul 01, 2007
Kim begins avoiding Rachel after recent revelations, Brad seems to be giving in to apathy and Sally and Martha are worried when Alf continues driving without his license.

Jul 02, 2007
Kit reluctantly gives Kim a place to stay for the night and it becomes increasingly clear the pair still have feelings for each other while Cassie shocks Sally by taking a job at the surf club.

Jul 03, 2007
Lucas decides to buy his dad, Tony, a new boat as an apology, Jack generously offers to chip in. Drew applies for Kim's job in the gym, which he could get instantly on trial basis but only without being able to do any personal training (as he isn't qualified), so he refuses. Geoff sees Lucas fiddle with the boat Alf showed him and reports this to the owner, who files a police complaint for vandalism. Jacinta moves into Amanda's house and admits she needs Drew 'too'. Alf gives the job of training the football team to Tony, who must now pull out from working on the boat...

Jul 04, 2007
Geoff's prominent arrival on the rugby team bugs Lucas, Tony worries about mending their father-son-bond. Brad is shattered: Naomi's new lies may wreck his future as principal forever. Brad faces her, she even threatens to drag up his earlier problem. Annie begs her tutor, Lucas, to go easy on and understand Geoff, given their mean grandpa. Lucas joins the school team, against Tony's wishes, then is assured nobody can take his filial place. Rick makes Alf face facts, luckily: it's a curable cataract.

Jul 05, 2007
Geoff's grandpa, Bruce Campbell, buries him in exhausting chores so the poor boy is inevitably late for team practice, where he works twice as hard to make up the time. Bruce still rants that Geoff's school 'nonsense' gets in the way of work on the family farm, and out of the blue accuses Lucas of leading Annie astray. Liar Naomi's return for the final interviews rattle both Lucas, who just tells the truth, and Brad who fears his career is over. The department is informed that Brad once was expelled for marijuana possession by Naomi, Bruce publicly scolds his 'living ...

Jul 08, 2007
Rick is stunned that Viv told him she's expecting his baby, infertile husband Noel offers him cash to 'stay away'. Dan gets an ideal going away-present: Drew has decided to go back to school. Roman offers Leah financial details provided Irene respects his privacy. Simon changes his statement in court, risking his law studies, Cassie is convicted and punished mildly but gets a surprise visitor. After Rick refuses the money, Noel sends goon Maxy and repeats his offer.

Jul 09, 2007
Roman proves a good diner chef and a babe-magnet. Henk is back from India early, having heard about Cassie's trial. The Holdens have a pre-wedding barbecue. Jonah realizes Martha is just running away from Jack, not to a future, and drives them back.

Jul 10, 2007
When Jack takes Martha along when he tests the boat he wants to buy for Tony, she convinces him to go skinny-dipping, alas cut short by police colleagues after a complaint. After Belle sanctimoniously tells Drew she doesn't want a 'dishonest' boyfriend, Drew decides not to use the check he stole from his mother. Rick says he can't get him a mechanic job, but later gets him a week's work 'on trial'. Jazz first inspires Dan to offer him another car after graduation, then offers him this one now if he moves in. He refuses, but sees the owner of the car nearly selling it ...

Jul 11, 2007
Rick discovers Reuben's gang has returned to trash Sally's place - it's in too much of a mess to clean up before she returns. Although the party and Reuben were Mattie's idea, she's mad enough to play the 'falsely blamed' victim that nobody understands. When Jack comes round to investigate, explicitly not blaming her, she packs her bags supposedly to go and stay with a friend. Jack prepares a surprise DVD treat with Leah's culinary help for his ex, but accidentally discovers she has received divorce papers and decides to make it (too?) easy for her, so they both sign ...

Jul 12, 2007
Reuben and his mate aren't amused to learn Mattie tagged along without informing her family. Tony now gets a phone message, Rick hears from her schoolmate Emma and goes see her, but is send back as busybody by both. Brad and Rachel return from their holiday relaxed, she decides to concentrate on medicine, he prepares a big surprise for Sally, who worries now the department has ruled against him. Tony is just in time to stop Rick roughing up Reuben for messing in his van- as turns out, with another girl.

Jul 15, 2007
Brad takes the news that he may only return to school as an ordinary teacher well, but Sal refuses to get married, at least for now, ignoring the fact that he has prepared an elaborate engagement celebration. So the boys turn the cruise party into a fishing trip, but go missing at sea. In the meantime Jack and his ex have managed not to tell each-other that they signed their divorce - against their true feelings.

Jul 16, 2007
With Sally having turned down Brad's proposal, he and several of the other Bay menfolk have ended up stranded out at sea during a fierce storm.

Jul 17, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 18, 2007
Unsuspecting Tony bring his car for service to the garage. There Rick warns Drew, who refuses Jazz's offers to pay for his car repairs and to welcome girlfriends, to keep a low profile, but luckily he insists on checking out a noise: poor Geoff was locked in all night and morning. Grandpa Bruce abuses the situation: blames Tony and pulls Geoff out of the team and school altogether. Reuben gets a court summons but decides to keep on the road. Finding out Reuben was economical with the truth about his late mother makes Mathilde reconsider staying with her confidant.

Jul 19, 2007
Furious about Geoff's abuse, Tony bans ringleader Aden from both the team and the gym. He goes to the Campbell farm for revenge and is chased by Bruce with a gun, to Geoff's horror. Tony tries to talk sense into both hot-heads but fails. Brad confronts the taunting at his demotion to a 'mere teacher' and considers Mathilde's self-invitation to come and live with them. Rick, who wasn't consulted, like Tony, and who is clearly against the idea but doesn't want to forbid it.

Jul 22, 2007
Alf finds Tony, with a bad head wound. In hospital Tony tells Jack that it must have been Bruce. Jack, has brought Geoff along who hears his grandpa's false alibi and tells Tony. Meanwhile Mattie's arrogant idea to move in with Rick at Brad's has been wisely turned down, but now he makes Alf suggest she could become Martha's diner flat-mate. Jack finds out Bruce had another alibi, his heart condition he keeps from Geoff. However that means Sam must be right, as proven later- Rory is in great danger.

Jul 23, 2007
Jack was just too late to prevent Rory being abducted by his escaped father, Shane Deeks, and a female accomplice and informs mother Sam, his lover, who blames herself most, and promises to get the boy back anyhow. As soon as Jack gets word that Rory must be in Shane's van, he gives chase and even ignores Sergeant Darren McGrath's formal orders to hold back. The speeding van crashes yet the boy isn't in it, only passports and supplies for him, Shane and Bronwyn Hansen. The next tip off is the marina, where Bronwyn is arrested, but says Rory must have jumped overboard....

Jul 24, 2007
Alf brings a welcome surprise visitor: retired principal Don Fisher, who is now separated from June since their holiday resort went bust and is broke, hoping for a teaching job. Drew accepts concert tickets from ma, thinking this idea ideal to win Belle back, but needs $600 for another bargain car exhaust offered by Dom Moran. Whle Brad wants to start planning a grand church wedding, Sally prefers a low-key event; they agree to wait until he's appointed as deputy principal, but that's not certain yety.

Jul 25, 2007
Belle is angry to find Drew working with Dom, who soon causes trouble between them.Sally and Brad have different ideas about their wedding and Sally is shocked to learn Don is bankrupt and desperate for work.

Jul 26, 2007
Tony and Rachel claim they get on well but nothing more, so she fixes him a date with nurse Julie. After the concert, a girl steals Belle's handbag, and a family jewel that Drew 'borrowed' from Jazz. Creepy Dom rescues the handbag, but secretly keeps her wallet after returning the crucifix 'found on the floor' and becomes a hero. Even Jazz's lawyer and adulterous lover Dane Jordan warns her: as fellow executor of grandma's will she must hand Drew her fortune, but his hug for 'being so cool lately' makes her decide against coming clean to the boy.

Jul 29, 2007
Seeing how relieved Sam is finally to be rid of Shane, Jack won't bother her with his IA investigation, nor add to his dad's worries. However he must assist in questioning Tony about his whereabouts after meeting nurse Julie who was attacked. He's forced to disclose his alibi, which he hoped to keep from the kids: Jazz. For Drew that's proof she's seducing serially again, but she convinces him to be seriously interested. Jack is put through the wringer but acquitted, only Sam finds out Martha knew and calls that a serious peril for their relationship.

Jul 30, 2007
Jack accepts that Sam can't handle him being close to Martha, whom he finally blames for her selfish lack of comprehension. Now he has lost his school and sport, Geoff is sick of grandpa working him like a slave but keeping the books secret, and discovers his parents' will. Jack also makes Sam realize Rory needs closure, so they hold service with Shane's ashes, where Rory tells Jack he's his dad now.

Jul 31, 2007
Now Annie has discovered the dead ewes, Geoff can barely stop Bruce scolding the police, which dismisses Lucas' suggestion that Aden could have poisoned them (like the crop he ruined). At school, Donald Fisher reprimands both 'disrespectful' pupils and Brad, while pretending to be immune to Aden's Internet 'flathead' prank. For Sal's sake all the staff cools down and looks for a middle ground. While getting his gun, Bruce has a cardiac arrest and can't find his pills after the kids' cabinet searches.

Aug 01, 2007
Despite his heart-attack, Bruce invokes medical confidentiality not to tell the kids, discharges himself against doctor's advice and scolds Geoff, who realizes the ancestral farm is only cumulating losses, for suggesting to sell. After Don tells Belle to start considering her post-school prospects, she keeps nagging even now as Drew asks her to pick up the lost car part from Dom, who asks her out in vain again. Alas Dom delivered a faulty part, and gets another - by theft. Brad gets general consent for a wedding in six weeks, Sal agrees but still without enthusiasm.

Aug 02, 2007
Jazz tells Dane she's seeing another and promises Drew not to play with Tony's feeling before dating him again; they agree to be non-exclusive. Drew sees Rick is right, his garage colleague and suspiciously cheap car part supplier Dom is a thief. The boss is pleased enough to take Drew on as apprentice, expecting him to be a good mate for his nephew Dom, so Drew accepts to join him in illegal drag-racing, reluctantly followed by Rick. The boss actually warns Dom to keep their secrets. Sal revokes her wedding plans OK, but agrees to keep the early date.

Aug 05, 2007
Drew and Rick were caught at the drag-race by the police but get off with a warning and lectures all-round, yet Drew accepts another dare. Because Mattie helps her school friend Emma cover up her pregnancy (and cheating at an exam), Rick thinks the positive test kit he accidentally finds is hers.

Aug 06, 2007
Geoff confides in Tony that he can't handle grandpa Bruce's mean abuse anymore, knowing his parents' will provided for his education. Yet Geoff won't tell Annie, who found rabbit poison in his pack - just what Jack reports that the lab concluded killed the sheep. Rory only tells Jack that he skipped class, then admits he won't commit to friendship because of his frequent moves to other schools. Don and Sal decide to let off Matti for cheating with marking him down, but her exam-scores are poor anyway.

Aug 07, 2007
Annie no longer suspects Geoff after vindictive bully Aden Jefferies' car appears at night and someone throws a brick from it through one of the Campbell farm windows. Jack gets Aden to confess it was him but he does not confess to the sheep poising. Jack is delighted now Rory is moved to junior high-school and Sam gets her nurse job back and collaborates for its benefit with his own ex. Bruce asks Geoff if he's sure he wants to go into the religious ministry. After Aden's alibi proves solid, the identity of the true poisoner gets revealed dramatically.

Aug 08, 2007
Mean old Bruce has shot someone at night, thinking he aimed at vandal Aiden, but actually hit his own grandson Geoff. The boy is diagnosed lightly wounded in hospital; Bruce has another cardiac attack. Instead of taking responsibility, he kicks his lifelong abused and exploited heir out for refusing to remain a slave to what is his and Annie's own heritage. So Geoff arrives 'homeless' at Tony's. Meanwhile a financial mishap gives Sal an occasion to question the wedding again.

Aug 09, 2007
Lucas makes it brutally clear that unfortunate wounded, homeless Geoff is still unwelcome, so Tony grudgingly starts looking for alternative accommodation, at Irene's, where Belle takes a bit of getting used to. Jack, Sam and Rory are welcomed by Rachel, who meanwhile worries that her former crush, Henk Van Patten, although separated from but still interested in, may not agree to be best man at Brad's wedding.

Aug 12, 2007
Jack tells Rory to warn off bullies with his cop house-mate, Sam is worried how close both 'her' cheerfully frolicking boys seem with Martha. Rachel makes them feel welcome, but refuses to consider Brad's best man Henk Van Patten's claim he has changed in eight years. Brad feels he has lost his haughty elitist streak.

Aug 13, 2007
Geoff makes a last vain attempt to make grandpa Bruce see reason, even offers to come and work (without lodgings) and threatens to reveal his misuse of their inheritance. He now tells Annie everything, but she refuses to desert the hypocrite. After failing Don's class, too tired from her double farm chores, she finally speaks out for selling the farm and announces she's moving out with Geoff to Tony's. Hank makes friends with caravan park neighbor Don and promises Rachel to tell Brad the truth. She tells him to disappear after the wedding instead. Lucas finds Annie ...

Aug 14, 2007
Furious Bruce has caught 'tresspasser' Lucas and locks him up in the farm with Annie. Worried Geoff tells Tony, who immediately goes look for his son with Geoff- Bruce shoots at them! Geoff sneaks in and holds the old tyrant at gun-point. Tony comes convince him not to shoot and let the monster ruin his young life and Annie's in an even worst, irreparable way. Dom convinces Drew he and Rick must drag-race against Denni, who would loose face with his girl-friend Lisa, 'reason' for Belle to blame Drew! Jazz was left receiving Brad, Dan and partners without Tony or ...

Aug 15, 2007
Drew's refusal to compete in a drag-race against Denni Maitland is handled after Belle's Verbal abuse: Drew's car is kidnapped until he shows up. Don Fisher realizes his lack of computer skills won't do, but refuses to seek advice. Don tries to 'supervise' Lucas coaching Mathilde, but the bright boy sees right through him and is offered $50 per lesson, discrete for both reputations. Even Dom won't side for or against Denni, who has another wicked surprise when Drew turns up.

Aug 16, 2007
Car mechanic cleverness wins Drew the rag-race he was forced to stake his car on, but Denni claims it doesn't count and intends to try for a rematch, by threatening Belle, who blames Drew for 'more wrong choices'. Lisa opens up to Lucas. Jazz's rude neglect turns Tony off.

Aug 19, 2007
Drew is being ignored by Belle, and this gets worse after Lisa is seen apologizing to him. Lisa breaks up with Dom, who is now after Belle, but she refuses an expensive gift feeling stalked and cries on Drew's shoulder. Lisa kisses Lucas, who remains suspicious. Hank seems to fit into Brad's wedding preparations but takes a turn for the worse after more hostility from Rachel.

Aug 20, 2007
Henk Van Patten feels miserable after Cassie kissed him while he was drunk, now she treats him as if abusive for turning her down. Aden cleverly appoints himself Rory's protector against some of the smaller bullies. In exchange for his services he Rory to help him cheat in an election where he stands for school ball organizer against haughty Cassie. She arrogantly blames Don for accepting the election, fails to follow channels when fake billets are found, gets Rory punished and is unrepentantly rude when both candidates are forbidden to stand.

Aug 21, 2007
Aden takes on Cassie over who should run the Year 12 Formal Committee. Aden cons Rory into breaking the rules. A moment of passion takes Cassie by surprise.

Aug 22, 2007
Geoff is furious at Annie for sinfully shop-lifting, Irene asks a milder approach, explains it was 'female products' out of shame and suggests she needs other girl, even asks to take her in. Donals convinces him to let her choose- it's yes, he'll stay at Tony's. Lucas kisses Lisa on the beach and sneaks her in late, seen only by jealously scolding Annie. Denni finds out and demands Lucas, who has a hard time making his mates give Lisa a break, joins the drag race. Lucas steals Drew's car keys, it turns into a fight and flight, then a car-chase with Denni aiming to ...

Aug 23, 2007
Only Lucas is still worried after Drew's party's getaway, but with reason: the police - alerted about the drag-race by Belle - has found Denni's car, total right off after crashing, the hothead and Lisa are in critical condition in hospital. Once informed, the boys tell the truth, but lack credibility and Drew faces charges. Rick is furious to discover later that Drew has hidden his car to cover up his illegal modifications. Lisa dies, Lucas feels guilty, then realizes Denni is the devil and attacks him in hospital in tears, until Tony pulls him off.

Aug 26, 2007
Now the police has found stolen parts in Drew's car, everybody either warns him to confess or threatens him not to, as it's the top of a criminal organization. That's run by Dom's uncle Ray, who sacks Drew, demotes Rick and when the police drops by the car for stripping has Dom torch it. Lucas tries to keep strong. Don convinces him not to feel bad about mourning for Lisa and accidentally discovers on Luc's PC the novel he's writing, hears he feels like a leach. By telling about his own published tribute to his cancer-killed baby son Byron, Don makes Lucas consider ...

Aug 27, 2007
Now Drew's car is torched, Jack must release Dom due to lack of evidence. Jazz is only interested in Belle, who gets his promise for a single kiss. Falling in for a sick teacher, Don and Dan fail to coordinate an environmental coach class trip, which is abandoned as neither brought the work-sheet. They didn't even notice that Rory and Anne sneaked out to use the rest room and missed the bus back.

Aug 28, 2007
Rory and Anne are accidentally spotted and brought home by Henk, but Sam's furious complaints causes trouble for the supervising staff. After arguing that having to fill in at the last minute wasn't fair, Don finally concluded he resumed teaching for the wrong reasons and resigns, thus clearing Dan. Jack won't accept Sam imposing rash decisions about Rory without consulting him first, and actually gets through to her.

Aug 29, 2007
Now Rorie has told everyone Jack and Sam are getting married too, the groom learns his divorce isn't final yet, and found out that papers were torn-up. Some mates plan the ruff 'last chance' bachelor party Brad didn't want, only best man Henk's finger gets accidentally hurt. Sedation-groggy, he can no longer fight off Cassie.

Aug 30, 2007
Although Cassie abused reluctant lover Henk, when Rachel sees them in bed the girls blame only him. He's evicted, outed for his past to Brad and beaten in hospital by him, yet nobly keeps his mouth shut but then goes into critical condition. Meanwhile the wedding preparations go on, although Sally doubts if the timing is still acceptable.

Sep 02, 2007
Now his past is widely known, Hank tells Cassie off. He is still viciously abused and demands to be transferred to the city hospital. The wedding preparations are complete, but the incident made Sal's doubts even worse, she even forgot to write her wedding vows.

Sep 03, 2007
After talking to Pippa Sr., Sally sends her to tell Brad his bride isn't coming. Don insists she either doesn't love him or just wants to postpone the wedding. He now he starts doubting if she truly loved him at all and won't forgive the fact that he was humiliation and moves out. Jack isn't amused by the suggestion it's a sign not to marry 'in a rush'.

Sep 04, 2007
Lucas is offered publication with an advance, so Tony insists on celebrating on the yacht, a chance to bond with Geoff. Drew is invited and brings Belle, his mother invites herself to court Tony again. Jack drags his ex to the solicitor, but his bride Sam sees them. It gets worse when he must tell her that a divorce, after less then two years of marriage, requires compulsory marriage counseling.

Sep 05, 2007
Rory calls Jack to calm down Sam, later a successful attack on nurse Gloria proves she was stalked by Julia's attacker. Jazz plays the grieving daughter to Drew, who ignores Belle's remark about the heirloom pendant. Morag guesses who Dane brags about (he is helping to steal a kid's inheritance), although Alf now grants her the benefit of the doubt.

Sep 06, 2007
Henk is back, released from city hospital, to collect some possessions. Cassie won't leave him alone, which attracts Rick's aggression, and Rachel has a theory he's the hospital stalker, which the police finds is based on no evidence. Drew decides his mother 'deserves' half of his grandma's inheritance, but Morag puts two and two together. Alf bluntly asks Don is he needs financial help, too embarrassed to be considered.

Sep 09, 2007
Now Morag proves that Jazz and Dane have set up Drew for the past three months, he walks off disgusted and cuts her out of his life. Only Tony tries to see her side. On his last night in Summer Bay, Don finally accepts a 'loan' before flying back to Marilyn. Sally accompanies Cassie back to Hanks, but only to keep demanding that he 'takes responsibility' for the girl, who steals another kiss and insists on staying with him for a few feeks. Rick resents Sally allowing her.

Sep 10, 2007
Alf makes jock Geoff's day by arranging for a famous talent scout to come watch his game. Heartbroken Brad is back at school, unannounced, but refuses any personal contact with his fickle ex-bride. Alas Brad's murderous mood extends to the pupils: Annie gets a merciless E, Lucas's CD is confiscated for working on his novel in school. It gets lost in Annie's folder when Geoff asks Sal to grade it. It gets trampled in the team's locker-room, and ends up triggering a worse accident.

Sep 11, 2007
Only Brad witnessed how his CD confiscation ended up making Lucas throw away Geoff's ball, and the athlete being hit by Brad's car - his knee is busted, unable to play for weeks. Yet he feels guilty for letting down the team and punished by God for deserting the farm. As his CD frustration is ignored, Lucas feels Tony cares only for Geoff and sports. Jack gets Dan to counsel his divorce plan, but the result of that session isn't as straightforward as expected. Brad decides about his future.

Sep 12, 2007
Jack only tries to do the best thing and spare everyone's feelings, but now Dan refuses to sign without another session and gets reproached by both girls for being economical with the truth. Rory seeks shelter in the diner. He finally finds another legal alternative and convinces Martha to sign just the affidavit with a farewell kiss. Drew moves back to Dan's despite jazz's plea to stay. Drew was ready to take Dan's idea to give her a share, just when announces Dane is challenging his inheritance in court.

Sep 13, 2007
Tony helps prepare Jack's engagement party, but insists to follow up on a panic message from Martha. It turns out she broke down without petrol and met Jonah Abraham, the paroled, life-long brainwashed son of Believers cult leader Mama Rose, who made him kidnap Tasha. Jonah just brings her petrol, yet he's arrested for questioning. Rudely denied a talk in the diner, his clumsy second try outside nearly gets out of hand, yet makes Martha reconsider. Geoff is back home, still hindered by his knee, Lucas's ill will and Annie missing life with grandpa. Reverend Hall finds...

Sep 16, 2007
Bruce's farm employee is none other then Jonah, who welcomes Annie warmly, until Irene arrives with Geoff and breaks them up. Rory deplores Sam insists on dragging him along to see an aunt and her new baby after the engagement party. Rory was persuaded by Tamsyn ('Tam') to let her into the house where she steals some of Jack's things, including a picture of Rachel. Rory is gently rebuked by Jack and delighted to be 'grounded for a week' so he can stay with his hero, and points out the thief's car to Jack.

Sep 17, 2007
Thanks to Rory, Jack finds Tam's mother, Heather McCabe, and makes clear they can't keep stealing, nor sleeping in her car. Jack wisely refused to take Rory to the beach on a school-day but gives him the divers watch Tam stole and promises him diving lessons. Alas three big bullies steal it. Brad makes it clear he wants to leave Sal, even if he can't find another teaching job. He and sister Rachel get a big surprise: Heather claims Tam is their father's illegitimate child, and expects them to take in their half-sister while she goes in gambling therapy.

Sep 18, 2007
Jazz's lawyer Dane and Drew accept Morag's suggestion to try to avoid an expensive, slow court case by seeking mediation. Brad and Rach are stuck during Hether's three week rehabilitation with their half-sister Tam, whose terrible habits include alcohol and smoking. Rachel clearly can't cope with her, yet Brad won't accept any help from Sal in any aspect of his private life. Dane calls the nursing home director who brings medical records indicating Drew's grandma is sane, and on older will in Jazz's favor.

Sep 19, 2007
Morag has seen Jazz kissing home director Brown behind Dane's back, and gets the real medical records: will re-validated in Drew's favor, an emotional knock for all. Jonah/Michael was seen meeting Annie again, so there is a town meeting about the Believers. In fact he only helped the girl pay for school, and Bruce takes his pious side unconditionally.

Sep 20, 2007
Irene organises a town meeting to try and drive Jonah out of town but Bruce intervenes while Morag reveals the extent of Jazz's duplicity to Drew.

Sep 23, 2007
Alf, Irene, Geoff and Annie head to the farm when they realise Martha is missing, unaware that she and Jonah are trapped in a collapsed mine shaft.

Sep 24, 2007
Alf and Annie find where Martha and Jonah are trapped but Martha has been cut off by the cave-in, while Sally finally reaches the end of her tether when Pippa comes home sick.

Sep 25, 2007
Now Jazz is despised by all, only Tony gently suggests they meet for coffee 'later'. She now turns to her ex Kevin, who is scolded a spineless walk-over by Drew. The boy is ignored until he hands over a picture of her yachting with Tony. Brad reads Tam the riot-act for her stupid lies which cost him a shot at a teaching post, she just wanders out of class. He finds himself forced to stay on for the school term. Tony's consolation for Jazz gets out of hand.

Sep 26, 2007
Drew just scolds Jazz for making love with Tony, Lucas and Belle have a fit as the exercise ruined their HSC exhibition work. Jonah tries again to talk, in vain. Jack is approached by Cam's drug cahoot, who blackmails him to make evidence disappear or be exposed for having protected Martha thus. Jack's new police colleague, constable George Watson, follows him and witnesses the switch, with an ulterior motive. The newspaper editor ironically prefers the soiled work, yet finding out about Tony's selfless generosity only gets him and Jazz scolded by Drew.

Sep 27, 2007
Even when Jonah tries to keep Bruce in control, he gets blamed. When he brings her lost wallet to Martha, who is hiding mixed feelings for him by now but dating newcomer Lewis, Jonah is turned back as 'stalker' by Jack and George, who clearly turns favoritism and slack into an art-form and secretly accepts bribes. Sergeant Darren McGrath has discovered the missing evidence. After giving her a motorbike, Rick is happy to be asked to join his girl in the city when she's accepted for college.

Sep 30, 2007
Jack hopes to get out of George's hold by making a friend at HQ search for the dirty cop's city past, but his record is sealed. However the wheeler-dealer seems to stay one step ahead. Drew and Belle fail to make Tony understand Jazz is just bad news, but her non-committal halfheartedness makes him realize she's probably just waiting for richer prey. Dan returns early, which spoils a welcome back surprise.

Oct 01, 2007
Drew and Belle sabotaged the wiring so Jazz would leave, but she knocks over candles and is slightly burned, Amanda's house is a smoking ruin and the police investigates the fuse box vandalism. After Drew confesses his inheritance must pay for the damage as Amanda's insurance refuses to - he also offers to give her the rest to leave forever. A single night at Sal's spreads Tam's unpopularity there too; Sal tells Brad keeping her is 'no trouble', but the truth soon gets out.

Oct 02, 2007
Geoff makes fun over sister Annie drooling after tutor Lucas. However Lucas tells her their sessions will cease and she's ready, he must concentrate on his own HSC exams and his novel. Geoff finds out Tam was flirting while lying about the scooter she stole from Rick, and wisely tells her he's not interested in a criminal mate. Brad drags her back to apologise. Sal promises her contact with her mother if she behaves, but she tricks Annie about Lucas. She runs away, but grandpa Bruce refuses to take her back.

Oct 03, 2007
Annie has run away after Tam's mean trick got her 'rejected' by Lucas and is turned away by Bruce. Jonah is the one who finds her, fainted, after Geoff and Lucas come looking for her. The diagnosis is pleurisy and not talking after a psychological shock. Bruce refuses to visit her and orders Jonah back to work, but Rachel suggests he might get through to her. Rachel discovers she's her latest bed partner Lewis' new medical hospital supervisor, Sam discovers he slept around with other staff. Jonah convinces Bruce to visit, and indeed she speaks again. When Irene's gang...

Oct 04, 2007
Geoff and Annie are ready to move back to Bruce's farm. Pippa is also brought to hospital: Brad nor Sal found time to move Alf's truck from a nagging neighbor's spot, so he did it and the girl sneaked by out of his sight. It's too soon to tell if there will be permanent damage. Alf feels guilty and gets a killer's scolding, Geoff tries to console him by prayer.

Oct 07, 2007
Tony happily tells Geoff the talent scout considers him to replace an injured player, but catching up with farm work may be a problem. Geoff decides to make his religious vocation top priority. While Brad is is hospital, Tam fails to get Geoff back. She tricks Rory into lying to spend the day with her, and makes him help clean up Brad's room, where she finds cash. Jack finds out and grounds him for a week. Alf feels so guilty and useless he lives on his boat and refuses to spend time even with Rick. Dr. Bentos predicts a slow but full recovery. Brad assumes Tam robbed...

Oct 08, 2007
Drew is looking for a job, now the fire took everything. Proving his mechanical skills helping out Alf on his boat, he lands a barman shift in the Surfclub. Now Brad finds Tam innocent for once, he apologizes and spoils her by moving into her house.

Oct 09, 2007
Jack is appalled to see his new police partner, constable George Watson, even extorts $300 from Michael (Jonah) to keep quiet about a formal parole violation, but what can he do without the evidence manipulation being revealed? As Jonah asks her to advance cash till he can cash a check, she demands Jack acts within 24 hours, once more without listening. Lewis refuses to tell Jack what he and George discuss- it's Jessie, his preteen daughter in a wheelchair. Jonah learns Martha dreams about him too.

Oct 10, 2007
Geoff would forfeit his chance to play for recruiter Tim Birch, but Bruce had finally changed his tune, insisting on making him and his parents proud. Geoff gets Jonah back to help at the farm, and begs everyone until Lucas and Martha volunteer to help him with a major building job. George hesitates to arrest one of his paying protégées, but sticks to his deal with Jack - however later he calls his mystery friend to tell them they may have found the third man. Geoff is still too nervous to perform, till Tony gets cramps - the boy sprouts wings and wins his one-time ...

Oct 11, 2007
Bruce has died from a fatal heart attack before Geoff's eyes, just after their glorious reunion. Reverend Hall hands Michael a crucial document. It's Bruce's will, naming Jonah the ive-in guardian of the estate and Annie until Geoff turns 18. He promises to keep the farm running, so Geoff can have a normal life, studying and playing football. Reverend Hall convinces the kids to judge his actions, rather than malicious talk. Brad convinces Alf to take on unruly Tam as marina helper, dragging her to school until her mother returns isn't worth the trouble. Martha finally...

Oct 14, 2007
Geoff hears from Annie that she saw Jonah and Martha making love. The pious boy now wants their guardian to leave the estate that Bruce's will made him guardian of. The townsfolk turn against both lovers, who consider whether he or they should leave Summer Bay. Brad finds that Alf refuses to come and live with him, even while agreeing to keep an eye on Tam, and warns Sal her indecisiveness causes an unbridgeable rift, as their canceled marriage did.

Oct 15, 2007
George holds a barbecue for his girl's birthday, and makes sure Sam agrees to attend for Rory and Jack too, and a mate photographs them there. Sal first resists the friends throwing a birthday party for little Pippa, who is just released from hospital, but is finally convinced to make up with Alf.

Oct 16, 2007
Now Jack knows IA is investigating him, he tells his predicament to Sam. She's understanding and inspires him to try get the drug evidence back and return it to the evidence room - it actually works. Drew expected to impress Alf by organizing a smoothly run Surf club pool tournament, but expelled vandal Aden Jefferies' bunch picks a fight with coach Tony.

Oct 17, 2007
Both Geoff and reverend Hall, now on Jonah's case as former Believers 'leader', resent Michael attending Bruce's funeral. After a moving speech, Geoff apologizes to him. Jack examines the case of Dr. Lewis Riggs's vindictive med school-ex Marie. Sam's theory is he's the stalker now she finds out he was around earlier as med student- ambulance EMT. Back on the farm, Michael finds alarming papers.

Oct 18, 2007
Michael finds out that grandpa Bruce has neglected all the paperwork with disastrous consequences: the bank is about to foreclose and evict the morning kids. The bank manager won't even give them a short delay and calls the police when they recuperate personal belongings. Jack can't find proof concerning Lewis. Invoking Jack's 'conflict of interest', McGrath hands the case to George. Marie testifies, clearing Riggs. George promises McGrath he will prove Jack is dirty.

Oct 21, 2007
Geoff feels desperately guilty for 'letting grandpa down' on the farm, but is given a last hope by the bank: a private sale for $250,000 within 24 hours. Michael tries everything, even attempting to sell his own estate far beneath its value but can't find a buyer in time. After Jack makes it clear that Martha's stunt may get Michael's parole revoked, she must get the bank manager to redraw his formal complaint. Before they can talk it through, George has the bank robbed by an accomplice that takes him 'hostage', whom he kills afterward. Jack accidentally witnesses ...

Oct 22, 2007
Jack is wheeled into hospital badly wounded having been shot, he may never wake up from a coma. Sam and Rory can only shiver at his sickbed, Tody is now told IA was investigating Jack for the disappearance of evidence. Martha witnessed everything but noticed only Colin Marshall had 'an' accomplice. When murderer George visits Iack, she finally recognizes his voice. IA finally notifies McGrath George was earlier suspended, in league with Marshal. Garage apprentice Ric's special client Viv proves excessively demanding in more then one sense.

Oct 23, 2007
Viv apologizes for imposing 'romantically' on Rick; they make friends, Drew covers for him. Brad is looking forward to leaving Sal's school. Tam's ma is back form rehab clinic and has a hospital job but Brad discovers she's gambling again.

Oct 24, 2007
Brad keeps silent about Tam's mother's relapse. He gets a warm send-off now he's leaving for a school elsewhere. Dan refuses to consider lazy rascal Aden could be really sick, but the boy collapses as if from appendicitis during the last exam, his parents land a formal complaint. Henk is back to fetch Cassie, but decides after consulting Brad to travel for six months alone.

Oct 25, 2007
Tony fears Jack may never recover, Sam rudely throws him out for his 'negative attitude', Rachel must tell her off. Geoff and Lucas put their plans on hold to spare Tony, but he pulls together in time. Rick works his tail off to give Viv a birthday party at the surf club. Brad is not amused Collen started a rumor he's back with Sal. Tam discovers her mother stole $200 from the diner till to gamble.

Oct 28, 2007
Geoff catches Tam stealing from Viv's purse but she refuses to explain it's for Heather or even to give it back. She only tells Geoff after finding out her mother won and paid for the diner, but claims (to his disgust) that returning Viv's $200 is too dangerous. Rick is short of staff, so Mattie grudgingly helps him serve drinks; Viv pours some 'accidentally' over her. Rick forgives her rudeness and Mattie for reading his phone messages, even promises to stop seeing Viv. Geoff accidentally betrays the truth to Irene, who fires Heather and tells Brad. He thus misses ...

Oct 29, 2007
Rick tires of Mattie whining endlessly about Viv's one-sided and pointless moves towards him. So he takes her to the luxury suite that Viv gave him as a thanks for the party. She enjoys it, but finds out who supplied the room and walks out, scolding both in turn absurdly. Dan is also in the hotel, meeting a female friend behind Leah's back. Brad apologizes for missing the counseling session, but makes it clear to Sal it's pointless as she wants just security, he full commitment.

Oct 30, 2007
Jack is still comatose. Rory is worried most of all but frustrated to be kept away from his hero and ignored as well. An overheard phone conversation starts the rumor Drew is going to propose, in fact he bought a car and plans a summer holiday tour. Leah thinks Dan is unfaithful because he lied about the Yank Gwen who called him, but she actually offers him a counselor's job in a US last chance program.

Oct 31, 2007
Tony and Rory are ecstatic now Jack is out of his coma, but his memory and emotions remain a mess indefinitely. Tony implores him to wait until telling his ex. Lucas would have keep quiet about his second chance to go for a month on a US literary scholarship, but Annie spills the beans and he's told to go. Drew and Belle enjoy their trip, even contemplate a tour of Australia, but her photographer's cadetship has come through and starts next week. Dom is secretly following them and sabotages their car.

Nov 01, 2007
Dom's sabotage on the kids' car has worked: while Drew went for petrol, he has kidnapped Belle and taken her to his uncle's lake cabin. He tells her he's out of jail for only 4 days, is totally smitten with her and hopes a kiss will make her see things differently. She manages to get a short text message through to Drew, who talks to his uncle, the dodgy garage manager. They guess what has happened. Drew finds her, but his 'rescue' takes a tragic turn.

Nov 04, 2007
Drew and Belle pretend nothing has happened; she tells him about Dom's kiss extortion and is graciously forgiven. Geoff's crucial Aussie football game is an utter triumph, and it's enough for him to be selected, which probably means leaving the area for a long time. Aden pretends to Tam that it should have been him, so Tony's 'favoritism' ruined his whole future. Ryan overhears Leah about Dan's US plan.

Nov 05, 2007
Geoff impresses the selectors but Tamsyn only has eyes for Aden. Drew and Bella have different opinions on what happened with Dom, while Leah ponders Dan's plan to move to the States.

Nov 06, 2007
Although Jonah assures Martha he'll be patient, she goes over to reproach Jack for his visit. Rory comes home and shows off his A+ essay on 'My hero Jack', but overhears Martha say he shouldn't marry Sam. Rick gets caught between Viv's seductress games, her husband Noel's determination to thank and impress him and his own jealous girlfriend.

Nov 07, 2007
Ric turns Viv down even though she sneaked into his shower. Her husband Noel pushes his 'night out' proposal. Brad has a teaching job offer - in Tasmania. Aden seduces Tam. Brad forbids them to date, but she lets him get her drunk while on the beach. Viv doesn't turn up but is jealous of Noel's flirtation. Drew becomes Viv's next errant boy and learns Dom is still alive and stalking.

Nov 08, 2007
Spoilsport Cass finds drunk Tam with Aden, but blames only him. Brad forbids them to date, but neither accepts any meddling as he's leaving for Tasmania soon, so Brad leaves even faster. Aden dumps Tam as she's too young anyway, but his friends spread a secret video of their beach affair. Rick is now threatened by Viv's jealous husband, Noel, after she dodges him and claims to be out of cash or places to hide.

Nov 11, 2007
Rick is forced by Cassie to throw Viv out of the caravan, and takes a ride. Her car breaks down; he has to borrow one of Noel's neckties. Brad decides to take Tam and her mother along to Tasmania, but first escorts her to the school ball. Aden's revenge goes wrong. Cassie gets her just deserts for haughtily scorning her prom date. Noel finds Viv, and publicly scolds Rick at the dance. Mattie dumps him as 'untrustworthy', which pushes him too far.

Nov 12, 2007
After Mattie dumped him, Rick spends a night with Viv. When they wake up, they agree to give their other partners a last chance, which means breaking up. Ric finally tells hypocrite meddler Cassie to mind her own business, but she still doesn't seem to have learned to shut her disastrous big mouth. Mattie realizes she can't miss Rick, took him for granted and wants him back, which he happily agrees.

Nov 13, 2007
The wedding preparations are hindered by the question of whether Jack's ex should attend as he wants to symbolize a reconciliation, or barred as his bride secretly wants, against the reverend's advice. Dan is stressed because Leah still hasn't settled turning over the diner. On his way to fetch the wedding dress, Jack finds out the truth at Jonah's farm, but accidentally runs over Annie's dog.

Nov 14, 2007
Sam makes a terrible fuzz about Martha's fitting for her wedding dress and being seen in it by Jack, and even takes it back. Jonah tells Jack and Martha, he runs out of patience concerning their unresolved bond. Trying to console Ryan about his leaving on the beach makes Dan doubt if he should stay after all.

Nov 15, 2007
Trough her own carelessness, Martha is attacked by the hospital stalker, but both get away unharmed. She carries some of his DNA, but it isn't registered. Sam gets the blame for not insisting on a security escort. Jack cancels the chapel wedding rather then let the reverend tell him how to be a 'supportive' groom, but swallows his pride when Sam wines only a church service will do. Jonah looses his calm and hits Jack. The boys can handle that, but neither fiancée proves loyally supportive, which threatens both couples. Lucas is back in time to see Rick romantic again.

Nov 18, 2007
Sam's commitment ultimatum has Jack made kiss Martha. She runs off and offers Jonah to go away 'for his sake', which he refuses without her full commitment to a life with him. Tony finds out the truth and tries to save the wedding. Rory senses trouble and vents it by committing vandalism. Rick finally gets Cassie to promise silence, but Viv spills the beans herself.

Nov 19, 2007
Now Viv told her, Mattie makes a public scene just when Rick scolds Aden's noisy bunch for bothering the caravan park. She refuses to consider making up and accepts the rascals' wild nightly beach party invitation. Drew lets Aden's cousin Simon bribe him to illegally sell them alcohol. Cassie's stupid 'guilt' extends to let Mattie make her drive them all back, drunk and rowdy passengers.

Nov 20, 2007
The drunk bunch's rumbling has caused the car to crash. Only Aden's right leg is wounded badly. Simon stays, three mates run away to cover up the illegal overcrowding of the car. Leah is delighted that Roman Harris shows an interest in paying for her share of the diner, Irene mistrusts him just for appearing homeless. Driver Cassie and Mattie blame each-other and everyone else, and get caught in their lies. Aden's dad, Larry, is furious to hear that a risky operation is required for his son and charges Cassie. Drew's illegal alcohol sale costs him his job.

Nov 21, 2007
Jonah and Martha are preparing to leave, with the Curtis kids' dog Scruffy. Sam erases her goodbye meeting invitation for Jack, Jonah asks him to let her go. Tony helps desperate groom Jack look for the missing wedding rings. The stalker's bloody parka turns up in hospital, only to disappear again.

Nov 22, 2007
Simon Jefferies impresses Mattie with his early acceptance for law study. Tony isn't amused that they may date, but Mattie openly ignores him and ex Rick. Drew can't find a new job, even Viv turns him down. Dan and Leah make him consider returning to school. Rachel fears she will be the stalker's next target because of anonymous notes which senior sergeant McGrath can't associate with the case. Viv has more bad news for Rick.

Nov 25, 2007
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 26, 2007
Roman proves a good diner chef and a babe-magnet. Henk is back from India early, having heard about Cassie's trial. Never mind Sal's whining about Rachel. The Holdens have a pre-wedding barbecue. Jonah realizes Martha is just running from Jack, not to a future, and drives them back.

Nov 27, 2007
Michael has brought Martha back, so she saw Sam kissing Jack. First she scolds him, then admits it's just what she needed. yet he concludes she loves Jack more and decides to leave forever. The groom's party prepares quietly for Jack's wedding, until bride Sam panics over another dress error. Lucas learns Rick's problem, alas he's soon overheard.

Nov 28, 2007
Dom finally turns up, asks Belle to take him to the hospital and points out he can blackmail her with the hit and run - but he lovingly spares her. Drew is furiously she flippantly returns his 'I love you'. Rachel treats Dom, and accepts a lift home from someone she feels safe with. Roman impresses everyone except Irene by kindly helping a hungry vagrant, who asks for Sal.

Nov 29, 2007
Sal is puzzled by the sand writing of the vagrant 'Milco', the name of her supposed imaginary friend, in fact their repressed past as small children. Rachel has unknowingly invited the stalker, who ties her up- it's sanctimonious reverend Hall. She tricks him into untying her, which suddenly triggers a medical crisis. During Rick's birthday party, Miles 'Milco' drifts back.
Home and Away Season 21 (2007) is released on Jan 14, 2007 and the latest season 35 of Home and Away is released in 2021. Watch Home and Away online - the English Drama TV series from Australia. Home and Away is directed by David Gould,Geoffrey Nottage,Danny Raco,Scott Hartford-Davis and created by Hannah Carroll Chapman with Ray Meagher and Lynne McGranger.
This show chronicles the lives, loves, happiness, and heartbreaks of the residents of Summer Bay, a small coastal town just outside of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.