Episodes (189)

Jan 03, 2000
Diane warns Ashley to keep his distance from Bernice. Viv gives Terry a roasting for working for the Tates. Bernice turns down Alan's offer to buy the pub. ITV.

Jan 04, 2000
Frankie confronts Zoe about her trip to Germany. Jack sells Sarah's car without her knowledge. Diane plans to sell her bed and breakfast to help fund Bernice's takeover at the pub. ITV,

Jan 05, 2000
Relations are still frosty at the Sugdens. Zoe and Ashley commiserate about how unlucky in love they are. Sarah pours her heart out about her marriage to Kathy. ITV.

Jan 10, 2000
Chris tells Zoe he's decided to go back to work. Emily's frantic with worry about her missing father. Jack promises a worried Andy that he'll sort things out with Sarah. ITV.

Jan 11, 2000
Kelly wants someone to talk to, but Mandy tells her she is too busy. Turner convinces Diane to offer to help Bernice buy the Woolpack. The health care worker returns to check out Belle, and Zak is furious. ITV.

Jan 12, 2000
Kelly's troubles are mounting, especially when Viv says she is going to have to sell the shop. Bernice throws the engagement ring that Gavin gave her into the river. ITV.

Jan 17, 2000
Kelly is finding it difficult to face up to her problems and can see only one way of solving them. Zoe and Ashley compare notes on their relationship progress so far. ITV.

Jan 18, 2000
The villagers discuss Kelly's predicament, each blaming themselves for letting it get this far. Ollie persuades Angie to let her go to the cinema with her new boyfriend. ITV.

Jan 19, 2000
Paddy tells Mandy she is the only one who can help Kelly. Betty asks Reggie to stop interfering in her relationship with Seth. Andy is upset to discover that Ollie has a date. ITV.

Jan 24, 2000
Scott arrives at the hospital to see how Kelly is. Mandy apologises to Paddy about the argument. Chris proposes he pays for Kelly to visit a private psychiatric clinic. ITV.

Jan 25, 2000
Diane moves into the Woolpack. Frankie thinks Zoe is giving her the cold shoulder. Roy can't get to grips with Kelly being in a psychiatric ward. ITV.

Jan 26, 2000
Chris is concerned about the way Zoe is acting ahead of the court case. Marc accuses Angie and Sean of not caring when they miss parents' evening. Betty tells Reggie she was pregnant with his child. ITV.

Jan 31, 2000
Tension is in the air at the Sugdens between Jack, Sarah and Richie. Marlon confides in Eric that he thinks Graham killed Rachel. Frankie asks Bernice for a job at the Woolpack. ITV.

Feb 01, 2000
Zoe is confused when Frankie says she's going to look for her own place. Marlon tells Kathy that there are things she doesn't know about Graham. Kelly tells Roy about Scott. ITV.

Feb 02, 2000
Jack and Sarah are given a court date for their appeal to adopt Andy. Graham receives a mystery letter. Zak is stunned when he receives a surprise visitor. ITV.

Feb 07, 2000
Zak and Lisa agree to put Nellie up for a short time. Chris gives Kelly a train ticket and a contact for a job in London. Graham starts to panic about what Marlon knows. ITV.

Feb 08, 2000
Kelly tells Donna that she's going to live in London. Scott attempts to explain his actions to Roy. Richie apologises to Sarah for kissing her. ITV.

Feb 09, 2000
Kathy offers Roy a place to stay. Richie and Sarah have an intimate discussion. Graham tells Kathy he thinks people are trying to poison their relationship. ITV

Feb 13, 2000
Bernice, Tricia and Alan receive Valentine's cards from secret admirers. Richie tells Sarah he's jealous when he sees her with Jack. Bernice hosts her Aphrodisiac Night at the pub. ITV.

Feb 14, 2000
Zak and Lisa suffer from the after effects of the aphrodisiacs. Jack confides in Kathy his problems with Sarah. Viv confronts Kathy about poaching Emily from her shop. ITV.

Feb 15, 2000
Lisa wants Nellie to leave. Robert and Andy discuss who they would go with if Jack and Sarah split up. Eric compiles a list of all the things he knows about Graham. ITV.

Feb 16, 2000
Robert wants a job at Kathy's Diner. Seth confides in Bernice that he didn't want to accept Betty's marriage proposal. No one wants to listen to Marlon's concerns about Graham. ITV.

Feb 17, 2000
Kathy goes away for the weekend with Graham. Eric and Marlon are determined to find them. Kathy finds herself in mortal danger. ITV.

Feb 21, 2000
Eric protects Kathy from journalists who want to hear her story. Marlon apologises to Kathy for not getting to her sooner. The news about Graham spreads amongst the villagers. ITV.

Feb 22, 2000
Jack is upset because he now knows Rachel was murdered. Richie tells Sarah he wants to be with her forever. Eric tries to sell his story about Kathy to a reporter. ITV.

Feb 23, 2000
Angie is disgusted by Ollie's behaviour. Nellie tries to spoil Zak. Kelly wants a clean start to her marriage as she and Roy move into their new house. ITV.

Feb 28, 2000
Eric's version of events about Kathy and Graham appear in the newspaper. Lisa gives Zak an ultimatum over Nellie. Marlon and Tricia flirt with each other. ITV.

Feb 29, 2000
Bernice helps Tricia to move into Kathy's. Butch pleads with Lisa not to go. Angie and Sean talk to Ollie about shoplifting. Terry asks Claudia on a date. ITV.

Mar 01, 2000
Paddy finds himself caught between Zak and Lisa. Emily continues trying to locate her father, and Marc's outburst astounds Sean and Angie. ITV,

Mar 06, 2000
Paddy gives Lisa and Zak some time to talk. Alan takes Diane out on a day trip to the Dales. Frankie causes trouble with Zoe when she gets drunk with Pete at the Woolpack. ITV.

Mar 07, 2000
Zak and Butch blame their problems on Nellie. Frankie calls Chris a coward for calling the police on her. Emily and Butch make plans to find Emily's dad. ITV.

Mar 08, 2000
Robert and Andy fall out just as a letter about Andy's adoption hearing arrives. New Spanish chef Carlos sets hearts a-flutter when he starts working at the Diner. ITV.

Mar 13, 2000
Sarah is furious with Jack for letting Andy take a day off school. Sean and Angie have a heart to heart about the state of their relationship. Chris invites Claudia to dinner. ITV.

Mar 14, 2000
Emily's father refuses to have anything to do with her while she's with Butch. Viv organises a protest meeting against Tate Haulage. Tricia and Bernice take a shine to Carlos. ITV.

Mar 15, 2000
Robert nearly jeopardises Andy's adoption hearing. Sarah tells Richie they need to finish their affair. Carlos utilises his charms on Viv. ITV.

Mar 19, 2000
Chris forces Pete to go out in an unserviced lorry, as it heads for the village the brakes fail and the truck speeds downhill towards the packed Hotten mini bus.

Mar 20, 2000
The Woolpack regulars hurry outside to find that the mini-bus has been crushed under a Tate Haulage lorry. Paddy manages to pull an injured Alan from the vehicle. As they search the wreckage they find the first dead body...

Mar 21, 2000
As the rescue effort continues in to the night Butch, Victoria & Kathy are recovered from the wreckage and taken to hospital.

Mar 22, 2000
The directors of Tate Haulage meet to discuss the company's response to the accident. As the injured recover in hospital Butch's condition takes a turn for the worst.

Mar 23, 2000
Butch and Emily are married in hospital, shortly afterwards, Butch dies.

Mar 27, 2000
The aftermath of the crash threatens to tear the village apart. Frankie attacks Zoe and Chris for only being concerned about their company. Scott devises a get-rich-quick scheme. ITV.

Mar 28, 2000
Zak and Nellie are shocked when Eric brings them a surprise visitor. Chris tells Zoe he wants to put the blame for the crash on Sean. Jack tries to make amends with Robert. ITV.

Mar 29, 2000
The morning of Butch's funeral arrives. Various members of the Dingle clan arrive, including Charity, Shadrach and Cain. Zoe is disgusted by Chris's comments about the funeral. ITV.

Apr 03, 2000
Lisa confides in Paddy that she never finished servicing the lorry before the crash. Emily is heartbroken when her father forces her to leave Emmerdale. ITV.

Apr 04, 2000
Sean refuses to apologise for starting a fight with Cain. Kathy organises a fund raising campaign for the crash victims. Chris removes Sean from the board of Tate Haulage. ITV.

Apr 05, 2000
Angie implores Chris to reinstate Sean to the board. Chris tries to blame Lisa for the accident. Ashley invites Bernice to dinner and has a shocking revelation for her. ITV.

Apr 10, 2000
Marlon and Adam vie for Tricia's attention. Lisa refuses to deny that the crash was her fault. Donna and Marc continue to see each other against their parent's wishes. ITV.

Apr 11, 2000
Lisa tells Sean she did warn Pete the lorry wasn't safe to drive. Zak tells Nellie he wants to leave her. Sarah tells Richie that their affair is over and her family comes first. ITV.

Apr 12, 2000
Zak sees red when he sees Nellie tending to Butch's garden. Carlos and Richie both want to move in with Marlon and Terry. Bernice questions Ashley about his feelings for her. ITV.

Apr 17, 2000
Angie demands that Sean stays loyal to Tate Haulage for the sake of his family. Zoe is furious when she comes home to find Frankie is back. Sarah gets frustrated with family life. ITV.

Apr 19, 2000
Sean is torn between supporting Lisa and taking his family's side in the argument. The meeting about the crash descends into chaos. Cain Dingle punches Chris in the face. ITV.

Apr 24, 2000
Laura warns Chris that the battle over the crash is far from over. Bernice succumbs to Ashley's charms. Sarah has second thoughts about ending her affair with Richie. ITV.

Apr 25, 2000
Ashley is delighted when Bernice tells him she wants to continue their relationship. Lisa faces financial ruin when customers start cancelling on her. ITV.

Apr 26, 2000
Kelly is less than inspired by Roy's job ambitions. Things go badly when Cain joins Zak and Seth on a poaching trip. Eric announces he's going to stand for council election. ITV.

Apr 30, 2000
Viv ruins a romantic meal between Donna and Marc. Ollie embarrasses Andy when she persuades him to dance with her. Terry and Claudia's evening out turns into a night of passion. ITV.

May 01, 2000
Chris finds the lorries at the haulage yard have been sabotaged. Kathy and Angie suspect Cain is responsible. Sean and Angie are shocked to hear that Ollie has been expelled. ITV.

May 02, 2000
The Tate Haulage drivers go on strike. Zak tells Nellie that their night of passion meant nothing. Zak attempts to persuade Lisa to move back in. ITV.

May 04, 2000
Lisa throws Nellie out of the house when she hears about what happened between her and Zak. Sean threatens to send Ollie to boarding school if she keeps stealing things. ITV.

May 08, 2000
Chris thinks Claudia told Kathy about the secret meeting. Sean is worried about Ollie's whereabouts. Claudia asks Terry whether it's time for them to move away from the village. ITV.

May 10, 2000
Bernice and Ashley go on a camping trip with Tricia and Adam. Andy tries to convince Ollie to go home to her parents. Nellie attempts to persuade Sam to return to Ireland with her. ITV.

May 10, 2000
Andy takes some supplies to Ollie. Marlon is shocked when Charity Dingle arrives in the Woolpack. Kathy holds a campaign meeting with Jack and Emily to plan the protest. ITV.

May 15, 2000
Robert finds Ollie's hiding place and threatens to tell everyone where she is. Charity is furious when she's conned by Pollard. The police move in on the protesters. Angie and Sean are still waiting for and worrying about Ollie. ITV.

May 16, 2000
Sarah chastises Andy for his involvement in Ollie's disappearance. Kathy leaves the police station after her arrest. Sarah and Richie try to make sense of their relationship. ITV.

May 17, 2000
Ollie stuns Angie by telling her about Sarah and Richie's affair. Kathy plans to celebrate her protest campaign victory. Tricia tries to convince Adam to go on holiday to Spain. ITV.

May 22, 2000
Sarah worries that her affair with Richie will be exposed by Ollie. Eric and Alan fall out over each other's election campaigns. Sarah tries to convince Andy that Ollie is lying. ITV.

May 23, 2000
Sarah confesses to Angie about her affair. Angie tells Sarah to finish it before Jack finds out. Betty is upset by Kathy's decision to let Diane manage the diner while she's away. ITV.

May 24, 2000
Eric opts for more dirty tactics in his election campaign. Roy's hopes for a romantic evening with Kelly are shattered. Richie gives Sarah an ultimatum about their relationship. ITV.

May 29, 2000
Richie pressures Sarah so she agrees to tell Jack. Tensions flare between Diane and Edna. Zak cons Ashley into giving his new business their first job at the Vicarage. ITV.

May 30, 2000
Jack tells Andy that Sarah is leaving. Sarah is distraught and pleads with Jack to let her talk to the children. Sarah blames Richie for telling Jack the truth. ITV.

May 31, 2000
News of Sarah and Richie's affair spreads throughout the village. Sarah confides in Angie what a mess she has made. Adam is thrilled to be offered a spot on Hotten Radio. ITV.

Jun 05, 2000
Angie helps Sarah so that she can talk to the kids. Jack accuses Angie of betraying him. Adam is furious to find that Paddy and Mandy have hijacked his radio appearance. ITV.

Jun 06, 2000
Ashley offers some marriage counseling to Jack, but he's only interested in battling for custody of his kids. Viv receives some unwelcome advice from Edna. ITV.

Jun 07, 2000
Local election day arrives and Eric is not averse to using bribery to secure more votes. Ashley is torn between the church and his love for Bernice. Sarah writes a letter to Jack. ITV.

Jun 12, 2000
Eric is in a boastful mood after he is declared the local election winner. Ashley's dilemma over his relationship with Bernice escalates. ITV.

Jun 13, 2000
Bernice tells Ashley that she only has eyes for him. Mandy's suspicious of Eric's motives with Charity. Edna threatens to write to the bishop about Ashley's conduct. ITV.

Jun 14, 2000
The Reynolds are shocked by Marc's exam results. Jack tells Sarah that the children don't want to see her. Chris and Laura orchestrate a scam to blame Sean for the crash. ITV.

Jun 19, 2000
Viv and Edna tell Sarah what they think of her and her affair with Richie. An encounter between Jack and Richie in the Woolpack results in a fight. Marc enjoys living with Marlon. ITV.

Jun 20, 2000
Jack softens his behaviour towards Sarah and allows her to see the kids. Terry and Carlos aren't happy about Marc living with them. Scott accepts a dubious loan from Eric. ITV.

Jun 21, 2000
Lady Tara hosts a homecoming party. Jack decides the kids should stay with Annie in Spain while he and Sarah battle for custody. Chris unsuccessfully tries to flirt with Tara. ITV.

Jun 26, 2000
Kelly is shocked to discover Roy was chatting up Tricia at the party. Marlon is faced with a dilemma. The aggro between Jack and Sarah takes its toll on Richie. ITV.

Jun 27, 2000
Roy isn't pleased when Kelly arranges a job interview for him. Laura discovers Lady Tara lied about her financial problems. Marlon tries to expose Adam as a love rat. ITV.

Jun 28, 2000
Tricia is shocked to find Virginia in Adam's bed. Kelly makes her feelings known about Scott and Roy's new partnership. Zoe rejects Lady Tara's proposal to invest in a stud farm. ITV.

Jul 03, 2000
Bernice lambastes Marlon for setting Tricia up. Charity has a business proposition for Chris. Roy is frustrated with Scott's lack of effort at the garage. ITV.

Jul 04, 2000
Marlon is distraught that he might have destroyed his friendship with Tricia. Sean's attempts to persuade Marc to come home fall short. Someone tries to break into Tricia's room. ITV.

Jul 05, 2000
Tricia is beside herself with worry after the burglary. Jason is convinced Cain is responsible and confronts him about it. Zak accuses Angie of having it in for his family. ITV.

Jul 09, 2000
Lisa is questioned about the burglary. Zak is determined to clear Lisa's name. Edna contacts the bishop in a bid to have Ashley expelled from the church. ITV.

Jul 10, 2000
The bishop suggests that Ashley should leave the village. Zak demands that Cain returns Kathy's belongings. Tricia and Marlon's relationship begins to grow closer. ITV.

Jul 11, 2000
Chris struggles to convince Tara to invest in Tate Haulage. Cain accuses Lisa of being responsible for Butch's death. Ashley doesn't tell Bernice he's been offered a new parish. ITV.

Jul 12, 2000
Bernice can't contain her excitement about her wedding to Ashley. Tara turns the tables on Chris and attempts to get him to invest in her stud farm. ITV.

Jul 13, 2000
Bernice and Ashley's wedding plans hit a bump in the road. Zoe relents and agrees to invest in Tara's stud farm. Roy and Scott fall out over how to manage their business. ITV.

Jul 17, 2000
Kathy receives her stolen belongings back. Jack swears to fight Sarah to the end for custody of the kids. Roy suggests he and Scott both take a pay cut to help the business. ITV.

Jul 18, 2000
The results of the investigation into the bus crash are made public. Roy refuses to go to Scott's birthday meal. Emily breaks down after reading the investigation's report. ITV.

Jul 19, 2000
Kathy encourages Emily to fight against the results of the report. Sarah and Richie arrive back in the village. Donna tells Ollie she thinks Roy hit Scott. ITV.

Jul 24, 2000
Emily receives the offer of an out-of-court settlement from Chris. Donna is determined to find out what happened between Roy and Scott. ITV.

Jul 25, 2000
Emily is shaken by her anger towards Chris. Richie gets a frosty reception when he turns up at the Woolpack. Ollie lands herself a job working for Lady Tara. ITV.

Jul 26, 2000
Jack tells Diane he's not ready for another relationship. Kelly accuses Roy of flirting with Tricia. Jack tells Chris he's willing to sell him his farm land. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Ned apologises for his behaviour at Kelly and Roy's wedding. Cain plots his revenge against the Reynolds for Butch's death. Frankie borrows Tara's car and it goes missing. ITV.

Aug 01, 2000
Cain and Sam's revenge plans are unexpectedly interrupted by Sean and Emily. They mystery of Tara's missing car is resolved. Marlon is desperate to take Tricia on holiday. ITV.

Aug 02, 2000
Emily and Sam panic while Sean lies unconscious. Jack angrily rejects Angie's advice on his custody case. Ashley announces his engagement to Bernice at the Parish meeting. ITV.

Aug 07, 2000
Sam is distraught when Emily rejects him. Angie is shocked when she finds Cain alone with Ollie in their house. Tara is being pressed for money for the stud farm. ITV.

Aug 08, 2000
Tara's dire financial problems cause her distress. Laura returns from Monaco with news of Tara's divorce settlement. Zak goes on the hunt for Sam. ITV.

Aug 09, 2000
Laura isn't happy when Tara tries to backtrack on her deal with her. Zak discovers the reason why Sam ran away. Bernice and Kathy go looking for wedding dresses. ITV.

Aug 14, 2000
Tragedy strikes when Paddy is kicked unconscious by a horse. Roy refuses to fix Richie's car. Ashley can't bring himself to tell Bernice about his interview in Leeds. ITV.

Aug 15, 2000
Paddy remains in critical condition after his accident. Kelly is thrilled when Roy tells her about Ned's offer for them to move to Ibiza. Ashley tells Bernice about the job. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Bernice is in shock after Ashley's revelation and refuses to move to Leeds. Angie warns Cain to leave Ollie alone. Tara apologises to Sean about the incident with the horse. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Roy and Kelly prepare for their new lives in Ibiza. Bernice and Ashley refuse to compromise with each other. Sarah attempts to talk to Jack. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Kelly arrives back at the Woolpack and is confronted by Donna who tells the whole pub about her and Scott. Chris agrees to let Sarah and Richie rent his cottage. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Viv refuses to let Kelly in her house after Donna's revelation about Scott. Tricia persuades Ashley to sacrifice his job for Bernice. Jack and Sarah continue to feud. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Jack rejects Sarah's request for Victoria to stay over at hers. Ashley is torn between his career and his love for Bernice. Kelly breaks down and blames herself for Roy leaving. ITV.

Aug 29, 2000
Bernice secretly visits the place where Ashley is considering working. Kelly receives a frosty reception at the Woolpack from Mandy and Edna. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Bernice decides to follow her heart and move to Leeds with Ashley. The harsh reality of divorce hits Andy and Robert. Viv evicts Scott from her house. ITV.

Jul 31, 2000
Edna makes her feelings known about Bernice's relationship with Ashley. Alan and Zak are furious to discover the Tates are running the school bus service. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
A court hearing is set for Jack and Sarah. Andy accuses Sarah of splitting up the family. Ashley hosts his final service before moving to Leeds. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
Ashley faces a dilemma when he has to tell the Bishop he's changed his mind about the job in Leeds. Seth is robbed by two teenage girls. ITV.

Sep 11, 2000
Betty is furious when she finds out about Seth's gambling. Jack questions Richie's commitment to Sarah. Marlon's dreams of running The Woolpack are shattered. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
Charity's relationship with Chris faces complications thanks to Zak. Mandy is furious when Paddy announces that they are going to start trying for a baby. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
Donna is confused by the revelations about Scott and Kelly. Everyone rallies round Seth after his mugging and urge him to go the police. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
When Ollie tells her mother about Seth's mugging, she immediately suspects Ollie might know more than she's letting on. Viv is smitten with Bob, a hosiery salesman. ITV.

Aug 31, 2000
Richie and Sarah's relationship starts to wear thin. Moral crusader Edna is shocked to walk into the post office to find Viv and Bob kissing after their night of passion together. ITV.

Sep 20, 2000
Sarah is shocked to discover Richie has extended his invitation to have Scott stay longer. Kelly accepts Viv's offer to move home. Paddy decides to visit Mandy in Southampton. ITV.

Sep 25, 2000
Paddy is left speechless by a shocking discovery. Bernice, Tricia and Diane plans to find a man for Kathy take a hopeful turn when persuade haulage driver Mike to take her out. ITV.

Sep 26, 2000
Paddy returns from Southampton unsure if Mandy still loves him. The girls' plan to set up Kathy with Mike backfires. Seth has a big win on the horses and decides to treat Betty. ITV.

Sep 27, 2000
Mandy and Paddy's relationship remains on the rocks. Paddy is in turmoil and isn't sure he can just forgive Mandy for her transgression. ITV.

Oct 01, 2000
Zak confronts Paddy but this only angers Paddy further. Paddy breaks down and admits to Mandy he's not sure how he'll cope without her. Ollie feels she might know who mugged Seth. ITV.

Oct 02, 2000
Ollie tells Seth she knows who attacked him. Zak attempts to make amends with Paddy. Robert turns to Sarah for help with his GCSEs after Jack refuses to listen to his worries. ITV.

Oct 03, 2000
Seth confronts his attackers and Angie arrives to arrest the guilty pair. Sarah makes plans to celebrate Richie's birthday. Jack and Sarah's custody hearing grows ever closer. ITV.

Oct 04, 2000
The Sugdens' custody hearing begins. Jack is upset to learn that Robert visited Sarah for help. Viv is upset when Bob fails to turn up for a rendezvous they arranged. ITV.

Oct 05, 2000
Jack is devastated when the court makes its decision. Charity hits it off with Terry. Viv is excited about Bob spending the night. Seth returns to the Woolpack. ITV.

Oct 08, 2000
Terry confesses his feelings towards Charity. Turner worries that Paddy is turning into an alcoholic. Bernice and Ashley organise their wedding list. itv.

Oct 09, 2000
Chris finds out about Terry's amorous behaviour towards Charity. Ollie is infatuated with Cain and is delighted when he invites her to Blackpool with him. ITV.

Oct 10, 2000
Angie is furious about Cain and Ollie. Charity attempts to persuade Chris to give Terry his job back. Paddy continues to drown his sorrows in drink. ITV.

Oct 11, 2000
Paddy had an awkward dinner with the Dingles. Chris has a secret tryst with Charity. Angie warns Cain to leave Ollie alone when she finds out about the plan to go to Blackpool. ITV.

Oct 12, 2000
Cain scares Angie out of her wits during a power cut. Gloria accosts Ashley. Paddy contemplates a wedding anniversary without Mandy and only a bottle of whiskey for company. ITV.

Sep 30, 2000
Gloria's attempts to win Paddy over end disastrously. After discovering Pollard wants to buy the diner, Marlon considers doing the same - if he can find the money. ITV.

Oct 14, 2000
Jason convinces Joe he should marry someone to stay in the country. Marlon asks Chris to help fund his investment in the diner. ITV.

Oct 17, 2000
Tricia agrees to marry Joe to help him stay in the country. Kathy is impressed by Marlon's well-presented business plan and agrees to a joint venture. ITV.

Oct 18, 2000
Richie finds life with Sarah increasingly stressful. Marlon is sceptical about Tricia's marriage of convenience to Joe. ITV.

Oct 19, 2000
Diane spends the evening with Jack. Marlon, Tricia, Joe and Jason discuss the wedding plans as Joe's visa expiration grows ever closer. ITV.

Oct 22, 2000
Diane's day turns sour when her ex-husband Rodney resurfaces. A gold trinket belonging to Lady Tara goes missing and suspicion falls on Frankie. ITV.

Oct 23, 2000
Tara questions Scott and Frankie over her missing gold trinket. Cain is delighted when he thinks he's secured a job lot of food tins, but he's in for a shock. ITV.

Oct 24, 2000
Angie finds Tara's stolen trinket in her bread bin and realises Cain has broken in. Cain manages to sell his bulk load of cat food to Seth. ITV.

Oct 25, 2000
Angie gets her revenge on Cain. Sam tries to unburden himself over the stolen food tins. Jason and Joe attempt to cheer up Paddy. ITV.

Oct 26, 2000
Bob prepares to leave and gives Viv a saucy going-away present. Sam prepares to drop a bombshell on his family. Adam's plans to give a talk to schoolchildren goes wrong. ITV.

Oct 29, 2000
Paddy slowly begins to get over his split with Mandy. Ashley has second thoughts about contacting Bernice's father. Emily assures him he's done the right thing. ITV.

Oct 30, 2000
Halloween show.

Oct 31, 2000
Kelly makes a pass at Bob, much to Viv's horror. Diane is shaken by Rodney's arrival and tries to persuade Ashley to move out of the vicarage before Bernice returns. ITV.

Nov 01, 2000
Bernice gets the shock of her life when she comes home to be greeted by her father. Marc and Donna get carried away by the physical side of their relationship. ITV.

Nov 02, 2000
Bernice is left confused by the sudden re-emergence of her father and demands he leave. Donna is left confused after her night of passion with Marc. ITV.

Nov 05, 2000
Ashley is forced to accept that his idea to reunite Bernice with her father has backfired. Richie finds himself torn between his career and Sarah. ITV.

Nov 06, 2000
Ritchie turns down Chris's offer of further investment in Tate Technology. There are more shocks in store for Bernice. ITV.

Nov 07, 2000
Jack and Sarah discuss their divorce. Illicit passions rise between Sean and Tara while Angie and Cain's relationship takes an amorous twist. ITV.

Nov 08, 2000
Sean falls for Tara and is delighted when she takes him to a dinner party. Angie answers a police call concerning a robbery. Tricia and Joe set about creating a bogus past. ITV.

Nov 09, 2000
Angie suggests to Sean that they go on holiday. Sarah resolves to regain her independence, and starts job hunting. ITV.

Nov 12, 2000
Alan is livid when he discovers Tricia's plans to have a marriage of convenience with Joe. Sean and Angie come face-to-face with Cain and Tara. ITV.

Nov 13, 2000
Edna threatens to expose Tricia and Joe's sham marriage. Cain is stood up by Angie. A surprise birthday party for Seth results in an unexpected blunder. ITV.

Nov 14, 2000
Zoe accuses Frankie of stealing after a theft occurs at the garage. ITV.

Nov 15, 2000
Kathy discovers Victoria wandering the streets alone. Sarah left her with Richie, and went for a drink with Angie.

Nov 15, 2000
A mysterious fire is started at Jack's barn, and Ritchie and Sarah are both caught up in it with tragic consequences. ITV.

Nov 17, 2000
Accusations fly in the aftermath of the fire. Meanwhile, Viv is surprised by a blast from the past. ITV.

Nov 20, 2000
The police decide that the fire was started deliberately. Robert inadvertently supplies Andy with an alibi. Ashley tries to win back Bernice. ITV.

Nov 21, 2000
The police continue to quiz Jack about his involvement with the fire. Carol flirts with Scott and then decides to make a move on Terry. ITV.

Nov 22, 2000
Bernice makes a move on Carlos. Carol spends the night with Terry, causing an uneasy atmosphere in the Windsor household. ITV.

Nov 23, 2000
Richie continues to imply Jack was responsible for the fire. Carlos hatches a plan to bring Bernice and Ashley back together. ITV.

Nov 26, 2000
Jack is angered to find out that his affair with Diane has been ousted. Andy has a confession to make. ITV.

Nov 27, 2000
Jack's birthday celebrations are cut short when the police arrest him on suspicion of murder. Lisa breaks the news to Zak that she's pregnant. ITV.

Nov 28, 2000
A violent outburst ensues between Zak and Cain. Marlon makes an excuse not to attend Tricia's wedding.ITV.

Nov 29, 2000
Cain's birthday celebration does not go to plan. Jack appears before the magistrate. ITV.

Nov 30, 2000
Mayhem runs rife as Tricia prepares for her wedding. Chris and Charity enjoy an intimate moment. ITV.

Dec 03, 2000
Zoe is outraged when she discovers Chris has been having a relationship with a Dingle. ITV.

Dec 04, 2000
It's the day of the wedding and Marlon's preparations for his new restaurant are marred by the fact that Tricia, the women he loves, is marrying another man. ITV.

Dec 05, 2000
Tricia's wedding day continues and Marlon's attempts to make his restaurant a success experience difficulties. ITV.

Dec 06, 2000
An uncomfortable dinner ensues after Angie arrives home early. ITV.

Dec 07, 2000
Friction erupts between Zoe and Charity, and a meeting turns into a shouting match. Zak is still trying to deal with the news that Cain is his son. ITV.

Dec 10, 2000
Emily sees Chris and Charity canoodling down a country lane. Sean arrives at the stud farm to see Tara. ITV.

Dec 12, 2000
Charity is forced to seek asylum at Home Farm when Cain overhears Emily questioning her about what she saw. Meanwhile Chris and Charity ready themselves for Cain's wrath. ITV.

Dec 13, 2000
Jack gets permission to attend Sarah's funeral but is concerned about how his children and the other mourners will react to him when he arrives under guard. ITV.

Dec 14, 2000
Tensions run high as everyone gathers for Sarah's funeral and when Jack arrives handcuffed to a prison officer. Andy suffers a moral dilemma. ITV.

Dec 17, 2000
Charity collects her things from the Dingles. Jack warns Andy that he must never admit to what he did. ITV.

Dec 18, 2000
Sean summons up the courage to confess that he has not been faithful to Angie. A tense stand-off develops between Chris and Cain at the Woolpack. ITV.

Dec 19, 2000
Sean and Angie decide to work to save their marriage and go trucking for the day. Tensions run rife between Jack and Diane when he discovers she has been looking after Victoria. ITV.

Dec 20, 2000
A dinner party reaches a shocking crescendo while Marc and Ollie try to cover up a party of their own. ITV.

Dec 21, 2000
Sean is alarmed to find a pile of Christmas presents on his doorstep. Angie is concerned to see Sean and Cain talking together. ITV.

Dec 24, 2000
Kathy tries her best to cheer Andy up. Rodney makes Bernice doubt whether Ashley is the right man for her. ITV.

Dec 24, 2000
The village enjoy a magical Christmas as Bernice and Ashley marry. Andy is plagued by guilt as the Sugdens face the festive season without Jack. ITV.

Dec 25, 2000
Bernice and Ashley reflect on the success of their wedding. A romantic day between Bev and Adam is interrupted. ITV.

Dec 26, 2000
Controversy arises over Joe and Tricia's marriage of convenience. Adam's relationship with Bev suffers unforeseen turmoil. ITV.

Dec 27, 2000
Tricia, Joe and Marlon panic when a mysterious inspector arrives, assuming it's to check up on Tricia and Joe's marriage. ITV.

Dec 28, 2000
Chris finds himself caught in the crossfire when the tension between Charity and Zoe reaches epic proportions. ITV.

May 29, 2000
Richie pressures Sarah so she agrees to tell Jack. Tensions flare between Diane and Edna. Zak cons Ashley into giving his new business their first job at the Vicarage. ITV.
Emmerdale Farm Season 30 (2018) is released on Dec 31, 2018 and the latest season 52 of Emmerdale Farm is released in 2022. Watch Emmerdale Farm online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Emmerdale Farm is directed by Alan Wareing,Pip Short,Tim O'Mara,Tim Dowd and created by Kevin Laffan with Christopher Chittell and Lucy Pargeter.
A soap opera set in a fictional village in the Yorkshire Dales.