Episodes (105)

Jan 03, 1994
Frank drives through the village. There are dead animals and destroyed buildings everywhere. As the fires rage out of control he realizes the bridge is damaged, preventing the emergency services from getting through.

Jan 04, 1994
Families close ranks to deal with the aftermath of the plane crash.

Jan 05, 1994
Jack finds Mark's watch at the morgue and realises Mark is among the dead. Leonard is dead, and Annie is unconscious. Chris is freed from the rubble, with no feeling in his legs. Zoe can't find Archie, and Seth is missing.

Jan 10, 1994
Seth and the Windsor children turn up. Seth's house is destroyed. He hears Alice crying in the rubble. Nick has been found blinded. Archie is still missing. Michael blames Eric for his mother's death.

Jan 12, 1994
As rescue search the rubble for Alice, Michael thinks Pollard killed his mother. After all, why does he want her cremated so quickly?

Jan 17, 1994
Nick wanders around the village looking for Archie. He is in shock and Seth tries to tell him to go back to hospital. The Windsor kids don't want to go to school. Frank visits Chris.

Jan 19, 1994
Day of the funeral for the 9 deceased. Michael tells Eric to leave his mum's house. Kim and Frank get closer.

Jan 24, 1994
Caroline Bates returns. Frank and Sarah strike up a deal, and Jack agrees to give it a go. Alan proposes to Shirley, but she doesn't take him seriously.

Jan 26, 1994
Kathy tells Zoe that Chris will never walk again. A town meeting is called to determine what to do with the compensation payments. Shirley agrees to marry Alan Turner. Annie is still in a coma and Jack wonders if he should pull the plug.

Jan 31, 1994
Robert won't go to school. Seth tries to get through to Nick Bates. Zoe proposes a vet clinic in Beckindale, and Kim offers to finance it. Shirley notices a 15% increase in Vic's prices. Jack tries to convince Joe to let ma go.

Feb 02, 1994
Joe agrees with Jack only if he or Jack stay with Annie to make sure someone is with her if she recovers. Gavin dumps Lynn. The doctor tells Rachel that she has depression. A loan shark is after Eric. Scott talks to Sampson.

Feb 07, 1994
The doctor tells Alan that a wedding is good for the village. Shirley invites Lynn. Seth talks Nick out of his shock. Scott is upset by the disaster. Vic attacks a looter, and is arrested..

Feb 09, 1994
Shirley and Alan's wedding. Viv refuses to go because Shirley is an ex prostitute. Jack and Sarah visit Annie. Frank tells Kim that Chris will never walk again, and he has to tell him.

Feb 14, 1994
Frank and Kim tell Chris the bad news. Alan tells Shirley that he is afraid to fly because of the plane explosion in Beckindale. Nick is released from hospital. Jack and Sarah realize that Annie may not come of the coma.

Feb 16, 1994
Vic gets his liquor license. The sports club opening. Gavin shows up and Lynn tries to hit him. Michael threatens Eric. Nick finds out that Seth is living in a shack. Bernard tells Jack and Sarah that Annie is breathing on her own.

Feb 21, 1994
Viv begs the doctor for sedatives to sleep. Cathy invites Seth to live in her house. The police ask people to gather at the Woolpack. The builders found a skeleton. Bernard's daughter tells him that she is getting married at 16 yrs old.

Feb 23, 1994
Bernard forbids the marriage. Kathy tells Frank that Chris got a huge loan against the house. Michael follows Eric and punches him. Viv confides in Sarah. Elsa agrees to help Michael Catch Eric for the murder of their mother.

Feb 28, 1994
Alan and Shirley are back. They find out about the skeleton. Michael visits his mum's grave. Frank has another business deal for the Sugdens. Michael gives little Donna Windsor a ride in the tractor and loses control.

Mar 02, 1994
Donna is rescued. Alan tells Seth that he is selling game farm. Seth has no claim for insurance on his house. Elsa and Nick see the judge and he orders little Alice to be returned to Nick. Chris lays guilt on Kathy to stay with him.

Mar 07, 1994
The skeleton appears to be Viking, and they found a well buried under the Woolpack. Alan reopens the pub with a "Viking well" hoping people will throw money in it. Viv decides to sue Joe Sugden for the tractor accident.

Mar 09, 1994
Eric receives a letter from the insurance company. Frank asks Kim to remarry him. The memorial is today and Eric dedicates a bench to Elizabeth. The loan shark returns and wants Eric to pay a late payment fee.

Mar 14, 1994
Vic pleads guilty to assaulting the looters. The sports bar is going to have strippers on the same night that Alan reopens the Woolpack.

Mar 16, 1994
Jack begs the appeal fund committee for money. Eric's photo is in the paper and he is angry that Michael gave them an old photo to use. Will someone from his past see it? Rachel tries to smooth things over between Joe and Michael.

Mar 21, 1994
Angharad finds a letter to Jessi from Danny, talking about running away to Scotland.Frank is building a bungalow for Kathy and Chris. Teenagers are drinking outside the pub. Stripper night at the sport's bar.

Mar 23, 1994
The drinkers at the Woolpack are in for a shock by the planned entertainment

Mar 28, 1994
Eric's wife, who saw the photo in the paper turns up and blackmails him for half of the insurance money to keep her mouth shut. Michael intercepts her and they chat, she just says Eric owes her money.

Mar 30, 1994
Jack finds a despondent Joe in the barn with a shotgun. He gets Vic to talk to him before Joe does anything stupid. If Vic drops the lawsuit, Joe won't be so desperate. Eileen finds out that Eric is getting more money than he said.

Apr 04, 1994
Easter fun fair. Joe is much better now that Vic has dropped the lawsuit. Jack and Sarah take new baby Victoria Anne to see Annie. Sarah thinks Annie moved.

Apr 06, 1994
Joe insists that they take Victoria back to the hospital. Annie hears the baby cry and wakes up. She asks questions about the accident. They avoid telling her that her husband and Mark are dead. Kathy preps the house for Chris.

Apr 11, 1994
Frank takes a donated painting to get appraised by Eric. The widow Betty announces she is moving back to Beckendale. Jack tells ma that Leonard is dead, and she says "Who is Leonard". Chris is home and feeling very sorry for himself.

Apr 13, 1994
Donna gets riding lessons. Eric sells the painting to a dealer for 175,000. he swindles Frank and only pays him 1,500.

Apr 18, 1994
Frank sees the paper and his painting sold at auction for 1 million. He goes after Eric, but he weasels out of it. Annie is fully awake and Joe tells her about Leonard and Mark. Chris keeps giving Kathy a hard time. Eileen is back.

Apr 20, 1994
Chris falls out of his wheelchair and takes it out on Kathy. The Sugdens announce their engagement. Viv's sister brings news of Viv's ex. Eileen and Eric work out an agreement.

Apr 25, 1994
The inquest is today. Kim evicts Eric for swindling them. Michael knows Eric and Eileen are up to something, but he has no idea that Eric is a bigamist.

Apr 27, 1994
Vic and Viv have to tell Scott that his father has been released from prison and is on his way. Betty asks Seth to move in with her.

May 02, 1994
Nick and Alice are back from his mums. Luke, Danny and Biff go rock climbing. Vic falls in the creek and gets his foot stuck. The rock climbers and the Sugdens save him.

May 04, 1994
Vic and Viv prepare for the worst. The ex husband Reg Dawson is arriving today. Due to the village disaster, the villagers want to rename the town. Shirley suggests Emmerdale because of the Sugdens heritage.

May 09, 1994
It's Jack's turn on the stand at the inquest. Michael warns Eileen about Eric, then she confronts him and he threatens her. Reg seem to be very odd, and perhaps disillusioned.

May 11, 1994
Michael steals Joe's gun. Joe finds him in the woods with the intention of killing Eric. Joe finds out the whole story of Michael's accusation. Reg starts quoting the bible in the pub and people are beginning to think he is odd.

May 16, 1994
Reg starts talking about taking Viv and Scott back to London. He says God does not recognise the divorce. They are starting to be nervous of Reg. Ma Sugden comes home from hospital. Eric gives his cheque to a thug for something.

May 18, 1994
It's the big wedding day for Jack and Sarah. The McAllisters have problems with their plumbing. Amos reveals the village's new name.

May 23, 1994
Three armed men raid the P.O. while Vic is out delivering papers. Joe is suspicious and shoots at them. Alan is shot by a stray bullet.They kidnap Viv and take her out the door and leave the gas on. it explodes and Vic thinks Viv is dead.

May 25, 1994
They commandeer Shirley's car and drag both her and Viv across land when the car can go no further. Seth track their footprints. Viv recognises Reg. Seth tells them to go to home farm as that is the only place they can be.

May 30, 1994
The police converge on home farm. The raiders send out a body (their driver) and the police take Vic to see if it is Viv. Joe goes to the sports bar when he realises that if he hadn't interfered, this would not have escalated.

Jun 01, 1994
When Reg is distracted, his partner Colin makes a run for the police and surrenders. Viv and Shirley are on their own with Reg.

Jun 06, 1994
The police wait patiently as tension at the Home Farm siege escalates and relationships become strained. Things end badly as Reg Dawson tries to shoot Viv but kills Shirley by mistake before being gunned down.

Jun 08, 1994
Joe gives the Windsors his cottage to live in until the Post Office is repaired. Eric offers to buy his house from Frank. Viv tells Vic that she wants to take Scott to the funeral of Reg.

Jun 13, 1994
Viv goes to see Alan to say sorry. He blames her and Joe for Shirley's death and bans her from the funeral. Michael finds out that Eric owed a huge debt when his mum was killed. Rachel tells Joe not to blame himself for this.

Jun 15, 1994
Nick asks Zoe to be a witness against Elsa for him. Michael confronts Eric. Eric attacks him, Elsa walks in, there is a struggle. Michael punches Eric, and he hits his head. Elsa gives him Eric's car keys and tells him to run.

Jun 20, 1994
Rachel sees Michael speeding off in Eric's car and goes to investigate. She finds Eric and phones an ambulance. The police search for Michael and they find Eric's car at the airport 2 hours later.

Jun 22, 1994
Viv leaves for Reg's funeral.Seth organises a cricket match. Sven the sheep shearer from Oz is back. Sugdens are back. Chris refuses to sell to Lynn.

Jun 27, 1994
Eric keeps Alan company when he gets lonely. Seth shows Luke and Biff how to live in the country.

Jun 29, 1994
Sven asks Zoe out for a dinner date.

Jul 04, 1994
Lynn stirs up trouble again by telling Chris that Kathy is interested in Sven. Eric buys some dodgy jewelry. The boys hoax the "Beckindale Beast" then call the paper to report it for money. Sven saves Peter from the bullpen.

Jul 06, 1994
Luke and Biff see the Beckindale Beast story. Lynne gets close to Sven. Rachel and Joe miss Mark. Nick and Elsa are in court for the custody battle. Baby Victoria is poorly.

Jul 11, 1994
What did Eric throw in the stream? Luke and Biff are going to find out. Eric threatens Elsa. Annie goes to Spain. Sven asks Lynn to go to Australia with him. Vic has big plans for the new Post Office.

Jul 13, 1994
Nick wins the custody battle and Elsa kidnaps Alice. Viv finds out that Scott has an inheritance from Reg. Baby Victoria is rushed to the hospital with pneumonia.

Jul 18, 1994
Elsa has Alice at a B&B waiting for things to cool down. She dresses Alice like a boy and trains her to say her name is Darren. Betty interferes with the patients. Viv wants to go to London to see what's in Reg's Safety Deposit box.

Jul 20, 1994
Rachel starts a petition. The boys continue with the Beckindale Beast, but Seth turns the table with his own version of it. Viv opens the SD box and finds a map. The treasure hunt is on. Nick is distraught over Alice's disappearance.

Jul 25, 1994
The Windsors start the search in London. Baby Victoria is still in hospital. Nick sees a little boy in his garden and realises it is Alice. Alan Turner is drunk in the afternoon and the customers are not amused.

Jul 27, 1994
The opening of the Memorial garden today. Lynn agrees to go to Australia with Sven. The Windsors find the last clue in a cemetery. They come back to dig it up in the dark.

Aug 01, 1994
The Windsors open the box at the hotel. Joe's old friend Ned Glover is looking for work. Lynn offers to sell her half of the business to Frank. Alan puts a bet on a horse called Shirley's Lad. Lynn books strippers for her party.

Aug 03, 1994
Lynn Whiteley leaves Emmerdale to start her new life in Australia with Sven.

Aug 08, 1994
Jess and Luke rent Pollards land to have a birthday party for Biff. Ben Dingle show up and attacks Jess twice, tears up the town in his car, and tries to hit David Glover with his car. Ben Attacks Luke and Luke hits him. Police are called.

Aug 10, 1994
When Joe pushed David out of the way of the car, it hit him and he got a broken ankle. Luke was being pummeled by Ben, put his hands up to defend himself, and Ben hit himself in the nose. Joe decides to go to Spain.

Aug 15, 1994
Ben Dingle died. He choked on his own blood. Luke is arrested.Bernard wants another autopsy. Scott wants to take his inheritance and go to Disney world in Florida. Viv is not so sure.

Aug 17, 1994
Luke's lawyer advises him to stay in jail as there are threats of revenge from the Dingle clan.

Aug 22, 1994
Betty tells Eric about her time at Woodstock. She is keen to rent out her land too. Joe's sheep are attacked. The McAlistairs are the focus of village gossip, Luke's outlook is grim. Alice goes to the doctor.

Aug 24, 1994
Rachel brings a present for Victoria. Frank searches for entertainment for the park. Betty and Eric join forces to make a concert. Jess and Biff tell Bernard that Ben's dad punched him a lot. Zoe hires Linda Glover.

Aug 29, 1994
Heritage park is open and business is great. Alan distracts the sword dancers. Butch Dingle shows up looking for a fight. Seth organizes a Cricket match and Alan is too drunk to play. Frank has a heart attack while driving Zoe and Kim.

Aug 31, 1994
Frank is rushed to hospital. Scott meets Roy Glover and he shows him Sampson. Butch Dingle threatens Biff and Jessica.

Sep 05, 1994
The McAlisters hire a Pathologist. Eric talks Betty into hosting a concert. Frank is on the mend.

Sep 07, 1994
The pathologist proves that Ben Dingle had a preexisting condition. Luke is freed. Eric gives Caroline an expensive necklace and she is apprehensive.

Sep 12, 1994
A cow falls down a gully on Jack's farm. Samson and Seth come to the rescue. Kim comes by the farm to ask David to be the new game keeper. Seth was supposed to get his job back. How do the Glovers tell him that David is taking his job.

Sep 14, 1994
Eric presents Betty with a bill of 19,000. She realises she has been swindled. Seth goes on a radio show, and the Glovers tell Seth about David's job. Frank comes home from hospital. Bernard thinks the family should move from Emmerdale.

Sep 19, 1994
The post office trial starts today. Colin Long testifies that Shirley slept with Reg during the siege. Alan is devastated. Frank forces Seth to retire and no one can help him get his job back.

Sep 21, 1994
Eric fiddles Alan's books, and tells him Shirley did it. He then offers to fix them for a fee. Motorcycle show at the fairgrounds. Butch Dingle is looking for revenge, and harasses Luke. Biff gets the police to follow Butch.

Sep 26, 1994
Chris tries to be romantic and Kathy isn't interested. Betty attacks Pollard for swindling her. Something attacks Ned's Caravan. David stocks the game farm with 120 birds. At the end of the day, there are only 60. Where did they go?

Sep 28, 1994
David asks Kathy for a date. Rachel and Chris get close. Betty buys the caravan. David and Ned go looking for a poacher. Sarah confesses that she met someone else.Pollard won't let Betty cut through his land to move the caravan..

Oct 03, 1994
Frank and Kim figured out that Seth is the poacher. A few days ago Seth took Sampson and went into the woods in protest of losing his job. He's actually living in Betty's caravan. Sarah tells Jan she is fed up with country life.

Oct 05, 1994
Chris has a date with Rachel. Eric's secret business partner shows up at the Woolpack. Sarah tells Jack that she wants to take the children and go. Seth interferes with young love. Dolores and Luke are run off the road by Butch Dingle.

Oct 10, 1994
Eric reports his business partner to the papers. Frank wants Jack to open the store. Alan's first batch of home made brew is made and he gets drunk on it. The Alisters urge Luke to report Butch. Robert overhears Sarah and is upset.

Oct 12, 1994
Seth strikes a deal with David. Chris is having an affair. Seth flogs the pheasants to Vic. Alan warns Vic that Kim is coming to have him arrested. Vic sells the birds to Alan out the back door. Sarah makes Jack choose the farm or her.

Oct 17, 1994
Scott Windsor steals fireworks from the shop and sells them illegally to kids. Butch show up at school to torment Luke yet again. Jack comforts Robert.

Oct 19, 1994
Jack goes to Leeds to bring Sarah home. Seth and David lay a trap for the Beast of Beckindale (BOB). It turns out to be a wild boar. Scott gets caught selling the fireworks. Zak Dingle arrives to challenge Ned. they want revenge for Ben.

Oct 24, 1994
Ned's family plead with him to not fight Zak Dingle. Bernard McAlister decides that his family should leave Emmerdale. Betty agrees to marry Seth pending her father's approval. The Dingle boys harass Linda Glover.

Oct 26, 1994
Seth meets Betty's father. Scott gets suspended for the fireworks. Kim hosts a shoot where Nick meets a woman. Ned decides to go through with the fight.

Oct 31, 1994
The dog Kelly brought home bites her. Eric plans a robbery. Scott and Roy get called into the school. Luke thanks Ned for beating Zak. Frank hears noises in Chris's bedroom. Kim may have figured out who it was with Chris.

Nov 02, 1994
Eric plans the robbery for tonight while everyone is at the bonfire. He invites Alan for dinner, spikes his drink, and does the robbery. When he gets back, Alan is still sleeping. Perfect alibi. Kathy sees Chris kiss Rachel.

Nov 07, 1994
The morning after the robbery, Eric solidifies his alibi with Alan. Sarah turns down a job offer and Kathy tries to see Bernard.

Nov 09, 1994
Kim and Frank plan a fox hunt. Kathy confronts Chris and slaps him. Rachel confides in Sarah. Frank lets a woman wait for Zoe, The unknown woman slaps her.

Nov 14, 1994
Kathy moves out. Donna finds her lost dog, and it attacks her. Zoe sedates the dog. A creepy guy confronts Zoe at the pub. She is terrified to see him. He is in love with her and it was his wife who slapped her.

Nov 16, 1994
Alan does not remember anything. The creepy guy shows up at Zoe's work. She kicks him out. Frank confronts Rachel. Alan has a western themed pub night. The creepy guy grabs Zoe outside the pub and Frank threatens him. He leaves.

Nov 21, 1994
Rachel sabotages the fox hunt and one of her protesters almost gets trampled. Everyone holds Rachel responsible for it. Rachel's affair is blabbed by Kathy and the doctor fires her. Eric finds out Caroline may be coming into money.

Nov 23, 1994
Kim tells Biff that his job is on the line if Jessica interferes in the hunt again. He goes to talk to her, and she breaks off with him. Eric is heckling Frank, so Frank tells him that he bought Betty's land and he has been usurped.

Nov 28, 1994
Eric changes all the Tate's Car Rally signs to get even with Frank. Biff hears Eric laughing about it in the pub. Zoe gets surprised with the weirdo's wife who threatens to leave her children in Zoe's car, but Zoe never slept with him.

Nov 30, 1994
Rachel tells Chris that she is pregnant. Alan gets a visit from the tax man. He takes the books that Eric had fiddled. After Kathy tried to kiss Bernard, he hasn't been able to sleep. Frank reminisces about his kids.

Dec 05, 1994
Sarah gets a job interview at Leeds University. Kathy finds Rachel in her house and attacks her and Chris. Zoe meets Martin the weirdo at his hotel to stress that she is gay and does not want him. He gives her verbal abuse and she flees.

Dec 07, 1994
Kim and Frank discuss their wedding plans. Kathy kisses Bernard and her mother catches them, but Bernard was pushing her off. Jessica meets Biff at the horse barn.

Dec 12, 1994
Caroline tells Eric that her mother died. Eric knows she stands to inherit and he is all over her with kindness. Nick questions his motive for offering to drive his mother to Scarbourgh. Alan asks Eric for a loan of 23,000. For the taxman.

Dec 14, 1994
The village attends Seth & Betty's 1940s theme party, Eric lends Alan the £20,000 pounds he needs to pay the VAT.

Dec 19, 1994
Kathy sends the doctor flowers and his wife is furious. Eric calls in the loan on the pub, and Caroline gets involved as a go between. The doctor meets with Kathy to set her straight, but she just won't listen. She thinks he loves her.

Dec 21, 1994
Kim and Frank's wedding. When Frank takes her to the garage to show her the car he bought for her, it's gone.

Dec 26, 1994
Seth and Nick toast Archie. The professor tells Sarah that she can work from his house 20 minutes away. The car is found in the swimming pool, and Kim is amused. Frank confronts Eric for all the vandalism that has happened to him.

Dec 28, 1994
The memorial today, then the barn dance. Kathy tells Caroline about Bernard, and she realizes that Kathy was stalking him. Biff gets the car out of the pool. Butch Dingle shows up and finds his sister dancing with Luke.
Emmerdale Farm Season 24 (2013) is released on Dec 31, 2012 and the latest season 52 of Emmerdale Farm is released in 2022. Watch Emmerdale Farm online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Emmerdale Farm is directed by Alan Wareing,Pip Short,Tim O'Mara,Tim Dowd and created by Kevin Laffan with Christopher Chittell and Lucy Pargeter.
A soap opera set in a fictional village in the Yorkshire Dales.