Episodes (161)

Episode #1.2303
S1998E01 · Episode #1.2303

Dec 31, 1997

Jack is angry when he finds out Billy has been writing to Andy. Daniels tells Steve that he has video evidence of Kim setting up the murder of the lady in the lake. ITV.

Episode #1.2304
S1998E02 · Episode #1.2304

Jan 04, 1998

The Dingles take Zak to meet his birthday present. Marlon is ecstatic when he hears Nigel Hibbert is coming to the tearooms. Kim is upset when Steve doesn't give her the video. ITV.

Episode #1.2305
S1998E03 · Episode #1.2305

Jan 05, 1998

Marlon confronts Butch about the rock that was thrown through the caravan window. Steve puts the video in a safety deposit box. Kim asks Steve to move in with her. ITV.

Episode #1.2306
S1998E04 · Episode #1.2306

Jan 06, 1998

Zoe warns Paddy to stop spending time up at Outhwaite's farm. Kelly confides in Mandy that she might be pregnant. Kim tells Steve her version of events about the video. ITV.

Episode #1.2307
S1998E05 · Episode #1.2307

Jan 11, 1998

Mandy tries to convince Kelly to tell Biff about the baby. Biff wants to make his peace with the Glovers. Zoe watches the video of Kim and Daniels. ITV.

Episode #1.2308
S1998E06 · Episode #1.2308

Jan 12, 1998

An angry farmer arrives at the Dingles claiming Priscilla the pig is his. Butch continues to antagonise Marlon. Zoe shows Chris the video. Kelly has decided to get an abortion. ITV.

Episode #1.2309
S1998E07 · Episode #1.2309

Jan 13, 1998

Mandy tries to talk Kelly out of getting an abortion. Chris wants to know what Zoe intends to do with the video. Sarah apologises to Kathy for falling out with her over Rachel. ITV.

Episode #1.2310
S1998E08 · Episode #1.2310

Jan 18, 1998

Tara and Kim go shopping for a wedding dress. Chris and Zoe go to Leeds to find Daniels who has a shock revelation for them regarding the lady in the lake's death. ITV.

Episode #1.2311
S1998E09 · Episode #1.2311

Jan 19, 1998

Chris can't believe Zoe has taken Daniels at his word. Tara asks Steve why he is hiding his family from Kim. Andy and Robert set up Jack and Sarah for a night out. ITV.

Episode #1.2312
S1998E10 · Episode #1.2312

Jan 20, 1998

Marlon is in a panic when the TV crew arrives. Kelly flirts with Chris. Zak and Butch's plans to interfere with the TV programme being filmed don't go to plan. ITV.

Episode #1.2313
S1998E11 · Episode #1.2313

Jan 25, 1998

Eric blames Marlon for all the chaos at the tearooms. Sarah kicks Biff and Marlon out of the cottage when she discovers them having a party. Zak panics ahead of his wedding day. ITV.

Episode #1.2314
S1998E12 · Episode #1.2314

Jan 26, 1998

Zak asks Ned to be his best man. Lisa is furious to find out where her wedding ring came from. Andy and Robert break into Outhwaite's home only to receive a big shock. ITV.

Episode #1.2315
S1998E13 · Episode #1.2315

Jan 27, 1998

Andy wants to go back to Outhwaite's, but Robert is too scared. Kelly is determined to go ahead with her plan to con Chris. Paddy asks Mandy to live with him. ITV.

Episode #1.2316
S1998E14 · Episode #1.2316

Feb 01, 1998

Mandy worries that Paddy will change his mind about them living together. Ned tells Sarah that Jan is coming home for a visit. Mandy tells Biff that Kelly is pregnant. ITV.

Episode #1.2317
S1998E15 · Episode #1.2317

Feb 02, 1998

Andy hides the money so Jack and Sarah don't find it. Kelly is angry with Mandy for telling Biff about the baby. Marlon confronts Andy and Robert about terrorising Outhwaite. ITV.

Episode #1.2318
S1998E16 · Episode #1.2318

Feb 03, 1998

Tony is confident his new business will be a success. Ned tells Jan that he needs her back home. Roy tells Kelly he knows she's pregnant and offers to help. ITV.

Episode #1.2319
S1998E17 · Episode #1.2319

Feb 08, 1998

Tara is attacked by an unknown assailant while she's in bed. Biff tells Ned that Alex is back and they head to Oakwell Hall to make him pay for Linda's death. ITV.

Episode #1.2320
S1998E18 · Episode #1.2320

Feb 09, 1998

Kathy tries to help Sam to read. Biff tells Kim about Steve's deal with Alex. Kelly tells Chris that she's pregnant. Heather and Lyn accuse Eric of swindling Outhwaite. ITV.

Episode #1.2321
S1998E19 · Episode #1.2321

Feb 10, 1998

Kim is fuming with Steve over his involvement with Alex. Chris tells Kelly he will help her get an abortion. Lyn finds Outhwaite unconscious on the floor of one of the barns. ITV.

Episode #1.2322
S1998E20 · Episode #1.2322

Feb 15, 1998

Kelly discovers Chris has made an appointment for her at a private clinic. Paddy is incensed when he reads the letter from Kim Tate evicting Outhwaite ITV.

Episode #1.2323
S1998E21 · Episode #1.2323

Feb 16, 1998

Rachel tackles Chris about his relationship with Kelly. Dee and Eric row in the tearooms. Mandy cooks a meal for Paddy, but it's not what he was expecting. ITV/

Episode #1.2324
S1998E22 · Episode #1.2324

Feb 17, 1998

Paddy is late for work after struggling with indigestion all night. Dee tells Will to stop pestering her. Zoe is shocked when Chris tells her about Kelly being pregnant. ITV.

Episode #1.2325
S1998E23 · Episode #1.2325

Feb 17, 1998

Sarah acts coldly towards Jack. Tony is adamant that Emma cannot keep her horse. Mandy doesn't want to take up Mrs Taylor's offer of selling underwear. ITV.

Episode #1.2326
S1998E24 · Episode #1.2326

Feb 18, 1998

Donna asks Kelly what's wrong when she finds her being sick. Chris decides he wants Kelly to have the baby. Terry is put out that he's not invited to Mandy's underwear party. ITV.

Episode #1.2327
S1998E25 · Episode #1.2327

Feb 23, 1998

Vic is furious with Chris Tate. Kelly tells Mandy that she still intends to have an abortion. Sam turns on Zak for never teaching him to read. ITV.

Episode #1.2328
S1998E26 · Episode #1.2328

Mar 01, 1998

Sarah storms to Rachel's house and wants to see Jack. The Glovers talk to Jan's psychiatrist. Ned is apprehensive about the suggestion that Jan can return home. ITV.

Episode #1.2329
S1998E27 · Episode #1.2329

Mar 02, 1998

Chris tells Kim that Kelly has moved into the nursery flat. Zoe tries to smooth things over with the Windsors. Roy wants to make a big thing about Jan's homecoming. ITV.

Episode #1.2330
S1998E28 · Episode #1.2330

Mar 03, 1998

Paddy thinks Biff should be told that he's really the father of Kelly's baby. Jed Outhwaite causes trouble in the hospital again. Sarah argues with Rachel. ITV.

Episode #1.2331
S1998E29 · Episode #1.2331

Mar 08, 1998

Marlon teases Will about being found in a compromising position with Dee. Sam is pleased when Kathy offers to restart his reading lessons. Sarah and Jack have a heart-to-heart. ITV.

Episode #1.2332
S1998E30 · Episode #1.2332

Mar 09, 1998

Mandy is at the end of her tether with Paddy's snoring. Chris finds Kelly packing to leave. Marlon convinces Eric to let him run the wine bar for one evening a fortnight. ITV.

Episode #1.2333
S1998E31 · Episode #1.2333

Mar 10, 1998

Viv and Vic are invited to a dinner party at Home Farm by Chris. Sam and Butch attempt to gatecrash Mandy's underwear party. Will kisses Dee and asks her to leave Eric. ITV.

Episode #1.2334
S1998E32 · Episode #1.2334

Mar 15, 1998

The wine bar is a mess after Marlon's first night in charge. Becky confides in Zoe that Tony never shows her any affection. Sam enjoys reading Wuthering Heights. ITV.

Episode #1.2335
S1998E33 · Episode #1.2335

Mar 16, 1998

The atmosphere is strained between Zoe and Becky. Paddy is shocked when he hears a gunshot at Outhwaite's house. Kathy regrets teaching Sam to read and write. ITV.

Episode #1.2336
S1998E34 · Episode #1.2336

Mar 17, 1998

Chris and Kelly organise the drinks party for the American executives. Paddy tries to talk Outhwaite into leaving the farm. An accident leaves Kelly unconscious. ITV.

Episode #1.2337
S1998E35 · Episode #1.2337

Mar 22, 1998

Chris and Zoe wait at the hospital for news about Kelly. Chris blames Kim for Kelly's accident. Zoe confides in Becky about all the Tate troubles. ITV.

Episode #1.2338
S1998E36 · Episode #1.2338

Mar 23, 1998

Will threatens Zoe and warns her to keep away from his mum. Kelly wants nothing more to do with Chris. Eric blames Will for the cellar flooding at the wine bar. ITV.

Episode #1.2339
S1998E37 · Episode #1.2339

Mar 24, 1998

Paddy and Mandy have a row about money. Eric is suspicious when he spots Dee meeting up with Will. Zoe is shocked when Becky tells her she is falling in love with her. ITV.

Episode #1.2340
S1998E38 · Episode #1.2340

Mar 29, 1998

Becky tells Zoe that Tony knows about them. Eric thinks Dee is planning to leave him. Kathy and Rachel are asked out on a date by two firemen. ITV.

Episode #1.2341
S1998E39 · Episode #1.2341

Mar 30, 1998

Becky acts coldly towards Zoe. Eric accuses Dee of kissing Will. The police locate Dee with news from the Philippines that her mother has died. ITV.

Episode #1.2342
S1998E40 · Episode #1.2342

Mar 31, 1998

Dee refuses to speak to Eric and books a flight home for her mother's funeral. Eric dashes to the airport to stop Dee from leaving. Will and Marlon fight in the Woolpack. ITV.

Episode #1.2343
S1998E41 · Episode #1.2343

Apr 05, 1998

Eric decides to close the wine bar. Paddy panics when his mum announces that she's coming to visit. Emma hears about what happened between Becky and Zoe. ITV.

Episode #1.2344
S1998E42 · Episode #1.2344

Apr 06, 1998

Mandy orders the Dingles to tidy up ahead of Paddy's mum's arrival. Viv insists to Vic that she did not hit Kelly. Ned is furious about Helen Ackroyd's article about Jan. ITV.

Episode #1.2345
S1998E43 · Episode #1.2345

Apr 07, 1998

Sarah advises Tony not to give up on his marriage. Paddy apologises to the Dingles, but makes things worse with Mandy. Becky gives Tony an ultimatum. ITV.

Episode #1.2346
S1998E44 · Episode #1.2346

Apr 12, 1998

Jack advises Tony not to believe that Becky will go through with the divorce. Paddy's mum pushes him to get in touch with his ex. Jez and Sam have an altercation in the Woolpack. ITV.

Episode #1.2347
S1998E45 · Episode #1.2347

Apr 13, 1998

The Dingles arrive at the magistrates court for Sam's hearing. Jan is shocked to read the article about her in the Hotten Courier. Kim asks Seth to give her away at her wedding. ITV.

Episode #1.2348
S1998E46 · Episode #1.2348

Apr 14, 1998

Zak takes advantage of Marlon being in charge at the wine bar. The Cairns family load up the car ready to leave for Germany. Alan tries to talk Eric out of his depression. ITV.

Episode #1.2349
S1998E47 · Episode #1.2349

Apr 19, 1998

Kathy is furious about the mess the Dingles have caused at the tearooms. Steve is relieved when Kim agrees to sign his contract. Scott tells Lyn he's not happy in the army. ITV.

Episode #1.2350
S1998E48 · Episode #1.2350

Apr 20, 1998

Jan receives the injunction from Kim's solicitors. Zak embarks on another money-making scheme. Marlon is approached by the police for serving alcohol to under-age children. ITV.

Episode #1.2351
S1998E49 · Episode #1.2351

Apr 21, 1998

Zoe refuses to be bullied by Kim and Steve into giving Kelly a job. Emma insists that she doesn't want to go back to Germany. Tara confronts Steve about his dad. ITV.

Episode #1.2352
S1998E50 · Episode #1.2352

Apr 26, 1998

Kelly starts work at the vets. Tara plans Kim's hen night, while Steve asks Alan to host his stag party at the Woolpack. Chris and Zoe get a shock when they visit Steve's office. ITV.

Episode #1.2353
S1998E51 · Episode #1.2353

Apr 27, 1998

Zoe and Chris try to work out why Steve is conning Kim. Paddy's attitude towards Kelly causes Zoe concern. Kim tells Steve that she has never been happier. ITV.

Episode #1.2354
S1998E52 · Episode #1.2354

Apr 28, 1998

Steve really starts to panic about his business. Tara assures Viv she has planned something memorable for Kim's hen night. The lads attempt to drag Steve off on his stag night. ITV.

Episode #1.2355
S1998E53 · Episode #1.2355

May 03, 1998

Steve is confident that he has saved his business and prepares for the wedding. Butch steals a horse from Home Farm. Sal finds out what Steve has done. ITV.

Episode #1.2356
S1998E54 · Episode #1.2356

May 04, 1998

Kim and Steve row after she's told they are now bankrupt. Zoe tells Kim about Miss Jinks escaping. Tara crashes her car and is breathalysed by the police. ITV.

Episode #1.2357
S1998E55 · Episode #1.2357

May 05, 1998

Steve desperately tries to make back some of his losses. Tara is sure she is going to lose her driving licence. Jan has some unwanted news for Ned. ITV.

Episode #1.2358
S1998E56 · Episode #1.2358

May 10, 1998

Kathy complains to Eric about the youngsters the wine bar is attracting. Eric asks Zoe about Steve's financial situation. Kim places a large bet on a horse race. ITV.

Episode #1.2359
S1998E57 · Episode #1.2359

May 11, 1998

Lisa worries when Zak doesn't come home all night. Jack and Sarah plan a family meal for their anniversary. Vic has a surprise in store for Viv. ITV.

Episode #1.2360
S1998E58 · Episode #1.2360

May 12, 1998

Biff starts his job as Tara's chauffeur. Chris enjoys all the gossip about Steve and Kim's problems. Becky agrees that Emma can stay with the Sugdens. ITV.

Episode #1.2361
S1998E59 · Episode #1.2361

May 17, 1998

Steve is furious with Kim for selling her shares in Home Farm. Vic and Viv arrange to spend more time together. Chris humiliates Kim. Alan worries about trade at the Woolpack. ITV.

Episode #1.2362
S1998E60 · Episode #1.2362

May 18, 1998

Marlon and Will tease Biff about his new job. Steve and Kim are faced with a raft of investors demanding their money back. Viv tackles Kelly about her attitude. ITV.

Episode #1.2363
S1998E61 · Episode #1.2363

May 19, 1998

Vic apologises to Kelly for hitting her. Zoe and Kim have an argument on the anniversary of Frank's death. Biff is taken aback when Tara gives him a peck on the cheek. ITV.

Episode #1.2364
S1998E62 · Episode #1.2364

May 24, 1998

Vic blames Kelly for Viv going away. Kim tries to come to terms with her last day of being the owner of Home Farm. Tara double-crosses Chris. ITV.

Episode #1.2365
S1998E63 · Episode #1.2365

May 25, 1998

Chris is furious with Tara, but she refuses to speak to him. Tara has a further shock in store for Chris. Kelly bunks off college to help Mandy with the jumble sale. ITV.

Episode #1.2366
S1998E64 · Episode #1.2366

May 26, 1998

Chris savours the moment Kim and Steve have to move out of Home Farm. Alice goes missing when Kathy leaves her by herself. Will lets down his rugby team by missing the match. ITV.

Episode #1.2367
S1998E65 · Episode #1.2367

May 31, 1998

Zak and Butch apologise to Tara for the poaching incident. Heather suggests organising a quiz night to Alan. Jack lectures Will on his behaviour. ITV.

Episode #1.2368
S1998E66 · Episode #1.2368

Jun 01, 1998

Jack is determined that Will should go to Germany. Tara is furious with Biff for ignoring her. Will apologises for all the trouble he's caused. ITV.

Episode #1.2369
S1998E67 · Episode #1.2369

Jun 02, 1998

Kelly is upset about her dad lying about her mum's death. Biff resigns from his chauffeur's job. Terry tries to set up a Woolpack rugby team. ITV.

Episode #1.2370
S1998E68 · Episode #1.2370

Jun 07, 1998

Kim nags Steve to get a job. Donna resents the attention that Kelly is getting from Vic. Terry refuses to let Will join the Woolpack rugby team. ITV.

Episode #1.2371
S1998E69 · Episode #1.2371

Jun 08, 1998

Betty suspects Mandy of stealing her washing. The Dingles take on the Woolpack pub quiz. Kelly announces that either Viv leaves or she does. ITV.

Episode #1.2372
S1998E70 · Episode #1.2372

Jun 09, 1998

Vic spends the night worrying about his relationship with Kelly. The Woolpack rugby team play their first match. Lisa finds out that Zak cheated in the quiz. ITV.

Episode #1.2373
S1998E71 · Episode #1.2373

Jun 14, 1998

The Dingles clear up after the collapse of their ceiling. Tara is horrified at the state of the Dingles' house. Steve finds his new labouring job tough. ITV.

Episode #1.2374
S1998E72 · Episode #1.2374

Jun 15, 1998

Chris isn't happy about the Dingles being at Home Farm. Zoe tells Kelly she is welcome to stay with her. Zak gets a shock when he opens the boot of Lisa's classic car. ITV.

Episode #1.2375
S1998E73 · Episode #1.2375

Jun 16, 1998

Terry encourages Will to think more seriously about playing rugby. Butch and Zak argue about who is going to bury the body. Donna and Kirsty decide to get their noses pierced. ITV.

Episode #1.2376
S1998E74 · Episode #1.2376

Jun 21, 1998

Butch falls asleep while guarding the body. Micky Bell gives Steve a hard time at the quarry. Chris scolds the Dingles for making a mess of the nursery flat. ITV

Episode #1.2377
S1998E75 · Episode #1.2377

Jun 22, 1998

Kim is annoyed at Steve's behaviour the previous night. The headmaster excludes Donna and Kirsty from school. A fire breaks out at the Hutchinsons' house. ITV.

Episode #1.2378
S1998E76 · Episode #1.2378

Jun 23, 1998

The Hutchinsons arrive at the Woolpack with their few remaining possessions. Chris tells the Dingles that he has found the body and is going to call the police. ITV.

Episode #1.2379
S1998E77 · Episode #1.2379

Jun 28, 1998

Tara is confused by Biff's cold behaviour towards her. Steve is ambushed by his fellow workers at the quarry. Terry takes Will to a rugby trial at Farsley Rugby Club. ITV.

Episode #1.2380
S1998E78 · Episode #1.2380

Jun 29, 1998

Steve is determined to go to work despite being beaten up. Roy gives Kelly some home truths. Kathy is sure Eric has plans to ruin her. ITV.

Episode #1.2381
S1998E79 · Episode #1.2381

Jun 30, 1998

Kathy struggles to cope with breakfasts at the tearooms. Kim receives the vet's bill for Kaiser. Heather pours her heart out to Terry. ITV.

Episode #1.2382
S1998E80 · Episode #1.2382

Jul 05, 1998

Kirsty and Lyn are desperate to move out of the Woolpack. Zoe pleads with the Windsors to take Kelly back home. Alan offers to lend Heather the deposit for a new place. ITV.

Episode #1.2383
S1998E81 · Episode #1.2383

Jul 06, 1998

Viv rows with Donna about going back to school. Chris suggests to Kelly that she comes to live at Home Farm. Steve admits to Kim how much he hates working at the quarry. ITV.

Episode #1.2384
S1998E82 · Episode #1.2384

Jul 07, 1998

Alan confronts Kirsty about stealing food. Steve informs the police when the quarry robbery is in progress. Micky threatens revenge on Steve. ITV.

Episode #1.2385
S1998E83 · Episode #1.2385

Jul 12, 1998

Steve gives his statement to the police about the quarry theft. Kim gets some mysterious phone calls and thinks it might be Micky Bell. ITV.

Episode #1.2386
S1998E84 · Episode #1.2386

Jul 13, 1998

The village fair arrives and Seth and Ned argue over who will win the vegetable competition. Micky Bell waits for Kim to arrive home and attacks her. ITV.

Episode #1.2387
S1998E85 · Episode #1.2387

Jul 14, 1998

Kathy confronts Biff about his relationship with Tara. Kim is angry at Steve for putting her and James in danger. Eric is shocked when Kathy has a proposal for him. ITV.

Episode #1.2388
S1998E86 · Episode #1.2388

Jul 19, 1998

Heather tells her daughters about her relationship with Terry. Chris has to deliver some terrible news to Tara. Marlon is happy about Kathy offering to buy out Eric. ITV.

Episode #1.2389
S1998E87 · Episode #1.2389

Jul 20, 1998

Kathy worries that Eric is up to something. Tara carries on as if nothing has happened, leading Biff to worry about her. Eric attempts to bribe a magistrate. ITV.

Episode #1.2390
S1998E88 · Episode #1.2390

Jul 21, 1998

Eric tries to talk Alan into taking on his licence. Tara gets upset after visiting her father's house. Lord Michael attempts to ban Biff from attending Tara's father's funeral. ITV.

Episode #1.2391
S1998E89 · Episode #1.2391

Jul 26, 1998

Biff doesn't want to be used by Tara just to shock her friends. Zak plans to steal some clothes for Mandy's shop from the holiday village. Michael confronts Biff about Tara. ITV.

Episode #1.2392
S1998E90 · Episode #1.2392

Jul 27, 1998

Kim and Steve anxiously wait for news on James at the hospital. Tara has a shock at her father's will reading. Lyn realises that Kirsty is bulimic and offers to get her help. ITV.

Episode #1.2393
S1998E91 · Episode #1.2393

Jul 28, 1998

Kirsty tries to prove to Lyn that nothing is wrong with her. Zak's dry cleaning scam doesn't go to plan. Will's rugby trial ends in disaster. ITV.

Episode #1.2394
S1998E92 · Episode #1.2394

Aug 02, 1998

The Sugdens put Will up while he recovers from his injury. Tara has a shock announcement for Chris and Zoe. Lyn confides in Rachel about Kirsty's bulimia. ITV.

Episode #1.2395
S1998E93 · Episode #1.2395

Aug 03, 1998

Tara worries about the consequences of selling Home Farm. Eric faces the licensing magistrate in court. Heather and Lyn find Kirsty being sick behind the village hall. ITV.

Episode #1.2396
S1998E94 · Episode #1.2396

Aug 04, 1998

Heather tries to talk to Kirsty, who insists there's nothing wrong with her. Emma receives a mystery bunch of flowers. Kim calls the Glovers and agrees to the paternity test. ITV.

Episode #1.2397
S1998E95 · Episode #1.2397

Aug 09, 1998

Ned worries about the blood tests. Eric takes drastic measures when he finds Kathy celebrating taking over ownership of the wine bar. Zak and Butch attempt to find some rent money. ITV.

Episode #1.2398
S1998E96 · Episode #1.2398

Aug 10, 1998

Marlon confronts Eric about dousing the wine bar in paraffin. Kirsty admits to making herself sick. Scott tells Kelly he's not going back to the army. ITV.

Episode #1.2399
S1998E97 · Episode #1.2399

Aug 11, 1998

Marlon tries to cover up the smell of paraffin before Kathy arrives for work. Heather is determined to find a new home. Marlon tells Lyn the truth about the night before. ITV.

Episode #1.2400
S1998E98 · Episode #1.2400

Aug 16, 1998

Biff is shocked to discover Tara is evicting the Glovers. Kirsty insists she is pleased her bulimia is out in the open now. Zoe offers to help Ned and the Dingles. ITV.

Episode #1.2401
S1998E99 · Episode #1.2401

Aug 17, 1998

Betty refuses to believe that Zoe had nothing to do with the evictions. Kathy begins her alterations to the tearooms. Kirsty is scared about seeing a counsellor. ITV.

Episode #1.2402
S1998E100 · Episode #1.2402

Aug 18, 1998

Zak works on a plan to save the Dingles' home. Paulette flirts with Roy at the holiday village swimming pool. Biff is blamed for the evictions by the other villagers. ITV.

Episode #1.2403
S1998E101 · Episode #1.2403

Aug 23, 1998

Zak and Butch empty their house to raise some money. Roy catches Paulette and Scott kissing. The Dingles urge Zak to face reality and accept they will have to move. ITV.

Episode #1.2404
S1998E102 · Episode #1.2404

Aug 24, 1998

Rachel is embarrassed about her encounter with Graham. Betty continues refusing to speak to Biff. Steve proposes an audacious plan to Kim. ITV.

Episode #1.2405
S1998E103 · Episode #1.2405

Aug 25, 1998

Biff receives an unexpected gift from Tara. Steve receives a mysterious phone call. Kim receives the results of James' paternity test. ITV.

Episode #1.2406
S1998E104 · Episode #1.2406

Aug 30, 1998

Betty struggles to cope with Kathy's new American menu. Kim breaks the bad news to the Glovers. Marlon warns Paddy about lending any money to the Dingles. ITV.

Episode #1.2407
S1998E105 · Episode #1.2407

Aug 31, 1998

Paddy stalls over lending Mandy the money. Kim tells Tara she is pathetic for marrying Michael. Steve tells Kim to consider his plan. ITV.

Episode #1.2408
S1998E106 · Episode #1.2408

Sep 01, 1998

Steve tries to persuade Kim to go ahead with the robbery. Tara shows a prospective buyer around the stud farm. Zoe offers Paddy a partnership, but it will cost him 45,000 pounds. ITV.

Episode #1.2409
S1998E107 · Episode #1.2409

Sep 06, 1998

Zoe and Paddy discuss his partnership plans. Sarah isn't happy with Ned's parenting advice. Mandy finishes with Paddy when she finds out he's going to let down the Dingles. ITV.

Episode #1.2410
S1998E108 · Episode #1.2410

Sep 07, 1998

Mandy is upset about her break-up with Paddy. Steve worries about the trial run of the robbery. Kathy tells Tara to leave Biff alone. ITV.

Episode #1.2411
S1998E109 · Episode #1.2411

Sep 08, 1998

Alan is annoyed that Terry has hired a karaoke machine for Will's 18th birthday. Lisa encourages Mandy to take a job at the Woolpack. Steve wants to bring the robbery forward. ITV.

Episode #1.2412
S1998E110 · Episode #1.2412

Sep 13, 1998

Tara and Michael discuss their hen and stag nights. Will heads to the Woolpack for his first legal drink on his 18th birthday. Biff leaves Kathy in the lurch to meet with Tara. ITV.

Episode #1.2413
S1998E111 · Episode #1.2413

Sep 14, 1998

Biff asks Tara to call off the wedding. Vic gets jealous when Viv and Terry dance together at Will's party. Steve causes a tragic accident. ITV.

Episode #1.2414
S1998E112 · Episode #1.2414

Sep 15, 1998

Kathy is rushed to hospital with a brain contusion. Tara assures Biff he won't lose her. Kim is racked with guilt and blames herself for Kathy's accident. ITV.

Episode #1.2415
S1998E113 · Episode #1.2415

Sep 20, 1998

Biff is shocked when he hears about Kathy's accident. Terry flirts with Tricia in the Woolpack. Steve suggests to Kim that they avoid the pressure and make a run for it. ITV.

Episode #1.2416
S1998E114 · Episode #1.2416

Sep 21, 1998

Steve is annoyed when Kim decides to stay in the village. Zak and butch plan to burgle the garden centre. Steve goes to dig up the money but is interrupted by Chris. ITV.

Episode #1.2417
S1998E115 · Episode #1.2417

Sep 22, 1998

Zak is planning the robbery when the police arrive to search his house. Steve plans to flee to Venezuela. Gossip about the Dingles spreads around the village. ITV.

Episode #1.2418
S1998E116 · Episode #1.2418

Sep 27, 1998

The Dingles are angry that people think they are guilty. Kim implores Steve to cancel the flights. Rachel blasts Chris for never spending any time with Joseph. ITV.

Episode #1.2419
S1998E117 · Episode #1.2419

Sep 28, 1998

Steve is upset when Kim won't tell him where the money is. Terry takes Tricia clothes shopping. Paddy's date with Jane goes surprisingly well. ITV.

Episode #1.2420
S1998E118 · Episode #1.2420

Sep 29, 1998

Chris presses Zoe for more information about the night of the robbery. Alan warns Tricia about Terry. Zak vows to fight the eviction from his home. ITV.

Episode #1.2421
S1998E119 · Episode #1.2421

Oct 04, 1998

Zoe apologises to Kim for Chris's behaviour. Jane realises that Paddy still holds a torch for Mandy. Zak hatches a plan to prevent the eviction. ITV.

Episode #1.2422
S1998E120 · Episode #1.2422

Oct 05, 1998

On their eviction day, Zak and Butch paint their house pink. Paddy's mum insults the Dingles leading Paddy to defend them. Chris believes he has figured out Kim's plan. ITV.

Episode #1.2423
S1998E121 · Episode #1.2423

Oct 06, 1998

Chris goes to the police with his theory about Kim and Steve. Paddy and Mandy discuss their relationship. DI Spalding interviews Kim about the robbery. ITV.

Episode #1.2424
S1998E122 · Episode #1.2424

Oct 11, 1998

Kim is still refusing to tell Steve where the money is. Zak and Butch make a mess of Rachel's house. Zoe warns Chris about his obsession with Kim and Steve. ITV.

Episode #1.2425
S1998E123 · Episode #1.2425

Oct 12, 1998

Paddy vows to do all he can to get Mandy back. Mrs Kirk, however, is intent on sabotaging their relationship. Betty and Jack go to visit Kathy in hospital. ITV.

Episode #1.2426
S1998E124 · Episode #1.2426

Oct 13, 1998

Betty is convinced that Kathy is on the mend. Mrs Kirk offers Mandy money to stay away from Paddy. Steve is worried whether Kathy will remember the accident. ITV.

Episode #1.2427
S1998E125 · Episode #1.2427

Oct 14, 1998

The Dingles aren't keen on moving to a council estate in Leeds. Steve cannot sleep as he worries about what Kathy remembers. Mandy tells the Dingles about Mrs Kirk's offer. ITV.

Episode #1.2428
S1998E126 · Episode #1.2428

Oct 19, 1998

Zak compiles a list of eligible bachelors for Mandy to marry. Kim is angry at Steve for attacking Chris. Terry thinks it's his lucky night with Tricia. ITV.

Episode #1.2429
S1998E127 · Episode #1.2429

Oct 20, 1998

Mandy and Butch announce their plan to get married. Steve heads to the hospital to silence Kathy. A fire breaks out at the Woolpack. ITV.

Episode #1.2430
S1998E128 · Episode #1.2430

Oct 21, 1998

The full extent of the damage to the Woolpack is revealed. Kim gives Steve 10,000 pounds to run away with. Kathy tells the police that she saw Steve drive into her. ITV.

Episode #1.2431
S1998E129 · Episode #1.2431

Oct 26, 1998

Steve is questioned about the theft. Kelly is shocked at Mandy's news about her marriage to Butch. Ned gives Robert boxing lessons to help him stand up to bullies. ITV.

Episode #1.2432
S1998E130 · Episode #1.2432

Oct 27, 1998

Kim hands over information from Steve's office to the police. Jack is furious when Robert punches Donna in the face. Steve tells Kim that he is going to plead guilty. ITV.

Episode #1.2433
S1998E131 · Episode #1.2433

Oct 28, 1998

The temporary Woolpack in the village hall starts taking shape. Mrs Kirk surprises Paddy with a free trip to Venice. Spalding threatens Steve with an attempted murder charge. ITV.

Episode #1.2434
S1998E132 · Episode #1.2434

Nov 01, 1998

The police dig up Kim's garden looking for the money. Mandy tells Butch he has to smarten himself up for the wedding. Terry and Alan have a showdown in the pub. ITV.

Episode #1.2435
S1998E133 · Episode #1.2435

Nov 02, 1998

Paddy confronts Mandy about the wedding. Kim visits Steve at the remand centre. Butch enlists Biff's help to change his image. Chelsea continues bullying Robert at school. ITV.

Episode #1.2436
S1998E134 · Episode #1.2436

Nov 03, 1998

Chelsea is excluded from school. Chris pays Steve a surprise visit. Kathy discharges herself from hospital. Kim's deal falls through because of Steve's reputation. ITV.

Episode #1.2437
S1998E135 · Episode #1.2437

Nov 08, 1998

Marlon thinks there is an intruder at the diner. Butch is distraught when Mandy invites Zak and Lisa to his romantic dinner. Laura is pleased her evening with Chris went well. ITV.

Episode #1.2438
S1998E136 · Episode #1.2438

Nov 09, 1998

Scott threatens to tell Terry about him and Tricia. Ashley tries to convince Mandy to cancel the wedding. Viv and Sarah clash at the diner. ITV.

Episode #1.2439
S1998E137 · Episode #1.2439

Nov 10, 1998

Kelly tries to talk Mandy out of the wedding. Zoe tells Paddy to forget Mandy. Paddy discovers the truth about his mum's offer to Mandy. ITV.

Episode #1.2440
S1998E138 · Episode #1.2440

Nov 15, 1998

Mandy tells Kelly that she accepts she and Paddy are finished forever. Butch acts strangely now that he is a married man. Sarah and Viv head off to Bolton Abbey with the school. ITV.

Episode #1.2441
S1998E139 · Episode #1.2441

Nov 16, 1998

Zak doesn't realise the trouble he's caused. Mandy is still unaware that Butch is in love with her. Rachel demands to know where she stands with Graham. ITV.

Episode #1.2442
S1998E140 · Episode #1.2442

Nov 17, 1998

Rachel isn't satisfied with Graham's explanation. Laura threatens Chris with the sack. Marlon invites himself to go to London with Kathy. Kim refuses to give Steve any money. ITV.

Episode #1.2443
S1998E141 · Episode #1.2443

Nov 23, 1998

The villagers prepare for their weekend in London. Rachel and Graham make their romance public. Steve incriminates Kim. Tricia tries to come clean to Terry. ITV.

Episode #1.2444
S1998E142 · Episode #1.2444

Nov 24, 1998

Chris and Steve team up to frame Kim over the phone call. Roy returns from London with a black eye. Terry confesses his feelings for Tricia. ITV.

Episode #1.2445
S1998E143 · Episode #1.2445

Nov 29, 1998

Chris gives Spalding the information about Kim's phone bill. Terry refuses to listen to Tricia's apology. Man-hungry Bernice chats up Paddy and Ashley. ITV.

Episode #1.2446
S1998E144 · Episode #1.2446

Nov 30, 1998

Kim spends the night behind bars. Kelly and Tricia persuade Turner to host Kelly's birthday party. Terry agrees to move back into the Woolpack. ITV.

Episode #1.2447
S1998E145 · Episode #1.2447

Dec 01, 1998

Zoe pays Kim's bail money despite Chris's objection. Bernice makes a play for Biff. Kathy is determined to bring Alice back and resume normal life. ITV.

Episode #1.2448
S1998E146 · Episode #1.2448

Dec 06, 1998

Tricia regrets her night of passion with Terry. Alice returns to Emmerdale. Bernice is intrigued when she receives some flowers. The strain gets too much for Kathy. ITV.

Episode #1.2449
S1998E147 · Episode #1.2449

Dec 07, 1998

Betty worries about Kathy's state of mind. Terry ruins Kelly's 18th birthday party. Eric asks Ashley to hold a toy antiques fair at the village hall. ITV.

Episode #1.2450
S1998E148 · Episode #1.2450

Dec 08, 1998

The village is buzzing with the news of Terry's outburst. Rachel asks Dr Khan's advice about Kathy. Lyn is fed up with Marlon not paying her any attention. ITV.

Episode #1.2451
S1998E149 · Episode #1.2451

Dec 13, 1998

The Woolpack finally reopens. Chris and Zoe discover that Tara plans to sell Home Farm. Butch threatens Paddy when he sees him talking to Mandy. ITV.

Episode #1.2452
S1998E150 · Episode #1.2452

Dec 09, 1998

Chris discovers that Home Farm will be sold at auction. Butch catches Paddy and Mandy together on her bed. Kathy breaks down in front of Biff. ITV.

Episode #1.2453
S1998E151 · Episode #1.2453

Nov 30, 1998

Kathy gets upset when Dr Khan asks her about her mental state. Viv and Vic fall out over Andy. Billy Hopwood returns to Emmerdale. Chris convinces Kathy to see a counsellor.

Episode #1.2454
S1998E152 · Episode #1.2454

Nov 30, 1998

Billy tells Andy he is on the run and is badly injured. Butch vows to sort Paddy out. Kathy confides to the psychologist about her feelings. ITV.

Episode #1.2455
S1998E153 · Episode #1.2455

Nov 30, 1998

Mandy is upset when Paddy refuses to talk to her. Andy tells Billy that he doesn't want to go to Amsterdam. Mandy confronts Butch. ITV.

Episode #1.2456
S1998E154 · Episode #1.2456

Nov 30, 1998

Chris suggests to Kathy that she comes to stay with him at Home Farm. Zak and Lisa argue about Butch. Donna pesters Andy to find out why he's been acting strangely. ITV.

Episode #1.2457
S1998E155 · Episode #1.2457

Dec 15, 1998

Andy steals some money from the post office. Rachel cannot forgive or forget Kathy's insults. Mandy tells Paddy that Butch is a liar. ITV.

Episode #1.2458
S1998E156 · Episode #1.2458

Dec 16, 1998

Butch is full of remorse after attacking Marlon. Billy enlists Andy's help to steal more money. Chris is shocked to see Eric competing against him at the auction. ITV.

Episode #1.2459
S1998E157 · Episode #1.2459

Dec 23, 1998

Lisa wants Zak to invite Marlon to Christmas dinner so they can all make a fresh start. Billy loads his shotgun ready for his Christmas Day robbery plan. ITV.

Christmas Special
S1998E158 · Christmas Special

Dec 24, 1998

Billy holds Vic up at gun point. Marlon dreads Christmas dinner at the Dingles. Paddy comes to the rescue when Lisa goes into labour. ITV.

Episode #1.2461
S1998E159 · Episode #1.2461

Dec 22, 1998

Andy learns the truth about the robbery. Viv talks to Alan about going to identify Vic. The Dingles wonder what to call the baby. ITV.

Episode #1.2462
S1998E160 · Episode #1.2462

Nov 30, 1998

Andy pleads with his dad to give himself up. Mandy and Paddy make friends again. Kelly tells Scott as far as she is concerned their kiss never happened. ITV.

Episode #1.2463
S1998E161 · Episode #1.2463

Dec 30, 1998

The day of Vic's funeral arrives. Chris receives a summons to appear as Kim's defense witness. Ned threatens Eric when he gossips about the Sugdens. ITV


Emmerdale Farm Season 28 (2017) is released on Jan 01, 2017 and the latest season 52 of Emmerdale Farm is released in 2022. Watch Emmerdale Farm online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Emmerdale Farm is directed by Alan Wareing,Pip Short,Tim O'Mara,Tim Dowd and created by Kevin Laffan with Christopher Chittell and Lucy Pargeter.

A soap opera set in a fictional village in the Yorkshire Dales.


United Kingdom



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