Pokémon Season 5 Trailer & Clips
Episodes (65)

Aug 09, 2001
In a scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and friends are thrown from the ship bearing them to the Whirl Islands! Can they escape the powerful whirlpools that threaten to drag them down?

Aug 16, 2001
Ash and the gang go to Pudgy Pidgey Island where they meet a special Pidgey named Orville who's dreams are bigger than the moon.

Aug 23, 2001
Our heroes pass a small mountain village just in time for the annual Chinchou migration. The village always sends Trainers to protect the Chinchou on their journey-but will they be enough to stop Team Rocket?

Aug 30, 2001
When a family's home is threatened by the Corsola who live nearby, it's Ash and friends to the rescue...and maybe Misty can finally catch that Corsola she's been after!

Sep 06, 2001
After our heroes miss a ferry, they meet a diver who offers to take them to the next island...but they're soon distracted by tales of treasure aboard a sunken ship!

Sep 13, 2001
When they're not competing in the Whirl Cup, Ash and Misty try to help a young Trainer whose Octillery has been rejected by its Remoraid friends after evolving.

Sep 20, 2001
After winning their preliminary rounds, Ash and Misty face formidable opponents in the Whirl Cup. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio have their eyes on stealing the tournament's prize!

Sep 27, 2001
It's the second round of the Whirl Cup, and Ash and Misty have been paired up against each other! Who will come out on top? And will Team Rocket's plan to distract the police be successful?

Oct 04, 2001
Our heroes are asked to help protect a village from marauders who threaten to make off with the Diglett who live there-and thanks to a delicious dinner, Team Rocket offers to help, too!

Oct 11, 2001
Our heroes meet a jewelry maker who tells them the legend of the fourth Whirl Island...and who soon finds himself embroiled in a Team Rocket plot!

Oct 18, 2001
While two sets of Team Rocket villains set out to capture the Legendary Pokémon Lugia, Ash runs into his old friend Richie and his partner, a Pikachu named Sparky!

Oct 25, 2001
The little Lugia named Silver has fallen into the hands of Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket, and with Richie's help, Ash must win the adult Lugia's trust before it gets caught in the same trap!

Nov 01, 2001
While trying to rescue the two Lugia from Team Rocket, Ash and friends have been taken prisoner! Now, they must figure out a way to escape...and to free the captured Pokémon as well!

Nov 08, 2001
Ash and friends are on a plane back to Olivine City when they get caught in a terrible storm that also sweeps up Team Rocket's balloon! They'll have to work together to land safely...but can they manage it?

Nov 15, 2001
After several interruptions, including yet another Team Rocket scheme, Ash's battle against Jasmine at the Olivine Gym is finally getting under way!

Nov 22, 2001
Professor Oak asks Ash to send him Bulbasaur for a few days. There's some problems between water and grass type Pokemon. Professor Oak hopes that Bulbasaur can get them to co-exist peacefully.

Nov 29, 2001
In Ecruteak City, our heroes meet up with their friend Sakura and her newly evolved Espeon. Sakura and her sisters are preparing for a dance competition, but Team Rocket is lurking in the wings, hoping to steal their Pokémon...

Dec 06, 2001
When our heroes investigate a sudden pealing of bells, they discover that the Crystal Bells, which are said to ring only when the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh returns, are missing! The researcher Eusine seems to know something...

Dec 13, 2001
When Ash runs into his old rival Gary preparing to enter his Arcanine in a race, he decides to compete as well! But first, he'll have to chase Team Rocket away from the Pokémon Day Care.

Dec 20, 2001
When the Pokémon Egg given to Ash goes missing, our heroes call on the help of a hapless Officer Jenny. It isn't long before they realize that if they want the Egg back, they'll have to find it themselves!

Dec 27, 2001
The moment has finally come: a Phanpy has hatched from Ash's Pokémon Egg! The little Pokémon is full of energy and soon charging off...with our heroes and Team Rocket in tow!

Jan 10, 2002
Jessie, James, and Meowth take time to lick their wounds and dream of stealing Pikachu for the glory of Team Rocket. After a chance meeting with a Team Rocket scout, it seems these dreams are blasting off before their eyes!

Jan 17, 2002
When thick fog interrupts our heroes' journey, a girl and her Ninetales invite them to rest at a nearby mansion...where Brock and their host fall into a romance that could turn out to be ghostly!

Jan 24, 2002
Near Mt. Mortar, our heroes run into a Trainer who is trying to curb a Tyrogue's wild ways. But when Team Rocket gets involved, will they be able to save the troublesome Tyrogue from the villains' clutches?

Jan 31, 2002
Our heroes meet a young girl watching over a group of Xatu, whose psychic powers let them predict the future of a local village. When the villagers begin doubting their warnings, can the Xatu prove the truth of their visions?

Feb 07, 2002
Reaching the Lake of Rage, Pikachu and Togepi begin to feel sick, and our heroes are attacked by an enraged red Gyarados. When Team Rocket appears on the scene, things look a lot more dangerous for Ash and friends...

Feb 14, 2002
Things look bad for our heroes, who have been captured by Team Rocket at the Lake of Rage. With the fate of the world's Pokémon at stake, can Ash rise to the occasion and save the day?

Feb 21, 2002
Finally reaching Mahogany Town, Ash is warming up for his next Gym battle. But after getting the cold shoulder from Gym Leader Pryce, can our hero convince his frosty opponent to give him a chance?

Feb 28, 2002
Pryce and Ash are about to clash in a cold contest in the Mahogany Town Gym. Will Ash be able to show what he and his Pokémon are made of and earn his seventh Johto region Gym badge?

Mar 07, 2002
Our heroes encounter battling groups of Bellossom and Vileplume, who have only recently evolved. As each group fights with increasing number and intensity, can our heroes put an end to the quarrelling?

Mar 14, 2002
The heat is rising in our heroes' journey when Misty and her Water-type Pokémon go head to head with a willful Fire-type Trainer!

Mar 21, 2002
Ash and the gang bump into a Pokémon magician, and soon they're on the hunt to find components for her greatest spell yet!

Mar 28, 2002
After yet another close encounter with Team Rocket, Pikachu is left exhausted and weak. Thankfully, a passerby takes our heroes to a nearby lake that helps recharge Electric types...but also hides a great secret!

Apr 11, 2002
Our heroes take time out to enjoy the entertainment of a young Trainer and her Igglybuff variety act. But it's not long before Team Rocket arrives and tries to steal the show!

Apr 18, 2002
A chance trip to a Slowpoke temple gives our heroes an opportunity to seek enlightenment...and gives Team Rocket the chance to lighten some pockets!

Apr 25, 2002
A lavish celebrity event inspires Jessie and James to pretend to be the VIPs and fill their rumbling tummies. But it's not long before their disguises are put to the test by the real guest of honor: Professor Oak!

May 02, 2002
When our heroes spot an object falling from the night sky, they rush to investigate. Soon, they find themselves joining forces with a Pokémon mystery club to uncover the secrets shared by the fallen Cleffa and the stars above!

May 09, 2002
Ash and Misty get into an argument over who can take on a powerful Trainer and his Poliwrath. When he accepts both challenges, the tough battles that follow give Misty some ideas for her own Poliwhirl!

May 16, 2002
Hearing of a nearby amusement park for battling, Ash is eager to test his skills. But the Team Rocket trio have recently joined the park, and they have a few ideas in store to test this Trainer's mettle!

May 23, 2002
It's a case of mistaken identity for Misty's Politoed when it gets roped into replacing the leader of a Pokémon Cheer team...but where has the other Politoed gone?

May 30, 2002
Satoshi and company take the Ice Path on Route 44, so the Rocket-Dan get them wet with cold water. They hope it will make the twerps too sick to battle. They then heat the cave to weaken the Ice Pokémon in order to take them without a fight.

Jun 06, 2002
On the outskirts of Blackthorn City, Ash meets Gym Leader Clair, who is busy training her Dratini for a ceremony. But Team Rocket has other plans for the Dragon-type Pokémon, and Ash and Clair must work together to stop them!

Jun 13, 2002
Facing off against Blackthorn Gym Leader Clair, Ash is finding it difficult to overcome the power of her Dragon-type Pokémon. Things are harder still when Team Rocket shows up to steal Blackthorn City's prized Dragon Fang relic!

Jun 20, 2002
Team Rocket has taken the Blackthorn City Dragon Fang and holed up deep within the Dragon's Den. Things look bad for the ancient relic, but help comes in the form of an old friend!

Jun 27, 2002
Ash and Clair finally face off in a Gym battle that will push Ash's skills as a Trainer to the limit! Can he win his final Johto Gym badge?

Jul 04, 2002
A Team Rocket trick takes all of Ash's hard-earned Johto Gym badges from him, but it's not long before the troublesome trio get a taste of their own medicine. What tricksy Pokémon could have beaten them at their own game?

Jul 11, 2002
Discovering a nearby Pokémon synchronized swim team, Misty goes to check it out, and soon finds herself heading below the surface to take on the team's Trainer in an exciting underwater battle!

Jul 18, 2002
Ash and company encounter a researcher using his Pokemon to study Lapras songs. The Lapras herd holds a surprise for Ash as he encounters the Lapras befriended in the Orange Islands

Jul 25, 2002
Professor Elm's Pokémon Egg hatches into a Larvitar! The Pokémon is unresponsive even after being checked over at the Pokémon Center, and Ash tries to cheer it up, but soon Team Rocket arrives to ruin all his hard work.

Aug 01, 2002
On their way to Mt. Silver, our heroes relax at a hot spring and meet a young Trainer who's tracking the Legendary Pokémon Entei. Trouble arises when Team Rocket follows them with a plan to steal Pikachu and Larvitar!

Aug 08, 2002
Our heroes find a group of Slowpoke guarding a dried-up stream and hear the tale of a similar drought long ago, when one Slowpoke took the initiative to evolve into Slowking and save everyone. Can the same thing happen here?

Aug 15, 2002
A cheeky Elekid starts to bother Larvitar, but soon both Pokémon are in the clutches of Team Rocket. Ash's rival Casey wants to catch Elekid for herself, but can they mount a rescue before the villains get away?

Aug 22, 2002
Our heroes have reached Mt. Silver, and Ash wastes no time starting his training for the Johto League Silver Conference. But all the Trainers around provide the perfect prey for Team Rocket, who arrive to swipe all the rare Pokémon!

Aug 29, 2002
When a frightened Unown transports our heroes to another dimension, they make some exciting discoveries about Larvitar!

Sep 05, 2002
There's no warm reception for our heroes when they finally reach Larvitar's home on Mt. Silver-they find themselves being attacked by the Tyranitar living there!

Sep 12, 2002
Our heroes are called into action to save the Johto League Silver Conference's opening ceremony from being stopped by a territorial Sneasel!

Sep 19, 2002
The Johto League begins as Ash meets up with his rival, Gary Oak.

Sep 26, 2002
Ash's new opponent, Massey, has a major crush on him. Could Misty be jealous?

Oct 03, 2002
Ash faces his second opponent in the semi-finals, Jackson.

Oct 10, 2002
The battle between Ash and Gary has finally come!!

Oct 17, 2002
The battle between Ash and Gary comes to a close.

Oct 24, 2002
Ash faces Harrison.

Oct 31, 2002
Ash finishes his 6 vs. 6 battle with Harrison and heads back to Pallet Town with Misty and Brock.

Nov 07, 2002
Ash, Misty and Brock start back to Pallet Town before they begin their next Journey. But Misty and Brock both get messages that they're needed at their respective homes. It's time for the three friends to go their own separate ways.

Nov 14, 2002
Without Misty and Brock, Ash decides to go to the Hoenn region to continue his Pokemon travels. Ash also decides to leave his Pokemon behind, bringing only Pikachu with him to get a fresh start in the new region.
Pokémon (also know as Poketto monsutâ) Season 5 (2001) is released on Aug 09, 2001 and the latest season 25 of Pokémon is released in 2021. Watch Pokémon online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Pokémon is directed by Kunihiko Yuyama,Norihiko Sutô,Masamitsu Hidaka,Joop Pieëte and created by Junichi Masuda with Ikue Ôtani and Rica Matsumoto.
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon.