Pokémon Season 2 Trailer & Clips
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Episodes (36)

Jan 28, 1999
Prof. Oak sends the gang on an errand to the Orange Islands to retrieve a mysterious pokeball from Prof. Ivy. But the gang pass through the woods and find an army of Spearow, lead by Fearow, bullying the Pidgey and Pidgeotto.

Feb 04, 1999
While on their way to the Orange Islands, Team Rocket tricks the gang into riding a blimp that is rumored to be haunted.

Feb 11, 1999
The gang finally reach Prof. Ivy's lab and find the mysterious G.S. Ball. But Brock decides to stay behind and help Ivy with her research.

Feb 18, 1999
After waking up from Jigglypuff's song, Ash and Misty find themselves deeper in the Orange Islands. Finding an abused Lapras, they try to help it find its trust in humans again.

Feb 25, 1999
With Lapras and Tracy as their new traveling companions, Ash, Misty, and Pikachu head for Mikan Island to challenge Sissy, the first of the four Orange League gym leaders.

Mar 04, 1999
Ash and his crew reach Mandarin city, where mysterious occurrences of Pokémon turning against their own trainers happen. Inevitably Pikachu turns against Ash and disappears in the commotion of a volt-rob's explosion. Will Ash find Pikachu and solve this mystery?

Mar 11, 1999
Ash finds a bottled letter floating in the sea that mentions a mysterious crystal Onix. In the hopes of seeing this one of a kind Pokémon, Ash helps a young girl and his brother find some inspiration by searching for the Onix.

Mar 18, 1999
After getting caught in a whirlpool, Ash and his crew get washed up at Pinkan island, where the Pokémon are pink due to the vegetation there. They help Officer Jenny in stopping Team Rocket from poaching the Pokémon from this Pokémon reserve.

Mar 25, 1999
A pokémon fossil is tracked back to a deserted island where an archaeological team is about to investigate the secret of its origin, but a prophecy has it, that the island isn't to be disturbed.

Apr 01, 1999
Ash and his friends visit the Pokémon Showboat, where the Pokémon can talk and perform plays.

Apr 08, 1999
Misty meets another trainer who also is an expert on water Pokémon. The new trainer notices signs that Misty's Psyduck may be ready to evolve. As the two prepare for a Pokémon battle, a Golduck springs from the water and battles for Misty.

Apr 15, 1999
While sailing between small islands, the group encounters an extremely busy Nurse Joy. She tells the group that she travels from island to island helping sick and injured Pokémon, and invites our heroes to travel with her.

Apr 22, 1999
Ash faces Danny, the second of the four Orange Island gym leaders. But Misty's sudden crush on Danny could mess with Ash's head.

Apr 29, 1999
While Ash and friends are still discovering new islands, they come upon the seven Grapefruit Islands. When it looks like thieves are stealing the grapefruit, Ash, Tracey and Misty volunteer to help catch them.

May 06, 1999
Ash, Tracey, and Misty find more excitement than they bargain for when they reach their next destination. Divers have recovered an Orange League Championship trophy that dates back over three hundred years.

May 13, 1999
Team Rocket has engine trouble and lands on an island where the natives are waiting for the Great Meowth of Bounty to arrive and fulfill an ancient prophesy.

May 20, 1999
The gang visit Murcott Island, where they encounter an injured Scyther.

May 27, 1999
Ash and friends decide to take a break, but Charizard and Scyther can't seem to stop fighting.

Jun 03, 1999
The gang runs into Lorelai, one of the Elite Four, and Ash challenges her to a match.

Jun 10, 1999
Ash and friends meet young trainers named Emily and Ralph, who dislike each other even though their Nidoran are in love.

Jun 17, 1999
The gang is traveling through a desert when they encounter Cowboy Ethan, who runs a Magnemite ranch.

Jun 24, 1999
After Team Rocket tries once again to steal Pikachu, Ash and company fall into the Trovitopolis Sewer System, where a monster has been terrorizing the town.

Jul 01, 1999
Ash faces Rudy, the Orange League gym leader of Trovita Island. But Rudy has a thing for Misty. Will Misty be able to decide who to support during the match?

Jul 15, 1999
Team Rocket tries to steal Pikachu by tying him to Meowth. When a Pidgeot flies off with them, can Ash find Pikachu before Team Rocket does?

Jul 22, 1999
When Charizard gets frozen by an ice beam, Ash does his best to help him. Could Ash be gaining Charizard's trust with his compassion?

Jul 29, 1999
The gang meets Captain Aidan - a local firefighter - and his team of fire-fighting Wartortle, whom Ash and Squirtle join for training.

Aug 05, 1999
In a fight with a kid, Ash accidentally breaks Snorlax's poke-ball. To repair the poke-ball, they reach a Pokémon center where they help them retrieve the long awaited Pokémon food from team Rocket.

Aug 12, 1999
Ash has his battle with the final Orange League gym leader, as a two-on-two battle. He chooses Charizard and Pikachu. Finally, Charizard is beginning to listen to Ash.

Aug 19, 1999
Ash and friends encounter Quincy T. Quackenpoker, a Pokémon watcher who studies Magikarp.

Aug 26, 1999
Ash, Tracey and Jessie accidentally breathe in vile-plume's stun spore. Misty makes a new friend in the lakes who helps her find the weed needed to cure Ash and Tracey.

Sep 02, 1999
The gang make it to Pumello Island, and Ash is psyched for his battle with Drake, the leader of the Orange Crew, and his Dragonite.

Sep 09, 1999
The champion battle concludes with Ash facing off against Dragonite.

Sep 16, 1999
After winning the Orange League, Ash and friends start heading back toward Pallet Town when they encounter a group of Lapras, one of whom is Lapras's mother.

Sep 23, 1999
The gang arrives on Hamlin Island, which has a ferry that goes to Pallet Town. The residents have deserted the town, however, because it's been taken over by Electrode.

Sep 30, 1999
Ash and his friends finally arrive at Pallet Town, where they're surprised to see Brock waiting for them. Tracey is excited to meet Professor Oak, so they visit Professor Oak's lab.

Oct 07, 1999
Ash and Gary battle one-on-one. After the battle, Professor Oak asks Ash to take the GS Ball to his friend Kurt, a Poké Ball expert.
Pokémon (also know as Poketto monsutâ) Season 2 (1999) is released on Jan 28, 1999 and the latest season 25 of Pokémon is released in 2021. Watch Pokémon online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Pokémon is directed by Kunihiko Yuyama,Norihiko Sutô,Masamitsu Hidaka,Joop Pieëte and created by Junichi Masuda with Ikue Ôtani and Rica Matsumoto. Pokémon is available online on Netflix and Google Play Movies.
Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon.