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Episodes (49)

Jan 08, 2012
Straw Hat Pirates are in a town on Fishman Island and King Neptune and Megalo appear to invite the Straw Hats to Ryugu Palace.

Jan 15, 2012
Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Camie, and Pappag travel with King Neptune to Ryugu Palace.

Jan 22, 2012
Vander Decken IX reveals that he plans to marry the princess, using his Mark-Mark Fruit curse to throw a giant axe at her.

Jan 29, 2012
The guards around Zoro and the others are preparing to pop their air bubble, however, Nami found some bubbly coral and made the whole room fill with air and Zoro prepares to fight Neptune.

Feb 05, 2012
Luffy leads Shirahoshi out of her tower inside Megalo while Brook and the Minister of the Right tells them to stop.

Feb 12, 2012
Luffy is still on his way to the Sea Forest with Shirahoshi, when he notices something going to the Ryugu Palace, which is revealed to be Hody and Vander Decken IX.

Feb 19, 2012
Neptune begs someone to protect her daughter. Hody just comments on how weak he is and states he only joined his army for military strength and knowledge. He states he will revive the dream and ambition of Arlong.

Feb 26, 2012
Chopper tries to persuade Sanji to not turn around, or else he will see Shirahoshi and die. But Sanji turns around and after seeing the princess, turns into stone.

Mar 04, 2012
Zoro cuts Hody and asks for Neptune's help to escape from Ryugu Palace. Unfortunately, Hody who was unconscious comes to his senses after taking an Energy Steroid and successfully stops Neptune and the Straw Hats from escaping.

Mar 18, 2012
Robin continues her search while the New Fishman Pirates begin to take over. People are also seen being forced to step on a photo, and if they do not, they are considered as enemies.

Mar 25, 2012
Otohime confronts a robber who was stealing money so he could buy food for his ten children. Otohime and Jinbe try to change Fishman island, and Jinbe leaves the Army to join the Sun Pirates.

Apr 01, 2012
Entering a flashback, Neptune holds a baby Shirahoshi commenting on Tiger's attack on Mary Geoise, stating he would not be able to attend a summit for a long time because of it.

Apr 08, 2012
Toriko and Komatsu are seen fishing when Komatsu catches a Harusame. After defeating it, Luffy suddenly comes out of the Harusame's mouth and surprises Toriko and Komatsu.

Apr 15, 2012
The Sun Pirates start making their way to Koala's hometown, while giving her a slight makeover, new clothes and cutting her hair. on their ship, Koala still acts like a slave would, doing chores without being asked and asking for orders.

Apr 22, 2012
After Fisher Tiger's death, Arlong, enraged, betrays his last wishes and decides to attack and kill villagers of Koala's village for selling him out, upon trying he is easily beaten by Vice-Admiral Borsalino and taken into Marine custody.

Apr 29, 2012
With Jinbe having been accepted as a Shichibukai, the Sun Pirates return to Fishman Island.

May 06, 2012
Vander Decken IX discovers about the Tamatebako and wishes to use it to age Shirahoshi after she grows up a little.

May 13, 2012
After Otohime passed away, Hody Jones had found and killed the suspected human assassin and showed him to the people.

May 20, 2012
Hody makes his announcement to take over the Ryugu Kingdom with the execution of King Neptune as the start of his new rule. Hody also announces that he will kill Straw Hats so that they will serve as example to all humans in the surface.

May 27, 2012
Luffy and Jinbe start their duel to see who gets to fight Hody, but their fight was cut short by Sanji's and Robin's interference.

Jun 01, 2012
The New Fishman Pirates head to the Gyoncorde Plaza to execute King Neptune but before getting at the plaza, they demonstrate a little taste of their power by terrorizing and destroying everything in their path.

Jun 10, 2012
Neptune's army put up an attempt to stop Hody Jones and his pirates from reaching Gyoncorde Plaza but seeing the king held hostage prevents them from attacking.

Jun 17, 2012
Jinbe and Shirahoshi are captured by the New Fishman Pirates when they fall into a trap due to a balloon version of King Neptune which easily tricks Shirahoshi and Megalo.

Jun 24, 2012
Shirahoshi reveals that Megalo witnessed Hody shooting Queen Otohime and told her in secret.

Jul 01, 2012
The citizens celebrate at the arrival of Luffy and his crew. Jinbe comments on how his plan with the Straw Hat Pirates crew worked. Luffy takes down half of Hody's forces with Haki.

Jul 08, 2012
The Straw Hat Pirates begin their attack with Luffy, Zoro and Sanji taking the lead in the fight but mostly it is the latter two of the three who begin showing their new powers and abilities from their two year separation and training.

Jul 15, 2012
The battle rages on between the Straw Hats and the New Fishman Pirates. Sanji and Zoro are competing over who can take down the most fishmen.

Jul 29, 2012
The battle between the New Fishman Pirates and the Straw Hats continues, with the Straw Hats gaining the upper hand. Seeing this, Daruma decides to join the fight, targeting the Brachio Tank V and collapsing the ground underneath it.

Aug 05, 2012
Luffy and Hody continue their fight with Luffy getting the upper hand with Haki and Hody's attacks being ineffective against Luffy.

Aug 12, 2012
Shirahoshi begins swimming out to sea in an attempt to lure the ark Noah away and save Fishman Island, while Luffy gets Sanji's help to allow him to reach the ship's chains and stop Hody.

Aug 19, 2012
Hody takes his trident out of Vander Decken's body and, after a short fight, Decken is defeated. Then Hody goes after Shirahoshi, slicing through Ryuboshi and Manboshi, reaches her with his incomparable underwater speed, and grabs her hair.

Aug 26, 2012
Luffy along with the three princes try to protect Shirahoshi against Hody Jones.

Sep 02, 2012
As the Noah falls onto the Fishman Island, Shirahoshi desperately tries to tell Decken to wake up only for Hody to attack her but Manboshi takes the blunt of the attack.

Sep 09, 2012
The story goes back before the Noah started falling back to the island. Jinbe and Sanji continue to fight Wadatsumi and Wadatsumi becomes angry and inflates himself, crushing some of his allies unknowingly.

Sep 16, 2012
Hody's past is revealed and Luffy continues his fight with him.

Sep 23, 2012
Brook continues to fight Zeo and reveals his new control over his Yomi Yomi no Mi abilities. Usopp continues to fight Daruma and has set traps for him.

Sep 30, 2012
Hody recovers thanks to the Energy Steroids and manages to overwhelm Luffy and bite him again in the same spot.

Oct 07, 2012
All of the New Fishman Pirates lie down defeated while the Straw Hat Pirates are relaxing and waiting for Luffy.

Oct 14, 2012
With the Sea Kings having stopped and saved the great ship Noah, Shirahoshi learns a startling secret from the Sea Kings.

Oct 21, 2012
As the whole Fishman Island celebrates the capture and defeat of Hody and the New Fishman Pirates by the Straw Hats, who make their own plans to leave Fishman Island soon.

Nov 28, 2012
King Neptune talks about the Ancient Weapons with Shirahoshi and Nico Robin while Caribou listens and makes his way to Shirahoshi's room.

Nov 04, 2012
The rest of the Straw Hats are waiting for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to return the treasure from Caribou. They find Caribou easily with all the treasure.

Nov 11, 2012
The Minister of the Right was thanking the Straw Hats for saving Fishman Island, when suddenly he got a report that the Tamate Box is gone and is in the hands of Baron Tamago and Pekoms.

Nov 18, 2012
The mermaids and Keimi from the Mermaid Cafe ask Madam Shyarly if they can say good bye to the Straw Hats. Madam Shyarly says that her prediction that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island was wrong since they defeated Hody and his Pirates.

Nov 25, 2012
The Straw Hats are Heading into the New World.

Dec 02, 2012
The Straw Hats find themselves in a middle of an infamous sea in the New World known for its mirages and outrageous weather patterns.

Dec 09, 2012
Nami creates a plan for the Straw Hats to rescue Lily's father, Panz Fry. Chopper, Robin, Brook, and Luffy are the diversion group while Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, and Lily are in the submarine.

Dec 16, 2012
Luffy and Zoro face off against Shuzo and Momonga. The Straw Hats, Lily, and her father manage to escape with a Coup de Burst and the anchor connected to the Thousand Sunny.

Dec 23, 2012
Shuzo orders his men to be launched at the island like torpedoes and sacrifice themselves for him.
One Piece (also know as One Piece: Wan pîsu) Season 14 (2012) is released on Jan 08, 2012 and the latest season 21 of One Piece is released in 2019. Watch One Piece online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. One Piece is directed by Munehisa Sakai,Kônosuke Uda,Hiroaki Miyamoto,Junji Shimizu and created by Eiichiro Oda with Mayumi Tanaka and Laurent Vernin.
There once lived a pirate named Gol D. Roger. He obtained wealth, fame, and power to earn the title of Pirate King. When he was captured and about to be executed, he revealed that his treasure called One Piece was hidden somewhere at the Grand Line. This made all people set out to search and uncover the One Piece treasure, but no one ever found the location of Gol D. Roger's treasure, and the Grand Line was too dangerous a place to overcome. Twenty-two years after Gol D. Roger's death, a boy named Monkey D. Luffy decided to become a pirate and search for Gol D. Roger's treasure to become the next Pirate King.