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Episodes (64)

Dec 01, 2002
In his quest to repair his katana, Zoro defeats two brother pirates.

Jan 08, 2003
The gang lands in Ruluka island, where they meet old professor Henzo and his lifetime studies about the Rainbow Mist. Sanji fights the son of current mayor Wetton.

Jan 12, 2003
Luffy, Zoro, Ussop, Nico and Professor Henzo enter the Rainbow Mist where they find the Pumpkin Pirates. Meanwhile, Nami, Chopper and Sanji find out that the Going Merry is gone and decide to go after it.

Jan 19, 2003
Henzo makes friends with the pumpkin pirates but Rapanui remains distrustful. Luffy and friends try to find the way out from the Rainbow Mist while Nami sails to help them. Sanji and Chopper prepare to fight Wetton's people.

Jan 26, 2003
Whetton has the large tower in the city falls into the Rainbow Mist, creating a bridge that connects both world. He and his men then cross the bridge to take the treasures inside.

Feb 02, 2003
The end of Whetton's tax run.

Feb 09, 2003
In order to find the way to the mythical sky island, Skypiea, the Straw Hat Pirates must explore a sunken ship, working around the King of Salvagers, Masira, as well as the dangerous beasts of the deep.

Feb 16, 2003
As if escaping the jaws of a giant sea turtle and dealing with an infuriated Masira weren't enough, the crew also has to contend with monsters that reach up to the sky and blot out the sun! In the meantime, Buggy and his crew have to put up with Portgas D. Ace, second in command to the dangerous Whitebeard!

Feb 23, 2003
The Straw Hat Crew arrives to Jaya and Luffy, Zoro and Nami walk into town to find information about the Sky Island, but on the way they meet $55.000.000-reward pirate Bellamy who mocks about their quest.

Mar 09, 2003
Luffy and Zoro are beaten by Bellamy so they and Nami go back to the ship. Robin finds information about the Sky Island and the crew departs, but they are confronted with pirate Shojo.

Mar 16, 2003
Luffy and his friends meet Cricket Montblanc, the great-great-grandchild of Norland the Lier, and he tells them the story about the City of Gold.

Mar 23, 2003
The crew is ordered by Cricket to find a Southbird, because otherwise they will not be able to orient in the open sea. Bellamy arrives at the diver's house.

Apr 13, 2003
Bellamy steals the Sarumaya Alliance gold while the crew is hunting a Southbird. Luffy goes after Bellamy.

Apr 20, 2003
Luffy defeats Bellamy and recovers Cricket's gold.

Apr 27, 2003
The Gold Merry is repaired and the crew sails to meet the Knock Up Stream and find the Sky Island. Blackbeard goes after Luffy.

May 04, 2003
wandering trough the Sea of the Sky, the crew meets Gan Fall, the Knight of the Sky. He saves them from the attack of a treasure hunter. Later, they find the way up to the White White Sea.

May 11, 2003
The Straw Hat Crew arrives to Skypiea, where they meet angels Conis and her father Pagaya. Nami gets lost while trying to drive the Waver.

May 18, 2003
Nami meets some mysterious warriors in the Forbidden Island while Pagaya tries to repair the old Waver the crew found in the Lower World. The White Berets go after the pirates for their illegal enter into Skypiea.

Jun 08, 2003
The White Berets try to force the crew to pay the fee while Nami is returning from the Forbidden Island. They fight and defeat the Berets and become class 2 criminals.

Jan 07, 2007
The Great Mochimaki Race, a festival about who can catch a Mochimaki with a great treasure inside, is running, but Buggy has a conspiracy for stealing the treasure before the festival starts.

Jan 14, 2007
Chopper in his Monster Point easily defeats Kumadori. Nami has trouble with Kalifa's Devil fruit. Meanwhile, Luffy finally catches up with Spandam, Rob Lucci, and Nico Robin.

Jan 21, 2007
While bragging to Nico Robin, Spandam accidentally invokes the Buster Call. Meanwhile, the rematch between Monkey D. Luffy and Rob Lucci finally begins.

Jan 28, 2007
As the battle between the Straw Hats and CP9 rages on. Nami finds a weakness of Kalifa's ability: water. After returning herself to normal, she then uses her Perfect Clima-tact to duplicate herself by five.

Feb 04, 2007
Nami ends her fight with Kalifa. Franky shoots Chopper down into the sea, while Zoro and Sogeking are set free.

Feb 11, 2007
Sogeking gets beaten up by Jabra and is saved at the last second by Sanji, who then fights Jabra. While Zoro and Kaku continue their fight, Franky tries to catch up with Robin.

Feb 25, 2007
Sanji seems to be at a disadvantage due to the active use of Tekkai Kenpo by Jabra, however he uses various kicks from a newly introduced technique called "Diable Jambe", which he uses to finish off Jabra.

Mar 04, 2007
The battle between Zoro and Kaku rages on. Meanwhile Franky finally reaches Luffy.

Mar 11, 2007
Zoro finally defeats Kaku with his new technique, Asura, meanwhile Luffy activates Gear Second in his fight against Rob Lucci, who in turn transforms into his half-leopard form.

Mar 18, 2007
Robin finds out that Spandam is the son of Spandine, the man who invoked the Buster Call on Ohara. Sogeking snipes Spandam with his Kabuto and saves Robin, while Franky releases her Seastone handcuffs.

Mar 25, 2007
Nico Robin and Franky take down some Marines, and while the fight between Luffy and Rob Lucci continues, the Gear Second effect finishes.

Apr 01, 2007
The sakura are blooming and a festival is to be celebrated the next day. But, Ninjin is sick and cannot go to the festival. That makes Chopper and Luffy feel really sad.

Apr 08, 2007
The battle between Lucci and Luffy rages on. As Luffy's anger grows, he activates a new technique, Gear Third, in the battle against Lucci.

Apr 15, 2007
A closer look at Rob Lucci's merciless past.

Apr 22, 2007
Franky protects Robin from Spandam's elephant sword and a mysterious mermaid appears and saves Sanji, Zono, Nami, Chopper and Usopp.

Apr 29, 2007
Enies Lobby is raged by fire and Franky farewells his nakama. Luffy prepares his decisive attack against Rucchi.

May 06, 2007
The Straw Hat Crew prepares to defend the ship at the Hesitation Bridge from the attack of the Marines. Luffy is fighting with Rucchi and he is running out of strength.

May 13, 2007
"Luffy Vs Lucci: The Final Round". On the Hesitation Bridge, Zoro and rest of The Straw Hat Crew engage marines.

May 20, 2007
Luffy, after finally defeating Rob Lucci, is unable to move after his battle. The Franky Family, along with the Galley-La Company, Yokozuna, Oimo and Kashi are still alive after their Buster Call encounter. When all hope seems lost, the Straw Hats hear a familiar voice that tells them to jump into the sea; the voice belongs to the Going Merry.

May 27, 2007
Monkey D. Luffy is a boy on a path to becoming the Pirate king.

Jun 03, 2007
The crew must finally say goodbye to their ship merry.

Jun 10, 2007
Upon their return from Enies Lobby, the Straw Hats rest in Water 7, where their new ship is being built by Franky and the Galley-La Company. Suddenly, they are attacked by Marine Vice-Admiral Garp, whom Luffy calls Grandpa.

Jun 17, 2007
Revelations continue as Garp sheds light on Luffy's early childhood, the whereabouts of Shanks, and the identity of Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon. Meanwhile, two young marines, under the Vice-Admiral's command, have a joyful reunion with members of the Straw Hats.

Jun 24, 2007
While everybody is busy celebrating their huge victory at Enies Lobby, Robin is confronted by Aokiji.

Jul 01, 2007
Shanks meets up with Whitebeard despite all the efforts made by the World Government to avoid it. His main reason for the meeting: a request to stop Ace from chasing after his former-crew mate Blackbeard.

Jul 08, 2007
While walking around Water 7, Luffy and Chopper meet a young girl named Abi, who's searching for her pet Aobire that has been missing during the Aqua Laguna incident.

Jul 15, 2007
After being denied from various Sword Shops to get Yubashiri repaired, Zoro is tricked into becoming the new "Big Brother" to the Family of Aunt.

Jul 22, 2007
While out shopping with Chimney, Sanji is persuaded by her to go to a good cook, whom she calls grandpa. The old man teaches Sanji the reason why his food tastes so good, salt which is produced by the Aqua Laguna.

Aug 19, 2007
While Usopp plots to get back in the Straw Hat Pirates, Franky, Iceburg and the Galley-La foremen are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the new ship.

Aug 26, 2007
Soon after Sanji, Nami, and Chopper complain and object their new bounties, the Straw Hat Pirates depart to see Iceburg and their new ship.

Sep 02, 2007
Franky has chased his swim briefs to the Straw Hats' new ship , but still refuses to go with them, necessitating some extra..."persuasion" from Robin and Iceburg .

Sep 09, 2007
The departure of the Straw Hats from Water 7 is hastened when Vice Admiral Garp, under watch from Aokiji, comes to attack them. Usopp has to do some soul-searching to realize what he really needs to do to rejoin the crew.

Sep 16, 2007
The Thousand Sunny finally gets its name and the Straw Hat Pirates make their getaway from Vice Admiral Garp as their hometowns get word of their new bounties.

Sep 23, 2007
Three days before Luffy left Water 7, Ace finally catches up to Blackbeard on Banaro Island, but his attempt to fight him reveals Teach's darkest secret: the control of the Yami Yami no Mi, said to be the most evil of the Devil Fruits.

Oct 14, 2007
After departing Water 7, the Straw Hats find a lone ship, badly damaged with no sail and flag. They decide to approach to check if everything is all right.

Oct 21, 2007
The Straw Hats find themselves surrounded by a fleet of Marine ships, which is actually a trap. They escape using the Soldier Dock System, with the tattered pirate ship in tow.

Oct 28, 2007
Trapped by moving icebergs, the Straw Hats try to figure a way out avoiding numerous dangers as the Bounty Hunters draw closer. The captain of the Phoenix Pirates, Puzzle awakens after Chopper's treatment.

Nov 04, 2007
Using the Shark Submerge III, Nami and Franky find out that penguins are moving the icebergs. Afterwards, they are attacked by Hockera. Usopp and Sanji are knocked off the Thousand Sunny by an iceberg,

Nov 11, 2007
The fights continue with Luffy, distracted due to the lost flag, has initial trouble with Brindo, but the Phoenix Pirates help capture him.

Nov 18, 2007
The fight against the Accino brothers continues while Zoro accidentally arrives to Lovely Land and meets Papa.

Nov 25, 2007
Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Usopp and Franky gather in the ice cell where the Accino brothers left them. Robin manages Lil to get them coke and Franky sets them free. Luffy and Chopper head to Lovely land.

Dec 02, 2007
The crew decides to fool Luffy so they can recover the flag. Robin and Zoro go for it but Robin gets into trouble, while the Accino family is defeated. Don Accino goes mad when he sees his children beaten.

Dec 09, 2007
The crew goes into the mansion to get the flag back while Luffy finds a way to fight Don Accino. Robin gives Lil hope.

Dec 16, 2007
Luffy defeats Don Accino while the crew succeeds in the restoring of the flag before Luffy notices. Campaccino comes for revenge and the Straw Hat pirates farewell the Phoenix.

Dec 23, 2007
The adventures of Chopperman the hero and his battle against evil Usodabada.
One Piece (also know as One Piece: Wan pîsu) Season 9 (2003) is released on Dec 01, 2002 and the latest season 21 of One Piece is released in 2019. Watch One Piece online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. One Piece is directed by Munehisa Sakai,Kônosuke Uda,Hiroaki Miyamoto,Junji Shimizu and created by Eiichiro Oda with Mayumi Tanaka and Laurent Vernin.
There once lived a pirate named Gol D. Roger. He obtained wealth, fame, and power to earn the title of Pirate King. When he was captured and about to be executed, he revealed that his treasure called One Piece was hidden somewhere at the Grand Line. This made all people set out to search and uncover the One Piece treasure, but no one ever found the location of Gol D. Roger's treasure, and the Grand Line was too dangerous a place to overcome. Twenty-two years after Gol D. Roger's death, a boy named Monkey D. Luffy decided to become a pirate and search for Gol D. Roger's treasure to become the next Pirate King.