Episodes (13)

Dec 07, 1996
De Kampioenen organize a Saint Nicholas party to lure more fans. Dimitri cancels Pol's colleague from school, who was to be Saint Nicholas, and plays Saint Nicholas himself. Boma brings a new sausage on the market: Boma Light.

Dec 14, 1996
Xavier has to help Carmen clean up their old junk. He persuades Dimitri to load the junk as Dimitri believes there are still useful items. Among the items is a painting 'Bunch of dahlias with hanging flower', an inheritance from Xavier's father. Boma hears how much the painting is worth. However, they discarded it to Dimitri's mother.

Dec 21, 1996
Boma launches his new sausage Boma Sport. De Kampioenen win their match, which they normally don't. However, after an anonymous tip they are suspended for the use of prohibited products. Dimitri found a bottle containing a red substance in the car of his customer Verachtert. Boma's publicity campaign suffers damage by the situation. He threatens to abandon the team.

Dec 28, 1996
Marc's medical studies keep going nowhere. He considers dropping out which Bieke supports. Pascale doesn't, as her rich sister Madeleine comes to visit. Boma offers Marc a PA job but he fails. Carmen and Doortje help by faking medical problems but expose his incompetence. Pascale entrusts Dimitri to hire him, however, he smells a chance to swindle with Marc an easy target.

Jan 04, 1997
Doortje won a trip to an exotic destination but can't go as Pol is to go on a winter trip with his pupils from school. Pol and Doortje make it a bet. Whoever manages to deal with his addiction for three days wins the trip. It is prohibited for Carmen to smoke and for Pascale to eat pralines while Xavier can not drink beer. Boma can't go out with women "for three days". However, his situation gets dire when Pia appears. He promised he'd launch Pia's career as a singer. Boma lets Marc take care of business to not let Pia mess it up for him.

Jan 11, 1997
Boma has been working on a very special project, acting mysterious about it. Pol receives the message that he will inherit from an African tribal chief, who's life he saved. Pol and Doortje decide they will save the money but are counting their chickens before they are hatched, even fighting over the inheritance themselves.

Jan 18, 1997
While De Kampioenen are planning a surprise for Dimitri, he thinks they want to kill him.

Jan 25, 1997
Marc's parents come to visit. Marc hasn't told them that he quit medical school. He pretends he's vice president of Boma's factory and he lives in his villa. Dimitri's afraid he starts to hallucinate as he gets dragged into the charade.

Feb 01, 1997
Pol receives perfumed letters from Africa. Carmen thinks Pol deceives Doortje. Meanwhile, Dimitri taps the power lines.

Feb 08, 1997
Xavier goes to work in the army's purchasing department. Boma and Dimitri hope to make profit. When Xavier has collected the money to pay his cafe debts, Bieke thinks that Boma gave Xavier some bribe money.

Feb 15, 1997
Carmen learns that Balthazar doesn't have much longer to live. Everyone tries to make Boma as comfortable as possible. Carmen doesn't know the doctor she spoke to on the phone is a veterinarian.

Feb 22, 1997
Marc works as an interim mailman. Dimitri acts like a clairvoyant. He steals Marc's letters to predict the future.

Mar 01, 1997
On Carmen's advice, Boma treats Pascale badly. According to Carmen, this must bring them closer together. Carmen's advice is counterproductive. Pascale pretends she's having a new friend: Pierre.
F.C. De Kampioenen Season 7 (1996) is released on Dec 07, 1996 and the latest season 22 of F.C. De Kampioenen is released in 2020. Watch F.C. De Kampioenen online - the Flemish Comedy TV series from Belgium. F.C. De Kampioenen is directed by Etienne Vervoort,Stef Desmyter,Johan Gevers,Willy Vanduren and created by Jan Bergmans with Danni Heylen and Marijn De Valck.
Oscar Crucke is an innkeeper besides coach of the underachieving enthusiasts' soccer team F.C. De Kampioenen from Emblem, Flanders. Oscar is married to Pascale De Backer, a snobbish woman who wants to move up in life. Oscar and Pascale have a teenage daughter Bieke. They rent their cafe Cafe De Kampioen from Balthazar Boma, the team's chairman who owns the sausage factory Bomaworst. Boma challenges his marriage. He shows interest in Pascale while asking the impossible from him as a coach. Oscar is defended and much respected by his players: they are very close despite obvious incompetence and occasional pranks. Forward Pico Coppens is a self-confident man and is the best player on the soccer team. Whatever that means. He's a politically active high school teacher in technical subjects who repairs TV sets as an extra income. Pico is married to soft hearted bookkeeper Doortje Van Hoeck. Doortje can restrain her husband at times, though. Pico's the best of friends with goalkeeper Xavier Waterslaeghers. Xavier, as a goalkeeper, serves as a weak link in the soccer team, aged 40+. He's an army corporal, later a sergeant, but is dictated the law by his wife, Boma's cleaning lady Carmen Vandormael. Carmen pulls the strings while Xavier falls short between the sheets. F.C. De Kampioenen is thwarted by stingy car dealer and mechanic Dimitri De Tremmerie. Dimitri is the neighbor of Oscar, Pascale and Bieke and is referred to by the initials of DDT. DDT is a typical anti-hero who swears every now and then and comes up with nefarious plans but who wouldn't hurt a fly. Dimitri loathes the team but as they collude, his plans to bully are then defused.