Episodes (219)

Mar 31, 2014
Daniel sees a young man who believes he's inherited his late dad's suicide tendencies. His protective mother is not helping either. Karen & Rob are all excited after sleeping together. Emma is still worried about Chris.

Apr 01, 2014
A patient of Zara's spots Kevin as the guy she's been chatting to on a dating site. It's a fake account, though as she's hot, Kevin shows an interest in her. Mr Abbott discovers that his son, who has Aspergers, is gay.

Apr 02, 2014
Zara sees two women who both think that she's the mistress, and the other woman is married to her man. Karen has a mirror exercise at her therapists, & Jimmi deals with two guys arrested for fighting - one of them being Chris.

Apr 03, 2014
Mrs Tembe goes to the gym with a recently bereaved lady friend, only they'll only be let in if her cremated husband comes too. Emma has a go at Jimmi in order to protect Chris, but ultimately, Chris tells all to him.

Apr 06, 2014
Al's night at the student bar gets ruined when a girl who's been injecting herself with the fake tan her sexy friend has been selling has a serious reaction. Karen baby sits for Zara and Daniel.

Apr 07, 2014
Roy pays his new neighbours a visit. He's an ex cop & is worried when he sees Rob and the police see them into their new place. Howard upsets a breast feeding patient, & Chris is determined to tell all to the cops.

Apr 08, 2014
Chris announces he's moving to Australia - on Friday. Daniel meets up with an old professor and ex gambling buddy, and Howard's insulted breast feeding mum turns up, and brings her demo mates with her.

Apr 09, 2014
Howard gets a shock when the breast feeding demo makes the front page of the local rag. Chris & Daniel see a man who might have a spider bite on his neck, with the deadly spider loose. Emma decides to sell her house.

Apr 10, 2014
Al, Kevin & Mandy, with Barry's help, organise a going away party for Chris on his last day. Mandy sees new mum Rachel, who thinks she's inadequate because she's having problems breast feeding.

Apr 27, 2014
Kevin helps Michael after some ice falls from a plane onto his car. His marriage is falling apart, only his wife is pregnant. Zara sees Rachel again over her breast feeding problems, and Emma is missing Chris.

Apr 28, 2014
Marilyn, an old friend of Howards, asks his advice for her son who left the Army to look after her when she was ill. Zara has a barney at Mandy over the advice she gave to Rachel, & then at Emma after she solves her breast feeding problem.

Apr 29, 2014
Mrs Tembe has a shock when she discovers the truth about Emma's Luscious Lace party. Karen has a Zara/red knicker flashback. Jimmi deals with a sexually confused girl who's been beaten up, and Josh gets released on license.

Apr 30, 2014
Mrs Tembe is so upset over the lingerie party that she goes to Church. There, she bumps into Josh. Rob & Emma deal with a frightened woman with cuts on her feet who's been arrested for stealing. There are interviews for a new Doctor.

May 01, 2014
Mrs Tembe and Josh get closer in Church, but soon runs away scared when she discovers his history of rape. Karen dresses up all sexy with the intention of having sex with Rob, only does his back in.

May 05, 2014
Mandy helps a young girl deal with her boyfriend. He won't wear a condom, takes drugs, and has filmed them having sex and put in on the Web. Rob hires a classic car & takes Karen on a picnic. Josh tells Mrs Tembe all about his raping.

May 06, 2014
New Dr. Niamh joins the practice, much to the dismay of Al, who fancied the other candidate. Rob & Emma deal with an angry mother, fighting the system, and for her son. Kevin tries to get out of the breast feeding training.

May 07, 2014
Zara and a reluctant Kevin go to the breast feeding training day. Daniel deals with an African man with worsening eye problems. He also has violent flashbacks and keeps seeing cockroaches. Al and Niamh open up in the Icon Bar.

May 08, 2014
Al deals with an elderly man and his mouthy care worker. He claims he buried to body of his wife in the foundations of their old house. Mrs Tembe & Josh go to an art gallery together, and Rob & Karen go clay pigeon shooting.

May 11, 2014
Kevin goes to a school careers talk, only gets in the middle of two ex pupils. Adam, a lawyer, seems to want to settle an old score. Heston returns from his travels, and Emma tries to organize a night out.

May 12, 2014
When on patrol, SC Howard stumbles on a break in at the local art gallery. Niamh and Emma go to a nightclub, where it's student night. Rob and Karen go to a posh French restaurant.

May 13, 2014
Emma gets a shock when she wakes up next to a man she picked up at the student nightclub, who then tries to sell her a hot tub. Heston meets up with Angelica, an old friend, who asks for his help. Mrs Tembe & Josh visit a toy exhibition.

May 14, 2014
Emma has a doctors only dinner party to welcome Niamh. It all starts off a bit awkwardly, though Niamh soon livens it up. Mrs Tembe invites Karen around, and shows her her old record collection.

May 15, 2014
Kevin discovers a double attempted suicide, and has to deal with the affects on the couple's son. Zara deals with a mouthy pregnant girl, who has asthma and smokes. Karen has an appointment with her therapist.

May 18, 2014
Mandy consoles middle-aged Ruby and Ivan Slade whose only child has recently died but is surprised when Ruby announces a desire to get pregnant again, using her 'snow babies', embryos stored at the IVF clinic. In fact another pregnancy could seriously endanger her life and Ivan has the embryos destroyed. Meanwhile Mrs Tembe deeply offends Josh by asking his reasons for being a rapist and Zara persuades Jade and her friends to attend a one day event on breast feeding.

May 19, 2014
Niamh goes to Al for help when she doesn't know how to deal with an elderly patient. A gas engineer & his girl apprentice arrive to fix the Mill boiler. Karen tells Rob that her therapist wants to see them both.

May 20, 2014
Dorian sees Niamh at the health clinic. He thinks he has woman's breasts & a lump. His girlfriend though, thinks he's gay. Zara seeks Mandy's advice on her upcoming breast feeding seminar, & Rob goes to his 1st therapy session with Karen.

May 21, 2014
Kevin sees a drop dead gorgeous personal trainer. She says she fell and damaged her back when visiting her sick mother at the care home, but is she sicker that she realizes, and what's her boyfriend up to?

May 22, 2014
Connor thinks his pregnant girlfriend isn't taking their relationship too seriously. Zara has her breast feeding seminar and ends up revealing all to a shocked audience. Emma books a yoga retreat.

May 26, 2014
Rob and Jimmi deal with a 12 year old girl who has stolen a woman's bag and has bruises on her arms. Emma has a fun first day at the yoga retreat. Josh explains to Mrs Tembe why he used to rape women, but it's all too much for her.

May 27, 2014
Mandy sees Mary and her lodger Tony. Mary is taking him to Africa, but Mandy is worried about her need for more Statins. Emma gets to know her yoga instructor Adam, and Jimmi gets concerned when he sees Mrs Tembe & Josh together.

May 28, 2014
Al is approached by a guy wanting his help in contacting aliens to get the secret of Cold Fusion. It seems though that he's escaped from a mental health facility and the police are after him on the grounds of terrorism.

May 29, 2014
An old friend of Zara's turns up. They'd once had a fling only now he wants her help and a load of money to save his son from gangsters. Without telling anyone, Karen visits Jack, to talk about 'The Kiss'.

Jun 01, 2014
After identifying the body of her friend Edwin, Zara tracks down his drug addled son, but gets in deeper trouble than she bargained for. The Hollins' re-unite in a bid to help Karen, and Mrs Tembe introduces Josh to the Reverend.

Jun 02, 2014
Niamh deals with a lad whose online Video Blog campaigning for his worsening cancer proves to be a lie. Immie creates a piece of artwork to try and deal with her mother's situation.

Jun 03, 2014
Niamh spends way too long at her 1st call on her 1st official home visit. Daniel sees a stressed lady who's having trouble with her neighbours. Jack, Immie & Karen have a lazy Rebond day, leaving Rob to clean up after them.

Jun 04, 2014
Niamh discovers that two of her teenage patients are linked by a suicide quotation and a locked Internet group. She gets Al to hack into the group. The Hollins' go bowling.

Jun 04, 2014
Mrs Tembe helps a friend hunt for his mother's old mattress. It's been thrown out and taken away, but contains all her money and jewelry - £50000. Karen tries to cook a traditional Sunday roast on the family's last day together.

Jun 08, 2014
Al is accused by a patient of sexually molesting her, though he is determined to get to the bottom of why. Mrs Tembe goes to Josh's for lunch, Emma & Adam go to a Vegan restaurant, and Howard creates a profile on a dating agency website.

Jun 09, 2014
Daniel deals with a student who's just had an operation for a permanent hearing aid after being deaf for years. Howard is requested by Annie Harris to investigate her break in, and Heston's going a bit weird.

Jun 10, 2014
Kevin's cousin asks him to find out if her son is gay. She thinks he is. Howard and Annie go to a Greek restaurant, Emma goes to Adam's for a meal, and Mrs Tembe goes to Josh's to teach him to cook.

Jun 11, 2014
Barry arrives for a security check at the Campus Surgery but gets a shock when a foreign lap dancer turns up claiming that he's the father of her unborn child. Emma wishes Adam would fight back more.

Jun 12, 2014
Niamh deals with a mother and daughter, the mother of whom is 8 months pregnant with her daughter's baby. Arguments follow when the mother decides she wants to keep it. Heston seems to be losing his mind.

Jun 15, 2014
Carer Lauren is attacked and raped in the street whilst getting fish and chips for her Alzheimer's patient. Jimmi and Rob are on hand to help. Josh goes to Mrs Tembe's to learn to cook, but they end up arguing.

Jun 16, 2014
Emma sees a girl who's pregnant and has been taking antidepressants, though gets even more upset when she discovers the truth about her Grandmother's time in a Nazi Death Camp. Josh gets a visit from the police.

Jun 17, 2014
Heston deals with a young mother who's awoken on her sofa with her baby dead in her arms. She doesn't even remember him being there when she fell asleep. Howard & Annie go Geo-Cashing in the Lickey Hills, & Karen has something to tell Rob.

Jun 18, 2014
Mandy finds out that's she's got more in common than she thinks with a female patient. She takes her home then gets involved when her dodgy ex takes her son. Howard, Annie, Emma and Adam find themselves at a posh restaurant together.

Jun 19, 2014
Zara deals with Jade's mother and a dodgy midwife as a pregnant Jade is rushed to St Phil's. Kevin sorts out two warring neighbours, whilst Niamh tries to get Howard and Emma together now that they're both single again.

Jul 06, 2014
Niamh starts panicking when Heston suggests a role play session. Zara tries to help Jade with her breast feeding. Jimmi insists on seeing Josh when he books an appointment, and gives him a stern warning.

Jul 07, 2014
An Emily Bronte fan is fed up with the lack of interest in her manuscript. She keeps talking to Emily, but a mole on her face & a phone call make her go to see her hero Dr Granger. Zara goes to see Jade & Niamh tries to get Al's attention.

Jul 08, 2014
Noel is worried that an ex con who is doing Community Service for his Aunt, is taking advantage of her dementia. Jimmi is concerned over the amount of pills she seems to be taking. Mrs Tembe makes Josh an offer.

Jul 09, 2014
Howard deals with an over eager Portable Ultrasound rep. Al opens up to Jimmi about the Niamh/cakes debacle. A nervous Josh has an interview at the Church café, and Niamh, Karen and Emma go to a Karaoke bar.

Jul 10, 2014
Rob deals with a girl who was taking her driving test using a false identity and a hire car. Karen wants to keep things exciting now that she's moved in with Rob, and Daniel thinks he and Zara need a new challenge together.

Jul 13, 2014
When elderly charity collector Elsie Potter collapses her grandson Ben calls in Zara and innocently gives her one of Elsie's home-made buns, unaware that they are hash cakes Elsie has made to help her arthritis. As a result Daniel needs to rescue a stoned Zara. Heston consults clairvoyant Celeste Baptiste over noises he hears in his house and though she believes there is nothing wrong the noise start again after she has left. Meanwhile Mandy and Niamh suspect that Mrs Tembe and Josh are more than friends.

Jul 14, 2014
Al bumps into a cancer patient who claims he's been cured. Al says he's been ripped off and is determined to expose the doctor and his claims as a fake. Howard announces that Emma has broken her ankle and they need to get a Lo-cum.

Jul 15, 2014
Daniel sees a young girl who might have scurvy. Her mother is a recovering drug addict and has had her benefits stopped against Daniel's advice. Heston hears more strange noises, and Niamh tells Mandy about Al.

Jul 16, 2014
Al and Niamh both see a Muslim mother and daughter whose Fasting is affecting their health - the mother is diabetic and the daughter is anorexic and wants to be. Karen is convinced that she really needs to wear her glasses.

Jul 17, 2014
Howard enlists help in trying to clear his Great Grandfather Hugh's name. He was accused of deserting his post during World War I. The story flashes back to Hugh's time in the trenches.

Jul 20, 2014
Kevin sees a Muslim lad who's been lying to his mother. He's been out clubbing and taking drugs instead of helping the homeless and Fasting. Josh is being tempted by the sight of female flesh again so goes to Church.

Jul 21, 2014
Karen and Jimmi deal with a difficult young girl and her new foster carer. Al goes to visit Emma at home, and Dr. MacPherson starts at the Mill and asks Daniel if he'll go ballroom dancing with her.

Jul 22, 2014
Mrs Tembe gets jealous of Josh and Claire's friendship at the café. Heston sees an elderly lady who has rashes on her arm, lives in a mess of a house and has dropped her husband's ashes on her. Al sees Niamh in a new light.

Aug 03, 2014
At a girls school to give a talk, Zara finds a gang who are eating tape worms to stay thin. Al tries to pluck up the courage to ask Niamh to lunch, and Mrs Tembe talks to the Reverand about Josh's relationship with Claire.

Aug 04, 2014
Jimmi and Rob deal with a woman who's been arrested for stealing. She describes herself as a 'homeless, unemployed alcoholic'. Niamh sees a pregnant woman with aching hips with possible Rheumatoid Arthritis. Josh and Claire get closer.

Aug 05, 2014
Kevin sees Marcus, who has sold his life, friends house and everything, to someone else. Howard helps Heston with his security arrangements, and Daniel and Toni go to their first dance class.

Aug 06, 2014
Finding himself being interviewed by Rob over allegations that he threw a vase at a PI's head, Heston tells the sorry tale. Josh asks Mrs Tembe if she thinks he's ready to ask Claire out on a date.

Aug 07, 2014
Karen tracks down a has been ex TV magician who stole her mobile phone in a shop. Zara seems to be getting jealous over Daniel and Toni's dancing. Claire asks Mrs Tembe about Josh, and Al helps Heston with a new CCTV system.

Aug 10, 2014
An agoraphobic friend of Al's asks him to check in on his new girlfriend who he thinks is also agoraphobic, as he's lost contact with her. Daniel and Toni improve on the dance floor, and Heston thinks his CCTV recordings have been deleted.

Aug 11, 2014
Howard and a new PC investigate a mugging, though she's a bit super keen. A gang are targeting people at cash machines. Josh wines and dines a dolled up Claire. He gets really tense though and blurts out the truth about his raping past.

Aug 12, 2014
Mandy's car is in a prang with would-be rocker Tommy Paxman. When Tommy's girlfriend Niki leaves him because she claims he has more interest in rock music than in her Mandy reluctantly agrees to help him out at an air guitar contest - where she does him proud. Jimmi comforts Mrs Tembe after both Viv and Claire have have told that she was wrong to push Josh into the date without checking that Claire knew the truth about him whilst Kevin mends Heston's CCTV.

Aug 13, 2014
After a busy night at a club, Kevin finds himself batting off the attentions of two very keen women. Daniel is getting worried about the amount of time he's spending with Toni. Zara though, doesn't seem to care.

Aug 14, 2014
Niamh goes to a drama therapy workshop where she meets an obsessive Alison, and Dr Oliver Clarke. At the police station Jimmi sees an old man who's been arrested for stealing a car, but can't remember anything and thinks it's the 1970s.

Aug 17, 2014
Daniel and Toni start a 2 day dementia conference at a posh hotel, of which Zara seems far too unconcerned. Josh tells Mrs Tembe that he's leaving Letherbridge for a rehabilitation centre. Niamh has a first date with Oliver.

Aug 18, 2014
Al investigates when a spate of patients return their medication and claim they've been cured by a boy faith healer. Unfortunately the boy is contagious. Toni is feeling guilty over her drunken attempted kiss of Daniel at the conference.

Aug 19, 2014
After buying ice cream, Kevin goes to see Heston and finds him sunbathing in his pajamas. Howard is joined by a young lad on a search for a missing cat. Niamh gets grilled by Emma over who to choose, Al or Oliver.

Aug 20, 2014
Jimmi's Goddaughter arrives to go to Letherbridge University, but he gets worried when she disappears especially when it ties in with a missing rapist case that Rob is investigating. Howard and Barry meet Matilda in a pub.

Aug 21, 2014
Jimmi and Rob continue to investigate the disappearance of poorly Isla and it's connection with the rapist case. Barry and Matilda meet for the re-enactment of the Battle of Letherbridge Castle.

Aug 25, 2014
Heston goes to St Phils for some tests. Mandy sees new mother Theresa, but is she telling Mandy everything? Al discovers Niamh's list comparing him and Oliver.

Aug 26, 2014
Daniel sees a woman who's having trouble sleeping. She's locked her son in his room on his wedding day and dumped his fiancée by text. Barry is concerned about his date with Matilda. Jimmi sees Zara with another man.

Aug 27, 2014
Mrs Tembe talks to one of the parishioners who thinks her lorry driving husband is smuggling immigrants. Daniel and Toni have a last dance training session while looking after Joe. Heston is baffled by his test results.

Aug 28, 2014
It's the day of the Ballroom Blitz, and apart from having a bad fake tan, Daniel wonders where Zara has gone. He and Toni get a shock when she does turn up. Anton Du Beke turns up as a guest judge and Karen helps Farah with the costumes.

Aug 31, 2014
Toni feels like an idiot at her feelings for Daniel. Zara has a bit of a gloat over her win at the Ballroom Blitz. Frank arrives to fit new signs and locks at the Campus surgery, and Heston goes for a day of memory tests.

Sep 01, 2014
Toni sees a heavily pregnant woman who thinks she's losing her mind. Her husband is keeping a secret though. Heston has a go a Mrs Tembe then asks Kevin for a favour. Niamh admits to Al that Oliver isn't for her.

Sep 02, 2014
Al goes to a Monsters and Gods conference where a famous author with a dark secret is reading. Howard wants medical cover there, so Jimmi suggests sending Niamh, hoping sparks will fly.

Sep 03, 2014
Heston is told he might have depression. Daniel treats a woman whose daughter was killed 5 years ago. The father of the man who was convicted is convinced of his innocence. Toni tells Zara that she's leaving.

Sep 04, 2014
Rob deals with a woman who's threatening a wheelchair bound magistrate with acid. Al and Niamh go on their first date, though it doesn't exactly go well.

Sep 07, 2014
Kevin deals with a mother's concern over her husband and mother-in-law's insistence on having their young son circumcised. Oliver tries to contact Niamh, who only wants to talk to Al, and Heston has his first session with Oliver.

Sep 08, 2014
Heston is called to see a pregnant woman whose husband has returned after 2 years missing and finds her living with his brother. Al and Niamh's pub quiz date goes awry when Oliver turns up. Kevin meets sexy Poppy at a new club.

Sep 09, 2014
Niamh breaks up with both Oliver and Al. A smitten Kevin goes to see Poppy, still pretending that he's a top music promoter. Mandy sees a very agitated man who's acting strangely with his daughter. Heston has another session with Oliver.

Sep 10, 2014
Daniel helps an old gambling buddy who finds himself homeless and beaten up, only finds over £180,000 of cash strapped to his waist. Kevin has a shock when Poppy turns up at the Campus surgery. Al tells Niamh how he feels.

Sep 11, 2014
Heston deals with a woman who's desperate to get her elderly dad registered at the Mill even though they don't live in the catchment area, so he can go into St. Phils' rehab ward. Jimmi talks to Mrs Tembe and Heston has another session.

Sep 14, 2014
Rob and his partner pull a guy over for alleged speeding where they find drugs. The Perp is having an affair with the cops wife and accuses him of planting the drugs. Mandy pulls a girl in a club. Niamh and Al go to play bingo.

Sep 15, 2014
Jimmi gets the go ahead to forge links with a local bereavement service, though the boss there has other ideas. Kevin goes to a girls school to teach sex-ed, though is spotted by Poppy. Mandy is worried about Catriona.

Sep 16, 2014
Karen keeps getting mad, nightmarish dreams and can't get a particular song lyric out of her head. She doesn't know which Karen she is anymore so Al helps her films her thoughts to camera, like video messages to her various selves.

Sep 17, 2014
Zara gets called out by a mother who has locked her daughter in her bedroom because she thinks she's a vampire. Heston has a good talk to Oliver about his time with Marina.

Sep 18, 2014
Heston, Kevin and Al all have the perfect evening planned. Kevin has Poppy over; Al have Niamh over for a meal, and Heston invites a reluctant Jimmi and Mandy around to listen to opera.

Sep 21, 2014
Charlie and his girlfriend break up. Although upset, he is soon having sex with her hot, ex model mother. Catriona wants some anti depressants though Mandy wants to talk. Kevin and Poppy bump into them in the Icon Bar.

Sep 22, 2014
Daniel sees a man who's had a heart procedure and is pushing himself too much at work. Catriona sees DC Mitchum, who doesn't take her complaint too seriously. Poppy's mother finds out she's seeing an older man, so takes her to the doctors.

Sep 23, 2014
Walter turns up at the Campus surgery to see Dr Carmichael. He won't see anyone else so waits all morning, much to Mrs Tembe's annoyance. Mandy goes to comfort a sleepless Catriona. Kevin tells a pushy Poppy that it's all over.

Sep 24, 2014
A friend of Kevin's is being blackmailed by a woman he had a one night stand with so he asks Kevin to make the delivery. Jimmi and Mrs Tembe go car shopping and a distraught Catriona sees Heston, though he's not much help.

Sep 25, 2014
Zara literally bumps into her former nanny April Hannan, who now runs a successful patisserie with boyfriend Andy. April claims that she has used Zara as a role model in building up her success but Zara fears that she is working herself and Andy too hard and suggests they slow down. Meanwhile Jimmi is called to Catriona's house to find she has committed suicide. Mandy is devastated and Heston shocked to realize that he was not in full possession of her history of mental illness.

Sep 28, 2014
DS Mitchum is quizzed by his seniors over his handling of Catriona's complaint. Heston is quizzed by Howard, Daniel and Jimmi over his handling of Catriona's case, though Mandy barges into the session, demanding to be involved.

Sep 29, 2014
Niamh sees a special needs girl who seems to have fleas. She's being looked after by her pregnant over protective sister. Mandy gets into a fight with Catriona's attacker but is rescued by Ayesha, another nurse. Heston talks to Oliver.

Sep 30, 2014
Ayesha, who works in a busy surgery near a rough estate, deals with a man who's been getting angina attacks. Mandy tells Howard that she's leaving Letherbridge.

Oct 01, 2014
Al attends a medical innovator's pitch to push his new invention. Mandy goes to visit Heston. Mrs Tembe gets a shock when Howard tells her that Heston has resigned.

Oct 02, 2014
Ayesha wakes up in the gutter, her car breaks down, and she finds a patient in a drugged state, all of which makes her late for her Mill interview. Daniel talks Heston into returning to work on paperwork duties. Mandy has a leaving do.

Oct 05, 2014
A woman gets knocked unconscious in the park when having her bag pinched. The attacker gets into her house and finds a blind woman. Howard gets his guttering cleaned, though the workman finds asbestos.

Oct 06, 2014
On her last day, Mandy deals with a grumpy old man, Mortis, who's eaten a few too many magic mushrooms. Rob gets distressed when Karen has a clear-out and revamps his favourite cupboard.

Oct 07, 2014
Emma deals with a homeless young man who's been arrested with Trenchfoot. On her day off, Al books Niamh into a one day 'simple' computer programming course. Howard moves into Hestons.

Oct 08, 2014
Daniel attends the funeral of Elvis - the Karaoke King of Letherbridge. Howard gets a shock when Heston sleepwalks into his bed. It's Poppy's 16th birthday and she's determined to carry on her relationship with Kevin.

Oct 09, 2014
After walking out of her piano audition with her dad, Rachel faints. She's taken to see Zara who discovers she's given birth, but where's the baby? Howard confronts Heston about his night time activities.

Oct 12, 2014
Rob's investigation into the beating of a policewoman at at masked Eco demo gets more complicated than he imagined. Ayesha has run ins with Mrs Tembe and Zara. Poppy's mother discovers who Kevin really is.

Oct 13, 2014
Zara is determined to get to the bottom of Kevin's argument with Poppy's mother, especially when they both turn up at the Mill to see him. Al deals with a new student who's been scammed over his accommodation.

Oct 14, 2014
Karen is approached by two final year film and media students who want to make a film about her and her memory loss. Zara finally convinces Kevin to resign and move away, though Howard's not best pleased.

Oct 15, 2014
Daniel is desperate to find out the reason for Kevin leaving. Ayesha has problems with her mother who's supposed to be taking Sierra to nursery, and discovers a friend has a serious stress incontinence problem.

Oct 16, 2014
Mrs Tembe convinces Howard and Daniel to help her tidy up an old lady's garden to stop her landlord from evicting her and her rabbit. The landlord also raises Niamh's rent which angers Al. Kevin announces he's leaving.

Oct 19, 2014
Sarah has terminal bone cancer and her sister has moved in with her and is pushing her through a bucket list. Kevin goes to a funeral and gets a job offer. Howard is acting all weird and charming.

Oct 20, 2014
Jimmi looks into an elderly patient who seems to have gone missing. Back from Italy, Heston looks into some confusing death certificates. Kevin follows up on his job offer. Niamh's first evening at Emma's doesn't go that well.

Oct 21, 2014
Daniel deals with a young woman who has signs of Stigmata. Kevin goes for his interview and is asked about his arrest for Lauren's murder. Heston continues to investigate the suspicious death certificates and Mrs Tembe is on Ayesha's back.

Oct 22, 2014
Al is called out to see young Martin Dobbs who, on the morning of his wedding, has locked himself in his parents' bathroom and refuses to come out. Al sorts out the lad's medical problem but, on learning that Martin feels pushed into marriage by his dominant mother, advises him to do the right thing - which, aided by some Divine intervention, he does. Heston and Kevin gather evidence to prove Marvin Harris's dishonesty and Howard suggests that, rather than continually sniping at her, Mrs Tembe accompanies Ayesha on her rounds to show how hard she works.

Oct 23, 2014
Mrs Tembe is determined to get the better of Ayesha when she joins her on her house calls. Heston gets the bone he stole from the rogue undertakers examined, and he and Kevin go in search of the mysterious Dr Cole.

Oct 26, 2014
Kevin trails Stuart Houghton at the Honeywell clinic and discovers more about his secret bone harvesting after Stuart answers an emergency house call. Howard talks to Ayesha about what it means to be a hero.

Oct 27, 2014
Kevin reports his findings to Heston but is still wary of risking his job by going public about the traffic in bones. Houghton and Harris suspect that he is in the know and plan to compromise him but after speaking to his sister Nadia he goes to the police and DCI Driver arrests the guilty couple. Back at the surgery Al and Daniel go head to head at making the best Hallowe'en pumpkin heads.

Oct 28, 2014
The Mill gets besieged by journalists after the bone harvesting story breaks. Everyone's after Kevin, including an ex cop and Poppy's mother. Mrs Tembe convinces Heston to see a patient, much against his better judgment.

Oct 29, 2014
Niamh helps an elderly brother and sister who resisting the offers to buy their home from an insistent property developer. It's Kevin's last day and he joins the team Go-Karting.

Oct 30, 2014
Al goes to Hardernwick for a night of beer only his Reverend friend doesn't turn up. Alone, he discovers the place to be haunted, especially when he finds a whistle at the local church, blows into it, and summons something evil.

Nov 02, 2014
Heston takes Niamh to see a 93 year old woman who doesn't talk. Howard, Daniel and Zara try to find a new partner. Karen uncovers a secret between a bereaved woman and her son. Daniel tells Howard that he and Zara are going to Australia.

Nov 03, 2014
It's after hours, and Curtis Brown has trapped Heston in an empty Mill, but what does he want? Emma pops to Daniel and Zara's and wants a word with Daniel, in private. Al is upset at not being asked to be a Partner.

Nov 04, 2014
Ayesha deals with a woman who wants to induce her baby early, when her partner is away. Howard gets a shock when Jimmi, Emma and Al all say they want the partner's position. Curtis asks Heston to visit his pregnant girlfriend.

Nov 05, 2014
Heston goes to see Curtis' pregnant girlfriend. She's bi-polar and has stopped taking her medicine. Jimmi, Al and Emma each start preparing for their pitch for the partner's job, with a little help from Karen.

Nov 06, 2014
Howard, Zara and Daniel interview the partnership job candidates. On his last day, Heston gets a surprise visit from Curtis. Ayesha spends her day off with her mother and Sierra.

Nov 09, 2014
Daniel sees a man with Pernicious Anemia who's feeling weak and having panic attacks. He is then accused by a woman of murdering her son. Al and Emma don't take the interview results very well when Jimmi gets the job.

Nov 10, 2014
After finding an old love letter in a box of book, Mrs Tembe asks Zara to return it to it's owner. Sierra takes an overdose, and Emma decides to take legal advice over the job result.

Nov 11, 2014
Sierra recovers in hospital whilst Brenda tries to hide the fact that she's been drinking. Social Services pay a visit. Emma and Zara lock horns, Niamh gets a telling off, and Jimmi bumps into a old friend.

Nov 12, 2014
Mrs Tembe helps a woman meet her long lost mother, who abandoned her when she was a child. She is not all she seems though. Zara tries to heal things with Emma. The Social Worker visits Brenda and Ayesha at home.

Nov 13, 2014
Ayesha and Brenda attend a Child Protection Conference over Sierra. Zara sees a nervous lad who's having headaches and pains and who's sister has a brain tumour. Al and Jimmi start brewing beer.

Nov 16, 2014
Niamh is on house calls, but is being followed by a man in a red car. Ayesha's sister and son register at the Mill and see Jimmi. Emma and Heston have lunch together.

Nov 17, 2014
Mrs Tembe is invited out by her married neighbours, but soon finds out that the woman is off on a hot date, and it's not with her husband. New Locum Franc arrives, and Ayesha and Brenda go to an alcoholic support meeting.

Nov 18, 2014
Al gets into a battle with an online computer gamer who's an ill patient and who sends a Trojan Horse to the surgery's computer system. Howard thinks new Locum Franc is a double agent. Brenda hits the drink again.

Nov 19, 2014
Tiffany gets a shock when her marriage to an old rich guy is proven to be a sham. Jimmi visits Ayesha who has lied about being ill to look after Sierra. Al gets jealous over Niamh's flirting with Franc.

Nov 20, 2014
Karen gets arrested for shoplifting. Zara's packing for Australia goes well until she realises she can't find their passports. Mrs Tembe gets some bad news about her brother.

Nov 23, 2014
Valerie starts again at the Mill, but is not her usual self. At the police station Jimmi sees three people involved in a fight with a base ball bat. Ayesha again finds her mother drunk.

Nov 24, 2014
Franc gets called to look at a local footballer's injuries. Jimmi gets visited by Social Services, asking about Debs and Maxi. Al and Valerie go to see Barry about Al's Stuck Fermentation problem.

Nov 25, 2014
Emma announces her primary care initiative. Meanwhile an ex patient is discovered in her flat after having been dead for two years. How did she die though, and is her neighbour in any way responsible?

Nov 26, 2014
Howard gets hit by the Guild of Assassins, a student guild who are after a family friend of his. She enlists Howard's help to hit them back. Brenda gets seriously drunk again, and Rob and Karen go Christmas shopping.

Nov 27, 2014
Valerie has an urgent haircut. She later takes Karen but the barber's wife is jealous and refuses to let him cut women's hair. After signing herself out of hospital, Brenda misses the Social Services panel.

Nov 30, 2014
Heston sees an elderly French jeweler who has signs of arthritis in his hands. Ayesha takes Andy to see a flat for her and Sierra. Howard impresses Emma by funding some new Christmas decorations, but he has ulterior motives.

Dec 01, 2014
Rob discovers an elderly woman walking the street, who has no memory of who she is or where she lives. Howard prepares for his documentary shoot, though is getting nervous. Brenda turns up at the Campus surgery drunk and shouting.

Dec 02, 2014
On house calls, Niamh gets involved with a lonely man who's been beaten up by his brother-in-law and is also drinking heavily. Howard starts shooting his fly on the wall documentary.

Dec 03, 2014
Al has to battle against a yoga teacher when trying her help one of her students. After having lunch together, Ayesha asks Franc back to her place. Rob asks Heston for ideas for his upcoming wedding to Karen.

Dec 04, 2014
Mrs Tembe and Al get into an argument over her wanting to bring the Christ into Christmas. Trying to apologize to Ayesha after last night, Franc goes to get flowers, only gets caught up in a gun siege. Ayesha is feeling sick.

Dec 07, 2014
Al's game is on, though the doctors aren't telling Karen who is not best pleased. Valerie meets Grace, who Barry told could sleep upstairs at the Campus surgery.

Dec 08, 2014
Heston sees soon to be dad David, who works as an Elf at down market 'Letherbridge Lapland', and whose tights have caused a nasty rash. After being sacked David discovers a way to get some cash.

Dec 09, 2014
On house calls, Ayesha finds an elderly woman who has fallen out of her wheelchair - her carer having left her alone. Karen snoops and thinks she's found out Rob's wedding plans. Franc helps Emma with some shopping.

Dec 10, 2014
It's the day of Mrs Tembe's Church's Christmas Fete. Al is a stand in Father Christmas, though getting him to embody the spirit of Christmas is rather difficult. There is also a case of a missing child.

Dec 11, 2014
Arriving back from Australia, Daniel gets put in an airport holding room - there is a problem with his visa. Franc gives out some extravagant Secret Santa presents, much to Al's annoyance.

Dec 14, 2014
Valerie attends a speed awareness course where she meets a young man who is lying for his drunken dad. Daniel talks to Franc, who seems to be looking after his Granger Clinic patients far too well. Barry premieres Howard's documentary.

Dec 15, 2014
It's the night of Al and Niamh's Yuletide party where Al pushes his strong home brew onto everyone. Barry tries to declare his love to Valerie, and Al punches Franc. Karen and Immie get drunk.

Dec 16, 2014
After Libby bashes a burglar over the head with a vase, Jimmi sees both the burglar, and Libby's friend, who is having a severe asthma attack, at the police station. The girls are dreading Karen's cops and robbers themed hen night.

Dec 17, 2014
Mrs Tembe tries to find a late stand in Santa out of the volunteers at the St Phil's children's ward. Emma helps Franc after his wallet goes missing, only her purse goes missing as well.

Dec 18, 2014
It's the day of Rob and Karen's re-wedding, so what could possibly go wrong? Niamh sees an elderly couple who are going on a cruise, but freezes at the worst moment.

Jan 04, 2015
Howard arrests two guys who are fighting on the street, who are then seen by Jimmi. Niamh's inaction over Walter's death comes back to haunt her when his widow comes in to see Al.

Jan 05, 2015
Franc sees a girl whose ex-boyfriend has put topless pictures of her up on the Internet. She decides to take revenge. Heston tries to decide what to do with his Christmas tree. Al tries to talk to Niamh about Walter's death.

Jan 06, 2015
Heston sees a stressed local councillor who has symptoms of a heart problem. Al is getting excited over his and Niamh's trip to Havana, only Niamh is finding it harder to deal with her non action with Walter.

Jan 07, 2015
Howard's Godson Charlie sees him saying he wants a DNA, as he doesn't think his dad is really his dad. Al is determined to pack for Cuba but Niamh insists that it's all off. Ayesha plays cupid between Franc and Emma.

Jan 08, 2015
Jimmi sees a battered woman in an arranged marriage. Her husband has been rushed to hospital and has a violent girlfriend, but who's been beating who? Emma and Franc have a meal out. Ayesha has a rough night with Sierra.

Jan 11, 2015
Valerie helps a friend who has recently lost his dad, and then when his mother turns up, who he hasn't seen since he was 6, and now despises. Mrs Tembe tries to get Heston to run for council. Zara returns and Ayesha is exhausted.

Jan 12, 2015
It's Open Day at the Granger Clinic, only Franc is determined to get more to patients than Daniel. Zara goes to pick up a print from Ursula but gets delayed when Ursula has what seems like a stroke.

Jan 13, 2015
Mrs Tembe gets introduced to the Church of Purity by Grace and Tara. They are fasting but Grace is not at all well. Mrs Tembe gets shocked by what she finds out. Heston has set out his manifesto ready for canvassing.

Jan 14, 2015
Grace confesses to the sin of meeting Mrs Tembe who gets taken in by the police on the charge of grooming. Franc bites at Emma when she suggests going to France with him. Ayesha and Sierra bump into Zara and Joe in the park.

Jan 15, 2015
Rob comes across Katia and her son when tracking down a nasty villain. On the same rough estate, Heston and Valerie begin their canvassing. Jimmi tries to sign up a male HIV couple much against Howard's wishes.

Jan 18, 2015
Heston is worried over the effect of being in a terrorist incident is having on a patient, and his relationship with his son. Franc's actions result in patients leaving, and a noisy demo outside the Mill.

Jan 19, 2015
Valerie paints faces at a fostering activity day but comes up against some homophobia aimed at her potential foster parent friend Careg. Howard and the partners discuss Niahm's situation.

Jan 20, 2015
A man and woman are brought together when their parents are killed in a car crash, only to discover that they'd been having an affair. Zara coaches Howard for his upcoming interviews. Franc visits Niahm. Al tells her she's wrong to stay.

Jan 21, 2015
Karen pretends to be Zara when she and Rob stand in for Daniel and Zara at a Artisan Chocolatiere focus group. Daniel, Zara, Jimmi, Al and Niamh attend a medical bonding day, which Niamh finds particularly difficult.

Jan 22, 2015
Franc sees a musician who thinks that the computerized baby doll he and his girlfriend have is talking to him. Daniel deals with the problem reporter, then visits Ayesha. Valerie helps Heston sort out his manifesto.

Jan 25, 2015
Niamh and Ayesha gets called to see a pregnant woman after her waters break, who lives in a caravan in a field. Things get worse when a bull starts ramming the caravan. Valerie and Barry test Heston's policies when they go canvassing.

Jan 26, 2015
On the beat, Howard sees a young man on his stag do, who's chained to a railing dressed in a monkey suit. The best man takes the opportunity to try it on with the bride to be. Al has a nasty cough. Ayesha's aunt Tracey turns up.

Jan 27, 2015
An old lover of Daniel's turns up claiming to have had his baby. Valerie helps Heston with his canvassing technique. On house calls, Niamh stumbles across a man who collapses on the street having taken drugs. She phones Franc for help.

Jan 28, 2015
Elderly Mrs Merriam confronts former friend Mrs Waverly at reception, claiming that she is entitled to half of the three million pounds Mrs Waverly won on the lottery. Howard has his own problems when a health inspector finds a dead rat in a water tank and temporarily closes the surgery for suspected Weil's Disease though this indirectly causes the two old ladies to reconcile as Mrs Waverly comes up with the truth. Meanwhile Tracey proves her worth with Sierra to Ayesha.

Jan 29, 2015
Zara comes across a woman killed in a road accident, so with Rob, goes to tell the lady's 16 year old daughter. Emma returns from Australia. Valerie practices her speech making ability. Howard tries to weather the storm.

Feb 01, 2015
Karen and Rob start lying to get rid of two nuisance friends who turn up unannounced. Mrs Tembe tries to reignite Heston's passion for local politics. Valerie gives Barry the position of her publicity manager.

Feb 02, 2015
On night duty at the police station, Jimmi deals with a 5 to 6 year old boy who has been found alone in a car park stairwell and is refusing to speak.

Feb 03, 2015
When seeing patient Keri at her run down house, Daniel meets a young journalist who's writing an article about poor housing, who happens to be an old flame of Keri's. Heston's friend on the planning committee has some news for him.

Feb 04, 2015
Howard sets his Customer Feedback plan in motion. Heston tells him what he's heard about Gary Lucas. Mrs Tembe has a go at Al over his smoking. Franc meets with Lucas, but they bump into a canvassing Valerie. Nathan hears cosmic messages.

Feb 05, 2015
Ralph Wyckham turns up looking for Karen. They don't recognize each other though as it seems the agency nurse Anna has been impersonating Karen. Valerie and Heston appear on the Midlands Focus TV program. Howard asks Al to spy on Franc.

Feb 08, 2015
Tim is being chased by Axel who has already head butted him. Axel sees dead people and has a message for him. Daniel needs to rescue Joe's favorite cuddly toy, which Howard has sent to a charity shop by mistake. Al is feeling very chipper.

Feb 09, 2015
Rob gets called to Mrs Lissimore's house and finds her husband stabbed to death. Howard and Al step up their surveillance of Franc by bugging his mobile phone so they can listen to him.

Feb 10, 2015
Zara sees a divorced woman who's worried she's becoming invisible. Mrs Tembe sets up a photo opportunity for Heston though Valerie tries to steal his thunder. Al gets a shock when following Franc.

Feb 11, 2015
It's polling day and Heston does some last minute canvassing. A friend of Rob's discovers her husband has been living a double life, much to Rob's shock as well. Al and Howard try to retrieve Franc's mobile from Niamh's bedroom.

Feb 12, 2015
Things are difficult between Al and Niamh after she found him in her bedroom. Emma meets Faith, who thinks her foster parents want rid of her. Howard follows Franc to meet Gary Lucas. Heston and Valerie await the poll results.

Feb 15, 2015
Valerie gets a job offer and announces she's leaving? Daniel speaks to Gary Lucas about expanding his business, which makes Howard suspicious. Karen is concerned for Safia, who believes her dead husband has come back as a rat.

Feb 16, 2015
Jimmi sees a woman who's been getting nocturnal panic attacks. Ayesha asks Tracey to look after Sierra, but soon gets a shock. Gary Lucas reneges on his deal with Franc to bring down The Mill.

Feb 17, 2015
Zara is concerned about a young pregnant woman with a urinary infection, especially when she finds out that the father is only 15. Franc decides to step up his destruction of The Mill by starting a fire.

Feb 18, 2015
After the Mill fire, the staff regroup at the Campus surgery. Howard starts to find a temporary replacement. On a home visit, Heston meets a man who has broken the terms of his tagging to speak to his dying mother.

Feb 19, 2015
Howard has sorted out a military tent from an old army buddy as a temporary set up for the Mill, much to everyone's displeasure. Niamh deals with a man who is determined to sue for whiplash, and then sue the Mill.

Feb 22, 2015
Mrs Tembe and Arthur rally around their friend Stan after the death of his wife, but Arthur has a secret. Al finally nails Franc. Tracey tries to make amends with Ayesha.

Feb 23, 2015
Karen deals with a case of mistaken identity. Daniel is forced to tell Emma about Franc, before he, Al and Howard attend the council meeting where they intend to reveal all in their plan to trap both Gary and Franc.

Feb 24, 2015
Everyone reflects on Franc's arrest. With Franc in jail, his ex wife Therese turns up and has a go at Emma. They soon bond though as it becomes clear he's been lying to both of them. Daniel has a shock for Zara.

Feb 25, 2015
Zara sees Serena who's desperate to be referred for IVF. Jimmi and Al go to a German beer night. Emma and Niamh go ceramic painting. Ayesha meets with the social worker.

Feb 26, 2015
Jimmi sees skateboarding celebrity Alfie, who has internal bleeding and a depressed mother. Daniel has a job offer from Australia, much to Zara's horror. Ayesha's meeting with Brenda doesn't go that well.

Mar 01, 2015
A beautiful and mysterious stranger saves Jimmi from a falling chimney, but who is she? Niamh deals with a dying man and his distraught wife. Daniel has departed for Australia, and it's Karen's birthday.

Mar 02, 2015
Ayesha sees a guy with an infected tattoo, then decides to spend the afternoon with him. Jimmi continues his search for his Angel. Niamh thinks she's messed up a patient's prescription.

Mar 03, 2015
On a busy day, and with a new stand in PC Khan, Rob deals with two guys who are desperate to recover some valuable drugs held at the police station.

Mar 04, 2015
Barry and Mrs Tembe have a difference of opinion over how nice Professor Knott is. She's sacked one of Barry's friend's for stealing. Jimmi finally meets his Angel, Heather. A stressed Zara tries to sort out Niamh's prescription mess.

Mar 05, 2015
Rob takes Karen on her zoo experience. Emma sees a woman with heavy bruising. Feeling sorry for herself, Ayesha goes to a pub with Al and Jimmi, where Jimmi bumps into Heather.

Mar 08, 2015
Heston sees a depressed woman who is going through a divorce and is worried about her son who says there is a wolf in the shed. Ayesha realizes how much she missed Sierra at the weekend.

Mar 09, 2015
Zara sees a professor who keeps collapsing when he sees Mrs Tembe. Jimmi has another date with Heather. A sad Ayesha drops Sierra off with Tracey for the last time.

Mar 10, 2015
Al sees recently bereaved Mrs Jarvis who has high blood pressure and worries about every decision she makes. Ayesha bottles up her feelings. Zara hosts a staff meeting. Heather announces she's left her boyfriend and has nowhere to live.

Mar 11, 2015
Rob answers a call from a PC who says he's being shot at. Karen thinks it strange though when Rob identifies the shooter. Having doubts after spending the night at Jimmi's, Heather decides she wants to meet his friends.

Mar 12, 2015
Heston sees the wife, and mistress of a prospective MP and uncovers a web of lies and deceit. It's the night of Jimmi's party, though it doesn't all go according to plan.

Mar 15, 2015
Ayesha meets up with an old friend who's been in jail for dealing drugs. Heather demands to know if Jimmi has any more secrets after finding out about his two marriages. Barry starts to update the Mill's security system.

Mar 16, 2015
Niamh finds a patient of hers dead on the ground outside his house. At the station, Rob interviews his twin brother, Niamh, and his jealous PA, Amy, to find out the truth of whether he jumped or was pushed.

Mar 17, 2015
Al sees a doctor and writer who he believes has Diptheria. It's his daughter's wedding day, and she needs to be found. Zara has a very busy day. Jimmi has a girls night round Emma's.

Mar 18, 2015
Rob and a WPC come across a crashed car. They seek out the owner only to find he's had his identity stolen. Mrs Tembe helps Barry with his interview technique. Jimmi and Heather go ten pin bowling.

Mar 19, 2015
Heston sees a man with breathlessness and palpitations who has had a heart by-pass. Al gets excited over the eclipse. Zara dumps another child minder, and Heather gets a shock.

Mar 22, 2015
Whilst at a restaurant, Emma stumbles across a woman who's waters have broken and is scared of childbirth. Barry gives Rob details of a string of break-ins at the Campus. Heather confides in Niamh that her baby is Phil's.

Mar 23, 2015
Steph, a physiotherapist and friend of Ayesha's, does some work at the Mill. Her latest client is a fit snowboarder who's asked her to join his entourage on tour. Jimmi is all miserable, and Zara has another bad day.

Mar 24, 2015
It's the day of Barry's interview, though he's a bit nervous. Karen goes to her bereaved friend Jill's party. Jimmi and Heather try to decide what to do following her bombshell about the baby.

Mar 25, 2015
Barry has to put up with a cocky work experience lad. Jimmi and Heather go to the abortion clinic and make a big decision. Zara tries to open up to Ayesha.

Mar 26, 2015
Zara is finding it difficult dealing with Joe and work, especially when he bites a girl at a play-date. Mrs Tembe gets Rob's help in talking to Barry, who's handed in his resignation. Jimmi opens up to Al.
Doctors Season 17 (2014) is released on Mar 31, 2014 and the latest season 23 of Doctors is released in 2021. Watch Doctors online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. Doctors is directed by Niall Fraser,Dominic Keavey,Paul Gibson,Terry Iland and created by Abigail Abban-Mensah with Adrian Lewis Morgan and Jan Pearson.
The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.