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Episodes (253)

Jan 02, 2014
Will has a run in with the birdwatcher and is suspicious of what he knows. Kate suggests to Sami that know that E.J. knows he can use that information to make her marry him. Abigail sends Nick a text wondering his location. Later, Abigail is with Gabi when Kate returns the message. Rafe over does it and ends up taking a fall when Jordan stops by.

Jan 03, 2014
Daniel informs Maggie that Brady has relapsed. Brady is on the park scoring more coke when he is jumped and beat up by two thugs. Daniel and Nicole arrive just in time to save him from a more severe beating. Eric wrestles with his growing feelings for Nicole telling Father Matt of the dream he had of Nicole with another man. The tension arises between Sami and E.J. as he gives her an ultimatum. Sami tells E.J. that if he tells her the truth about Kristen she will marry him but E.J. sticks to his story. Gabi is shocked by the text message Abigail receives. Gabi rushes ...

Jan 06, 2014
Brady tells Victor that he started using cocaine again and Victor is surprising supportive but both Victor and Maggie challenge Brady when he says his addiction is limited to cocaine. Later, Hope arrives at the mansion and informs Brady that the trail on Kristen has gone cold and that John found out that Colleen Brady is not his mother. After Hope leaves, Brady takes a drink. Victor fulfills his promise to Maggie and apologizes to Marlena an apology she rejects. E.J. finds Abigail at the Horton cabin and tries to cover for Gabi's behavior. The two end up in a romantic...

Jan 07, 2014
Jennifer overhears JJ having a tense phone conversation with Theresa but JJ is able to cover telling Jennifer that it is just some kids from school. Later, Eric drops by to talk to Jennifer about his job taking photographs at the hospital and lets it slip that Jennifer doesn't know the whole story about Daniel. Daniel confronts the drug dealer and Nicole ends up showing up as well they tell him that if he doesn't leave Brady alone they will give his picture to Victor. Eric finally agrees to be interviewed by Nicole. Brady continues to drink and attends an AA meeting ...

Jan 08, 2014
The officer demands the JJ and Rory open their back packs until the shop owner arrives that clears the two. Hope realizes that Ciara could be being bullied at school. Sheryl notices Jordan at the Club and gives a reaction that Kate wasn't expecting. Gabi worries that E.J. wasn't able to convince Abigail not to tell Hope about Gabi acting strangely to Nick's text messages.

Jan 09, 2014
Eric agrees to sit down with Nicole for an interview. Daniel believes he has figured out how Eric was drugged. Stefano gets word that Daniel is close to uncovering the truth. Abigail nearly tells Jennifer that she slept with E.J. but changes her mind. Sheryl and Jordan come face to face.

Jan 10, 2014
Stefano sends Dr. Chyka to destroy and evidence Daniel has uncovered that could incriminate Kristen. Eric admits in his interview that he regrets hurting her the most. Brady makes his amends to Daniel and Nicole but is still hesitant to do the same with Eric. Jennifer arrives at the DiMera mansion to confront E.J. about his involvement in faking Chad's brain tumor. Gabi shows up at the Horton house to corroborate what E.J. told Abigail. Jordan is surprised to see Sheryl in Salem and the two later meet in the park unaware that Kate is listening in. Jordan tries to warn...

Jan 13, 2014
Dr. Chyka pretends to be a colleague Daniel was expecting the next day. Daniel is called away by JJ and Dr. Chyka sneaks back into his office and destroys all his medical records on his computer. Marlena realizes that Eric has feelings for Nicole and warns him that Nicole's past makes her susceptible to attachment disorders. Maggie asks Nicole for help convincing Brady to enter a rehab program. JJ nearly tells Daniel about Theresa but she arrives on scene and he has to make up another excuse to cover. Sami arrives home and nearly overhears E.J and Abigail discussing ...

Jan 14, 2014
Eric tells Marlena that he told Father Matt about his romantic feelings for Nicole and Marlena worries that this could prevent Eric from being reinstated. Nicole is shocked to find Dr. Chyka in Daniel's apartment. Dr. Chyka attempts to cover with a story that Daniel knows he is there but Nicole reaches for the phone to call Daniel. Dr. Chyka attacks Nicole and injects her with a syringe. Eric stops by Daniel's apartment and when he enters he finds Nicole on the couch. Dr. Chyka attacks Eric from behind and takes the two to the basement. Daniel is confused as to how ...

Jan 15, 2014
Nicole and Eric awaken to find themselves tied up and Dr. Chyka getting ready to inject them with a drug to make them forget everything. Daniel realizes that his home computer has also been tampered with. Jennifer arrives with a device that might help Daniel recover his files from the tech at the office. As the two talk they begin to make head way but Theresa arrives at Daniel's apartment. Sonny plans a romantic dinner for Will and proposes to him. Kate finds out that Nick's cell service is about to be cut off. Sheryl continues to not believe Jordan's accusations ...

Jan 16, 2014
Eric is able to knock the syringe out of Dr. Chyka's hand before he can inject Nicole. Jennifer encounters Theresa as she is leaving Daniel's apartment. Theresa asks Daniel to fill her in on the night she overdosed. Later, Theresa attempts to gloat at the hospital but ends up being surprised when Jennifer informs her that Nicole is living with Daniel. Will turns down Sonny's proposal but Sonny realizes they were rushing things.

Jan 17, 2014
Nicole pleads with Dr. Chyka to reconsider killing her and Eric. Dr. Chyka decides not to inject them but creates a gas leak. As the basement fills with gas, Eric tells Nicole that he loves her. Abigail and E.J. meet at Smith Island unaware that someone is watching them. Brady's drinking continues to escalate. Theresa demands to know who Nicole is from JJ. Will asks Sonny to be Arianna's godfather. Julie continues to seek answers about Nick.

Jan 20, 2014
Daniel uses the GPS to try and track Eric's phone with Marlena and Roman's help but they just find it discarded in the trash. After Eric professes his love for her, Nicole tells him that she was lying about being in a relationship with Daniel in order to make Eric think she had moved on. Eric attempts to flip his shoe off to hit a button he believes will turn the power off to the building. When nothing happens he begins to lose hope. Daniel arrives back to the apartment and a woman is complaining about the air conditioning being off. Daniel begins to put two and two ...

Jan 21, 2014
Daniel rushes to save Eric and Nicole. Sami and E.J. begin to reconnect when Sami gets a call about Eric being at the hospital. When Roman questions E.J. about the doctor that Kristen was working with he insists he has no idea but Sami doesn't believe him. Julie asks Hope to look into Nick's whereabouts. Sheryl reveals to Lucas that she used to be roommates with Jordan. Later, Sheryl and Lucas are joined by Jordan and Rafe where they reminisce.

Jan 22, 2014
Julie tells Abigail that she doesn't believe Nick is sending those text messages and that something bad has happened to him. Abigail begins to wonder if E.J. did something to Nick and heads to the mansion to confront him. Sonny preps Gabi for any questions that Hope may ask about Nick. Brady is able to ID the man in the sketch as the man he ran into at the airport. Brady feels guilty about being unreachable when Eric and Nicole where in danger. JJ begins his plan to bring down Theresa and tells Bev all about what happened and he could be going to prison. Theresa ...

Jan 23, 2014
Abigail asks E.J. if he killed Nick but he denies it. Abigail than questions E.J. is Gabi killed Nick. Abigail returns to the church telling Sonny and Will that she needs to talk to Julie. Sonny and Will leave Abigail with Arianna and E.J. shows up to convince her not to say anything to Hope or Julie. Gabi freaks out when Julie tells her about her theory about Nick. Daniel tells Nicole that all the evidence they had on Eric being drugged is gone and that Eric may have to consider a future outside the church. Theresa uses a drunk Brady to win favor with Daniel. Hope is...

Jan 24, 2014
Julie pushes Hope to question Gabi about Nick. E.J. continues to try and get Abigail to wait to tell Julie about her suspicions about Nick. Abigail refuses to wait and after the christening ceremony she prepares to tell Julie and Hope. Before Abigail can tell them anything a very much alive Nick walks into the church.

Jan 27, 2014
A very much alive Nick walks into the church causing Gabi to faint. Nick claims to remember nothing and that he isn't positive how he hit his head but that some man saved him and fixed him up. Gabi, Sami and Kate worry that Nick will eventually reveal the truth. Abigail still insists on trying to tell Hope how odd Gabi was acting but E.J. corners her in the hospital storage closet. T asks Rafe for permission to ask Gabi on a date.

Jan 28, 2014
E.J. and Abigail start to have sex in the storage room but are interrupted when someone comes to the door. Nick tells Gabi that he hopes they can be together again and the encounter leaves Gabi shaken. Eric tells Father Louis about his conflicted feelings over Nicole and the church. Father Louis invites Eric on a retreat so he can think about his future. Daniel realizes that there may still be hope to clear Eric. JJ and Bev put their plan into motion to bring down Theresa.

Jan 29, 2014
Maggie tries to confront Brady about his drinking but he refuses to admit that he has a problem. Hope has another tense encounter with Aiden. Abigail tells E.J. that she won't tell Hope about her suspicions on Nick. JJ has to tell Abigail some of the details of his problems with Theresa when she catches them together. Theresa finds the check that JJ and Ben have planted in hopes she will cash it.

Jan 30, 2014
Jennifer catches JJ with Rory and Bev and assumes the worst. JJ worries that Theresa won't take the bait and cash the check. Theresa has someone make her a fake ID with Abigail's name so she can cash the check. Daniel finds the list of names of doctors that could possibly be the one that was working with Kristen. Nicole helps Daniel go through the names and when they find Dr. Chyka's picture they know they have their man. Rafe finds out that Nick is back in town. Eric discusses his future in the church with Brother Timothy.

Jan 31, 2014
Rafe confronts Nick about bothering Gabi and ends up falling. Jordan arrives to see Rafe on the ground and Nick not even making an attempt to help him up. Nicole tells Daniel that both she and Eric declared their love for each other but she wants it to be his choice to leave the church. Daniel and Nicole find an address for Dr. Chyka and instead of calling the police they head to the address in fear that someone will tip Chyka off. Brother Timothy tells Eric that he may have to give up both the church and Nicole. Maggie tells Victor about Brady's alcohol use. Victor ...

Feb 03, 2014
Abigail confronts Adrienne about telling Jennifer that she saw her with E.J. and defends E.J. when Adrienne makes comments about him. E.J. over hears the whole thing and follows Abigail to thank her. Nick reveals that he knows the bird watcher and wants Kate to hire him at Mad World as his assistant. Adrienne informs JJ that Justin is out of town and cannot make it back by his court date the following day. Adrienne tells JJ that Justin can file for a continuance and delay the trial or a lawyer friend of his can cover for him. After Adrienne leaves, JJ freaks out ...

Feb 04, 2014
Daniel and Nicole find Dr. Chyka's hide out. Dr. Chyka prepares to get out of town. JJ refuses the pot Rory offered him. Theresa also turns down the drink that Brady tried to offer her. Theresa finally heads to a store to cash the check and JJ arrives to catch her in the act. Brady attempts to show Jennifer he doesn't have an alcohol problem but ordering a glass of wine and leaving it untouched. Abigail finds E.J. at the gym shower and the two start to have sex just as Sami arrives back home early unexpectedly.

Feb 05, 2014
Sami arrives back home early and surprises E.J. at the athletic club. E.J. is able to cover and Sami has no idea Abigail is in the shower. Abigail ends up over hearing that Sami and E.J. are no longer sharing a bed. Daniel and Nicole are able to tie up Dr. Chyka. Brother Timothy suggests to Eric that he should become a monk by Eric turns him down. JJ reveals to Theresa that they set her up with the check and have it all on video.

Feb 06, 2014
Daniel injects Dr. Chyka with truth serum. Abe gives Brady a letter from John which sends Brady back to the bottle. JJ is able to use the footage he has on Theresa cashing the check to get her to keep quiet about the video she has on JJ. Hope and Ciara meet with Father Louis, Aiden and Chase. Hope dislike for Aiden continues.

Feb 07, 2014
The truth serum is working and Nicole and Daniel are getting what they need to clear Eric on tape until one of Stefano's henchmen barges in with a gun. Eric considers a possible future with Nicole. Jordan and Rafe share and evening with Sheryl and Lucas. Kate uses the opportunity to sneak into Jordan's apartment where she finds Jordan's fake ID's. Lucas calls Kate to warn her and Jordan has left the club but it is to late as Jordan arrives home with Kate still in the apartment. Gabi continues to stress out over Nick.

Feb 10, 2014
Kate has to hide under Jordan's bed when she arrives home. Kate's cat allergy kicks in and she texts Lucas to get Jordan back to the club. Lucas not knowing what else to do trips Rafe and has Sheryl call Jordan back to check on him. Adrienne apologizes to Abigail for telling Jennifer about seeing her with E.J., later Sami, E.J. and Johnny show up at the pub and Abigail gets roped into helping Johnny make cupcakes. Daniel gets the upper hand with Ricardo. As Daniel takes care of Ricardo, Nicole is left alone with Dr. Chyka who is able to escape but not before giving ...

Feb 11, 2014
Nicole is excited to have all the evidence she needs to clear Eric's name. Nicole is surprised to find Brady at Daniel's apartment and when she tries to explain what she found he shuts her down refusing to listen. Eric returns to Salem and tells Father Louis that he has made his decision. Later, Eric shows up at Daniel's and tells Nicole he has asked to be released from his vows and wants to be with her. Sami and Sonny find out that Kate has given Nick his job back and go to confront her. Abigail arrives at the DiMera mansion to help Johnny with his cupcake baking.

Feb 12, 2014
Nick finally admits to remembering everything that happened the night he was thrown into the lake. Nick also lets Sami, Kate and Gabi know that Percy was the one that saved him. Rafe gets jealous when he hears Jordan talking about Arthur, not realizing it is her cat. Abigail cannot get over E.J. Nicole is surprised by Eric telling her that he is giving up the priest hood for her.

Feb 06, 2014
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 14, 2014
Will finally gives Sonny an answer to his proposal: yes. Judge Wyner gives JJ a year probation and community service. Victor continues to think that Brady doesn't have a drinking problem but when Brady flips out over Victor noting his one drink for the day he realizes Maggie may be right. Hope gives the bad news to Eric, Daniel and Nicole that Dr. Chyka has escaped to Morocco and the cabin is clear of any evidence.

Feb 17, 2014
Theresa tries to blackmail Daniel into sleeping with her than when that doesn't work she asks for money. Gabi compares Nick to E.J. pointing out to Sami all the terrible things they did to each other. Abigail and E.J. are in the middle of discussing their affair when Sami arrives possibly overhearing everything.

Feb 18, 2014
JJ shows up before Daniel writes a check to Theresa. JJ lets her know that if she turns either one of them in that he will expose her trying to cash the check. Sami doesn't overhear anything with E.J. and Abigail. Later, Will and Sonny tell Sami and Lucas about their engagement. When Sami returns home later, she and E.J. make love. Kate is mad when her P.I. cannot dig up anything on Jordan. Lucas points out that the ID's may not be of names Jordan has used but ones she could be using in the future. Jennifer goes on another date with Liam and JJ decides that he needs ...

Feb 19, 2014
Eric breaks the news to Marlena and Roman that he is leaving the church. Nicole destroys the documents she found clearing Eric. Marlena is suspicions of Nicole when she reveals her involvement with Dr. Chyka escaping. Nick says something to Abigail that causes her to not want to give up on E.J. and she goes to tell him. Sonny and Gabi come to blows over Nick.

Feb 21, 2014
JJ finally tells Jennifer the whole truth about the night that Theresa overdosed. Abigail confronts E.J. about her feelings and realizes that he is sleeping with Sami again but insists that they have something special. Marlena is skeptical of Nicole's involvement with Dr. Chyka escaping. Theresa announces that she is done with AA and later bonds with Brady.

Feb 24, 2014
E.J. goes to extremes to end things with Abigail. Sami finds out that Eric has left the church and blames Nicole. Later, after Eric explains the whole story to Sami he returns home and promises E.J. that she will make the DiMera's pay for ruining Eric's life. Jennifer tells Daniel that JJ told her the whole truth. Daniel doesn't think they can be seen together because Theresa may go public and not care if it means she gets sent to prison. Sonny cuts Brady off at the club and when Brady leaves he feels he is being watched.

Feb 25, 2014
Nicole attempts to figure out a way to put the evidence she shredded back together. Sami goes off on the DiMera family for what Kristen did to Eric but tells E.J. that she doesn't include him in her rant. Brady storms into the Kiriakis mansion and accuses Victor and Brady of having her followed. Daniel tells Theresa that he is back with Jennifer and if she does anything to hurt Jennifer or JJ that he will ruin her life.

Feb 26, 2014
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 27, 2014
Nick makes sure that T overhears him pretending to talk to Gabi. Gabi is delighted at Sonny and Will's engagement news but begins to make plans to move out. Later, Nick shows up and preys on Gabi's insecurities. Aiden makes a comment about all of Ciara's expensive earrings unaware that Hope is planning to make Ciara donate them. Jordan runs into Ben.

Feb 28, 2014
JJ's community service gets off to a rocky start when Anne rejects that he completes it at the hospital and he is late for his new assignment. Marlena seeks out Stefano to make a deal in tracking down Dr. Chyka. Jordan is not happy to see Ben has followed her to Salem. Rafe tells Sami that it won't be long before E.J. hurts her again. Jennifer offers Eric a photography job at the hospital. Nicole preps for her date with Eric.

Mar 03, 2014
Sonny attempts to threaten Nick to stay away from Gabi but the tables are turned when Nick reveals that he knows about Sonny's involvement in Nick's "death". Later, Nick tells Sami that she needs to offer Gabi a modeling job at Countess W or he will ruin things for her. Eric and Nicole go on their date but there are interrupted by a rude on looker and a drunken Brady and Theresa. Brady and Theresa return to her apartment where they make out. JJ and Bev are making out when JJ knocks over her purse and sees some pot and kicks her out. Later, JJ returns to the town ...

Mar 04, 2014
Johnny tells Sami that Abigail likes Rafe mistaken a conversation Abigail had with E.J. about art. Sami asks Abigail to help her learn more about art. Kate gives the information she learned from Sheryl about Jordan refusing to go to the Ozarks to her PI. Theresa tempts Brady with coke but he refuses. Nick tells Gabi that he suggest to Sami that she hire Gabi for a modeling job. Jordan makes plans to leave Salem. John shows up at Theresa's door.

Mar 05, 2014
Brady is not pleased to see John is back in town. Hope confronts Sami about the expensive earrings she bough Ciara. Hope has to leave the school bake sale when John texts her. John tells her that Bo is going undercover for a year and will not be able to contact her. Nick continues to dictate things at Countess W refusing to change his formula. Rafe is thrown with Jordan's announcement that she is leaving Salem.

Mar 06, 2014
Marlena arranges things with Stefano to chat with Dr. Chyka. Jennifer breaks things off with Liam but he does not take it well. Hope continues to reel from the news that Bo will be undercover for a year. Nicole deals with guilt over not handing over the evidence Dr. Chyka had on Eric.

Mar 07, 2014
Abigail continues to not feel well and Sami suggests that she could be pregnant. Nicole nearly tells Daniel about shredding the evidence. John and Marlena have a tense reunion and it is clear that John kept close tabs on her while he was gone. Someone posts nasty comments about Jennifer on the hospital web page.

Mar 10, 2014
Abigail reels from Sami's suggestion that she could be pregnant. Later, Sami spills Abigail's dilemma to E.J. who realizes that he would be the father. JJ has another run in with the mystery girl at school and later finds out they are both doing community service. Jennifer accuses Anne of the nasty comments written about her on the hospital website. Anne assumes Theresa is behind the comments and congratulates her. Will is not happy to learn that the modeling contract with Nick's idea. Eric tells Nicole that he wants to wait to have sex until he is married.

Mar 11, 2014
E.J. panics when he hears that Abigail may be pregnant. Sonny walks in on Gabi and Nick getting close and is furious. Later, Sonny confides in Victor about his issues with Nick. Rafe surprises Jordan with a romantic evening. JJ is happy to see the mystery girl at community service and she introduces herself as Paige and that she is volunteering not doing mandatory community service.

Mar 12, 2014
Hope gives Marlena a device to track Chyka's location which she is able to sneak past Stefano's security team. Abigail has doubts about trusting E.J. with the pregnancy test. Jordan changes her mind about leaving town. JJ finds out the Paige studies in the library and arranges to run into her. One of Paige's friends fills her in on JJ's past but Paige defends JJ.

Mar 13, 2014
Ciara has a run in with Chase and Aiden punishes him for teasing Ciara. Hope begins to see Aiden differently. Sami, Adrienne, Will and Sonny meet up to discuss wedding plans. Sami refuses to help Adrienne convince the boys to wait. Abigail tells E.J. that she is letting him off the hook if she is pregnant but E.J. refuses to not be involved if she is pregnant with his child. Sami shows up looking for Abigail and E.J. hides. Sami encourages Abigail to be honest with the babies father. Marlena is caught with the tracking device and cannot get anymore information out of ...

Mar 14, 2014
Marlena has to admit that when she talked to Chyka it was to get dirt on Nicole and not to clear Eric's name. Jennifer tells Daniel that she knows about Daniel and Nicole's lie to pretend to be a couple for Eric's sake. Later, Daniel visits Nicole and when she goes to take a shower he finds the taped up piece of evidence in her desk drawer. Gabi tells Sonny that Nick is the only one that gets her. E.J. has to go out a window and sit on a ledge when he knocks over some brochures and Sami hears. E.J. is unable to get out before Liam has a group of men with erectile ...

Mar 17, 2014
Nicole is able to cover when Daniel finds the paper from Chyka to Kristen in her desk drawer telling him that it was sent to her at the station and is probably from Stefano. Jennifer's photo shopped picture goes viral and a steamed Anne confronts her about accusing her. Jennifer realizes that Anne is not to blame and figures it must be Theresa. Sami spots the flyer E.J. is holding about ED and first thinks it is her fault for keeping E.J. at bay for so long but than assumes that E.J. is there for Stefano. Eric finds Liam in Jennifer's office to offer support and is ...

Mar 18, 2014
JJ finds out that Paige posted an article about being anti-drug and believes it is a dig at him. Rory and Bev send Paige a friend request from JJ's social media account. Abigail suggests to E.J. that she leave town and have the baby and give it up for adoption. E.J. immediately shoots down the idea refusing to abandon his child. Abigail and E.J. await the results of the pregnancy test. Jennifer confronts Theresa about the picture. Later, Daniel runs into Theresa and threatens her which Liam over hears. John attempts to talk to Brady but Brady leaves the Pub drunk ...

Mar 19, 2014
The doctor tells Abigail that she is not pregnant but later has a conversation with Stefano. Kate is not thrilled to hear that Jordan is sticking around Salem. Brady become jealous when he sees Theresa and Liam together. Paige receives the friend request from JJ and Mary Beth thinks JJ is stalking Paige. Paige confronts JJ about the request and JJ realizes that Bev and Rory sent it.

Mar 20, 2014
Maggie walks in on Theresa and Brady getting ready to have sex on the living room couch. Nicole attempts to seduce Eric but he realizes what she is up to and the two fight. Hope and Aiden decide to attend Jennifer and Daniel's party thinking the other will not be there. Later, Jennifer and Daniel's party becomes awkward with Nicole and Eric fighting and Hope and Aiden not liking each other. Liam makes up an excuse to stop by Jennifer's house knowing she is not there. Liam sneaks off and steals one of Jennifer's night gowns.

Mar 21, 2014
Kate finally makes good on her promise to join Stefano for dinner. Gabi has dinner with Nick and Sami is furious when she sees the two together. Maxine makes a toast to Jennifer and Daniel and tries to end the hostility in the room. Later, Hope and Aiden agree to remain civil for their children's sake. Liam fantasies about killing Daniel and stepping into comfort Jennifer. Later, Liam watches Jennifer and Daniel through the window. Eric and Nicole make amends after their fight.

Mar 24, 2014
Lucas warns Nick to stay away from Sheryl. Nick discovers the reason that Kate hired Sheryl. Sami confronts Kate about having dinner with Stefano and warns her to not get pulled back in by him. Jordan and Ben argue and Rafe arrives just as Ben is grabbing Jordan and Rafe punches him. Brady begins to realize that he may have a problem and apologizes to Maggie. Later, Brady arrives at the pub to hear Theresa accusing John of trying to keep her and Brady apart.

Mar 25, 2014
Kate and Sami bicker over Rafe. Jordan reveals that Ben is her brother after him and Rafe get into a physical fight. Will and Sonny ask Marlena to officiate their wedding. Nick eavesdrop on E.J. trying to warn Gabi about him.

Mar 26, 2014
Liam obsesses over Jennifer hoping to find a way to make Jennifer think Daniel slept with Theresa. Liam takes Theresa out to lunch and his continual questions about Jennifer and Daniel make Theresa realize that Liam is the one harassing Jennifer. Nicole tells Daniel that she and Eric were discussing marriage. Eric talks to Father Louis about Nicole and realizes that he and Nicole could not marry in the church due to her previous divorces. Nick makes comments to Will regarding Sonny. Gabi tries to get Sonny to invite Nick to the wedding.

Mar 27, 2014
Theresa attempts to tell Daniel about Liam but when Daniel goes after her about Brady she changes her mind and keeps the information to herself. Marlena asks Nicole to come to the wedding with Eric. Nicole questions Marlena's sincerity and motives. Jennifer encourages Abe to ask Maxine to be his date to the wedding. John pressures Brady about his drinking and tells him his mother would be ashamed of his drinking. JJ informs Paige that Rory and Bev sent the friend request to her.

Mar 28, 2014
Kayla meets Aiden and is attracted to him. Later, Kayla asks Hope about Aiden and Hope attempts to downplay him. After Kayla leaves, Hope realizes that Aiden overheard everything. Hope informs Nicole that the search for Chyka is over for the time being. Theresa gives Liam the key to Daniel's apartment. Eric attempts to talk to Brady but Brady rejects him. Sonny and Will ask their fathers to speak at their weddings but have to deal with their mother's later. Nicole tries to get rid of the shredded evidence and is caught by Liam.

Mar 31, 2014
Aiden lets Hope know that he overheard everything she said about him to Kayla. Nick works Gabi to make her feel sorry for him. Everyone gathers for Sonny and Will's bachelor party. T orders a male stripper but a female one shows up instead. Liam uses the key that Theresa gave him and breaks into Daniel's apartment.

Apr 01, 2014
Marlena runs into trouble getting her certification and turns to EJ. and Sami for help. Caroline worries that she will forget things when she is giving her speech and Kayla helps her write everything down. Victor tells off a business associate when he disapproves of Sonny and Will's marriage. Rafe puts Ben on notice and later calls Jordan to ask her to be his date to the wedding. Gabi overhears Sonny on the phone telling someone that he will deal with Nick after the wedding.

Apr 02, 2014
E.J. able to procure Marlena's certificate to officiate the wedding. Liam breaks into Jennifer's house thinking that no one will show up since they are at the wedding. Daniel and Nicole end up dropping by to pick up some of Parker's things. Sonny informs Gabi that he was talking about a vendor at work named Nick not Nick Fallon. The wedding begins.

Apr 03, 2014
Sonny and Will's wedding continues as Caroline gives a moving speech about a couple she knew whose families didn't agree with their homosexuality. Justin and Lucas also give heartfelt speeches for their sons. At the reception, Theresa confronts Jennifer who still thinks she is behind the attacks. Theresa ends up running into a caterer and ruining her dress. Liam goes undetected at Jennifer's house by Daniel and Nicole. Liam steals Jennifer's checkbook and breaks into Daniel's apartment and puts it in the box of toys Daniel picked up at Jennifer. Nicole realizes that ...

Apr 04, 2014
Eric tells Nicole that he doesn't think he can marry her if they cannot marry in the church. Jennifer is furious when she finds her checkbook in with the toys Daniel picked up. Liam listens in and is happy to cause trouble in their relationship assuming he can swoop in. Daniel thinks Nicole put the checkbook in the box as a joke but she swears she had nothing to do with it. Later, Jennifer shows up and forgives Daniel. Nick comes over to Gabi's and the two end up making out on the couch just as Sami arrives.

Apr 07, 2014
Stefano reveals to E.J. that he knows all about his affair and pregnancy scare with Abigail. Nick has to hide when Sami shows up who launches into attacks on him not knowing he is in the apartment. Nicole misunderstands a voice mail that Marlena is leaving for Eric and confronts her. Eric is tempted by Theresa's offer to get some cocaine. Father Louis asks Hope and Aiden to chair the fund raising committee. Nicole gives Eric an ultimatum that it is either her or the church. Someone pieces together the pieces of the evidence Nicole shredded.

Apr 08, 2014
Rafe attempts a search on Ben using the last name Ridgeway but comes up with nothing. Jordan warns Ben about keeping their past secret. Sheryl and Lucas return to his place and end up in bed. Kate ends up calling Lucas and leaving a message about her latest finding on Jordan. Abigail accidentally runs into Paige on her run and breaks her phone screen and Abigail brings her back to her house. JJ ends up asking Paige out on date. Hope overhears Aiden talking to his son who is upset about staying in Salem.

Apr 09, 2014
Jennifer and Daniel run into JJ and Paige in the town square. Jennifer is curious about JJ's new friend and Daniel pulls her aside to tell her that JJ is obviously really into this girl. Later, JJ arranges for Paige to talk to Daniel about a career in medicine. Liam listens in and gains knowledge about Daniel routine and later breaks into Daniel's apartment and puts something in his drink. Sheryl confronts Kate over the message she heard. Kate tells Sheryl that if she reveals anything to Jordan she will be out of a job and Kate will have her blacklisted to other ...

Apr 10, 2014
Daniel becomes overly tired while operating on a patient and has to leave the operating room. Daniel worries his tremors have returned as his hands shake but a drug test reveals he has a prescription medication in his system. Liam returns to Daniel's apartment and destroys all the evidence but runs into Nicole at the elevator. Eric tells Nicole that he is choosing her. Brady tells Theresa that he still wants to she her. Hope comes to Chase's rescue when he is mugged in the town square. Bev doesn't like JJ spending time with Paige.

Apr 11, 2014
Julie confronts Sami about Nick not being invited to Will and Sonny's wedding. Later, Sami sees Nick's shoe and realizes Gabi lied to her. Nicole questions Liam on why he is at Daniel's apartment building. Liam attempts to cover but throws it out that he saw Nicole dumping things in the trash can. Daniel is put on suspension while a team investigates if he was drugged.

Apr 14, 2014
Sami pushes Gabi to make a decision to leave the apartment with Arianna. Nick warns E.J. about keeping Sami on a leash or everyone will suffer. Eric attempts to get Theresa to confess. Rafe confronts Nick about seeing Gabi again. Liam attempts to plant doubts about Daniel in Jennifer's head.

Apr 15, 2014
Liam shows Nicole that he knows about the evidence she attempted to dispose of since he took the trash and pieced it back together. Sami vents to E.J. about Nick and he wonders if she wants him dead. Will is able to convince Gabi to stay by promising that Sami will not bother her. Will angrily asks Sami for her key to his apartment back. Jennifer tries to calm Daniel down and tells him not to go after Theresa yet. Rafe punches Nick in the face.

Apr 16, 2014
Nicole tries to tell Daniel the truth but is interrupted. Brady warns Theresa that if she was involved in even the smallest way he will destroy her. Aiden tells Marlena that he wasn't looking to refer someone but looking to see Marlena himself. Chase gives Hope a thank you note. JJ ends up standing up Paige when he hears about Daniel being suspended. Later, he texts Paige but Marybeth intercepts the text and deletes it. Daniel runs into Theresa at the park.

Apr 17, 2014
Rafe curiosity about what Gabi is hiding grows. Will tells Gabi that he wants an official custody arrangement. Daniel has a run in with Theresa in the park and tries to get her to admit to drugging him. Aiden and Hope try to convince a man that reserved the venue they want to give up his date. Brady tells Theresa he cannot see her anymore if he wants to be serious about getting clean.

Apr 18, 2014
Someone prints photos of E.J. and Abigail together and slides them under the DiMera mansion door. Later, Sami appears to have discovered the envelope on the floor. Rafe has to restrain himself when he sees Gabi with Nick after Will's warning that Nick has the power to get Gabi in legal trouble. Hope and Aiden face another dilemma for their fund raiser when a wealthy women doesn't want to donate an item for the auction. The women agrees to attend if Roman will be her date. Paige attempts to avoid JJ thinking he stood her up. JJ shows Paige that he sent her a text and ...

Apr 21, 2014
E.J. fantasies what would happen if Sami discovered he had an affair when he sees the picture that was in the envelope that Sami nearly opened. Sami finally picks a wedding dress and asks E.J. if they could just elope.

Apr 22, 2014
Liam hires a woman to give Jennifer information on drugs Liam placed in Daniel's apartment. Daniel faces the disciplinary committee at the hospital. Rafe uses his FBI contacts to run a check on what Nick was up to when he was in New York and is surprised by the fact that it comes back with nothing. Nick tries to lead Gabi into thinking that Sami is trying to take Arianna from her.

Apr 23, 2014
Jennifer verifies with the pharmacy that the pill bottle she found with her name on it is real. Nicole is able to track down Liam's ex-wife who initially refuses to meet her. Sami and Kate worry that Nick will find away to place all the blame on them leaving Gabi in the clear. Paige finds out that she got into Stanford.

Apr 24, 2014
Debra fills Nicole in on Liam's past, that he uses women who all look like a woman that cheated on him when things don't work out he begins stalking them. Debra gives Nicole a key to a safe deposit box where Liam likely hid the evidence he has on Nicole. Theresa worries that Liam situation will expose her involvement. Nick arranges for Gabi to meet with Liam about a custody arrangement. JJ is upset to learn that Paige got into Stanford. Jennifer realizes that Daniel has been set up. Liam overhears everything including that Jennifer plans to head to the Horton Cabin.

Apr 25, 2014
Liam catches Nicole before she can find anything in his safety deposit box. E.J. is desperate to figure out who took the photo of him and Abigail. Nick tells Sami that his past better not come up in the custody case. Ben warns Rafe not to hurt Jordan. Daniel confront Theresa who continues to insist that she had nothing to do with his drugging. Later, Theresa calls her mother and makes plans to leave town. Liam arrives at the cabin before Jennifer leaves.

Apr 28, 2014
Liam corners Jennifer at the cabin revealing that he was behind drugging Daniel and all the other things that have been happening to them. Nicole seeks help from Rafe with Liam. E.J. continues to search for the person who followed him and Abigail and took the picture. Later, a picture prints out of a computer with Percy Ruggles boarding the ferry the day E.J. and Abigail were at the cabin. Abigail and Nick argue and Ben rushes up and attacks Nick thinking he is going to hurt Abigail. Will is devastated to she the custody agreement Gabi had drawn up reducing the time ...

Apr 29, 2014
Eric suggests to Daniel that they seek help from Brady to get Theresa to confess. Theresa eventually admits that she knows who is behind Daniel's drugging and they are surprised when she tells them it is Liam. Nicole badgers Maggie for information on where Jennifer has gone. Nicole races to the cabin thinking that Liam is going to tell Jennifer about the evidence she destroyed and walks in as Liam is holding a gun to Jennifer. Jordan admits to Rafe that she loves him. Abe and Maxine enjoy a day in the park with Theo and discuss their deceased spouses.

Apr 30, 2014
Ciara makes a deal with Aiden to convince Roman to be Giselle's date to the gala. Sami is furious when she learns of the custody agreement. E.J. doesn't recognize any of the people in the photo until Johnny points out that one of them is the Santa from the square. Theresa finally admits what she knows about Liam without letting on that she gave him the key to Daniel's apartment. Eric and Daniel head to the island trying to warn Jennifer about Liam. Liam holds Jennifer and Nicole at gun point and demands that Nicole tell Jennifer the truth. They end up being able to ...

May 01, 2014
Daniel recovers in time to save Nicole and Jennifer and Liam ends up dead when he accidentally falls on a stick he was waving around. Nicole thinks she has taken care of the photo evidence but doesn't know where Liam kept the paper copy of the letter she shredded. JJ goes on a date with Bev that is interrupted when he gets the call about his mother. Bev gives Paige a warning about staying away from JJ.

May 02, 2014
Nick pushes Gabi to pursue the custody agreement as it is currently written. Kate and Jordan confront each other in the park with Kate ready to reveal that she knows about Jordan's multiple identities. Abigail confronts Nick about how angry he got with her before and Nick gets upset again and tells Abigail she needs to make better choices about men. E.J. confronts Percy about taking the photo and working for Nick.

May 05, 2014
E.J. attempts to shut Nick down but realizes that he will need to take drastic action. Abigail is stunned when Nick calls her E.J.'s whore. Sami asks Maggie for her help with Nick. Kate reveals to Jordan that she broke into her apartment and found her fake I.D.'s. Jordan tells Ben they need to leave town but he tries to convince her that running is not the option. Ciara lays her guilt trip down on Roman who agrees to go to the gala with Giselle. Aiden has to admit his and Ciara's plan to Hope.

May 06, 2014
Jordan sees Kate talking to Rafe and nearly thinks that Kate is revealing everything to him. Nick reveals that he knows about Abigail and E.J.'s affair and has photo's to prove it. E.J. and Sami decide to hire a hit man to kill Nick. Sami has second thoughts and tries to stop the hit. Eric proposes to Nicole.

May 07, 2014
E.J. assures Abigail that he will not let Nick expose their affair. Sami attempts to avoid Nick but he tracks her down telling her that he is pulling the strings by giving Will and Sonny a wedding present and helping Allie with her homework. Jennifer and Daniel return to Smith Island so Jennifer can look for her necklace while there Daniel finds the shredded letter from Chyka. Paige opens up to JJ about her father leaving her family while JJ shares about Jack. Nicole accepts Eric's marriage proposal. Sonny and Nick have a nasty encounter forcing Sonny to take matters ...

May 08, 2014
Gabi overhears Jordan making plans to try and leave town. Rafe has to break up a fight between Will and Nick. Sonny takes a gun from the Kiriakis Mansion. Abigail seeks help from Gabi about Nick but realizes that Gabi is in even deeper than she is with Nick. JJ tells Bev that he and Paige are getting back together. Daniel finds the shredded evidence proving that Eric was drugged and he realizes that Nicole had found and gotten rid of the documents.

May 09, 2014
Rafe confronts Jordan about trying to leave town again. Ben finds out that Nick is still bothering Abigail. Will, Sonny and Lucas all find out about the court date has been set for custody. Will talks Sonny out of using his gun on Nick and they leave it in the closet. Julie tells Nick that he should talk to someone about everything that has happened to him. Nick calls Marlena and leaves a voice mail suddenly Nick stops talking because he has been shot in the back then several more times in the front. Nick stumbles into the Horton square were several people that have ...

May 12, 2014
Nick tries to point out who shot him before he passes out. Allie is in shock over seeing Nick's shot. Julie is beside herself and knows one of the people in the square did this to Nick. The doctors are unable to save Nick and he dies. Hope, Maggie, Gabi and Julie all say their goodbyes to Nick.

May 13, 2014
Marlena discovers that Nick had called her and left a voice mail when he was shot. Abigail tells Jennifer that she is not upset that Nick is gone after how he treated her at the end. Brady tells Theresa that he has been rethinking their relationship. Daniel prepares to confront Nicole about destroying the evidence.

May 14, 2014
Sami overhears Marlena listening to the message Nick left and is clearly rattled. Later, when Marlena replays it they hear Nick being shot and Sami slips in saying that "he shot him while he was calling" to E.J. but Marlena doesn't catch it. Gabi tells Will and Sonny that she is canceling the custody hearing. Sonny tries to return the gun to the Kiriakis mansion but is stopped by an officer and brought in for questioning with Hope. Daniel confronts Nicole about the evidence he found that clears Eric and proves he was drugged.

May 15, 2014
Nicole tries to deny everything about the evidence that Daniel found but she eventually has to admit to everything. Will admits to Hope that he and Nick had gotten into a physical altercation the day Nick died and that he threatened to kill him. Jordan warns Ben that things could look bad for him if the police find out he has an unregistered gun. Hope shows E.J. photo's of him leaving Countess W after Nick looking angry.

May 16, 2014
Daniel tells Nicole that she has to tell Eric the truth. Abigail is questioned by Marlena and has to admit that she and Nick were not getting along at the end and that Ben and Nick had gotten into a physical altercation. Will tells Marlena that he is not upset that Nick is dead. Sami and Lucas worry about Allie. Sami is stopped by the hit man in the park.

May 19, 2014
Nicole tries to tell Eric about the evidence she found and tried to destroy but Eric professes his love and they make love. The hit man stops Sami in the park and tells her and that he needs to see E.J. immediately. E.J. thinks it is because he now wants more money but when he returns to the mansion he returns with a refund since the hit man wasn't the one that killed Nick. Hope questions Lucas and pokes holes in his story and tells him that they know he was texting Nick before he died. Theresa attempts to ruin JJ's night with Paige. John tells Brady that he has intel...

May 20, 2014
Jennifer worries about what Nicole will ask Daniel to do for her. Daniel tells Nicole that she needs to tell Eric the truth or he will. Eric tells Marlena that he and Nicole are engaged. JJ goes to Daniel for advice with Paige. Hope isn't thrilled to hear about Aiden's unethical attempts to get the venue for the gala. John continues to push Brady further into Theresa's arms.

May 21, 2014
E.J. draws up a custody agreement and Gabi adds a request that if anything happened to her and Will that Sonny would get custody of Arianna. Eric tells Sami about his and Nicole's engagement and she doesn't take the news well. Kate confronts Lucas about her missing gun. Nicole tries to evade telling Eric the truth but suggesting they elope.

May 22, 2014
Nicole tells Eric that Daniel is in love with her which is why she wants to elope and not invite him and Jennifer. Lucas admits to Kate that he took her gun with the intention of killing Nick but someone beat him to the job. Lucas makes things worse for himself when he also tells Kate that he freaked and threw the gun in the river. Abigail tells E.J. that she plans to tell Hope everything but he summons her to the mansion. Jordan worries when Abigail informs her that Ben is being questioned by the police.

May 23, 2014
Nicole tries to convince Eric to elope with her with her outrageous lie that Daniel is in love with her. Hope continues to question Lucas telling him that she knows he was in the park due to the evidence found on his shoes. Arianna's first birthday is celebrated but Sami and Kate argue over Kate letting Stefano back into her life by expecting jewelry. E.J. admits to Abigail that he hired a hit man but the hit man was not the one that killed Nick.

May 27, 2014
Daniel and Eric run into each other in the town square. Eric thinks that Daniel is in love with Nicole and Daniel thinks Eric knows the truth about the evidence. Hope gets the ballistics back on the weapon that killed Nick and heads to the Kiriakis mansion with a warrant. Victor offers Sonny the opportunity to leave town for a job. Bev plants a copy of her STD test for Paige to see and think the worse about JJ.

May 28, 2014
Victor realizes the Sonny wasn't the one that killed Nick but that it was Will. At the police station, Will arrives and confesses to killing Nick. Brady gives money to Theresa to buy cocaine but insists he isn't interested in it. Later, Brady runs into John and when he returns to Theresa's and gets high with her. Abigail is curious when Ben turns down the opportunity to fill in for a model at Gabi's shoot. Paige realizes that Bev is trying to mess with her by planting the STD test. Marlena teases Roman about taking Giselle to the school gala.

May 29, 2014
Sonny shows up at the DiMera mansion and has to tell Sami and E.J. that Will confessed to killing Nick. Hope looks over the evidence again and realizes things are not adding up. Sonny tells Gabi that Will confessed to killing Nick and she is shocked. Later, Gabi packs up Arianna when Hope arrives at her door. JJ overhears Nicole talking about eloping and mentions it to both Daniel and Jennifer.

May 30, 2014
Daniel confronts Nicole about wants lies she has now told Eric and Nicole has to admit that she told Eric that Daniel was in love with her instead of the truth about the evidence. Neither are aware that Jennifer is listening just outside the door. Later, Jennifer finds Eric in the park. E.J., Sami and Lucas encourage Will not to sign the confession but he is determined. Hope finds Gabi at her apartment and it is clear Gabi knows something about Nick murder. Hope and Gabi head to the police station just in time to stop Will from signing the confession and Gabi admits ...

Jun 02, 2014
Gabi makes her confession to Hope and the D.A., she also admits that Nick knew about her hiring Andrew to stalk her which resulted in him going after Melanie which is why Gabi knew that she would never be free of Nick unless she killed him. Eric confronts Nicole about all her lies. Jennifer feels guilty for telling Eric everything. Rafe and Jordan spend the day in bed together ignoring any phones calls. Will admits to Sonny that he thought Sonny killed Nick which is why he tried to take the blame.

Jun 03, 2014
Sami tracks down Rafe and gives him the news that Gabi has confessed to killing Nick. After Rafe leaves, Sami blames Jordan for Rafe having his phone turned off. Hope asks Marlena to talk to Gabi and Gabi reveals what she, Kate and Sami did to Nick. Brady and Theresa are having lunch when John shows up and when Brady leaves John talks to Theresa about her being a bad influence for Brady. When Brady shows back up, he and John get into a physical altercation. Eric is furious as all of Nicole's lies are exposed and he leaves her crying.

Jun 04, 2014
JJ confronts Bev about planting her STD test so Paige would see it. Gabi prepares for life in prison. Paige and Abigail confide in one another. Aiden is a source of comfort for Hope. Brady and John throw punches and Theresa only intervenes when she sees Hope enter the square.

Jun 09, 2014
Gabi tells Abigail that she was the one that hired Andrew. Later, Kate surprises Gabi by visiting her and telling her she understands why Gabi had to kill Nick. Paige recognizes Ben from Miami but he tries to convince her that he never lived in Miami. Eric tells Daniel that is wasn't Nicole that told him the truth but Jennifer. Nicole fronts Jennifer and Daniel separately about ruining her relationship with Eric. Bev asks Cole to put joints in Paige's purse but the plan backfires when Cole is caught. Cole and JJ get into a physical fight.

Jun 10, 2014
Nicole vows to never forgive Daniel for forcing her to tell Eric the truth. Later, Daniel arrives at Jennifer's house and Jennifer reveals she doesn't think Nicole would of ever told Eric the truth and that she worried the Nicole would convince Daniel not to tell him either. Sami tells Kate that Gabi told Marlena about them pushing Nick in the river unaware that Marlena is behind them. When they realize she is there Marlena lays into them about what they did. Julie demands to confront Gabi. E.J. shows Gabi the plea deal and tells her that if she were to go to court ...

Jun 11, 2014
Sami and Marlena interrupt Eric and Nicole's emotional conversation and find out that the elopement and engagement is off. Jennifer tells Daniel that she doesn't think he would of followed through on telling Eric which greatly upsets him. Gabi asks Jordan to take care of Rafe. Later, T visits Gabi and Gabi tells him that she wishes things had worked out between them. JJ and Paige are getting hot and heavy when a phone call from Paige's mom stops them.

Jun 12, 2014
Gabi has a tearful goodbye with family and friends after the Judge accepts her plea deal giving her ten to twenty years with the possibility of parole. Victor shows up at Theresa's apartment to call Brady out on missing work. Later, Victor warns Kate about getting back together with Stefano.

Jun 13, 2014
Daniel calls Melanie to tell her about Gabi and is surprised when Melanie says she is too busy to talk about her friend but mentions visiting Salem soon. Hope tells Rafe that the truth about Andrew will soon be made public and Rafe has to tell Daniel the whole truth. Rafe also has to admit to Daniel that he and Melanie both knew about it before Melanie left town. Daniel realizes this is why Melanie was so quick to end their conversation and has avoid returning to Salem. Will finds out that Sonny knew about Gabi hiring Andrew. E.J. overhears Kate talking to Stefano ...

Jun 16, 2014
John catches Brady after he has been using cocaine again. Kate hints to E.J. and Sami that she can convince Stefano not to support their marriage. Later, Sami asks Abigail to help plan the wedding. Rafe pushes Jordan away as he feel guilty about not protecting his sisters. Kate comforts Rafe and the two end up in bed together. Theresa threatens to tell Paige the truth about JJ.

Jun 17, 2014
Sami and Nicole get into a physical fight when Sami realizes that Nicole hid the evidence to help clear Eric's name. Eric turns over the evidence to Bishop White and admits Nicole had found the evidence months ago and kept it secret. Jennifer shows up at Daniel's hoping to clear the air but Daniel is still reeling after finding out what Gabi did to Melanie. Will worries that his writing career won't be enough to support his family. Rafe and Kate admit that sleeping together was a mistake. Jordan expresses her worries to Abigail about her relationship with Rafe.

Jun 18, 2014
Sami asks Abigail to be her maid of honor and Abigail cannot think of a way out of the task. Later, Sami leaves E.J. and Abigail in the garden to go back in the mansion where she pulls out an envelope with a picture of E.J. and Abigail kissing at the cabin. Aiden and Hope are able to get Mr. Howell to give up the Salem Inn Ballroom by using his numerous outstanding parking tickets. Daniel rejects Jennifer's advances and the two break-up again. Marlena finds out what broke up Nicole and Eric and heads out to confront Nicole. Nicole announces to Marlena that the Bishop ...

Jun 19, 2014
Victor fires Kate from Mad World. Sami plots her revenge against Abigail and E.J. and it is clear she has known of their affair for awhile. Later, Kate shows up at the mansion to confront Sami believing she had gotten her fired from Mad World. Kate ends up throwing the cake samples all over Abigail and E.J., later Sami meets up with Kate who is in on Sami's plan. Jennifer remembers her old rival, Eve. Nicole and Marlena continue to argue until Eric shows up. Eve clearly has the hots for Daniel who agrees to do her vocal surgery. Later, Eve is revealed to be Paige's ...

Jun 20, 2014
Cole tells JJ that Bev tried to have him set up Paige by putting pot in her purse. Eve warns Paige to stay away from Theresa. Daniel informs Maggie that he and Jennifer have called it quits again. Brady becomes jealous when he sees Theresa with Aiden. JJ and Eve meet.

Jun 23, 2014
E.J. asks Abe to officiate his and Sami's wedding. Abigail is working on decorations at the mansion when she falls of the ladder and into E.J.'s arms. Kate tells Jordan that she needs to be pushing Rafe to confide in her. Eve and JJ meet but JJ doesn't have a chance to tell her his full name. Jennifer unknowingly invites her old rival to dinner. Eve is preparing for dinner when Paige drops JJ's last name leaving Eve shocked.

Jun 24, 2014
Eve is surprised to learn that JJ is a Deveraux. Eve only half admits to knowing Jennifer and Jack from when she lived in Salem previously to Paige. Abigail tells Jennifer and JJ that she cannot attend the dinner because she has things to do for Sami's wedding. E.J. asks Will to be his best man. Kate fills Sami in on her plan to make it look like she wants Rafe and Jordan together when the truth comes out about whatever Jordan is hiding. Later, Kate overhears Rafe demanding to know when Jordan is keeping secret but Jordan refuses.

Jun 25, 2014
E.J. tracks down Abigail and tells her she needs to get her emotions under control or people are going to start expecting something is up. Ben shows up as the two are talking and E.J. invites him to the wedding. Theresa thinks she can use John to keep Brady close but John has some harsh words for Theresa. Brady seeks help from Maggie with his addiction and she encourages him to attend a meeting. E.J. tries to convince Marlena to come to the wedding but she refuses saying it would make her a hypocrite. Jennifer ends up sending Paige and JJ out to eat so she can talk to...

Jun 26, 2014
John pushes Brady back into addiction when Brady catches him yelling at Theresa. Bev and Rory catch Paige and JJ arguing about their mothers at Club TBD. Kate gets information from her PI to head to the Ozarks as soon as possible. Ben encourages Jordan to finally admit the truth to Rafe. Eve informs Jennifer that part of her annulment agreement with Jack was that she was entitled to half of his earnings from long form writing so she wants her half of Jack's book sales. Paige and JJ return to find their mothers arguing.

Jun 27, 2014
Daniel confronts Nicole about refusing to help Eric by speaking to Bishop White. Later, Nicole overhears Daniel talking to Marlena about him and Jennifer breaking up. When Daniel meets with the Bishop, Nicole shows up. Jordan is finally ready to tell Rafe the truth but he is interrupted by a call from work. Marlena is jealous to see Giselle flirting with Roman. Aiden overhears Hope talking to Chase about his mother. Kate meets with her PI in the Ozarks and finally meets someone named Clyde who knows Jordan.

Jun 30, 2014
Kate learns that Clyde is Jordan and Ben's father. Bits of Jordan's past are revealed including that her given name is Tammy Sue and that she stole money from Clyde when she and Ben ran off. Nicole confesses to the Bishop that she hide the truth so Eric wouldn't leave her. Jennifer fills JJ in on Eve and her demand that half the book sales are rightfully hers. Aiden asks Hope not to discuss Chase's mother with him even if Chase brings it up. Eve finally visits Theresa and Theresa informs her that she was once involved with JJ.

Jul 01, 2014
Rafe meets with a investigator who has information left for him about a person guilty of tax evasion. The investigator informs Rafe that E.J. DiMera is the culprit. Eve is surprised to learn that she and Theresa have a mutual dislike for Jennifer. When Brady shows up Eve clearly flirts with him annoying Theresa. Jennifer is served with papers notifying her of Eve's lawsuit. Sami and E.J's wedding gets under way.

Jul 02, 2014
Sami faints before finishing her I do's to E.J. but recovers and becomes Mrs. DiMera once again. Later, Rafe and the investigator show up to arrest E.J. for tax evasion. Father Louis informs Hope and Aiden that they need to secure an emcee for the gala and Marlena comes to the rescue with her connections. Clyde contacts Kate and has a background check performed on Kate. Clyde makes arrangements to head to Salem.

Jul 03, 2014
E.J. thinks that Stefano is setting him up as payback for E.J. doing the same thing to him the year prior. Sami continues to make E.J. look guilty by setting out fake passports. Roman and Marlena arrive to comfort Sami as Hope is executing the search warrant. Graduation day is marred by the announcement of Eve's lawsuit. Jennifer has to admit to JJ that Eve and Theresa are sisters when he overhears Eve give her last name as Donovan.

Jul 04, 2014
Adrienne convinces Sonny and Will to join her for the picnic. Abe, Theo, Tad are also there. When Ben finds out the Abigail should be making an appearances he changes his mind and decides to go. Theresa avoids Eve and has a warm moment with Caroline when she sees her in distress. Eve sets her sights on Daniel. Abigail goes behind Jennifer's back to tell Daniel that Jennifer needs him right now.

Jul 07, 2014
Clyde arrives in Salem and Kate happily gives him information on where to find Jordan and Ben. Nicole attempts to help E.J. get out of prison by exposing who might of set him up. E.J. still believes Stefano is behind everything. Sami is able to get E.J. to sign over his proxy for his DiMera enterprise shares to her for the upcoming board meeting. Stefano also signs over his proxy to Kate. Kate warns Sami that her help comes with strings. Maggie finds a clearly hungover Brady and tries to convince him that he has a problem with alcohol. Theresa comes to Brady's defense.

Jul 08, 2014
Clyde spies on Jordan and Ben. Brady offers John a proposal but it involved John working out of a Europe office. Kate convinces Sami that she needs Kate's help to secure her place at DiMera. Kate hands Sami a letter that she is to read at the meeting that is supposed to be from E.J. but when the meeting comes around Sami doesn't hold up her end. Theresa gives insight to Eric about Nicole. E.J. brutally turns down Nicole's offer to write a story about his side.

Jul 09, 2014
E.J. summons Abigail to his cell where he convinces her to keep quiet about the hit he had put out on Nick. At the board meeting, Sami cannot avoid reading the letter from E.J. (actually from Kate) that suggests Kate and Sami be co-CEO's. The board votes and Sami and Kate are named co-CEO's of DiMera Enterprises. Sami visits E.J. at his cell where she drops the news that she is know co-CEO and that she has known about his affair with Abigail. Eve arrives at Daniel's apartment to tell him that she just found what happened between him and Theresa and that Theresa is her...

Jul 10, 2014
Jennifer agrees to Eve's demands for half the royalties but Eve doesn't think Jennifer is doing a good job with the royalty negotiations for the movie. Later, Eve tells Paige that JJ tried to set up Theresa for a crime. Hope and Aiden put the final touches on the gala. Theresa and Brady gamble and drink in Vegas. E.J. is shocked when Sami reveals that she has known about the affair and she was the one that put his arrest in motion. Later, Sami arrives at Jennifer's to show Abigail some photos from the wedding and one of the photos happens to be the photo of E.J. and ...

Jul 11, 2014
Marlena ends up having to MC the gala when Patti Stanger loses her voice. JJ shows up at Eve's apartment looking to talk to her. JJ tells her the whole story behind everything that happened with Theresa and Eve tells him that she needs the money to help pay for Paige's tuition. The two come to an understanding. Jennifer is shocked to learn that Abigail had an affair with E.J. and Sami doesn't hold back on telling Abigail how she feels. Aiden and Hope share a romantic dance at the gala. Will receives a job offer that Sonny has clearly helped arrange.

Jul 14, 2014
Theresa and Brady return for Vegas with Brady passing out from being drunk and high. Theresa calls John over to throw a marriage license in his face. Theresa attempts to blackmail John but John tells her off. When John's back is turned, Theresa grabs a fire place poker and hits him over the head with it. JJ is filled in on E.J. and Abigail's affair. Sami informs Will and Sonny about E.J. sleeping with Abigail and that she knew about it before the wedding. Eric tries to talk Sami out of her revenge plans. Hope and Aiden pull back from this romantic moment.

Jul 15, 2014
Theresa sets it up to look like Brady attacked John. Abigail is filled in on Eve refusing the settlement for the lawsuit and ends up running into Eve in the town square where the two get into a argument that ends with Abigail slapping Eve. Sami refuses to listen to Eric's advice and heads to Club TBD to let Ben know about E.J. and Abigail.

Jul 16, 2014
E.J. attempts to pleads with Sami to forgive him. Lucas comforts Abigail after he learns what happened between her and E.J. Abe questions Theresa when the evidence about what happened with Brady and John doesn't add up to her story. Marlena learns of John's condition. Jordan comes face to face with Clyde after receiving his text message.

Jul 18, 2014
Abigail confesses to Ben but finds out he already knew since Sami told him about her affair with E.J., Abigail insists their is nothing going on between them. Kate shocks Sami by moving into the mansion. Later, Kate overhears that Kate and Rafe slept together. This works into Kate's plan to break up Rafe and Jordan so if Clyde returning to town backfires she can have Sami reveal that she slept with Rafe to Jordan. Will visits E.J. in jail and confronts him over hurting Sami yet again. Will's new job asks him to do a story on Sami. Jordan and Ben share a tense reunion ...

Jul 21, 2014
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 22, 2014
E.J. is out of prison and returns to the mansion to find that Kate has now moved in. E.J. looks for Sami but she is at the hospital after learning about John. Sami holds off telling Marlena about E.J.'s affair with Abigail. Later, Sami returns home and E.J. attempts to get her to give up her revenge but the two just get into a screaming match when Caroline shows up and after making E.J. leave she asks Sami if she still has feelings for E.J. Eric shows up at Nicole's place and the two nearly give into their feelings before Eric pulls away. Eric receives a call from the...

Jul 23, 2014
Sami finally admits to Caroline that E.J. has truly hurt her. Later, Allie returns home from camp with a scrapbook of E.J. and Sami's wedding she made for Sami. E.J. spends the afternoon with Johnny. While at the park, E.J. is confronted by Jennifer over his affair with Abigail. Clyde tells Kate that his reunion went great with his kids. Clyde blackmails Kate into helping him break up Rafe and Jordan. Rafe tells Kate that Jordan is planning on telling him about her past and that he feels he needs to be honest with her as well and is going to tell Jordan about sleeping...

Jul 24, 2014
Ciara announces that she doesn't want to go on vacation to Mount Rushmore and would rather go to New Orleans. Hope agrees to change their plans since New Orleans was the last family vacation she and Ciara took with Bo (plus Hope and Bo's special memories of New Orleans). Ciara sees Chase and Aiden in the town square and invites them to join her and Hope on vacation. Hope is horrified over Ciara's invitation but Aiden is quick to turn it down. Later, Aiden upsets Chase when he refuses to go to the beach house that they used to go to with Aiden's late wife. Ben tells ...

Jul 25, 2014
Victor and Maggie return to Salem from their vacation after hearing about John. Brady tells Maggie that he now realizes that he has a problem and is getting help. Victor gets Theresa alone and goes after her for getting Brady to marry her. Victor thinks this led to the fight between John and Brady. Theresa decides she needs to get out of town fast but Eve catches her trying to book a flight to LA and realizes that Theresa is in big trouble. JJ and Paige are enjoying an evening together when they are making out on the couch. Paige suddenly stops and asks JJ to stop ...

Jul 28, 2014
Abe arrives at the Kiriakis mansion and informs Brady that the D.A. will not be pressing charges because of lack of evidence. Theresa shows relief when Anne tells her that the longer John is in a coma the less likely it is that he will wake up. Theresa rushes off leaving Anne upset. Eve calls Theresa for a favor after getting bad news from her doctor. Theresa isn't interested and hangs up on Eve so Eve shows up at Theresa's apartment. Before Eve can begin to ask Theresa for her favor, Anne shows up ranting about coming back early from her conference to help her and ...

Jul 29, 2014
Marlena forgives Brady when she sees how broken up he is over thinking he hurt John. Eve realizes that Theresa knows more about what happened to John and asks her to give blood for her upcoming surgery since the two share an uncommon blood type. Sami meets with Anne to get information about the hospital's policy regarding employee's inappropriate behavior. Later, Sami meets with Kayla and demands that Abigail be fired and fills Kayla in on Abigail's affair with E.J. When Kayla refuses to fire Abigail, Sami threatens to have funding pulled for the children's wing. ...

Jul 30, 2014
Kayla is horrified that Sami would take away 20 million dollars from the hospital that DiMera Enterprises would donate if Kayla doesn't fire Abigail. Kayla is able to get Sami to agree to let Abigail resign but her resignation letter must include that she had an inappropriate relationship with a board member and is never able to work for the hospital again. Kayla runs into Jennifer on her way out and informs her of Sami's latest action. Jennifer confronts Sami wondering what Marlena would think of her. Abigail runs into E.J. in the town square and E.J. encourages her ...

Jul 31, 2014
Kristen tells Daniel her whole plan to use Daniel's voice to lure Brady to St. Louis. Daniel refuses to go along with it and points out that Brady wouldn't leave John's side while he is fighting for his life. Kristen ends up leaving Daniel with her henchmen who begins beating Daniel. Daniel ends up being able to overtake the henchmen and turns the tables on Kristen. Victor tells E.J. that he wants to hire him as a consultant. E.J. basically laughs in Victor's face until Victor reveals that the proposal Kate came to him earlier with was selling two subsidiaries of ...

Aug 01, 2014
Eve shows up at the Kiriakis mansion and starts talking to Maggie about how Jennifer got jealous seeing her with Daniel. Eve is shocked when Maggie informs her that Daniel is her son. Eve makes a comment on Maggie "giving" away her son not knowing all the facts. Paige and JJ spend the day at the lake. Paige is realizes it will be really hard to leave JJ when she goes to school. Daniel is able to get the upper hand on Kristen and knocks her out. Daniel brings her to a storage area where the two continue to physical fight. Sami and Kate discuss how their plan to sell ...

Aug 04, 2014
Theresa shows up at the Kiriakis mansion with annulment papers for Brady to sign. Brady is surprised that she took the initiative to start the process herself. Nicole ends up on the same plane to Rome as Eric. Eric is annoyed that Nicole's flight was changed and that she managed to change seats with the girl who was sitting next to him (who just happened to be named Kristen). Ben admits to JJ that when Paige recognized him she was right and he fills JJ in on his past. JJ is cool with it but warns Ben not to hurt his sister. Sami drops the information on Jordan that ...

Aug 05, 2014
Eric struggles with his feelings for Nicole. Eric keeps thinking of her in romantic ways. Soon, Eric is called to speak to the Cardinal where he has to face Nicole. Rafe shows up at Club TBD to see if Ben has seen Jordan. Ben clearly doesn't know about Rafe cheating of Jordan but tells Rafe that Jordan was upset about something Sami said. Rafe realizes Sami was the one that told Rafe. Rafe tracks down Jordan at the hospital and the two discuss how Jordan cannot trust him anymore. Clyde listens in on Adrienne and Abigail discussing her affair with E.J. Later, Adrienne ...

Aug 06, 2014
Sami thinks that Rafe is at the mansion because he still has feelings for her. Rafe lets Sami blather on about how happy their marriage was but he finally informs her that he came to confront her about telling Jordan about him sleeping with Kate. E.J. meets with Victor to make a deal for information about the companies Victor just bought from Kate and Sami. Jordan and Kate have a run in. Jordan is ready to slap Kate but holds back and but Kate tells her to go ahead. When Kate arrives back at the DiMera mansion she and Sami argue and Kate asks Sami if she is having ...

Aug 07, 2014
E.J. is hopeful when he overhears Sami admitting that she still loves him. E.J. receives a call before he can interrupt them and Kate reminds Sami of everything he has done. Jordan and Abigail have to break things up between Rafe and Ben. After Jordan and Rafe leave, Ben admits to Abigail that his father would beat his mother up. Ben worries that he is more like his father than he would like. Aiden tells Jennifer that the Judge is ready to make a ruling the summary judgment. In court, the Judge has to rule in favor of Eve and the case going to trial. The Judge also ...

Aug 08, 2014
Kristen tries to tell Daniel why she went to such extremes with Eric and Brady but her emotional reveal is meaningless to Daniel. Daniel gets Kristen is the back of a laundry van to lose her thugs. Eric tells Nicole that he was offered his priesthood back but turned it down. Eric blames Nicole for everything. Nicole is devastated by Eric placing all the blame on her. Marlena runs into Theresa and tries to get more information out of her. Marlena knows that Theresa is hiding something but Theresa isn't forth coming. Later, Marlena meets with Brady and Kayla to discuss ...

Aug 11, 2014
Daniel informs Kristen that he didn't just pick any van but one that is headed straight for Salem and when they arrive they are heading straight for the Salem Police Department. Theresa warns Eve to stay away from Brady when she sees Eve talking to Brady at the hospital. Eve tells Theresa that she better watch it or Eve might reveal that Theresa knows more about the night John was injured. Paige lets JJ know that she has officially deferred her enrollment to Stanford. JJ cannot help but be excited that Paige will be sticking around Salem. Hope returns from vacation ...

Aug 12, 2014
Will shows Sonny his article. Sonny admits the article is very good but worries the consequences when Sami sees the article. Brady and Nicole discuss Eric's decision to quit the priesthood and that Eric blames Nicole. Meanwhile, Eric fills Marlena in on his decision. Kristen attempts to escape after learning the truck is heading straight for Salem. When Daniel gets knocked over, Kristen makes a leap for a box cutter on the floor. Daniel is able to regain control. Johnny asks Sami to take him and the other kids to an amusement park. E.J. shows up at Johnny is asking ...

Aug 13, 2014
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Aug 14, 2014
Marlena informs Brady that Kristen is back in town and is under arrest at the police station. Brady rushes off to the station. Brady demands to see Kristen but the officer tells him that she is not allowed any visitors. Marlena is able to convince Brady that seeing Kristen would just play into her hands. E.J. arrives back at the mansions and tells Sami that he turned his back on Kristen. E.J. warns Sami that if they truth gets out about them it would be be a disaster for the board. Sami receives a call from Zoe the editor of the magazine Will works at. Sami arrives ...

Aug 15, 2014
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Aug 18, 2014
Sami tries to put Mr. Shin at ease by telling him that she and E.J. have reconciled. Abigail and Ben run into each other at the park as Abigail is watching Arianna. E.J. stumbles on them during his run and things are awkward. Hope questions Jennifer about her date with Aiden. Jennifer tells Hope that her plans with Aiden fell though because of Kristen's reappearance in town. Jennifer also reassures Hope that their plans were nothing more than a friendly dinner. Eve makes Theresa go talk to Paige about JJ. Theresa reluctantly does as Eve tells her about JJ's wild and ...

Aug 19, 2014
Kristen awaits word from the grand jury who is calling witnesses. Eric informs Jennifer that he cannot work on a photography assignment because he has been called as a witness. Later, Eric arrives at the the court house and runs into Kristen. Brady expresses his gratitude to Daniel for bringing Kristen back to town and to justice. Paige calls out Eve for sending Theresa to harasses her about JJ. Paige also is upset with her mother for calling Stanford and telling them she changed her mind. Jennifer meets with Aiden to finalize a settlement for Eve. Maggie arrives and ...

Aug 20, 2014
Kristen attempts to offer an apology to Eric when she sees him at the court house. Eric takes the stands and gives details about the night be was raped by Kristen. The grand jury comes back with a lengthy list of indictments against Kristen. The D.A. requests that bail be denied but the Judge disagrees. Brady is tempted by alcohol but resists. Daniel accuses Nicole of doing something to make Eric not want to go back to the priesthood. Nicole tells Daniel that Eric feels he cannot return because of the hate he has for her. Jennifer and Aiden give Eve an offer with a ...

Aug 21, 2014
Sonny is shocked when he reads the article and sees that Abigail is named. Sonny is furious with Will but Will tells Sonny he never named Abigail. Will is confused as to how his editor found out but soon realizes that Sami named Abigail when his editor gave her a copy to read and respond to. Abigail is devastated when she sees the article and has to tell Jennifer and JJ that everyone now knows. JJ leaves to confront Will. Reporters begin showing up at the house and Jennifer tells Abigail to leave with Ben. E.J. sees the article and is shocked to see Will has written ...

Aug 22, 2014
E.J. shows up to confront Will about the article. Will tells E.J. that he wasn't the one that named Abigail that Sami named her. Later, E.J. runs into Abigail telling her that he is fine with taking most the heat but Abigail tells E.J. that she was no victim. When E.J. returns to the mansion where Sami is having a difficult time reassuring the board members that everything is fine. Anne is delighted after seeing the article and rubs Daniel's face in it. Daniel heads off to see if Abigail is okay. Jennifer is touched that Daniel came to check on Abigail. The D.A. ...

Aug 25, 2014
Kristen tries to talk to Brady in the park but he shuts her down telling her how she ruined his life. Roman has to tell Marlena that Kristen was granted bail. The two try to find Brady to warn him but have no luck. Sami asks E.J. for help at DiMera. E.J. has had enough with Sami and refuses to help her. Abigail shows up at Will's apartment and confronts him about the the article. Will does not get a chance to tell her that he wasn't the one that named her. Later, Abigail arrives at Club TBD and being laying into Sonny but he tells her that it wasn't Will that named ...

Aug 26, 2014
Abigail arrives at the DiMera mansion and slaps Sami. Sami tells Abigail that she is still the same wimp and Abigail turns the tables telling Sami that she will go to Shin, of the board members, and reveal everything if Sami doesn't back off. E.J. tells Sami that he wants a chance to win her back by helping with the company. Sonny arrives home to an upset Will, who has learned from Lucas that Victor owns True Vista. The two argue with Sonny pointing out that it wouldn't of taken much for people to figure out it was Abigail even if she wasn't named. Kristen sits in ...

Aug 27, 2014
JJ seeks Hope advice on getting a gift for Aiden for working his case and having his record expunged. Hope tells JJ that she has no idea what Aiden would like but at the same time Hope remembers sharing a dance with Aiden at the benefit. Later, JJ helps Paige move things into the apartment now that she is staying in Salem. Paige comes across an item her father gave her. Paige and JJ talk and eventually begin to make out but are interrupted by Theresa. Clyde interrupts Rafe and Kate's conversation. Clyde pretends he doesn't know why Jordan and Rafe broke up. Jordan ...

Aug 28, 2014
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Aug 29, 2014
E.J. and Sami are bonding at the Pub when Sami gets a message about Stefano returning to town. Sami races to find Kate and tell her the news. Sami and Kate find out that Stefano is making a deal with the D.A. to avoid jail time for tax evasion. Abigail and Ben are still trapped in the storage room and they begin to make out. Abigail is suddenly remained of E.J. and stops things with Ben. Later, Abigail runs into E.J. and Ben shows up realizing why Abigail stopped kissing him earlier. Clyde watches as Rafe and Jordan talk. Clyde realizes that it looks like Jordan will ...

Sep 01, 2014
Eric and Marlena are with John when Kayla informs them that John's brain function is decreasing. Later, Kayla receives some surprising news and rushes to share it with Daniel. Brady shows up at Kristen's hotel room and warns her to stay away from John. Brady tells her that he has a restraining order against her. Marlena shows up while Brady is there. Brady leaves and Marlena and Kristen throw barbs at one another. Kristen eventually lets on that she has the key to help John. Nicole runs into Daniel at Club TBD and he sees that she has a job offer in New Mexico. Daniel...

Sep 03, 2014
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Sep 04, 2014
Sami is shaken when she arrives home to see her and Kate's portrait replaced with Stefano's. When E.J. enters the room, Sami accuses him of being involved but Harold admits that he got a call from Stefano telling him to prep the house. E.J. sets Harold straight that Sami and Kate are in charge and their portrait should be replaced. Brady questions Daniel about why John's move was delayed. Daniel is able to skirt the issue. Brady admits to Daniel that he slept with Theresa. Kristen overhears Theresa on the phone talking about Brady. Kristen makes things clear to ...

Sep 05, 2014
E.J. meets with Rafe and gives him information that he hopes will keep Stefano's deal from going forward. Kate gets a call from Stefano warning her that he is returning and will be seeking revenge. Kate and Sami head to the station where Rafe is looking into the information he got from E.J. Kate begins to tell a lie that Stefano threatened to kill her and drags Sami into it. Eric tells Kristen that he will accept her deal but if the medicine doesn't work he will go ahead and testify against her. Later, Kristen calls Stefano to tell him to hurry with the medicine. ...

Sep 08, 2014
Kate tells Rafe that Stefano threatened to kill her and that Sami was a witness to the threat. Sami goes along with Kate's story and even adds that Stefano called Kate a whore. Rafe goes to the D.A. with Kate's story and the D.A. agrees to put Kate and Sami on the stand to testify. After Rafe leaves, Kate and Sami discuss their story. Rafe ends up returning and tells them that their testimony will not be needed and that some other evidence has turned up and Stefano is remaining under an indictment. Kate tells Sami that E.J. had to be the one that turned over ...

Sep 09, 2014
Sami tells E.J. that he needs to keep his name out of the evidence that he turned over to Rafe. Sami and E.J. end up kissing after Sami confesses how hurt she was over his affair with Abigail. Abigail corners Ben in the storage room by closing the door so it locks behind her. Abigail tells Ben that she doesn't want E.J. but fears that she isn't good enough for Ben. Ben relents and he and Abigail kiss. Hope fantasies about Aiden after running into him on Ciara's first day of school. Eve runs into a young prostitute and offers her a way out of that lifestyle if she will...

Sep 10, 2014
Eve enlists Jill to help her break up JJ and Paige by sending her to a college party the two plan to attend. Jennifer arrives at Daniel's for a coffee date. Jennifer asks to see Parker but Daniel doesn't think it is a good idea for Parker to get attached if things don't work out. Jennifer is hurt and eventually is called away on a work call. Kate isn't happy to see Sami and E.J. getting close again. Sami tells Kate that she thinks she has accomplished enough with her revenge. E.J. talks to Stefano who is unaware that E.J. turned over the evidence. Hope continues to ...

Sep 11, 2014
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Sep 12, 2014
Daniel administers the drug to John as Marlena and Brady look on hopeful. Daniel tells them it may take awhile for the drug to take affect. Daniel pulls Brady aside and tells him that Kristen only gave up the drug in return for Eric not testifying against her. Word gets around that John's floor has been put on lock down and Nicole begins asking questions to Eric. Eric fills her in on part of the details and Nicole ends up at the hospital where Marlena reluctantly tells her the rest. Kristen informs Theresa that John is being given a drug that could help him wake-up. ...

Sep 15, 2014
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Sep 16, 2014
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Sep 17, 2014
Sami and Kate are surprised to see that Chad has returned to town. They clearly sense that things are tense between Chad and E.J. Later, Sami tells E.J. that she will try and talk to Chad. Chad tells Kate that he wants to destroy E.J. and Stefano. Hope asks Aiden to meet her and admits that she has feelings for him. Aiden asks Hope out on a real date. Later, Hope writes an emotional letter to Bo and asks him for a divorce. Jordan tells Rafe that she saw him and Kate together. Clyde meets with Jeremiah to discuss their drug business. Later, Jordan has a run in with ...

Sep 18, 2014
Roman shows up at the DiMera mansion to see Sami and E.J. kissing. Roman is not happy with their reconciliation. After E.J. leaves, Roman tries to convince Sami that getting back together with E.J. is a bad idea. Sami tells her father that she loves him and is ready to forgive. Sami points out that if Marlena had returned to Roman after her affair with John he would of taken her back to keep his family together. Chad sees Jeremiah harassing Jordan in the park and tells him to back off. Jeremiah at first pays no attention until Chad says he is a DiMera. Abigail fills ...

Sep 19, 2014
Roman tells Kate that he didn't try to convince Sami because he knows you can't help who you fall in love with and also that you can't tell Sami what to do. Later, Clyde shows up and continues to pressure Kate to have dinner with him. E.J. and Sami continue to reconnect and E.J. leads Sami up stairs. Jordan confronts Clyde about Jeremiah being in town and asks him if he is setting up shop in Salem. Ben tells Chad to get lost at Club TBD and Chad informs him that he is part owner so he is his boss. Chad finds the envelope Jordan gave Ben with a large sum of cash and ...

Sep 22, 2014
Sami and E.J. finally reunite in the bedroom. Kristen promises Chad that she will make E.J. pay for turning his back on her and sleeping with Abigail. Abigail asks Ben about the money she saw him give Jordan. Ben tells her that it is not his place to tell her. Ben points out that Abigail is doubting him after Chad's return to town. Chad shows up later and apologizes for his early actions. Daniel informs Marlena and Brady that if the drug is going to work it will have to be soon. Brady leaves and confronts Kristen about the drug. Meanwhile, Daniel lets Theresa know ...

Sep 23, 2014
Eve tells Mary Beth that Paige hasn't mentioned anything about the pictures. Eve tells Paige that she knows about the pictures but Paige tells her that someone set JJ up. Eve decides she needs to print the photos out. Daniel gets the call about John waking up as he is talking to Theresa. Daniel heads to the hospital to confirm to Marlena, Eric and Brady that John is waking up. Meanwhile, Theresa freaks out and seeks advice from Eve, who doesn't want to know the details. JJ fills his mother and Abigail in on being drugged. JJ tells his mother that Daniel found him ...

Sep 24, 2014
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Sep 24, 2014
Theresa is interrupted before she can inject anything into John's IV. John becomes agitated after seeing Theresa and Brady and has to be sedated. Hope tells Caroline that she is filling for divorce. Caroline is understanding at first but after she over hears that Hope is going on a date with Aiden she is furious. Chad is revealed to be planning something with Stefano's help as Chad confirms he told Kate everything that Stefano wanted him to say. E.J. proposes to Sami and the two renew their wedding vows. Kate has dinner with Clyde.

Sep 26, 2014
Clyde tries to convince E.J. to expand his drug sales but E.J. flat out refuses. Lucas is furious when he finds out that Sami and E.J. are back together. Sami points out that Lucas had the same reaction as his mother. Chad informs Kate about his father's plan. It is clear Chad is playing both Stefano and Kate. Later, Chad runs into Jordan again and flirts with her. Ben tries to find somewhere to be alone with Abigail. Will tells Abigail about the article he is writing on Chad and promises that Abigail will not be humiliated again. E.J. is surprised when his mother, ...

Sep 29, 2014
Susan warns E.J. that she had a premonition of danger and tries to convince him to return to England with her. E.J. tells his mother that his life is in Salem and is isn't going to uproot the kids because she had a feeling. Eve goes to "confront" JJ over the photos and he insists that he was drugged. Later, JJ brings Eve to Daniel who confirms JJ's story. Paige begins her internship at the hospital. Paige overhears Kayla counseling a rape victim and Kayla admitting that she was raped. Aiden and Hope's first date has one issue after another.

Sep 30, 2014
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Oct 01, 2014
Chad passes along the information to Kate that Stefano will be in Frankfurt. Kate tells Chad that she will pretend to fall for this new information in hopes of pulling one over on Stefano. Sonny tells Jordan about Chad finding the money on Ben and accusing him of stealing. Sonny also tells Jordan that Chad had once dated Abigail. Ben surprises Abigail with a romantic evening in a private room. Paige tells JJ that she overheard Kayla admit to being raped. JJ begins acting odd with Paige but doesn't tell her that it was his father that raped Kayla. Rafe confronts Kate ...

Oct 02, 2014
Sami tells Eric that she and E.J. are back together. Eric isn't happy about the reunion but tells Sami that he will always love and support her as his sister. E.J. informs Nicole that he and Sami have gotten back together. Nicole finds their back and forth hilarious. The two end on good terms as they wish each other the best. JJ and Paige are getting hot and heavy when JJ puts on the brakes. Paige makes a suggestion of going somewhere to be alone but JJ turns her down. Ben and Abigail make love and discuss how to be together alone again.

Oct 03, 2014
Theresa is confident that John won't remember that it was her that hit him. Anne cautions her that memories can return. Hope tells Maggie and Victor that she is filling for divorce. They understand that Hope needs to move on. Victor asks how Caroline took the news and Hope confesses that Caroline was angry. Victor heads out to talk to Caroline. Later, Caroline meets with Hope after talking to Victor and apologizes. E.J. tells Kate that it is time for her to move out of the mansion. Kate refuses as living in the mansion is part of her package as CEO. Kate tells E.J. ...

Oct 06, 2014
E.J. calls his father after getting information for Victor that Stefano is out to undermine him. Stefano tells E.J. that he is not undermining him but is going to flat out destroy him. Stefano knows that E.J. is the one that gave over the evidence that is keeping Stefano out of Salem and tells E.J. that he is no longer his son. Kayla meets with Paige to discuss why Kayla decided to become a doctor. Kayla reveals that she worked as a private nurse for Jack. Kayla deflects any additional questions about Jack. JJ tries to tell Daniel about his dad raping Kayla but cannot...

Oct 07, 2014
Kristen nearly draws Brady back into her web but he is able to resist. The two receive a call from Marlena that John wants to see them at the hospital. E.J. confronts Chad about selling him out to Stefano. Chad doesn't think that Stefano will do anything drastic to his own son but E.J. points out the things he has done to his other children. Sami stops by Will's apartment with gifts for Arianna. Sami tells Will that she and E.J. are back together and Will becomes upset. Later, Sami finds the start of the article on Chad and confronts Will about writing another article...

Oct 08, 2014
John gathers everyone including Theresa and Roman to make his statement on what happened the night he was hit. Roman reads the statements from Brady and Theresa to John. Eric brings Caroline to see Sami. Caroline and Sami are able to come to an understanding and Caroline wishes Sami and E.J. the best. Will interviews Chad who is set on destroying his brother. Clyde goes against E.J.'s wishes and expands the territory that he is selling drugs.

Oct 09, 2014
John ends up backing up Theresa's account of the story saying that he was upset and Brady was just defending himself. Theresa is left in shock that she is getting off scott free. Theresa realizes that John confirming her story is because he wants Kristen to stay away from Brady. Chad tells Abigail that he is reducing his role at the club due to the conflict with Ben. Ben tells Jordan that he borrowed money from his father to pay for the hotel room he shared with Abigail. Jordan is upset that Ben is putting himself back in Clyde's circle. E.J. gets word from Miguel ...

Oct 10, 2014
Kate runs into Rafe and expresses her dislike for E.J., Rafe warns Kate to stay away from Clyde. Chad jokes to Jordan that he knew she had the day off because he is a DiMera. Jordan does not take the joke kindly but Chad is able to apologize. E.J. tells Clyde he made a big mistake but disobeying his orders. Clyde gets up in his face and E.J. punches him. Suddenly, Miguel shoots E.J. leaving Clyde stunned but he quickly works to cover up the scene. Sami hears a gun shot and calls the police. Sami heads out to investigate and finds E.J. bleeding from a gunshot wound. ...

Oct 13, 2014
News begins to spread of E.J.'s death. Kristen destroys her hotel room upon hearing the news. Chad and Kate cannot believe the news. Marlena rushes to be by her daughters side. Sami says goodbye to E.J. in the morgue and reminisces about all their happy times together. Sami arrives home and has to tell her children the news. Stefano sends Kristen on a mission. Kristen arrives at the morgue and injects E.J. with a mysterious substance.

Oct 14, 2014
Jennifer and JJ tell Abigail the news about E.J., and she is upset for his children. Ben shows up to comfort Abigail. When Sami calls Will he is rude to her not knowing the E.J. was killed. Will feels guilty and immediately rushes to be with his mother and siblings. Nicole shows up at Daniel's after getting an "I'm Sorry" text from him. Nicole has not heard the news about E.J. yet either and Daniel has to fill her in. Nicole notes that while she hated E.J. many times and even vocalized that she wished he was dead she never really wanted anything bad to happen to him. ...

Oct 15, 2014
Kate arrives at the mansion demanding to see Sami. Kate thinks the two are in serious trouble and Sami is the only one that can fix it. Marlena tells Kate that Sami is grieving and doesn't have time to deal with Kate. Marlena asks Kate to stay at the Salem Inn but Kate refuses. Kristen arrives at the Pub where Daniel, Nicole and Eric have gathered. Eric tells Kristen that he wants to let go of his hate for her and that he might be able to do it one day. Later, Nicole is livid that Eric can even consider forgiving Kristen and not her. Kristen plots a way to get the ...

Oct 16, 2014
JJ seeks advice from Daniel telling him that Paige overheard Kayla admitting to be raped. JJ tells Daniel that he worries he could take after his father and possibly hurt Paige. Daniel tells JJ that Jack made some mistakes but he had rectified those in his later years. Daniel tells JJ to go to his apartment and have some alone time. Eve tries to convince Paige to stay away from JJ. Later, Eve tells Mary Beth that she needs to work harder to help her get JJ and Paige to break up. Mary Beth runs into Paige and sees she has a prescription for birth control. Paige heads ...

Oct 17, 2014
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Oct 20, 2014
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Oct 21, 2014
Sami has a nightmare about being arrested for lying to DiMera investors. Kate tries to reassure Sami that everything will work out. Meanwhile, Will goes to Victor for help after overhearing Sami's problem. Victor arrives later and offers to help Sami get out of her latest mess. Theresa tells Anne that she and Brady slept together. Theresa still worries that John will reveal the truth. Kristen plants bugs in Eve's apartment and Anne's purse in hopes of getting Theresa to admit something to them. Kristin is listening in on Theresa's conversation with Eve when Brady ...

Oct 22, 2014
Sami is shocked to find three people in her living room. Sami immediately assumes that are here to arrest her. Kate arrives and finds out from Harold who they are and rushes in before Sami can make a fool of herself. The three are actually Universal Pictures representatives hoping to turn Sami's life story into a movie or TV project. Eve warns Theresa that Kristen is on to her. Kristen is listening in when Brady shows up and has has to cover. Later, Theresa runs into Anne who also tells her that Kristen met with her. Theresa realizes that Kristen was just using Anne ...

Oct 23, 2014
Jill returns to Salem and demands more money from Eve. Eve ends up getting the upper hand by telling Jill that even if she went to Paige she would only admit to setting JJ up not to drugging him. Later, Eve runs into Kayla at the hospital. JJ struggles with telling Paige about his dad raping Kayla. Clyde tells Jordan that he will tell Ben everything about the car accident Jordan and her mother where in. Jordan insists she did not mean to hurt or kill her mother and Jordan has little recollection of the event. Chad walks in and overhears part of Kate and Sami's ...

Oct 24, 2014
Nicole and Sami end up having a great conversation and remember all their fights from the past. Nicole ends up encouraging Sami to go for the deal from Hollywood. Later, Will shows up and one of the executive's has returned to the house and makes Will and offer to write the project. Nicole spends time with Sydney. Abigail accidentally tells Ben that Chad is interested in Jordan. Ben thinks Chad is just using Jordan and he rushes off to confront him. Meanwhile, Chad is comforting Jordan after her run in with Clyde. Rory tells JJ and Paige that he saw Jill in the square...

Oct 27, 2014
JJ assists Eve after she trips and hurts her wrist. JJ offers to take her to the hospital to have it looked at but Eve refuses since they would want to give her medication and she is supposed to be having her surgery soon. Paige ends up finding Jill. Jill tells Paige that she didn't drug JJ but someone else must of. Jill puts doubts in Paige's mind by saying JJ was all over her. The executive offers will a six month contract to write the screenplay but he will have to move to California. Sami encourages Will to take the offer but Will needs to talk to Sonny first. ...

Oct 28, 2014
Brady and Theresa spend the night together though Brady worries about leading Theresa on. Brady gets the news that John will be released from the hospital. Anne shows up needing to talk to Theresa. Brady heads to the hospital while Anne tells Theresa that Kristen talked to her again about the scholarship. Brady heads to the hospital but ends up getting called away from John when Kristen texts him and tells him that she is leaving town but has something important to tell him. Brady arrives at Kristen's room and she plays Theresa's confession for him. Jennifer overhears...

Oct 29, 2014
Jennifer tells Daniel that he needs to stay out of her and her children's lives. Jennifer demands that Daniel have JJ give his key to the apartment back. Kristen plays the audio of Theresa admitting to hitting John with the fire place poker. Brady doesn't believe her and thinks that Kristen edited the audio. John begins to put the screws to Theresa as Brady arrives and overhears John admit to knowing that Theresa was the one that hit him. Sami informs Rafe that she is leaving town and thanks him for always being there for her. Later, Sami shares an emotional farewell ...

Oct 30, 2014
Kristen arrives at Daniel's and tells him that she played the audio for Brady but he didn't believe it accusing her of editing it. Kristen notes the irony of finally telling the truth and it got her no where. Daniel tells Kristen that Jennifer severed any remaining ties between them. Kristen yells at Daniel but the two end up falling into bed together. Brady overhears John telling Theresa that he knows it was her that hit him. Brady is furious with them both and heads off to Daniel's where the door has been left slightly open. Sami says her final goodbyes to her ...

Oct 31, 2014
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Nov 03, 2014
Brady shows up at Kristen's room and tells her that he now believes she was telling the truth about John and Theresa. Kristen starts to think there is hope for the two of them but Brady then tells Kristen that he saw her and Daniel together in bed. Marlena and Eric chase after Theresa and Anne. Theresa tries to deny what John said and that Kristen's recording is a fake. Later, Theresa informs Anne that she is pregnant with Brady's baby as Kristen listens in. Paige overhears Eve and Kayla talking about how Kayla was raped by Jack. Paige is shocked and texts JJ to meet ...

Nov 04, 2014
Kristen freaks out when she overhears Theresa telling Anne that she is pregnant. Later, Kristen calls on a man to help her carry out a plan. Eve is left devastated when Dr. Chung tells her that her surgery will not be possible. Later, Eve drowns her sorrows at the square where Eric sees her. Eve tries to flirt with Eric but he receives a call and leaves her. Paige confronts JJ about drinking and the pictures of him with the girls at the party. The two end up getting into a fight and Paige leaves in tears. Ben thinks he has found the perfect apartment but Chad gives ...

Nov 05, 2014
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Nov 06, 2014
Kristen's goons kidnap Theresa from the park and bring her to the man Kristen was talking to. It is clear that he is going to take the embryo from Theresa and implant Kristen with it. Earlier, Kristen called Brady and told him that she was leaving town and taking a piece of him with her. Paige arrives home and nearly catches Eve and JJ after they have slept together. Paige sees the jacket on the chair but recognizes it was Daniel's jacket. Chad informs Ben that he was Abigail's first and the two get into another fist fight. Daniel confirms to Nicole that he and ...

Nov 07, 2014
Victor offers Kate her position back at Mad World. Kate turns him down and later informs Chad of Victor's offer. JJ tells Abigail that Paige found out about Jack raping Kayla. JJ assumes that Eve had told Paige. Later, Abigail shows up at Eve's to confront her. Eve is still reeling with guilt over sleeping with JJ. Chad takes E.J.'s place of the hospital board and tells Kayla to rehire Abigail. Victor wonders why Sonny stayed behind will Will went off to Hollywood with Sami. Sonny insists that everything will be fine and he will visit Will. Daniel gets a new top ...

Nov 10, 2014
Theresa awakens in her room and only remembers portions of what happened after she was in the park. Brady tells John that he needs space and that asks John to go on business in Europe. John agrees to do whatever it takes to mend his relationship with Brady. Later, John fills in Marlena on that fact that he is leaving town. Stefano calls Marlena to demand she do something about Sami not allowing him to see the kids. Marlena refuses to get involved. Kayla tells Abigail that she can have her job back at the hospital. Ben congratulates Abigail but tells her that he ...

Nov 11, 2014
Hope confronts Aiden about his reaction to seeing Bree. Hope does some searching on the Internet and finds out that Aiden was questioned in his wife's death. Rafe becomes upset when he sees Jordan and Chad kissing. After Jordan leaves, Rafe confronts Chad. Chad points out that both of his sisters have spent time in jail for murder or drugs. Brady doesn't believe Theresa's claim that she is pregnant and demands she get a blood test taken at the hospital. Later, Brady confesses to Rafe that this is his biggest screw up yet.

Nov 12, 2014
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Nov 14, 2014
Theresa is shocked when Kayla tells her and Brady that she isn't pregnant. Theresa doesn't understand since the pregnancy test she took at home came back positive. Brady assumes that Theresa has been lying the whole time but Theresa insists she really believed she was pregnant. Later, Theresa tells Anne that she isn't pregnant but is still confuses. Anne sees a bottle of alcohol with very little left sitting in Theresa counter. Daniel returns JJ his money clip that JJ left in his jacket. Paige nearly finds out that JJ was wearing the jacket the night before not Daniel...

Nov 14, 2014
Eve tells JJ that he needs to break up with Paige. JJ accuses Eve of sleeping with him just to make him break up with Paige. Eve insists that them sleeping together was a horrible mistake. JJ suggests that he just tells Paige the truth. Eve tells him that all that will do is destroy Paige. Paige is talking to her friend, Daphne about her mother not being able to have the surgery when Eric overhears. Eric introduces himself to Paige and Paige thinks that Eric is the guy her mother slept with the night before. Paige encourages Eric to show her mother the pictures of her...

Nov 17, 2014
JJ attempts to break up with Paige after being ordered to by Eve. Paige is confused over JJ's sudden change and JJ cannot bring himself to lie to Paige. Theresa confides in Eve that she thought she was pregnant. Stefano tells Chad to tell Kate about a potential investment. Kate is wise to Stefano's latest scheme. Nicole and Daniel spend time together playing football in the park after Nicole's suggestion of yoga doesn't work out. Brady informs Victor about Theresa's pregnancy scare.

Nov 18, 2014
Chad blackmails Kate to make him co-CEO or he will tell Stefano about their partnership. Kate has no choice but to name him co-CEO. Marlena tells Jordan that she got her message and asks if Jordan needs to talk. Anne finds out that Abigail has gotten her job back at the hospital and is furious. Later, Anne and Abigail get into a war of words. Sonny confirms to Ben that he wants him to work at the new location. Ben expresses his worries about the time commitment and Sonny snaps at him. Adrienne gets judgmental when she hears that Will has been working long hours out in...

Nov 19, 2014
Eve informs Theresa that their father knows about her pregnancy scare after Victor called him. Later, Theresa is followed by one of the men that abducted her for Mandrake. The man is sent to confirm that Theresa remembers nothing. Brady asks Maggie to be his sponsor again and she agrees. Eve shows up to lend her condolences for what Theresa did to John and her pregnancy scam. Eve doesn't let on that she knew about Theresa hitting John. Hope and Aiden tell Ciara and Chase that they are dating. Later, Hope finds that Aiden was searching the Internet for how much she is ...

Nov 20, 2014
Hope confronts Aiden over the search she found on Aiden's tablet about her money situation. Aiden tells Hope that it was Chase who did the search because he is obsessed with finding out how much money people have. Later, Aiden tells Chase he shouldn't be searching how much people are worth and tells Chase not to mention again how his mother was wealthy. Theresa sees Brady at the hospital and flips out on him. Brady takes her to the waiting room and tells her that he is not trying to run into her and wants to stay as far as possible from her. Theresa tells Brady she ...

Nov 21, 2014
Eve and JJ are able to cover what they were arguing about by telling Jennifer that Paige found out about Jack raping Kayla. Eric announces to Marlena that he is moving to a new apartment in town. Marlena is relieved that Eric is staying in town. Chad tells Jordan that he is being named co-CEO of DiMera. Jordan worries about Chad working so closely with Kate. Later, Jordan calls and congratulates Chad on this new position and Marlena overhears. Victor tells Sonny that he is worried about Sonny and Will being apart for so long. Victor also warns Sonny about Chad. Later,...

Nov 24, 2014
JJ appears to want to tell Jennifer about sleeping with Eve but he is eventually interrupted by Paige showing up at the house. Paige tells JJ that she still loves him and understands that he needs his space. Maggie is happy to see Melanie has returned to town. Melanie announces she is moving back for good. Maggie is excited but wonders why Melanie is suddenly back. Melanie tries to convince Maggie that everything just happened to come together to allow her to come home. Maggie tells Melanie that Chad is also back in town. Daniel and Nicole head back to his apartment ...

Nov 25, 2014
Melanie is surprised to see Nicole in a towel at her father's apartment. The two argue over Nicole's friendship with Daniel when Daniel returns home. Melanie and Daniel share a happy reunion as Nicole leaves. Melanie is clearly hiding something from everyone and seems nervous especially over the large sum of cash in her purse. Paul flirts heavily with Jordan during his physical therapy session when Chad walks in. Clyde and Ben chat and Clyde mentions that Kate hated the way their favorite place made coffee in Poplar Bluff. Later, Ben mentions this to Jordan who ...

Nov 26, 2014
Melanie shows up at the DiMera mansion to talk to Chad. The two discuss what has happened between them and since Melanie left town. Chad gets a call and Melanie uses the opportunity to leave without saying goodbye. Later, Melanie drops by Club TBD to see Sonny but T tells her that he isn't there. T tells her that Ben left his phone at the club and Melanie can surprise Abigail by returning it to him. When Melanie shows up at the apartment Abigail has just stepped out and Melanie ends up catching Ben coming out of the shower and dropping his towel. Jordan confronts Kate...

Dec 01, 2014
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Dec 02, 2014
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Dec 03, 2014
Melanie and Theresa have a run in at the hospital while things start off rough the two bond over their love of a music band. Daniel receives a call from the woman looking for Melanie. Later, he tells Melanie about the call and once Daniel leaves, Melanie freaks out. Adrienne tells Sonny that she saw Paul at the hospital. Later, Sonny sees Paul and tells him that he is happily married. JJ asks Paige to meet him and tells her that they need to keep their relationship a secret.

Dec 04, 2014
Eve has over heard JJ and Paige's plan to keep their relationship a secret and enlists Theresa to help her break the two up. The two tell Paige that Shane is in the hospital and they need to go to California as soon as possible. Jordan and Chad are talking about Kate bringing Clyde to town in the therapy room when Rafe walks in. Jordan fills Rafe in on that fact that Kate was the one that tracked down Clyde and told him where she and Ben were living. Rafe heads out to confront Kate. Hope learns more about Aiden by accidentally overhearing Chase telling a friend that ...

Dec 05, 2014
Melanie's friend, Serena, arrives in Salem. The two briefly chat at Daniel's before Serena has to head off to meet Maxine at the hospital to arrange her research program. There Serena recognizes Marlena. Daniel asks Nicole for helping tracking the number of the mystery woman that called looking for Melanie. Nicole tells him without a court order there is little they can do. Later, Daniel returns home and finds some paperwork Melanie left behind. Melanie meets up with Brady in the square. Brady heads off to get something leaving Melanie alone. The mystery woman and her...

Dec 08, 2014
Nicole tells Brady about seeing Melanie being chased by two people into the park. Brady follows after them and tries to help Melanie but the man knocks Brady over the head. Nicole calls Daniel to warn him and he rushes to the park with the papers he found. Turns out the Melanie was caught counting cards at a casino and the two following her are just trying to recoup the money. Nicole threatens to put the story on the news if they don't take the money and leave. Sonny hits trouble trying to open the new Club TBD. Adrienne arrives and worries about Paul being in town. ...

Dec 09, 2014
Eric is surprised to see Serena in Salem. Turns out the two dated while they were in Africa and went there separate ways when Eric decided to become a priest. Brady fills Melanie in on Theresa and her pregnancy scare. Melanie is unaware the the girl she ran into at the hospital is Theresa. Later, Melanie goes to the hospital to fill out an application and runs into Theresa again. The two exchange numbers and they eventually realize who each is. Sonny is short $200,000 due to unforeseen fees by the city. Sonny asks Victor for help. Victor asks to see the contract Sonny...

Dec 10, 2014
Serena and Eric reconnect and discuss their relationship in Africa. Eric tells Serena that he always appreciated her support when he decided to enter the priesthood. When Melanie and Theresa realize who the other is they get into a major fight that turns physical in the hospital waiting room. Maxine has to break the two up. Later, Anne tells Theresa that she will try and prevent Melanie from returning as a nurse. Daniel drops by Jennifer's and tells her that his feelings for Nicole are growing. Paul offers to help Sonny out but Sonny turns him down. Sonny is ...

Dec 11, 2014
Sonny is in for a surprise when Will and Arianna suddenly return home which is why Will wasn't returning Sonny's calls. Will tells Sonny that he is home for good and he didn't think he was fair to Sonny or Gabi to be away. Later, Will calls Sami and it turns out the studio let him go because they didn't like his work. Zoe shows up at Paul's room demanding the exclusive on his injury for Sonix. Rafe seeks Victor help in getting information on Clyde. Victor pledges his support and Rafe returns the favor by promising to keep tabs on Chad.

Dec 12, 2014
Rafe shows up at the mansion looking for Chad. Rafe warns Kate that Chad might be working for Stefano. Kate informs Rafe that Chad never came home the night before and he is probably with Jordan. Clyde overhears Ben and Abigail talking about Jordan project needing funding. Clyde offers to invest but Ben isn't sure Jordan would like it. Aiden warns Chase about talking about his mother and her money. Kayla is with a friend when they see Aiden and Hope together. Kayla's friend warns Kayla about Aiden. Later, Hope gets a call from Bree who happens to be related to Kayla's...

Dec 15, 2014
Bree warns Hope about seeing Aiden and that she could end up like Meredith. Aiden returns and realizes something has upset Hope. The two head for the Salem Inn where Hope admits that Bree called to warn her about him. Aiden explains that Bree continues to blame him for Meredith's death. Serena arrives at the Pub to meet with Eric but before he and Marlena can arrive she has to take off to deal with her office situation at the hospital. Anne initially refuses to move Serena's office but when Serena tells her the company she works for will rescind their donation if the ...

Dec 16, 2014
Aiden is upset when Hope has believed Bree over him even if for just a short time and prepares to leave. Hope stops him and the two kiss and eventually make love. Afterwards, Hope promises to not take anymore calls from Bree. When Hope leaves, Aiden calls Bree and threatens her if she ever tries to make contact with Hope again. Daniel and Nicole nearly kiss but both decide it would not be a good idea since they are both on the rebound. Roman shows up at Eric's apartment after learning Serena is in town. Serena has to rush to meet up with Melanie. Anne tells Melanie ...

Dec 17, 2014
Melanie confronts Theresa about faking a pregnancy to trap Brady and the two get into another physical confrontation. Brady has to break the two of them up and warns Melanie to say away from Theresa. Nicole sees Serena with Eric at the Pub and as she is ready to go in and find out who she is Marlena stops her. Marlena tells Nicole she doesn't need to know who Eric's friend is and should move on for both their sakes. Eric confides in Serena that he couldn't return to the Priesthood because of his hate for Nicole. Later, Serena runs into Nicole at the hospital. Lucas ...

Dec 18, 2014
Eve and Kimberly get the good news that Shane is going to be fine. Kimberly leaves and informs Paige but Eve manipulates the doctor into lying to Paige about Shane. Chad gets a call from Stefano who knows he spent the night with Jordan. Rafe shows up while Chad is on the phone with a search warrant for Chad's computer. Stefano has overheard this on the phone and sends a lawyer to stop the search. Kate and Jordan have another run in in the park. Kate tries to accuse Jordan of setting her sights on Chad for his money. Victor attempts to blackmail Clyde out of Salem but ...

Dec 19, 2014
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Dec 22, 2014
Rafe visits Gabi in prison and is upset to learn that Will hasn't brought Arianna to see Gabi since they have been back in Salem. Sonny tricks Will into coming home so they can take Ari to see Gabi. They arrive at the prison and Ari and Gabi are reunited. Ben and Abigail agree not to tell Jordan where the funds came from for their project. Jordan believes that Chad was the one that donated the funds. Chad runs into Rafe outside Club TBD and cannot help but rub in his face that he slept with Jordan again. Serena tries to dig on information about Nicole from Melanie but...

Dec 23, 2014
Melanie arrives at Serena's room to pick up a gift Serena had picked up for Melanie in Europe and Melanie catches Nicole. Nicole tries to cover telling Melanie she was just leaving an orchid for Serena. Nicole even has the bellhop back up her story but Melanie isn't so sure she believes Nicole. Daniel is suspicious of what Melanie needed from Serena's room and worries she is still in trouble. Turns out Melanie had picked up a photo album and had it engraved for Daniel. Doug and Julie arrive in Salem and Doug is not happy that Hope has already moved on from Bo. Hope ...

Dec 24, 2014
Eve and JJ have sex yet again. Afterwards, they both feel terrible about it. JJ tells Eve that he is going to break up with Paige. Paige confronts Dr. Green about lying about Shane's condition. Later, Paige calls Eve and tells her that she knows she lied and that she is taking the next flight back to Salem. Will continues his interview with Paul. Sonny calls Paul while Will is interviewing Paul. Adrienne and Lucas watch Arianna while Sonny goes out to take care of some errands. Adrienne tells Lucas that Justin is not coming home for Christmas. Ciara helps soften Doug ...

Dec 25, 2014
Paige arrives back in Salem made that Eve had a doctor lie about Shane's condition and promising that nothing would keep her and JJ apart. Paige ends up forgiving Eve and the two spend Christmas Eve together. Family begins arriving at the Horton house. When Julie asks if Paige will be coming, JJ is short with her and his mother. JJ later tells Jennifer that he doesn't think things will work out since he still thinks Paige is staying in LA. Melanie tells Nicole that her story about being in Serena's room checked out and she didn't tell Daniel anything. Nicole stays ...

Dec 26, 2014
Marlena and Kate are visiting Will, Sonny and Arianna when Marlena notices that Ari is a little warm. Marlena decides to stay home with Arianna so Will and Sonny can go to the Horton tree trimming. Sonny is touched when he receives his ornament for the tree. The group then heads to the hospital for the annual reading of the Christmas story. Abigail is giving the honor of reading the story this year. Abe fills in for Santa with Theo as his elf. At the hospital, Kayla expresses concerns about Aiden that she heard from Lisa. Hope shuts Kayla's worries down telling her ...

Dec 29, 2014
Will is shocked to find that his and Sonny's bank account has insufficient funds and he believes they have been hacked. Sonny admits to Will that he took money out to pay for things at the new club location. Will is upset that Sonny did this without talking to him and even more upset when Sonny reveals he went to Victor first and Victor turned him down. Will soon calms down and tells Sonny he trusts him. Sonny ends up having to take Arianna to see Gabi alone but Will has another meeting with Paul. Melanie stops to see Gabi in prison. Melanie tells Gabi that it was ...

Dec 30, 2014
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Dec 31, 2014
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Dec 10, 2014
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Days of Our Lives Season 50 (1965) is released on 0001-01-01T08:05:43+08:05 and the latest season 58 of Days of Our Lives is released in 2022. Watch Days of Our Lives online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Days of Our Lives is directed by Albert Alarr,Herb Stein,Grant A. Johnson,Phil Sogard and created by William J. Bell with Deidre Hall and Kristian Alfonso. Days of Our Lives is available online on fuboTV and DIRECTV.