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Episodes (254)

Jan 03, 2011
Stephanie ignores calls from Kayla thinking she is just harassing her about telling the truth about Parker's paternity. Later, Stephanie listens to Kayla's voice mail telling her that Caroline had a stroke. Melanie wants Daniel to seek custody of Parker but he refuses to take the baby away from Chloe. Kate pretends to know what Maggie is talking about when she runs into her at the Pub. Philip tells Kate that he is Parker's father. Sami and Rafe run into E.J. and Nicole at the Pier New Year's celebration where E.J. announces their engagement.

Jan 04, 2011
Bo makes a call to Carly at a nearby gas station. Bo tells Carly that she needs to get a message to Roman to call him at that number after Carly hangs up Bo hears a noise on the other end and realizes the hospital line was tapped. E.J. gives Nicole a bracelet and tells her it will track her every move. Mary relays information to Sami. Jennifer continues working undercover at the prison and Rafe sees her when he visits the warden. The Warden tells Dr. Walters that she can't get him any more organs until Bo and Hope are caught. Sami pretends to talk to Brady about using...

Jan 05, 2011
E.J. tells Johnny that he is going to marry Nicole and she will be his new mommy. Johnny gets upset saying he already has a mommy. Stefano tells E.J. about what he overheard Sami talking about on the phone. E.J. goes over to Sami and tells her that he is tracking Nicole's every move. Nicole drops by to visit and finds out the whole story about Philip being the father. Nicole tells Chloe that there is no way Daniel will ever get over this. Daniel asks Victor to help make sure Chloe and Parker are taken care of. Stefano tells Nicole that E.J. knows she has been sneaking...

Jan 06, 2011
Johnny runs away and is picked up by a squad car which takes him to the police station. Rafe calls Sami to tell her that Johnny is there while E.J. gets a call from Stefano telling him the Johnny is missing. Neither lets on to the other the news they received and rush off. Vivian heads off on a business trip with Gus and Brady changes the flight plan with new pilots. One of the pilots hands Vivian a suit and tells her to jump out of the plane.

Jan 07, 2011
Vivian and Gus land safely on a deserted island. Vivian vows revenge if they get off the island. Nathan comforts Melanie after hearing about Philip and Chloe. Later, Brady stops by to do the same. Philip confronts Stephanie about her role in the paternity switch but agrees not to tell Nathan. Nathan is standing at the door and overhears the conversation. Nathan looks on the computer and finds an e-mail to Ian. Kayla drops by to help Stephanie get ready for the wedding. Nathan arrives back home while Stephanie is still in her wedding dress. Kate visits Chloe and tells ...

Jan 10, 2011
Vivian and Gus get into a fight on the island. Victor wonders what happened to Vivian. Chad visits Stefano telling him he wants nothing to do with him or his family. Melanie tries to get Daniel to seek custody of Parker but he refuses again. Melanie asks to stay with Daniel and heads over to his apartment because she thinks Chloe has moved out. Melanie and Chloe argue and Melanie runs off to the bathroom when she feels sick. Chloe asks Melanie if she might be pregnant. Nathan confronts Stephanie who tries to come up with excuses. Nathan refuses to believe Stephanie ...

Jan 11, 2011
Carly faces the ethics revue board for her part in the paternity test. Caroline is released from the hospital and says with Stephanie learning that Nathan has moved out. Melanie lies to Chloe about taking a paternity test and it coming back negative. Stefano tells Lexie and E.J. about Chad. Chad continues to refuse to have anything to do with Stefano. Daniel arrives with a mover and tells Chloe it is time to leave. Nathan tells Melanie he ended things with Stephanie. Nicole notices a white fleck in Johnny's eye and insists E.J. take him to the hospital where they find...

Jan 12, 2011
Bo finds out about a meeting the warden is having. Hope wants to go along but Bo refuses. When Bo gets to the meeting cite he can see the warden having a conversation with someone but is knocked out. The warden goes to check things out and the person she was talking to is revealed as Stefano. E.J. and Nicole tell Sami that the cancer has spread to Johnny's other eye. Melanie contemplates what to do about her pregnancy. Will sees Gabi flirting with another guy.

Jan 13, 2011
Warden Smith takes Bo hostage and gives him a truth serum to find out where Hope is located. Carly worries that Daniel is too distracted to do Johnny's surgery. E.J. and Sami have to agree to let the doctors take Johnny's eye if the laser surgery doesn't work. Stefano tries to get Dr. Walters to get eye's for Johnny if the surgery doesn't work. Dr. Walters tells Stefano they don't have the kind of surgery for eye replacement yet.

Jan 14, 2011
Sami catches E.J. makes a bargain with God to save Johnny's eyesight. Kate offers comfort to Stefano after running into him of the docks. Rafe asks Nicole what will happen to her if E.J. keeps his end of the bargain to let Sami back in Johnny and Sydney's lives. Johnny comes out of surgery with his eye but the doctors won't know about his sight until the bandages come off. Nathan confronts Philip about hurting Melanie. Stephanie accuses Melanie of having both Philip and Nathan wrapped around her finger and the two get into a physical fight with Melanie ending up on ...

Jan 17, 2011
E.J. tells Stefano that his war with Sami is over and he is going to let her see the children again. Melanie worries that Chloe will tell Philip that she is pregnant.

Jan 18, 2011
The bandages are removed from Johnny's eyes and the news appears good as he can see short distances but has trouble with the long distances. Bo refuses to tell Warden Smith where Hope is located. Nathan runs into Jennifer and Dr. Walters. Jennifer is asking about volunteering at the prison when Nathan lets it slip that Jennifer volunteers all the time at the hospital. Dr. Walters takes off on a call and accidentally grabs Nathan's phone. Hope gets the number Warden Smith has been calling and is surprised to hear Nathan on the other end. Maggie realizes that Vivian is ...

Jan 19, 2011
Stefano tells E.J. that they need to kill Sami's love for E.J. and he has just the plan. Chloe attempts to put the moves on a sleeping Daniel. Melanie tells Daniel she is pregnant. Chad brings Johnny a gift.

Jan 20, 2011
E.J. lays the ground work for Stefano's plan by gaining Rafe's trust when he drops off Sydney. Brady throws Nicole out when she begs for his help to see Sydney. Daniel tells Melanie that she needs to allow Philip in the babies life since she knows what it felt like to grow up without a father. Daniel tells Carly that Melanie is pregnant. Victor asks Brady to bring Vivian home.

Jan 21, 2011
Nicole is surprised when E.J. tells her that he still wants to marry her. Rafe is still skeptical about E.J. allowing Sami to see Johnny and Sydney. Stefano begins work on his plan for Rafe. Melanie tells Nathan that she is pregnant. Chloe confronts Caroline and it takes Philip to drag her away.

Jan 24, 2011
Hope visits Nathan to ask how he is involved in what is going on at the prison. Nathan has no idea what Hope is talking about and she tells him she called the phone number that showed up on Warden Smith's call list and he answered. Nathan than explains that he accidentally ended up with Dr. Walters phone. Hope realizes Dr. Walters must be involved and Nathan tells her that Jennifer is getting closer to him. Hope gives Nathan a note to give Jennifer. Jennifer follows the notes instructions and finds Hope on the boat where Hope tells her about Dr. Walters. Brady arrives...

Jan 25, 2011
Bo is able to free himself from being tied up and waits behind the door to surprise Warden Smith. Hope grows more and more worried about Bo. E.J.'s jealousy towards Rafe continues to grow. Vivian demands a divorce from Victor.

Jan 26, 2011
Elvis forbids Nicole to check in the basement if the contractor is expanding the wine cellar, as Sir says, or installing a rehab facility for Johnny as she 'guesses', or neither as she concludes. Elvis presents the formal legal version of a generous custody agreement, acceptable to Rafe, but they can't prevent Sami tearing it up because Nicole, as EJ's wife, would inherit step-motherly rights in the event of his death. Kate gets ever fiercely-defensive Melanie to consider that it's in the children's interest to raise her baby with Philip and even his Parker, ...

Jan 27, 2011
Rafe finds it easy to make Sami accepts Elvis's terms after Justin spelled out it's the only option for the kids, even generous. Hearing that Johnny loves the cuddly frog he got from Chad, Lexie encourages her half-brother, who still can't find a job, to consider bonding with any DiMeras he chooses, regardless of Stefano. Kate keeps pleading that Philip's kids should be raised together by him and Melanie, not Chloe, who pretends the baby is sick to demand Daniel's attention.

Jan 28, 2011
Jennifer brings Carly to the infirmary to look at the medical codes because the pictures Jen took were to blurry. Carly notes that each of the patients was marked for organ donation. They overhear Lee and Warden Smith outside talking about killing Bo in a clearing. Carly rushes off to save Bo while Jennifer stays behind and calls Hope. Lee returns and finds Jennifer with the medical records. Stefano quizzes Dr. Walters about any physical injuries Rafe might of sustained in the accident. Stefano tells E.J. that this is a perfect time to put their plan into action. ...

Jan 31, 2011
Lee operates on Jennifer. Bo and Hope try to explain that Warden Smith was involved with something at the prison. Carly gets a hold of Daniel to tell him that Dr. Walters is involved in illegally obtaining organs just as Dr. Walters is preparing to give Jennifer's heart to one of his patients. Nicole is shocked to find Taylor at her doorstep. Stefano unveils his Rafe look-a-like.

Feb 01, 2011
Once the Rafe-impostor has proven himself credible to Stfeano and Elvis, they instruct henchman Marco, posing as orderly, to switch him for the tranquilized real Rafe in hospital. Detective Pierce is prepared to release the warden and her cop accomplice for lack of proof and jail Bo and Hope. That changes after Daniel, who realized colleague Ben was intending to transplant an illegally 'harvested' heart, has him arrested. The warden is now grilled and forced to accept a plea deal, but after a DiMera-corrupted cop passes a warning, she accuses only Dr. Walters. Nicole ...

Feb 02, 2011
Daniel fights to save Jennifer's life. Dr. Walters is shocked to learn that the organs he was receiving more obtained illegally. Rafe wakes up and realizes that Stefano and E.J. are holding him captive.

Feb 03, 2011
Carly and Bo break up when Carly tells him that she knows he is not over Hope. Jennifer makes it through the surgery and is rushed to the hospital. Kate witnesses Chloe becoming more and more despondent and realizes this is the opportunity to get Parker away from Chloe. Maggie warns Victor to keep Kate away from Chloe. Nicole offers Taylor money for a hotel room and tells her that the reason she has a hard time being around her is because Taylor didn't suffer the same kind of abuse as her and Brandon as kids. Abe runs into Taylor and offers to let her stay with him ...

Feb 04, 2011
Fake Rafe releases himself from hospital, just in time to celebrate Johnny's return home and Sydney's birthday with Will, for which party he invites EJ, to Sami's inspired astonishment. The real Rafe can only speculate why he's kept caged in the DiMera basement. Nathan firmly rejects Melanie's suggestion that he might just ask her on the rebound after Stefanie's betrayal.

Feb 07, 2011
E.J. lets Nicole remove her tracking bracelet. Sami notices that "Rafe" is missing his key necklace. Hope is reunited with Ciara.

Feb 08, 2011
Philip warns Kate to back off of Chloe and stay out of his life. Lexie encourages Taylor to try and talk to Nicole again. Sami sleeps with impostor Rafe. Daniel warns Chloe not to try and use Parker to get back with him.

Feb 09, 2011
Sami gets a call from Carrie and voices her concerns about Rafe's behavior. Impostor Rafe overhears Sami's conversation. Melanie realizes that Kate was right about Chloe. Chad takes a job at the Cheatin' Heart and begins using DiMera as his last name. Stefano threatens to kidnap Allie is Rafe doesn't cooperate. Sami encourages Taylor to stay in Salem. Rafe meets his look alike.

Feb 10, 2011
E.J. shows Rafe a picture of the 'impostor Rafe' with Sami. Victor thinks that Vivian found a loop hole in the agreement and bought a company but is shocked to learn that it was Brady. Brady also reveals that Vivian signed the company back over to him and not Victor. Taylor mistakes Brady for a homeless person. Taylor decides to stay in Salem. Brady sees the 'impostor Rafe' at the Cheatin' Heart and question as to why he is drinking in the middle of the day.

Feb 11, 2011
Nicole asks Chloe to be her maid-of-honor. Chloe bakes cookies and gets a call about Parker's medication being in but decides to leave Parker at home while she runs out. Bo asks Victor to call the governor to make sure Hope doesn't go back to prison. Victor tells Bo he will call the governor and ask for a pardon but he won't demand anything because Hope would be furious with Bo if he went around the law to get her released. The governor tells Victor he is staying out the of issue and won't give a pardon. Hope has her hearing and the judge gives her time served. E.J. ...

Feb 14, 2011
Taylor and E.J. make an impression on each other but neither gets the others name. Kate tells Melanie that getting custody of Parker is a packaged deal with getting back together with Philip. Chloe rushes home to find the cookies burning. Rafe lies to E.J. about Allie's favorite type of cookie. Hope tells Bo that she doesn't think she should come home until they figure everything out.

Feb 15, 2011
Impostor Rafe freaks out when Allie tells him he bought the wrong cookies. Sami seeks advice from Kayla about Rafe's behavior. E.J. warns Rafe not to mess around with information. Rafe gets the upper hand with Marco and knocks him out and takes his keys. Taylor turns down a job offer from Brady. Maggie is not happy to hear that Brady took Titan from Victor. Doug, Julie and Ciara surprise Bo and Hope with a dinner.

Feb 16, 2011
Melanie tells Philip she wants to get back together. Chad applies for another job at Chez Rouge. Rafe makes it back to his apartment to see impostor Rafe and Sami making out. Gabi and Will go on a Valentine's Day date.

Feb 17, 2011
Rafe makes it to the apartment to see Sami and impostor Rafe making out. Marco finds Rafe and drags him back to the cell. Sami hears the noise in the hall but impostor Rafe tells her it was just a domestic disturbance. Sami's neighbor stops by and tells her she saw Rafe being dragged away by some men. Taylor applies for a job at Chez Rouge and mistakes another man for E.J. Victor throws Brady out of the mansion.

Feb 18, 2011
Chad gives Will the ripped picture of Allie he found in the park. Sami freaks out when Will shows her the picture. Impostor Rafe beats up Rafe because he knows Rafe dropped the picture when he escaped. Lexie asks E.J. to reach out to Chad and E.J. asks him to be his best man. Jennifer plans a dinner for Carly and Daniel.

Feb 21, 2011
Chloe overhears Melanie talking to Kate about getting Parker away from Chloe. Impostor Rafe continues the plan to have Allie kidnapped. Kate calls Lucas.

Feb 22, 2011
Vivian is delighted to hear that Brady took the company out from under Victor. Sami gets a call from Lucas asking that Allie come to visit him in Hong Kong. Impostor Rafe tries to have Allie kidnapped by Sami interrupts with the news from Lucas. Chad agrees to be E.J.'s best man. E.J. and Taylor just miss meeting again.

Feb 23, 2011
Even on his wedding day, Elvis dreams of Taylor and vice versa, without realizing their link is bride Nicole, who admits to her sister she unexpectedly went in full romantic loving mode all over. EJ instructs goon Ted to look for Taylor, albeit solely based on a rather vague description, but Stefano sends him to guard Rafe, after taunting him efficiently over Allie's supposed abduction. Stefano is delighted that Chad accepted being EJ's best man. Philips acts most protective of Parker and Chloe, notably against Kate.

Feb 24, 2011
Chloe leaves a note and heads to the docks where she jumps into the water leaving Parker sitting on the docks by himself with a note. Philip gets there in time and saves Chloe. Jennifer encourages Daniel to hold Parker at the hospital. Rafe wrestles Ted to the ground and takes away his phone calling 911 and asking for Roman. Roman is barely able to hear Rafe but makes out his name and that he needs help. Impostor Rafe arrives at the Pub running into Roman who asks what the call was about. Nicole realizes something happened between Taylor and E.J. and demands answers ...

Feb 25, 2011
Abe warns Chad about the DiMera family. Philip realizes what Kate and Melanie were up to. Nicole tries to get information out of Taylor about how she met E.J. Roman tells Bo that he is being reinstated on the forces but Hope is not.

Feb 28, 2011
Impostor Rafe flirts with Stephanie. A social worker arrives and tells Chloe and Philip that Parker is being put into protective custody. Philip asks Daniel to take Parker overnight but he initially refuses until Jennifer jumps in to help. E.J. tells Taylor he hasn't been thinking of her. Nathan and Philip argue over Melanie. Melanie doubles over in pain as the two fight.

Mar 01, 2011
Impostor Rafe suggests to Stefano that he cheat on Sami. Stephanie tells Sami that the hug felt more than friendly. Taylor and Brady drink their troubles away. Melanie loses the baby.

Mar 02, 2011
Hope contemplates what to do with her life. Chloe signs papers to put Philip's name on Parker's birth certificate. Melanie apologizes to Chloe and Chloe asks Melanie to look after Parker while she gets better. Johnny tells E.J. about seeing Rafe outside the mansion. Abby surprises Jennifer by arriving home from London. Maggie tries to talk Nathan out of pursing Melanie.

Mar 03, 2011
Sami tries to surprise impostor Rafe with a MRI. Abby doesn't make the best first impression on Chad. Melanie tells Philip that she cannot be with him.

Mar 04, 2011
Philip tells Victor that Chloe is either moving in or Philip will move out. Nathan defends Melanie when Stephanie verbally attacks her not knowing about the miscarriage. Sami refuses to accept Rafe's MRI results because she wants an answer as to why he has been acting so different. Stefano goes against E.J. and injects Rafe with a drug that will erase his memories.

Mar 07, 2011
Stefano realizes he might of made a mistake by telling Rafe the drug could make him forget his memories. Carly rushes back from her medical conference to be by Melanie's side. Nicole encourages Taylor to take the job at Titan but E.J. has the exact opposite reaction.

Mar 08, 2011
Kate tries to get Chad to reach out to Stefano. Abby tells Will and Gabi about the hot jerk she met at Java. Daniel tells Nathan that he won't give his blessing for Nathan to ask Melanie to marry him and that he needs to take it slow. Melanie tells Nathan she needs to figure things out on her own. Taylor tells E.J. that he can't dictate what job she takes.

Mar 09, 2011
Fay returns to town with bad health news for Nicole and Taylor. Nicole insists that Fay move in and Taylor can help take care of her. E.J. asks Lexie to put in a good word for Taylor at a hospital in New York. Abby and Chad talk but Abby is scared away when she finds out Chad is Stefano's son. Jennifer leaves a message for Jack giving him a piece of her mind.

Mar 10, 2011
E.J. isn't happy to hear that Taylor will be moving in along with Fay. Maggie lets her true feelings slip with Victor. Nicole drops the kids off with impostor Rafe and notes he is acting strange. Justin proposes to Adrienne.

Mar 11, 2011
Kate asks Sami why Allie is afraid of Rafe. The guy who stole Gabi's earrings pawns them for $100. Gabi accuses Kinsey of stealing her earrings. Imposter Rafe tells Johnny he should fight a boy making fun of him. Stefano's doctors perform a procedure on Rafe. Gus overhears Stefano talking on the phone.

Mar 14, 2011
Carly gives Melanie a necklace. Bo breaks up the fight between Kinsey and Gabi. Kinsey tells Bo and Gabi she got the earrings at a pawn shop. Jennifer and Daniel play a few rounds of darts. Carly tells Nathan that Melanie doesn't want to see him. Will and Gabi visit the pawn shop and demand to see the surveillance footage.

Mar 15, 2011
Gabi and Will take a look at the security footage and Gabi appears to recognize the man pawning her earrings. The man runs into Melanie on the pier and tries to steal her necklace. Melanie catches him and demands it back. Brady appears and the man is brought into the police station. The man clearly knows Rafe but impostor Rafe doesn't know who he is until Gabi arrives and calls him Dario. Lexie is surprised when Nicole tells her Taylor moved into the mansion.

Mar 16, 2011
Impostor Rafe nearly blows his cover when he doesn't recognize Rafe's brother, Dario. Daniel informs Chloe that she will be receiving divorce papers. Stefano orders that the safe house key be taking away from Rafe.

Mar 17, 2011
Jennifer tells Abby that she is getting a divorce from Jack. Daniel and Jennifer's divorce papers are accidentally sent to each other by Justin's secretary. E.J. and Taylor kiss.

Mar 18, 2011
Sami asks Dario to stay with her and Rafe which angers impostor Rafe. E.J. and Taylor share a kiss. Adrienne tells Justin that the boys won't be able to make it home until December or January for their wedding.

Mar 21, 2011
Sami is shocked by impostor Rafe's reaction to the news about Dario moving in. Imposter Rafe tells Sami he has a headache and passes out. At the hospital, impostor Rafe doesn't recognize Carly. Vivian tells Maggie that she has won. Melanie drops by Rafe's apartment to make sure he does things by the book with Dario but instead meets a shirtless Dario. Dario tells Melanie that he stole the items to pay for a private investigator to help him find the driver who hit Arianna. Stephanie overhears Nathan talking to John Hopkins about the job he turned down.

Mar 22, 2011
Carly tells Sami that something isn't adding up with Rafe. Stefano demands that impostor Rafe take any additional tests that Sami and Carly want since he overheard the two voicing their concerns. Melanie and Dario argue about Arianna. Chad discovers his overdue bill at Salem University has been paid. Chad realizes it was Stefano who paid it and asks him about any strings that are attached to it. Chloe tells Justin that she doesn't want any of Daniel's money. Maggie asks Victor to lunch.

Mar 23, 2011
Carly figures out the impostor Rafe's blood sugar levels are too high and that might be playing a part in his behavior. Real Rafe is being held in some sort of mental ward hospital room. Rafe uses the safe house key to pick the lock on his hand cuffs. Nicole tells Chloe she doesn't like seeing Brady so unhappy. E.J. sees Brady and Taylor working closely together. Jennifer continues to try and play matchmaker with Carly and Daniel.

Mar 24, 2011
Impostor Rafe acts strangely with Sami and nearly tells her the truth. Sami realizes impostor Rafe spiked his drink with alcohol after she put pills into his drink. Bo and Hope reminisce about old times looking at Alice's scrapbooks. Ciara sees them kissing but also overhears them say that their problems escalated due to Ciara. Ciara tells Theo she needs to run away. E.J. is jealous seeing Taylor and Brady together and calls Fay. E.J. tells Taylor that Fay is trying to call her and needs her to come home. Melanie and Dario have another run in. Stephanie accuses ...

Mar 25, 2011
Stefano tells E.J. he should pursue things with Taylor but keep it quiet. Jennifer warns Abby about getting involved with a DiMera. Dario thinks Melanie is conning Daniel after hearing information about Melanie's past from Stephanie. Dario tries to warn Daniel by telling him everything but Daniel tells him Melanie is his daughter and punches him out. Sami tells impostor Rafe she drugged his drink. Impostor Rafe considers revealing his identity.

Mar 28, 2011
Taylor stops E.J. before their making out can go any further. E.J. suggests that they have an affair. Ciara continues to plan running away. Nathan has his last day at Salem University Hospital. Carly begins to unravel and injects herself with a tranquilizer. Fay worries when Nicole tells her she is falling for E.J.

Mar 29, 2011
E.J. and Taylor are nearly caught making out by Fay and Nicole. Abby tells Jennifer that she isn't going to hang out with Chad anymore since he decided to move in with Stefano. Chad remembers his mother on her birthday. Daniel and Jennifer both note that Carly is acting odd. Sami continues to be frustrated by impostor Rafe.

Mar 30, 2011
Victor exposes Brady's plan to take over another company to the papers. Vivian continues to plot to find out what Victor is hiding. Sami and impostor Rafe continue to argue. Fay is still suspicious of Taylor and E.J.

Mar 31, 2011
E.J. tells Taylor that he will back off. Taylor tells Lexie she needs to move out of the DiMera mansion. Melanie visits with Parker and leans on Brady for support. Nicole refuses to help Vivian with her plot against Kate. Fay over hears impostor Rafe, E.J. and Stefano discussing their plan.

Apr 01, 2011
Impostor Rafe attacks Fay when he realizes that she over heard his conversation with Stefano and E.J. Taylor tells Nicole that she is still planning to move out and considers telling her the truth about her and E.J. Melanie kiss Brady to throw Dario off. Hope worries when Detective McCarthy cannot find Ciara and Theo at school. Stefano shows E.J. footage of the real Rafe in his cell demanding to know who he is.

Apr 04, 2011
Having found out that Faye overheard him and the DiMeras discuss his fake identity, impostor Rafe throws the cardiac patient down a staircase, hoping to stage an accidental death, then hastily retreats as her daughters arrive. Elvis taunts Sami, pretending indignation over 'Rafe' being allowed to lead their son Johnny astray into violent misbehavior. Daniel, Carly and Melanie recapitulate the lost teenage patient's drama.

Apr 05, 2011
Dario meets the P.I. Justin recommended to start an investigation who killed Ariana. Fake Rafe enjoys taunting Sami, eager to leave Salem, but learns that Faye survives. Ignoring what happened, Elvis visits her in hospital, commiserating with Nicole and Taylor, mystified why recognizing him gives her a cardiac fit. To Daniel's horror, Melanie considers handing Dario the extra money Philip transferred to her on top of the generous divorce settlement. Philip reconsiders if shared custody of parker is a good idea after Chloe blindly accuses him of plotting to take their ...

Apr 06, 2011
Nicole suspicions kick in when she finds Fay's cell phone on the table in the foyer. Sami catches impostor Rafe in Fay's hospital room.

Apr 07, 2011
Impostor Rafe comes up with an alibi in order to finish Fay off. Fay wakes up and tells Taylor she needs to warn Nicole. Taylor thinks it is because Fay knows about her and E.J. Chad moves into the DiMera mansion. Sami is determined to find out what is really behind Rafe's personality change.

Apr 08, 2011
Fay can't get out the words to tell Nicole about E.J. and impostor Rafe. Bo and Hope's plan to talk to Ciara's classmate who dared her to climb the fence doesn't go well. Later, Bo and Hope make love. The real Rafe tries to put the pieces back together. Carly overhears Vivian calling Nicholas and tries to call him herself but he doesn't want to talk to Carly. Maxine catches impostor Rafe in the supply closet.

Apr 11, 2011
Impostor Rafe succeeds in killing Fay by smothering her with a pillow. Nicole is devastated and blames Lexie but Carly tells her it looks like Fay had a sudden stroke. Philip encourages Chloe to sing at the Brady Pub open mic night. Vivian breaks into the DiMera mansion to look for information on what Stefano is keeping secret but runs into Chad.

Apr 12, 2011
Carly tells Lexie that she hurt her elbow and she writes her a prescription. Melanie is attacked by a man demanding that she drop the reward for Arianna's hit and run driver. E.J. worries that Nicole may remember the construction going on in the basement and connect that with Fay telling her about his secret. Daniel and Jennifer act awkward around each other and Maxine notices.

Apr 13, 2011
Carly snaps at Daniel and Jennifer. Nicole overhears Stefano and E.J. talking about Rafe but runs into the table so they know she is the foyer. Sami tells impostor Rafe that she is taking the kids to visit Eric in Colorado. Ciara is able to trick Bo and Hope to run away with Theo.

Apr 14, 2011
Bo and Hope discover Ciara and Theo have ran away. Abby tells Chad about an internship at the hospital in hopes he will change his mind about working for the DiMera's. Kate decides she needs to keep Abby and Chad apart. Impostor Rafe kisses Nicole.

Apr 15, 2011
Stefano and E.J. pay impostor Rafe to leave town before Sami returns. Ciara falls and hits her head. Bo and Hope have to tell Lexie and Abe that Ciara and Theo have run away.

Apr 18, 2011
Fake Rafe's friendly attempt to explain to Will and Gabi he's leaving town, supposedly for a holiday so he and Sami can cool down, bitter Dario's arrival turns it into a scolding exchange. Real Rafe 'graduates' to crafts therapy and secretly hides tools to prepare an escape. Daniel and later Melanie are revolted to find Chloe drinking in public, but she ignores their warning against compromising her custody case.

Apr 19, 2011
Kate records Chloe's drunken rant and shows it to Philip. Philip confronts Chloe about her threat to take Parker away. Melanie pepper sprays Dario when he sneaks up behind her on the docks. Nicole cannot put down her thoughts to her mother on paper. Someone breaks into Daniel's apartment and plans to attack Melanie. Stefano tells impostor Rafe to take care of Troy.

Apr 20, 2011
Carly struggles during surgery on a patient. Philip decides to take Parker and leave town devastating Chloe. Melanie is attacked by the masked intruder but Dario comes to her rescue again. E.J. and Taylor are in a car accident. Nicole takes a sneak peak at Taylor's letter to Fay.

Apr 21, 2011
Justin and Adrienne witness the attraction between Daniel and Jennifer. Melanie tells Dario that the intruder he just knocked out admitted to be the one that hit Arianna and Melanie has to pull Dario off strangling the guy. Carly takes another pill and begins attack loopy, she later realizes she took the wrong pill. Hope and Bo still search for Ciara and Theo. Nicole finds E.J. and Taylor's limo crashed on the side of the road.

Apr 22, 2011
Victor and Maggie attempt to define their relationship. Kate verbally abuses Chloe and Chloe swears she will get revenge. Dario let's Imposter Rafe know that Ari's killer has been caught and is shocked that Rafe doesn't seem to care. Daniel and Brady learn what happened and that Ari's killer is in the hospital. Maggie invites Chloe to live with her. Rafe steals the orderly's pass key and is able to escape. Impostor Rafe brings home a woman he met at the bar.

Apr 25, 2011
Lexie snaps at Hope - blaming her for Ciara running away with Theo. Ciara and Theo run into a teenage runaway who gives them food. In return, Ciara gives the girl her necklace. Dario returns to the apartment to find impostor Rafe with the girl he brought home. Victor is livid to find out Maggie is allowing Chloe to stay with her. Maggie tells Chloe that she is worried about her drinking. Rafe is able to escape from the mental ward but is stopped out in the woods.

Apr 26, 2011
Bo is able to convince the girl Ciara and Theo encountered to tell him and Hope where she last saw the kids. Taylor tells Nicole and E.J. that she needs to move out as quickly as possible. Rafe is cornered by the orderly and guard and jumps into a ravine. Maggie tells Melanie that she won't turn her back on Chloe. Impostor Rafe's car breaks down and Ciara and Theo stumble on him. Nicole finds the DNA results Vivian and Gus threw away and begins to make a connection between the construction E.J. was doing in the basement and the results.

Apr 27, 2011
Impostor Rafe takes credit for "finding" Ciara and Theo. Kate plants the idea in Chad to work for Stefano and not the hospital. Nicole thinks that E.J. and Stefano brainwashed Rafe which is why he is acting odd. E.J. tells Taylor he is planning to divorce Nicole so they can be together. Nicole sees E.J.and Taylor kissing. Stefano tells E.J. that Rafe jumped off a cliff and is dead. Rafe manages to survive his jump.

May 28, 2011
Jennifer tells Daniel that she is interested in him. E.J. treats Taylor to a picnic where he tries to convince her to be with him when he divorces Nicole. Nicole promises revenge on E.J. and Taylor. Justin tries to reach out to Chloe but she just gets angry.

Apr 29, 2011
Sami returns before impostor Rafe can leave town. Theo continues to act odd around impostor Rafe. Ciara tells Bo and Hope that Rafe is only nice when grown-ups are around. Carly over hears Maxine tellings Melanie that there is a meeting being called at the hospital over missing drugs. Jennifer and Daniel decide to go on a date. Nicole has a DNA test ran to compare the DNA found in the DiMera basement to Rafe's.

May 02, 2011
Nicole gets DNA proof that Stefano and E.J. had Rafe in the basement. E.J. notices that Nicole is acting strangely. Sami overhears impostor Rafe telling Dario not to mention the woman he slept with while Sami was gone. Kinsey tells Gabi that her dad is losing his job. Will and Gabi try to get some alone time together.

May 03, 2011
Rafe is rescued by a nun. Sami confronts impostor Rafe over sleeping with another woman. E.J. nearly tells Nicole he wants a divorce. Dario tries to fight his feelings for Melanie.

May 04, 2011
Nicole shows E.J. the DNA results when he tells her he wants a divorce. Impostor Rafe cannot find his bank card with his new name on it so he can leave town and he realizes that Sami must of picked it up by mistake.

May 05, 2011
Chloe overhears Victor telling Maggie to kick her out. Later, Chloe meets a handsome stranger. Daniel cooks a meal for his date with Jennifer but she has an allergic reaction to the seafood he put in it. Rafe has memories of the convent when he hears the bells. Impostor Rafe realizes Sami picked up his bank card. Chad feels the Stefano is avoiding him.

May 06, 2011
Sami comes face to face with the real Rafe. Nicole blackmails E.J. into staying married to her leaving Taylor devastated.

May 09, 2011
Jennifer has an allergic reaction to Daniel's dinner. Abby thinks that Jennifer was really just feeling guilty and gets into an argument with Melanie that Daniel tried to move to fast. Taylor wants to get out out town as soon as possible but Lexie stops her. Chloe goes to Quinn's hotel room, the guy she met at the bar. Quinn leaves Chloe an envelope of full of money thinking she is a hooker. Sami doesn't understand why Rafe claims not to know her and when she goes to leave she runs into impostor Rafe.

May 10, 2011
Abby and Melanie continue to fight about their parents until Jennifer and Daniel separate them. Chloe tells Brady that she is moving out of Maggie's even though she hasn't found a job yet. E.J. tells Stefano he changed his mind about Nicole for the kids. Impostor Rafe tells Sami that real Rafe is really a pawn by the DiMera's and pulls a gun on him. Sami intervenes but is thrown to the ground and hits her head when Sami comes to she gets a hold of the gun and ends up shooting one of the Rafe's.

May 11, 2011
Chloe considers using the money she got from the guy who thought she was a hooker. Nicole becomes increasing jealous when she sees Brady hugging Taylor. E.J. tells Lexie that Nicole is blackmailing him to stay with her.

May 12, 2011
Sami realizes that the impostor was lying to her and she shoots him in the shoulder. Sami tells the Rafe that they can't call the cops because she needs to catch E.J. and Stefano. Brady gets sick of hearing Nicole whining about Taylor. E.J. asks Lexie to give Taylor a letter. Maggie tells Victor she can't be with him if he is going to try and control her.

May 13, 2011
Carly finds out about the new regulations for drugs at the hospital and realizes she can no longer take them without getting caught. Carly is haunted by Lawrence and makes a prescription order in her real name but is nearly caught by Abby. Melanie helps Dario move his futon into his new apartment across from Daniel's. Bo and Hope piece together odd things that impostor Rafe.

May 16, 2011
Rafe questions Sami about her time with impostor Rafe. Vivian decides to use what little she knows about Stefano's basement against him. Chloe asks Justin to tell Philip how well she is doing and advertisers her singing lessons around Salem. Later, Chloe runs into the man who thought she was a hooker. Melanie catches Dario going through a women's person at the bar.

May 17, 2011
Chloe runs into Quinn, the man who gave her the money thinking she was a hooker. Quinn apologizes but begins asking question until Daniel shows up. Justin gives Jennifer the finalized divorce papers. Jennifer begins having second thoughts about dating Daniel and breaks their date. Later, Hope talks to Daniel at the hospital and Jennifer overhears Daniel wishing that Jennifer would let herself be happy without Jack. Jennifer shows up at Daniel's apartment and asks if he still wants to go on the picnic date. E.J. and Nicole argue and Taylor overhears. Taylor realizes ...

May 18, 2011
Taylor demands that E.J. tell her the truth. Hope helps Maggie pack up the rest of Mickey's items. Melanie tells Brady that the DiMera's were probably behind the drug ring and orderly Troy to kill Arianna. Quinn listens in as Chloe talks to Justin about Parker.

May 19, 2011
Taylor doesn't believe Brady when he tells her E.J. was behind the drug ring and Arianna's killing. Later, Taylor goes and confronts E.J. Daniel gets jealous when he see Jennifer talking to an old friend. Dario asks Adrienne for a paycheck advance. Melanie tells a guy banging on Dario's door that he isn't home and realizes Dario must be in trouble.

May 20, 2011
Jennifer turns down Scott's offer of a date telling him she has just started seeing someone else. Rafe's memories begin to come back. Taylor demands answers from E.J. Later, E.J. thinks back to giving the drug ring operation over to Quinn. Quinn comforts Chloe after she sees Kate talking to Philip and Parker on her phone.

May 23, 2011
Sami and Rafe begin trying to make a connection between the DiMera's and the impostor using the bank card Sami accidentally picked up. Taylor realizes that Nicole knows about her and E.J. Chad asks Abby on a date and tells Stefano he will see Abby whenever he likes.

May 24, 2011
Abby runs into Carly knocking the contents of Carly's person on the floor, Abby helps her pick them up and comes across the bottle of pills with Katrina's name on them. Carly makes up a story that she is picking up an older patients medication. Sami calls Bo looking for information that could help them with the impostor and Bo notes that Ciara said Rafe acted different when the adults were around. Kate tricks Vivian into meeting her at the Cheatin' Heart by sending a text from Stefano's phone.

May 25, 2011
Will and Gabi are shocked when Sami returns to the pub with Rafe. Rafe is upset when he learns his impostor was awful to his sister. Sami informs Stefano that she and Rafe are back together. Carly worries when she sees Melanie and Abby talking. Nicole is surprised to still see Taylor in Salem. Melanie comes to Dario's defense when he runs into Mike.

May 26, 2011
Sami hurts Caroline's feeling when Caroline confronts her about taking Rafe back. Melanie knocks out the bookie trying to get his money from Dario. Brady pays the guy off and warns him to never bother Melanie or Dario again. Kate makes a comment about Sami's dependence on men and Rafe reacts defensively making E.J. curious.

May 27, 2011
Jennifer worries that she isn't beautiful enough for Daniel since she saw Rebecca's picture. Chloe tells Maggie about her new man and Maggie realizes she is the last person that can give relationship advice. Rafe gets reacquainted with Johnny and Sydney.

May 30, 2011
Taylor tells Nicole that she is leaving town. Carly continues to fight her pill addiction. E.J. and Stefano try to figure out why the impostor Rafe would come back. Jennifer tells Hope about her worries about being beautiful enough for Daniel.

May 31, 2011
Rafe demands answers from his impostor. Nicole informs E.J. that Taylor is leaving town. Justin arranges for Chloe to see Parker.

Jun 01, 2011
E.J. decides to take action and makes plans to kill the impostor. Daniel decides he needs to slow things down with Jennifer. Stefano realizes that Nicole has been black mailing E.J. Rafe finds Fay's necklace and wonders who it belongs to. Nicole is left confused when Rafe doesn't remember their encounter when he kissed her. Abby notices that Dario is obviously attracted to Melanie.

Jun 02, 2011
When Daniel takes off suddenly Jennifer blames herself. E.J. is shocked when he runs into Taylor on the pier. Rafe runs into Dario and realizes the DiMera's were trying to set him up. Later, Rafe returns home to tell Sami about what happened and Gabi shows up wanting to talk. Gabi passes out and Rafe brings her to the hospital. Sami decides to go visit the impostor by herself and the impostor has gotten loose. Quinn watches his sexual encounter with Chloe on video.

Jun 06, 2011
Caroline confronts Rafe over his behavior that last few months. Rafe realizes Sami isn't home and went to see the impostor by herself. The impostor corners Sami and is ready to harm her when Rafe shows up and the two get into a fight. Abby catches Daniel and Jennifer making out. Melanie tells Dario she doesn't trust herself with him. Gabi has an emergency appendectomy and is upset that Rafe has left while she is still in the hospital. Gabi notes to Will that even Sami was acting distant. Vivian runs into Quinn and it is revealed she is his mother.

Jun 07, 2011
Rafe considers telling Bo about the impostor. Nicole and E.J. scream and throw things at each other after he returns from his night with Taylor. Abby calls Bo to break things up between the two. Quinn tells Chloe that he wants her to escort one of his clients.

Jun 08, 2011
Carly's withdrawals are so severe she has to call in sick to work which causes Daniel and Melanie to show up at her door. Carly is able to play it off as the flu. E.J. berates Chad for allowing Abby to call Bo. Hope and Jennifer talk about Jennifer's date with Daniel. Quinn blackmails Chloe into being an escort by showing her the video he made of them having sex. Brady isn't pleased to hear about Taylor pursing a relationship with E.J.

Jun 09, 2011
Quinn blackmails Chloe with a sex video. Rafe clashes with Dario and then with Victor. E.J. stops Nicole from revealing everything to Taylor. Will arranges to have a private prom in Gabi's hospital room.

Jun 10, 2011
Nicole enlists Stefano's help in separating Taylor and E.J. Taylor demands to know why Rafe has her mother's cameo. Abigail is initially dismayed by Daniel and Jennifer's planned trip. Carly steals drugs from the hospital's supply room.

Jun 13, 2011
Sami and Rafe learn more about the Fay mystery after Taylor's news about the cameo. Before Jennifer and Daniel go to the spa, Kate confronts them. Brady lures E.J. to a beating. Chloe is forced to become Lola.

Jun 14, 2011
Melanie stops Brady from killing E.J. Rafe threatens his lookalike with a Taser. Taylor gives Sami an ultimatum.

Jun 15, 2011
Abe demands that Rafe show him the cameo. Bo and Hope come upon the fake Rafe and pretend they can't free him. Taylor and Stefano have it out. Quinn chafes at Kate's demands. Melanie and a reluctant Dario secretly help a badly injured E.J.

Jun 16, 2011
Bo learns about Rafe's impostor from Rafe and Sami. Chad innocently divulges information to Stefano that may put Rafe in danger. Carly and Daniel help Melanie save E.J. Will and Gabi continue to enjoy time together in her hospital room.

Jun 17, 2011
Bo, Hope, Sami and Rafe take the truth serum-pumped fake Rafe to the DiMera house to recreate Fay Walker's death. Chad agrees to go into business with Stefano. Melanie tries to convince Daniel and Carly to cover up E.J.'s beating

Jun 20, 2011
Taylor confronts Sami after witnessing the recreation of Fay Walker's death. Hope and Bo get a videotaped confession from the fake Rafe. Vivian and Quinn express their mutual distrust. Chad has second thoughts about his new job.

Jun 21, 2011
E.J. wakes up and apparently can't remember that it was Brady who beat him up. Bo and Hope are dismayed when they learn that part of the fake Rafe's confession was erased. Taylor tells Nicole what she witnessed at the DiMera house.

Jun 22, 2011
Rafe confronts Taylor and demands to know if she told anyone about what she saw. Stefano learns that E.J. is in the hospital. Nicole informs E.J. she will tell Taylor all she knows. Maggie talks to Julie about Victor.

Jun 23, 2011
Sonny Kiriakis comes to town. Taylor escapes from Hope to be with E.J. in the hospital. E.J. is out of danger. Nicole speaks with the ghost of Fay. After Gabi kisses a reluctant Will, Caroline gives her good advice.

Jun 24, 2011
Melanie tries to convince Maggie to get Victor out of town. Bo arrests Taylor for assaulting Hope. Jennifer tells Hope it was Brady Black who beat up E.J. DiMera. Detective McCarthy questions Dario about the beating.

Jun 27, 2011
Rafe and Sami attend Caroline's graduation party for Will and Gabi. Jennifer takes the powder from Carly's room to have it tested. Bo and Hope have a dangerous plan for Rafe. Melanie covers for Dario.

Jun 28, 2011
Sami reluctantly agrees to Bo and Hope's plan to use Rafe as bait for Stefano and E.J. Stefano is furious when E.J. wants to tell Taylor the whole truth about her mother's murder. Vivian tells Quinn she wants to be a real mother to him. Quinn learns that Rob was dissatisfied with Chloe and confronts her as she holds her baby. Dario clashes with Brady who dislikes the "lowlife punk" spending time with Melanie. Jennifer gives Daniel the powder to test, but doesn't tell him that it came from Carly's room. Justin and Adrienne have dinner with Sonny.

Jun 29, 2011
Sami, Hope and Bo put their plan against the DiMeras into action. Taylor tells Lexie that she believes Rafe murdered her mother. Kate tries to break up Chad and Abigail. Maggie gives Victor something to think about.

Jul 04, 2011
The Fourth of July festivities get rained out in Salem, and everyone gathers into Brady's Pub where various residents imagine parodies of Best Picture nominees.

Jul 05, 2011
Jennifer confronts a drug-addicted Carly. Quinn suggests to Vivian that they join forces. E.J. proposes to Taylor. Rafe uses Johnny to provoke the DiMeras. Lexie confronts Stefano about Rafe's supposed role in murder.

Jul 06, 2011
Stefano searches for Rafe. Abe confronts Taylor about her engagement to E.J. DiMera. E.J. is confronted by Brady Black. Nicole gets drunk and causes trouble. Will and Gabi discuss their relationship.

Jul 07, 2011
Stefano welcomes Taylor into the family, but his sarcasm enrages E.J. A drunken Nicole encounters the fake Rafe. Kate continues to pull the strings as Quinn sends Chloe on another job as a high-price hooker.

Jul 08, 2011
A confrontation at the DiMera mansion: the two Rafes, Stefano, E.J., Taylor, Bo, Hope and Sami have it out. Jennifer unloads her troubles with Daniel and Carly on Abigail. Quinn uses Phelps to put his plan against Carly into action.

Jul 11, 2011
Daniel is pleased when his daughter, Melanie, tells him she wants to take his name and become Melanie Jonas. Little Johnny overhears the confrontation with E.J. Quinn tells Vivian the news he got from Phelps: Carly is a drug addict.

Jul 12, 2011
Sonny reveals that he is gay and awaits Victor's reaction. Nicole and Taylor make up. Stefano disowns E.J. and declares Chad his only son. Sami and Rafe enjoy time together in bed.

Jul 13, 2011
Abe warns Bo that he could lose his job for deputizing Hope. Roman talks to the Rafe impostor. E.J. talks to Taylor alone. Nicole and Kinsey become unlikely friends. Victor reacts to the news that Sonny is gay.

Jul 14, 2011
E.J. and Chad clash over family loyalty. Det. McCarthy searches for mugshots of the fake Rafe's old face. Hope and Bo quiz Sami about "Franken-Rafe". A news program upsets little Johnny. Daniel and Lexie discuss Jennifer.

Jul 15, 2011
D.A. Woods demands that Hope be taken off the Rafe case, but later Bo and Abe are able to bring her good news. Brady confesses to Taylor that he was the one who beat up E.J. The fake Rafe gets a fiery female cell-mate.

Jul 18, 2011
Tad is outraged when he finds out Sonny is gay. Quinn tells Kate that he is no longer helping her tear down Chloe. Vivian gathers damning information on Carly. An FBI agent named Sofia tricks the fake Rafe. Stefano's worries increase.

Jul 19, 2011
The authorities thwart Stefano's efforts to get himself and E.J. out of Salem. Nicole and Taylor learn that Arnold (the fake Rafe) will go free in a plea deal, and Brady tries to stop the bickering that flares up as a result. Abe lets Lexie know that her father will have to be arrested. Hope and Bo gloat to D.A. Woods over Bo's return to the force. Sami meets Rafe's old partner, Sofia, and is intensely jealous.

Jul 20, 2011
The fake Rafe's death thwarts everyone's hopes of punishing E.J. and Stefano. Woods confronts his one-time son, Chad. Vivian and Gus set up Jennifer and Daniel in their plot against Carly.

Jul 21, 2011
E.J. decides to reform, but Rafe doesn't believe it and Stefano won't accept it. Vivian's plot against Carly involves manipulating her into taking drugs from Phelps. Kate uses a john named Randy to plot Chloe's downfall.

Jul 22, 2011
Nicole finds E.J. writhing on the floor, but at first refuses to help him. Brady offers Dario a job to get him away from Melanie. Maggie and then Adrienne counsels Jennifer. Daniel blurts out to Carly: Do you still have feelings for me?

Jul 25, 2011
Hope, frustrated over the DiMera's getting away with the impostor scheme, takes her anger out on a man brought in for harassing a homeless man. E.J. cannot place the woman he saw in his dream until Melanie is in his room to check on him. Vivian is upset when she sees Carly, Daniel and Melanie enjoying a dinner together at the pub. Carly insists to Daniel that she doesn't know what Jennifer was talking about when she said Carly had feelings for him. Carly ends up taking the drugs she found on the docks and passes out in her room. Jennifer is livid when Daniel tells her...

Jul 26, 2011
Victor tries to defend Sonny when Tad loses it over finding out Sonny is gay. Kate and Nicole bond over alcohol and their feelings for DiMera men. Vivian breaks into Carly's room while Carly is passed out. Vivian puts a pill into a glass of water and makes Carly drink it than Vivian scatters pills around and takes a picture that she later sends to the staff at the hospital. Jennifer finds Carly passed out and gets her in the shower to wake up. Jennifer tells Carly that she can't cover for her anymore and she needs help.

Jul 27, 2011
Nicole sees a drunk Taylor and Brady kissing and freaks out. Daniel shows up at Carly's room after seeing the picture and Jennifer lets him in. Jennifer admits to Daniel that she knew about Carly's pill addiction. Carly tells Daniel her reasons for turning to pills including when she thought they might have a future. Melanie shows up and is filled in on all the details. Carly is sick of everyone looking at her and goes into the bathroom. Melanie notes that she has been in their to long and they find the bathroom empty. Carly wonders the docks barefoot and looking a ...

Jul 28, 2011
Bo is demoted from Police Commissioner. Carly is nearly attacked while she is passed out by the Dumpster but Quinn saves her and brings Carly back to his room. Vivian shows up but Quinn has Carly under a blanket. Later, Quinn finds Carly's drivers license and finds out she is his mother's nemesis. E.J. tells Taylor he remembers seeing Melanie the night he was beat up.

Jul 29, 2011
E.J. confronts Melanie about being there the night he was beat up. Bo and Hope see the picture of Carly and are put on the case to find her. Carly tells Quinn about Nicholas and Lawrence. Taylor discourages Brady from following Nicole's plan to leave town.

Aug 01, 2011
Quinn is conflicted over helping Carly and being loyal to Vivian. Taylor knocks Brady out and takes his gun but before she can dump it she runs into E.J.

Aug 02, 2011
Taylor gives Brady's gun to E.J. Kate tries to get information on Quinn from Gus. Quinn demands Chloe do a job for him that will interfere with her new singing gig. Kinsey catches Chloe with a John. Sonny invites a reluctant Will to a baseball game.

Aug 03, 2011
Kinsey tells Chloe she saw her with one of her John's but tells Chloe she will keep it a secret. Chad confronts Kate about sending Abby to see him do business for Stefano. The nurse Carly talked to the night she took off informs Daniel and Melanie of Carly's call to take some time off.

Aug 04, 2011
Maggie tells Adrienne that she is dating Victor. Hope, Bo and Rafe investigate a case behind Roman's back. Stefano realizes that E.J. remembers who beat him up but is protecting someone. Sonny gets a job with the D.A.'s office but Justin and Adrienne are not happy about it.

Aug 05, 2011
Sensing that Brady's abuse of EJ is likely to reach a dramatic conclusion, Chad and Sonny team up to find and stop those enemies, ignoring the handshake they are pleasantly surprised to witness is an irrelevant sideshow: Stefano set a trap for Victor, but Maggie spied on Victor's mansion guard Dimitri and ends up catching Marco's bullet. Despite realizing EJ gave up his children for their sake, Taylor can't make up her mind about a future with him and/or Nicole.

Aug 08, 2011
Just when Elvis has convinced Sonny, Chad and Brady that he has worn off revenge for their families' sake, Sfegano call he must return home urgently, Maggie having been shot by Marco, he is ordered to disappear overseas. The news returns Brady and Nicole to irreconcilable war mode. Daniel must diagnose Maggie and shake Melanie into OR assistant mode. Quinn tells Carly, whose drugs order he substituted with placebo sugar, about his re-found mother, not who it is.

Aug 09, 2011
Maggie dies on the operating table. Rafe seems a condom fall out of Will's wallet and confronts him about his intentions with Gabi. Later, Will tells Gabi what happened and tries to surprise her with a night at a hotel. Rafe figures out where the shooter was standing.

Aug 10, 2011
Daniel is able to revive Maggie. Roman tells Bo and Hope to stay away from Maggie shooting case. Stefano collapses but E.J. makes no attempt to help Chad by calling 911. Will and Gabi sleep together for the first time. Taylor stills thinks E.J. has changed and couldn't of been involved with Maggie's shooting.

Aug 11, 2011
D.A. Woods still wants Bo and Hope on the case of Maggie's shooting. Victor refuses to leave Maggie's side. E.J. tells Taylor he was behind Maggie's shooting but she doesn't believe him. Brady worries about Nicole being a target if she is with him.

Aug 12, 2011
Carly sees the video plea Melanie made and rushes out of Quinn's room. Brady worries that Taylor will get caught in the middle of the DiMera/Kiriakis feud.

Aug 15, 2011
Dmitri shoots Chad. Stefano calls a truce with Victor. Quinn finds Carly crying the alley after she saw Melanie on the news. Vivian sees the paper with a sketch of a man that looks like Quinn wanted for questioning in Carly's disappearance. Jennifer quits the hospital when Lexie tells her the board is upset that they went public with Carly's disappearance. Taylor confronts Brady about Chad's shooting and accuses Nicole of knowing about the attack. Carly is reunited with Melanie and Daniel.

Aug 16, 2011
Victor refuses a truce with Stefano. Lexie tells Hope that Maggie's living will had a DNR order and they will need to take her off life support. When Maggie is taken off the ventilator everyone is surprised that she starts breathing on her own. Carly decides to check into rehab that night and Melanie offers to take her. Chad tells Stefano he will be moving out of the mansion. Vivian is irate when she finds out Quinn was helping Carly. Taylor blames Nicole for the DiMera/Kiriakis feud.

Aug 17, 2011
Kate tries to guilt Chad into staying at the mansion. Bo and Hope continue to work the case of call girls being attacked which angers Roman. Vivian tells Carly that Quinn is her son. Taylor witness Carly slapping Quinn and confronts him. Melanie checks Carly into rehab.

Aug 18, 2011
Taylor and Quinn somehow know each other. Chad defends Sonny against Tad's rants. Sami wants a job at the Salem PD but Taylor gets it instead. Hope continues to work the call girl case with Rafe's help. Justin offers to help Hope since he does pro-bono work at the woman's shelter. The social worker thinks things are going great for Chloe. Kinsey meets one of Chloe's clients at a hotel. When Taylor hears about the call girls being attacked she takes special interest.

Aug 19, 2011
Sami thinks she might be pregnant and takes a home test which turns out positive. Rafe brings Sami to the hospital to confirm it and when the results come back Maxine tells them there is a problem. Chloe arrives to the hotel just in time because Kinsey has freaked out and changed her mind about sleeping with Chloe's client. Daniel takes Jennifer on a date and calls her his girlfriend for the first time. Melanie is desperate to get in touch with Nicholas even calling Vivian. Carly is hallucinating during her detox but gets a surprise visit from Nicholas. Dario runs ...

Aug 22, 2011
Sonny arranges a truce between the DiMera's and Kiriakis'. Lexie tells Sami that she isn't pregnant but something abnormal showed up in her tests and Sami should contact her regular doctor. Nicole accuses Taylor of working at the police station to get information for E.J. Quinn blackmails Taylor into telling him any information she hears about him at the police station. One of Quinn's call girls is attacked. Melanie realizes that Brady is making up tasks to keep Dario away from her.

Aug 23, 2011
Chloe begs Quinn to let her stop being a call girl and he slips when he mentions that keeping her isn't personal for him. Sami gets the results of her tests back and she has cysts. Bo and Hope ask Abe to put pressure on Roman to let him investigate the call girl case. Abe initially refuses but when he sees Mandy beat up in the hospital he changes his mind.

Aug 24, 2011
Will and Gabi find Sami's positive pregnancy tests in the garbage and congratulate Sami and Rafe when they arrive home. They break the news that they are not pregnant but don't tell them about the cysts. Daniel and Jennifer continue to enjoy each others company. Carly is surprised that Nicholas has come to visit her in rehab. Sonny tells Justin and Adrienne that he is planning to stay in Salem.

Aug 25, 2011
Roman refuses to allow Hope to go undercover as a hooker. Quinn loses his tablet and accuses Taylor of taking it but she tells him she does not have it. Chloe confronts Kate about paying Quinn to blackmail her into being a call girl. Sami worries her past misdeeds are why she might have cancer.

Aug 26, 2011
Sami doesn't want to tell her family she is going in for surgery but Rafe ends up telling Roman because he was at the hospital. E.J. tells Kate that he knows she was trying to restart Countess Wilhelmina cosmetics and put an end to it. Nicole is set on finding out about Taylor's past. Roman asks Hope to interview Mandy.

Aug 29, 2011
Sami has complications after the surgery. Bo, Hope, Roman and Rafe interview Mandy. Justin arranges for Chloe to have a video visitation with Parker. Gus is upset with Vivian tells him that she is forgiving Quinn. Taylor tells Quinn that Nicole found her mug shot from the night she was arrested for solicitation even though she had no idea what was going on at the party and was trying to leave when the cops showed up.

Aug 30, 2011
Carly and Nicholas have a therapy session with Dr. Norman where they have to admit their true feelings regarding Lawrence's death. Sami has an allergic reaction to the anesthesia and the doctors have a hard time waking her up. Tad ruins the picnic by first calling Jennifer and Daniel old then by going on another rant against Sonny.

Aug 31, 2011
Victor turns down Kate when she asks for Titan to invest in Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics. Brady thinks it is a good business adventure but Victor tells him he has something better in mind. Chloe finds out the club has water damage from a broken pipe and has to cancel her performances. Chloe begs Quinn for some new jobs but he tells her as long as the person who is beating up call girls is still on the loose none of his girls are taking jobs. Chloe goes behind Quinn's back and books a job on her own and as she waits for the John to arrive the masked man pulls out his ...

Sep 01, 2011
Chloe is attacked. Lexie tells Sami that there were abnormalities with her biopsy.

Sep 02, 2011
Jennifer and Hope try to convince Maggie to return to her home. Later, Daniel is the one that makes Jennifer realize that Maggie is happy with Victor. Bo, Hope and Roman continue their interview with Mandy who starts to remember some details. Kinsey calls Brady and tells him that Chloe is not returning her calls. When Brady and Nicole meet up with Kinsey she tells them that Chloe had become a call girl. Brady finds Chloe beat up on the docks.

Sep 06, 2011
Kinsey convinces Nicole and Brady to not tell Roman that Chloe was a call girl. Chloe slips into a coma. Gus jealousy continues as Quinn surprises Vivian with the same gift Gus had worked hard to find. Dr. Norman asks Melanie and Nicholas to stay for Carly's therapy session. Carly asks them to be completely honest with their feelings so they can work on them.

Sep 07, 2011
Brady and Nicole realize they need to get their stories straight to protect Chloe. Chad, Will and Sonny continue working on their business venture. Gabi worries Will has no interest in her anymore since they slept together.

Sep 08, 2011
Bo and Hope retrace Chloe's movements on the docks. Hope remembers seeing Chloe on the docks a few days prior. Lexie calls Sami to tell her the test results are back. Instead of waiting for Lexie to finish rounds, Sami snoops through her desk and computer. Brady keeps vigil at Chloe's bedside where Chloe squeezes his hand. Melanie and Nicholas suggest taking a trip with Carly when she is finished with rehab.

Sep 09, 2011
Victor surprises Maggie with a night at Chez Rouge. Lexie gives Sami and Rafe the good news that Sami doesn't have cancer. Rafe also takes Sami to Chez Rouge for a celebration though Sami worries about money. Daniel finds out about Chloe being attacked. Bo and Hope have Mandy sit down with a sketch artist. Chloe begins to wake-up and is saying Gus' name just as Gus is planting one of Quinn's hairs at Chloe's crime scene.

Sep 12, 2011
Bo and Hope find the hair that Gus planted at the crime scene. Chloe begins to have more brain activity but when Brady talks to her about waking up so she can id her attacker she has a seizure. Kate wants E.J. to find a suitable woman. E.J. turns his attention back to Nicole. Quinn is able to get his connection in Europe to tell a snooping Nicole the same story Taylor told her about being arrested.

Sep 13, 2011
E.J. is set on getting Nicole back. Sonny, Will and Chad get good news that Salem University is approving their website project and will provide partial funding. E.J. offers Chad the rest of the funding but Chad turns him down. Brady and Kinsey continue to cover for Chloe. Dario's good news about his job promotion turns sour when he finds out he will have to move to Argentina.

Sep 14, 2011
Hope and Bo run their sketch through a face recognition program. Vivian shows up at Quinn's hotel room just as him and Taylor are getting out of bed. Melanie leaves a voice mail for Brady upset about Dario's job but later finds out Brady has nothing to do with it. Dario tells Melanie he is going to turn down the job but she encourages him to take it. Dr. Norman tells Carly she needs to prioritize her relationships with her children.

Sep 15, 2011
Gus plants more evidence in Quinn's hotel room. Sami continues her job search though Caroline worries it might be too soon. Hope and Bo come to a dead end with their face recognition search. Vivian and Taylor discuss Quinn over dinner.

Sep 16, 2011
Hope, Bo and Rafe get a search warrant to search Quinn's hotel room where they find the night stick used in the attacks placed there by Gus. E.J. dances with Nicole to make Brady jealous. Carly apologizes to Daniel and Jennifer. Daniel tells Carly that she needs to apologize to the staff and patients at the hospital.

Sep 19, 2011
Maggie and Adrienne arrange for Chad, Abby, Will, Gabi and Sonny to look through a bunch of clothes they find at the Kiriakis' mansion for Bo and Hope's party. Justin helps Sonny with the legal aspect of the groups website business. Abe tells Lexie he is not sure he wants to run for re-election for mayor. Lexie convinces him to give it a shot and she will cut back at the hospital during the campaign. Hope, Bo and Rafe arrest Quinn who insists he doesn't know how the evidence got in his room. Bo and Hope accuse Taylor of feeding Quinn information while she was working ...

Sep 20, 2011
Jennifer helps Sami prepare for her job interview. Nicole asks E.J. to represent Taylor. Bo and Hope get nothing from questioning Quinn and turn to looking up other crimes that happened at the docks. They are shocked when they find out that 25 years prior a young boy was abandoned and his name was Augustine Pascal. Chloe wakes up and id's Gus as her attacker. As Vivian is ranting at Abe about her son being wrongly accused the others begin to close in on Gus who realizes what is going on and takes out a knife threatening to kill himself. Nicole walks in and Gus takes ...

Sep 21, 2011
Gus loses it and takes Nicole hostage. Vivian tries to talk Gus down but the police have to make a move. Luckily, Nicole is okay and Gus is arrested. Quinn and Taylor are released but the D.A. has enough to charge Quinn with being a pimp and makes an offer that all charges will be dropped if Quinn leaves town. Maggie, Daniel and Jennifer help Melanie get over Dario. Vivian is surprised that her old servant, Ivan, has arrived in Salem.

Sep 22, 2011
Chloe is awarded a check for identifying Gus as her attacker. Brady also arranges for Chloe to audition at a club in Chicago so she can be closer to Parker. Carly prepares to leaves rehab but has trouble writing her apology letter to Salem University Hospital and her patients. Jennifer gets another hang up call. Abe tries to talk Taylor out of her relationship with Quinn. Ivan asks Vivian to come away with her and star in his Bollywood movies and Quinn and Taylor decide to tag along.

Sep 23, 2011
Bo and Hope reminisce about Alice and Tom. Later, they are joined by Maggie, Jennifer, Julie and Doug as they remember happy moments while preparing for the Horton Square dedication. E.J. and Stefano prepare for E.J. big announcement at the party. Jack arrives back in Salem.

Sep 26, 2011
The Horton Town Square dedication kicks off with Austin and Carrie returning to town. Bo and Hope keep their other surprise guests a secret. Jennifer accidentally spills Sami's job interview to Rafe. Will upsets Gabi when he doesn't introduce her as his girlfriend to Austin and Carrie. Kate tells Chloe that she will not get even partial custody of Parker because Kate will reveal Chloe was a hooker. E.J. shows up at the party with Patti Stanger. Jack lurks around spying on Jennifer and Abby. Victor has his own surprise for Maggie. Bo and Hope introduce their surprise ...

Sep 27, 2011
John surprises the crowd by standing up. Marlena notes he still has more therapy but thanks everyone for their support. Various residents share their favorite memories of Tom and Alice. Melanie is still depressed over Dario. Sami allows her children to see their father at the party. Carrie reveals she is now a defense attorney. Chloe stands up to Kate telling her that if she exposes her as a prostitute, Chloe will expose her involvement and that will not be good for Kate's business. Jack continues to lurk at the party.

Sep 28, 2011
Bo and Hope find bank statements showing that a large sum of money was deposited and withdrawn into an account. They realize the only logical person is Alice and wonder if someone was blackmailing her. Chloe gets the job in Chicago and Kinsey offers to go with and be her assistant. Brady and John do not get off on a good foot when they run into each other. Kate is reunited with Austin and tells him about her plan to relaunch Countess Wilhelmina. Jack continues to lurk at the party but as Jennifer and Daniel are getting close, Jack attempts to take a closer look and ...

Sep 29, 2011
E.J. usurps Abe's announcement that he is running for reelection for Mayor by announcing that he is running against Abe for the post. Jennifer is shocked to see Jack covered in cake at the party. Abby is extremely upset and wants nothing to do with her father. Jack is surprised when Jennifer informs him that they are no longer married because a judge granted her a divorce since he was no where to be found.

Sep 30, 2011
Lexie is livid that E.J. ruined Abe's announcement for running for reelection. Victor proposes to a shocked Maggie. Austin gets a call about an investigation into a someone accused of embezzling. Rafe tries to get in touch with Sami but she is not answering her phone. Jennifer cries on Daniel's shoulder. Jack is reunited with Adrienne. Rafe has to arrest John for embezzlement.

Oct 03, 2011
John is arrested for embezzlement. Carrie is upset that Austin knew but didn't bother to warn her. Sami is also upset with Rafe for not giving her a heads up but Rafe tells her that he repeatedly called her and she didn't answer her phone. Sami admits that she went on a second interview for the unknown company which upsets Rafe. The evidence against John points to him taking money from his employee's pension funds. Maggie says yes to Victor's marriage proposal. Jack shows up at Jennifer's and tells her that he was being held hostage and the blog and notes sent were ...

Oct 04, 2011
Brady mistakes the woman he is scheduled to have a business lunch with for the hostess. Victor and Brady lay out their offer for Madison James' company Mad World but she counters and they accept. John is beat up in prison when the Officer put him in with the general population as a way to get even for his alleged crime. The Salem PD gets death threats against John since the embezzlement has touched just about everyone's life savings including Bo and Hope. E.J. asks Nicole to be his campaign manager.

Oct 05, 2011
Kate declares war on Madison's company, Mad World. Sami gets the job and it is as a junior executive at Mad World. Daniel worries about Jack being back in Jennifer's life. Abby refuses to accept Jack's story about being held hostage and notes his past history of abandonment. Maggie asks Melanie to be her maid-of-honor.

Oct 06, 2011
Lexie rips into E.J. for how he announced his candidacy for mayor. John is granted bail but since all his assets are frozen he is unable to post it. Marlena wonders if she should ask Brady for help but John refuses to allow it. John is dealt another blow when his legal team quits his case. Nicole works on ways to improve E.J.'s image. Carrie and Austin deal with being on opposite sides in John's case.

Oct 07, 2011
John is not thrilled when he finds out Carrie is taking over as his attorney. Carrie arranges for John is be released on house arrest when a few of John's friends, including Abe, pitch in on bail. Rafe helps John arrange a romantic surprise for Marlena. John and Carrie are served his papers for a class action suit filed for the victims by E.J. making Marlena and John more suspicious that the DiMera's are behind setting John up. Sami meets with Madison and they realize they knew each other from when Sami lived in Colorado as a child. Bo and Hope meet with Alice's ...

Oct 10, 2011
Sami deals with being a working mother. Daniel can't believe Jennifer is buying Jack's story about being held hostage. John hates that his legal troubles are affecting everyone else in his family especially Carrie and Austin who are still on opposite sides. John tells Marlena they should file for divorce.

Oct 11, 2011
Hope is served with a cease and desist order but it just makes her more determined to find out what is going on. Bo and Hope meet with the attorney who sent the order, Erin Hewitt, who helped Alice with more personal and private matters. It is clear Erin wants to tell Bo and Hope what Alice had set the account up for but she is bound by confidentiality. Erin tells Bo and Hope that she can give them all of Alice's documents that did not contain anything private. Maggie and Melanie begin planning the wedding by looking for maid of honor dresses. Adrienne tells Jack that...

Oct 12, 2011
Kate steals Madison's distribution deal right out from under her. E.J. and Abe are both caught off guard when there interviews turn out to be a joint interview. Jennifer tells Jack he can't dictate Abby's love life and it will take awhile to fully regain her trust.

Oct 13, 2011
E.J. points out during the interview that Abe is being loyal to John over the citizen's of Salem. Sami and Brady wonder why Madison isn't more upset about Kate taking their distribution deal. Madison explains that the company wasn't her first choice but she knew Kate would try something so she went to the second company. Kate played right into her plan and her first choice agreed to a deal when Kate "stole" the other deal.

Oct 14, 2011
Bo and Hope find information linking Maggie to Alice's secret account. A picture shows John standing in a Paris café long before he regained use of his legs. The time stamp on the picture is from the same date John was undergoing a procedure in Switzerland but the clinic has no record of him being there. To make matters worse Marlena was at a conference and John checked himself in. John, Marlena and Carrie tell Austin about their suspicions of the DiMera's setting John up. Rafe notes that every time they think John cannot look more guilty new evidence surfaces. Daniel...

Oct 17, 2011
Bo and Hope find the letter than Alice never got to give to Maggie. Bo and Hope give the letter to Maggie and she is shocked to discover that Alice had looked into what happened with the eggs Maggie had harvested when she and Mickey were trying to have a child years ago. Alice's letter tells Maggie that someone else ended up with the eggs and Maggie has a biological child. Alice's letter reveals no other details and it appears she died before she could finish the letter. Daniel tells Jennifer that he will step aside so she can put her family with Jack back together ...

Oct 18, 2011
Madison is impressed with Sami juggling kids and career and asks Sami to be the head of Mad World's new line of cosmetics aimed at working mothers. Rafe finds out that one of the orderly's at the clinic remembers seeing John. Rafe figures the orderly wasn't paid off because he took a leave of absence right after John's procedure. Rafe shares the information with Carrie and she books a flight to question the orderly in person. John sees all the evidence against him and doesn't think anyone will think he is innocent in court. Sonny thinks about quitting the website ...

Oct 19, 2011
Maggie remembers that the clinic she stored her eggs at was sold and she opted to keep them in storage at the place that bought them out. Maggie finds the name but when they call the line has been disconnected. They later find out that the company never existed and the building had been a vacate lot for years. Bo and Hope return to the lawyer and demand more answers. Abe and Lexie are having dinner with John and Marlena when someone throws a brick through the window. John decides to make a public statement proclaiming his innocence. E.J. will stop at nothing until he ...

Oct 20, 2011
Sami invites Austin to stay with her and Rafe while Carrie is away. Rafe blames Austin for getting fired after Roman found out Rafe gave information to Carrie without sharing it with police. Abby is shocked and upset when she finds out that Jennifer is going to date both Daniel and Jack.

Oct 21, 2011
John is upset that another person close to him is dealing with the consequences of his problems when Bo tells John and Marlena that Rafe has been fired. Maggie tells Melanie about having another child. Bo, Hope, Maggie and Melanie meet with Alice's lawyer who tells them she cannot tell them anything but leaves out her files for them to go through. Sami believes Austin when he says he wasn't the one that turned Rafe in for feeding Carrie information. Jack takes Jennifer on a cookie frosting date and opens up to her about some of the things that happened when he was ...

Oct 24, 2011
Lexie and E.J. try to make amends but E.J. is upset when Lexie asks him to drop out of the race. Chad and Sonny worry that someone could ruin their website by gambling on it. Austin insists he had nothing to do with Rafe's firing but he has no where else to stay. Sami and Austin are caught in a comprising position by Rafe in the middle of the night. Abe asks Jennifer to be his campaign manager.

Oct 25, 2011
Bo, Hope and Maggie visit the clinic that ended up with Maggie's eggs. They explain the situation to one of the doctors and show the canister numbers they found in Alice's files. The doctor eventually tells them that Maggie's eggs were indeed implanted in another woman but the doctor cannot give them the woman's name. Carrie calls Rafe to tell him about the orderly which makes Austin and Sami jealous. Marlena asks Brady to put aside his feelings with John and stop by and talk to him.

Oct 26, 2011
Stefano tries to implore E.J. to fire Nicole as his campaign manager to no avail. Kate isn't happy to hear that Austin is staying with Sami. Abby continues to be jealous of Chad and Melanie spending time together. Gabi worries about Will not wanting to sleep together since their first time. Marlena acts cold towards Austin and he insists that he is behind John. Marlena tells Will that she is here for him to walk to whenever he needs it. Gambling continues to be an issue for Chad and Sonny's website.

Oct 27, 2011
Bo and Hope disguise themselves as janitors and break into the clinic's computer. They are almost caught but are able to download the file with information on how got Maggie's eggs. Bo and Hope show up at the Kiriakis' mansion and give Maggie the information with the woman's name, Lillian Parker. Brady ends up being Madison test model for her new line of men's cosmetics. Daniel arranges for Jennifer to talk to a high profile campaign manager in place of their date. After talking to him, Jennifer decides to take Abe's offer to be his campaign manager.

Oct 28, 2011
The town celebrates Halloween in the town square. Chad accidentally kisses Melanie thinking she is Abby because they wore the same french maid costume. John insists that Marlena go out to the party with Bo and Hope. Later, John shows up at the party after finding a way to take his ankle bracelet off. Nicole makes E.J. dress up as Elvis for the Halloween party. Jennifer notices a masked man following her around and assumes it is Jack. Bo and Hope tell Maggie they found a Lillian Parker who had a son and his birthday is December 18th. Melanie overhears them talking ...

Oct 31, 2011
Daniel doesn't believe it when Maggie tells him that she thinks he is her son. Victor notes that talking about infertility wasn't common when Daniel was born. Daniel agrees to take a DNA test. Abe catches John at the town square Halloween party. Sami and Rafe argue over her lack of support for John.

Nov 01, 2011
Quinn returns to town and blackmails E.J. into supporting his new business venture. Abby jealousy over Chad accidentally kissing Melanie increases. Henderson asks Victor is he is worried that Maggie will found out that he was the one that arranged for Lillian to receive Maggie's eggs.

Nov 02, 2011
Stefano asks Abe to drop out of the mayor's race but he wants him to run for governor instead. Sami warns both Brady and Madison about getting involved with each other. Bo and Hope continue to search for answers so to why Alice was paying someone money every month. They end up finding a photo of a baby in Alice's things but don't know who it is of and the same photo sits on a shelf at the DiMera mansion. Rafe desperately searches for a new job.

Nov 03, 2011
Bo and Hope renew their wedding vows to each other. Carrie asks Rafe to join her firm as a private investigator. John worries when Rafe says he doesn't need to consult Sami on taking the job. John realizes that Sami must think he is guilty since she has never come to visit. Later, John tells Marlena that he is having flashes of doing stuff he has no recollection of doing and he is worried that he is guilty and did these things under a DiMera influence. Chad, Will and Sonny track down the person who has been placing bets on their website. They end up finding out their ...

Nov 04, 2011
Carrie hopes to move out of Sami and Rafe's place as soon as possible. Sami and Austin are not happy to hear that Rafe has taken a job with Carrie's firm. Jennifer accuses Jack of being the masked man that followed her on Halloween. Jack insists that he was with JJ in London. Jack takes Jennifer on a ski trip and they end up getting snowed in at a cabin. Jack begins to have flashbacks of his time as a hostage. John continues to worry that he could of done what he is accused of under mind control.

Nov 07, 2011
Traffic to and in Salem is paralyzed by a vicious snow storm. Elvis spares no effort to make it comfortable for mansion-stranded Nicole after his staff's release to home, only to be accused of 'trapping her into romance', which he simply drowns in kisses. Brady and Madison rather enjoy being 'stuck' together. Most of Victor's wedding gusts haven't arrived, any even cancel, but the happy couple is undisturbed. Daniel still can't believe it when the DNA test results prove him Maggie's biological son, to her and Melanie's joy. Jack is stuck in a cabin with Jen, where she...

Nov 08, 2011
Maggie and Victor decide to get married even though all their guests are caught in the snow storm. E.J. and Nicole fall into old habits by sleeping with each other. Brady leads Madison to believe they slept together before finally telling her the truth. The two discuss their pasts and their families.

Nov 09, 2011
Brady convinces Daniel to go see Jennifer but he is devastated when he sees Jennifer kissing Jack. Abby decides to give Jack another chance. Melanie agrees to keep the gambling issue with the website from Abby and Gabi. The guys think they have fixed the problem but when they are not looking the gambling back door reopens. Marlena hypnotizes John as Rafe and Carrie look on. Marlena asks John questions that about dates and when she asks him about a day in December 2006 which is when they remarried in Italy, John says he was killing a French diplomat.

Nov 10, 2011
Rafe asks Sami to come to a breakfast at the pub the following morning to support John as his trail begins. Nicole devastates E.J. by asking him to sign the divorce papers but says she will wait to file them until after the election. Madison convinces Brady to visit John and the two start to mend fences. Carrie and Austin find a hotel so they can move out of Sami and Rafe's.

Nov 11, 2011
Hope and Jennifer continue to dig into Alice's secrets trying to figure out who Alice was giving money too. They find a clock with an inscription and the Phoenix symbol. E.J. gloats to Stefano about setting John up by cloning his cell phone and making it impossible for John to look anything but guilty. E.J.'s hope's that by defending John's "victims" he will change how people see the DiMera name and will allow Johnny to inherit the family name and business with dignity. Someone watches as everyone gathers at the Brady Pub to support John before the jury selection ...

Nov 14, 2011
Sami is distraught over Johnny's disappearance and blame's John for everything. E.J. is quick to tell the Salem PD that the DiMera's will take over the case until Nicole talks him down. The police track down the shooter who turns out to be Officer Lauretano. Daniel tells Jennifer that he saw her kissing Jack. Carrie's motion to move John's trail to a new location is denied.

Nov 15, 2011
The search is still on for a missing Johnny. Abe gives a televised plea for anyone with information to call the police. Rafe, Roman and E.J. investigate a tip that someone saw Johnny by the side of the road but they find nothing. Kate is nice to Sami telling her that her sons survived Sami and so will Johnny. Madison cancels a meeting after finding out about Johnny and Kate swoops in to meet the client instead.

Nov 16, 2011
Jack lets it slip to Jennifer that he wasn't asleep when she was talking to him at the cabin and Jennifer than accuses Jack of lying about being the person following her in the mask at Halloween. Roman sees Quinn is back in town and threatens to take him in for breaking his deal to leave town. Roman is able to pulls some strings and let John and Marlena visit Sami but Sami continues to blame John for Johnny's disappearance. Sami also blames Rafe for convincing her to bring the kids to the pub to support John. Roman gets the news that a blood shirt matching the one ...

Nov 17, 2011
Sami unleashes her anger on Rafe. Will apologizes to John and Marlena for Sami taking her anger out on them. Austin tells Bo and Hope that the account Alice had money transferred to is highly sophisticated. When they tell Austin that Stefano appears to be involved Austin tells them that he will see if Kate knows anything. E.J. feels that Stefano just sees Johnny as collateral damage. E.J. realizes that setting John up lead to his son's disappearance. Bo and Hope arrive at Sami's to tell her that a body matching Johnny's description was found.

Nov 18, 2011
Sami refuses to believe that the body found in the woods is Johnny's. Rafe tells Sami that he will go to identify the body. Sami ends up leaving the apartment and heads over to the DiMera mansion. John insists upon pleading guilty because he doesn't want anyone else to get hurt. E.J. and Sami see the news report that the body found is indeed Johnny and they lash out at each other before they kiss. John asks Carrie to contact the DA and the Judge to get a hearing ASAP. Rafe tells Bo and Hope that the body is not Johnny's and tries to call Sami at the apartment but just...

Nov 21, 2011
Sami and E.J. console each other with grief sex. Rafe and Will worry when they cannot get hold of Sami. Will goes to tell E.J. the good news and walks in on Sami and E.J. having sex but they don't see him. Madison gives Nicole advice about her relationship with E.J.

Nov 22, 2011
Jennifer keeps getting reeled back in by Jack. Abby flirts with Austin. Sami continues to feel guilty about sleeping with E.J. as Rafe shows her more attention. Will lashes out at Sami for taking off when Johnny went missing but doesn't reveal he saw her and E.J.

Nov 23, 2011
The residents of Salem begin preparing for the following days Thanksgiving feast. Maggie tells Daniel and Melanie they should be tested for Myasthenia Gravis since it can be genetic. Hope confronts Stefano about the clock he gave Alice. Stefano tries to tell Hope that it must of been sent to Alice for her charitable work which Hope doesn't buy. Abby continues to flirt with Austin and pushes Chad away. Jack gets a job offer from Salem University which Jennifer thinks is a reporter job and Jack will take off again. Austin announces they he has also been offered a job ...

Nov 28, 2011
Jack tells Abby that he entered her article about college athlete GPA's and it won. Abby tells Chad, Will and Sonny about the award and it may bring some attention to their website but the guys have just discovered that the gambling back door has reopened. They decide to shut down the website and look for a new opportunity. Kate tells Quinn that he needs to make sure every vendor turns down Madison's products. Brady apologizes to John for not being there for him and the two begin to mend fences. Jack goes to see John and asks to do a story on him. John initially ...

Nov 29, 2011
E.J. tells Sami that if Rafe finds out about them he will leave Sami. Nicole gets relationship advice from Patti Stanger. Will confides in Marlena about his disgust with Sami. Carrie and Rafe discover that the picture of John in Paris has clearly been altered.

Nov 30, 2011
Jack tries to skip with appointment with Marlena but she tracks him down at the Pub and they eventually go back to Marlena's penthouse. Jack tells Marlena about a man that was held hostage with him and their captures eventually violently killed the man because they realizes how much the two relied on each other. Daniel plans a date with Jennifer but tells her they can go another time so they can help Bo and Hope search Alice's things. They eventually come across a letter from Susan Banks asking for help finding a doctor for E.J. and she says she is including a photo. ...

Dec 01, 2011
Nicole sets Abe up to be harassed by reporters after finding out he visited John in jail. Lexie has had enough of E.J. underhanded tricks and Jennifer vows to fight fire with fire in the mayoral campaign. Carrie shows John the shadow discrepancies and he agrees to let her investigate it further. Sami realizes that Will is trying to avoid her but she is running late to work and can't discuss it further with him. Gabi is shocked when Will asks her to get an apartment with him and even more surprised when Will pulls away from a kiss.

Dec 02, 2011
Madison catches Sami skipping work to go the Quinn's spa. Kate continues to plot ways to bring Madison down. Roman warns Madison about Stefano. Chad, Sonny and Will plan a dinner for the girls and tell them that they had to shut down the website. Will completely loses it when Gabi tells him that she won't move in with him and that they should take a break. Carrie and Austin decide to make Salem their permanent home which excites an eavesdropping Abby.

Dec 05, 2011
Sami and Rafe confront Will after hearing that he destroyed Maggie's home. Bo and Hope think about Zach after finding his Christmas ornament at Alice's. They are surprised when they find a note hidden in one of the ornaments from Stefano requesting that the person holding it be given the same treatment as if it was Stefano himself. E.J. gives a interview and holds up pictures of people who lost all their money. Later, John faces a deposition by E.J. and the tow get into it.

Dec 06, 2011
Maggie surprises Daniel and Melanie with their ornaments for the Horton's Christmas tree and Julie surprises Maggie with an ornament for Victor. Hope questions Lexie about Stefano and Alice. Things are awkward when Jack also shows up at the ornament hanging. Sami is livid when Carrie invites Marlena over for the Christmas tree gathering. Rafe is able to convince Sami to put aside her differences with her mother for the kids. Will continues to act distant and slips alcohol into his drinks. When talk turns to the picture of John that may prove his innocence Sami goes ...

Dec 07, 2011
Kate encourages Sami to stand up to Madison. Hope calls Susan to look for answers as to why she sought Alice's help. Susan fakes static and not being able to hear Hope and hangs up on Hope. Melanie and Chad continue to see sparks while Abby flirts with Austin.

Dec 08, 2011
Chad and Melanie are held hostage by the two guys behind the gambling ring. Artie warns Will and Sonny that they are all in danger because they shut down the website. Abby wanders why she hasn't been able to get a hold of Chad as she prepares for the award ceremony. Rafe asks Bo and Hope for help when Jay Jordan, a basketball player from Salem U, seeks his help. Jay tells Bo, Hope, Rafe and Carrie that he was approached by two men wearing hoods and told to throw games or they would hurt his family. When he didn't follow their orders at his recent game he came home to ...

Dec 09, 2011
Bo and Hope try to keep Melanie and Chad's abduction under wraps knowing that if Victor finds out he will get his men involved. Sonny realizes that the kidnappers are using Chad's phone to send messages so they could track their location using the phone's GPS. Sonny, Abby and Gabi head to the waterfront to search for Chad and Melanie while Will stays behind to get the website back online. Bo and Hope show up and tell Will they already know about Chad and Melanie. Bo and Hope head to the waterfront and Will tries to call Rafe but Austin picks up his phone. Will tells ...

Dec 12, 2011
Nicole continues to use dirty tricks to get the upper hand in the mayor election by having someone call Jennifer and tell her the charity luncheon Abe was supposed to speak at had moved locations. E.J. than gives a speech and announces that local business are donating to the charity. When E.J. finds out what Nicole did he isn't overly happy. Jennifer encourages Abe to start playing dirty and he agrees. Kate continues to be nice to Sami and jumps into watch the kids when Sami's babysitter has an emergency. Madison realizes that Brady is avoiding her and she tells him ...

Dec 13, 2011
Daniel decides to step aside so Jennifer doesn't have to chose between him and Jack. Marlena surprises John with a romantic dinner at his cell. Marlena refuses to give up trying to prove John's innocence. Brady recreates the night of the blizzard for Madison. Madison invites Brady back to her place and they make love.

Dec 14, 2011
Sami is upset when she cannot get the church on Christmas Eve for her vow renewal with Rafe. Both Austin and Rafe wonder why this renewal is so important for Sami. Abby confesses to Jennifer and Melanie that she has feelings for someone else besides Chad. Gabi and Chad study together and it is clear Gabi has developed feelings for Chad after he saved her life. Kayla returns to Salem to help Caroline run the Pub.

Dec 15, 2011
Brady wakes up to find Madison gone and thinks she took off. When Madison returns with breakfast she sees Brady dressing and thinks he was trying to make a quick getaway. Brady convinces her that he only got dressed because he thought she left and wanted him to leave too. Brady than convinces Madison to take the day off of work. E.J. and Stefano present John with an offer to buy out Basic Black and they will drop the civil suit. John refuses the offer and wonders if they planted someone in the company when he remembers a woman who quit right before the embezzlement ...

Dec 16, 2011
Jack makes a fool out of himself when he tells Daniel he has no chance with Jennifer unaware that Daniel already broke things off with Jennifer. Daniel drowns his sorrows at the Pub and makes a new friend in Austin. Jack shows up after Jennifer gets mad at him and him and Daniel share drinks. Abby worries that Melanie will tell Chad about Abby having feelings for Austin. Melanie gets a second job at Quinn's spa. The girls sign up for a self-defense class.

Dec 19, 2011
Daniel enjoys Christmas shopping before collecting the test results which show he, although carrier, nor Melanie are affected with Maggie's congenital muscular disorder, yet confides into Lexie he has now unexplained symptoms compromising his future as surgeon. Rafe and Carrie are delighted to hear Marlena was offered a university chair, like Austin, when they tell her about the marker plan, while Stefano disputes its validity, Hope's right to call it and being able to free John at all, yet drops some clues. Marlena proposes to Rafe to take Will in a while so he and ...

Dec 20, 2011
Marlena is resistant to agree to Hope's plan until Bo tells her that after the civil trial is over, John will be transferred to a new prison. Marlena suggests to Rafe that Will come live with her until things cool off with Will and Sami. Melanie helps Maggie pick out a gift for Daniel, a pair of cuff links with the medical symbol on them. Daniel continues to have tremors in his hands and is surprised when Lexie informs with he doesn't have Myasthenia Gravis. Daniel tells Lexie he needs to be taken off the surgical rotation until they find out what is causing his ...

Dec 21, 2011
Kate offers Sami a job at Countess Wilhelmina with double the salary. Sami believes Kate has an ulterior motivate and refuses her offer. Bo and Hope tell Marlena, Carrie and Rafe that Stefano wouldn't accept Alice's note but they begin to realize his cryptic saying of "not being able to turn something on and off like a faucet" is probably means more. They brainstorm various ideas and realize that if the Internet and cell phone towers where down on the day the money was taking John would not of had anyway to access the funds. Madison and Brady talk about their parents ...

Dec 22, 2011
When Maggie finds out that Daniel took himself out of surgical rotation, she worries that he has MG. Daniel tells her and Victor that he and Melanie are both clear of MG and eventually has to tell them that he has been having tremors which is why he took himself out of surgery. Bo, Hope and Rafe track down Internet usage records and reach a dead end. Rafe finally remembers that the political unrest would of been happening at the same time as a few of the dates John supposedly made transactions and the French government shut down the Internet to prevent more violence. ...

Dec 23, 2011
The residents of Salem celebrate Christmas. Abe reads the Christmas story and Doug dress up as Santa. Carrie presents the new evidence to the Judge and they await his ruling. Will insists that Marlena accompany him to Sami and Rafe's vow renewal. Hope is still upset about Stefano bringing up her past with John in front of Bo. John surprised Marlena and everyone when he shows up at the Horton Town Square after being released. E.J. is shocked and realizes this will hurt his mayoral race. Lexie and Abe decide to put E.J.'s actions on the back burner for Christmas and ...

Dec 26, 2011
Sami and Rafe enjoy a night alone after renewing their vows. Bo and Hope are goofing off in the town square when Hope spills some coffee and Bo slips on it. Hope is upset that they have broken the plaque for Tom and Alice and Bo discovers a key on the back of the plaque. Brady surprises Madison with a picture of her and her mother. Later, they head over to John and Marlena's when they hear the good news about John being released. Madison receives another call from an unknown person telling them she can't make it away right now. Marlena asks Will to move in with her ...

Dec 27, 2011
Melanie finds out Daniel is off the surgical rotation schedule by looking at the hospital schedule and confronts Daniel. Daniel admits that he has been having tremors in his hands and they are trying to figure out what is causing them. Abe hosts a press conference for John's release. John tells the press he will be repaying all the money his investors were cheated out of out of his own pocket. E.J. can't figure how Carrie and Rafe knew to look at the Internet outages to clear John.

Dec 28, 2011
Sami decides to take Kate's job offer and gives her notice to an upset Madison. Bo and Hope track down the plaque maker who tells them that Alice requested the key be put into the plaque. Marlena has to tell John the truth about Stefano's role in his release from prison. Carrie and Rafe consider going into business together.

Dec 29, 2011
Kate actually shows concern for Daniel when he tells her about his tremors. When Austin shares a book about love and relationships with Chad, Melanie, Abby and Gabi he cause them to rethink their current situations. Melanie admits to Daniel that she has feelings for Chad. Will begins to confide in Marlena but before he can admit when it really going on he shuts down again. John confronts Stefano about his involvement in his release. Stefano offers John a gun and tells him to shoot him but John though tempted refuses.

Dec 30, 2011
Sami tells Rafe that she quit her with Madison to take a job with Kate he wonders why she didn't discuss it with him first but doesn't make a big deal out of it. Rafe tells Sami that he is thinking about going into business with Carrie as a lead investigator for a new law firm she is starting. Sami gets upset and Will calls her out for being selfish and a hypocrite. Abby and Chad mutually decide to break-up. Chad finds Melanie at the New Year Eve party and kisses her. Will tells Marlena that he caught Sami having sex with E.J.
Days of Our Lives Season 47 (1965) is released on 0001-01-01T08:05:43+08:05 and the latest season 58 of Days of Our Lives is released in 2022. Watch Days of Our Lives online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Days of Our Lives is directed by Albert Alarr,Herb Stein,Grant A. Johnson,Phil Sogard and created by William J. Bell with Deidre Hall and Kristian Alfonso. Days of Our Lives is available online on fuboTV and DIRECTV.