Episodes (13)

Jan 01, 2020
Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We'll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.

Jan 01, 2020
Continuing from last week, what was the world like before sin? Are science and faith actually incompatible? How do beliefs about where we came from affect morality?

Jan 01, 2020
One of the most ridiculed accounts in the Bible is Noah's flood, but evidence from many fields of study strongly supports it. The flood is the key to understanding earth's past, it's geology, the Ice Age, ancient civilizations and more.

Jan 01, 2020
The age of the earth is controversial. Today we'll discuss questions like, why does it matter? Can a creation date be deduced from the Bible? Does science support a biblical creation date?

Jan 01, 2020
Today we'll summarize is compelling biblical and scientific evidence that dinosaurs lived recently, even after Noah's flood.

Jan 01, 2020
Living things change genetically, but those changes will not evolve a single cell into a human. Today we explain why.

Jan 01, 2020
Evidence for evolution from many fields has been thoroughly refuted but continues to be taught. We summarize key refutations from areas including: Vestigial organs, Junk DNA, Humans and chimp DNA 99% similar, Homology, Human embryos go through evolutionary stages, Transitional fossils, Pakicetus, Tiktaalik, Ape-men, Human evolution, Radiometric dating, Distant starlight.

Jan 01, 2020
The Creator God of the Bible spoke the universe into existence. This great miracle is supported by the conclusions of science, logic, and history. Key reasons why God did not use evolution are summarized.

Jan 01, 2020
Questions and objections to the Genesis creation account continue to lead many people away from Christianity. We tackle some of popular questions showing how evidence from science and history supports the Bible.

Jan 01, 2020
We discuss the value of applying the mountains of creation evidence to your walk with Christ. Guidelines and some things to think about for developing a solid, unshakable faith.

Jan 01, 2020
Skeptics claim Christians can't do real science because of their faith and some believers say we don't need science, just faith. So, do we believe 6-day creation because of science or because of the Bible?

Jan 01, 2020
Many students reject Christianity by university, but increasing numbers retain their faith. We reveal the highly effective tips that made the difference.

Jan 01, 2020
Leading evolutionists at a special conference agree that what is taught in classrooms today is inadequate in explaining our existence. But teaching that God created is not considered.
Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 8 (2020) is released on Jan 01, 2020 and the latest season 9 of Creation Magazine LIVE! is released in 2022. Watch Creation Magazine LIVE! online - the English Talk-Show TV series from Canada. Creation Magazine LIVE! is directed by Andrew McDonald,Rachel McDonald,Richard Fangrad,Tim McLean and created by Thomas Bailey with Richard Fangrad and Thomas Bailey.