Episodes (24)

How Should the Bible Be Interpreted?
S05E01 · How Should the Bible Be Interpreted?

Jan 01, 2016

Some say that the Bible doesn't say how it should be interpreted. So can everyone determine how to interpret it for themselves? Is there a universal way to interpret the Bible? If there is, what is it?

Was Darwin a Plagiarist?
S05E02 · Was Darwin a Plagiarist?

Jan 01, 2016

Charles Darwin is often presented as a brilliant, iconic figure who single-handedly changed the scientific landscape. His picture is on the British ten pound note, and he is looked up to by many as a great scientist. But research over the last 100 years reveals a different story.

Humans with Tails?
S05E03 · Humans with Tails?

Jan 01, 2016

A persistent evolutionary argument is the concept of vestigial (left over) organs in humans, supposedly inherited from man's evolutionary ancestors. One popular idea is that humans are sometimes born with tails. Learn how to separate fact from fiction.

Death Before Sin? What Type of Death?
S05E04 · Death Before Sin? What Type of Death?

Jan 01, 2016

Contrary to scripture, old earth creationists and theistic evolutionists often claim that there were animals dying long before Adam and Eve. But did creatures just live happy peaceful lives and then quietly die? What does the fossil record reveal?

How Old Is the Earth?
S05E05 · How Old Is the Earth?

Jan 01, 2016

How old is the earth? Six to ten thousand years old? Older? How precisely can a creation date be calculated? Why do most scientists believe the earth is old? This week Richard and Calvin explore one of the most controversial issues in the church, and answer these and many more questions about when God created.

Evidence for Noah's Flood
S05E06 · Evidence for Noah's Flood

Jan 01, 2016

The Bible describes a global flood about 1600 years after creation. The most devastating catastrophe ever recorded would surely leave evidence, wouldn't it? So what are consequences of Noah's Flood?

Atheism Needs Evolution
S05E07 · Atheism Needs Evolution

Jan 01, 2016

Some people think that evolution has nothing to do with an individual's philosophical outlook. But atheism can't exist evolution. The question of origins has only two possible answers, and for atheists there is only one choice.

When Exactly Were Bad Things Created?
S05E08 · When Exactly Were Bad Things Created?

Jan 01, 2016

A very common question is a version of: "If God is so loving, why are there bad things in the world?" The implication is that if God created the world in the state it is in, He can't be 'very good' Himself. The Bible clearly says that God created everything in 6 days. So when exactly were bad things created?

What Will That Restoration Be Like According to Genesis?
S05E09 · What Will That Restoration Be Like According to Genesis?

Jan 01, 2016

Many Christians wonder about what our eternal existence will 'look like'. Bible believing Christians know that God is going to create a New Heavens and a New Earth. Hints about what it will be like are found in Genesis.

Radiometric Back Flips-How Solid Are Those Dates?
S05E10 · Radiometric Back Flips-How Solid Are Those Dates?

Jan 01, 2016

A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. But how solid are those dates?

Logic, Reason and Christianity
S05E11 · Logic, Reason and Christianity

Jan 01, 2016

Despite what some people believe, logic and reason are essential to Christianity. Without them it's impossible to deduce anything from the true propositions of the 66 books of Scripture, which is the final authority for a Christian.

The Probability of Evolution
S05E12 · The Probability of Evolution

Jan 01, 2016

In a debate on June 30, 1860 Thomas Huxley stated that monkeys could, given enough time, produce a Psalm purely by chance. Similarly, molecular movement, given enough time could produce man without a Creator. See why probability arguments like this fail to support evolution.

Epigenetics: What Is It and How Does It Confirm Creation?
S05E13 · Epigenetics: What Is It and How Does It Confirm Creation?

Jan 01, 2016

Most people know about the DNA code as the 'language of life'. Now scientists have discovered the epigenetic code. DNA code is governed by this code, a code so significant that one science writer said that genes are 'little more than puppets'. What is it and how does it confirm creation?

Did God Really Say?
S05E14 · Did God Really Say?

Jan 01, 2016

Should Genesis be read as a historical narrative? Does it matters if it is not? Is Genesis written only so that the ancient Hebrews could understand it, but it actually supports today's cosmological, geological and biological theories? The bottom line is: "What did God really say?"

Hobbit Wars: The Evolution of an Ape Man
S05E15 · Hobbit Wars: The Evolution of an Ape Man

Jan 01, 2016

How are evolutionary stories concocted? Are facts given priority over theory? Watch the evolution of the discovery of the so-called 'Hobbit' fossil (missing links) and the stories that were made up to attempt to fit the facts into the evolutionary history.

Creation and Marriage
S05E16 · Creation and Marriage

Jan 01, 2016

Marriage is one of the most precious relationships that God has ordained. But many people seem confused about what marriage is. Does the Bible teach polygamy? Is 'same sex' marriage a Godly covenant? Walk through the Bible starting from Genesis to see God's clear standards for marriage.

Genesis: A Case Study for Biblical Authority
S05E17 · Genesis: A Case Study for Biblical Authority

Jan 01, 2016

Christians will agree that God's Word supersedes man's word. However, regarding the creation account, there is a much greater tendency to give authority to extra-biblical ideas. Genesis chapters 1-11 is a case study for biblical authority.

Jesus Is God - A Biblical Defense of the Trinity
S05E18 · Jesus Is God - A Biblical Defense of the Trinity

Jan 01, 2016

Do Christians worship one God, or three? How does God describe Himself in His Word?

Uniformitarianism and the Age of the Earth
S05E19 · Uniformitarianism and the Age of the Earth

Jan 01, 2016

Uniformitarianism is a concept that only processes observed today (slow sedimentation, slow erosion) should be used to explain geology. Learn why it is wrong scientifically, doesn't fit with the Bible, and how it has lead geology astray for the past 200 years.

Handling the Critics
S05E20 · Handling the Critics

Jan 01, 2016

Christians are being persecuted more and more throughout the Western world as secular humanism continues to grow. But nowhere is criticism and ridicule poured out more than upon biblical creationists, those that take the Bible as plainly written. Learn how to handle the critics attacking creation.

Tree Ring Dating
S05E21 · Tree Ring Dating

Jan 01, 2016

Trees are among the oldest living things on the planet. Some say longer than biblical Creation would allow. Dendrochronology is the science dealing with the study of the rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events. Learn why it is a help rather than a hindrance to the biblical chronology.

More Amazing Design in Animals
S05E22 · More Amazing Design in Animals

Jan 01, 2016

The Bible says God is revealed in His creation. Romans chapter 1 verse 20 demonstrates that everyone can know God exists because of what He made so that they are 'without excuse'. Flying squid, tree climbing crocodiles, woodpeckers, fireflies and decoy spiders are all evidence of the Creator God of the Bible.

Everyone Lives by Faith
S05E23 · Everyone Lives by Faith

Jan 01, 2016

There are different kinds of faith. This show explains why everyone lives by faith and summarizes and compares different kinds of faith. In particular it looks at the role that faith plays in the origins debate, for both evolutionists and creationists.

Refuting abortion arguments
S05E24 · Refuting abortion arguments

Jan 01, 2016

Abortion has been one of the most important ethical issues in Western society for the last four decades. Many people, sadly including many Christians, think abortion is a difficult issue to understand and resolve. Watch the show to examine scripture to gain clarity in this controversial topic.


Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 5 (2016) is released on Jan 01, 2016 and the latest season 9 of Creation Magazine LIVE! is released in 2022. Watch Creation Magazine LIVE! online - the English Talk-Show TV series from Canada. Creation Magazine LIVE! is directed by Andrew McDonald,Rachel McDonald,Richard Fangrad,Tim McLean and created by Thomas Bailey with Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith.

As know as:

Creation Magazine LIVE!





Production Companies:

Creation Ministries International (CMI), Quick Study

Cast & Crew

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