Episodes (24)

Jan 01, 2014
Many Christians feel that Genesis is a side issue and that modern Christians should just focus on New Testament teachings. What would we know about origins if we only studied the New Testament?

Jan 01, 2014
Fossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history, beginning with creation and including a global flood. This week we focus on some fossils that are very difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit wonderfully with the Bible.

Jan 01, 2014
Evolutionary storytelling presents the history of mankind as emerging from largely dull and brutish ancestors into more sophisticated and increasingly intelligent modern people. The Bible depicts humans as highly capable right from the beginning of creation, and the evidence we find supports that conclusion.

Jan 01, 2014
Christians are part of the body of Christ. Various Christian groups pool resources to accomplish the work God has called them to. What role does CMI play in the body of Christ and of what value is it?

Jan 01, 2014
The book of Romans says that the evidence of God's creation is 'clearly seen' by all and that men are 'without excuse' for their disbelief (Romans 1:20). Why then does it seem that public education and media almost always present evidence as pointing to an evolutionary conclusion?

Jan 01, 2014
Join us as we explore Grand Canyon via river raft. The geology of Grand Canyon testifies to the massive catastrophe that caused its formation.

Jan 01, 2014
Many skeptics accuse creationists of pushing 'bad science' and religious ideas. This week we examine evolution according to the evolutionists own criteria.

Jan 01, 2014
Some Christians believe in evolution. Does this mean they are not Christians? Scientists and theologians are interviewed to answer this question.

Jan 01, 2014
Do Creationists want biblical creation taught in public schools? The answer may shock you.

Jan 01, 2014
Continuing from previous episodes in past seasons, this week we look at a collection of Bible-supporting scientific evidences for a recent creation from a wide variety of fields.

Jan 01, 2014
Some Old Earth Creationists (such as Dr Hugh Ross) have taught that old earth teaching was common among the church fathers, and that a young earth interpretation is recent invention. This week we set the record straight by looking at what the church fathers actually said about how God created.

Jan 01, 2014
This week we explore extra-Biblical historical records that testify to the ancient nations beginning as family units from Noah's descendants. This powerfully supports the Bible's history.

Jan 01, 2014
All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. Today we explore what atheists must believe about where they came from?

Jan 01, 2014
Has the law of biogenesis (life begets life) been broken? Evolution says yes. However, when established scientific laws are broken we recognize that as miraculous. The origin of life requires a miracle.

Jan 01, 2014
Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This week we look at specific arguments by bible skeptics and show how wrong they are.

Jan 01, 2014
Are there any facts that are so powerful that anyone who hears them would believe creation? Powerful evidences for Biblical creation this week on Creation Magazine LIVE.

Jan 01, 2014
One of the biggest stumbling blocks to understanding the debate about origins is not knowing the difference between operational and historical science.

Jan 01, 2014
Why focus on the origins debate if it is not a salvation issue? How does a believer's view about Genesis and creation affect their view of salvation?

Jan 01, 2014
This week Richard and Calvin discuss how pop culture influences the debate about origins.

Jan 01, 2014
Everything (ultimately) progresses toward disorder. The second law of thermodynamics is often misused by both evolutionists and creationists. The clarity that Dr Wieland provides about this most fundamental law provides powerful support for the Christianity.

Jan 01, 2014
A fascinating look at human culture through the eyes of one of the fathers of the modern creation movement. Author, speaker and founder of Creation magazine Dr Carl Wieland is our guest.

Jan 01, 2014
Can a physicist really accept a recent creation? Find out in this revealing interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason.

Jan 01, 2014
Uniformitarianism, long shown by creationists to be an inadequate way to explain observable strata worldwide, was once the foundational 'doctrine' of geology. This has now changed to 'Neo-catastrophism'. Why, and does this theory fare any better?

Jan 01, 2014
Similarity in living things is hailed as knock-down evidence for evolution. Find out why it actually powerfully supports Biblical creation.
Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 3 (2014) is released on Jan 01, 2014 and the latest season 9 of Creation Magazine LIVE! is released in 2022. Watch Creation Magazine LIVE! online - the English Talk-Show TV series from Canada. Creation Magazine LIVE! is directed by Andrew McDonald,Rachel McDonald,Richard Fangrad,Tim McLean and created by Thomas Bailey with Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith.