Episodes (165)

May 03, 1964
Tom Baxter pays a visit to Pat Matthews, and she blithely dismisses it to her parents. Jim decides to check on his sister-in-law Liz, whose husband Will, Jim's brother, just recently passed away. Mary confides in Grandma Matthews that she and Jim don't trust Tom Baxter with Pat because of his reputation. Jim advises a grief stricken Liz to remember that she has a son and daughter to think about. Susan avoids Liz's overtures and admits that they have never been close. After speaking with Susan, Liz turns her attention to son Bill, who declares "man of the house."

May 04, 1964
Jim advises a grief stricken Liz to remember that she has a son and daughter to think about. Susan avoids Liz's overtures and admits that they have never been close. After speaking with Susan, Liz turns her attention to son Bill, who declares "man of the house."

May 05, 1964
Jim cautioned Mary that if they push too hard against Pat and Tom's relationship it could backfire and make the situation worse. Grandma Matthews and Jim discussed Janet's distance from the family and seeming lack of a social life. Meanwhile Janet met secretly with coworker from the ad agency Ken Baxter at her apartment where Ken avoided a conversation about his family. Janet told Ken a little bit about her family and their personalities.

May 06, 1964
Janet continued to feel discontented with married man Ken who reiterated his refusal to discuss his wife Laura and son Tim. Jim and Mary hoped their daughters Pat and Alice would have fuller lives than unhappy Janet. Liz blanched when daughter Susan admitted she admires her Aunt Janet. Liz pressured son Bill to pursue accounting instead of the law career he dreams about.

May 07, 1964
Missy Palmer leaves San Diego to join her friend Ann, a social worker, in Bay City. Missy meets Bill the first day on the college campus. Alice tell Granny her brother Russ and parents went to Oakdale.

May 10, 1964
Jim and Mary debated whether or not youngest daughter Alice is ready for the responsibility of going away for the summer to be a camp counselor. Pat's beau Tom Baxter considered getting a master's then doctoral degree in psychology in lieu of going into the military. Mary suggested that Jim be more attentive to their son Russ. Worried about Pat's serious attachment to Tom, Jim gave her fatherly advice about keeping their relationship chaste.

May 11, 1964
Missy rebuffed Bill's offer to take her out for supper. Tom encouraged Pat to accompany him on a weekend trip to his parents' lake house for the Memorial Day holiday, but she dreaded Jim and Mary's reaction. Ken hurt Janet when he said he'd have to stand her up to keep a regular dinner date with Tom. Tom reassured his father that he intends to keep things casual with the girl he's seeing. .

May 12, 1964
Missy's social worker Ann Fuller lent an ear when Missy wanted to talk about Bill. Liz lamented to Grandma Matthews about the distance between herself and daughter Susan. Pat tipped off Mary that Russ feels inadequate due to his poor marks in school compared to Alice and her academic achievements. Then she laid minimal groundwork for her upcoming trip to the lake with Tom.

May 13, 1964
Russ confessed his academic failure to his parents but said he wanted to drop out and work instead of attending summer school. Bill and Liz had a serious heart to heart talk about Susan and the reason she seems so distant to her mother. Jim promised Mary he would have a word with Tom when they surmised what Pat's holiday plans were really about. Liz's interest was piqued by Bill's comments about Missy. A lonely Missy couldn't think of anything else but Bill.

May 14, 1964
Pat begs Alice to get money from her savings account so she can purchase a stylish bathing suit.

May 17, 1964
Missy talked with Ann about being embarrassed that she's illegitimate, and later Bill made a faux pas when he mentioned Missy's birthday. Tom let Bill know how annoyed he was over Bill telling everyone that he's a playboy. Alice considered not attending college just yet. Bill kept quiet when tried to fish for information about Pat's relationship with Tom.

May 18, 1964
Janet finds out her recently deceased father Will kept his serious heart condition a secret from his family for five years.

May 19, 1964
Missy told Bill that Tom isn't good enough for Pat, who Missy thinks is a fine lady. Meanwhile Pat decided to go to the lake with Tom after Susan suggested Jim and Mary keep their children on a short leash. Bill and Susan discussed Dr. Bradford's personal life. Missy continued to have feelings of poor self-worth. Mary and Pat debated Pat's holiday plans.

May 20, 1964
After Pat groused about Mary, Missy wistfully admitted she'd like a mother just like her. Russ told Pat he feels like he's going to be a failure in their parents' eyes. Jim had a heart to heart with Russ and convinced him to give summer school a try. Jim and Pat were equally stubborn in their opinions about Pat's proposed trip.

May 21, 1964
Ken and Janet mulled over an end to their relationship. Susan learned she won't inherit any money from her father's estate, then Liz declined her request of a loan to move out. Bill admitted to his mother that Susan was once on the verge of telling him why she doesn't want to be close to Liz. Susan visited Janet who offered to loan her money on the proviso that Susan not become estranged from the Matthews family like Janet did.

May 24, 1964
The Baxter family gather on their patio.

May 25, 1964
Ann tried to comfort orphaned Missy by revealing her own unhappy family experiences. Susan balked at Pat's decision to go away with Tom. Missy was in awe of Bill's Matthews family stories, but became frightened when he innocently touched her. Susan confided in Bill that she feels as if Liz doesn't want her around and cited an incident several years earlier when Liz tried to goad her and former fiance George into marriage.

May 26, 1964
Mary didn't concur when Liz speculated it might be a good idea for Jim to try to dissuade Susan from moving into her own apartment. While having after work drinks together, Ken attempted to talk Janet into giving him back the spare key to her apartment. Liz got Janet's address.

May 28, 1964
Preparing to go away with Tom, Pat felt unhappy that she couldn't receive Jim and Mary's approval. Alice was accepted into Sarah Lawrence college and admitted she wants to achieve something before settling down, while Pat could only think of marriage and a family. A visit from Liz turned ugly for Janet when Liz lit into her for interfering with Susan.

May 28, 1964
Tom and Pat were joined at the lake by Tim's friend Phil and his girl Rita. Jim shared Mary his hope that Bill decides to work for the accounting firm as Will's death has left him with more than he can handle. Mary couldn't help thinking constantly about Pat being away with Tom. Tom and Pat became cozy under the stars by the lake, and caught up in the romance of the moment, Pat didn't yield when Tom began to make love to her for the first time.

May 31, 1964
Russ tells Jim he doesn't feel smart enough to go to college.

Jun 01, 1964
Liz tried to learn more about Missy from Pat. Pat wouldn't share details of her weekend with a nosy Susan. Grandma Matthews was upset when Mary took her complaints lightly. Tom stopped by the Matthews house to see Pat, who was out, and he accidentally spilled the beans to Mary that Pat has considered getting an apartment with a friend.

Jun 02, 1964
Bill advised his mother that nothing can stop Susan from moving out if she sets her mind to it. Later he apologized to Missy for the incident that made her recoil. Liz experienced chest pains, prompting them to phone for Dr. Bradford. Liz's pains frightened Bill and Susan who were reminded of their father's recent death.

Jun 03, 1964
Dr. Bradford diagnosed Liz's pains as psychosomatic. Susan speculated that Liz's illness was a trick to gain the sympathy of her children, but Bill insisted she wouldn't do that and suggested that he and Susan be more attentive to their mother. Talking about art school, Alice mentioned Janet and got her family's attention.

Jun 04, 1964
Mary advised Alice against art school since she wants her to get a college education. Mary refused to confide in Jim the reason she and Liz do not get along which dates back to an incident that happened years ago. Janet wouldn't answer when Ken asked why she didn't have a husband and family. Later Alice visited Janet and decided to enroll in art school.

Jun 07, 1964
Mary was upset to learn that based on Janet's endorsement of the art institute that Alice had decided to ignore her advice about college. Pat chastised Mary for not allowing her kids to be who they are. Janet realized her faux pas with Alice. Jim and Mary conceded to letting Alice follow her own career path. Pat and Alice speculated about why Janet chose a career over marriage.

Jun 08, 1964
Missy, who was abandoned with no documentation of her birth, decided to henceforth celebrate her birthday on Valentine's Day. Liz pushed Susan to give back the loan to Janet, but Susan wouldn't agree. Missy introduced Bill to Ann, and Bill realized that it was time to introduce Missy to his family.

Jun 09, 1964
Bill didn't understand the full implication of what she meant when Missy confessed to him that Ann is a social worker. Tom told Pat that Phil and Rita had to get married because she's going to have a baby. Pat couldn't answer when Mary wanted to know if Pat is truly in love with Tom.

Jun 10, 1964
Janet contemplated leaving the ad agency since too many people know about her relationship with Ken. Tom stopped by Ken's office, met Janet, and noting her attractiveness, realized something's going on with her and Ken. Ken gave Tom money to help out with his expenses. Pat daydreamed about the night she and Tom made love.

Jun 11, 1964
An unexcited Pat prepared for her senior prom and didn't touch the corsage Tom sent. Mary cautioned Jim to remain neutral when Bill visited with news that Susan has moved out of their house. Tom became enchanted by Pat wearing her white prom dress and after the dance took her back to the lake house. When he attempted to have sex again, Pat became agitated and insisted that Tom take her home.

Jun 14, 1964
Laura's proposed dinner party to celebrate Tom's graduation didn't enthuse him. Mary fretted that a liberal institution like the art school might have a negative effect on Alice. Laura remarked to Ken that she needs more money in her account. Mary realized something was wrong when a forlorn Pat arrived home early from the prom. Tom balked when Ken warned him that his mother wants to know who his current girlfriend is.

Jun 15, 1964
Missy was sad that she will miss out on all the things Pat and Alice experience like school proms. Ken confided in Janet that he's happier in town with her than with his family life in the suburbs, but Janet was skeptical. Janet insisted to Mary that Alice has the talent to successfully pursue a career as an artist.

Jun 16, 1964
Tom barely humored his mother when Laura talked about his upcoming graduation dinner. Missy warning's about Tom's character moved Pat to defend him. Ken and Laura thought of Tom's bright future. Pat turned down Tom who attempted to interest her in his graduation dinner party.

Jun 17, 1964
Alice and Mary discussed Tom, Pat, and Janet's relationships. Bill failed to talk Liz out of dropping in on Janet without an invitation but with a check to pay Susan's loan. Ken noted that Janet's fondness for Alice contradicts her insistence that she has no interest in kids. Liz arrived unannounced at Janet's apartment, causing an embarrassed Ken to flee. Liz's antics pushed Janet into a state of hysteria.

Jun 18, 1964
Pat encouraged Mary to give Tom a chance and become better acquainted with him. Pat became ill while getting friendly with Missy at the Kopper Kettle, and Missy took her home. Alice offered to draw her, but Missy declined. After Mary invited her to stay for supper, Missy watched everyone intently and enjoyed being a part of the Matthews family dinner. Pat joined the table though she didn't have much of an appetite.

Jun 21, 1964
Missy told Ann all about the beautiful Matthews dinner. Jim and Mary talked about Granny Matthews leaving to take care of her niece who's about to have a new baby. Tom ignored Pat's story of Missy helping her home from the restaurant when she felt ill and tried to convince her to go for a ride with him. Jim told Mary he's trying to be attentive to Liz because he feels indebted to Will for hiring him as a partner in the firm. Pat suggested that her parents have Tom over for supper as the first step in getting to know him.

Jun 22, 1964
Liz failed in her attempt to turn Jim and Bill against Janet by suggesting she has affairs with married men. Missy doesn't want to meet Liz and warned a skeptical Bill that he would find her unsuitable if he knew more about her. Ken didn't believe Janet's claim that she has never been hurt by a man.

Jun 23, 1964
Pat discussed marriage and family with Mary then remarked she'd like more than one child but all boys. Tom cringed after he impulsively accepted Pat's invitation to have supper with her family. Janet vowed she would attend Alice's graduation party. Mary and Alice quarreled when Alice decided to skip summer camp to attend art school.

Jun 24, 1964
After Alice revealed she was class valedictorian, everyone tried to ease any tension with Russ. Bill suggested he and Liz stay long enough at Alice's party to visit with Susan who hasn't asked Liz to see the new apartment. Janet arrived and was bent out of shape that no one had told her Granny Matthews left town. The issue of whether Alice should attend college or the art institute over the summer reared its ugly head with Liz leading the crusade against it, and when Janet was close to being drawn into the conflict, she became upset and left.

Jun 25, 1964
The Baxters discussed their life together, while Tom wondered about the stability of his parents' marriage. Alice questioned Pat about her feelings toward Tom. Jim and Mary contemplated the possibility that Janet's presence might push Alice away from them. Tom called Pat and lied that he couldn't have supper with her family because he'd forgotten a previous engagement with his parents, but he assured her they still have a date for Independence Day. A forlorn Pat remembered sleeping with Tom over their last holiday weekend together.

Jun 28, 1964
Jim defended Janet when Mary blamed her for Alice foregoing college. Ken advised Janet to express her feelings more and admitted to her that Tom is a great guy except for the way he mistreats his girlfriends. Pat accused Alice of upsetting Mary over art school then groused about Alice's interest in her relationship with Tom. Tom sweet-talked Pat while encouraging her to spend another weekend with him at the lake. Jim offered Pat sage fatherly advice about Tom and men.

Jun 29, 1964
Jim and Mary agreed they won't pay Alice's tuition to art school. Laura spoke with Ken about the long nights he spends at work and talked with Tom about his inability to commit to anything in life. Tom admitted he didn't want to settle down because of his parents' marriage. Janet suggested to Ken that Laura secretly knows about their affair and cautioned him he has to choose because she won't wait forever. Later, Ken went home and reached an understanding with Laura.

Jun 30, 1964
Alice moped when Jim told her they wouldn't support art school because she reneged on her previous plan to be a camp counselor. Alice insisted to Alice that Jim and Mary are wrong about Janet being a bad influence, but they're right about Tom. Tom apologized to the Matthewses for missing their supper, but Jim and Mary felt didn't really care. Alice slipped out of the house to pay a visit to Janet. Janet wasn't happy that Alice left home without permission, while Mary realized Alice was gone.

Jul 01, 1964
Bill discovered that Liz took it upon herself to make plans for them, and told her he wants her to meet Missy. Ann pressed an angry and fearful Missy to tell Bill the truth about her life. Mary realized her behavior was similar to Liz's after Jim commented that Liz unjustly blames Janet for Susan's decision to leave home. Missy admitted to Pat she has no family. Pat bristled at Missy opinion of a womanizing Tom.

Jul 02, 1964
Pat and Tom speculated about Missy's odd behavior around men. Tom chastised Pat for her behavior toward him. Alice continued to push Pat into revealing what's going on between her and Tom. Tom admitted to Ken that's he's determined to find out why Pat has become so cold and moody. After Bill broke their date for Independence Day because he didn't want to leave Liz alone, Missy secretly decided he didn't want to be with her and became upset.

Jul 05, 1964
Ken admitted to Laura that he's having an affair and their marriage survival depends on her willingness to move back into town away from the suburban social life that bores him. Janet received an unexpected encounter with her former fiance Mike while awaiting drinks with Ken. Ken filled Janet in on his talk with Laura. Mary reassured Alice that she and Jim will stand by their children no matter what after Alice told her about a couple at school who got into trouble, and Alice remarked that Pat has refused Tom's request that they spend another weekend at the lake.

Jul 06, 1964
Liz held her tongue as Bill told her all about Missy and was annoyed that he had to break his date with her because of Liz. Liz agreed to meet Missy when Bill admitted he has strong feelings for her. Jim and Mary contemplated a vacation alone. Pat made a few comments about Tom drew Alice's attention. Bill encouraged Pat to visit Missy since she looks up to Pat. Bill subtly let Liz know he doesn't want to take his father's place in the accounting firm.

Jul 07, 1964
Pat admitted to her mother that she's in love with Tom and is afraid to confess her feelings. Ken told Tom not to worry about his parents' marriage, and Tom defended his own relationships by expressing the idea that he hasn't hurt anyone and won't let women fall in love with him. Ann gave Missy a stern reality check. Pat arrived to visit Missy and met Ann.

Jul 08, 1964
Mary disappointed Tom who stopped by to see Pat. Mary sensed that Pat was actively avoiding Tom. Missy enjoyed spending the evening with Pat and Ann who got along famously. Ann encouraged Pat to cultivate a friendship with Missy. Mary felt sorry for a nice hard working girl like Missy who has few friends and no family. Alice explained to her mother how much Janet's encouragement meant to her. When Pat questioned Ann about her social work and the options unwed mothers might have, Ann replied that she would advise a girl in that situation to get married.

Jul 09, 1964
Laura admitted to Ken she's jealous of the other woman he sees. Tom and Pat had a long talk about her behavior lately and she advised him to consider the possible reasons that would make her personality and moods change so drastically. After Ken confessed that he and Laura had breakfast together and discussed their relationship, Janet reminded him that she and he have a no strings understanding. Jim stopped by to see Janet who apologized for influencing Alice's decision to take art school over college. Jim noticed two used glasses on Janet's table and suggested she ...

Jul 12, 1964
Mary and Jim denied Alice's accusations that they disapprove of Janet want to keep them apart. Jim suggested Mary speak with Janet regarding Alice. Pat again nixed Tom's invitation to the lake. Mary and Jim agreed they can't continue trying to stop Alice from making decisions they don't like. Pat insisted she isn't deliberately pushing Tom away. Mary remarked to Jim that they should give up hoping Pat will dump Tom.

Jul 13, 1964
Ken and Janet discussed life changes and living in another world. Tom spoke with his mother about the strain in her marriage, and Laura was annoyed when he tried to stay neutral and not take sides in her disagreements with Ken. Ken cautioned Laura to stay out of Tom's private affairs. Tom decided to cool it with Pat because she appears to be getting too involved.

Jul 14, 1964
Pat cautioned Bill to think very carefully about getting involved with Missy since she's reluctant to let anyone into her life. Liz pressed Pat for more information about Missy then worried that Bill feels sorry for her and Missy probably wants to get married. Bill promised Missy he won't intrude into her life. When Mary noted Pat hadn't been feeling well lately, Pat attributed her illness to the hot weather.

Jul 15, 1964
Pat confided in Missy that she intends to marry Tom. Pat offered a quick apology after snapping at Alice. Pat reached a decision about Tom. Looking in the attic, Alice found a wedding dress and baby shoes. Later, Pat became an emotional mess at the sight of Alice who was wearing the wedding dress and holding the baby shoes.

Jul 16, 1964
An overly emotional Pat lost her temper at Jim after he commented on her recent uncharacteristic behavior. Pat phoned Tom but hung up on him when he took the phone. Laura rejected Tom's notion that she and Ken are on the brink of divorce, but later she and Ken fought over his insistence that she give up her comfortable suburban life and his affair with Janet. Pat caught up with Tom and confused him with remarks about Phil marrying Rita out of necessity. When a dense Tom failed to understand, Pat stunned him with the news that their lovemaking has made her pregnant.

Jul 19, 1964
Tom took Pat's pregnancy news calmly and quietly, and following an embrace, they agreed to give him time to ponder the situation. Missy confided in Ann her inability to express love due to her being illegitimate and unwanted. Pat and Alice talked about self-esteem, then Tom phoned Pat to cancel their next date. After Tom's call, Pat tried to reassure herself that Tom will take care of everything.

Jul 20, 1964
Ken and Janet discussed Tom, and Ken realized he is in no position to judge his son's relationships. Later Tom and Ken met for drinks, but an apprehensive Tom didn't confide in his father the trouble he's in. Dr. Bradford reassured Janet of his professional discretion regarding Ken being in her apartment on his last visit. Janet agreed to have a date with Dr. Bradford at some future time. Tom sat alone contemplating his situation.

Jul 21, 1964
Pat blanched when Alice mentioned a school mate who's unwed and pregnant. Later Pat met Tom's wiser, kinder roommate Frank who hit it off with Pat. Janet feared an empty life of drinking alone. Pat and Alice visited Janet, who commented that when she was younger work was only a temporary stop on the way to marriage. Frank listened in disapproval as Tom coldly announced Pat's pregnancy but added that he didn't want any lectures about marriage and responsibility.

Jul 22, 1964
Liz's used Bill's recovery from a minor operation to force Susan into a tense visit to the Matthews home. Susan justified her feelings about Liz to Bill. An emotional Pat insisted on seeing Susan immediately. Susan was horrified to learn that Pat is pregnant, but there are currently no definitive marriage plans. Pat continued to grimace at Alice's story of a schoolmate who is pregnant and being sent away because the father doesn't love or want her.

Jul 26, 1964
Laura rented an apartment in town. Janet and Laura saw one another at Ken's office. Laura wanted to have a family celebration for the new apartment, but Tom turned her down. Tom confided in Frank that Laura turned to a suburban social life to avoid dealing with his sister Judy's death. Frank tried unsuccessfully to make Tom see he has to marry Pat and take responsibility for their child. Later Tom suggested to Pat that marriage isn't the answer to their problem.

Jul 27, 1964
Liz stewed over Susan's accusations of her mother once pushing her into a marriage with George. Bill reminded Liz that his father wanted him and Susan to pursue their own interests. Missy admitted to Pat her natural distrust of people then told her all about her illegitimacy and life growing up in an orphanage. Pat and Mary quarreled when Mary begged her to break things off with Tom because he's pushing her away from the family.

Jul 28, 1964
Mary filled Jim in on the fight she had with Pat, and they debated whether or not to talk with Tom. Jim decided to talk with Pat instead, but she lost her temper, accusing him of interfering in her life. Missy reused to tell Bill what's going on with Pat and Tom. Later Missy bolted when Bill gently held her hand. Pat was tormented by echoes of her conversations with illegitimate Missy vowing to kill her mother and Tom's hollow promises that everything will work out.

Jul 29, 1964
Ken was surprised by the blase attitudes of his wife and mistress after their accidental meeting. Janet finally confessed to Ken her past engagement to Mike and how it ended with a tumor and hysterectomy that left her sterile. She also explained that she sometimes regrets choosing life. Tom caught his parents in a moment of domestic tranquility then subsequently horrified Pat with his subtle suggestion that she could get an abortion.

Jul 30, 1964
Tom convinced Pat that they should only marry for love and not just to give a child a name. Frank berated Tom for suggesting an abortion to Pat instead being a man and accepting responsibility. Jim shared with Mary the threat Pat made to run away if they grill Tom about his intentions. Jim and Mary agreed Pat will have to see for herself that Tom doesn't really love her and won't marry her. After Tom warned her to keep her pregnancy a secret while she mulls over an abortion, Pat was all phony smiles and fake laughs around her parents.

Aug 02, 1964
While looking through Will's papers, Liz and Bill discovered receipts and hospital bills related to Janet. Ann hoped that Missy is making progress toward one day feeling worthy enough to accept love. Missy told Bill more about her past but let him think the fake picture of her parents was real. Missy accepted Bill's invitation to dinner with his family.

Aug 03, 1964
A nervous Tom whined to Ken about not having enough time for fun because his college coursework is too difficult and time consuming. Ken and Laura peered over old photos and reminisced about happier times. Ken admitted to Tom that some of his most cherished memories were those at the lake house. Tom couldn't bring himself to share his troubles with Ken, but Ken and Janet shared a passionate kiss and despite her better judgment she wished he could stay with her.

Aug 04, 1964
Bill pressed Susan for more details about Liz's attempts to arrange a loveless marriage for her. Susan, who suspects Tom pressed Pat to consider abortion, pleaded with her to do nothing drastic. Liz confronted Janet over the documents she found in Will's paper, and Janet was forced to reveal Will's financial support of her education and medical bills. Liz walked out on Janet without commenting on what she just heard. Pat couldn't suppress echoes on her in mind of conversations about abortion.

Aug 05, 1964
Missy arrived at Liz's for dinner and faced intense scrutiny and nosy questions about her family from the hostess. Bill and Susan's attempts to make Missy feel comfortable were thwarted by a domineering Liz. After dinner, an upset Missy sat alone in her shabby flat looking at the phony photos meant to represent her family. Tom shocked Pat with the news that he's looking into abortion providers and insisted again that the baby would interfere with their future happiness. While standing on the campus bridge, a distraught Pat remembered the suicide legend associated with...

Aug 06, 1964
Pat considered jumping to her death off the campus bridge to solve her problems, but eventually yielded to her impulsive emotions. Alice and Mary made arrangements for a party to celebrate Pat's 21st birthday. The two didn't agree about Janet's invitation, but concurred over a reluctance to include Tom in the festivities. Jim and Mary found the humor in Alice's party plans, but while Alice slept peacefully, a forlorn Pat stared into space with tears streaming down her face.

Aug 09, 1964
A defeated Missy worried Ann with her remarks about spoiling the evening over her poor impression on Liz, and her decision to stop seeing Bill. Bill fretted because of Missy's avoidance and Liz's insensitive comments about her. Missy couldn't push Bill away when he told her how much he and Susan enjoyed her visit for dinner, but she quietly realized that a relationship with him is hopeless due to her illegitimacy. Ann encouraged Bill to keep fighting for Missy, but she kept the secret of Missy's past.

Aug 10, 1964
Bill and Liz had another talk about the family business and Missy. Later they accepted Alice's invitation to Pat's birthday party. Alice agreed to invite Missy to the party in person. Bill promised Liz he'd explain his feelings for Missy to her just as soon as he understands himself. Janet embarrassed Ken by making him hide while Alice visited with a party invitation. Janet and Ken had words about Laura, and Ken suggested Janet has gotten over the hysterectomy.

Aug 11, 1964
Tom had words with his mother over her uncertainty about moving into the new city apartment and begged her to do or otherwise lose Ken who loathes their suburban lifestyle. During their conversation Tom admitted how desperately he needs to see his parents' marriage succeed as it's the basis of how he views marriage and commitment. Ken criticized Tom for interfering in his personal life and lied that he's not seeing another woman. Tom's alleged concern for morality relieved Laura and Ken, and she finally agreed to move to the city.

Aug 12, 1964
Alice stopped by Missy's and expressed amazement at Missy's ability to support herself and have her own apartment. Unaware of the surprise party, Pat asked Mary to not do anything special for her upcoming birthday. Pat's improved disposition made Mary happy. Susan insisted on having a talk with Pat in which she begged her not to risk a dangerous abortion. Pat reassured Susan that she will push Tom back toward marriage as a solution to their problem.

Aug 13, 1964
Frank and Tom had another disagreement over Tom's mistreatment of Pat, but Tom told him he won't have room to comment unless he gets his own girlfriend in the same situation as Pat. Laura delighted Tom with the news that she signed the lease on the apartment in town and will yield to Ken's needs. Laura barely missed Janet who slipped out after rebuffing Ken's advances. Tom watched happily as his parents embraced.

Aug 16, 1964
Liz annoyed Bill by implying he's only interested in Missy because he pities her wants to help her. Missy rejected Ann's advice then fled after declaring herself nothing more than a worthless illegitimate orphan. Bill defended Missy to Alice who remarked on Missy's aloof behavior. Alice inadvertently placed doubts in Bill's mind by joking that Missy might already have a date with someone else the night of the party. Missy relented to Bill's insistence that she attend Pat's party, but she said she would go only if he promised to stop pursuing her. An upset and rejected...

Aug 18, 1964
Alice got dolled up and met with fellow art student Mark Sanford who she invited to Pat's surprise birthday party. Pat checked her profile in a mirror looking for signs of her advancing pregnancy. Against Frank's advice, Tom decided he's right to push Pat into getting an abortion. Pat called Tom, but he refused to have contact with her until she makes up her mind about the baby. In a moment of weakness she agreed to the procedure.

Aug 19, 1964
Alice fretted about Pat's party as she recounted all the plans she's made to ensure it comes off without a hitch. When am ambivalent Pat continued to have misgivings about the abortion, Tom cajoled her into not changing her mind. Pat suggested having the operation over the Labor Day holiday while Mary and Jim are away, so she can recover without anyone ever knowing.

Aug 20, 1964
Liz talked with Bill about the fundamental differences between herself and Mary, and she admitted she's having trouble accepting his father's sudden death. Ken offered Janet sound advice when she continues to express ambivalent feelings about attending Pat's party. Alice hoped that Tom's decision to not attend the party wouldn't spoil it for Pat. Pat lied to Bill when she remarked that she and Tom aren't seriously involved.

Aug 23, 1964
Bill and Missy cleared the air when Missy confessed that she made up a story about having a date because she was afraid she wouldn't fit in at Pat's party. Bill reiterated to Liz his determination to begin law school in the fall. Pat thanked her family for the birthday party but couldn't shake her inner turmoil, which Jim noted to Mary.

Aug 24, 1964
Susan decided to invite Missy to lunch to get to know her better after Bill couldn't express his feelings for her. Ann tried to help Missy see that the road to growth is paved with ups and downs. Later Missy enjoyed being part of a lunch date with Susan and Pat. Susan privately confronted Pat about the situation with Tom and wasn't entirely convinced when Pat insisted that she and Tom are getting married over Labor Day.

Aug 25, 1964
Laura heard echoes from the past as she walked through the house but convinced herself that her marriage to Ken is more important than living in the suburbs. Janet gave Ken her heartfelt wishes that he and Laura can save their marriage in their new home. Tom quizzed Ken about the woman in his office who resembles Laura, and Laura realized Tom meant Janet. Tom disappointed Laura with his insistence that he plans to delay marriage until after he gets his doctorate and establishes his own psychology practice. Ken encouraged Laura to keep a healthy balance between the ...

Aug 26, 1964
Janet noted to Ken that she thinks Pat is deeply troubled by something, but he suggested that she's projecting her own conflicted feelings onto her niece. Ken concealed his jealousy when Janet refused to have drinks with him after work and made a date with Dr. Bradford. Pat and Janet made plans to get together soon. Bradford praised Janet as being a very special woman, though he realized she still has feelings for Ken and walked out.

Aug 27, 1964
Pat bowed out when Jim and Mary surprised her and Alice with reservations at a lavish mountain lodge for Labor Day weekend. Jim tried to make Mary accept Pat's independence and need to be apart from the family now that she's 21. Pat consented to have the abortion as soon as the family leaves for the lodge, and Tom reassured her it's the right choice for them. Frank made a last ditch effort to change Tom's mind by pointing out the medical danger to Pat as well as potential long term, lasting effects of the procedure, but Tom refused to listen and phoned the abortionist...

Aug 30, 1964
Ann observed Missy and Liz watched Bill as each prepared for their date. Ann secretly replaced the photo of Missy's fake parents with one of Bill. Liz admitted to Bill her feelings of loneliness. Ann counseled Missy to focus on people she loves and trusts now and to forget about her past as an unwanted orphan. Missy was wide-eyed and in awe of the expensive restaurant Bill took her to. Bill admitted to Missy he wants to live on campus for law school but is feeling guilty over leaving Liz alone in the house. A dreamy Missy allowed Bill to hold her hand.

Aug 31, 1964
Frank attempted another conversation with Tom regarding Pat, but Tom wasn't moved. A bored Laura drank in the new apartment and lamented her unhappiness which upset Tom. Janet bristled over Ken's probing personal questions and reminded him that they ended their affair. As a pretext to get his parents out of the way while he accompanies Pat for the abortion, Tom suggested a weekend at the lake house to help ease Laura's unhappiness.

Sep 01, 1964
Pat travels from Bay City to have an illegal abortion performed.

Sep 02, 1964
Tom grew concerned when Pat was inside longer than he anticipated. Frank suddenly proposed marriage to girlfriend Kathy, a nurse at the hospital. A dazed, emotionless Pat emerged from the procedure and said she'd call Tom if she needed him after he took her home. Kathy noted the tension between Frank and Tom. Surrealistic dreams and the nagging sound of a baby's cries haunted Pat's rest. After awakening in a cold sweat, Pat phoned for Tom, who couldn't talk without further arousing an already suspicious Kathy and Frank.

Sep 03, 1964
Kathy noted the tension following Tom's phone call from Pat and questioned their curious friendship since they have completely different attitudes toward women and responsible moral behavior. Ken pressed an unhappy Laura to try harder at accepting her new life in the city, and when talk turned to Tom's future, Ken advised her against looking forward to grandchildren. Tom did his best to soothe Pat, but she refused his suggestion about taking pills because she fears going to sleep. Later Tom told Frank that Pat went through with the abortion, and Frank felt pity when ...

Sep 06, 1964
An excited Missy told Ann all about her beautiful supper date with Bill and how she set aside her distrust to allow him to hold her hand. A weakened Pat struggled to answer the phone when Mary called, then lied that she was just tired from an active day spent at the beach. Returning from the lake house, Ken and Laura noticed the change in Tom's appearance. Pat experienced debilitating cramps and dropped the phone. Tom tried to contact Pat but could only get a busy signal. Memories of sleeping with Tom and subsequently worrying over the baby they made haunted Pat. ...

Sep 07, 1964
While visiting with Janet, a feverish and hurting Pat nearly collapsed. Janet forced Pat to admit the reason behind her being sick and in pain, but agreed to keep it a secret from the Matthews family. Pat's deteriorating condition gave Janet no choice but to phone for Dr. Ernest Gregory's help. Dr. Gregory insisted that Pat be hospitalized, though he promised no one would know the real reason. Frank and Tom argued about Pat, who Tom thinks is out running around town with friends. Dr. Gregory confided in Janet that he thinks Pat has an infection that could warrant ...

Sep 08, 1964
The Matthews family learns of Pat's illness while Dr. Gregory maintains patient confidentiality.

Sep 09, 1964
Mary suffered with worry over Pat, while Janet and Dr. Gregory avoided her incessant probing questions. Mary grumbled about Janet not phoning for a family doctor, but Jim defended both as doing their best for Pat. Dr. Gregory informed the Matthews family that Pat has a serious infection. A delirious Pat imagined Kathy to be Mary and rambled on to her about Tom, her pregnancy, and the abortion. Pat awoke in excruciating pain, and Kathy tried to soothe her fears that Janet and Dr. Gregory would reveal her true medical condition to the family.

Sep 10, 1964
As the family awaited a diagnosis of Pat's condition, Russ frightened Alice when he said he dreamed of Pat's death. A delirious Pat continued to mistake nurses for her family and talked about the abortion. Liz learned of Pat's illness and was irritated that Pat sought help from Janet instead of her. Missy cried when Bill told her about Pat, whose condition is critical. Pat called out for her mother.

Sep 13, 1964
After taking Pat's vital signs, a worried Kathy called for the doctor. Alice agreed to stay at the house to keep Russ company while Mary and Jim await news of Pat at the hospital. Tom phoned the Matthews house for Pat and panicked when Alice revealed Pat's hospitalization. Frank advised him he can't help Pat now after Tom admitted that Pat is sick from the abortion. Jim attempted to calm the tension between Janet and Mary, who still thinks Janet should have handled Pat's emergency differently. Dr. Gregory told Jim and Mary that Pat has a ruptured ovarian cyst and will...

Sep 14, 1964
Janet spoke up when Mary and Jim appeared to doubt Dr. Gregory's abilities as a doctor. A talkative lab technician clued Susan in on the severity of Pat's illness. Later Susan confided in Janet that she knew about Pat's pregnancy but didn't reveal it to Mary and Jim because Pat conned her into believing she and Tom were going to marry. Dr. Gregory eased Jim and Mary's fears about him, and Mary apologized to Janet for hurting her feelings. Frank chastised Tom for not phoning Jim and Mary. Tom became upset after Missy talked to him about Pat.

Sep 15, 1964
Missy confided in Ann about Pat's situation. The hospital enraged Tom by withholding Pat's medical status from him since he isn't family. Mary recalled Pat's favorite Christmas from childhood. A drunken Tom met Ken for their regular dinner date, and Tom managed to keep quiet about the trouble he's in. Afterward he phoned the hospital pretending to be Bill Matthews and learned that Pat is on the critical list. At the hospital, Nurse Oster called for Dr. Markus as Pat deteriorated.

Sep 16, 1964
Pat had a period of lucidity and was able to speak with Jim, Mary, and Janet. Pat kept a close eye on Janet while apologizing for all the trouble her illness caused. After Jim and Mary reassured her that she had nothing to apologize for, Janet privately told Pat that everyone had kept her secret. Dr. Gregory consulted with Dr. Werner about Pat's surgery, and Werner agreed to back up the story of Pat developing peritonitis from a ruptured cyst. Werner warned Dr. Gregory that Pat will need a hysterectomy. Janet talked with Dr. Gregory about the lasting devastating ...

Sep 17, 1964
Frank realized that the patient causing Kathy's worry was Alice. Later, when Tom found out, Frank warned him not to damage Kathy's strong work ethics by trying to force confidential information out of her. Liz co-opted Pat's situation to wail about losing Will to incompetent doctors. Dr. Gregory and Dr. Werner told the family that they won't know for sure what needs to be done for Pat until they can ascertain the severity and location of her infection. Jim and Mary watched helplessly as Pat was rolled into the operating room.

Sep 20, 1964
Time seemed to slow down as Mary, Jim, and Janet awaited word of Pat's surgery. Mary was stymied by Pat developing an ovarian cyst. A guilty Susan excused herself when Liz and Bill pressed her for information about Pat. Liz continued to wonder why Pat turned to Janet. Alice fumed over Tom's silence and absence. The family attempted to soothe a terrified Mary's fears that Pat won't pull through the surgery.

Sep 21, 1964
Frank warned Tom again when he considered asking Kathy for details of Pat's condition. Tom rejected Frank's idea that he instead call Alice to ask about Pat. Nurse Oster gave Kathy her policy of staying emotionally detached from patients. Kathy explained Pat's delirious comments to Nurse Oster. Laura confessed to Ken that she has only pretended to adjust to city life, but he asked her to continuing trying for the sake of himself and Tom. Dr. Gregory and Dr. Werner worried about Pat going into shock and proceeded conservatively with treatment.

Sep 22, 1964
Mary grew more prickly as Pat's procedure dragged on for several hours. The whole family was relieved when Dr. Gregory reported the surgery to be a success. Pat was moved to a regular room and awaited visitors. Dr. Gregory continued to maintain privacy, but he confided in Janet that he was unable to proceed with a hysterectomy because Pat was too weak, but the infection likely has left her sterile.

Sep 23, 1964
Nurse Oster and Kathy lamented how devastating it would be for Pat should Jim and Mary ever find out their daughter had an abortion. Jim defended Janet to Liz and reiterated that she shouldn't push Bill into accounting instead of law. Liz wondered why Janet has suddenly become interested in the family again. Pat's possible sterility weighed heavily on Janet. Janet finally admitted the whole story of Pat's pregnancy and abortion to an infuriated Ken, but she stopped short of naming Tom as the father when Ken angrily suggested the irresponsible father needed a good ...

Sep 24, 1964
Tom called Alice and Pat's private line at the Matthews house, but Alice wasn't forthcoming with details about Pat's condition. Tom fled from Frank when he realized that Pat could have actually died. Laura made reservations for dinner at the University Club, which irritated Ken. Frank made veiled comments to Laura and Ken regarding their lax parenting. Tom revealed to his gobsmacked father that he got his new girlfriend pregnant and talked her into an abortion, but he didn't understand Ken's odd reaction to the news as Ken realized the connection between Janet's niece...

Sep 27, 1964
The ice mattress helped break Pat's fever, and she began to recover. Alice let Mark know how much his presence during Pat's crisis helped her. Dr. Gregory reassured Pat that her parents bought the ovarian cyst story but asked her to consider telling them the truth. Mary and Jim were relieved at the news of Pat's recovery and thanked Dr. Gregory who reminded them that it was Janet calling for help when she did that likely saved Pat. Dr. Gregory admitted to Janet that he didn't tell Pat or the Matthews family about Pat's possible sterility.

Sep 28, 1964
Tom was happy to hear of Pat's recovery from Alice, but he worried that Kathy might find out that he's the man who got Pat into trouble. Ken kept Tom's revelations to himself. Tom informed Ken of the good news regarding Pat. Ken and Laura quarreled again over their disparate desires for life, and Laura insisted that they have to find a world they can both inhabit together if they have any hope of saving their marriage. Pat thanked Janet for getting her help from Dr. Ernest Gregory and suggested that she feels more like a sister to her than an aunt. After receiving a ...

Sep 29, 1964
When Janet commented on the type of man Pat's involved with, Ken said she should stay out of her niece's personal life. Tom kept silent as Pat expressed her hopes that their relationship is stronger and nothing has changed between them. Tom asked a discontent Laura not to give up. Ken and Laura were at odds over their living arrangements, while he insisted his desire to live in the city had nothing to do with Janet.

Sep 30, 1964
As Pat continued to improve, she and Kathy talked about Kathy's engagement. Pat wasn't sure if she's ruined her own chances of getting married because of the abortion. Mary asked Pat why she turned to Janet and also admitted that she's annoyed by Janet's ability to influence Alice. Alice visited Pat and told her sister about Mark. Pat told Ernest Gregory the reason she agreed to the abortion then thought about marrying Tom and having a family with him.

Oct 01, 1964
Nurse Oster filled Pat in on Ernest Gregory's private life. Kathy and Nurse Oster's kindness to her overwhelmed Pat who felt undeserving. Pat speculated that Janet's feelings about Tom will change following their engagement. Tom was relieved at Pat's bright appearance. Pat told Tom she'll need him as she recovers from all the things that have happened in the last few months. Tom's cavalier references to Pat's illness mortified Ken who realized Tom's only happy because now he's free from being a father and feeling guilt over Pat's near death.

Oct 04, 1964
Alice talked Janet into examining Mark's work and offering him career advice and casually mentioned Tom's name as the boy Pat's been involved with. Pat pressed Alice to tell her what was said when she and Janet discussed Tom and Pat's situation. Tom learned that Laura and Ken are living separately, but Laura insisted she has faith in his love for her. Ken wondered why Janet's interest suddenly shifted from Pat to Tom.

Oct 05, 1964
While talking with Pat, Mary reflected on her contented life as Jim's wife and mother of his children. Tom avoided committing to a date with Pat. An infuriated Frank badgered Tom to come clean with Pat about his lack of love for her. Janet upset Pat with the idea that the family won't be seeing her very much henceforth because they all live in different worlds. Pat's comments about Tom and wanting to have a life like Mary's disturbed Janet who confided in Ernest her fears that Pat might harm herself when Tom ultimately dumps her.

Oct 06, 1964
Janet defended Laura's feelings to Ken. Susan and Janet agreed there's no Jim and Mary should ever know what happened to Pat. Susan re-paid Janet's loan and revealed she's moving to Baltimore to work at Johns Hopkins. Tom led Pat on by reluctantly accepting a date with her in a few days. Susan told off Pat and suggested she stop fantasizing about a future with Tom.

Oct 08, 1964
Pat advised Missy to trust Bill and accept the possibility of having a true love. Frank didn't get anywhere with another lecture to Tom about not leading Pat on when he doesn't love her or want her. Ken didn't want to hear any more opinions from Tom on marriage and commitment. Janet accidentally met Tom in Ken's office and although she was civil to him, Ken noted something disapproving in the way she looked at Tom.

Oct 12, 1964
Ernest talked with Janet about his being adopted by parents who loved and nurtured him. Ernest sympathized with Janet's untenable position between Ken and Tom and Pat. Pat encouraged Jim to begin better acquainted with Tom and gushed to Mary about her and Tom being in love. Later, Pat shamed Tom into agreeing to stay for dinner, and her closeness to him disturbed him.

Oct 11, 1964
Pat assures her worried mother Mary she and Tom have an understanding and are not just casually dating.

Oct 18, 1964
Bill offered Missy part of his inheritance so that she could quit work and attend school full-time. Ann urged Missy to at least consider Bill's offer. Bill and Mary talked about Liz's loneliness and Bill's guilt over not giving her the attention she needs. Tom was embarrassed when Pat told him he made a big impression on her parents. Pat reminded Tom that she'd like to meet his parents. Bill promised Pat that he'd never hurt Missy, and she agreed to help Missy.

Oct 19, 1964
Pat and Mary recognized how much better they're getting along though Pat disagreed with Mary's assertion that Janet, Mark, and art school are bad influences on Alice. Frank and Kathy, who are planning to marry, found an apartment convenient for both, and Frank irritated Tom with comments about Tom's conflicts stemming from his parents' marriage. Laura blamed Janet for Ken's lack of affinity for quiet suburban life, while Ken pointed out Laura's inability to admit that their problems began long before Janet entered their lives.

Oct 20, 1964
Laura obtained Janet's home address. Ken issued Janet fair warning about Laura's suspicions. Laura confided in Tom that she believes Ken's attitude regarding suburban life is a result of his relationship with another woman. Tom advised his mother to fight for her marriage. Pat visited Janet, and Janet didn't like Pat's unwavering love for Tom, a man who obviously doesn't love or want her. Laura paid a visit to Janet, but Janet insisted that she's not in love with Ken.

Oct 21, 1964
Pat saw Ernest Gregory who treated her with compassion when she remarked that she wasn't sure she could pursue future plans until she knows for sure whether or not she'll ever be able to have a child. Ernest gently suggested that Pat not be too tasty to have fertility tests. Ernest wanted Janet to help him celebrate Pat's recovery, and she was relieved to hear his opinion that Pat's going to recover physically and mentally from her ordeal. Tom told his father that he's through with Pat and wants Ken to stop seeing Janet, too, but Ken said flatly that his marriage to ...

Oct 22, 1964
Pat encouraged Missy to accept Bill's loan and the fact that they may have a future together. After Pat admitted entertaining thoughts of jumping off the campus bridge, Tom impulsively suggested they have a night out. Bill talked with Ann about Missy's reticent behavior then forced Missy to take his money. Missy was happy that Bill agreed to tutor her once she goes to college. Tom admitted to Frank that Pat's grim comments about suicide and the abortion disturbed him, and he has to do something about it.

Oct 25, 1964
Frank and Laura discussed Tom's nature and Laura admitted she raised him to independent. Tom feared his parents are headed for divorce. Ken was annoyed by Laura's visit to Janet. Laura told Ken that Janet said she doesn't love him, and when Laura talked about a reconciliation, Ken didn't respond. Ken offered an apology to Janet for Laura's embarrassing intrusion, but Janet defended her by saying that she understands Laura's feelings but isn't sure exactly what his are toward Laura.

Oct 26, 1964
Mary caught Alice in a lie when she came home late. Alice proposed having some of the students from the art school over so that the family can see they're not bad. Pat suggested to Bill that Missy's trying to change for him, and Bill confirmed that Liz doesn't approve of Missy. Liz and Bill talked about Missy who Liz said she wants to know better. Alice accused Pat of trying to please Mary and Jim only because they approve of Tom. Tom confirmed his date with Pat, and she's anticipating discussing their future with him.

Oct 27, 1964
Preparing for her date with Tom, Pat daydreamed about their wedding, while Tom and Frank discussed ways to let Pat down. Pat was happy that her parents have given Tom another chance to prove his love for her. At dinner, Tom told Pat that Phil and Rita are already getting a divorce and shouldn't have married for the sake of their baby. Before Tom could bring up ending their relationship, Pat spotted Missy and Bill dining and invited them over. Tom and Pat planned to meet again tomorrow. Pat continued to daydream of being Tom's wife and imagined giving birth to his baby.

Oct 28, 1964
Pat forced an unscheduled appointment with Ernest, and when she said she couldn't plan a future with Tom unless she knew whether or not she could have children, Ernest devastated her with the diagnosis of sterility. Tom told Frank he intends to break up with Pat tonight, but unsure if her barrenness would make a difference to him, Pat canceled their rendezvous. While worrying about Tom's reaction to her condition, the sounds of crying babies tormented Pat's fragile psyche.

Oct 29, 1964
A dazed and upset Pat stood on the campus bridge again while contemplating recent events. A stranger rushed to Pat's aide when it appeared she might jump from the bridge. Ernest pleaded with Janet to help Pat deal with her inability to have children. Mary decided Pat's odd behavior was likely due to a fight with Tom. Alice realized Pat wanted to avoid contact with Tom when their private phone rang constantly, but Pat wouldn't answer it.

Nov 01, 1964
Janet told Ken about's Pat's diagnosis. Ken admitted that he wants to divorce Laura and pursue a future with her. Mary reluctantly allowed Janet to join the family for dinner. Janet used the dinner as a pretext to talk with Pat. Janet attempted to assuage Pat's fears about the future by revealing her own inability to have kids but pointed out a career she enjoys and can have a marriage too with the right man. Pat admitted to Janet that she's afraid to see Tom.

Nov 02, 1964
Pat insisted to Alice that nothing was wrong, but she and Missy noticed her subdued behavior which Missy misinterpreted as being because of her. Missy spotted Tom kissing Carol Pearson, a university coed. Missy confided in Ann about Tom who suggested that Tom won't marry regardless of whether or not Missy reveals to Pat what she saw. Pat was desperate to believe that her sterility won't affect Tom's feelings for her. Later Alice heard Pat having a nightmare in which she begged the babies to stop crying.

Nov 03, 1964
Frank doubted him when Tom speculated that Pat's avoidance of him is her way of breaking up with him, so now he's completely free. Pat assured Mary that she and Tom are still in love despite the appearance that she doesn't want to see him. Tom informed his mother that he's moved on to a new girl, and Laura told him that Janet claimed she's not interested in Ken. Ken reiterated his love for Janet, but she cautioned him that she's not sure she'll ever love him again.

Nov 04, 1964
Carol listed all the reasons she wants Tom, but only if he agrees to something long-term and serious. After daydreaming about Tom accepting her sterility, Pat phoned him to say she wanted to come over for a talk. Before leaving to take his belongings to his new place, Frank reminded Tom to take it easy with Pat. Frank left behind some clothes and his gun. Ken told Laura he wants a divorce and wouldn't listen to her argument that Janet doesn't return his feelings. Pat confronted Tom, who destroyed her with his revelation that he never loved her and never planned to ...

Nov 05, 1964
While in his apartment Pat accidentally shoots Tom Baxter.

Nov 08, 1964
Mary expressed to Jim her fears about Pat's disintegrating relationship with Tom. After shooting Tom, a dazed and distant Pat returned home and went quietly to her room. Mary worried about Pat's health following her recent illness, which unknown to Mary was a secret abortion. Laura became distraught when Ken informed her that their son had been murdered. A listless Pat was inattentive as Alice discussed plans for a party. Just as Pat was opening up to her sister, Detective Sgt. Adams arrived to speak with Pat about Tom's death.

Nov 09, 1964
Ken called for Dr. Eric Hilker who had to give Laura a sedative because she's distraught and hysterical over Tom's death. Ken confided in Eric about Tom's affair with Pat, her pregnancy, and the secret abortion. He also admitted he wouldn't mention Pat to Laura because she would realize that Pat and Janet are related. The news of Tom's death cause Pat to collapse. After a reluctant Frank was forced to identify Pat as being at the murder scene, Sgt. Adams took Pat into police custody. Pat didn't recall seeing Tom, and Jim and Mary doubted Frank's identification. Jim ...

Nov 10, 1964
Jim Matthews contacts attorney Mitchell Dru to talk about him representing Pat after she's charged with murder.

Nov 11, 1964
Awaiting the results of Pat's tests, Sgt. Adams admitted that Pat's surprised reaction to Tom's shooting was genuine. Pat speculated to Jim and Mary that Frank shot and killed Tom and is trying to frame her. Sgt. Adams informed everyone that Pat's fingerprints were found on Frank's gun, which was the murder weapon, and the paraffin test proved Pat had fired the gun. Jim agreed to Dru's decision to turn Pat's case over to a criminal attorney as Pat was being charged with first degree murder. Dru met with attorney John Randolph and requested that he defend Pat. Jim told...

Nov 12, 1964
Mitchell asks John to become the attorney for Pat in her upcoming trial.

Nov 15, 1964
Ken Baxter agrees to leave Janet Matthews and go back to his wife Laura after their son Tom is murdered.

Nov 16, 1964
John Randolph stated he only accepts cases from clients he feels are actually innocent, but John's teen-aged daughter Lee deemed Pat guilty. Dru arranged for John to meet Pat privately in an interrogation room instead of her jail cell. Pat disregarded John and continued to proclaim her love for Tom and her innocence. John and Dru believed that Pat shot Tom but later repressed her memories of the shooting. The men considered whether or not Pat committed the crime with malice aforethought. Paul Masters, the district attorney, wanted to interview the Matthewses, the ...

Nov 17, 1964
Laura was inconsolable over losing Ken and Tom. Eric Hilker was on hand to help Laura as Tom's small private funeral service began. John agreed to represent Pat and agreed with Jim that although Pat shot Tom, she's suppressing the reason for the shooting. Mary and Jim met with district attorney Masters, though remained quiet when John advised them to not answer his questions. Masters and John accepted the challenge of Pat's case as John decided he's going to have Pat plead not guilty. Mary visited Pat in jail and reassured her daughter that everything will end well.

Nov 18, 1964
Missy insisted that Pat couldn't have murdered Tom because of her deep love for him. Janet wasn't entirely forthcoming when Jim questioned her about working with Ken Baxter. John admitted to Lee that Pat is an attractive young woman. Pat asked John if she could write a letter to Ken and Laura to offer her condolences over Tom's passing and later, while alone, worried that she's been jailed for killing her and Tom's baby.

Nov 19, 1964
As Susan sets in a jail cell she wonders if she's being punished for having an abortion.

Nov 22, 1964
Pat writes a letter to the Baxter family telling then she didn't kill Tom Baxter.

Nov 23, 1964
Mary refused to believe that Pat could have murdered Tom under any circumstances, but Dru forced Jim to make Pat understand that she did in fact pull the trigger. As the grand jury convened, Laura and Ken arrived. Frank pointed the couple out to Jim who couldn't be dissuaded from offering his condolences. Mary collapsed after Pat was indicted for first degree murder. John went to Pat's jail cell to break the news that she'll be going on trial for Tom's murder.

Nov 24, 1964
Pat Matthews is indicted for first degree murder in the death of Tom Baxter.

Nov 26, 1964
Ken told Janet that Laura advised the police of their connection and admitted that he wants to conceal Tom's true nature from her. D.A. Masters questioned Janet but wasn't satisfied that she cooperated fully. Pat became hysterical after John suggested that she good reason to shoot Tom if he did something to hurt her. Pat swore to Judge Sutherland that she didn't kill Tom and wasn't in his apartment the day he was killed. A trial date for December 16th was set with John's request for a trial by jury.

Nov 29, 1964
Laura caused an outburst in court when she demanded to know how Pat could plead not guilty. Pat refused Janet's pleas to confide in John about Tom impregnating her then forcing her to have an abortion. Frank and Kathy made plans to have more time together. Ken wanted to spend time with Janet instead of Laura. Mary fretted over the effect Pat's trial might have on Alice and Russ. Ernest phoned Janet who acquiesced to discussing Pat's case.

Nov 30, 1964
Frank and Kathy agreed to marry on December 16th, the first day of Pat's trial. A sympathetic Kathy didn't believe Pat capable of cold blooded murder and urged Frank to reveal all of the intimate details Tom shared with him about his relationship with Pat. Jim phoned Granny Matthews and insisted she not come back because of Pat's trial. Janet's harsh words regarding his son didn't deter Ken's visit to Janet. Later Janet met with Ernest and declared that she never really loved Ken. When Ernest stated that he felt an obligation to break Pat's patient confidentiality and...

Dec 01, 1964
Pat agrees to see a psychiatrist.

Dec 02, 1964
Lee told Dru she wants to be a prosecutor and not defend guilty people like her father does. Dru later had a word with John about Lee's attitude. Alice reluctantly agreed to Jim's suggestion that she go see Pat in jail, but when she did, she wasn't able to pull her sister out of her depression. John attempted to make Pat fight to save herself, but she countered that she either get out of jail or die.

Dec 03, 1964
Bill and Missy's talk of the Christmas holidays was dampened by pitiful thoughts of Pat. Bill offered to help Jim in the accounting firm, but he declined. Dr. Hubert met with John then with Pat. With a blank affect, Pat told Dr. Hubert that she and Tom were in love and planned marriage, though she now laments what her life has become.

Dec 06, 1964
Pat's unwavering comments about her abiding love for Tom convinced Dr. Hubert of her veracity and that she likely wouldn't have shot Tom in self-defense. Eric proposed that Laura was in denial about Tom's behavior with women. Ken cautioned Janet that Laura might go to the press with sensational stories in an attempt to destroy Pat's reputation. Bill failed in his attempt to make Pat see that Tom just used her.

Dec 07, 1964
Mary wanted Jim to replace John as Pat's attorney after a despondent Pat said she disliked John but it didn't matter because she doesn't care what happens to her. John and Dru had a skirmish over representing Pat. Alice speculated to Mary that Missy will one day marry Bill. Lee's cold, unsolicited suggestion that Pat plead guilty and beg for mercy annoyed John and Dru.

Dec 08, 1964
Pat cried out "murder" and "don't take my baby" while dreaming of Mr. Alberts and the abortion. Missy visited Pat, who opined that Missy mother had made the right decision to have an illegitimate baby. John told Pat of Dr. Hubert's suggestion that she undergo sodium pentathol, but Pat sharply rejected the idea since she's secretly afraid that she might reveal everything under the influence of drugs. Pat reacted badly when John pressured her to stop covering up whatever she's hiding and made disparaging comments about Tom.

Dec 09, 1964
A defeated John, unable to motivate Pat, proposed that Dru assume Pat's defense. Dru tried but failed to get Pat to submit to the drug therapy. John felt he had no other options with Pat and lamented that he couldn't build a case of self-defense when Pat refused to even admit being at Tom's apartment the day of the shooting. Dru urged John to change Pat's defense plea to temporary insanity. John met with the Matthews family to explain his untenable situation with Pat, and Janet instinctively knew that Pat had declined taking truth serum because she's afraid the truth ...

Dec 14, 1964
Pat's trial for murder is about to begin but she still refuses her father Jim's urging to undergo truth serum experimentation.

Dec 15, 1964
The wedding of Frank Andrews and Kathryn takes place.

Dec 16, 1964
An upset Janet faced off with Laura after she gave the newspaper a negative interview about Pat. John readied Pat for court. The jail matron talked with Pat about the bad dreams that keep disturbing her sleep and making her cry out. As Pat's and Tom's tense parents watched, D.A. Martin asserted to the jury that Pat was a premeditated killer. Pat screamed, collapsed, and required medical attention following Martin's accusations.

Dec 17, 1964
John sparred with D.A. Martin over his comments then requested a recess from the court so that Pat could be examined by Dr. Warren from the jail infirmary. Pat admitted she liked Dr. Warren better than John. Dr. Warren noticed the scar from Pat's surgery, but she lied that she had an ovarian cyst removed. Dr. Warren diagnosed Pat with pneumonia and said she that she needed ten days of rest.

Dec 20, 1964
Sgt. Adams informed D.A. Martin of Pat's nightmares. Dr. Warren charmed Pat. Ken and Laura were somber on what would have been Tom's birthday. Dru tried to convince John that Pat's hostility toward him is a result of fear not hatred. John prepared to speak again with Frank and Janet.

Dec 21, 1964
After Sgt. Adams recalled that Mary had said Pat was sick the night of the murder, Adams read Dr. Warren's report that documented Pat having undergone surgery for an ovarian cyst. Pat told Jim she was sorry that her actions sullied the fine Matthews name. John went to see the Baxters and upset Laura with his contention that Tom did something to cause Pat's drastic actions. Later Laura wasn't convinced by Ken's lie that Tom never confided in him about Pat.

Dec 22, 1964
Pat worried about gossip when she learned that her former nurse Kathy had married Frank. Nurse Oster and Kathy made a pact that no one would ever find out from them about Pat's abortion. Pat's condition continued to improve under Dr. Warren. Janet attempted to dissuade Ken's attention by rebuking office romances. Ernest confided in Janet his fears that D.A. Martin might question Pat's past medical condition because cysts weren't likely to cause the infection that nearly killed her.

Dec 23, 1964
Ernest warned D.A. Martin that he wouldn't surrender Pat's medical records without a court-order, but said truthfully that Pat didn't have a baby. Jim assured Alice that she and Russ will be closer one day. Pat's thoughts were filled with the child of God as Christmas approached and compared her own mother to the Virgin Mary. D.A. Martin theorized that Pat had already given birth when she saw Dr. Gregory in September.

Dec 24, 1964
On Christmas Day, a contemplative Pat appeared resigned to her fate. Dr. Warren's roommate Larry Young, a resident in obstetrics, joked with him about falling for Pat. Alice took Pat a small Christmas tree for the table by her infirmary bed. Lee wondered where John went after he dashed out of the house with a gift. John gave Pat a bottle of perfume for Christmas.

Dec 27, 1964
Dru steered Lee's questions away from Pat Matthews. Lee discussed her New Year's Eve plans which include a date with a college man. D.A. Martin's supposition that Pat gave birth to Tom's baby stunned John. Later, John discussed it with a skeptical Dru. Jim had another unsuccessful conversation with Pat about cooperating with John and undergoing truth serum. Jim staunchly rejected the notion that Pat could have had a baby.

Dec 28, 1964
John seized onto the idea of a baby saving Pat's life. Sgt. Adams was denied access when he wanted see Pat's medical records. Dr. Warren talked with Pat about using her illness as a shield. A hospital pathologist told Sgt. Adams that if Pat had a cyst removed there would have been a biopsy requisition. Later Adams advised D.A. Martin that the hospital didn't have any history of a requisition for Pat's cyst, therefore she likely had a different procedure. John's talk about the baby to Pat nearly tricked her into confessing when she thought he was speaking of the baby ...

Dec 29, 1964
D.A. Martin tried to extract information from Ernest but failed. Frank and Kathy maintained Pat's privacy by evading John's questions. Ernest swore to John that he didn't help Pat give birth to a baby. Frank and Kathy lamented Pat's decision to keep things a secret. Pat refused John's request to view her medical records.

Dec 30, 1964
On New Year's Eve, John said good night to Lee who left for her date. Pat wondered about Janet and Ken. Lee phoned John after midnight. Janet remarked once again to Ernest that she doesn't love Ken. Dr. Warren cheered Pat by admitting that he doesn't believe that she's guilty.
Another World Season 2 (1964) is released on May 03, 1964 and the latest season 36 of Another World is released in 1998. Watch Another World online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Another World is directed by Michael Eilbaum,Robert Schwartz,Casey Childs,Christopher Goutman and created by Harding Lemay with Hugh Marlowe and Virginia Dwyer.
The continuing story of life in the Midwestern town of Bay City, and the love, loss, trials, and triumph of its residents, who come from different backgrounds and social circles. Those who call Bay City home include the Matthews, Cory, Frame, Winthrop, Love, Hudson, Harrison, and Burrell families.