Episodes (14)

Oct 28, 2013
Chloe Martin is an Internet sensation, a street magician due to appear on a Hex TV show. Tom and Benny realize that she is a wizard but when they visit her she tells them that she was orphaned as a baby and, brought up in a children's home with no parents to explain her gift to her, believes her special powers are actually telekinesis. Many other wizards have, like Tom and Benny, cottoned on to the real nature of Chloe's powers, and a hundred of them have turned up at the television studio to stop her from performing and revealing to a hostile world that wizardry ...

Oct 29, 2013
The wizards are trapped in a force field but Michael destroys the machine to extract the magic so Lexi summons a mother ship to beam up the wizards. Chloe and Tom head for the roof and create a storm, which delays the ship whilst Benny gets rid of the force field and frees the captives. With a hundred angry wizards summoning all their energy to protect themselves the Nekross are forced to retreat - but later return to claim a victim.

Nov 04, 2013
Ursula and the boys visit a sinister house to get rid of an unknown entity, which turns out to be Squiggley, a verse-spouting hobbledehoy. Whilst he sees off the intrusive Varg he also effects a switch whereby Benny becomes a wizard and Tom a geek. They seek to find him again to reverse the process - as does Varg, now imbued with Ursula's magic and fearful that his family will extract it from him. Unfortunately the Nekross reach Squiggley first and destroy him for his magic.

Nov 05, 2013
The Nekross have destroyed Squiggley but Tom learns that Hobbledehoys exist in pairs, one to cast a spell, the other to retract so they find the second one, though he is very reluctant to cooperate. Ursula teleports Varg into the lair to change powers with him and eventually Tom, thinking like Benny, tricks the creature into putting things back to normal. The Hobbledehoy even likes the lair so much he decides to stay.

Nov 11, 2013
Whilst conducting an experiment in magic requiring aggression Tom is injured and Ursula discovers that the only cure lies in the cave of Menla-Gto in Tibet, to which she transports herself, Michael and Tom. Meanwhile Randal creates a spell which will allow him to leave the lair for the first time, rendering himself invisible, and, along with Benny, he leaves to find the 'magic mirror' which will thwart the Nekross. However the aliens have already honed in on Tom and his family and confront them outside the cave.

Nov 12, 2013
Ursula, Michael and Tom are rescued by Tseringma, the world-weary, three thousand year old guardian of the cave, who tells them that global disbelief in magic has weakened its potency but is relieved to sacrifice herself in order to heal Tom, whom she sees as a future champion of all wizardry. Meanwhile Benny and Randal discover the magic triptych mirror, which will triple Randal's magic powers and, although they are captured by the Nekross, Randal's combined use of magic and science enables them to escape as well as saving Tom and his family from another Nekross ...

Nov 18, 2013
Mother and daughter wizards Madeleine and Gemma Raven are in a group captured by the Nekross but in exchange for their freedom Gemma offers to cast a spell which will weaken Tom. To make it she needs Crowe blood which she obtains by 'accidentally' brushing against Ursula and pricking her finger. The spell cast it succeeds in driving a wedge between Tom and Benny, making them hate the sight of each other and turning back time so they forget their triumphs over the Nekross. Ursula realizes what has happened but, as the spell was cast using Crowe blood, fears that it ...

Nov 19, 2013
With Tom and Benny hating each other and failing to combine to outwit them the Nekross seize more victims, aiming to use Gemma as their secret weapon. Ursula believes that if she sacrifices herself she can reverse the spell and begins to do so but Tom starts to realize that he is a wizard and the memory of the boys' friendship returns. They are able to save Ursula and to rescue the Ravens, helped by Randal Moon, with a combination of science and magic and the Nekross are thwarted again. The king is angry with his children and unaware that chancellor Kooth and his ...

Nov 25, 2013
Benny is on work experience at Psyke, a computer games firm based in the Wyvern House tower block, where he meets fellow geek Alicia. There is no thirteenth floor in the building - from which, over the years people have mysteriously disappeared - but first Varg, infiltrating the block in search of magic, and then Alicia's boss Mrs Hatcher vanish after the lift stops at the thirteenth floor. Lexi, in human form, comes looking for her brother and forces Tom into the lift with her and it again stops at the thirteenth floor. Stepping out they find they are in the ...

Nov 26, 2013
Marooned on the Neverside Tom and Lexi form a bond as they grow older and even have a child whom they name Benny Junior and who befriends the elderly Varg. Ursula identifies Mervyn as the troll who guards the thirteenth floor, the gateway to the Neverside and overcomes him, riding in the lift with Benny to rescue Tom and the Nekross though as the troll is destroyed so is the Neverside and Benny Junior disappears as he is unborn. Lexi and Tom are told that the memory of their time together will eventually fade but Lexi is strangely wistful as the Nekross spare the ...

Dec 02, 2013
During a solar eclipse the Nekross put into effect their plan to control the moon's orbit, causing a permanent eclipse and total darkness on Earth. As wizards can only have three spells every sunrise and there is no sun it means an end to their powers. Then the Nekross announce their demand to Tom and his family that unless the world's wizards are surrendered millions will die.

Dec 03, 2013
As NASA prepares to send a rocket to dislodge the moon Tom offers himself to Lexi as a sacrifice if she will spare the world - a gesture which, unlike her family, she finds noble. However Benny learns that moon rocks are buried beneath the magical stone circle and takes Tom there. The power of the stones rectifies the moon's orbit and saves the Earth though its unleashing reminds both Tom and Lexi of their time on the Neverside as a happy couple. Jathro and Chancellor Kooth meanwhile plan to overthrow the Nekross king.

Dec 09, 2013
Tom is visited by the Jacana family, wizards who claim to have found the source of all magic in a giant diamond. However they have been forced into the visit by Varg, who has stolen the genuine diamond and replaced it with a booby-trapped substitute, which blows up, mortally wounding Ursula. Varg captures Benny and Tom, placing the latter in the magic extractor but, just as Tom's magic is drained from him, Chancellor Kooth and her son Jathro declare that they have marshalled the Nekross against the royal family and, after destroying them, will go on to conquer the ...

Dec 10, 2013
As the rebels attack the Nekross royal family Lexi sees the importance of having Tom as an ally and reverses the process, giving him back his magic which enables him to render the ship invisible. On Earth the shade of Helen appears to give Ursula her life back and to send an important instruction to Tom, which will make him even more powerful, enabling him to wipe out the rebel forces, give Lexi what she wants and to prove to Varg that wizards ARE more powerful than aliens.
Wizards vs. Aliens Season 2 (2013) is released on Oct 28, 2013 and the latest season 3 of Wizards vs. Aliens is released in 2014. Watch Wizards vs. Aliens online - the English Action TV series from United Kingdom. Wizards vs. Aliens is directed by Mark Everest,Joss Agnew,Daniel O'Hara,Griff Rowland and created by Phil Ford with Scott Haran and Annette Badland.