Episodes (20)

Feb 03, 2000
Steve goes with Tony to Spain. While Tony is full of Spain, Steve seems more occupied with everything else going on at the airport. The rest party on at home. They play truth of dare where Tom says truthfully he still has feelings for Birgit. Birgit is very drunk and tells him she still loves him. Jasmijn takes Steve's room now he's gone.

Jan 01, 2000
Tony notices Steve isn't really up for their journey. He tells him he wouldn't mind if Steve didn't go with him to Spain. Steve is relieved. When Birgit wakes up and finds Tom beside her in bed, she realizes she made a big mistake yesterday when she was drunk. She explains to him it was a mistake, but he thinks she's just teasing and thinks he's on top of the world. Jasmijn has taken Steve's room, but now he's back, she needs a new place to sleep.

Jan 01, 2000
Birgit is waiting for news on her application letter and is very tense. Carlo and Akke have a questionnaire for everyone to fill in. It's a task they got from their professor. When Carlo sees Birgit for the first time, he's totally blast away. Birgit needs to relax and wants to go to the cinema. Carlo would like to go with her, but she thinks he's creepy and asks Tom. They have a great night out and Tom thinks he's back in with her. Until Birgit has a good talk with him. Carlo questions Jasmijn about Birgit and holds back Birgit's photo's with a vague excuse.

Jan 01, 2000
Her father didn't know Jasmijn stayed at the house. She feels he doesn't understand her. When he comes to get her, she locks herself in the bathroom. Through the door they finally have a good talk. Birgit goes for a job interview. She thinks she makes a good change, until she meets what would be her future boss. He's an old acquaintance of her. Tom is still depressed. They all try to cheer him, but Tom talks them into a depression instead.

Jan 01, 2000
Akke wants to buy a cupboard for his play-station, but when he's in the shop, the shop-assistant talks him into a much bigger cupboard. Zoe is in with a crowd of her university who defend the rights of animals. Tom doesn't want to sign her petition at first. When she admits she mostly does it for a guy in the group, he supports her. Tom has a new job. He does the lonely heart column in the local paper, but to make it all more believable his name is changed to Pamela. Jasmijn is followed by a boy from school. She doesn't really like it.

Jan 01, 2000
Steve tells Akke to return the big cupboard and change it for a smaller one. Akke is scared of the shop-assistant, so Steve goes with him. At first the man doesn't want to listen to them, until Akke gets angry. The group from university Zoe is with, liberate rabbits from the university. Zoe tries anything to get Olivier's attention, but all she gets, is one of the rabbits. When the rabbit suddenly dies, she sees another side of Oliver. Jasmijn wants to go to a party, but her father thinks she's too young. Steve talks to him and her father finally agrees to let her go....

Jan 01, 2000
Jasmijn didn't count on her father being at her party with her French teacher, Linda Peiremans. But it gets even worse when the next morning Jasmijn finds Linda at the breakfast table. Her classmates tease her with the relationship between her father and their teacher. Birgit has a job with a model agency. She's very excited, but it turns out different than she expected. Zoe and Ellen both have an arm in plaster. Steve wants to examine the difference in muscle power between a healthy arm and one in plaster for his thesis. When Tom sees Ellen, he falls head over heels ...

Jan 01, 2000
Everyone knows quickly Tom loves Ellen. Birgit is glad she's rid of Tom, but is she? Tom tries to tell Ellen how he feels about her, but every time something comes between. Carlo can't keep his eyes of Birgit, but she doesn't want him. Jasmijn's father tries to explain to her how he finally found love again after all these years. Jasmijn understands and makes a decision. Akke and Carlo reveal what they were working on. Borv. It's supposed to make their lives easier, but all the lights explode with their first command.

Jan 01, 2000
Jasmijn leaves for Germany for a week. Akke buys components for Borf when he sees Tony in the store. At first Steve doesn't want to believe Tony is back in Belgium, but when he calls him, he hears Dutch talking in the background. Tom arranges a romantic picnic for him and Ellen. She likes it very much. Zoe and Ellen plan a girls night out. They also invite Birgit, but since she doesn't like Ellen very much, she doesn't want to go. Akko and Carlo are busy automating the water supply system in the house.

Jan 01, 2000
Steve is still angry with Tony. Tony goes to Steve and tries to explain, but Steve has enough. Zoe, Birgit and Ellen go on a girls night out. At first Birgit doesn't like it, but the others drag her on the dance floor. To Birgit Ellen seems sympathetic after all. Akke and Carlo can't agree on the voice they want for Borf. When they finally got all the bugs out, they present Borf to the others.

Jan 01, 2000
Jasmijn is back from her school trip. Because she doesn't like the clothes she buys with her father, she borrows from Zoe. Until Zoe doesn't have any clothes left. Steve tries to learn anatomy, but he finds it difficult. Akke helps him with his skeleton Etienne. Suddenly learning is a lot easier. Birgit starts to look like Tom in her manners. Zoe and Tom start a quarrel which sex is the best. They agree on two tests. A mental one and a physical one.

Jan 01, 2000
Akke tries to teach Birgit how to work a computer. He uses the wall as a blackboard. Steve is not happy with this. Zoe and Tom are playing chess in the kitchen with all kinds of food. When Steve accidentally interferes, it ends up in a food fight. They continue their battle of the sexes with a running contest and the Rubik's cube. Jasmijn gets clothing money from her father. Birgit helps her choose clothes and buys some of her own, but she has not enough money. She needs a job.

Jan 01, 2000
Akke and Carlo stand on an exhibition with Borf, but no-one comes to their stand. They're very disappointed. Zoe literally bumps into Mickey when she turns in her paper at school. Later he returns a part of her paper she lost when they bumped into each other. The professor wants to talk to her personally about her paper. This is very unusual. Tom wants to take the next step with Ellen, but he doesn't want to force anything. Birgit doesn't like her job at the hamburger restaurant, but she needs the money. Jasmijn loses the picture of her new boyfriend who is everything...

Jan 01, 2000
Tom wants to go a step further with Ellen and discusses it with Zoe. When Zoe talks about it with Ellen, Ellen suddenly has to leave. Zoe and Mickey want to have sex, but they don't have a condom. Zoe doesn't care, but Mickey won't do it without. They want to borrow one from Tom, but he needs them himself. Birgit helps Akke and Carlo with a new approach to make their stand notice on the exhibition. It becomes a great success.

Jan 01, 2000
Birgit doesn't like her job anymore. Carlo and Akke decide to start a firm after they get a lot of offers to do something with Borf. They need to go to the Trade Register first, but it's very busy there. They decide to spend the night in front of the door. Zoe and Mickey undergo an aids test just to be sure. Tom needs to finish his paper, but Ellen keeps distracting him. She has other things on her mind than writing. Jasmijn decides to start a trend of her own, but how to start one?

Jan 01, 2000
Akke and Carlo have a name for their firm. A.K.A. They turn a part of the room into an office. When the phone starts to ring, they don't know how to handle it. Birgit takes over without asking. The boys are impressed and ask her to work for them. Zoe waits impatiently for the result of her aids test. Jasmijn tries to start a new trend, but not very successfully.

Jan 01, 2000
Zoe and Mickey have the result of their Aids-test. For Zoe it's good news, but not for Mickey. His first time was without a condom and it's probably from that time. No-one knows how to react towards Mickey. Akke and Carlo want absolute quiet when they're working. Jasmijn thinks Steve is getting old, because he doesn't want to go out anymore after Tony. Tom is busy with a new assignment.

Jan 01, 2000
Zoe hasn't heard from Mickey since he was told he is HIV-positive. Suddenly he turns up. He thinks it's better to stop their relation, but Zoe still loves him and doesn't want to end it. Tom wants a romantic evening with Ellen, but plans change and they end up together with Jasmijn, Birgit and Carlo playing strip-poker in the kitchen. Steve and Akke go to a dance party. Even Akke has success, but he's scared to take the first step. Steve also meets someone, but that ends different than he thought.

Jan 01, 2000
Steve comes back from the dance party all beaten up by Raf. He and Akke have to identify Raf at the police-station. Tom gets a new assignment from his chief-editor. He has to make a feature with the title: Blonds don't have to be dumb. When he's surrounded by blond women to interview, Ellen comes in. Carlo tells Akke, Primacom asked him to work for them for a huge salary. Akke congratulates him, but doesn't seem to understand the consequences.

Jan 01, 2000
Ellen hears Tom talking on the phone chatting up some girl. She's angry with him. He was just clowning around with a male-friend, but she doesn't believe him. She feels she can't trust him anymore. He only knows one way to convince her she's the only one for him. Birgit has her heart set on a week in London, but she can't go because Carlo is leaving. She sets on seducing him, so he will stay and she can go. But will her charms work? Akke finds it difficult to find a going away present for Carlo. Steve and Jasmijn try to help him. If this really helps...
W817 Season 2 (2000) is released on Feb 03, 2000 and the latest season 5 of W817 is released in 2003. Watch W817 online - the Dutch Comedy TV series from Belgium. W817 is directed by Pietje Horsten and created by Steve De Wilde with Kadèr Gürbüz and Govert Deploige.