Episodes (23)

Oct 04, 1987
Everyone in town is enthralled with Molly's latest novel, which is a fictional account of life in Gibsons. They are so enthralled that they lose track of their regular day to day duties. Each is most excited by the larger than life depiction of the character who is based on him or herself. Their excitement grows when Hollywood director Mr. Palooka and his assistant Whitney come into town, they who are making a movie of the book and who seem to want to use the local person upon who the character is based to portray that character. As such, each person tries to act the ...

Oct 11, 1987
Sara becomes enthralled by Mother Teresa and her work. Sara believes her imminent beatification justified. Nick tries to encourage Sara to do her small part in making the world a better place through everyday kindness to others. What Sara ends up doing is inviting Didee, a homeless woman she just met, to dinner and to stay with her, Nick, Jesse and Laurel in the spare bedroom. Nick, Jesse and Laurel are taken aback enough by the dinner invitation, let alone the open invitation to stay for as long as she wants. The differing value systems of Didee on one side, and Nick, Jesse and ...

Oct 18, 1987
Following fifteen years of unimportant quarreling amongst Nick and Relic, they at last go too far and the group requests a conclusion to it. As an outcome to especially muddled squabble, Nick and Relic are requested to complete twenty hours of group benefit - together. They are compelled to acknowledge this reality in the wake of painting themselves into inverse corners of the group lobby.

Oct 25, 1987
Jesse has had it. He feels that following 15 years he merits more regard from Nick than jst being dealt with as an 'enlisted hand'. Scratch is perplexed, especially when Jesse disssolves the association. Could Nick offer some kind of reparation before Jesse unites with Relic?

Nov 01, 1987
John requests Nick and Jesse to make a run to Lund - one full day in each direction - to transport cantankerous seventy-six year old Duffy Bingham to his son Lorrie Bingham's house. Fed up with living at the senior's boarding house, Duffy figured that living with Lorrie a better option. However, Duffy hasn't seen his son in close to twenty years, when Lorrie, then a hippie, got married. But after Lorrie inherited a fortune from his grandmother, he has since built a house on his private island. Jesse refuses this job because of its cargo as he and Duffy aren't on the ...

Nov 08, 1987
John is looking for an out of the way recreational property to buy to get away from his work stresses. Relic has a friend who has a small A-frame house on acreage he wants to sell. As such, the two are planning on taking a drive out to see it in the police cruiser. What Relic is unaware of is that John has asked Nick and Jesse to come along as a second and third pair of eyes. Relic isn't very happy as he believed he would have been able to con John, but he isn't able to con all three as when they eventually arrive at the very, very, very out of the way property off on...

Dec 20, 1987
It's Christmas, and the festive holiday mood has hit most of the regulars of Molly's Reach as demonstrated by them being aboard the caroling ship which is circling the harbor. There are a few people however who are retreating from the Christmas holidays. One of those seemingly is Coug McCoy who came into town from his remote cabin to pick up supplies, but who, behind closed doors, is celebrating Christmas in his own special way. Another is Relic who is his old crotchety self, he who wants to get as far away from the caroling as possible. And yet another is a young ...

Dec 27, 1987
Jesse is the only person excited to learn that he's won a contest, the prize being a freezer full of beef which should be able to feed his family for a year. His excitement turns to horror and his friends and family's indifference turns to amusement when he finds out that that freezer full of beef is still alive in the form of a live cow. Beyond the added cost of butchering the cow, Jesse learns that the butcher will not slaughter the cow, meaning that Jesse has to do it himself, or find someone to come out of the woodwork so to speak to do it for him. He does get a ...

Jan 03, 1988
Following a telephone cable where it shouldn't be, Relic comes across a young teen named Jordan Smith, nicknamed Silicon, hiding behind the Reach. He is a boarding school runaway and computer expert, that telephone cable which is hooked up to his personal computer. Relic doesn't turn him in as he becomes Relic's unofficial partner. Relic recently lost some work to Nick and Jesse with Woodchuck Lumber, who, using a new computer system, relays the location of stray logs for Nick and Jesse to pick up. Hacking into their computer system, Silicon is able to provide the log...

Jan 10, 1988
Nick is handling the sale of his friend Alan Crispin's restored luxury yacht, the Alibi Wahoo, which is priced at $56,000 and which Crispin spared no expense in restoring. Upon first sight, unemployed Pat, who believes that working for wages gets one nowhere in life, falls in love with the boat and wants to buy it to start a luxury charter business. He is certain he can raise the money somehow to buy it. He believes that source of cash will be from his grandfather, as Jack has just inherited his just deceased friend Bert's downtown property, a warehouse that is at ...

Jan 24, 1988
A storm has swept much debris into the area. There is some miscommunication on the issue, as before Nick and Jesse can clear the larger logs off the water, Graham and his friend Jenny, with Pat and Sara at the boat's helm, are water-skiing in the area. Hitting one of the logs, Jenny crashes and suffers what looks to be a serious injury, which requires a full body cast upon her admittance into the hospital. After Jenny initially feels sorry for herself about her situation, she learns from the doctor that she will most-likely regain full use of her upper body with ...

Jan 31, 1988
Sara's day, which is so far overwhelmed by work, takes a turn for the brighter with the arrival into The Reach of a new customer, an artist and musician named Wade Sheffield, just arrived into town by boat. She is immediately smitten with him, and he by her. She, however, is not the only person captivated by him, as everyone in The Reach falls under his spell, everyone that is except Nick, who sees something not quite right in his demeanor. The next day, while Laurel is at work at the bank when Nick and Jack are among its customers, the bank is held up by two armed ...

Feb 01, 1988
At the point when Relic unkowingly absconds with John's schedule, he sets up an unanticipated chain of occasions which finishes in John's evident disintergration as an officer of the law. Feeling he has nothing left to lose, John singes to find lastly get rid of the hapless Relic.

Feb 01, 1988
Nick rescues a sailor suffering from amnesia who is a hair for sailing across the Pacific Ocean by himself. However, Relic suspects the sailor's story might not be truthful.

Feb 01, 1988
Stirred by a radical every living creature's common sense entitlement association, Sara is accidentally gotten up to speed in a plot to abduct a carnival elephant. On account of the sharp eyes and fast reasoning of Pat and Graham, both Sara and the elephant are protected.

Mar 06, 1988
A two-section story in which the Greek lady Nick had always wanted, Melina, re-seems to enroll the guide of Nick (and whatever is left of the regulars) in illuminating a captivating puzzle.

Mar 13, 1988
A two-section story in which the Greek lady Nick had always wanted, Melina, re-seems to enroll the guide of Nick (and whatever is left of the regulars) in illuminating a captivating puzzle. Conclusion of two-part story.

Mar 20, 1988
Pat feels he is without companions when he catches wind of and finds a depressed pontoon. Nobody appears to have room schedule-wise to help Pat raise the vessel for rescue and he should achieve where it counts inside himself to locate the essential assets to carry out the activity all alone; along these lines grasping his own particular creating adulthood.

Mar 27, 1988
Laurel has just had an interview for a promotion at the bank, the interview which she believes went terribly. On top of that, she is feeling under-appreciated at home as she is forced to work at The Reach as Jesse and Sara go off on their own personal tasks. So she receives a boost in morale when she receives a letter from her band requesting that she apply for a job as band finance manager. If she gets the job and accepts it, that would mean she would have to move back to the reserve. Although she and Jesse have always talked about one day moving back to the reserve ...

Apr 03, 1988
The local craft fair is the first that anyone in town has seen one of the vendors, a woman going only by the name of Ariel. She is a free spirit, who lives by the rhythms of the Earth which means being nomadic and living in a tent as she doesn't believe in being confined by walls, and who believes in the power of spiritual energy. Nick is immediately captivated by her, especially as her holistic healing is able to cure his sprained wrist which the doctor has not been able to do. As time progresses, Nick abandons all else to spend time with her. However, based on a ...

Apr 17, 1988
Teenager Jordon Cooper has arrived in Gibsons to do some long distance swimming training in the open water in the pursuit of swimming the much more difficult Bay of Fundy. She is in town with her coach father, Derek Cooper, who dictates every aspect of his daughter's life. Jordon used to be a competitive sprinter, but always finishing second or third in races made her father believe that long distances was a winning approach. It is unclear whether Jordon achieving this goal is more her desire, if at all, or her father's, and if the latter if he is using her solely ...

May 01, 1988
Sara has been accepted into the Emily Carr College of Art and Design. Sara's decision to accept the placement causes a strain between her and Jesse, who has two issues. First, he would like to see her take something useful instead, such as a trade. And second and probably more importantly, he is worried that she is not ready to live in the big city away from the protection of family. But he can't stop her, especially as Molly has provided the tuition. As Sara heads off to Vancouver to embark on her new life - first with John as her chaperon, then with Relic making a ...

May 15, 1988
Brandon Lewis is new to Tommy's class. He and his widowed father, Cliff Lewis, an unemployed engineer, live on a boat moored in the marina, which allows them to move easily from place to place as Cliff looks for work. Cliff seems overly protective of Brandon from everything outside of their small two person world. In trying to help them, Sara suggests that Cliff may be able to help Nick with a small immediate job as Jesse is out of town. An insurance company is paying $5,000 for the recovery of a missing barge which got lost during a recent storm. Of all the people in...
The Beachcombers Season 16 (1987) is released on Oct 04, 1987 and the latest season 20 of The Beachcombers is released in 2002. Watch The Beachcombers online - the English Adventure TV series from Canada. The Beachcombers is directed by Don S. Williams,Bruno Gerussi,Alan Simmonds,Marc Strange and created by Marc Strange with Bruno Gerussi and Robert Clothier.