Episodes (22)

Aug 21, 1999
In the weeks following Danny's birth, it's apparent that Tracy has become obsessed with him. When Dr. Roberts encourages her to take some time for herself, Tracy reluctantly agrees to a date with Rick after her mom offers to care for the baby. However, it only takes one night for Celia to grow tired of her daughter's incessant worrying, forcing Tracy to look for a babysitter. And once she discovers that other mothers aren't willing to share, Tracy turns to the classified ads and finds Jennifer. After hearing some of Charlotte's own grisly childcare tales, Tracy is ...

Aug 28, 1999
Following the birth of her son, Tracy must now decide how to feed him. Though Celia disagrees, everyone else is pressing her to breast feed little Danny. However, after seeing a consultant recommended by a co-worker, Tracy begins to wonder if she's up to the task and rushes to her pediatrician for advice. With Dr. Landaw's help, Tracy relaxes enough to successfully feed Danny. However, uncertain as to whether it will work outside the comfortable surroundings of his office, Tracy wants to stay. And when she's forced to go home, an embarrassing incident at a restaurant ...

Sep 04, 1999
Even with all the changes brought about by her son's birth, things between Tracy and her boyfriend Rick seem to be going well. In contrast, her parent's marriage continues to disintegrate, while Charlotte is having second thoughts of her own about getting married a fourth time, this time to Tracy's gynecologist, Dr. Bryan. However, things for Tracy are about to take a turn for the worse when she asks to have dinner with Rick's dad, Colonel Wagner. At dinner with the Colonel, it doesn't take long for Tracy to see how tense things are between father and son. But when ...

Sep 11, 1999
Following six weeks of maternity leave, Tracy prepares for her inevitable return to work. Although she'll be able to keep an eye on her son while he's in the company's on site day care facility, Tracy finds out that going back to her old job won't be easy -- especially after Danny finally falls asleep only minutes before she has to get ready for work. Meanwhile, with her wedding just a few weeks away, Charlotte worries about seeing her fiancée's parents. After absentmindedly sending her son through a car wash while on their way to work, Tracy's myriad concerns about ...

Sep 18, 1999
Though she loves Rick with all her heart, Tracy's preoccupation with Danny has disrupted their romance. Hoping to make things right, she invites him over for a special dinner. But when Tracy can't seem to keep her mind off Danny, the romantic mood is broken. And when Rick offers to help care for the new baby, it isn't long before he realizes the mistake he's made. Hoping it will ultimately make things easier on everyone, Rick suggests that Tracy stop rushing to Danny every time he cries. While Tracy reluctantly agrees to give it a try, her resolve doesn't last one ...

Sep 25, 1999
As the difficulties of raising a son on her own continue to mount, Tracy joins a mothers group in order to share her concerns. While having a child without a husband has made her the group's idol, Tracy listens carefully as the other mothers talk of getting their children enrolled in a good Mommy and Me group. As a result, she wonders if she should consider applying, even if it means having to stretch the truth a little. And while her status as an artificially inseminated mom gets Danny preferential treatment at the prestigious Clarington Academy, Tracy turns down the...

Oct 09, 1999
As Tracy and Charlotte are looking for someone with whom they can share their lives, word leaks out that youthful software magnate Evan Landry has bought the company. And as everyone at work sees themselves getting rich in the process, Charlotte sets her sights on landing a date with the new boss. Meanwhile, as Tracy meets a divorced father and his young daughter in the park, Celia encourages her to make up with Rick. With Charlotte reeling from the effects of her night on the town with Evan, Tracy gets a call from the man she met in the park. When Rob asks her out to...

Oct 16, 1999
After Tracy is invited to a corporate retreat in Hawaii, she's forced to take Celia along to take care of Danny. However, the trip gets off to a shaky start when Celia flies first class, leaving Tracy to care for a teething and cranky baby boy. And at the hotel, Tracy is stunned to find that the shipment of baby supplies she wisely sent ahead have not arrived. Meanwhile, engine trouble forces Charlotte's flight to be grounded in a tiny Central American country. After returning to the hotel with an expensive load of diapers and formula, Tracy finds that Danny's crying ...

Oct 23, 1999
When she's unable to avoid becoming the go-between for Charlotte and Dr. Bryan, Tracy decides to get them back together. But when she arranges a meeting, Charlotte uses the opportunity to tell Doug just what she thinks about his calling off their wedding. Meanwhile, despite Tracy's resistance, Celia is determined to have Jeff be the father figure in little Danny's life. And as things again end badly between Charlotte and Doug, Celia ignores all warnings and drops by Tracy's apartment with Jeff in tow. As Tracy struggles not to offend her mom's very persistent friend, ...

Nov 27, 1999
Danny's first Thanksgiving means chaos for Tracy - as well as some enlightening family history.

Dec 04, 1999
While monitoring the daycare facility from her desk, Tracy becomes increasingly concerned that the supervisor is favoring the children of company executives. But when Tracy tries to complain, Melissa strikes back by spreading the rumor that Danny is biting the other kids. Meanwhile, when the time comes to name a guardian for Danny in case anything should happen to her, Tracy settles on Charlotte. Violating a doctor-patient confidence, Charlotte tells Tracy that Melissa has been sleeping with a senior executive. But when Tracy goes to tell her boss, little does she ...

Dec 11, 1999
A job that is demanding more of her time each and every day has Tracy worried about how to best care for Danny. As a result, when a concerned day care center employee offers to be a fulltime nanny, Tracy gladly agrees. But while Celia assumes that Mona is a simple domestic eager to do whatever she's asked, it soon becomes clear that she's sorely mistaken. Meanwhile, Charlotte and Dr. Bryan find it harder than they thought to resurrect their failed relationship. Despite Celia's warnings about keeping Mona in her place, Tracy gives the new nanny more and more ...

Dec 18, 1999
Having decided to remain friends following their break up, Rick invites Tracy to a party to celebrate when he is being made partner at his law firm. But Tracy is uncomfortable to learn that another former girlfriend will be there, too. And after claiming she isn't going, Tracy ends up at the party where she is stunned to discover that Annie and Rick are a couple again. Meanwhile, it doesn't take long for Tracy's new babysitter, Mona, to become less of an employee and more of a friend. As she and Rick keep the news of their own failed romance a secret from Annie, Tracy...

Jan 08, 2000
Faced with the largest project in the history of Magnitude Software, Mr. Louis orders Tracy to hire someone who is up to the task. However, things get off to a rocky start when Brad asks her to interview a man whose only qualification are his good looks. And after Celia presses her to consider hiring the son of a close family friend, Tracy meets Robin, a woman whose confidence and drive are in sharp contrast to her own back when she first came to work for Magnitude. Even though Mr. Louis wants her to hire his nephew, Tracy offers Robin the job instead. Although she ...

Jan 15, 2000
In her own version of the fairy tale Cinderella, Tracy is a hardworking single mother whose obligations to career and home have stretched her to the limit. For her birthday, Fairy Godmother Charlotte gives Tracy a night of luxury and pampering at the Royal Palace Hotel. And when Celia, the evil stepmother in this tale, insists that she doesn't have time to take advantage of the generous gift, Tracy redoubles her efforts to make sure she can go. After arranging for Mona to stay all night with Danny, Tracy meets Charlotte and Doug for dinner to begin her luxurious ...

Jan 22, 2000
Just as Tracy begins having her own concerns about what her son is seeing on TV, the admissions director at the exclusive preschool where she hopes Danny will be accepted solicits her to help protest violence in the media. However, Tracy is conflicted when she is also assigned to develop the marketing campaign for the violent new computer game at work, Death Nurse Three. And while wrestling with her conscience, she's surprised when her mother sympathizes with her plight. As Tracy finds herself in jeopardy of being shown up by her new assistant, Robin, things really ...

Jan 29, 2000
As Tracy works hard on finding her way as a new parent, the journey isn't made any easier by the seventeenth birthday of Charlotte's daughter. Things don't get any easier for Charlotte either once her ex-husband arrives bearing a new car as a birthday present for Frances. And though Charlotte cannot believe it, Billy announces that, as a result of an brief but fortuitous marriage, he's now independently wealthy. Meanwhile, a programmer at work tells Tracy about a flaw in the company's latest software. With Doug away at a convention, Charlotte seizes the opportunity to...

Feb 12, 2000
After quitting Magnitude, Tracy and Charlotte prepare to make a pitch for their new Internet company, TrustMom.com. But when Charlotte's ex-husband, Billy, fails to show up at the meeting, they are forced to deal directly with his partner, Lloyd Rubin. Even though they lack a business plan, Lloyd offers the two women over one million dollars in exchange for majority control of the new venture. And while Tracy is inclined to agree with Lloyd, Charlotte makes it clear that his conditions are unacceptable before storming out. Meanwhile, as Tracy waits patiently to hear ...

Feb 19, 2000
After securing some overpriced office space, Tracy and Charlotte prepare to hire a chief financial officer at trustmom.com. However, after disagreeing over who gets the one private office, they discover that Lloyd has already hired someone to oversee their new firm's finances. And once Nikky claims the sole private office space as her own, Tracy and Charlotte return to Magnitude in hopes to woo away its legendary computer engineer, Brent Carlson. Upon learning just how much power Nikky actually wields, Tracy turns to Brad in her effort to land Brent. But before he'll ...

Feb 26, 2000
As the launch date for the new website approaches, Tracy, Charlotte and their employees are working frantically to be ready on time. When Brad discovers another similar company that is slated to go on line a month ahead of them, Nikky agrees to spend whatever it takes to move up their own launch date. But the new schedule's intense pressure leaves Tracy no choice but to start leaving Danny at home, even if it means hardly being able to see him at all. Although she's made a series of videotapes to help Danny remember her, Tracy feels she's letting him down. When it all...

Mar 04, 2000
If starting her own company wasn't enough, Tracy is also trying to pursue a romantic relationship with her new boyfriend, Vince. However, things at work again push their way to the forefront after some favorable publicity results in an overload on the company's new website. And when Nikky announces that they are officially out of money, Tracy must court potential new investors for the cash to keep them afloat. For her big dinner with Yummy Tummy Baby Food's CEO Rachel Bishop, Tracy brings Vince along as her date. Although Vince is appalled at how disrespectfully ...

Mar 11, 2000
After pressing Brent for a lesson on how to use the company's computer system, Tracy discovers that trustmom.com has its first success with a popular new crib. However, her joy is short-lived after some angry letters reveal that their customer's orders are not being filled. Meanwhile, as Brad ponders a new name to go along with his sex change, Tracy receives an invitation to the wedding of her ex-boyfriend, Rick. In an effort to appease the disgruntled crib buyers, Tracy turns to Nikky for help but gets nowhere. And Tracy's plea to treat their customers like people ...
Oh Baby Season 2 (1999) is released on Aug 21, 1999 and the latest season 2 of Oh Baby is released in 1999. Watch Oh Baby online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Oh Baby is directed by J.D. Lobue,Robert Berlinger,Matthew Diamond,Joanna Gleason and created by Susan Beavers with Cynthia Stevenson and Joanna Gleason.