Episodes (20)

Sep 25, 2002
Amanda and Alastair continue their affair as Amanda fights Kieran for everything he's got. However, Amanda is not pleased that Kieran isn't fighting her back and giving in which causes severe tension in the Macefield home and ends up causing Sascha to go on a drink bender at a party. After Kieran sees what the divorce is doing to his kids he decides to fight and offers her 60/40 of the property and joint custody. Amanda decides to move to Auckland with Taylor and as she prepares to leave she tells Nicky what she thinks of her. As a parting gesture to Kieran she ...

Oct 02, 2002
Nicky and Cliff nearly come to blows after she refuses to tow the line with Manu Bishop until she finds out from Dana that Cliff is being groomed to take over from Manu. Lynda Bracey makes a complaint about William and on top of him missing the symptoms of a heart-attack he tells Louise he's thinking about leaving. Louise tells Ross that she's pregnant and at Liam's going away party he announces it to everyone there but Louise isn't happy that he did it so publicly.

Oct 09, 2002
With William having stepped down from his position at Mercy Peak Alistair is now officially in charge and he would rather not be which causes his own personal groundhog day. Henk van der Welter is hospitalized and he's convinced he's got cancer until it's discovered that the problem is poisoning and the poisoner is rather nearer to home than he would have taught. Enid's trial begins as she tries to get Arthur's ashes spread on the bowling green. She's denied her request by the club secretary because he's horrified about what she did to Arthur. She is later found ...

Oct 16, 2002
Ken's prized toy collection is stolen from his home when he is away judging the Radford House senior speech competition. Ken is sure the suspect is Todd and gets a warrant to check Todd's house but finds nothing. Meanwhile, Grace Stringer, the winner of the Radford House senior speech competition, becomes obsessed with Nicky.

Oct 13, 2002
In order to avoid people William goes out early playing golf and encounters his accountant Ian Enderby. Through much probing William learns that Ian owes over 3 million to the Inland Revenue and is adamant he is going to take his own life at the 18th hole. As they reach the 18th hole and no sign of William being able to talk Ian out of his course of action William takes matters into his own hands to stop him. Meanwhile, Wayne is hospitalised but Nicky cannot find out what caused him to collapse and whilst there he meets Lydia from the Inland Revenue who has been in a ...

Oct 20, 2002
Cliff continues to push Nicky into a more permanent commitment but she is very wary. This escalates when she is attacked and robbed of her car, purse and drugs bag. She immediately believes that the culprit is Henry Chadwick which causes rifts between her and Cliff leading them to eventually break up.

Nov 06, 2002
Bassett is gripped by romance fever in the form of the Romance Festival but not everyone is keen to join in. When Nicky flees the ball, it's Alistair who meets Helen, possibly the answer to their locum prayers.

Nov 13, 2002
Mike Malloy causes a stir when he admits to Dana, after she asks him to babysit Jordan, that he cannot be near kids because he was in jail previously was assaulting three young boys. The news spreads like wildfire igniting outrage amongst the townspeople except for William who takes pity on him. Meanwhile, Gabrielle decides she wants to be a mother and firstly tries to get Nicky to get her to a sperm donation bank and then she asks Kieran to be the father, which he refuses. Kieran tells Nicky that he's not over her and what he feels for her is very strong.

Nov 20, 2002
Helen's lax attitude to life and work and her constant clumsiness begins to cause tension between her and Nicky eventually causing her to move out and into Alistair's home. Gil's wife Denise is involved in a minor accident and is brought into Mercy with her two daughters. She asks Helen can she switch doctors to her and Helen agrees. Denise asks for a prescription for epilepsy drugs for her daughters and Helen writes her one without checking the family history. Nicky objects which starts a rift between her and Alastair. Nicky gets the family history and talks with ...

Nov 27, 2002
William takes Helen for a driving lesson as Alastair has an early hospital appointment and frightens William with her reckless driving. Jordan is brought in with a cut to his head and he eventually tells Dana that he has no friends at school and the cut was not an accident but caused by his former friend Carlos. Dana confronts Carlos' mother Paula and finds that Jordan has been bragging about Ken living with them which caused him to be targeted. But things get worse between Dana and Paula and it takes an intervention between Jordan and Ken to sort things out. Cliff ...

Feb 14, 2003
Nicky returns from her tramping holiday to find a flash flood has washed out a teacher's college group and joins the search and rescue effort with Alistair, Helen and Ken.

Feb 21, 2003
Louise is very worried - an epidemic of pregnancies in Bassett is bringing an Auckland bigwig to town to conduct a funding enquiry.

Feb 28, 2003
When Eric votes to grant resource consent for the Youth Correctional Facility, uproar in the council chamber leads to an attack. Kieran comes under suspicion and Nicky is determined to be the voice of reason.

Mar 07, 2003
The Bassett Volunteer Fire Brigade attend a callout at Radford House. The brigade are becoming used to suspicious fires but this is the result of Sascha's plan to get herself expelled and save Kieran school fees.

Mar 14, 2003
Ken hankers to move his wedding plans forward but duty calls. When Wasim washes up on Bassett Beach, Ken fears an invasion of boat persons however Nicky is won over by Wasim's romantic story that he has come all the way for Cherie.

Mar 21, 2003
Nicky gets a surprise visit from her mother. Alistair misconstrues Nicky's displeasure as fear of being 30 but she insists it's not that. Alistair is happy to find that Nicky's situation with her mother is much like his with William.

Mar 28, 2003
Alistair's day starts badly. He finds his father planning to move on to a new family; that Helen and Eric are getting married; and that his scientific research has been stolen by his former partner.

Apr 04, 2003
Nicky is called in to deal with casualties from the Bassett High School ball. Gemma has suspicious bruising after falling from a first storey window and Sascha is concerned to find her father is not at home.

Apr 11, 2003
Nicky is worried that she hasn't heard from Kieran and, distracted by this, accepts Helen's plea to become her bridesmaid. Nicky feels thrown when she finds Kieran has had an offer from a brewery and is thinking of leaving.

Apr 18, 2003
As Helen and Eric's wedding looms, Kieran sees this as an opportunity for Nicky and him to go public about their relationship but she feels wary. Having settled his dispute with his former colleague, Alistair has bought a farm.
Mercy Peak Season 2 (2002) is released on Sep 25, 2002 and the latest season 3 of Mercy Peak is released in 2003. Watch Mercy Peak online - the English Drama TV series from New Zealand. Mercy Peak is directed by Geoffrey Cawthorn,Simon Bennett,Andrew Merrifield,Mark Piper and created by Simon Bennett with Sara Wiseman and Craig Parker.