Episodes (6)

Mar 10, 1993
Zoe is pregnant again and wants to have the baby in a birthing pool. Alec sees no point in this and they argue. However matters are taken out of their hands when she goes into labour whilst he is at court,working on his first really big case. He rushes to the hospital and has double cause for celebration - not only has Zoe given birth to a daughter,Fleur,but Jamie has won the court case for him in his absence and is given a partnership in the law firm.

Mar 17, 1993
Determined to be a good father, Alec is taking more and more time off work to look after Fleur, leaving Zoe feeling under-mined and Jamie over-worked. When Zoe tries to use reverse psychology by suggesting she goes back to work and Alec become the house-husband, her ploy fails as he jumps at the chance. However, after Vera has made him see that he is neglecting Jamie, Alec appreciates that he should return to work and let Zoe look after Fleur.

Mar 24, 1993
As Zoe's sister Debbie has boyfriend trouble and Vera's efforts to get Hilary and Derek back together go awry Alec goes behind Zoe's back in putting Fleur's name down for an exclusive private girls' school. Zoe is horrified as this goes against her socialist principles though she is even more horrified when the school refuses to accept Fleur .

Mar 31, 1993
Zoe is not happy when her sister Debbie announces that she has left boyfriend Trevor for Zoe's colleague and occasional past sleeping partner Roy. She wants Alec to influence Debbie in returning to Trevor though ultimately it turns out that Debbie has rejected both to live on her own. Vera meanwhile is not pleased when Jamie attempts to bring modernising equipment into the office.

Apr 07, 1993
Zoe is suffering from severe post-natal depression and,in order to cheer her up, Alec takes her to a country hotel for a weekend. Jamie is not pleased as his father has left him to entertain an extremely boring client whilst Alec and Zoe get a shock when they encounter Hilary and Derek at their hotel, Hilary having won a weekend for two there in a competition.

Apr 14, 1993
Whilst arguing with Zoe as to whether Debbie or Simone should be Fleur's godmother Alec is told by his doctor that he has high blood pressure and must adopt a healthier life style. This makes Zoe aware of the age gap and her husband's mortality though Alec assures her he will be around for many more years. Hilary meanwhile believes that she is pregnant.
May to December Season 5 (1993) is released on Mar 10, 1993 and the latest season 6 of May to December is released in 1994. Watch May to December online - the Esperanto Comedy TV series from United Kingdom. May to December is directed by Paul Harrison,Sydney Lotterby,John Kilby and created by Paul Mendelson with Anton Rodgers and Frances White.