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Episodes (11)

Jan 09, 2012
Amaar and Rayyan cut short their planned one year pilgrimage/honeymoon and return to Mercy early since Rayyan believes Sarah needs her support on Yasir's news that he will be staying in Lebanon to be with his ailing mother, ending Yasir and Sarah's thirty-one year marriage. Rayyan does whatever she can to help her mother over her supposed grief, including encouraging Sarah to attend Ann's divorce support group, and asking Sarah to move in with her and Amaar. Through this support process, Rayyan comes to an understanding on why she needs to help her mother so much, ...

Jan 16, 2012
Rayyan resuming her medical practice in Mercy comes with some unwanted baggage, namely an overbearingly sweet nurse receptionist named Poppy, who doesn't seem to have a sense of personal boundaries. As unwanted as Poppy is to Rayyan as her nurse receptionist is Amaar's intervention in the matter. Meanwhile, Ann has decided to help Sarah by renewing her driver's license with Sarah's new old name, Sarah Cunningham (her maiden name) which Ann has had legally changed. This name reversion brings up the question from the name's bearer, "who is Sarah Cunningham". In looking ...

Jan 23, 2012
After he blows an electrical fuse in their house, a less than handy Amaar wants to prove to Rayyan that he himself can fix the problem without calling in professional help. The problem proves to be too much for Amaar to handle, even with what he can glean from the Internet. What Amaar decides to do to fix the problem leads to further problems, both in what he will tell Rayyan and Rayyan's reaction to what he eventually tells her, which leads to a too up close and personal encounter with next-door-neighbor Fred. Meanwhile, Thorne and Baber, who feels he needs to lose ...

Jan 30, 2012
Ann believes that since it's been two years since Yasir moved away and six months since the divorce, Sarah should start dating again. As such, Ann fixes Sarah up on a blind date with a man named Steve. Sarah's date with Steve shows her that perhaps she may be ready to date, but not date specifically Steve. The problem becomes how to tell a needy Steve that she doesn't want to see him again. Meanwhile, Amaar has nominated Mercy for the Multi-Faith Spirit Award. He is excited that Mercy is on the three town short list for the award. When he tells Baber and Thorne about ...

Feb 06, 2012
Amaar and Rayyan are arguing about how and when to host their first dinner party, which Amaar sees as a piece of cake to arrange, while Rayyan sees it as an important milestone on how others will judge their marriage and as such which requires much thought and consideration. Regardless, they decide to hold it this evening. One unplanned invitee is Charles Thorne, Reverend Thorne's older brother who is in town on business to audit the city's books, much to Sarah's horror and Ann's disgust - disgust both for the audit itself and in that she is attracted to him as a man....

Feb 13, 2012
Reverend Thorne's brother, Charles, is still in Mercy auditing the town's books and carrying on with Ann. Seeing that the city makes little money, Charles believes a potential revenue generator for the town would be to make Mercy Anglican a "destination church". Ann and Charles convince the reverend to go along with the plan. What would make it a destination church would be a Broadway styled show. The story they choose is Jonah and the Whale. But with too many stars and too many directors - especially as Ann, using the town's money, finances the show - the show may be...

Feb 20, 2012
Amaar may have a new goal in life of building a mosque in Mercy, but he doesn't really know how to get started in achieving that goal. Rayyan provides advice, which includes getting the help of some of their friends and family. That help doesn't come as easily as they would like. They need Ann on their side as mayor, but she is preoccupied with her obsession of speaking to a now absent Charles, who doesn't seem to be calling, faxing, emailing or texting as often as she would like. They want Sarah to be their PR person, but Sarah is having a slight crisis in Muslim ...

Mar 05, 2012
Glenda Beckford, the Mayor of nearby Darnley and a colleague of Ann's from their college days, is stopping by Mercy for a visit with her old friend. Glenda is also Ann's best frenemy, the two who have been in open friendly and not so friendly competition with each other as long as they have known each other. Ann asks Sarah to arrange a lunch at the best restaurant in Mercy for Glenda's visit. When Sarah tries to crash that lunch, Ann refuses to let Sarah stay, which leads to the biggest argument the two have ever had and which might end Ann and Sarah's friendship. ...

Mar 12, 2012
It's three weeks until the new Mercy Mosque is officially open, but no one, besides Amaar, seems to know or really seems to care. Even the fact that Yousef bought a new shirt - as nice a shirt as it is - is garnering more attention. Rayyan suggests that Amaar get Nate to print a story in the Mercy Chronicle, but making such a story exciting to Nate itself becomes a challenge. The one thing that Nate picks up from Amaar's ramblings about the new mosque site is that a dead body was found in the building many years ago. Amaar, believing any publicity is good publicity, ...

Mar 27, 2012
Ann is lamenting the fact that Charles will soon be getting married. She feels it is her destiny to marry him, but she needs to help that destiny along. Rather than being the bad ending of a romance movie by stopping the wedding at the altar, Sarah suggests Ann show him how good a woman she is for him. Ann puts her own interpretation of that message to take extreme measures to be that Charles Thorne-worthy woman. Meanwhile, Sarah is testing the waters of being an Anglican again. Her short stint in the church choir makes her think twice about the move back to ...

Apr 02, 2012
A heartbroken Ann didn't make it to Charles' wedding if only to stop him from marrying another woman. The same applies to Charles himself in that he didn't make it to his own wedding since he came to the realization that he wanted to marry Ann and be with her for the rest of their lives instead. But in the sober light of day, will Ann, who has lived much of her life as the non-monogamous partier, settle down with only Charles if given the opportunity? Meanwhile, the fact that Mercy Anglican is no more due to the fact that Sarah accidentally burned it down and that ...
Little Mosque on the Prairie Season 6 (2012) is released on Jan 09, 2012 and the latest season 6 of Little Mosque on the Prairie is released in 2012. Watch Little Mosque on the Prairie online - the English Comedy TV series from Canada. Little Mosque on the Prairie is directed by Michael Kennedy,Brian K. Roberts,Jeff Beesley,Steve Wright and created by Lara Rae with Zaib Shaikh and Sitara Hewitt. Little Mosque on the Prairie is available online on The Roku Channel and Tubi TV.