Episodes (254)

Dec 31, 2018
A selection of highlights of the first year of the topical discussion show hosted by broadcaster Jeremy Vine. Featuring the most provocative, entertaining and controversial moments.

Jan 02, 2019
On the first edition of the new year Jeremy asks - What should be done with the migrants crossing the channel? Should the Queen have a new royal yacht? Are new year's resolutions pointless?

Jan 03, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should patients who miss doctor's appointments be fined? Are people applying for foreign passports ahead of Brexit sensible or unpatriotic? Are vegan sausage rolls a step too far?

Jan 04, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is being fat really a disease? Are bosses who have earned in the first three days of 2019 what the average worker will earn in the whole year worth their pay? Should cyclists be prioritised over cars?

Jan 07, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Is it time to scrap Universal Credit? Is it OK to lie to get your child a place in a good school? If you earn more than your partner should you pay a greater share of your joint costs?

Jan 08, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Is Brexit to blame for the yobs harassing MP Anna Soubry? Would you want to consult your doctor online? Are some university degrees a waste of time?

Jan 09, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel of guests - Is a no-deal Brexit the ultimate nightmare? What is the point of dry January? Are board games boring? Plus, the news review.

Jan 10, 2019
Jeremy asks - Are prisons too soft? Is it time to get rid of parent and child parking spaces? Were Manchester City bad sports to thrash underdogs Burton Albion?

Jan 11, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the speedboat killer Jack Shepherd be stopped from accessing legal aid while he is on the run? Should dogs be banned from playgrounds? Is Andy Murray Britain's greatest sportsman?

Jan 14, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is a no-deal Brexit a moral failure? Should short term jail sentences be scrapped? Is camping the best way to holiday or the holiday from hell?

Jan 15, 2019
On the day of the vote on the Prime Minister's Brexit deal Jeremy asks - Should Brexit be scrapped? Should there be a maximum age for voters? Should white bread be taxed?

Jan 16, 2019
After the massive defeat of the Prime Minister's Brexit deal Jeremy asks - Is it now time for Corbyn to take over? Is the new Gillette advert sexist to men? Do you back the experts calling for school to start an hour later?

Jan 17, 2019
Jeremy discusses with his guests - Who do you blame for the Brexit mess? Is political correctness killing comedy? Is 7 too young to be visiting a beautician?

Jan 18, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is Prince Philip too old to drive? Should Jeremy Corbyn agree to meet Theresa May to try to break the Brexit deadlock? Should we all go vegan to save the planet?

Jan 21, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should everyone who drives to work have to pay to park? Should Patisserie Valerie be bailed out? Should Prince Philip be fined for not wearing a seat-belt?

Jan 22, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you have any sympathy for the digger driver who wrecked the hotel he helped build in a dispute over pay? Is a no-deal Brexit no problem? Should women in sport get the same pay as men?

Jan 23, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is James Dyson a Brexit traitor? Should the NHS deny IVF to a couple if one of them already has a child? Did Ant and Dec deserve to win best presenter award at the NTA's?

Jan 24, 2019
Topics discussed today are - A British man sentenced to be caned for drug dealing in Singapore. If you can't get to work due to snow should you lose a day's holiday? Should every train have a child-free carriage?

Jan 25, 2019
With violent crime on the rise is it time to take personal responsibility for our own safety? A new documentary calls Michael Jackson a sexual predator should we boycott his music? Should the UK quit the Eurovision Song Contest?

Jan 28, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the Queen intervene to sort out the Brexit mess? Should Britain roll out the red carpet for a state visit for Donald Trump? Should we teach mindfulness in schools?

Jan 29, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you fear food shortages if there is a no-deal Brexit? Should Camilla Queen Consort be Queen? Should the number of children a family can have be capped?

Jan 30, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is the EU to blame for the Brexit deadlock? Should the "fake cop" high visibility vests being worn by cyclists be banned? Would you buy a house with graves in the garden?

Jan 31, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel of guests and the viewers - Is Brexit making you ill? Are plans for a new knife crime ASBO pointless? Are you fed up with fitness technology?

Feb 01, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Why are we not ready for winter snow yet again? Is tickling children an invasion of their privacy? Should non-disabled actors play disabled characters?

Feb 04, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do we need a general election to sort out the Brexit mess? Was Warwick University right to readmit a group of male students who made rape threats? Can granny trollies save the planet?

Feb 05, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should Liam Neeson films be boycotted following his bizarre comments in an interview? Should we not give money to homeless people? Would you use the new male contraceptive gel?

Feb 06, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should controversial former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have a statue in her honour? Has Brexit made Britain a more racist country? Are police wrong to tell women to jog in groups?

Feb 07, 2019
Today Jeremy asks his panel of guests - Is there really a special place in hell for no-deal, no-plan Brexiteers? Should Brits be made to take the citizenship test? Would you eat a squirrel or is it a nuts idea?

Feb 08, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Should the police work with online paedophile hunters? Is it time to say no screen time during family meal time? Should we stop buying online to save the great British high street?

Feb 11, 2019
Anne Diamond stands in for Jeremy Vine. She asks - Is it time to scrap HS2? Are teachers and parents right to back school pupils walking out of school to protest against climate change? Are beauty pageants for 6-year-olds right?

Feb 12, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is a post-Brexit collapse in the value of the pound a good thing as some claim? Who is in the wrong in the feud between the Markle family? How far would you go to look good?

Feb 13, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is it now time to strip Sir Philip Green of his knighthood? Is the parking space on the street outside your home yours? If there is no Valentine's Day present is there no love?

Feb 14, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the British woman who went to Syria to join ISIS be allowed back into the UK? Should everyone join their local neighbourhood watch scheme? Should boys be allowed to play netball?

Feb 15, 2019
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Feb 18, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should any sympathy be shown for the teenager who joined ISIS? Should children who miss school to take part in climate change protests be punished? Should men have to wear high heels?

Feb 19, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you support the 7 Labour MP's who have quit the party over Brexit and antisemitism? Should wills give more to the heir with less? Is there anything wrong with eating food as you browse the aisles?

Feb 20, 2019
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Feb 21, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Should The Independent Group be taken seriously? Are sports stars paid more than they are worth? Is it OK to bill someone after a bad date?

Feb 22, 2019
Is Meghan Markle an environmental hypocrite for flying by private jet to her baby shower in New York? Should British museums return looted treasures? Is a zoo's tug of war for tigers a good idea?

Feb 25, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is the Labour Party doomed under Jeremy Corbyn? Is the drive for diversity harming white men? Should Chelsea sack the goalkeeper who refused to be substituted?

Feb 26, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel of guests and the viewers at home - Is Jeremy Corbyn right to back a second Brexit referendum? Should we stop buying flat-faced dogs? Should balloons be banned to save the planet?

Feb 27, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Has the Prime Minister lost the plot over Brexit? Should the anonymity of the Bulger killers be lifted? Are you browned off by the school which has banned fake tans?

Feb 28, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is it sick to use photos of Shamima Begum for target practice? Should the NHS perform a gastric bypass operation on an obese 14-year-old boy? Is sleeping in separate beds a sign of a disastrous marriage?

Mar 01, 2019
Jeremy discusses - Are critics of Stacey Dooley's charity work in Africa right? Were a council wrong to order a grandmother to remove the Brexit mural from her house? Are laundry courses for men sexist?

Mar 04, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel of guests - Would you eat chlorinated meat? Should members of the public film bad drivers for the police? Would larger goals make football more exciting?

Mar 05, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Are the Tories to blame for Britain's knife crime epidemic? Should everyone get an Universal Basic Income? Should break-dancing become an Olympic sport?

Mar 06, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Do we need the army on the streets to help the police tackle knife crime? Is it still OK to play Michael Jackson songs on the radio? Is it alright to have a best friend who is of the opposite sex?

Mar 07, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel of guests - Are schools wrong to beg parents to pay for things? Does it matter if cash stops being used? As Barbie turns 60 is she a girl's best friend or worst enemy?

Mar 08, 2019
Jeremy asks - Are you racist if you use the term coloured to describe black people? Is it a bit rich to criticise the wealthy who move abroad to avoid paying tax? Are you happy that Greggs bakeries are coining it in on the high street?

Mar 11, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is the government to blame for the death of Shamima Begum's baby? Is it time to scrap the NHS? Should we learn to love spiders?

Mar 12, 2019
Jeremy asks his panel - Should MP's back the Prime Minister's Brexit deal? Should a swimming pool cancel a naked family swim? Should adults be banned from using children's push along scooters?

Mar 13, 2019
Jeremy asks - After losing her voice and the 2nd vote what now after the Prime Minister's Brexit disaster? Has grief completely changed you? Do Godless Easter Eggs leave a bitter taste?

Mar 14, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Should we scrap Brexit? Should smoking in cars be banned? Could you manage to eat 10 portions of fruit and veg a day as experts are advising?

Mar 15, 2019
Jeremy asks - For reactions to the terrorist attack in New Zealand. Plus, following the Brexit chaos have you vowed to never vote again? Are private schools a blight on society?

Mar 18, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is Labour MP David Lammy to blame for the drop in the amount of money raised by Comic Relief this year? Do you agree with legal red light districts? Should booze be banned on planes?

Mar 19, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mar 20, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Who is to blame for the chaos surrounding Brexit? Should we follow Jacinda Ardern lead and stop naming terrorists and giving them the notoriety that they crave? Can a pet change your life?

Mar 21, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is the Prime Minister on your side amid the Brexit chaos? Is Netflix cashing in on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? Is McDonald's Monopoly making us all fat?

Mar 22, 2019
Jeremy asks - Are you embarrassed to be British because of the delay to Brexit? Is a school right to charge parents to attend a school play? Should there be a ban on giving children wacky names?

Mar 25, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - After a torrid week should the Prime Minister stand down? Is a total block on internet porn the only way to protect children from it? Should you wee in the shower to save water?

Mar 26, 2019
Viewers are invited to tell their MP what they want them to do over Brexit. Jeremy asks - Are grammar schools elitist? Are grans going to Africa in search of toy boys giving Britain a bad name?

Mar 27, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is Jacob Rees-Mogg Brexit U-turn correct? Is it a good idea for beauty salons to offer free bikini waxes to women who book smear tests? Would you switch which side of the bed you sleep on?

Mar 28, 2019
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Mar 29, 2019
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Apr 01, 2019
On April Fool's Day, Jeremy asks - Should police be given more stop and search powers to tackle knife crime? Should you go to jail for egging a politician? Should penny farthing's be allowed on the road?

Apr 02, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Would a General Election solve the Brexit crisis? Is domestic violence committed by women treated less seriously? Should teachers use emojis in the classroom?

Apr 03, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Do you trust Jeremy Corbyn to sort out Brexit? Does Shamima Begum deserve a 2nd chance? Is anywhere out of limits when it comes to taking selfies?

Apr 04, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the Army kick out the soldiers who used a picture of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice? How have you coped with caring for a seriously ill mother? Is 3 the maximum amount of weddings?

Apr 05, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is the press being unfair to Harry and Meghan? Should Brunei be kick out of the Commonwealth? Are you driven mad by your neighbour's barking dogs?

Apr 08, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Is it time to ban the Grand National? What's wrong with breastfeeding in public? Are barking dogs the new neighbours from hell?

Apr 09, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Are Gillette right to use a plus size model in their new ad? Is a 44% pay rise for an energy company boss obscene? Are trophy hunters helping conservation?

Apr 10, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Should Brexit be delayed for as long as a year? Who is to blame for the death of the high street? Would you change your accent to fit in?

Apr 11, 2019
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Apr 12, 2019
Anne and her guests discuss - Will the Brexit Party get your vote? Do the Sussex's have any right to keep the birth of their baby from the public? Would winning the lottery ruin your life?

Apr 15, 2019
Anne asks - Should Shamima Begum receive legal aid? Do celebrity mental health campaigns make a difference? Would you sell your home at a reduced price if you could live their rent free for life with the buyers?

Apr 16, 2019
Anne asks her guests for their reaction to the fire at Notre Dame cathedral. Plus, do you support the eco-protesters who brought London to a standstill? Is Game of Thrones (2011) your idea of tv heaven or tv hell?

Apr 17, 2019
Today Anne asks - Should the money donated for the repair of Notre Dame be spent on other causes? Do you support mothers who want to raise a baby without a father? Do you care who cooks your food in a restaurant?

Apr 18, 2019
Today Anne and guests discuss - Are the climate change protesters damaging their cause? Why do so many people believe conspiracy theories? Will you spend your Easter holiday at home or abroad?

Apr 19, 2019
Anne asks - Should the police officer who danced with eco-protesters be kicked off the force? Does the latest anti-harassment campaign demonise men and patronise women? Can eagles tackle the menace of seagulls?

Apr 22, 2019
Jeremy asks - How do we respond to the attacks in Sri Lanka? Will you be pleased if the climate change protests in London fizzle out? Would you eat your kid's Easter Eggs?

Apr 23, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - As MPs return from their recess should they now concentrate on anything other than Brexit? Should smoking be banned outside pubs, restaurants and cafes? Are music lessons at school more important than maths?

Apr 24, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should Donald Trump be allowed to speak in parliament on his visit to the UK? Has teenage activist Greta Thunberg made you feel guilty about climate change? Are cocktails in cans the future of alcohol consumption?

Apr 25, 2019
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Apr 26, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should we turn children who haven't been vaccinated away from school? What is wrong with a friendly hug at work? Are you doing people out of a job if you use a self-service checkout?

Apr 29, 2019
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Apr 30, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is it fair to make over 50s pay more tax to fund their social care? Is IVF exploiting older women desperate to have a child? Do we need to stop moaning about spoilers?

May 01, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Are local councils right to ban ice cream vans to protect children? Is Britain's 1st till-free supermarket morally wrong? Should cats be kept indoors?

May 02, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the police investigate former Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson? Is it wrong to prevent Caster Semenya running naturally? Should brainy people be banned from pub quizzes?

May 03, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is it right to kill a burglar who is in your home? Should Scotland have a second referendum on independence? Would you get laser eye surgery?

May 06, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is it right to send parents to jail if they take their children out of school during term? Should all trophy hunting be banned? Should men be stopped from taking charge of BBQ's.

May 07, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should Meghan Markle let her father see his grandson? Should a man who threw a milkshake over Tommy Robinson have been arrested? Are queues for ladies toilets driving you potty?

May 08, 2019
Jeremy and the panel discuss - Liverpool's remarkable comeback win, the UK's participation in the European Elections and possible names for the new royal baby.

May 09, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the Prime Minister name her departure date? Is there a moral duty to give to charity? Is Archie a name fit for a royal baby?

May 10, 2019
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May 13, 2019
Jeremy asks - Are the Conservative Party finished? Is it time to decriminalise drugs? How long should you wait before visiting new parents? Plus, a round-up of today's news stories.

May 14, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should The Jeremy Kyle Show (2005) be cancelled for good? Should teachers be tested for drink and drugs? Is it OK to wear jeans on a posh night out?

May 15, 2019
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May 16, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 17, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 20, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 21, 2019
Today's topics - Are you furious about Nigel Farage being milkshaked? Is the use of facial recognition technology an invasion of privacy? Do you have to share a bank account with your partner?

May 22, 2019
Jeremy and the panel discuss - Is the Brexit debacle all Theresa May's fault? Should cars be banned from cities? Should hairdressers stop gossiping?

May 23, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is British Steel worth saving? Should parents decide if their children are taught about LGBT issues in school? Would you kick an ungrateful 18-year-old out of your home?

May 24, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Who should be the next Prime Minister? The mother who has allowed her child to quit school to become a professional gamer and should Love Island (2015) be more inclusive?

May 27, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Are the Tories finished? Should a child be allowed to quit school to play computer games professionally? Should Bank Holidays be scrapped?

May 28, 2019
Today Anne asks - Are the Brexit Party here to stay? Should police throw the book at climate change protesters who brought London to a standstill? Are extreme adventures ever worth the risk?

May 29, 2019
Today Anne asks - Should Jeremy Corbyn back a second Brexit referendum? Do separate holidays ruin relationships? How old is too old to sleep with a teddy bear?

May 30, 2019
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May 31, 2019
Today Anne asks - Can you be Prime Minister if you have taken drugs or cheated on your partner? Is it right to ban wedding guests from watching the Champions League final? Are men incapable of loading the dishwasher?

Jun 03, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Will Donald Trump's endorsement make you back Boris Johnson for Prime Minister? Should migrants crossing the Channel be allowed to stay in the UK? Can you be too clean?

Jun 04, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Jeremy Corbyn right to join the protests against Donald Trump? Why doesn't Love Island (2015) have people of all shapes and sizes on it? Are students to blame for "Mickey Mouse" degrees?

Jun 05, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Were you charmed by Donald Trump speech in London? Should parents stay out of their children's relationships? Should firefighters stop rescuing animals?

Jun 06, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should kids who get involved in knife crime be sent to army style boot camps? Should sweets be sold in plain packaging? Plus, thoughts on the D-Day commemorations.

Jun 07, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is there any real future for the Brexit Party? Is it ever OK to tell someone to lose weight? Should we allow new homes to be built on the green belt?

Jun 10, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is Michael Gove unfit to be Prime Minister? Should you spend your children's inheritance? Should music be banned in restaurants?

Jun 11, 2019
Jeremy and today's panel discuss - Does Boris Johnson deserve to be Prime Minister? Is the BBC right to axe free television licences for the over 75's? Should vaping be banned in public places?

Jun 12, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the BBC scrap plans to end free television licences for the over 75's? Were the Labour Party right to kick Alastair Campbell out of the party? Should video games be included in the Olympics?

Jun 13, 2019
Jeremy asks - Has Boris Johnson won you over? Should the BBC sack Jo Brand over her joke about throwing acid over Nigel Farage? Would you do drugs with your kids?

Jun 14, 2019
Jeremy Vine and Storm present another edition of the weekday morning topical discussion show. They are joined by a panel of famous faces to chew over the issues making the headlines.

Jun 17, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Boris Johnson a chicken for avoiding the 1st televised leader's debate? Would you be OK with your child turning to sex work to fund their degree? Are people who say like annoying you?

Jun 18, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is Rory Stewart better than Boris Johnson? Would you let your kids drink alcohol at home with you? Are The Beatles overrated?

Jun 19, 2019
Jeremy asks - Can anyone deliver Brexit? Should greyhound racing be banned? Is it OK for children to have messy bedrooms?

Jun 20, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Have questions over the Tory election T V debate knocked trust in the BBC? Is a cyclist to blame for knocking down a phone zombie? Should we know how many children Boris Johnson has?

Jun 21, 2019
Should Mark Field be sacked for grabbing a climate change protester? Are you fed up of delivery companies dumping your parcels anywhere? Is Jeremy Clarkson right to criticise police over car accident road closures?

Jun 24, 2019
Today Jeremy and the panel discuss - Should Boris Johnson explain the bust-up at his home? Is it OK to record your neighbours having a row? Should participation in school sports day be optional?

Jun 25, 2019
Today Jeremy asks his panel of guests - Should the taxpayer foot the bill for the renovation of Harry and Meghan's home? Is it wrong to let dogs sit on train seats? Has the photo of Boris Johnson and his partner convinced you?

Jun 26, 2019
Jeremy and the panel discuss - Do you trust Boris Johnson to deliver Brexit? Should the rich pay less tax? Is it racist to charge foreign National Health Service patients for their treatment?

Jun 27, 2019
Jeremy asks - Would you go to jail rather than pay for a television licence? Do you agree with climate change protest kids being banned from school proms? Is fair to mock Boris Johnson bus making hobby?

Jun 28, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is a points based immigration system a good idea for the UK? Do you support the pub which insists children must be accompanied by an adult at all times? Is women's football better than the men's game?

Jul 01, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is 70 too old to be Prime Minister? Should smokers be banned from pub beer gardens? Should royal baby Archie's christening be a private affair?

Jul 02, 2019
Jeremy and guests discuss - Do you trust Jeremy Hunt on Brexit? Should new father's get more time off work? Is fake grass naff and a disaster for the planet?

Jul 03, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Was the Brexit Party's protest in the European Parliament pathetic? Are British Broadcasting Corporation television stars paid too much? Has the Women's World Cup made you consider ditching men's football for women's?

Jul 04, 2019
Jeremy asks - Does Boris Johnson pose a threat to the union of the United Kingdom? Should those accused of sexual offences be given anonymity? Is it selfish to get married in secret?

Jul 05, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should there be a vote on lifting the ban on fox hunting? Is it OK for your boss to confiscate your phone while you are at work? Should we carry on making Carry On films?

Jul 08, 2019
Jeremy and the panel discuss - Should the British ambassador to the U.S. be sacked? Are cyclists really the scourge of the streets? Is 15 too young to play at Wimbledon?

Jul 09, 2019
Today - Is Donald Trump right to humiliate Theresa May? Should fines for term-time holidays be scrapped? Would you be happy to have loved one buried next to a motorway?

Jul 10, 2019
Jeremy asks - Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt who would get your vote? Is Jeremy Corbyn right to back a second referendum on Brexit? Is it wrong to ask people to take their shoes off when they visit your home?

Jul 11, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Boris Johnson to blame for the British Ambassador to the U.S. resigning? Is it time to call time on drinking alcohol at airports? Were the 70's the worst decade?

Jul 12, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is Meghan Markle the victim of bullying? Are school proms getting out of hand? Is it alright to let your kids watch Love Island (2015)?

Jul 15, 2019
Jeremy asks - Has England's in in the Cricket World Cup converted you to the sport? Is Gina Miller right to threaten to take the government to court if parliament is prorogued? Are superstitions a load of rubbish?

Jul 16, 2019
This morning Jeremy asks - Is Donald Trump a racist? Do you back the Extinction Rebellion protesters? Should MP's be allowed to defect to another political party?

Jul 17, 2019
Topics up for debate today are - Should Boris Johnson apologise for anti-Islam comments? Are electric scooters safe? Is it wrong to give teachers presents at the end of term?

Jul 18, 2019
Today's discussion topics are - Should the Government fund free television licences for the over 75's? Should Britain accept the offer of a deadline extension to avoid a no-deal Brexit? Would you attend your own living funeral?

Jul 19, 2019
Jeremy Vine and his panel of guests discuss the stories hitting the headlines before the debate is thrown open to the viewers at home.

Jul 22, 2019
Jeremy Vine is joined by panel members Matt Evers, Nicola McLean and Dawn Neesom to discuss the days news headlines and today's topics.

Jul 23, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Are the police too easy to fool? Would you let your daughter go on Love Island (2015)? Could your dog be carried away by a seagull?

Jul 24, 2019
Today Jeremy and guests discuss - What do you think of new Prime Minister Boris Johnson? Is it OK to beg if you are not homeless? Are you fed up with the warm weather? Plus, the stories of the day from the papers.

Jul 25, 2019
Jeremy asks - Has Boris Johnson restored optimism in Britain? Do you feel sorry for Theresa May? Is the current heatwave increasing your fears over climate change?

Jul 26, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Boris Johnson Britain's Donald Trump? Is 44 too old for IVF? Should people be stopped from taking too much stuff onto the beach? Plus, a look at what's on television and streaming services.

Jul 29, 2019
Anne asks - Does Boris Johnson's promise of billions to restart the northern powerhouse get your vote? Is a doctor earning one hundred thousand pound a year working class? What should be the role of Boris Johnson's girlfriend?

Jul 30, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Is Scottish independence inevitable now that Boris Johnson is Prime Minister? Should Christian worship in state schools be scrapped? Are cruise ships your idea of holiday heaven or hell?

Jul 31, 2019
Today Anne asks - Are Meghan and Harry climate change hypocrites? Do you have a problem with the police using facial recognition technology? Should children be made to do chores?

Aug 01, 2019
Anne and her guests discuss - Should the two child cap on child benefit be scrapped? Should under 18's be barred from playing the national lottery? Would you have a funeral service for a pet?

Aug 02, 2019
Stand-in presenter Anne Diamond discusses the stories making the news with her panel of guests, then with the help of co-presenter Storm throws the debate open to the viewers.

Aug 05, 2019
Today Anne asks - Is it wrong to blame Donald Trump for the mass shootings in America? Should drivers over the age of 70 have to pass a test to retain their driving licences? Is topiary a wonderful or a ridiculous hobby?

Aug 06, 2019
Today Anne asks - Are you happy with a no deal Brexit? Has male grooming gone too far? Does Meghan Markle need a mentor to ease her transition into royal life?

Aug 07, 2019
Today Storm asks - Who should have the final say on whether a sick child should have treatment abroad? Is life harder for women? Are dancing police officers unprofessional or heartwarming?

Aug 08, 2019
Today Storm asks - Was Michael Buerk wrong to say that the NHS should allow obese people to die? Are you stockpiling in preparation for a no-deal Brexit? Is it mad to marry after two weeks dating?

Aug 09, 2019
Storm and her guests discuss - Should we all eat less meat to save the planet? Should grandparents be paid for childcare? What has happened to good manners on public transport?

Aug 12, 2019
Today Jeremy and his panel of guests discuss - Could an all-female cabinet sort out Brexit? Are foreign holidays about to become a thing of the past? Is football killing your relationship?

Aug 13, 2019
Jeremy asks - Was Nigel Farage right to mock Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Do you trust Boris Johnson to cut crime? Should drivers be banned from using even hands-free mobile phones?

Aug 14, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should a British police officer face the sack for taking time off to appear on Big Brother Nigeria (2006)? Should climate change deniers be prosecuted? Are the school holidays too long?

Aug 15, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Are anti-knife crime messages on fried chicken boxes racist? Is Greta Thunberg being used to spread fear? Is it wrong to refuse to dress your age?

Aug 16, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should Jeremy Corbyn lead a Government of National Unity? Should owners be entitled to bereavement leave when their pet dies? Is Bruce Springsteen the best?

Aug 19, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Are you scared by the government's leaked no-deal Brexit plan? Is there anything wrong with beauty contests? Would you let teenagers have a house party?

Aug 20, 2019
Jeremy Vine and his panel of guests discuss the stories making the headlines before throwing the debate open to the viewers at home.

Aug 21, 2019
Jeremy asks - Will there be chaos if freedom of movement for EU nationals ends on Brexit day? Was Elton John right to defend Harry and Meghan over those flights? Would you get into debt to attend a wedding?

Aug 22, 2019
This morning Jeremy asks his guests and the viewers - Is it the end of the line for HS2? Should the NHS pay for IVF for single women? Was Gary Lineker wrong to make a joke about bald men?

Aug 23, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Boris Johnson heading for Brexit victory? Is it time to now ban "bags for life"? Should parents reward their children if they get good marks in their exams? Plus, talking telly.

Aug 26, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Do Boris Johnson and Donald Trump give you hope? Should reparations be paid to the descendants of slaves? Should the Poet Laureate write a poem for Brexit?

Aug 27, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is axing BBC channels the way to pay for free television licences for the over 75's? Is it time to start culling seagulls? Is it fine to skip work in the hot temperatures?

Aug 28, 2019
Today's topics for discussion are - Should the Queen suspend parliament? Should Prince Andrew be suspended from royal duties? Should the government bail out football clubs?

Aug 29, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is the Prime Minister behaving like a dictator? Are Brexit protests pointless? Is it wrong to ask for an engagement ring back if you break up?

Aug 30, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the Queen meet Jeremy Corbyn? Was Ruth Davidson right to quit during this political crisis? Do cyclists deserve an extra holiday for being healthier? Plus, talking telly.

Sep 02, 2019
This morning Jeremy asks - Is Boris Johnson right to threaten to expel rebel Conservative MP's? Do you trust MP's? Should Meghan Markle let her father see Archie?

Sep 03, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Do we need a general election? Should young criminals be named in the media? Is it OK to set up a crowdfunding page to take a cat on holiday?

Sep 04, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Do you back Boris Johnson? Is Prince Harry a hypocrite for using private jets? Was Jacob Rees-Mogg rude to lounge in the House of Commons?

Sep 05, 2019
This morning Jeremy and the panel discuss - Is Boris Johnson finished? Are parents to blame for fussy eaters? Is it sexist to call someone a big girl's blouse?

Sep 06, 2019
Jeremy asks - Has Boris Johnson been betrayed by his own brother? Should pet owners pay higher rents? Should the Brexit Party withdraw from the next election? Plus, talking telly.

Sep 09, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Are you backing Boris Johnson? Has the war on plastic gone too far? Is it crackers to be Christmas shopping in September,Plus, the stories of the day.

Sep 10, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is suspending parliament a national disgrace? Is it right to give Geoffrey Boycott a knighthood? Is it wrong to post pictures of your children online without their permission?

Sep 11, 2019
Today Jeremy and his panel of guests discuss - Do we need a second referendum on Brexit? Should parking on pavements be banned? Can you ask for your money back after a bad date? Plus, the stories of the day.

Sep 12, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Does the Yellowhammer report make you fearful of a no-deal Brexit? Did Boris Johnson lie to the Queen? Can you ever be too old to have a tattoo?

Sep 13, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Do you believe Boris Johnson? Should migrants who have crossed the English Channel be allowed to stay? Can you ask for your money back after a bad date?

Sep 16, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is it right that the Liberal Democrats have pledged to scrap Brexit if elected? Should schools ban meat? Is David Cameron right to interfere?

Sep 17, 2019
Jeremy asks - Did Boris Johnson deserve his EU humiliation? Have you been fat-shamed? Is the RNLI right to spend public donations overseas?

Sep 18, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you back the legal challenge against the Prime Minister? Should under 18's be allowed to vote in order to save the planet? Do we need a statue of Prince Philip in Trafalgar Square?

Sep 19, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Was the father who confronted the Prime Minister in a hospital right to do so? Should bosses let workers have a day off to attend climate change protests? Should sexist words be removed from the dictionary?

Sep 20, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the Queen intervene in politics? Should Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary get a £88m bonus? Should we be darning our socks to save the planet? Plus, Talking Telly.

Sep 23, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should the government have bailed out Thomas Cook? Should private schools be abolished? Should new mums be offered shopping vouchers for breastfeeding?

Sep 24, 2019
Jeremy asks - Are Labour right to say they'll stay Brexit neutral? Who's to blame for the collapse of Thomas Cook? Should you be fined for putting out your bin on the wrong day?

Sep 25, 2019
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Sep 26, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is talk of surrender to the EU putting MP's lives in danger? Should we all stop flying to save the planet? Can anyone learn to dance?

Sep 27, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Has Boris Johnson put MP's in danger? Should councils offer free tampons? Should the taxpayer pay for Princess Beatrice's wedding?

Sep 30, 2019
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Oct 01, 2019
Today Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is bacon back on the menu? Is a return to hard-line policing the way to tackle crime? Was the 1990s the best decade?

Oct 02, 2019
Topics discussed today are - Are Harry and Meghan right to take on the press? Do you support the Prime Minister's final Brexit offer? Is it time to restrict vaping?

Oct 03, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Did Boris Johnson win you over with his speech? Should smacking be banned? Would you go on holiday to Chernobyl?

Oct 04, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should parents or doctors decide what is best for seriously ill children? Should dementia sufferers sell their home to fund dementia care? Should all airlines let passengers avoid babies?

Oct 07, 2019
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Oct 08, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Has Donald Trump gone mad? Was it right to arrest an 83-year-old climate change protester? Do the sleaze allegations against Boris Johnson matter?

Oct 09, 2019
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Oct 10, 2019
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Oct 11, 2019
This morning Jeremy asks - Have the police been too soft on Extinction Rebellion protesters? Can Britain force the U.S. to hand over an American diplomat's wife? Would you pay more for a taxi in which the driver kept quiet?

Oct 14, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should GP's charge patients for appointments? Should England players walk off the pitch if they are subjected to racist abuse in Sofia? Should you tell you child if they aren't talented at something?

Oct 15, 2019
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Oct 16, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should we accept any deal to get Brexit done? Has Boris Johnson treated Harry Dunn's parents unfairly? What would you do about a neighbour who kept on sitting on your garden wall?

Oct 17, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should the DUP back the Brexit deal? Were commuters right to tackle eco-protesters? Are parents of addicted children right to sue the makers of Fortnite (2017)?

Oct 18, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should MP's back the new Brexit deal? Does the new Tesco advert make you feel guilty about eating meat? Is it cruel to keep a rabbit as a pet?

Oct 21, 2019
Anne Diamond sits in for Jeremy. She asks - Do you back a second referendum on Brexit? Do you feel sorry for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Should there be a calorie cap on restaurant meals?

Oct 22, 2019
Today Anne asks - Should Harry and Meghan quit the Royal Family? Should Shamima Begum have her British citizenship restored? Should plastic Halloween costumes be banned?

Oct 23, 2019
This morning Anne asks - With Brexit officially in limbo, what should happen next? Was the policing bill for the Extinction Rebellion protests a price worth paying? Is it right to have a favourite child?

Oct 24, 2019
Ann asks her guests - Should the government decriminalise drug possession? Were the police right to pursue a child vandal 10 years on? Should schools allow pupils to use their mobile phones on the premises?

Oct 25, 2019
This morning Anne asks - Do you want a Christmas General Election? Should the sale of fireworks be banned? Why is traditional British food falling out of favour?

Oct 28, 2019
Today Jeremy asks his guests - Is Donald Trump making the world a safer place? Should SUVs be banned from cities? Who should get seating on trains - young or old?

Oct 29, 2019
Today Jeremy asks his panel of guests to debate - Has Boris Johnson bungled Brexit? Should the over 70s lose the right to vote? Should Trick or Treat be for little children only?

Oct 30, 2019
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Oct 31, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should the Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade resign over the findings of the Grenfell Fire report? Do you want a Brexit election? Should you give trick or treaters fruit instead of sweets?

Nov 01, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Donald Trump's intervention in the General Election. Would you take a DNA health test? Should everyone in the UK support England in the Rugby World Cup Final?

Nov 04, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Is Nigel Farage right not to stand in the election? Should men and women share fitting rooms in clothes shops? Should you spend equal amounts on your children at Christmas?

Nov 05, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you agree with Jeremy Corbyn that there should be no billionaires in Britain? Should weighing scales be put in supermarkets? Is it wrong to have a relationship at work?

Nov 06, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should Jacob Rees-Mogg resign over comments he made about the Grenfell Tower disaster? Are single sex schools outdated? Are you disgusted by the dirty election campaign?

Nov 07, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is Tom Watson quitting a disaster for Labour? Should Christmas strikes be made illegal? Do you love your pets more than your partner?

Nov 08, 2019
This morning Jeremy asks - Does the "Remain Alliance" get your vote? Is it OK to feed a fussy eater child pizza for breakfast? Is it okay to make your own fake speed camera to slow down motorists?

Nov 11, 2019
Jeremy asks - Is Doncaster Council wrong to tell flood victims that they can't help them unless they evacuate? Is it time to tax dogs? Do past comments made by political candidates matter in the General Election?

Nov 12, 2019
Today Jeremy and guests discuss - Are the Brexit Party right not to fight the Tories? Why not extend maternity pay to a year? Should he read the Harry Potter books?

Nov 13, 2019
Jeremy asks - Do you trust Jeremy Corbyn to sort out the NHS? Should you be thrown off public transport for eating eggs? Is it too early to put up your Christmas tree?

Nov 14, 2019
Jeremy asks his guests - Does the response to the recent floods highlight the north/south divide? Should cars be banned from beauty spots? Are men with model railways a bit sad?

Nov 15, 2019
Today - Should police investigate claims that the Conservative's have attempted to bribe Brexit Party candidates to stand down? Do you agree with Labour's policy of free broadband for all? Should speed limits be reduced to cut pollution?

Nov 18, 2019
Anne Diamond asks - Was Prince Andrew's interview with the BBC a car crash or a success? Should shops offer shared fitting rooms? Is the National Lottery a force for good or bad?

Nov 19, 2019
This morning Ann asks - Has Prince Andrew ruined the Royal Family? Should 16-year-olds get the vote? Is there anything wrong with a virtual deer hunt?

Nov 20, 2019
Today the panel discuss - Did the Leader's Debate change your mind on who to vote for? Is it time to decriminalise the personal use of drugs? Should tattoos on the face be banned? Plus, the stories of the day.

Nov 21, 2019
Anne asks - Can Prince Andrew ever return to public life? Should the Likes counter be removed from social media platforms? Are you already fed up of Christmas advertisements? Plus, the stories of the day.

Nov 22, 2019
Today's topics of discussion are - Are Labour's re-nationalisation plans a step forward or a step back? Should schools scrap religious assemblies? Has the joint bank account had its day? Plus, the stories of the day from the papers.

Nov 25, 2019
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Nov 26, 2019
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Nov 27, 2019
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Nov 28, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Do you trust the Tories with the NHS? Are celebrities wrong to reject MBE's? Should parents advise their daughters to plan their careers around having children?

Nov 29, 2019
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Dec 02, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should terrorists be locked up for life? Is it time to reduce the size of the Royal Family? Is it ever right to give a pet as a Christmas present?

Dec 03, 2019
Jeremy asks - Should Prince Andrew testify in court? Is it right that the London Bridge terrorist attack should not be politicised? Is poor grammar a dating turn off?

Dec 04, 2019
Today Jeremy asks the panel of guests - Should Donald Trump stay out of the UK election? Is obesity an illness or a weakness? Are Christmas lights tacky or just a bit of fun?

Dec 05, 2019
Jeremy asks - Were NATO leaders wrong to mock Donald Trump? Do schools need obesity wardens? Are cash-strapped local councils right to cut back on Christmas?

Dec 06, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should the WASPI women be compensated? Is it time to ban all gambling adverts? Are parents under pressure to buy gifts for teachers?

Dec 09, 2019
Jeremy asks today's panel - What is going to happen in the General Election? Should history be compulsory at GCSE? Is it OK for Santa's elves to spy on children?

Dec 10, 2019
Jeremy asks - Will the row over a little boy's hospital treatment cost Boris your vote? Should sugary foods be placed on the top shelf? Should every child get an equal part in a nativity play?

Dec 11, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Would you be happy with a hung parliament? Should drivers face a retest when they reach the age of 70? Should pantomime be more politically correct?

Dec 12, 2019
On the day of the General Election Anne asks - Is Greta Thunberg a force for change or for fear? Do we need shaming into exercise? Is it OK to pamper your pets at Christmas?

Dec 13, 2019
Anne asks for your reaction to the result of the General Election. Then she asks - can Boris actually get Brexit done? Is Labour's disastrous result all Jeremy Corbyn's fault? Can the UK stay united?

Dec 16, 2019
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Do you trust Boris Johnson to give the north a boost? Does the Labour party need to find another Tony Blair? Should the Royal Family keep the £50 million left to them to buy a new royal yacht?

Dec 17, 2019
Today Jeremy asks - Should not paying the television licence remain a crime? Should there be more segregated cycle lanes on roads? Is it OK to crowdfund Christmas presents if you have a large family?

Dec 18, 2019
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Dec 19, 2019
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Dec 20, 2019
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Jeremy Vine Season 2 (2019) is released on Dec 31, 2018 and the latest season 6 of Jeremy Vine is released in 2023. Watch Jeremy Vine online - the English News TV series from United Kingdom. Jeremy Vine is directed by Daniel Wright,Bee Badik,Tim Cook,Matt Freestone and created by Daniel Wright with Storm and Jeremy Vine.