Jeremy Vine - Season 1 (2018)
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Episodes (80)

Sep 03, 2018
Jeremy hosts the morning topical discussion show and is joined by a panel of guests to discuss the big issues of the day. Featuring an interview with actress Roxanne Carrion about departing Celebrity Big Brother (2001) and that "punch".

Sep 04, 2018
Jeremy interviews actress Rose McGowan about the #MeToo movement. Journalist Martin Daubney joins the panel as they discuss accents, mental health and haggis. Plus a review of today's newspapers.

Sep 05, 2018
Jeremy and today's panel of guests discuss topics including, should the wealthy pay more tax to help the poor? Should mobile phones be banned in schools? Pets behaving badly and antisemitism are also discussed.

Sep 06, 2018
What should be Britain's response to the Salisbury nerve agent attack? Should police work with internet paedophile hunters? Why are cyclists so hated? These topics and more are discussed.

Sep 07, 2018
Should the UK follow Scotland's lead and ban smacking children? Should 1st Class be scrapped on busy trains? The panel of guests will also discuss sex on TV. Includes the TV review/preview.

Sep 10, 2018
Is Boris Johnson fit to be Prime Minister? Should parents be held responsible for the actions of their children? Panellist Hardeep Singh Kohli discusses his time in the Celebrity Big Brother (2001) house.

Sep 11, 2018
Do you back Jacob Rees-Mogg's vision of Brexit? Can you be too posh? Are have-a-go heroes fearless or foolish? Plus a review of the days news.

Sep 12, 2018
Is twitter evil? Is it the end for free TV licences for the over 75s? Should bears be reintroduced in the UK? Plus, Jeremy speaks to Celebrity Big Brother (2001) winner Ryan Thomas.

Sep 13, 2018
Are we treating our politicians like public servants or public enemies? How old is too old to be a mother? Is watching porn cheating on your partner? Stand-in presenter Anne Diamond discusses these topics with the panel.

Sep 14, 2018
Is the Archbishop of Canterbury a hypocrite? Should rebel MPs quit their parties? Do extra marital affairs matter anymore? Plus the news review and Kevin O'Sullivan's television guide.

Sep 17, 2018
Is the BBC right to snub the wedding of Princess Eugenie? Is it right to self-diagnose via the internet? Should you give your children equal amounts of money? These and other topics are discussed.

Sep 18, 2018
Topics discussed include - Should a controversial American preacher be banned from entering the UK? Is shouting at your children a form of child abuse? Are jokes about being fat wrong?

Sep 19, 2018
Jeremy asks - Is there still a stigma attached to living in a council house? Is it time to call time on the drinking at freshers' week? Have you used technology to keep track of your partner?

Sep 20, 2018
Topics include - Should the Labour Party back a 2nd Brexit vote? Should those with self-inflicted illnesses go to the back of the queue? Is sibling rivalry healthy? Are Carry On films still funny?

Sep 21, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should prison sentences for the under 25's be cut? Should vaccinations for children be compulsory? How soon is too soon to do your Christmas shopping? Plus the news review and TV preview.

Sep 24, 2018
Should the German President be invited to attend a ceremony at the Cenotaph? Should sales reps be banned from maternity wards? Are social media and catch-up TV incompatible?

Sep 25, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should we all be in therapy? Is it a betrayal if Labour back calls for a second vote on Brexit? If someone shoplifts because their family are going hungry should they be let off?

Sep 26, 2018
The panel discuss whether cyclists should have number plates on their bikes and the argument that children are given too much homework, as well as the need to import conkers from Germany as the British versions are too small.

Sep 27, 2018
Jeremy and his panel of guests discuss - Can Jeremy Corbyn cut it as Prime Minister? Is Edinburgh right to slap a tax on tourists? Is it time puddings were banned from school meals?

Sep 28, 2018
Jeremy asks if police should get more money to continue the search for Madeleine McCann or should the investigation be ended? Is homework a waste of time? Plus the news review and the TV preview.

Oct 01, 2018
Jeremy Vine asks if it is time for Boris Johnson to put up or shut up? He also interviews Samantha Grant Markle the sister of Meghan Markle. Plus the news review.

Oct 02, 2018
Jeremy asks - Are local councils wrong to re-brand Black History Month to include other ethnic groups? Are home deliveries driving you mad? Can babies be harmed by 18 rated films?

Oct 03, 2018
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Is it right to send your children to private school? Would you pay to choose your baby's gender? Plus reaction to Boris Johnson's speech at the Conservative Party conference.

Oct 04, 2018
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Has Theresa May saved her job with her performance at conference? Is it right to give young people advice on how to safely take drugs? Should a 6-year-old shave her legs?

Oct 05, 2018
Today's topics of discussion include - Growing evidence of Russia's meddling in the West, boys' body image, Shetland no longer appearing inside a box on maps, the spiders that have closed down schools.

Oct 08, 2018
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Should we be scared of Russia? Are shared GP appointments a good idea? Would you forgive your partner a drunken kiss? The age old question of scones, jam and cream is debated.

Oct 09, 2018
Jeremy asks - Was the police chief who locked himself in his car during the Westminster terrorist attack right to do so? Is tough love for anorexics acceptable? Should the snogging Strictly contestant and dancer be dumped?

Oct 10, 2018
Was a council right to ask homeless people to move on ahead of Princess Eugenie's wedding? Should school uniforms be ditched? Should old people give up their homes for the young?

Oct 11, 2018
Was the supreme court right to rule in favour of the bakery in the gay cake row? Will you be voting to keep Seann Walsh on Strictly after his public apology? Should dogs be banned from sports pitches?

Oct 12, 2018
Should taxpayers pay for the royal wedding? Were M&S wrong to sell a hijab to children? Should a transgender rapist have been sent to a women's prison? Plus the news and TV reviews.

Oct 15, 2018
Is it now time to accept a no deal on Brexit? Should schools teach children about the injustices of Empire? Is it irresponsible for parents to provide alcohol for teen parties?

Oct 16, 2018
Jeremy and his guests discuss - Would you pay more tax to save the NHS? Should Margaret Thatcher be the new face of the fifty pound note? Is it OK for men to wear make-up?

Oct 17, 2018
Jeremy asks - Does anyone take notice of protest marches? Is it wrong to weigh children? Should we all pay more for alcohol to help fund treatment for alcoholics? Plus the news review.

Oct 18, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should hate preacher Anjem Choudary be allowed out of prison? Are women-only parking bays sexist? Is it too soon in Harry and Meghan's marriage for them to have a baby?

Oct 19, 2018
Jeremy and his panel of guests discuss - Have we lost the war on crime? Are you offended by Disney princesses? Should motorists have to give way to cyclists and pedestrians?

Oct 22, 2018
Anne Diamond sits in for Jeremy and asks - Should Theresa May be given more time to get a Brexit deal? Do you want fireworks banned? Would you eat insects?

Oct 23, 2018
Anne asks her guests - Is it time to scrap free television licences for the over 75s? Is it a good idea to get children to clean their classrooms? Is it right to use children's voices to shame smokers?

Oct 24, 2018
Anne asks - Should the press name the businessman accused of sexual and racial abuse? Is it right to wear a white poppy? Are you sick of parents sharing too much information on social media?

Oct 25, 2018
Anne Diamond asks - Should trophy hunting be banned? Are we to blame for the death of the high street? Should Ryanair be boycotted over a racist rant? Are gingerbread-men sexist?

Oct 26, 2018
Anne asks - Should Sir Philip Green be stripped of his knighthood? Is 15 too old to go trick or treating? Is it time to stop changing the clocks? Plus the news and TV reviews.

Oct 29, 2018
Will the budget bring the end of austerity? Is 55 too old to become a dad? Should kids with rotten teeth be referred to social services? Should universities that benefited from slavery repay the money?

Oct 30, 2018
Jeremy asks his panel of guests what they made of the budget. Plus, should national service be reintroduced? Is Halloween dangerous?

Oct 31, 2018
Jeremy asks - If you attack a member of NHS staff should you be refused free treatment in future? Is it right to spy on your children's phone? Should women be given time off work for the menopause?

Nov 01, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should the police be focusing on tackling violent crime not hate speech? Should the rich be taxed until they squeak? Is it ever OK to park in a disabled space if you aren't disabled? Is the party over for airport boozers?

Nov 02, 2018
Jeremy asks - Is the government right to delay a decision on the future of fix-odds betting terminals? Why don't airlines weigh passengers instead of bags? Should using mobile phones while walking be banned?

Nov 05, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Should bouncy castles be banned? Should teachers have to teach unruly kids? Can a cheat ever be a hero? Would you pay more tax to help the elderly?

Nov 06, 2018
Topics discussed by Jeremy and his guests include - should the death penalty be reintroduced? Are baby-boomers the real snowflakes? Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?

Nov 07, 2018
Jeremy asks - Is it time to put a tax on red meat? Are prisoners being paid ten pound a week to make remembrance poppies being exploited? Has feminism made men more ambitious?

Nov 08, 2018
Today Jeremy asks if the burning of a Grenfell Tower effigy was a crime? Should military veterans be given special treatment? Is President Trump wrong to attack the media?

Nov 09, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should the royals skip Charles and make William the next King? Are private landlords right to snub benefit claimants? Are cots with a built in iPad just a sign of bad parenting?

Nov 12, 2018
Jeremy discusses with his panel of guests - Should a tax for the over 40s be introduced to pay for social care? Has IVF made adoption a last resort? Is it wrong to ban the Iceland Christmas advert?

Nov 13, 2018
Jeremy discusses with his guests - Would you kill a burglar to protect your home? Should the over 70s be forced to retake their driving test? Are we hypocrites when it comes to women's behaviour at male strip shows?

Nov 14, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should the cabinet back the Prime Minister over her draft Brexit deal? Is talking about stillbirth still taboo? Were the killers of James Bulger born evil?

Nov 15, 2018
Jeremy asks - Can the Prime Minister survive the resignation of a second Brexit secretary? Is Donald Trump evil or a genius? Is it right to put children in isolation at school?

Nov 16, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Do you still have confidence in the Prime Minister? Do speeding cyclists need to be warned? Should schools ban pupils from wearing designer clothing?

Nov 19, 2018
Jeremy asks - Are you scared of a no-deal Brexit? Is it OK to put children in isolation at school? Do we really need an International Men's Day?

Nov 20, 2018
Jeremy discusses with his guests - Should we legalise red light districts? Were the BBC film crew wrong to help penguins escape from a ravine? What do you make of the father of five crowdfunding Christmas?

Nov 21, 2018
Jeremy discusses with his guests - Should the public step in and help the police? Should smoking be banned in social housing? Are children making Christmas list being encouraged to be greedy?

Nov 22, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Is it right to blame parents for obese children? Are a council justified in installing bollards to deter beggars? Is Black Friday a con and why has it been introduced to the UK when we don't have Thanksgiving?

Nov 23, 2018
Jeremy asks - Does Denise Coates deserve her 265 million pound salary? Is a school right to inform the police about truant pupils? Should police question the tribe who killed an American missionary?

Nov 26, 2018
Jeremy asks - Is the police policy of ramming moped riding criminals off their bikes wrong? Is it the duty of MP's to back the Brexit deal? Do teachers deserve a day off to Christmas shop?

Nov 27, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Is Britain workshy? Is a school right to "ban" Christmas? Should dogs be banned from bars and restaurants? Plus, the news review.

Nov 28, 2018
Today Jeremy asks - Should the children filmed bullying a Syrian refugee at their school be named? Are selfie Christmas cards self indulgent? Is the care system failing children?

Nov 29, 2018
Jeremy discusses with his guests - Are predictions of Brexit doom just Project Hysteria? Is smoking in cars more dangerous than using mobile phones? Are you team Meghan or team Kate?

Nov 30, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should doctors keep family illness secret? Should busy roads near schools be closed at peak times to cut pollution? Is working with your family a good idea? Plus, talking television.

Dec 03, 2018
Today Jeremy asks - Does Baby P's mother deserve a second chance and access to her other children? Is Donald Trump a national embarrassment for Americans? Should energy drinks be banned?

Dec 04, 2018
Jeremy and his guess debate - Should absent parents have their passports confiscated? Should the British be more like the French and have street protests? Should we end the giving of gifts to teachers?

Dec 05, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should Theresa May resign? Is it safe to keep snakes as pets? Are over the top Christmas lights ruining your street? Plus, the news review.

Dec 06, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Is crowdfunding begging? Should drink drivers go straight to jail? Is OK for bosses to tell staff to lose weight or lose pay?

Dec 07, 2018
Jeremy discusses - The mobile phone outage that hit the O2 network, the footballers filmed inhaling nitrous oxide at a party and the father who shamed his bullying daughter by making her walk to school.

Dec 10, 2018
Jeremy asks - should football clubs be punished for abusive supporters? Should all shops be closed on Boxing Day? Should prisoners be allowed to have mobiles phones?

Dec 11, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Is it time to cancel Brexit? Is it right that a murderer did not appear in court for sentencing? Should pantomime be made more politically correct for modern audiences?

Dec 12, 2018
Jeremy asks - Can Theresa May survive the challenge to her leadership? Should cyclists be registered and wear their registration number? Is Christmas sexist?

Dec 13, 2018
Jeremy asks - After Theresa May won the vote of confidence should Tory rebels now back her? Should every police officer be armed with a taser? Do comedians have the right to offend?

Dec 14, 2018
Jeremy asks his guests - Are the older generation betraying the young over Brexit? Should schoolchildren be forced to exercise? Is kissing someone under the mistletoe at the office party cheating?

Dec 17, 2018
Jeremy asks - Was Meghan Markle right to refuse to attend the traditional Boxing Day royal shoot? Is it time to ban the sale of alcohol at airports? Do Christmas presents spoil children?

Dec 18, 2018
Should MP's cancel their Christmas break to try and sort out the Brexit chaos? Is it finders keepers or is honesty the best policy? Is the gender fluid panto dame political correctness gone mad?

Dec 19, 2018
Jeremy asks - Is José Mourinho's fifteen million pound payment from Manchester United obscene? Is making your child an Instagram star child exploitation? Is it OK to lay booby traps for thieves?

Dec 20, 2018
Jeremy asks - should Jeremy Corbyn apologise for his stupid remark in parliament? What's so wrong with airbrushing photos? Should Christmas jumpers for dogs be banned?

Dec 21, 2018
Jeremy asks - Should the the drones the drones that brought chaos to Gatwick have been shot down? Should talk of Brexit be banned at the Christmas dinner table? Should kids be forced to watch the queens speech?
Jeremy Vine Season 1 (2018) is released on Sep 03, 2018 and the latest season 6 of Jeremy Vine is released in 2023. Watch Jeremy Vine online - the English News TV series from United Kingdom. Jeremy Vine is directed by Daniel Wright,Bee Badik,Tim Cook,Matt Freestone and created by Daniel Wright with Storm and Jeremy Vine.
As know as:
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Channel 5 (United Kingdom)Cast & Crew

As Self - Presenter

As Self - Panellist

As Self - GP

As Self - Panellist

As Self - Panellist

As Self - Panellist

As Self - Panellist

As Self - Panellist

As Self - Presenter