Episodes (13)

Feb 02, 2005
More than twenty million Americans, one in nine adults, have chronic kidney disease, making it the ninth leading cause of death in the United States. What's more alarming, is that about twenty million others are at increased risk for the condition, largely due to climbing rates of diabetes and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, most Americans don't know anything about this silent epidemic until it's too late and won't discover their own kidney problems until they experience life-threatening symptoms.

Feb 09, 2005
The diagnosis of Advanced Prostate Cancer can be devastating, and often is deadly. However, new breakthroughs in the care and treatment of advanced prostate cancer offer hope that patients can live with the disease for a longer period of time without sacrificing their quality of life.

Feb 16, 2005
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, and the second most fatal. While a diagnosis of cancer is always bad news, the treatments for this particular form of cancer can be frightening and confusing. In this program we take a look at one of the treatments for prostate cancer that has recently gained much national attention. Cryosurgery: a minimally invasive procedure that uses cold gasses to literally freeze the prostate gland and kill the cancer is becoming more and more popular at the foremost medical institutions around the country. We'll hear ...

Feb 23, 2005
Next to the common cold, Irritable Bowel Syndrome accounts for the most days of work missed. Additionally, 40% of all visits to gastroenterologists are for symptoms related to IBS. In this program "Taking Control of IBS", leading researchers and clinicians will debunk the myths and misconceptions of IBS and will show definitive proof that IBS has a physiological cause. In addition to this groundbreaking research, new treatments will be explored that include, medications, lifestyle modifications and how cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis are now helping people ...

Mar 02, 2005
"The hardest battle to fight is the one that should be the easiest but isn't." - Priscilla Savary, colon cancer patient educator It begins as a polyp, a tiny ball of tissue that forms in your intestinal lining. Polyps are not cancer, but a certain percentage can become cancerous if left in place. That equation means if you do not already have colon cancer, the odds are in your favor of successfully avoiding it. Screening and removal of polyps can stop the cancer before it begins. And yet colon cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of ...

Mar 09, 2005
Leading experts are now speaking out about the importance of a good nights sleep. It helps with memory and an overall feeling of well-being. Conversely, chronic insomnia can lead to depression, time lost from work, a decrease in a person's quality of life, and an increase in injuries. But for some, a good night's sleep is elusive. They simply can't fall asleep. Others can fall asleep, but they wake a few hours later; and stay awake for several more hours and drag through the day. In this program, we'll investigate the clues scientists have discovered to help ...

Mar 16, 2005
"Strangling of the Heart", is the Latin phrase describing a symptom of heart disease called Angina. It's a pain that occurs when the heart is not getting enough oxygen, usually because of blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Angina is common, more than six million people in the United States have it but many may not know it. Angina can sometimes resemble other conditions like indigestion, back pain, or shoulder arthritis, and it's not uncommon for people to dismiss their pain and discomfort as nothing to worry about. While angina may not cause ...

Mar 23, 2005
Physicians and researchers are placing greater focus on this life-threatening condition that commonly afflicts not only ailing patients but also supremely conditioned athletes. The human body has a limited threshold for salt concentrations and serious health consequences can result if the sodium level in our body falls too far below normal. In this program we'll detail the procedures to diagnose hyponatremia and discuss the three most common forms. Treatment options for patients with hyponatremia have been limited and not entirely effective. However some medical ...

Mar 30, 2005
More than 1.5 million Americans currently have Parkinson Disease. It's a condition that affects men and women from all areas of the world and walks of life equally. The outward effects are quite recognizable, with patients experiencing shaking limbs, slow movement and muscle stiffness. But the impact on quality of life can be equally challenging for patients, family and caregivers. This program will help provide a better understanding of the disease, diagnosis and treatments, while offering a look at the future of preventing and managing Parkinson's disease.

Apr 06, 2005
Migraine headaches afflict about 24 million people in the United States, and are listed by the World Health Organization in the top 20 reasons for missed work days world-wide. They can last up to 24 hours and in some cases several days. They are debilitating, throbbing pain and the sensitivity to sounds and light taking over the lives of sufferers. Through the stories of migraine sufferers, we will piece together a picture of what life is like during migraine attacks. Through interviews with leading medical experts, viewers will understand the physiology and the ...

Apr 13, 2005
You know the signs...rapid heart beat... shortness of breath... panic! Sounds like a heart attack, or panic disorder. More often, it is Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat disorder than can cause the heart to beat more than 300 times a minute. More than 2 million people have Atrial Fibrillation. Here's what happens: because of a problem with the electrical wiring in the heart, the two small upper chambers, the atria, quiver instead of beating effectively. This quivering causes the discomfort the patient feels, and can cause the blood to pool and clot. If a ...

Apr 20, 2005
You know the signs...rapid heart beat... shortness of breath... panic! Sounds like a heart attack, or panic disorder. More often, it is Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat disorder than can cause the heart to beat more than 300 times a minute. More than 2 million people have Atrial Fibrillation. Here's what happens: because of a problem with the electrical wiring in the heart, the two small upper chambers, the atria, quiver instead of beating effectively. This quivering causes the discomfort the patient feels, and can cause the blood to pool and clot. If a ...

Apr 27, 2005
Age-related macular degeneration is becoming an all too common condition that is devastating to the quality of life of its victims. Those suffering from it lose sight in the center of their field of vision, often losing the ability to read, drive, or even recognize faces. However, this program illustrates that with the help of preventative measures, new technology, and adjustments to daily living, this diagnosis does not have to be a sentence to life without vision.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Season 3 (2005) is released on Feb 02, 2005 and the latest season 26 of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind is released in 2013. Watch Healthy Body, Healthy Mind online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind is directed by Bob Buruchian,Valentina Karantoni and created by Dave Counts with Carlos Pagan and .
There are many stories that try to catch your eye, but few touch your heart. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, the new health and wellness television series that specializes in doing just that. But it doesn't end there; we want to help you make better health and wellness decisions in your life.There are many stories that try to catch your eye, but few touch your heart. Every episode focuses on the stories of real people; people who are working to make life better for themselves and their families, despite tremendous medical obstacles. In addition to compelling stories, you'll get advice from top experts in the fields of health and wellness and hear about the latest technological advancements that will bring you right to the cutting edge of medicine.