Episodes (20)

Jan 23, 1996
Jessica is unwell, and boyfriend Joe seems to have lost interest. Wayne has an air pistol, and finds that Kevin is a surprisingly good shot. Wayne wants to know how good he is with a live target, so they go to an animal sanctuary...

Jan 25, 1996
Jessica publicly dumps Joe and then collapses. Kevin has Wayne's air-gun, but Wayne chooses the Maths lesson to ask it to be returned. As Kevin takes out the gun, Mr. Davies enters and demands to see what's in everyone's bag.

Jan 30, 1996
Kevin accidentally shoots Sarah-Jane with the air gun. He doesn't tell the police whose gun it really is. Jessica goes to collect the results of her blood test.

Feb 01, 1996
Jessica is diagnosed with M.E, but has an offer to stay with an Aunt in California. Dennis uses this as a business opportunity - importing cheap jackets - but Arnie quashes the idea.

Feb 06, 1996
Julie returns to school from her time in Spain. Mrs. Maguire announces that she's pregnant. Poppy brings a precious photo to school, but Wayne trips her up, and it is smashed.

Feb 08, 1996
Just who is stalking Joanna? Robyn gets the blame for a mistake in allocating homes for the French Exchange scheme.

Feb 13, 1996
The sixth formers are paid to monitor bullying. The French exchange kids arrive, and Arnie takes a fancy to Edith - if only he can summon the courage to ask her to go to the disco....

Feb 15, 1996
Julie tells Robyn about her Spanish romance. At the French disco, there's a disagreement about the music, Robyn dances with Mr. Parrott, and the Year 9 peasants revolt against the high refreshment prices.

Feb 20, 1996
A clear up is done after the disco, Chris invents a fight to cover up his strict parents' limitation on his social life, and Julie is convinced to give a talk on bullying.

Feb 22, 1996
Mr. Parrott's late night casino visits are taking their toll on both his finances and his appearance. The Anti-bullying counselling starts and Lauren's first customer is Poppy.

Feb 27, 1996
Mr. Parrot's careless comment affects Julie's self-esteem. "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day" takes place: Jodie has a disappointing day. Rehearsals for Grease start, and Mme. Lefevre's daughter Cecile makes an impact.

Feb 29, 1996
Robyn's spends the evening at a casino and then spends the night on Mr. Parrott's sofa bed. Chris talks to his parents about his religious doubts, but Anna makes a surprise visit.

Mar 05, 1996
Miss Carver's class create an audio book, Robyn can't understand why Mr. Parrot has gone so cold, Christophe makes a sudden departure to Paris and Gabriel lets Cecile sing in the musical.

Mar 07, 1996
Christophe handles Miss Carver's detention class badly. Chris plans to escape his baptism by leaving home. He tells Anna he's going on a trip, and she surprises him by appearing at the coach station.

Mar 12, 1996
Chris and Anna head up to the Highlands but get lost when they get off the coach. A local woman rescues them, but they aren't the only people from Grange Hill in the area - Miss Carver is spending a holiday there.

Mar 14, 1996
Robyn calls at Mr. Parrott's house, but he's in no fit state for a tutorial. The net closes in on Chris and Anna, and they finally arrive at Chris's grandmother.

Mar 19, 1996
Mr. Parrott goes missing, and Robyn visits his flat, fearing for his safety. At the same time, his letter of resignation has landed on Mr. Robson's desk.

Mar 21, 1996
The Sixth Formers visit the Hologram Laboratory where Christophe kisses Julie. After writing nothing in the history exam, Josh walks down the corridor and then collapses.

Mar 26, 1996
Dudley's caught putting graffiti on the school wall, Denny sells advertising for the Grease production, and when Lucy has a roller blading accident, the unpopular Cecile steps forward to replace her.

Mar 28, 1996
There's a surprise for Robyn as Mr. Parrott returns to school. While the Grease show is performed, Mrs. Maguire's baby is delivered by Dennis and Lucy in the loos.
Grange Hill Season 19 (1996) is released on Jan 23, 1996 and the latest season 31 of Grange Hill is released in 2008. Watch Grange Hill online - the English Comedy TV series from United Kingdom. Grange Hill is directed by Albert Barber,John Smith,Richard Kelly,Colin Cant and created by Phil Redmond with Stuart Organ and Lee Cornes.