Episodes (18)

Jan 02, 1979
The new headmaster introduces new timetables, and forms, resulting in chaos. 50p goes missing, but by coincidence Benny has found the same amount. Will anyone believe his story?

Jan 05, 1979
Judy has to go to Brookdale, because her family have fallen on hard times. The thief is found and apology given to Benny, but his dad is not a happy bunny.

Jan 09, 1979
Justin makes friends with Andrew Stanton, finding a liaison in their music. Sleepy-head Antoni Karamanopolis seems to have a problem at home, and Miss Summers investigates. Meanwhile the staff take strike action against the Headmaster's new complicated timetables.

Jan 12, 1979
Mr Mitchell finds the form has terrible grammar. Trisha seems attracted to Cathy's brother. Trisha rings for Simon in the morning, under instructions, in order to get him to school on time. With Gary Hargreaves vying for Trisha's affections, jealousy is in the air.

Jan 16, 1979
The development of SAG (School Action Group) continues. Penny Lewis is voted school council rep. Arguments ensue about a tuck shop and book shop. A jumble sale is proposed to raise the initial cash to buy stock. Pupils go walkabout to collect from the local houses and shops. Tucker's enthusiasm for the jumble sale causes havoc.

Jan 19, 1979
Simon Shaw's initiation into the Tremblers (a group seemingly made up on the spur of the moment by Tucker) involves climbing into the tower - a secret area discovered by Tucker and his gang. When Benny gets locked in, an unauthorized return to school after hours leads to disaster.

Jan 23, 1979
After the fire Tucker and his mates wait for news. The costs of the fire come out of the jumble sale proceeds. Shaw reveals his reading deficiency to Trisha. Trisha becomes Simon's teacher until Mr Sutcliffe finds out too, but she doesn't seem cut out for teaching.

Jan 26, 1979
There is increased vigilance at school after police alter them to the presence of a man following girls in the area. Trisha and Cathy are given a parcel to post, and have seemingly forgotten the warning, and separate to go home. Cathy is being stalked, becomes aware of this, and makes a run for it. In the meantime, her sister, worried after not finding her at school, involves Mr. Mitchell, and a chase follows in a police car. But is the stalker all he appears to be?

Jan 30, 1979
Cathy's home life becomes complicated by the return of her dad. SAG has another meeting. Work is recreated for the school play which had been lost in the fire. Bully Jacky Heron reappears on the scene. Cathy falls out with Trisha and aligns herself with Madelin Tanner. Miss Summer is accused of hitting Cathy, when she separates her fighting with Trisha over a fake inkblot, and her job is on the line.

Feb 02, 1979
The staff take strike action against Miss Summer's resignation. Cathy goes off with Madelin and behaves badly at a shopping centre. The pair shoplift, and flirt with boys, by dropping sugar lumps on their heads. The thieving gets out of hand when Madelin puts her theft into Cathy's bag, and she is caught by the police. Back at school, the head gives Cathy a second chance.

Feb 06, 1979
Mr Baxter picks his team for the match against Brookdale. Blazer-turning-inside-out becomes a defiant new fashion. Tucker rebels against the special tables for Free-meals kids, like Benny. Jess from the SAG takes up the case and a riot ensues until the Headmaster arrives. The proposed football match against Brookdale becomes a cricket match. SAG change tactics to protest at the cricket practice, but Baxter stands firm. The SAG picket line prevents cricket practice so Benny ropes in Tucker and Alan. At the last minute, the cricket team outwit SAG who are trying to stop...

Feb 09, 1979
Trisha makes it up with Cathy. People seem to be standing behind SAG which holds a demonstration. The headmaster agrees the uniforms issue will be raised, but at the meeting the vote goes against doing anything. A sit-in is organized, but backfires when they get locked in. The press are called, but the Head wins them round to his side. Trisha and Cathy hide when the siege is over, fearful of the consequences, but Mr Mitchell turns up on their doorstep, and they are suspended for a week.

Feb 13, 1979
Andrew feels ill before the play. Tucker gets into trouble for missing Maths to work on the play, and becomes absorbed in creating the bike, a prop in the play. Jackie Heron's gang attempt to sabotage the play, but Tucker saves the day with some unauthorized pilfering from his mum's wardrobe, which doesn't go unnoticed.

Feb 16, 1979
While fighting with Brookdale kids, Benny loses his blazer. Tucker leads an infiltration into the enemy school to retrieve it.

Feb 20, 1979
On the trip to Beaconsfield, Justin gets coach-sick and Doyle frightens Susi and Penny, who get hopelessly lost.

Feb 23, 1979
Still at camp, Mr Sutcliffe announces a puma has escaped, and although the boys have returned, the two girls are still missing. A full-scale search is started. Doyle wants to keep mum, but the others want to tell the authorities when they saw the girls. Finally Justin spills the beans, and the search party is able to concentrate on the right area. In the mean time, the girls have fallen in the swamp, and are struggling with their predicament. During the search, Justin seems to become assertive, and loses his fear of Doyle. Mr Mitchell decides that the incident won't ...

Feb 27, 1979
Susi worries about her academic abilities, and struggles with Maths. Tucker finds a geography exam paper - surely it must be the one to be used in the upcoming exams? Susi fakes sickness to get off school, but then goes down with a fever for real on the day of the exams. The head announces that uniforms will become optional.

Mar 02, 1979
A surprise return of Judy Preston but only to announce an end-of-term quiz against Brookdale. The draw picks Hughesy who wishes he'd never volunteered. Doyle locks him in a cupboard, but he escapes in time - will Grange Hill be victorious?
Grange Hill Season 2 (1979) is released on Jan 02, 1979 and the latest season 31 of Grange Hill is released in 2008. Watch Grange Hill online - the English Comedy TV series from United Kingdom. Grange Hill is directed by Albert Barber,John Smith,Richard Kelly,Colin Cant and created by Phil Redmond with and .